#courier 6 oc
vertyd · 1 day
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does anyone care for art of my courier 6 oc
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averagepsychouser · 3 months
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Ah nah man my dog is feral or something
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queensqueercourt · 11 days
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My fallout New Vegas courierrrrrr! more sketches are soon to come, these are mostly just me working out what she looks like.
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grease-weasel · 8 days
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rockabully · 1 year
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omg mods asleep repost art that got deleted from ur tumblr bc u deleted the blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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acroagoraphobe · 22 days
I remember one of my first couriers was a cis biromantic girl who got top surgery because she wanted to (and so she could be a cyborg easier) and was buddies with arcade.
Theesa was her name, she was silly. She was also blind in an eye from a chemical accident.
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necronysus · 2 months
Courier 6 !!
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wild card, babeyy
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jojojooo33 · 9 days
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This Courier met a pretty lady with stars in her eyes and pneumatic gauntlet in her hand on the way to Vegas. They had a date at The Tops.
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supercoolsuperqueer · 14 days
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And she's a synth!? From the East coast?!
I still don't have a name for her though..... Help me out in the poll below!!!! :]
I'll make a ref sheet once she has a name
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eldritch1saurus · 1 day
Love seeing the evolution of my cringe ass fallout oc
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atomicowboy · 1 year
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woah!! casino guy is back! courier 5!
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averagepsychouser · 3 months
Talk about zephyr pretty please she sounds super duper uber cool
Holy shit…. Oh my goodness….
Zephyr is my original courier (named after a Red Hot Chili Peppers song) who I have dedicated 22175 words worth of time to (and soon more). The fic is about a third done.
Minor warning for mentions of violence, s/a, and slavery. nothing graphic though. You have been warned.
Her basic story goes like this.
After helping Caesar’s Legion to take over New Vegas (the reasons for which consists mostly of greed) she decides to mope around the Lucky 38 most of the day. After a couple of months a small group of legionaries are like “you’re married now.”
Lets back up a little. Vulpes Inculta had begun a relationship with an NCR colonel to get access to important information for the war against the NCR. They had children closer to the second battle, and once Hoover Dam had been won he was like “surprise, I’m actually a Frumentarius and our relationship has been a lie.” Gets promoted, shipped off the kids, “married” her (now that he is promoted he is in control of the majority of the Strip, and so has the option to marry) and continues to live like that for a little while. About a month before he purchases the rights to marrying Zephyr, his wife tries to poison him by putting cleaning supplies in his food. He has her tongue cut off and sends her away.
Back to Zephyr, she finds out she has been married to Vulpes Inculta. She doesn’t particularly like him, but he might be more forthcoming with information on what happened to her friends now (spoiler alert, most of them are dead). The marriage is a relatively peaceful one, as far as relationships in the Legion can go (no s/a, I’m a firm believer that Vulpes has no “need” to assault someone because he is a spy and infiltrator and can engage in profligate activities whenever. There is a small amount of domestic abuse but Vulpes is cautious of Zephyr and never bruises her) the marriage is mostly just a bid for even more power on Vulpes’s part. At some point Zephyr learns about Vulpes’s past wife, but that’s more important in the story than in this explanation. She also receives a Fixer perscription due to her smoking addiction, and Inculta absolutely abhors smoking.
Everything comes to a head when one night Zephyr cooks Vulpes dinner. Although it was extremely unusual for Zephyr to cook (Vulpes only cooked food for himself after the poisoning attempt) Vulpes decides “hey, wow, look at that, she’s finally becoming a good wife.” He does not know it, but she has spiked the wine. He drinks a glass and it is enough to affect him. She leads him to the bed where she sits on his stomach and eats him alive.
After spending a couple of nights in the apartment with Inculta’s corpse in the bathtub she decides to escape on a night with no moon out, disguising herself as a vexillarius (asshole’s coyote hat) she makes her way out to the wasteland. Here’s where things get a bit tricky.
She knows that Boone is defending Jacobstown and slaughtering legionaries that get too close, so she heads there, is discovered, and I cannot figure out what happens next. Her and Boone definitely have a conversation since they used to be friends, and I’m leaning towards Zephyr trying to get him to kill her and him saying the equivalent of “you made your bed, lay in it.” So that’s all I have so far.
There’s also a few things I didn’t mention, like Arcade’s death and glasses, Veronica’s death, Raul and Cass’s disappearance, how Boone managed to keep living, the Arizona wives, the tiny statue of Juno Vulpes slipped to Zephyr unbeknownst to her, Vulpes being promoted because he’s actually going to be replaced soon, et cetera. But that’s pretty much Zephyr’s active story! She also has a very lengthy backstory.
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grease-weasel · 20 days
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Arlo and Altair do not like each other.
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irlarcadegannon · 1 year
One of my favorite things to do is interpret some game mechanics as an active part of the story. Something I've thought a lot about in the past few months is the implications of the companions as inherent side characters.
I know that's how they're going to be treated because they are, by design, literal companions—people are going to be compelled to pair them with their courier characters or see them as entourage and examine them from a self-centered point of view. (I'm not saying that's a bad thing! The game itself sets up the theme that the fate of the mojave and everyone in it is all centered around you, and it's really cool that it does that and that your actions actually affect the setting in a very real, tangible way!)
What I think would be interesting is if the companions are cognizant of that fact, and are bothered by the courier treating them as accessories, or their relationship is strained since they know their fates are effectively in the hands of one person. (And of course the game does bring this up, but I'd like to get into it further.)
I've been working on developing some of those ideas lately, particularly with my courier Charisma. (You could apply this idea to any of the companions, but I've thought about it most with Arcade thus far, so that's what I'll elaborate on.)
Charisma and Arcade have a great relationship at first, started off by homoerotic banter when they first met. But it becomes strained as Arcade becomes known as Charisma's partner, and not, you know, Arcade. He's known always in tandem with Charisma and people don't seem to acknowledge that he could exist on his own. The relationship is also more romantic than Arcade bargained for, as Charisma kind of just assumed that they were "together", and never defined what "together" means.
Charisma is very inclined towards codependency, whereas Arcade is very much not (lovers make poor confidants). Unfortunately, he realizes this too late, when he is already far entrenched in a codependent relationship with Charisma.
And this does reach a breaking point ultimately, but for the sake of some semblance of suspense I will not yet elaborate on what that is!
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acroagoraphobe · 1 month
Guys my first courier's name was fucking Derek. Which is different on his save file because I FORGOT HIS NAME. so he was like, Darren sometimes, sometimes he was Daryl.
(Also Graves was his last name so my current courier is a reference to him.)
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