#dabi: nice. get me their social security number too
Dabi: Everything you've read about me is true.
Tomura: Says here that you're a bitch.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 14
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 6689
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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It had been three weeks since Dabi left and in those three weeks you hadn’t heard a peep from him. True to his word he never called you. Shoto seemed to be getting vague updates from Katsuki but nothing that could settle your nerves.
You threw yourself into working out to distract yourself. You refused to ever be weak again. Every day you got up early and hit the home gym that you built with Dabi’s money in his absence. You were surprised how good it felt to spend his money without his permission. You knew he had enough to go around, but it was almost like payback for him leaving you here without him.
The gym was simple. A treadmill, some free weights, and a punching bag.
The guys took turns coming to check on you. Shoto more than the others, which was fine with you considering he was the only one with the balls to spar with you. You didn’t know if they were scared of you, Dabi, or Katsuki. But whoever it was, they were keeping their hands to themselves. And that’s how you ended up here now pinned underneath Shoto’s knee.
“I told you, stop thinking so hard. Your moves are predictable, I can read your every move before you do it. You need to relax and trust your instincts.”
You shoved him off of you and sat up, putting your elbows on your knees.
“I knew I’d be rusty… but I didn’t think it’d take this long to get back into shape.”
Shoto handed you a water bottle and sat next to you. “Well you’ve always been good, but you’ve also relied on your quirk pretty heavily up until now. You’ll get there, just takes time.”
You sat for a while in silence. That’s another thing you appreciated about Shoto. His ability to find comfort in shared silence. He never forces a conversation or pushes you to talk about things you don’t want to.
“So how long can you stay this time?”
His mismatched eyes met yours with a guilty look. “Honestly I’ve already been here a little too long. My shift starts soon, and I have a long drive.” He sighed as he screwed the cap back onto his water bottle. “Last I heard from Bakugo there wasn’t really much change but they’re both still alive and well. I’m supposed to be hearing from him again sometime in the next few days. So, I should have a better update the next time I see you.”
You followed him to the front door, feeling your heart sink as you went. You hated this part. The part when they left. There wasn’t exactly a schedule, they just came and went when they could. It was incredibly lonely when it was just you and you were already getting anxious thinking about it. “I wish he’d just come home already. I hate being here alone…”
Shoto sighed with his hand on the door. “I can only imagine… I’ll see what I can do about getting you some better company. Maybe we can rework our shifts or something… I don’t know, but we’ll figure something out.” He reached a hand out and gently pressed it to your shoulder, “Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone, and for the love of god follow my idiot bothers laws.” His eyes twinkled, “Oh! That reminds me…ware your fucking collar… his words not mine.”
Your eyes bulged. Those where the first words you’d gotten from him since he left. Your fingers darted to your bare neck, “I-It’s charging… the battery doesn’t last forever.”
Shoto chuckled, “Well according to him you haven’t worn it for two days. He interrupted my last call with Bakugo just to tell me.”
“I guess I should have known he’d be watching the stats like the creep his is.” You rolled your eyes and tried to suppress the blush that was threatening to break out across your cheeks. Of course he was watching. Watching the tracker to make sure you were where you were supposed to be. Watching your vitals to makes sure you were staying healthy. Watching your call log to make sure you weren’t doing anything you weren’t supposed to be doing.
For the first time since he left you felt an odd giddy feeling. It reminded you of the feeling you’d get when you were in school and a boy you had a crush on liked one of your pictures on social media. It wasn’t direct interaction, but it was a reminder that he cared.
Shoto gave you a quick hug before leaving, reminding you to lock the door as he went.
As soon as you heard the security system signal that is was on, the empty feeling returned. You were alone again. By yourself. With only your thoughts to keep you company… how awful.
You dragged yourself over to the where your collar was charging and put it back on. Your fingers brushed over the familiar material. A warm feeling started to push through the empty feeling in your stomach as you thought about how Dabi was probably checking on you every chance he got. The least you could do was reassure him that you were okay.
Despite being able to talk again you had decided to keep up with the sign language. It was a good distraction and also something really helpful to know. You learned from Shoto that Izuku had learned sign just in case Katsuki went deaf, and he ended up teaching Shoto. So it seemed it could definitely come in handy down the road.
You also spent a great deal of time watching cooking shows and trying to learn some things.
You were never that great with cooking before, hell you didn’t even really know how to efficiently shop for groceries. You were rarely home, and when you were you were ordering in or letting Katsuki cook for you. But now that you were home alone for days at a time, you decided it was time you learn.
Tonight, you watched a video on how to sign different colors and numbers as you attempted to make rice balls. The chef made it look so easy in the video you watched earlier. But so far you were finding it to be incredibly difficult.
You were trying to take this time alone to improve yourself. Now that he wasn’t here it was easier to see how much you had relied on Dabi. You wanted him to come back to a new and improved you.
You sat down to dinner with your pathetic looking rice balls and fought to push down the empty feeling in your stomach once again. The loneliness killed your appetite, you could feel yourself sinking into a funk. Every day it got harder to convince yourself that eating was important, that getting out of bad even mattered, that working out was worth it.
But then you thought about what Dabi would say if he found out you weren’t taking care of yourself. He’d probably bend you over his knee and spank you for even thinking about skipping a meal.
So even though your depressed brain tried really hard to convince you that you weren’t hungry, you shoved bite after bite into your mouth. He’d be livid if you so much as lost a pound while he was gone.
You thought about the way he loved to worship your body. How he groaned when his hands gripped your hips. How his hands traveled up your thick thighs and around to your ass before giving it a squeeze and… great… now you’re working yourself up.
There had been several times your needs had riled you up to the point where you had tried to take care of them yourself. But no matter what you did or how hard you tried, you hadn’t been able to get yourself off. Your hands were no comparison to Dabi’s.
You let out a frustrated growl as you dropped your plate into the sink.
Once again you had this burn in your core that was spreading and you were already frustrated knowing there was nothing you could do about it. You didn’t even have any toys to help and there was no way you could ask one of the guys to bring you one the next time they came. You flushed at the image of Shoto or Izuku handing you a vibrator.
With the ache between your legs only seeming to grow worse, you skipped to your bedroom, well Dabi’s bedroom, but you guess it was yours now too.
You were sweaty from your workout and was in desperate need of a shower which gave you the perfect idea.
You quickly stripped your clothing and stepped into the hot spray of the shower you quickly washed your hair and body before turning the hot water down a little to a nice room temperature.
With nervous hands you pulled the shower head down from it’s spot and played with the settings. You switched between them until you found one that seemed… promising?
The shower head slowly roamed from your neck to your chest, to your nipple. You sucked in a breath as you closed your eyes and tried to pretend that it was something or rather someone else. Your breathing picked up as the spray slowly moved further down until it reached the spot that was giving you all the trouble.
Suddenly a jolt of pleasure ran through you and you had to put a hand on the wall to keep yourself from falling over. A low moan fell from your lips and you rolled your hips against the pressure. “Oh god. Oh shit. YES!” It had been weeks since you last orgasmed and you could feel everything that had been building coming to a climax… literally.
Your breathing became erratic as you imagined rough callused fingers rubbing your clit while wet, sloppy lips mouthed at you neck. Your head swam with desire as you felt the familiar clenching in your core.
Then out of nowhere you felt your pleasure snap as your first orgasm in weeks washed over you in heavy waves. “FuUuck!” Your legs wobbled and almost buckled underneath you. Your orgasm seemed to go on way longer than any one you’ve had in recent memory. It just kept going and going till the point that you thought you couldn’t breathe.
Your legs crumpled underneath you and you fell as your orgasm finally finished.
After a few minutes you used your foot to turn the water off as your breathing finally started to even out.
Your heart practically leapt out of your throat as your collar started beeping with an incoming call. You answered it immediately in the hopes that it was Dabi.
“Y/N!? Are you okay?”
That voice didn’t belong to Dabi but it was probably the second best option.
“Kats? Y-yeah I’m fine. W-why do you ask?” You sucked in a huge breath to help yourself come back down from your high.
“Dabi said he got an alert that your vitals were at dangerous levels. Apparently, your heartbeat was erratic… You workin out or somethin?”
You blushed and cleared your throat, “Or something.”
There was a brief silence on the other end before you heard a muffled curse. “Fuck, okay so you’re more than good.” You could almost hear the blush in his voice. “Sorry to interrupt… have a good night…”
Before he could hang up you panicked and shouted, “WAIT!”
“… Yeah?”
“How are you guys?” You hated how weak you sounded. How desperate you sounded for any update on their progress.
“We’re alive and making good progress. That’s all I can really say right now.”
“Good okay… hey uh Kats… please be safe. Both of you.”
“We’ll try… I gotta go now. Good night y/n.”
Before you could respond you heard the beeping, indicating that he had hung up.
Groaning you picked yourself up and made your way to the big comfy bed that just felt too big now that it was just you. You pulled one of Dabi’s shirts on that dwarfed you and queued up a movie on the TV.
Sleep didn’t take long to take you and your last thoughts were of how monotonous your life was now. You go to bed, wake up, work out, work on Sign Language, watch cooking shows, cook dinner, rinse repeat.
You just needed something to mix it up.
And your wish would be granted not even two days later when Kirishima showed up at your door with pointy toothed grin. “Hey Y/N! How’s it going? Gone crazy yet?”
“I think I went crazy years ago bud.” You giggled as you stepped to the side to let him in. Instead he just stood there looking at you funny. “So are you coming in or did you just drop by to stare at me and leave?”
“Oh! Right? Hold on… close your eyes! I have a surprise.”
You narrowed your eyes but complied with a sigh. “Kiri I swear if this surprise is a wet willy, I will hypnotize you and make you pee yourself.”
He was quiet as he tiptoed away quickly. Only moments later you heard the pitter patter of him trying and failing to sneak up on you. You knew he was next to you now, but you kept your eyes closed anyways.
“Kiri what are you—”
You shrieked as a wet tongue licked you from your chin to your ear. “WHAT THE FUCK KIRI!”
Your eyes bolted open to see a crying Kiri holding a puppy. He was laughing so hard you were scared he was going to drop the dog.
You reached out and yanked the puppy from him and could immediately feel yourself sinking into its soft fur. “Oh my goodness! Who is this sweat baby?”
You nuzzled into and started rubbing its soft ears.
“He is your new guard dog. Well he’s more of a guard puppy, but you get the point.”
He started to walk back towards his car, “Wait? Are you leaving already?”
He gave you a regretful look, “Yeah sorry princess, I only had time to come drop off your new friend. I have to go pick up my kid from school, but I think I’m coming back soon. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” With a wink he hopped into his car and sped away.
You were only sad for a brief moment before you scurried back inside with your new friend.
You plopped yourself down on the couch with the puppy sitting in your lap. He was a little ball of fur with big ole paws and floppy ears. From what you could tell he might be an Australian Shepheard. “What are we going to call you huh?”
The little furball cocked his head at you and started chewing on your fingers.
“Hmmm what about Buddy? No that’s cliché. Ajax? He was the strongest warrior in all of Greece.” You watched as the “warrior” in question sniffed his own butt. “Hm maybe not. What abouuuuut… Bravo?”
He looked at you and gave the cutest little “woof”
You smiled and scratched behind his ears. “Okay then Bravo it is. Welcome to your new home sweet boy.”
Bravo was exactly what you needed in order to break out of your slump. You could feel your serotonin rise every day as you bonded with him. He was keeping you company and also keeping you very busy. Between poddy training and teaching him basic commands he was a handful. He loved to follow you everywhere you went and nip at your ankles until you paid attention to him.
It was amazing how quickly Bravo was becoming the most important thing in your life. Since Dabi left you had frequent nightmares that often led to anxiety attacks once you woke up. But now you had a fuzzy four-legged friend who not only woke you up when you cried in your sleep but also laid on top of you until you calmed down. You almost laughed thinking about how Dabi would react when he came home. You knew he’d find a way to be jealous of a dog.
Bravo settled into a routine with you and he never let you out of his sight. He really had the potential to be an excellent guard dog. He was extremely smart, picking up new tricks and commands easily. He was perceptive. And most importantly he didn’t hesitate to attack any of the guys, in his cute puppy way, when they came to visit. He was one hundred percent a Mamma’s boy.
Today had been a weird one. It was officially a month since the boys left. You stayed in bed a little longer than usual but you had responsibilities now and Bravo wasn’t going to let you be sad all day. He decided growling and pulling on your blanket was the best way to get you attention.
“Bravo, no. I know you want to play, just let me be sad a little longer, and then we’ll go outside.” You knew he didn’t understand you, but it felt so nice to just talk to him even if he can’t respond.
Bravo continued to jump and bark at you obviously trying to get you play with him. You rolled your eyes as you threw the blanket off of you. “Alright, alright, I get it. Let’s go outside.”
You rolled out of bed and pulled your hair into a bun. It was cold out now, and it even looked like it might snow soon. You used to love the snow, but the older you got the more miserable it sounded. You pulled a pair of sweatpants and a baggie hoodie on and started to drag your feet towards the back door. “You couldn’t let me wallow for even a couple hours huh?”
You slid the sliding glass door open and Bravo took off into the backyard.
The sky was a dark and depressing shade of grey. You could see your breath escaping you and it made you shiver. “Okay Bruno let’s make this quick! It’s fucking cold…” You shoved your hands in your pockets as Bravo sprinted from one side of the yard to another before stopping to sniff a spot on the fence to pee. “Good boy Bravo… let’s go in now. Eat some breakfast, how does that sound?”
Snow started to fall and before long you could feel it soaking through your hoodie. “BRAVO! You little shit, come on it’s cold!”
He ran towards you like he was going to listen before turning at the last second and running off to the side. You groaned. You loved the dog, but it was times like this that reminded you how frustrating taking care of another living thing could be.
You took a couple steps towards him and he just stood there wagging his goofy little tale. You leapt towards him just for him to run off again in the other direction. “I swear Bravo, if you love me at all you will come to me right now!”
You tip toed towards him slowly, “Come on dude. It’s too cold.” You were so close now, you just needed to scoop him up. You jumped at him but again he leapt out of the way except this time… your foot slipped on some fresh snow on the concrete surrounding the pool… and in you fell.
The ice-cold water cut through you straight to your bones like a million needles. You gasped which was a huge mistake as you sucked in water into your lungs. Now the panic was setting in. The last time you were in this pool you drowned. And this time there was no Dabi to resuscitate you. There was no one here. You could die here, and no one would even know for days.
No, no, no, this was not the time to have a panic attack. You had to think. You had to get out of this pool. But you couldn’t, the only thing you could think was how cold you were, how painful the water in your lungs was, how the cold water felt like you were being stabbed. You vision was blacking out, your limbs were becoming numb, you finally started to try and swim, but your muscles were so sluggish. It was agony trying to get your arms and legs to cooperate. Were you going into shock?
You felt yourself sinking and there was nothing you could do. Your baggie hoodie and sweatpants were only getting heavier on your limbs. It was like you had forgotten how to swim. Or like one of those dreams where it doesn’t matter how hard or how long you keep swimming you never make it to the surface. You expected your life to flash before your eyes, but it didn’t. Instead all you had was fear. Fear and regret. And those almost weighed you down more than your soaked clothes.
You have unfinished business. You had a corrupt hero system to dismantle. You had a life to reclaim. You had… people who loved you, and you couldn’t leave them behind just yet.
You pushed as hard as you could now. You refused to give up. Just before you blacked out your head broke the surface. You struggled to stay afloat as you managed to get yourself to the ladder. You gripped it with all your determination. Your breathing was getting shallow but you didn’t know if it was the panic or the cold.
You screamed as you tried to pull yourself out of the pool. It hurt so bad. Your muscles sched and it was almost like they stopped working all together. You could hear Bravo barking as he paced the side of the pool. As soon as you got your upper body on the concrete Bravo took your sleeve in his mouth and tugged. It wasn’t enough to pull you out on his own, but it definitely helped.
Your body was wracked with shivers. You were shivering so hard it hurt. Your collar was beeping but you couldn’t bring your fingers up to push the button to answer. You were literally frozen… from the cold, from the fear.
The beeping just continued, and tears flowed down your cheeks. All you had to do was move your hands, you just needed to push the button, and you could answer, you could ask for help. You knew Dabi had to have been alerted that you were in danger by now. Someone had to be coming for you.
Bravo laid on top of you licking your face as you lost your mind. The beeping from your collar kept going, and you don’t know what possessed you, it must have been one last surge of adrenaline, your bodies last effort to save yourself. But your fingers crawled towards your collard and clicked the button.
“Y/N! Thank god! I’ve been calling! Are you okay?” It was Kats again. You were quiet for a while as you tried to cough up some water. “Y/n? Are you okay? Or is this another… false alarm?”
You sniffled, “I-I-I F-Fe-Fe-ll I-In T-The-Pool.”
“Uhm Okay? Are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?”
A sob left you, “No! I-I’m Not O-Okay. I-I”
There was a muffled sound on the other end of the call, "Y/n, baby I need you to breathe. I know you’re scared. Can you get inside?”
“Dabi?” His voice filled you with the warmth you desperately needed, but it wasn’t enough to get your body moving. “No. I-Its t-too C-Cold. I-I-“
“Stop talking! Conserve your warmth. Shoto’s already on his way. He’ll be there soon baby. I’m going to stay on the phone with you until he gets there, but I need you to stay awake. Can you do that?”
Bravo curled up next to your neck and nuzzled into you while whining.
You don’t remember passing out. But when you woke up you felt like you were in an oven.
Your eyes slowly opened to find that you were under several blankets with Shoto sitting next to you with his hand on your forehead. “She’s still asleep… but I’m worried she’s getting sick. I’m pretty sure she has a fever.” He was on the phone with someone, “I keep going back and forth from trying to warm her up to cooling her down… Well what do you want me to do I’m not a doctor… Do you know anyone we can trust?” Whoever he was talking too was obviously not happy. “How do you suppose we do that?”
Your eyes closed and sleep claimed you once more. You tried to stay awake, but it seemed impossible. You didn’t even dream, you were just sucked into the black abyss.
The next time you woke up there was a cloth on your forehead and two voices whispering by the door.
“She probably needs an IV at this point. She’s been in bed for three days and she hasn’t eaten anything. Shoto this is more than just a cold. She’s really sick.”
You knew that voice belonged to Izuku. He sounded stressed out. Had he really said there days. There’s no way you had been sleeping that long.
“I agree, but where would we get one? Do you know how to set one up? No? Because neither do I. I swear all of you are crazy. First Dabi rips me a new asshole over the phone about how I was supposed to keep her safe, then Bakugo gives me shit for not being able to find her a doctor, and now you. I’m doing my best!”
You wanted to sit up and tell him you were fine. But you couldn’t because once again sleep was calling you back. The black abyss sucked you back in.
The next time you woke you felt slightly better, your head definitely hurt a little less.
“I can’t believe you idiots where hiding this from me? Did you not trust me, or did you just think you could dismantle the entire system on your own?”
When the fuck did Aizawa get here?
“You’ve been retired for years… we didn’t want to drag you into this.”
A brief silence passed, and it sounded like he was standing up from a chair, “Well I’m glad you did. She was in rough shape. The IV will help. Let me know if you need anything else. And I mean anything. Like you said… I’m retired now so I have a lot of free time.”
You managed to open your eyes, but had to squint at the bright light. “Was that Sensei?” Your voice sounded rough and foreign, but it was unmistakably yours.
Shoto’s mismatched eyes filled your vision, “Oh thank god you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
You tried to clear your throat but if felt like sandpaper, “Like shit…”
He climbed into bed next to you, “When I found you, you had hypothermia. I warmed you up but then you got really sick. I finally caved and had to call Aizawa. I don’t know how he knows how to set up an IV or how he even got his hands on all this medicine and medical equipment. But I’m not going to question it either.”
You leaned on him. “That was nice of him…” Your muscles still ached, and you you’re your skin was so sensitive. You just wanted to pass out again and wake up when all of this was over. “Where’s Bravo?”
At the sound of his name you felt a weight near your feet shift. He got up and made his way to you putting his head on your chest. His big fuzzy head was making you all warm and cozy. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
“Y/n no, come on I need you to eat something. Seriously, it’s one of your laws, you have to eat, so you need to stay awake.”
You hugged your blanket to you. “I’ll eat when I wake up… promise.”
This time when you slept you had dreams waiting for you. They were all weird and generally involved your time at UA. You dreamt of sports festivals, hanging out with your friends, and training with Sensei. But for once you didn’t have a nightmare. Which was a blessing.
“Wake up… you need to eat something… open your eyes baby.”
You stirred and found that you were laying on top of something, or rather someone. A hand was wrapped tightly around your waist while the other was brushing your hair out of your face.
Your sleepy brain was desperately trying to figure out if you were still sleeping because this had to be a dream.
“Are you really here?”
A kiss was placed on your forehead, “Yes baby, I’m really here. And I really need you to eat something so you can get better.”
His words had your stomach growling, making your groan.
Your eyes opened to find his blue ones staring back at you. The amount of concern in them was startling. “I must look like shit if you’re looking at me like that.”
Dabi didn’t so much as crack a smile at your humorless joke. “Well by law I can’t lie to you… so yeah. You’ve definitely looked better.” His thumb brushed your cheek, “Nothing that can’t be fixed with a shower and a good meal though.”
He helped you sit up and fluffed some pillows behind you. “You don’t have to do all this. I’m feeling better now. I can do it myself—”
Dabi cut you off with a glare. “Does it look like I care. I’m sure you could take care of yourself, but when will you accept the fact that you don’t have to anymore. Stupid girl.”
He reached next to him and picked up a bowl of soup. “This will be easy enough on your stomach. You are going to eat every last bite, and then we are going to take a shower.”
He didn’t leave anything up for debate. It was a demand. “We?”
“Yes we. You’re not leaving my sight for the foreseeable future.” He held a spoon full of soup up to your mouth. You wanted to protest that you could at least feed yourself but quickly thought better when you saw the look he was giving you. He wasn’t to be challenged or questioned.
So, you accepted it and swallowed, your eyes never leaving his. You continued on like that until the spoon scraped the last bit of soup from the bowl. You could see the tension in Dabi’s clenched jaw. He was upset, possibly even mad.
Your eyes averted to your lap, “I’m sorry.”
“For what? What do you have to be sorry about?”
You played with hem of your shirt. Trying to look anywhere but at those intense blue eyes. “I fucked up. I was careless and I… I fell into the pool.” Your fists clenched, “It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t so fucking weak. I panicked, and it put me in danger. I’m sorry.”
His fingers intertwined with yours and pulled them to his lips. “You have nothing to be sorry for, and you are most definitely not weak.” He kissed the tip of your nose, “Look at me please.”
It was so rare that he said please. It sent butterflies through your stomach. You raised your eyes to his once more, but this time they were much softer. “Your panic is totally understandable. If anything, it’s my fault because I’m the reason you have fucking PTSD.” He pressed his forehead to yours, “I feel like no matter how hard I try, I just end up hurting you. Even when I’m not here, my actions still have consequences.”
“Well you know what I think? I think I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you. I think you have saved me in so many ways, and you have been there when it matters most. Like right now.” You tucked yourself under his chin and hugged him until you felt the tension bleed from him as he relaxed into your hold.
You felt his chest rise and fall as you both just sat there holding each other.
Finally, he pulled back and sighed, “Okay as nice as it feels to hold you again… you kinda stink… can we go shower now?”
You frowned, “Hey! I’ve been sick. It’s not like I could bathe myself. Did you want Shoto to do it for me?”
He growled and threw you over his shoulder. “You’re lucky. If I wasn’t worried about nursing your sick ass back to health, that comment would have gotten your ass in trouble.”
It wasn’t until Dabi was stripping you down in the bathroom that you remembered Bravo. “Hey! Where’s Bravo?”
Dabi froze, “Who the fuck is Bravo?”
You rolled your eyes, “My dog asshole. Bravo. Where is he?”
He growled, “That little shit wouldn’t let me near you, so I threw him out.”
You pushed his hands away from you, “Excuse me… You WHAT? It’s cold outside. Go bring him inside right now!”
He grabbed your flailing hands and held them down at your sides. “I said I threw him out, not outside. If I had to guess the little runt is probably sitting outside the door to the bedroom, waiting to sink his teeth into my ankles the second I open the door. Relax.”
He let go of your hands and continued to undress you, and then himself. “You be nice to him. That little ankle biter is my new best friend.”
“Hmmm I don’t think so.” His arms wrapped around your now naked body. He picked you up like you weighed absolutely nothing and walked you over to the shower. “I think I’m your best friend.”
You smirked as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Oh you think so huh? So we’re friends now? That seems like a demotion to me…” You kissed his chest before pulling away. “Last time I checked friends don’t shower together… so I guess I’ll just get out and wait my turn—”
“Don’t you dare step out of this shower.” His fingers dug into your hips. “I haven’t seen you in a month, and I had to come home to find you sick and skin and bones.” He leaned in and you could feel his breath on the shell of your ear, “You are mine. I don’t think you truly understand what that means.” He kissed the side of your head, “You are my best friend.” He kissed your forehead, “My responsibility.” He kissed your cheek, “My confidant.” He kissed the tip of your nose, “My lover.” He kissed you jaw. “My partner.” His lips hovered over yours for a brief moment, “My everything.”
His lips smashed onto yours and you could feel all of your little puzzle pieces fit together again. The emptiness you had felt the past month evaporated. You felt whole once more.
There wasn’t anything overly sexual about this kiss. For the first time since you’ve known him, this was the first time Dabi had ever kissed you just to kiss you. And so you let him. You just stood under the water with him and kissed until you started to get lightheaded.
He must have felt your shift because he pulled away from the kiss and pulled you to lean on him. Without another word, he ran a washcloth over your skin and cleaned you up.
You remembered back to the days he’d help you bathe when you couldn’t walk. He’s taken such good care of you without asking for anything in return. So much as changed in the past few months, but there was something about this moment that felt permanent. Like no matter what happens Dabi will always be there to clean you up afterwards.
Dabi could feel the stress and the worry that had piled up over the last month melt away with every rise and fall of your chest. You were safe, you were okay, you were alive, you were in his arms.
Something almost broke in him when he heard the fear in your voice that day. When Bakugo called you after you fell in the pool. He had never felt so fucking helpless. He had a constant eye on your vitals after that. Calling his brother every single time there was even a tiny change. He’d never tell you this, but for a brief moment when Shoto couldn’t get your temperature down he panicked. He couldn’t lose you. Somewhere deep down he knew it was irrational to think you were going to die. But he couldn’t help it. You were sick, and only getting worse and he was thousands of miles away.
There was a constant nagging at the bag of his head of what if he didn’t get back in time. What if he didn’t get to say goodbye. What if… what if…
No. He’s fine now. You’re fine now. He had freaked out for no reason. You’re here, you’re safe, you’re alive, you’re his.
You had eaten the soup, showered, and taken your medication without even a hint of protest. You were being such a good girl for him. Doing everything he asked, never leaving his side.
It was obvious you missed him, and for some reason that made him feel… pride.
Now he had you curled up with him on the couch eating ice cream as you showed him all the things you had trained Bravo to do. You had a glint in your eyes as you commanded the furball to sit, lay down, roll over, and whatever the fuck else you had taught it.
Dabi had this weird feeling settle over him. Sitting here with you in his lap, as you ate ice cream and played with your dog. It felt like you had become… a family.
Family… was never a word that had inspired positive feelings for him. He had terrible memories of his old home life. He had a few fond memories of his siblings, maybe even some of his mother. But everything was overshadowed by the hell his father put him through.
But now he could feel that frozen heart of his, start to thaw out. He still struggles convincing himself that he doesn’t deserve you, and sometimes he still thinks you might be better off with Bakugo. But for now, you were his, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.
His hand snaked down and spread out over your stomach and his chin rested on your shoulder. He watched Bravo hop into your lap and had to admit he was a little jealous of the little guy.
“Aw who’s a good boy? Who’s mommy’s good boy?” You squished Bravos cheeks together and kissed his nose.
“Okay enough with the dog. You’ve been loving on the dog since I got home. It’s my turn.”
You scoffed, “Please don’t tell me you feel threatened by a puppy.”
He flipped you over so you were chest to chest with him laying on top of you, caging you to the couch. “Of course I’m not threatened… but I’ve been gone a while and the mutts hogging all the attention.”
You giggled as he nuzzled into your neck demanding that you love him. “I can’t believe big, bad, who’s your daddy, Dabi is jealous of a little puppy.”
Your hands moved, one to his hair and the other snaked under his shirt and scratched his back. He hummed as his lips pressed a quick peck to your jaw. “I missed you…”
Your hands continued to trace patterns up and down his back. “I know. I missed you too.”
His breathing started to slow and he squeezed you closer to him. He started mumbling things as he slipped into the first peaceful sleep he’s had since he left.
“What was that? Dabi you’re mumbling honey.”
He let out a huge sigh and mumbled again only this time slightly louder, “Said ‘m gonna putta baby in you.”
*The Laws* 1. No fucking shrugging 2. No drugs 3. No saying sorry for something that isn't your fault 4.We work on communication every day 5. Wake up whenever the hell you want 6. No locked doors 7. We eat three full meals a day 8. No means no, no negotiations 9. We work on exercise every day 10. Ice cream must be kept in stock at all times 11. Accept help when it is offered 12. No lying 13. I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi @sarahschance
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dabi-drift · 3 years
Could we have a shy s/o who asks geten out on a date + relationship headcanons please, sorry if this is too much you can pick one or the other if you want✨ btw I love your work, always looking forward to your posts!
Ahh, this was such a cute concept to me! It’s a little longer than usual, and I spent virtually all day on it, so I hope it’s good! And thank youuuu!! That’s awesome, and so appreciated! ^^
Geten’s Shy S/O Asking Him Out:
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❈ Your timidity was all-consuming, and really impacted on your social relations. When in a conversation, you'd find yourself unable to look the person in the eyes. Your gaze would drift to the ground, like you didn’t feel worthy enough to even give the illusion of being on their level. A raised head would've sent out the wrong signals. You didn’t want anyone thinking you over-confident, or a narcissist.
❈ Instead, you were seen as a quiet, obedient MLA member, who preferred lone training, but worried incessantly about fighting. After all, that meant interacting with people - something you absolutely did not support.
❈ As such, you'd only spoken with Geten two or three times, in passing. Yet, he was always on your mind. You wanted to extinguish your feelings so, so badly! He was a million times better than you - way out of your league! It was a wonder why you'd ever fallen in the first place. What was the point, when all you'd get was heartbreak?
❈ You were convinced that's all you'd ever get.
❈ But your heart just couldn’t let go.
❈ 3/4 of your word count were probably apologies, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he found you strange.
❈ Surely he wouldn’t want such a shy, soft-spoken partner?
❈ …But you just couldn’t let him go. If you never even tried to court him, he'd find someone else, and it'd destroy you! He was always on your mind, even when he shouldn’t be - you fawned over him, like a desperate fan. He was so strong, so pretty…a violent little cutie. From your rose-tinted perspective, he had no faults.
❈ That fiery attitude might disenchant the average admirer, but at this point, you were a veteran, in way too deep. What you felt…it was infinitely stronger than a crush. It never wavered…never faded.
❈ You had journals full of phrases like "I wish, with the might of all the stars, that you would look at me the way I look at you.", and short pieces proclaiming your love for him. And to really cement this point, you had his name written in hearts. Many hearts. Spanning like,, an entire journal.
❈ You almost worshipped him, as though he were a god, or an entire religion.
❈ …It wasn’t easy, being in love. You were resolved to tell him, but you couldn’t do that in a public area. You'd have to drag him somewhere more private. The thought made you flush. What if he grew suspicious? Or assumed you wanted to hurt him?? Nothing could've been further from the truth. But since you had trouble speaking, and your face would definitely be on fire…he'd be cautious, maybe even angry?
❈ Oh god, you did not want him to be angry! If that happened, you'd chicken out immediately. He'd have you running for the hills, getting the hell out of Deika City and never, ever showing your face there again. And in the worst case, the embarrassment and fear might force you out of Japan. You'd have to change your name, get a new social security number, find a new job and apartment…
❈ Why was it so difficult to confess?? You wanted to be so naturally eloquent with your words, so confident and clever, that he'd be compelled to swoon. You commanded greater mastery over the written word, but you needed to tell him in person. You needed him to hear, to feel the emotion behind them. You had to be taken seriously. You had to try.
❈ So try you did. You managed to catch him as he walked toward one of Deika's many training grounds. You were alone, save for the birds that chirped overhead. The frosty weather bit at your cheeks, but you couldn’t be deterred. Not anymore. It was now or never.
❈ You had the stage, and his full attention. It was so nerve-wracking!
❈ "Geten…! Um, I-I've really admired - uh, liked!...Loved! Yeah…um, I've…for a while now, a-and…I wanted to tell you…! So, uh…if it  i-isn't too much trouble, um…p-please go out with me!"
❈ You stood with a lowered head, uncomfortably basking in the silence that followed. You couldn’t meet his eyes, for fear of seeing an emotion you knew you wouldn’t be able to bear.
❈ "…Go out? Where would we go?"
❈ You looked up, mouth hanging open in shock. A light blush sat atop his cheeks…so he'd understood your feelings, at least.
❈ "U-Uh…it means…um…" Your voice got progressively quieter, as you realised that you had to teach him what a relationship actually was.
❈ "Speak up. You're hard to hear." He huffed, though he didn’t seem angry.
❈ Okay, so I don't have to move countries.
❈ "It's, um…d-d-dating…? It's m-more than friends, like uh…r-romantic…holding hands and k-k-kissing and stuff…!"
❈ He blushed harder, and despite his efforts to hide it under the fur of his Parka, you saw it. There was another round of silence, like he was considering the pros and cons of 'dating' you.
❈ Finally, he reached a decision.
❈ "I guess…I'll 'go out' with you."
& Relationship Headcanons: 
❈ This boy doesn't know a ton about love, so you're gonna have to teach him what it means to: 1) have a partner, and 2) show affection toward said partner. He's never been in a position quite like this before, so he's definitely a slow-starter.
❈ Make no mistake, though - he does love you. And due to both his ideology and strength, he's fiercely loyal and protective. If you have a 'weak' Meta Ability, he'll be a little disappointed (for the future generation, y'know?), but it just means he has to shield you from any and all dangers. It's a responsibility he cherishes. He's never really had to look out for anyone but himself, so it's a nice change of pace.
❈ Initially, he isn't sure about the whole 'dating' and 'lovers' thing. You're still incredibly shy, and whenever he tries to hold your hand, you go bright red and shuffle your feet awkwardly. He'll take that the wrong way.
❈ It takes many, many weeks for you to gather up the courage to ask for a kiss. Geten obliges almost instantly, but hesitates when he sees you shaking.
❈ It's more from excitement than embarrassment, but he doesn't know that.
❈ Of course you're excited! You're finally, finally gonna kiss the boy you love. But you're also nervous. It's your first kiss, after all. You want it to be perfect, but you're scared you're gonna mess up. And if you do, you're worried he'll hate you. If you mess up, you ruin the experience for two people.
❈ So you make 10000% sure he's okay with it, and you make him swear on his life that he won't be mad at you.
❈ He's of the opinion that you can always try again, but in your mind, it's a life or death scenario.
❈ If you take too long, over-think (no doubt you will) or start to falter, he'll just crash your lips together, albeit sloppily. He doesn't care about gentle or rough, messy or clean…as long as you're connected. He'll place one hand on your waist, and pin you to the wall. For someone so inexperienced, his movements gradually get more professional.
❈ In reality, he's researching this for you
❈ You'll snuggle up to Geten during the summer months, because despite his inability to create ice, his body temperature is still quite low.
❈ You get to see him without the Parka. No-one gets to see him without the Parka. Consider yourself a lucky, lucky bastard.
❈ Your shyness won't disappear, but around Geten, you definitely become more composed. After a few months, or even a year, that is. In the beginning, you're nothing but a nervous, stuttering wreck, who can't stand beside him for more than ten seconds without melting.
❈ Oh, you might want those plane tickets after all, because he's gonna find your journals eventually (when he's absolutely head-over-heals in love with you). Don't worry though, he'll think they're cute, and a testament to how amazing you are as a partner.
❈ Honestly, your heart holds so much value to him. He'll never, ever let you give it to someone else. He's whipped - completely, totally…and he isn't afraid to admit it!
❈ Once the PLF is formed, he'll seek you out to join the Violet Regiment (but be in the same room as Dabi, and blood will be shed).
❈ Everyone headcanons him as Geten's biggest romantic rival, and I'm not here to argue with that
❈ He's bad with words, so he'll rely on actions! Just don't expect any PDA (unless he's jealous)!! <3
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girrsah · 4 years
Chapter: 7/? Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Dabi/Hawks (My Hero Academia); more to come as story progresses Characters: Todoroki Fuyumi, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Hawks (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko
Additional Tags:
Dabi is a Todoroki, Fuyumi and Dabi Twin AU, mentions of child abuse, Abuse, Child Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, vigilante!Fuyumi, non-canon compliant, PTSD, more pairings to come but I don't want to spoil them, self-care, sometimes self-care is kicking your brother's ass, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Dating, more relationships as they occur in the fic
She always hated coming here.
She’d seen the campus a few times when she and Touya were approaching their first years, she’d come along to cheer him on during his testing only to test for the General Studies course herself. 
They both got in but she declined due to...well...
Schools were meant to have color, to have fun, to encourage children to get along and be the best they could be and to be the best they could be while bringing each other up at the same time. U.A. always gave her a clinical vibe and while Shouto told her that the other students often had team-ups, study groups, and whatnot, there was still a level of competition that seemed a bit too Battle Royale for her taste.
Then again, maybe the fact that she watched her brother completely over-freeze the stadium in his first Sports Festival had something to do with it.
Fuyumi sucked in a breath and approached the gate that only students and staff could pass through and looked up towards the camera at the probable security guard. “Excuse me? I’m Fuyumi Todoroki. I have a meeting with Aizawa-sensei?”
A panel opened up and she jumped at the abruptness of it’s movements and then the awkwardly loud voice coming over the speaker. “Put your hand to the screen.” She did as such, watching as it scanned her finger prints, “Please remove your glasses and look into the camera above the screen.” She obeyed, leaning forward and feeling goofy as she tried not to blink during the quick retinal scan. “Thank you, Ms. Todoroki, please take your visitor badge and map to Aizawa-sensei’s office.”
She fumbled a bit, taking the badge and clipping it to her blouse collar since she had nowhere else to visibly put it and then accepted the map with a quick thank you and made her way to the large, H shaped building. 
It looked too corporate to be full of children .
It didn’t help that Fuyumi was just coming from work where she spent a day encouraging kids to color and have fun. She was in the business of helping create happy, well rounded children who didn’t have to think twice about the Hero Society if they didn’t want to. Not when they can talk about puppies and fairy tales. 
But that also meant she felt terribly underdressed in her jeans and blouse. It was a surprisingly warm fall day (the past few days had been extremely cold so this warm front was a welcome surprise) so she didn’t bring a cardigan but her work bag hung off her shoulder and she gripped it tightly as she entered the main campus building and turned right as the map advised.
After some time of walking, she found herself a bit lost and she felt relief when she saw two boys about Shouto’s age walking down the hallway, “Excuse me!” She called out to them while approaching them, “I’m sorry but I can’t seem to find this room…” She pointed to the map, “I have a meeting with Aizawa-sensei of class 1-A.”
Both boys were tall and certainly looked like they belonged at U.A. in the sense that they seemed fit and imposing. The boy with unruly purple hair bent down slightly to look at the map and shook his head a bit, “They gave you bad directions,” He told Fuyumi, “Aizawa-sensei’s not even in that room half the time.”
“It’s not their fault, Shinsou, these maps are based off of time blocks and Aizawa-sensei simply doesn’t follow his own schedule!” The other boy, broad with a neat haircut and glasses scolded.
“Are you actually speaking negatively about your teacher, class president?” The boy, Shinsou, asked.
The other boy sputtered and straightened up immediately, “You’re not in our class yet, Shinsou, so I’ll just warn you now that if you think-” Fuyumi cleared her throat, “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be late for my meeting.”
Shinsou gave her a smile, looking more pleased at the red color of his soon-to-be classmate’s face than anything, “We can show you,” He assured in a soft, kind tone that Fuyumi would associate with a Hero student - good thing this boy either was one or was going to be one.
They started leading her back towards the way she came and Shinsou opted to break the silence, “So why are you meeting with Aizawa-sensei?” “Shinsou, don’t be nosey!”
“I’m Shouto Todoroki’s sister,” Fuyumi introduced herself, “I wanted to talk to him about something Shouto said to me the other day.”
The other boy looked surprised and then a little flustered, “My apologies, I didn’t know Todoroki had a sister!” He all but exclaimed before stopping to properly and politely greet her, “I’m Tenya Iida. Todoroki and I are friends and classmates!”
Fuyumi smiled, “It’s nice to meet you, Iida.” She replied kindly, biting back the feeling of disappointment that Shouto didn’t speak about home to the point that no one knew he had an older sister. Did he talk about Natsuo? Or did he just not mention her? “He seems so much happier since making friends at U.A. so thank you!”
Iida seemed more flustered at that, his face a bit red and a small, pleased smile on his face, “O-Of course! I appreciate his friendship!” He announced robotically, “This way please!” 
Shinsou rolled his eyes behind Iida’s back, offering Fuyumi an amused little smile as the Class President led the way outside and towards some buildings just past the main campus.and towards a series of brick buildings. They walked towards one of the buildings and Iida opened the door before looking at Shinsou.
“...I suppose you can come in.”
“Gee, thanks.”
They made their way in, Shinsou taking off in a different direction after a quiet ‘nice to meet you’ to Fuyumi and she heard a chorus of delighted ‘Shinsou!’ coming from what she assumed was the common area. Iida led her to a room just off the entrance and knocked on the door politely.
“Aizawa-sensei! You have a visitor! She says you have an appointment!”
There was a noise like something had fallen and then fumbling behind the door before it was yanked open to reveal the sight of Shouto’s extremely disheveled teacher. His gaze flickered from Iida, who looked thoroughly unimpressed, then to Fuyumi and then back before he let out a long, drawn out sigh.
“Thank you, Iida.” He dismissed, “Ms. Todoroki, please, come in…...don’t mind the mess.”
Fuyumi looked at Iida, giving a slight bow, “Thank you for your help.” She offered him a kind smile.
The pink seemed to return to his face as he bowed back awkwardly and (loudly) assured her that it was his pleasure before robotically turning around and rushing away as quickly as he could without actually running. Fuyumi gave a confused little hum, wondering if Shouto’s friends were all this...odd...and turned her attention back to Aizawa, who was attempting to look like he was tidying his office by pushing papers back and forth.
There was a chair in the corner, the office designed more for him to work than for him to meet with anyone and Fuyumi awkwardly decided to close the door behind her and sit on the edge of her chair, her bag neatly by her feet as she watched Aizawa seem to gather his thoughts as he shuffled through all of his papers and tried to make himself less disheveled. 
“Should I come back later?” Fuyumi asked tentatively.
He looked up at her suddenly and she flinched at his sharp expression but he immediately softened upon seeing her reaction, “No, no, I’m sorry about keeping you waiting, Ms. Todoroki.” He sighed heavily and found what he was looking for, a post-it note with near intelligible writing. “I’m surprised you asked to speak to me and not your father-”
“He doesn’t know I’m here,” Fuyumi interjected, “I...He feels Shouto’s focus should be more on his schoolwork and his goal of becoming a Hero.” “Whose goal?”
“Pardon?” Fuyumi asked, her face growing a bit warm as Aizawa studied her intently before leaning back in his chair.
“You wrote to me because you were concerned about your brother’s being able to wrap up your injured hand?” Aizawa asked and Fuyumi flinched at his words, tugging her sleeves a bit over her bandaged hands as she’d split them once again due to Quirk overuse (she didn’t expect such a brawl last night) and this time had to look up a YouTube tutorial to effectively wrap them. “You realize dressing minor wounds is something every hero should know, Ms. Todoroki, so I’m curious to know why you’re actually here.”
“O-Oh, well, I…”
She should have known he would have picked up on her weak excuse immediately.
“As I said, my father is more concerned with Shouto’s educational and professional successes,” She started slowly, “And...I’ve been watching Shouto since he started at U.A. and while I am concerned about the fact that your students are regularly bandaging each other up, I’m thankful for how he’s doing socially. I was worried about him when he first started but he’s really opened up.”
Aizawa hummed and ran a hand through his messy hair, “If it’s any consolation, it’s usually just one particular student that needs the bandaging up.”
“It’s not.”
Fuyumi shifted, “I know my father wants Shouto at U.A. and I know Shouto wants to be at U.A. but...can you let me know what your students go through so I can just have...peace of mind?” She plead. “I’m just…”
“Worried now that your father is Number One Hero and with past attacks on U.A. that Shouto may not be in the safest place?” Aizawa guessed.
Fuyumi flinched and nodded slowly, “The world is getting scarier and I can’t really voice my concerns to anyone but...I just want to make sure my youngest brother is safe.”
Aizawa hummed, crossing one leg over the other as he studied her silently and she squirmed in her seat, suddenly realizing that this was probably a terrible idea. He was a Pro Hero who could probably and would probably see right through her. She’d already seen him glance at her bandaged hands, his questions were probing but not enough to stir up any real suspicion. She worried for the students’ mental health but she worried that her appearance would completely derail the conversation and that Aizawa would figure her out. 
Maybe he already knew she was playing vigilante and getting into fights. Maybe he heard about the bar fight and put one and two together. Afterall - her brother had half an Ice Quirk, it was fully possible he had a sibling with an Ice Quirk, right? She’d been sloppy. She’d been careless. She was sitting here in front of a Pro Hero, covered in bandages and trying to keep cool.
He was on to her and she was playing right into it.
“I’ve gotten quite a few comments from concerned parents about exactly this subject,” Aizawa replied, pulling Fuyumi from her panic, “Even though they agreed to the dorm system, the news reports start sinking in as does the battle your father went through with the High-End Noumu and they need to be sure they’re making the right decision for their children to be here.” She felt the tension leave her shoulders at his words and she looked down at her hands, glad she was apparently wrong about him seeing right through her and readjusting her bandages a bit. 
Aizawa shuffled through his paperwork and slid out a form, offering it to Fuyumi, “This is their typical schedule. I hope you understand that I’ve had to mark out important information for the sake of security…”
“I understand,” Fuyumi replied softly, accepting the paper and reading over the page. The kids had a lot of practical lessons but it was good to say that the school was still teaching them relevant courses such as Math and Literature. “What about psychological wellness?” Fuyumi asked suddenly, “And offering the children options?”
“Options?” Aizawa asked, his demeanor a little more alert now.
“They’re children,” Fuyumi replied, “They can change their minds. Or, heaven forbid, they experience an injury in the field that could prevent them from continuing their Heroing careers. If you don’t give them options such as a secondary career focus, they’re going to start at square one when everyone else their age is far ahead of them.” Aizawa raised an eyebrow at her and she immediately felt herself clam up, quickly putting the paper back on his desk and staring down at her hands, flexing her fingers carefully, “I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t...I shouldn’t be...I’m not one to tell you how to tell your job.”
Who did she think she was? Just acting like she could tell a Pro Hero how to teach children how to be Pro Heroes. It was shameful. 
“Ms. Todoroki, do you have a boyfriend?”
“E-E-Excuse me?”
Aizawa sighed heavily and rubbed at the back of his neck, “I’m always bad that this,” He muttered under his breath, “Ms. Todoroki, you’re... while I am Shouto’s teacher, if you need someone to talk to about,” His eyes glanced to her hands again, “Anything…”
Oh, he thought she had a...well, he wasn’t entirely far off but…
“I really appreciate your offer,” She assured, “But these are just from taking self-defense classes.”
He didn’t seem to believe her and she shifted awkwardly in her seat again, “I...thank you for your reassurances,” She announced, standing up and he followed suit. “Seeing that Shouto’s got such a strong support system at school is really helpful.”
“I didn’t exactly answer your question…” Aizawa drawled, moving to open the door for her - or keep it closed and keep her pinned in.
“It wasn’t my place to ask it,” Fuyumi replied quickly.
Aizawa continued to study her and she looked anywhere but his face, fidgeting with the bag in her hands. After a long moment, the Pro Hero sighed and pulled the door open, pushing it with his arm because the office was so cramped and allowing Fuyumi to duck under his arm and pass through the doorway.
She turned and gave a short, deep bow, “Thank you for listening to my concerns,” She told him, eager to get out of there now that she felt on edge.
He was on to her. He was on to her. Hewasontoher.
She wondered if she looked suspicious outside of the obvious injuries. Was she breathing too heavily? She certainly felt like it. Why was this building so hot? Weren’t the students uncomfortable? Wasn’t Aizawa? He was wearing what essentially seemed like a jogging suit, afterall. So why was she feeling so warm and no one else felt bothered?
“Thank you for expressing them,” Aizawa replied before his gaze shifted from her to down the hall, a scowl momentarily crossing his face.
Fuyumi followed his scowl, just barely seeing a handful of teenage faces dipping behind the corner. She huffed out a tiny laugh before looking at Aizawa again, feeling a little better now that the tension was broken by the teenagers. He looked at her, his annoyance with his students evident but she didn’t see any harm behind his expression - it was more of a tolerance than anything.
It was reassuring.
Shouto and his friends would be fine.
She bowed politely again, “Still, thank you.” 
Aizawa gave a short nod, “Of course. And like I said earlier…”
He didn’t continue with his response, probably because Fuyumi’s face was feeling hot and she certainly knew she’d either grown red in the face or had gone completely pale along with being tight lipped and looking anywhere but at him. Her whole body was tense at the idea that Shouto’s teacher was under the assumption that she was being...well...she wasn’t and she certainly didn’t want to talk about it.
“I appreciate it,” She replied, realizing afterwards that her tone was more clipped than she intended. 
“Fuyumi?” Fuyumi and Aizawa both turned to see Shouto standing at the end of the hallway, looking concerned for the most part as he glanced between the two of them. “Is everything okay?”
High near the ceiling, just by the corner was an ear.
“Oh, Shouto,” Fuyumi fumbled, trying to find the right thing to say so she wouldn’t mortify and embarrass her little brother in front of his friends and classmates. “We’re just…”
“I’m having progress checks with your parents and guardians,” Aizawa drawled, “When we established the dorm systems, we thought it would be a good idea to offer progress reports in the beginning so that we and your parents can be certain this is the right move for your progress and well being.” 
Shouto’s eyes flickered from Aizawa to Fuyumi and she offered a smile, more at ease now that Aizawa had established that it was okay to lie to her little brother, “I guess I must be the first one to get a progress check,” Added lightly with a little shrug.
Shouto didn’t seem impressed, “What about Father?”
She waved him off, “You know that he’s busy,” She replied, “Besides, I figured you’d prefer it if I came instead of him. I’ll tell him about the visit tonight.”
Shouto still continued to frown at her.
“Unless you want your sister to meet your friends, I think it’s for the best to let her go home,” Aizawa chimed in.
Shouto looked at Fuyumi, clearly internally debating if he wanted to introduce her to his class in such an impromptu manner and Fuyumi decided to spare him. “Maybe next time, I need to get home and get started on dinner.” She didn’t look at him out of fear that he may be relieved. That maybe the thought of her meeting his friends was something he’d never want or perhaps he feared she would say something to embarrass him. She bowed yet again to Aizawa, pushing that thought down, “Thank you again for your assurances.”
Aizawa nodded and gestured for Fuyumi to follow him. She glanced quickly back at Shouto, lifting a hand in farewell before leaving her youngest brother in the hall as she followed his teacher to the front door of the dorm building. She thought that Aizawa would simply hold the door open for her and shoo her out, so she was surprised when he joined her outside and closed the door behind him, walking in step with her as they descended the stairs to the front door.
God, what if he wanted to approach the source of her injuries again?
“My apologies for my students,” He commented, “To be truthful, your brother doesn’t speak about his home life so you’re a bit of a surprise for the class.”
“I hope it doesn’t cause trouble for Shouto,” Fuyumi sighed softly.
“He’ll be alright,” Aizawa assured.
Fuyumi gripped her bag tightly and kept her gaze on the sidewalk as they walked towards the entrance of the school grounds. She figured Aizawa was walking her partly because he wanted to apologize for his students’ curiosity and partly because letting someone loose on campus was a security risk. They could create a timeline of when Fuyumi arrived through the security check, but they had to make sure she actually left.
They walked in silence, stopping at the gate and Fuyumi was starting to feel silly at this point with how many times she was thanking Aizawa, but it would be rude not to. He didn’t seem to mind as his hands were tucked into his pockets and he gave her a look that was more exhausted than anything.
“Thank you again,” She said softly, “I hope our lie doesn’t cause more work for you.”
Aizawa shrugged, “It’s probably for the best if I allow parents this opportunity,” He replied. “They may provide feedback that is valuable. Thank you for your suggestion in regards to the mental health of the students as well as providing alternative opportunities.”
Fuyumi shifted her hold on her bag, feeling sheepish that he’d actually taken her suggestion into account, “Well, I…” She looked at him quickly and looked away again, “I teach young children and I always want to make sure that they’re set up to grow into the best they can be. I had a feeling you would understand.”
Aizawa seemed honestly surprised by that, his brows raising as his head tilted just enough to indicate his interested, “You’re a teacher as well?” He asked.
“Just elementary,” Fuyumi replied with a soft laugh. “It’s a much different atmosphere than high school.”
Fuyumi couldn’t control the tiny laugh that escaped her as Aizawa kept his poker face. They bade each other farewell and Fuyumi walked through the gate, stopping to return her visitor’s badge to the security console before making her way home with the mental plan to make dinner for herself and her father, take care of preparing for class the next day, and see if she could check out any of the leads from the night before.
She knew she couldn’t scope out the exact area that the gang had told her purely because she’d overheard her father talking on the phone about the bar brawl and if they gave her that information so easily then they definitely spilled the beans for Endeavor. The area was going to be watched by heroes for a fair amount of time and it was just not a good idea to be caught anywhere near the area.
However, if the area was flooded with Heroes, then anyone in a more unsavory lifestyle was going to evacuate the premises. If she investigated just outside the radius of Hero patrol, there was a chance she could get another lead at the very least. 
She just had to get to Touya and everything would turn out fine.
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