#despite the fact arma is VERY accessible
no1ryomafan · 5 months
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Realizing as of late while Getter has it far better then a lot of other mechas I’ve been seeing a bit lately not a lot of people know the trio shot in arma ep 11 is getter nor do I think people realize it’s a mecha so I made this meme as a little joke. (also before anyone comes correcting me: yes Benkei isn’t the OG getter 3 pilot, it’s Musashi. However the point still pretty much stands as he’s kinda just Musashi 2.0 lmao-even if arma fleshed him out a lot to be different-and this is the most noteworthy iteration, but in terms of recognition they’re on the same level)
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wigglebox · 6 years
Based on this idea from @elizabethrobertajones and her lovely anon. written at work, unbeta’d -- all that good jazz. 
It wasn’t that Dean acknowledged that he was getting older, it was just the fact that after surviving so much, it’d be stupid to be killed by stress.
So, one Saturday they decided to do nothing.
Jack went to his job at the comic store in the city. He was young. Youngins didn’t get days off yet. That’s how the world worked.
Dean allowed the other two bunker inhabitants into his cave, and they all pretty much stayed in their PJ’s and watched shitty movies. Sam eventually got bored and went to read in his room, and Cas fell back asleep around noon in one of the chairs. He was having issues regulating his sleep cycle since becoming human, so Dean let him sleep.
But it was a Saturday all to themselves and Dean was going to spend it lounging about, thank you very much. He felt some of the gray hairs receding as he popped in another Michael Bay film. Just one day. They only really needed one day.
The film was Armageddon (to which Dean made a joke to the unconscious man next to him about the both of them later “arma-gettin-it-on” and laughed to himself. Felt good to laugh. Some more gray hairs retreated, and hopefully some lines on his face went away.
Just as the crew in the film started singing Leaving On a Jet Plane, the red light in the bunker switched on, and an alarm made Cas jolt out of his sleep like he was electrocuted. Dean groaned and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes.
They couldn’t have just one fucking day?
Sam ran to the door first, looking like an idiot with his hair sticking up on one side and the imprint of a book on the side of his face. Dean laughed, despite the danger, then realized they all probably looked like idiots about to face off with whatever was outside while still in their flannel pj bottoms and t-shirts. Cas even had some dried drool to top it off, and crumbs fell from Dean’s shirt as he ran.
Turns out, a small band of Vampires were sniffing around outside, trying to get in. They didn’t have time to analyze how the fuck the group front their way to the bunker. They weren’t the nice vamps they sometimes come across. Their skinny form and gaunt skin indicated starvation, and Team Free Will was on the menu.
Several beheadings later, they went back inside. Blood covered them, and Dean felt gross. Stupid Saturday afternoons weren’t meant to shower but he had to. They all had to. But, spare pajamas were found and they soon went back to their activities. They didn’t need to talk about the vampires. They probably just had the misfortune of stumbling across the bunker. A bad luck day for them.
Cas resumed his nap, and Dean started to wish they had a couch. Maybe. Dean resumed his movie, and Sam continued his book but this time in the library. Easier access after the vamps put him on edge.
Dean managed to finish the movie before the alarm rang again. Cas woke, more pissed off than the last time. He lead the trio back out the door holding a baseball bat, not even checking the cameras.
This time, two ghouls lurked in the shadows of the brush. One almost got the jump on Dean but Cas took aim and whacked it in the side of the head, causing it to cave in. More fucking blood.
Ghouls sucked more than vampires but they were at least taken care of.
“Where the fuck are these assholes coming from?” Dean grumbled, already peeling off his bloody shirt as they entered the bunker again.
“I don’t know. It’s like they’re being lured here by something.”
Cas said nothing, and went back into the cave to sleep.
Dean and Sam sat at the table and thought. Thinking wasn’t on the agenda today but the day was ruined at this point anyways. Before they could even finish brainstorming what could lure two seperate groups of monsters to an unlisted, secure facility, the alarm blared again. Cas yelled in frustration from the other room.
This time, on the cameras, they saw another, bigger group of vampires congregating by the door.
Dean sighed, and went back to his room to put on proper clothes. A small tug of sadness filled him as he pulled on his boots. Vacations, even small, one day long ones weren’t allowed apparently. Even if they wanted one, trouble just kept on finding them.
For some reason.
It was like they were a beacon today.
Sam and Dean sans Cas took care of the slightly bigger group of vamps. They too were weak and starving and completely rabid. Must not be a lot of food out there for them in the middle of Kansas.
Sam slammed the door behind them and immediately began looking under chairs and books.
“Now what?”
Sam shook his head and moved into the kitchen, overturning jars and bottles. Unsatisfied, he moved onto Dean’s cave where Cas laid, sprawled out on the armchair (Dean winced, he looked very uncomfortable), snoring. Sam shoved a hand under the cushion of Dean’s chair and pulled out a small satchel, a grim smile on his face.
“A witch?” Dean questioned, opening the bag as Sam pulled out a lighter, “But who -- how?”
Sam rolled his eyes, “I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.”
Dean’s anger ballooned, not only because Rowena was a bitch but because she had the audacity to come into Dean’s sanctuary, put her hand all over his stuff, and decided to ruin his day --
“I’ll talk to her,” Sam said, pulling out his phone. He collapsed in the chair while bringing up her number. A sickening crunch broke the momentary silence, and Sam seemed to sink lower into the chair than normal. He glared up at Dean.
“We’re getting a couch.”
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svartmale · 4 years
Every Little Thing You Want To Know About Dedicated Video Gaming Servers
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Gone are the days when gaming was only confined by consoles and PCs but today it has come to be an online endeavor. Whether you are utilizing your smartphone or tablet, you can connect to the gambling servers and play alongside players from other elements of earth. The number of players keeps increasing as gamers invite more friends to join in on the fun.
How to server status
One strategy to check the server status is employing server status tool. In case the check server application runs right into some barriers which could stop a spider from indexing your site, it educates you about them on a report which the usefulness generates.
Popularity of Multi Player Games
The games we played in our childhood are simpler and need fewer tools. While the gambling marketplace developed, games become tougher. A new style of games named Massively Multiplayer Online Rule Playing Games (MMORPG) is already born. Soon, it becomes a hit with gamers. Considering these games let you play with dozens of other players around the world, it also requires extra electrical strength. This forced gamers to setup dedicated gambling servers in order that they may delight in a clean gambling knowledge.
Here are some of the Absolute Most popular multiplayer games:
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG)
Counter Strike Global Offensive
Killing Floor
How Can Dedicated Gaming Server Operates?
Every multiplayer game includes a game customer, which you may either capture it in your residence or server it on servers. These game clients Are Liable for tackling the following:
Game controllers
About the Flip Side, gaming dedicated server deals together with
Action in the game
Player position
Policies of this game
It ensures that the policies of those games are properly implemented and followed by players. While you change your house PC to some gambling server . however, it is highly recommended that you simply select a dedicated gaming server particularly if you are planning to encourage many players to play the game at a particular time. It's also a stable option. Dedicated gaming server companies have the wisdom and competence necessary to take care of problems. Choosing a dedicated gaming server web hosting agency may save a lot of time as well. For accessing very best performance, you will need to server status check you server).
Benefits of Dedicated Gaming Server
Here Are a Few of the Benefits of Employing a dedicated gaming server:
Excellent performance
24/7 availability and support
Saves your advancement so gamers can start the game from wherever they have left
Means to Deal with high traffic need
Little without lag
No overheating Difficulties
Due to the fact dedicated gambling servers have been designed with state-of-the-art hardware, you can expect them to provide blazing fast performance. You won't notice any lag throughout gameplay and also possess a buttery smooth user expertise. Despite pushing this to its limits, all these dedicated gaming servers never overheats, which will keep the internals protected and sound from warming issues. With reliability and performance being a highlight of the types of video game server, heaps of gamers can easily play with a game at the same time without impacting gaming encounter.
Imagine playing a game where you have done many levels but now you have to render the game go to complete an essential job. How annoying will it be to learn you will need to start the game out of square you only simply since your progress hasn't been stored? With dedicated gaming serversyou wont have to handle these sorts of issues because it stores your progress in the game so that you are able to initiate the game from where you left .
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thursday8econlive · 5 years
Economics behind the rise of a new videogame genre
Zeqi Yu
A ”battle royale” game is a genre of games that blends the survival, exploration, and scavenging elements of a survival game with last-man-standing style combat gameplay. In this gamemode, many players deploy into the same virtual world, where they will collect asset and use them to keep themselves alive & eliminate opponents inside a shrinking “safezone”, with the last survivor becoming the winner. This genre of videogames exploded in popularity in recent years, flooding the market with dozens of games, big and small, that brought in millions of dollars into the gaming industry.
However, if we go back just a few years, the genre “battle royale” consisted of little more than two very-popular player-created “mods” for existing videogames - Minecraft’s Hunger Games mod and Arma’s DayZ mod. The market did not look anything like it does today because creating the first independently-successful battle royale game seemed like an expensive and risky move back in the day. Although the mods were popular, no studio has yet built a game entirely around the battle royale gamemode, which had obvious anticipated drawbacks such as creating frustrating amounts of downtime for players (you are out of your previous game and must join a new one everytime you die) and high usage of resources to create & operate (the game must simulate a massive world containing many players to be fun, which can be expensive and technically challenging). The barrier of entry was high, and so was the risk.
However, some players in the gaming market noticed the potential of the genre and decided to make a move. Sony Online Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony Corporation, hired the creator of Arma’s DayZ mod - PlayerUnknown - as a consultant to create H1Z1: King of the Kill. H1Z1 was nothing too special as a shooting game, other than the fact that it was built and optimized entirely around a single gamemode - battle royale. It was also backed by the mighty Sony in its marketing and operating costs. The game was a success and exposed gamers to the battle royale genre, which gamers enjoyed. The demand curve has already began shifting to the right, but it would not be until PlayerUnknown broke off to join a Korean studio in the making of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, or PUBG, that the genre would truly take off.  
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PUBG sold over $100 million worth of copies within the first few months of release, despite being marketed as an “early-access” product that wasn’t even considered complete. It was clearly visible  at this point that the demand curve for the battle royale genre was shifting very rapidly to the right - PUBG was being played more on every gaming platform and trending harder on streaming platforms than most other games, it was an early-access product still suffering from enourmous technical issues, but consumers were still willing to play it over higher-budget, more-polished substituted for what it is. There was a clear shortage in the market for BR games, and developers across the gaming industry were ready to fill the gap.
Following PUBG breaking dozens of sales records and taking the internet by storm was an enormous wave of BR adaptions for existing games as well as newly-created BR games. Because the market clearly opened up opportunities for positive economic profits, other studios were willing to push aside their ongoing projects to get into this expanding market. The market for BR games was a monopolistically-competitive market. BR games are similar in that they are nearly all shooting-based combat games played under a BR gamemode, but they are very highly-differentiated in aspects like gameplay mechanics and artistic theme, but still functioned as substitutes for each other. The firms in this market behaved exactly as firms in a monopolistically-competitive market would. Not long after PUBG’s initial success, studios flooded the internet with advertisements of their new BR titles. Half the ads that came before the Youtube videos I clicked on during that time were of BR games, some even took their ads to cable television, and online content creators were being sponsored by different studios to play their new BR games to their audiences.
Among these new BR games, the one that would transcend PUBG’s success and become the next big thing was Fortnite. Compared to most of the BR games that adopted PUBG’s dull, realistic setting and art theme, Fortnite had a cartoonish, fantasy theme full of vibrant colors and lively animations that increased its appeal to casual gamers and children. Its gameplay mechanics, though not lacking in depth, were much more straightforward than PUBG, with a unique building mechanic that allowed players to drastically alter the environement and extend the length of gunfights, increasing the replayability of the same virtual world and making combat more exciting. The studio behind Fortnite was EpicGames, which has been a leader for decades in the market for ”game engines“ - a package of of frameworks and development tools used to develop videogames. Their Unreal Engine has been the foundation of many popular titles, including PUBG. EpicGames thus had sufficient amounts of technical expertise to ensure that Fortnite operated smoothly under different platforms and conditions. They even managed to create cross-platform gameplay between desktop, console, and mobile platforms - a groundbreaking first for a videogame of Fortnite’s level of complexity. Last but not least, Fortnite adopted a dynamic model for their game - releasing fresh new content for players to explore every two weeks, while removing unpopular content to prevent saturation.
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Fortnite raised the standards for BR games, and arguably videogames in general, across the industry. As a videogame it was and still remains extremely-unique, highly-polished, and constantly-evolving - any one of these targets being quite difficult to hit for most developers. EpicGames alone, as one firm, shifted the supply curve for BR games, and videogames in general, far towards the right, catching up with the elevated demand and bringing the market closer to a long-term equilibirum. Because Fortnite is arguably much harder to beat than PUBG as the leading BR game, and the hype around the BR genre as a rising genre has mostly died down, it has become more difficult to make an economic profit in the BR market. As a result, the influx of new BR games onto the market has also decreased.
Zeqi Yu
0 notes
tipsoctopus · 4 years
Exclusive: Shaun Wright-Phillips on his time at Chelsea, returning to Man City and the problem with MLS
Shaun Wright-Phillips enjoyed a successful career in football, spanning 18 years, playing for the likes of Manchester City, Chelsea, New York Red Bulls and England. The winger won the Premier League, two FA Cups and the League Cup, and also represented the Three Lions at a World Cup.
During that time, Wright-Phillips became known as a tricky, direct and pacey winger and was often feared by opposing defenders. But how did he put himself in a position to achieve all of that and what did it take for him to make it as a professional footballer?
It’s no secret that making it in football is the dream of millions of kids around the world and it’s even less of a secret that it’s one of the most difficult industries to be successful in.
To make it, you need dedication, sacrifice, hard work and perseverance, and even then it still might not enough to earn a pro-contract. However, there is a new app that is designed to help footballers of all ages to gain an edge both on and off the pitch.
On The Ball is the world’s best football training platform and offers users of all ages and abilities access to tailored training programs created by Premier League players, to help teach real skills and training techniques. With over 1,000 training videos demonstrated by some of the biggest names in the game, users literally have everything they need in one place in order to improve their fitness, skills and technique whenever they need it.
Shaun Wright-Phillips is one of those big names and he sat down with us at Football FanCast to talk us through what inspired him to get involved in the platform and also to talk about his career as a professional footballer…
What made you want to get involved in On The Ball?
“The most important thing is it was something that I never had growing up.
“Me and my brother [Bradley Wright-Phillips] were basically very self-taught. We kicked around on the grass, we tested our skills on each other. We shot at goals in between two trees.
“So we didn’t have something like On The Ball to give us that extra learning before we got to where we were. So before we actually signed for our clubs you could pretty much say we were just raw talent.
“So this is more to give an opportunity for kids to be ready so that if they do get signed with somebody, they at least know the basics and the routines of what training is going to be like and the dedication need.”
What did you do to get an edge over your teammates when growing up?
“I was one of those that when training finished I’d always do extras, even up to when I retired I would always stay and do extra shooting and extra crossing.
“Growing up playing Sunday League, our training program was pretty much at a place called Moonshot in New Cross in South London, and we would just do a few laps around the athletics track and then play 11 v 11.
“There wasn’t really any guidance or certain ways to dribble as such. We just improvised in situations and never really had too many guidelines from the coaches. The coaches at the time were more like,’ I can see you guys want to play football, I’ll help out, I’ll sort the games, we’ll create a Sunday League team’ and in a way, it kept us off the streets.”
Do you think a more relaxed approach to coaching benefitted you?
“I think if the coaches had a way to learn how to train the kids properly and professionally, I think it would have made a difference not only to my career but a lot of other players because there were kids in the area that I grew up with that didn’t have the same self discipline as me, and I feel like the drills and certain aspects of training, create environments where you have to be disciplined.
“You can take that away from training and it makes you a better person, you respect certain situations better, you have discipline within yourself and you treat your body better because you know the load of work that you have to do when it comes to training.”
Why did it take a while for you to settle at Chelsea?
“I think there were a lot of factors at play. Obviously, the older I get the more I’m seeing and the more I’m realizing but in my first spell at City, the ball came to me very quickly and I was always that person who was going to make something out of nothing or get people off their seats.
“I was quite fearless. I didn’t think about it in my head. I was just like, ‘I’m going to beat you, I’m going to cross the ball and hopefully create a chance.’ That was my mindset and I think the difference was, when I went to Chelsea, I had to get used to the fact that it wasn’t just me that could do those things.
“I had to learn to be a bit more patient and then I noticed that times when I was getting the ball, I was trying to do everything too quickly instead of playing my way into the game. At Chelsea I had to take my time.
“I look back now I can say that is was the wrong approach. I just needed to just play the way I play.”
Was that a lesson you had to learn the hard way or did you get feedback from the manager and coaches?
“It was a bit of both. At that time I was a big signing and to be fair, I was becoming an adult and had been playing long enough to be able to solve that situation myself.
“Jose Mourinho and all the coaches, and especially the players and the fans, were amazing at the time for me. I never once felt like I shouldn’t be there, I never once felt like I wasn’t a part of the family.
“I think all that love from the players and especially the fans was something that helped me grow into Chelsea, otherwise it could have been a whole lot different.”
You returned to Man City just days before the takeover was announced – what was that like?
“I didn’t know anything about it! Because it was so close to the deadline, there wasn’t really time to decide whether I wanted to stay at Chelsea or not.
“I wanted to play more for England and I knew I had to play more regularly at that time because the likes of David Beckham, Steven Gerrard, Aaron Lennon and Theo Walcott were all doing well at the time, so many wingers were doing well at the time in the Premier League and so I had to make a decision.
“If I had the chance I would have loved to have finished my full contract at Chelsea.
“But I always said when I left City, before I retire, I will come back one day and thankfully the opportunity came up. I had a call about them and Spurs and when City came up and I just jumped straight at the chance really, I didn’t even think about it.”
Did the mentality at Man City change as soon as the takeover went through?
“I think the mentality has always been the same.
“All the managers that have been there have always known how big City is as a club, and they’ve all had the dream of doing the things they’re doing now. Sadly, in the past they didn’t have the budget to do it.
“I think Mark Hughes set the pace. It was incredible to play under him, he came with entertaining football, we played well on the break.
“I think we were sitting fourth when he got the sack. We couldn’t believe it. But that’s football. When a lot of money comes into the game, a lot of things change.
“But as for them looking forward and changing, I think Man City always had the desire to be where they are now.”
What differences were there in Chelsea and Man City, two clubs you’ve played for that have had massive takeovers?
“From a mentality perspective, Chelsea’s success was instant and City’s was structurally built. From the facilities, the way they’ve bought players. I don’t think they have spent over £60million on a player. They’re more strategic.
“Whereas, when Chelsea were doing it, it was just instant and it worked, but it’s something that would never work again.
“It’s the same if you look at Liverpool where it has been structurally done and they never had a massive takeover. When Jurgen Klopp came in he brought little things in slowly and I think that is a route a lot of clubs will go down from now on if they ever have a takeover.
“Despite that, Chelsea and Man City both had the same aspirations. They both wanted to win titles and play in the Champions League.”
Were there any differences in training methods between the clubs and the national team?
“You could say it was relatively similar, but I  always noticed that whenever we were with England we never played the way we played in the Premier League, we played completely differently.
“I always used to think if a coach came in that just played the way the teams do in the Premier League, England would do well because it’s a system that everybody’s so used to playing in.
“Gareth Southgate has come in and pretty much done that and you can see everyone just seems comfortable with it. It’s entertaining to watch, just like if you were watching a Premier League match.
“I’m not saying they’re unbeatable or that they always play well, but it’s still entertaining to watch. That’s why everybody loves it at the moment.”
What was it like moving to the MLS after playing your entire career in England?
“It was a big change physically. American athletes are athletes!
“There wasn’t a tactical side to it, there wasn’t any slow build-up play or anything like that. It was just, you attack, I attack, and it’ll be like that for 90 minutes.
“When I signed for Red Bulls, I was under Jesse Marsch, Chris Armas, and Denis Hamlett, and they were great coaches, and I’ve worked under some good coaches.
“The philosophy they had, even in the New York humidity of 80%, was literally press for 90 minutes. You literally just aggressively pressed for 90 minutes.
“Don’t get me wrong, it works. But if you’ve got a team, for example, like Man City, or what Orlando did to us, and they beat the first press, you’re wide open. So there was never a backup plan. Managers in Europe, if it doesn’t work for the first 15 minutes, would change.
“Tactically they weren’t as sharp as clubs in Europe. It’s not because they weren’t good enough to change it, they just stayed the way it was in the MLS. For example, Jesse’s gone to Germany now and he’s doing amazingly well.”
Do you think the MLS is catching up with European football?
“No. If I’m being totally honest, I don’t think it will for a while because, in Europe, we’ve got a whole grassroots system.
“But in America, they miss like four to five years of being coached and learning what it takes to be a professional footballer. You either play in the second tier, which they call the USL, and then from that you jump straight to the MLS. There are no bridges, you’re jumping a lot of gaps to get to the MLS without actually being fine-tuned as a footballer first.”
Who was the best manager you played under?
“I’d definitely say Jose Mourinho was the best in my career. But Joe Royle was the most influential because at the time he brought me through,  I was only young and it was all new to me, coming from South London, and he believed in me.
“So he was a key manager in my whole career.”
Lastly, what do you think needs to happen with football during the current pandemic?
“I think they have to cancel it. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to be sat here watching the Premier League in lockdown. There’s nothing to do so I can see why people would want it on but it’s not worth people’s health – these players have all got families.
“I’d rather be bored now and be able to watch the Premier League next year with the Premier League’s greatest players in it rather than them risk it and God forbid anything bad happens. We need to put people’s health before money and TV.
“I would just null and void the season. Liverpool deserve to win the title but then if you give them the title, then you have to give them a bonus and where’s the Premier League making their money from now?
“Then if you give them the title, realistically you have to relegate the three teams. There are like three or four points between them down at the bottom, So then there’ll be an argument on that side. And then if you do that, then you’ve got to decide who’s getting promoted and who wins the play-offs without even going into it.
“So I think it’s a little bit more difficult than just giving Liverpool the title. I would just null and void it, even if they then gave Liverpool a 10/15 point headstart next year.
“But we need people to stop thinking about and just think about staying healthy.”
Become a better coach, improve your fitness and develop your ball skills with the On The Ball App – download on Apple and Google Play now!
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masajesmanresa-blog · 5 years
Es Mi Conejo Feliz? - masajes antiestres
Nuevo Articulo Publicado en http://masajesmanresa.com/blog/masajes-antiestres/es-mi-conejo-feliz-masajes-antiestres/
Es Mi Conejo Feliz? - masajes antiestres
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If there are deficiencies of Chi, there might be pain and sickness. There are different ranges of this that provide many issues to the cryptologist and might remedy the issues in a extra typical manner. Truthfully, as I take a very long time sitting on my throne, I get numerous things done in the rest room. Let’s imagine a bit of steel that has been exposed to the pure elements for any length of time. Since historic times, spiritual and pure healers have used massage therapy strategies to cure illnesses and heal accidents to the physique or mind. Some reflexologists even claim that this method utilizing the reflexes can be used to cure sure illness. However discover them even more practical once we combine them with Sports Massage and extra standard physiotherapy methods equivalent to joint mobilisation and rehabilitation workouts. Initially thought of as a technique of train, yoga now promises much greater than a set of bodily workout routines. Carry on doing this for 15 minutes and admire simply being extra relaxed!
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no ir a ver a un quiropráctico que sólo las grietas de tus huesos, no haría nada para el dolor de los músculos, e insiste en que quiere volver de nuevo y de nuevo y de nuevo. En un Abrasador de Piedra de la terapia de Masaje, en especial de las piedras se calientan y se colocan en áreas específicas de los consumidores cuerpo a eliminar la tensión de los músculos más profundos que un terapeutas dedos no pueden alcanzar. En este complejo spa lodge en Saalbach, el Lodge Kendler, uno puede encontrar convencionales y modernas técnicas de masaje. La reciente Piedra de la terapia combina el Masaje sueco métodos con el calor abrasador de piedras colocadas para derretir el estrés y la tensión. Aquí, un tratamiento ayurvédico de la india realiza una importante posición en traer lo mejor de curar graves enfermedades de la raíz. Este remedio consiste en una hora de masaje Tailandés, adoptado por media hora de terapia natural. Añadir a la legitimidad de masaje como tratamiento sustitutivo posibilidad, muchos de los estados de regular la industria exigiendo a los terapeutas de masaje ser plenamente capacitados y con licencia.
Algunos podrían únicamente el masaje de nuevo, mientras que otros podrían suministrar un poco más grande en la zona de masajes y encarnar los hombros también. El último es tomado en cuenta extra intenso, lo que significa que puede no ser adecuado para todos. El salón de masaje podría ser también un spa o una ubicación en el lugar de los profesionales con certificación de coaching de dar masajes a los pacientes como es ordenado por un médico. Es bueno tener delicadas bolas, firme, y realmente agencia.Masaje pista tiene una maravillosa variedad de exactamente las bolas que usted necesita. Porque algunas mujeres tienen celulitis, no es ninguna sorpresa que hay un prolongado historial de tratamientos de la búsqueda para la “cura” de esta situación. El linfedema es una enfermedad crónica de la situación y si se deja sin tratar, probablemente podría progreso. Esta es una técnica excelente para ambos iniciar y finalizar el masaje en los pies, y estos sencillos pasos, podría ser ejecutado en cualquier momento, así como la parte de una casa de proceso de la pedicura. Después de todo, abrasador piedras no sustituir la curación de armas, sin embargo, como un complemento a la convencional, masajes, tratamientos faciales y tratamientos curativos de todos los tipos.
Y aparte de ocultar la celulitis con un muy buen bronceado, no hay casi nada que pueda hacer acerca de la formación de hoyuelos, corto de costosos de radio-frecuencia de los remedios. Se cree que tales ft masajes inducir la estimulación de seguro de buena enzimas y diferentes corporales químicos que promueven el final bienestar. Poca duda de que este es un maravilloso poner recibí en lugar de un montón de conocimientos después de la lectura de la buena suerte. En una evaluación de la asignatura, impreso en la journalCurrent Deportes Revisiones de Medicación(2015: 14; 200?208), 9 la investigación se ha examinado, con los autores, concluyendo que el uso de los rodillos de espuma como una herramienta de masaje “. Yo los uso ahora con este excelente artículo como una guía de usuario! Para Reservar AHORA ! La verdad es que todos nos merecemos un día en concreto, en el salón de cada ahora y entonces! Los primeros análisis en el Instituto de Investigación demostrado que 30 minutos diarios de terapia de masaje para hospitalizado deprimido adolescentes de más de un período de 5 días condujo a una mejora en el estado de ánimo y hábitos.
Mantenga un gradual, incluso tempo
fácil de oído meditación:
Por el deslizamiento, se enmascaramiento, probablemente, la mayoría de las áreas durante un masaje
Sensación de relajación profunda
Deslizamiento de la Base para salvar a un montón de casa
Un pre-evento masaje deportivo es entregado alrededor de 30 minutos antes de una competición. El masaje ha sido ampliamente usado por la gente del siglo xxi. Los otros resultados de masaje de yoga Tailandés implican mejorado la circulación de la sangre, y el aumento de la vitalidad de los rangos. La tripa es un músculo que late cada segundo de nuestras vidas, y comience a bombear la sangre a través de nuestros cuerpos antes que nacemos. Por este proceso, la circulación de la sangre dentro de los tejidos mejora, y que la persona afectada se obtiene el alivio del dolor y el malestar. La clínica se centra en el tejido profundo y completo de masajes fisico, sino que también da masajes prenatales para mujeres embarazadas. Los masajes regulares también se han demostrado para reducir la depresión en la gente, además de enriquecer sus vidas significativamente. El Tailandés terapeutas están inclinados a quedarse con el tipo estándar, sin embargo, muchos practicantes occidentales se han combinado de masaje Tailandés de forma eficiente con otras modalidades de masaje y han creado una nueva y gloriosa, aunque no tradicionales estilos.
Hay 4 masaje computarizado aplicaciones. Un terapeuta de masaje en propiedad de la empresa. Masaje Shiatsu ha sido presentado en Japón durante siglos. Masaje en Miami ofrece numerosas posibilidades de beneficiarse de un masaje de tejido profundo de la terapia. Dale Grust, presidente de la sección de nueva York de la Americana de Terapia de Masaje de Afiliación. Lo que es un fascinante centro de masajes a su vez con una pelota como una alternativa de anticuado backscratcher. La pierna no se agota en la mayor muslo–continúa sobre la cadera y en la parte inferior de nuevo. Que es donde debe colocar piedras pequeñas en ambos lados de las vértebras. El dd tiempo de Cacao me deja hacerlo, y yo solo coloque mi mano abierta, con la palma hacia arriba debajo de su barbilla lentamente, después de la cual suavemente debajo de cero.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Armchair Analyst: What to expect from the rest of the Leg 2 madness
November 9, 20181:14PM EST
Let me sum up Leg 2 of the Cascadia version of the Western Conference semifinals:
Dairon Asprilla lives for #MLSCupPlayoffs.
In his #MLS regular season career:
79 games 3,579 minutes 5 goals 6 assists
In the playoffs:
10 games 563 minutes 3 goals 4 assists 1 winning penalty in shootout
He has all kinds of dance moves, too!#SEAvPOR #RCTID #MLS  pic.twitter.com/eQ8v8BOoVR
— #ThankYouDeuce (@JogaBonito_USA) November 9, 2018
Five years from now, or 10, or 25, when someone mentions “The Dairon Asprilla Game,” Thursday night is what they will be referring to, and the above is why. Asprilla came on for the final 18 minutes – on the wing, not at center forward, mind you – and completely changed the game for the visitors. He bagged a goal and an assist, put in the world’s most honest defensive shift, and capped it off with the series-winning penalty in the shootout.
The game was beautiful, glorious madness. It was pure MLS. If we’re lucky we’ll get more of it this weekend.
Sporting KC v. Real Salt Lake
CURRENTLY: 1-1 on aggregate (SKC have an away goal)
What Sporting need to do: The biggest thing is to get on the ball more. SKC can still press you into mistakes, as they did for Diego Rubio’s equalizer, but this team is more of a possession team than anything else, and in Leg 1 they didn’t do much of that to speak of. If you’re not using the ball well, then you’re not making the defense react to you, and if you’re not making the defense react to you, then you’re not pulling the defense out of position. And if you’re not pulling the defense out of position, then they’re not going to be giving you big, inviting gaps – the kinds that Johnny Russell and Daniel Salloi love – to hit from the wing.
Know who struggled the most? D-mid Ilie Sanchez. He’s normally neat and tidy and able to get on the ball and dictate the pace of the game and hit a million short passes and OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!!!!
That looks like the storyboard from a slasher flick. It’s the most un-Ilie passing map I’ve ever seen from him.
RSL made his life miserable, constantly hurrying him and leaving him bereft of outlets or options, so he spent damn near the full 90 minutes mailing it to Topeka every chance he got.
Not a great strategy, but it wasn’t fatal, either. They got the road result and are heavy favorites because of it.
What RSL need to do: Somehow reprise the defensive effort of the first game and prevent SKC from getting any sort of rhythm, AND carve out better chances despite the loss of Albert Rusnak to yellow card accumulation, AND exploit the space in behind when Graham Zusi overlaps despite the fact that the Claret-and-Cobalt haven’t really played with a pace-and-space winger over there.
My guess is it’ll be Joao Plata as a very inverted left wing, with Corey Baird as a channel-running center forward and Damir Kreilach as a pseudo No. 10 beneath him. I’d watch for Baird to make diagonal runs away from goal into that space Zusi vacated, while Plata dives inside to play with Kreilach.
Also: They can’t give up anything off of set pieces, especially early. If RSL give up a cheapie in the first half they’ll be forced to really chase, the game, which will leave them stretched. At that point, I’d bet on SKC scoring three.
Atlanta United v. NYCFC
CURRENTLY: 1-0 Atlanta (Atlanta have an away goal)
What Atlanta need to do: This is going sound cliched, but the honest-to-god most important thing for the Five Stripes is to match the intensity of the moment. They were superb at it in Leg 1, dominating NYCFC for the first 45 before making an appropriate halftime sub, but throughout their brief MLS existence they’ve usually fallen short in those moments – last year’s Knockout Round loss to Columbus, the way they got dominated at Red Bull Arena in September, and the utter collapse on Decision Day that cost them the Supporters’ Shield.
This team has, more often than not, failed in those moments. Leg 1 was a break from that script as they imposed their intensity upon a good opponent with everything on the line, and won a rock fight. If you’re an Atlanta fan you should be thrilled about that.
You should also be thrilled about that 45-minute cameo by Miguel Almiron, who was the best player on the pitch before coming out at the half. Chances are he’s well-rested and close to 90 fit after another week to recover.
Even on the tight confines of Yankee Stadium Almiron was able to extend the field both on and off the ball, and force the NYCFC backline into copious amounts of emergency defense. At home, with more room to work in…
I’d expect at least a few moments that look a lot like that.
What NYCFC need to do: The No. 1 job is to avoid the above, at least until desperation time. If they spent a bunch of the game chasing Almiron and and Josef Martinez into green acres, their postseason stay will be brief and tragic for the third straight year.
On the other side of the ball, they’ve got to get on the damn ball and put it on Maxi Moralez’s foot, preferably in the central channels at least a little bit. My colleague Ben Baer did a really good job of breaking down how the Five Stripes shut down the NYCFC attack, and it largely boiled down to “starve Maxi, starve the team.”
The Cityzens got marginally more dangerous when they subbed Jo Inge Berget on and went to something of a two-forward set up, as the big man was able to pull defenders away from Moralez and David Villa. If I was Dome Torrent I’d try to keep it scoreless though 70, then replicate that look for the final 20 minutes and toss the dice that Almiron will be too exhausted to punish you on the counter.
To be clear: I don’t think NYCFC can beat Atlanta in Atlanta in a must-win game by going toe-to-toe with them for 90 minutes. Their last road win over a playoff team was waaaaay back on March 4, literally Week 1 of this crazy season of ours.
But if they keep it scoreless for 70, then make some big, bold changes, maybe a bit of magic happens.
Nothing but respect to Dome for calling Atlanta a bunch of divers, by the way.
New York Red Bulls v. Columbus Crew SC
CURRENTLY: 1-0 Columbus (no away goals)
What RBNY need to do: Beat Columbus by two goals, which is something they’ve managed just once in their last 13 meetings. Playing the Crew is hard.
Why? Because Columbus happily play right through the RBNY press when they can, and happily play right over it when they must:
Chris Armas has talked about amping up the intensity for Leg 2, and that’s a start. The Red Bulls weren’t bad in Leg 1, but they were at least a little bit flat – they almost never hurried Columbus – and when the margins are small (as they always are this time of year), that can/usually is the difference.
Another thing to consider: RBNY had a super disappointing result in Leg 1 of last year’s Conference Semifinals as well, against Toronto FC. Jesse Marsch changed things up in the second leg, going to a 4-4-2 diamond with Tyler Adams (!!!) as the attacking tip, specifically to take away TFC’s ability to build from deep in midfield.
It worked. Adams dominated Michael Bradley that game and without that deep midfield outlet, TFC spent the full 90 on the front foot. Only some unfortunately familiar playoff finishing cost the Red Bulls a series they could/arguably should have won.
I would be surprised if Armas went as experimental in this game, but “cut Wil Trapp out of the equation” does make a lot of sense if you want to get the Crew shook.
What Columbus need to do: Surviving the first 20 minutes is key, because they absolutely will get blitzed. It’s a shame, from a Crew SC perspective, that they’ll be without the injured Niko Hansen, whose speed would’ve opened up Route 1 as a viable over-the-top countermeasure for when New York put all 10 field players in the attacking half (which is how I expect the opening 20 to play out).
If/when they survive the first 20, it becomes a process of repeatability in possession – i.e., just do what you always do and trust the system that got you here – and danger mitigation elsewhere. That might mean Zack Steffen, 40 yards off his line, sweeping the ball away, or it might mean Jonathan Mensah launching it to Row Z. It might also mean both fullbacks playing just slightly lower than usual so as to avoid getting stretched.
Basically, though, they just need to score a goal. If they do that, then the Red Bulls need three, and if that’s the case I really, really like the Massive’s chances.
One More Thing to Ponder
Happy weekending, everybody.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Armchair Analyst: What to expect from the rest of the Leg 2 madness was originally published on 365 Football
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avislux · 7 years
Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds is a game whose popularity exploded almost overnight, reaching 4 million sales in 3 months. The game is still very much an early access game. It’s far from complete, evidenced with the fact that the game looks like garbage.
Compared to AAA games the difference in graphics is clear. Most of the textures suck, the menus look hastily put together and game runs like shit. Despite that, it got very popular, very quickly and has become one of the most played titles on Steam.
What factors contributed to this game’s success? Word of it mostly spread through Twitch and word of mouth. Gaming news sites also ran articles on it. Probably the biggest factor is probably its unique gameplay loop that’s relatively new. It’s easy to get into, challenging, and despite its flaws, still pretty fun.
Getting into a game is pretty quick and if you die you can start another round in minutes. The game is challenging enough such that there is a lot of room for skill growth. It has just enough randomness such that each round isn’t the same, but not enough such that luck will solely win the game for you. The game easily allows you to have fun with you friends as it facilitates communicating out of necessity.
Why haven’t other battle royale games found similar success? DayZ the mod was popular for a bit. While it’s not battle royale per se it’s more of a survival game. There are many unfun factors in it. Spawning with nothing and items were hard to come by, if I recall correctly.. No one played on night time servers. Rarely any vehicles around forcing you to run everywhere. It also had the bulky realism of Arma. DayZ the game hasn’t fared much better. Its development has been slow and has been in early access for ages now.
H1Z1;:KotK I hear is more arcadey and while the game works, it’s not being supported very well by its developers. On the other hand the PUBG developers are doing very well with the game and have been constantly updating the game since its release. The game itself has been relatively stable despite its popularity. Its release was solid, and first impressions matter.
The game also needed to be a standalone game. Mods don’t seem to get as popular as standalone games. Valve has a history of taking popular mods and turning them into standalones. It’s worked well for them.
The game also balances realism with fun. Much of the bulkiness from Arma is gone in favor of a more fun game. The controls are not as sophisticated as Armas but that also means one doesn’t have to spend hours just learning controls.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Martino: Atlanta United showdown vs. RBNY "most important game of season"
September 29, 20189:00AM EDT
MARIETTA, Ga. — Atlanta United holds a four-point lead in the Supporters’ Shield race over Eastern Conference rivals New York Red Bulls, and with only four matches remaining in the season, the clash on Sunday (1 pm ET | ESPN – Full TV & Streaming Info) between these two teams at the top of the standings in MLS has become one that could prove decisive. And no one appears timid to say it.
“For me, it’s our most important game of the season, and it can define lots of things for us,” said Atlanta manager Gerardo “Tata” Martino through a translator Friday. “I don’t think [Red Bulls head coach Chris] Armas has changed much. I think they still play the same formation, the same pressing style and the same intensity.”
Atlanta’s star Argentine center back added that it’s not just the Supporters’ Shield that’s on the line.
“I agree with [Martino], that for the history of the club, it’s one of the most important games,” Leandro Gonzalez Pirez told reporters Friday. “It’s a big step for the Supporters’ Shield and for the Concacaf Champions League too. We have these two objectives and we’ll try to [achieve] them.”
Atlanta are set to clinch a Concacaf Champions League place with a win. President Darren Eales has made it a point of emphasis that Atlanta United wishes to compete on the biggest, most-visible stages possible and achieve things no other MLS club has accomplished. Champions League qualification would be the first step in that process.
Atlanta United captain Michael Parkhurst said that while the pressure of the game is on Red Bulls, the intensity will make it feel like a playoff battle.
“These Eastern Conference games down the stretch, and this one in particular, will absolutely feel like a playoff game,” Parkhurst told media this week. “[The Red Bulls] will know that if they lose the game, we’re very, very close to winning the shield. They’re still trying to secure a first-round bye, so it’s a big game, an important game, and it’s going to be fun.”
After Atlanta’s 2-0 win Saturday against Real Salt Lake, Martino admitted that even a point earned this weekend would be important for Atlanta, leaving them four points ahead with only three games remaining — two of which are at home for the Five Stripes. But despite this fact, Julian Gressel said Atlanta will still come out looking to play their usual style and hope to manage a result.
“We don’t have to be worried about going out and tying or losing the game in the first five or 10 minutes,” Gressel said Friday. “The reality is that they have to win the game in order to make it really tight again. Like Tata said, a tie is a pretty decent result for us because they’re eventually going to run out of games if they don’t win.”
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MLSsoccer.com News
Martino: Atlanta United showdown vs. RBNY “most important game of season” was originally published on 365 Football
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