slutpoppers · 11 days
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Diaboromon, Digimon the Movie
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lordknightmon · 2 years
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aeondeug · 2 years
in terms of the vpets...got a sakuyamon on the vb. i was gonna do stuff with my wizardmon today but i had a migraine after work so that kind of died. ended up switching him back into the freezer to make sure i’m not wasting hours that i could be spending getting trophies or doing battles with him for evolution purposes. lynxmon continues to sit in the phone app with wezengammamon. i’ll probably switch out whatever the wizardmon turns into for one of them when he evolves...
on the dm20 i’ve got an agumon and a gabumon after resetting my progress. decided i might as well after replacing the battery since the thing had been dead for well over a year at that point. it’s still an amusing little device.
waiting on dmx1s right now, black and white. was able to get them both for around 26 dollars. but i’m waiting on shipping now. i am excited about these ones because i’ve wanted to try a dmx for a bit now but when i had learned about the line the first time they were already pretty pricey. thankfully the english ver. 1′s have released and so the things are cheap for the time being. kind of sad to see that the english dmx2′s are in some sort of weird limbo still after the recall (i know little of it. simply that there was one apparently).
also kind of wishing i knew where my childhood d3 had gone. i was always slightly bitter with the thing since it wasn’t actually a vpet like i had assumed it would be as a kid. but i did genuinely like the toy and now the things are expensive as shit.
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rebuiltproject · 6 months
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion   Atributo Vírus   Tipo Fantoche   Campo Soldados do Pesadelo   Significado do Nome Lanter de Jack O’Lantern, abóboras com velas que são símbolo do Halloween  
Durante as noites do Mundo Digital é possível encontrar-se com este curioso indivíduo carregando seu poste de luz até o meio de uma praça e atraindo alguns Digimons com uma série de truques e mágicas de encher os olhos.  
Lantermon é um jovem ilusionista capaz de criar imagens holográficas impressionantes, mas não se engane, já que não é para entretenimento que ele faz isso, e sim para deixar os espectadores hipnotizados enquanto ele furta todo mundo. Ao fim da apresentação ele vai embora na maior cara de pau e, quando finalmente percebem o ocorrido, Lantermon já está longe o suficiente pra não ser pego.  
Ele é tão arrogante que uma vez teve a audácia de enganar Devimon, que, irritado por ser feito de trouxa, passou a assombrar Lantermon e tenta levá-lo pra algo “pior do que a morte”, então, sendo o medroso que é, roubou um poste de luz de uma igreja e o carrega por todo lugar pra evitar seu destino terrível, apesar de que agora até os Anjos perseguem ele. 
Outro detalhe sobre este Digimon é que a máscara de abóbora e as luvas que ele usa foram roubadas de um Betsumon para que ele pudesse parecer mais poderoso, já que o confundiriam com uma subespécie, ou até mesmo evolução, de um Pumpmon.  
Mesmo sendo um patife, este Digimon é bastante organizado e usa seu relógio de bolso pra controlar sua rotina diária, inclusive por quanto tempo precisa “trabalhar”, justamente pra evitar os problemas e perseguições que ele mesmo provoca. 
Fogos de Artchinfício! (Fireworkatchoo!) Força um espirro, espalhando as chamas de sua cabeça pra todos os lados, como um show pirotécnico. Por causa das ilusões que ele cria, a explosão sempre parece maior e mais perigosa do que a realidade. 
Luz do Lampião (Lamp Light) Usa o Poste para atacar o inimigo, batendo com a região do lampião e causando queimaduras. 
A Hora da Bruxa (The Witching Hour) Seu relógio toca, indicando meia-noite (mesmo que não seja) e a área em volta é tomada pela escuridão, então ele convoca espíritos de Digimons Mortos-vivos que causam terror e atacam o oponente. Apesar de ser apenas uma ilusão, o efeito Placebo faz com que os Digimons atingidos sintam-se realmente afligidos pelo medo e feridas apareçam em seus corpos.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evoluções Solanumon
Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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tony-lee-gordy · 8 months
I recently finished a playthrough of Digimon: Nova Red. It's Pokemon Fire Red but replaced all the Pokemon with Digimon. I was never too into Digimon, but I always had a faint, passing interest in the series. And I did buy and play a good amount of Digimon Story: Cyber Slueth and I really enjoyed what i played so far so I figured I would give this a shot.
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Overall I had a pretty good time. I tried not to use mostly Digimon I know about outside of my starter and one other member and I think I did a good job. I can't say I had a BALANCED team by the end of it though. By the end of my first playthrough, half of my team was weak to fighting. I had enough coverage to overcome it sure but it did make it a bit more challenging. Also j ended up with two dragon types on my team since one of my last Digimon becomes an ice dragon type. I didn't use any sort of guide or anything so I wasn't expecting that but I welcome it
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I like the team I made though. Everyone was pretty good and despite the big fighting weakness I still grew to like a lot of the team. Especially my starter. I ended up picking Bukamon as my starter cause I always liked that evo line of the options given (and didn't wanna be "boring" and use the Agumon line XD) and it's final evolution was really good. Really tanky comparable to Blastoise only Water Electric which was a really cool typing.
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The other members were all equally good there wasn't anyone I'd consider Bad. The closest one I THINK would be Skull Baluchimon but even then he hjsr felt SLIGHLTY underpowered compared to everyone else. Still has a really cool typing
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My only main complaint is by the 7th gym there was a MAJOR difficulty spike where every gym's team were 5-10 levels than yours. And that's not fun. If they were 10 levels lower I'd say this was a fair challenge so just be aware of that.
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But yeah I still liked it. Glad I beat it and played through to the end. I even used a DigiDex app to look up members of my team a little more and some of the random Digimon I found along the journey. I wanna play this again. Maybe with a more balanced team next time. I recommend this even if you aren't into Digimon. Just be aware of the difficulty spike
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timelessxmemories · 4 months
Someone yell at me to use the Digidex instead of struggling to remember who digivolves into what and causing myself mental torment please and thank you<3
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dlocomix · 1 year
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As I fill out more Digidexes on the vitalbracelets I miss my boi more and more
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bagel07 · 2 months
If anyone is looking for a Wikipedia / Pokedex for Digimon, then here is one
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doodledex-project · 1 year
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Doodledex.... NOT! It’s Digidex time!
The 25th anniversary of Digimon as a whole was last summer, so what better Digimon to post on April Fool’s than the Champion-level Dinosaur that was the original mascot of the Ver. 1 V-Pets, Tyrannomon!
Although Tyrannomon is capable of breathing fire like a lot of dinosaur-esque Digimon, it's known for striking with its long tail and surprisingly well-developed arms (well, surprising for a Tyrannosaurus, anyways), sweeping away anything in its path! Despite this, they’re actually really docile and intelligent, making them great partners!
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
First up: A Digimon Adventure that’s basically Journey To The West involving one human child/a group of human children and their Digimon partner(s) going on a quest in the company of Sanzomon, Gokuwmon, Cho Hakkaimon, and Shawjamon.
That's a very interesting Journey To The West with a twist. Although one Digimon partner and their tamer would make things more manageable as balancing the 'screen time' for a lot of characters can be quite difficult.
I do suggest changing the dynamic between Sanzomon and Gokuwmon though. Digidex wise, Sanzomon really really isn't a good portrayal of Tang Sanzang/Tripitaka. 😬 Cho Hakkaimon will also be a challenge to handle as their Digidex is more bafflingly.
I do raise my own idea. Child Digimon tamer and their Digimon partner ending up on the actual Journey To The West. A child on board with a bunch of yaoguai fully inexperienced when it comes to human children and a human monk that gets kidnapped way too much to be a help in teaching his disciples on said subject.
There's also the hilarity of the child tamer trying to explain Digimon and the Digital World without bringing up the Internet. Or that the kid is actually the only one with common sense in most situations.
For added chaos, have the Digimon partner either be Gokuwmon via confusion for Sun Wukong, a Digimon with a more mechanical, peculiar or more intimidating appearance Digiline such as Hagurumon, Dracmon, Phascomon, or Pulsemon being some good examples.
My personal opinion anyway.
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patamon · 2 years
13 n 24 for the ask game :)
Hi Nate! Thanks so much for being my first ask game participant! It's always such a joy to see your messages appear in my notification 🥰
Question 13: What is your favorite digivice (classic, d-arc, d-tector, etc)
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Hands-down, the Digivice/SmartPhone combo from Kizuna. Even before Kizuna came out, I often fantasized about myself having a Digivice built into my phone, and there could be apps on my phone that would correspond to the different functions on the Digivice? Like here's the app for opening up the portal to the digital world, here's the digital world equivalent of Google Maps, here's another for scanning the QR code on a Digimon card for some card slashing, and here's an app for a DigiDex, like it just makes sense? Plus these days, everything is already on our phone already, so why not a Digivice too :P
Question 24: Would you rather Biomerge with your partner or have it Warp-Digivolve?
Okay I just finished rewatching Tamers so this is fresh on my mind. Funny story, while creating the gifs for the biomerge evolution sequences, I realized Tumblr might flag my blog for nsfw content??? Because the kids go full on nude in these sequences (which is a bit creepy). So I ended up cutting away some frames to make it a little safer for work but idk I'm still worried they'll flag my blog, let's just see what happens when I eventually posts the gifs lol
So back to the question, I like the idea that when you're Biomerged, you have a more active role in the battle, whereas when your partner warp-digivolves, you're still kind of sidelined and watching the fight and hoping for the best outcome (unless you're Miyako descending on a literally demon lady with a skateboard...oh man we all love Miyako). So, even though it's kind of creepy to be naked inside an energy bubble, I would go with Biomerge, it feels like you're part of the action. Plus, according to Ruki, it's a very warm and pleasant feeling after biomerging with your partner. So there's that!
Send me prompts for the Digimon Ask Game!
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slutpoppers · 10 days
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romsgba · 3 months
350+ new monsters with unique stats, abilities, Typing, and movepools built from the ground-up!
No more filler mons!
As many as five or even six stages for prominent Digimon!
Custom moves from the Digimon canon!
Digidex Entries state criteria for evolution so you never need to feel out of the loop!
Convenient Shop Data
HM Moves are no longer garbage!
EV/IV Checker, Up to Gen VII Abilities and Moves, Reusable TMs, Deletable HM moves, Fairy Type, Physical-Special Split, Poison Survival, BW Repel System, Reusable TMs, etc.
Minor Dialogue Tweaks
Dive is a TM now
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romsgbandsgbc · 4 months
Known Glitches
Thankfully, no game-breaking glitches have been discovered so far.
Professor Oak’s Aides will only count Digimon from #1-150 in the DigiDex when it comes to giving you rewards.
Loreli is the strong silent type before your battle
The “MewTwo” encounter works fine on VBA, but for some reason it freezes the game on JohnGBA Lite. Not sure about other emulators.
Not every single reference to Pokemon has been swapped out for a Digimon. Get off my back lol
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rebuiltproject · 1 month
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Nível Adulto / Seijukuki / Champion  Atributo Vírus  Tipo Alienígena  Campo Área Negra (DA)  Significado do Nome Exo, prefixo que dá a ideia de algo de fora, exterior; Ga, de Garuru, onomatopeia japonesa para o som de rosnado. 
Este ser amedrontador nasceu na Área Negra, produto dos dados de sentimentos negativos relacionados ao medo do desconhecido e do cosmos, moldando uma aparência alienígena que causa terror naqueles que o veem, principalmente se fizerem contato visual direto com os vários olhos que Exogamon tem pelo corpo. 
Mesmo no Mundo Exterior ao qual pertence não é fácil se encontrar com tal criatura, pois sua espécie é bastante rara e não permanecem num local por muito tempo. Fato é que sua mera presença em uma região já deixa seus habitantes apreensivos, não só por sua aparência, mas porque é um Digimon que se alimenta dos dados de outros Digimons. 
Na maior parte do tempo parece apático, avoado, mas seu comportamento muda totalmente quando sente fome, onde torna-se um assassino voraz que ataca qualquer um que esteja nas proximidades e só volta ao normal depois de devorar completamente suas vítimas, ficando saciado por alguns dias após a refeição. 
Seu grande trunfo são seus olhos que se mantêm abertos sempre, inclusive quando está dormindo, assim é possível ficar alerta para qualquer movimentação em seus arredores, garantindo que possa se alimentar quando necessário, mas também serve para detectar alguma hostilidade, afinal, se ele toma a vida de inocentes sem qualquer remorso, é compreensível que os outros Digimons julguem necessário acabar com a vida de Exogamon. 
Devorador de Cabeças (Head Eater) Estica a ponta da cauda e agarra o adversário, depois o puxa para dentro da boca também presente em sua cauda. Normalmente enrola a cauda no pescoço da vítima e devora a cabeça primeiro. 
Olhar Aterrorizante (Frightening Gaze) Seus olhos brilham, chamando a atenção do oponente, que fica paralisado ao fazer contato visual, dando brecha para Exogamon atacar. 
Instinto Assassino (Killer Instinct) Avança contra o inimigo, derrubando-o e desferindo uma série de golpes com os dentes e as garras que só cessam quando percebe que sua vítima perdeu a consciência. 
Linha Evolutiva 
Pré-Evoluções  Tindamon 
Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex Empírea 
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gbaromspokemone · 4 months
350+ new monsters with unique stats, abilities, Typing, and movepools built from the ground-up!
No more filler mons!
As many as five or even six stages for prominent Digimon!
Custom moves from the Digimon canon!
Digidex Entries state criteria for evolution so you never need to feel out of the loop!
Convenient Shop Data
HM Moves are no longer garbage!
EV/IV Checker, Up to Gen VII Abilities and Moves, Reusable TMs, Deletable HM moves, Fairy Type, Physical-Special Split, Poison Survival, BW Repel System, Reusable TMs, etc.
Minor Dialogue Tweaks
Dive is a TM now
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