uv-leo · 7 years
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what a mighty good man
Click read more for a 1 year comparison
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hydrachea · 7 years
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Crossings + Guide To Troubled Birds
(all characters belong to @crossingcrew)
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elliot-ayy · 8 years
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Fanart for @alexa-eve for her webcomic Crossings My mom said he was creepy, I hope you like it!
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alexa-eve · 8 years
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[Taptastic] [Artist] [Beginning] [Latest]
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crossingcrew · 8 years
Most important question: does Angel dae have the spicy teeth???
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Smite Smile!
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anoceanofwhales · 8 years
Yvonne drabbles!  
This is it. 
That's all that she could think, prominent knuckles rapping against her skull as she rocked herself against the wall. 
One, two, three. One, two, three. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
She was going to die here. 
 She had thought her fate lie deep under earth, in blackened mines, fingertips slipping over bloodied knuckles to better grip on the pick that was her only life line. She thought she would end, buried under tonnes of heavy stone, an impromptu tomb struck down from a single misjudged swing. 
She had thought again not months later that surely, this was the end of her line. That death had other stone walls in mind for her, ones that tore her nails as she ran them down the half smoothed surface, that loomed in on all sides like a coffin. 
It was closer to the skies than the mines had ever been, but somehow it felt twice as constricting. 
Cold, dull grey stone. The same she'd seen her entire life. It closed in on all sides and seemed to press into her very soul space, causing her chest to heave as she scrabbled at her scalp in panic. 
She couldn't understand a word the guard muttered to eachother in the dead of night, exchanging glances and eyes wandering to meet her own. She knew nothing of what her fate was to be, but she knew the feeling was not a good one. 
That's what she had thought. 
She reflected on this, and it reflected in her eyes as she gazed up at the light of thousands of stars. 
Pain and fear of days passed seemed light years away, farther than the cosmos itself and so very small in comparison to the vastness of open skies before her. Night air played in her hair, breeze kissing her cheeks as she let her eyes flutter closed, basking in the light of the rising moon. 
She had stood up, she had stood out. She had fought and now she was free to stand tall, far above the mines that once caged her. 
She had found her fight, he freedom, when she was at her most fragile. In her darkest day, a fire had sparked. And now she was a blazing star. 
Four grey walls, skinned knees and broken dreams, She had thought that was the end. 
It was only her beginning.
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crossingscomic-blog · 8 years
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-End of Chapter Four-
[Taptastic] [Artist] [Beginning] 
Orvh zmw girxph droo zodzbh drm, Gsvb xzm mlg svok yfg ovg srn rm. Gsvb'iv uzoormt hrxp, Sv'oo hkivzw rg jfrxp, Gsrh xrgb rh mlg hzuv uiln hrm.
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lonelyrollingpluto · 8 years
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A series of playlists to match the vibes of 6 characters in the comic Crossings by @alexa-eve
Desperate // Simon Claude: (8tracks) (Spotify)
Golden Girl // Rona: (8tracks) (Spotify)
Glowstick // Llewellyn: (8tracks) (Spotify)
Orange // Tristran Coppers: (8tracks) (Spotify)
Plant Boy // Ivan Ivory: (8tracks) (Spotify)
OBEY. // Daemeon: (8tracks) (Spotify)
Tracklists under the cut!
desperate tracklist:
Casual Affair - Panic! At The Disco | The Kids Don’t Stand a Chance - Vampire Weekend | Candles - Daughter | Lose it - Oh Wonder | Tetris - Brika | Put a Flower In Your Pocket - The Arcs | People II: The Reckoning - Andrew Jackson Jihad | Fireflies - Chris Garneau | Let the Road - Rixton | We’ll Meet Again - Vera Lynn
golden girl tracklist:
Breezeblocks - Alt-J | Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa - Vampire Weekend | In Fact - Gregory and the Hawk | Red Balloon - Never Shout Never | Love is Our Weapon (SPOTIFY ONLY) - Never Shout Never | Budapest - George Ezra | First Dance - Never Shout Never | Keep On Chooglin’ - Andrew Jackson Jihad | Maddy Brown - My Brothers and I
glowstick tracklist:
Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend | Such Great Heights - The Postal Service | Sleepyhead - Passion Pit | This Head I Hold - Electric Guest | Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost | Luck - American Authors | Bridges - Broods | Human - Jon Bellion
orange tracklist:
Anna Sun - Walk the Moon | Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun | A-Punk - Vampire Weekend | Daylight - Matt and Kim | Hugs Not Drugs (or Both) - Brendan Maclean | If you Wanna Stay - The Griswolds | LA Devotee - Panic! At The Disco | Hey Now - Matt and Kim
plant boy tracklist:
Woodland - The Paper Kites | The Giving Tree - Plain White T’s | Gone - JR JR | Choices - To Kill A King | Sellout - Never Shout Never | De, Re, and Me - Andrew Jackson Jihad | Peaches - Bob Schnieder | The Coconut Song - Max Schnieder | Gasoline - Houndmouth
OBEY tracklist:
Overtime - Brika | Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco | Kings - Grieves | Hypnotic (Vanic remix) - Zella Day | Painting Greys - Emmit Fenn | September’s Rhyme - S.J Tucker | Hit and Run - LOLO | Lovit - Marian Hill | Whoa Whoa Whoa - Watsky | Bet Against Me - Watsky | Trndsttr (Lucian Remix) - Black Coast
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brobblegum · 8 years
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scott is a weight lifting oc of mine that just needs a nap. Simple minded guy with lots of hair and muscle, really. But let me tell you that this has been a very scott-ish week.
featuring Daemeon from @crossingscomic (a webcomic by @alexa-eve that you should totally read) !!
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edalynn · 7 years
If any of y'all support @.alexa-eve you need to unfollow me right now because she's a fake, abusive, cheating, piece of shit please and thank you!
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yuckoart · 8 years
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So how about that @crossingscomic, eh guys?
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alexa-eve · 8 years
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Orphan, Brother, heart of gold Falling sick and growing cold @crossingscomic
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crossingcrew · 8 years
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Crossings AU time pt 3: Angel Daemeon
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anoceanofwhales · 8 years
I Punched a Tree
Orangetree Drabble that got more than a little bit out of hand. 
 Warnings: Gay idiots, Implied tree abuse 
Eyes flitted under closed lids, lashes dancing and brows furrowing as Ivan let out a long sigh, rolling to his side and shifting the makeshift cover that blanketed him to the side. 
 It seemed he wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight. 
Sitting up, he ran his hands over his face and cracked his back, squinting in the light of the moon where it broke through the treeline. It was amazing to be able to see the skies again, too long they'd trekked and tracked through forests so tall and dense that the only light that lit the way were the lanterns they carried or the soft glow of bioluminescence. 
Perhaps that's what kept him up, night terrors aside, he wasn't quite used to such bright nights anymore. 
 He pushed himself out of the soft divot he'd created in the half dried leaves, slipping carefully around the sleeping forms of his fellow crew as he made his way to what he knew was the look out. If he couldn't sleep, maybe he could give whomever was taking the guard a short reprieve. 
Soft boot soles padded through the grass of the small clearing, careful not to trip or make too much noise as he neared the partial cliff that overlooked a short drop into darker woods. The trees receded here, just a small portion of moonlight bathed earth, overlooking a vast view under the watchful eye of thousands of stars. 
 A small figure sat perched, one knee to his chest, night air gently shifting softly curled locks of ginger hair. He had his back to Ivan, head bowed, hands in his lap and hunched perhaps a bit more than usual. His guard was down, a rare and worrying sight. 
The healer sighed, moving gently to the cliff side, carefully setting himself down. The other man didn't look up, nor acknowledge his presence but Ivan pressed his shoulder gently against him, gaze tilting back to take in the sky above them. 
 They sat silent for a time, still, shoulder to shoulder, watching the world turn and relishing in the chilled breeze that flushed their faces as it passed. 
 It was Ivan who finally broke the silence, soft words cutting night air. 
"This is the third night in a row you've taken watch. Mom was supposed to be out here." 
He felt Tristran shift, an amused huff as he straightened a bit, re-adjusting his legs. "Great job she was doing, instead of alerting us of predators, that snore was alerting predators of us." He muttered, a vague air of amusement playing at his tone. 
His voice was rough at the edges, the mark of the first words a voice has used in hours. Ivan glanced over, taking in the half smirk the ginger man faced out to the world, one that Ivan could tell didn't reach his eyes. 
He worried his lip, gaze shifting from the shorter man to the ground, and back again. "Tristran..." He began, but was cut off. "I'm fine" the other sighed out, a bitter edge hiding under exasperation. "You don't sound fine" Ivan replied, hand moving to gently brush the others, soft amber eyes watching his face. 
 The careful fingers that played over Tristran's knuckles caused him to wince, a movement that didn't go undetected as Ivan's gaze snapped down to where their hands lay. 
"Oh gods what did you do?" He let out, maybe a little louder and faster than intended, mild panic and concern overtaking him as he grabbed tris's hand in his own, turning it every which way in the light. 
 Almost frantically, he looked over torn knuckles and an ugly bruise that was painted along now reddened skin. 
"It's fine" Tristran muttered, looking away as Ivan's eyes tried to find his face again. 
"What did you do" "I... punched a tree." "Punching trees is not ‘fine' behavior." The ginger man snorted, bitter amusement apparent. "It doesn't matter" he brushed off. 
"It matters to me Tristran. You matter to me."
 Breath caught in Tristran's throat, eyes finally meeting Ivan's if only for a moment, a brief and unreadable expression clear before his guard slid back up, eyes flitting away. He said nothing, and Ivan's brow creased. 
"If you're not going to care for yourself than I'm going to care for you" he mumbled, shifting Tris' injured hand as he leaned, searching the area around them. 
A soft glint in the grass just behind the tail of the other man's coat alerted him to the presence of a bottle, precisely what he was looking for. He leaned, making a grab for it and startling the shorter with his sudden movement before he settled back again, small canteen in hand. 
Tristran watched as the other opened it with his teeth, squinting down the neck to check the contents. It was still mostly full, but Ivan wasn't sure how true that would still be if he hadn't have joined him. 
He brought the bottle to his nose, cautiously taking a whiff before quickly covering his nose with the back of his hand. "Gods that's strong!" Tristran just shrugged, looking back out to the sky. "So." 
Ivan sighed, thumb subconsciously rubbing a soft circle into the side of Tris' wrist. "I don't know what bothers you so much, and I might never know. Heavens, I don't even know your favorite color” he started "Do favorite colors matter." Tris interjected flatly, attempting to de-rail this conversation. "Favorite colors always matter." he muttered, turning Tristran's hand over again, facing injured knuckles back towards the stars. "But I do know that you don't deserve the way you treat yourself." He paused. 
"This... might sting a little." he continued, holding the other's hand out over the grass and gently tipping some of the contents of the canteen over it, watching the tendons in the other's hand jump slightly at the sensation of burning liquid running across scraped skin. 
 It rolled off the back of the brawler's hand, taking with it half-dried blood and just a little bit of dirt, and the healer set the bottle back down, bringing his own arm up and using his teeth to begin unwrapping the binding that circled his own forearms. He tore at it with his teeth, using the strip of clean white fabric to carefully bandage the other's damaged hand. 
Tying it off, he tucked in the ends, eyes searching Tristran's face as he slowly brought the hand closer towards himself, bowing his head slightly to press a light kiss to covered knuckles. Clear blue eyes met his, a strange and muddled expression almost akin to pain set across his freckled face. 
"It's... not wound too tight, is it?" The healer asked softly, head tilting and brows drawn. 
Tris shook his head, a movement so small Ivan almost missed it. Jaw muscles clenched, he looked almost like he wanted to say something but broke his gaze away again, looking back to the stars. Ivan breathed out, letting their hands settle between them, still not letting go. He shifted slightly, eyes turning out to take in the outlook as he gently let his head come to a rest on the shorter man's shoulder. 
 He decided silence, right now, might be better than words. 
 Calm breathing, the gentle beat of hearts and the rustle of leaves in the surrounding trees lulled Ivan, a quiet and careful haze taking him over as he drifted off, content to rest now, the other's presence sure and comforting.
Tristran remained, watching the skies, unsure if the flush of his cheeks was the wind or the warmth of his own heart, which seemed to beat maybe a little bit faster than it should. He could feel Ivan's breathing steady as he drifted out into a much-needed sleep, braced against the shorter man, hands still entangled and resting gently between them. 
 Chapped lips parted, a voice barely above a whisper, heard by no one but the ginger, the stars, and the chilling breeze. 
"My favorite color is purple."
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edalynn · 7 years
oh so now youre “tristran”. why? bc you think “oh no we have so much in common both terrible exes”. like oyu know,,, the ex of tristrans you MADE to help me cope with MY abuse? when you said abuse was so prevalent in your comic to help me heal and cope? If anyone is abusive here, it’s you. because NEGLECT is a form of abuse. I mighty nasty form too if i might add. 
Taking my hair color?? sure play it off as if youre “daemeon” but you and i and everyone else knows white hair is my signature and i swear on my fucking life that it most likely looks TERRIBLE on you. not that anything looks good on someone whos a cheater and an abuser anyway. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO KNOW YOU TURNED INTO JUST ANOTHER ABUSIVE EX THAT YOU HATED FOR HURTING ME??  I hope you can’t forgive yourself. actually i KNOW you cant. 
i hate hate HATE calling people’s kins fake but,, yours are bullshit lmao. youre nothing good to anyone. youre pathetic worthless fucking scum. youre shit. i mean so is scoot for being abusive as well but you let them. i hope you hate yourself. hating yourself is what you fucking deserve. 
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crossingcrew · 8 years
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AU time pt 2: Daemeon takes Llewellyn as a vessel instead
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