#cw medfet
divine-misfortune · 14 days
I'm not saying Sunny waltzed her way into the infirmary on Phantom's first day running it without Aether or Omega to supervise with the express purpose of tricking the sweet naive quint ghoul into wrapping both of his latex gloved hands around her chubby little cock....but I'm also not saying she didn't absolutely go in there with worry knit on her face asking him to "just take a look cause it feels weird" knowing full well Phantom would be so concerned and attentive he'd do it without hesitation....
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wrathofrats · 22 days
(Hey genuine kinda fucked up warning over here idk wtf is wrong w me but major warnings for blood and dubcon and medfet LMAO)
“Aether medfet this! Aether medfet that!” Ok but consider nurse cumulus in one of those slutty nurse uniforms with her tits pressed together and about to pop out of the thin white material. Dress barely covering her ass and bright red lipstick to match the cross and trim.
Gets an Iv into aether and tells him she just has to run some test, just keeps gathering more and more blood while he goes pale and looks at her kinda dizzy and confused because she just keeps taking more and more. Pops the needle out, wraps his arm with her tits in his face on while he lays on the table, praises him for being such a good boy.
And aether is lightheaded and stupid from blood loss, just wants to get his hands on his nice little nurse that was helping him ): tries to pop open a couple of the buttons on her down to get a peek at the white lacy bra underneath while she coos and lets her little blood bank feel her up as a reward
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arkeusruin · 22 days
Aether opening dew up so wide with a speculum..send tweet
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softdomhailie · 1 year
This is all routine. No need to worry.
Once the machine is on, I'll be taking notes on how your body reacts. Just pretend like I'm not in the room.
Feel free to close your eyes, it should be quite a relaxing experience.
As I said before, no need to be embarrassed, some people find their body reacts in different ways, but I've seen it all before. If an orgasm does occur and you need us to stop the machine for any period of time, just press this button. If not, there may be slight discomfort for a brief moment before relaxing back into it again.
Lastly, I have some fellow students here who would like to see the machine on a real patient, are you happy for them to come in and watch, take their own notes, and ask any questions?
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rottenmarquee · 10 months
I need evil nurses to restrain me, drug me, and brainwash me against my will. I need to be turned into an obedient, brainbroken patient because I'm clearly not in my right mind and need to have choices made for me for my own good ❤️
Yeah I've had bad experiences with psychiatry why do you ask
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delinquunt · 3 months
extreme edgeplay under the cut. check tags.
neglecting my poor toy, making them watch the CGM alert them while they're tied back, bound and unable to do anything about it, insulin just out of reach. giving them just enough to stay alive, until their extremities start wailing, itching, screaming in pain. watching the discomfort on their face as they squirm, horrified, and then begin to cry, day in and out, as the numbness sets in and the feeling leaves them. cackling with maniacal glee as I slip my cock between their nerve-burnt soles and fuck them to my heart's content while they weep, unable to feel it.
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daturaropebite · 29 days
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A small self-stab to practice depth and consistency! 10 needles at 21g!
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medig · 2 months
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(all episodes)
"Well, Claire, I've been busted down to your level. No panties, no strings on the gown, and bound hands. Two weeks. Get used to seeing my naked ass peeking out around here. And don't think you can look without me knowin'"
"Oh god oh god.. Myst you're bleeding! What did they do to you, are you okay?!"
"Calm down, Claire. It's not my blood! It's blood from the poor sorry-ass blue collar assholes that had to put the cuffs on me. You didn't think I'd go down without a fight did you?"
"You can't just walk around with other people's blood all over you.. why didn't they wash it off you? Give you a clean gown, at least"
"I'm sure as soon as they're done stitchin' up those two goons, they'll have someone take me out back and hose me off"
"Oh, Myst, I'm so sorry I got you into all this trouble.. you didn't have anything to do it, and they know it, it's not fair to punish you too!"
"Claire, there's nothing fair about this place, ever. They know that me and you are close, so they're gonna mess with both of us, that's just how it is. Besides, it ain't like this is the first time I've been punished like this, or worse"
"Come on Myst, straight to the bathroom! I have to clean you up."
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caroldantops · 1 year
med school stepsis kate who needs a helper so she can study anatomy because she’s a visual and practical learner. cut to her gloves fingers stretching you out and she’s whispering to you that it’s normal, that your reactions are fine, good even, and that she’s “just worried about your health” while she’s pumping and curling them inside of you and you’re losing your mind. then she thanks you for making sure she can pass her class with an A+ after you cum around her fingers 😵‍💫
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scribbling-scientist · 11 months
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Working on a medfet peice and I am having a lot of fun with this colouring 🥰
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wrathofrats · 17 days
hnnn im gonna fucking GET YOU
Listen I’ve been thinking about quint fluids all day ok you don’t understand
Like … have we considered quint healing spit??? Homoerotic quint wound cleaning????? Phantom being a fucking freak and tenderly licking over Swiss’ wounds to “heal” them ????
Or quint tears? Get one fucked stupid and crying? Using the tears as some sort of further sedative??
Quint cum???? Fucked up omega using his cum in the infirmary as medicine??????
I’m saying we have options and possibilities and I shouldn’t be allowed around the quint ghouls
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antiqueprettyboy · 1 month
I love getting my blood taken for testing. Even if it’s just for routine monitoring, the thrill of being faced with something I used to be so afraid of; the sharp prick, the reminders to breathe as samples are drawn out of me, the sting of the needle being removed from my flesh. I always feel so light, like I could float away at any second afterwards on my way back home, until I crash into bed. There, I can’t help but think of being touched until I come undone
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yeenstream · 7 months
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As the infection takes root,
Helena has to resort to more... invasive methods to find a cure...
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sinistersinister · 9 months
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delinquunt · 9 months
I want to whittle little messages into your bones for the mortician to find. I want to carve your teeth into spikes so you can bite better in the afterlife. I want to put gold behind your eyes so you only see beauty. I want to give you another heart so your first one can cuddle. I want to fill your veins with sugar so you can bleed sweeter for me.
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hello i am asking politely for your mommy Medic surgeon goresex thoughts. feel free to use the reply to this ask as your dumping ground if it would be easier than an original post!
Welllll if you insist! Putting all this under a cut bc despite my cool exterior I'm extremely ashamed of every thought I've ever had (and bc I wanna put this in some tags and if the juicy stuff is under a cut no one can complain)
Uhhh CWs for sex, gore, goresex, surgery kink, medfet, mommy kink (just the title and the persona for Medic, no specified role for the sub), needles, knives, boot stuff, whatever. This makes me feel like a real writer
Sooo first things first bc I think people won't understand this one at first: Medic tf2 is a man who is a mommy dom. To me and to a lot of other kinky people, there exists a non-gendered semantic difference between a "daddy dom" and a "mommy dom", so women can be daddies and, much more rarely, men can certainly be mommies. Kink educator Evie Lupine describes mommy doms as "giggly, joyful sadists". Sound like someone we know? He's mommy (Mommy doms are also typically more "nurturing" and smothering than daddy doms, I'll get to that later)
I really love characterizing Medic as extremely faux-sympathetic (with flashes of real sympathy every now and again), so he's telling you (or whoever) just how bad he feels for you, you poor thing, that looks like it really hurts, and it's, like, the extra hand he attached to your pelvis. If it does actually hurt and the procedure wasn't successful he will safely remove it, though
Although I definitely think Medic can be mean, I think ESPECIALLY in a gorekink/medfet context, he gives a LOT of praise. He's SUPER full of himself, he'd never deride one of his Crowning Achievements In The Field Of Medical Science!
Similarly, he's very good about giving compliments specific to like, all of a person's inside stuff. The size of your organs, the shade of your blood, the prominence of your veins, the sturdiness of your bones... Medic tf2 is leaned over you on the vivisection table lovingly stroking your liver and cooing about how much he loves the color
This one's kind of a big one for me tbh... I think Medic tf2 would intentionally (consensually, temporarily) incapacitate someone so he gets to take care of them. Misery-style. My favorite version of this is Medic "accidentally" taking too much of someone's blood out during a blood draw, so they get all sleepy and he needs to feed them (with his boobs) and let them rest (on his boobs). Despite it all I think he really does like to feel needed.
I think Mommy Medic can be veryyyy... smothering. Figuratively and literally. He can really heap on the compliments, especially with a character who isn't very used to praise, which is its own kind of sadism. And he literally suffocates you in his boobs/thighs/ass/tummy/whatever. That one's a little less psychological.
Okayyyy goresex time... surgery makes Medic horny and he wants to fuck people's internal organs. Tf2 is really fun for this because the medigun is a built-in explanation for how he can do that while the other person is still awake. In Meet the Medic he should've been straddling Heavy's hips and jacking off onto his large intestine.
I don't know how into drinking blood normal humanguy Medic would be, but he definitely likes touching blood. Getting it all over his hands. I think he'd maybe be more into making you (or whoever) drink blood, lick it off his gloves, off his boots, off his big hairy (eroticized body part of your choice here). One of those things that he probably intends as a humiliation thing but if you're enough of a freak you just enjoy for what it is.
The penetration imagery of the needle. I read something like that recently about the scene in Breaking Bad where Jesse does heroin for the first time and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. You understand
On a humiliation note, I think Medic would think it's Very fun to "force" (lovingly encourage) someone to call him "mommy" if they're embarrassed about it, which I think most of his team would be. Medic using kink to help Sniper drop his inhibitions and give in to his urges and Have Fun is one of my fave bushmed dynamics and I definitely think getting Sniper to get over the hill and call him "mommy" for the first time would be a big thing for him. Of course this is all part of his plan to break you (consensually!) and have you (or whoever!) whimpering into his cleavage as he gets to nurture you
Imagine everything I just said but he's in a sexy nurse outfit that's extremely visibly too small for him. And also just COMPLETELY covered in blood. That's my vision
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