#cw reproductive health
if there's a better feeling than "finally got a doctor to take me seriously and got a real diagnosis for The Problem" I've never heard of it. I'm just so goddamn happy 😭
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l33tsaber · 2 years
So excited to be getting the tubes yote tomorrow!
Reminders for self:  No food after midnight, clear liquids okay until 9am (and the staff member who called me for my instructions said black coffee counts as a clear liquid; yay), shower with antibacterial soap in the morning, wear loose clothes that are easy to put on and take off, and bring my ID and my insurance card with me.
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teaboot · 3 months
seeing the NSFW question and answers you've got happening here
my vulva is really itchy and sore but I haven't had any kind of sex recently or even used any sex toys recently. I haven't changed my washing powder. I haven't douched ever or used soap inside my vulva or used any lotions or scents around my vulva. I last shaved 2 weeks ago with a razor and the same body wash I always use. I don't think it's BV or thrush and its driving me mad. help?
Shaving public hair can increase your odds of developing bacterial infections, yeast infections, and UTIs, all of which can present as soreness or itchiness. Underwear made of synthetic fabrics can, too. High-sugar diets, hormone fluctuations, thong underwear, dehydration, bath water quality, and some lubes can, too, as well as touching without washing hands thoroughly first. Long nails especially are fantastic at holding onto and transporting bacteria and fungi. Antibiotics can cause these issues, and antibiotics can cure these issues. Medications, too.
Short and simple annoying answer: Could be anything.
I recommend drinking lots of water and cranberry juice and seeing a doctor- if it is BV then using a yeast infection treatment will burn like holy hellfire and you dont want that. Getting a urine test is your best bet.
In the meantime, again, drink lots of water and urinate frequently. Don't wash with soap, but do wash, and do so with clean water. Wear loose clothing when possible made of breathable fabrics like cotton. Change underwear daily.
I'm not a doctor or a medical professional. These are just things I've picked up through work and life. My first recommendation is always to contact a doctor, and if you start producing unusual discharge, experiencing pain during urination, developing sores, welts, or a rash, or end up with swelling or pain in your lower back, DEFINITELY seek medical assistance.
Good luck, bud 👍
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cyberthot666 · 1 year
ok so if you haven’t heard about that new mexico teenager that gave birth in a hospital bathroom and tried to hide the dead baby in the garbage can, I ignored it for a bit then I just saw footage from the cop bodycam of them questioning her in the hospital room right after it happened. I am not condoning the way she handled it at all. but the way the news is pushing this story as if she’s some kind of sadistic cold blooded killer. you watch the video and the girl is scared. she’s 19. she may have known she was pregnant she may not have. but this is what happens in a country that constantly bans access to sex education, restricts women’s reproductive rights, and shames women for how they react to becoming pregnant. we don’t know if she was raped. we don’t know if she was coerced. we can not keep acting shocked. these women in these cases are automatically demonized but you don’t know the reality of that situation until you’ve been in it. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this. especially because of the way the media historically treats women. I don’t think what happened to the baby is okay. but they’re sensationalizing her story instead of seeing the real issue here! THIS. IS. WHAT. HAPPENS. when women have no way out. when women aren’t taught about our bodies and instead we are censored, silenced, and shamed. more situations like this will be popping up I guarantee you. this is only the beginning of a reality to come since the overturning of roe v wade.
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bonefall · 7 months
what sort of things might a clan cat take for morning sickness? i'm trying to do my own research but all the plants i'm finding that are used for folk remedies to deal with nausea either don't grow anywhere near where i need them or are probably dangerous for pregnant people!
Unfortunately you're not finding anything because there really isn't a good treatment for morning sickness, known scientifically as NVP-- Nausea/Vomiting of Pregnancy. Just folk remedies, which could work decently as a placebo.
Even its cause is unknown. There's a theory that it's supposed to discourage the carrier from eating anything that might harm the fetus during the most sensitive early periods. You don't want to take a risk on eating anything WEIRD when your stomach is extra sensitive, makes sense. There's some evidence that ties it to fluctuations in reproductive hormones, too. But we're still kinda unsure about it.
So my prescription is for your Clan to choose an herb that doesn't actually do anything (I'd suggest dandelions or maybe wild carrots, something with some vitamins) and put that into a bone broth. Something bland but nutritional, and most importantly, hydrating. Bad NVP can really dehydrate the carrier.
In fact there's a severe form of NVP. It's called Hyperemisis Gravidarum; it means you can't stop vomiting. HG is a potentially life threatening pregnancy complication.
HG can cause a pregnant person to lose weight, develop jaundice, anemia, kidney failure, blood conditions like thrombosis or an embolism, or even muscle atrophy. This is a deadly complication but there's still NO particular cure.
If you're looking at HG instead of NVP, the carrier will need to be exclusively on bland broths so they can keep it down. Antihistamines are used as medication, and the BEST herb for that is processed Stinging Nettle.
(Nettle btw is actually an extremely important herb and I've talked about how to harvest it, using Sneezecloud as an example because he requires it for his allergies.)
Stinging Nettle is common as an introduced plant in most temperate environments, but if you don't have that in your chosen biome, do some research into plants used to treat allergies. Those will be a good source of antihistamine.
But, I'm not messing around with how hard NVP and HG are to treat. If HG doesn't respond to that, you may need to consider an abortion-- but keep in mind that the later term the abortion, the more dangerous it will be.
HG is rare, thankfully!! But pregnancy is a dangerous time. Less dangerous for cats, but still dangerous nonetheless.
(Yes btw, cats can develop both of these conditions. It's rarer than in humans though, since we're pretty uniquely fucked up as a species in terms of reproduction)
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motziedapul · 3 months
How controversial would it be if I just casually dropped that one of the babaylan skills Mari learned from her Nanay in Hi Nay is just like.
How to prepare multiple types of herbal abortions.
She knows how to put together the pamparegla and pampalaglag no problem.
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nando161mando · 4 months
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jamesunderwater · 9 months
the yellowjackets s2e6 ending -- i was already so triggered just hearing the baby cry because he was starving and just shauna's desperation to feed him, i had to mute parts of it. then when she became conscious again...i... i just wish more people watching that scene understood how real it is. how it happens to birthing people all the time even today, not just in a freezing cabin in the middle of the woods, and how shauna's reaction was.....it was just.....it was very much what happens. she does still hear him crying. idk, i'm just sitting here still crying over it, and i can't stop. because people experience this loss and their brains have to make sense of it and it comes up with something that is as much real to them as the loss is, but no one around them understands, everyone wants to just shove the truth at them because they think it will be better. let her talk about him crying. let her talk about how it felt to feed him, to hold him. tell her you believe her. fuck, i'm just so fucking sad.
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kryptosworld · 1 year
Personally I do not believe abortion is immoral or should be illegal at any stage provided the fetus cannot survive on its own, nobody should be forced to act as a human incubator like come oN
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kael-writ · 11 months
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CW medical, blood
I dont know if people, including some of the professionals who didnt give me timely access to the OR, really know what I experienced. This isnt half of it, but it is part of what was documented, since my word enough may not be enough for some (though so, so many have been supportive).
I had a fucking blood clot the size of at least a grapefruit in my pants from waiting in the waiting room for an hour, during which time I soaked the blanket they put under me in the wheelchair they put me in. It was absolutely horrifying. And the hospital associated with the ER scheduled me for surgery that week - and then my insurance got rejected. And then I got a new date at a different hospital eventually after weeks of trying. Until it had been 2 months since. And THEN I spent two days in the hospital fasting only to be told there would be no surgery. And the next date was another month. And other hospitals told me no opening for many many months.
Why are uterine fibroids systemically not taken seriously? This is a fuckin nightmare.
I know this isnt the worst medical problem ever and all that. but still, it's not ok.
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the-sayuri-rin · 2 years
A man who worked as a political director for Texas Right to Life, the premier anti-abortion group in the state, has been arrested for the online solicitation of a minor.
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mistprints · 1 year
Pro-lifers are Not Actually Trying to Prevent Abortions: It’s About Control
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sarai-the-furry · 2 years
naw if this birth control I'm on makes me start my period after not having one for almost a year I'm gonna cry
I don't wanna be in agony for a week
please, no, body don't, PLEAsE
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doctorjulie · 5 months
"--Excuse me?"
"I just don't love the shape of your uterus."
The incredulity on Julia's face is not wiped away by this clarification, which was just a repetition of the OB/GY.N's pervious statement. Just what the hell did he mean by that, and she was about to inform him that she didn't love the state of his bedside manner.
"Well, it's my uterus, so I don't really-"
"Well, look, I don't hate it-"
"-Great, that's a relief."
"-See most uteruses are shaped like this, and see how yours kind of goes like this?" He's drawing these shapes with his finger on the scan,
and Julia's already considering where to get the second opinion and how she can't believe this is the obs.tetrici.an she's been referred to.
"So that means what, for me, exactly?" Like, Jesus, just tell her if it means an increase in symptoms, complications, what she's supposed to expect- "It's high-risk?" She asked.
"I wouldn't even go that far. There are a few hightened risks associated, for the most part it means you were less likely to get pregnant in the first place--"
This. Man.
Insulting her own internal organ and tactlessly scaring her, just so he could inform her how much he didn't like her uterus?? She snatched her scans off the desk and rose to her feet. "Thank you so much for your time, I'm going to get a second opinion--"
A hesitation. "The ultrasound tech was lovely."
And then she marched off, straight to the bathroom, because she needed to puke.
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batterygarden · 5 months
dr. suguru geto & his white-haired med student perform your check up!
cw: 18+ MDNI, afab fem!reader, dead dove do not eat! reader’s a bit naive, medical kink, dubcon because she’s under the impression it’s necessary for doctors to fuck their patients (geto convinces her she has some rare hormone disorder) also she’s kinda pressured to consent to being watched, pussy inspection, nude taking, voyeurism, protected sex, fingering, fondling, size kink with no pain. just. medical exam gone sexual and with gojo stepping in. 1.5k words
a/n: my first time writing a geto OR gojo fic and it is utterly depraved <3 .. also my first time posting a fic in so long, feedback and rbs would be greatly appreciated! xoxo enjoy
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Dr. Suguru Geto has been your physician for as long as you can remember—treating injuries, prescribing medicine, performing routine physicals… You’ve come to trust him and only him when it comes to your health. You appreciate the fact that his check-ups are familiar; you’ve been attending them for years and like to think you know his office like the back of your hand. Which is why you’re startled to see someone else in his room today—a med student intending to sit in on your visit, a nice camera set beside him on the supply table.
He greets you from a seated place against the wall when you enter Dr. Geto’s room—a tall, bright-eyed man with white hair and glasses—masked in an N95 but still somehow intimidatingly-handsome. Of course, that'd make your doctor petrifyingly-handsome, the way he smiles so kindly for you, the way his silky hair looks tied behind his head, stray bangs falling loose. The way he fills out his scrubs—they’re almost too small for his muscular arms. You have to shake your head to clear it—your thoughts are veering inappropriate. 
Once you’re seated on the exam table, crinkling the wax paper, Dr. Geto snaps on a pair of blue gloves.
“You know the routine, sweetheart,” he says in that unnervingly-soothing voice of his—easily commanding your attention, a desire to please. Sometimes you imagine his voice is hypnotic. 
You nod for him—you do have a good grasp of his check up procedure by now, lifting your chin while he checks your eyes and ears and nose. He seems to linger on the inspection of your mouth and throat—making you worry; what if you have some kind of virus! You wonder if something’s wrong when he places two fingers on your tongue to encourage your mouth wider for his gaze, swiping a bead of drool from your lip with his thumb once he’s finished. Fortunately, he deems everything to be in good health—and you thank him, pleased to have such a thoughtful doctor.
Then comes the awkward part—well, awkward because of this new man in attendance. 
Dr. Geto has to perform your breast exam. 
He does this every time, he’s very thorough—something you appreciate given the unique hormone disorder he says you have. You don’t really understand it, but you trust your physician explicitly—glad that, so long as you’re under his care, you’re staying closely monitored. 
You feel your face heat once you strip today, noticing the white-haired man shifting to get a closer look. You wonder what the clipboard on his lap is even for, considering the way he never glances at it. You can feel that his gaze hasn’t left you once—you’re not sure you’ve ever felt this carefully perceived. 
You will yourself to ignore it during the breast exam, which, thankfully, also goes well. Geto assures you they’re healthy—perfect he even says while a gloved thumb runs over your nipple, and tingles go up your spine. Your doctor’s approval always feels unbelievably good, you relish in it. 
For the sake of your health, what with your hormone disorder and all, Dr. Geto always checks between your legs during your physical, too. Making sure your reproductive organs are healthy and working properly—it’s something you’ve grown used to and more than comfortable with. 
Today you can’t help but glance at the medical student against the wall when Dr. Geto asks that you remove your pants though, hesitating under his bright gaze. 
Geto gives you a patient smile, glancing to the other man. 
“Don’t be shy, sweet thing—it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. Mr. Gojo here is a talented student, in fact he’s a friend of mine—you can trust you’re in good hands.” 
You can tell Gojo is smiling under his mask with the way his eyes crinkle, nodding in encouragement.
“Of course! It’s really nice of you to help me meet my training requirements.”
You notice that the student's voice carries a similar weight to your doctor’s—oozing confidence and reassurance. 
With a deep breath you nod, ridding yourself of the rest of your clothes. Who are you to obstruct this man’s learning—you decide it’s better to just be respectful. 
You’ve got to cum at least once a day, you know—that’s what Dr. Geto recommends to stay healthy—and he always takes care of it for you when you visit. He might as well while he’s performing your check up down there anyways, and it’s useful for him to make sure you can orgasm properly—what with your wacky hormones and all. 
The anticipation has you embarrassingly wet when you pull down your underwear though, a string of arousal clinging to the fabric as you tug them off. You feel warm as both men’s eyes follow the mess you’ve made—shy in a way you aren’t usually when it’s just you and Dr. Geto. As polite and respectful as this medical student has been, his eyes intimidate you, as does the previously forgotten camera that accompanies him—replacing the clipboard in his hands. 
He notices you glancing at it and, with a gentle, informative tone, explains how it’s important he can refer back to this experience as learning material, he’s still studying in addition to residency—capturing photos of this exam will be quite helpful. And as much as it throws off your usual routine, you figure if it’s for the sake of learning and science you’d be rude to deny him. 
Geto’s gloved hand is surprisingly precise and dexterous for its large size, once your feet are in the stirrups he makes light work of you every time. 
First there’s the examination, inspecting you with a flashlight and this time a camera, and then he’s gently poking and prodding, spreading and fingering before he focuses on making you cum. It’s embarrassing how messy the latex of his gloves becomes, his blue fingers shiny and sticky once he finally removes them from inside you. His clean hand rubs your thigh reassuringly while you come down, and he smiles at you, telling you you’ve done well. You barely register Mr. Gojo sneaking in to take a photo of your swollen pussy—an after, since you know he captured a few before you came as well. 
That type of check-up wasn’t adequate today though, Dr. Geto insists on ensuring you can still cum from cock as well. He’s done this before, and it feels so nice, so you thank him for offering. You watch carefully as he discards messy gloves for clean ones before freeing his hard cock, rolling a condom down its length. It’s large—a breath-halting sight every time you see it.
You wince when a gloved hand is returned to your sensitive folds then, gathering your release to spread over himself as lube. Dr. Geto fucks into you slowly at first, working you open carefully so it isn’t painful, before finding a steady rhythm, hitting a deep spot within you that has you whining, your toes curling up by his sides. You cum on his cock twice before he’s groaning and cumming with you, the warmth of his seed spreading inside you through the thin condom. 
By this point you’re overstimulated, wincing when he pulls out, covered in a sheen of sweat, dripping onto the exam table paper. 
Still, you let Mr. Gojo fuck you then, too, even though Geto’s finished his check up—docile and easily persuaded. You reason that it makes sense he’d need more hands-on training experience as a doctor-in-training. You’re happy to help, you tell him. 
You’re a mess by the time he finishes, he isn’t quite as careful and gentle as your doctor is—pounding into you with little care for your overstimulation. You’re left twitching and mush-brained, barely feeling Dr.Geto’s soothing gloved hands rub over your sore limbs—only somewhat registering the way Gojo holds the camera before he’s even pulled out of you, snapping full body pics before some close ups of your well-abused cunt. 
You’ve passed your physical with flying colors, your doctor informs you, once he and his student are composed and dressed. Mr. Gojo thanks you for your training assistance, his voice holding a boyish charisma that has you thanking him as well. He then helps you gather your things before leaving the room so you can dress. 
Feeling satisfied, albeit a bit exhausted, you tug back on your clothes, finding that Mr. Gojo’s left his clipboard when you go to grab your bag. You don’t see the harm in peeking a bit, suddenly curious what notes he could have been referring to or taking during your exam. You're surprised when you do, though—there’s only a blank piece of paper attached. 
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esmedelacroix · 4 months
𝕬 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕴𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝕬𝖋𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝕲𝖊𝖙 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕾𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉…
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pairing: crown princess!reader x knight!miguel o'hara
cw: messy period sex, unprotected p in v, size kink, blood, dom!miguel o'hara, fingering, size kink, edging kinda, dacryphilia, slight degradation kink
a/n: hey lovies, this isn't my usual content but I have endometriosis and I hate it. But period sex always helps so here. This is set in sort of medival times. Hope you like it, a like, comment, or repost is always appreciated. Let me know what you think!
wc: 2.5k
"Ughhhh," "UGhhhH"
"Her Highness has started her menstrual cycle," Archibald, your retiring personal knight, explained to your new personal knight in training, Miguel.
"This is a common occurrence, nothing has ever helped her Highness," Archibald continued.
"Are the doctors not equipped with the medicine needed?" Miguel asked as he heard a high-pitched wail.
"They are but Her Highness has rather odd and abnormally painful symptoms. The doctors can't figure out a cure for it," he sighed.
Miguel bit the interior of his cheek in deep thought and during his break, he decided to go to the library. He sat at one of the desks with piles of biology and anatomy books.
He didn't know any way to make himself useful to you other than to try to study your condition and perhaps figure out a way to help you.
It was hard for him to find much of anything because scientists at the time paid little attention to studying women's bodies and the female reproductive system. It's quite disappointing because women are amazing. They can create life but all male scientists care about is themselves. "What a shame," Miguel muttered to himself as he opened up another textbook.
He didn't take the time to read the cover so he was flabbergasted when he began to read the contents of the book.
He was reading a study about the health benefits of an orgasm when in pain. There are specific chemicals released when both males and females experience an orgasm.
What if these same chemicals can combat menstrual pain, Miguel thought to himself. "Miguel it's time to return to your post," Archibald said as he entered the library.
"I'll be right there," Miguel said as he organized all of his books for later.
"You were studying?" Archibald asked as he led you down the halls.
"Yes, I wanted to see if there was anything I could do for Her Highness but I don't know much about menstrual pain," Miguel sighed.
Archibald hummed in response. "If you want to help the crown princess then you will take her lunch and medicine to her and attempt to get her to eat," she doesn't like to eat or do much anything other than squirm in her bed when she is experiencing menstrual pain.
"Okay," Miguel answered as he opened the doors to your room and brought your food and medicine to you on a tray. Archibald closed the door behind him and wished him luck.
Miguel was content to see that you were asleep and not suffering. You were curled up in a fetal position with a hot compress over your abdomen. Small tears were formed at the corners of your eyes. The pain had even made you cry in your sleep.
Miguel's heart sank seeing you in such a distressed manner. He softly shook your shoulder to wake you up. "Your Highness," he started softly seeing your eyes flutter open.
"It's time for your meal and medicine," he continued. You jolted awake as your eyes adjusted to the light then turned to look at him before feeling your face heat up.
"Who dares enter my room when I am so indecent?" you asked, pulling your sheets up because you were still in your nightgown.
"Where are my manners? I'm your new personal knight, Miguel O'Hara," he introduced with a bow.
You nodded in response, allowing yourself to calm down. You stretched out your arms and sat up against your headboard. Just as you did so, you winced in pain. "My lady, are you still feeling pain?" he asked.
"Yes, I should eat quickly so I can take that medicine," you groaned.
"Yes," Miguel said as he began to cut your food for you and held a forkful up to your lips. You were rather surprised by the gesture but you weren't opposed to it. Archibald never does this for me, you thought to yourself as you enjoyed your food.
There were moments when you had to take a break because of the pain but you finished your meal in record time. After finishing the medicine you were still in tears and extreme pain.
It was enough pain to make you wail. The rumors were true though, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Your voice was soothing even when you sobbed. When tears trickled down your cheeks they only added to your beauty.
Miguel hated to see such a beautiful woman in pain. Especially when there was nothing that he could do to alleviate it. Well, there was one thing he could do. He could suggest that you touch yourself. But weren't in the state to do even that. I could give her an orgasm, he thought to himself before shaking his head.
"No, that would be out of line," he muttered to himself quietly.
"What would be out of line?" you sniffled, turning to him.
"Um well, there was one remedy for your pain that I was researching. But it would be out of line if I helped you perform it," he explained.
"Please do it for me I'll do anything to stop feeling so much pain," you practically begged.
"I'm not sure if a lowly knight like myself should help you do this," he said, trying to convince you to let it go.
"Just tell me what it is, I'm sure I wouldn't mind you doing please just do this one thing for me, Miguel," she pleaded. Miguel was going to deny once more but once his name left your lips pounding like a beautiful song, he felt he couldn’t say no.
"Well, the remedy my lady, is to give you an orgasm," he admitted as his cheeks flushed.
Your own cheeks flushed when you realized that you were basically begging your personal guard to have intercourse with you. "Oh, that's most certainly not what I was expecting you to say," you said as he averted his eyes when you looked in his direction. You weighed the pros and cons of having sex with your new personal knight. You couldn’t even believe you were thinking of sex with a palace guard.
You put your hand to your chin as you thought about it for a good minute sizing him up out of the corner of your eye. He wasn't too bad looking. He was very big, you wondered if his penis was also big.
And his face, well it was magnificent. He looked like royalty in your eyes with that handsome face of his. You could see yourself having sex with him.
“Dismiss everyone on this floor of the palace, Miguel,” You commanded. Miguel shot you a confused look.
“I’m very loud in bed, chop chop Miguel,” you whispered as another wave of pain hit you. Miguel was surprised how your voice went from a sweet soft soft-spoken voice to one dripping in sin.
He got up and stepped out to the hallway relaying your command to Archibald who had everyone on the floor you were on gone in minutes.
“Now that we have some privacy, come here,” you demanded as you winced in pain.
Miguel walked up to you as you laid back holding onto the edge of his t-shirt bringing him down with you. Your faces are inches apart. Hot breaths fanning each other's lips. "Unsheathe your sword, Miguel," you whispered looking into his hungry eyes.
Miguel stripped himself still hovering over you. The second his name left your lips, it was as if you put him in a trance. He did everything he was asked to do. He then bunched up the hem of your nightgown slowly lifting it above your legs slowly. “May I?” he asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.
You propped yourself up on your elbows letting out an exasperated sigh, rolling your eyes. “You don’t have to be so formal, I need you, to fuck this royal pussy like I’m some common whore at a brothel, that’s an order Miguel” you spat as your face contorted in pain.
Miguel was surprised by your sudden dirty unladylike language. But that went straight to his hardening dick.
He took your nightgown off with a newfound sense of urgency. He was pleased to see that you were almost completely naked underneath, still sporting your menstrual underwear, nipples hardening at the feeling of the cold air hitting them.
He wasted no time pulling off your menstrual underwear and setting it aside. You spread your legs for him to get a better view of your pussy that was now throbbing with want.
Miguel ran his index from your bloody slit to your clit picking up the moisture of your blood and slick. Pressed on your aching bud with his thumb moving it in circular motions. A long moan erupted from your throat. Your hand gripped his wrist tightly as he pushed a finger into your aching hole still playing with your clit with another.
The muscles and veins in his arms flexed and pulsated as he worked your sopping-wet pussy. He added another one of his thick fingers stretching you in preparation for his fat cock. You only looked down for a second when he took his pants off and fear struck the pit of your stomach. He was so big you weren't sure if he'd even fit. That made your sick and twisted mind even thirstier. Wanting more and more of him.
Your hands gripped his arms until your knuckles practically turned white as you tried to suppress your moans as he slipped a third finger into your cunt that was coating his whole hand in your wetness and blood. "Don't conceal it, I wanna hear you, wanna make sure I'm making you feel good," he grunted into your ear as he began to rut against the bed. He lay in between your legs focused on fucking you with his fingers.
Your blood was dripping onto the sheets, but you didn't care, you felt too good. You moaned for him chanting a mantra of his name until his name and the stretch were all you could think about. "Miguel, inside, I want you inside please," you begged.
"Oh yeah? You want this cock in your pussy?" he taunted as a smirk graced his lips.
"Yesyesyesyesyes," was all you could moan out your mind going almost blank as your legs began to shake.
"Tell me how badly you want it, show me how badly you want it," he growled into your ear as he added a fourth finger and picked up the pace.
The pleasure almost completely took you over as fat tears formed at the corner of your eyes. "I need you, inside, Miguel please, need your cock," you moaned shamelessly moving your hips against his fingers matching his speed.
You grip the sheets with one hand, the other holding onto his, as your back arches. Blood and slick gushed out of your pussy as your orgasm approached you at lightning speed. Until it didn't, and you felt the pleasure died down completely. You let out a frustrated whine letting go of the sheets. "Miggy, why," you whined almost sobbing because of the stolen orgasm.
"You said you wanted me in you, you're going to have to work for it, my lady," he said as he lay on the bed and put you on top of him with ease. You straddled him looking down at him with tears in your eyes as he grinned at you.
"Miguel please, help me," you said as you positioned your slit in line with his bulbous tip that was dripping with precum.
"Uh uh uh, you gotta do that on your own," he cooed as he whipped a falling tear from your face.
"I will be your queen soon," you said sternly.
"But right now you're my whore, now get to work, this cock isn't going to ride itself," he spat as he slammed you down onto him practically impaling you on his dick.
You took a moment to adjust to his size. The stretch was amazing. You had never felt so full and he was hitting a sweet spot. You moved slowly, then faster, then much faster. You heard Miguel let out a moan almost sounding like a whimper.
He grips your hips tightly, surely making bruises as you milk him. His eyes rolled back as he tried his hardest not to explode right then and there because of how warm, wet, and tight your pussy felt.
Helpless moans of his name were spilling from your mouth as your blood spilled onto him staining his skin and your sheets. “That’s it, princess, just like that,” Miguel groaned.
Quickly you felt your orgasm approaching, the coil in your stomach about to snap. Your legs began to feel like jelly and you felt yourself stop moving. “I can’t, Mig, help,” you whined trying to keep moving.
“You’ve been a good girl, I’ll take care of ya’,” he said as she moved your hips with his hands that rested on them fucking himself up into you.
The Lewd sound of you chanting his name and wet skin slapping wet skin filled the room. As he picked up the pace your moans became more and more high-pitched. “You’re fuckin’ me s’ good Mig,” you moaned.
“Yeah? Tell me how good I’m doin’ you,” he grunted as fucked you harder too kissing your cervix as his dick started to twitch in you.
“S’ good, love this fat cock,” you whined as you clenched him hard as your legs shook violently.
“Cum with me baby,” he grunted as he pumped himself into you.
“Cumming, I’m gonna cum,” you whined as you creamed around his cock making a mess of him only being able to think of him and utter his name.
Miguel continued to fuck into you elongating your orgasm as he released his hot, thick, cum deep into your womb. You collapsed on top of him panting and trying to catch your breath.
You slowly slid out snuggling into his side. “Sorry, about the mess,” you started, gesturing to his half-soft member that was coated with your blood.
“Oh, no worries Your Highness, a real knight isn’t afraid to get blood on his sword,” he stated.
“I suppose that is true,” you replied, giggling a bit.
“So how is that menstrual pain?” Miguel asked as he caressed your bare back and planted small wet kisses into your neck.
“Honestly, I forgot I even had it, I guess it’s gone, I mean, you made me feel so good,” you sighed breathlessly.
Miguel slowly got up covering you with your bed sheets. “I’ll go ahead and run you a bath my lady,” he said as he prepared your towel, shampoo, and bath salts.
“Thank you, Miguel, I wouldn't be so opposed to you joining me,” you chirped.
“Oh, I do not wish to impose-“ he started before you cut him off.
“That’s an order, Miguel,” you whispered, with a small smirk playing on your lips. You were nowhere near done and neither was he.
"You little minx," he hummed as he disappeared into the bathroom.
. . .
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