kookie-doodles · 4 months
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What if you combine Super Sonic 2 (Sonic Frontiers) and Prism Sonic (Sonic Prime)?
Meet: ✨Cyber Prism!✨
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Since both the Cyber Corruption and Paradox Prism Energy are basically affecting Sonic, what if we combined those and make the "Ultimate" Super Sonic? At the end of the day, he managed to control each of these new abilities.
First picture originally uploaded on:
Twitter’s Art Account on August 23rd, 2023
Instagram’s Art Account on August 23rd, 2023
Second picture originally uploaded on:
Twitter’s Art Account on August 24th, 2023
Instagram’s Art Account on August 24th, 2023
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ladycharles · 7 months
Thanks for the blog feature, CyberPR!
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Good Music, Good News 3.0
We continue to be touched and moved by the depth of sharing and Good News that is coming from the Cyber PR Music camp.  Nd we are not surprised.  Ariel and her team have sent us some of our favorite gems over the years. We are pleased to bring you part 3 of our 4 part series.
Please Follow the Spotify Playlist below to hear all of these amazing tracks.
Thanks to all of the artists who shared their music AND their good news.
Mara Measor | “Love Will Find You”
Is Now An Expectant Mother During A Global Pandemic
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I had a miscarriage back in February, right before the pandemic hit. Then was able to get pregnant again a few months later! We had another scare at our first ultrasound and was flagged with a higher risk of our baby having chromosomal abnormalities, but upon further tests the concerns were cleared. And I'm finally getting used to the idea of having a baby boy next year. It's been such a roller coaster, but I'm riding it. :)
John Ellis on behalf of Val Starr & The Blues Rockets | “Whether Blues (2020)”
Experienced Loss, Family Members With COVID & Made Music To Heal
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Our daughter-in-law came down with Covid and is still fighting it, and our granddaughter Ariella tested positive as well, but being eight years old, she didn't really exhibit any symptoms.  Lost a couple of friends to pneumonia and strokes, cancer in some other friends, car accidents wracked up a good friend, and then the election happened.  Life rolls on, faith in our Higher Power keeps us sane, and had a lot of time to work on recordings this year. Val Starr, my wife and bandmate, has written a great blues song that we'd like to share with you about all of us pulling it back together again.  Called "Whether Blues" , whether you're right, whether you're wrong, don't mean a thing till we get along"
Tabitha Chapman | “Celebrity Boyfriend”
Got A Publishing Deal
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I am immensely grateful to God that despite the hardship, sorrows, pains and restrictions that typified the year 2020, I was able to release 3 singles, and I also got myself a publisher.
Valerie Romanoff | “Pink Skies over Still Water”
Created An Online Music Festival About Mindfulness & Meditation
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Without the hustle of preparing and traveling for my live events with the Starlight Orchestra, I stayed home and developed a way to share the energy and messages in my Healing Music albums. I came up with an online show called "Groove Into Bliss: Musical Meditation & More" where my guests and I talked about the benefits of relaxing and releasing stress, the power of music to open the channels to well-being, and offered guided meditations.  We spoke of tips and tools for positive thinking, manifesting the life we desire, and the many ways we can use music to boost our joy! Through the online show I made many connections and was invited to be a guest on many high-vibe broadcasts and events, and I was invited to wrote a chapter in an upcoming book titled “The Wellness Universe Guide To Complete Self-Care: 25 Tools For Happiness.”
Apostrophe Music | “Keep the Hope Alive!”
Released Home-Recorded Music During The Pandemic
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I released whilst we were in the heart of the lockdown during the month of April. As India went into a historic lockdown with over 1 Billion people being asked to stay indoors, the air of anxiousness and uncertainty brought out this song called Keep The Hope Alive! The only feeling we all had at that moment in time. 
I felt like it was a message that needed to get out there and once we recorded it out of my home studio (no access to studios because of the curfew lockdown situation) I posted the song on to Youtube and Facebook with a video and subsequently after that we did an official audio release in July. So this is the story about this song I released as the whole world went into lockdown.
Len Seligman
Turned The Tragedy of Losing His Mother Into Beautiful Songwriting
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Like a lot of songwriters, I was moved to write a song about COVID-19. While neither my health nor economic situation suffered, the pandemic made it so that I could only visit my mother a couple of times in the last 6 months of her life, despite her living just 20 minutes away. She died in September at the age of 97.
When I looked inside to see what story I wanted to tell about the pandemic, I quickly knew that it would be about the beautiful ways people have shown up for one another. Yes, there's been enormous suffering, but it's also been extraordinary to see the tremendous upwelling of compassion that the suffering has brought out. That is what inspired this song.
Steve Andrews | “Where Does All The Plastic Go?”
Had A Successful Release That Led To Idea for Ocean Aid Concerts
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My song “Where Does All The Plastic Go?” is getting included on playlists on Spotify, getting great reviews, and opening doors for me in unexpected places. This is wonderful because I'm thinking big and also came up with the idea for Ocean Aid Concerts to raise awareness of threats to the oceans. I am leading the way with songs on the subject of plastic pollution and my song could be included in any concerts that happen.
Richard Strange | “Christmas of Hope”
Used Hopeful Christmas Anthem To Fundraise for Charity
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We (Musicians Together & Sweet Charity Choir) released Christmas of Hope, a single produced in aid of Help Musicians UK, last Friday December. We are donating the proceeds to Help Musicians UK, a charity that you may be aware of, specifically to their 3rd hardship fund. Some quotes from the charity's CEO, James Ainscough: “Music has been a unifying force that’s supported and entertained us all this year, more than ever before.” "But for tens of thousands of music creators across the UK the impact of lockdown and social distancing on their ability to earn, to create and to connect, has been disastrous for their finances and mental health.” "This 99-year-old charity has been in the privileged position of financially supporting over 21,000 musicians this year and we couldn’t have done it without the generous help of music lovers across the length and breadth of the country.”
Jody Whitesides | “A Perfect Man”
Created Deeper Relationships With Fans
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I have been changing my approach to music this year. In doing so it increased the response I got from people on social media and via email. The most powerful thing was having a female fan tell me that the song “A Perfect Man” had brought her to tears. The reason, she could feel the love of the person singing to his counterpart and how he didn’t want to be put on a pedestal to fail the love of his life. Which is the main theme of the song. It was great to hear it hit home with a fan.
Andrea Kremer (The Aeon Wanderers) | “Don’t Say Anything”
Formed A Musical Duo via Facebook Groups
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After 20 years promoting other people's music for a living, I partnered with a multi-instrumentalist/songwriter that I met in a Facebook music group, and we formed a musical duo called The Aeon Wanderers. My bandmate lives in Scotland and I live in Boston, so even before COVID-19, we were working remotely, collaborating on lyrics in a Google doc and doing videos "together" using green screens. We started by recording covers, but soon we were working on originals, and in August 2020 we released our debut album, "Fictional Histories." Being on the artist side of the equation rather than the marketing side has been eye-opening and fun!
Barbara J. | “Merry Christmas, Darling”
Has A Holiday Release Airing on World Indie Network Radio
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My Christmas cover single, "Merry Christmas, Darling," has been selected to air on World Indie Network Radio's (WNIR) Holiday Spectacular Radio Special! This song, a holiday classic from The Carpenters, also serves as the pre-release to my Carpenters cover album, which I plan to release early next year.
Raphaela Gilla | “Michael’s Mantra”
Guided A Troubled Fan Through Meditation And Towards Healing
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One of my fans wrote me a message that she was not feeling well and asked me if I could help her. I felt that the really needed help and gave my phone number immediately. In our conversation she told me that it was hard for her to breathe, and she felt a lot of fear. I could hear her breathing heavily.
I guided her into a meditation – I guided her to consider her breathing as an angel's feather. This opened her breath tracks to the earth and to the sky. I noticed how she slowly began to relax and began to breathe deeper. She cried out of relief, thanked me and asked me about my fee. I told her that this is a gift from me to her. It was a very touching moment.
We stayed in contact. Since then, she grows and feels better.
John Mueller | “I’m Doing Fine”
Brought Joy With His Latest Release
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My fave moment of this challenging year was when a complete stranger wrote to me that they heard my new track "I'm doing fine" and how it was uplifting to them and brought some joy. I appreciated they took the time to notify me and to bring joy with my music is my ultimate goal. Getting this release out there and the entire album "You are Here" its included on during this year made a positive note for 2020.  
Nia Ocean | “This Christmas”
Channeled A Christmas Song To Help Us All Shine Our Inner Light
About two weeks ago, I saw an insta story from a dear friend of mine which literally “woke me up”! I got so inspired that the next day I had written a whole song, a Christmas song that is. The song is called “This Christmas'' and I made it really to remind us that WE make Christmas what it is.. our spirit, our love, our cheer, it’s OUR light that gives it all meaning. So even though 2020 has been a tough year, we can still choose how to end it. It’s easy to expect and allow for Christmas 2020 not be special because it will be so different due to quarantine, limited travel and lost loved ones, but this song is a ray of light in these times of darkness and difficulty, reminding us of what matters most and that we all have a light within us to shine and share with our ourselves , our dearest ones, and the world...especially this Holiday Season.
Stay tuned… There’s more Good News Coming!
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iskandarjet · 5 years
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Pelatihan teknik komunikasi selama dua hari (20-21 Agustus 2019) di Bukittinggi benar² produktif. Para peserta yang berasal dari beberapa dinas dan organisasi perangkat daerah @sumbarpemprov tidak hanya mendapatkan bekal jurnalistik dan teknik penulisan berita-keras, tapi juga digali kompetensi dan kolaborasinya dalam bekerja. Perpaduan antara 'hard skill' dan 'soft skill' ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan produktifitas dan kualitas kerja mereka sebagai pengelola situs web dan media sosial instansi. #contentacademy #journalism #cyberpublicrelations #cyberpr #writing #onlinejournalism #lumina #creativewriting #workshop #training (di Grand Bunda Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1f9Nz4AN4t/?igshid=1rqq083j6ga5o
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lovelivemusicuk · 4 years
NEW Secrets of Success Podcast with Cyber PR Founder Ariel Hyatt
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thought I’d post this here before I went to bed
Say hello to CyberPrism, my Dutch Angel Dragon
hours took: 4 hrs
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shirtoid · 5 years
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Cyberpred by draculabyte
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root28clothing · 6 years
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#CyberPR #PublicRelations #ArielHyatt #MusicMarketing #PRFirm #IndieArtist #Businessman #Entrepreneur #IndependentMusic #IndieRecordLabel #IndieMusic #IndependentArtist #BusinessExecutive #MusicExecutive #MusicMogul #RecordExecutive PittsburghHipHop #RapMusic #NewMusicAlert #NewMusic #FreshMusic #NewArtist #HipHopMusic #NewArtists #MusiciansLife #CreativeLife #DiscoverMusic #SongWriter #DiscoverArtists #Upcoming #UpcomingArtist #DopeMusic #DopeArt #DopeArtists #ChairmanOfTheBoard #ChiefExecutiveOfficer #ChiefOperatingOfficer #ChiefFinancialOfficer #PrinceOfTheCity
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timothydark · 7 years
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I'd like to take a moment and thank @cyberpr @windcriesmolly for making it possible for me to be interviewed and have my work featured. At the end of the night I am at the helm of the Darkseed Entertainment ship, but my players (@lisabianco @codg_odef @pixiedustlinn, @correythornton), my costume designers (@jenniewest.work @antwrks), photographers (@sinestrastudios @scryer_photo) and my PR team all contribute to making this work. My love and thanks to all! May we continue to advance as a unit and in our own personal projects. -TD #timothydark #cyberpr #musicnyc #hiphopnyc #livemusicnyc #independentartists #teamworking #love #newmusicfriday #indestructiblecharacters #thesearethelastdaysofdark (at Bushwick)
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americanahighways · 2 years
Show Review: Mike Campbell & Dirty Knobs w/Stan Lynch in Boulder
Show Review: Mike Campbell & Dirty Knobs w/Stan Lynch in Boulder @mikecampbellHQ #thedirtyknobs @americanaandy #stanlynch #tompettyandtheheartbreakers @cyberpr @cyberprmusic #listenbetter @foxtheatreco
Without doing any research, I couldn’t tell you what erstwhile Heartbreaker Stan Lynch has been doing with his life for the past three decades. But Saturday night in Boulder, Colorado, he was right back where he should be – backing up Mike Campbell and playing Tom Petty songs. The just-announced reunion was fully unveiled at the Fox Theater, giving Campbell’s band, The Dirty Knobs, a little extra…
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View On WordPress
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essa-uk · 3 years
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Using social media to get a wider reach for my project is useful as it allows me to use hash tagging. This is great as it means people that don’t follow me can also see my posts if they search for certain keywords. (cyberpr, 2018)
I also did some market research to determine a guide price for the album and what peoples thoughts were on having the video as an extra. I settled on £4 for the album as Bandcamp adds VAT on top of the price, so a total of roughly £4.80. The video will also be included as a high resolution download and a standard resolution youtube video.
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Good News, Good Music 1.0
Here we are at the end of 2020. We don’t need to tell you that this has been a very hard year. We are feeling beaten down by the bad news and music is the one thing that lifted our spirits again and again and saw us through. We have partnered with our friends at Cyber PR Music to bring you a series of GOOD News from artists who carried on making music in spite of all of the insanity that was happening and continues to grip us.  We have cried listening to some of the tracks, felt deeply inspired and yes we laughed as well.  What we have seen is the Cyber PR artist community is rich and varied - there are artists from all across the USA included as well as Jamaica, Australia, South Africa, France, Sweden, The UK,  Germany and Scotland.
So - we bring you part 1 of our 4 part series GOOD NEWS, GOOD MUSIC.
Please Follow the Spotify Playlist below to hear all of these amazing tracks.
Thanks to all of the artists who shared their music AND their good news.
JVMIE & Lionel Cohen | “We Will Rise Again”
Started A Collaboration From A Quarantine Hotel Room and Got Nominated For A Major Award
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We had a crazy year but some great things came out of it! I was forced to leave LA and head back to Australia until things ‘calmed down’ but started a remote collaboration with LA based film composer Lionel Cohen - we received a grant from HOTA (Home Of The Arts Gold Coast) to create an album and we were just nominated for a HMMA Hollywood Music In Media Award :) The whole process of collaborating and talking every day was what helped me keep my sanity throughout this crazy year!
Perle Vybz | “Electric Dancefloor”
Almost Lost Her Partner To COVID And Took The Leap Of Faith To Release Music 
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My debut single 'Electric Dancefloor' was released on Dec 8th, against the odds. A few months ago , my partner almost lost his life (to COVID). He was hooked up on a ventilator and had a really rough time. At the same time, I lost my main source of income and so, during the pandemic lockdown I had more time on my hands to focus on my music. So I'm glad that in spite of what was happening around me I was able to take that leap of faith and get my music out there.
Arielle Silver | “What Really Matters”
Became Music Connection's Hot 100 Live Unsigned Artists and Bands and Top Prospects 2020 lists in their year-end issue
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As COVID shut everything down in April, I leaned into my commitment to authentic connection and inspiring creative expression with the creation of two weekly livestreams: Tomes & Tunes, a weekly show where I interview songwriters about books, and Arielle's Acoustic Happy Hour, both of which are going strong. In June, I released a new album, A THOUSAND TINY TORCHES, along with two official music videos (one shot entirely during quarantine), which have been featured in American Songwriter, Music Connection, and more.And in September, in the wake of closing studios, my sweetheart and I launched a new online yoga studio, Bhavana Flow Yoga, with online classes, workshops, and retail. 
Alongside my own sorrow at the pandemic, I have been living a year of creative expansion, and was recently featured in Music Connection's year-end issue on both their Hot 100 Live Unsigned Artists and Bands and Top Prospects 2020 lists.
Hannah Judson | “Deep Sea Diver”
Launched The Backwards Record Release Concept  And It Worked!
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The 2020 lockdown was an exploration of new ways of doing and connecting. Everything became an experiment as new processes were developed to replace the no longer actionable old ones. I launched the Backwards Record Release for "Stingray," a rock/folk collection of songs. The 8 week campaign started with a socially distanced concert in a chateau courtyard, was fueled by my new podcast the Hannah Judson Beat, conversations with women in music, and concluded with a capstone edition of MUSEfest Online, a music festival I normally produce in major cities that promotes women in music, film, art and culture. I stayed connected with colleagues and fans, envisioned future projects, and maintained momentum and enthusiasm for creative projects, present and future. 
Evan Mazunik | “Comfort and Joy”
Funded, Recorded & Released A New Holiday Album
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I’m grateful that I was able to successfully fund, record, release, and sell my new holiday album this year.
Eli Lev | “Anywhere We Can Go”
Released A Touching Global Fan Driven Music Video 
I had a powerful experience this year when my music community from all across the world helped me create the music video for 'Anywhere We Can Go.' I was in happy tears editing it and seeing all these wonderful faces come together and make something truly special. Here it is and I hope it brings some joy to folks.
Jeff Oster | “Five Great Mountains”
Found Solace (And Music) In Mother Nature
I was lucky to spend three months in the fall of 2020 up in Vermont. In the midst of all of the turmoil, Mother Nature just kept on shining. I was able to create this video on my iPhone, in an attempt to capture her beauty.
Beca Dreams | “Calm Before the Storm”
Had A Creative Burst That Resulted In Ad Campaigns & New Singles
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It’s been a very challenging year, and yet I’ve somehow managed to have some awesome wins I am super grateful for. 
Partnered with Bounty to write/perform Quicker Picker Upper, currently streaming on all major platforms and has gotten over 7M views on Tik Tok and 150K streams on Spotify so far. Composed/performed song for an ad campaign for fashion designer Asher Levine on launching his new groundbreaking LED outerwear line (who’s recently worked with Doja Cat, Lil Nas, Lady Gaga). I also released 2 singles “Calm Before The Storm” and “Taking Time For Myself” and  most recently was featured on “Dance Party In The Living Room” by UK producer Fritz von Runte, about making the most of the quarantine.
I feel so lucky to be making music and doing what I love, which has been a huge silver lining during these dark times.
AfriCali | “The Struggle”
Turned An Eviction Into A Special Retreat & Healing Place 
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Our landlord lost her pilates practice and couldn’t afford her Oakland home so
Our family of four with a baby due any month now had to figure it out and find the humanity in moving out before the lease was up. In the magic of mother earth and without knowing we were blessed with a beautiful place to be away and seven thousand feet above the mountains where we could have this beautiful bundle of joy. Which would turn into a special retreat healing place after our departure this past October.
Akira AK | “Pearl”
Completed His New Release Remotely Over Zoom
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My "good news, good music" story is simply how I was able to release 2 major projects this year despite everything that is going on: putting out my second EP and my first music video.  The EP in particular had been in the works for 3 years and was SO CLOSE to being done when everything started to shut down, so with the work of my engineer, we set up remote sessions via zoom that helped put the last song over the line and get the release out there! From there I was able to promote it with it's adjacent merch.
As far as my first music video is concerned; I was able to safely show up in person in NYC and film it with the help of a great videographer. The conceptualizing of the video is very special and I think speaks to the experiences some of us have had about going to that special place inside your head where you feel most powerful/comfortable/fierce to deal with whatever is going on externally. The promo for the video was also a success in terms of being able to schedule it on time and put it out there to hype the video itself. And once it was out it was really (unexpectedly) well received!
Those are just my personal success stories and I'm excited to see others' as well!
Monsterboy | “Ain’t Worth the Dime”
Played 60 Livestreams That Reached 7,000 Households
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When my husband and I found ourselves without gigs and our small business closed, we decided to go live with our music and stay in touch with our fans. We cobbled together equipment from our home studio and gigging rig, going live in that first week. We really didn't know what to expect. The messages we got from people were so heartwarming, we built a little community for them night after night, reconnecting with existing fans and finding new.  In total, we did over 60 live streams during the shutdown and reached over 7k households on some streams. Entertaining and interacting with people was our way to do our part for our community. A podcast found us via the streams and started hiring us to produce music for their shows from it.
Artist: Crotona P., Producer: Pablo Brownbeats | “Silk”
Forged An International Collaboration South Africa and the USA via A Chance Facebook Meeting
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I'm Pablo Brownbeats, a producer  who has been producing  since my youth and creating music for the last 12 years. I just released my new Ep with Crotona P from Rochester New York featuring Street Da Villain, Dj Shawn Touch, KING Flamez all from Rochester New York and SOLO MAJITA from Free State South Africa. The African Ep is available on digital stores and Bandcamp.  I enjoyed making this project and it will be an honor to share the leading single Titled Silk.
This project was recorded during the  early days of Covid19. Me and Crotona met over Facebook and exchanged some few words and he agreed to do the single (silk) then African EP was born.
Scott Whitfield | “A Bi-Coastal Christmas, Vol. 1, by Scott Whitfield & Friends”
Released A Christmas Album That Features Artists Who Have Passed That Started Recording in 2004.
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Despite the challenges, I was able to release a Christmas album on Bandcamp!  It's available as a digital download OR a physical CD.  This is the culmination of MANY years of work (some tracks date back to 2004, and, sadly, a few of the artists who played on them are no longer with us).
John Maksym | “Drinkin’ & Thinkin’”
Worked With 22 Collaborators Spanning 7 Countries and 16 Cities
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I kicked off this year as a solo recording artist for the first time in my life and had an ambitious goal of releasing music every 5 weeks. When the pandemic struck, I had just started recording my 4th single in the studio and everything got shut down. Within a couple of weeks I was able to pivot and invest money into building my own little home studio, to continue to create. With every musician in the world stuck at home, I was able to connect with a dream team of collaborators who helped me finish the song that I had started and go on to record 8 more songs through remote session recording from their own home studios. All in all I worked with 22 collaborators, spanning 7 countries and 16 cities, which I would never have thought of doing had the world not been in lockdown. It also allowed me time to revise my original release plan and build a more robust plan to release a number of singles and eventually an album throughout 2021.
Stay tuned ...There’s more Good News Coming!
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gillimoon · 3 years
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Oooh nice one. Thanks @volatilephotos for covering both albums of Beautiful Mess on your beautiful blog. @cyberpr @cainobeatz #beautiful #beautifulmess #newreview #albumreview #gillimoon #nowplaying https://www.instagram.com/p/CMphImPB7RX/?igshid=rvedgjjv7c4l
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defyrecordings · 4 years
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In case you missed this one, here’s a link for you. Great time chatting with @mattpelosi Thanks to @cyberpr https://www.cyberprmusic.com/cyber-pr-instagram-live/ #music #production #studiolife https://www.instagram.com/p/CC82GtWhdUR/?igshid=4t01sn9z4o0s
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rosebartu · 4 years
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#georgefloyd #blacklivesmatter Repost from @cyberpr • #theshowmustbepaused — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3gLgngj
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budipurnomoid · 4 years
Dapatkah Harga Saham Dikelola dengan Strategi Komunikasi?
Oleh : Budi Purnomo Karjodihardjo
Dua faktor penting yang bisa mempengaruhi kenaikan atau penurunan harga saham, faktor eksternal, dan faktor internal.
Berdasarkan referensi, setidaknya ada dua faktor penting yang bisa mempengaruhi kenaikan atau penurunan harga saham, yaitu pertama, faktor eksternal, dan kedua, faktor internal.
Yang termasuk faktor internal adalah kebijakan pemerintah, fluktuasi kurs rupiah terhadap mata uang asing, kondisi fundamental ekonomi makro, rumor dan sentimen pasar, faktor manipulasi pasar, dan faktor kepanikan.
Sedangkan yang termasuk faktor internal adalah aksi korporasi (corporate action), dan proyeksi kinerja perusahaan pada masa mendatang. Namun demikian, rumor dan sentimen pasar, dan faktor manipulasi pasar, bisa juga datang dari internal.
Nah, tentu saja semua pihak terutama pemegang saham satu emiten (perusahaan publik atau listed company) ingin agar harga sahamnya berada di posisi yang baik, dan harapannya adalah harganya selalu meningkat.
Faktor eksternal yang dapat mempengaruhi harga saham, tentu sulit dipengaruhi oleh emiten, karena berada di luar jangkauan kekuasaannya.
Dengan harga saham yang baik, apalagi naik terus maka akan menguntungkan bagi investor dan pemegang saham. Secara jangka pendek mendapat keuntungan dari capital gain, sedangkan jangka panjangnya adalah penerimaan deviden yang baik.
Emiten Harus Memberikan Harapan Baik
Tetapi yang faktor internal tentu bisa dikelola dengan baik dan optimal. Misalnya, aksi korporasi, dan proyeksi kinerja perusahaan pada masa mendatang.
Kalau ingin harga sahamnya baik, tentu saja aksi korporasinya harus memberikan harapan yang baik. Begitu juga proyeksi kinerjanya harus meyakinkan akan bisa direalisasikan.
Itu saja cukup? Menurut saya belum, karena semua emiten akan melakukan hal demikian juga. Karena itu, emiten juga perlu strategi komunikasi yang baik untuk mengelola rumor dan sentimen pasar.
Harga saham akan naik dan turun karena fluktuasi penawaran dan permintaan. Jika lebih banyak orang ingin membeli saham, harga pasarnya akan meningkat. Jika lebih banyak orang mencoba menjual saham, harganya akan turun.
Faktor rumor dan sentimen pasar (atau sentimen investor) merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi harga saham, karena itu perlu ada manajemen yang tepat untuk menangani masalah ini.
Masalahnya, sentimen pasar banyak dipengaruhi oleh berita. Baik itu berita positif, berita negatif, rumor (berita yang belum tentu kebenarannya), ataupun hoaks (berita bohong).
Strategi Komunikasi & Manajemen Reputasi
Mengantisipasi persoalan-persoalan di atas, tentu diperlukan suatu strategi komunikasi yang efektif dan manajemen reputasi yang bisa menjadi jembatan untuk transparansi informasi publik yang faktual material sekaligus menguntungkan bagi emiten.
Ada beberapa langkah positif yang bisa dilakukan oleh perusahaan publik yang relatif positif untuk diimplementasikan dalam strategi komunikasi, yaitu :
Pertama, banjiri media dengan berita aksi korporasi.
Ada daftar hampir 30 informasi publik (fakta material) aksi perusahaan yang wajib dilaporkan kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Artinya semua aksi perusahaan yang positif/negatif bagi perusahaan harus dilaporkan.
Kedua, tanggapi rumor dengan baik.
Semua aksi korporasi yang positif sebaiknya dibuatkan Press Release dan didistribusikan kepada berbagai media, baik media mainstream, media bisnis, maupun media khusus pasar modal.
Rumor kadang-kadang ada juga yang positif, tetapi lebih banyak yang negatifnya.
Ketiga, sampaikan contingency plan yang tepat.
Rumor negatif harus ditanggapi secara formal dengan jalan meluruskan informasi yang faktual. Mekanismenya, bisa lewat Press Release yang dilaporkan juga ke pihak otoritas.
Bisa jadi ada kebijakan pemerintah dan cuaca yang tidak kondusif untuk iklim industri. Jika hal demikian yang terjadi, sampaikan tindakan dan langkah-langkah yang akan dilakukan agar kinerjanya tetap baik secara argumentatif.
Keempat, segera klarifikasi jika ada tudingan negatif.
Jika ada tudingan negatif apalagi, hoaks atau fitnah harus segera diklarifikasi pada saat itu juga. Jangan dibiarkan begitu saja.
Harus segera diklarifikasi pada saat itu juga, agar daya rusaknya tidak meluas. jika ada tudingan negatif apalagi, hoaks atau fitnah harus segera diklarifikasi pada saat itu juga.
Kelima, singkirkan berita negatif ke Google belakang.
Undang wartawan pasar modal untuk Press Conference, dan jika sangat signifikan laporkan kepada pihak yang berwajib, sebagai bentuk keseriusan emiten.
Ini penting, hampir semua orang — termasuk investor, kalau mencari referensi atau mencari second opinion untuk proses pengambilan keputusan adalah mengetik kata kunci di situs mesin pencari terbesar di dunia, yaitu Google.
Karena itu, segera pindahkan berita-berita aksi korporasi yang positif di halamaj utama Google. Biarkan, berita negatif yang merusak reputasi korporasi digeser ke halaman G+2 atau lebih jauh lagi.
Coba bayangkan ketika diketik kode saham atau nama emiten yang muncul adalah rumor, gosip, masalah hukum, pelanggaran peraturan, konten buruk dari investor, dan sederet berita negatif di Google Page One. Apa yang terjadi?
Banjirnya berita positif terhadap emiten, dan susutnya berita negatif tentunya akan mengundang sentimen positif. Jika sentimen positif mulai tumbuh, mudah-mudahan harga saham emiten tersebut juga akan membaik.
Dengan upaya-upaya komunikasi dan implementasi strategi manajemen reputasi seperti ini diharapkan corporate reputation emiten juga akan semakin baik.
Itulah sebabnya ada yang berpendapat di pasar modal yang menyebutkan bahwa harga saham itu dibentuk dari perkawinana antara financial engineering dengan communicatoons engineering, dalam arti positif. Mungkin, penjelasannya seperti itu. (*)
Baca juga tulisan Budi Purnomo S.IKom M.IKom seputar strategi komunikasi dan manajemen reputasi di blognya, Budipurnomo.com
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