#daily bullying moonshine
trippin-chippin · 10 months
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Just imagine moonshine with a high pitch scream while whiskey over there laughing and have that old, raspy, smokers cough😭
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roamingtigress · 10 months
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"Play the game as intended!" -some purist (mind you. most have been cool, I just had one guy rip into me when he was just moseying into Rhodes; I just had him blow him a flying kiss emote and kept moseying on) Dutch in RDO: *participates in all the roles, complete with herb picking, horse bonding, puppy petting, getting the occasional bullying after being so lovely to other players' characters, encountering funny bugs, and all that good stuff, he's just another one of us <3* Also, cool things I've noticed playing Dutch on RDO: -He does have his unique holstering animation; it can be glitchy at times though and strangely works best with the regular bow which is badass because imagine holstering a whole damn bow. Alas, one of his arms gets 'stuck' now and then in a single arm "T position' when not mounted on a faithful steed, but a swig of moonshine tends to cure it. It's got to be a bit embarrassing when he gets O'Driscoll ambushes but once unglitched he just mows them down. -Occasionally his gun belt disappears, and he's got a teeny bit of a hip dip. It's cute. -He does have his swagger and I keep trying to get a screenshot of him pushing through the doors of Valentine's bar like a boss. -He is shorter/smaller than Cripps which is surprising to me since I thought Cripps looked average height next to my OC; Cripps is an absolute unit. -He's rather a quiet rider, leans to one side fairly often and looks at everything, takes it all in. I tend to not hurry things through him as it feels immersive and feels like I'm playing a whole new game. I find I don't get in as many dailies in but worth it. It's relaxing! -His voice, cracks and all, is intact, he squawks when bumped into, urging on horses, etc. -Hosea's AI (I have him on as a bodyguard) can be WOW. He's hella protective of Dutch and I have to be careful bringing him into town. I'm not making this up but I'm almost certain they wandered off once when I left the game idle and on cinematography mode. I left them in a field outside Blackwater when I left to do something, heard some hoofbeats, then I heard Dutch squawk out 'Christ's sakes!' on my headphones when he was hit by a cart. Never experienced that before with my OC/Arthur/John. I did see Hosea walk off when I was doing a photoshoot with the two -My F12 button is going to hate me.
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shock · 3 years
This is a Moonshine update/future service dog diary post. To make a long, frankly somewhat traumatizing story short; Moonshine and I didn’t get along. I thought I was ready for a herding dog, and in a way I was ready for a normal, stable one. Moonshine turned out to not be the case. So many of his behaviors triggered me daily, and what I was used to being red flags with Knockout’s brain condition and quick mental deterioration were honestly day-to-day struggles with him. He was reactive, turning fearful despite so much confidence building, abnormally insecure, dog aggressive, people aggressive, and turning cat aggressive despite all the work on our part to set him up for success. I'm putting the rest under a cut because it gets kind of long and I don't want to flood everyone's dash with this story if they don't want to read it. There are content warnings in the tags.
'We didn’t get along' is definitely an understatement. My training with him ended up turning into a conflict of interest; he tried mauling my other dog unprovoked, and after that I didn’t feel comfortable working with him. Naturally, this caused his outbursts to get worse, because dogs KNOW when you’re acting different around them, and every interaction I had with him was stressful for both of us. His aggression, despite intervention and training, turned worse the bigger he got and the more he realized he could bully my dog who was smaller than him as well as the other animals who lived peacefully in the house until this. For a quick snapshot, breaking up one fight caused by his arbitrary decision that my dog could not share our bed with him led to my partner being bit far worse than breaking skin. The same day after a lot of decompression and reintroductions, he went after Piper again by crossing the room, jumping onto the bed and attacking her while she was sleeping. I intervened, and he mauled my wrist. I almost went to the hospital, but we were able to treat at home. I have a pretty gnarly scar now. Here are some pictures of the initial bite and several weeks later.
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He wasn’t good for our family. Once the first fight broke out, they increased in occurrence dramatically to a point beyond normal, and to a point none of us could happily live with, especially him. He seemed to forget everything we taught him to act with explosive anger at the slightest insult, and where he once happily coexisted with our cat he started trying to attack him, even growling at him from across the room for being in the same room as him. We ended up working with a local professional group who took him off our hands and is working with him, so I have no doubt they’ll be able to help him learn to manage his issues without me being terrified for his, mine, and my other pets’ safety. It had a good ending for us, but it was a sad one. He has a bite record and a willingness to break skin far beyond all the normal herder behaviors we were able to work with him on. He would go into a blind, inconsolable rage at least once a day at random. I was back to the same way I was in the months leading up to Knockout's euthanisation; I was afraid to walk him, play with him, engage with him, go anywhere, do anything, breathe, move, because he might react to anything, even things he knew were safe. It wasn't fair for either of us. He quickly learned not to bite heels or hands in play or with normal herding behavior, he was wonderfully crate trained and housebroken, he was making great strides with obedience, sweet as can be until the second he snapped without warning. I did a lot of work with him, my partner did a lot of work with him, and I’m glad I know enough about dogs now to know when I’m at my limit and when a dog is beyond me. He’s good, he’s honestly probably a lot less stressed right now, and has a group that’s fully prepared and willing to handle him moving forward, and if they can't find a way to make improvements, they know how to make the best decision for him. I trust them. I’ve kept this quiet for a little while now because after experiencing Knockout, all of this was really hard on me and I needed time to heal (unfortunately literally) and to find the right way to word what I felt. Despite Piper and our other animals being so stable, happy, healthy, and workable, I felt that there was something inherently wrong with me again; there isn’t. It was a combination of factors outside of my control and an understanding of my own limits and when I needed to step away. With Knockout, I tried desperately far past my breaking point. I spent thousands of dollars and countless hours trying to fix something that ended up being out of my control until her quality of life just wasn’t worth it for her anymore. I never stopped trying with her until the moment it hit that she would never improve. This felt so much different, more peaceful, more kind, and I feel responsible and satisfied with the outcome here. I don't believe he's an un-salvagable dog, but he needs some serious behavioral work that I can’t emotionally do again to be fit for any family, especially one with other animals. I wanted to make a post about it before anyone started asking where he went; he’s okay! Just not part of our family anymore and in need of a lot of help that was beyond our ability. My experience with Knockout taught me that no matter how much you love an animal, no matter how hard you work, love and dedication aren't the only components to happiness. A combination of genetics, behavioral inclinations, sensitivity, and something I'm not even sure of neurologically went into this, and love can't save everything. When a dog doesn't work with your family, if you can't all coexist peacefully and happily, you don't have to stick with it until you're exhausted and past your limit. If he can get better, there's a home that will work more harmoniously for him than mine. There's such a stigma around rehoming, but when you do it responsibly and with as much love and dedication as you can possibly put into it, that's just a fact of life. It took me a very, very long time to make the decision I made with Knockout, and so many of you were around for the
process and got me through a situation that was ten times worse. Knockout was an extreme case. I doubt I'll ever have a dog that spontaneously develops symptoms of early-onset dementia again, because it was an anomaly and I got very, very unlucky despite my love. Moonshine was much different; partly herder-typical behavior, partly something far beyond that none of us could fix. We tried. That situation prepared me to focus on what's best for everyone involved, including Moonshine, in a way that didn't have to end badly. It's sad, and it was hard, and when he was good he was so good, but he couldn't stay with us after he tried to kill my dog, point blank. I've learned enough about myself now to know that I'm not a failure, that learning how to do this right is a process, and that there is no shame in knowing when to draw the line on what you're willing and able to handle. We set Moonshine up for success as much as we possibly could, and I learned a lot from him. If he does end up going to a new home after a lot of behavioral help, his new owners will be so thankful that we did as much work with him as we did. I just wish with all of my heart that he was stable, and that living with him didn't make me feel the way Knockout felt all over again (to a lesser but no less serious extent). This leads me to the exciting thing to come out of this. I've worked with trainers, some happen to be very close friends, throughout this process. Part of my growth here meant really inspecting what I needed in a dog again. This past year has been incredibly hard on my mental health, and while I’ve handled my emotions on my own to varying degrees of success ranging from 'I almost died' to 'I'm finally independent in a way I never could be before and it's scary and amazing at the same time', I’m finally ready for a service dog again. To admit that that's what I need next, not another project dog and not another working dog for anything else. Now that I have a stable, secure job, I’m planning on getting a prospect next spring/summer... a golden retriever! I’ve been contacting breeders and preparing, and everyone in my life is wonderfully supportive of my decision and my acknowledgment of the kind of help I need that can’t be done with medication, therapy, or good old human friendship/support. Knockout was a tremendous service dog when she was healthy. I need a biddable, handler-focused, eager to please dog who doesn't butt heads with my family or me and who wants to get along with every creature under the sun, and is big enough to help me with some physical issues that are cropping up the older I get. I'll probably make more posts about that in the future, but I wanted to address Moonshine first so everyone knew what happened and could maybe learn something from my experience. I'm really excited to move past this with confidence and support from the people I love in my life. So many changes are coming this year and I'm so, so ready for them. I appreciate everyone's kindness, compassion, and understanding. <3
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im-immortal · 3 years
I wanted to send this with my name, but the hate has been so bad I don't want to deal with it myself.
I want to start with, Don't Make Me Haunt You and thirsty are two of my favorite fics right now. You're doing great work with the fic list and a big part of the fandom.
Why aren't there more people defending @courtneyshortney82 ? I've talked to her many times and she's always been super nice. I can't imagine her sending hate to someone. Especially with the amount of hate she gets. She also writes one of my favorite fics. I'm just worried this hate will stop the two of you from writing and doing all the great events. I'm worried that people will think badly about the two of you because of this and won't participate in the events. We always get new fics and art when you run them. I also enjoy nominating and voting in the moonshine awards.
I hope more people will stand up for the two of you. And I hope they are braver than me and can use their names.
Thank you for the kind message, it means a lot 💕 and honestly, I don’t know. I have no idea why she’s suddenly being harassed daily and blamed for anon hate that she isn’t even capable of sending to people she’s blocked. But it’s petty and pathetic and no, we’re not going to be bullied out of doing something we love. The bethyl fandom isn’t “imploding” just because a small group of people wanna stage an attack on someone who hasn’t done anything but mind her own damn business. We’re not going anywhere, and I guess some people will just have to get over it 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thanks again 💕
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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AMIRIA MACNAIR is TWENTY-TWO YEARS OLD and a MIXOLOGIST at THE HOPPING POT in CARKITT MARKET. She looks remarkably like MAYA HAWKE and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently TAKEN.
If you asked Amiria about her early childhood or her father she’d be unable to give you any clear answers. Between what she thought had been real, what her mother had told her and what her older brother, WALDEN MACNAIR had said, Amiria no longer knew what the truth was. What she did know was that her father was never around and whilst she loved her mother dearly, Walden was more of a parent than both ALEXANDER and JOSELINE MACNAIR. Her family of three lived in a fairly large home located in a wizarding village in Dorset, not far from a Muggle town called Wimborne. Whilst there were often Muggles just down the road, Joseline had warned that they were a bad influence and Walden seemed to stay clear of them, so Amiria did too. She adored her older brother, following him everywhere he went and constantly asking to play. Despite Walden being four years older than her, he would never say no, constantly being a gentle giant. She loved him for that. As they got older and Amiria started to find herself, becoming more independent by the day, her stubborn and strong willed personality came out. Instead of following Walden she’d come up with an idea and ask him to accompany her. Looking back on it all, she’s sure Walden was just going along with it all to prevent any arguments. Amiria had a good childhood regardless of the odd dynamics their household had and would never wish to change it. Sometimes she would wonder what it would have been like if their father hadn’t left, but Amiria would shake the idea out of her mind, contempt with her reality.
When Walden left for Hogwarts Amiria found that she had the whole house to herself. Whilst she originally thought it would be exciting, it turned out to be rather lonely. Joseline would leave in the morning and stay out late only to return and ramble on about how great her own life was; how important it was for Amiria to make friends in high places. Unlike Walden, Amiria would simply roll her eyes to that idea. Who cared who she was friends with? All that mattered was that she actually cared for her friends and that they cared for her. In her mind it was always better to have a small group of friends who would stand up for you rather than a large circle who barely knew your name. She’d spend the next four years finding ways to entertain herself, be that sneaking out the house and into the Muggle library in the next town or playing around with a junior potions set that her mother had got for her. As the months passed, Amiria would find herself growing eager for her brother to come home each holiday, to spend time with him like they had when they were younger. But Walden seemed to change with each holiday. He was moodier, less energetic and it seemed as if the light inside him had been snuffed out. Amiria knew that her brother had changed. That he was doing as their mother had asked simply to keep her happy; those around him changing him for the worse. She promised herself she would never follow in his footsteps. That she would never change to suit those around her and instead be true to herself no matter what.
When she was sorted into Slytherin upon arriving at Hogwarts, Amiria instantly knew that making friends might be a challenge. Whilst she appreciated the complement of being labelled as determined and cunning, she did not appreciate being sorted into a house which everyone on the train described as evil. Although she was in the same house as her brother and it was lovely passing him in the common room, she had seen what his fellow Slytherin friends had done to him. Her first instinct was to cross all her classmates off her potential friends list, all except one. SEVERUS SNAPE was a curious boy and whilst he hung around the likes of REGULUS BLACK and JASPER AVERY, she couldn’t help but find herself sitting next to him in potions, a subject which they both adored. She didn’t push her boundaries with him nor did they speak but she hoped that there was a mutual understanding between them that they were friends as they worked on potion assignments together and made an efficient team. Determined to push herself out of her own comfort zone and try new things, she’d skip her own classes only to attend the same class but for the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff group. This is how she met BERTHA JORKINS whom she sat next to in the class and GILDEROY LOCKHART whom she had a healthy argument with before being asked to leave by the professor once noticing that she did not belong there. Amiria would continue to bounce between friendship groups, meeting new people yet refusing to conform to a single clique and whilst many gave her a side eye, she managed to make a few other friends including CARADOC DEARBORN and DEMETRIUS MCLAGGEN.
It was only when she found herself trying out for the quidditch team one year that she met GWENOG JONES and EDGAR BONES, both who were passionate about quidditch and willing to help her learn whilst simultaneously being lovely people. Amiria could not understand how Walden had ended up with such rotten apples as friends when Hogwarts was filled with amazing students. Whilst Amiria did not make the quidditch team, she was given kudos for trying and was continuously invited to parties by Gwenog or Edgar. She’d spend the days before stealing ingredients for the potion storeroom and brewing a mighty strong yet delicious moonshine. Her moonshine was a hit amongst those who were willing to drink at school parties and before long she had a list of orders. She began to spend her nights in the bathroom, brewing away and filling orders. All the hype that her moonshine business got her also attracted unwanted attention, especially from the likes of NARCISSA MALFOY who at first offered friendship but when Amiria turned her down, seemed to suddenly have it out for her. Suddenly Amiria had found her own rotten apples to avoid and the school seemed to light up with red flags, including her own brother. When she approached him asking why he bullied so many students, she could see the physical strain on his face before he answered brutally, in a way that would make their mother proud. Whilst she would always love Walden, it was at this point that she realised that they were on two different paths in life and that they would probably never see eye to eye again.
It was in her final years at Hogwarts where Amiria finally settled down and focused wholeheartedly on her school work. She felt satisfied with her Hogwarts experience as she had tried everything she had wanted to try and met a few amazing people whose company she truly enjoyed. Whilst she didn’t have a best friend or a ‘close circle’, she didn’t mind. She enjoyed her own company and felt like that was perfectly fine. Well, at least that’s how she felt until she laid eyes on PANDORA FORTESCUE. Amiria had no idea what love felt like but she thought that this might be it. Whilst she never acted on her feelings nor would she ever admit them to anyone, they were definitely strong and she continued to admire Pandora from a distance. Since then her heart has pined for someone she could share every moment with. To distract herself so threw herself into her potion textbooks and studied hard for her N.E.W.T.S. Whilst all her friends around her spoke about their potential careers or their auror training acceptances, she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life after school. She did not want to work behind a counter all day selling potions to mundane customers and hating her life. No, she wanted something more exciting where no day was the same as the last. Her mother suggested asking Walden for help and perhaps working in the experimental magic department at the Ministry but she refused. The last thing she wanted to do was give her mother the satisfaction of bending to her will or asking her brother for help. No, she wanted to do this on her own and find something that worked for her, something that made her happy. 
After Hogwarts it wasn’t long until Amiria was couch surfing from one friends apartment to the next. She refused to stay at home with her purist mother whilst she found a place of her own. It was at this point that she saw an opening for a mixologist at the Hopping Pot and she applied for the position. The owner, GABRIELLE BRAITHWAITE was impressed by her own brand, hiring her and offering to buy her recipe. She gladly accepted and began work straight away. What started as a way for her to make money soon became a job that she adored. She’d meet new customers everyday whilst maintaining relationships with frequent drinkers. Her moonshine was now on the menu as a drink that anyone could order and Gabrielle had offered her a room in the Braithwaite flat upstairs. This is how she met ZYRELL BRAITHWAITE, whom she worked with in the bar and BETTY BRAITHWAITE, who worked at The Daily Prophet but would also spend the evenings helping her cousin and Amiria close up. Late one night Amiria was taking out the trash when she overheard a conversation down the back alley. The two men were speaking about a ‘Dark Lord’ and his secret army. Amiria instantly knew that her ears were never meant to hear the conversation and quickly hurried back inside before they noticed her. Normally a conversation like this would slip her mind, but she could have sworn on Merlin’s beard that one of the voices had been none other than Severus Snape. She needed to know more, who was this Dark Lord and what army? It seemed like it was time to pay one of her old friends a visit because whatever it was, it didn’t sound good. 
Blood Status → Half-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Sexuality  → Homosexual
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → TBD
Family → Alexander MacNair (father), Joseline Garrick (mother), Walden MacNair (brother)
Connections  → Pandora Fortescue (object of affection), Zyrell Braithwaite (friend/colleague), Severus Snape (friend), Bertha Jorkins (friend), Gilderoy Lockhart (friend), Caradoc Dearborn (friend), Demetrius McLaggen (friend), Gwenog Jones (friend), Edgar Bones (friend), Betty Braithwaite (friend), Narcissa Black (adversary), Gabrielle Braithwaite (boss)
Future Information → N/A
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jackorlem · 4 years
Where it starts:
It is often forgotten that the world consists of different people. Those who are visible from the outside. And those who are inside our lives, but not seen by others. Similarly, this story is about a person trying to survive in a body that is not hers.
Every day she gets up and hopes that someone will see her as she really is. This, of course, is nothing more than vain hope, for it is invisible to the human eye. As she continues to hope, she fills with despair and sorrow.
It starts as soon as she looks into the mirror. She does not see the person she is, but a kind of shadow. Not to be beaten from this reality.
She doesn't even sound like herself and thinks she's ugly. Worse than most can imagine and hopes to escape this fate every day.
She hears of great solutions in science, but they are nothing more than actions that would further isolate her from the people she loves. So why does everything you try have to be so difficult?
With every fight she gives as much energy as she has in her small body. If she is herself after all. She usually cries tears with Spouts after this. Because she knows when others would see her. They would condemn her. Bullying her way out of her safe society. See as some monster. While she sees monsters that usually look much more ordinary than her own.
 Still, she continues her day, because no one can change her way of thinking. So she brushes her long black hair. Which are always style even though she usually tries to curl in it. Unfortunately this does not work, because it is a certain family trait. Okay, most people would kill for straight hair. Liana sees this completely differently. Her hair is so greasy and dirty as if it were stuck to her head like a pile of slime. Despite all the care she gives it, it lags. Like a wrung-out dish rag.
Why couldn't she have that beautiful red curly hair. As is often the practice with Irish women. They are so clean with it. It is to be jealous of.
It was just that she had to learn to live with herself. Despite what she looked like. She couldn't always keep feeling so bad, right? The days passed and little by little Liana destroyed herself. The person inside became increasingly reckless than the day before. In her daily activities she was nothing more than an object. Work quietly and silently. Staring at the clock, to know when this hell would be over and she could feel a little freer. Where does it say that happiness comes from work? Maybe this is no more than a fairytale. Or would I not have found the right job yet. She had often thought she would look for another job, but she knew she would be laughed at if she did this job. It is so difficult to survive in this world. Every day it seems like hell feels worse. Always, but a little more. They say it hurts with every step you take in this world. Don't be told it's all pink scent and moonshine. This is just an illusion that the world wants to throw at you. Thrown in the right direction like a bone. Knowing it is not there. So Liana went on slowly and compared day by day, because she knew what she was fighting for. She was strong in her way. Even though no man ever looked at her as she had hoped. She knew that this dream was nothing but deception. She laughed so often that there was no truth to it.
Nobody should have someone like her. No man, no woman would ever declare love to her.
What concerned her most was why? She was not immediately a fashion model, but she was not ugly. Despite what she thought of herself. It was just society that didn't want to give her a chance.
So she kept swarming around in a circle. Until one day she realized she had to count down. Because it couldn't go on like this. So they set a time on her last chance so she knew when she would stop making an effort for this lie.
Here the story of an invisible person. Which is currently under you. Without you realizing it. So think of this "Nothing is all it seems"
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blueangelicrose · 5 years
Reset : Welcome to the Underground: Chapter 1
It was eighteen years ago on a stormy night at Ebott village. The stiff madam of the Ebott orphanage was making her rounds when a sudden knock came to the door. She walked swiftly to the front door as fast as she could. All the meanwhile the knocking kept getting louder and louder. "I'm coming! I'm coming! Who in their right mind would be visiting here in the middle of this atrocious night?!" As she grumbled her way to the front door, she noticed that the knocking abruptly stopped. She thought it was strange and as she opened the door, she nervously looked around and saw that no one was there. "Well isn't that strange. I thought I heard someone knocking at the front door...." She stopped in mid sentence when she heard small crying coming from right at her feat. It was a small newborn infant that had been wrapped up in a purple blanket that had a strange insignia on it. The small child was placed and tucked in lovingly in a small carrying basket. And tucked along with the child was a book on monsters and myths. The madam quickly took in the child inside and dried off the small baby girl. "Goodness me! What a way of getting rid of a child. Whoever did this must've been desperate!" The small infant kept crying and crying for a mother that would never come. The madam tried soothing the infant but no matter how hard she tried to calm her down, nothing would work. And it wasn't till a letter that fell out of the book, that she finally had the answers. The letter from the mother said that she had no choice but to give up her beloved baby girl. And in order to calm the baby down the best way was to sing her to sleep a song that was written on the back of the letter:
"Let's go in the garden you'll find something
waiting. Right where you had left it, lying
upside down. When you finally find it, you'll
see how it's faded, the underside is lighter
when you turn it around. Everything stays~
right where you left it~ everything stays~ but
it still changes. Ever so slightly, daily and
nightly. In little ways when everything
Let's go in the forest, all the birds are
singing~ have them play for you a very
special sound. So if you're ever frightened,
let the melody protect you~. For they will
bring you to me, when the sun goes down.
Everything stays right where you le~ft it.
Everything stays~ but it still changes. Ever
so slightly, daily and nightly~ in little ways
when everything stays~. Ever~ so slightly,
daily, and nightly. In little ways when
everything stays~. (Song by Adventure Time/additional lyrics by PurpleRoselyn on YouTube).
And just like that, the baby stopped crying.
Eighteen years later to the day, the once crying and frail baby girl had blossomed into a wonderful young lady. This young lady's name was---- "Fri~isk!!!! Are you almost ready?!" As the madam called out her name, Frisk replied, "Yes! I'm almost ready! Whoops! I almost forgot my book." Young Frisk was at the age on her 18th birthday where she could finally go off on her own without the madam worrying about her. The book, "Monsters and Myths of the World", was the only piece of her that she had received from her real mother. Written on the front inside of the book was her first name and then the initials "S. E." Frisk had no idea why her real mother chose to do this but regardless, she was grateful that her mother had given her a name or even cared too. Frisk knew a lot of the orphans there that had no names, at least officially, and would do anything to get a name. Because to them, if you had a name, you had a place to belong too. And Frisk having a name, made her very privileged among the orphans. Sometimes it was a good thing and sometimes, not so much. She had friends in the orphanage, but she also encountered bullies that wanted to take their anger out on her. Of course her friends and the madam stepped up to interfere with this harassment. But the hatred and jealousy still remained.
Frisk shook those negative thoughts away and quickly packed her book along with the camping gear that she had in her large backpack. For her birthday she wished for nothing more than to go camping/monsterhunting out on Mount Ebott as practice for the real thing out in the real world. The madam, at first was hesitant at this. And she expressed her concerns very thoroughly to Frisk. Frisk rolled her eyes and persuaded her that she would be fine. Although the rumors of children going missing while climbing Mount Ebott over the years did somewhat trouble her. What if there was a ferocious beast on the loose? Or a psycho mountain man protecting his moonshine? But Frisk knew the reason why the madam was scared for her to go. It was the same reason why no one in the village dared to go near the mountain.
A long time ago, around 300 years. There lived 2 races of living beings. Monsters and humans. They once lived in harmony and got along with each other. The humans shared their knowledge and technology with the monsters and the monsters in turn shared their magic with the humans. Together they lived in harmony. But one day a human soul was absorbed by a monster that the people thought that was harmless. They were terrified of the unknown abilities that the monsters had. And thus the humans, with great ignorance, started a war with the monsters. After great loss and tragedy, the monsters had lost. The humans thus sealed the monsters in Mount Ebott using the same magic that the monsters had gifted to the humans. The only flaw to this seal was if seven human souls were to be absorbed by a monster and thus that monster would gain the power to break the barrier for all monster kind.
Frisk had her doubts as to believe whether if that story was true or not. But she didn't care. From what she read about monsters from her history books and, of course, her inherited book of monsters, she loved them. She wanted to meet one and possibly befriend one, and prove once and for all, that monsters are loving creatures and the humans have nothing to be afraid of. And she was very much DETERMINED to do so. The madam requested and pleaded to Frisk one last time reconsider going. "Madam Gertrude! I'm officially 18 now and am old enough to make my own decisions! I am not one of those wandering children that got lost in the mountain! I'll be fine. I'll come back after the weekend." With a hug and kiss goodbye, Frisk set off to the bus station.
When the bus arrived, she climbed aboard and sat down on one of the back seats. Half an hour or so later, the bus went as close as it could go near the mountain until Frisk yelled, "Stop the bus! This is my stop!" The bus driver looked at her then looked at the mountain, and then back to her with a brow raised. "Are you crazy lady?! No one that has come up the mountain has never gone back down!" But Frisk insisted that she had to go. The bus driver just rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever lady. If you're not back by the end of this weekend I'm calling the cops for a search party. Ya hear?!" Frisk smiled and thought, "Geez, that's what madam Gertrude said. Am I in over my head on this one?" She bid the driver farewell and started walking to the base of the mountain. As she stared at the looming forest in front of her, she gulped. "Well, too late to turn back now Frisk." As she started her ascent on the mountain, she couldn't help notice that the woods had an omninous aura. No birds were singing and no signs of little animals were no where to be seen or heard.
She decided to set up camp when she was already half way up the mountain. She put half of her stuff in her tent, while she looked around for a river nearby for some water and food. But as she walked on and on, she noticed a gaping hole in the mountain that was covered with vines. Something about that hole seemed suspicious to Frisk so she tried to avoid it. But unfortunately, fate had other plans for her. She had unfortunately tripped over one of the vines and fell into the hole.
End of chapter 1.
To be continued in chapter 2.
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spitefulpumpkin · 5 years
Moonshine Lake; Ch.3: Summers
Mirror on AO3
Self-indulgent as hell AU fic about a boy meeting a fish creature and their unusual love story. Co-plotted with @jyagantz
Trigger Warnings: Homophobia, Bullying, Animal Cruelty, Drug Abuse, non-explicit Interspecies Sex Unbeta’d, mostly written on mobile!
It had been over a year since Jamison last saw Akande, and just like his mother wanted he was send to a doctor about that. The doctor, an old man with lots of patience and little believe in the tales of fish people living under the sea, had a simple diagnosis. "Your boy is lonely. Children often work though their hardships with play and pretend. He needs to be around his own peers more often. Then he might stop dreaming up mermaids." This was much to Camilla's dismay. She rather knew her son being brought up safe and sound within their home. After all, children can be cruel to those with a bright mind like her dear little James.
So she sent him to public school after the summer. Her fears settled in within weeks. Jamison was easily distracted, whatever the teachers talked about he learned two years before in his private lessons. He tried to connect with other kids. He remembered how he did it with Akande. Slow and friendly. But sadly he was already marked to be the weird know-it-all rich kid. His classmates would beat him up when they had a bad day, channeling their frustrations over their own problems into the weak boy and letting them out with their fists. Camilla wanted to have Jamison back at home, but Richard refused. "Let him. He needs to learn that the world is cruel. Maybe this way he will also learn how to stop being such a mimosa. After all, do you want your son to become our heir or to become some gay weirdo?"
Jamison couldn't sleep that one night. He had been playing sick for the past week. The last beating and his father's judgement was too much for his pride, he rather hid away in his room and work on fixing that old clock that used to belong to his grandfather. The boy's weak fingers brushed over his clothed arm that hid bruises and cuts. They still stung.
The night seemed awfully loud. Wind blew through the willow's leaves, cicadas already humming despite the spring just slow crawling to an end. He stepped to the window, leaving his work behind on the table. Maybe he'd feel better if he'd take a walk through the garden. For the first time in ages he slipped on light feet out of the house and felt the grass tingle his feet as he stepped outside, sitting down at the swing set. His shoulders felt heavy. It doesn't matter what he would do. He will probably be alone. Maybe he did just dream of Akande...maybe he could...
The boy spun around when he heard a noise. Leaves rattling at the bushes startled him. He mad a step back when he saw a claw break through the needles of the bushes framing the fountain. No. This can't be. "A...Akande?" The green claw followed a green arm covered in blue spots, and that followed the familiar frame of the mer, crawling from the bush and coughing. His neck fins have grown smaller and blue spots were covering his arms and cheeks like freckles, but yes, it was Akande. The mer jerked his head up and showed a toothy grin. "James!" Jamison sobbed and ran to the mer, almost throwing him to the ground again as he hugged him. Even if he was a fantasy, even if he was just make believe, it didn't matter to Jamison. He had his best friend back, and it drew the boy to tears. Akande held him as well, having grown a few inches in the past year, finally being eye to eye with the frankly pretty tall Jamison. "I missed you so much." "I missed you too." Jamison muttered and rubbed off his tears with his arm. "You...you really came back." "I promised I would, didn't I?" He reached for Jamison's wrist. "Come on! My flock is waiting!"
And Akande pulled Jamison with him, down to the stream behind the house, following against the flow towards the nearby woods. The Moonshine meadows led into the narrow woodwork and past a little patch of muddy ground to the old lake. Jamison has only been here once, and on that day he got his head dunk into the cold but surprisingly fresh water. Tonight however, the lake was a lively spot. Mers, in many sizes in all the shades of blue, green and even purple that the boy could imagine, swam around, examined the plants growing on the shore or played at the tiny waterfall that the stream made when it ended in the lake. Nervously Jamison held Akande's hand with his own two and hid a little behind him. A few of the twenty or so mer folk glanced towards them. "It's...is that your flock?" Akande nodded and patted his left shoulder twice. The curious mer returned the gesture. Slowly he led Jamison along the shore, towards a group of mer sitting on a log. They seemed to be building a nest out of grass and seaweed. One of them, a very large and bulky looking mer, covered in scars and with a dark blue back looked up and smiled as they saw Akande. There was a pat on the shoulder and in the same motion they closed their fist over their heart. "You are back, my pearl." Jamison has not expected such a soft voice to come from this large mer. In fact he hasn't even expect it to be female as it seemed. Akande returned the gesture with the fist before pulling Jamison closer. "James, this is my mother, Ade." The boy swallowed before shyly patting with a shaky hand against his shoulder. The mother seemed pleased. "Do you want to help us make a net? It's for the eggs later." Akande asked and sat down with his mother, picking up the end of the net that was still loose. Jamison carefully climbed over to sit by Akande, who's eyes lit up.
What started as something being waved off as a child's daydreams made up in his loneliness became a new routine in Jamison's life. From late spring to early fall the flock would now reside in the Moonshine Lake, fearing being in the open waters will kill more of their offspring each year. During that time the boy would visit them after school or at nighttime, so much so that he was almost there daily. The mer, while always careful and suspicious of humans, didn't dislike his presence. Akande especially tried to show Jamison how they lived their daily life. In exchange Jamison taught him and other members of the flock things about humans. Like why they have to wear clothes or why they eat something as gross as mussels. He even brought one of his old suits with him for the mer children to try on. It proved to be very small for Akande. He rather showed Jamison how they weaved the skirts they wore. Apparently they are supposed to make them look to predators like piles of floating seaweed. Akande also showed Jamison how they braid their bracelets and other jewelry.
On his eleventh birthday Jamison was gifted his own bracelet by Akande, that had a snail house on it. The boy felt flustered when given the jewelry. "I...don't think boys are supposed to wear jewelry." he hummed, remembering the taunts of his classmates when one of them got an earring. Akande, who's blue coat had slowly taken over his body, was confused by that. "Humans has strange customs when it comes to your mateship manners I've noticed. Look, I'm not going to force you to wear the shell braid, but...it's...important to me for you to have it." Jamison took the gift. And for the first time felt a strange tingle in his gut when he saw that smile on the mer's features. The year was also the first time Jamison was present when the first babies of that year hatched. A mer flock would always collect their eggs and shelter them in big nets to drag them along wherever they went. "Not all of the eggs hatch because not all of them are fertile." Ade explained to the boys once. "You can't tell from the outside. This is why there are always so many and that's why we have often many children. Only those who manage to push through survive and thrive as the next generation."
Jamison noticed how much emphasis the flock put in strength and fight. Conflicts rarely end in physical fights, but the mer sure loved to test boundaries. The moment some of the babies from last year's nest were able to see and walk, they would try to climb everything they could see. Including Jamison, who shot into the air like a beanpole after his twelfth birthday. He blamed his mother's genes, she was remarkably tall for a woman. "Father died this winter." he muttered quietly as Akande and him sat by the far end of the lake that year, watching the rest of the flock, that had shrunken significantly. "I'm sorry." Akande returned, hand twitching. "Did he have to suffer?" "He had that infection for a while. But he was too stubborn to listen to my mother's pleads." He glanced, noticing the twitch of the hand. A little voice in his head wanted that hand to reach for his own and he couldn't explain why. "We lost many as well. Almost half of our people. Most of them were not even old enough to speak yet." His voice was heavy, his head hanging. The past year had left a mark on Akande, his back and arms showed scars from a shark's bite. Jamison wanted to hug him, but stayed reserved. Fourteen and twelve years old was too young to lose someone you love. Can you ever be too old to mourn? He hoped to never find out.
Summers would come and go and Jamison would grow to become the outcast he was predestined to be. He was a good student, did remarkably well in biology and mathematics. His teachers were hopeful that the boy had a bright future ahead. If only he would stop being so foulmouthed at other students. After one too many years he decided to fight back, even if it was just with words. Sick of taunts and abuse and the sad eyes Akande always got when he saw a new bruise on Jamison's pale skin. "These children don't deserve your sympathy. If I was you I would have broken their jaws five times by now." Jamison rejected that mindset. Until he was fourteen and one of them went too far. The school boys had found the meadow. The lake was almost empty, only a few of the flock lurked under the water. The kids found the eggs floating at the surface. And as kids were, they began to play with them. The moment Akande noticed the voices, heard someone scream "How dare you, you monster!" through the water, he swam up, only to see shapes move away from the shore. He poked his head out, staying low. And saw something horrible. The children had pluck eggs from the net, smashed them on stones and stumped on them in the grass. In the distance he saw their silhouettes, screaming and laughing as they pushed around another boy. Akande knew that shock of blond hair too well.
The next time they saw each other again was at night. Jamison was messy, his eyes puffy and his knees shaky. His head was in a bind. The boys had shuffed him against a tree. His mother told the school he would never return. "Three. We lost three" Akande growled, as he sat with him, his face dark. "I should have been faster." "I should have made sure they didn't stalk me." Jamison returned and hugged his legs. His whole body felt hurt. Akande shook his head. "My mother...she sent away those who should have stated with the net. They are not welcome here anymore." "I'm sorry." Jamison muttered and began to sob, as he left sooner than he had arrived. What-ifs would haunt him for the rest of the year. He didn't have the guts to look into Akande's face anymore. He'd spent his fifteenth birthday with his mother this year. And not return.
Until next year...
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
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Day 26# of bullying moonshine
Whiskey took that personally
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
Day 22# of bullying moonshine
“Mini moon doesn’t exist, she can’t hurt you”
Mini moonshine:
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
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Day 16# of bullying moonshine
Cursed moonshine
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
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Day 24# of bullying moonshine
Her new nickname…. @thezcurse gave her
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trippin-chippin · 10 months
Day 28# of bullying moonshine
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She has reverted back into her fish form from all of the bullying
I some how managed to keep this thing alive for over a year and a half
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
Day 1002
Moonshine dies from bullying
Bruh moonshine fricken evolves into like a game boss and you hear the boss music start🤣🤣🤌.
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trippin-chippin · 10 months
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Bullying moonshine on magma now😂
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trippin-chippin · 11 months
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Day 18# of bullying moonshine
*This is catching up for yesterday
Whisk snatches a microphone outta moons hand
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