#darth putin
gold-as-hera · 2 years
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
The best-informed Ukrainian officials are not fooling themselves that they can win the war this year; one senior military official told us that if the war were a soccer match, then we’d be only at the end of the first half. But those we talked to, from the most senior generals to the most junior soldiers, expressed a quiet confidence that a successful counteroffensive can set the stage for a final victory at some point in the not-too-distant future.
[ … ]
The role of the United States and its allies should be to give the Ukrainians every possible piece of equipment — including lots of F-16s and longer-range missiles — to enable their battlefield success rather than to undercut them by pushing for premature negotiations that might prolong, rather than end, the conflict. The Ukrainians have already far outperformed expectations, and there is no reason they cannot continue to do so — as long as the West continues to give them the unstinting support they need, expect and deserve.
– Washington Post columnist Max Boot writing from Kyiv.
Yep, give Ukraine whatever it wants except nukes. Ukraine is doing us as big a favor as we are doing it.
Putin thought his invasion would be done 450 days ago. Instead it has turned into an embarrassing fiasco.
The latest bizarre incident inside Russia is that the scientists who developed Russia's "unstoppable" Kinzhal missiles have been charged with treason.
3 scientists behind Putin's 'unstoppable' missiles were jailed on charges of treason. Russian researchers say they are now living in fear.
Ukraine has been able to shoot down the unstoppable Kinzhals with Patriot surface-to-air missile systems. Maybe those scientists are in trouble because the Kinzhals weren't unstoppable.
Russia has had to frequently downgrade its goals. This may be from a Putin parody account but it's quite accurate.
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Russia still has lots of cannon fodder and Putin doesn't care about sacrificing Russian lives in a hopeless attempt to keep from being remembered as one of history's great failures. So the war will probably go on for a while.
But a combination of deteriorating conditions inside Russia and failures by the Russian Army will eventually cause a collapse of Russia's incursion.
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stillunusual · 1 year
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Now reading.... 😂🤣
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szepkerekkocka · 17 days
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alphachamber · 11 months
Übersetzung: “Wir nehmen, die NATO nimmt, alle von uns nehmen den Artikel 5. beim Wort. Ein Zoll des NATO-Territoriums bedeutet, dass wir uns alle gemeinsam mit demjenigen im Krieg befinden, wer auch immer unseren Raum verletzt.“Diese wahnwitzige Aussage von Biden beweist, dass er keinen blassen Schimmer hat, von Strategie, Diplomatie und geschichtlichen Fakten. Er übersieht, dass es Amerika ist,…
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The Republikkkans have been covertly funding minor 3rd party candidates for decades. The RepubliKKKlans are a vocal “numerical MINORITY.” To be successful, which they are more often than the Dems, they must pull out all the stops and do everything possible to siphon votes away from the Dems. They suppress black votes, or any group or geographic region which tends to lean blue. They also fund the “my vote doesn’t matter” and “both parties are the same” propaganda that keeps people who would have other wise voted blue from voting at all. At the local level the often fund someone with a similar name to their Dem rival. They encourage Kanye in the hopes of diverting black votes and they are pushing RFK junior in the hopes of diverting uniformed Dems. RFK Jr is the black sheep of the family and shares No Democratic values with his strongly Democratic family but many people don’t know that.
Putin and the GOP oligarchs channeled money into Jill Stein in 2016 and again this year. The Green Party always siphons off votes from the Dems since they both support the same ideals. The “Bernie or Bust” movement was pushed heavily by oligarch political operatives to siphon off first time voters from Hilary. Many of those voters didn’t understand the primary process where you first vote the person who most represents you before rallying around the party in the general election. A low-level Republican operative even claims to have started the Bernie or Bust movement although this is debatable.
Ralph Nader has said that had he known he would cost Dem Al Gore the win in 2000 that he would not have run. That blunder doomed us to two terms of dumb ass George “Dubya” Bush/Darth Cheney, which in many ways was worse than Trump. Those two clowns (Cheney was literally the shadow president) gave us the forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Those wars turned the entire Muslim world against us and strained relations with our NATO allies, cost us trillions, led to tens of thousands of American soldiers being killed or maimed, and raised the deficit to unheard of levels. They also caused two energy crises,one before 9/11 and one after Katrina, that led to record high gas prices that were higher than pandemic levels in many parts of the country. They also allowed a major city, New Orleans, to be wiped off the map and forcibly relocated its residents its poor and minority communities across the country at gun point.
Republikkkans win because they always vote as a solid block in every single election and they do it as if their very lives depended on it. Now some might rebut this by bringing up the Libertarian Party. This lunatic fringe party is basically the same as the Republicans. Most of them in the general election will end up voting GOP but an insignificant number spread out nationwide.
The Dems need to stop trying to claim every single group out their and desperately need to help recreate their union base which Republicans, starting with Reagan, have been killing off. The Dems claim both the Jewish and Muslim people but both groups largely vote Republican. The Dems try to claim all immigrant groups but many don’t vote, aren’t citizens yet, or lean to the autocratic Republican Party because it reminds them of the strongmen of their home countries. The Hispanics are claimed by the Dems but fully one third of them are registered Republicans with the rest going either way. How many elections have the south Florida Cubans cost us with their unyielding support of Republicans wanting to endlessly punish the Castro brothers in Cuba?
The left needs to realize the Hispanics are not a solid block and need to launch a massive outreach program to those who could be swayed left. A disproportionate number of Hispanics are white or white passing and heavily favor the racist Republicans. The letting go of unions and the failure to recruit Hispanics are the two biggest ongoing mistakes of the Dems. But the Dems aren’t as organized or as well funded as the GOP which has unlimited dark money from neo-Nazi autocrats. The legions of dumb ass Evangelicals and racist alt-right groups also help in bringing the Dems down and that’s something else entirely that needs to be addressed. We can’t win playing the game of division. We need to win over voters in massive numbers and do it asap. Dem leadership needs to convince the rank and file that the GOP only supports the wealthy, the religious fringe, and the deplorable racists.
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Darth Putin doesn't miss a shot
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Arguably “Dubya” Bush was worse. He started the two forever wars leading to millions of deaths that continue to this day. Hey turned the entire Middle East and Muslim world against us. He, and his papa, shared secret intel with the Saudis and let them off the hook for their role in 9/11. He allowed the New Orleans area be wiped off the map and hired mercenaries to forcibly relocate the survivors across the country at gunpoint. Many families were split by this and some still haven’t been reunited.
He and his sidekick Darth Cheney plundered the economy and made billions for themselves by awarding contracts to Halliburton and other companies they were heavily invested in. He allowed the oil companies to price gouge to record levels and personally profited from it. He made us the laughingstock of the world and damaged relations with close allies. He illegally invaded Iraq which had no connection to 9/11. He allowed the creation of Al Qaeda in Iraq which had previously been prevented by Saddam Hussein. He caused the Iraqi civil war and caused the founding of ISIS and set the stage for the Syrian civil war. He labeled Iran and North Korea as part of the Axis of Evil which pushed them into pursuing nuclear weapons to protect themselves while funding our geo-political enemies.
His mismanagement caused our debt to soar to massive levels. He created an environment which rewarded businesses to outsource jobs to foreign nations. He allowed Karl Rove to bring GOP computer servers into the White House and started the massive misinformation war that Trump and the Republikkkans are using against us today. He allowed guns to flourish on the streets and black people to be treated like second class citizens. He ramped up deportations of individuals from countries he didn’t like. He created military crises (a la Putin) to bring the public to support him at election time and his party at midterms. He gave us the Patriot Act and Homeland Security. He created No Child Left Behind which was a war on public education whose goal was to give educational funding to shitty for profit charter schools and evangelical schools. He began the widespread practice of giving public dollars to non-governmental organizations, evangelical groups, to solve social problems with no oversight.
In fact he was directly responsible for bringing evangelicals into the Republikkkan camp by paying their pastors to preach pro-Republikkkan messages and anti-progressive messages. He started the widespread practice of privatized prisons which turned out horribly. His mismanagement caused the energy crisis, Enron anybody. His mismanagement Aldo allowed 9/11 to happen. They knew and Republikkkan insiders and officials took to flying private charters in the weeks before the attacks.
I could go on but I’m sure not too many are still reading this far down. Let’s conclude by saying without an idiot like W Bush the stage wouldn’t have been set for a bigger idiot like Trump. Trump could have been much worse but he was so inept and insane he gorged himself and squabbled with the press instead of giving the GOP oligarchs what they really wanted. Trump will be known for his massive tax cut for the wealthy and jamming neo-Nazi judges down our throats. Bush stole two elections, Trump mercifully wasn’t bright enough to steal a second.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Meduza: BRICS
The leaders of Brazil, China, India, and South Africa met in Johannesburg for the opening of the 15th annual BRICS summit on Tuesday, but Vladimir Putin stayed home. In his place, he sent Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who, unlike Putin himself, is not the target of an ICC arrest warrant. Last month, the Russian president told reporters that his being in Russia is simply “more important” than his attendance at the summit.
In reality, the future of the BRICS bloc, whose collective share of the world economy is now larger than that of the G7 countries by some measures, is vitally important to the Putin administration as it seeks to overcome the West’s isolation campaign. In an essay published on the eve of the event, the Russian Foreign Ministry heralded the birth of a “fairer, multipolar world order” that will preclude “Cold War logic” and “zero-sum geopolitical games.” 
Putin did send along a message to his fellow leaders (and to the attendees from dozens of countries that have expressed interest in joining BRICS). In a prerecorded speech, the president blamed the West for global food supply issues, outlined Moscow’s plans to address climate change, and generally assured the Global South that Russia gets them. But while he did his best to project strength, an apparent technical error that made his voice sound like Darth Vader made it difficult to forget how many doors are now closed to him.
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sleepyleftistdemon · 2 months
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(via Cartoon: Mike Luckovich on MAGA Republicans)
So, if 45 is the (wannabe) equivalent of Darth Vader, wouldn’t that make Putin the (wannabe) equivalent of the Emperor?
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3nding · 11 months
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mark-matos · 1 year
👾🔮 When AI Met Meta: A Comedic Tale of Leaky Codes, Ironies, and The Pursuit of AI Power 🤖💥
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👨‍🔬💻 Oops! Meta Dropped the AI Baby 🤦‍♂️🚀
💭📱 Imagine when the naughty cousin 👧🔮 gets hold of your phone 📲 and finds 'that' group chat 👀💬. That's pretty much what happened 🌪 when Meta 🕹🌐, Facebook's 📘💼 godparent, accidentally handed over their AI baby 👶💻, LLaMA, to a researcher 🧪👩‍🔬, and it got leaked 🚰🌍 worldwide! 🕵️‍♂️🔬 I'm both laughing 😂 and panicking 😱. It's like giving a Furby 🐹🗣️ to Godzilla 🦖🏙️!
🎭🥇 Meta's Unexpected Triumph: Striking Gold in the AI Mine 🌐🛠️
🔄 Plot twist 🎬! Meta turned this blunder 🤷‍♂️💥 into an 'Avengers assemble' 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ moment for independent coders 💻⛏️ and researchers 🔎👩‍🔬. Now, they're racing 🏁🔥 to tweak and build upon LLaMA 🐐💻, and guess who’s sitting on the Iron Throne 🏰⚔️ of this AI Game of Thrones 🕹️👑? Yep, Meta 🕹️🌐.
🔓🧠 AI Open-Source Evolution: The 'Hunger Games' of Coding 🎮🌌
Meta's response 📣 to the leak was as surprising 😮 as finding out that Darth Vader 🌑⚡ is Luke's father 👦⚔️! The company's chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun 🧠👨‍🔬, hinted at an open-source future 🔮🔓 for AI. It's like Spock 🖖👽 turning hipster 👓🎸 and embracing the open-source universe 🚀🌌.
🚀🃏 LLaMA Unleashed: The AI Joker in the AI Pack 📲🎱
Now, anyone 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 with decent hardware 💻⚙️ can run LLaMA 🐐💻. We’re talking anyone from your friendly neighborhood hacker 👨‍💻😈 to Putin's cyber warriors 👑💂‍♂️. It's like giving Death Eaters 🧙‍♂️☠️ free access to the Room of Requirement 🚪🔮!
🎢💥 Meta's Irony: From AI Hero to AI Zero? 📉🌪️
Here's a twist 🌀 to rival the 'Red Wedding' episode from 'Game of Thrones' 🎭🗡️. Meta's own platforms, Facebook 📘, Instagram 📸, and WhatsApp 💬, could become the battlegrounds 🏟️🥊 for these AI tools! It's like Bilbo Baggins 🌳🚶‍♂️ finding out his beautiful Shire 🌄🌳 is the new venue for the 'War of the Ring' 🪐⚔️!
🌩️🔥 The 'Chaos Era' of Social Media: Here Be Dragons 🐲💣
We're stepping into the "chaos era" of social media 🌪️📱 where platforms are multiplying like Tribbles 🐾🔄 on Star Trek. And they’re even less equipped than Meta 🕹️🌐 to handle AI's 'Infinity Gauntlet' 🧤💎. It's like being Frodo 🌄🚶‍♂️and suddenly realising everyone's got a One Ring 🔥💍!
🤖🔬 AI Misuse: Welcome to the AI Upside Down 🌌🔃
The scary part is when AI goes 'Dark Phoenix' 🦅🔥. Yes, that’s right, when it's deliberately and maliciously abused 😈💻. The risks balloon 🎈🌪️ faster than Barry Allen can say 'Speed Force' ⚡🏃‍♂️!
🤔📖 Open Source or Not? That is the Question 🎭🎲
Are LLMs destined to become open source anyway, like an unstoppable Dalek invasion 👽👾? If they do, what happens next? Will we face a Skynet-like rebellion 🤖🔥? Or will we be on our own, hoping that tech CEOs use their Spidey sense 🕷️👨‍💼 to keep powerful AI out of Voldemort's hands 🧙‍♂️💻?
🏎️⏱️ The AI Race: Slow Down, You Move Too Fast! 🏁🐢
We're not asking for you to slow down to the speed of molasses in winter ❄️🐌, but let's not rush into an AI dystopia, shall we? So, dear CEOs and lawmakers, let's pump the brakes on the AI express 🚄⛔ before it derails democracy 💥🏛️!
🏷️ #AI 🤖 #Meta 🕹️ #OpenSource 🔓 #ArtificialIntelligence 🧠 #LLaMA 🐐 #TechHumor 😂 #SciFi 🚀 #CodingChaos 💥 #TechIronies 🎭🖥️ 🏷️
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
The Force is with Ukraine. 🇺🇦 🚀✶
Luke Skywalker is helping President Zelenskyy win the Drone Wars.
“Star Wars” star Mark Hamill has been made an ambassador for the UNITED24 fundraising platform, where he will work in support of the Army of Drones project to benefit Ukraine.  
His introduction as an ambassador took place during an online call on Thursday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who expressed his gratitude for Hamill’s support since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  
“Mark, you have become the first ambassador to help Ukraine raise funds to support its defenders,” Zelenskyy said. “For Ukrainians, this means a lot. As in ‘Star Wars,’ good will triumph over evil and light will overcome darkness. With you in the team, there’s no other way around it.”  
“In this long and unequal fight, Ukraine needs continuous additional support. That’s why I was honored President Zelenskyy asked me to become an ambassador for the Army of Drones,” Hamill said in a statement. 
It certainly helps Jedi Volodymyr that nowadays the Dark Side of the Force is bumbling and clueless.
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sexofword · 1 year
"Russia is a peace-loving nation surrounded by ceasefire"
Darth Putin (Twitter)
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retainermcga · 1 year
@usairforce to get to the band level of Air Force dialog / after a series of queries my Area 51 titanium response statement / when you visualize a spherical core such as a mind castle of wheel chair and manufacturing of magnet / and then where does the hvt in charge of the two dumbasses install his throne which does both / cool I like that code / my plan as stated is to have a boss level journey of making sheets of titanium as a livestream event / how Vladimir Putin my titanium sheets business alliance delivers the titanium sheets to my ship into the gulf of Mexico / which my satcom system track to the true Area 51 deliver gate however my video series ends with a different journey entirely / to explain my interests at Area 51 ELITE LIGHT SABER DRINKING PARTY WEAPONS / ELITE AERONAUTICAL DEVICE DEMONSTRATION KIT AS TO MY WHEREWITHAL TO GAIN ACCEPTANCE AS KING OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY / ON THIS PLANET THERE WILL BE NO LETHAL NEAR TO FORM LIGHT SABERS AND AGAIN CHINATOWN WARS IS AN INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN MOVIE BY DARTH VADER
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boxingnewsandviews · 2 years
Strategy Genius Putin In His Infinite Wisdom Fails To Comprehend Basic Common Sense Any Longer
Strategy Genius Putin In His Infinite Wisdom Fails To Comprehend Basic Common Sense Any Longer
Puppet Putin had some bad news not long ago today as politicians in Moscow are starting to walk out on him now. Particuclarly after one of their own officials killed the other day in Ukraine. Now Darth Putin or whatever the genius goes by these days in his infinite wisdom seems to think sending more young lads from Russia like the official the other day is the way to go. Not only that’s he…
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