#deadly 6
star-critter · 15 hours
on the topic of zeti,another one I’m curios about is zeena!
My first instinct was to say Lesbian but when I actually gave myself a moment to think about it, she's probably Bisexual.
Bisexual with a preference to women ✨️
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pixlfr00t · 1 year
Hello!! I am PixlFr00t, otherwise known as Pixl!
I want to gather some fans of the Deadly Six (sonic lost world) and make a group chat!! I don’t have anyone to talk to that are fans of the Deadly Six, so I’d appreciate if anyone of u guys wanted to be my friend!
I don’t bite! :3
Have some D6 related art :)
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This is my Zeti oc! Their name is Zera, she is Non-binary and uses she/he/they!! He’s also Zazz’s younger cousin. (Still not sure what role she would have in the story… I’m thinking she would be a second spy or something, because sometimes Zor might be assigned a role other than spy, and then Zavok commands Zera to be the spy for the mission/day.)
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Then some school doodles of Zor, Zeena and Zazz! I forgot to draw Zor and Zeena’s lips :(
Anyways, I hope to interact w/ more D6 fans!! :D!
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moon1forever · 1 year
The deadly 6 meet the Revenge’s 5!
Request: Royhelly-Chan
Chains: thought she was adorable and asked Falcon Eye is she could keep her. ( She said no 🥲)
Blade: Thought she was cute and patted her head. She asked him a lot about his blind fold. He wasn’t able to tell her 😅
Matalio: Thought she was cute. She liked to do her hair, talked to her a lot and like the same styles
Spikes: At first didn’t know what to do but then started talking to her. They got along very well.
Clawdean: They already know each other. Being Spine sister and all but they do have a good relationship together.
Praylora: Called her tiny. But she also thinks she’s cute. Likes to teach her the art of summoning the devil. ( Got in trouble with Nun )
Spine Prince
Chains: Wanted to fight him! Thinks his abilities are cool. When they fight they make it look like a dance. ( He always wins )
Blade: They got along very well. They talk and sometimes go out to eat. They act like their brothers.
Matalio: They both liked to talk with each other. Spine talked about Jean and Lio talks about Stronghold. They get along well they both have their own issues. Anxiety buddies✨!
Spikes: They never really talked much. Spikes normally stays quiet, but when they talk they have nice conversations. Mostly about strategy games.
Clawdean: She loves his big brother! They get along very well! Here’s a little secret, when they were kids Clawdean would follow him everywhere. He found it creepy until her found out that she looks up to him and wants to be like him. He always acted on his very best around her.
Praylora: Stares at him creepily. He never gives a reaction. Which makes Lora mad a little but respects him.
Chains: Thought her ability to talk to animals is amazing! They like having chats. Falcon likes to do Chains hair.
Blade: At first thought she was interesting and now sees her as a sister. They both have their little secrets 😉
Matalio: They talked a lot. They thought each other’s abilities were amazing. Matalio likes listening to Falcon’s religion.
Spikes: Thought her ability was cool. But she didn’t say anything and stayed quiet.
Clawdean: Thinks of her as a big sister. They get along well and have sweet chats. They go to the mall to get candy so they can enjoy their evenings with each other.
Praylora: Loves her power! She’s always asking questions. Falcon eye loves it! Falcon doesn’t judge Loras creepy style of summoning demons. She finds it nice that Praylora has her own hobbies.
Chains: When she saw her ability she asked so may questions! They got along quickly. They both like causing destruction and saying dark things.
Blade: Respects her ability and gives her compliments about her ability. They have a sibling relationship.
Matalio: She could understand about feeling hurt, they don’t have the same past but the feel broken inside. So when they want to talk they have discussions about their pasts.
Spikes: Thought her ability was useful. Would talk about their favorite things todo. Mostly they like watching things burn ( mostly people 😃)
Clawdean: They like to talk with each other when their bored. They do each other’s hair and have small discussions about what they do in their free time.
Praylora: She finally found her burning buddy. They set things on fire together and they like to try and summon the Devil!
Chains: They didn’t talk much. They mostly like to train together so they can grow stronger.
Blade: They respect each other but their mostly quiet to each other.
Matalio: They like to watch tv together, they don’t really talk but they somehow communicate in their own language.
Spikes: They both never talk. Their both super quiet and barley interact. When they do they don’t talk but point. Somehow it’s like they can read each others minds.
Clawdean: Feels safe around him. He does her hair while she listens to music or reads. When Spine, Falcon or Jean is away, he takes care of her. He’s like a second big brother to her.
Praylora: Is actually scared of him! He gives her weird side glances that give her goosebumps. They don’t really interact but they work well with each other!
This took so long 😭 but it was worth it!
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jim-jams-posts · 9 months
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OZZIE ×FIZZ are the perfect couple 💗💜🩵
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angelic-waffles · 1 month
Dexter drawing/design
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martyrbat · 5 months
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variant covers – batman & the joker: the deadly duo
[ID: five black and white drawings, each of a different character from the shoulders up and from head-on. The first is Batgirl as she pulls on a glove with a slight smirk and the second is her father, Jim Gordon, with a cracked glasses lens. The third is of Batman frowning in the rain as lightning strikes behind him—his being the only one with a dark background instead of just white. The fourth picture is Harley Quinn, her hair pulled up in high but short pigtails with ugly skull pattern ribbon. She's chewing gum and has it wrapped around her index finger. The fifth is Selina Kyle holding a cat up to her cheek affectionately. END ID]
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philzasjuicyass · 4 months
I don't think the Seven Deadly Sins are Fallen Angels.
Not only do they not look like the two canonical fallen angels we've seen (Lucifer&Vaggie), but Asmodeus also says that "I've known that guy [Mammon] since the start of hell". If they were both fallen angels, I think they'd have known each other before they fell.
And there's also no inclination at any point that anyone other than Lilith and Lucifer fell, (supported by him later telling Charlie that "Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you!" in episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel?)
So, what are they then? Well, I think we've already got the answer in the show. Asmodeus is the embodiment of lust. He's not just an especially lustful demon or fallen angel or sinner; he is the literal sin of Lust given form and mind.
Of course, this leads the question of why Lucifer is a Sin when he's not an actual literal embodiment of Pride, for which I've got some ideas but nothing really backed up with evidence so I won't put them here.
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tenshiharmonia · 9 months
Here is a little something I'd like to mention in regards to the latest episode. I've seen some people being rather confused by Crimson's statement about Asmodeus being "the weakest and most non-threatening of the Sins", but this is actually something that has some basis in theology. While the exact details vary depending on what era or commentator you consider, it has indeed often been acknowledged that there is a certain hierarchy among the seven cardinal sins. Let's take a look, for example, at what seems to be one of the show's biggest inspirations when it comes to its depiction of Hell : Dante's Divine Comedy. While Inferno drops the explicit mention of the seven deadly sins after the fifth circle, introducing new kinds of evils such as violence, fraud and treachery, this hierarchy is made more apparent when we reach Purgatorio. As you may know, in Dante's vision, Purgatory takes the form of a sacred and impossibly tall mountain, with the garden of Eden at the very top. Before being allowed entrance into the kingdom of Heaven, the penitent soul must first ascend the mountain to cleanse itself of its earthly faults. Along the way, it'll come across seven terraces, each corresponding to one of the seven sins. And this is where the hierarchy becomes especially perceptible. Basically, the idea is that the terraces located near the base of the mountain - and thus the furthest away from God - are dedicated to the expiation of the most heinous of sins, while the upper ones are reserved for the lighter offenses. With that in mind, the order is as follows. The first terrace the ascending soul has to cross is for Pride, the gravest sin of all, and the one that is regarded as the source of all others. Then come Envy and Wrath. Sloth ranks fourth, not because of the sin's inherent severity, but because it allows other evils to happen. Then comes Greed and Gluttony (the former of which should be way "lower" if you ask me, but I guess it's not my call to make XD ), and finally, Lust, the last penance before reaching the holy garden at the top of the mountain. Note that this order is consistent with the first circles of Inferno : after the first circle, reserved for the virtuous but unbaptized souls, the second, third and fourth ones - where damnation truly begins - respectively punish Lust, Gluttony and Greed, while the fifth one holds the melancholics (Sloth) and the cholerics (Wrath). Now, with Lust being regarded as the "less deadly" of the deadly sins, it's only logical for Asmodeus to be regarded as the "weakest" of the seven demon lords… Anyway, that's quite a lot of words (Stolas would be delighted) to explain something that, all in all, is actually fairly simple. XD Not that I will apologize for this verbosity, but at least allow me to thank you for your attention. I hope you found this insight somewhat interesting. I have a huge fascination for this aspect of theology, and the Divine Comedy in particular is a work I hold really dear, so I wasn't going to miss an occasion to talk about it. :p With that being said, take care, everyone. :3
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its-raining-tonight · 7 months
I started httyd book 5 on the November 12th and finished on the 14th! (Info for me, I like to get track of time)
This was also an amazing one, I was totally NOT expecting that about Humongous and Valhallarama, I think that when she heard Stoick talking about him, Valharama probably felt relieved and emotional to know that he was actually alive, probably she felt guilty for his "death" maybe?
I just love THE TRIO SO MUCH
The Windwalker is so precious, must protect
I did in fact not guess that the fire-stone was not a stone 💀
And why was this epilogue so sad, I mean, the previous ones were sad too but this one 😭 Out of NOWHERE
And I started httyd book 6 on the November 15th and finished on the 16th
This one was so wholesome!
Even after the two incidents Hiccup was never upset with Toothless, I love them
CAMICAZI HAS A DRAGON YIPPEEEE and she's a mood-dragon?? I want one
No because Camicazi is so cool and brave but if I was her friend I too would be in constant anxiety, Fishlegs is such a mood fr fr
Toothless having a crush on Stormfly IT'S THE CUTEST THING DFJLSLKDKD
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the SECOND!!! I hope they talk more about him pls
And this time I didn't fail like with the fire-stone, I actually remembered how to deal with a Piffleworm ✨
I wish we've seen the friends enjoying the party, Hiccup deserves all the peace in the world 😭
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enden-k · 1 year
im so tired of being a sleepy boy
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star-critter · 8 months
Has Zavok ever taken the Bad Guy's to the Lost Hex for holiday?
I'm trying to think about how they would even get there
Guilty confession, I need to refresh myself on the Deadly 6 because I just don't do enough research on them, which is something I kinda need to do considering that's basically Zavok’s origins & stuff.
BuT aNyWaYs~
Shoving (or I guess possibly combining) both teams together, even for a short amount of time, well then you get the Deadly Ten.
Oh shit, fucking ten.
Zavok has his work cut out to lead 9 other individuals.
Like sure Master Zik & Starline both have some traits that kinda make em the co-leads, but that's still a lot of evil menaces to keep in line.
There would definitely be shenanigans. Possibly a few hyjnxs. (I don't know what kind exactly because, again, I need to refresh myself on the Deadly Six) but I'm sure things would be sorted out by the end of the day.
But dang, that would be a big cast for like a holiday one shot (imo)
I fear I might've accidentally danced around this question or not answered it in a way you wanted/expected, and to that bladedfox, I apologize in advance. I just feel really guilty for being constantly rusty on basic D6 lore. [/gen]
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applyjuicetowhat · 1 year
// CW Kay why ess joke
I like to think Striker is mute
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chilling in nancy drew games:
technology of tomorrow today laboratory
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kittygamer2888 · 29 days
Ya know
It would suck if Maurice woke up an ancient evil-
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[Me literally remembering that this AU in the qna takes place a few years after Sonic Generations... meaning Maurice already summond Dark Gaia at some point in time--]
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erizia · 8 months
Escanor: Let me get this straight-
Diane: More like, let me run this bi you.
Ban: Dude, let this be perfectly queer with you.
Meliodas: Let's see how this pans out!
King: Allow me to ace-cess the situation!
Merlin: And lesbi-honest about it!
Gowther: I'm non-binary.
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
6-armed vanp AU Eclipse design. F-ck simplicity. Let me see Eclipse 👀
Bro I understand everything but I'M the one to draw him in comics over and over again and I don't want to kill myself drawing 6 arms every damn time. Simplicity in his design exists to make MY life easier alright? It's not because I'm so into simple character designs, it's just useful. The same shit is about Moon and Sun's designs, they're simple but recognisable so I can draw them quickly and draw them a lot. If I followed all my desires to what I want to add to their designs you wouldn't see a HALF of the arts/comics with them that you have now. Is it understandable?
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