#dancers apply 👀
definitelynotshouting · 9 months
dance au you say 👀👀👀 is it like Grian and Scar typically do different styles of dance but are for some reason partnered together or do they dance the same style and gotta choreograph a routine together but kinda buttheads with how they choreograph
Not quite, although thats a super cool idea!!! :D my au is about Grian asking Scar for dance lessons while preparing for an event he's been invited to-- he's expected to dance, and has never really applied himself to learn more than the very basics until now.
Scar, however, is an excellent dancer and offers to teach him, builds them an intricate gazebo to learn in, shows up to their first lesson in an immaculate new suit, and proceeds to unintentionally but enthusiastically seduce Grian-- who's had a crush for a long time, but hasn't yet gotten up the courage to do anything about it.
The penultimate scene goes a little something like this:
Grian asks Scar for one last practice session before the event. He doesn't even need to feign nervousness-- he's practically sweating bullets. But practicing isnt really his motivation here; in all honesty, he just wants to spend one more time in Scar's arms.
It's evening, golden and sticky with summer, and they're dancing as the sun slowly begins to set. Scar's complimenting, hyping him up, telling him he's a natural now, he'll do so great. He'll be rooting for him at the event the ENTIRE time. The jukebox's music fades, and the dance ends with a flourish, and Grian finds himself nose to nose with a Scar who is gazing at him like he's everything.
Then Scar seems to shake himself, disengages, and gently tells him he'll do great. Amazing, even. The envy of the dance floor. They both step back at the same time.
But the sun is hitting Scar's face just right, and he's gorgeous, and Grian just had him in his arms, and-- and-- and--
Grian impulsively darts forward and kisses the life out of him, fast and a little messy, with his heart beating right out of his chest. And then in true Grian fashion, he freaks out about his own impulsivity and flies away without addressing ANY of this bc he Cant Be Normal Ever, leaving poor Scar to stare off into the sunset with his hand pressed absently against his lips.
What follows after that is some very strained event participation on Grian's part, and Scar trying desperately to talk to him while Grian dodges him like his life depends on it. Eventually, Grian gets exhausted by it all and takes a moment to recoup by wandering outside for some fresh air.
This is where Scar finds him; a little cold, a bit shivery, feeling VERY sorry for himself, and finally Grian doesn't have the patience or energy to run any longer. I actually wrote out a tiny snippet of this scene:
"You know, you're, uh, awful slippery when you want to be." Scar's voice is deceptively casual. "You've gotta teach me that vanishing trick sometime." "Grow wings," Grian suggests wryly, then sobers, pulling Scar's jacket a little tighter around his shoulders. "Sorry. For— that. Yesterday. Yeah." "Sorry you did it? Or sorry it happened?" "Scar," Grian says, pained, "you just said the exact same thing twice." "Not really." Scar's voice is quiet, contemplative. He still isn't looking at Grian when he speaks. "'Cause, y'know, there's— I mean, dancing is pretty intimate, right? Plenty of opportunity for things to just... happen, without them meaning to. It's pretty common, really." He's giving Grian an out, he realizes. An escape hatch left wide open, a gaping crevice Grian can slip through without snagging his feathers. He could lie, right here and right now, and Scar is telling him that would be okay. Everything could go back to normal. Maybe its the atmosphere. Maybe it's the night air, a cool caress on his face, and the moon rising high and bright in the sky above them. A waxing growth that limns them both in pretty silver, catching on the edges of Scar's profile. He's beautiful, as always, and as much as Grian's stomach trembles, he can't tear his eyes from the sight of him. "More like I'm sorry for ruining a perfectly good friendship," Grian croaks at last. Scar blinks, lips parting briefly, throat bobbing as he swallows. His gaze lowers slowly, until his lashes paint dark lines against his cheeks. "Who says it got ruined?" he finally asks. "Scar, I kissed you," Grian says miserably, huddling further into himself. "Yeah, that was kinda hard not to notice." "Scar." "What? It's true! I was there, I saw it!" Oddly, there's the hint of a smile threading into Scar's voice; when he turns to pin Grian's gaze, it reflects on his lips, tilted up the tiniest fraction. In the moonlight, his eyes almost glow. "But sure, lets assume you've ruined a friendship. Which you have not, by the way— in case you were wondering." All the air leaves Grian's lungs at once. He's paralyzed, tipping over the knife's edge of something only Scar can see. "I didn't?" "Nah." Scar's voice is achingly warm now. "Not even close. Actually, my only question right now is: do you wanna do it again?"
Anyway they smooch again and get catcalled by their friends and Grian dips Scar bc Scar deserves to get dipped and its very sweet bc sometimes u rlly do just need some low stakes pining THEE END❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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*rolls this over to you for Consideration* Probably gonna make a post on this later but personal headcanon that Vergil and Dante would both be really good at dance in an AU, or even in canon (they do it for fun), just because of how physically demanding it is. Dante I could see having the most fun with it, but Vergil I feel like could be good too. Probably better at keeping up with the rhythm and showing his partner off than Dante, but probably hates being the center of attention himself. Especially if it involves emotional stuff. (That and because Vergil knowing how to tango is just 👀 I would like to see it 👀 Would also like to see him get flustered and blush while dancing with somebody he's got a crush on, just because it'd be cute 💙)
AH OKAY, SO I ACTUALLY HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS (because I've read quite a few one-shots that involve dancing with the Sparda babs) AND I AM GLAD YOU MENTIONED IT!
All underlined things are links to videos of the dance(s) that I referenced in my research lol Forgive the pixelated quality of some of these, they can get kinda old lmao
So, for starters: I think that all of the Sparda-bloodline would have been/are good dancers, some more than others. All of them are talented swordsmen and fighters which in and of itself is a type of dance. All of their heights might be an issue, however. As someone who is a very tall 5' 2" the fact that they are all over 6' tall would make dancing hard.
Sparda would've been the best of the four and he would've had the most knowledge on it. I feel like he would've been alive for long enough that he was able to watch humans throughout the years, learning lots of things... including dance. I feel like he and Eva would've danced a lot. As to what he would've done the best? Sparda would've been very good at all of it (since he's been alive so damned long) however I could see Eva just being into Rumba or something like a (very unprofessional) Argentine Tango--just because it would've been fun for Eva to do with her husband.
Vergil would be the next best dancer--at least, with traditional dances. He would've learned from Sparda when he was young, per the request of his mother. Vergil used to sneak downstairs late at night to see his parents dance and would mimic them, using an invisible partner, so she wanted to have Sparda teach him (because Vergil is interrupting Mommy and Daddy's time alone together lmao). He'd be good at things like the Foxtrot and Ballroom Tango. Anything fast he is amazing at while anything slow is a little harder for him. He tends to like moving around a lot and doing fancy twists or dips. However, he knows a lot of slow dances too. Vergil would also be very into single-person dances when in private; the first thing that came to my mind was Flamenco dancing. Just imagine getting Vergil either so ungodly drunk that he busts this out or challenging him--if you tell him he can't do something, he will do so just to prove you wrong. This blue devil would be really hard to learn from, he's bad at explaining himself, so you'd have to learn by yourself. It isn't anything against you, Vergil just sucks at teaching and he knows it. Vergil would 100% dance with you in private. It is an excuse to show off--and to get nice and close to you. The idea of him just coming up and nonchalantly asking to dance makes my heart just fucKING MELT. If you gave him the same treatment, he'd die on the spot. The stoned-face devil is a romantic at heart so his lover putting on a record (or CD if you aren't into vinyl) and asking to dance, just warms his cold heart. (This all applies to V as well--the only thing that's different is that V is better with slow dances since he can't move very well, to begin with.)
Dante and Nero would be on even grounds as to who is the better dancer.
I'm gonna start with Dante because he's older. Dante would be very good at just winging shit--the Dr. Faust scene is a great example, he didn't make it up but he just pulled it out of nowhere. If we want to talk traditional dances, Dante would be good at things that are fast--like the Salsa (I was thinking specifically Salsa Caleña), Balboa (pure or swing), Quickstep, and Merengue. He would be the most lax about his partner not knowing what the hell is going on and would be the easiest to learn from. As long as you and him are having fun he doesn't care how bad either of you are at it--or if you step on his feet the entire time, he just wants to see you smile. Dante would also be the only one out of the four to dance without an issue, like in a public or bar setting.
Nero would be an odd dancer. He's got the gumption and is able to keep rhythm pretty well, however, he just doesn't know any "traditional" dances. He'd just make it up as he'd go. His dancing would be relatively "aggressive" and he'd move you around a ton. Add that with his "wings" then you'd best hope you don't end up motion sick. Dante (eventually) teaches him some stuff so Nero would end up knowing Quickstep and Balboa (pure and swing). Nero would 100% get carried away in the heat of the moment and do little cutesy dances in excitement (nothing super intricate, just little wiggly movement-type stuff). He'd also be into just quietly slow dancing with you at home, holding you close, and just rocking with you. Just like his father, if you were to ask him to dance, he'd die on the spot. He is also the only one of the four that wouldn't mind you leading the dance instead of him.
I'd like to hear anyone else thoughts on this! If there are any dances that I didn't mention that y'all think might fit, please let me know. I might've been in theatre and was a performer, but I know absolutely dick-diddly about dancing; I was born with two left hands for feet, if that helps make sense of things lmao
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fcsources · 2 months
Hiya! Do you have any faceclaim suggestions for a siren who eats immoral people and is set modern day as a burlesque dancer? Thanks so much!
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𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙯𝙚𝙥. 𝙞 '𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚. ooh omg i love this more than i can put into words, anon!! if you're applying for a group, drop the url pls 👀
Abbey Lee Kershaw ( 1987, model with acting resources, white )
Alice Pagani ( 1998, actress, white )
Biran Damla Yilmaz ( 1997, actress, Turkish )
Carla Gugino ( 1971, actress, white )
Carmela Zumbado ( 1991, actress, Cuban )
Cindy Kimberly ( 1998, influencer, half Indonesian )
Dove Cameron ( 1996, musician with acting resources, white )
Emily Browning ( 1988, actress, white )
Irina Shayk ( 1986, model, one quarter Tatar )
Javicia Leslie ( 1987, actress, Black )
Laura Archbold ( 1989, actress, Colombian )
Maddison Jaizani ( 1995, actress, half Iranian )
Maggie Q ( 1979, actress, half Vietnamese )
Priscila Reis ( 1989, actress, Brazilian )
Rachelle Lefevre ( 1979, actress, white )
Richa Moorjani ( 1989, actress, Indian )
Sara Sampaio ( 1991, model, white )
Stephanie Corneliussen ( 1987, actress, white )
Tamara Duarte ( 1991, actress, half Brazilian && half Azorean )
Yetide Badaki ( 1981, actress, Black )
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
JIMIN IS A SWITCH argue with the wall
We know the man's duality, pick your filter baby, and that duality applies in the bedroom. He's a daddy when he wants to be, and his dancer hips WILL leave bruises on you; but he's also such a sweet baby boy when he needs that too. And massive praise kink on both ends, fight me, baby boy needs to know he's doing so good but daddy also loves hearing you barely stutter out how good his cock feels inside you 🫠🫠🫠
i told y'all 🙈🙈🙈 so that's 1 argument for dom jimin, 1 (verrrrry convincing 👀) argument for switch jimin...... we shall keep a tally!!!! 📝 plus now you've got me thinking about him switching it up in literally the middle of a scene out of nowhere 😩 going from bratty sub to daddy dom, all of a sudden you're flat on your back with his hand on your throat....... wow sorry what who said that did y'all hear somethin
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what headcanon(s) do you have for bangtan that you know - you just KNOW, deep down, all the way to your guts - to be FACTS???
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missoblaine · 3 months
hehehe okay here we go!!! 🍓🍒🍊🍋🍈
(so basically all of them oops sorry not sorry I wanna know)
Hey Eva omg I literally just saw this ask this week 😅 here are my answers!
🍓 - Maybe because it's my newest fic and fresh in my mind but I would always welcome more love on green lights 💚 But I totally get that 1st person POV plus poetry is not everyone's thing! This fic is just so very special and personal to me (as you know) and I feel like writing it stretched me creatively in such a satisfying way. It almost feels like a landmark in my own personal writing journey and my life in general honestly.
🍒 - As someone who pretty much only writes for one pairing, I feel like my favourite dynamic is just ✨SNS✨ and all that they encompass (equals, rivals/enemies, best friends, idiots in love, sun and moon). I love that they can be simultaneously dramatic and abrasive and quiet and romantic. There is an element of unconventionality to their relationship that resonates with me.
🍊 - As I have discovered answering the above, I feel like I am very singularly focused when it comes to the characters I write about (99.9% just SNS 😂) but as you already know, I am having an immense amount of fun writing Obito/Tobi in my upcoming SNS longfic (👀) so maybe I should write some more about him! (or just continually have him appear in my SNS fics as a chaotic side character)
🍋 - omg you know my answer to this is blowjobs hehe 🤭 I love writing blowjobs so much, there's so much rich and indulgent description to work with there. That applies to all smut really (it's why I love it sm) but I feel like with blowjobs you can really make it 'in your face' (literally lol), that combination of taste and texture with that zoomed in lens is just👌
🍈 - I feel like I repeat a lot of headcanons across my fics now that I think about it 😅 Sasuke has been an ex-dancer in two of my fics haha. Even if he doesn't have a dance background I hc that he's just a naturally good dancer, like, ugh, he moves so elegantly he's beautiful 😭 And Naruto's been an artist in three of my fics and a creative writing student in both of my poetry fics! I just feel like Naruto is so perfect for creative careers/hobbies, he's got so much to express. You can definitely see my personal bias in those lol.
Thanks for playing with me! (and being just an awesome friend always 💜)
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Zsasz Family Headcannons:
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An: I’ve had a very long, but good day, so I don’t want to write full fics rn. But I can’t just not post today that’s lame lol. More Hannibal family to come soon, and I might start a new Lost Boys series, I haven’t decided yet.
Tag: @keffirinne @flaysthings @howl-fantasies
Big old fucking softie!!! SOFTIE ALERT!!!
Like he’s not as hard as he thinks he is
Boy listens to disco, ain’t nobody truly evil ever listen to disco! That would just be anti black of them. And if there is one thing Victor Zsasz isn’t, it’s a racist.
You’re telling me, despite not being a hero, this goober wouldn’t cut off a racists hands to prove a point? 👀 I mean think about it!!! Like he’s not gonna go around saving people, but he’s also not just going to let it slide if he sees it
Now, after that complement, he deserves a diss as well. Mother fuckers favourite ice-cream flavour is chocolate! Which is never the right answer!
Victor is an excellent dancer. Carmine totally made him take ballroom lessons as a young boy. And when he’s not at work, he’s taking Y/N out dancing! But we all know what activity that ends in 👀
Victor may think he’s invincible but he’s really not. He doesn’t know when enough and enough, but he will listen to those closet to him. If Maggie or V or Y/N begged him to take a day off and rest, he’d reluctantly do it. Victor doesn’t like feeling useless, so he wouldn’t like not working.
This applies mentally as well. He’s insane sure, but even is insane folk need a mental health day or moment sometimes. I think Vic may be physically unable to cry, but that doesn’t mean the feelings that cause tears don’t get to him. He fronts it all with rage and jokes, but I think no matter how duly, he does feel other emotions. I mean fucker loves Y/N with everything he has, he’s got a heart, he just needs to be taught how to use it.
I do think he would loose it if someone in his “family” died, I mean even with Falcone Victor went a little more off the rails then usual. But as we discussed in a previous headcannon, Victor SNAPS if his Y/N, his amazing wife, the love of his life, his soulmate, dies. And I don’t actually know if anyone, even the others could bring him back from that. Before Y/N, the thought that he’d one day fine someone to actually love him how he is, was what kept him going. Once he found that, he’s not letting it go for anything.
Back to a little more lighthearted. Victor does own colours… they’re just in his second closet. He has a work closet, and a regular closet. I still think he likes to keep it dark, but I can see him adding white, and royal, dark colours like reds, greens or purples. Just a little pop to make him feel special. And match whatever his beautiful wife is wearing, which he thinks she looks best in red (I wonder why🤨)
I think he enjoys being pampered. Both he and Basil are confident in their masculinity and don’t really let feminine things stop them. I mean neither man is one to let other people tell him what to do in the first place. They don’t care what anyone thinks about them. But I can see him taking Y/N or his girls to get mani pedis. He’d not get any colours, but he’d get his nails cleaned up and do a clear coat, or maybe a very subtle glitter. I mean man loves disco, a disco ball on his nails is the way to go!
She also tries to hide her feelings like Victor. But believe it or not, she’s not as convincing as she thinks she is. Even Jim has been able to pick up on some of her minor tells.
Y/N is a control freak. She doesn’t like deviating from the plan, and takes things like being on time very seriously. The only time she ever breaks script is if she’s horny, or caught up in another emotion. I think she actually feels her emotions too intensely. Her impulse control is strong, but as a learned trait. But if she’s truly caught off guard by an emotion, she’ll give into whatever urge that spurs up in here. Sad, run away. Happy, be vocal about it. Angry, kill. Horny, fuck her husband until he forgets any name other than hers.
This is why I think she was so quick to adopt that motherly role. She never wanted to be a mom, it wasn’t something she planned. But I’m the cases of Basil and Maggie, she was overrun by an emotion. Maggie was curiosity, and Basil was greed. Even with little V it was pity when taking on the role of step mother.
Y/N, unlike her husband, is not afraid to take time off. In fact sometimes she does it just to see if Oswald will get upset. She still likes to know her schedule, but when she’s in charge of the change in plans, she’s less worried about it. Wether it’s time off just because she wants to, needs a mental health day, is too injured to work and needs time to heal, or one of her “kitty’s” needs mamas help. She will gladly take that time. (Selena and Brucie are included in her kitten litter, but obviously Maggie and Basil come first)
She cares a lot about appearance, and in tern her families appearance. She totally plans family spa days to make sure everyone is looking their best at all times. But hey, she doesn’t hear anyone complaining. She totally feels like a school field trip aid, trying to wrangle all her ducklings. He husband included, he usually needs the most wrangling.
Y/N may or may not have a teeny eeney addiction problem. She’s turned to drugs and alcohol I’m the past. Because miss girl does not know how to talk about her feelings, at least not before Maggie comes along. And she’s not that great of an influence about it at first either. She pressured Maggie into joining her for drinks and drugs before. But she probably took a long hard look in the mirror after that and realised that she shouldn’t drag people into her problem. I feel like despite still struggling with it, and not really in the headset to give it up yet, she’d probably flip if any of them started to turn out like her. Like a few drinks here and there are fun, but there probably an unspoken “no hard drugs allowed by anyone in this house or your loosing your hand privileges” rule. If she need a loophole around this (if she gave into the cravings to curve her pain) she proably say something dumb like “well I didn’t bring it into the house” she knows it doesn’t comfort anyone but it makes her feel better.
She’s never gonna be a hero, her and Victor like their lives as villains. Having the title of Gotham’s most feared couple. But especially if she grows closer to Bruce, she does genuinely want a better Gotham for her children. She doesn’t want anyone to have to go through all that she’s gone through. She pretends nothing can traumatise her anymore, but those first scars in her mind burn the brightest. She grows more cautious and carful with age, not haphazardly throwing herself into danger anymore. She has proper plans in place if anything were to happen to her or Victor, she just doesn’t tell anyone about it. Can’t have them thinking she’s going soft or anything. And she does try to be a good example for her children in her own way. Sure, teaching your child the proper way to stab and disarm someone isn’t a traditional thing for a parent to pass down, but it’s practical. She’s teaching them how to survive, and hopefully thrive here in Gotham. It would kill her to see one of her little birdies shot down before her. Again, she doesn’t vocalise it though. Jim might not agree with everything she does, but she’s not a monster. She always does the “right thing”, but her version of right might just be a little different. But whatever she does, she does it with certainty and conviction. Her hearts in the right place, she just had things twisted for her from a young age.
Now while she might not vocalise her love for her family very often. She is a PROUD mama bear. Let me tell you. If any goon in Gotham is dumb enough to go after one of her kids… she will make it very known how much of a mistake that is. EVERYONE in Gotham knows very well that you don’t mess with Mama’s kids. But some of them are dumb enough to do it anyways. I could imagine when Jeremiah first joins the side of the villains, and goes after Bruce or V, she’ll give him a warning first. “You see that,” points to them “that right there is one of mine. And next time you put your grubby little hands on one of them, I will cut them off and shove them up your ass!” She doesn’t need to tell them she loves them, it more than shows in her actions.
She enjoys her dumb little domestic moments, just as much as she enjoys killing. Surprisingly, even though she doesn’t think so, she’s in her element in both.
I don’t think Maggie knows how to put herself first lol. Even in the beginning with Oswald, she compromised what she wanted for what she could have instead. Having Oswald as a friend was more important than her original plan. She’s willing to change her life at the drop of a hat, if it means making someone else happy. And when she does put herself first, she feels selfish and panics.
When Maggie loves, she loves intensely and she falls hard. And that’s in any kind of relationship, friends, family, lovers, even one night stands are full of passion with her. I don’t think she knows how to do anything casually. She wears her heart on her sleeve and sometimes it gets her hurt. But I think she falls in love more so with the idea of a person, instead of the person themselves. She ignores so many red flags because of this, because she craves the attention and the warmth love gives her.
I haven’t mentioned it in a while, but Maggie does have her Bachelors in Botany. She is a professional at her job. Her little flower shop adventures aren’t just a means to an end job. She truly enjoys it and feels at home when surrounded by plants. I think she really likes nature in general. She really loves animals but I don’t think she would ever take a pet for herself. She thinks it’s best to admire from afar.
Maggie fully encourages V’s education. She’s the one that drops the girl off at school everyday, and picks her up from Bruce’s house at the end of her shift. Maggie is the one Victor would give custody’s too if anything happened to him, cause he knows V will be in good hands. I can see her staying up late and helping V with homework.
I think Maggie seeks great comfort in her family. She probably ‘borrows’ an item from of them because it smells like them. Like stealing Basil’s hoodies, Y/N’s dresses, V’s beanie or Victor’s knife holster. Sometimes she wishes she had something of Jim’s, but she’s not creepy like Vic and wouldn’t take something without him knowing.
My girl is gay and she has it fucking bad. Of course, she doesn’t really know that’s what it is at first. She never expected her first ever crush to be on Selena Kyle. And Maggie is the one she’d go to to talk about it. Y/N and her dad aren’t going to be sensitive about it, and she’s a sensitive girl. Maggie helped her understand what she was feeling, and couched her on what to do next.
V is also really fucking smart. Like she’s constantly reading something new. Despite never having gone to a proper school, she was able to teach herself most things. Growing up on the streets of Gotham, you had to be smart. Anything less as an immediate death sentence. She probably used to break into the library and borrow their computers to learn more.
She doesn’t talk much unless provoked. She grew used to be all on her own, so it’s strange for her to grow used to this new full family. She never even expected her dad to except her, and now she had more family then she knew what to do with. But that’s not a bad thing, she can just be a little sheltered is all. Beside, what teen wants to talk about their feelings?
V sees violence for what it is. Violence born out of necessity and survival doesn’t bother her. But she’s not as crazy as her father. She tries to minimise the damage she does unless she’s deemed someone as “unsavable” in which case she won’t hesitate. Sure, maybe it’s playing god, but she’s got time to mellow out.
She’s also not immune to emotions, like at all. Poor girl is a raging hormonal mess. She lashes out, and screams until her lungs are dry. Normal teenage shit. Except normal I’m Gotham is normal everywhere else. She doesn’t feel guilt for killing out of survival, but she may express regret for killing out of anger. She doesn’t like being angry, or the things it makes her do.
She dreams of one day getting out of Gotham. Experiencing somewhere new, somewhere brighter. It’s what drives her everyday, knowing she’s working toward a better future for herself. She’ll weasel her way into Bruce’s private school so she can receive the best possible education. And by “weasels” I mean Y/N and Victor having a little “chat” with the principal. Victor thought her want to go to school was stupid, but Y/N supported it fully.
Aromantic/Asexual, why, because I said so and we need more representation. I mean yes, there was love and reproduction on his planet, but even back then, he didn’t really understand it. Out of all of them, Basil is the one that genuinely does not feel him emotions. His are probably the most stunted. There’s not really a facade for him to drop, he doesn��t pretend to be anyone unless the mission directly calls for it.
I mean why would a perfectly stable (at least from an outside view) fine young gentlemen, give up his perfectly fine life in National City with his family, to go love with a Villain from Gotham? Of course, no one from National City knows that Y/N is like one of the top villains. But what they don’t know won’t hurt them. He grew sick of pretending back home with his sister, and while of course he would come running if his sisters life was in risk, he has no intentions of ever calling that place his home. Kara fit in, he didn’t. She loved it there, he didn’t. The choice was simplex
Perhaps that’s why he took to Maggie so fast. Replace one older sister with another. And Maggie was much more “down to earth” both literally and figuratively. Kara was naive and lived with her head in the clouds, Maggie has a little more reality ground into her. But some parts of her remind him of his sister, like her almost always cheerful persona, her willingness to help, and the way she’s the only one who can make him feel like a person. Maggie makes him feel human, which at first scared him, but the longer he spent around her, the slightly less disdain he had for their kind. Maggie makes him see the good in humanity; but it a way that was less Disney Princess than Kara. Maggie’s optimism was palatable and contagious.
His relationship with Y/N isn’t the healthiest one. It borders on almost Stock Holm syndrome at first. He blindly fallows orders and would do anything without question. He respects her greatly; as she was the first person to make him feel something other than boredom for the first time in his life. She made life exciting and he craved that little bit of adrenaline he was capable of experiencing. Y/N is sort of like an addiction. But it mellows out as he grows more in touch with his emotions, and their relationship becomes a little less formal.
I’ve stated it before, but Basil doesn’t really get along that well with Vic. He’s indifferent to most people, but he actually dislikes Victor and Jim. Why you might ask? Because they’re going after his girls. Yes HIS girls, that is how he sees them. It’s not jealousy though, there’s nothing to be jealous of. He simply doesn’t think they’re good enough. Victor is unpredictable, brash and reactive, often times getting Y/N hurt either emotionally or physically. Basil also thinks Victor to be stupid (which he is not, Victor just doesn’t really share his knowledge with anyone. He liked being seen as the goofy assassin) Basil once tried to kill Victor when Y/N got seriously hurt (of course Victor wasn’t taking it lightly either, he was probably pissed at himself already) and only Y/N herself was able to stop him. Since then he can be Civil for her sake, but he wouldn’t hesitate to kill Victor the second something he did for her killed.
Basil is also capable of being Civil with Jim. I mean he was able to convince Oliver Queen that he was a friend, how hard would it be to feign an acquaintanceship with the cop? But unlike with Victor where he’s more likely to give the man the silent treatment, he is vocal when Jim does something he doesn’t approve of. Y/N is grown, she can protect herself, but despite Maggie being almost three years older than him, he most definitely views her like a child. And he’s seen first hand how fragile she is. He doesn’t appreciate the Detective playing with Maggie’s emotions. Y/N probably had to remind him sometimes that Maggie is infact a big girl and can handle herself. But even she babies the girl sometimes, so who is she to judge. Maggie’s fiercely overprotective of the two of them.
Now when V comes along… oh dear god. My boy is a MESS. That’s a child! That’s a literal CHILD!!!! His own little sister 🥺. If Maggie thought he was overbearing with her, Lord did she underestimate him. He is fucking putty in V’s hands. Anything the girl wants, she gets. He can’t say no to her. I mean do you blame him? She bats her eyes and his brain just shuts off. He doesn’t like touch much, but Maggie and V are the only two he seeks that sort of comfort with. Yeah, Y/N is allowed to touch him, but that’s not really the nature of their relationship. Maggie almost always initiates touch with him. But with V, he just picks her up all the time. He keeps her close whenever he can cause he likes having her around.
Basil cares as little about Oliver’s team as he does about his sisters team in the DEO. He’ll come if they really need him, but his top priority is protecting immediate family. Sure would Maggie be devastated if he let Oliver or Thea die? Of course, but that didn’t matter, because she would be safe, and he could be there to console her. He tries not to have to visit National city or Star City much because faking all the time got tiring.
I don’t think this man has ever actually smiled in his entire life. Yeah he can be a cocky shit, and besides a frown, a smirk is the only other thing that’s graces his face. But he doesn’t smile. Now that doesn’t mean he’s not happy; he just doesn’t know hot to convey that. But his happiness is reserved for family, and they’re able to read him just fine.
Uncle Harvey:
Totally doesn’t accidentally blame himself for Y/N addiction problem. He was supposed to be the one “good” constant in her life. He arrested the girl enough times, that she began to jokingly refer to him as “Uncle Harvey” and that’s sort of how their relationship went. He was willing to turn the other way on somethings as long as she never took things too far. The couple of times she’d shown up at his apartment and needed a place to stay, sure he was always nice to her, but there were always empty bottles around. I’m pretty sure it’s cannon in show he has an alcohol problem. Harvey wasn’t a saint, but he at least tried to help Gotham.
I high key get Dad vibes from him. I think Harvey originally wanted children, but something went wrong for him. The way he looked at Scottie in that one episode, I could just tell he wanted to start a family with her. And he grew Bitter and pessimistic after things fell apart and he fell more into his bad habits. Probably convincing himself he didn’t deserve that family he had in his head anymore. So when Maggie came around and actually wanted to spend time with him, he was annoyed at first. But it grew on him. And he saw the same thing in Jim when he looked at Bruce and Selena. He’s got his own little unconventional family now. Jim, his partner in crime, Y/N, Maggie and Bruce. He doesn’t really interact with V or Basil much, and he avoid Victor at all costs! Selena isn’t much of a fan of his either. But he already has his hands full.
Harvey shows up when things are important. Maggie’s goes back to school and is graduating? He’ll be there. Y/N is having a mental breakdown and has no one else to turn to, he’s all ears. Bruce throws one of his Gala’s Harvey is always on time. He’s supportive when they’re doing well, and a little more lenient than Jim when they fuck up. A few slaps on the wrist never hurt anybody right? Harvey wasn’t perfect, why should he expect them to be? He’s been in Gotham longer than the Young Detective and doesn’t have his same blind optimism. He understands there can never be no crime in Gotham City, that’s simply not how things work.
An: yea I included Harvey, I love him and I don’t include him enough in stuff. So deal with it 😈
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micamicster · 2 years
⭐⭐⭐ + if theres any lore, re: how everybody met how they started doing what theyre doing, that didnt make it into the fic that you want to share 👀
Ok so like I'm thrilled you asked this because there is SO MUCH LORE
This fic went through two major iterations before I settled on keeping it all on the road (and all from steve's pov) which means I've got all this shit i really really couldn't fit into the format of this particular story, but which i Know to be True. Robin and Steve's backstory is a big one! ( @hihereami I know you wanted this one too) Uh. Trigger warning for attempted sexual assault.
Ok so the tricky thing with Steve and Robin was how to translate the very particular elements of their bonding backstory (kidnapped from their shit summer job and drugged and tortured by russian spies) into something that would tie them together equally tightly but which actually applies to the real world? Like I think just having them work at Scoops together wouldn’t cut it--Robin in particular would need something major to prove to her that Steve is trustworthy.
What I figured is that they would have been runaway teenagers working at that ice cream shop in LA and dreaming of being rock stars. Steve gets invited to some big shot’s party because he’s dating one of the hired dancers, and he brings Robin along because he knows she’s interested in the industry, and then she gets roofied at the party, and Steve doesn’t ditch her. I wrote a little bit of it, in a scene where Robin tells Eddie about it, hang on
“Back when Steve and I had only just met, he brought me with him to some big Hollywood executive’s party. I have no idea how he scored an invite himself—I think he was seeing one of the dancers? And he brought me. Because, you know, at the time I was telling everyone I wanted to be a director, and I guess he thought this could be my in.”
Robin takes a gulp of her drink, and Eddie thinks the story is done. That it’s about Steve Harrington, dim but decent guy, bringing along a girl he scoops ice cream with to some fancy party because he once heard her say she wanted to make movies.
It’s not the end of the story.
“We got roofied,” says Robin baldly.
Eddie’s head snaps up. “What?”
“I think they were aiming for me,” Robin twists the hem of her shirt around her fingers until the tips go white, “but you know me. I’m not very good at parties, I’m socially awkward, I get nervous and ramble—Steve was sticking pretty close. We ended up splitting a couple of our drinks, and, well, he got some too.”
“They took us upstairs. Us, because… Steve wouldn’t leave me. I don’t know what they gave us, but it was like… everything seemed funny, but it wasn’t funny. It wasn’t funny at all.”
Steve, head lolling on his neck, limp as an over-cooked noodle, sticking to her like glue. Them yanking Steve around, making him dance for them, ‘we’ll leave your little girlfriend alone if you…’
“They broke his nose and I just sat there laughing like a loon.”
“I threw up. That’s what stopped it. I stuck my finger down my throat and started puking, and then Steve started puking, and I guess it didn’t seem that much fun anymore, to them.”
The two of them covered in vomit, blood still trickling from Steve’s nose, crawling down the hall to a bathroom. She remembers laying in a bathtub howling with laughter, dizzy from the way the lights seemed to spin, Steve sticking his head into the sink, spraying faintly pink water everywhere as he snorts and giggles.
Him passing her a wet towel, dropping bonelessly onto the tiles next to the bathtub, talking nonsense to keep awake until they sober up, playing truth because they’re too woozy for dares. Steve’s truth being that he really, really liked her.
“And then?”
“And then I came out. For the first time.” Robin claps her hands together. “And we’ve been best friends ever since.”
“I know.”
“Just like that?”
“Well, it took him like two minutes to put together that lesbians exist, but yeah, just like that.”
It doesn’t work in the fic becasue it’s all from Steve’s pov, and he would never tell Eddie about this because he wouldn’t share something that happened to Robin without her permission. And also because it’s not so much the specific event? As it is about how they both have an intimate knowledge of how dangerous this industry can be for teenagers, and that they also trust the other person totally and completely to always have their back.
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sepheroth · 2 years
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" Genesis...I...I can't...I d--" Cue a stammering speech between reflective thought, mood and action. Provided if you were the observer, rather than the spoken of the two you'd know that Sephiroth would have immediately attempted to conjure it up in his head over an excuse he could possibly make up as quickly as his mind allowed him to. Hence his hesitance and the surprise and worry applying itself to his voice and the way he'd attempt to dissuade being forced into something he would rather now do. In this case and point being dancing. Sephiroth was more of a swordsman rather than some dancer. And the silent conversation he had with his thoughts only added more onto his stress. That's what gave him away. He's more worried about embarrassing himself more than he was concerned about disappointing Genesis. (Well, it was a little of that too, actually.) With a flustered sigh he'd pick up on what he had been trying to say before. ‘If only I'd had the time to prepare for this..." of course he didn't have the time. He never knew that his friend would spring this surprise upon him. There’d the only audience there would be in Genesis and Sephiroth. He doesn’t know if he should be glad or to persist in his mental debate. It’s not that he’d be given a choice. "I'm not..." shaking his head at himself because he doesn't know why it's so difficult for him to sound it out clearly enough for him to say it. "I'm not exactly an expert...with dancing..." Cue an instant dread at his confession. But also, cue his wave of sudden incoming anxiety that instantly came right after he said that. Sephiroth probably had busied himself too much with the minor, uneeded details because that's when his hand was taken, an arm slung over behind him and at his waist. He’d not had enough evidence to accuse the redhead finding an excuse to become so instantly...Close to him. It felt a bit too intimate, he secretly started to like it. As he predicted moments before, Genesis wouldn't be taking any excuses. As his fingers were suddenly laced in with the redhead’s own it’s gotten so much more difficult for him to hide the inevitable fact that he was starting to warm up significant more the idea. Either that or he was impressed with  Genesis’s skill and his instruction along with the ability with just how had he managed the time to be able piece his memory for it together. His friend being the lead, he’d move forward. For what it was worth, he suddenly turned to look over his shoulder. Glad once he remembered that there was none else but them. Now that it dawned over him, this suddenly seemed planned. What made the rest of this easier was that no authoritative approach was taken with him. Much like the one he’d often taken in most situations. A point that he made himself that he would’ve deserved it at least once. Caught in his web of thoughts, which would make it easier for Genesis to be allowed more time to caught him off guard, and gently instruct him as he entered Sephiroth’s circle. At this moment it didn’t take him long to realize within a few words or even less that Genesis managed to defeat him. A few of the same steps were repeated. If Sephiroth hadn’t known any better he’d have sworn and thrown around the accusation that a few custom touches were added to this. Especially when he’d be ask to enter the elder of the two’s circle, and being asked to form eye contact. He could barely even stand it! His instantly need to want to hide his face told the many tales that he was caught red faced. His flustration had gotten much more worse. He couldn’t blame it on the temperature, either. He could, but he knew he’d be caught lying.
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fkinavocado · 2 months
I guess 🍭 anon is a Bombay girlie. Far from me but pretty close to S*K lol (had to bleep)
Anyway, I suggest using tinted sunscreens instead of BB creams during the day. I love wearing makeup so BB creams are almost never enough for me lol but Dreea I have taken a note of the bb cream you've recommended.
Also, Harry's skin is skinning in the recent photo with the ballet dancer 🥹 I want to know about his skincare routine. Is he very particular about his skincare or is he like most men? ISTG my fiance has better skin and eyelashes, I am so envious and that man uses SOAP on his face 😭 like literally body soap. Most men hardly do anything and still have good skin Is there any scientific reason behind this?
it might be the shaving lol. would not recommend derma planning though😅
unfortunately tinted sunscreens oxidate to a really unflattering shade on my face. plus you need to apply at least 2 finger lengths worth of spf to your face for it to be effective and i'd never dream of caking my face up like it just doesn't go for my complexion
also do tell us more abt your fiance hun 👀 when's the shaadi
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smolsaltypan · 10 months
I will never not be able to apply my dancer au obsession to any fandom I'm in like...I just saw a tiktok that gave me Thoughts 👀
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10 Fe bru ar y 2023 Friday 11:18 am pdt
kinyoubi? Britney Spears
dancing 💃 can be athletic? I heard football 🏈 players take ballet 🩰? Dancing with the stars & competitors make it look athletic. Britney Spears is a good dancer? Dancer 💃 11:23 am pdt I need to rewatch music videos (I like drive me crazy I also saw that movie 🎥 & the making of music video video). 11:25 am pdt
1:18 pmpdt burped after a big heart ♥️ pain. 😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😖😭😞😫 felt detrimental. 1:20 pmpdt thank you, thank you 🙏 incubus 4 applying burning 🔥 acid to my brain 🧠 so I know that the whole my being your wife is a joke from a heartless guy. Maybe 🤔 it runs in the family “fall face” was in autocorrect I did fall on my face a lot t the only time I went snowboarding 🏂 I fell multiple times on my face on hard icy 🥶 snow ❄️ In an effort to stop 🛑 myself from colliding with other people. Multiple times. 1:24 pmpdt
1:25 pmpdt bye jerk! 1:26 pmpdt
1:52 pmpdt incubus has been making me bleeed blood 🩸 a lot today & probably yesterday but having difficulty remembering. He’s heating my back again. He did it all last year & forced me to stay down in bed 🛌 in an awkward position & I didn’t know Until after he’s did it for many months straight that he intentionally was making it into an “absurd” shape. He did it all year last year. 1:56 pmpdt I bleed a lot. Bloody 🩸 vag, bloody 🩸 ass, bloody 🩸 nose 👃, bloody 🩸 skin oozing body fluid. If I was a bathtub 🛁 I guess all my pipes would pour out blood instead of water 💦. 1:59 pmpdt
2pmpdt also incubus rammed my head into multiple hard things several times. Broken wrist. Broke all my bones 🦴. There was another hung I was going to type but forgot. Oh multiple bruises from being clumsy my knees elbows other parts into sharp wood 🪵 corners all my life. 2:02 pmpdt black eye 👁 from a softball 🥎. 2:03 pmpdt
2:06 pmpdt you got me blinded- Saint Lucia???? - baby 👶 hit me one more time 🎶🎼🎵🎤 2:08 pmpdt incubus keeps making me too hot 🥵 searing !!!! Hot 🥵 back digging into flesh & bone 🦴 in my back. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ who is going to see. Sometimes when I go to the hospital 🏥 they don’t want to do specific things bcz probably the incubus telling them not to or to do which means incubus is doctors’ 🥼 god. Rapist murderer wife beater god is also doctors’ god. 2:12 pmpdt also rapist prostitution pimp god. He makes it happen bcz Nick is my tester. That’s how I know. 2:14 pmpdt
Tester = what I meant was he was testing me. Maybe 🤔 I didn’t use the correct word? “With wife” came up in autocorrect say hello 👋 to sumner for me then if incubus is with his wife now. My body is too hot 🥵 & absurd & damaged for me to think I ever had a loving husband. Mmm bye 👋 2:18 pmpdt
2:20 pmpdt I have a feeling incubus interferes with X-ray pictures so I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ when I will know the truth. He also interfered w/ car batteries 🔋 & make many drain one after the other. 2:22 pmpdt he plans stuff out so he can interfere. 2:23 pmpdt
2:24 pmpdt feels like he is devouring my back muscles 💪 w/ heat & probably acid. 2:25 pmpdt w/o me would incubus look truly 100% 💯 incubus 2:26 pmpdt
2:27 pmpdt the whites of my eyeballs 👀 have started turning black weeks ago from all the abuse. 2:28 pmpdt incubus looks like he has a dirty d*ck. 2:29 pmpdt wives of incubus: Kelly, Jane page Herman, Candace Bailey, Anne Vyalitsna?, Behati Prinsloo, sumner stroh, mvrykv_, love looks like it’s being spread super thin 2:31 pmpdt kept playing live (love 2:44 pmpdt autocorrect keeps changing it. Autocorrect said “lord love” himself? 2:45 pmpdt) like it was a game pretending to feel the same turn around & leave again boo 👻 doo boo 👻 playa... 😱 player ... played = plaid? Platypus.... 2:33 pmpdt
2:37 pmpdt good luck finding a self sacrificing woman 👩🏻 who will fall to the earth 🌍 to kiss 💋 your feet 🦶 incubus 2:38 pmpdt buh bye 👋 2:38 pmpdt
2:49 pmpdt last year I recalled an article I read probably w/in last 5 years. Incubus is probably yelling “no!” Whatever he probably hurt all of my organs already. Whatever. 2:50 pmpdt incubus likes to deprive me of oxygen. I don’t really think I can believe in him at all. 2:51 pmpdt world with out end. Never ending story. Nothing matters. Bcz he makes it impossible. Why does rape murder wife beating exist today? Bcz incubus. 2:52 pmpdt they have no intentions of changing anything in to a peaceful world without pain like a lot of people anticipate from the Bible apocalypse. It’s a run around lie. 2:54 pmpdt
3:54 pmpdt the 4th guy I did it w/doesn’t believe in soulmates. He thinks that people imagine it/coincidence stuff probably. 3:55 pmpdt
3:55 pmpdt Scott had letters his parents wrote to each other as pen pals on his wall w/ a picture of each parent writing ✍️. He said he wanted “something like that.” No further elaboration. When we ran into each other at Santana row when I was going to have dinner 🍽 w/ my sister & her then boyfriend he said “I know you!” But I was unprepared to run into him & to respond at all. So I looked away & then looked back & I think I said hi maybe. & then he left w/ a big smile on his face. Later that night after dinner 🍽 & got home 🏠 I got heartburn for the first time & I think 🤔 it lasted a week???? My sister’s boyfriend said I’m supposed to wait it out & naturally let it go away but it didn’t. Then I went to the doctor 👩‍⚕️ & she prescribed me something. I tried asking her multiple times what’s the natural way to make it go away & she wouldn’t tell me but she growled at me. I think that maybe was 2006. Maybe it was karma for the tricycle thing. Even though I really don’t recall pedaling fast. Incubus is trying hard to completely change my memory & make me doubt myself & feel like I’m lying. I remember having thoughts 💭 interrupted after each time I pedaled, so if that happened how do I go very fast? Maybe it was a tiny bit fast ? I hit my hip bones 🦴 many times into 🚪 doorknobs & kitchen counter tops before 2006 & I jumped off the stairs & it hurt a lot & I think it shortened my legs 🦵. It took me a while to figure out, it was a few days ago I realized that the incubus toyed w/ my self esteem to make me jump off the stairs to shorten my legs 🦵 to make me doubt my memories of clumsily colliding my hip bones 🦴 into sharp porcelain? Kitchen counter tops? I barely remember that but it was so painful it really left it’s mark in my memory, & door 🚪 knobs that usually was I think painted a gold metallic color? Was it? It hurt a lot. It had to have been metal. I fear he’s going to destroy more brain cellls to rid my mind of the memory like he destroyed the memory recently of other pain. Bcz he doesn’t want to owe me anything. Like my cousin said b4 she left this apartment & hasn’t come back since. Even though she punched 🤛 me in the head & if I reported her she probably could have been sent to juvenile detention???? 4:12 pmpdt
J free- huh? What’s this? Accidentally typed 4:12 pmpdt trying to save. Bar Abbas yeshua???? 4:13 pmpdt
4:14 pmpdt my point in bringing up 🆙 “I know you!” From Scott ? I know you I’ve walked with you once upon a dream 😴 toying with me. 🧸 destiny? Fate? Sleeping beauty prince 🤴 Phillip , aurora briar rose 🥀. He has an older sister he probably watched it. 4:17 pmpdt spurts of blood 🩸 after changing a full load 😞 I think 2xs today. 4:18 pmpdt b4 he kissed 💋 me in 2007 he said he thought 💭 “the Bible is interesting” then he asked if he could kiss 💋 me than he stopped me from verbally responding which I was hoping to actually refuse him bcz my heart wasn’t in it . He said “I feel that you want to kiss me” then he went in for it. I think he might have even held up his hand 🤚 to stop 🛑 me from saying anything. In 2010 he told me he was hanging out with my sister’s friend’s family & getting into shoreline free???? I think 🤔 that is what he said. It wasn’t until last year (can’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ exhaling 🥵 hot air been feeling a lot of hip bone 🦴 pain this week & today. I think he’s really going to take it away from me.) that I found something online that Cain? Kane? Cane? Not came.
4:24 pmpdt the thing keeps jumping done ✅ down not done ✅ don’t came up 🆙. I’m not allowed 🚫 to say it even though it is true? And a lot of people probably knew b4 me???!! Knew a million times over? How is it he got 1000 views in a day on his newest reel on YouTube? 4:26 pmpdt I think 🤔 he thinks pain left eyeball 👁 scrape 4:27 pmpdt it’s in the Bible land of nod. Makes me think that means nod = yes. Meaning I probably don’t have a choice. He’s special. He gets whatever he wants. So even though I didn’t know that back in 2007, he already probably knew it which is why he stopped me from saying anything verbally. His kissses were really good in 2007. And he told me I was a good kisser w/ surprise & enthusiasm. & it was hard to stop 🛑. My previous boyfriend told me I was a bad kisser. I figured out lips 👄 were a good fit. All the other lips 👄 I guess were different? 4:31 pmpdt I think I might have resumed kissing him in 2010, it might have been after he bit me. He seemed to have bit me after I tried to tell him I liked someone else & that I couldn’t see him anymore bcz of the overwhelming emotions I had. 4:32 pmpdt. But he didn’t want to hear it I guess so he bit me as soon as I said “I like josh.” 4:33 pmpdt stupidly while sitting on his lap. 4:33 pmpdt
4:34 pmpdt also I flew over the bicycle 🚴🏼 when I was ≈11/12/13/14 years old? Memory is getting bad. & I went down a hill in a park in San Francisco it was very steep & scary & I hurt my heel, hip, & butt that day in 2009, trying to break on a razor scooter 🛴. Karma got me back. I don’t remember giving anyone heart ♥️ burn 🔥 intentionally. 4:36 pmpdt 4:37 pmpdt reminder: incubus will make things hurt more w/ his magic 🪄 when it shouldn’t. For example a comb falling on your leg 🦵. Makes me think 🤔 that incubus maybe 🤔 hurt the kid more than I did when I was on the tricycle. I wonder 💭. If I were a rich man 👨 deedle deedle deedle dum autocorrect “dumb dumped” me? Ok 👌 4:40 pmpdt
cane’s children’s name enos? Enoch? 4:40 pmpdt you have been warned. Expect to give him everything he wants. 4:41 pmpdt
5:19 pmpdt 5:20 pmpdt also a thought 💭 that occurred to me days ago & now (pain right foot 🦶 left side clawing 5:21 pmpdt) the anatomy of a tricycle. Trying to recall what part might have hit him? Was it the handle bar ? Was it the pedal? Was it the front of the wheel???? 😞 pain also I went to I think Santa Cruz w/ Q & I followed every one to the bumper cars 🚗. My bumper car was defective & a little blonde 👱 haired boy had it out for me. I was an easy target 🎯. Never met him b4 that I could recall but he hit me repeatedly the whole time. Probably hurt. Jarring? Maybe? Why I cannot remember.. I don’t think I had a fond memory of it. I think I couldn’t wait for it to be over. 5:26 pmpdt karma again ? 5:26 pmpdt hanging out with Q is usually expensive. 5:27 pmpdt
I guess I will say it again, if I were a billionaire? Or had a lot of money 💰 I would give him some. But I never was a genius. I did well in algebra & geometry 📐 & I thought I did well in algebra 2 but I got a lower grade than I anticipated. The first half of algebra 2 though I was still talking to “Brendan.” 5:30 🕠 pmpdt I easily burned out after studying 📖 I guess. 5:31 pmpdt
5:32 pmpdt I tried Java class & it was probably the first run for my school offering it. The teacher who taught it didn’t fit my learning style. I think 🤔 I wonder if he didn’t think he was a good teacher? (My mom’s whole body is in pain. She’s really aching like me now it seems. 😞😖😭5:34 pmpdt) he gave me an “A” even though I wasn’t good at it. The only thing that came to me easy were applets = essentially “Paint” by coordinates? Something like rgb x,y ? I was too burned out feeling from other classes, head trauma, track. I think I took it junior year? Unfortunately Nick was in that class, too. I always felt too disabled in some way to read the books. 5:39 pmpdt all I remember was trying to make a pendulum, & the teacher sat down with me. & he told me most of the lines to add to complete the “internet devil sun” autocorrect.... Java problem/exercise. & then he said something like there don’t you feel better you did it ... & then I replied “I didn’t. You did it.” lol 😂 & I think 🤔 everyone heard me in the class. & Nick, & thrasher? & I think 🤔 was there a third guy? Came to sit next to me one by one to look 👀 at my computer. Computer 👩🏻‍💻 desktop 🖥. 5:44 pmpdt I was like yeah yeah whatever you can look. Awkward to say no? 5:44 pmpdt why do you do what you do to me baby shaking my confidence Driving me crazy. Krystle came in to take attendance sheets & then walked to Nick to flirt with him. I don’t think she knew about me... I wonder 💭 now though if she knew. 5:47 pmpdt can’t you just pretend to be nice? 😰 I sang that in that class .. Nick probably heard. Should’ve not sang. 5:49 pmpdt
5:55 pmpdt I looked at my transcript last year & noticed he gave me an A? I think 🤔 he forgot he gave me the answers which now I’m thinking 🤔 in retrospect that that’s weird. I probably should have got an F. I didn’t continue w/Java or any other computer languages in school 🏫. I tried Java (teeth pain 5:58 pmpdt) bcz my dad suggested computer engineering? & w/o much thought 💭 I was like “okay.” So I tried it sorta. If I excelled would I be a millionaire now? 6:01 pmpdt
6:47 pmpdt fine. I’m scumbag. I’m slime. I deserve to be destroyed. Happy? Btwn 6 & now felt acid pain in whole throat & more gurgling & searing destructive heat. I think I understand the system now. Bcz I’m a hypocrite, the none hypocrites? Get to do whatever they want w/o consequences & I get very big consequences b4 & after I do something. Hence the reflux & burning 🔥 me to death ☠️ bcz I’m going to do it in the future???????? 🤔😰 I don’t want to do that to anyone. I don’t want to desire it. Please don’t make me feel that way. 6:53 pmpdt
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odi-myers · 3 years
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request ➜ “ hiii can you please do an erik (poto) x reader where it was during the masquerade and he sees reader after his dramatic entrance as red death and, instead of having that dramatic exit, he asks (more like, commands) her to dance with him and everyone is just watching them? you decide on how it ends omg i am so excited, thank yoou! ”
pairing(s) ➜ 2004! erik destler x f! reader
format ➜ oneshot / drabble?
warnings ➜ formal writing, tried to make it sound refined 💀
a. notes ➜ please this request has me rolling i just ughhhh it’s giving me life!! tysm for this request!! i had a lot of fun writing this, but i apologize for how formal the writing seems.. please tell me if you’d like me to stop that style moving forward! <33 the ending is kind of open-ended… tell me if you want a part two? 👀
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the moon was hung high in the sky, surrounded by the faint light of the faraway stars. they burned brightly against the dark backdrop of the stage of night, dancing and twirling much like the dancers did in the make-shift ballroom within the infamous Opera Populaire. 
stunning women, young and old, danced and twirled around in black and off-white ballgowns alike, glittering pieces adorning their lovely figures alongside whatever fabric their dresses were sewn from — no doubt many of them being absolutely expensive in fabric and quality. handsome men both young and old too pranced about the elegant floors, dressed in their finest suits of the most select quality. bodies intertwined gracefully, eyes bright with laughter and intoxicating feelings of adoration at gentle and subtle glances and grazes against partner’s in dance. 
the bright lyrics of the night sang out into the exquisite walls of the Opera Populaire’s halls, further resonating throughout the night as drinks were shared and dancing abundant. pairs danced the night away happily, brightly singing along to the live performing music.
“ masquerade! paper faces on parade!
masquerade! hide your face so the world will never find you! ”
and a stunning figure glided across the floors amongst the sea of patrons, dawned in a lovely off-white dress suitable to the theme of the masquerade party. the dress the beautiful figure dawned was nothing too flashy nor too out of the picture for the occasion — it was simple in a way that was breathtaking, hair done in a way that would leave jaws dropping in its simple radiance, and makeup gorgeously applied to lend itself to the dark-light theme, and their natural mystery and beauty. this figure was you, lovingly dawned in an outfit that was bound to leave many awed in your charming presence. 
you adjusted the masquerade mask that sat on your head to make sure it didn’t slip off, the bridge of your nose having been a bit sore from where the mask had dug into your skin after hours of sitting on your face. the party was everything you had dreamed it would be and more, your eyes still yet to be sore from the contrast of decorations and the spinning of dancers. you yourself had been out on the ballroom floor many a time the night already, your heels beginning to feel the slight burn from how much you spun from dance partner to dance partner, many suitors waiting for their chance to attempt to woo you, yet were sorely turned away at the unconvinced smile that curved on your lips when you said you weren’t interested.
“ masquerade! every face a different shade! 
masquerade! look around-
there’s another mask behind you! ”
you soon found yourself leaning gently against the elegant railing of the grand staircase, if you could even call it a railing. lovely marble, glistening in the reflection of the lovely candle light that burned to give the ballroom an alluring glow. 
at the thought, your mind drifted to the caverns just under the opera house, lit by what you guessed to be thousands upon thousands of small, white candles. the glassy lake stretched on before you in your mind, pulling at your heart. strangely, you found yourself missing the odd comfort of the lair you knew so fondly. 
your relationship with the opera ghost was something unique, if not a bit odd. you wouldn’t say you were particularly close, but close enough to the point where you were able to visit him at least a few times a week and sit near the musical genius as he let his thoughts flow freely. fantastical ideas of musical genius always seemed to flow easier when you were sat beside the mysterious phantom of the opera. sometimes you both would often talk, or simply bask in each other’s presence. and you knew he must trust you at least in the slightest, as he would sometimes gently ask favors of you such as asking you to go onto the streets of france to purchase a book with musical literature or of poetry for inspiration ( with money he provided you with from his salary, of course ). 
if anything, the opera ghost was still as mysterious to you as the day you first met him, accidentally stumbling through a not-fully-closed mirror and curiosity taking you from there. you knew next to nothing of his history, only rumors of the phantom before meeting him and being within his oddly charming presence, you came to realize. 
charming, and alluring. dare you say, attractive, even. 
“ masquerade! grinning yellows, spinning red... ”
your heart leaped with the bouncing and swelling music, standing yourself up straight to resume to the dance floor. your heart still yearned for the feeling of swaying to the music, to spin in the arms of a masked stranger that you wished was another masked man you knew of.
“ masquerade! take your fill-
let the spectacle astound you! ”
and suddenly, a figure clad in red caught your eye, and vibrant gasps soon followed. fearful faces morphed onto the now still women who were once, a few minutes ago, twirling without a care in the world. hardened faces with eyes of fright slipped onto their partners, clutching each other to their chests, arms wrapped protectively around each other. the once joyous atmosphere now turned stale, and tense. 
it was him, the phantom of the opera. standing rather confidently at the top of the elegant marble steps. the stilled air remained tense as he slowly moved his way down, face adorned with a new mask, still white yet bone-like, resembling that of a theatrical skull. dark makeup around the sockets of his eyes and mask made his eyes pop in a way that was cold, and intimidating. the phantom dawned an all strikingly red outfit, a stark contrast to the black and white theme of the masquerade party. and his dark figure was chillingly completed with the addition of a rapier style sword. 
“why so silent, good messieurs?” came his deceptively charming voice, his boots echoing like a pin drop in the eerily silent room as he slowly stepped his way down the grand staircase, his mouth curved up in an equally as deceptive, and handsome, smile. gently cold, his smile was, and oddly charming in the same way. “did you think that i had left you for good?” came his chilling voice again, sending shivers down your spine that you desperately hide behind your wide eyes that screamed your surprise. what was he doing here? why was he here? had he not been trying to hide from everyone in the first place, remain low-profile?
“have you missed me, good messieurs? i have written you an opera.” you, and most likely most everyone else, just then noticed the sheets of music bound tightly together that he held in his hand, lifting it up as he spoke. “here i bring the finished score; don juan triumphant!” he spoke loudly, raising the music he had no doubt expertly written and scored before letting it fall with a heavy thump to the marbled floor, making many in the frightened crowd jump at the noise that cut through the still silence. he had unsheathed his rapier, brandishing it proudly, and frankly, intimidatingly. you held your breath, the glint of the sword reflecting in your eyes. 
“fondest greetings to you all.. a few instructions to you all just before rehearsal starts.” erik’s sharp gaze turned onto an all-too familiar opera diva, and you froze as your phantom gestured at her with his weapon, quickly swallowing the gasp that threatened the deafening silence of the room. “carlotta must be taught to act; not her normal trick of strutting round the stage.” and suddenly his rapier was then pointed to the next actor, carlotta’s husband. “our don juan must loose some weight; it’s not healthy in a man of piangi’s age.” the tip of the rapier just poked against piangi’s rounded front, the man’s eyes widening in fear for what could happen. with that, erik quickly rounded towards the newest owners of the opera house, making several crowd members gasp and stumble back. “and my managers must learn that their place is in the office-” his dark eyes narrowed as he looked between the two men, his once smile, despite being a cold one at that, now faded to a hardened line. “not the arts..”
and suddenly, you found yourself locked into a gaze against erik destler, the opera ghost many so greatly feared. for barely a second you found yourself frozen in time, staring into eyes so deep and so hurt themselves that you weren’t quite sure what else to do other than remain in contact with him for however long he allowed. you found your mind wandering, as did he, as you soon found your worried thoughts replaced;
erik destler looked great in red. 
well, you were quite confident he could pull off anything he wanted to, but he looked exceptional in the vivid red he dawned now, with lovely black and white accents that made you well aware of how handsome he looked, despite the situation. 
and erik stared at you back, locked deep into your alluring gaze. he always knew he loved that unique color of your eyes, but paired with the gentle lighting of the ballroom and with the grace of your ballgown, he was confident in saying he was completely and entirely enamored with you. the dress hugged your figure stunningly, your hair pinned back in a fashion that framed your visage perfectly, and somehow enhanced the loveliness of your flushed cheeks from a full night of dancing, smile lines faintly visible. looking at you was like looking at a work of art, he was quite sure.
and yet, despite coming off as the intimidating, cold phantom of the opera, his chilled heart pounded rhythmically in his chest. erik was undoubtedly floored, his mouth slightly perked open in breath. 
breath-taking was the only word that came to his mind. 
and suddenly, erik stood barley inches away from you, having made his way all the way down the staircase, chest gently heaving as though he were trying to catch his breath. his weapon had since been sheathed, hastily, now standing before you. almost hesitantly, his hand reached up, a near vulnerable gesture for someone such as him, being in public’s eye. “dance with me..” he commanded quietly, voice much softer compared to the broad tone he had on when speaking before. this was an offer meant for you and you alone, you realized, with wide, hopeful eyes. 
with eyes glued to the back of your heads, a pretty smile couldn’t help but wind it’s way onto your lips as you slipped your hand into his awaiting, gloved palm. 
“as you wish.” you murmured softly, eyes dancing to meet his as the smallest of smiles broke out onto his own face, so fast retreating that you would later contemplate if he ever actually smiled.
erik’s free hand found your waist, his chest unnoticeably beginning to swell as warmth pooled into his core as he pulled you flush against him. his mouth opened to say something, hesitating vulnerably, before the ‘peace’ was ruined by one raoul de chagny barging back into the ballroom, brandishing his own rapier after having snuck off to grab the weapon. 
this was not the night you imagined.
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@ odi-myers.tumblr. all works reserved. please refrain from stealing, plagiarizing, reposting, or claiming any works created on and by this blog as your own.
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luckyspacerabbit · 2 years
3, 21, 54, 60, & 86 pls? 👀🥺 for Dan Hyun?
Isa causing a traffic hold up in my ask box I LOVE to see it (jk it was me, it was me it was all me I Take the Blame)
3. What’s one skill your character really wishes they had?
Dan Hyun wants to dance, really really badly. She's very heavy-footed, can even be gawky at times. She watches Thane dance and wants to be like him more than anything! The good thing is that a bit of his fluidity rubs off on her. Instead of sharp turns, her steps have a bit more spin to them, and even the way she picks up pens and presses buttons starts to have an elegant flick. She still steps on his toes sometimes but her passion and love for dancing override any momentary discomfort Thane might feel. Plus, he's the only one that doesn't make her feel silly when she dances. His skill makes up for the gap and he plays so well off of her that even though Dan Hyun's still not a great dancer, he makes her feel like one :^) And that's what matters.
21. How does your character decide if a person is mature or not?
With how well they speak. Dan Hyun puts a lot of weight on social graces, so someone who swears often or is unable to be diplomatic is someone who is immature. It's why she herself rarely swears, and when she does she finds it as some kind of relief even if it's a bit embarrassing if others overhear her. It's also why she sometimes elects to hold her tongue, for fear of sounding foolish or unrefined.
54. What kind of weather do they like best? How do they enjoy that weather?
She has come to love storms. Though nothing beats the warmth of sun on her skin, growing up on Trident meant finding peace in ravaging weather. A lot of it comes from the fact that she could feel unaffected by the storm a majority of the time. Flooding was common so the conservatory dome stayed closed. She would watch the tide swell above her head while protective glass ensured she could watch the electrifying water without a single drop touching her. During these times, Dan Hyun would like to lay back in the middle of the conservatory plaza and watch the water swallow the dome. Sometimes, her parents would come across her on their way back from the lab. Her Appa would always tell her she's going to get her hair dirty and encourage her to come in, but her Eomma would simply roll her eyes and sit for a few minutes, pointing out the various wildlife that would swim against the glass. That's what Dan Hyun remembers most. Now, any time there's a storm, she parks herself by a window, staring. Sometimes, she'll open the window to catch a rain drop or two, but more often than not she'll find herself drifting off to sleep. Rainstorms make her tired.
60. Have they ever committed a crime, or something they felt was wrong? What was it?
LMAO YEAH. Well ok. Specific to Dan Hyun who commits crimes on the daily, something she did that she later felt wrong and unsettled about was letting Doctor Droyas go in ME1. She hadn't felt like she could be responsible for taking her life, and her reasons for being there as wanting to cure the genophage muddled Dan Hyun's decision-making. Ultimately she hoped (guiltily) that the bomb she set on Virmere would end up killing her-- that God would make a decision she couldn't.
When she ran into her in ME2 at Okeer's laboratory, she was overcome by rage. Kaidan had died on Virmire, but this unethical scientist who had tortured and harmed how many people, was alive? In the heat of her aggression, she shoved her gun into Droyas' jaw. The flare of Dan Hyun's biotics provided the spark a loose bullet needed to fire into Droyas, tearing through her brain and killing her. Dan Hyun couldn't believe it when it happened and dropped down quickly to apply medigel, spilling its contents with shaking hands and cursing up a storm.
Behind her, Jack told her to let it go. That the scientist deserved it. Dan Hyun agreed, but the question weighed on her mind later: did she deserve to carry that burden?
It's a death she guiltily slinks back to again and again and she'll never know if she was right.
86. Do they have anything that they consider a good luck charm?
The closest thing is her Eomma's earring. :) But I think it's less good luck and more a way to keep her identity close to her heart. Dan Hyun is very rooted in her history: She never wants to forget where she came from, and she considers her family in almost everything she does. She's hardly able to wear it during her tenure as a SPECTRE because it could injure her or she could lose it! For luck, she relies on her faith in divine power and intervention.
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
ok i would like to preface this by saying i am so sorry if i have ever led anyone to believe that my vague aus exist outside a google doc and a thread compilation on my fic twitter to sort my own brain out
the braden holtby step it up universe is a set of brainworms i had based on this post originally and also, because i’ve never been chill, ever, the sequel. (coincidentally, which i did not know when i had two entirely separate rants about this a month apart, both of those gif sets are from the exact same day. the more you know.)
so braden holtby is the principal dancer at an elite school for the creative arts, a lá nora from step up. head of the competitive dance team; assistant choreographer for the shows; holtbeast does it ALL because he is an overachiever and also because he really needs to look impressive in order to have a future in the ultra competitive world of ballet. somewhere in the central conflict, scouts from the american ballet theatre are coming to see holtby perform (the wbt and houston are also options for that 👀) and holtby needs to show everyone that he does deserve to be cast in the principal role/solo showcase spotlight after years of working for it.
[is this a high school au? is this a college au? am i potentially going to make holtby a part-time instructor for little kids to support and pay off the costs of living & dancing for some big company where he also finally, finally lands a role as principal dancer? keine Ahnung—]
the only problem with his life is that holts isn’t so sure he wants that anymore. dancing by day, harboring a secret dream of writing music by night, all while everything at the studio ramps up—they’ve got a national competition on the horizon, etc etc, standard semi-serious plot stakes, AND holtby has a as-of-yet tbd vague love interest who is interfering with all his plans by telling him he’s worth more than what he can achieve, that it doesn’t have to be effortless, and the ballerina balancing act of exquisitely painful exhausting grace is bullshit. somewhere the line ‘you make it look so easy but it’s not’ while said love interest has holtby’s head in their lap is judiciously applied.
the side characters are really just out here vibin’ out because at one point i had said it would center around the dallas four goalies (bish, holts, dobby & baby otter) which might still happen if only for the self-service of writing dobby in a velour fuzzy tracksuit, uggs, and leg warmers. y’know, like a ballerina.
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jake is the new kid who braden takes under his wing and sees himself mirrored in—the foil for his love of ballet. jake is the kindness braden can allow his past self, but also a way of forgiving his present to let go, something something the passing of the torch handing off the baton etc etc. irl canon this would likely be carter hart but i’m on the fence because i want a cohesive narrative that doesn’t involve me making up interactions.
dobby (lovingly) is comedic relief and writing him would also would allow me to get somewhat technical (differences between russian/french, the mindset of ballet character study, etc) because he played in russia and he’s the perfect character to ride in on a scooter, drop the life-changing advice that drives the climax of the story, and scooter out with his slurpee.
apparently because my brain said so, i have now just decided ben bishop may be the backstage crew manager love interest for absolutely no reason. this is fine, because the first one is about the plot and we are allowed to only have vague undercurrents of Romancé blossoming (the love story is for the sequel) (the sequel may need its own post because that was a lie that one actually has more of a plot. why do i do this to myself me @ me you can’t write the sequel if the original story doesn’t exist)
optionally: somewhere i wrote down a thing about luke glendening and holts? tyler seguin may exist in this? i miss holtby on the caps?
miro, because i love him and it fits better, is in the sequel. re: the sequel post tags, miro is one of the spectacular new kids when braden comes home.
the simplest way i can explain this is that braden holtby gives me the intense vibes of a ballerina… but also the vibes of a mid-2000s shell-necklace-wearing quirky best friend/manic pixie dream girl*. the end result is that the step it up universe is every mid-2000s dance-battle-love-story-trope-y movie into one. it’s got a soundtrack that is a banger for no reason! gay undertones because i’m gay and it’s gay! tense dance battle scenes! no coherent plot but it sure does have a lot of glitter! acoustic guitar and questionable fashion choices (lovingly detailed dance costumes with feathers and sparkles here i come)! thank you for your time!
*somewhere there is a You Can’t Do That episode where this is explicitly discussed and it is absolutely correct
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paleangels13 · 2 years
2. Favourite character, 3. Favourite AU?, 7. Favourite writing advice?, 22. Favourite part about writing fanfiction?, 34: Favourite comment you ever received?, 40. What do you think your writing speciality is?, 46. Favourite sentence/pragraph you ever wrote?, 50. Is there something you often repeat in your fics (a verb, a trope etc)? yes yes i have many questions because there's many to choose from
Sorry, for answering this so late! 🥺
2. Favorite character?
Is this about favorite character to write or about favorite character I've written or...? 🤔
Favorite character to write: literally no idea. From the amounts of fics I've written including him apparently Aleksi (or Joonas) 😅🤔
Favorite character I've written: I don't have any OCs soo... Yeah. I do weirdly enough like Aleksi in my “toxic” series tho 🙂
Favorite character in general: too many :))
3. Favorite AU?
I like all the supernatural stuff including demons, angels, etc 🧚🏻✨ with bands I do sometimes like the "no band au" but they need to have a good plot (with a nice way of still including the fic-relevant members members 🥰) but guess that applies to every fic :D have been obsessed with all the "sex worker" (stripper/prostitute/exotic dancer/...) in the BC fandom lately tbh 😅👀 (@ everyone please keep them coming 👀)
7. Favorite writing advice?
Uhm... Maybe to just keep trying and continue even if it's just for yourself and even if you think it's terrible that doesn't mean others will think the same. You're your most critical reader most of the time 🤔 but that's not really advice I guess? Or is it? Well either way it's what came to my mind immediately ^^"
22. Favorite part of writing fanfiction?
Putting all the ideas from my brain on paper 😅 making them as smutty and slutty as I please 😌😂 no just letting creativity flow and writing things that obviously aren't canon and make them canon in my universe 🥰
34. Favorite comment you ever received?
Almost all your comments on my original docs :DD
Oh, also this one from you on "nothing but a bad dream 😂😭
I am SCREECHING, I want to STAB HIM and his manipulative ass with my rustiest knife.
"I think I can manage from here" manage to manipulate and traumatise him further?? I hope someone finds out and runs him over with the tour bus.
Y'all have my permission to run him over with the tour bus in the most painful way possible 😭
In general I love all the comments I receive! They make me super happy 🥰 there were some really amazing ones on my “You're as cold as ice” fic which really made me * 🥺🥺 at phone * (especially because I thought about not uploading it at all since I got super insecure about the whole fic)
40. What do you think your writing speciality is?
Ehhh... I don't know? I don't think I have any tbh 🥺😅 (unless you need a slutty character or a dude in a dress/skirt/heels I'm great at putting anyone (literally ANYONE) in that role/these clothes 😭😂)
46. Favorite sentence/paragraph you ever wrote?
“Let me come inside and I might let you come inside.“ ✨
No, I really liked this sentence/most parts of this fic:
Aleksi was staring at nothing, taking sips from his beer and trying to hold back the flood of images wanting to crawl back from where he had buried them in the last corner of his mind.
Favorite paragraph(s) is(/are) unfortunately in German and I'm too lazy to translate them and really like them the way they are soo... (it's about the German punk-rock band "Die Ärzte")
Der junge Mann hatte schon lange aufgegeben seinem besten Freund etwas von seiner momentanen Gefühlswelt vorzuenthalten. Früher oder später bemerkte dieser es sowieso. „Wann? Wann hört das auf?“ Verzweiflung. „Ich weiß es nicht…“ Er konnte nicht mehr. Sein komplettes Leben schien gerade den Bach runterzugehen und er konnte nichts dagegen tun. „Hilf mir… Bitte, tu irgendwas, damit es aufhört.“ Sanft strich der andere über seinen Rücken. Schweigend. „Bitte, ich will das nicht mehr…“ Die Verletztheit in seiner Stimme brach dem anderen das Herz. Also löste er sich ein Stück von ihm und sah ihn lange an. Was sollte er denn schon tun, um ihm zu helfen? Im Nachhinein verstand keiner der beiden mehr, wieso es dann zu einem Kuss gekommen war und auch nicht, zu den hunderten, die in den folgenden Tagen, Wochen und sogar Monaten folgten. Hoffnungslos verfiel der junge Mann seinem Bandkollegen immer mehr. Dieser hatte sein Versprechen gehalten. Der Schmerz hatte tatsächlich aufgehört und war einer tiefen Zuneigung gewichen…
„Ich liebe dich…“ Drei geflüsterte Worte, die eigentlich so viel bedeuten und doch so bedeutungslos wirkten in diesem Moment. Vielleicht weil es offensichtlich schien, vielleicht weil sie, wie immer, unerwidert blieben. Danach herrschte Stille, doch die Umarmung löste dennoch keiner der beiden. Vereinzelte Tränen des Liebenden vermischten sich mit dem warmen Wasser, welches nach wie vor über die Körper der beiden besten Freunde lief. Der andere schien es nicht zu bemerken oder wollte es nicht sehen. Doch dann kam das, was später alles noch viel schlimmer machen sollte. „Ich dich auch.“
Probably my favorite (German) fic I've ever written if I'm honest. I liked this one a lot 🥺 (and did indeed make myself cry while writing it).
50. Is there something you often repeat in you fics (a verb, a trope,...)?
I know that I use certain words extremely often even if I tried reducing it a little and put more variety in it but that doesn't work out all the time 🤔 and not so much in my fics but in other writing I do that is similar to fic I use a lot of "hurt(/comfort)", I think maybe somewhat "found family" and in general (also in my fics) "friends with benefits"/"friends to lovers" and definitely my beloved "idiots in love" 😌🥰
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enhasfever · 3 years
sjdhsk k this doesn’t apply to all your biases but is it just me or do you have a thing for like,, sassy, bratty (but in a good way lol), cold-ish(?? for a lack of better words skhdsk) boys? y’know what i mean? and you’re obviously definitely a simp for long hair but i mean who isn’t- also do you have a thing for dancers? or is that just a coincidence? lol
:o you've uncovered things that i didn't even know about myself- i guess the sassy/bratty trait does apply to a lot of them (renjun the feisty aries ksjsjs) and i meannnn who doesn't love a good dancer tho? 👀 tbh i think you're probably on to something jsksjs
detective em has made her observation 🔎
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