#dang Malon
breannasfluff · 8 months
Mail Time
“Oh, Legend!” Sky waves the vet down as he comes down the stairs of the inn. “I’ve got the mail! Want to help me sort it out?”
“The mailman again? How does he end up here?” Legend pulls some of the stack from Sky’s arms and frowns at the different scripts. “Hey, are any of these important?”
“Why would I know?”
“Great, let me take these off your hands!” Legend makes a grab for the stack, which Sky yanks away.
“These aren’t yours!”
There’s a glint in the vet’s eyes that promises trouble. “Did you know you can steam open envelope seals? Sure would be a shame if the contents got mixed up…right?”
Well…that’s a pretty harmless prank, actually. Not everyone could read each other's language so there was little chance of sharing information. Sky’s grin is slow, but there. “Want to show me?”
“Mail time!” Sky hands out envelopes based on the names. Legend follows Sky into the room with the other heroes. He and the vet split the stack to mix up. Actually…
“One for you, Legend!”
The vet startles at being handed an envelope, then blanches when he looks at the handwriting. Ah, so he doesn’t want that mixed up in someone else’s? Well, he should have thought of that before pranking the Chain.
For a moment there’s just the quiet rip of seals and shuffle of paper.
“Huh.” Four frowns at the letter he’s holding. “I’ve never heard my Zelda use so many…compliments before.”
Hyrule squints at his paper. “Did I get a bill? Something about rental fees?”
“Well, mine’s from Tetra!” Wind says, which only adds to the confusion.
Warriors makes a choking sound and his face goes bright red.
Legend pounces. “What’s wrong, captain? Why not read your letter aloud?”
“N-no,” comes the strangled reply. “I really don’t think that’s a good idea. I think the mail has been mixed up.”
“Come on, share with us!”
The captain makes a wheezing sound and turns, impossibly, redder. “You asked for it. Uh, someone cover Wind’s ears.”
“Hey!” Wind is ignored as Twilight claps his hands over the sailor’s ears. Time frowns, but doesn’t interfere.
Clearing his throat, Warriors starts reading. “My love, how I long for the carnal delight of your body. I’m so empty without your…sword to spear me.”
Twilight clutches Wind closer, mouth hanging open. Most of the rest of the Chain stare as well. Legend is positively bug-eyed.
“I miss running my hands across your firm buttocks, dipping to that most secret place—”
“Okay!” Time interrupts. “I think that’s enough.”
Warriors waves the paper. “No, no, let me keep reading! Let’s see, ‘My sweet, my Fairy Boy, my Link…”
Dead silence.
As one, everyone’s heads swivel to stare at Time. Sky’s never seen Time turn that shade of red before.
“I think,” he whispers, “that letter is for me.”
“It was Sky’s idea to mix up the mail,” Legend yells, and bolts.
If Sky’s going down, Legend is too. “Get back here you turncoat! Traitor! Villain!” He thuds into the hall wall as he sprints after the vet.
“Sky! Legend!” Time roars.
“Run faster!”
@uniquevoidflowers Thanks for the prompt!
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commanderwindy · 7 months
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 days
Ok Wild Angsters, you wanted a continuation, so here you go :)
Four already knew what he would be walking into. His phone had been blowing up for hours. He’d come in to work early. Whether he was assigned to take care of Wild or not was another matter - Vaati loved to try and take all the admissions, convinced he was the best nurse on the unit. If Four could just keep Vaati out of Wild’s room, he’d consider it a success.
When the charge nurse told him he would be admitting the trauma alert, he knew who he was getting.
Pre-admission jitters always made Four anxious, but this was an entirely other level of fear. He almost wanted to request a different assignment, but it was too late now. What if he couldn’t take caer of him because he was his friend? What if that impair his decision making? What if he just wasn’t skilled enough to handle it? He knew Ezlo wouldn’t give him an assignment he couldn’t handle, wouldn’t be there to support him, but still…
Four went over the supplies in his room once more. Safety checks were fine—they had suction, they had a bag valve mask, the code card was nearby—and he had all the supplies he needed. It was just a waiting game.
Four paced the unit at least three times before he looked at the OR status board again. Wild was still in surgery. He poked in his chart, glancing at injuries, looking at vital signs and anesthesia notes. The last update he saw was that Wild had gotten another unit of blood. Estimated blood loss so far was around 2200mL.
2200mL. That… wasn’t too terrible, Four supposed. He’d… seen worse.
Please don’t get worse.
Four knew for certain that Wild had been mass transfused in the ED. Warriors, his primary nurse when he was there, had told him as much. Between that and the multiple blood products he’d gotten in surgery, as well all the crystalloids he was likely getting as well…
Four took a breath. Then another. He grabbed his phone, texting Warriors. You doing ok?
Wars didn’t reply.
Four wasn’t entirely sure where everyone was at this point. Hyrule had stayed at the hospital, lingering in the emergency department and then the operating room waiting area, but Four hadn’t seen him since he’d clocked in. Warriors and Legend should be getting off shift now, but whether they were going to stay up was another matter. Time was obviously in the OR (Wild’s wreck had been around 10pm, he’d arrived in the ED around 10:45, and he’d been stabilized for surgery and gone to the OR by around midnight - it was 7am now… he wasn’t sure how long this was going to take, but it couldn’t be much longer). Malon should be getting on shift now as well - she had come in last night when everything had gone down, alongside Twilight. Wind had been cautiously left out of the loop until Wild had gone to surgery, simply because nobody had really had much information at the time, so no one wanted to worry the kid until they could figure things out. Everyone had their hands full as it was. But by now, Four knew Wind was either in the OR waiting room, harassing every respiratory therapist he knew, or in the hospital library pacing anxiously. As for Sky, the last Four heard he was bouncing between different people, checking in on everyone.
He clicked through more anesthesia notes, looked at flow sheets for blood products. There wasn’t much to go on, as charting was sparse. What Four did know was that Wild had been obtunded, got mass transfused, had gotten a chest tube, had been intubated, blood was evident in his abdomen, and he had an open femur fracture. He’s been taken to Time’s OR for a ex-lap. Head CT had shown a bleed, and they were monitoring it. That was all the information Legend had told the group when he’d had a moment to spare.
Four’s vocera activated, telling him he had a call from the charge nurse. When he answered, he was told Malon had called and said they’d be finishing up in about thirty minutes and were likely to come up open.
Why was he coming up with his abdomen open? When had they gone from exploratory laparotomy to a full on open abdomen?
Ten minutes later, Malon called back to give report. When Four answered, the first thing he asked was, “How’s he doing? Is he okay? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Malon said, even though she sounded exhausted. “And he’s… hanging in there. I’ve seen worse, I’ll say that. I’ll give you the full rundown, okay?”
Four listened as Malon gave report, feeling his heart settled into his stomach, which was tying itself in knots. Multiple spots of bleeding, possible compartment syndrome in his abdomen, a likely kidney injury due to compression from the bleeding on some major vessels, a small hematoma in his brain… they’d had to call neurosurgery to do an emergency craniotomy out of overt concern of swelling, given that Wild had apparently had previous head trauma, based on what they saw in the OR.
Open abdomen, craniotomy, ICP monitoring, bleeding, one chest tube… this was a disaster. Four swallowed as he wrote, feeling his hand shake a little as his heart raced. He was not qualified enough to be admitting this. He was not.
But the turnaround on his unit was pretty insane, and he was the most experienced nurse on the unit today. At least Ezlo was charge; he knew he’d be well supported.
This was a nightmare. But Four had dealt with nightmares, and he would deal with this. He wasn’t going to screw up taking care of any patient, but especially his friend.
Sighing, he hung up the phone after thanking Malon, pushing worries for her and Time aside, trying to focus on what he would need, who he should grab to help him, and how he should prep his room.
It was time to get to work.
When everyone arrived from the OR, Four made brief eye contact with Time. He couldn’t read much from the man, who was stone faced, aside from the exhaustion evident in the dark circles under his eyes. Four got to work quickly, assessing Wild from head to toe as he looked to see what IV medications he was on. A coworker wrote the note while Ezlo helped detangle his lines (the OR always brought up a mess, after all). Time gave an overview of the surgery, and Four listened along as he checked pupils, as he zeroed the arterial line and the ICP monitor, as he listened to lung and heart sounds, as he checked the chest tube and stripped it with his fingers to ensure patency, as he checked peripheral pulses, as he looked at the abdominal dressing to get a baseline in case there was swelling from bleeding later. One of the techs connected the chest tube to wall suction, and Four looked over his drips. Only having levophed at 2 wasn’t terrible, and he was getting a unit of red blood cells, which was in a transfusion set that was y’d to some lactated ringers fluid. He was on propofol for sedation. Another nurse grabbed a blood gas from his arterial line and sent off labs. His foley he had was temp sensing, and Four quickly ascertained that Wild was cold, so he set up the blanket warmer and covered his friend up.
His friend. His friend.
Four shook his head. He had to focus.
As Time left the room, he put a hand on Four’s shoulder, making him freeze. The surgeon didn’t speak, just locking eyes with him. Four wasn’t entirely sure if it was for his own benefit or not. But he had no more time to let his emotions make any decisions for him. He nodded to the doctor, who nodded in return, and then the two went their separate ways.
This was going to be a long day.
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leightum · 2 months
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Taylor Swift - Fortnight (feat. Post Malone)
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bokettochild · 10 months
Opera House AU Roles
Okay, so I keep getting asks about this AU, so here's the roles each of the chain/princesses would take in the opera house
Lullaby: Director and owner
She started the opera house and runs it like the leaky ship it is. They make good money and do good work, but every work is like a piece of embroidery; pretty from the front, but when you look at the back....
Time: Blocking Director
Lullaby runs most things, but Time is the person who runs everyone through choreography and plans how to enact things on the stage. He's Lullaby's partner, but that doesn't mean they agree on everything.
Malon: Voice Teacher
Time hired her when Twilight joined, because he really wanted to help this kid get back on his feet, but working in the house means you need to be able to sing, if only for back-vocals. She occasionally helps out backstage and will fill in roles if needed, but she's not officially part of the company. Yet. Lullaby is trying to recruit her, but Malon kinda loves working for the music school that hired her out.
Twilight: Actor and stagehand
His preferred work is backstage, helping move props and scenery quickly between scenes, and he's good at it. Sometimes though, they need someone to fill various roles and he gets slapped in there. Luckily, he can avoid most singing roles, and his main thing is action.
Sky: Actor
Sky is the best stuntman in the whole cast, but not as good an actor. He's good at both, but action is far better than line delivery. He's most often called on to play antagonistic roles as a result, since his skills in fight scenes actually leave the audience worried he will destroy their hero. Many people are surprised to find out he's such a great guy off stage.
Fi: Sky's fencing instructor
She neither works for the opera house, nor at it, if she can help it. She comes over from time to time to work with Sky though, and if he asks, she might help some of the others. Time is her former protege, but they have beef between them for some reason so he doesn't like having her around. She loves the kids though, in her own way, Legend and Wind specifically.
Warriors: The Diva
He picked up something of a following in high-school and college, and when he came to the opera house, needing work, he basically brought his fans with. His is the headline name they use to draw crowds in most times, so more often then not he's the male lead in most plays. Surprisingly though, he's pretty decent about it, and while Legend and Twilight may say otherwise, his ego is properly held in check. He's a great singer and performer, and second best to Sky in action related things.
Artemis: Diva No. 2
Warriors pulled a few strings to get his ex-girlfriend from college a role when Lullaby was short some actors. Her chemistry with Wars on stage has quickly made her a fan favorite, and her own performing sealed the deal. She and Wars have a good relationship for being ex-college-sweethearts. Both of them were already up and coming stars before coming to the opera house, and it's still a bit of a shock to folks that they haven't left for greener pastures, but they're attached dang it.
Dusk: Singer & Dive No. 3
While her acting skills are less varied than Warriors and Artemis, her voice is far superior to either, which more than compensates for her lack of versatility in roles. She's the last piece of the Diva Trio, and her most common roles are either villainesses, powerful women and mothers (ironically). She's not as close with the rest of the crew as they are with each other, but she's new yet, and has only been with the company for a year. Her bond with Wars and Arty is pretty strong though, because they won't let her sit alone, and have pushed down the walls a bit.
Sun: Starlet
Sun is one of the up and coming performers. She's not nearly as big a name as the Diva Trio, but she does pretty well and her voice is to die for. She and Sky both study under Fi, and so she's pretty good with stunts, although not as great as Sky (yet). She's also a decent hand at needlework, so she's something of an emergency seamstress when a seam is popped or some such.
Fable: Actress
Not as present in the team as she'd like, due to her somewhat overprotective guardians, Fable is a skilled actress who Artemis is convinced will one day follow in her footsteps to become a radiant star. The only thing stopping her from gaining a big name in the industry is the aforementioned guardians, who love her, but again, worry endlessly. She joined by the suggestion of her old classmate, Flora, and to this day remains the only person who can reliably tame their wild child.
Legend: Jack-of-all-Trades
His official job is non-existant. He's been here since he was a literal infant (Twilight couldn't get a sitter) and it shows. He's picked up just about everything there is to know about the opera house, and never got formally hired (although he is paid). He's the go-to guy for just about anything and everything. He takes acting roles, particularly those more dance or trick related, as he's the only guy who actually knows genuine acrobatics and most forms of dance, and because he's young, he can take literally any role, even that of females. Most of the time though, he's backstage with a tool-belt of everything possible, fixing last minute costume, make-up, or set issues. He also tends to pick up strays.
Ravio: Prop Manager
Ravio's job is to construct and make sure props are where they should be at all times. He and Legend work hand in hand on most things, mostly because Legend originally was prop-manager (of sorts) before he got Ravio into the opera house. Ravio is one of "Legend's strays" as the boys ran into each other shortly after Leg came back from abroad, and the Lorulian was desperately searching for a room-mate. Legend helped him get a job better than where he was (pawn shop) and Ravio feels utterly indebted to him, and makes sure Leg knows it.
Styla: Costume manager
While Legend helps out in costume, it's actually Styla's domain. She's skillful in her work and quick to make unfortunate mistakes and pieces turn out surprisingly well. She's blessed with good speaking skills and copious charm, so she sometimes take on roles on stage, but she can't sing any more than Twilight can. She does not want lessons. Ravio and Legend are desperately trying to make her take them anyway; they work closely with her as a trio of their own, and much as they love her, she gives them headaches.
Hyrule: Assistant jack-of-all-trades
Another of Legend's strays, Hyrule, like so many others, is a fresh-out-of-foster street kid. He saved Legend's life by chance, and Leg determined to pay him back by getting him a job as a stage hand at the opera house, and a room in the living quarters there. Lullaby is used to the pinkette, so she didn't object, but everyone's glad Hyrule joined because he's absolutely amazing. What he lacks in natural talent, he makes up for in hard work and a quick mind. Warriors is certain Hyrule could make a killer performer, but with his lack of confidence it's slow going. The diva is utterly intent on taking Rule under his wing though and teaching him little by little. Ravio and Legend do not appreciate Wars stealing their assistant though.
Wind: Gofer
Wind is Warriors' kid cousin. Freshly in Hyrule from overseas, he's working at the opera house after school. He's pretty close with the other stage crew, and a huge reason Hyrule didn't get scared off in the first week. This kid is the most in touch with reality out of most of the crew, and acts as a buffer from their insanity to any newcomers. He tends to run and fetch for the most part, but at times has been known to also help craft the sets with Legend. They are artists and they do shit talk everyone while they do it.
Four: Special Effects
You know that one tech-nerd with too much coffee in their system, not enough sleep and perpetually frazzled hair? That's Four. Four handles lights, sound, special effects and all things mechanical. Everything's always on the fritz, so he is too. He does enjoy acting, but he gets anxiety about letting anyone else run his job, so he tends to avoid taking roles unless he's 110% sure Flora can handle without him.
Flora: Assistant Light Technition
Officially, she works lights, unofficially, she's Four's assistant. This girl was bred for the stage and avoids it like the plague. Her family is famous for acting but she's content to play lights and sounds crew with Four, and no one has seen her happier. She joined by her parents insistence, as an actress and learning under Wars and Arty, but one show gone wrong had her throwing herself in to help Four just in time and he's considered her irreplaceable since. She has no interest in going back on stage and no one makes her.
Groose: Tech Assistant
Working with the backstage crew, Grooise's official job title is technical assistance, but even he will joke that he's actually just a glorified ladder. He, like the others, acts on occasion, although his real passion lies in planning out the more difficult mechanics required to pull off certain effects and stunts. He essentially bridges the gap between the costume and props department and the special effects team.
Robbie and Purah: IT
This insane duo are known as "the basement dwellers" or "the witches" to most of the team. They're technically on payroll, but rarely seen. Purah is something like the last resort when Groose & Co. can't figure stuff out, and Robbie is her somewhat reluctant assistant. They emerge on occasion with all sorts of crazy ideas and items, and are some of Legend and Wild's favorite people in the crew because they never fail to provide the prop master and prop breaker with cool new toys.
Wild: Actor and Stuntman
Where Sky is their swordsman and Legend their acrobat, Wild is the guy who will pull all the stunts the others won't. He's still in uni at the moment, but his acting skills are to die for, as he can manage the stoic and dashing hero or the playful jester types with equal skill and believablity. He is, however, a risk to props and costumes in general, so he and and the prop/costume team don't always get along well and they're often dubious about letting him take key roles with key costumes/props as a result.
Linkle: Effects
Four and Flora officially work special effects, but occasionally call in Warriors' twin sister for some specialty stuff. No one knows what she does normally (except Warriors) and they're all a bit too scared to ask
Dawn: Secretary
Lullaby's a busy woman, so she hired Dawn to help her with some of the office work. Generally speaking, Dawn stays in the office and her only contact with the cast and crew is to handle complaints and any official work. She is, however, fantastically talented on the piano, something Lullaby and Time both encourage her to pursue. She plays the grande they have in house on her breaks, and occasionally in shows. She croaks like a frog when she sings though, end even Malon can't seem to help her with that.
Aurora: Front of House
Aurora works the ticket collections and generally minds front of house. Her warmth and eccentric attitude help add to the magic of the opera house and enchant the guests.
Dot: Think Tank
While a capable actress when called on, Dot's skill lies with the pen, and while the opera tends to preform classics as their main attractions, Dot does see that they have an abundance of new content for their smaller shows. She also acts as the outreach to the community to open the opera house to the public for use in community events. She and Dawn work pretty closely.
Dei: Trainer
Time's mentor after Fi, he's a bit of a hard ass and tends not to get involved in his protege's work. He is, however, currently training Warriors, so he is around from time to time to help the diva with his work. Time and he remain somewhat cordial, but there is some tension there, although not as bad as with Fi.
And while I know people are counting through and going "what about Tetra?", I am going to point out that Tetra wouldn't be caught dead working in the opera. She comes to support (and heckle) anything Wind is in, but generally stays out of the building otherwise, at least while the cast and crew are actually there.
And that covers it! At least for the time being.
If y'all have any further questions or thoughts, or character I may have missed, feel free to share them!
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labyrinthdancer · 6 months
i was reading emissary-of-the-moon’s ‘modern AU’ you should check their stuff out it’s really cool! and i was like ‘oh dang I got one of those!’
so here i am back with the lore bump :D
termina and ordonian(the kingdom oradon village is in) are smaller countries that border hyrule
hyrule and the countries around it where in a major wars that lasted a couple of years
four, sky, wild, and wind might as well be dead cause i got nothin on them
because Time was messing with well TIME there are three different versions of him running around
time, shade, and mask. all with their own lives and experiences lives completely separate from one another
time was dubbed a hero cause he helped fight off ganondorf or somthin pre-war, he down lives with Malon on Lon-Lon ranch
he is also twilights father though he doesn’t know that >:3
he had a one night stand with some unimportant lady when he was nineteen 18 years later twilights running around
mask was a child soldier in the termina army during the war and was sent with the army to aid hyrule when they got attacked
he met warriors during the war and after was adopted by him and now lives in castle town(which is more like a new york type city)
shade is a bounty hunted/vigilante and is NOTHING like time, times a hero and well loved by the whole county and avoids killing at all cost, shades a wanted criminal who is very disliked by nearly all the people who know he exists and has no problem with killing
has 100% committed murder several times
he helped in the war in his own way, and helped twilight when he trying to stop zant
ounce he heard from his sources™️ that twilight was time’s son he adopted twi. someone with their DNA had to be responsible and it might as well be him
shade regularly breaks into government buildings to get anything and everything sometimes he lets twilight come with him if he know it won’t be to dangerous
shade know way to much about everything, no one knows how he gets some of his info
warriors was a chaptain during the war and now works for the royal family
he took in mask after the war cause he was like twelve with no family and fighting in a war
twilight was a orphan most of his life only having stable living conditions when he went to oradon in the summers
he was in oradon when the twilight invasion happened
the twilight invasion was when zant invaded and covered the whole of hyrule in twilight. it was also completely unknown to most of hyrule that anything had happened, as all of them turned into poes and just kept fighting the war
the twilight invasion happen durning the last two years of the war
twilight was turned into woffie cause of the twilight and helped Midna find all the fused shadow and take down zant(more or less what happened in the game)
shade mentored him during this and then latter on adopted him
twilight and shade live in the top part of a run down foreclosed hotel in the middle of like the most crazy rundown part of castle town, like run by mob bosses half of the block is on fire.
they do not live their legally.
every piece of furniture they own they found in ether the dump or the side of the road. they have a wall of just weapons and guns
half of one of the walls is not there it just a open space
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ts-heystephen · 2 months
TTPD thoughts (spoilers!)
Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) - My New aesthetic??? - This is so depressing - I wanna kill her??? - I love you, it's ruining my life!!! - This song is absolutely STUNNING - Comment on my sweater??? - My husband is cheating??? - Love Post on the vocals - Move to Florida??? The Tortured Poets Department - Typewriter at my apartment - Omg... - I'm literally shaking - No-fucking-body??? - Golden retriever??? - Kill yourself??? - Nooooooo - The closest I've come.. - Who else decodes you??? My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - The beat omg - Plastic smile??? - This is exactly the vibe I wanted! - litany? (what does that mean?) - Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me? TAYLOR - Kens!!! - but I'm not... Down Bad - Fuck it if I can't have him - Naked and alone!!! - TAYLOR IT WOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! - Say that it's- - Fuck you if I can't have us??? - Lost my twin, oh Taylor... So Long, London - I'm gonna cry - Lana vibe - Oh, the tragedy - CPR??? - The altar??? (false god...) - But I'm not the one, aww But Daddy I Love Him - Kinda upbeat lol - Country vibes!!! - I'm having his baby??? - Bitching & moaning?? Huh? - Me & my wild boy, lover vibes! - Lovers... - But fuck 'em it's over??? Fresh Out The Slammer - LOVE this sound! - Imaginary rings??? - Not many thoughts, just stunned! Florida!!! (feat. Florence & The Machine) - Weed or little babies? - Florida!!! - Never heard Florence & The Machine but they/she eats! - Gives me no body , no crime vibes - Fuck me up, Florida??? - I actually LOVE this song! Guilty as Sin? - Automatically 10/10 - Am I allowed to cry!!! - lowercase inside a vault??? - Oh, so sensual!!! - False God pt.2!!! - So far, prob my fav! Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? - You don't get ot tell me about "sad"!!! - REP VIBES - YOU SHOULD BE??? Girl I am - I am GAGGED - Obsessed!!! - The low beats? - Is she talking abt the cornilia street house? - Narcotics in your songs??? - Oh dang, she wrote this alone... I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - Not the jokes - The big booms are so cool! - Good boy??? - Whoa maybe I can't, lol loml - White Horse vibes - You took me to hell too?? - Wait, is this my fave? - Mr. Steal Your Girl? - I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all! I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - I can handle with my shit - Lights, camera, bitch smile! - About the Eras Tour def - Not the depressing lyrics but happy beat lol, I love her - In stilettos for miles - As the crowd was chanting more! - Aww, I hope she doesn't think of us like this... - Cause I'm miserable and nobody even knows! - She said "try and come for my job" bitch!The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - Who the fuck was that guy? - Now you know what it feels like - The breath... :((( - The yelling into the mic!!! - Were you a spy??? - Sexy??? - You crashed my party??? - ATE HIM UP QUEEN! The Alchemy - Was she actually in a hospital??? I'm scared - Hey you - LOVE this too!!! - Gonna rank this right after btw! Clara Bow - (I'm scared) - Rock vibes [in the beginning] - You look like Clara Bow in this light - Crowd goes wild goes wild at her fingertips, half moonshine full eclipse - Girlish glow? - You look like Taylor Swift in this light, we're loving it - This is so sad... [Will post thoughts once the vinyl and cd are received] The Manuscript The Bolter {I'll try to find videos on YouTube...} The Albatross The Black Dog
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needfantasticstories · 4 months
Spoiler quote ahead but it’s so dang good!
Just LOOK at this excerpt:
"No. I mean, it's different for me when it's you. Yes, there's the descendant — and he's not just mine. He's Malon's, too." A frustrated sound escaped him. "But you — Captain, you're mine."
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luimagines · 5 months
Hi Pinky! I don't know where to put this or who to tell this to cause none lf my friends are available+loz enthusiasts (one of them hates loz with a burning passion too lmao😔😔) (He has beef with loz)
So uh yeah! New Link and Zelda yippie 100,000 yrs after Wild's era! Realm, Wild's successor is just as chaotic as him but his chaoticness(+trauma) goes beyond the stratosphere ❤️ (The Hero of Realms is this Link's hero title, Realm is his assigned nickname ig, stil not sure if this is his final hero title cause his story is still messy, doesn't make sense, and incomplete)
He's also 10 the babey and has facial recognition problems, he'd like look at four and say "Hi Wind! :D"
He also suggests stuff that are like a wtf worthy response, "Wanna watch me split the sea in half?" or "Wanna watch me steal the moon?" or "Wanna watch me break disassemble the master sword and reassemble it again like a lego?" *Fi had to intervene lmao* also Fi makes a physical appearance here haha! She deserves a comeback >:(
You wanna know whats more? He's Time and Twilight's descendant, he's physical proof that Twilight got laid hahahahaha gsvk djkfkdhshsjdk Imagine their shock Time going like Dang my bloodline survive that long??? And Twilight going Dang I continued the bloodline???
Funfact when Twilight tries to use the crystal while on Realms dragon companion the crystal doesn't work, it cancels out the crystals power
And this Link in particular doesn't have blonde or brunette hair, he has cherry red hair like Malon's except darker and the iconic blue eyes
He also has a dragon travelling companion (the dragon is like similar to the dragons in botw/totk, big flying danger noodles) the dragon grants Realm the power to open portals from realm to realm, era to era, or the past, present, and future of that certain realm. Also that dragon companion is this Link's mother, the whole time his mother has been with him the whole adventure, they even fought Ganon together along with Zelda :'(  (I mean Realm did all the work tanking Ganon all the dragon did is fight off a whole army of monsters while saving civilians) (but does the chain know that? No) (Realm gets really stingy when someone makes unwelcomed comments to the dragon, or when they ride on the dragon and one of the chain accidentally does something that causes the dragons scales/mane to be stained/dirty) (yes I'm so unoriginal but shush) (the dragon also sings, it sings lullabies like zeldas lullaby, lost woods, ballad of the wind fish, etc... It doesn't have like powerful mighty roars a dragon should have but it has like a mystical, melodious, and serene roars, or just think of Mothras roar) (the dragons shards can also empower or heal anything or anyone with it)
Ignore this if you want I'm basically rambling stuff that is completely unrelated to your blog XD
Is mama dragon as big as Mushu though?
Do we get memes? ^.^*
Does she yell about dishonor to the rest of the boys who try to interfere with what her baby is doing? XD
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i-did-an-art · 7 months
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day nine… the last day
again with everyone trying to poison malon :(
dang midna seven kills-
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poggersbathwater · 2 months
talked about Gorillaz and now I wanna keep rambling about music so it's time to hear me ramble about Cowboy Carter
ughhhh beyonceeeeeee I love her
the Jolene cover goes unironically so hard- I love how it went from begging Jolene not to take Dolly's man to Beyonce being like "do it bitch I dare you" and tbh I live for that. Don't let people take nothing from you if they know it's yours.
also LEVIIS JEANS???? DANG THAT SONG IS HOT- post Malone never really stuck to me in terms of music but his singing voice goes hard, might get into him now. Gonna show this song to my boyfriend be like "this is us"
I did NOT expect her to spit bars on SPAGHETTII like that. I love when Beyonce raps
YA YA is SO FUKCIGN GOOD HAHSHDJSJSJ I love the wild, high energy instrumental. Probably my favorite on the album. OH YOU GOTTA KEEP THE FAITHHHHHHH 🎶🎶🎶🎶 love the soul in her voice for that
also why are people gatekeeping country from her?? Music artists go from one genre to another all the time, why is it a problem when Beyonce, who is from HOUSTON FUCKIN TEXAS, makes country music?? Some people in her comments on like, YouTube and IG have been so hateful and for what????
Tl:Dr, I love Beyonces new album and it makes me proud to be an Arkansan
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siriuslysatorusimping · 10 months
I listened to the song and dang.. it’s describe them way too much:/ can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen in the next chapter 😩💔💔
Circles is SUCH a good song for Gojo and Rinko. Honestly, Post Malone in general. Gojo and Rinko have made me a Post Malone fan. 😂😂
Echoes in the Void is gonna be a rough time for all of us, tbh 😬
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It’s time to have fun and gush over your works! Post up to three scenes from your story/stories that you love and talk about them! :D
Oooo thank you, this should be fun!
They each were reading; Malon had a book on archery and she wasn’t able to make out anything of the foreign Hylian displayed on the spines of the others. She subtly glanced up every now and then to see that while Four and Legend had started out on opposite sides of the couch, they both kept shifting their weight so they had eventually scooted next to each other. By the time their elbows were touching, Malon realized that Four had not turned a page in over five minutes. He kept squeezing his eyes shut with a pained scowl, and finally slipped a bookmark in between his current pages. Malon put her book aside as well, standing when Four did. Legend looked annoyed at the second time his brother had left his side that day but stubbornly kept reading.
“Are you feeling all right, hon?” Malon intercepted Four and reached out to feel his forehead with the back of her hand. Like Wild had the day before, Four flinched slightly at the touch. Unlike Wild, he refused to meet her eyes and pulled back on his own.
“I’m fine. Just a headache is all. I’ll go upstairs and try to rest a bit.” Four explained in a hushed voice, walking past her towards the stairs.
“Okay then, I hope you feel better soon.” Malon called, equally hushed, then returned to her chair. She and Legend spent a few minutes pretending to read, her with increasingly frequent glances at the stairs and him with slowly curling shoulders due to the lack of physical contact.
-Mom of Four
A lot of thought went into every bit of this story, and I had fun hiding tons of little details. At first, Malon had a book about gardening but it just didn't feel right. Then I had a "duh!" moment and switched it to archery to reference that one doodle. And hopefully you noticed Legend in the background: he's very subtle about it but he also spends the day quiet, lonely, and more than a little touch-starved. This may be Four's spotlight but you better believe Legend is standing just behind the curtain.
A flash of lightning illuminated the cabin for a split second, and Legend saw Wind’s wide eyes staring straight back. “Gah! Quit that, you little creep,” Legend grumbled. He shifted until his back was turned to Wind. The roll of distant thunder finally reached them, and Legend groaned. “Yeah, nobody’s coming for us tonight.”
“At least we’ve got each other!” Wind chirped.
Legend heard rustling and suddenly felt a warm weight pressing against his back. “Are you…?”
“Shhh,” Wind giggled. With a contented hum, he wiggled a little closer to Legend. The vet rolled his eyes, but allowed himself a secret smile. It was nice, being close to his brother without Warriors or the others teasing them.
“This reminds me of whenever we have to hide from a hurricane on Outset,” Wind mused. “We all sleep in the same house and tell funny stories and eat cookies by lanternlight and-”
A bolt of lightning struck much closer this time, the resulting thunder making Legend flinch involuntarily.
“And,” Wind continued as if he had never been interrupted, “Sometimes we sing.”
Before Legend could process this information, Wind cleared his throat and began to sing.
“Now the rain is coming down hard and it’s getting dark The thunder is cracking and the lightning’s lighting my yard And the shadows seem to lurk, cause this lantern doesn’t work But don’t you worry when the lights go out.”
-A Storm of Fluff
This is from the fluffiest dang thing I've written, and it still surprises me how I managed to chase all the naughty angsty thoughts away. Legend's scared of the storm? Never mind that, Wind's singing a Doodlebops song! That might be one of the best ideas I've had, it's so cute and a fun way to spread some nostalgia. And of course there's Wind going 👁👁 in the dark lol.
Sky sounded guilty, which immediately put Legend on edge. “Since you’re awake, I wanted to warn you before the nurse got back. You, um.” He bit his lip, reluctant to make himself tell Legend the rest.
“Just spit it out,” Legend mumbled, a hint of his normal snark coming through.
Sky gave Legend a faint smile before continuing. “They’re going to give you some medicine. I’m not sure what triggers you the most about being in the hospital, but I’m betting this is one of them. You’re gonna get a couple of shots, okay?”
Legend’s chest tightened more than he would have thought possible given the circumstances, his heart beginning to pound. His head swirled, past and present combining in a mishmash of fear. “Okay,” he gasped, begging his body to calm down.
He had always had a mild aversion to needles, leading him to seek coping techniques and avoid piercing his ears even though just about every other kid at school had at least one pair of earrings. After the accident, though, they had the added bonus of being associated with the pain and confusion of waking up, the intense discomfort of having something buried inside him that didn’t belong, the helplessness of having to endure while knowing that the same treatment hadn’t been able to save her.
“Whoa, Legend, you have to breathe, come on, please-”
Legend was suddenly aware that he was in fact not breathing, mouth slightly open like a fish on land. He forced his congested lungs back into an uneven rhythm, coughing roughly as soon as he regained enough oxygen.
“There you go. It’ll be over fast, right? At least you don’t need an IV,” Sky said, trying to reassure him.
Legend flinched. “Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth, “talk about that.”
Sky stood from his chair, still keeping Legend’s hand in a firm grip. To Legend’s surprise, he sat on the bed, one leg hanging off the edge.
“Is that even allowed?” Legend asked, not wanting his friend to get in trouble. Would he get reprimanded? Banned from his room? Legend quickly extinguished that last thought.
Sky gave him a confident smile. “It is now. Besides, if I’m going to get sick I think it’s too late to prevent it now.”
Someone loudly knocked on the door, making them both jump. Legend’s head whipped around and he stared at the metal handle, eyes wide.
Sky reached over and gently turned Legend’s head back to face him. “Can you be brave for me?” he asked quietly, and Legend gave a small nod. “Good.” Sky pulled Legend closer until his face rested against Sky’s shoulder, unable to see. “It’s better if you don’t look,” Sky whispered as the door opened.
-Sicktember 2022 Day 11
This was a rollercoaster to write, and it was fun to combine pneumonia, Koholint angst, and a fair bit of projection into one prompt fill. Just as Legend thinks he can stand being in the hospital as long as Sky's by his side, he gets warned about his next treatment and gets a panic attack. Sky may not be the best at knowing what to say, but dang it he's going to keep trying until he gets it right. Legend needs it too, his panic has overtaken common sense and his instinct is to look at the equipment even though that's the last thing he should be doing. If Sky wasn't with him, well. Let's just say this would be a far, far worse experience.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
Wait wait so was Time the one who ended up removing Twilight’s appendix? Or was he just standing in the corner of the room glaring at the general surgery resident and making him sweat? Or did Malon have to pull him away entirely bc he was terrifying everyone in the OR? XD I must know
Time was the on-call attending for trauma and general surgery - he hadn't entirely expected that was what was wrong with Twilight initially, but it became obvious fairly quickly, and, well, he hadt o do what he had to do. But mostly it did consist of him just glaring at the resident and fellow while Malon tried to keep him in check but also kind of glared too but dang it they have to stay level headed
Thankfully the procedure was quick and routine, partly because Time eventually shoved the junior doctors aside and finished it up himself.
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zcommander · 9 months
"Get to know me" game
Tagged by @whirlwyrm alright you asked for it!
Tagging: No one cause im boring :P
Last Song: Dial Drunk by Noah Kahan (not the one with post malone, the one where he's alone)
Last Movie: Nimona (really good, had an agrument with a dumb person over nonbinary representation because of this movie)
Last Show: One Piece Live Action!! (NGL it really had a lot of nostalgia for me and it makes me want to go back and watch the anime) ((Boogie brain rot activated btw))
Currently Watching: Ahsoka (i know disney bad but this show is really interesting so far i just wish it could all be out so i could judge it properly)
Currently Reading: The Blood Trials (Its interesting and holds promise but its a little too military for my regular tastes so its taking forever to get though)
Last Thing I Searched For Art/Writing Purposes: "How to cell shade tutorial" i've watched the dang thing like 5 times and i still don't understand all the steps, but if you're looking for reference i believe it was a pose i stole from overwatch.
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bokettochild · 2 years
🦊ok so; the former king(s) and queen(s) of hyrule had quite a few daughters, their oldest being the current queen Zelda “Lullaby” Hyrule. at one point, the King had passed and the queen got remarried to her personal guard and ended up having twins. (the same thing goes for the girls being favored) and she gave the boy (Legend) to her husbands brother for protection, and he had no royal titles his entire life. once his uncle died he was adopted by the queen close friend Time and his wife Malon!
Yes!!!! I love it!
I love the idea of Legend being descended from Lullaby, and there's been a few times I've made Time recognize bits of Sheik/Lullaby in the vet, so this plays right up my alley of thunks
I love this so dang much you have no idea!
May I add?
Maybe they were neighbors. legend grew up on an apple farm and Time and Malon have a ranch, maybe they lived next door (relatively) to each other and helped out on each others' farms sometimes?
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