#destiny 2 drifter
tarakanpaintedpurple · 4 months
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So um… Gloaming Journeyer lore huh?…
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squallorvus · 29 days
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2021 2024
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Re-drawn my old 2021 Drifter sketch.
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tech-stomper · 10 months
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Drifter from Destiny 2 as Charon from Greek myth rather then gold he asks for motes haha
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influentcomic4 · 15 days
requested edit for @imonthemoonitsmadeofcheese
We need to see more of their relationship in game.
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brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny 2: That Leaves Us
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criticofallthings · 10 months
Szn of da DEEP spoilers ahead
You've been warned.
OKAY? Ok!!!
(/ .___.)/ it makes
(_ .___.)_ SENSE (as to why Drifter gives the IX such a big chance & why he willingly-ish joins their games)
Now that being said, Bungie is by far NOT OUT OF THE HELLSCAPE THEY MADE FOR THEMSELVES and this is not a redemption bit for the issues going on in-game and in the community. Im glad this little loose end is starting to get tied off, but a whole lot still hinges upon the last season of Lightfall and Final Shape ...frfr dont even know if im gonna buy FS bc of how fucking ass LF and the two sezns so far are --I am NOT a fan of the change in storytelling and its so fucking ironic that a bungie dev tried to call out Diablo IV as lazy when that dev is helping Bungie to churn out the staleness that has been LF expansion and the subsequent seasons.
Also idc if its not "beyond a shadow of a doubt" but I'm fucking glad the Drifter x Eris shit didnt seem to be passing through. Like if thats your ship --okay, I respect it-- its just for me personally I'm VERY TIRED of games/books/shows shipping two very traumatized/needs-mega-therapy/social outcasts people together. Its not a trope I enjoy and in most cases find kinda disturbing and upsetting that the "only way" for a trauma-ridden character to have a significant bond with another character is via the fact the other character is also extremely traumatized. Idk it just feels a bit like wallowing in the phase of the character's life-moments as a victim to what traumatized them. A bit "broken beyond repair" still able to function as long as their love interest is someone of equal or similar trauma je ne se qoi (ignore my french) that is just very unappealing to me
Wow wild fucking tangent from me this time 🧐🤨😶
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worldscollideau · 1 year
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“I was breathless as she emerged from her sharpened prison. I did not know I needed air, I did not know I consumed it. Perhaps I never have, perhaps I never will again.”
“The way she slowly blinked her bright green eyes, It was almost like a newborn animal. Curious, full of excitement and life.”
“I could see confusion and panic slowly begin to cover her face, watching as she glanced down at the Darkness consuming her hands, her fingers. Eating away ever so slowly at her skin. Did she know what it was? Did she understand what was happening?”
“All I could think was 'Did it hurt?' I had never asked a question before. I was overwhelmed.”
“It only took her a few moments to realize she wasn’t alone. That someone else was there with her, watching.”
 “A man, covered in snow, a green hood barely hiding his scarred face as a small jade snake dangled from his neck.”
“The moment their eyes locked, something happened. Whatever purpose she was given, whatever commands had been littering the inside of her head, she discarded them, threw them to the side with amazing ease. I could hear it. A being I had yet to meet, yet knew all about, screaming and threatening this woman as she took her very first step.”
“Those threats meant nothing as she gazed forward, chasing an emotion she instantly knew all about.” 
“Her small foot left the tiniest imprint as she held her damaged hand out to the strange man. I could see her thoughts, her mind humming. The moment she gazed upon him, she knew he would be the death of her.”
“But she did not mind. She would scrounge for him, even if it meant at the cost of her own life.”
“...I wanted to know why she would do such a thing.” 
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adranova · 2 years
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just-in-case-blog · 4 months
예전에 트윗했던 내용 텀블러 백업: https://x.com/yingnet7/status/1666295996874362880?s=20
"한국적"인걸보고 한국인이라고 느끼기보다는
외국산 작품을 보면서 주변인이나 not A로서의 국적 정체성?을 느낀 경우가 많은 듯
여기서 A는 주로 미국.
미애니 미국영화 좋아했고 미국 사이트 돌아다니면서 놀았는데, 보면 볼수록 내가 "저 나라" "저 이야기"(미국 이야기)에 속하지 않는다고 느껴왔음. 그래서 데가 플레이하면서 데가는 미국산 판타지 게임인데도 불구하고 내가 스스로 엘릭스니나 방랑자와 비슷하다고 느끼길래 굉장히 신기했다
1) 방랑자Drifter
일단 방랑자는 얼굴 때문에 닮았다고 느낌
걔 너무 일상적으로 생겨서 놀랐다고 트윗한적 있는데 걔얼굴이 일상적으로 느껴진 건 내가 한국인이라서? 동양인이라서 보인 반응이라고 생각함 그 전까지는 판타지 어쩌구 보면서 어떤 캐릭터의 외모를 익숙하고 현실적이라고 느낀적이 없었거든
그럼 내가 백인이었다면 방랑자 얼굴 보고도 별 생각 안 했을까? 오히려 얘의 외모를 어색해했을까? 그러다보니까 나 내 인종에는 소속감 느끼나? 싶었음
2) 엘릭스니Eliksni
내가 데가 세계관 내의 "과학기술 맹신했던 오만한 인류"에게 딱히 공감이나 동질감 느끼지 못한 상태에서
-삶의 터전을 잃고 떠돌았다는 점
-스스로의 정체성도 "인류"들에 의해서 만들어지는 상황에 있다는 점 때문에
오히려 인겜 "인류"보다 엘릭스니들이 나와 더 비슷하다고 느꼈다고 생각해
국적에 소속감이니 애착감이니 못 느껴도 조상이 한국인이라는 인식은 있고 한국인들이 100년전까지만해도 터전 잃고 국외로 떠돌았다는 사실을 알고 있음
그래서 겜 플레이하면서 엘릭스니들 설정 알아갈 때 삶의 터전을 잃은 원인이 종류가 달라도 (일제강점기 때의 제국주의 폭력 땜에 살기 어려워짐 / 여행자가 떠나면서 모행성 파괴됨(자연재해랑 젤 비슷할 듯)) "고향 잃은 떠돌이"라는 조상들 이야기가 비슷하다고 인식했어
그들의 정체성도 "인류"에 의해 만들어진다는 건
"미스라악스"보다 미스락스라는 "인간 말" 영어 발음 이름으로 유명한 미스락스나, 뒤엉킨 해안의 엘릭스니 클럽에서 인간 노래가 틀어져있는 모습에서 이제 그들이 언어랑 문화도 유지하기 어려운 수준으로 파편화된 상황 보고 그리 생각함
언어는 사용자의 사고방식을 담으니 언어를 빌리기 시작하면 타자의 시선과 관점도 받을테니 인간 언어를 빌려쓰는 현상 자체가 스스로를 정의할 수 있는 목소리를 잃어가는 현상의 상징이라고 봤음
스스로를 "엘릭스니Eliksni"보다 "몰락자Fallen"으로 여기는 자들도 분명 있지 않을까
빛의 저편 기본 캠페인 스토리에서 인간들이 우릴 몰락자Fallen으로 부르는 거 아냐고 바릭스에게 화내던 에라미스 말 들으면서 '아 근데 이런 이야기도 인간말로 하고 있구나…' 싶어서 씁쓸했거든 물론 플레이어들을 위한 인겜적 허용이겠지만
나도 내 국가나 국적이나 민족이 어쩌구 관련 정체성이나 스스로 먼저 정의내리기 전에 남들(주로 미국 컨텐츠)의 표현들을 보고 저게 맞나 싶은 고민한 적이 있었기 때문에 엘릭스니들과 내가 비슷한 존재라고 느꼈나 봄
그리고? 외적 측면이든 정체성 관련 내적 측면이든 내가 비슷하다고 느낀 대상인 방랑자랑 엘릭스니들 둘 다 이 sf미래판타지미국겜에서도
다양성을 중시하는 꽤나 다정한 게임인 데스티니에서도 아웃사이더 아니면 적 캐릭터로 묘사된다는 점에서 ㅎㅎㅎ 젠장 역시 그럼 그렇지 하고 기존의 not A 정체성 강화되는 경험했음
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bramblebrine-art · 6 months
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the funniest thing in d2 remains the drifter's unyielding insistence that you're doing something huge and forbidden that no one's ever done before by sniping someone every now and then in gambit while shaxx is right down the road making up new ways for a lightbearer to be drawn and quartered each week
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sylenth-l · 9 months
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My impression of Season of the Deep
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tarakanpaintedpurple · 5 months
Gambit ;)
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whaalless · 3 months
Small Destiny doodle dump + wip for a bigger drawing I’m working on
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maxware · 2 months
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brontios-helm · 2 years
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Destiny 2: The Key
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kevinraganit · 8 months
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Wonder if Drifter will have a new quote along the lines “Aiat Aiat Aiat”
Love the ‘my hot witch wife’ meme
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