#dbz x yn
Hi, how are you. I like your stories very much, may I ask you for a little story. Reader is an old friend of songoku and bulma and recently became close to cupsel corp. Drawn. Raditz was pardoned and was allowed to join the Z group more or less voluntarily. He is alone at vegeta's home and trained, when a reader surprises, rings the doorbell in a bit of panic and asks if bulma is there.... (reader has caught his eye a few times and somehow she interests him more and more. Because otherwise she also is more fearless) but now she is in a panic after a stalker has destroyed her apartment..... Well, how does raditz react now.
Greetings from Bavaria Germany
Hi there! Thanks so much for liking my work! I’m so sorry for such a long wait, and I hope you like this fic! (TW for emotional and verbally abusive ex, some curse words) 
752 days. 752 days ago, Raditz was in the depths of Hell. It was sweltering and barren, and he had sworn to himself that if he ever got out, he would do anything in his power to make sure he would not return. However, as he held his head in his hand, Raditz was sure that he was probably in Hell on earth.
"C’mon Uncle Raditz, let's go! You promised dad you'd warm us up for training today!" Goten whined. Raditz grumbled under his breath, trying in vain to shake Goten and his friend, Trunks, off his legs.
"Get lost, you brats," Raditz said.
Goten and Trunks continued to whine, pouting as Raditz scowled and glared down at them. They grinned, eyes glinting with unspoken mischief. The two boys looked at each other before snickering. Goten charged a weak blast before firing it off at Raditz. 
“Damn brat!” Raditz snarled. He watched as Trunks and Goten sped off, content with causing the man trouble. Raditz dusted himself off as he watched them before shaking his head and rolling his eyes. Turning on his heel, Raditz stalked deeper into the backyard, content to train on his own for the rest of the evening.  
Sweat dripped down Raditz’s brow. His chest heaved as the sun set behind him. Glancing at a rock, Raditz made his way to it to rest as the dust settled around him. Closing his eyes, Raditz took a deep breath as his breathing and heart slowed.
Suddenly, the sound of a motor roused Raditz from his rest. Raditz looked up to see a light blue car speeding down the road. It careened to the front of the Capsule Corp home, just out of Raditz’s view. Raditz stood, stretched, and stalked his way to the back of the Capsule House.
“Bulma! Bulma!” A voice cried. Raditz frowned, looking around the corner. The doorbell rung again and again, and whoever was behind the door was in a huff as they pounded on the floor. Raditz growled to himself as he wrenched the door open. He was just about to reprimand the intruder when he paused.
A woman stood there; her hand posed to knock again. She pursed her lips for a second before dropping her arm and fidgeting under Raditz’s gaze.
“Ah, hi. Sorry to bother you. Is Bulma home?”
Raditz’s mouth opened and closed, before he growled to himself and glared at the woman.
“Depends,” he said. “Why?”
Raditz blanched as the woman smiled.
“Y/N,” she said. “I’m Y/N. I’m sorry for the weird introduction, I really wouldn’t have come if I knew Bulma had company, but I really don’t have any other choice right now. Can I come in?”
Raditz said nothing, opting instead to move to the side. Y/N came through the door and looked around. She walked to the kitchen and sat herself down at the table with a huff.
Raditz stared at the woman as she fixed her hair and smoothed out her clothes. She wrung her hands and looked up at Raditz before speaking.
“Do you know when Bulma will be back? It’s really important,” she said.
Raditz shook his head.
“What do you need her for anyway? You two friends or something? If you are, you should know her schedule by now,” he hissed. Raditz’s eyes widened as Y/N let out a huff before laughing all together.
“That’s right! Now I know where I know you from. You’re Goku’s brother, right? I mean, you’re right, I’m always around Bulma and the gang, but I can never really get her schedule down.”
Raditz rolled his eyes, fidgeting under the woman’s gaze.
“She and her husband left this morning. She left her brat kid and his friend here,” Raditz said.
Y/N scoffed, slumping down in her seat.
“Well, shit,” she said. She looked up at Raditz, biting her lip for a moment.
“Do you think you could do something for me?” Y/N asked. Raditz frowned. Y/N continued.
“There’s this guy. I used to, well, we used to be together. He won’t leave me alone. He’s always at my house, outside my job, shit, he showed up at my place last night. I don’t know where else to go, and I was hoping Bulma was here but since she isn’t…” Y/N trailed off. Raditz’s eye twitched as she continued.
“I’m not asking for you to do anything that would get you in trouble. Could you just maybe, go with me while he’s still there? He’s supposed to be moving his stuff out, and he has until sundown until I call the cops. I just need the moral support,” Y/N said. She wrung her hands together, watching Raditz intently.
“Fine,” Raditz said.
Y/N let out a squeal. She jumped from her seat at the table to launch herself at Raditz; Raditz stood bewildered as Y/N hugged his neck and jumped up and down.
“Thank you so much!” Y/N said. “You don’t know how much this means to me! I’ll drive us!”
Raditz waved his hand, his face pink and his eyes trained to the floor.
“No need, I don’t like those things. You just go and I’ll follow,” he said. Y/N said nothing; she instead skittered to the door and flung it open, all but throwing herself outside and into her car.
Once he arrived, Raditz could see why Y/N needed help. Clothes scattered the lawn, with a windowpane broken and glimmering on the grass as well. Raditz could hear a car door slamming shut, and he look to Y/N as she marched next to him.
“Are you kidding? Asshole ruined my stuff!” she yelled. Y/N went to work, gather her scattered clothes from the grass, and she had an arm full when her house’s door slammed open.
“Look who decided to drag their sorry ass back here! You come running back?” the man screamed from the doorway. Raditz crossed his arms, watching the other male intently. Raditz stepped forward as the other man spoke again.
“And who the fuck is this?”
“My name is Raditz,” Raditz said. “Get out of the house and we can make this quick.”
The angry man swore and spat, marching from the house to Raditz’s face. Raditz looked down at the man. He could feel his mouth twitch as the angry man tried his best to puff himself up to look taller compared to Raditz.
“C’mon,” Raditz said. “Get outta here. I don’t have all day, and neither does she,” Raditz said, motioning toward Y/N.
“Shut the hell up!” Y/N’s ex cried. Y/N looked up just in time to see him swing at Raditz’s jaw. His fist connected, and Y/N’s jaw dropped as Raditz didn’t move an inch. The man drew his hand back, howling and groaning. Raditz laughed and stepped forward.
“That all you got tough guy? C’mon, lay another one on me.”
Another fist connected with Raditz, and once again, the man cursed and spat at the pain blooming in his fingers.
“Freak! Dammit! My hands!”
Raditz rolled his eyes. Gingerly, he picked Y/N’s ex up by his collar.
“Scram,” Raditz said. He dropped the man, who scrambled away on his behind.
“Fine! I’m outta here, you crazy bitch and crazier fucker. I don’t want any part of this shit,” the man said. Y/N watched with glee as he got up and hurriedly fished his keys out of his pockets before retreating to a parked car in the driveway.
“Raditz!” Y/N cried. Raditz turned around just in time to see Y/N with her arms stretched out wide. He cleared his throat as Y/N hugged him tight.
“Thank you so much! You don’t know how much it means to me!” Y/N said. Raditz blinked and cleared his throat again, noticing how close his face was to Y/N’s. Y/N realized as well, stepping back and smiling.
“Heh, sorry. Anyway… wanna help me pick all this shit up?”
Raditz snorted.
“You got it, I’m just here for moral support.” 
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stinkybuttwipes · 6 months
Dragon ball characters 🖤Spicy🖤 headcanons~
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This man let me tell you-
You’ll only get a few grunts out of him, he’s more focused on what he’s doing honestly.
He will only moan when he’s about to cum but he isn’t very loud with it because he is really embarrassed (poor bb)
Piccolo isn’t very vocal in bed nor does he do dirty talk but he’ll slip out a few cute names for you every now and then when he’s going at it
Ehem- sweetie, Angel, Honey *explodes*
He prefers to be in the missionary position but sometimes he’ll let you ride him ;)
He’s also a Hermaphrodite
You’ll wonder where tf his pp at and he’s so flustered about it. Lets just say piccolo aint the only one eating out (you gotta work to get that cock)
Once you get his cock out wish your pussy good luck because this man is huge
(8-9 inches and FUCKING GIRTH?)
Sometimes when he’s so exhausted and pent up he’ll need a blowjob from you.
His fingers, HIS FINGERS.
They don’t reach as deep as his cock does but boy do they make you see stars.
His antennas are hella sensitive so if you play with them you’ll definitely hear a silent moan from him.
He is so good with aftercare though don’t worry he’ll always take good care of you.
Want a bath? He’s on it. Hungry? He’s on it. Cuddles? He’s already got you❤️
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Baby boy I love him so much
He’s a moaner! He’s a whimperer! He’s a crier!
This guy is a sweetheart in bed don’t let his appearance fool you.
He’ll be so gentle with you as he moans into your neck.
He prefers not to be to rough or hard because he’s so scared he’ll accidentally hurt you doing it:(
Although if you want him to be rough or go harder whisper it into his ear please he’ll whimper for you and obey you so fast-
He’ll put his face in your chest as he rams into you , be careful what you wish for cause he is going to lose it eventually 🫣
Broly will start moaning reaaaal loud once he feels he’s going to finish (your pussy is to good for him ya know)
Be prepared for him to accidentally overstimulate himself-
He’s gonna either go harder and rougher or super saiyan on you. Either way you ain’t waking tomorrow.
This bitch will growl when he loses control and let’s be honest..it’s hot
Broly is PACKING he’s carrying a 10 inch veiny af cock when he’s hardened so he’ll be hitting you in all the right places.
Such a sweetie when it comes to aftercare. Play with his hair he’ll fall asleep immediately but right after he puts himself near your chest so he can hear your heart. It comforts him to know you’re still with him 🥹.
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He can’t even be serious in bed
He is definitely a dog In heat when he’s horny though.
And when he’s horny he won’t leave you alone-
This bitch will have the fucking audacity to moan in your ear and grind on your ass (IN PUBLIC SOMETIMES TOO)
If you touch the spot where his tail used to be he’ll tremble but overtime it does become sensitive and he’ll tell you to stop.
Is a sweetie though even if he’s rough in bed, he’ll leave marks on you going from your neck to your calves.
He loves cockwarming at night and keeping his seed in you making sure none spills as you have to listen to him snore (no sleep for you~)
He is so good at eating you out like, a MASTER at it’ll he’ll get you to squirt in a minute.
So good with his tongue too 🫣
Will steal your panties and use them to get off as he moans loud so you can hear (HES DOING IT ON PURPOSE)
Favorite position is 69
Loves his cock sucked but also loves to taste you it gets him going~
He got fat balls full of cum so he’ll keep you up all night and day!
His calloused hands are good for clit rubbing 😩
He has no shame in saying the most embarrassing shit ever
Example: Goku: “What’s for dinner?” You: “bro, stfu and fuck me you dumb shi”
He forgets aftercare but he ain’t gonna bail on you
He’s prob gonna just pass out, cock still in you and everything…..”I’m hungry”
Overall 7/10 in bed
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z0-ne · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a Future Trunks headcannon with someone who's very STRONG, STRONG and calm also the have this powerful Aura around them and they're absolutely
Yes! Thank you for the request! I saw your other one too and I'll make sure to get to both of them!
Future Trunks With Strong! Reader!
You ctually arrived after the whole showdown with the andriods and cell, so you were a little late to the party.
It was actually your strength that caught his attention first, and your Strong Aura scared the crap out of him.
He was a little scared that you might've been another issue, and considering how strong your aura was he wasn't confident that he'd beat you in a fight.
So your first meeting was after he was done sneaking around and following you until he could confirm for himself that you weren't a threat.
Luckily after some time of silently stalking you, he figured out pretty quickly that if you actually wanted to destroy the earth you would've done it by now.
After confirming all of this, he was still a little hesitant on talking to you in the begining because of how stunning you turned out to be,
It actually shocked him when he first got a good glance at your face.
Of course after some slight encouragement from his mother and pushing himself a little more he was able to do it. (Even though he didn't tell her everything about you.)
Still, even though you guys are currently dating he's still a little stunned when he looks at you.
He usually stops and just admires you when he gets a chance to.
Training usually ends up with you winning and Teaching him how you did it.
You have your moments when you lose, but instead of being upset about it you're happy he's catching up in strength.
Since you weren't there for the andriods, you can't exactly relate to his nightmares, but you offer what comfort you can give and he appreciates it a lot.
Trunks is grateful that your here not only because he loves you, but because now there's someone else to help him fight off the other threats.
Dates are rare and usually consist of Training together, and the occasional walk around in nature.
You know he watched you before asking you out. You just decide to spare his pride because you love him.
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ryomens-vixen · 9 months
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Hello! As my Bio states, The name is Vixen or Pluto! I'm not new here, but I am new to blogging, and I want to at least have fun doing it. I'm a writer and a soon to be artist.
✊😌I am a PROUD member of the LeG BooTy Qommunity 🏳‍🌈
I have an unhealthy obsession with Villains and every now and then I might simp for the main character, but my 🫀 will always be for the Villains, especially Sukuna. I may not do full on stories because I have writers block BUT I promise I will be doing head canons, Yes I take requests by the way.
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WHAT I WILL DO: Smut/N$FW, Fluff sometimes, head canons, dark content, requests, Comfort, Personal Requests, Character x ♀️ Yn, Character x Character.
WHAT I WON'T DO: Male YN, GN YN, Omegaverse,Furry.
Animes I've seen: Tokyo revengers, JJK, DBZ, Demon Slayer, Ancient Magus Bride, BNHA, Bleach, FATE SERIES, Baki, Black Butler, FMAB/FMA, Soul Eater, OHSHC, Inuyasha, Haikyuu, Seven Deadly Sins.
Fun Fact: I do Play Genshin so yes you can request genshin characters.
I do have Stories of my Own and OOCs so sometimes I will post about them as a way of keeping up with my own characters and plot so if you do see said posts 🙏please ignore it or if you want to you can ask me about it only if you are curious :3
Vixen's Masterlist
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Reasons: I know I go by He and Her pronouns, but I'm biologically not a boy so I do not think I could even remotely write anything pertaining or catering to the male audience and I've seen a lot of writers get harassed in their ask box about only writing Character x ♀️ YN, Do us both a favor and please seek out different writers. Same thing for the furry and omegaverse thing I'm not to comfort at all writing that so please seek out other writers.
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Minors DNI, I am not going to argue with y'all in the comments or reblogs, I will block you immediately please go argue with someone else like yo mama or yo teacher...cause I'm not either one of them.
Warming to Pro shippers: No this isn't to degrade y'all or anything I am a very open-minded and unbothered person, but I want to say this if you send me a request I rather you personally send it to me because other people who don't like what you like can get uncomfortable and I want my blog to be a judgement free and harassment free place, So depending on what you inbox me I may or may not write it, but I will not post it publically, I hope you understand. I repeat (I AM A VERY VERY VERY UNBOTHERED PERSON THAT DOES NOT MEAN I LIKE OR DISLIKE OR SUPPORT, IT GENERALLY MEANS I AM JUST NOT BOTHERED BY IT) and I'm just not the type of person to judge if I'm uncomfortable I will tell you, but I'm not gonna belittle anyone over something they like I just don't have it in me. Sorry.
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stinkybuttwipes · 7 months
Lie. Part 2
Context: You and piccolo have known eachother since the World martial arts tournaments when he was still evil. You guys had grown to feel and love for eachother when he was first training Gohan and got together after the fall of Namek. you guys have now been married for 2 years and fight together, Always..But piccolo has kept a secret from you.
Piccolo x Gn! Saiyan!Reader (Sneak Peak)
Warnings: small Angst to fluff. Making up, comfort, sweet, reader is vegetas sibling,Post Super Hero
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You manage to find Bulma after the kind lady worker lets you inside.
Bulma is working on what looks to be a hover motorcycle.
“Bulma?” You say softly Bulma jumps and turns around, “Oh (name)!” She stands up and dusts off her hands on her yellow pants, “You didn’t let me know you were coming over? Something come up?”.
You put down your bag near the door of her lab, “Well it’s a bit of a long story..” you twiddle with your fingers “I kinda lashed out at piccolo and I feel terrible about it and I’m scared he might hate me now.” You continue to explain everything to her as you try not to cry.
Bulma chuckles and goes to hug you, “I understand that feeling” she lets go and crosses her arms “Hell, Im married to your brother who’s a stubborn guy who’ll yell at me for small things or mistakes I make and he always ends up apologizing” she giggles and puts her hand on your shoulder “You saiyan’s are just more protective and harsher but it’s something that you can’t help, I’m sure he’ll forgive you if you apologize even if it’s not your strong suit” She smiles at you reassuringly.
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stinkybuttwipes · 1 year
Piccolo x F! Reader
3rd person
Warnings: Smut, lingerie, Piccolo can grow a pp if he wants Imao, Fingering, Roughness, slight Size kink, P in V, cuddles.
(Spoiler: Piccolo could give two shits abt the outfit)
Piccolo is sorta ooc I’m sorry 😭
Not proof read
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*You wonder into the local mall looking for a new pair of shoes, as you are walking to the exit a certain store catches your eye and you have to take a look*
“A lingerie store?, not everyday you seen one of these anymore” you speak to yourself. you debate about going in but what use do you have going?.
The ring on your finger reminded you why you should go in, “piccolo..Maybe just a small look wouldn’t hurt..plus maybe giving him an early anniversary “gift” wouldn’t hurt.” you smile and continue walking.
As you step into the shop you are surprised by a woman. “Hello ma’am! Would you like to take a look at our newest lingeries?” Your trying to find words “N-no thanks I’m just looking!” You tumble over your words leaving you a bit embarrassed about it. “Oh no worries!! Let me know if you need any help!” The woman walks into another direction to help another costumer.
*phew* you look around at all the mannequins and bins with panties and bras but none seem to your liking.
“Jesus, how do girls find good lingerie now? Or am I just picky?.” You take a couple more steps when a mannequin with the exact thing which you now wanted.
*This is what it was btw*
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You knew it was the one that would make your husband would like too..is what you would like to think but knowing Piccolo he would probably think it’s Pjs-. “finally” you find the lingerie in your size, pay, and drive to get roses.
You got three bouquets of flowers, the two full of roses to decorate the room and bed, and one full of red and white roses decorated for your dear husband.
Your planning on giving him the rest of your gift plus the flowers tomorrow on your actual anniversary of 3 years.
Your finally home and ready to crash but you can’t just yet.
You suck up your tiredness and go up to the master bedroom where you and your husband sleep. You pull apart the rose petals and throw them around the room on the white dresser, on the bed, and on the carpet.
After about 10 minutes you wipe off your sweat and look at your watch, “two more hours” you sigh. Two more hours till Piccolo comes home, you decide to nap to reward yourself….your silent snores fill the room…..Suddenly you are awoken by the shut of a door.
*gasp* “OH SHIT! WHAT TIME IS IT!?” You look at your watch, 4:00PM you have been asleep for a long time but it felt like a second. Guess you were too exhausted from shopping all day.
You quickly try to lock the door so Piccolo wouldn’t see. But he walks up the stairs as soon as you do (after taking off his head gear and cape and setting it in the in the laundry room.) He tries to open the door but you have a strong grip on it, “y/n? Are you alright” his raspy voice calls out to question you. “Yes I’m fine!..Could ya just wait please? Uhm..Give me five minutes!” He sighs “alright.” without a question he sits at the door leaning against it as he waits. Just the sound of his tired deep voice turned you on. You started to rub your thighs together. You started to get excited just like you were earlier maybe even more.
*thud* “y/n? Are you okay that was loud.” He sounds concerned “I’m okay hun!” You stand back up after falling trying to pull up your stocking.
You quickly light all the candles, dim the lights, and try to find a sexy pose for when he walks in. You cover your bum with some of the blanket , your head on your left hand, laying on your side.
Waiting…Waiting..knowing it’s only been about 3 minutes it feels forever.
You wanted him now..
You needed him..
You crave him..
You wanted your husbands touch..
You wanted him to be rough..hard..You wanted to be his cum dump..you wanted to-
Piccolo turns the knob as you daydream your fantasy. “It’s been longer than 5, Now what happened-oh” he’s stunned at the sight of you waiting for him, the petals, the candles, the lights.
“Y/n? What is all this?” Piccolo questioned the sight before him confused why the room was full of petals and why you were in lace. “Don’t you remember? It’s our anniversary~” you start to crawl to him “That’s not until tomorrow can’t you just wait?.” You stand on your knees to reach his chest and you begin to take off his Gi “Just let me take care of you tonight~ It’s a early gift dear”.
“But y/n” Piccolo stops your hands from going any further “you did all of this for me the least I can do is make you feel better, so don’t push yourself dear.” He takes your hands in his and lays you down gently. “P-Piccolo?!” He observes you and your outfit giving a small smirk “for me?~”.
Piccolo leans to give you a gentle kiss filled with love. He pulls off the lingerie as his lips still attached to yours one hand now on your bare breast the other cupping your face lovingly. You now only in your skirt feeling wetter now. “can you..touch me? please” you say huffing from the passionate kiss. “Of course”.
Piccolo presses you against the head of the bed and rips off your skirt, he moves your panties to side and inserts a single finger. “H-Hah!” You wrap your arms around his neck for support. You play with your clit to get some extra relief but Piccolo smacks your hand away “You stay put I am the who is going to please you, not you got it?” He lifts your chin to look in your eyes. “Ok..sorry” you give him a small peck to apologize.
In return Piccolo inserts another finger “God! piccolo!!”. He finds it amusing that a human smaller than him can still hold herself up after two finger that are longer and thicker than hers.
Piccolo slides his fingers out leaving you upset, you whine at his action. He takes off the top of his Gi. “your very sexy today heh” you still dazed with pleasure “Glad you think so”. Piccolo takes off his pants leaving him fully naked, you feel the urge to pounce on him but stay seated where you are.
Piccolo stretches before he crawls back on the bed. He lifts you up over his crotch and sets you down on what feels like..a..is that his dick!?, you think to yourself. Of course you’ve had sex with Piccolo but you’ve never known he had a cock especially not as big as you thought either. “P-Piccolo is that your!” You are cut off by Piccolo grinding his cock on your black panties which are already soaked with your wetness.
“Correct, I can make items what makes you think I can’t make a human genital?” He had a point and you were definitely not complaining, he was definitely big and a good 9 inches not to mention thick! “You start to grind on his dick causing Piccolo to wince at the feeling. He pushes you on the bed, “I told you to leave this business to me, bad girls like you should be punished~” and that’s exactly what he wanted. He wanted you to disobey.
It’s all going to plan.
Piccolo wasn’t the only one with an early gift either you know.
He rips off your panties the remains in shreds. He grasped your thighs and slammed into you without warning. “H-Hyah!!!~?” You were breathless at the actions of his, Piccolo was sure enjoying himself because he leaned into your neck hiding his flushed purple face whilst trying to hide his small grunts.
“P-Piccolo! I love you so much hmmm!” You clawed at his back sure to leave a mark for a while. He grunts loudly “i love..you too” too drunk with pleasure of your tight walls clamping down so hard on his cock. Piccolo started nibbling on your neck and sneakily bit your neck causing you to cry out in pain and pleasure.
“Hhaan!! Please!” Piccolo picked up his pace and crashed his lips onto yours once more. You moaned into his lips, your walls spasmed letting him know your close to the edge and so was he.
You let go of his lips and rocked your hips with his and releasing your juices all over him unexpectedly without warning. “s-sorry..” he continued to thrust to reach his climax “hhah..” he pulled out of you releasing all over your stomach. Both a panting mess you were first to break the silence, “that was amazing *huff* But I’m a mess and so are you” you chuckled at him.
With one swift move Piccolo picked you up bridal style to the bathtub. He gently set you down giving you a small kiss on the cheek as he started up the water. The bath was full and you relaxed but not as relaxed as you would be without your dear husband. “Honey?” He looked over wiping himself off with a cloth “join me, please?.” He couldn’t resist he couldn’t say no to you plus he definitely needed a bath as well.
He sat down in the tub and you leaned into his chest. “I’m so happy to be with you” you held his hand “I’m so glad I met you Piccolo” you said smiling at him. “No, I’m happy I met you my dear wife”.
You chuckled at his response and slowly fell asleep on him. “Cute.” He laughs pulling you close to him.
End. I love this man you don’t even know.
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stinkybuttwipes · 1 year
I am working on a Piccolo x reader where reader and Piccolo spar, But to your surprise piccolo shows off his new form (Orange piccolo) leaving you in awe not knowing how he achieved it. 🤭
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stinkybuttwipes · 8 months
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Mamas cooking up something special~🫣🫣
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Hellooo! This is my first time asking for a request here! And I've only recently found this acc and I've enjoyed reading your fics ever since. As for the request, can I ask an angst scenario about vegeta x reader where vegeta treats the reader like trash because he doesn't know how to express his affections properly and they're both lovers (bulma's with yamcha btw if thats okay). Until one day, the reader just couldn't handle his actions and is tired of being treated like shit so she snaps at him and ignores him all day. Its up to you how it ends but it'll be great to have it fluffy.
So this turned out really long! I hope this is what you were looking for! My inbox is open for requests everyone :-)
Y/N sat, grinning, as Bulma, Yamcha, and Krillin tittered about Bulma’s most recent science venture.
“Look, all I’m saying is that I need a new test subject! You’ve been through worse, right? It’s also a paid position,” Bulma said.
“No way!” Krillin said. “Why don’t you use Yamcha? Your boyfriend, your guinea pig!”
“Krillin, it’s a hair growth serum,” Yamcha said. “You’re kinda the only one who fits the bill, pal.”
“Oh haha. You know I can grow hair, I just shave it all off.”
Y/N laughed along with Bulma as Yamcha and Krillin started to squabble. Bulma nudged Y/N’s hand, and she looked over at the bluenette.
“You know, you’ve been over here a lot, lately,” Bulma said.
“It’s nothing,” Y/N assured. “Just want to spend some time with some old friends.”
“You sure? You know, last time you were always visiting because of-”
Y/N raised her hand and shook her head.
“Yeah, I know. He’s still an ass, and I’m not gonna lie, it is nice to get away from him somet-”
A sudden impact shook the ground and the group. Krillin and Yamcha were the first to stand, with Y/N gripping the table and Bulma falling to the ground. Y/N scoffed, looking out into the flying dust. She spotted the hazy outline of a blue aura, and Y/N groaned as she helped Bulma up.
“Speak of the devil,” Y/N muttered.
“Earth woman!”
Y/N sighed as Vegeta’s figure quickly crossed the field. She crossed her arms and glared at him.
“Well, well. Done knocking yourself around for the day? Come to say hello, Vegeta?”
Vegeta scowled.
“Shut up! And who do you think you are, wandering off and not telling me?”
“Knock it off man, she’s just hanging with us,” Yamcha said. “Nothing’s gonna happen to her while we’re around.”
Vegeta ignored Yamcha and marched to Y/N.
“You should know better than to leave the house without telling me first, Y/N. I can’t train and make sure you don’t get yourself killed,” Vegeta barked. Y/N rolled her eyes and sat down. She grabbed her drink and looked Vegeta in the eye as she took a sip.
“Look. I’m fine. You don’t have to start an argument every time you see me, you know. How about you sit down with us? That way you know where I am and you can relax,” Y/N said. Vegeta scoffed before turning his back.
“As if I’d waste my time here. You want to stay with your pathetic little friends, fine. Go ahead. See if I give a damn,” Vegeta called over his shoulder. Y/N watched as Vegeta marched to the mound of dust and dirt he landed on, and she rolled her eyes again as he took off.
“He seems to be in a good mood,” Bulma said, dusting herself off. Y/N nodded before sighing and leaning back in her seat.
“He’s been a real ass lately. I don’t know what’s gotten into him,” Y/N said. Bulma patted Y/N on the back. Yamcha shook his head, and Yamcha scoffed.
“He’s not exactly Mr. Congeniality, Y/N,” Yamcha said. Bulma pulled Yamcha by the ear.
“And you’re the boyfriend of the year, huh?” Bulma asked. Krillin and Y/N laughed. Y/N then cleared her throat and rose to her feet.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I should probably get going. Vegeta doesn’t need any more reason to start yelling,” Y/N said.
Krillin stood to hug Y/N.
“Don’t let him push you around,” he whispered in her ear.
Y/N nodded and waved at Bulma and Yamcha before excusing herself to fly off to her house.
The sun started to set by the time Vegeta arrived home. He walked in, expecting dinner. What he found instead was Y/N washing dishes and setting them out to dry.
“I have a name,” Y/N said.
Vegeta ground his teeth and continued.
“I take it you haven’t cooked today.”
Y/N didn’t look up; she moved to the cabinet and grabbed a glass to pour herself a drink.
“I did cook. And then I cleaned the pots for you. Here you go,” Y/N said. She gestured to the pots and utensils on the counter, then passed Vegeta to go sit in the living room. Vegeta followed her, stomping as he went.
“And do you really think I’m going to do my own cooking?” Vegeta said.
Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.
“You will if you want to eat. You know, maybe if you weren’t such an ass today, I would have made enough for you to eat, too.”
Vegeta crossed his arms and glared at Y/N.
“I’m an ass? How about you, gallivanting around without a care in the world?” Vegeta said.
“I was just with my friends, Vegeta,” Y/N said, rolling her eyes. “You know, I don’t want to argue with you. I’m going to bed,” Y/N said. Vegeta followed her to their bedroom, and he leaned against the door frame and watched as she tucked herself into bed.
“So that's it then? You're just going to ignore me for the rest of the night? Vegeta asked. Y/N said nothing, running her hands over her face.
“What happened, Vegeta? Why are you acting like this? You know, first I thought the whole “loose cannon, lone wolf” thing was kinda cute, but now, you’re just plain mean. What is it? Do you not like me anymore? Am I just another “worthless human” to you now?”
“Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Vegeta thundered. Y/N nodded, eyes drooping wearily.
“Yeah,” she said. “I guess I don’t know what I’m talking about. You know, I thought people were wrong about you. You were sweet for a while, at least to me. Guess that’s all down the drain, huh?”
Vegeta opened his mouth, then closed it. He grabbed Y/N’s doorknob and turned on his heel, slamming it shut behind him. Y/N sat in the silence for a while, before sighing and laying down.
The sun shone in Y/N’s eyes, rousing her from her sleep. She yawned and stretched, and then listened. The house was eerily quiet.
“Weird. Vegeta doesn’t go off and train this early,” Y/N said to herself. She walked into her living room, and found Vegeta sitting there, flicking through channels.
“Good morning,” Vegeta said.
Y/N stayed quiet. Vegeta continued flicking through channels, only stopping when Y/N came to sit next to him. His eyes slid to the side, examining her, before going back to the television.
“I’m not training this morning. I think I need to take the day off,” Vegeta said.
Silence fell over the room, with Y/N kicking her feet against the couch.
Vegeta shook his head.
“Look, about last ni-” Vegeta began. When Y/N said nothing, Vegeta scowled to himself and huffed.
“Forget it,” Vegeta said. He started flicking through channels again, and Y/N crossed her arms. Finally, she spoke.
“Vegeta. Please?”
Vegeta exhaled sharply through his nose, set the remote on the couch next to him, and turned to Y/N.
“Well? Done ignoring me now?” he asked.
“I want to talk to you. I’m tired of yelling at each other. I just…don’t know what to say. What’s going on with you?” Y/N asked.
“There’s not a damn thing wrong with me. You’re the one creating all the problems. All I want is to keep you safe, and you call me silly. I want to know where you are, is that so bad?” Vegeta questioned.
Y/N fell silent, squinting her eyes. She placed a finger over her lips and sat before she spoke.
“Vegeta, you want to keep me safe. I can get that. But you don’t have to be…you don’t have to…” She sighed, rubbing her eyes before continuing. “Vegeta, I understand that you want to keep me safe, but I do have friends. I’m safe with them.”
“And what if you aren’t? If you’re out and I don’t know or I can’t reach you in time, and something happens to you, what am I supposed to do? Have you even thought of that?” Vegeta said, crossing his arms.
Y/N tilted her head and leaned on Vegeta’s shoulder.
“Vegeta. All I’m asking is that you loosen up a little. You can come with me. I’ll try to communicate with you more, but I also can’t be cooped up here forever,” Y/N said.
Vegeta grumbled but said nothing. A light pink dusted his cheeks, and Y/N smiled and leaned in to kiss them.
“I love you, you know,” Y/N said. A dark rose took over Vegeta’s face and neck, and he sighed as he faced Y/N.
“Yeah. I know.”
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May I request a fluffy Vegeta x Reader where reader spoils bf/husband Vegeta in tiny ways just because she loves him? (Maybe a little angst too if needed because of being a prince and all? Only if you vibe with it) Like maybe makes his favorite dessert just cause or buys something that he looked interested in weeks before because does so much for y/n? (just a few ideas to clarify?) Thank you so much! 💙❤🌹😊
Heavy is the Head (Vegeta Fluff Request)
The sun creeped into the window of Y/N’s apartment. She sighed and shifted, reaching out beside her. Once, twice, three times, her hand patted out beside her, feeling her sheets for a body. When she didn’t find it, Y/N frowned and sat up, looking at the cold space beside her. Scoffing, Y/N rolled out of bed, shivering as her feet hit the cool carpet below her. Y/N shuffled to her kitchen; used pans were still left out, and a plate of food was sitting on the counter. Next to it, a note rested, crumpled and slightly torn from haste.
Training for most of the day. Don’t wait up.
Y/N sighed and set Vegeta’s note down. She stretched, rolling her neck. Y/N took up the plate gingerly, munching on cold toast as she wandered through the house.
Vegeta slammed the door behind him. His chest heaved up and down; dust puffed off his body and scattered on the floor around him. He reached up and wiped a hand over his brow, flicking sweat and blood off of his hand. Vegeta slouched against the door, grinding his teeth, not noticing Y/N tiptoeing toward him.
Vegeta looked up, his eyes searching Y/N’s face.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Y/N said. “You just seemed tired. Did training go alright?”
Vegeta shrugged. He stood tall and walked past Y/N, brushing past her as he went.
“It was fine. I’m going to clean myself up.”
Y/N frowned as she watched Vegeta retreat into the bathroom. She crossed her arms and frowned. Sighing, Y/N made her way to the kitchen.
As Y/N settled into her kitchen, Vegeta scrubbed himself in the shower. He grimaced as his hands grazed his scrapes and cuts. The water beneath him swirled into red, then light pink, and Vegeta sighed as finally the water ran clear. Screwing the tap shut, Vegeta wrapped himself in a towel and waded out of the bathroom.
As his body dried, Vegeta sniffed the air. Ham sizzled and the smell of bread wafted from the kitchen.
“What’s all this,” Vegeta rumbled as he walked into the kitchen. Y/N gave him a small smile.
“You’re not hungry?” Y/N asked. She got up and crept toward him, and Y/N smiled again as she kissed him on the cheek.
“I set out some clothes straight out the dryer on the bed for you. You should put them on while they’re still warm,” Y/N said. “I’ll make a plate for you when you’re dressed.”
Vegeta eyed Y/N cautiously.
“Are you ill?”
Y/N snorted.
“No. You’ve just seemed stressed lately. I’m being nice. Now, go get dressed.”
Y/N shooed Vegeta along, and Vegeta slowly turned on his heel head to his room. While he went and dressed himself, Y/N hummed to herself at the stove. She took two plates and piled them high with food, and she set them down just in time to see Vegeta dressed in a shirt and sweatpants.
“Here you go! Sit down before everything gets cold!” Y/N said.
Slowly, Vegeta sat down to his food. Y/N sat down next to him and helped herself to the meal.
After a while, Y/N frowned. She looked up to find Vegeta poking at his food.
“Not hungry, babe?” Y/N asked.
“I appreciate your effort, but not really,” he sniffed. “I’m more tired than anything.”
Y/N nodded and finished her last bite of food. She rose and placed her hand out, waving it slightly in front of Vegeta’s face.
“C’mon, babe. Let’s head to bed for a nap.”
Vegeta looked at Y/N’s hand before smiling and standing. He crossed the table quickly; Vegeta didn’t hesitate to scoop Y/N up in his arms while she snorted. The pair walked to the bedroom, with Y/N wiggling in Vegeta’s grasp. Y/N giggled as Vegeta plopped her down on the bed. He scoffed at her laughs but allowed himself a smile nevertheless as he slid in beside her.
Y/N sighed in content as she curled up next to Vegeta. Relishing in his warmth, Y/N allowed herself to edge closer to Vegeta’s back. She snaked her arms around him, sighing again. One of Y/N’s hands reached up to stroke through Vegeta’s scalp, and Y/N could have sworn she heard him purr.
“Must you insist on clinging to me, woman?” Vegeta asked. Y/N smirked – there was no bite in his tone, and Y/N could hear sleep ebbing into his tone. Y/N continued to finger through Vegeta’s hair, occasionally reaching down to kiss at his forehead. Soon, Vegeta’s breathing slowed. Y/N smiled as he snored, and soon, she followed suit.
Enjoy my work? Consider supporting me on kofi: https://ko-fi.com/whoopsieintheuniverse
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