#day Six
neptunes-sol-angel · 6 months
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Well let's fuck around and find out 🤭😉
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Pile One
This could be someone who's a friend that you need to cut off or someone who you've already cut off. I would say that this is a parent, but this is looking like someone who has this false sense of authority over people and in general isn't a good person to be around. I'm getting this image of someone hiding in the shadows who comes out at just the right time at the right place to make a move on you. The parental energy that I'm picking up on could relate to one of their negative traits, which is analyzing voids that you could have internally. It could seem like they're fulfilling you emotionally, but really this is deception that they use against you later. Affection, validation, or someone who listens is what could they hold above your head to convince you that you need them or that they hold the answers to how you should live your life. This person fucked around trying to gain control over you and now they're finding out that you're no one's puppet and that you're strong enough to both walk away and wake up from the trance that you don't have any glamour. Or this could be someone who was very delusional thinking that walking away from you would make your life halt, but there's light being shed on just how powerful your magnetism actually is. They walked away just to come back to watch how you're flourishing and still gaining attention from unapologetically being you, they see you birthing abundance in your life, they realize how your originality is undeniable, if your presence on social media is public, they could be lurking and taking notes on the shine that you vibrate effortlessly. Pile One you're the blueprint, baby!
Pile Two
This is an opportunist who is a friend to no one but themselves. Their concept of loyalty is that they're ok with you giving it unconditionally to them, but theirs has terms and conditions, and they're strongly offended when you reflect their way of thinking by withdrawing your loyalty. This is someone who is constantly in some drama, never has their priorities together, and if you dare suggest what they could do to help themselves, they'll give an excuse for why they don't want to do the things that will bring stability to them or at least reduce the trouble that they get into. An overall immature person. This could also be someone you work with or had a partnership with, there's envy and jealousy that they have over you and instead of working on their feelings, they'd rather do something slick behind your back to to to make sense of the animosity they have for you. This is someone who doesn't play fair and see things as deep enough for them to sabotage you. They fucked around and found out about how karma and your guides don't play about you. They overestimated their reign of how much they could overstep and they're in a position now to where they can't weasel their way out of the consequences. The theme here is a loss of security. Their self-grandeur is withering away to a lack of confidence, they could have lost their job or are severely losing momentum in getting ahead in their life. It's like their tricks are no longer working and how they tried to stagnate others has now blocked their own blessings because they're incapable of moving forward. This person has to get out of having this main character syndrome, their inability to be a team-player by supporting others or clapping for others has left them in a pit of the same cycles that they thought they could take shortcuts out of whether it be understanding how immoral it is to use others or learning that trying to knock someone down doesn't truly elevate them from their insecurities.
Pile Three
This person could have you on their mind a lot or you show up in their dreams frequently. This could be a love interest from the past or someone who you've used to talk to on an almost daily basis. You could have helped them in some way or there was something in this connection that they may have tried to downplay or had trouble understanding. I'm getting that they fucked around and found out about your effect on them which is someone who they'll never forget lol. I'm also getting that this could be someone who you're currently talking to who underestimated the feelings that they get when they're around you, or how much you positivity you bring in their life. However, this really does give a chaser and runner type dynamic, where you were eventually the chaser and now they're the runner. If this is a past person, this is someone who misses you dearly, and may have fumbled in the beginning of you two parting ways with each other, by pretending and overcomenpensating the facade of someone who has "moved on". For some people, this could be ex-friends or family members who are deeply feeling the downsides of your absence but are too prideful to apologize to you or tell you that they miss you and would like you back in their lives.
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 month
DannyMay 2024. Day Six
"Immortal AU"
- - -
Jason sighed and looked out at the Gotham night sky, filled with smog and artificial lighting, leaning against his gargoyle. His eyes flashed green for a second, and he turned to see Danny land silently next to him.
“Alfred sent cookies, you up for it?”
Jason nodded and Danny procured a lunch box from his chest cavity, handing it over to his friend.
Jason, being a halfa himself and having used that trick, didn’t bat an eye at such behaviour, and just started eating the sweets.
There were… so many things he could say from the revelation earlier that day, that he should ask, that he should curse, but when there were no more cookies to distract himself with, and he put the lunchbox away on his own chest cavity, he turned to Danny with only one thing in mind.
“You’ll be with me, right?”
“Of course I will.” The halfas smiled to each other. “We’re stuck in this together.”
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daily-pearl-doodles · 1 month
could you make a fishy pearl please? My favorite little dude :]
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You get a traditional drawing! She’s a little catfish to me
(Day six)
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zebappreciationweek · 10 months
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Zeb Appreciation Week: Day Six - Colors/Favorite Headcanon
Zeb + ace colors
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esilher · 4 months
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« You see the smile that's on my mouth It's hiding the words that don't come out And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed They don't know my head is a mess No, they don't know who I really am And they don't know what I've been through like you do And I was made for you »
The Story - Brandi Carlile
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nancywheelersupremacy · 2 months
Day 6: I kind of miss her hair when it was like this but also I really love season 4 hair
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Comment your favorite 80s song!
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effulgent-girl · 8 months
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Jaime & Brienne Week - Day Six - What is your favorite head canon?
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Inktober 2023
Day 6 - Golden
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"Maybe I don't want a golden destiny," I say.
"When you figure out how to sidestep destiny, let me know."
Carry On, Chapter 47, Rainbow Rowell.
Agatha Wellbelove, Sister Golden Hair, did sidestep her golden destiny and choose something more interesting.
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starbanmk · 2 months
Reddoons was everything.
Ashswagg may have been a god, sure, but even the title of ‘god’ only matters to those who believe in them.
Reddoons believed in him. Reddoons was his only follower, his disciple, his high priest. Red was his life and his love, his friend and his lover. Red was why he was awake.
And now Red was gone.
It was a pain Ash was not familiar with. He was a god, he didn't get attached to mortal things. Everything was eternal to him, everything was supposed to be eternal to him. Ash wasn't supposed to ache, he wasn't supposed to want but not have, he was supposed to be able to have anything he wanted, he was a god–
Ash stilled. The wind was blowing soot and ash and smoke through the air, and in turn was cooling the still flowing molten rock.
Tears fell from Ash's eyes. All of them. It was strange. Ash didn't know he could cry.
Somewhere in this volcanic wasteland laid Reddoons.
Reddoons wasn't just a rose who had wilted in the autumn frost, one that came from a field of identical flowers. He was a mortal, who lived in this world and was unlike any other human, then died. He was unlike any of the followers who had worshipped Ash before he'd been forgotten and fell to his slumber. He was the one who'd brought Ash back, he'd remembered him and loved him and given him life.
And now he was gone. He couldn't be replaced.
Ash's physical form was faltering, but he supposed with no one left to hold it didn't matter. His body grew less and less solid as he sulked back to his temple, nothing more than a wisp of the volcano's own smoke once he arrived. He settled to the floor, seeping into the cracks in the limestone, feeling sick.
He shouldn't feel sick, he shouldn't feel anything, he was a–
What did being a god matter if he couldn't even bring his one follower back.
Ash was the god of smoke. That was all. He didn't have control over the dead, or lost souls, or love, or ungodly feelings, or volcanoes, or fate or anything that seemed to matter. He couldn't do anything.
Helplessness was not a feeling a god should've been feeling.
But Ash didn't seem to be feeling very godly at all, anyway.
God of Smoke. What a scam.
It could have been as little as an hour, or as long as a century before Ashswagg, almighty god of smoke rose from being a mope on his floor. Sometime during his mourning, he seemed to have slipped through the cracks in reality and landed somewhere in the limbo between the worlds he existed in. Grey fog stretched out in every direction, making it impossible to tell what was Ash and what was the abyss.
Ash blinked awake again, and he realised he'd fallen asleep. Not that it'd make a difference if he was awake or in another thousand year slumber. Fire would keep burning, smoke would keep billowing. At the end of everything, smoke was a natural force, Ash simply embodied it. He was smoke, wherever it may be, whatever universe may have it, he was there. It didn't matter if he was conscious or not.
Some god.
Ash wondered tiredly if another Reddoons, somewhere in the multiverse, was huddled, warm, near a crackling campfire, living and laughing and breathing in the smoke that would surround him.
Ash was suddenly full of hope, nearly bursting at the seams. He was a god. He existed everywhere.
He could find him.
[end of part three]
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lady-lostmind · 8 months
Eddie Month Day Six: Crush/Sincere
Eddie leans on his hand, staring wistfully across the room where Steve is laughing at something Dustin just said to him. The light is coming in through the window just right, giving him an almost ethereal glow and Eddie thinks he would sacrifice just about anything for such a deity. Is sure this beautiful creature must be otherworldly because this shit hole of a planet could never conjure up something so perfect and–
Robin smacks the back of his head as she comes up to lean against the counter next to him. “You’re drooling.”
Eddie rolls his eyes and scoffs. “I am not.” 
Robin raises her eyebrows and laughs. “You were practically licking your lips, dude.”
Eddie flops his head down on the counter, hitting his forehead over and over until Robin swats his arm, getting him to pull himself back up and up at her in desperation. “What do I do, Robs? How am I supposed to get over this ridiculous crush when the guy looks like–” He flails his arms out in Steve’s direction. “ –that? And he’s Steve. So he’s all fucking sweet and thoughtful and fucking…carried me out of hell. The fucker literally saved my life. He’s an actual god damn knight in shining armor.”
Robin snorts.”Yeah well, your prince charming just tripped over his own feet and almost knocked over the blind girl.” 
Eddie turns to see Steve with his hands on Max’s shoulders, apologizing profusely and checking her over for injuries even though she’s obviously fine. Eddie grins, his heart swelling in his chest because who is that sweet? Seriously. 
Robin scoffs next to him and shakes her head. “Okay, maybe you are hopeless.” @eddiemonth
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hoodies-n-cola · 8 months
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@eddtober 2023 - Day 6: Legacy
I haven't drawn anything for Hide and Seek, which is a shame since it's such a cute episode <3
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gallawitchxx · 10 months
A.U.gust 2023 | DAY SIX - Genderswap
thanks to @gallavichthings for hosting! 🥳 & thank you to @doodlevich for the inspiration 🖤
It’s cold, but a habit’s a habit, which is how you find yourself smoking and shivering outside of the diner on the corner.
The door opens and you see her—the girl you’ve been eyeing all night. 
Her hair is ink black and shaved on one side, her top lip frozen in a constant sneer, and as she moves towards you, your whole chest floods with heat.
“Got a light?”
“No, the guy lurkin’ in the shadows behind you. Yes, you!”
You nod and she leans in. She smells like Irish Spring soap and the rest of your life.
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grian-daily · 1 year
in accordance with your post inviting reqs — including ships — please accept this ask as a formal request for gridoc. peace and love
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love wins. i love big hairy men
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 4 months
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All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I am So many stories of where I've been And how I got to where I am But these stories don't mean anything When you've got no one to tell them to It's true, I was made for you
I climbed across the mountain tops Swam all across the ocean blue I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules But baby I broke them all for you Because even when I was flat broke You made me feel like a million bucks You do and I was made for you
You see the smile that's on my mouth It's hiding the words that don't come out And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed They don't know my head is a mess No, they don't know who I really am And they don't know what I've been through like you do And I was made for you
All of these lines across my face Tell you the story of who I am So many stories of where I've been And how I got to where I am But these stories don't mean anything When you've got no one to tell them to It's true, I was made for you
Oh yeah, well it's true That I was made for you
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cherry-soda-molars · 7 months
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Day Six of @steddie-week - true / misunderstandings / you looking at me looking at you
find the previous day here :)
Three years. 
Three beautiful years with Steve, and Eddie knew there was no coming back from this love. 
They’d been through everything together, they relied on each other, they needed each other. There was nothing more beautiful than their goddamned love and Eddie was sure of it. 
Eddie knew what kind of a guy his boyfriend was. He’s a family man. He's made a family of the Munsons, he’s made one with Buckley, he’s made one with all the little sheepies, and he’s made one of them all. Every Christmas, every birthday, every Easter, and even every Halloween they spend it together, doing things that families usually do on those days. Steve grew up with absent parents and no one to call his family, not really, and so he made family of anyone he could now. Eddie loved him terribly for it. 
Steve wanted a family, he wanted a future with kids and a Winnerbego and a house with a kitchen big enough to cook a feast in and a garden out the back. Eddie was already in the process of saving for one, though, Steve didn’t know that. He wanted it to be a surprise in a few years time. When they’re ready to upgrade from their little apartment, and Steve suggests they start saving for a home, Eddie would have the money ready for them. He wanted to give Steve everything, and he knew he’d never be able to do that, so he’d have to settle for a damn house instead. 
Eddie couldn’t give Steve the life he’d always dreamed of as a kid, he knew that, they both did. He couldn’t give Steve a wife, or birth his children, and things like that, but he could give him everything else. He could give him love, and a life, and family… and a house. 
Three years and Eddie knew Steve was all he needed in life. 
He’d been talking to Wayne and Scott about it, about what this means. Wayne had been seeing Scott for years, since Eddie’s freshman year, officially, but they’d been pining over eachother since the first parent teacher interview Eddie had in his first year of middle school. A year before the world almost ended, they’d bought matching rings and had a small celebration with the ones they loved, and made a life long promise. 
Eddie wanted to make that promise with Steve. 
Eddie also wanted to buy a house for Steve as soon as possible, but… some things would have to wait, because now he was about a grand short in his savings because he’d impulsively gone and bought them matching rings. Eddie’s a silver band with a gold strip through the middle, and Steves a gold band with a silver strip the same. They both had the others inital engraved on the inside. 
When he told Wayne and Scott, Wayne almost shed a tear, and Scott cried as if he was the one recieving the damn thing. 
He was going to do it tonight, after their anniversary dinner. He had a plan. He was going to leave the ring in a box on Steve's pillow, so when they get in and go to bed (for whatever reason) he’d find it. No smushy public declarations of love- that wasn’t Eddie’s style. He wanted it to be simple and private. Something just for them. 
Eddie put in on the pillow after Steve left for work this morning - he was doing placement at Hawkins Middle School, and then Eddie left for work. They were going to meet at the restaurant since they both had to work late tonight. 
He couldn’t help his excitement all day. 
He decided to surprise Steve on his lunch break and bring him a sub from the place he loved across the road from the mechanic Eddie worked at. He walked through the halls with a smile, dodging rushing children as he walked to his boyfriends - soon fience - classroom, knowing he likes to have lunch in their with Robin, who’s doing placement for teaching French too. They often work on lesson plans and cool things for the kids whilst they eat and gossip together. 
Eddie stopped before he walked into the classroom, hiding around the corner as he listened to Steves voice echoing out. 
“Three years, Robin!” 
Eddie felt his heart swell. 
“I can’t believe it’s been three years.” 
“Neither.” He sighed. 
“Nancy and I will have our two years in a couple of months.” 
“Time is crazy- and, you know, I didn’t think I could love him anymore, and then thismorning he woke me up with bluberry pancakes and an iced coffee- not the instant kind, either. He got up an hour early to teach himself how to make it for me, Robbie.” 
Eddie bit his lip, ducking his head as he suddenly felt a little shy. 
“Three years is serious.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Steve sighed, “I’ve been thinking about it… about us, a lot.” 
“About our life, and shit…” 
“Oh?” Robin perked up, “Like… kids and shit?” 
“Yeah.” Steve said. 
Eddie swallowed. They hadn’t talked about this before, not really. But Eddie knew they loved each other, and would do what they could with what they had. Or… that’s what he’d thought anyway. He thought their love was enough.
“I’ve always had this dream of-”
“Of a wife and six kids in a Winnebego?” Robin snorted, “Yes, I’m well aware. You know, I’m committed to the woman you told that dream too, once upon a time.” 
“Yeah, well, don’t worry. I don’t see her in it anymore.”
 “Better not.” Robin said. 
“But… I dunno. Eddie can’t really give me that.” Steve said simply, and Eddie didn’t think those six simple words could tear open his heart, but they did. They fucking broke him, “He can’t give me normal.” 
What… what even was normal? What part of any of their relationship been normal? They got together because an alternate-fucking-dimention forced them together where Eddie almost died! How was any of that normal? 
Maybe Eddie’s love wasn’t good enough for Steve. Fuck, it was good enough for Eddie. But he supposed he didn’t have these big dreams about family. He wanted one with Steve, sure, he wanted to give Steve whatever he wanted. But… but Eddie wasn’t enough for Steve. Eddie wasn’t normal enough for Steve. 
Eddie couldn’t be here right now, or he’d probably do something he’d really regret. So he ran. He headed back to work and had a horrible feeling in his gut for the rest of his shift. As he cleaned himeself up and changed into the nicer clothes he’d bought in the cramped bathroom of the mechanic shop, he prepared himself for heartbreak. 
Steve was going to leave him, despite still being in love, because Eddie just wasn’t enough for him. Eddie just wasn’t normal enough. 
 “Better not.” Robin said. 
“But… I dunno. Eddie can’t really give me that.” Steve said with a shrug of his shoulders, “He can’t give me normal.” 
“Steve, you did not just say that.” Robin said behind her fork. 
“I mean, like… normal, as in the heteronormative dream I’ve always had and been conditioned to want for most of my life.” Steve sighed and stabbed at his pasta, “I don’t really want that anymore, is what I’m trying to say. Like… the six kids and a wife on my arm? No way, man.”
“Eddie is the farthest thing from normal that I’ve ever experienced, and I just… I love it. I fucking love him, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, you know?” He shook his head with a fond smile, “Eddie can’t legally give me marriage- though, I’ve been thinking abou that and I might ask him to marry me anyway-”
“Steve… no way.” Robin slapped his shoulder, “Really?” 
“Mhm… I’m thinking his birthday. So… that gives me a couple of months to save up for a ring.” 
“Make me your maid of honour.” 
“Obviously.” Steve shook his head at her, “But anyway, he can’t marry me, or like… give birth to my children, or anything, but I don’t care. Like, he’s everything to me… he’s more than enough.” 
“You sap.” Robin smiled and shoved some salad into her mouth. 
Steve blushed slightly and laughed, “And like, I’ve got the kids- even though theyre all about to become adults very soon which is sickening to think about, and… and I’ve got these kids for now, and next year if I get this job, I’ll get my own class of kids, and that’s plenty, you know?” 
“And he and I can roadtrip- the last one we took was one of the best weeks of my life, Robbie-”
“I know. You tell me all the time.” She smiled. 
“I dunno. I’ve just been thinking about my future a lot, and I’ve just realised I’m very happy and wouldn’t want it any other way.” 
“I’m so happy for you, dingus.” She nudged their shoulders together. 
“Yeah… me too.” 
Eddie got to dinner like, ten minutes late. 
First, he sat on his bike for about five full minutes before starting the engine because he was procrastinating the inevitable. Then when he finally did start to dive, he went about five under the speed limit opposed to his usual ten over. And third, when he pulled up at the restaurant, he spent a good couple of minutes just sitting there, staring through the window at Steve sitting at their table for two, still dressed in his work clothes, the sleeves of his blue and purple button up rolled to his elbows and his dorky teacher glasses that Eddie loved sitting on his nose. He looked so nervous, bouncing his knee, tapping his fingers on the table and constantly checking the time on his watch. Eddie felt bad for making him wait, but he just couldn’t do it. He wasn’t ready to be without Steve. He just wanted to go home- 
Would he go home? Would they go home together still? 
What would any of this mean? 
Eddie was ready to take the next step forward, and Steve wanted to take two steps back. 
Steve turned his head to look out the window, and fuck he was seen. No running now. Steve waved at him with a little smile, a smile Eddie usually melted for, but tonight he hated. 
He pulled his helmet off and climbed off of the bike he’d traded the van in for last year. 
Steve did not like it at first. It scared him. But then Eddie convinced Steve he could do it safely. He just loved the feeling of the wind in his hair and having the freedom like that, plus it was so cool. And after Eddie took Steve for a little joyride, and Steve realised he could koala off of Eddie’s back and press himself into the shape of Eddie the whole time, he started to like it a little. 
He’d also said, on multiple occasions, when Eddie rocked up somewhere on it, that he looked like “the very definition of a wet dream on that damn thing”. And he’d love it when Eddie would take off the helmet and shake his hair out and give Steve a little grin. He’d always come up and grab his face and just kiss him silly. He’d tell him how hot he thought he was. Sometimes he’d ask Eddie to take him for a spin. One time they fucked on the bike, which was… so cool. 
Oh fuck. Eddie wouldn’t be able to look at the bike without thinking of Steve now, let alone ride it. 
He’d have to sell it. 
Goodbye cool dream, hello eternal loneliness. 
Shit. It was going to be like that with most things, wasn’t it? 
“Hi, baby.” Steve said, pulling Eddie into a hug before sitting back down. 
“Hi.” Eddie swallowed and sat down across from him, he picked up the menu immediately. 
“Uh…” Steve shuffled a little closer in his seat and leant his elbows on the table, “Happy anniversary.” 
Eddie glanced up with a smile, “Yeah, you too.” 
Fuck, he wanted to cry. 
There was silence for a moment before Steve ducked his head, “How was your day? Did you figure out the issue with Ms. Disillas’s Bug?” 
Eddie shook his head, “Still a mystery.” 
Steve nodded, “I had a good day.” 
“Mhm.” Fuck you. 
“Uh… one of the girls in the class I’m working in- Katie, she… she made this for our anniversary.” He slid a little three dimensional paper heart across the table, “Artsy little kid.” 
“You told the class?” Eddie asked, flopping his menu down. 
“Ah, no…” Steve poked his glasses to shove them back up his nose, and Eddie had to fight off the immediate urge to smile and call him pretty, “Just… she knows because she heard me and Rob’s talking about it today.” 
So did I, Eddie thought, “Cool.” 
Steve nodded slowly, “You hungry?” 
“Yep.” Eddie sighed and looked at the menu again. 
“You wanna share?” Steve asked, “I can’t decide between a few things.”
 “Whatever.” Eddie said. 
Steve hesitated before saying, “O- okay.” 
They looked at the menus for a little longer in silence, and then when Steve suggested a couple of items, Eddie just nodded his head and agreed. A waiter took their order and they were left in silence again. 
“I got an A on my last assessment.” Steve said with a smile, “It’s looking good, for me to get my own class next year, I mean… full time.” 
Eddie was so proud of him. God, so fucking proud. And if he wasn’t about to get his heart broken, he’d be over there, smoothing Steve with kisses, not giving a damn who looked their way. 
“That’s great.” 
“Are- are you okay, Eddie?” Steve swallowed. 
He felt bad for putting Steve on edge like this, but he just couldn’t fucking do it. 
Steve’s eyebrows raised a little, and he nodded, “O- okay… what’s the matter, baby-”
“This relationship is about to be over. That is my problem.” 
Steve flinched back, “What?” 
“I’m not what you need.” Eddie said, in full defence mode, “I’m not what you need, and were fucking over. How do you expect me to be okay, Steve?” 
“You’re not-” 
“No, I’m not.” Eddie shook his head, “I’m a fucking Freak.” 
“Eddie.” Steve pressed with a shake of his head, “Wh- where is this coming from?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t know.” Eddie lent forward, “I know you love me, but I also know I’m not what you need.” 
Steve blinked a few times, and Eddie hated his goddamn glasses because they magnified Steve's teary eyes. It crushed Eddie, to hurt Steve like this, but Steve was hurting him too. 
“I’m not letting this go on any longer, I can’t… I can’t deal with it.” Eddie shook his head, because he felt sick. How was he supposed to sit through an entire dinner with Steve knowing he was about to be dumped, “I can’t, Steve. I can’t do this.” 
He pressed a hand over his mouth and tried to will away his tears because he couldn’t just fucking breakdown in the middle of a packed restaurant. 
“You can’t do this?” Steve asked, “You… so we’re- we’re over?” 
Eddie swallowed the lump in his throat, and he was crying, “Yeah… yeah, I guess we fucking are.” 
“Uhm…” Steve took a shaky breath and wiped a tear from his eye, “That’s it?” 
Eddie shrugged and looked away. 
“Three years for… for nothing.” 
Eddie hated everything so much. 
Not for nothing. Never for nothing. 
But… but Steve thinks it’s for nothing?
God, fuck, this hurts more than he thought it would. 
“I still love you… so- so fucking much, Stevie.” Eddie sobbed, refusing to look at him because he just couldn’t. But he needed Steve to know this. He needed Steve to know he was loved, despite the pain he was causing, “I always fucking will.” 
“I still love you too.” Steve croaked. 
Eddie couldn’t do this, “Yeah.” He stood, “I- I need to… I can’t be here.” 
“Well- where… where will you go?” Steve stood too.
“I dunno.” Because he didn’t. 
He kinda just wanted to get on his bike and drive, and never fucking stop until he was dead. 
Steve swallowed, “Give… give me ten minutes to pack some things.” He wouldn’t look at Eddie now either, “Rob and Nance have a spare room.” 
Eddie nodded, even though that sounded like a shit idea because that meant he had to sleep in the apartment with all of their things. Things Eddie thought he might start burning if left alone with too long tonight. But he didn’t have the energy or power to say anything else. He couldn’t let Steve know just how deeply this hurt. 
Steve stood there for a moment, and Eddie didn’t look at him, and then Steve left. Eddie turned away from the doors and held his breath for a bit, trying his best not to fucking break down. When he saw Steve’s car pull out of the car park, he made a beeline for his bike and shattered. 
He got on, and went for a drive, and didn’t stop driving until he ended up back at their little apartment. 
Steve was… well, he didn’t know what he was feeling. 
Eddie had… he’d just broken up with Steve, because apparently he “wasn’t what Steve needed”, whatever fucking bullshit that meant. But… fuck, Steve was thinking about marrage, and a future, and a life together, and Eddie wanted to end things. He couldn’t bring himself to fight it. 
Maybe tomorrow. Tonight though, tonight he’d go pack a bag, and knock on Robin's door crying, and drop into her arms and let himself be held about it. He’d feel his heart break and his world be ripped from under him. Then tomorrow, he’d let the girls talk some sense into him and he’d go find Eddie for a fight. And they’d scream and cry and either Steve would convince him he was fucking stupid and get him back, or he’d leave there more broken than he’d ever been before. 
He really hoped it wasn’t going to be that last one, but he also knew how damn stubborn Eddie could be, and when he got something in his head, it wasn’t fucking changing. 
He pulled up across the street from their place, rather than parking in the garage since he’d be leaving so soon, and hurried inside. He really didn’t want to bump into Eddie on his way out. 
He stormed through the house down to their little room, and Steve tried his best not to break more than he already was. He grabbed a bag from their wardrobe and started shoving clothes into it, just enough for a couple of nights. He moved to the bathroom and started tossing in toiletries before heading to the kitchen to grab his migraine medications. He stopped still when he saw the pan in the sink from the pancakes Eddie had made him this morning. He bit down on his hand and dropped to the floor crying. 
How could he do this? 
In one day. How could he go from making Steve pancakes and iced coffee in bed and smothering him in kisses and… other things that made Steve have a very good morning, to… to deciding Steve didn’t need him anymore and dumping him? How the fuck does that even happen? 
Steve felt sick. 
He rushed to the bathroom and spilled his guts into the toilet bowl. 
After cleaning himself up a bit and calming down well enough, he went into their - well, no longer their - room to change because he didn’t want to be in these clothes anymore. He didn’t want to wear the shirt that Eddie dumped him in. He wanted to burn it. 
He shucked off his shoes and pants and tossed the shirt as far as he could, and pulled on the first t-shirt he found that wasn’t Eddies, and he hated how much it still smelt like him. He walked over to his bedside, whilst he remembered, and grabbed his eyedrops and the case for his glasses and hearing aid and- 
He picked up the little box that sat on his pillow. It wasn’t there this morning. Eddie must have gotten him a present, even though they said they wouldn’t do that. 
He opened the box slowly to see the edge of a gold ring- he slammed the box shut. It was the ring he gave Eddie on their second anniversary, wasn’t it? A ring his grandpa had given him before he died, one of the few people in Steve's family he actually missed, it was one he’d found the day he got shipped home from the war and promised to see his wife again. Called it his good luck charm. After Steve found Eddie, he didn’t think his luck could get any better, and he’d slipped it onto Eddie’s finger that night whilst he was sleeping. Eddie was his good luck charm. But it was here, in this box now wasn’t it. No longer slung on a chain around Eddie’s neck (because it was too special to wear to the shop and fuck up and he didn’t wear gold rings), worn every day. Now it was in this box, given back to Steve. 
Steve reached a hand up and brushed his fingers over the pic that lay around his neck, the one Eddie always wore, his very first pic he’d ever owned. He’d given it to Steve after one of their worst fights within the first year, when Eddie kicked and screamed and couldn’t bear to have Steve around trying to make him better. When he just wanted to neglect the world and be alone and grieve and blame himself for all the blood spilt around him. After Eddie had collapsed into his arms and apologised for all of the horrible things he’d said to Steve, and how he loved him more than anything and promised he’d never mean those things. He’d given Steve the necklace as a promise. A promise that no matter what, he’d love Steve with everything he had, and that he needed him. 
That promise felt so small right now. 
Steve couldn’t bring himself to take it off. Not right now. He just wanted to wear it for another minute. 
He closed his eyes and opened the little box to take the ring back, but what he saw inside wasn’t the gold band he’d see resting on Eddie’s chest every night before bed. It was a different one, with a silver strip through the middle, and on the inside, looking up to him, was a small ‘E’ engraved into the gold. 
He heard the door click open, and swing shut, and Eddie’s heavy footsteps carried through the apartment. Steve couldn’t bring himself to move. So he stood there, in a tshirt and his underwear, staring at this ring with Eddie’s initial that was left on his pillow, on their anniversary, feeling absolutely confused. 
Eddie was glad Steve's car wasn’t in the garage. That meant he was gone, and Eddie wouldn't have to face him again. He didn’t think he could face him again, he might just shatter and end up a broken heap on the ground. 
He marched into the apartment and tossed his helmet onto the sofa, and headed for the bedroom. He couldn’t stay here, not tonight. He was going to grab a few things and knock on his uncle's door. Being here made him feel sick. 
He pushed open the door and stopped dead in his tracks, because there by the bed, stood Steve. 
There stood Steve with the ring Eddie had bought him in hand. 
He was crying again, “You said ten minutes.” 
Steve looked up and blinked with wet eyes, “Has it been ten minutes?” 
“I don’t know.” Eddie said, his voice high pitched and almost a whine, “I can’t do this.” 
“Me either.” Steve sobbed, “You think this is easy for me?” 
“No.” Eddie pressed a hand over his mouth and took in a shallow breath. 
“What is this?” Steve held up the box.
Eddie couldn’t look at it. He couldn’t look at Steve. He wanted to disappear. He wanted the ground to open up again and swallow him whole. 
“Eddie.” Steve pressed, moving the box into his eyeline, “What is this?” 
Eddie swallowed and looked down at Steve's feet, “It’s an engagement ring.” 
Steve's breath hitched, “You- you bought me an engagement ring?” 
Eddie nodded and started wailing, “I want a life with you, Stevie. I fucking love you.” 
“So why’d you dump me?” 
“Because I couldn’t sit through a whole dinner or longer- I couldn’t… I couldn’t lay in bed with you tonight knowing you didn’t want this.” 
“Want what, Eddie?” 
“Me!” He choked out, his face hot, and he looked at Steve and he looked just as broken as Eddie, “I’m not what you need.” 
Steve shook his head and wiped at his tears, but it was useless, because they just kept falling, “Why do you think that?” 
“You said it.” Eddie sniffled, “I heard you- you… I’m not normal.”
“Today…” He spluttered, “I- I went to visit you at lunch and bring you the meatball sub you like, and I heard you and Robin talking.” 
Steve took a little step back, “What?” He swallowed, “What do you think I said?” 
“That I’m not normal.” Eddie sobbed, “That I can’t give you the life you’ve always dreamed about.” 
Steve went silent. 
Eddie looked away and cried some more, “I heard- you… you said that, and I just… I couldn’t bear to hear anymore, so I left, and I spent all afternoon on the brink of a breakdown over it. I- thought I was enough. I thought what we have- had was enough for you, but- but I didn’t want to- I didn’t want to stop you from having the life you need. Even if it’s fucking without me.” 
“Oh my god.” Steve whined and rushed up to Eddie, cupping his cheeks, the ring box smushing into one of them, “You’re so dumb.” 
“Not fucking helping.” Eddie spluttered, trying to look away, but Steve wouldn’t let him. 
“You idiot- Oh, I love you.” 
Eddie cried so hard he couldn’t breathe, “I love you so much- pl- please don’t do this.” 
Steve shook his head, “You’re a terrible eavesdropper.” He licked his pretty lips, “If you’d just listened for a minute longer you would have heard me tell Robin that I don’t want normal, anymore. I haven’t since you stepped into my life, you beautiful fucking idiot.” 
Eddie stopped breathing, “What?” 
“I want you.” Steve smiled, “I don’t want anything normal, as long as I can have you. You are everything to me, love.” 
“But- but I can’t… I can’t marry you, or give you kids-” 
“I’ve got the sheepies.” Steve shook his head with the warmest of smiles, and Eddie felt his heart start to beat again, “I’ve got the kids I’m teaching. I don’t need them, when I have you- plus, as the kids get older I’ll have the opportunity to be an uncle.” 
“You don’t-” 
“I do.” Steve muttered, “And this…” he shook the ring box, “It’s closer than close enough.” 
Eddie sobbed and pressed his forehead against Steves, probably with a little too much aggression because it hurt the both of them, but they also didn’t care. 
“If you’d listened a little longer, you would have heard me telling Robin I planned on buying one of these for your birthday.” 
Eddie’s back straightened up and he looked at Steve very carefully, “You were?” 
“Yeah- I mean… if I could afford one by then, but- well, now I don’t have too.” Steve smiled and Eddie let himself melt this time. He could melt. He was fucking mush, “Well… are you going to ask me, dumbass?” 
Eddie laughed softly and took the ring box from Steve, plucked out the ring with very shaky fingers. Steve placed his hands over Eddie’s, warm and calming. Eddie glanced up at Steve, and Steve was giving him that look that meant he was very in love.
Oh, you don’t know how fucking good that look made Eddie feel right now. 
Eddie held the ring between two fingers and took a deep breath, and it was a little shaky from crying so much, and he hated how sad they both looked whilst this was happening, but it was happening, and he was very grateful it could. 
“Will you- well, fuck, you can’t… not legally so- well,” Eddie sniffled and smiled sadly, “will you pretend marry me, Stevie?” 
Steve spluttered and laughed, his hand just as shaky as he held it out for Eddie, and he was crying again, “Yeah- yeah I’ll fucking pretend marry you.” Eddie slipped the ring onto his finger, “It will be real to us, I promise.” 
Eddie sobbed and held Steve's hand tight. He dropped the ring box, not caring about it anymore, and lifted Steve's knuckles to his lips to kiss, “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” Steve cried and cradled Eddie’s face again, “You’re a fucking mess.” 
Eddie laughed wetly and leant into Steve’s hold, “You’re my fiance.” 
Steve nodded and wiped away Eddie’s tears, “Next time you overhear me and Robin talking, and you think I want to break up with you… don’t think that.” 
“Okay.” Eddie promised, because he’d never make that horrible mistake again, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry, baby.” Steve ran his hands down the sides of Eddie’s neck and lay them on his chest, “It’s okay now.” 
Eddie nodded and reached out for Steve's hips, pulling him in close. Steve's eyes were fixed on the ring on his finger, and he looked very happy to see it there. 
“I’m your fiance.” Steve muttered. 
“Yeah?” Eddie croaked, because he was still fucking crying, but it was mostly happy tears now. 
“Yeah.” Steve smiled, his cheeks red and his eyes swollen, but his smile was still the brightest thing Eddie had ever seen. 
Steve leant up to kiss him, and it was a good kiss. It was a very good kiss. It felt so full of love, and hope, and promise. 
It was a promise that they’d love eachother forever. 
“I’m so sorry, my Angel.” Eddie muttered against his lips, “I’m so-”
“I know, Eddie.” Steve held him by the jaw gently, and they started to sway together, “I know.” 
Eddie nudged their noses together, “Not a very happy anniversary.” 
“It’s the happiest one in my books.” Steve sniffled and smiled, “So… does this mean we're back together?” 
Eddie laughed and kissed him again, “If you’ll have me, sweetheart.” 
Steve slung his arms over Eddie’s shoulders and kissed him harder, “I’ll always have you, love.” 
read Day Seven here
\/ a dodgy art piece for this one \/
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