tower-tale-comic · 1 year
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Scene I - II: Handshake
In which there is a shocking encounter!
Continue 》
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lookismstuff · 10 months
Reaction to Ep 462
THREE major revelations take place in this episode and there will soon be a backstory that some readers are looking forward to reading.
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So Jake (Gimyung) met Daniel (Hyungseok) outside of the Grimm clinic when he did his own reconnaisance. Then they both agreed on capturing CEO Charles Choi (Choi Dongsoo) and Park Jinyoung. Jake was bent on getting back at Charles for what happened to Big Deal and Daniel of course wanted to get his second body back (and uncover that mystery). They separated and agreed to meet on D-Day (the asylum attack).
I really love this interaction. Danny calls Jake "hyung" (older bro) and I wish that someday they could remain good friends. They were also joking a little bit about how useful Jake might be (or not...hahaha their short banter was everything).
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Anyway they arrived at Jihan's holding cell and set him free (it was so easy, the plot must be moving at the speed of lightning again). Zack (Jinsung) came rescuing Jibeom and Hudson (Hyunsung) who, fyi, fainted after the monster's attack before Eli (Hyun) dragged it (him?) down with him two episodes ago. It was so funny, he was pissed that he was left alone helping them (I hope Vasco's fine somewhere... COME ON SOMEBODY FIND HIM).
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And lo and behold, the ominiscient "Forever Man" is none other than Jihan's insane cell mate. The man is not called "Forever" for nothing. He was the first victim of Workers (lhae)'s forced confinement.
This is the first revelation.
The man's also Baek Hangyeol's father.
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So somehow Hangyeol cheated the system as a minor to cosign with his mom in order to imprison his dad for reasons of insanity (I wonder if there'll be more to this backstory, like Jasmine [Youngmi]'s dad way back then who was actually a sexual molester to her).
Back to the present time, The Forever Man led Allied to a set of emergency stairs that they couldn't find before (because it's walled from the outside). And per Hangyeol's instruction, Taejin was already waiting for them at the first basement, all prepared. (CHEONLIANG BACKSTORY SOON!)
The mere sight of Taejin smirking drove Vin (Hobin) to anger and tears and soon they began to fight as Vin was determined that no witnesses should be left alive, implying that Taejin was an eyewitness to the murder that Vin had to commit in the past, or to whatever happened to Mary (Miru).
That is the second revelation in the episode, btw.
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Hangyeol also told Park Jinyoung to prepare. And by preparing he meant to use his three reprogrammed victims (Big Danny, Johan and Samuel [Seongeun]) to launch an attack against Allied.
Yep his experiments were apparently to turn them into some sort of soldier/bioweapons thingy and see which one of them was the strongest (predictable, I wish it was related to the double bodies). Thanking the mad scientist for not shaving Johan and Samuel bald.
This is the third and final revelation in this episode.
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international-sunrise · 8 months
god its me again, with lookism spoilers below the cut
the way everyone gathered with their respective rescues like they're a stray cat or this month's grocery shop is just way too funny y'all but the way jinsung arrived with johan in tow and was immediately like "dude why does it looks like hyungseok was trying to rescue jaeyeol and not the other way around????? why is he knock knock knocking on heavens door???????? what the fuck did you do to him???????????" and hyungseok was like "i promise you there's a very good reason for this :D" smiley emoji and all and jinsung is just "don't????? change the subject????? you almost killed him?????????????" just left me cackling for five minutes straight thanks jinsung i knew i could trust you
jihan walking in carrying jibeom and hudson in a carrier after alexander was deadass carrying both jake and samuel is peak comedy. the devil works hard and alexander works harder. if you're an a/c unit i'm your fan. number one samuel stan can't compare can't compete we aint shit compared to alexander.
also it's funny for me to think that while hyungseok was beating the shit out of everyone, himself included, everyone else was like trying to think about how to transport the rescues. jihan being the bright patootie he is brought a bed, work smarter not harder. alexander decided to brute-force it. jinsung used the bro-style-carry. vasco is now carrying lil hyungseok like he's a cat he just rescued out of a fire. these guys all share one single braincell and its bouncing like that old dvd logo. i hope that reference lands somewhere.
now what's important here.
i think this chapter pretty much confirmed that nº1 is, in fact, made up of parts and scraps of other generation kings. i mean this is pretty obvious but i guess it'll be confirmed in a couple more episodes and we'll have to be like -pretends to be shocked-, i think it will be more impressive if nº1 is not, as a matter of fact, made up of parts and scraps from the 0 gen and is instead made up of several random people and then enhanced by drugs. why do i say this? well usually the first is not the best, specially with experiments, and i really dont think they would have wanted to waste precious parts in order to make something that wouldn't work, so it could be very possible that nº1 is actually the first working prototype of what the workers first affiliate was trying to replicate.
and what were they trying to replicate you ask?
why, hyungseok's fake body, of course.
my working theory is as follows:
i think it's very likely that nº1 is an experiment that is being made behind charles back, by the workers first affiliate, because back in the day he somehow found a way, alongside jinyoung, to recreate the perfect super-soldier, and went around playing the world's worst puzzle and stealing pieces from others with the help of james lee, and now won't rely that information to workers so that they can get mass produced. however it seems like eugene doesn't know about the two bodies, or at least hasn't found a way to confirm it (maybe, hear me out, maybe if ptj hadn't killed jiho off! the shrimp the felony commiter the only one crazy enough to come up with that possibility! then eugene would already know and this plot would be so much far ahead!), therefore it remains as a possibility that he heard about some kind of super-soldier project and tried to find out who was behind it because super-soldiers are very high on the list of what evil little dudes do on their free time, and that's how he stumbled upon jinyoung.
jinyoung however, probably wasn't the entire brain behind the operation. that's why nº1 looks... that way. it's very possible that the other half of the operation was... hear me out: hyungseok's dad, who was supposedly killed by jinyoung.
i dont really think that it was james lee, because he's supposed to be the figthing genius, the one-man-army, the one going to the hardware store to collect the parts and pieces of their little fucked up science fair experiment that might or might not violate the geneva convention (is the geneva convention a thing in the ptj-verse i dont think it is...). i also don't think it was charles, because while he's behind the interconnected webs, that's kinda not in the same ballpark as human experimentation, that's like management vs the kitchen, have you seen management inside the kitchen like actually working? no, that's my point. gapryong was too busy trying to become the president in order to also be trying to bring back prometheus 2: electric boogaloo. which leaves us jinyoung, a farmacologist, and hyungseok's dad, occupation unknown but with ties to jinyoung, and was apparently killed by him as well.
even if jinyoung didn't actively murder him, you know what mom park said? he died sick. who in lookism would have the very specific knowledge to prescribe drugs that would worsen someone's condition instead of making it better, and also be in a position of trust in order to make it work, thus killing hyungseok's dad while making it seem like he simply fell ill?
oh yeah its coming all together.
i also find it extremely funny that, in a way, hyungseok did manage to both unite and dismantle the four major crews. all of the groups are dismantled, inactive, on the run or were absorbed by workers, and now three of the original crew leaders alongside samuel as a representative form a temporary alliance. "not even the four major crews-" bitch sit down didn't you read the big deal arc and the hostel arc, the power of trauma compels you -gets blasted-
also johan being like "ew cant believe i gotta fight alongside you people" kid you've been working with Jake for months now what on earth are you talking about did you also get your memory temporarily erased by the drugs. will anyone else forget about some important part of the plot-- put your hand down jake.
what you thought i wouldnt mention the emotional whiplash it gave me to have hyungseok suddenly remembering the friend he just beat up. JAEYEOL IT'S ME YA BOY bitch you left him about to board the first train without stopovers to the left of christ's throne a foot on the gutter and the other on the grave, wipe out those damn tears and get his ass outta there stop crying it's not the time stop kissing in the foreground
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chiveburger · 7 months
and garsh!!!! there were just so many scenes in the last two episodes that had me losing fluids like when yichan was telling cheongah's dad that his grandma spoke with cheongah the entire day... how he realized that if you truly wanted to speak with someone, you would be able to express it no matter what. I think that paved the roads for her dad to be apart of their lives in the future because he was never necessarily a bad father. he was just busy. he loved cheongah very much, but after years of not realizing what happens under your roof and accepting whatever some raggedy old bitch says is true... I'm sure any daughter would feel hatred and distance themselves away from this place. cheongah was also opened to spending time with him once he put in the effort to learn sign language, and I thought that was really nice to see. even that family photo of them altogether in the jinsung house spoke volumes on how important it was for cheongah's dad to just start talking to her in a way she could understand. again, in the last episode, eungyeol laments on how he can't leave because he's fucked everything up again. how he shouldn't have meddled and how everything is his fault like boy... you saved your parents. you opened up doors for them that they never thought would have existed and helped mend cracks in their interpersonal relationships before they broke like bro you did it actually?
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k-dokja · 2 years
Could you rank lookism men that's most likely have favoritism to least likely if they have kids (or most obvious they have shown favoritism to the least), please?
Has Favoritism
Seo Seongeun (doesn't have patience for kids if he had any, struggles bonding with children in general) (*)
Park Jonggun (he's not even shy about it, though this only happens if he has more than one son, he treats daughters differently and cares for them equally) (*)
Yoo Jin (will not show favouritism in infancy, but shows it when it comes to performance while they grow up) (*)
Jin Hobin (rough with sons but easily convinced by his daughters)
Yoo Jin (will not show favouritism in infancy, but shows it when it comes to performance while they grow up) (*)
Lee Jinsung (another who likes daughters more than sons, he's a bit more strict on sons, really lax with his daughters)
Park Bumjae (does have it but is better at concealing it than most, gets along better with sons than daughters)
Han Shinwoo (like above and also shows it between sons, but he does his best to bond with all of his children)
Lee Euntae (wants mostly daughters but he's a good dad, either way, does get whipped by his daughter if he has any)
Seong Yohan (amazingly, treats his children equally awkward) (*)
Chae Wonseok (like above, but gets along with his children swimmingly, also gets along more with sons but spoils daughters)
Seong Yohan (amazingly, treats his children equally awkward) (*)
Kim Joongoo (he loves them equally but gets on better with some personalities, no matter the gender) (*)
Kim Gimyeong (jokingly pretends he favours daughters over sons but he's a good dad either way) (*)
Lee Jihoon / Kang Dagyum (they're all equally accidental to him, none better than the other) (*)
Jang Hyun (imagine if he shows favouritism, just imagine, he'd rather not risk getting strangled by you, thanks for asking 🤡)
Park Hyungsuk (he's just happy to be a dad, don't make him pick)
Doesn't Have Favoritism
(*): Likely won't have kids or will have only one so this won't affect much. Can change depending on the situation and their partner.
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lokislytherin · 1 year
1) teacher!seok x parent!jae
kind of inspired by this one wangxian au i read with a yuan being a preschooler but hyungseok is a primary school teacher, jaehye is The Problem Child (read: she never shuts up even when she's not meant to be talking) of his class of 7-8 year olds, jaeyeol is jaehye's older step-brother turned parent.
the jae sibs have a 20 year age gap so jaeyeol is around 28, jaeyeol's mom passed away years ago and he and kitae (blood bros) drifted away, hye is from another woman and after steve hong also passes away hye's mom is like Aight i do not want to deal with raising a child. and jaeyeol hates his father being absent all his life but he doesn't want hye to grow up in the foster system so he adopts jaehye even though he's a postgrad psych student (therapist jae!!! he doesn't talk much because he has the hex haywire voice and it's so deep it scares people but in reality it's just hot)
teacher!seok meets jae at a parent conference and he's like oh. Oh. this is the yeol-oppa jaehye adores so much. they start chatting purely bc jaehye is so chatty she's getting kind of behind in class and jaeyeol just sighs bc he's so busy at work he really wants to spend more time with jaehye but he doesn't have time and there's no butler in this au so it's just jae who's crazy busy and crazy rich by inheritance and hye who is a little demon and terrorizes every nanny bc she wants to spend time with her oppa!!
hyungseok is like if you don't mind... i could look after her until you finish work (school ends at 3pm, jae is a 9-5er) and jae's like Please. i'm so glad you said that
so they get a lot more private interaction time and they also coincidentally meet every now and then bc jaehye's harp class is close to the park where hyungseok walks his dogs so suddenly they have a whole routine where on the weekdays it's like
jaeyeol sends jaehye to school
jaehye picks jaehye up after work
sometimes hyungseok eats dinner with them bc hey, they're all going out to eat anyway, if nobody minds then they could all go together!
jaeyeol drives hyungseok home they say good night and they both kind of linger because nobody wants to say goodbye
and on the weekends it's like
jaeyeol sleeps in bc he finally gets a day off!!
jaehye smacks him until he wakes up bc wake up stupid oppa jaehye has harp class
jaehye goes to harp class and jaeyeol hangs out at a cafe and gets stared at for being the hot loner dilf sitting in the corner working on his computer
jaeyeol picks jaehye up from harp class
they meet hyungseok at the park bc he just finished going on a run with his dogs
they get lunch together because jaehye loves hyungseok's puppies LOOK AT THEM THEY'RE SO CUTE
jaeyeol's whipped the whole way through bc jaehye tells him Everything that goes on at school and he has never seen her so happy to go to school until her old teacher left and 'park seonsaengnim' took over as homeroom teacher and 'park seonsaengnim' is so nice to everyone and jaehye is actually Learning Things she just likes talking and when jaeyeol meets hyungseok for the first time he's already like Oh He's Hot
hyungseok doesn't realize he's pining until the very end where kouji's dad!gun (kouji is hye's classmate + 'archenemy') asks him out very bluntly and hyungseok's like wait. Wait. WAIT I'M SORRY I CAN'T ACCEPT YOUR CONFESSION I'M IN LOVE WITH JAEHYE'S OPPA
all the other parents (mijin and jinsung, sinu, etc) have a group chat without jae bc he looks so intimidating (the sheer businessman daddy energy is too strong) and they thought he and hyungseok had a Thing going on since the very beginning but no hyungseok is oblivious as hell and jae is shy as hell
2) winter olympics athletes au
if ao3 user agaybigay is here: hi. snowboarder jay go brr
in this au literally Everyone is there except for yujin's squad so you have
figure skating:
mijin + jinsung: pair skate, in love with each other but not dating, they've never medalled bc they're always 4th place, they beat japan's pride mitsuki and ryuhei out for third place in the fic
hyungseok: men's figure skating, aka south korea's national treasure, gold medalist
jaehye: women's figure skating, aka joy of south korea, youngest of the whole team
gun + dg: former multiple-time gold medalists, both retired now dg bc he didn't want to compete anymore and gun bc he injured his leg, they train the whole sk's figure skating team but mainly they just fight over daniel
gun used to compete for japan as yamazaki yuzuru but he moved back to korea to join korea team
jae: silver medalist, the One Mysterious Guy who nobody knows anything about until his younger sister joins the team and she is number 1 oversharer. has a massive fanbase bc he's talented and his helmet hair is hot
haneul: gets a bronze medal in the year of the fic and it's her first medal, known for her very high jumps and flips like she's part of the sky
burn knuckles: luge. yeah. it was either this or curling and idk what's funnier actually
big deal + samuel seo: ice hockey, samuel is best attacker, jake is best defender, jerry is goalie, sinu is coach, lua is team manager
it's kind of like yoi with hyungseok pulling jaeyeol into a drunk pole-dance during the last national winter sports competition and jaeyeol being so gay for this gorgeous, sexy, absurdly flexible creature who fits against his body perfectly and hyungseok barely remembering anything bc he was so drunk he only remembers the person he danced with had warm hands and he remembers making a promise to that person but he doesn't remember what he promised
hyungseok has already admired jaeyeol for a while, jaeyeol is almost four years older than him here and it's jae-hyung's third olympics (he's 24 now and this is probably his last olympics), and hyungseok's always like wow... look at him... he's so cool 🥺🥺
they get to know each other as the olympics goes on bc they have to share the same hotel room, and ofc i have to bring the There Is Only One Bed trope in. they end up accidentally cuddling multiple times and then after watching jaeyeol snowboarding and ranking 1 hyungseok has a flashback like wait. Wait. he's the one i basically did a drunk strip-tease to. i promised him i'd kiss him if he won gold. he's now world champion. which means i have to kiss him. actually i have no problem with that
after jaeyeol wins gold they end up purposefully cuddling on the hotel bed. maybe they do Other Things too since the figure skating and snowboarding competitions are both over
3) he was a punk she did ballet but it's skateboarder hyungseok and ballet dancer jae bc hyungseok is too poor to afford after school clubs and jae is a rich boy forced to learn Rich Kid Things ie piano, ballet, violin, swimming, etc
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Since Tower of God S1 changed some names so I went through the Japanese translation of S2 up to Arlene’s Hand (Chapter 51). Note that these names all come from the fan translation so any of these can be changed in the final product or there could be some errors either on their or my end. Feel free to correct me.
Repellista Jahad is now Raphaelista (ラっフェリスタ)
Lurker and Cash is changed to Lifull/Raifuru/Rifle (ライフル). Lifull is a Japanese advertising agency so this may be a reference to that.
Wangnan Jah is now Ouji Naru (おうじ・なる/王野・成) Which means “to become prince”
Lurker’s name is now Rai Sato (佐藤・ライ) I’m guessing the company name Raifuru, is a mash of Lurker’s and Prince’s dad’s first names. As for what Rai means, since it’s in katakana it has no meaning, but looking it up, with certain kanji it means circumcised so go crazy with that ToG tumblr. Sato is the most common Japanese surname and Lurker’s former last name, Kim, is a common Korean surname.
Sweet and Sour pork is changed to dumplings the first time it’s mentioned, but the next time it changes to and stays as Sweet and Sour pork.
Goseng and Miseng are called Kana and Mana respectively (カナ and マナ)
Horyang’s name is now Torasuke (虎助) which is made up of the kanji for tiger and helper. Horyang’s nickname, Teddy Bear, is now Bear Guy (derogatory) (クマ野郎).
Ehwa’s name is now Ren Rika (蓮・梨花) Her last name means lotus. Rika has the kanji for flower in it.
Flare Wave Explosion is now this garbage pile of characters (火接空波術) Honestly can’t figure out what it really means.
Blue Shield is spelled (青櫓) The first kanji means blue and the second means scaffolding, which kinda makes more sense than Blue Shield because scaffolding is meant for support, and the move is something the user rides and stands on.
Gyetang is now Tamaru/Tamamaru (卵丸) which has the kanji for egg in it
Jinsung is now Yutaka Sanada (真田・ユタカ)
Supreme King’s Scorching Fist of Death is now (覇王熱射拳) which is roughly translated to Overlord Heat Fist.
Wingtree is now (月下翼松) which is roughly translated to Winged Pine in Japanese, but in Chinese it’s better translated as Winged Pine under the Moon
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tower-of-gay · 2 years
the hold evankhell has on bam is insane, she told him all of once to not use the thorn until she says so and he DID?? he didn’t even listen to jinsung ha that well. do u think jinsung finds out and is just kinda like :( but i’m your dad?
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nope-the-weeb · 2 years
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i think everyone forgot that jinsung was like this at one point before he became dad.
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this was sick tho
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aajjks · 2 months
Ok I’m going to refer myself to 🍯 anon. I had a though and I just had to share it. There is tigger warning which is angst.
Let us say Sarang did have beef with Y/n but she did not show it, except she was fake about it. She had both Jungkook and Y/n wrapped around her finger. The wouldn’t suspect her to frame their oldest child. They have three children while Sarang has two boys. Jungkook and Y/n has an older daughter that loves her siblings more than herself. Sarang made everyone love her except the oldest daughter.
DhP! Jungkook and Y/N’s kids
Naeyoung - 15(Aries)
Jinsung- 7(Pisces)
Woosung- 3 (Libra)
Sarang’s kids
Sungmin- 5(Gemini)
Daehyun- 8(Scorpio)
Naeyoung is fifteen when she brutally attacks Sarang and her brothers turn against her because they see her be murderous. Both of the parents come in to see Arya “trouble-maker who really isn’t a troublemaker but because Sarang is a snake they believe her” covered in blood while their sons were crying hysterically.
Naeyoung has this blank look on her face while looking down on the floor knowing they will disown her. Naeyoung already called the cops and explained the situation. She knew she would get ignored if she told them about what was actually happening. She feels guilty about taking a life of a mom with kids, and letting her brothers see this but she doesn’t regret it at the same time.
Woonsung- “monster ahh ahh away”
Jinsung- “She didn’t do anything to us, you hated her that much. You took our babysitter away!”
Sungmin- “NOOOO MOMMY!” *cries*
Daehyun - “I hope you rot!”
The cops get there and arrest their daughter and they let her go away. Naeyoung would look at her mother but you looked at her in disgust then comforted your besties children.
Naeyoung knew that she was disowned by her own family. She had dead eyes because twelve years of being defensive didn’t do her great and they always ignored what she said even though she tired to get her dad on her side but he took Sarang’s instead.
Once the trial stated she keeps a dead look on her face not believe that the parents she thought would come to aid her were comforting all of the boys. She understands everyone needs love expect for her. She deserves this treatment she came to a conclusion that she could never see her parents again.
The interrogation room was awful she though as her parents are clouded with grief and they say things that they probably don’t mean but of course Naeyoung, young and innocent Naeyoung takes it to heart having a mantra of “Die die die, you should have never been loved”
Jungkook says “Why did I ever love someone like you? You are a disgrace to the Jeon’s”
Meanwhile Sarang’s oldest son was smirking and the youngest was crying. The oldest boy comforted his younger brother saying “She is going to rot forever she will never bother us again, plus we got new parents because they replaced her with us. Also, we got our revenge, her parents hate her.”
You deliver the final blow to your daughter “I wish I would have aborted you while I had the chance. You were never ours anyways. Also, why? Why did you take their mother away from them, you psychopath! She was apart of the family but your hate for her seeped through this family! I hate you, you hurt us all!”
Both you and Jungkook storm out clouded with grief to realize what you both said to your own daughter, while she whispers back “I still love you all.”
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to ten years later ~~~~~~~~~~~|
The kids ages now:
Naeyoung: 25
Woosung: 13
Jinsung: 17
Daehyun- 18
Sungmin- 15
An interview is set up because they need to get her out, they realize what has been happening to people with this case. The police realize their mistake because the prison jail mates some of them had Sarang and they were all savagely sabotaged by her and her psychological tricks to induce trauma.
The documentary starts with three of the inmates talking about how they fell for Lee Sarang’s tricks and they have ended up here.
As soon as Naeyoung came in her posture was very confident and relaxed. The interviewer started asking questions
Interviewer: “Hello Naeyoung, I heard that you also know of Lee Sarang and we have been doing an investigation on her and her colleagues. We have found people being mistreated and made into lunatics. I have some questions for you, if you do not mind.”
Naeyoung smiled a bit and nodded her head as she listens to the question.
Interviewer: “Why are you in this prison”
Naeyoung: “I was protecting my family and that backfired due to the fact that I was framed by her.”
Interviewer: “Alright, in what ways did she frame you? You sound like it was not the first time.”
Naeyoung: *sighs and nodded her head* “Yes, that was my breaking point but she had it out for my mom and us? It was like she was wedging herself so she could be my dad’s wife even though she herself was married and had kids.”
Interviewer: “Whoa, what in the world?! What did she do?”
Naeyoung: “She did whatever she wanted to, she would frame me to be the trouble maker and temper with the surveillance cameras and made me look like I would hit my brothers with murderous intent.”
Meanwhile Woosung was flipping through channels with the boys and they land on this interview and Sarang’s oldest, Daehyun snatched the remote from Woosung and turned it.
Daehyun: “Really are they letting murders talk about their crimes?! She needs to be put in her place! She needs to die!”
Woosung snatched the tv remote back and said “Do you even know what it’s like to have a older sister?! I miss her, yes I know she killed your mother but come on, I just wanted to hear her voice once more!”
You come in at the right time and said to Woosung “He is right, and you don’t need to miss her. She did this family wrong.” While Woosung puts his arms up in exasperation and walks off. He goes to watch the rest of the interview while Jungkook came in the living room and hugged his family. He asked about Woosung and you told him that Woosung is in his room.
Meanwhile Naeyoung is with this interviewer conversing about Naeyoung’ s life with this vile woman.
Interviewer: “ What else did she try to do?”
Naeyoung: “She would try to make her kids look better than us, when in reality not any child is better than another, w- they are all great.” Naeyoung faltered then realized she isn’t a child any longer because her childhood was taken from her.
Interviewer: “Did you try to get help? I mean you are in here because someone else was the culprit.”
Naeyoung: *smiles sadly* “I would save up money and buy tape recorders and camera’s that could record a conversation kinda like a surveillance camera. I never could trust Lee Sarang while everyone else did, she won by the way… she took me away from my family. I would listen back on what she would say. So, she would plan on wedging between my mom and dad and take the other two idots, my siblings take them up for adoption because once she was finished with my mom- *she pauses and takes a breathe then continues* “My dad wouldn’t want them and she would tell him that she will take him to Y/N’s parents house but put them in a shelter like the dogs they are.”
Interviewer: “Wait I didn’t hear about you? What was she going to do to you?”
Naeyoung: *looks intensely at the interviewer for a good two minutes then she sighs* “She would make me pay for not playing along or playing stupid like my siblings. I could care less about what that woman was capable of, I am in here she won. I would take on jobs at an early age, maybe I was rebellious teenager but I do have tendencies to protect someone I love. When my parents went on vacation she would put me through psychological trauma and stress. She told them to take more and she can handle me. She made sure I payed for it nothing she said made sense but as soon as I killed her and my brothers turning against me worked.
Interviewer: “Wait wait, you are such a good communicator. Did you communicate with your parents?
Naeyoung: *lets out the most manic laugh ever then straightens up and says* “I tried that and they always thought I was an evil thing since I have a track record of not trusting others with my brothers. I trust my parents and my grandparents but no one else. Then I realize not to trust anyone because she even made my grandparents turn against me. They wouldn’t listen to me if I had a clown suit on.”
Interviewer: “ Oh, uhm do you want to say anything to your par-“
Naeyoung quick with her answer “No”
Interviewer: *gulps what about your siblings?”
Naeyoung: “I still love you and you can always count on me to have your back. If you are in trouble call me and I’ll come to you. I never regretted protecting you. I mean I can try, also if her boys ever cause you trouble walk away and do not become me.” *she looks down and has tears in her eyes*
Interviewer: *looks at her then says* “Are you suicidal?”
Naeyoung: *looks around everywhere else, then sighs and looks back at the interviewer and nods*
Interviewer: “Is there any advice you would have told yourself when you were younger and life advice for anyone else?”
Naeyoung: *stays silent for a moment then states* “Are you really free when freedom can be taken away? Do you have family, not if they can be taken away… Am I really free within myself? I have struggled with those questions, and I realize that yes I can be free, I do have a family that doesn’t know what actually happened, and I am free within myself, I had to look for it. Do not trust anyone, just because they are someone you know that means it’s easier to tear you down. Fake people love tearing people with success down. I would tell my younger self to never give in and fight for yourself and for your family also get help because psychology shouldn’t be scary or dangerous. You should always take care of your mental health, go on adventures, take a walk, write, paint, but don’t live stagnant.”
The interviewer concludes the video meanwhile Woosung is on his knees sobbing because they have started to show behaviors and he felt replaced wondering how he can get his sister back. He realizes that he was in the wrong, and all she did was love him and got a jail card because of it.
( I know Darkest hours Prisoner Jk would take his kids side but for this scenario he didn’t grief clouded his judgement and yes all of them went to Lee Sarang’s funeral, and took the two boys in. The two boys would rub it in Naeyoung’s face that she was disowned and that they are theirs now. She was replaced and she felt like she deserved it.)
End of part 1, I’ll try to make part two final… this is just a scenario. I also have a raging migraine.
Oh wow… this is quite heavy and dark.. and I know you know this but dhp jungkook is very familiar with sarangs nature. He would never abandon his kids xx
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
*All Might voice* I AM HERE! for dad!jinsung and son!bam fluff and content.
I am so paranoid tumblr is gonna delete this and lo and behold it won’t appear on my pc browser as a draft what’d ya know surprise surprise so here we go mobile copy paste it is listen tumblr I’m so done I can see the drafts increase from 42 to 43 but the gosh darned POST DOESNT APPEAR.
Hello anon!
Apologies for the super long wait for me answering this :’) In hindsight maybe I should have just answered it with a short answer but since I dragged it out this long, might as well write some headcanons amirite; i have some modern day setting + ToG stuff hope u don’t mind + varying ages of Bam
Modern Day:
Jinsung taking smol bam to a small ice cream stand and just chilling in the park walking around, smol Bam asks Jinsung a lot of questions and Jinsung just kinda doesn’t know what to tell Bam xD
Jinsung taking teen Bam back to school shopping and while doing so buys Bam matching clothes with him (that black dress shirt and khakis yes) and Bam likes to wear it to remind him of his dad when he can’t see him
Jinsung taking care of baby Bam who wakes him up in the middle of the night and leaves him with eyebags all the time but has the cutest baby smile ever that even Jinsung cannot resist it
But other than that Bam is a great baby who rarely misbehaves and is a favorite at FUG gatherings during the holidays which Jinsung is forced to go to sometimes
Jinsung trying to figure out what to say to Bam the first time smol Bam has a boo boo and needs comforting
Jinsung meeting Wangnan at the park once, a random teenager, who offers him lollipops instead of cigarettes and looks pointedly at smol Bam, to which Jinsung reluctantly accepts
The next time Wangnan spots Jinsung and his son at the park again he smiles seeing that Jinsung is chewing on a lollipop instead of smoking
Jinsung’s favorite lollipop flavor is lemon no I do not take criticism (I’m just kidding, I just think he might like it)
I’d imagine Jinsung is some high ranking officer at a big company but hates dealing with paperwork so his assistants always deal with that stuff, and technically isn’t the highest ranking officer but they go to him for problems they don’t know what to do about cause he’s extremely knowledgeable
Has a lot of influence therefore can do almost anything he wants so he has flexible hours in order to take care of smol Bam
When Bam comes home one day saying he has met Khun Jinsung frowns every so slightly for a split second before Bam can see but Jinsung lets it slide...for now because he can see how excited smol Bam is talking about his school day and meeting Khun who gave him a super cool shiny stone; Jinsung notices that it’s suspendium and in his head is like damn, they sure are close
Of course, Jinsung still tells his people to do an extensive background check on Khun AA to make sure he was clean and wasn’t just trying to sabotage his company like the 10 Great Famillies did before
Bam gets older, Khun and Bam are as close as ever and Jinsung realizes that Bam is gay before Bam realizes
Jinsung sits down to have the talk with Bam and dear god poor middle school Bam is just confused and is like, what are you talking about, I only like Khun, I think I love him? But it’s just Khun? Then Jinsung sighs deeply and realizes he’s dug himself a hole and just keeps talking to Bam about being demi and all that, Bam kind of understands but not really, Jinsung kinda gives up at the end but asks some questions about what Khun means to Bam who in turn rambles a bunch and Jinsung is like yup head-over-heels
Fast forward to high school; Khun is Bam’s prom date as “friends” Khun comes to pick Bam up and while Bam dashes upstairs, Jinsung gives Khun The Dad Talk about not hurting Bam and Khun is actualllly kind of intimidated for once, but once Jinsung sees the look in Khun’s eyes he’s like alright this boi also head-over-heels we should be good
Jinsung never cries but he cries at their wedding (just a few tears obviously, the full on crying comes after)
Tower of God universe:
I like to think that Jinsung reminds Bam that he’s there for him and they have silent acknowledgments or agreements with each other about that especially after a tough training day
Bam might not know but Jinsung breaks a lot of rules for him from FUG but he gets away with it bc he’s powerful and also so is Bam
Classic thing that’s like already canon but Jinsung buying clothes for Bam and always beng able to send them to him no matter where he is
Bam has an attachment to the first shirt that Jinsung gave Bam and even though its torn and ripped he keeps it (even tho Khun says not to)
When training with FUG, Jinsung pushes Bam to his limit but never too much, which was sparked by Hwaryun in the beginning telling Jinsung what Bam is really capable of (beginning of Bam growing on Jinsung)
Bam always coughs whenever Jinsung smokes near him so Jinsung makes sure he doesn’t smoke close to Bam
Jinsung sometimes opens up and tells Bam stories about his past to which Bam listens earnestly but also sometimes doesn’t say anything, the pressure FUG putting on him almost breaking him, and sometimes Jinsung will give him a pat on the shoulder, and on really bad days, a hug even though Jinsung feels awkward doing it he knows it helps Bam
Jinsung gives Bam headpats no I will not take criticism
Still does it even when Bam grows almost to his height (I did not check the wiki pls don’t attack me)
Jinsung ends up caring a lot for Bam, and Bam for Jinsung eventually even though he was quite angry and frustrated at first
Bam fills the void in Jinsung’s heart, quenches some of his never-ending thirst for revenge against the 10 great families and jahad and what they have done to him, and Jinsung is kind of like the real parent that Bam never really had with Rachel
Jinsung tells Bam to be happy, and Bam’s just, never really thought about that much; in his mind it was always Rachel as the endgame, but eventually he comes to realize what happiness really means to him, and he’s grateful for Jinsung’s support
Bam gives Jinsung hope, something he thought he would never have ever again, and Jinsung gives Bam the notion of happiness and healthy parenting (i acknowledge it might not have been healthy in the beginning), someone who he can rely on
They both help each other grow and I think that’s beautiful
Aight I might have gone overboard but to be fair I did already warn ya’ll in my blog description that my default is rambling xD anyways anon I hope this answers your ask! So sorry I took legit FOREVER to answer but I hope this lived up to your expectations.
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meliohy · 4 years
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angrysheeproject · 4 years
Bam: I have no parental figures telling me not to wrestle bears.
Jinsung: It’s me. I am that figure. I’m telling you now: do not wrestle bears.
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oh yeah happy father’s day jinsung. idk if he’s said kiddo in canon but he would absolutely say it
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p0l-anka · 4 years
Jinsung Ha, best father figure
That bittersweet memory of him telling Bam to be happy.
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k-dokja · 2 years
Could you rank lookism men that's more likely to spoil their kids to less likely, please?
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Spoils The Most
Jang Hyun
Lee Euntae - Han Shinwoo (stupid simp got his kids batting eyelashes at him ONCE and suddenly he's ready to give them the world, never intervenes with their friends unless he sees a serious cause for it)
Kim Gimyeong (like his senior but he knows when he can't fight the battle and immediately delegate to you, also lets his kids be pretty lax with who they hang out with since that's how he was raised)
Jang Hyun - Lee Jinsung - Chae Wonseok (this reverse sexist spoils his daughter more than sons and lets her get away with more, but has a stricter curfew for daughters, both of them have hefty allowances either way if he can afford it)
Seo Seongeun - Park Jonggun (he's SO snobby about his taste that while he doesn't mind cashing out for something expensive, it needs to be approved by him first before he whips out his credit card, doesn't care who and where they hang out though)
Kim Joongoo - Jin Hobin (the type of dad who lets his kids use his credit cards carelessly then when a huge bill comes back he lost his mind, otherwise is pretty lax on curfew and such)
Lee Jihoon / Kang Dagyum (he's easygoing with materialism but doesn't spoil them either, won't let them waste money, he's a bit strict on where they hang out though, trust them to tell him beforehand but doesn't really regulate)
Yoo Jin (he rewards good behaviours and academic achievements, he also often splurges more often during birthdays too, but in general, they have a big allowance and he keeps track of their credit card purchase and whereabouts)
Seong Yohan - Park Hyungsuk (surprisingly good at not spoiling, he knows how to give things in moderation even if he wants the best for his kids, he's a bit more relaxed about who they are friends with and where they hang out, however)
Park Bumjae (regulated allowance with increase and decrease based on performances at school and club activity, he lets kids be kids otherwise but still has a curfew)
Spoils The Least
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