wilanserulia · 7 months
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I think my teenager self would be so ashamed to know that I'm designing an OC who's a ✨cyberpunk magical girl✨.
Hoshiko Yukimura is a normal girl who tries to do her best in her studies, but she's got magic powers, an adorable ç̸͖͓̜̂a̵̤͍̣̪̹̪͒̊̎̀̍̾̎͛̉̐͗̒̚͝t̵̢̟̪̤͍̪̯͈̳͕͓̲̫̭͇̔̌̄͐̇̔̅̿̿̍̓̀͊͝ companion (as seen here), and now even a battle costume with shields and propulsion wings she can transform into.
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txttletale · 1 year
As a Cthulhutech player, this discussion about Lancer is v interesting to me because CT is just nakedly disinterested in any progressive messaging despite being set in a v similar universe (including being able to build robot suits, though that's hardly the point of Lancer!)
this is what's wild, right, this is an entirely self created problem. all the weird stuff in lancer like NHPs and megacorps and clone slavery would be cool and interesting if it wasn't bizarrely embedded in a text that keeps grinding to a halt to call this world a progressive utopia
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patatedestenebres · 25 days
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Ce soir, session découverte du jeu de rôle avec l'un de mes plaisirs coupables; Cthulhutech! Les créatures du Mythe sont là, et il y a la possibilité de les dégommer au railgun, avec des sorts, où à la bagarre avec des méchas! Non mais là, what else? #jeuderole #ttrpg #CthulhuTech #patatedestenebres
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lapisslunaris · 11 months
Every Cthulhu game EXCEPT CoC, yes. So, thoughts on Fate of Cthulhu?
Okay so, rating from 1 to 10, 5 being "as fun as CoC", and considering i actually like playing CoC in spite of everything:
Delta green: I like modern settings and most of the rule changes, except for combat. Fuck the US though. Also I called the co-creator a pervert on twitter. 5/10.
Trail of cthulhu: Cool concept with enough crap to make every side of ttrpg mad. Pelgrane press loves AI art now. 5/10.
Cthulhu dark (paid edition): A setting guide with a ruleset to make trail look like pathfinder. insight instead of (in)sanity. insight is Still pretty much sanity. 5/10.
Pulp Cthulhu: It's not enough to live under Hairy Longcraft's racist shadow, one must rise to the occasion and become Doc Savage. 5/10.
Fate of cthulhu: it's FATE, of Cthulhu. it's messy, but kinda fun. No (in)sanity but corruption. Yet losing humanity makes you a monster, and monsters are the irredeemable bad guys. it's FATE. 5/10.
Achtung! cthulhu: 3 or more versions for different systems. All of which make no sense to me, i don't even like the setting. Maybe killing nazis will let us forget about Harry polyp longcraft. 3/10.
Cthulhutech: 2000s japanophilia-infused dice-pool system D&D with cthulhu stuff. Humans are being replaced with aliens! But also the human government is bad (but not racist, just anti-alien)! South America is there! Madness is reversible! Some of the worst misogynistic shit I've read in a game! It's a mess that should be researched for the sake of humanity, lest us repeat our history. Also, it's probably an evil artifact that possessed catalyst game labs. 1/10.
Arkham Horror: boardgame fun 6/10. Eldritch Horror: Arkham horror but better 7/10. Mansions of Madness: Betrayal at house on the hill but with cthulhu and you need a phone. 4/10. Elder sign: worse arkham horror 4/10. Cthulhu death may die: miniatures 4/10. Every chaosium book for other ages of history: idk 5/10. Munchkin cthulhu: NO 2/10.
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virovac · 10 months
Really wish people would stop playing up "fish forced breeding" with deepones and expies
Dissapointed to learn Darkest Dungeons does this
Not even innsmouth tale wasn't really that kind of visceral, and the horror was more the sailors marrying fish wives were inducted into their wive's blasphemous religion
(Lovecraft had a very...unique type of racist fears at times.)
And of course the awfulness of Cthulhutech
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aphemorpha · 1 year
man, why the hell did i spend my entire night reading a mass effect/cthulhutech crossover. i don't even know what a cthulhutech is.
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chaospastry · 2 years
I should look at the rules for cthulhutech again
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wraith-of-thiodolf · 3 months
i think humans made mechs first in cthulhutech and migou just mimic those? idk the wiki is sort of lacking
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strike255 · 3 years
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NEG Mecha
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NEG Engels
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Nazzadi Mecha
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Eldritch Society’s Tagers
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valhahazred · 4 years
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I was flipping through Call of Cthulhu’s Secrets of Japan book and this jumped out at me. Her name is Hachi-Rei and she’s a human clone fused to an alien bio-tech exoskeleton, the prototype to a line of transhuman supersoldiers. 
I can’t belive CoC beat Cthulhutech to ripping off Evangelion and Guyver at the same time.
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wilanserulia · 11 months
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How would it be?
Originally published on 2021/06/28
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maryannlores · 5 years
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It’s finished, people!! There ya go ୧☉□☉୨
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- s a c r e d -
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lapisslunaris · 2 years
Thoughts on CthulhuTech?
*no one* has thoughts on "cthulhutech"
okay fine, I think it is a product of it's time, but I see the appeal because it's very much the kind of shit I like to make. Should be less weird about that "japanese" font on the cover though.
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skunts-own-truth · 5 years
Went and made a pretty dang good CthulhuTech playlist, if I do say so myself!
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rpgcovers · 5 years
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CthulhuTech ~ Catalyst Game Labs/WildFire (2007)
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