amadenchart · 11 months
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Timeless: Onto the Plateau
Dahao tries to put some responsibility inside the twins' heads, but it's useless. He has been trying to do this since they were kids and they keeping screwing things up! xD Thankfully they have Keristys to take care of them when their excitement is too much!
I hope more adventures of the twins, Kiki and Dahao in the plateau!
[OCs Vygo, Indrys, Dahao and Keristys]
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singularity-sam · 2 months
Insane Stories From Belobog's Trash Cans - Volume 3: The Curious Case of the Missing Child
(Disclaimer: This story contains mentions of kidnapping, depictions of bullying/negligence/cheating, and unfunny cringe attempts at humor throughout.)
While adventuring on the Xianzhou Luofu for their Trailblazing expeditions one day, the Nameless had their exploration routine interrupted by a sudden yet urgent request from the Realm-Keeping Commission. Concerned, Stelle, March 7th, and Welt all ventured to the commission’s main office to see what the issue was. Once they arrived, they met with Dahao, who informed them of the situation.
“Thanks for coming! All of you are the only ones we can rely upon to solve this problem.”, he stated, “Putting your past aid aside, this is quite a serious request I have for you all…” Welt nodded and replied with: “What is it…? We Nameless are happy to help you with anything.” “Yeah! You can count on us!”, March 7th said. Dahao thought for a second before saying, “Good. Well, um… It’s like this: A young Vidyadhara boy went missing a few hours ago. His friends reported him being escorted away by a stranger he briefly talked to, so now it’s a suspected kidnapping case…”, with a serious expression.
Feeling saddened by the tragic request, March 7th commented: “Oh no, that’s terrible! Is there anything we can do?” Welt, on the other hand, just solemnly nodded. “We would take care of it ourselves, but…”, Dahao trailed off, “Ever since the Ambrosial Arbor crisis resolved itself, we’ve been swamped with so much work. And seeing that the Astral Express crew is so reliable with helping us out in the past, I thought that you could help find this missing child. …Will you assist us?”
A brief moment passed before Stelle decided to answer his question and speak for the first time since stepping into the office. “Don’t worry, the Galactic Baseballer is on the case! Any kidnappers will have to answer to my bat hitting their face!”, she passionately said while pointing at herself. Not being put off by her usual antics, March 7th pumped her fist and said: “Ha, yeah! That’s right!” Welt shook his head and stated, “Please… try to take this more seriously. This is an abduction we’re dealing with…”, as a response. He then looked back at Dahao and asked: “So… Where should we start our search?”
He scratched his chin for a moment, contemplating what information to give to them. “I knew I could count on you! If I were you, I’d recommend searching…”, he answered, “...in Central Starskiff Haven. That’s where the kid was last seen, and his friends should still be there. I’d say you should interview them to gather evidence.” “I see… Thank you for your time. Let’s go, everyone…”, Welt said. March 7th, continuing her enthusiasm, loudly proclaimed: “Okay! We’re off to catch a kidnapper!” All three of the Nameless proceeded to start walking out of the door in the office, to begin their investigation. Dahao waved them off and said, “Good luck out there.”, with a sincere tone. And so, they headed for their destination, eagerly wanting to help this missing child…
Upon arriving at Central Starskiff Haven, the Trailblazers quickly searched for the missing kid’s friends. Soon enough, they found them. After some brief questioning, they were pointed in a possible direction. One of the friends, a young Vidyadhara girl explained further with: “I didn’t get a good look at the stranger, since they were too far away from where we were playing. All I saw was them leading our friend away while we were distracted. I dunno what’s gonna happen to him, so please find him!”
“Don’t worry, little one. We’ll find him, for sure!”, March 7th said in a comforting manner. “Did any of you see what direction they were heading in?”, Welt further inquired, “If you can tell us that, then we’ll be more likely to find him…” This led to another one of the children to speak up, a Foxian boy this time. He pointed to an exit across the Starskiff lane bridge and said, “That way! It looked like they were heading towards Aurum Alley. …I hope this helps.”, with a nervous expression. March 7th nodded encouragingly, saying: “You bet it does! Let’s start movin’ and find this kid, guys!” Motivated by her optimism, the three of them then started to go to the next place in their search.
Entering Aurum Alley, March 7th and Welt spent a few moments looking around, it was the first time they had been there (Stelle had already been there numerous times before, by revitalizing the entire location). No longer being able to contain her excitement, March 7th raised her voice, saying, “My, oh my! Hey Mr. Yang, can we stop and get some food from the stalls over there? I hear the food here is s’posed to be delicious! I need a break from all this walking…”, while pointing at the food stalls and jumping up and down. Unsure of what to say to that at first, Welt adjusted his glasses and said: “Let’s… wait until we finish our mission. The child we're looking for could be in grave danger, and I know that feeling of worrying over children… Once we’re done, then I’ll treat you all to whatever you want from here, I promise.” She gave him a thumbs up in response. “Yay, thanks! This’ll be awesome!”, she exclaimed, “Now, what do we do from here?” “Let’s ask some of the people around here to see if they have any information on the child’s whereabouts…”, he replied.
Stelle looked all over her surroundings, trying to find someone she recognized. Then, her eyes landed on a familiar face: Bailu, who was standing next to a lone food stall with pleading eyes, as if she wanted food really badly. Stelle thought she would know something about their predicament, so she approached her with determination in her steps. The other two followed after seeing this. March 7th smiled and waved once she was within speaking distance of her. “Oh, it’s the Dragon Lady. Hey, there!”, she said to her. “Huh…? Oh, it’s you three! The ones who helped me before.”, Bailu greeted them, “What brings you here? I’m just trying to get my hands on some food from here. It would be really worthwhile, since I escaped from the Alchemy Commission once again to come all the way here…”
Taken aback by her answer, Welt stuttered a bit before speaking to her: “Um… W-We have been… sent by the Realm-Keeping Commission to find a missing Vidyadhara boy, who may have been abducted by someone older. Have you seen a pair of people matching that description…?” She pondered for a moment, her dragon tail swaying back and forth, before replying with, “I dunno… It’s hard to say. What’s in it for me?”, in a cheeky tone. March 7th, who remained undeterred by Bailu’s negotiation tactics, skillfully compromised with an idea of her own. “If ya tell us, we’ll buy ya a burger from the food stall over there! Won’t that be enough?”, she offered. “YOU WILL!? Yaay~!”, she gasped while squealing in delight, “I guess I’ll tell you everything I know, then!” Welt nodded and smiled, a rare sight for him, and he said: “Exceptional work, March. That was some good negotiation skills.”
Bailu scratched the side of her head before proceeding to share some information by stating, “Here’s what I know: I saw that kid being dragged around to some of the food stalls by this grownup. They both bought and ate some food together, before they left Aurum Alley to go somewhere else. I’m so jealous of them, that food looked so good!”, with a reflective face. “Grownup…?”, Stelle asked with a serious expression, “Did you recognize who it was?” Bailu tapped her horns in a childish way to remember any forgotten details. She then gasped and elaborated with: “...Oh yeah, I remember now! It was someone I’ve seen before. I can’t remember her name, though… If my memories are right, then she’s from the Divination Commission. I’m pretty sure of that!”
The three Trailblazers were lost in their own speculative thoughts after hearing that. “The Divination Commission? Why there? Hm, we’re so close to figuring who this kidnapper is! It’s gotta be easy from here on out…”, March 7th said once she got sick of the silence. “Ahem, where’s my burger? You promised me!”, Bailu said in annoyance, “I held up my end of the bargain, now you must do yours. Please hurry it up, I’m starving here~!” But, before anyone else could say or do anything in response, Stelle’s phone received a text message notification. She pulled it out of her coat pocket and saw that it was from Dahao. Realizing its importance, she bluntly stated: “Hold on. I have to respond to this. It’s kinda urgent.” She didn’t bother waiting for the others’ reactions, so she started to read the message and tap out responses to it.
Dahao: Important update in the investigation! 
The missing child has been spotted wandering 
with his abductor into the Divination Commission. 
One of our workers reported it. They are still 
there right now. You should rush over there to 
stop them!
Stelle: …
Stelle: Damn bro, that’s crazy
Dahao: If you hurry, you can still rescue the 
child. Take my advice and go!
Stelle: OK, on my way
Welt, who had been intensely staring at the chat messaging along with March 7th, looked back up at the group and said, “Well… I suppose we know where we need to go next. We should make haste, while we can…”, while tapping his cane on the ground. Stretching and sighing in preparation, March 7th responded with: “Might as well… Sorry, Miss Bailu, you’ll have to take a rain check on your burger. But I swear I’ll make it up to you, just you wait! Anywho, let’s get over to the Divination Commission, pronto! We gotta save the day once again!” Stelle nodded and put her phone away, putting on her more deadpan expression that she uses when she attempts (and fails) to be more serious.
As the three of them speed-walked to the exit of Aurum Alley, Bailu became slightly bewildered and upset. “Hey, where are you going!? I haven’t got my food yet!”, she complained loudly, “Now I’ll have to go back to the Alchemy Commission empty-handed. Hmph… You better not forget about your makeup promise now, you hear me!?” The others silently acknowledged her, but they were too focused on the potential confrontation ahead. They were just relieved that the crisis they got themselves into was finally going to end soon, at the Divination Commission…
At the Matrix of Prescience in the center of the Divination Commission, Master Diviner Fu Xuan and Qingque stood across from each other while conversing… with the missing Vidyadhara boy standing in between the two of them! “What is the meaning of this?”, Fu Xuan asked with a skeptical tone, “And why did you bring this child here with you?”
Approaching from the stairs leading up to the platform where this was all happening, the Nameless spotted the conversation and halted in place, wanting to eavesdrop on the situation’s reasoning. “Huh? Miss Qingque? Wait a sec, don’t tell me she…”, March 7th said with disappointment in her voice. Welt stood in place and replied with: “Let’s hear them out before we make any rash judgments.” Stelle then took his advice and stared at the perpetrators. Despite their open-mindedness, they all knew who kidnapped the missing child, so they waited for the explanation.
Tapping her feet anxiously, Qingque then proceeded to place her left hand on the child’s shoulder while saying, “This is my… kid! Yeah. I just had him not too long ago, so… I would like to request some time off work for maternity leave! I’d say about two years is good, since raisin’ a child’s not easy. I’ve been hard at work lately, and givin’ birth to my beautiful son here has put quite a bit of strain on me, y’know? Pretty please? Some rest from this job is needed for me to raise him properly in order for him to become a successful adult. Think of it as a favor for all the decades I’ve reliably worked here…”, with a mix of both mischievous and pseudo-serious expressions. The awkward and cringey silence that followed was swiftly filled by her leaning down and whispering in the child's ear: “Psst… Hey kid, do ya mind backing up my story here? I need it to sound more convincing.” The boy nodded nervously before speaking up. “That’s right, she’s my mommy! And she has to take care of me.”, he said while hugging her in an unconvincing attempt to fake affection, “Also, make sure she’s paid for her time off, since she needs to use the money to play Celest-... I mean, to give me a proper education so I can grow up to be whatever I want!”
Fu Xuan was not impressed. She just sighed and shook her head in aggravation after hearing the bogus explanations. “Really? You have got to be joking. Even I, the master diviner, could not foresee this… Never have I ever expected for you to make up a lie as ridiculous as this.”, she said. Before Qingque could rebut her, Fu Xuan countered her with: “Do not try to protest it, as your little narrative has many problems that show its flaws. For example… You claimed you “gave birth” to this child, but you have never shown any signs of being pregnant. What is your excuse this time?” Qingque scratched her head before saying, “Umm… Well, you’ve never noticed ‘cuz I’m… at the loafing gate so much, yeah! I’ve just been slackin’ off lately due to me preparing for my son’s arrival.”, in a deceptive tone. Ignoring her leaps in logic, the master diviner continued to deconstruct her argument. “Not only that, this child of yours is quite grown and developed for being born “only recently” before.”, she stated, “Add that with the fact that you are too young to have a child this old, and it weakens your fib even further…”
Feeling frustrated at being berated, Qingque then quietly said to herself: “I’m too young? Well you’re barely an adult yourself…” Fu Xuan overheard this and she stomped her feet in anger, losing control of her emotions for a moment. “Wh-What was that…!!??”, she yelled. Qingque shrugged and replied, “Nothin’ at all, boss!”, as an answer. The master diviner proceeded to take a deep breath and regained her composure. “Regardless… There is one undeniable fact that you have not considered that cannot be refuted, since it is common knowledge.”, she argued conclusively, “This child that stands before me is one of the Vidyadhara, who do not have biological parents; their entire species is centered around reincarnation. With this, your argument is voided!”
Despite being proven wrong, Qingque was not dissuaded from her goal. Through a mix of denial and stubbornness, she compromised with: “Hm… Ya got me there! And you’re right, I adopted this boy instead. I only lied about it so you would be more sympathetic, as there’s a stigma against adoptive parents…” Not seeing why Fu Xuan was upset at her, her deflective comment was followed up with Qingque saying, “But my request still stands. I wanna get some time off work so I can raise him properly. C’mon, please? If ya make it paid leave, I promise I’ll come back to this job and work extra hard once my two years of absence are finished~! And I’m DEFINITELY not lying this time!”, with a devilish grin. Fu Xuan put her hand on her forehead after hearing her comeback, feeling nauseated from her employee’s antics. “Ugh… You do not understand at all… Your words are NEVER trustworthy! Besides not ever taking responsibility in your career, your track record is pretty poor. For that, no, I will not grant your request…”, she complained, “Which makes me wonder all this time after listening to your pathetic excuses: Where did this child come from? Why did you choose him for your scheme, assuming you did adopt him…?”
“This child was abducted from Central Starskiff Haven while he was distracted from spending time with his friends. We were sent by the Realm-Keeping Commission to find him…”, Welt said in reply. The three Nameless walked over from the stairs to where the other three were standing as he said this. Fu Xuan turned around, asking: “We all meet again… What you said just now, is it true?” “‘Course it is! We worked our butts off all day to find the kidnapper on this wild goose chase!”, March 7th interrogated, “So, how ‘bout it, Miss Qingque? Why’d ya kidnap this child? You gotta tell us, if ya don’t wanna get thrown into the Shackling Prison!”
Qingque laughed awkwardly at the accusations. Realizing how much serious trouble she could be in, she answered, “Hey c’mon, don’t gimme that glaring look! I didn’t kidnap him, honest! I just bribed him with some delicious Aurum Alley food in exchange for his consented cooperation in my plan. I also was gonna show him how to play Celestial Jade after I got the paid leave. I was gonna bring him right back to his friends after I was done, I swear! I didn’t realize I kept him for this long, or that this counted as kidnapping… So, please spare me, I didn’t know any better!”, as a self-justification comment that didn’t sound very convincing for alleviating her of her crimes. She then turned to the child and said: “Hey, back me up here.” The now-found missing child nodded and spoke up in an unsure tone. “That’s right… Though, I was never told about the Celestial Jade part of it…”, he said.
Seeing that Qingque was only digging her grave even deeper, Stelle finally decided to say something about how the issue was turning out. She took both of her hands, turned them straight up so the fingers pointed forward, reeled them back before using them to point in front of her, and only said one word in the process towards her: “Boi…” While no one reacted to her memey response, Fu Xuan spoke up to give Qingque her judgment. “Your intention does not matter, the result of it does…”, she said in a judgmental tone, “Your actions are still considered to be abduction, and that is quite serious… And you committed this atrocity all for not wanting to do your job.”
She proceeded to cross her arms in resentment while she continued her monologue. “First, you faked having a heart attack last week… And now, this!”, she stated while reminiscing about said incident. She shook her head and said, “Your methods for slacking off are becoming increasingly more desperate! This is a sad sight to see, and now you must be punished for it. I cannot allow you any more pardons from them…”, while her face became more serious. Now feeling uneased by her intense demeanor, Qingque audibly gulped and asked: “...So, what now? Ya gonna fire me…? Or send me to prison…?”
In a surprising turn of events, Fu Xuan decided to give out a different punishment than what was expected from the average criminal (since Qingque is not “average” at all). “Nope. As your higher-up, I need to have some mercy on you. Sending you to the Shackling Prison will not do you any good, since confinement won’t get you to learn from your mistakes. There was a slight misunderstanding surrounding the abduction anyway…”, she explained, “And I will not fire you, either. If I were to do that, you would just laze around and not find any more work, putting your life and your family’s in jeopardy. In short, it will not fix your slacking problem…”
The solution seemed to arrive as a few Cloud Knights stepped into the Matrix of Prescience, their sights set on apprehending Qingque. “For your punishment, you shall spend the next two years working monitored, unpaid overtime. You will need to diligently work extra hours while security watches you until the sentence is over. Also, you will be forbidden from playing Celestial Jade during this period. This is all done so you cannot escape and continue slacking off in the future. And by doing so, I hope I can help you become more responsible and not resort to your rash way of handling things… Now, take her away to work right now, guards!”, she commanded with integrity.
Two Cloud Knights then proceeded to walk over to Qingque and they began to restrain her. Freaking out, she started to protest and feel more guilty about her actions than before, saying: “Wait up, hold on a second! You can’t take my precious Celestial Jade away from me. I single handedly revived that game from obscurity, it’s my pride and joy! I need it to live! C’mon Xuany, let’s talk about this! I promise I won’t ever slack off again, just don’t force me to do this, please…” Fu Xuan just scoffed at her disrespectful nickname and gestured for the Cloud Knights to escort her to the nearby teleporter instead. Qingque tried in futility to resist, kicking and screaming like a toddler, then finally shouting, “Nooo!! I don’t wanna work and be productive! You should’ve just fired me instead! Please, save meee…!!”, just as she and her guards reached the teleporter. Once they entered it, they all vanished from sight, deeper into the Divination Commission where she will be put to work.
Without a second of hesitation after making her worker suffer, the master diviner turned to the child and said: “This Cloud Knight will escort you back to your friends. Do not worry, you are safe now. Be careful around strangers from now on…” One last remaining Cloud Knight stood next to the boy, who could only say, “...Thanks…”, awkwardly in response. The Vidyadhara boy had seen too much that day and never expected any of it. Due to feeling confused and wary from seeing Qingque and Fu Xuan’s long winded argument, he couldn’t say any more. And so, he then proceeded to follow the Cloud Knight away and up the stairs, so he could see his friends one more. He didn’t even look back at the Nameless, the original ones who were supposed to rescue him, but because of unusual circumstances, couldn't at that time…
Stunned by how quickly and strangely the issue resolved itself, Welt was the only one who could break his silence to finish up the investigation. “So… At least it ended well, mostly…”, he stuttered out, “Do you… need any more help, perhaps, Miss Fu Xuan?” He didn’t get much of a reply back, since she was already starting to focus back on her duties and clean up the incident’s aftermath. “No. You have done more than enough by informing me of what happened. I shall take care of reporting about the investigation's conclusion to the Realm-Keeping Commission myself, personally. I will get in touch with Dahao later… Thank you all for your assistance in this matter, and I hope your futures have good fortune… Now, I must get back to work.”, she said. She then faced the Matrix of Prescience fully, not paying attention to anything else; she was a hard-worker like always.
Now currently having the weight of the case lifted from their shoulders, the Nameless relaxed and became talkative again. March 7th sighed and wiped her brow, commenting: “Whew… Glad that’s over! Who would’ve thought that a loafer like Miss Qingque was behind this whole scheme? It seems kinda comical in retrospect. But at least the kid’s safe, that’s what matters!” Welt nodded and adjusted his glasses while replying with, “Indeed. No one got hurt, either. That’s something we should celebrate…”, in a relieved tone.
This revived a dormant seed within her head, so she perked up and smiled brightly once more. “Ah, I just remembered! You promised us food after we finished this.”, she recalled, “Well, now’s the time to use that for our celebration for saving a child! Even if we didn’t actually do it… Still, I’m hungry as heck and I can’t wait any longer! And we should get Miss Bailu’s burger, too! Just like I said we would…” He then smiled for the first time in a long while, glad to have a chance to relax for once. “Heh… Alright, alright. I promised you, so I must fulfill it. Let’s head back to Aurum Alley, pick out whatever you like. Just… don’t get sick.”, he said. She raised her hand in the air and shouted, “Yay!!!”, in response happily. Stelle, who was too focused on her trash can-related fantasies to be fully paying attention, just nodded and stoically said: “Let’s go. Make sure to give any trash to the Galactic Baseballer for enlightenment purposes! I need it after being trolled so hard today…”
Then, they all left the Divination Commission without another word. No one was ever in the mood for Stelle’s unhinged comments. And with that, nearly everything was back to how it was before, and the Xianzhou Luofu got closer to full recovery. All the people (including the child) had a great rest of the day, except for Qingque, who was now forced to scrub the floors as punishment. Even still, she continued to fantasize about slacking off and playing Celestial Jade. So, as another “last ditch” effort, she decided she was going to fake her own death next to get out of the overtime labor… Of course, it won’t end well for her, and that’s a fact.
[Writer’s Commentary: For this story, I tried to replicate it as if it were an actual side quest that players would receive while playing the game. That’s why I went for the whole investigative angle and text message recreation attempt. Whether this actually worked out or not, I can’t say, but that’s what writing is for: Experimenting and challenging yourself! I chose Qingque as the culprit because she’s one of my favorite characters, and I feel like she would go this far to not do her job at some point (and because I’m biased). Also, I didn’t give the missing child a name or much dialogue because I am lazy… Anyway, that’s all for now. Good day!]
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karolynerocha-art · 6 months
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[CM] - Dahao
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when im free from school for real remind me to write up a meta about jing yuan and qingzu because i think their relationship (we only get Fucking Crumbs because shes an NPC) is so gd important to jing yuan's character
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dollfaced-erin · 9 months
𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕠𝕟'𝕤 ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕝𝕖 (Blade x F!Reader x Jing Yuan)
PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10
A/n : - I thought we had too little Jing Yuan, so here, I'm giving you some bits to enjoy heheheh though its a little angstyyy Honest question though, should (Y/n) really in between Blade and Jing Yuan ? I mean, I dont mind a full blown harem kalsdjlka
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@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou, @sincerely-aaronette , @prettyliliy , @chibiduck , @hermosacolibri , @la-diablas-thingz , @farelady-fate , @everi-eve , @shadowfoxey
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As (Y/n) was busy trying to push away her own thoughts and Bailu's worrying, suddenly she was approached by an individual from behind. (Y/n) looked up to see the blanked face trailblazer looking at her.
"Lady (Y/n), Dahao asked me to bring you with us to the Realm-Keeping Commission. He said there is something you must hear." Stelle said, looking straight at (Y/n) with her golden eyes.
"A-ah, alright." (Y/n) said, her embarrassment washing off and she calmed down. Bailu whined, hoping that (Y/n) didn't have to go, but what choice did (Y/n) have, right ?
It must be important if they're looking for to join the Astral Express team, who were requested by the General himself.
So (Y/n) nodded and got up, bidding farewell to reluctant Bailu. She promised to buy Bailu some snacks next time and Bailu immediately brightened up and nodded, waving off the older Vidyadhara more cheerfully.
"Ah, Lady (Y/n). You're here too," the older man said, looking at (Y/n) as Stelle brought her into the Realm-Keeping Commission. The rest of the team were already there, so it seems like Stelle was the last of them to arrive to go get (Y/n).
"Yes…sorry I'm late." (Y/n) said, bowing her head a little before being dismissed by the Realm-Keeping Commission officer.
"No, no ! My Lady, you were of great help in helping the Dragon Lady to suppress the Mara-struck, even going as far as to assist in combat. The General will hear of this." Dahao said, as if quite flustered by the appearance of the lady even though it was him who had called her over.
"My Lady…? Is Lady (Y/n) another big shot ?" March asked, looking at (Y/n). To which (Y/n) of course shook her head.
"No. I am just but another resident of the Xianzhou Luofu, the same species as Miss Bailu," (Y/n) said modestly, and honestly, not even bothering to look at the group that had turned to look at the horned woman. "I was…just someone highly regarded in the distant past."
Dahao coughed into his fist, trying to break the awkward atmosphere. "As I'm sure you're aware, symptoms of Mara have been spreading ever since the Stellaron incident occurred."
"Thanks to the Ten-Lords Commission, had long since become a terrifying but avoidable fate for the Xianzhou Natives…The puzzling thing is that despite the Commission's protection, we're now seeing an increase…" Dahao explained to the Trailblazers, and (Y/n) herself.
"More and more clients -- in particular those dealing with great risks and stress like the Cloud Knights -- are becoming stricken with Mara." Dahao said with a heavy sigh, a hand to his head as if wondering where everything had gone wrong, though the answer was much clear.
"Moreover, the Mara-struck have taken on a horrifying appearance -- as they're turning into some sort of monster… This certainly differs from what I thought I knew about the illness…" Dahao continued, and (Y/n) frowned.
"The mutations are worse than what I remembered. Back then…the monsters were exactly like this, but only those who ere directly affected by the Plagues Author. Not the ones with mere…spores in them." (Y/n) said, recalling of what little memory she had of the times that were said to be the most glorious but most disastrous for the entire Luofu.
"You…you've seen the Plagues Author…?" March asked and in the back she heard Stelle say ; "For real ?"
"No. I've never seen them…" (Y/n) said and she looked to Dahao for help on explaining her situation. And Dahao laughed softly, as (Y/n) looked at him like a little kitten, even though she was as proud just now.
"(Y/n) here…is one of the expert doctors. A veteran with knowledge of old. She had just went through an accident and is slowly trying to regain her memories, so far she had shown some signs of regaining those memories." Dahao said simply and (Y/n) nodded in confirmation.
There was too much about her, too little time to tell. And she was feeling quite insecure about telling everyone how old she actually is and how long she's been asleep. Even though it technically wasn't her fault.
"Oh, I got this paper from one of the Mara-struck soldiers." Stelle said, handing out a paper with writing on it, looking like a prescription.
Dahao read it for a moment and his expression reflects disbelief from what he was reading. He immediately calls over (Y/n) with a wave of his hand, the horned woman came to his side. She leaned over his shoulder to try read out what was given, and her eyes widened.
Even for a woman that had just woken up from her slumber, she was familiar with the words etched on the thin piece of paper. It was much known to all Xianzhou residents.
The history that had the Xianzhou in peril thousands of years ago, the reason for her incomplete rest.
"This...where did you get this ?" (Y/n) exclaimed, looking up at Stelle with surprise.
"I got it when we fought a Mara-struck soldier when we first came here. I thought that since we're in an archive, you might know of this." Stelle said, looking completely innocent.
"Isn't this...a cure for Mara...?" Stelle asked, regarding the letter in (Y/n)'s hands. And the dragon woman shook her head and turned to look at Dahao.
"This is beyond the matters of the Realm-Keeping Commission, Lady (Y/n). You should contact the Seat of Divine Foresight about this matter..." Dahao said gravely and (Y/n) nodded, taking out her phone.
"I think I should call Jing Yuan about this...this is...something the Ten-Lords Commission should jurisdictate..." (Y/n) said as she walked away into the archives to have some privacy.
"Princess ? I wasn't expecting a call from you. Is something the matter ?" Jing Yuan's gentle voice flowed from the device and to her ear.
"Jing Yuan...sorry to bother you. It's urgent..." (Y/n) said, a little guilt in her voice.
"Anything for you, princess. Now tell me, what is it that has you so ruffled up, hm?" "Stelle handed us a letter disguised as a prescription letter, but the contents...were about one of the Seven Unpardonable Sins..."
"I see. It is indeed a grave situation you're faring with there, (Y/n)." he said seriously, all manner of playfulness missing. "Unfortunately, I'm on the way with a meeting with Ten-Lords Commission, so I am unable to personally asses the circumstances."
"But fret not. I will be sending Qingzu in my place. She should know what to do." Jing Yuan said warmly, his voice light with a little smile from his end.
"Thank you, Jing Yuan..." (Y/n) said with a soft sigh.
"You make sure you keep yourself safe, alright, my Moon ?" (Y/n) heard from the other end, causing her cheeks to heat up for some unknown reason.
"Y-yes. I promise, Jing Yuan..." (Y/n) she said softly, ending the call with a small smile of her own.
He knew it was wrong.
But he couldn't help himself.
She was the lover of his friend.
And fate ripped them apart before they could manage to properly tie the red string of fate to each other. After all, they were the infamous star-crossed lovers, tales of woe being sung by the Vidyadhara people.
The Moon Dancer and The Craftsman.
Or known to him as Dan Jia and Yingxing.
Jing Yuan stared at the device in his hands, a frown on his lips.
Was it selfish of him to want her to stay ?
Was it selfish of him to want a companion who had somewhat memory of their glorious past ? A friend who used to know him and still knows him.
Was it wrong of him to think this way when he let go of his once-dear friend into the night to reunite with the love of his life...?
Jing Yuan wondered if they have met yet...?
He just hoped...that maybe she could give him a chance too...
The Dragon Lady was always someone that was admired by eyes of all ages, species and genders. She was a shy, gentle, polite soul, the opposite of her cold, harsh and arrogant older brother.
"Yuan !" the female would call out. She was young, with vibrant (e/c) eyes and clear skin, and lovely (h/c) hair embedded with flowers or accessories. She was neither young nor old, neither a girl nor a woman. She was in between.
"Lady Dan Jia !" the teenage lieutenant would call out, just as he would everyday after he trained. He would set down his weapon, and come running towards the Saltator Lunae who waved happily at him.
Unlike with Dan Feng who had known since his knight years, he had come to know this young lady when he was already lieutenant. Dan Feng thought that she wasn't yet ready to meet with the others.
Since the first time he had set eyes on the beautiful lady, he was awestruck. The shy way she averted her eyes when they first met, the softness and timidness in her voice, now had changed into warm gazes from her (e/c) eyes, and a bright smile forming on her lips.
Though young, he wasn't stupid enough to realize the feelings in him. The thumping of his heart whenever he saw her, the way he would instantly turn whenever he heard her voice, the pique of interest whenever she was mentioned.
Though young, he knew that he was in love with the sister High Elder of the Luofu.
Though young, he understood the cracking feeling in his chest when he heard his crush to be wed to one of his older friends. A more capable and astounding young man, the master of the Furnace of Creation. He smiled bitterly when he saw the two present their rings upon agreeing to tie the knot.
Though young, he knew that he harbored deep jealousy towards his own friend that took away his light.
Though young, he accepted the shattering feeling in his chest when he held the cold, barely living, body in his arms as he returned her to the Vidyadhara egg beneath the sea. The Pearl Keepers were kind enough to allow the General to carry her to the depths meant for her species.
Though mature, he knew that he could never forget the feelings he had for her, albeit unrequited.
With a final gift to her, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, for the first and last time as tears ran down his cheeks.
Or so he thought.
Imagine his joy when the Pearl cracked, releasing the same woman he loved for years from its walls. He cried in joy, holding her close to his chest, pushing away the worried eyes of the Pearl keepers and Elders around him.
She was still here.
He still had a chance to make things right.
For years he watched over her, never finding it a pain to visit her sleeping body, until the day she opened her eyes. He would tell her about his days, the little grumbles he voiced out from his job in the Seat of Divine Foresight.
Imagine his joy when her eyes finally opened. Though she called herself (Y/n), it was still her.
And he'd still love her either way.
"Are you alright with letting her out of your sight ? She's still quite frail." Yanqing said as he looked up to his master.
"Yes. She'll be perfectly fine." Jing Yuan said with a small smile. "A bird should never be caged, and to let it fly free. The same goes to her. Should I not let her roam the ship ? Let her walk around, take in sights, meet people and learn new things. At least...I can still take care of her from afar."
"I am not as powerless as I was back then." Jing Yuan said with a soft chuckle, making Yanqing perk his head in curiosity, but decided against asking.
"It's alright. I want to let her roam free a little. Then, I'll need her to join me in a few tasks." the lion said, before turning to face his retainer.
"Come, Yanqing. There are matters to settle." he said, before walking off.
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chiyoso · 11 months
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▶PLAY. having barely escaped the observant general's sight, you found yourself back safely towards your abode while the problems in the xianzhou luofu continue to worsen, along with your state, not knowing that the severity of your situation had become on par with the ambrosial arbor crisis.
▶CONTENT. timeline takes place during xianzhou arc, multiple povs, cursing, dan heng ptsd, social anxiety(?), mentions of blood and fighting, idk what else to put here ☠️ pretty sfw for now
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“Aeons—Ugh fuck,” You cursed under your unsteady breath, sounds of midnight, accompanied by your swift and graceful movements, slithering around the Exalting Sanctum's buildings, and keenly on the lookout for any patrolling cloud knights as you make your escape from the Arbiter General.
Oblivious and unaware, you've manage to accumulate a certain level of suspicion from your ongoing hobby of managing to apprehend criminals, to encountering shady alchemy commission individuals by chance, to victims of mara.
Additionally, the other night in your leisure stroll with the lovely spear you cherish while walking around Cloudford, you managed to encounter and go up againat two important antagonists who continued to disrupt the peace within the Xianzhou Luofu.
Dan Shu. Mauve Moon—and a damn headache.
You were clueless, attenpting to recall your superior's reports. You weren't heavily aware of the current situation, their status, and you most definitely were not aware that they were both high figures of a large group, unaware that they themselves had been one of the main troubling sources of the Xianzhou Alliance, dealing with unprecedented mara-strucked attacks, that you of course, fight from time to time.
History in the saying, you did however drag the former Cloud Knight, delivering his unconscious, tied up body, successfully placing his (alive of course) figure in the middle of the lotus plaza in the Exalting Sanctum. You didn't really know what happened to them after that since...
You were quite bruised and battered up after that.
Reason being?
The male, that Cloud Knight, he took you by surprise, almost devastatingly so on how skilled and imposing he was.
Prior to that night, you did study enough about the subject of the Xianzhou's main line of defenses—to recognize how Cloud Knights fought, their specific fighting style to bury it into your battle lusting mind, all through a thick, dusted book that you borrowed from Yinshu's book shop.
Even then with that knowledge, you instinctively underestimated the Cloud Knight, thinking to yourself he was just as any other mara-strucked soldier that you've been encountering based off your previous expeditions, resulting in a heavily battered up and sweaty victory.
But at day, where those adventures die down for a little bit, having associated yourself with the Realm-Keeping Commission had its ups and quite tiring lows recently.
Jingyan and Dahao informed you and Songyan, as well as other colleagues of yours, about certain trailblazers that had trouble keeping Dan Shu at bay, unfortunately, you weren't really there present in the office to witness the star traveling companions that time they came in, you were at least aware of their existence—somewhat.
Even so, during that meeting, you kept in mind of the slight intrusion of theirs, and despite the trailblazers claiming victor against the Cloud Knight, via information gathering and a bit of a brawl.
That woman. She had slipped away during your intense, bloody dance with him, leaving you utterly unsatisfied and frustrated.
But you won't deny, it was also one of the most skillful and difficult task you encountered, conflicting your emotions as the battle came to a victorious halt, even then — you were grateful for the opportunity, you knew you needed it, you really did, even in your struggle, you needed to use your spear again.
Your work in the Realm-Keeping commission consisted of paperwork and only paperwork, repetitively dealing with normal, casual affairs along with the oh-so carefree desk neighbor colleague of yours, Songyan, which you think should be fired for his laziness in all honesty.
One of the job's descriptions that consisted of investigations towards criminals, you thought you would participate in such activities, but not at all, you did not expect to drown in heavy paperwork instead, a heavy amount of your time stolen, restricting you from your beloved spear and rigorous training as the daylight approaches, leaving you deprived of your sleep and reliant on the reliable snack snapperfish jam, downed satisfyingly with a warm bottle of puffergoat milk, occasionally an immortal's delight drink for caffeine, instead of a well deserved full meal that your body genuinely needs.
You're thankful though, for the lonely food vendor just outside behind your residence, they resided near the starskiff dock, for setting a place in a... not so lively area at most times.
Though your reliance on her food, her despondency towards their business, and your need for a quick bite every morning, is definitely a win-win situation, a benefit for the two of you, gaining a friend based relationship for your personal needs, and her business needs.
The elephant in the room, was being an almost infamous vigilante of the Xianzhou Luofu, even if the Arbiter General himself hasn't made this situation public yet, ideal?
No. Never. Not at all.
It is a situation that you had just known about based on the short conversations of the Arbiter General and his lone Cloud Knight.
All because of your boredom in the day, and your eccentric nature, accompanied by your lustful battle tendencies that led you up to this moment.
Haa. Shit. Your accursed mind and body's desires for the excitement of wielding your dearest spear—you hated it. You'd start to subconsciously agree with your parent's idea on why they had... negative outputs of you.
You, being someone so dangerous, but you were no killer. Why would you anyways? The more individuals that you would've easily incapacitate and killed, the lesser your fights shall be.
That was your reasoning, and you're having a hard time determining if this aspect of you were a flaw or not, but you didn't dwell on it further as you finally arrived the court of tranquility, nearing your residence.
You were exhausted.
Both from the events that occured and your... ruined orgasm from earlier.
You moved with tired limbs, towards your cozy abode in a tiring daze, the faint blush on your cheeks don't seem to disappear as the Cloud General's voice continue to ring inside both of your eardrums.
“So that's how he sounds like...” You mumbled under your irregular breathing, your mind racing to the important figure of the Luofu, remembering his deep and stern tone, with underlying hints of warmth.
You sigh, placing your spear in hand close to the bed shortly after making your way towards your comfort room, wanting to get rid of your body's sweat and the remains of your womanly juices, that drenched your legs.
You felt relief once the water from the shower head began coat your skin, beginning to clean yourself, as the night pursues, unfortunately only leaving you a few hours of night worths of sleep, before sunrise awakens you forcibly so.
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“But Mr. Yang—” A cute, high pitched and lively voice is cut off, placing her hands on her hips as the rising sun took a peek within the Astral Express's interior, its golden rays dwelled upon her cutely designed pajamas, creating a fresh atmosphere towards a new day.
“A distress call from Miss Jingyan arrived. I apologize for asking Pom-Pom to wake you, our presence is greatly needed by the Realm-Keeping Commission.” The man hoisted his glasses up, repositioning his spectacles over his nose bridge with his index and middle finger, as the other hand occupies his cane.
Before walking towards the cushioned seats, the tall figure looks over his shoulder, continuing shortly after, “Do make haste if possible March, please awaken the twins and Dan Heng.” He spoke with a firm and gentle tone, a sense of concern and urgency from the sound of his vocals if one listened deeply to his low and husk chords.
“Uuhg... alright,” with a compliant nod, accompanied with quiet, mumbling from the little lady, she made haste towards the cabins, heading in deeper into the Express while rubbing her eyes in a sleepy daze. How shall she do this efficiently you wonder? Their cabin, sliding doors were locked, and they were very much asleep in this early time of daylight.
“Mm...” She cleared her throat momentarily, as the light haired lady pursed her lips, facing the corridor where their cabin entrances reside, bringing her hands to the sides of her cheeks, inhaling dee—“EVERYONE! MADAM HIMEKO IS STARTING A CHUG FEST WITH HER COFFEE! LAST ONE OUT OF THEIR ROOMS IS TO FINISH EVERY DROP!” She yelled with the top of her lungs with a sly yet cute grin, her voice carrying a high volume as it was clear that anyone can hear her high pitched, urgent yet teasing tone.
“—the FUCK?” “S-Shit.” “MOVE STELLE-”
Panic and danger. Several, jumbled noises of stumbling and scattering within their personal abode, even March is able to hear several cusses from behind their rooms. While waiting for the first person to open their sliding door, she leans her back towards the Express's interior, gazing towards the sight of the galaxy, as well as the Xianzhou Luofu they docked on.
A sharp exhale was heard a few long moments after, her head instinctively turning towards the noise to reveal a tall male with dark hair, slightly disarrayed, his traditional earrings dangle from his movement, adjusting his white jacket, encrusted with a traditional yet modern design as his eyes dart around.
Looking with a sense of urgency outside his room, before laying his eyes upon the sleepy, pinked haired girl whose attire was still of sleep wear.
His eyes narrow to her, his legs bringing him to the individual who yelled and disrupted their sleep. “March—” An interruption ensued, two more doors sliding open simultaneously, displaying two grey haired disorganized individuals.
I can't believe that worked. She then shifted her attention attention towards the three with the signature smug grin creeping up in her lips.
“Rise and shine sleepyheads! Mr. Yang needs us, so hop to it!” She hummed in amusement clasping her hands together momentarily, not elaborating further as she lowers her hands, skipping cheerfully with satisfaction as she proceeds towards her own bunker, planning to ready herself in the process, and sliding the door to close it, leaving the three in a state of complete deep, utter confusion and disbelief.
“W-What about the chug fest...?” Stelle mumbled out in confusion moments after the silence, her tone clearly baffled as she witnesses March walk to her own room, leaving her in a daze as she then steps outside her cabin, her legs bringing her towards Dan Heng.
“Good game.” The grey haired man follows suit, rubbing his adam's apple with a wry, bitter smile.
Dan Heng clears his throat, his dilating, green irises, gazing towards March's door, beginning to speak. “I have no knowledge to give, but uh, I have discerned you two arrived more late, so...” He hummed with a relief of victory, his index and thumb rubbing his nose bridge, leaning his back against the Express' wall behind him, a sigh escaping his lips.
“F- Fuck!” The grey haired man, slumped to his knees as he crouches down, his hands gripping his fluffy locks, yelling at the top of his lungs, his voice's volume along with the dread on his voice, echoing through the corridor as his twin, swiftly moving her right, gloved hand to her mouth, seemingly wanting to puke, lowering her gaze to the floor as her eyes dilate.
Both of their golden eyes, dulling. Sharing a look of dread, their eyes telling a traumatizing tale involving Miss Himeko's brown liquid—or coffee, as she called it.
“What did March do now...” Mr. Yang mumbled to himself, having heard a slight commotion in the cabins while setting his cane onto the table, adjusting his gloved left hand.
Dan Heng's gaze lowered to the poor man slumped onto the floor, seemingly chanting something under his breath while the other grey haired girl whose face was dulled and filled with dread, crouches beside Dan Heng, letting the wall behind her back to support her.
“You two have seemed to forgotten that Mr. Yang needed us as well, the situation doesn't make sense.” He spoke to them in his usual, monotonous voice. Perceptive and observant, Dan Heng had always been, as he tries to make do and assess the stage with the limited information that March provided him.
“No matter... Let us take our leave, Mr. Yang is presumably waiting for us outside just as March said.” He ushers to the two grey haired, bummed out individuals, walking towards the tall entrance to the main area of the express, his demeanor quite neutral—but if observed heavily with a keen eye, he was absolutely, most definitely nervous as bead of sweat dropped from his jawline.
“I-” The grey haired man looked over to Dan Heng leaving, his gaze then faltering towards his twin as a look of determination glints his eyes.
“I'm pretty sure I got out first.” He huffs insisting to her, standing back up, and crossing his arms, as he follows late behind Dan Heng, whom was already out in the main area. Her eyes widened as she hoisted herself back up with her hands, her head facing towards Caelus' behind.
“HEY!” She yelled in disbelief, scurrying and jogging towards him, her gaze unwavering to him, now proceeding to argue over a non-existent problem that March staged for them as they venture outside from the corridor.
March then shortly after, slid her door open to the side, looking around to check if they're still within the now empty hall, before humming with a degree of accomplishment as closes her door, skipping in delight after and following the group of three behind a little late.
The group and a pink haired girl now visible behind them as she closes the entrance to their cabin, are now met with the piercing, brown gaze of Mr. Yang. He was confused as to why their faces grimaced while March's was had her usual lively demeanor, he furrowed his eyebrows at them, pointing his cane towards their direction—or rather March's direction.
“March, what was that shriek earlier.” His tone firmed, eyes narrowed to her.
“We're uh, ready for... for the... chug fest?” She spoke with dread as her face showed visible a grimace, leaving the tall, old figure more so confused as March tried to hold back laughter.
“Chug... fest?”
“W-Well... You said make haste Mr. Yang...” March responded with a playful expression on her face as she rubbed the back of her hair.
With a long sigh, the tall, brown haired figure taps the hilt of his cane down to the floor once, the firm and loud noise following suit, grabbing the attention of group in four as he exerts a serious and calm demeanor.
“You four, our presence is needed in the Luofu as per request of the Seat of The Divine Foresight, Jing Yuan himself.” Dan Heng flinched, his eyes dilating upon hearing a familiar name as a sharp sensation filled his head, causing him to reach out and massage his nose bridge, stepping back from the group momentarily.
His expression faltered into a grimace, looking away towards the window view of the Luofu, his mind, rendered in waves of memories, flooding him relentlessly.
Welt Yang's keen observations noticed his absence immediately, noticing the sorrow filled eyes of his as he walked away discreetly. He understood vaguely since way before about his mysterious past, but he didn't pry further into his life, and Dan Heng was grateful for that.
“Dan Heng?” March questioned, noticing shortly after, looking around as her eyes land upon the disarrayed dark haired man, the twins, silent and looking back to him as well.
“March, it's okay, let him be.” Welt reassured, his spectacles briefly looking towards Dan Heng before returning his gaze to the group once again. Welt cleared the sudden, uncomfortable air, clearing his throat to gain back the attention of the three again.
“I apologize for waking all of you in this time of light, but it is quite urgent. I haven't received details as to why they need us at this time, however...” The brown haired man's voice trails off as he turns his head to look towards the docks of the Luofu.
“Basing from the situation within the Xianzhou Alliance, as well as the recent mission Caelus and Stelle did, it is safe to assume that this is most likely about the group, Sanctus Medicus again.”
“What the heck are they up to now?!” March huffed with a cute frown, scratch her hair in confusion and attempting to follow the conversation.
“But... Didn't we—or Caelus and Stelle gain information from them already? What gives this time?” She continued, her head turning towards the twins, tilting her head to the side.
Welt nodded, his right hand rubbing his chin as he pondered momentarily, seconds before relaying a response.
“You'd be correct, we did give the Realm-Keeping Commission valuable information, however... Dan Shu herself had ultimately escaped, I assume something happened, had it only been a few days since the mission.” He stated, lowering his hand beside him in idle.
“Nonetheless, we are still needed,” je continued, now facing his body towards the stairs up towards the exit.
“We shouldn't keep the commission waiting, let's go trailblazers.” He spoke over to his shoulder, before facing and walking towards the exit of the Astral Express.
March and the still-confused groggy twins follow suit behind Mr. Yang towards the exit, making their way towards Cloudford's Skiff Boarding Area as Dan Heng was left behind with his thoughts and his fragmented memories, continuing to haunt him while a seething sensation throbbed in his head.
“...So no coffee?” Caelus said, his voice mixed with a confusion and uncertainty as March's snickering follows suit.
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The rising sun threatens your eyes, its rays indicating another day of living.
You just got out from your bed while the sunrise's radiant glow shone inside your apartment's chambers, with you, having only a few hours of sleep that you managed to get.
Blinking away the grogginess your hazy lids, you forcibly brought your sore, and bruised body towards the contents of your bathroom, doing your quick and hygienic routine, and since you already washed yourself from the eventful night that happened just a few hours ago.
“Nnn,” you were already quite ready for work, not before trying to cover up your bruises around your face and arms with an alchemy commission specialty beauty liquid that you can put anywhere with safety—or so the sales woman claimed.
You figured, on days like this whereas you encountered such skillful opponents that causes your body and flesh to-well... look absolutely battered up, this 'make-up' as they call it, would be able to hide your marks from the nightly battles you kept getting yourself into.
After covering up several discolored injuries that were obvious, (surprisingly with accumulated skill from your constant use of the liquid foundation).
Roughly 40 minutes left. You have time.
You stretched groaning, now dressing up and letting out a heavy, tired sigh as you walk over to your bed. “I'll see you tonight,” you reached down to your spear sighing, kissing the flat surface of the sharp tip, before making your way towards the outside of your residence.
You were met with the sight of your table and the sight Ambrosial Arbor's scenery as per usual, the golden leaves floating around showering the Exalting Sanctum exquisitely along with the sunrise's rays that shone all over your body. You didn't tire of the view as it had a calming effect that slowly washed your mental turmoil away, especially the events of the night that pursued.
Taking a few technical deep breaths, you pressed on towards the vendor behind your place, moving accordingly with your plans—me?
That's a poster of me, right? No? Yes? I-
You checked closer towards the wall just outside your entrance, your eyes squinted, scanning the plastered paper against the red wall.
It wasn't exactly you per say you thought, but rather... it was the color of your hair, a dark silhouette of a woman with a huge question mark on the face and your—“MY SPEAR?!” You choked on your saliva as you instinctively cover your mouth seconds after, grabbing the unintentional attention of several locals within hearing range in confusion, you then turn around to bow apologetically in a hurry before resuming your own tiny investigation.
Shit, why was your spear in the illustration?
Was your unorganized, panicked escape from yesterday from the General's sight the reason?
How much did he see? How much did he witness?
What did—Your racing thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your stomach crying for help, you were already lacking proper food intake, and now you're delaying the hope and savior of your organs? 'Pull yourself together' you thought to yourself, slapping your cheeks lightly and repeatedly as you proceeded to move your legs.
You shook your head in a daze, bringing your hand to your head as a growing headache ensues from your underlying stress, making your way towards the food stall just infront of the Exalting Sanctum's starskiff docks.
Your heart along with your mind continues to race, as you walk towards the vendor who was already eager and waiting for you, since you were her most loyal customer after all. The vendor immensely notices the visible distrsss in your face, as she began to speak, interrupting your train of thought again. “Miss? Lack of sleep again?” She spoke softly, assuming the usual, the bags under your eyes along with the look of distress, visible on your facial features.
“An all-nighter again... Don't worry.” You lied through your teeth, resuming this white, harmless lie as you continued to deprive yourself of sleep.
You worry that your body won't be able to keep up with your love of training and battle if you kept this up, you should really ask Dahao or Jingyan for a break if y—“The usual, miss?" Again, your worries get interrupted by the vendor's soft voice, snapping you out in your hazy, exhausted trance.
“A-Apologies, just the... and fried fish and immortal's delight this time.” You respond without missing a beat, you spoke a tad bit incoherently, slurring your words as the stress is getting to you, creeping up and affecting your body's performance as well.
You usually don't rely on this drink, but with recent events and your sleep deprivation, you started to become heavily reliant on it, yet you had no choice. “Cetainly,” The food vendor hummed, as the sounds of crackling and sizzling satisfied your eardrums, along with the welling up scent of the food you had ordered begin to create an air of delicious aroma around you and the stall.
A tired yawn escapes your mouth, waiting for the food in preparation.
You decide to do the stretches for your body that you forgot earlier, you were not about to lose the hardwork you've put on your body.
The sight was already normal to the vendor, except at first of course.
That being the case, your ears perked up, hearing a starskiff past by and dock into the Exalting Sanctum, but you were too occupied from your stretching as your bare, right leg was now on top of the wooden railings, your whole body pressed against your leg as several voices are heard.
“WOAH! Look Stelle!” A certain high pitched voice rang through your keen ears in the distance, though you weren't sure if the hallucinations from your accumulated stress were finally setting in, or if you really did hear a lively, high pitched female voice.
The mention of you gained the slight attention of the two men behind the duo, as they part from the starskiff. You were a peculiar sight for four, as the pink haired girl's eyes shimmer at the sight of your impressive stretching.
“Your order's almost ready!” Your attention then was shortly called upon the vendor, your food and the immortal's drink, now visible at the wooden counter. “Ah, mhm.” You proceeded to do some final stretching, before cracking your neck and walking over towards the counter, the corners of your mouth seemingly moist as you take in the aroma of your food.
It had never smelled this good before, or was it the stress enhancing your senses?
The latter, definitely the latter.
Steps and mumured voices began to volume louder, finally getting your attention as you look over to the sources of the noise, your head tilting left towards the docks to the sight of two girls coming up to you up the stairs, the two men following behind as you were in the middle of partaking in your feast.
“Miss!” The girl in pink hair in her unsual yet cute blue attire, called out to you in the middle of munching.
“Hrmf?” Your mouth was full of your wrapped breakfast as your attention was sought towards the two girls.
They were definitely, definitely not from the Luofu, all of their attires were heavily different, in contrast to your custom made Xianzhou attire, a black dress, encrusted with golden accents and paired with golden accessories, you most definitely also stood out the rest of the locals, but hey, at least you were wearing familiar clothing, unlike these individuals that—“Hellooooo???”
You were interrupted by the sight of a small, fair-skinned palm, waving over your hazy eyes as you gulped your food down your throat and wiped the corners of your mouth with your thumb, you also notice the two men standing visibly tall in your line of sight behind the two girls.
“Ah,” you feel your cheeks grow slightly warm as all five individuals lay their gazes upon you with curious looks as you clear your throat.
“I-I apologize, what was that miss—?” You softly spoke in response to the little miss's call to you, tilting your head down to bow apologetically, your low, sultry voice had undertones of curiousity. It was obvious that you were tired and fatigued, the observant dark haired man along with the brown haired figure only took notice.
“I said—” The high pitched voice was then cut off by a hand to her shoulder, the hand belonging to a tall, brown haired man with a coat and cane, stepping forward from behind her.
At first glance he looked... quite young but his fanning lines and youthless features can be seen if you observed closely.
“March, let them take their time.” He spoke as his eyes scan your features, his gaze landing upon the covered up bruises along your cheeks and the injuries on your arms, he was curious, along with dark haired man whom also noticed simultaneously the bruises along your skin.
You felt their curious gazes linger to you, letting yourself get conscious and anxious about your form and appearance, your eyes dilating down to your snack in hand, lowering the food down below your chest.
You clear your throat, looking up and glance towards the tall figure towering over the two girls, along with you.
“Miss...—” He spoke again, delaying the S syllable sound as he awaits for your name.
With deep contemplation, you lowered your food towards the wooden counter to the side of you, the vendor idling about in her stall, busy with her preparations for the day as you face towards the fascinating group.
“Y/n. Y/fn. Please address me as so, it's a pleasure,” you spoke in response, placing your right hand on your chest, tilting your body downwards to bow down.
In all honesty, this was the first time in a long while that you interacted with anyone else besides your colleagues at the Realm-Keeping Commission, and the criminals you've been occasionally encountering, you had no idea what to do, so perhaps, a simple bow will do the trick, and that it did.
Your hair fell forward from your shoulders as you tilted your body, lowering your head and closed gaze towards the floor.
You were elegant. “Pretty... Miss—We haven't seen you around before! Who are you by the way?” She said cheerily, her sparkling gradient eyes continued to stare in curiousity as she brought her hands to her hips.
The rest of the group were most definitely intrigued by your sudden appearance near the docks, though—they were right, they haven't seen you around before that's one, and you most certainly were unintentionally displaying a level of intrgue and elegance, based on your 'awkward' movements that you thought were in your head.
You tilt your head up, your gaze landing on her momentarily, before shifting your body back up straight again, observing the other figures around her.
“I work—...” You straighten yourself. “I work within the Realm-Keeping Commission. Y/fn at your service.” Your hand remained on your chest, as you continued your introduction towards the group.
“And... I want to ask, who might be the group before me? Your clothing ehm, all of your attires don't make you look like locals here at all.” You continued, lowering your hands to the same level as your thighs, interlacing your fingers in a moment of your masked anxiousness.
A silence followed your question, you noticing their body language as they straighten their backs, their gaze intensifying slightly towards you.
“Are you like—royalty y/n?” The cute, high pitched voice broke the anxiety inducing silence.
“I'm- I'm afraid not...? Why the question miss—”
“You can call me March! And you look really photogenic too! You sh—” March cuts you off in her excitement, her eyes sparkling and glancing up to your reddening face, continuing to ramble about excitedly in your presence about photos and the Astral Express, though she gets shortly cut off after a few moments of her rambling by the grey haired man behind her.
Pretty eyes. You thought as your eyes glanced back and forth subtly to the both grey haired individuals. “March...” He said, reminding her of her rambling as she flinches to the call of her name, letting go of your hand, bowing repeatedly to you while apologizing frantically as you try to reassure her.
The grey haired girl then pulled March's hand behind her, leading her towards the back of the group as she mumbled with Stelle's gloved hand on her mouth, muffling her noises.
“I apologize for... March's liveliness Miss Y/n,” the man with the glasses coughed into his fist, clearing his throat and stepping to where March was previously were, catching your attention again.
“Prior to your question... We are from the Astral Express,” your ears twitched upon hearing their origins, you have most definitely heard about the existence famous train that wonders through the galaxy, but you definitely did not expect to meet them in your lifetime like this, in this situation.
“In truth be told, we were on our way towards the Realm-Keeping Commission as well, via business per say, and... you call me—” He paused, pondering to himself, shifting his stance before clearing his throat.
“Welt, Welt Yang. A member of the Astral Express.” Welt tilted his head down slightly in respect, shortly after returning your gaze as your lips curl into faint, warm smile.
“First name basis alrea—mmfh!?” Stelle covers her mouth frantically, gaining the other eyes of the other members, quickly dart to March's direction in amusement, except for the dark haired man, his stern gaze piercing March.
“Mmfgp—!!” March squealed as the twins then pulled her by the wrist, towards the food vendor, perhaps to hush her down with food.
“You really need to read the situation sometimes dumbass.” Caelus said, holding back a laughter of amusement, reduced to a faint smirk.
With the noise of clearing his throat, Welt brings his hand up to his face, his fingers adjusting his glasses back onto his nose bridge, and you notice, under his spectacles is a faint, tint of red, swelling up in his cheeks as he cleared his throat in his embarassment.
Your eyes once again, land on Stelle and the twins near the wooden counter, then realizing your food had gone slightly cold, thus beginning to reach out for your wrapped up breakfast again, food held in hand, quite amused and curious at the situation.
Your felt your own cheeks grow hot as you munched on your almost finished breakfast, this was the first time in awhile you've interacted with many this way after all, and you felt Caelus' and Welt's gazes from your peripheral vision, continuing to eye you with a faint tint of pink in their own skin as well.
Ah. Wait. The Astral Express? In the Luofu? A request from the Realm-Keeping Commission?
Ah—The Cloud General's request from last night.
Shit, was it about me? Was it about something else? W-Wait! These- These twins... Jingyan mentioned them I think...?
You tighten your hold on your wrapped food subconsciously, your mind continued to race, the two keen observers of the Astral Express noticed your changed demeanor, your eyes dilating slightly towards the grey haired girl, the grey haired man walking towards the two as a dread creeps up within you.
“Miss Y/n?” You flinch, your deafening train of thought is cut off by the sound of a deep, aged voice, your eyes quickly darting to the man with the glasses towering over you with a look of concern.
“A-Ah, uhm,” you attempt to steer clear of your negative thoughts as you try to compose yourself infront of the tall figure before you.
You did nothing wrong, you and the members of the Astral Express just quite literally met, there's nothing to worry about.
...But why would the Seat of the Divine Foresight request them? Why are they needed?
No, they have more pressing matters. Yeah, of course. The Ambrosial Arbor problem. Mhm.
Your mind wandered back to the conversation of the Cloud General, trying to remember exact words from him as you—“Miss Y/N...” You snap out of it, a soft yelp escaping your mouth as you flinch, hearing his voice call out to you again, only to then feel all of their gazes on you, worried and concerned.
“It is not my place to pry but... Are you alright Miss Y/n?” Welt asked, his gaze softening as he glances to your contusions and marks all over your arms and your bruised, callused hands.
“I didn't want to bring it up, but I have noticed your physical state of being as well as your... exhaustion,” he says with utmost concern as Caelus steps forward beside him hearing his concern as the two men notice your refined, callus hands especially, though you had a feeling the other man was eyeing other things of your figure, respectfully, probably.
They were curious of you, they certainly were aware that those were not normal hands, it was callused, it was refined relentlessly and endlessly, and it was red with marks.
You had the hands of a highly skilled fighter, and it was obvious to the two experienced individuals.
The both of them had an unspoken understanding of their curiousity towards you, you had an air of mystery and slight danger for the two men as the others didn't notice, but him, not Welt Yang.
You were an oblivious expert in hiding your identity from the duality of your personality, oblivious by being unaware that being true to yourself is already deterring gazes and suspicions from you, and that was a trait that a vast majority, along with the Arbiter General himself, wishes it wasn't implemented to your whole being.
Except, your healing wounds were fresh from the fight against Dan Shu, Zhixin and several other mara-strucked Cloud Knights with them, your expertly covered up bruises, cuts and gashes weren't noticable to the other three from the skillful cover up over your discoloration, but not to the veteran, not at all.
It was the first thing Welt Yang noticed when March called out to you as you were stretching previously too.
“I-...” You take a deep, panicked breath, trying to compose yourself as you hastily bring your hands behind you, resting on your rear, lowering your gaze to the floor not knowing what to do as you fiddle with your fingers anxiously.
The two men took note of your behavior, your body language and your expression, though their thought process wasn't as deep as you thought it was.
“I apologize for making you uncomfortable Miss Y/n, we can assure you that we- we mean no harm.” Welt spoke to you, adjusting his coat as he shifts uncomfortably in his stance before continuing.
“It's just—” He gets cut off by the alarm of your phone, buzzing inside your dress's pockets, flinching as your hands scatter to it to turn it off.
Shit, you were late, even after waking early, you hadn't realize how much time passed just from this interaction.
Your face grimaces as you lower your phone, looking frantically to the other three individuals, your eyes landing on your immortal's delight drink placed on the wooden counter, before returning your gaze to Welt.
“I-I'm sorry Mr. Yang, duty calls,” you quickly bow, lowering your red, pretty face to him, before tilting your body back up to grab your drink from the counter, bolting away from the group hurriedly as you make your way towards the Realm-Keeping Commission office.
Absolutely thankful for the Aeons who interrupted—or aligned the stars into your favor from uncomfortable situation.
“W-Wait—Ah.” Caelus reached out, and stopped in his tracks as you bolted, sighing disappointedly, his golden irises having a look tinge of admiration and regret as he watches your back.
“Mmhf-? Whafsdafallabouf?” The high pitched voice said incoherently, her mouth stuffed with snacks as she walks towards the baffled tall figure, adjusting his glasses as he cleared his throat.
Caelus and Stelle huddled up around the girl with the blue attire as they look towards the direction you sprinted swiftly with slight concern and confusion in their faces.
“I-I believe... Miss Y/N had to go urgently, and speaking of which,” he turned his head towards the group, his gaze stern and calculative, placing his cane towards his side.
“We need to move, I'm sure we've kept Miss Jingyan and Mr. Dahao enough,” he stated, beginning to walk inside the Court of Tranquility along its marbled pavements, as the rest of the Astral Express follow suit behind him.
“He- Hey wait!” March exclaimed after gulping down her food.
“Aren't we also going to meet up with her again? She said she worked in the Realm-Keeping Commission as well didn't she?” She said excitedly as Stelle wiped the corners of her mouth, dusting off crumbs of fried bits.
“Stop talking with your mouth full... You look like that one little creature with the puffy cheeks you see eating nuts.” Caelus snickered in his usual stern tone, walking beside his twin as the group continued to make their way towards the office.
His eyes glimmered at the thought of meeting you again in all honesty, who stretches so impressively early into the daylight, who had healing bruises wounds from battles assumingly, and someone who seemed so elegant and mysterious just popping out of no where?
You, you did, and air that coated around you was thick with mystery and allure, intriguing the two men.
You were both in Welt Yang's and Caelus' thoughts, in deep skepticism as they continued to pondered about your wounds and covered up injuries.
They immediately knew you had fighting experience based on their observations, but they were in a stalemate as to why and how it happened to you.
You were a stranger to the Astral Express after all, and the air of your mysteriousness was heavy, the same level as how the Ambrosial Arbor came to fruition within the Exalting Sanctum so suddenly.
“She was really pretty though.” Caelus hummed with a faint smirk, suddenly breaking the comfortable silence as they walk around the lotus plaza, his hands behind his head as he raised his arms to the side, thinking of your presence.
His sudden comment caused Welt to flinch slightly, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Of course someone like you would say that Caelus...” March responded, rolling her eyes as Stelle kept March close to her, silently attentive as the girl in a blue school uniform continued to eat.
He sighs dramatically. “I didn't even get to speak to her a lot though,” Caelus groaned, ruffling his hair in frustration as he continued to think about you.
“Oh shupf upf! Not our fault you continued to hesitate! You'll see herf againmf!” March exclaimed with her mouth full, as she continued to eat her snack.
In essence, the priority of your appearance and of your attractiveness was far back in Welt's list of worries and priorities for him, Welt, but when Caelus mentioned it, he couldn't help but think back to you in another light.
It was nothing serious, but it was definitely an unspoken agreement to his statement. He felt his cheeks grow slightly warm.
“Mm,” hs tinting cheeks come to a halt, as your figure coming into their line of sight, whilst you talked to Guangda (Realm-Keeping Orderly) in a hurry, leaving his thoughts in a slightly disorganized mess.
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After greeting the guard outside, you opened the door to the office, swinging the door open with your labored breath, intertwining with the cold air of the office.
You were greeted with Jingyan's usual look of tiredness and disapproval despite her eerie, professional smile.
“Oh? There she is.” Songyan, your desk neighbor colleague hummed in amusement, causing your expression to grimace slightly in annoyance as you hastily walk to your desk full of scrolls and paperwork.
“Jingyan! It's been more than a week or so since the start of her tardiness, Y/N's been arriving late often now!" He continued, adjusting his glasses, looking towards the womanly official, the pillar of the Realm-Keeping Commission, complaining about you.
The woman with the eerie, professional smile then opened her eyes towards Songyan, her gaze unsettling and exhausted as she looks towards him with a glare.
“I shall remind you once more, Songyan,” she stifled to click her tongue. “She does more work and labor than you by 50%.” She said, her sinister smile remaining as her eyes glinted to him.
As if her glare was trying to say 'Leave me alone, or I'll fire you this instant.' Causing him to flinch at her gaze.
Rolling your eyes from the conversation Songyan instigated, you set your drink on the side, nestling in your seat as you begin to try and tend to your work, blocking out the noises within the office, your eyes hovering tiredly.
Eyes trailing, leading upon a specific sea of information that the people of the Exalting Sanctum have been submitting; noise complaints every night, a dark silhouette moving along the shadows under the moonlit darkness, someone spotting a female figure fighting mara-strucked soldiers in Cloudford, and unfortunately, many more that's related to the things you've been doing, only then finally realizing the severity of your accumulated actions.
Aeons, maybe it was because you've been absolutely tired? Sleep deprived? The drastic, negative turn of your diet and lesser food intake?
“Shit man,” You cussed under your breath, slumping your head over the table, the position you're in causes your eyes to instinctively feel more drowsy, your eyelids growing weak, fluttering your eyes close, struggling to stay conscious.
You were weak, your body was certainly not used to this unhealthy routine from years of doing the opposite. Your eyes flutter close, the cold, comfortable office air that smelled of paper and scrolls, envelopes you in your deserved slumber.
Jingyan and Dahao, the two main officials of the Realm-Keeping Orderly, let you rest, noticing your sleep deprived state that had been more frequent since the past week.
They know you work harder than anyone else, on par with Jingyan herself, they let you be as you doze off into your dreamland.
A few minutes after you began to nap, several voices are heard outside the main entrance, swinging open to reveal the Astral Express crew, yet you were in deep slumber despite their liveliness.
“Ah, the express crew.” Jingyan greeted, looking over to the familiar people that had helped them in several occasions.
“The Arbiter General is requesting your presence, The master diviner; Lady Fu Xuan is also waiting for you in the Alchemy Commission, but I shall momentarily lay several details of what's been happening at the moment,” she said, moving towards the surveillance footage area, sifting through a few videos before landing on a specific one—that had your hair flowing freely under the moonlight and the dim lighting of the warm colored lamps as you made your hasty escape into the night hours ago.
The group followed shortly after her movement, beginning to survey and observe the footage that was currently playing. “...What are we looking at exactly?” March said in her questioning tone, her confused gaze glancing back and forth towards her crew and Jingyan herself.
Thank the stars and Aeons for the dark night, your silhouette and face were very hard to determine despite the advancements of the Xianzhou's technology.
You were just a dark, female figure with an elegant looking spear, but that was bad—their options were been definitely dialed down to female suspects, you were still safe, for now.
“May we ask for context Miss Jingyan?” Welt stepped forward to the screen, analyzing the moving image of you, along with the rest of the crew.
Jingyan nodded, showing a few more clips of your hasty escape in the dark, your expert movement catching the eyes of the Astral Express almost immediately. “W-Whoa... She's really quick...” March exclaimed, bringing her hands to her lips to cover it in her surprise.
“...And really cool.” Caelus mumbled under his breath smirking with his arms crossed, his golden gaze "studying" the footage showing, the same goes for Welt.
“The... Arbiter General encountered—or... found someone near the docks to his office as he was walking towards the seat of the Divine Foresight.”
She paused, her fingers tapping and the screen reveals Jing Yuan and his Cloud Knight, talking to each other for a few minutes, it was normal at first, not seeing anything amiss, but then the next few sequences of the footage shows Jing Yuan's attention being caught, as he looks around for what seems to be something.
It caught the crew's interest in a blink in an eye.
The Arbiter General proceeded to go out the line of sight from the camera as—“Darn! Where did he go off to?” March spoke the rest of the crew's thoughts as her voice broke the slight concentration of everyone reviewing the footage.
“The General told me he heard... noises that I will not elaborate further.” Jingyan feigned a wry, cold smile, firm on her decision as she saw March's mouth part to question and immediately retracting back her words and her finger, putting her hands behind her back.
The two men's interests were piqued, confused by her statement, but they didn't have the chance to dwell on their thoughts as Jingyan continued to speak.
“The General had witnessed a spear tip of a silver, crystal-like blade in her escape, he saw when it got hit by moonlight, the blade would illuminate around her and her surroundings.
It was one of two things that he only saw from the scene as she quickly fled.” Jingyan finishes, her professional gaze serious and unwavering as she glances to the surveillance footage of you.
“So-...” March spoke up first from the silence and processing of the vague yet key information of your being, but she then gets cut off by Welt, as he adjusted his spectacles back to his nose bridge.
“Then... Miss Jingyan, what seems to be the problem?” He spoke in his serious tone, his eyes returning Jingyan's as she began to spoke in reply.
“If you are all unaware, there had been a mysterious person who have been apprehending criminals of all kinds and delivering them into the center of the lotus plaza every night, and Cloud Knights would find them tied up, beaten up and unconscious.” She said as her fingers tap again onto the surveillance screen, showing the lotus area of the Court of Tranquility.
The center of the plaza would be seen, along with the two individuals who were tied up, revealing your dark silhouette, your hair and spear illuminating in the darkness as you drag the tied up, unconscious Cloud Knight—“HUH.”
Both the twins yell before hastily bringing their gloved hands to their mouth, grabbing the attention of Dahao, Songyan and the rest of the workers in the commission, though you were still in your deep sleep, your desk was tucked in the corner after all, not noticing you at all.
The twins recognize the unconscious body you were placing in the center of the plaza, moving and inching closer to the screen, trying to analyze you closer as their eyes squint simultaneously, but to no avail.
Your illuminated hair were luckily covering the right spots of your features, and the darkness of the night didn't help them visualize you either.
The silhouette stretches in the footage, then a sequence of you making your hasty escape follows after, and the most noticable thing was only your spear—a beautifully crafted spear.
It was their only clue. Their eyes were drawn and focused on your weapon as you held it close to you in your escape.
Curious eyes observing on the length and size of your black spear as gold lighting or vein marks decorated the bottom of your spear and upwards, as the moon shone on your blade, there was an obvious crystal like main part in the middle, and the other two were downed in size, curved to the opposite of its direction.
It was radiating with elegance and intrigue.
Reminding them of someone they stumbled to as of recent.
Jingyan, and the rest of the express cree can't help but focus on who the spear wielder was as your spear enveloped with the nightly breeze, continuing to create an enigmatic riddle and for them to solve.
Welt Yang then cleared his throat, clearing the tense silence once again as he looked over towards Jingyan, his eyes serious and calculative.
“The unconscious body... is from Sanctus Medicus, correct Miss Jingyan?" He asked, glancing back to the footage again.
Before she had a chance to reply, she was cut off by Caelus, “B-But... but how? How did she- How did they... What the hell?” He said with an obvious dilemma, Stelle's expression mirroring the look of defeat on her twin's face as she crosses her arms with one hand towards her face, her index and thumb rubbing the bridge of her nose.
Their look of defeat were understandable as March tried to comfort them with chuckling as her face secreted sweat, her hands patting both of their backs as her gaze returns to the repeating footage of you dragging their unconscious bodies.
“Jing Yuan is certain that she'd had been the one delivering us criminals in the darkness for several years-” Welt, and the other three's ears perk up.
“Several... years.” He repeated almost immediately, sighing, his brows furrowing, rubbing his thumb along his cane.
The twins then were taken towards the seating area by March, as they wallowed in defeat, their dulled expressions lowering to the floor as March continued to comfort them both.
“So, It's safe to say she's a registered citizen of the Xianzhou Luofu, her attire... is different yet familiar.” He inspected the silhouette of your whole being, narrowing his eyes to the hologram footage.
“Precisely, we've already narrowed it down only to; Female, a Xianzhou Luofu resident, and someone from the Exalting Sanctum.” Jingyan responded, laying out the facts that have been confirmed prior to this.
“But... What seems to be the problem?” Welt stepped in, his brown eyes returning to the footage of you before continuing,
“You said that she'd had been... fighting against criminals and delivering them to you for a few years now. Isn't that good Miss Jingyan?” He said, bringing up his hand to his chin, his mind racing in deep thought.
Jingyan also pondered to herself deeply as well, but before she could respond, Dahao walked up behind them.
“That may be the case Mr. Yang,” he'd step in.
“but this... person figure fought a 100 year old former Cloud Knight, and apprehended the two formiddable oppresors that we, the Realm-Keeping Commission, as well as the whole Alliance also had trouble dealing with for a good amount of time.” Dahao then looked towards the footage of you making your hasty, skillful escape, showing the part of your visible elegant spear, his expression turning more serious.
“She is a formiddable... that is without a doubt, and someone dangerous like her is roaming around the Xianzhou Luofu. What makes it difficult is that, she isn't a former Cloud Knight as well as her fighting style heavily differs to the training regiments of ours, and we aren't aware of her intentions at all.” He said glancing towards the two men who were listening intently.
Welt Yang had started to realize the seriousness of the situation, as his expressions mirrored his serious and stern features. “The General himself as well as the Realm-Keeping Commission realizes of her good deeds, but despite our priorities... we have been also trying for years to get ahold of her, just so we could interrogate her of her questionable actions.” Dahao continued, as the Welt nodded.
“So, the Cloud General, would like to request us to perhaps... get ahold of her whereabouts?” Welt said, his right hand firmed to his cane, quite determined as he, himself was confused by your intentions to do so.
Baffled as his mind continued to wander, he was thinking as to why this person would go such lengths for several years, doing this especially in hiding.
Your intentions did not make sense to the veteran, there had to be more to it.
You, doing this occasionally often whenever you can, for several years, without showing yourself and remained in hiding, for what?
Why wouldn't you want to take credit?
Why wouldn't you want to be known for your great deeds that was helping the Luofu itself?
Especially now once you encountered and brought one of the main problems that the Luofu was experiencing when it came to mara-stricken individuals or victims of the deathly disease.
“That would be ideal Mr. Yang, but as Jingyan previously mentioned, the General had requested your presence in the Alchemy Commission, regarding a serious situation about Sanctus Medicus.” Dahao paused, grimacing as he lowered her gaze, crossing his arms.
“The situation... is absolutely bizarre, our Xianzhou troops were more ways in one formiddable, yet we struggle in heavy amounts.”
Dahao then faced Welt, his eyes full of worry. “We shouldn't keep you waiting guests of the General. Lady Fu Xuan is assumingly in the midst of dealing with the situation right now.” He continued, bowing down, as Welt did the same, calling upon his fellow crew members before setting their destination towards a new, trifling and dangerous adventure that awaited them.
The Luofu already had a lot in their plate, dealing with a re-kindled battle against the phantom ways of the old, against the people who pledged to the Abundance, to continuous mara-struck cases, to the Sanctus Medicus finally acting out in hiding.
The Luofu was a devastating mess, and your mysteriousness just added an unnecessary layer stress and uneasiness, all caused by the flames of desire to wield your dearly beloved spear against a foe, deemed formiddable of it.
You were an existence that had yet to be solved, to the four crew members of the Astral Express, the Xianzhou Alliance, and the rest of the Realm-Keeping commission. Not knowing that you were here, in the office, in the same room as them and your worried coworkers, dozing off your fatigue and stress away.
And they all wanted to solve you.
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rewuyuu · 2 months
hiiiiiiii this is me after 2.1 update suffering because of the quest. I finally got Luocha and I love him so much he's so good I cleared both world 8 and 9 in SU.
Also did you see Dahao's message? The one in which he confirmed that the criminal was indeed Luocha (shocker) and one of his crimes ("one of" i'm crying why has he committed so many crimes) is identity fraud. Wow I wonder who he could be. Anyways I think that the 2.3 event could be about Luocha and Jingliu's trial and I'm super excited about it!!!!
welcome to the club!! congrats on your luocha, he really is great (and having good sustains truly makes a difference). i'm also in a desperate need for a 2nd sustain (aventurine i need you), playing natasha in moc has been more and more frustrating as the months went by :)
i did! i actually screamed when i saw that message LMAO, WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'ONE OF THE CRIMES'??? GIVE ME A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF THOSE CRIMES YOU COWARD. after that, i spent so much time running around and reading all the documents and talking to all the npcs trying to find out more about his crimes, but didn't find a thing
my prediction is that their story will continue in 2.4
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rubywolf0201 · 8 months
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Aftermath of Cloud Leaves no Traces where Luocha is simply being taken away and is now a prisoner at the Shackling Prison.
When will he come out is unknown but we’ll miss him dearly.
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Oh and we got a message from Dahao regarding Luocha's arrest and he sent us some credits!
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Villa Near Dahao Lake, #China by Foshan Topway Design Read more: Link in bio! Photography: Ouyang Yun Foshan Topway Design: The project is a residence located near Dahao Lake Golf Course in Foshan City. The building's main body is a townhouse with a yard both at the front and the back. Considering the inadequate daylighting in the interior central space, the designers transformed the structures of the original architectural structures. They divided the long space into three sections: the front hall, the atrium and the back hall. Together with the stairs, the central space that runs up to the roof forms a daylighting atrium… #casa #villa #архитектура www.amazingarchitecture.com ✔ A collection of the best contemporary architecture to inspire you. #design #architecture #amazingarchitecture #architect #arquitectura #luxury #realestate #life #cute #architettura #interiordesign #photooftheday #love #travel #construction #furniture #instagood #fashion #beautiful #archilovers #home #house ‎#amazing #picoftheday #architecturephotography ‎#معماری (at Foshan, Guangzhou) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClK2_vjsMO7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zhujigalaxy · 2 months
High speed flat embroidery machine
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Speed:1200 SPM
Embroidery Area: can be customized
Galaxy double cam double reciprocators and jump motor
with thread locker system
with stepping motor trimmer
with step motor color change
with DAHAO A58 or A98 computer system
With Dahao main motor and X-Y servo motor
with Japanese Rotary Hook
With auto fog system
with automatic lubricating system
with floating pantograph
Barudan/Tajima/intelligent type tension base
with all other standard spare parts and accessories
0 notes
amadenchart · 1 year
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Hunting Lessons
The journey for a place as a man of the clan begins early. Since their youngest summers, clan children are taught their roles and how to perform them. It was not different for Vygo. Though in the absence of a father, the young boy's education was partially picked up by Dahao, a long time friend of Vygo's father, Jago. Here Dahao is teaching young Vygo how to hunt. [OCs, Dahao and Vygo] -- Last day of the year and I decided I wanted to post something. It's difficult to remember to post things regularly, especially when I'm fully occupied with always creating more. xD This drawing is the first in a little series of illustrations, and I figured posting it would encourage me to continue posting the rest of the sequence.
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tsasocial · 2 months
Famous embroidery machine brands such as Sinsim, Promaker, Yuemei, ZSM, Qichuang, Raynen, Dahao, Yonthin., etc will be present in ITCPE 2024.
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As the textile printing industry flourishes, a growing number of enterprises are strategically leveraging exhibitions to showcase their distinct capabilities and pioneering advancements. In this dynamic landscape, the Guangzhou International Textile, Printing, and Clothing Industry Exhibition (ITCPE) stands out as a premier platform, renowned for its established reputation and comprehensive scope.  Encompassing the entire garment manufacturing and textile printing spectrum, ITCPE offers an unparalleled opportunity for industry exploration. Notably, the integrated "Intelligent Sewing and Embroidery Industry Technology Exhibition" promises to be a particularly insightful experience.
The 19th Guangzhou International Textile, Printing and Clothing Industry Expo will be convened from May 20th to 22nd, 2024, at the Poly World Trade Center in Guangzhou.  The event is poised to welcome a prestigious assemblage of embroidery machine brands showcasing a compelling array of groundbreaking advancements.
Part of Exhibitors of ITCPE 2024
Established in 2002, Zhejiang Xinsheng Technology Co, Ltd has grown to become a dominant force in the global embroidery machinery industry, renowned for its leading role and competitiveness. As a nationally recognized high-tech enterprise, it excels in the integration of research development, manufacturing, sales, and service of embroidery machine parts and complete machines. The company's expansive operations include four subsidiaries and cover an impressive area of nearly 170,000 square meters, with an annual production capacity of 6000 sets.
With over 20 years of legacy and innovation, XinshengTechnology has sequentially earned the status of being the implementing unit for the National Torch Program and Innovation Fund Project. lt has also been recognized as the national standard-setting entity for the embroidery machine industry, the single champion product enterprise in the manufacturing sector, and the invisible champion nurturing enterprise. The company is acknowledged as the key "Specialized & Innovative Little Giant" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. lt ranks among the top 10 in China's sewing machinery industry and the top 20 in the country's light industrial device manufacturing industry.
Xinsheng Technology has always been committed to the development of intelligent and diversified series of computerized embroidery machines, and has conducted deep strategic cooperation with enterprises with international advanced technology at home and abroad. lt has established provincial-level technology centers, provincial-level research and development centers, and other scientific research platforms. Actively participate in cross-industry, cross-domain, and cross-regional scientific and technological innovation collaboration, and multiple projects have won provincial-level scientific and technological awards. We have over 330 national patents, including 57 invention patents, guiding the healthy development and breakthrough of the embroidery machine industry.
The SINSIM sub-brand ERED products spread over more than 80 countries and regions worldwide. serving the fields of clothing, home textiles, automobiles, shoe making, toys, luggage, healthcare, automotive interior, outdoor, etc, With a business philosophy led by technological innovation, relying on talent, and market demand as the carrier, we innovate technology and improve services. The company continues to maintain stable growth and leads the world in product sales.
To win with sincerity and quality, Xinsheng Technology always keeps up with time, surpasses itself and focus on the future. Xinsheng Technology will continue to explore, improve, and make unremitting efforts to build a respected century-old enterprise.
Bring your art to life, Embroider for a better future.
Zhejiang Promaker Intelligent Embroidery Equipment Co., LTD — Booth: T2006
Promaker’s expert, professional manufacturing and sales teams, focus on the development and manufacturing of multi-head embroidery machines for a vast range of embroidery applications.  We are proud to offer our customers high-performance and high-production speed machines that beat any other model on the market today, as well as embroidery solutions for specific application needs.
Within our modern factory, we are fully equipped with a variety of advanced equipment, enabling large-scale production of embroidery machines here in-house, without having to sacrifice quality or reliability at a rate of roughly 5,000 machines/year. Our equipment is manufactured with a full-scale production process, including machine structure welding process, advanced shot blasting process, high-quality surface spraying, precision machining and high standard installation and debugging processes, ensuring our customers receive the absolute best embroidery equipment we have to offer, all at reasonable prices.
At Promaker, we employ 410 talented individuals, allowing us as a company to focus on our customers and their needs, offering not only top-of-the-line equipment and services, but also enabling us in our goal of becoming one of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial embroidery machines. Don’t believe us? Simply ask our international customers, with a base spanning around the globe to include India, Pakistan, Turkey, Vietnam, and a number of Middle Eastern countries.
Zhejiang Yuelong Sewing Equipment Co., Ltd. — Booth: T2015
Zhejiang Yuelong Sewing Equipment Co.Ltd (brand of YUEMEI), is located in Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province which was founded in 2001. With a registered capital of 23 million USD, the enterprise covers an area of more than 80 thousand square meters with a building area of 50,000 square meters. The fixed assets is over 500 million USD, including equipment worth 12.5 million. At present, YUEMEI owns about 700 employees,180 of them have got college degrees and more than 60 of them are professional technicians. The factory owns a yearly production capacity of 5000 sets.
The enterprise has won lots of honors such as National Key High-tech Enterprise, Leading Export Enterprise of Zhejiang Made, Zhejiang Export Premium Brand, Provincial Enterprise Research Institute, etc. The company products have also been authorized as “High Technology Product of Zhejiang Province”, “Product of National Torch Program”, and “Product of National High-tech Product”. The company has also gained ISO9001, ISO14001, CE and other international certificates.
The product series of YUEMEI mainly includes high-speed embroidery machine series, the chenille embroidery machine series, the cording embroidery machine series, K series high-level embroidery machine series, mixed embroidery machine series, cap and garment embroidery machine series, Italian bridge-laser embroidery machine series,  and tufting embroidery machine series, with a variety of attachment.
The company takes product and technology innovation as its guiding line of development, as well as focus on product quality control and customer service. We aim to be the leading embroidery machine manufacturer of the world.
Zhejiang Zhaoshan Mechanism-Electricity Co., ltd. is a professional large-scale manufacturer of all types of computer embroidery machines, located in Zhuji city, Zhejiang province. Our parent company is Zhejiang Zhaoshan Group. Our main products include cement, concrete, numerical control machine tools, computer embroidery machines, packages, coal, import and export business, and so on. Only 10 kilometers away from the Hangzhou-Jinhua Expressway, 2 kilometers away from Zhuji-yongjia expressway, and 70 kilometers away from Xiaoshan International Airport, thus enjoys very convenient transportation.
Zhaoshan group currently covers an area of 40,000 square meters, and has over 500 employees, among whom 58 are medium or senior research and development personnel. With strong capital and power, advanced manufacturing equipment and standard operation, we have set up a management system that integrates research and development, manufacture, inspection, distribution and after-sales service together. As a certified company by ISO9001 and CE certification, Zhejiang zhaoshan mechanism-electricity co., ltd. attaches great importance to the research and development of new products, and the cultivation of technicians. We have been constantly sticking to the guideline of “Quality First, Customer Foremost and Service Paramount”.
We have won the following honors successively: 1. Top 500 private enterprises; 2. Zhejiang province top 100 manufacturers; 3. Shaoxing top 20 industrial enterprises; 4. Zhuji top 10 industrial enterprises; 5. Zhejiang province credit AAA enterprise; 6. Zhejiang province social responsibility award enterprise; 7. Advanced unit of mass sports in Zhejiang province; 8. Shaoxing civilized enterprise; 9. Zhuji five-star enterprises; 10. Zhejiang name brand products and so on.
We have established many worldwide markets such as Europe, America, Asia and others. And our products are already exported to America, Russia, Germany, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Australia, Vietnam, and so on. We have a great reputation from our market and customers. By carrying out the management philosophy of “Winning by Quality as well as by Honesty” and adhering to the principles of “Perfect Products and Sincere Services”, our company warmly welcomes new and existing customers both at home and abroad to contact us for kind cooperation
Foshan Qichuang Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth: T2011
Foshan Qichuang Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a technological corporation with its own research and development and production of new high-tech products. The company has accumulated a strong technical force over the years, developed and producted many related products and corollary equipment serving industrialization and provided perfect and effective service. Qichuang Science and Technology insists the operation principle of creating value with science and technology and researches, develops and products full automation equipment to satisfy the demands of several application fields.
Qichuang computer embroidery machine series equipment, which is developed and produced by Foshan Qichuang Company, has significant improved its brand by utilizing the new design. Based on market-oriented, innovative technology, high-quality products, and good business service philosophy, it has successfully made Qichuang embroidery machine with stable and reliable operation and performances to gain the market, being favored by domestic as well as foreign customs.
Over the years, the company is adhering to provide intelligent, high-quality and high-efficiency products and services for customs, providing them a higher stronger competitive ability.
In the future, Qichuang computerized embroidery machine will keep going and imitate a brand-new automatic and intelligent high-benefit embroidery machine age to embroider a grand blueprint together with you.
Beijing DAHAO Technology Corp., Ltd. — Booth: T2003
Beijing DAHAO Technology Corp., Ltd. was established in September 2000, with a registered capital of 447 million RMB, and was listed in the stock market of Shanghai Stock Exchange in April, 2015, with stock code being 603025.
Originated from 1986, DAHAO is a high-tech enterprise group specialized in R&D, manufacture and sales of computerized control technology, motor drive technology and related products. Computerized control system developed by Dahao has been widely applied to industrial sewing machinery, knitting machinery and other industries.
Headquarters of DAHAO is located within BEZ of Beijing Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park at Jiuxianqiao, Chaoyang District, Beijing, having its own R&D, work and production base of more than 60,000 square meters.
DAHAO now owns several subsidiaries like Beijing Xing DAHAO Information Technology Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhuji Xing DAHAO Technology Development Co., Ltd., Taiyuan DAHAO Yida Electronic Controller Co., Ltd., and Zhejiang DAHAO Mingde Intelligent Control Equipment Co., Ltd., and has over 20 branches and offices domestically and abroad.
After 30 years’ continuous development and innovation, DAHAO has grown into a large-scale provider of sewing and knitting equipment control system in the world. DAHAO can provide full series of computerized control products, technical service and solutions.
At present, DAHAO computerized control products for embroidery machine and related drivers enjoy the largest market share worldwide, and the brand of “DAHAO” has earned high reputation and recognition in the international market.
FUJIAN RAYNEN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. is a China-based company principally involved in the research, development, manufacture and sales of computerized control system for knitting machines, as well as the distribution of integrated circuit (IC) products. The Company operates through two main segments. The Manufacture segment is mainly engaged in the research, development, manufacture and sales of computerized control system for knitting machines, as well as the manufacture of development tools and evaluation boards for IC products and high-pressure gas discharge lamp electronic ballast, among others. The Distribution segment is primarily engaged in the distribution of integrated circuit chips, other electronic components and industrial electrical automation products.
Fujian Yonthin Digital Control Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth: T2019
Yonthin Textiles Group was established in 1989 and start to develop multiple head embroidery machines and knitting machines in China. The Group is a national high technology company with ISO 9001, ISO14001, CE approval.  Yonthin Group already provides our machines to over 70 countries all over the world to our customers and built a closed relationship with our customers by good and high efficient service.
What Yonthin Group insist is innovation and services. We always value the customer need and offer world first class products and services to our customer.
Yonthin means “Honest Forever" in Chinese, which is our believe and our promise to our customer.
Dongguan Baolun Computerized Embroidery Machinery CO., Ltd. — Booth: T2014
Located in the famous manufacturing city- Dongguan, China, Baolun Computerized Embroidery Machinery Co., LTD  is a specialized manufacturer and exporter for all types of embroidery equipment with a history of  28 years. Since 1996, CBL has been focusing on R& D and manufacturing of computerized embroidery machines in order to constantly meet customer’s demands of high quality and high efficiency. In today’s rapid development of the world economic integration, CBL  is always leading the trend with innovative and competitive products.
Honored as a State-High-Tech Enterprise and being a member of CAQI(China Association of Quality Inspection) ,  CBL is shouldering the responsibility to produce different types of high-quality embroidery equipment.  Quality and servic is always our first priority.
CBL is proud of having a modern and beautiful production facility for high-efficiency production. CBL people always adhere to the most stringent inspection and quality control throughout the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products processing, production and product packaging. This whole process has guaranteed the high quality of CBL products. All our products have been approved with international certification, such as CE and RoHS.
CBL’s “Quality Priority” has made CBL stand out in this competitive market. Furthermore, CBL has completely subverted the traditional ideas of low quality&low cost which have been implemented to Chinese embroidery machine industry for years.Now CBL is proud of launching high quality machines that can compete with global top brands.
We adhere to our slogan “ Embroidery Made Easy” to offer a full range of intelligent embroidery equipment to help our customers handle our equipment in an easy way. CBL intelligent embroidery equipment is decorating the world not only in personal apparel, but also in household, automobile, craftwork decoration and more.
Only when our customers succeed with our value products and service, Can we succeed in our business. We bear in mind our customers ’requests and fulfillment and are working hard to achieve it from day by day.
Looking forward to helping global customers expand embroidery business and profit with CBL value products and service!
Ricoma [Huizhou] Co.,Ltd. — Booth:T2018
Ricoma International Corporation is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of commercial and household embroidery machines. We opened our doors with one priority: helping decorated apparel businesses quickly and affordably meet their goals. Since then, the Ricoma name has boasted a presence in every corner of the world.
For many years, we’ve been a preferred source for embroidery equipment, digitizing software, stock designs and all other embroidery needs. Now, our products and services are distributed in over 160 countries and across six continents through our global network of distributors. Our constant growth can be attributed to our mindset. We think beyond in productivity, technology, strategy, marketing and customer service.
Zhuji Hongfang Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., formerly known as Zhengda Electromechanical Manufacturing Factory, was established in 2007. It is a technology-based enterprise mainly engaged in the research and development, production, and sales of computerized embroidery machines. Since its establishment, we have always adhered to the development concept of "adhering to integrity, constantly innovating, ensuring quality, and providing high-quality services", committed to providing more mature products for the market and establishing an internationally renowned brand. The business scope includes: manufacturing and selling Zhengda embroidery machines, computer embroidery machines, and accessories; Transportation of ordinary goods; Engage in import and export business of goods and technology. By increasing investment in technological transformation, introducing advanced technology and equipment, recruiting excellent professional talents, and adopting scientific management methods, we produce high-quality products to meet the needs of our customers. The Zhengda embroidery machine produced has been widely used in industries such as clothing, decoration, household goods, fabrics, etc., and is popular in China, as well as exported to countries and regions such as Europe, America, and Southeast Asia.
Product Introduction: Integrated rack, flat embroidery can support up to 1200 rpm, and towel embroidery can support up to 1000 rpm. The embroidery machine's flower frame is driven by a fully servo motor, making embroidery precise and efficient. The wire breakage method adopts the latest wire clamp, which accurately detects wire breakage and greatly improves production efficiency. Adopting imported shuttle bed to reduce wire breakage rate. The computer operation head uses Jinpuda electronic control.All models adopt a microcomputer control system developed for professional embroidery machine automatic control, which has high reliability. Each operation key is printed with graphics and text indicating the corresponding function, and the display screen can be displayed in Chinese or English by the user, effectively eliminating language restrictions and making the operation extremely simple. The operation head can view the graphics of the memory pattern, which is extremely convenient for selecting embroidery patterns and outputting patterns. The internal memory can store up to 250 patterns and can store up to over 50 million stitches, providing sufficient capacity.
Sinshow Mechatronics Technology Co., Ltd. — Booth: T2021
Sinshow Mechatronics Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D, manufacturing, and sales of special embroidery (bead embroidery) devices for computer embroidery machines. The company is located in Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, which is situated in the center of the Yangtze River Delta and on the shores of Taihu Lake.
Sinshow has assembled a team of industry-leading R&D professionals and focuses on developing new products for the domestic and international apparel industries. The company currently offers a comprehensive range of bead embroidery devices, including single-color, double-color, three-color, four-color, and five-color scattered bead embroidery devices. Sinshow's products hold the leading market share in China and are exported to Europe, America, India, Korea, and other countries and regions.
Sinshow has been granted over 30 patents, including 4 invention patents. The company's strong R&D team maintains a leading position in the industry. The annual market sales revenue of Sinshow has reached over 200 million yuan.
Founded in 1999, Danyang Deshun Embroidery Machinery Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer specialized in high-precision spare parts of computerized embroidery machines. Located in the economic golden triangle of the Yangtze River, it has a large production base covering an area of 15 thousand square meters, 20 kilometers eastward to Changzhou International Airport and close to the Shanghai and Hangzhou ports that make transportation particularly convenient.
Deshun has been supplying for the leading brands of embroidery machine manufacturers. We are mainly engaged in the production and sales of spare parts for Machine Head, Needle Bar Case, and Tension Set for various types of embroidery machines. Over the last decade, we have kept steady growth of high technology and superior quality. The company is equipped with advanced CNC machinery, precise inspection devices and ERP system for production management and has obtained the ISO9001: 2015 certificate. With high technology and profound understanding from design, and development to manufacturing, we help our customers from domestic and overseas to achieve optimum performance of their machines. We have established good reputation and credit in this sector by providing customers with high quality products and services at preferable prices, and become a most sophisticated cooperator of the global embroidery machine manufacturers. Our customers have come to trust and rely on our products consistently.
On the principle of “Be faithful, be innovative”, we are committed to serving our customers with the best services and solutions. We sincerely welcome friends from all over the world to develop together and contribute to the embroidery industry.
Zhuji Deyixin Technology Co., Ltd. is a new type of enterprise specializing in the research and development, production, and sales of computerized embroidery machines. With over 20 years of industry experience and a global business network, we are committed to providing customers with excellent products and services. The core values of the company are innovation, collaboration, and harmony, and we firmly believe that this is the key to achieving sustainable development.Our management philosophy is "people-oriented". We value the growth and development of every employee, provide them with a broad career development platform, and motivate them to create greater value. Our team is composed of high-quality professionals who are passionate about technology and constantly strive for excellence. In order to maintain our leading position in technology, we have invested heavily in introducing internationally advanced technological equipment and established a professional research and development team. Our production factory covers an area of 20000 square meters and adopts intelligent and efficient modern production methods, with the ability to produce 1300 high-end computerized embroidery machines annually.
Our main products include a series of computerized embroidery machines, including high-speed flat embroidery machines, high-speed bead tube lamination embroidery, high-speed towel mixed embroidery, and high-speed belt mixed embroidery. These products have undergone strict quality control during the design and manufacturing process to ensure that they meet the high requirements of customers. Looking ahead to the future, Zhuji Deyixin Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to adhere to the principles of valuing credit, abiding by contracts, and ensuring product quality. With a multi-quality management feature and a strategy of small profits and high sales, we will keep pace with the times, explore and forge ahead, continuously improve ourselves, and provide customers with higher-quality products and services.
Zhuji Zhiyu Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, near YIWU and HANGZHOU. Our factory is specialized in manufacturing embroidery machines.We have an experienced and professional team, which is capable of designing, researching and manufacturing sewing and embroidery machines with different specifications, multi-purpose and multi-functions.
Our products include a series of embroidery equipment with high technical contect for flat embroidery machine,multi-sequin embroidery machine, towel embroidery machine, cap/t-shirt embroidery machine, cording/taping device, tufting and mixed embroidery machine, ect. In particular, our high-speed embroidery machine is highly recognized by our customers.
We have exported our products to many countries and regions all over the world, especially India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and so on. Our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers.We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits.
Wenzhou Olova Industry Co.,Ltd — Booth: T2030
Wenzhou Olova Industry Co.,Ltd is located in developed Wenzhou City , which is famous for its open economy and numerous overseas Chinese. The company specializes in the exploitation and manufacture of sequin devices for embroidery machines, sewing machines and other embroidery machine. Based on high technology and well-equipped R&D team,,the company managed realizing the perfect combination between designing ideology and production cost. With the enterprise motto quality is lifeline, the company always puts quality in the first place.Our company has been assessed and registered as meeting the requirements of ISO9001: 2000 . It adopts the modernized enterprise management style, strengthens the production management, and improves the promotion strategy. In this way, our factory is able to keeps our products regenerated and upgraded constantly. Our main products are tri-sequin device, double fork sequin device(face and side), sequin device for high speed embroidery machine, small fork side device (with front motor), sequin punching machine, and multifunctional sequin sewing machine etc.
With the goal "develop in the domestic market, and marches into the whole world",the company always persists the idea of "the professionalism, the wholeheartedly service", and carries out strict quality control and standardization service system. .Moreover, well technology equipped after sales service team will track all life service as well as maintenance, which will remove all your worry about the quality. In this way, the company has established good business relationship with customers both from home and abroad since it was established.
Olova is very sincere to cooperate with people in a more broad range., and we are looking for partners who can be with us and embroider the blueprint together hand in hand!
Dongguan Schmetz trading Co., Ltd is an agency of Schmetz. The product and service spectrum of SCHMETZ covers a complete range for the individual requirements of over 47 sectors in the sewing and textile processing industry, as well as for workshops and the hobby sector. Placing the highest demands on the materials used, the processing techniques and product quality, combined with the goal of developing tailored solutions for every application, are both the focus and the mission statement of the company.
We have been thinking about one thing: How to realize the maximum value for our customers and the same time to be the closest partner of theirs.
WONYO embroidery machine company was founded in 2009. Since the very beginning, We have dedicated ourselves to the search & development of embroidery machines, Up to now, we have owned chenille embroidery, taping embroidery, printing embroidery. single head cap embroidery. multi-head embroidery etc. Besides, we have applied for many patents successfuly. Over 100 countries of the world are now covered with our machines.And achieve the certificate od high-tech.
Our company focuses on Human resource, paying great attention to company management and training of technical personnel Management and technical standard have been keeping improved. And also there is a fulfilled internal system for both manufacture technique and quality inspection. They are the strongest proof for efficient production and after-sale service. Our factory also passedthe certification of ISO9001-2015 environmental management system.
Our office and factory production line together take place 2000 square meters. Well managed processing plant, raw material inspection department,spare part and finished part warehouse, separate research & development department. Among these, the production line is strictly obeyed to the system of 7S management. All are operated under the system of ISO9001-2015 quality management system. Every product manufactured will meet the demands from different customers.
WONYO is always a team with great service consciousness. All the product development and innovation idea are based on the demands from customer. We are aiming to reach the international quality standard.
WONYO spirit: continuously surpassing ourselves, developing and improving ourselves, always with courage to challenge,learning the advanced technique from Germany and Japan. The design and model for the machine are with various research details. lt fits the ideal of humanization, rationalization and standardization.
Dongguan Yali Garment Accessories Co., Ltd — Booth:T2031a
Yalichuang Garment Accessories started in 2011, and its operation was comprehensively upgraded in 2016. It is one of the most influential and large-scale comprehensive service providers among well-known brands of industrial sewing thread, embroidery thread, and embroidery accessories agents at home and abroad. The company currently has a modern office space of 800 square meters and a warehouse with a usable area of over 5000 square meters. The company currently has a full-time service team of more than 30 people, including more than 10 professional and technical personnel, and owns 8 logistics and distribution vehicles, achieving daily door-to-door delivery services in the Pearl River Delta region. We have also established long-term and in-depth strategic cooperation with logistics and express companies such as Shunfeng, Lianhaotong, Xinfeng, Zhongtong, and Yuantong to ensure the timeliness of services.
The company has reached deep strategic cooperation and brand agency with AE Dunhuang, Alice, Baihong, Yizhou, Yangfan, Grots, Organ, Gongying, Guanglai, Blue Lion and other well-known domestic thread and clothing accessories brand enterprises. The Yali team continuously innovates and develops its thinking, carefully provides good service, creates customer relationships with the concept of "reputation builds brand, service achieves excellence", and creates value for customers with high-quality value-added services.
In 2020, the company's sales scale reached 60 million, and established a branch and direct sales department in Dalang Town, Dongguan City. With precision, professionalism, and 100% quality service that surpasses the industry, the team has adhered to the customer first service spirit and won the trust of customers. To date, it has established long-term and stable strategic cooperation with more than 3000 terminal customers. With a high-quality product system, a complete warehousing and sales system, a sound logistics and distribution network, and a marketable stock of over 10000 varieties, its own brand of silk craftsman embroidery lines, functional lines, and special lines have received unanimous praise from industry customers! Yali has become the most potential and competitive comprehensive sales service provider in the clothing accessories industry.
Taicang Yangfan Apparel Accessories Factory — Booth: T2016
Taicang Yangfan Apparel Accessories Factory was established in October 2005. Over the past ten years, it has always been at the forefront of the industry. Yangfan's wool embroidery thread has filled the gap in the domestic market and changed the situation that embroidery thread relies on imports. On this basis, our company has successively developed various specifications of acrylic embroidery thread and special embroidery thread. Its reliable product quality and thoughtful after-sales service have met the needs of embroidery factories and won the unanimous recognition of many customers.
Over the past ten years, we have always followed the business philosophy of "honesty, gratitude, and responsibility". On the road of progress, we have been changing, constantly developing new products, establishing a yarn exhibition center, and integrating special yarn resources, becoming better, more comprehensive, and more professional. "Entering the Ju'anmen is like a family. "On the road of service, we have never changed.
Jiaxing Yuhong Wire Industry Co., Ltd — Booth:2021
Jiaxing Yuhong Wire Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 2011. Located in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China, which is known as the "paradise on earth" between Hangzhou and Shanghai, the company covers an area of more than 3,000 square meters. It has a sales network of distributors all over China and Southeast Asia, and has created well-known brands including: (Yu Xiu Yuan), (Long Zhi Xiu), and (Xiu Wan Jia).
The company has its own dyeing workshop with 10 dyeing vats ranging from 800KJ to 20KJ, with a daily output of 5000KJ. The dyeing vats are imported high-temperature and high-pressure dyeing vats from Gaston County, USA, model G.F 241B.
The company mainly produces high-grade wool embroidery thread, solid acrylic embroidery thread, seven-color acrylic embroidery thread, gold thread + silver thread acrylic wool thread, towel embroidery thread, polyester embroidery thread, milk silk embroidery thread, etc. The products are mainly used for towel embroidery, special embroidery, ribbon embroidery, chain embroidery, mixed embroidery, wool embroidery, pillow embroidery, home textile embroidery, garment embroidery, flat embroidery, imitation hand embroidery, lace embroidery, etc.
The products are durable, high-grade in appearance, and have the advantages of international testing standards, soft hand feel, high strength, color fastness, anti-static electricity, and compliance with European and American environmental standards. The company is a professional manufacturer of embroidery thread with a complete and scientific quality management system. It can provide color cards free of charge, with more than 2,357 colors, and all of them are in stock. The products are sold well both at home and abroad.
The company always adheres to the business philosophy of "scientific and technological innovation, cooperative win-win, honesty and efficiency, and first-class service", and strives to become a leader in the industry with high-tech and high-quality products.
Taiji Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of industrial shuttles. Its main products include embroidery machine shuttles, high-capacity shuttles, and nanometer shuttles. The company is located in Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province, and currently employs nearly 100 workers. Over the past decade, it has gained high recognition in the domestic high-capacity shuttle field. It provides matching shuttles for 60% of renowned embroidery machine manufacturers and has established strategic partnerships with distributors worldwide. In 2014, the company obtained ISO9001:2000 quality certification and secured more than 20 national patents. The annual production capacity of shuttles now reaches 500,000 sets.
In recent years, the company has continuously invested in high-end equipment and improved its processing technology. In 2007, it established a research and development laboratory to enhance the development of high-capacity shuttles. The unique one-time molding technology ensures consistent product quality and stability.
Professionalism drives quality, and innovation shapes the future. Taiji’s mission is to excel in producing high-capacity shuttles. The company remains committed to survival through quality and growth through innovation, with the aspiration to create the world’s best computerized embroidery machine shuttles!
Chaozhou MESDY BEADS Co.,Ltd — Booth:2010、2011
Chaozhou MESDY BEADS Co.,Ltd was established in 2005 year, and the manufacturing base was located in the national history and culture of the ancient city of chaozhou, Guangdong.
With an area of 10000 square meters, we have dozens of advanced injection molding machine and more than 1000 molds.At the same time, we have own die making shop and we are the research and development, design, production and sales entrepreneur.
There are two brands for our company, MESDY and MONLALA. MESDY is the professional beads accessories.
Founded in 2005, it's specialized in acrylic beads, plastic beads, AB color beads, pearl beads, electroplating beads, water plating beads, UV beads,antique sliver beads, gold polishing beads, crack beads, washing beads and imitation wood beads and so on.Whatever you want and we can offer all various beads to meet your different demands on beads accessories.
MONLALA is the DIY beads toy.
Founded in 2015, it’s engaged in all kinds of DIY string acrylic beads toy. We are aim at developing children imagination and cultivating children manipulative ability.We also want to develop themselves abundant imagination and creativity by playing DIY beads toy.
Dongyang Yinshen Metallic Yarn Co Ltd. — Booth:2009
Yinshen gold and silver thread,metallic thread,embroidery thread,rayon thread,MS type of metallic yarn,m-transparent films and transparent PET film,MX,MH,two-ply,composite cable (stranded wire)
Xiu Zhi Yuan Thread Company Limited — Booth:2016
Xin Zhi Yuan Thread Company Limited is a private enterprise mainly engaged in garment embroidery, computer embroidery thread production, computer embroidery thread customization, and computer embroidery thread research and development. The company is located in the Industrial Concentration Zone of Baotan Town, Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province. The concentration zone is located on the west side of the Huai-Lian Expressway. The company covers a total area of 8,000 square meters, with a beautiful environment and convenient transportation.
The company was founded in August 2008. Since its establishment, the company has always adhered to the philosophy of "quality first, people-oriented, and honest operation", and adopted advanced domestic technology and corresponding equipment。
The company specializes in the production and sales of Embroidery Source brand embroidery threads, with the following specifications:
50D/75D/120D polyester embroidery thread
50D/75D/120D matte embroidery thread
50D/75D/120D gold and silver embroidery thread
50D/75D/120D rayon embroidery thread
24/32/48 count acrylic embroidery thread
900D physical yarn
150D imitation hand-loomed velvet
120D section-dyed yarn
Luminous thread
Thermochromic thread
Reflective thread
Guangzhou Xiwei Machinery Equipment Co., LTD — Booth:2060
Guangzhou Xiwei Machinery Equipment Co., LTD., since 2012, developed the first automatic winding machine, adhere to innovation, independent development as the first development task of the enterprise. After several years of continuous efforts, the company has obtained a number of inventions and utility model patents. In December 2016, CCTV10 "I Love Invention" program aired our products at that time. Our aim is to let customers use satisfactory products, let the world like Made in China.
Dongguan Skyway Sequins Co., Ltd. — Booth:2006
Skyway, based in Dongguan, China, is a professional manufacturer specializing in environmentally friendly, high-temperature-resistant PET sequins. Our PET sequins can withstand temperatures of up to 160 degrees Celsius and remain colorfast even after dry cleaning. These products have undergone multiple international environmental certifications, including SGS.
Our PET sequins serve as premium accessories for high-end fashion garments. We specialize in producing computerized embroidery disk pieces and handcrafted loose sequins, as well as PET high-grade rolls. We offer a wide range of colors and models for all esteemed customers to choose from. If you have specific requirements, our technical department can match colors based on samples provided by clients. Additionally, we can develop and manufacture molds according to customer or design specifications, promptly providing samples for confirmation.
The high-temperature-resistant PET sequins find wide applications in high-end fashion, wedding dresses, evening gowns, footwear, handbags, window decorations, backpacks, heat transfer bead belts, advertising hangings, shop windows, and wind chimes, among other stylish products.
Thanks to continuous technological updates and new product development, Skyway consistently maintains a leading position within the industry. Our product quality and innovation have earned praise from a large customer base, establishing trust and positive reviews among peers.
We warmly welcome both new and existing customers for business negotiations, trade, and technical exchanges.
Shanghai Jinsong Textile Technology Co., LTD — Booth:2015
Shanghai Jinsong Textile Technology Co., LTD is a global supplier of embroidery materials, specializing in embroidery accessories. They offer a wide range of products, including computerized embroidery, all-cotton lace, lace trim, garment accessories, lace fabrics, water-soluble lace, and more. Their materials are used in various applications, from lingerie and fashion to home textiles and beyond. Jinsong Mall is committed to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
Euro Well International Group Limited — Booth:2023
Euro Well primarily produces automated machinery and equipment. Their range includes automatic edge-locking machines for various items such as arm patches, labels, insoles, shoe soles, shoe uppers, carpets, and knitted hats. They also manufacture belt machines for products like bags, wristbands, coasters, and slippers. Additionally, they serve as agents for a series of sewing machines from Merrow, a U.S.-based company. These sewing machines include the MG-3U arm patch and shoe upper edge-locking machine, the MB-4DFO-2.1 dynamic fishbone stitch sewing machine for bags, the MG-2DNR-2 silk scarf and handkerchief edge-locking machine, the 70-D3B-2 fabric joining machine for dyeing and finishing, the 18S shell machine for sweaters and blankets, and the 18E letter-type edge-locking machine.
If you yearn to delve deeper into the groundbreaking techniques, technologies, and trends reshaping the embroidery landscape, then the ITCPE beckons you. Join us on 20-22 May, as we embark on a captivating journey to explore the boundless potential of the embroidery industry.
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hans-bolg · 6 months
This is a website that collects old photos and can see the concentration camps of Dahao from 80 years ago
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One of my favorite things about the characters, NPCs and readables aboard the Luofu is that you get to hear so many different things about Jing Yuan... and yet so many of them are misunderstandings, exaggerations, or simply false. And I think that it is so important to speak to Qingzu and Yutie in the Seat of Divine Foresight, Dahao and Jingyan in the Chancery, and listen to the people who have worked the closest with Jing Yuan (sorry Yanqing, but you're too young to provide proper insight on him) to get, really, I think the best idea of the kind of person he is, especially when doing his job.
I find that these NPCs shed so much light in ways that the character voicelines sometimes lack -- not that I don't love those too, but Fu Xuan's voicelines on him just don't hit the same as Yutie's speech about his sense of inferiority compared to the man he was assigned to protect. How he, and Qingzu, speak with so much love for Jing Yuan, and how neither Jingliu, nor Yukong, nor even Yanqing reflect that level of faith in the way they speak of him. Yanqing talks frequently about Jing Yuan, and yet a lot of the time it feels like he says nothing at all about him aside from your typical blind, boyish admiration (though I will say the Yukong's cryptic comment about him is very tasty all the same). I also honestly think that out of all character stories that mention Jing Yuan, the one that gives the most insight into his gentle character is Bailu.
tldr; this is another love letter to the Luofu NPCs because I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about how Jing Yuan's Cloud Knights and their loyalty towards him say so much about his true nature. Sometimes it feels like nobody else knows him quite that well. Not anymore.
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guoling686868 · 2 years
Guoling G industrial sewing machine DAHAO split body machine-G3020R
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wemresearch · 2 years
ICU Beds Market 2022 Growth Opportunities, Top Players, Regions, Application, and Forecast to 2030
The Global ICU Beds Market size stood at USD 1,487 Million in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 2,419 million by the end of 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period of 2021 to 2030.
ICU beds are specialised hospital beds made for ICUs to care for critically ill patients. They are multipurpose beds that can offer patients and caregivers safety and comfort.
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ICU beds are created to increase productivity, comfort, safety, and convenience of use, promote infection control, and improve efficient risk management in healthcare facilities. These include tilting capabilities and come with extras like an X-ray cassette holder, a section mattress base, and stepless pneumatic adjustment for trendlenburg & anti-trendlenburg that are intended to help and support the medical staff's efficient workflow.
ICU Beds Market: Segmentation Analysis
ICU Beds Market based on type
Full-Electric Beds
Semi-electric Beds
Manual Beds
The Electric Beds segment led the market and accounted for the significant share of the global revenue in 2020. This high share is attributed to its portability and superb comfort.
Electric Beds, followed by The Manual Beds segment, is anticipated to register a significant growth rate. This was valued at around USD 570 million in 2019. This growth is attributed to its cost-effectiveness and minimum manufacturing costs compared to other ICU beds.
As the COVID-19 infected people have risen globally, the Manual Intensive Care Beds demand will increase over the forecast period.
ICU Beds Market based on ICU Type
Traditional Medical ICU
High Dependency Unit
Pediatric ICU
Neonatal ICU
Cardiac care ICU
Post Anesthesia ICU
Trauma ICU
Mobile ICU
Psychiatric ICU
The high dependency ICU segment has been dominating the market and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 4.9% over the forecast period. This type of ICU offers intensive care to patients with severe medical conditions. This high growth is attributed to its advantages, such as excellent physician convenience, low risk of infections, and expert nurses.
ICU Beds Market based on control panel
Revolving Gear
ICU Beds Market based on Material
Stainless Steel
Alloy with Powder Coated
ICU Beds Market based on Component
Up to Three Functions
Up to Five Functions
Up to Seven Functions
CPR Functions
Head & Foot board
Side Railing
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Top Key Players:-
Hill-Rom Holdings
Getinge AB
Invacare Corporation
Medline Industries
Linet Spol. S.R.O
Stiegelmeyer GmbH
Span-America Medical Systems
Paramount Bed Holdings Co., Ltd.,
Gendron Inc.
Mentok Healthcare
Narang Medical Limited
Meditek Engineers
Hill-Rom Services Inc.
NOA Medical Industries Inc.
Foshan Dahao Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q1. What is the market value of ICU Beds Market report in forecast period?
Q2. What would be forecast period in the market report?
Q3. What is the market value of ICU Beds Market in 2020?
Q4. Which is base year calculated in the ICU Beds Market report?
Q5. Does the ICU Beds Market company is profiled in the report?
Q6. Which are the top companies hold the market share in ICU Beds Market?
Q7. Does the ICU Beds Market report provides Value Chain Analysis?
Q8. What are the key trends in the ICU Beds Market report?
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WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
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