#dark alliance
redwoodrroad · 8 months
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the2dstagesfg · 9 months
Errbody out here playing Baldur's Gate 3 and Dark Alliance and here I am playing Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and wondering when are we getting a Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 3.
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jeremyleerennerdotcom · 10 months
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on this day in history
gary webb published the first part of his dark alliance article 18th august 1996
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amorficzna · 6 months
The childhood games that I grew up on were the Dark Alliance series. Not the recent Dark Alliance, but the OG PS2 series. So my favorite part of Baldur's Gate 3 has to be speaking with the chef in the Elfsong Tavern.
Dark Alliance starts in the Elfsong, and the player is tasked with ridding the cellar of these huge rats in order to gain access to the city's sewers.
So to have the chef task you with killing all the rats in the cellar? And your character's strange sense of de ja vu over it?
Genuinely so wonderful. Never thought that series would be acknowledged in the zeitgeist again, and in such a subtle and fun way 🫶
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defstan480 · 2 years
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PS2 / Snowblind Studios / 2001)
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An early example of how to do co-op (or solo!) dungeon crawling right on consoles, Dark Alliance felt fresh and accessible when it released in 2001. It’s just as addicting today and I still find the water and lighting effects impressive for the era.
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mothuary · 1 year
Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance
Ok! so this review is for the first game that I actually started and finished in the new year. Yay! When I stumbled upon the last game I wrote a review for, I had actually been looking for this one: 
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Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance was one of the first video games I’d ever touched in my life. I didn’t even learn it was a spinoff until I’d accidentally bought the mainline game two years ago and was supremely confused. Needless to say, I was really excited to see if this held up to my expectations. Now, this game is part of a kind of set of very similar games that were released by snowblind studios all around the same time, so BG:DA2, as well as the two similar games that take place in the Everquest universe, the first and second Champions of Norrath games. But this one is all D&D 3e babyyyy. Now Im not going to spend this review sucking up to WotC obviously, but it is very charming to re-play a game and see all the references I had been missing as a kid. I thought beholders were as well-known as dragons, lol. 
Now I know that the game has been, in recent years, re-released, so lets talk about what I like about it and see if it’s a worthy way to go on a little early 2000s fantasy nostalgia trip. 
First lets talk about your characters. You get a quite limited selection of three characters with pre-selected names and classes. You can also unlock Drizzt Do’Urden in the character select screen but i didnt know so I played as the elf Adrianna, and my 2P played as... human archer. whose name I forget. each of them has the stats and abilities you would expect, ie. the sorcerer starts with high int and low str, and can cast magic missile. Part of the great fun of the game is finding new weapons and armor to upgrade your character with, but seeing as the game is locked to the basic loot tables in D&D 3e, the loot is a lot more boring than I remembered. You’ll mostly get a couple of weapons worth clinging to over the course of the game, and sell everything else. But hey! at least the woman armor looks respectable. (image source cause its from someones letsplay but mega spoilers in there!)
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Before I get started rambling about the gameplay, you might be interested to know that the music is done by the infamous jeremy soule so if you want some very morrowind-esque vibes, you can always give it a listen: ( x | x | x )
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Okay so gameplay stuff. The game is set up in a bunch of dungeons where you look down from above and you go from “room” to “room” (they arent all literal rooms) and you clear out all of the enemies. Its quite cute, it does remind me of a miniature in a model set. Enemies dont respawn, so there IS a limited quantity of experience in the game. You can load characters from past playthroughs if you want to start out beefier, and this is recommended if you want to play the harder difficulties. Its also important to keep that in mind when youre playing with more than one person, because if youre always getting the kills, your player 2 will fall behind quickly. 
The game has some kind of clunky controls, I really hate how difficult it is to switch spells (you have to use the D-Pad and they give you like forty empty spell slots lol). This issue is especially bad compared to the way that champions of norrath handles it (basically offers you hotkeys, its way better). We also found that the archery was a lot less.... fun than just melee bonking bc there are really limited projectiles. by which I mean its just arrows. plain ol arrows. Also there arent any rings around the feet of your character to help differentiate P1 from P2 so i kept walking into walls. Its not helped by the fact that the gameplay is v simplistic hack n slashy so your eyes kind of glaze over sometimes. 
Another thing of note, which I never really noticed as a kid, is how front-loaded the game is. In the beginning of the game, youre completing a questline attached to the Elfsong tavern, and every once in a while, when you stop at the tavern to buy new weapons, someone will show up to give you a new quest. The quests were always part of the linear plot, so they didnt change the shape of the game at all, but they made the world feel more interesting. By the time you step into the second chapter of the game, the world begins to feel more flat and less and less named npcs pop up to chat with you. It ends up making the game feel really lonely. The NPCs that DO exist are animated quite well for a 2001 game, though, and I was really struck by their individually moving fingers which really helped them feel very emotive, which was underlined by the way that NPCs take up the whole screen when you talk with them. 
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having a sexy bartender in the first five minutes of your game helps keep the audience engaged. 
Its a quite short adventure, it took my partner and I about a week to play all the way through and honestly? By the end I was mostly just kind of excited that I can move on to the second game now and see how much better it is. I think that the game is OK, but should you pay $30 new for it? NO. you can get ps2 copies used for $10. and if youre interested in playing BOTH of the games (and/or the champions games as well) i’d just.... buy a ps2. This game is very imperfect and leaves a lot to be desired. I would not recommend it to everyone, but I would recommend it to anyone craving a classic campaign but doesnt have a party. It does scratch the D&D itch but its not the best of it’s kind. That being said, if your time is limited, I’d say that most people would prefer the Champion’s games to this one. 
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arkemisia · 2 years
I’ve been playing a ridiculous amount of dark alliance lately and I must say I enjoy how it appears that every other throw bruenor tosses a mug instead of his shield???
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regolithvt · 9 months
Day three of stream week done and man I love you guys, went for 7 hour and could've easily gone another 5. I've learned so much each day
2 days left! Tomorrow we're playing Dark Alliance, Scratchin Melodi, and Mega man. come hang out, join the cult, vibe, join the cult
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bloodycyrano · 4 months
Probably very niche, but have you ever gone back to like the Baldurs gate dark alliance games on ps2 and thought Alyth the bartender and the sorceress character would make a really cute couple?
Because it's cannon in my universe now. In my fanfic, reality can be what I want it to be. And I want my BG3 MC to follow a trail of really old, forgotten love letters and clues between the two and meet this old elven lady visiting her human wife's grave and have like a heartwarming "secret to life" wise old woman cliché moment.
Speaking of, it's going to be a cold case mysterious death side quest, and once I get to act 3, you better bet all of my homebrew non cannon side quests during the events of the game are being uploaded here instead of AO3.
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serious2020 · 1 year
Flashpoints | Giants of Journalism feat. Gary Webb & Robert Parry
Flashpoints | Giants of Journalism feat. Gary Webb & Robert Parry — Read on kpfa.org/player/
View On WordPress
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HURT ME SWEETLY (Dark Alliance) by Kira James at The Reading Cafe:
‘intriguing, entertaining, animated’
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thereadingcafe · 1 year
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tsrmarina · 3 months
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Sketched down DnD vampiredom ✍️🩸
Mordoc SeLanmere the Pale Knight, White Prince • Strahd von Zarovich the First Vampire • Astarion Ancunín the Pale Elf, Vampire Ascendant
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8bitsupervillain · 1 year
End of the Year 2022! Honorable video game mentions
Here is the honorable mentions for the video games of 2022. I’m separating them somewhat in the list, but you’ll find both the pre-2022 and the 2022 lists here. They’re all generally fine games, just I quit playing them for various reasons.
HM: Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance
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A fun little Action RPG, but also ball grindingly hard. Perhaps it's because I went with the Wizard character but this is astonishingly difficult. I'll probably go back and finish it.
HM: Divinity: Dragon Commander
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I like this game even though I'm not particularly great at strategy games. I enjoy the story quite a bit, but I'm undecided if I'll go back to it.
HM: Undernauts
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A good dungeon RPG but I sort of just fell off of it. I played it for twelve hours or so, but I just kind of moved on to other games. I love the art style.
HM: Shining Song Starnova
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I got a few hours into the game when my computer decided I didn't make any progress into the story and deleted my save. Idol Manager made me think about giving this game a go.
HM: Daggerfall: Unity
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I am trying desperately to figure out why people like the Elder Scrolls games so much. This one is pretty good, but I didn't play it for any great length of time.
HM: Elder Scrolls Battlespire
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I decided I wanted to try an Elder Scrolls that is a more straight forward game compared to the more open world options. I didn't get far in it, but I do intend on giving it a more fair shake.
HM: Titan Quest
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I wanted to play an Action RPG, and I was drawn to the more Greek inspired look than the typical dark fantasy games in the genre. Really I just want to play the expansion set in China.  
HM: Torment: Tides of Numenera
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I watched the opening movie and I thought it was pretty cool. Sadly I didn't play beyond the opening because I decided to play Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny instead.
HM: Open X-COM
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I finally decided to take a real shot at trying to play "classic" X-COM, every other time I just sort of bounced off it. This time however I seemed to actually get a nice handle on how the game actually plays, so who knows maybe in the future I'll actually go through the entirety of original X-COM.
2022 Propa
HM: Evil West
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Started this one just a smidge too late for it to be eligible for proper best of the year consideration. A fun hack and slash to be sure, kind of a cowboy pastiche of a Devil May Cry. It's a hoot.
HM: Steelrising
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A soulsborne-esque yarn where you play as the robot bodyguard of Marie Antoinette during the robo-French Revolution. Sadly I didn't get particularly far before my attentions were drawn elsewhere.
HM: Conan Chop Chop
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Decent little roguelite game.
HM: Card Shark
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An interesting game with a unique selling point, being a game set in France's past and with the main gimmick being you're not trying to win the card games legitimately but by cheating better than your opponents. I should finish it some day.
HM: Pentiment
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I love a good murder mystery. Sadly I had to let this one slide unplayed.
HM: Lunacid
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You're spoiled for choice these days with Dark Souls derivatives, so it's nice to see someone go back and make a King's Field-like.
HM: River City Saga: Three Kingdoms
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I enjoy beat-em ups and I thought a Kunio game set in the historical period of the Three Kingdoms sounds like a fun idea. I'm not sure I've played it enough to really pass judgment on it.
HM: Moonscars
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One of approximately a hundred Soulsy Metroidvania dark fantasy games that came out this year. I liked what I played though.
HM: Tarnishing of Juxtia
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See above, also it reminds me a lot of Blasphemous more than any other game.
HM: Souldiers
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Unfortunately all these Metroidvania games came out too close in my mind so I kind of had to let some of them fall to the wayside.
HM: Weird West
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HM: Salt and Sacrifice
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I don't care for the character art, but the gameplay is generally solid. I don't know if I'd recommend it over any other of these Metroidvania types, but I thought it was pretty good from what I've played.
HM: Soulash
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A fun pixel-graphics roguelike that I wish I spent more time with.
HM: The Last Hero of Nostalgaia
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Allegedly a satire of Dark Souls and all those types, but I found it to just be a generally fun game to play. Maybe it really goes down hill, but from the demo I played it seemed pretty decent.
HM: Undecember
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It's like if Diablo Immortal was a slightly better roguelite phone game. That sounds mean, but I actually quite like this.
HM: Thymesia
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Bloodborne inspired game this time. Unfortunately I didn't play much of it because of all the other games vying for my attention.
HM: SD Gundam Battle Alliance
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2022 was just positively cram packed with games that were generally pretty good and did what they set out to do quite well. This is a decent little Action RPG, and one day I hope to finish it.
HM: Valkyrie Elysium
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One of the dozen or so games Square Enix released with practically no advertisement. I like what I’ve played so far, it just fell onto the back burner and out of my priorities list.
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asteriass · 7 months
Yandere Male Love Interests
Recommendations for series that include male love interests whose love, admiration, & devotion is so strong that it is expressed as an excessive obsession & possessiveness. Sometimes using extreme violence or brutality as an outlet for their emotions [Though the latter part is not the case for ALL love interests in the list]
[Spoilers warning for certain series later on in the list]
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Firefly Wedding
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Love and Heart
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ The Villain's Savior
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Let's Hide My Little Brother
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳It's Mine
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Abide in the Wind
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Secret Alliance
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Cheese in the Trap
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳340 Days
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳I Failed to Oust the Villain!
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Itoshi no Ko, Charlotte
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳It Was a Mistake, Grand Duke!
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ My Dear Living Dead
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Nariyuki de Konyaku wo Moshi Konda Yowaki Binbo Reijo desu ga, Naze ka Jiki Koshaku-sama ni Dekiai Sarete Torawarete Imasu
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Perfect Mine
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arkemisia · 2 years
Going back to playing Drizzt after leveling Wulfgar is such a shift - he’s so squishy!!! 🤣
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