#crypto play store
An Epic antitrust loss for Google
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A jury just found Google guilty on all counts of antitrust violations stemming from its dispute with Epic, maker of Fortnite, which brought a variety of claims related to how Google runs its app marketplace. This is huge:
The mobile app store world is a duopoly run by Google and Apple. Both use a variety of tactics to prevent their customers from installing third party app stores, which funnels all app makers into their own app stores. Those app stores cream an eye-popping 30% off every purchase made in an app.
This is a shocking amount to charge for payment processing. The payments sector is incredibly monopolized and notorious for its price-gouging – and its standard (wildly inflated) rate is 2-5%:
Now, in theory, Epic doesn't have to sell in Google Play, the official Android app store. Unlike Apple's iOS, Android permit both sideloading (installing an app directly without using an app store) and configuring your device to use a different app store. In practice, Google uses a variety of anticompetitive tricks to prevent these app stores from springing up and to dissuade Android users from sideloading. Proving that Google's actions – like paying Activision $360m as part of "Project Hug" (no, really!) – were intended to prevent new app storesfrom springing up was a big lift for Epic. But they managed it, in large part thanks to Google's own internal communications, wherein executives admitted that this was exactly why Project Hug existed. This is part of a pattern with Big Tech antitrust: many of the charges are theoretically very hard to make stick, but because the companies put their evil plans in writing (think of the fraudulent crypto exchange FTX, whose top execs all conferred in a groupchat called "Wirefraud"), Big Tech keeps losing in court:
Now, I do like to dunk on Big Tech for this kind of thing, because it's objectively funny and because the companies make so many unforced errors. But in an important sense, this kind of written record is impossible to avoid. Any large institution can only make and enact policy through administrative systems, and those systems leave behind a paper-trail: memos, meeting minutes, etc. Yes, we all know that quote from The Wire: "Is you taking notes on a fucking criminal conspiracy?" But inevitably, any ambitious conspiracy can only exist if someone is taking notes.
What's more, any large conspiracy involving lots of parties will inevitably produce leaks. Think of this as the corollary to the idea that the moon landing can't be a hoax, because there's no way 400,000 co-conspirators could keep the secret. Big Tech's conspiracies required hundreds or even thousands of collaborators to keep their mouths shut, and eventually someone blabs:
This is part of a wave of antitrust cases being brought against the tech giants. As Matt Stoller writes, the guilty-on-all-counts jury verdict will leak into current and future actions. Remember, Google spent much of this year in court fighting the DoJ, who argued that the company bribed Apple not to make a competing search engine, paying tens of billions every year to keep a competitor from emerging. Now that a jury has convinced Google of doing that to prevent alternative app stores from emerging, claims that it used these pay-for-delay tactics in other sectros get a lot more credible:
On that note: what about Apple? Epic brought a very similar case against Apple and lost. Both Apple and Epic are appealing that case to the Supreme Court, and now that Google has been convicted in a similar case, it might prompt the Supremes to weigh in and resolve the seeming inconsistencies in the interpretation of federal law.
This is a key moment in the long project to wrest antitrust away from the pro-monopoly side, who spent decades "training" judges to produce verdicts that run counter to the plain language of America's antitrust law:
There's 40 years' worth of bad precedent to overturn. The good news is that we've got the law on our side. Literally, the wording of the laws and the records of the Congressional debate leading to their passage, all militate towards the (incredibly obvious) conclusion that the purpose of anti-monopoly law is to fight monopoly, not defend it:
It's amazing to realize that we got into this monopoly quagmire because judges just literally refused to enforce the law. That's what makes one part of the jury verdict against Google so exciting: the jury found that Google's insistence that Play Store sellers use its payment processor was an act of illegal tying. Today, "tying" is an obscure legal theory, but few doctrines would be more useful in disenshittifying the internet. A company is guilty of illegal tying when it forces you to use unrelated products or services as a condition of using the product you actually want. The abandonment of tying led to a host of horribles, from printer companies forcing you to buy ink at $10,000/gallon to Livenation forcing venues to sell tickets through its Ticketmaster subsidiary.
The next phase of this comes when the judge decides on the penalty. Epic doesn't want cash damages – it wants the judge to order Google to fulfill its promise of "an open, competitive Android ecosystem for all users and industry participants." They've asked the judge to order Google to facilitate third-party app stores, and to separate app stores from payment processors. As Stoller puts it, they want to "crush Google’s control over Android":
Google has sworn to appeal, surprising no one. The Times's expert says that they will have a tough time winning, given how clear the verdict was. Whatever this means for Google and Android, it means a lot for a future free from monopolies.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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mephorash · 4 months
It’s possible to diy ftm hrt???
yeah dude. you can do this all on your phone too though it is less secure to use tor on one. keep in mind it's not really the most anonymous thing to send people paypal money for crypto or use tor on your phone but the police could not give less of a shit about people buying steroids or drugs in general for personal use. if you're not selling or buying distribution amounts they doooon't care
all you have to do is download tor (google it and click the first result or use the play store)
go on tor.taxi and pick a market, open the market link in tor [I use incognito]
get a crypto wallet [I used cake wallet]
buy bitcoin/monero/whatever with a P2P market, basically crypto version of reddit marketplaces [I used localmonero and sent paypal money in exchange for monero, make sure to follow the directions the market gives you, like not sending any money unless it says it's ok, you can always cancel if you feel like you're getting scammed and make sure to pick someone with lots of reviews]
send the crypto into your wallet on the market, wait
look up testosterone and make sure that it is shipping DOMESTICALLY. don't bother with customs. keep in mind 10ml = ten doses, if you're like me and take 2[50]mg biweekly. it'll be twenty if you take it every week.
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place order! just fill out your shipping info and pay lol
it's pretty simple, remember to log in and release the money once your package arrives! [go to your orders and click the button that says release funds]. the other person is waiting on their money and it's helpful to release it as soon as you get what you ordered.
I hope this helps anon
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brownsugar-dreams · 4 months
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How are you investing 🍬 or extra money? I started trying to learn about stock investments during the panorama. I lost just under $5k playing around with crypto 😭 but I learned (and still learning) a lot about financial management. I recently moved $10k from my HY savings account to a CD. I was dating a finance guy and he told me to open up a CD because it’s a higher interest rate and he matched my initial deposit 🥰 There’s so much to learn but it’s much better than letting money sit & collect dust! I’ve been wanting to hop on live & share my experiences with sugar investments 🤔
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1-800-c0sm1c · 8 months
꒰snooze !꒱
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after an intense match in the apex games, there's only one legend crypto would even dare let his guard down around.
character x legend!reader
includes crypto !
warnings : none.
word count : 1268
a/n : can you tell i've been streaming lovejoy's music recently with the cmwyl lyric i shoved in there ? yeah i'm obsessed sorry not sorry 🫶
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crypto was not one to let his guard down, ever. on the dropship, he was notorious for his silent and cold personality. how you managed to get him to warm up to you, let alone have an actual friendship with him was a mystery to your fellow legends.
after finishing a particularly rough match, you had offered crypto to come back with you to your apartment for a celebratory evening. he usually would be quick to decline, after all he always had work outside of the apex games that needed his attention. however, he's noticed he has a hard time saying no to you, especially when you look up at him with excitement in your eyes. crypto is sure he'd bang his head on any doorframe you seemed suitable for you two to go through if you looked at him the same way you always do.
he pretends to seem annoyed when agreeing, attempting to make the other legends around you on the dropship assume that he wasn't actually this quick to give in. although he highly doubts that anyone else's doe eyes would have the same effect on him that yours do, and he's not sure whether that's a blessing or a curse.
crypto's now relaxing on your couch, or at least, what he would consider relaxing. it's rare he gets a chance away from his work outside of when participating in the apex games, but he always can't help but feel a sense of guilt rush over him whenever he neglects it. so, even though it may not look like it, him sitting with his muscles tensed and brows furrowed, is his idea of taking a break.
you try your best not to laugh at him, the last thing you'd want to do is make him uncomfortable. but sometimes his awkwardness is amusing, and you choose to enjoy it while it lasts. "you look like you have a lot on your mind." you state, jumping up onto the couch next to him. "i always do." he replies, nonchalantly. you shrug in response, "yeah, i guess that's true. i just meant, you know, like you need a break." crypto pauses for a moment. he can't think straight when you're staring at him like that, like you see through him. was it that obvious how pent up he was? he guesses if it was obvious to anyone else they wouldn't have the courage to bring it up. not like you, never afraid to speak your mind, and incredibly stubborn.
"...아니, i'm fine." he finally answers, you don't look convinced in the slightest. "your eyebags look like they're working overtime at the local grocery store. when's the last time you got a full night's rest?" he looks away again, not sure whether he should answer honestly or not. he's probably gotten about 5 hours this week, and that's being generous. "it doesn't matter, i hardly notice when the time is passing anyway." he tries to play it off, hoping you wont press further, and surprisingly, you drop it. "yeah, sure. if you say so. if you're functioning i guess i can't get on your case about it." he lets out a breath of relief he hadn't even realized he was holding, and instantly regrets the answer he just gave you.
shit. maybe sleep was important. untensing his body even for such a short amount of time made the consequences of crypto's lack of sleep catch up to him real quick. he holds back a yawn, before attempting to strike up another conversation with you so he doesn't completely shut down. "you said you wanted to celebrate, what did you have in mind?" "oh, i don't know. i usually just end up with some cider in the hot tub by the end of the night. what do you think?"
he thinks its a horrible idea, but maybe if you begged him enough he'd think about it. just, not in his current situation. there'd be nothing more embarrassing than passing out in a hot tub and potentially drowning. plus, depending on who was around, removing his jacket was off limits for crypto. he's hoping you'll realize on your own how dumb of an idea that really was, and you'll be okay with just watching a movie or something. whatever gets him home the fastest.
you pout at him dramatically, "you wanna go home already? but you've been here for less than an hour. you'll have all the time in the world to be a boring nerd later, okay?" oh god, did he say that out loud? maybe it was too late for him, he was already totally delirious. he plays it off by looking annoyed, but with how exhausted he obviously looks it comes across more as a cranky toddler who's been woken up from their nap earlier than they'd like. you'd never tell crypto this as you value your life, but his grumpier side is actually really cute.
"what do you want to do then? since all my ideas are horrible.." you ask, heavy sarcasm in your tone that would make anyone else think you've spent too much time around crypto, but that he finds to be quite amusing. you're rubbing off on him too, just in hopefully less noticeable ways. he thinks about your question for a second, realizing he actually doesn't have any better suggestions and huffs a sigh and shrugs. "i don't know.." he mumbles.
you laugh under your breath and quickly clear your throat when he glances back at you, "well.. what do you usually do in your free time? outside of all the extra… stuff… you do?" he shrugs again nonchalantly, "i don't have time for other stuff." glancing down at his watch, he tries to pretend like the minutes aren't passing slower than ever. he can't even use the excuse that he's wasting his time. and even if he could, he wouldn't use it to guilt you.
"if you did have time, then. what would you do with it?" "sleep." crypto responds almost immediately. his eyes have started to get much more difficult to keep open, and he knows once they're closed they won't open again for a bit. you've noticed this, and subtlety move closer towards him until your shoulder touches his. you're not sure if it's the padding in his jacket or if he's really that out of it but he doesn't react at all to the distance between you being much smaller than it was before. "i mean, nobody's stopping you. i have a spare room or you can crash here on the couch if you want."
crypto quickly shakes his head, feeling slightly lightheaded afterwards. "that won't be necessary." you decide to test the waters by gently laying your head on his shoulder. this time he flinches, but he doesn't push you away. "are you sure? you look exhausted, i don't think you could make the walk back to your apartment." he scoffs, but doesn't deny his tiredness anymore. "whatever." crypto mutters.
you lift your head up to let him adjust on the couch, and he seems insistent on falling asleep sitting up perfectly straight. "that cannot be comfortable.." you laugh as you place your head back down and gently move his to lay on top of yours. crypto almost sputters out a protest but finds he's too tired to care anymore and instead simply says "wake me up in an hour." as he yawns. "yeah right. i'll see you in 8." you smile at your own remark, and crypto smiles too before closing his eyes finally and falling asleep.
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Hello, back again! I was wondering if you could recommend games that are available for free or on a pay-what-you-want basis. I’m currently on a tight budget (#collegelife) and I know many people in the same boat. I’m aware of Stars Without Number/Worlds Without Number and a couple of OSR games available in a free no-art edition like Mutant Future. Any others?
THEME: Free TTRPGS (1/2)
Oh my gosh I love this ask. Fear not dear student, I too understand the budget-decimating black hole that is academia, and I come to you with a number of recommendations, as well as helpful hints as to what to look for when you are browsing your favourite ttrpg site! (This is only 1/2) of what I've got in store for you!
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1. The Free tag on Itch.io. 
When it comes to finding a free game that works for you, you might have to search a little bit to find exactly what works for you, but there is *oodles* of free, quality games that you can find on this website. I cannot stress how much I love what I find on Itch. Sometimes the core rules are free while additional supplements are what costs money, while others are just games that people wanted to design because they feel passionate about it. 
Kids & Spirits, by Marc Strocks.
I can’t sleep in the new house... Late at night I feel like somebody’s watching. Once I woke up to find a toad on my windowsill so I scared it off. Last night I went on the roof to look out onto the valley. I called out: “I know you’re out there! If somebody’s here, you better say something!” Nobody did.
But then I saw her! I swear a real-live witch flew by on her broom! Dad said witch families used to live in this countryside. They all used to cast magic and stuff together. Well, I don’t think they like each other anymore. I think the covens are at war! And they won’t stop until one destroys the other!
KIDS & SPIRITS is a Studio Ghibli-hack of Kids on Bikes! The system and setting mesh perfectly because: they're about young, impulsive people facing powers beyond their control. In a one-shot or ongoing story, create your own Hayao Miyazaki-inspired tale!
This is a pay-what-you-want game that lets you tell the Studio Ghibli movie that you desire, with tropes to inspire your characters, various kinds of dice to represent the gamut of your abilities, and the beloved Kids on Bikes character connections questions. You’ll begin play with characters who are all connected, if even just because they’ve heard rumours about each-other, and explore a city that you build together in session 0. This is an absolutely charming game, with a spiritual successor in Spiritbound, which resides in the same world but uses the system of Ironsworn. 
If you’re interested in this game, you should also check out my Google Sheets character sheets!
Crypto > exploring // dystopia :: by aseigo.
The year 2100 came and went … adoption of an untraceable digital currency freed Corporations from the State, bankrupted governments and ushered in a new era where the democratic rule of law was replaced by unchecked economic powers. Global conglomerates, self-organizing arcologies, old-money empires, and the pioneers of new frontiers are all locked in a struggle to achieve their ambitions in this world.
Welcome to the cryptoanarchy. We hope you enjoy survive your stay.
Crypto is a tabletop role playing game about exploring a possible future dystopia as citizens of the cryptoanarchy. Suitable for running games featuring cyberpunk, dark future, and/or dystopian political themes.
I check out the newest games on Itch.io pretty regularly, and this one was published not too long ago. It comes with a 68-page rulebook, Fate Cards to generate your character’s backstory, NPC templates for the GM, Character Sheets, Reference Tables, Gear, and more. There’s advice on how to make your character feel real, how to determine the unifying goal of your team, interacting with NPCs, etc. To top it all off, there’s lore that explains how the world works, how it ended up this way, what the Edgenet is, and more. If you want gritty cyberpunk with a lot tools to get you set up, you should check out Crypto. 
The Electrum Archive, by Emiel Boven.
The Electrum Archive is a science-fantasy tabletop RPG, inspired by games like The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Ultraviolet Grasslands, Suldokar's Wake, and Cairn. It is being developed through zines that detail parts of the world of Orn and add new rules and procedures for you to use at the table.
The game is set on the world of Orn, a place long ago abandoned by an alien race now known as the Elders. The magical ink left behind in the shipwrecks of these ancient aliens is now used as currency and inhaled by warlocks as fuel for their spell casting. Adventurers called inkseekers venture out into the decaying world beyond the cities ruled over by scheming Merchant Houses to look for Elder artefacts and ink.
This is a fascinating setting with simple character creation that resonates with lovers of the OSR style of play.Your characters will have backgrounds and archetypes that set them apart, but your inventory is absolutely integral to being able to survive, as you’ll have 8 hit points or less and plenty of the monsters you go up against are likely to wipe the floor with you if you go head-to-head. With special rules for travel and exploration, this is a game for a group that wants to explore new and strange places, no matter the danger.
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2. Free games on DriveThruRPG. 
This is harder to search through than Itch.io in my opinion, but sometimes the slog of looking through countless pdfs is worth it in finding a game that you’ll get some fun out of. Here’s a few that I’ve looked at in the past, to help you get past that initial hurdle.
Wicked Ones, by Bandit Camp Games. 
WICKED ONES is a Forged in the Dark tabletop RPG about a group of fantasy monsters building a dungeon, launching raids on the surface to gather a hoard, and pursuing your nefarious master plan. Along the way, there's pillaging, rituals, concoctions, contraptions, discoveries deep in the ground, dungeon rooms, traps, creatures, minions, and so much more! You build your dungeon over time throughout the campaign and no two dungeons will ever be alike. You bask in choosing the greater of two evils as your group strives to accomplish its master plan and terrorize the region around your dungeon. However, your vile deeds lure increasingly greedy and powerful adventurers into your dungeon. Can you stave off the inevitable onslaught of heroism that your notoriety brings?
Forged in the Dark games fucking slap and the fact that you can play this one for free? I had to pinch myself. There’s a lot of moving pieces in FitD games that work together, but the one I want to really shout out here is the clocks. Forget keeping track of hit points for enemies - just slap on a clock to represent how close they are to dying, running away, or calling for reinforcements. Players also get abstracted resources, like Gold, which represents wealth, and Dark Hearts, meta points that can be spent to add extra dice to a roll. Do you wanna revel in monstrosity? Do your characters want to play murder hobos? Do you like heavy improv? Check out this game.
44: A Game of Automatic Fear, by Stories You Play.
"Someone you know was just replaced by a machine. No one else knows. You are next."
44: A Game of Automatic Fear is a suspense RPG. You portray people who know a robot conspiracy called Section 44 is replacing humanity. Can you survive before the conspiracy replaces you with a machine?
Set in the backdrop of the early 1950s, a time of high paranoia, 44 works like an Alfred Hitchcock movie with sci-fi elements. The players will create characters by contemplating their personalities and abilities, while the GM will brainstorm the qualities and agents that work for Section 44. The game is part survival-horror, part investigative-mystery, as the players will have to do their best to keep themselves out of the clutches of the mysterious agency by figuring out how to differentiate the replacements from real people.
This game was one of the first games I found when I was dipping my toes into the ttrpg scene and wasn’t sure if I wanted to spend money on this hobby or not, and therefore I hold it near and dear to my heart.
Pandora London and Pandora Paris, by Cascade Studios.
The story of Pandora is one of the most famous and well known of the Greek myths, a tale told to children to encourage them to behave. It is also a lie. One of the most carefully crafted pieces of fiction ever produced in order to hide a greater truth.
Become a participant in a supernatural war that rages in secret throughout the city of London. Battle forces both magical and spiritual as you and those like you uphold the peace and hold back the night.
PANDORA uses the Cascade Roleplaying System, a streamlined version of the role playing system first seem in the Golden Age RPG. Carefully designed to allow for quick and easy character creation and simple to remember in-game systems without losing the depth and freedom of choice that make role playing games so fantastic. Pandora London is the main rulebook, while Pandora Paris provides new factions, more lore, and a new setting to send your players to.
Pandora uses small dice pools of d10s. Characters have shared Traits and unique Skill Trees according to their class, and will keep track of both Health Points and Grace Points, which are player currency to fuel re-rolls and provide bonuses. Meanwhile, in terms of theme, it’s an urban fantasy game that’s more hopeful than Urban Shadows or World of Darkness, and slightly less mythic than Scion. If you like magic mixed with the mundane, Greek Mythology, or a game about going up against supernatural monsters, you should check this game out. 
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3. Small games designed from Lasers & Feelings, 24XX and Honey Heist.
One and two-page games may be rules-light and niche, but they’re also a lot of fun! As a student I especially like them because they take up way less space in a backpack than a conventional rulebook, printing them off is relatively cheap, and they’re so low-prep that I can pick them up and run them with little-to-no planning beforehand - perfect for when the GM had to study for three tests that week but still wants to run something.
Luv and Mutants, by Frames.
What will win in a fight for survival against mutated insects, harsh surroundings and other survivors - LUV or MUTANTS?
This one-page game is based on the Lasers & Feelings TTRPG. It is set in a movie inspired world, where a chemical havoc caused all cold-blooded animals to mutate and destroy most of human civilization.You play a group of survivors in this harsh world, testing your skills and teamwork. 
This game follows the standard rules of Lasers & Feelings. You choose one number between 2 and 5, and your character has 2 stats. One stat will favour rolls below your chosen number, while another will favour rolls that are higher. Hitting your chosen number means that something special happens. In Luv and Mutants, this something special is your Super Survival Instinct - you ask the GM a question and they must answer honestly, giving you a chance to change what you are doing or re-roll according to your insight.
If you like survival games or post-apocalyptic games and you don’t want a lot of prep, check out this game!
24XX PREDATORS, by Dice Ghosts.
DINOSAURS ROAM THE EARTH! A terrible earthquake has struck the biggest city in the world, releasing prehistoric creatures that were trapped beneath the earth. After quarantining the area, a team of experts has been assembled to enter the city and meet this ancient threat.
Play as a team of uniquely skilled individuals venturing into a ruined city that has become overrun by dinosaurs. Using your unique skills and training, you will need to work together to survive this metropolis of prehistoric predators and complete your mission.
24XX PREDATORS is an excellent example of the 24XX style of play. Characters are made quickly and die quickly, missions and encounters are randomly generated, and there’s even a list of dinosaurs to throw at your players! This game also has special mechanics for dinosaur and team-based mechanics - you’ll roll to determine what happens when more than one kind of dino shows up on the scene, and scattering in the moment has the ability to help or hinder you depending on what your teammates choose. If you like suspense, adventure and dinosaurs, you should absolutely check out this game.
Cephalopod Squad, by The Mirage Company.
A game about heroic squid children trying to stop evil schemes and be the coolest fish in school. 
Cephalopod Squad is a goofy hack of Honey Heist by Grant Howitt. Honey Heist games give you two stats, and start you out with 3 points in each stat. Failure in one sense moves increases one stat and decreases the other, while success moves in reverse. You will always have a way to voluntarily move your points around as well, as long as you role-play scenes that match one aspect of your character.
This particular hack is pretty much Splatoon: the roleplaying game, so finding art to represent your characters might be pretty easy! If you want a game that’s a bit goofy and light-hearted, Cephalopod Squad is a great place to start!
Games I’ve recommended in the past.
ICON Playtest, by Massif Press.
Cairn, by Yochai Gal. 
Reclaim the Wild, by Eldritch Knight.
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judasgot-it · 11 months
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Will update as I upload, although probably won't be consistent but this is my official masterlist...
Link to my AO3 here
Link to my Wattpad here
Hunting Dogs
When they want you in their lap (Jouno, Tecchou, Tachihara)
Playing Minecraft with them
Scent headcanons
Married life
Taking care of them during their monthly surgeries (Jouno, Tecchou, Tachihara)
Protecting him
kissing headcannons
Professor! Tecchou
Mean girl (ft. Jouno)
Happy birthday
Helping you with your cramps
Slow dancing with him
Carries wife! reader around at a party
Grocery store date
Helping you with insomnia (ft. Jouno)
Comforting barista!reader after a bad day
Songs he'd dedicate to you (ft. Jouno)
Baby talking him
What kind of lover is he? (Ft. Dazai, Nikolai)
Describing who you like to your BF
Tecchou with an s/o who was a strong sense of justice like him
Falling asleep on him
S/o has anxiety (ft. Dazai, Fyodor)
Falling asleep on his lap
Taking care of Tecchou after a mission
When their s/o wears flavored lipstick
Tecchou calling his partner his spouse
Taking care of you after being injured (ft. chuuya)
Soft headcanons
Vomiting on his shoes after eating one of his food combos
Mean girl (ft. Tecchou)
Dad Headcanons
Helping you with insomnia (ft. Tecchou)
Calling him to tell him happy birthday
Songs he'd dedicate to you (ft. Tecchou)
Taking care of you when you're sick
Drinking morning coffee with him
He gives you a tampon
Carnival ride with Tachihara
Scent headcanons
Reader takes care of Kenji like their own child
Last date before he gets arrested pt.2
Last date before he gets arrested
Ex! Dazai asking to be taken back
Confessing to him
What kind of lover is he? (Ft. Tecchou, Nikolai)
Reader who is like Lisa Row (angst)
Confessing to Kunikida pt.2
Confessing to Kunikida pt.1
Argument with Dazai pt.2
Argument with Dazai pt.1
Dazai gets rejected by reader
S/o has anxiety (ft. Tecchou, Fyodor)
Reader has the ability to make people forget that they exist
Reader blames them after getting into an argument (ft. Chuuya, Fyodor)
Confessing to Kunikida pt.2
Confessing to Kunikida pt.1
Being romantic with Yosano (fem! reader)
Drinking morning coffee with her
Getting into an argument with him
Reader has the ability to make people forget that they exist
Special Abilities Division
Comforting Ango after a long day at work
Scent headcannons
It's love, that's it Part 2
S/o has anxiety (ft. Dazai, Tecchou)
Reader blames them after getting into an argument (ft. Dazai, chuuya)
What kind of lover is he? (Ft. Tecchou, Dazai)
Drinking morning coffee with him (sort of)
What kind of lover is he? (Ft. Mushitaro)
What kind of lover is he? (Ft. Sigma)
Port Mafia
Scent Headcannons
What type of lover is he?
Reader blames them after getting into an argument (ft. Dazai, Fyodor)
Taking care of you after being injured (ft. Tecchou)
The Guild
Edgar Allan Poe
Scent headcanons
Drinking morning coffee with her
Bsd men when their GF queefs
Bsd men who could/nt handle a long-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriend
Most likely to show their dick on a live stream (twitch streamer AU)
most to least likely to sell you crypto/NFTs
Top 5 scared of women
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sugardaddy!Gojo kicks you out of his apartment after he reunites with his BF Geto
Stalking Nanami in an attempt to make him your sugar daddy (yeah idk)
Magic and Muscles
Kaldo Gehenna
Can I kiss you?
There was only one bed
Pregnancy Cravings
Orter Madl
There was only one bed
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some-triangles · 2 months
Can you say some mean shit about Walgreens
How can I hate on Walgreens? When they gave us this whole mess? When the former CEO created a new company to make creeptech cooler doors that would film you and play "personalized" ads at you when you approached - and then sold them through what I am sure was a completely above-board process to his former company - and then threatened to sue them when they delayed the rollout (not because everyone hated the doors, which they did, but because they kept breaking) - and then did sue them when they cancelled the project because the new CEO saw the doors and thought they looked tacky. It's the modern tech space in a nutshell. AI, crypto, whatever, it all boils down to
TECH GUY: This will enable you to do something underhanded and evil.
TECH GUY: Great. You'll have to remodel a bunch of your stores and destroy things that work in order to do it but I promise you it'll all turn out great.
COMPANY THAT WILL SELL YOU A SODA AND A USB-C CHARGER: Hang on, these suck and are broken and aren't letting me do evil at all.
TECH GUY: Skill issue. Also you owe me three billion dollars.
Anyway, condolences to those of you who live in small towns where the above brain geniuses are solely responsible for getting you the medications you need to stay alive.
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grosezero · 1 year
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WICKEDCRAZYGAMING was a youtuber focusing on covering obsccure PC games such as Dwarf Fortress and Portal 1. He buit his audience with his trademark cynicism, Sarcastic remarks and playing up his frustrations into long winded rants. His most popular video - “GTA V: The game that makes you a criminal” sits at oer 500 000 views as of wirting this. 
WICKEDCRAZYGAMING, whose real name was Tommy Fiasco, was enjoying a steady supply of views and subscribers and had all that a PC game reviewer could ask for. He didn’t know what faith had in store for him. 
During one of  his sunday relax streams, he raged out during a game of frogger and called it the worst piece of fucking shit he ever had to experience and he would rather be pierced into his chest with a spear. This enraged the retro gamer community who dug into his past to dig out his cringe warrior cats deviantart account where he would have ms paint drawings of his OC using bases that he did not credit. 
Nowadays on WICKEDCRAZYGAMING he peddles his crypto “WickedCrazyCon”, a “ crypto for the Out There gamer” to his small but dedicated community
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lunarsilkscreen · 2 months
Long-Term Strategy for Game Series Support
We're entering an era of Long-Term support for Video Games Series. (THAT'S A LIE, WEVE BEEN THERE FOR A MINUTE NOW.)
As Developers and Publishers start shutting down online services for older games (and in some cases disabling the game entirely)
Which is necessary, considering that servers take money to continue running. And older game players simply aren't bringing in revenue to keep the lights on. (Because they're not bringing in any money)
The question that AAA developers should be asking; "How do we integrate our games backend into a shared eco-system in order to reduce costs for each individual game, and increase adoption of newer services/games for our players?"
This is a question that must be asked because Developers and Publishers already know how difficult it is to retain profits while competing with the Resale and Third-Party markets like GameStop.
Many developers have started creating "Always On" services which require the game to be connected to the internet in order to play offline portions. (To verify authenticity that the game was purchased from an official source and not pirated.)
After-all it's hard to continue paying for online services if pirates are using them.
Still, services like Hearthstone provide a free service, free product, and still manage to turn profit. Part of this is because of the competitive environment and sponsored tournaments.
By offering a prize, plenty of players can be convinced to play, just in case they feel like going pro next year.
But they probably won't. Despite that; the game is incredibly fun to play. Except when several players in a row have the exact combo that enables them to keep tempo, and so you gotta grin and bear it till it becomes fun again.
Or buy more cards.
Still, how do you create an environment for the casual players of casual games. Like Animal Crossing, or Pokemon. Since most Pokemon players aren't competitive.
After a half-a-decade, the business model dictates that you sell a new game to replace the old one.
Part of the problem here is that each new game has a lot of the same content as the old game, and thus; in order to switch you need throw away your old save file and start from scratch.
Many players that would do that just because they can would have done so already. And so older players may end up giving up both the old and new, simply because it's easier to do so.
Despite the newest games having a lot of the same content, a lot of old content is lost. Like the Story. What would traditionally be called the "Movie" or "Novel" portion. Depending on if it was a cutscenes or several hundred lines of text.
And so in order to re-experience the old content; many players may instead choose to simply to pirate the old content, or read about it from online sources.
Part of the solution is to simply offer the old content to new players. And to try to convince older players into the new areas by allowing them to bring their old content and achievements with them.
This can be accomplished a few different ways. Crypto is one way to create a ledger tied to a players account so that they can share their content between platforms and games.
Nearly every platform, PlayStation, XBOX, and while Nintendo doesn't offer a platform specific variant, game often still include achievements.
And this system can be used to store certain content on a player basis to brought into newer or different games.
This would also enable cross-game items/content/achievements that players could bring with them from series to series.
Which would be a boom for cross-promotional purposes. And by creating an environment and a system that enables to store this in the same place(cloud). You could also control for DataBase specifications in order to reduce size and increase speeds for each individual game.
Now, I am pretty well Versed in Learning Content Distribution. SCORM(This is an acronym you don't need to know, and would only raise more questions if I explain it, so I'll stick to the surface here.) SCORM, TinCan, and xAPI (not to be confused with Twitter) are specifications created for the Learning Management Environment (Education, College, Government, and corporate training models) in order to do exactly what I'm talking about with as little or as much data bandwidth requirements, is relatively secure and includes cross-service achievement-like systems.
As well as content-distribution systems.
I would assume there's a way to integrate it with Crypto. It would replace the monkey WEBMs with something more substantial.
And this service or system would allow not only players to bring their accounts and achievements and items with them from game to game (or from game to social media) but games to communicate with each other.
Again, I'm thinking "Eco-system" here. Publishers would be able to do large-scale cross-promotional events with many games simultaneously. And enable platform-hoping between games with content from each individual event.
What this means is that you would also be able to provide a place for those old games to exist, even if they don't participate it the Events anymore. AND encourage players to try new and other games because they don't lose their original save files doing so.
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unpluggedfinancial · 10 days
Understanding the Bitcoin Halving: What It Means for the Future
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In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, the term "Bitcoin halving" frequently pops up in discussions, often accompanied by predictions of significant market shifts and opportunities. But what exactly is Bitcoin halving, and why does it hold such importance? In this blog post, we'll explore the mechanics behind Bitcoin halving, its historical impacts, and what it could mean for the future of Bitcoin and the broader financial landscape.
What is Bitcoin Halving?
Bitcoin halving is a predetermined event that occurs approximately every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks are mined. During this event, the reward for mining new blocks is halved, effectively reducing the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. This mechanism is built into Bitcoin's code as a deflationary measure to control the supply of Bitcoin over time.
The Mechanics Behind Bitcoin Halving
To understand the significance of halving, it's essential to grasp how Bitcoin mining works. Bitcoin miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical problems, validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain. As a reward for their efforts, miners receive a certain number of Bitcoins. Initially, this reward was set at 50 Bitcoins per block. However, after the first halving in 2012, it dropped to 25 Bitcoins, then to 12.5 in 2016, and most recently to 6.25 in May 2020. The latest halving in 2024 reduced the reward to 3.125 Bitcoins per block.
Historical Impact of Bitcoin Halving
Historically, Bitcoin halving events have been followed by significant price increases. The reduced supply of new Bitcoins tends to create a scarcity effect, driving demand and, consequently, the price. For example, after the 2012 halving, Bitcoin's price rose from around $12 to over $1,000 within a year. Similarly, post-2016 halving, the price surged from approximately $650 to nearly $20,000 by the end of 2017.
However, it's crucial to note that while past performance can provide insights, it doesn't guarantee future results. Various factors, including market sentiment, regulatory developments, and technological advancements, can influence Bitcoin's price.
The 2024 Halving and Its Impact
The 2024 halving has already made its mark on the Bitcoin market. Here are a few notable outcomes and their implications:
Increased Scarcity and Higher Prices: As anticipated, the reduction in new Bitcoin supply created a scarcity effect, driving prices higher. This attracted more investors, further fueling the price surge.
Greater Miner Efficiency: With reduced rewards, miners sought more efficient ways to operate, leading to advancements in mining technology and energy use. This has also driven a shift towards sustainable energy sources in mining operations.
Market Maturity: Bitcoin continues to mature as a store of value and medium of exchange. The halving event reinforced Bitcoin's deflationary nature, appealing to those seeking a hedge against inflation.
Potential Market Corrections: While prices have generally increased, the market has also experienced corrections. High volatility remains a hallmark of the crypto market, and investors should be prepared for potential price swings.
What the Future Holds
As we move forward, the crypto community remains abuzz with speculation. Here are a few potential outcomes and their implications:
Continued Price Growth: Following the trend of previous halvings, Bitcoin may continue to see price growth as demand outstrips supply.
Innovations in Mining: The push for more efficient and sustainable mining practices could lead to significant technological advancements.
Increased Adoption: As Bitcoin's deflationary nature becomes more apparent, we may see increased adoption as a store of value and medium of exchange.
Regulatory Developments: Ongoing regulatory developments could play a crucial role in shaping the future of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market.
Bitcoin halving is a critical event that underscores the unique economic model of Bitcoin. By systematically reducing the supply of new Bitcoins, halving events contribute to Bitcoin's scarcity and deflationary characteristics. As we look to the future, the 2024 halving has already shown significant market developments, impacting miners, investors, and the broader financial ecosystem. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer, understanding Bitcoin halving is essential to navigating the ever-changing landscape of cryptocurrencies.
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abbinurmel · 1 month
I have been agonizingly and repeatedly where my bf is right now, where it comes to nurturing people who are close to you and whom do not try to directly abuse or affect you in shitty ways themselves, but their constant personal life dramas and how they abuse alcohol/self sabotage out of nilhilism and stubboness, causes you to wanna obsess over taking care of them or stepping into their drama uninvited as mediator w. 1) the desire to fix their problems for them just out of good friendship in exchange for their many kindnesses and 2) the fear of them abandoning you or God forbid throwing themself off a cliff if they never recover.
And I don't wanna both sound hypocritical/pedantic and also thougtless- but there's a diff when it's internet friends vs. irl. And one part of me argued the long distance friend with a problem is more unhealthy worse and more without point to obsess with. The other hand, irl indirectly toxic drama friend, has actual immediate impact that actually takes itself into your life.
My point was forgotten here. I guess I just feel weary and sad and sorry for these people all involved.
And. Yea. I know. I can never have right to judge others or how we all cope with our pain. We all struggle with inner mental illness or barriers and I just hafta accept as adults we are only able t b responsible for ourself and we all have our own paths to take. I have my own toxic addictions too.
......But I'll say the hot take anyway.. cos fuckit.
....drinking abuse is really really fuckin frustratingly dumb especially when you are over 25. What even are you fucking doing, treating your angst or life problems this way. You need a coping mechanism to escape life, instead of actually taking your inner demons and working thru them? Modern life has provided you with an endless supply of vices and addictions to give a cheap hit of sweet dopamine or a distracted altered state. Tiktok, sex chat, table top gaming, gambling apps, doomscrolling, cook something, go to a sex dungeon, play Animal Crossing, write Animal Crossing fanfic, write tawdry and/or tawdry Animal Crossing fanfic and/or wank yourself into a coma, WE don't hafta know!-
Ffs...weed's fucking LEGAL now in over 29 states in the US, you can dye your hair and paint your nails in any color conceivable and you can cosplay as someone else and you can dress however you goddamn want cos in the world of Amazon you can consume any possible product and shop addict yourself into being broke. You can listen to any music now, watch nearly any TV program or film of the last 100 years, and read almost any literature or comic or play any videogame that is possible to buy or pirate. You can marathon now or binge in ways that wasn't possible even less than 20 years ago. You can roleplay as any possible gender animal or age you could want and the damned endless amount of hobbies and skills you could pour focus in....
There are a million other unhealthy but still less.unhealthy, more creatively degenerate habits and vices you could partake in. You could vape in almost any flavor. You could destroy private property and invent cool tag slogans or mascots to graffiti on your neighborhood. You could steal from corporate stores, it's practically cool now to morally do. You could peddle absurd misinfo, draw porn, get into crypto, get into ASMR,.get into tattoos, piercings, absurd fad diets, you could do illegal drugs that at least make you FEEL EUPHORIC INSTEAD OF SHIT ANYWAY (which disclaimer no, you shouldn't actually do them but if you're gonna do shit anyway-) I hear Molly, Ecstasy, light shrooms, meth, coke and such are fun. You could at least imbibe some dumb shit that fucks you up but doesn't make you a whiny,.moaning, miserable, bitter sonuvabitch who just mopes about why do they still not feel good and you already knew would never made you feel good, emotional or physically, and then throw up. What is your fuckin aim here. Are you stressed and tired, you wanna pass out? Take a fucking regular depression nap then. Or take sleeping pills, or some Benadryl, or go have some.really intense good sex, and let that pass you out. You need to relax your muscles and shut off racing thoughts? Either get a prescription from a doctor or just drink warm milk and take a hot bath like all the fuckin rest of us. Unless you are a broke and homeless person with no hope of access to any material resources or pleasures or amounts of self care without being granted those valuable resources from the outside, or you are someone in a 3rd world country with access to not a single one of these many amenities, options, vices, or informative resources on how to cope with problems, for mutherfucking fucking sake, WHAT are you DOING.
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distancealliance · 2 months
There's a mobile game that stole the Distance car model
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It's real. This game is highly likely to be a crypto scam. I would not recommend looking into it.
The store page features the Spectrum in several promotional screenshots:
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Pacific Gaming Studios, whoever they are, proudly display the stolen model on their Google Play store page as well:
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I'm sure the other assets are stolen just like the Spectrum. Absolutely despicable.
There's 0 information on the company from my brief research. Their website link just redirects you to a bunch of ads and is likely trying to scrape info on anyone curious enough to click.
Steer clear of this game and this development team and report them!
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tedistryinggg · 2 years
being an mcr fan is wild because at any one time all the members are doing the most whack things. we have gerard at a bar or exhibition. frank playing record stores with band no 181737. mikey being the World’s Greatest Dad. ray being a crypto bro. and honestly i’m here for it all it makes so much sense with their personalities
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alphafitnessman · 8 months
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azcryptoreviews · 7 months
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"Bitcoin's Potential Soars: Could It Reach $3 Million Per Coin?"
By George Georgiev | Nov 1, 2023
When it comes to Bitcoin (BTC) price predictions, one analyst is making waves with an eye-popping forecast. Luke Broyles, a respected crypto analyst and Bitcoin advocate, is suggesting that Bitcoin's value could skyrocket to an astounding $3 million per coin. While this may sound outrageous, Broyles presents a compelling case for this bullish outlook.
Broyles points out that despite Bitcoin's impressive market capitalization of $500 billion as of 2023, it still represents a fraction of the world's largest asset classes. To support his prediction, he emphasizes that Bitcoin's adoption rate is currently between 0.05% and 0.5%. If this adoption rate were to increase to 10%, it could drive a 100-fold increase in Bitcoin's value. Even if just 4% of the global population demanded 1 million satoshis, it could lead to Bitcoin's price soaring to astronomical heights.
Drawing parallels with the early days of the internet, Broyles argues that Bitcoin is a triple point asset, serving as a store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account. He highlights the inherent value of groundbreaking technology, even with low initial adoption rates, as demonstrated by the internet's growth in the late '90s and early 2000s.
As of 2023, Bitcoin has shown resilience by recouping at least 50% of its all-time high from November 2021, currently trading at $34,501. However, much of the recent price action has been driven by news related to a spot exchange-traded fund (ETF), which is now fading in significance.
Achieving Bitcoin's price of $3 million per coin would require a confluence of factors, including regulatory changes, growing demand for risk assets in response to higher inflation, monetary policies enacted by central banks like the Federal Reserve, geopolitical tensions, and more. Broyles isn't the only analyst to make bold predictions about Bitcoin's future, but it's often events like chaos and social unrest that attract the most attention to this digital asset.
In conclusion, while a $3 million price target for Bitcoin may seem audacious, Luke Broyles makes a compelling argument based on Bitcoin's potential for growth and its current low adoption rates. However, realizing this milestone would depend on various influential factors coming into play. As the crypto world continues to evolve, it's clear that Bitcoin's journey is far from over.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, Luke Broyles, and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of A-ZCRYPTOREVIEWS or its editorial team. Cryptocurrency investments are highly speculative and volatile, and readers should exercise caution and conduct their own research before making any investment decisions. It's essential to understand that cryptocurrency markets are subject to significant risks, including regulatory changes, market fluctuations, and unforeseen events that can impact the value of digital assets. A-ZCRYPTOREVIEWS provides news and information for educational purposes only and does not offer financial or investment advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with financial professionals and experts before making any investment decisions.
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warchirfsminitures · 9 months
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First game at local game store. Also: first game against knights! As cool as it all looked, i was quite ill prepared. I lost resoundingly but it was enjoyable nonetheless.
Reflection on necrons - there are a lot of overlapping rules and buffs to remember. A lot. I missed playing my space marines and their archaic bolter technology.
Necron warrior blobs - second 2k game, and like the first, all thats left were warriors. Also the warriors were what put down a large knight! Lethal hits are no joke.
Crytothralls - i understand now why they went up 20 points… still very valuable for survivability. Those crypto thralls tanked many wounds indeed!
Necron elites - very squishy and need protecting. I misplayed for sure, but the elites (essentially non warrior units) should be used with great care and purpose.
Thats all for now.
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