#desktop support engineer
Eric Manns Georgia Teaches The Principles Of Leading A Prosperous Life
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Socializing is an important aspect and running a successful business makes it difficult. This is not the case with Eric Manns Georgia. He balances his professional life as a network engineer with his personal life by inspiring those around him through social media and other channels. He is a successful businessman who is respected for both the quality of his job and the welfare of his staff.
His popularity among his fans can be attributed to his helpful performance and willingness to listen to others. Eric Manns Atlanta uses Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to share his opinions and inspire everyone.Young people keep themselves informed with the real videos that Eric Manns uploads. His exceptional video-making talent is what primarily draws in viewers from all around the world.
His inspirational videos have a beneficial effect on many people all over the world
With his seven years of experience in system administration and support networks, he rose to fame as a motivator. Eric Dewayne Manns is well recognized for his enthusiasm for his work, which makes him an expert in networking and enables him to develop motivational films in the most entertaining manner possible to keep viewers interested.
One of the most attractive men alive, Eric Dewayne Manns of Georgia also has a brilliant creative mind that produces thought-provoking videos and slides. Eric Manns Atlanta takes time in the video editing process to ensure that viewers receive engaging information with each new video that explores novel topics for the viewer. He consistently receives acclaim for his selfless work toward society.
Eric Manns Georgia has a thirst for weight lifting in addition to his passion for his vocation. Those who enjoy lifting weights because he provides excellent advice on building muscle follow him. Once you start to follow him, you will gain access to a special session that sets training objectives for weight lifters.He takes everything seriously, seeks novel approaches, and shares them with his followers so that they can also gain fresh insights.
About Eric Dewayne Manns of Georgia
With a Master of Science from the University of Maryland, Eric Dewayne Manns of Georgia stays current with his surroundings and uses that information to create videos for the public to assist them to live more enticing lives. He earned all of his notoriety via hard work and talent, which also enabled him to overcome challenges and inspire those around him.
Followed For More :- https://twitter.com/EricManns4
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jobsearchwebs · 2 years
Desktop Support/ IT support engineer - Pune
Desktop Support/ IT support engineer – Pune
Source : LinkedIn Job Category : Airline Jobs Job Role : Full Time Salary : As per industry Qualification : Any Graduate Apply Now : Click Here #Desktop #Support #support #engineer #Pune
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Microland Limited | Desktop Support Engineers | Gurgaon | jobs
Microland Limited | Desktop Support Engineers | Gurgaon | jobs
Home >> Gurgaon Jobs >> Microland Limited Job Details Company: Microland Limited Website: http://www.microland.com Experiance: 6 Months to 1 Yrs Hiring Process: Interview Job role: Desktop Support Engineers Walk-In Date: 13th to 16th May 2014@ 2 PM to 5 PMVenue: Microland Limited, Ground Floor, No. 6 and 7 Palm Court, Sector 14, 20/4 Sukrali Chowk, Opp. Huda Park Gurgaon. Get Placement…
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changes · 10 months
Friday, July 28th, 2023
🌟 New
We’ve updated the text for the blog setting that said it would “hide your blog from search results”. Unfortunately, we’ve never been able to guarantee hiding content from search crawlers, unless they play nice with the standard prevention measures of robots.txt and noindex. With this in mind, we’ve changed the text of that setting to be more accurate, insofar as we discourage them, but cannot prevent search indexing. If you want to completely isolate your blog from the outside internet and require only logged in folks to see your blog, then that’s the separate “Hide [blog] from people without an account” setting, which does prevent search engines from indexing your blog.
When creating a poll on the web, you can now have 12 poll options instead of 10. Wow.
For folks using the Android app, if you get a push notification that a blog you’re subscribed to has a new post, that push will take you to the post itself, instead of the blog view.
For those of you seeing the new desktop website layout, we’ve eased up the spacing between columns a bit to hopefully make things feel less cramped. Thanks to everyone who sent in feedback about this! We’re still triaging more feedback as the experiment continues.
🛠 Fixed
While experimenting with new dashboard tab configuration options, we accidentally broke dashboard tabs that had been enabled via Tumblr Labs, like the Blog Subs tab. We’ve rolled back that change to fix those tabs.
We’ve fixed more problems with how we choose what content goes into blogs’ RSS feeds. This time we’ve fixed a few issues with how answer post content is shown as RSS items.
We’ve also fixed some layout issues with the new desktop website navigation, especially glitches caused when resizing the browser window.
Fixed a visual glitch in the new activity redesign experiment on web that was making unread activity items difficult to read in some color palettes.
Fixed a bug in Safari that was preventing mature content from being blurred properly.
When using Tumblr on a mobile phone browser, the hamburger menu icon will now have an indicator when you have an unread ask or submission in your Inbox.
🚧 Ongoing
Nothing to report here today.
🌱 Upcoming
We hear it’s crab day tomorrow on Tumblr. 🦀
We’re working on adding the ability to reply to posts as a sideblog! We’re just getting started, so it may be a little while before we run an experiment with it.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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yukipri · 3 days
Some thoughts on Cara
So some of you may have heard about Cara, the new platform that a lot of artists are trying out. It's been around for a while, but there's been a recent huge surge of new users, myself among them. Thought I'd type up a lil thing on my initial thoughts.
First, what is Cara?
From their About Cara page:
Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists. With the widespread use of generative AI, we decided to build a place that filters out generative AI images so that people who want to find authentic creatives and artwork can do so easily. Many platforms currently accept AI art when it’s not ethical, while others have promised “no AI forever” policies without consideration for the scenario where adoption of such technologies may happen at the workplace in the coming years. The future of creative industries requires nuanced understanding and support to help artists and companies connect and work together. We want to bridge the gap and build a platform that we would enjoy using as creatives ourselves. Our stance on AI: ・We do not agree with generative AI tools in their current unethical form, and we won’t host AI-generated portfolios unless the rampant ethical and data privacy issues around datasets are resolved via regulation. ・In the event that legislation is passed to clearly protect artists, we believe that AI-generated content should always be clearly labeled, because the public should always be able to search for human-made art and media easily.
Should note that Cara is independently funded, and is made by a core group of artists and engineers and is even collaborating with the Glaze project. It's very much a platform by artists, for artists!
Should also mention that in being a platform for artists, it's more a gallery first, with social media functionalities on the side. The info below will hopefully explain how that works.
Next, my actual initial thoughts using it, and things that set it apart from other platforms I've used:
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1) When you post, you can choose to check the portfolio option, or to NOT check it. This is fantastic because it means I can have just my art organized in my gallery, but I can still post random stuff like photos of my cats and it won't clutter things. You can also just ramble/text post and it won't affect the gallery view!
2) You can adjust your crop preview for your images. Such a simple thing, yet so darn nice.
3) When you check that "Add to portfolio," you get a bunch of additional optional fields: Title, Field/Medium, Project Type, Category Tags, and Software Used. It's nice that you can put all this info into organized fields that don't take up text space.
4) Speaking of text, 5000 character limit is niiiiice. If you want to talk, you can.
5) Two separate feeds, a "For You" algorithmic one, and "Following." The "Following" actually appears to be full chronological timeline of just folks you follow (like Tumblr). Amazing.
6) Now usually, "For You" being set to home/default kinda pisses me off because generally I like curating my own experience, but not here, for this handy reason: if you tap the gear symbol, you can ADJUST your algorithm feed!
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So you can choose what you see still!!! AMAZING. And, again, you still have your Following timeline too.
7) To repeat the stuff at the top of this post, its creation and intent as a place by artists, for artists. Hopefully you can also see from the points above that it's been designed with artists in mind.
8) No GenAI images!!!! There's a pop up that says it's not allowed, and apparently there's some sort of detector thing too. Not sure how reliable the latter is, but so far, it's just been a breath of fresh air, being able to scroll and see human art art and art!
To be clear, Cara's not perfect and is currently pretty laggy, and you can get errors while posting (so far, I've had more success on desktop than the mobile app), but that's understandable, given the small team. They'll need time to scale. For me though, it's a fair tradeoff for a platform that actually cares about artists.
Currently it also doesn't allow NSFW, not sure if that'll change given app store rules.
As mentioned above, they're independently funded, which means the team is currently paying for Cara itself. They have a kofi set up for folks who want to chip in, but it's optional. Here's the link to the tweet from one of the founders:
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And a reminder that no matter that the platform itself isn't selling our data to GenAI, it can still be scraped by third parties. Protect your work with Glaze and Nightshade!
Anyway, I'm still figuring stuff out and have only been on Cara a few days, but I feel hopeful, and I think they're off to a good start.
I hope this post has been informative!
Lastly, here's my own Cara if you want to come say hi! Not sure at all if I'll be active on there, but if you're an artist like me who is keeping an eye out for hopefully nice communities, check it out!
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effira · 2 months
Hey, you!
Is your computer and/or mobile phone dry?
Would you like it not to be?
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So I made a Rainmaker shimeji! Download and installation instructions under the cut!
You will need:
A Windows computer
A .zip and .rar software. like winrar or 7zip or whatever, doesn't matter.
The latest version of Java 8
Basic knowledge of how to unzip and move files on your computer
Download the .zip file
Unzip it wherever you like
Open the folder and make a shortcut to "shimeji-ee.jar"
Move this shortcut to your desktop
Double click the shortcut
There she is!
If shimeji-ee.jar doesn't want to open and instead prompts you to use winrar, right click it and change the application you prefer to open it with to Java
This Shimeji was made for Shimeji-ee. I cannot guarantee it will work with other software.
Make a new subfolder in the /img/ folder of your shimeji software. Title it "rainmaker". Or anything else, I'm not your dad.
Download the .zip file
Extract it wherever you want
Copy all the images from my .zip file's /img folder into the shimejiee/img/rainmaker subfolder
Copy the "conf" folder from my zip file into the shimejiee/img/rainmaker subfolder
Open shimeji-ee.jar
Right click on the app icon, and go to settings -> Choose Shimeji
Select Rainmaker
You will need:
A shimeji app that supports custom shimeji. I prefer this one:
A file explorer for your phone, if it did not come preloaded with one.
Download my zip file
Unzip it somewhere you'll be able to find it
In the app, create a new shimeji. Direct the file to the /img/ folder of your extracted zip file
Mess around with the animations a bit if you'd like -- this app can mess up the frame order for some animations but it's fixed pretty easily.
Spawn her in.
You're done! Have fun throwing her away from your keyboard every 2 seconds while you text.
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multidimensionalsock · 9 months
Games engines and their pricings for Indie Devs
Based on Unitys recent changes to their pricing model, I thought it would be useful to put together a list of different game making softwares and their pricing models to compare which would be best for you.
Programming language: C++ and visual scripting.
Dimensions: 3D, VR and AR
Platforms: all platforms
Standard license: free to use, pay 5% of your revenue over $1 million over the lifetime of the game, due each quarter (as long as the game is still for sale or generates more them $10k per quarter)
Enterprise: $1.5k+ per seat per year, includes premium support and private training and/or custom licensing terms
Custom licenses: larger developers can renegotiate with epic for lower or waived royalty fees.
More about their licensing here
Programming language: GML and visual scripting
Dimensions: 2D
Gamemaker doesn't require any royalties made off of your game no matter which license youre on.
Free: access to gamemaker and export that can only be used on their games website (GX.games)
Creator: access to game maker, GX export and desktop export $4.99 a month
Indie: access to the above with web and mobile exports, $9.99 a month.
Enterprise: all of the above but with console exports as well $79.99 a month.
Programming languages: GDScript, C# and C++
Dimensions: 2D, 3D, AR and VR
Platforms: Not able to port to console due to it being open source unless you develop it yourself or via a third party.
Royalty free and free at point of purchase.
RPG maker
Programming language: Java and visual scripting
Dimensions: 3D (in some), 2D
Platforms: windows, mac, web
Doesn't ask for royalties from games, has a 20 day free trial. RPG maker MZ costs £66.99 initial purchase, costs may vary by which engine you buy.
Programming language: C++
Dimensions: 2D, 3D, VR and AR.
Platforms: Windows, Linux, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, OSVR, PSVR, and HTC Vive. Mobile support is in development.
5% royalty fee over $5k a year, free to download and use.
Programming languages: C++, C#, Lua and javascript
Dimensions: 2D
Platforms: android, mac, linux, and win32.
Free to use, no royalties
Cocos creator
Programming languages: TypeScript and JavaScript
Dimensions: 2D and 3D
Platforms: IOS, android, windows, mac, HTML5
Free to use, no royalties
Programming languages: Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT
Dimensions: 2D and 3D
Platforms: PlayStation®4, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, Windows, Steam, HTML5, Facebook, Q3 2023 PlayStation®5, Q2 2024 XBox
Free to use, no royalties
Dimensions: 2D
Programming languages: JavaScript or TypeScript
Platforms: Web (HTML5)
Free to use, no royalties
Programming language: C#
Platforms: all platforms
Dimensions: 2D, 3D, VR and AR
Edit: unity has changed their policy you can see the new one here
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pancakeke · 5 months
I regularly see posts bemoaning that people don't reblog art as much as they used to on tumblr (which is untrue. people have been baselessly claiming reblogging is decreasing since I joined back in 2011). I have never in my life seen a post where anyone shared an explanation for how to discover art to reblog though. I made one myself once but it got no traction (and also some of the search tricks in it don't work nowadays so don't use it as a reference anymore lol).
this sentiment without ever offering any sort of additional supportive information always makes me think that the ultimate goal of the OP is to guilt people reblogging THEIR art specifically. like I think if anyone was actually interested in changing user behavior they'd at least make a passing mentions of how to utilize key site functions that would facilitate more reblogging.
(tags, queue, post search, tag search, blog archive, differences between desktop and mobile functions, the fact that hiding your blog from search engine indexing makes you not show up in tumblr's searches and also disable's your blog's own search)
I have been meaning to put together a tumblr etiquette, information, and misinformation guide for a while now. I need to start using an actual PC so it's not a huge pain in the dick to format and source everything.
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userbru · 2 years
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theme twenty-five ♡ by userbru
live preview | code | support me on ko-fi?
540px posts
2 sidebars
left sidebar: 300px sidebar image, title and subtitle, custom desktop description, 4 links
right sidebar: 100px avatar image, pop up about button, direct message redirect button, pop up search button w/ entries 
slide in about + navigation tab 
fade in effect
full list of credits and terms in the code.
recommend reseting your code before installing this theme
i am accepting theme commissions. for more information, dm me on here or on @natalia-dyer​.
to make sure the pop up box for the search engine works, on the basic customizations tab in your customize page, scroll down to “Pop Up” and type: #!” class=“click. IMPORTANT: TYPE IT OUT!! don’t copy paste.
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and if you want to change the sidebar links icons, head to cappuccicons.com, find the icon you want, and on the html (under ), ctrl+f, find the icon you want to replace and on the line of code replace the name of the icon with the new one you want (keep the hyphens).
if you need any help with the customization of the theme or any issues, shoot me a message and i’ll help you!
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melonnabar · 1 year
Here goes my first ramblings about the JLI.
They are all in college btw! Well, university technically, but uni and college are the same in the United States anyway. They go to Gotham State University btw!
Starting with good ol’ BOOSTER!!
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His major is gonna be in Media Communications!! Mainly because in the comics he is such a big sucker for self advertising and literally anything to do with socializing and/or public relations!
He’s also the star quarterback for the university’s football team! Booster and Guy r frat boys together,,
Apparently GSU’s football team is called the FUCKIN Gotham Knights in canon??
Booster roomies with Ted too (haha “and they were roommates”)!! I’ll talk more about these two when I get to Ted’s part.
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I feel like Teddy would major in MET (Mechanical Engineering Technology)!! It’s not hands on as regular mech engineering as it mainly focuses on development n testing w manufacturing support and it’s kinda right up Ted’s alley because of that
Back to Booster and Ted being roommates! They are both juniors in college with Ted being older as his birthday is May 10th while Booster’s is December 29th.
Booster bitching about Ted staying up all night during midterms and having his desktop brightness maxed out while he’s trying to sleep, or ranting to Guy whenever Ted forgets to take care of himself and makes an absolute mess in their dorm n leaving Booster to clean it up for him (he complains but he actually likes taking care of Ted lmao)
Or more domestic interactions,, like Booster and Ted binge watching shitty comedies (or those REAL garbage high school musical types) and getting drunk off their ass while munching on some leftover pizza n passing out all tangled up in the living room.
My friend and I were on discord call yesterday and we were discussing the JLI BOYBAND stuff. He said that Booster would constantly have to find a sub in for drums because Ted sometimes ends up getting swamped with work from his major but would end up placing the band on hiatus because he doesn’t wanna perform without Ted.
Whenever they have their petty arguments and ignore each other I’d like to think Booster crashes over at Scott’s place until Barda kicks him out for staying too long and forces him to make up w Ted,,
Tbh I can’t wait to draw more of this AU,,
Have some pics of casual boostle also!
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Eric Dewayne Manns - The Most Dynamic Person in the World
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Let me introduce you to the most dynamic person in the world, Eric Dewayne Manns from Atlanta, Georgia. You can't help but like him and want to be around him. Eric's is a Network Engineer, Business Manager, Tech-Savvy, Weightlifting Aficionado, and a Family Man. With all of this being said, it would be fair to say that Eric is the type of guy you'd want to be around on a daily basis.
I think I can speak for most people when I say that no one is as excited about the new year as I am; I am looking forward to 2022, and I am looking forward to what Eric Manns will bring to the table.
At first, when some people heard that Eric was going to write an article on his personal blog they were sceptical. Some people believe that writing articles doesn't have anything significant in it, but once they get into the content they realize how amazing his articles are. Eric Manns knows how to get the crowd going, and he's able to do it by writing articles that are very educational and value driven.
Eric Manns is the type of person who will go above and beyond to help you in any way possible. He can be your shoulder when you need it, or he can be your partner when you want someone to attend an event with you; he'll give it his all. Eric has one of the largest network infrastructures in the world, and no one is surprised about that because Eric is able to multi-task with ease; he's able to work on an ongoing basis without having to stop working in order for him to feel refreshed.
Eric Manns is incredibly intelligent, and knowledgeable, and is able to put things into perspective in a way that helps you understand things on a deeper level. As I have said before, he's a very educated individual and is able to identify problems as well as solutions in multiple circumstances; he's capable of being flexible when needed. Eric Manns has been able to apply his knowledge at the highest level of business throughout his lifetime, and this includes being able to take advantage of what network engineers have to offer.
Followed For More:-
Twitter: - https://twitter.com/EricManns4
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tarisilmarwen · 11 months
RobStar Week 2023, Day 1 - Interstellar Politics
(Set sometime early in my headcanoned Robin and Starfire's pre-Titans Tower shared apartment days.)
Robin stared at the door to her bedroom for a long moment, listening to the sound of the shower going in her separate bathroom.
How long could a girl wash her hair, exactly? Starfire had told him she would only be "a few minutes" but it had been at least fifteen now and he was beginning to wonder if her internal Tamaranian-to-English translator had a different definition of "minute".
He sighed, and just turned away to go sit on the couch. Morning sunlight was slowly filtering into the room; their apartment faced west towards the ocean so they could only get ambient light through the windows.
Robin flipped open his red cover laptop. While he was waiting he might as well take care of a few things.
Specifically something that they probably should have done that first day. It had been complicated enough just getting Starfire signed onto his lease with the complex, moving him out of the single bedroom to the two bedroom, that all the other legal paperwork they had to take care of had completely slipped his mind.
He downloaded one of the basic forms he knew they needed before remembering they didn't have a printer. Giving a groaning sigh he copied the document to a USB drive before accessing the secure encrypted messaging program on his desktop.
It took a moment or two to connect to the other end.
The program opened a video call window. A green humanoid face greeted him.
Red eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then delighted affection. "Hello Robin," the person on the other end greeted. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"
Robin let a smile ghost his lips. "Hey J'onn," he said. In spite of the current tension between him and Batman, the rest of the League had been nothing but supportive and concerned about him since his move. He'd had the access codes to the Watchtower's frequency since day one, though he had never used them. Robin tried to think how to begin. "Um... We had a Code 5 over here in Jump, alien warship. Turned it back with a bit of help," he explained.
"I know. We were monitoring the situation," the Martian Manhunter told him, tapping at something on the keyboard on his end.
"Yeah I'm sure you were," Robin muttered under his breath. Still the League's baby kid brother, he supposed. He took a breath, drawing up his composure. "I need a favor. Well," he amended, "a few favors, actually."
J'onn leaned forward, attentive and listening.
Starfire exited the car with much nervous trepidation. Her fingers wrung together in front of her as she tilted her eyes up towards the austere-looking government building.
The Lantern that had been driving, a stern-looking man with dark skin and hair, shut off the engine and exited the vehicle, while Robin scooted down the seat and came out the same door she had, taking up a place by her side and touching her elbow in a manner she found quite reassuring.
She turned towards him and managed a smile.
"I apologize," she said, stumbling over the contraction of the word in her head but managing to pronounce it well enough. "We do not have procedures like this on my planet."
"Well," Robin said, beginning to lead her up the stairs towards the door, "it's not for the whole planet, just this particular country." He alerted to something, eyes jerking up towards the sky, breaking into a wonderful smile. "Right on time," he said.
Curious, Starfire looked up, gasping softly as with a whoosh of cloth and displaced air, a flying man in red and blue came down from the sky to join them.
Starfire stared with a bit of awe at the human-looking man, who had a kind face and warm blue eyes, and whose whole demeanor put her at ease, confident and open and friendly.
"Hello Starfire," he said to her, smiling broadly. "They call me Superman. I'm an alien too." He gestured up the steps, towards the oaken doors. "Let's get you all registered and squared away, shall we? I promise, it won't take that long."
Heart thudding, Starfire just followed him and the Lantern up the steps, staying close to Robin's side. All her nerves felt like thin wire fire, but Robin's friends seemed assured and calm so she supposed she could be too.
"What planet is he from?" she whispered at Robin, as the one called 'Superman' held the door open for them.
"Krypton," Robin whispered back.
"Oh... our tutors spoke about the disaster..." she said, eyes pinching with sympathy. "The records claim there were no survivors."
Robin chuckled, and the sound was delightful music to her heart. "Not quite," he told her.
They had passed through the entrance lobby and made it to the service desks now, a wide, open space filled with partially divided offices, and Starfire couldn't help but notice the strange bewildered looks they were getting, people staring at them openly as they made their way through to a particular desk.
The attendant manning it hung up from whatever phone conversation she'd been having, brightening and turning a beaming smile up at them.
"USCIS of Jump City, my name is Sandra, how can I help..." She trailed off, apparently suddenly realizing who was standing before her. "...you?" she finished, much more timidly than before.
The Lantern, the Superman, and Robin all looked back at her.
Swallowing, Starfire found her voice.
"I wish to... declare asylum?" she said, hesitant. She glanced aside questioningly at Robin, checking with him.
He nodded, smiling encouragingly.
The clerk looked the group up and down, gawking, wide-eyed like she was staring down a charging Ragthok. "Uhhhhhhhhh..." she drew out for a long... long moment.
Starfire flushed a bit, embarrassed.
After a minute or two the clerk seemed to kick herself back into operation. "Sure. Okay," she said, sounding not especially confident. "Do you have a Form I-589?" she asked.
From somewhere on his person, the Superman produced it.
"Right here," he said. Not missing a beat he added, "We're also going to need an I-718. And the DHS is going to want to file their own report, possibly conduct a remote interview." He withdrew a scrap of paper, handing it to the bewildered clerk. "I have the contact information for an agent in the Outworlds Threats department right here."
Reeling slightly, the woman could only mutter a soft, "Okay... one moment please," before turning and getting up from her desk on wobbly legs, going over to what Starfire could only assume was a superior and conversing with him seriously.
Starfire's face flamed hot and she ducked her head, embarrassed to be causing such a problem for the nice young woman.
Robin noticed, and his hand found the small of her back, gloved fingers touching there with reassurance.
Starfire's spine flared with warm tingles, and she couldn't look at the boy, her heart turning in funny flips inside her.
She was so grateful to him for doing this. She wanted to stay on this planet, at least until it might be safe to return to Tamaran, and he had been so kind and understanding and diligent to make that happen. She was utterly lost as to what the correct procedure was, how best to respect the laws of the country she'd landed in, and Robin had been ever-present at answering her questions, explaining things to her with magnanimous patience.
She wished she could repay him.
"Hey," he said, and she glanced towards him from the corner of her eye, "don't worry. The League will take care of everything. They've done this a bunch of times before." Robin nodded towards the Superman. "Heck, Superman helped invent half of these procedures."
Tension in her back eased out, the girl relaxing slightly. "That is good to know," she admitted.
The clerk wandering back to the desk drew all of their attention, and Robin's hand dropped away from her back, to Starfire's slight disappointment.
"Okay!" the clerk said breathily, voice slightly strained, holding out a stapled stack of papers to the adults. She still looked out of her depth but her tone was nothing but professional as she instructed, "Please complete the I-718 to the best of your ability while we wait to get in touch with the agent at the Outworlds Threats Department." She slid another paper off her desk, glancing first towards Starfire and then each of her three escorts. "Is there anyone willing to fill out an Affidavit of Character for you?" she asked.
"I'll do it," Robin immediately volunteered, stepping forward and taking the form at once.
From then there was a bit of rustling for pens and the scratch of ink on paper. Starfire nudged Robin for clarification on a few items, and he whispered explanations, as the Lantern leaned against the desk, and Superman chatted up the clerk's superior.
The quiet hum of the office and soft muted voices were a pleasant white noise, until the phone on the clerk's desk startled them with a sharp ring.
"Let me get this straight..." sighed the DHS agent on the other end of the line. They were in a backroom now, the video conference call with the government office in Washington D.C. piped in on a large projector screen from the computer. The graying older man rubbed his temples wearily. "You helped an alien prisoner of war escape custody and blew up the ship transporting her, stranding about thirty hostile alien soldiers on Earth?"
"They were taking her to be a slave!" Robin burst indignantly, visibly fuming.
"And we didn't strand the Gordanians," Green Lantern said, as stern and unflappable as ever. "The League rounded them all up and delivered them back to their homeworld by eighteen hundred hours after the incident."
"So all we've risked is pulling Earth into the middle of some far off intergalactic war," grumbled the agent.
"The Gordanians started it when they threatened to blow up the city!" Robin protested. "That's an act of aggression against a neutral party!"
Starfire watched his agitated gestures as he defended her with mixed amusement and appreciation. She still couldn't wrap her head around him. How could he be so certain about her that he'd risk his planet's safety? Why was he just so nice?
Superman gently put a hand on Robin's shoulder, nudging him aside. "What Robin means," he corrected indulgently, "is that The Citadel provoked hostilities first. Earth is protected under the Sector 23 Neutral Act. By setting foot on the planet, the Gordanians forfeited any legal protection against retaliatory self-defense actions undertaken by any parties on Earth."
"I know what the act says..." the agent grumbled.
"Then you'll remember that Earth is sanctioned as an asylum world under the jurisdiction and enforcement of the Guardians of Oa," Green Lantern told the government agent calmly. "If The Citadel wants to beef with Earth, they're going to have the entire Lantern network unilaterally declaring war on them."
The agent accepted that with a tired sigh. "What about this... Tamaran?" he asked, now sidling a suspicious look towards Starfire. "What's to say the Citadel won't resume hostilities against the planet? My understanding is that Starfire here is part of a ceasefire truce."
Robin was stepping forward again, but Starfire preempted him, secretly thrilling at his gumption. "If I may?" she said. She clasped hands in front of herself, respectfully. "The ceasefire may not have been legitimate anyway. The one who negotiated it was not the heir. My people have held the Gordanians at bay for over five years. I am certain they would not hesitate to fight back should the Gordanians break their agreement."
"I see." The man shifted back in his seat. "Well, let me inform the Secretary of Defense and we'll see what he says."
The screen blipped off, going black.
"This could take a while," Robin admitted, turning to her. "Want to get some ice cream?" he offered.
She tilted her head. "What is ice cream?"
Starfire and Robin looked up from their cups of delightfully sweet strawberry cream as the doors squeaked open. Starfire stuck her spoon in the little cardboard bowl and rose from the steps, eyes anxious as Superman and Green Lantern exited.
The Kryptonian smiled. "Well, they have some paperwork to finalize and a few processing fees they'll bill to the League treasury, along with the ASC fingerprinting appointment, but it looks like you're squared away. Your asylum request has been rubber stamped."
Light and firecrackers bubbled inside her chest. "I may stay?!" Her feet left the steps as she squealed happily, whirling around towards Robin. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she cried, throwing her arms around him and scooping him up, hugging him tightly as she lifted him.
"Hhnhh!" was all Robin could manage, teeth locked in a grimace and face turning purple.
"Uh, careful," Superman cautioned her, quickly taking her arms to get her to set the Boy Wonder down and release him.
Confused, Starfire stepped back, looking with some alarm as Robin doubled over, heaving and holding his stomach. "Robin?" she called in concern.
"I'm okay!" he managed to strain, voice wheezing. He gave a couple harsh coughs, which seemed to belie that.
Superman patted Starfire's shoulder. "Pull your strength," he told her. "Something I learned very quickly living here is that humans are very fragile."
"Ohhh..." Starfire said, putting embarrassed hands over her face. She immediately rushed over to Robin's side, checking him over for injuries.
Green Lantern watched her fretting, Robin waving her off, still heaving for breath, and let his face crack with a smile. The Tamarian princess fussed like a worried girlfriend, and the blush on the Boy Wonder's cheeks as she touched him all over was undeniable.
"Ah, young love," he commented, thoroughly amused.
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npcdeath · 9 months
i use an ancient version of the android tumblr app from here. the oldest my current phone could support was, and i went into the settings to turn off auto-update. the way to do that might depend a little depending on what phone you have. id say google it but google pretty much only returns ads and seo scammers at this point, so set duckduckgo as your new default search engine and use that to find out instead. i still get shown sponsored posts and a "hey, update the app!" reminder at the bottom from time to time, but its leagues better than the current horseshit (polls will not work though). sorry iphone users but have you considered not being iphone users
on desktop (firefox) im using xkit rewritten as well as stylus + this theme to revert to the old dashboard format. whenever theres an annoying promo thing that makes it through anyway, i just manually get rid of it with ublock origins element zapper. i also turn off endless scrolling (settings -> dashboard) because its much easier to keep your place on the dash that way.
i havent used tumblr in its vanilla unedited state since the days of the missing e extension so this is par for the course for me personally
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luyepiaofeng · 9 months
˖⁺‧₊˚✦ ways to make your laptop aesthetic feat. some extensions, websites & apps for students
i created this cause i found some time to finally upgrade and properly personalise my laptop, it took me almost an entire day watching youtube videos, researching for these and setting them up. so... i'm basically posting this for myself lol, but i also feel like sharing cause these are actually really good hehe
i'm using a windows laptop but i think most of these should work on mac too. most of these are free but there are maybe like less than five that require to be paid.
those that are marked with an asterisk (*) are the ones that i'm currently using while others are recommended or alternatives!
here is what my home screen looks like now:
Tumblr media
i. screen saver
fliqlo (ios & win) * flipit (win, an inspired & alt ver of ^) flix clock (mac & web, paid ver comes with colours other than black) aura gradient clock (mac & web) retro anime desk clock (mac) flocus (web) * studywithme (web) note: remember to right-click the file and select "install", then ensure that the wait time (e.g: 5 mins) is less than your "turn off your screen" and "put my device to sleep after" (e.g: both 15 mins) in power settings
ii. tab themes
kluk: a clock tab theme * angry study helper: a tab theme that gets angy at u whenever u open a new tab gratitutab: a minimalistic tab theme that works as a to-do list prioritab: a tab theme that shows priorities that u had set for the day, week, and month
iii. extensions
tldr this: summarizes long docs, websites, articles, etc. with just a click * paperpanda: download research papers by clicking on it, it searches on domains like google scholar, semanticscholar, aodoi, and more * coffeelings: mainly a mood tracker that also saves mini journal entries colorzilla: an eyedropper colour picker * whatfont: click on it and hover on any text to show what font it is * mybib: an apa, mla, harvard, and more styles citation generator * read aloud: a tts reader that supports more than 40+ languages * notion web clipper: creates a website into a bookmark into notion * noisli: lets u listen to relaxing playlist while u study/work
iv. websites
lofi.cafe i miss the office i miss my cafe i miss my bar i miss my library a soft murmur patatap tomato timers animedoro lifeat coolors blush designs untools fontjoy zenpen decision maker museum of endangered sounds future me
v. apps
virtual cottage chill corner notion *
vi. rainmeter skins
mond * lano visualizer amatical * small clean weather animated * ageo sonder * cloudy harmattan note: if you're new to rainmeter, it can be a bit overwhelming, u may check out this short and simple tutorial on it, make sure to read the instructions if you're using complicated skins like weather (may require u to edit in txt), i also highly rec watching techrifle's videos
vii. misc.
wallpaper engine * (highly rec getting from chillhop) my live wallpaper (free alt of ^) translucenttb * roundedtb note: u can disable your shortcut icons to be invisible by right-clicking on your home screen, go to "view", and untick "show desktop icons", this is optional and i would always enable it whenever i'm working and gaming for easier access, i also set the icons to small
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fruttymoment · 10 months
Whoa linux user
Do you have a guide on how to switch to it? I have zero coding knowledge (i think that's required) and I trust you with my life
I perfectly understand the "linux is scary and requires very big brain and coding its too hard to use!" thought coming from a Windows/Mac guy, i really do! But in the end, a linux distro is just a computer kernel that also has a desktop environment and just does what you want it to do like an operating system
Coding on linux is not required. Linux has so many distros at this point that designed to be beginner friendly, requiring "no knowledge but TO gain knowledge while using it"
The linux terminal is the thing that scares most of the users, but trust me once you get used to it you'll realize how efficent it is to operate your computer and do certain tasks from THE terminal instead! In the end, the cold looking white text with black background terminals are the REAL face of computers. Desktop environment is made so EVERYONE can use computers!
The terminal of gnu/linux uses the bash language. In a nutshell, it is pretty easy to learn basic commands actually!
Super beginner friendly linux distros are designed for people (YOUU) who has no experience whatsoever with linux! They are designed and engineered so you dont have to use the terminal much! For example, Linux Mint is the best distro you should start with. It looks and feels like Windows, even! And Mint does not require much terminal usage. That is also their mission, to make an linux distro friendly enough that no terminal usage is needed!
As easy as this sounds, i actually do not recommend staying this far away from the linux terminal. Please start with Linux Mint if you gonna, its just the best for beginners, but also please dont avoid the terminal much! The linux terminal is important to learn because it also teaches you how a computer really works, and certain operations are much more efficent to do via terminal anyway!
Push yourself to interact with the terminal, even. Learn very basic commands like "shutdown now" , and the "sudo" privilege and how it works (linux always asks your password while doing stuff and you also cant do muc without the sudo privileges!)
"sudo" is the command that gives you the REAL admin privileges to do ANYTHING. With your password and sudo, you can even delete your bootloader lol. Linux wont stop you
This means to be extremely careful while using sudo, though! You can do ANYTHING with sudo privileges, and that also contains accidently trashing your computer! Unlike Windows, that doesnt even let you uninstall Edge, linux has no boundries. Its like "we are gonna assume you know what you are doing."
Of course, friendly distros DO warn you on certain stuff, so dont worry too much!
So ye. U can use linux with no coding knowledge, but i dont recommend staying like that. After starting to use linux, you GOTTA let it teach you stuff!
And to the "switching to linux for the first time" part;
I recommend not deleting your main Windows, actually. For first time using linux i heavily recommend the "dual booting" , which simply means booting operating systems more than one in an computer! You can use BOTH linux and windows in thay way! Although, you need to shudown your pc if you want to switch between them and do it in the booting menu
This is because if something goes wrong, or you get very confused, just let Windows be ready in there. Only make the switch the moment when you feel you can operate linux with no issues and easily!
Dual booting basically slices your disk and creates partitions for operating systems. For example if you have an 512GB SSD, in dual booting you can slice it and make Windows use 256GB and Linux use 256GB too! Ofc u can change the numbers here (linux mimt will help u,.)
Before completely switching to linux; be aware that its a bit of a different world. Sure, very popular softwares exists in linux too but some softwares may not suppor linux. Adobe products dont support linux, for example! You can of course just emulate them with Wine software heh, but that would be a bit of a work!
Another problem will be certain online games. Online games does not like linux becuse how easy it is to manipulate the system, so they just either dont run on linux or they ban/kick you when you try to emulate it on linux
An example is Valorant. Valorant does not tun on linux!
And any online game that has a cheap anticheat system will be a problem!
With that being said, linux now supports every single game from Steam, with the Proton software. Just be careful about them online ones! If an online game natively supports linux (TF2, for example!) , it wont be a problem! Check the steam game's info thingy for it!
Oh and official Minecraft works in linux lol
Discord, Spotify etc. popular softwares also work on linux!
Linux in fact has an "app manager" software in their distros, making you install stuff with no terminal whatsoever! Think like Google Play Store but on le pc!
Anyways hehe thats it fo me bascallya! If u wanna switch to linux with no experience, start with the Linux Mint distro i say and explore it well! Tamper everything before fully installing it, dont worry about it! Linux is free. Linux does not care if you want to kill the entire system, even. Linux is freedom
Also please research the dual booting! You'll gonna be needing an 4GB+ USB for it, and a software like Rufus!
The site of Linux Mint has everything you need in detail, step by step ^^ good luck!
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max--phillips · 9 months
I was just reading the little thing about the tumblr supporter badge and uh
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So after months and months and months of us telling you we don’t want tumblr live and we don’t like this Twitter clone desktop dashboard, you want to talk about A USER-LED BUSINESS MODEL?
Perhaps consider showing us that you are capable of listening to your userbase before begging for money promising a user-led business model sometime in the future.
When is the future? Huh? How many badges do people have to buy in order for you to start listening to us? Can you give us a date? A number? And a concrete one that won’t keep moving back or going up? Because right now, this feels like an empty promise to take advantage of people taking you at your word so you can increase profits and keep doing whatever you want (which at the moment, appears to just be pissing off your userbase and making this website worse.)
@staff @support @wip @changes @engineering @photomatt
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