#daisy correa
irradiatedrosegarden · 6 months
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amandaherzman · 1 year
Hello there 😊 I'm also a botanical illustrator from Australia so it's lovely to find someone else from here whose art I look up to! I was wondering if you had a favourite Australian native plant? Mine would have be correas, I love the delicate bell shape of the flowers, the diversity of colour forms between varieties, and the fact they flower through the colder months when a lot of other plants are dormant. Thanks! 🌿
hello back! and what a lovely compliment, thank you so much! correas are gorgeous - i love the green and pink ones the most. my fav aussie flowers are actually a handful - I adore geraldton waxflowers, the native bluebell (wahlenbergia) and the paper daisy! the wax and paper flowers have a delicate yet tough aura to them, they fascinate me!
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mouthoftheocean · 2 months
Jean Harlow: Do you have a garden? If so, what kind of plants do you have?
Humphrey Bogart: Do you travel a lot? Where have you been?
Myrna Loy: Do you like going to parties?
Spencer Tracy: What time do you wake up?
Jean: My garden is shared, and predates me (no, not that way.) The largest trees are over 40 years old; an Agonis Flexuosa and Pōhutukawa dominate the north and south sides of the house, respectively, both are in excess of 15 meters tall. In the backyard, an equally freakishly large variegated Pittosporum continues to challenge them for supremacy. A flowering eucalyptus grows on our nature strip, and together with the Agonis, and a teetering Virgilia, make seasonal threats against our overhead powerline. Closer to the ground, I have made attempts to introduce more Australian plants despite the reputation of our local soil being complete trash (spoiler: it is, our suburban block was quite literally built on a historic landfill.) The survivors, to date, include Callistemon, several varieties of Correa and Leptospermum (honorable mention to the coastal teatree* to which I have a not insignificant emotional attachment that will no doubt end in bitter disappointment), Kangaroo Paw (they’re alive but screaming for help), Banksia (alive but refusing to thrive), Eucalyptus ‘Baby Blue’ (he’s adopted), Thryptomene, Hardenbergia, and Acacia. Plants that have been here for longer than I’ve been alive include Fuschias, Pelargoniums, and an ocean self-seeding Cinerarias. My father planted a Diosma in the early 90’s that he has dotingly hedged ever since, it’s now as tall as I am, but I remember jumping over it with my sister when it, and we, were much, much smaller. Back then, we also had an enormous cherry plum tree growing on our eastern boundary – shading our driveway, and the neighbours’. Summer would arrive, the fruit would fall, and with every passing car a chorus of popping plums would foreshadow the looming familial task of scraping half-fermented plum slurry off the concrete. On the upside, our local blackbirds were very happy, and so were the Hydrangeas growing in the shade of the plum tree. And because you didn’t ask for an essay, I’ll make a list of the rest: Roses (17 at last count); Buddleja; Elderflower, Convulvulus ‘Silver Bush’; Salvia; Borage; Violets; Statice, Jasmine; Rosemary; Sunflowers; Gladioli; Petunia; Viola; Jade, Zygo Cactus, Catmint, Seaside Daisy, a dream of red Poppies (waiting to discover if the seeds are still viable), Grape Hyacinth, Foxglove, Snowdrops, and Bluebells (despite my best efforts at wholesale murder.) Humphrey: Not a lot. Internationally, I’ve been to Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and England - first in 2005 (there was a brief weekend in Paris, as well), and then again in 2015. In 2010 I visited New Mexico. It was my first time traveling alone, abroad, to meet and stay with people I’d met on the internet. Accordingly, I have a vivid recollection of my sister giving me instruction on how to brutally incapacitate someone as I was packing to leave for the city to catch my plane. While my friend will tell you she still has the bruise, I can at least attest that she wasn’t trying to take me to a second location when I gave it to her… affectionately – but you know this story already. Locally, I’ve been to South Australia, New South Wales, and the Northern Territory… but in the grand scheme, I’ve seen very little of Australia. Living where I do, in a little damp corner of Victoria, the rest of the country intimidates me like the promise of third-degree burns. Myrna: Categorically get away from me if people are coming that I don’t know. I can enjoy myself, or I can make small talk with strangers… I can’t do both. Smaller scale, close friends/family is fine… but anything too peopled and I’m liable to be person-not-appearing-at-this-soiree. Spencer: Any random-ass time between 1 and 4am, and ostensibly for no reason.
*the coastal tea tree's final form. Mine is still only 8 inches tall.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
How Melbourne brought butterflies back to the CBD
Missing in action in many of our inner-city streets, even as we move into peak spring, is an abundance of bees, butterflies and birds. Chequered Cuckoo Bees, Australian Painted Ladies, Superb Fairy Wrens and their ilk are often lying low just as they should be making merry. As cities keep expanding, wildlife keeps exiting and now there is a growing push to turn the situation around – invariably by planting more plants. The biodiversity site in Clowes Street, South Yarra, two years after plantingCredit:City of Melbourne But some plants are more beneficial to fauna than others and, five years ago, the University of Melbourne and the City of Melbourne teamed up to deduce exactly what the most useful plants might be. What they homed in on was the understory. While many of our inner urban streets contain trees and lawn, there tends to be a gap when it comes to the space in between. Urban ecologist and University of Melbourne professor, Nick Williams, says it is the plants that fill these midway points – the native shrubs, perennial herbs and grasses – that are “critically important” to insects and small birds. This understory is their refuge. It provides habitat and sustenance, and the more complex that understory, the better. A ladybird on a Golden Everlasting (/Xerochrysum bracteatum/)Credit:City of Melbourne In what might prove useful for everyone wanting to welcome more wildlife into their gardens, Williams, together with others, including the university’s director of urban horticulture, John Rayner, devised a list of more than 100, mostly native, understory species that could help increase the biodiversity of our city streets. For this planting guide, which is freely available online, they chose plants not only for their horticultural attributes and environmental tolerances but for the biodiversity benefits they provide. They selected plants with high yields of nectar and pollen for bees, with larval food sources for local butterflies, and with seeds and fruits for birds. They added grasses that birds use to make nests, spiky shrubs in which they could hide and plants with pithy stems that could provide a home for solitary bees. An Australian Painted Lady on a Cut-leaf Daisy (/Brachyscome multifida/) Credit:City of Melbourne “It was a pretty novel approach,” Williams says. More novel still, the City of Melbourne and the University of Melbourne actually began planting in four inner-city streets in an experiment to see what happens when cut-leaf daisies, tufted bluebells, wattles, correas, ringed wallaby grass and other such understory fare replace bitumen footpaths, mulched median strips and mown lawn nature strips. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Every garden has a challenging position, but luckily nature has filled every niche, from riversides to mountain tops, to exposed coastal dunes - there is a plant adapted to almost any position. Millie explains how to match the microclimates in your garden to those in nature, to help you choose the perfect plants. Subscribe 🔔 http://ab.co/GA-subscribe
Hot sun is something we often celebrate in the garden; its energy literally fuels plant growth through the process of photosynthesis. But in many built environments our buildings and paving can amplify that energy and heat, to extremes. And while some species are happy in full sun in an open garden position, in a paved courtyard or ceramic pot, they will burn to a crisp.
Looking for species that naturally occur in exposed and hot places can help you find plants that will succeed. Millie spotted the rock isotome booming in rock crevices on a local mountain top, and knew it was a good choice for the northern side of the house. It flowers for about 6 months and needs absolutely nothing from the gardener. In fact, the sap is caustic, so it is best to avoid any contact. That is one extreme plant! Eremophilas are another fantastic group to explore. There are around 300 species in Australia and their name loosely translates to desert lover. Many of the most beautiful everlasting daisies, from WA and the east coast, will also only thrive in an open, sunny and hot position.
Freezing cold can be devastating to many plants. Millie’s own garden is in the Victorian Central Uplands, where heavy frosts are common, so she has been trialling species from other areas with high altitude.
While ultra-dry conditions occur in geographically arid regions, they can also occur in suburban gardens. Areas that are overshadowed by the eaves of a house or a fence are a perfect example, the rain can almost never reach! The genus Phebalium is one worth exploring, with handsome foliage and a huge range of forms.
No matter the plant you choose for extremely dry conditions, you need to get them off to a strong start. Prepare the soil to hold a little more moisture, and water consistently until the plant has established.
While most plants need some water, too much can cause poor growth or even death. As the air pockets in the soil fill with water, the roots system can drown. Of course, there is a huge range of species for water gardens, but what about those areas that are just poorly drained, or seasonally wet. These can be really challenging spots to garden. One beautiful group of species to look to are the Leptospermum, as many occur on river edges or even permanently growing in water. There are even protaceous species that thrive in seasonally wet spots, like the swamp banksia and river Lomatia.
Wind can cause havoc with different species in different ways, desiccating and drying some out, physically damaging sensitive foliage but also making it hard for roots to establish.
Of course, coastal species are commonly adapted to wind, with robust foliage and resilience all round. The coastal Banksia is also one of the toughest and most adaptable species, occurring from coastal central Queensland, all the way to Vic. They can be variable form seed, between about 4-15 m, and there are a huge range of cultivars.
Featured Plants:
ROCK ISOTOME  - Isotoma axillaris ‘Glowing Purple’ 
EMU BUSH  - Eremophila glabra ‘Kalbarri Carpet’ 
EVERLASTING DAISY  - Xerochrysum ‘Pilbara Gold Medal’ 
MOUNTAIN CORREA  - Correa lawrenceana ‘Deep Pink’ 
SNOWY PIMELEA  - Pimelea nivea 
FOREST PHEBALIUM  - Phebalium squamulosum ‘Starry Clusters’ 
- Phebalium squamulosum subsp. argenteum ‘Low Grey’ 
WEEPING TEA TREE  - Leptospermum brachyandrum 
SWAMP BANKSIA - Banksia robur  
RIVER LOMATIA  - Lomatia myricoides 
COASTAL BANKSIA  - Banksia integrifolia  
DWARF COASTAL BANKSIA  - Banksia integrifolia cv. 
ALBANY WOOLLY BUSH  - Adenanthos sericeus ‘Silver Streak’
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diluc33rpm · 22 days
Kyle again; I am bringing you HEIFERS LORE. (Slightly.) Iris's son is Basil Correa, and Daisy's daughter is Clover Correa. I named them today and thought #1 Heifers fan should know, er, if Tumblr decides to show the ask.
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melocmel · 10 months
Un exeggcutor llamado Eggman.
Aquella mañana Mel estaba en su cuarto terminando de revisar su pequeño equipaje, meditando sobre si ya hacía el frío suficiente en Hoenn como para llevar chaqueta en aquella época del año, cuando pudo ver por el rabillo del ojo a su hermana pasando a hurtadillas por delante de la puerta.
- Oii, ¿dónde vas tan temprano, Pau? – Terminó de doblar la camiseta que tenía entre las manos, una de las que se compró con Alex, y se acercó a su hermana, que había dado un respingo al oír su nombre.
- ¿Yo? P-pues… ¡i-iba a sacar a Yasito! – Se apresuró en alcanzar la correa del can, que colgaba del pomo de la puerta de la entrada – Sí, eso. Íbamos a pasear. –
- Pero si... – Sacudió la cabeza. Aquello sonaba a excusa, pero ahora no tenía tiempo para ello. – Es igual. Dame un momento antes de salir, ¿quieres? Necesito hablar contigo. –
Pau, que ya temía la reprimenda por intentar salir de casa sin pedir permiso, ya estaba temblequeando en el sitio.
Mel entró en su cuarto, volviendo apenas unos minutos después con una fina carpeta entre las manos, y le hizo señas a la menor para que le siguiera. Ambos se sentaron en la mesa del salón, en la que solían comer entre semana, uno al lado del otro. El mayor abrió la carpeta y empezó a sacar lo que parecían formularios en teseliano.
- Sé que debería haberte preguntado, pero quería que fuese una sorpresa así que… ¡sorpresa! Encontré un sitio para que puedas estudiar… bueno, lo que quieras. Recuerdo que de peque querías ser enfermera, pero… well, llevo dos años sin verte y no sé si has cambiado de opinión. –
Pauline se quedó unos instantes en silencio, mirando con total incredulidad a su hermano, para después empezar a ojear los papeles.
- P-pero… esto es muy… es mucho dinero… –
- No te preocupes por eso. He… estado hablando con Madre, y parece que está dispuesta a darme algo de dinero. O prestarme, no sé. Sólo me ha dicho que si quiero algo que vaya a verla. –
- ¿Qué? N-no, no puedes ir… V-va… va a enfadarse mucho... –
El mayor posó la mano sobre el hombro de su hermana, en un intento de reconfortarla.
- No te preocupes, ¿vale? Lo peor que puede pasarme es que vuelva con las manos vacías. De todas formas… no parecía tan enfadada por teléfono. –
- ¿Y si intenta hacerte daño? ¿Y-y si no te deja volver? –
- Nah. Esas cosas no pasan, no estamos en una película teseliana de pokewood, duh. – Le dio un pequeño toque con el índice en la frente. – Además, que ni siquiera está en Johto. Hemos quedado en vernos en Hoenn, porque está de negocios y no sé qué…
¡AH! Antes de que se me olvide. Necesito que le eches un ojo a los oddish mientras estoy fuera, ¿vale? Te dejaré a Daisy para que te eche un cable. Aunque sólo estaré un par de días fuera, así que no creo que tengas que podarlos ni nada. –
Mel se pasó la siguiente media hora dejándole instrucciones sobre a quién llamar en caso de emergencia, cómo tenía que regar a los oddish y demás. Mientras tanto, ella parecía cada vez más nerviosa según pasaban los minutos, mirando el reloj de su gear cada poco.
- Onii-chan… –
- ¿Hm? –
- … no iba a sacar a pasear al perro. Había… había quedado… c-con un… amigo. –
- ¿Ah? –
- Y-y llego tarde… un poco… bastante… –
- … ay joder. ¡Vamos! Cálzate, que te acompaño o algo. – Ya estaba levantándose apresuradamente y cogiendo las zapatillas de ambos. - ¿Dónde has quedado? –
- E-en… la plaza. – Cogió las zapatillas que le pasaba su hermano, sacudió la cabeza y se apresuró en calzarse.
- AH, mierda, queda a tomar por culo. –
Aún con los cordones a medio atar, rebuscó en su bandolera, colgada del perchero de la entrada, y sacó la ball de su exeggcutor.
Mel se las apañó para que el pokémon usara teletransporte hasta la calle más cercana a la plaza, de tal manera que su hermana sólo tuviera que cruzar un paso de peatones hasta el lugar en el que había quedado. No quería avergonzarla delante de otros chavales, pero quería asegurarse de que llegara a tiempo al menos.
- Gracias, onii-chan~. – Dio un pequeño saltito para abrazar a su hermano, prácticamente susurrándole aquello, y cruzó la calle corriendo. El mayor se quedó observando cómo se marchaba la joven, sintiendo un agradable calor en el pecho.
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movimentosimulado · 2 years
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Rodrigo Correa do Balanço e Furia in Baraka’s Day
por Daisy Serena
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shotbyacowboy · 4 years
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therapy? overpriced, doesnt work. drawing my Main Mans KVN at 2am? free, extremely helpful 
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transtranscendence · 3 years
2008-2009 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For Stacy Brown, died on January 8, 2008, in Baltimore, MD.
For Patricia Murphy, murdered on January 8, 2008, in Albuquerque, NM.
For Adolphus Simmons, murdered on January 21, 2008, in Charleston, SC.
For Fedra, murdered on January 22, 2008, in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
For Ashley Sweeney, murdered on February 4, 2008, in Detroit, MI.
For Sanesha Stewart, murdered on February 10, 2008, in Bronx, NY.
For Cameron McWilliams, who took her own life on February 11, 2008, in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom.
For Lawrence King, murdered on February 12, 2008, in Oxnard, CA.
For the unknown person murdered on February 22, 2008, in Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
For Simmie Williams Jr., murdered on February 22, 2008, in Fort Lauderdale, FL. 
For Luna, murdered on February 28, 2008, in Loures, Grande Lisboa, Portugal.
For Lloyd Nixon, murdered on April 16, 2008, in West Palm Beach, FL.
For Sylvana Berisha, murdered on June 24, 2008, in Hamburg, Germany.
For Rosa Pazos, murdered on July 11, 2008, in Sevilla, Spain.
For Juan Carlos Aucalle Coronel, murdered on July 14, 2008, in Lombardy, Italy.
For Jaylynn L. Namauu, murdered on July 17, 2008, in Makiki Honolulu, HI.
For Samantha Rangel Brandau, murdered on July 29, 2008, in Milan, Lombardy, Italy.
For Aimee Wilcoxson, murdered on November 3, 2008, in Aurora, CO.
For Dilek Ince, murdered on November 11, 2008, in Ankara, Turkey.
For Yasmin, murdered on November 20, 2008, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Bibi, murdered on November 21, 2008, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Roberta Gavou, murdered on November 24, 2008, in Rome, Italy.
For the 6 unknown people murdered in November/December 2008 in Brazil. 
For Noelia, murdered on December 17, 2008, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For the unknown person murdered on December 18, 2008, in Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey. 
For the unknown person murdered on December 24, 2008, in Rosate, Milan, Italy.
For Michael Hunt, murdered on December 26, 2008, in Indianapolis, IN.
For Taysia Elzy, murdered on December 26, 2008, in Indianapolis, IN.
For Kátia Otacílio Vilela, murdered on January 1, 2009, in Jataí, Goiás, Brazil.
For Mhtium Abululak, murdered on January 3, 2009, in Castelfranco Veneto, Treviso, Italy.
For Alexa Rojas Castro, murdered on January 7, 2009, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
For Cynthia Nicole, murdered on January 9, 2009, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Marcela Cairo Souza, murdered on January 9, 2009, in Jataí, Goiás, Brazil.
For Aline da Silva Riviera, murdered on January 16, 2009, in Castelfranco Veneto, Treviso, Italy.
For Caprice Curry, murdered on January 17, 2009, in San Francisco, CA.
For “Roviilson” Teixeira, murdered on January 18, 2009, in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.
For Minja K., murdered on January 19, 2009, in Belgrade, Serbia.
For “Juan Carlos” Guillén Bautista, murdered on January 20, 2009, in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico.
For “Víctor Manuel” Albor Camacho, murdered on January 20, 2009, in Acámbaro, Guanajuato, Mexico.
For Gaby Rosales Aragón, murdered on January 21, 2009, in Diriamba, Carazo, Nicaragua.
For the unknown person who died from head injuries on January 22, 2009, in Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador.
For Dayana Nicole Castillo García, murdered on January 22, 2009, in Tarapoto, San Martín, Peru.
For Cita Solorzano (muxé), murdered on January 28, 2009, in Asunción Ixtaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico.
For Camila Hernández Nieto, murdered on January 28, 2009, in Sincelejo, Sucre, Columbia.
For Daisy, murdered on January 31, 2009, in San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico.
For Noor Azlan Khamis, murdered on February 1, 2009, in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
For “Ailton” Correa Maia, murdered on February 1, 2009, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Will Teixeira da Silva, murdered on February 1, 2009, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Cristy, murdered on February 10, 2009, in Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala. 
For the unknown person who died of cosmetic filler poisoning on February 18, 2009, in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
For Camila Pereira, murdered on February 18, 2009, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Puttalakshmi’s (Hijra), murdered on February 19, 2009, in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
For Francisco das Neves, who died on February 20, 2009, in Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Vicky Londoño Chavarría, who died on February 21, 2009, in Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia. 
For Pequeña P, who died on February 27, 2009, in Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina.
For Miriam Nunes Lucas, who was murdered on March 1, 2009, in Ribeirão das Neves, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For "Wanderson Wanderley" Teixeira da Rocha, who was murdered on March 4, 2009, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For "Moisés” Guimarães de Lima, who was murdered on March 4, 2009, in João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil.
For D. Borges, who was murdered on March 4, 2009, in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil.
For Kirsi Ubrí, who was murdered on March 8, 2009, in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
For "Julio" Avila Albarracín, who was murdered on March 10, 2009, in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For Adriana Sánchez López (muxé), who was murdered on March 12, 2009, in Juchitán, Guerrero, Mexico.
For Virgen Castro Carrillo, who was murdered on March 21, 2009, in Sinaloa, Mexico.
For Eda Yildirm, who was murdered on March 22, 2009, in Bursa, Turkey.
For the unknown person murdered on March 24, 2009, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Ramya, murdered on March 24, 2009, in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India.
For Sasha Estefania, murdered on March 24, 2009, in Caracas, Venezuela.
For Smail L., murdered on March 24, 2009, in Aldaia, Valencia, Spain.
For Gisela “Roni” Galante, murdered on April 1, 2009, in Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos, Argentina.
For the unknown person murdered on April 11, 2009, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
For Melek D., murdered on April 11, 2009, in Ankara, Turkey.
For Image Devereux, murdered on April 14, 2009, in Fayetteville, NC.
For “Gabriel” Carniero de Sousa, murdered on April 18, 2009, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For Jeva Padilla, murdered on April 21, 2009, murdered on April 21, 2009, in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
For "Ramón” Martínez, murdered on April 23, 2009, in Santiago, Dominican Republic. 
For Juliana Martins, murdered on April 27, 2009, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For "Caio Júnior” dos Santos, murdered on May 3, 2009, in Varzea Grande, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
For Fernanda Botelho, murdered on May 4, 2009, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Diksy Jones, murdered on May 6, 2009, in Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
For Jenifer, murdered on May 6, 2009, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Tigresa de Souza Reis, murdered on May 7, 2009, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil.
For the 9 people who were murdered between January 1, 2009 and May 15, 2009 in Guatemala.
For the 18 people who were murdered between January 1, 2009 and May 31, 2009, in Venezuela.
For Xiomaran Duras, murdered on May 18, 2009, in Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela.
For Çağla, murdered on May 22, 2009, in Ankara, Turkey.
For the unknown person murdered on May 24, 2009, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Foxy Ivy, murdered on May 25, 2009, in Detroit, MI.
For "Pedro" Sánchez Pérez, murdered on May 26, 2009, in San Miguel Canoa, Honduras.
For Dara, murdered on May 26, 2009, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Ketlin, murdered on May 31, 2009, in Uruaçu, Goiás, Brazil.
For Papucha, murdered on June 1, 2009, in La Victoria, Peru.
For “La Luli”, murdered on June 7, 2009, in San Lorenzo, Puerto Rico.
For Fredrick “Kelly” Watson, murdered on June 9, 2009, in Albuquerque, NM.
For Carla Regina Bento, murdered on June 11, 2009, in São Paulo, Brazil.
For Catherine, murdered on June 11, 2009, in San Salvador, El Salvador.
For Tanya Ardón, murdered on June 11, 2009, in San Salvador, El Salvador.
For Rafaele, murdered on June 14, 2009, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For Anita Fajardo Ríos, murdered on June 16, 2009, in El Carmen, Puebla, Mexico.
For the unknown person, murdered on June 22, 2009, in Belém, Pará, Brazil.
For Camilla, murdered on June 22, 2009, in Volgograd, Russia.
For “Enrique Jhosvani” Guevara, murdered on June 24, 2009, in Lima, Peru.
For Luana, murdered on June 24, 2009, in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
For Hadise, murdered on June 29, 2009, in Istanbul, Turkey.
For Martina Jackson, murdered on June 30, 2009, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Valeria, murdered on June 30, 2009, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For all the other trans siblings who were murdered or went missing.
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mascotastraining · 5 years
Y el blog de Top Dog es…
Mi búsqueda delTop Dog Blogcomenzó hace un par de meses cuando decidí limpiar mis suscripciones a RSS feeds y correos electrónicos y buscar nuevos contenidos de entrenamiento canino en la web.  Mi objetivo era simple: Encontrar “MY” top 50 blogs de perros y añadirlos a mi feed de noticias RSS para que pudiera ver los últimos y más grandes artículos de perros y cachorros a través de la red.
Busqué en los principales motores de búsqueda, directorios y otras listas de los mejores xx de blogs de perros y se me ocurrieron más de 500 blogs y sitios web de perros.
Después de filtrar la lista de duplicados, raspadores y otros sitios indignos, llegué a mi lista final de 486 blogs de perros.  Dejé a un lado los blogs puramente personales e incluí principalmente sitios sobre adiestramiento de perros y cachorros, productos, eventos, rescates, adopciones y fotos.
Por cierto, estoy creando una lista separada de blogs de perros guía, de servicio y de asistencia, así que si quieres que te agreguen a esa lista, envíame un mensaje a través de nuestro formulario de contacto.
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Blog del perro DogsTrust Dogwise Doody Digger Dost Veteriner Dra. Sophia Yin Dibujar El Perro Eduardo El Acurrucado Puggle Abrazar el seguro del animal dom??stico Blog Inglés Bullldog Puppy Blog Euro Dog Training Entrenamiento de Perro Experimentado Familia Paws La Vida Dorada de Farley Suficientemente rápido para atrapar el señuelo Fearfuldogs Blog Feisty Three Blog del helecho Fido y Wino Fido BLog En forma como Fido Por cada animal Por el amor de los labradores Por el Amor Del Perro Blog Para The Pit Bull Frankie The Walk N Roll Dog Lleno de gritos: Un Blog del Sabueso Diversión 4 Fido Diversión con perros Diversión con perros Videos de perros divertidos Pastor Alemán Entrenamiento Now Vamos Mascota Friendly Go Pug Yourself Golly Log Buen cuidado del perro Gooddogz Blog Gracies Corteza Grandes mascotas verdes Patas verdes Cachorro gruñón GSD Aventuras Halopets Hands Over Paws Víctimas de Hartz Tener perro Blog Viajará HBD Entrenamiento de perros Alimento saludable para perros Perro sano de por vida Heaven Scent Pet Sitting Ayudando a los cachorros Cachorros Hipster Cuidado de los bichos en casa Perro caliente en la ciudad Blog del Perro de Houston Hula Puppies Sociedad Humanitaria Hipérbole y medio Si los perros pudieran leer Blog para perros de interior Collar de perro de cerca invisible iPaws iPuppyCam Itchmo: Noticias para Perros y Gatos It’s a Pets Life Es Mi Mundo de Perro: Vivo en It It’s The Dogs’ Life Jason Canapp Blog de Jean Donaldson Jenna y Snickers K9 Crônicas K-9 Solutions Entrenamiento de perros Inc K9RoadTrip.com Karen Pryor ClickerTraining.com Peluquería para perros móviles de Kennesaw Kingsley La Frontera Collie Conozca a su perro KSDS Puppy Perro Labrador Site Blog del perro Labrador Retrievers LabTails Tierra de Oro Puro Lassie Obtener ayuda Leane Wildermuth Artista por naturaleza Correas y amantes Lee Charles Kelley La vida con los perros La vida con perros y cachorros La vida con Lucy Viviendo la vida Greyt Vivir con infieles Lois Lane – Aventuras de un Superpup Viva su perro! Mira lo que puedo hacer Blog Love My Pets GPS LoveBarklee Perro Blog Macromutt Mango & Dexter&s Great Adventures Chuchos Manieristas Mary’s Dogs Max the Golden Retriever Maxwell y Me Mente a mente MMilani.com Blog de aseo de mascotas móviles – Atlanta Blog del Perro Mod Perro Moderno Perro Moderno Muttspace Mi Perro Finn Mi blog de entrenamiento de perros Mi vida con Anthony Mi extraña familia Mi Guía de Salud de Mascotas Mi entrenamiento del Potty del perrito Entrenamiento de perros naturales Neil Sattin’’s Natural Dog Blog New York Dog Blog No Dog About It Blog No Dog About It Blog Obamas Perro Destructor de olores Oh Behave Dog Training OhMiDog! Once Upon A Dog Blog Un Puppy’s Life Opy the Original GruffPuppy (R.I.P. 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Two Hounds & a Manx UGODOG UKPackleader Blog sobre el comportamiento de los perros Vet Live Técnica Veterinaria Facultades de Veterinaria Noticias de la Red Veterinaria Victoria Stilwells Blog VPI Hambone Award Way Cool Dogs We Heart Pets Nos encantan nuestros laboratorios Amamos a nuestros cachorros Web Vet Blog Bienestar en el adiestramiento de perros Fragmentos de Whippet Quién movió mi hueso Todo el campamento de perros Blog A quiénes su Dachshund Wiener Wonderland Wilde Sobre Perros ¿Mi perro me odiará? Perro lobo Den Woof y WordPress Informe Woof Sí Biscuit Yorkie Housetraining You Can Do It Dog Groomin Tú, Pet El mejor amigo de su mascota
Top 50 Blogs de perros
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dead money devotee til the day i die
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dana-woodhams · 2 years
Final Lookbook Evaluation
For my look book I chose to look at the practical romanticism trend from the WGSN AW22/23 menswear forecast. What drew me in about this trend was the patterns/prints on the garments, fused with outdoor-wear as well for functionality. I thought the explanation of the trend on WGSN was pretty vague, there was a mix of different styles, for example it stated that the trend drew inspiration from indigenous craft but then some of patterns weren’t indigenous. When I first looked at this trend I focused on the indigenous aspect of it, but as my ideas developed I discovered that a lot of the patterns on the WGSN board were inspired by what seemed to be Middle Eastern culture and the I decided to focus on the architectural aspect of this. I researched Middle Eastern architecture and came across mosques, I was amazed by the patterns and details they had, and at this point I was starting to see a clear link between those patterns and the patterns on the garments. Keeping that in mind, for my Lookbook I wanted the front page to fold round to the back, I picked out and image from F*cking young that I thought really relates to my chosen trend, I recoloured it with the hue and saturation tool so it fit with my colour palette. The next page is my narrative page, I didn’t want to put too much on this page as the image I put on was very busy and takes away from everything else on the page. I put zigzag block patterns across the middle to tie the other page in as the building in the first image is quite sharp, I decided to carry it on across the page, I also added the block colours to show some of the important ones but also to make the page seem less bare, I also added a garment which I think relates to the main image on the left, the patterns on the garment compliment that narrative image. My next page focuses on the colour palette, this page is my favourite one, I like how symmetrical the pages are, I also like how there is a clear colour palette and the garments show this too. I chose the colour swatches to be in a circle shape to relate to the swirly patterns on the garments. For my last set of pages I later out garments/fabric swatches. For the fabric swatches I took screenshots of sections of the garments throughout my Lookbook. I added the paisley pattern as well as some zigzags to this page to relate back to the garments and earlier on in my Lookbook. As a whole, I like how my Lookbook turned out, I think I successfully captured the trend as well as the colour palette. To improve I would redo my front and back page, I would add more content to it make it less simple. The next thing I would improve is the spacing issue, a lot of my pages have a lot of negative space, in some cases this is alright as the page is already busy enough, but in some cases the negative space takes away from the design/page.
Ana Correa (August 2021) Young Men’s Footwear & Accessories Punk Academia A/W 22/23. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/91678 [Date Accessed 25th November 2021]
Angela Baidoo & Sara Maggioni (2021) Womenswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Awestruck. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/89995 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Childern of discordance (2021) Home page. Available at: https://www.childrenofthediscordance.com/ [Date accessed: 5th December 2021]
Daisy Jordan (September 2021) Trends 2021: What is dark academia? Available at: https://wear-next.com/trends/trends-2021-what-is-dark-academia/ [Date accessed: 22nd November 2021]
Dr. Anna Brismar (2021) Seven forms of sustainable fashion. Available at: https://greenstrategy.se/produkt/seven-forms-of-sustainable-fashion/ [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Dragt, E. (2017). How To Research Trends. The Netherlands: BIS Publishers.
EMILY CHAN (2021) 3 New Designers Prioritising Ethical Fashion For AW21 And Beyond. Available at: https://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/article/new-sustainable-fashion-designers [Date accessed: 27th November 2021]
Etro (2021) Home page. Available at: https://www.etro.com/gb-en/ [Date accessed: 5th December 2021]
Fucking Young (2021) Labyrinth Run. Available at:  https://fuckingyoung.es/labyrinth-run/ [Date accessed: 10th December 2021]
Holland, G. and Jones, R. (2017). Fashion Trend Forecasting. Great Britain: Laurence King Publishing.
Joy Montgomery (October 2021) This Is How the Coolest Minimalists Are Dressing Now. Available at: https://www.whowhatwear.co.uk/minimalist-fashion [Date accessed: 22nd November 2021]
Julia Guerra (June 2021) How to Wear Cottagecore In 2021, Because the Whimsical Aesthetic Isn't Going Anywhere. Available at:  https://www.instyle.com/fashion/clothing/how-to-wear-cottagecore-trend [Date accessed: 22nd November 2021]
Kim, E.  Fiore, A. and Kim, H. (2011). Fashion Trends: Analysing and forecasting. Great Britain: Bloomsbury Academic.
Lettmann, S. (2021) Sustainable Fashion Presentation [PDF] Trends Research (FAS3001). Foundation fashion and textiles, Birmingham City University. Available through: https://moodle.bcu.ac.uk/pluginfile.php/8371182/mod_resource/content/1/SUSTAINABLE%20FASHION_presentation.pdf [Date Accessed: 18th December 2021]
Martin, L. (2021) Trends Research (FAS3001). Foundation fashion and textiles, Birmingham City University. Available through: https://moodle.bcu.ac.uk/mod/page/view.php?id=6507765 [Date Accessed: 28th November 2021]
Motif (2021) Top 13 Sustainable Fashion Designers Making a Change in 2021. Available at: https://motif.org/news/top-sustainable-fashion-designers/ [Date accessed: 27th November 2021]
Nick Paget (2021) Menswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Supercharged Simplicity. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/90098 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Noah Zagor (2021) Menswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Awestruck. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/90258 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Noah Zagor (2021) Menswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Rerooted Nature. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/90260 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Raymond, M. (2010). The Trend Forecaster’s Handbook. London: Laurence King Publishing.
Sara Maggioni (2021) Womenswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Rerooted Nature. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/89994 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Sara Maggioni (2021) Womenswear Forecast A/W 22/23: Supercharged Simplicity. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/89996 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
Sofia Martellini (June 2021) Design Capsule: Young Women’s Punk Academia A/W 22/23. Available at: https://www.wgsn.com/fashion/article/91634 [Date accessed: 25th November 2021]
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bolsosaris · 2 years
bolso hombro solapa valentino daisy charol beige vbs5pj03-004
bolso hombro solapa valentino daisy charol beige vbs5pj03-004
Bolso hombro solapa valentino daisy charol beige vbs5pj03-004. Detalles del producto fondo reforzado cierre magnético, cierre cremallera un manejar extraíble (caída 25 cm) una extraíble y ajustable correa de hombro (longitud cerca de 105-120 cm) herrajes de metal plateado Interior llanura Lining polyester uno compartimento principal un bolsillo cremallera un bolsillo  
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
How Melbourne brought butterflies back to the CBD
Even as we head into the height of spring, many of our inner city streets miss an abundance of bees, butterflies, and birds. The fickle cuckoo bees, painted Australian ladies, Superb Fairy Wrens and their ilk are often just as low-key as they should be playful. As cities continue to expand, wildlife keeps coming out and there is now a growing motivation to change the situation – always by growing more plants. Biodiversity site on Claus Street, South Yarra, two years after plantingattributed to him:Melbourne But some plants are more beneficial to animals than others, and five years ago, the University of Melbourne and the City of Melbourne teamed up to deduce what plants might be most beneficial. What they settled on was the Bible. While many of our inner streets have trees and grass, there tends to be a gap when it comes to the space in between. Urban ecologist and University of Melbourne professor Nick Williams says it’s the plants that populate these midpoints – native shrubs, perennials and grasses – that are “extremely important” to insects and small birds. This is supposed to be their refuge. It provides habitat and sustenance, and the more complex it is, the better. beetle on eternal golden (/Xerochrysum bracteatum/)attributed to him:Melbourne In what may be of interest to anyone wishing to welcome more wildlife into their gardens, Williams, along with others, including the university’s director of urban horticulture, John Rayner, have created a list of more than 100 species, most of which are native, that can help with Increase biodiversity in our city streets. For this planting guide, available free online, they chose plants not only for their horticultural qualities and environmental tolerances but for the biodiversity benefits they provide. They choose plants with high nectar and pollen yields for bees, with larval food sources for native butterflies, and seeds and fruits for birds. They added grasses that birds use to make their nests, thorny shrubs in which they can hide and plants with elongated stems that can provide a home for solitary bees. Australian lady drawn on a leafless daisy (/Brachyscome multifida/) attributed to him:Melbourne “It was a very new style,” Williams says. More novel, the City of Melbourne and the University of Melbourne actually began planting four inner city streets in an experiment to see what happens when leaf-cut chrysanthemums, tufted blue flowers, daisies, correas, ringed wallaby grass and other lower fare. Replacement of bitumen footpaths, covered center strips and natural lawn mowing strips. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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diputadotomashirsch · 4 years
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Chilenes en el Exterior y Retornados: No a la “Nueva” Ley de Migración de Chile
Compartimos la declaración pública firmada por cientos de ciudadanas y ciudadanos chilenos en el exterior, retornadas y retornados, que invita a rechazar la Ley de Migración que actualmente está en tramitación en el Senado, por su enfoque racista, selectivo, sexista y xenófobo y a construir un proyecto de Ley en conjunto con las organizaciones sociales.
(foto de: https://www.epicentrochile.com)
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Chile, a lo largo de su historia, ha sido testigo de diversos procesos migratorios. Así también, el mundo ha recibido a miles de personas chilenas, especialmente durante la dictadura militar y, más actualmente, a los miles de estudiantes que deben salir, por ejemplo a países vecinos, para acceder a una educación digna y de calidad.
Creemos que es indiscutible la necesidad de una nueva ley de migración. Sin embargo, sin participación social, este proceso no pasa de ser una urgencia impuesta por parte del gobierno actual, que no considera ningún instrumento legal, que ignora activamente a la sociedad civil y sus articulaciones, que transgrede los derechos fundamentales y protectivos, y sobre todo, que pasa a llevar la inestable contingencia sanitaria y sus efectos socioeconómicos sobre chilenes y migrantes.
Como chilenes reconocemos que simbólica, política y jurídicamente, la relación con las/les/los migrantes en Chile ha sido y es racista, selectiva y xenófoba.
Actualmente la legislación que rige la migración en Chile es el Decreto Ley 1094, que fue creado y aprobado bajo la dictadura militar en el año 1975, y que opera en conjunto con el DFL 69, de 1953.
En los gobiernos de S. Piñera y M. Bachelet fueron presentados proyectos prácticamente iguales y sin cambios sustantivos para la creación de una nueva la ley. Ambos proyectos continúan con un enfoque racista, selectivo, sexista y xenófobo. Las indicaciones al actual proyecto, que data de 2013, fueron realizadas por el gobierno de S. Piñera el año 2018. Este proyecto ya fue aprobado por la Cámara de Diputados y ahora, a mediados de julio de 2020, está en su segunda instancia en el Senado.
Lamentablemente esto representa un retroceso significativo en cuanto al respeto de los derechos fundamentales de las y los migrantes. Desconoce los convenios firmados por el Estado chileno, como las disposiciones de la Convención Internacional sobre protección de los derechos de todas y todos los trabajadores migratorios y de sus familiares, el Pacto de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, el Pacto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, entre otros.
En Chile se están aprobando leyes sin participación social, solo diseñadas por unos pocos para imponerlas a todas las personas que viven en el territorio Chileno, e ignorando también la participación de personas chilenas en el exterior. Nuestro mensaje es No a la “Nueva” Ley de Migración.
Esta ley afecta a todas las personas migrantes en Chile, como también a las personas chilenas que vivimos en el exterior.
Hace más de 2 décadas diversas organizaciones sociales vienen buscando modificar esta ley, pero ante la situación global de pandemia no existen las condiciones para generar un amplio consenso y debate público. Estamos conscientes de que estas prácticas del gobierno atentan contra la Democracia, considerando que actualmente vivimos en un Estado de Emergencia Constitucional debido a la crisis sanitaria por el COVID-19, pero sobre todo porque nos recuerdan cómo fue creada la constitución dictatorial de Pinochet.
Este proyecto de ley no contempla la visión de género ni promueve la garantía de los derechos, su redacción es dudosa, delegando la responsabilidad a la voluntad política del gobierno de turno, para que éste evalúe aplicar o no medidas en incentivo al ejercicio de nuestros derechos como chilenos y chilenas en el exterior.
Quienes firmamos esta declaración somos personas chilenas que vivimos en el exterior o que fuimos migrantes en algún período de nuestras vidas, lo que nos hace percibir que las políticas de retorno seguro no están transparentadas en el proyecto de ley. Una vez más, el retorno a nuestro país de origen, así como el de otras y otros emigrantes chilenes, queda desprotegido por la Ley y en manos de un gobierno que no asegura nuestra integridad. Mismo gobierno que hoy desea aprobar, lo más rápido posible, este proyecto de ley, y que busca hacerlo sin la participación de la ciudadanía a quien directamente afecta su promulgación.
Estamos conscientes de que existe una demanda de las comunidades chilenas en el exterior que no ha sido considerada en este proyecto (https://www.change.org/p/una-ley-de-retorno-para-los-chilenos-en-el-exterior), como también notamos la falta de especificación sobre el rol de embajadas y consulados, lo que perjudica su eficacia. Consideramos que el proyecto de Ley genera dudas y contiene vacíos.
Es por todo lo anterior que consideramos fundamental la postergación del debate del proyecto de ley y la participación política activa de las personas y organizaciones migrantes y refugiadas en el país, así como de las personas y organizaciones chilenas migrantes. Sólo así será posible contar con un proyecto de Ley que garantice, y no solamente “promueva” nuestros derechos.
¡Exigimos un proyecto de ley construído en conjunto con las organizaciones!
21 de julio de 2020
Ciudadanos chilenos y chilenas en el exterior, como también retornados y retornadas firmantes:
1) Alex Gallardo Valdés - Asamblea y Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 2) Fabiola Acuña González - Asamblea y Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 3) Ricardo Bahamóndez Aliaga - Asamblea y Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 4) Oriana Jara Maculet - Presencia de América Latina y Proyecto Chilena tú eres parte: no te quedes aparte - Brasil 5) Verónica Gálvez Collado - Rede de Mulheres Imigrantes Lésbicas e Bissexuais - MILBi - Brasil 6) Andrea Carabantes Soto - Equipe de Warmis - Convergência das Culturas (Brasil) y Secretaría de Mujeres Inmigrantes de Chile - Brasil/Chile 7) Francisca Gonzalez Pino - Brasil 8) Rubén Arriagada Amaya - Brasil 9) María Consuelo Valencia Gutiérrez - Cabildo de Chilenos en Buenos Aires - Argentina 10) Josefina Moya - Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 11) Claudio López - Chile 12) Beatriz soledad troncoso guerrero - Brasil 13) Valentina Vergara Caro - Cabildo Chilenes Buenos Aires - Argentina        14) Sara Pozo - Argentina 15) Maria Viviana del Carmen Morales Galarce - Brasil 16) Maria Paz Hansen Cruz - Organización de Mujeres - Chile 17) Maria Soledad Ariela Jerez Arellano - Brasil 18) Francisco Olate - Argentina 19) Beatriz Soledad Troncoso Guerrero - Brasil 20) María Jesús Vega Vera - Cabildo de Chilenxs en Buenos Aires - Argentina 21) Nicole Böck - Chile 22) Carlos Rodríguez - Brasil 23) Antonia Mardones Marshall - Que Chile Decida Extranjero - Estados Unidos 24) Juan Carlos González Toro - Vocero organización chile: hijas e hijos del exilio Chile - exiliado 13 años en Alemania 25) Mariela Pizarro Sippa - Equipe de base warmis-convergência das culturas - Brasil 26) Daniel Solis - Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 27) Rossana Vilugrón - Presença da América Latina - PAL - Brasil 28) Fabio Moraga Valle - UNAM - México 29) Carla Frias - Universidad de Chile - España 30) Miguel Fernando Estrada - Brasil 31) Sara Campos - Chile 32) Sebastián Guzmán - Chile Despertó Internacional - Estados Unidos 33) Orlando Enrique Silva Arenas - Brasil 34) América Libertad Concha Zapata - Brasil 35) Felipe Barrios - Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 36) Anja Wetzenstein - Argentina 37) Ferlina Tristán - Argentina 38) Laura Tagle Campos - Argentina 39) Pamela Araya - Argentina 40) Hugo Sepúlveda Meneses - Brasil 41) Sebastián Díaz - Argentina 42) Natacha Cárcamo Mandiola - Chile 43) Laura Tagle Campos - Argentina 44) Lorena Mandiola Pérez - Chile 45) Verónica Mandiola Perez - Conupia - Chile 46) Andrés Hidalgo Guzman - Brasil                                                                47) Carlos Labbé Jorquera - Asamblea Popular de Chile en New York City / Cooperativa Editorial Furia del Libro / Sangría Editora - Estados Unidos 48) Martín Ignacio Zingg - Suiza 49) Esteban Chavez Baroni - Alemania 50) Javier Ossandon Correa - Chile Despertó Roma - Italia 51) Sara Joiko - Reino Unido 52) Monica Mandiola Perez - Suiza 53) Oriana Castillo Silva - Brasil 54) Gloria Caroca - Chile 55) Maria Alejandra Guglielmetti - Chile Desperto Italia - Italia 56) Javiera Sandoval Limari - University College London - Reino Unido 57) Ángeles Donoso - New Sanctuary Coalition y Sanctuary Neighborhoods - Estados Unidos 58) Pedro Ponce Carrasco - Chile Democrático - Argentina 59) Tamara Rozas - Asamblea Chilena en Londres - Chile 60) Jessica Lorena Silva Gatica - Brasil 61) Javiera Sandoval Limari - University College London - Reino Unido 62) Carolina Hernández - Chile 63) Natalia Gandara - Reino Unido 64) Lina Meruane New York University - Estados Unidos 65) Rossana Cristiana Vergara Donoso - Argentina 66) Lucia Rojas Reischel - ALPIANDES Asociación Chileno-Italiana de Milán - Italia 67) Ana María Retamales Carmona - Brasil 68) Mario Antonio Ferrada Silva - Comisión de Solidaridad con Cuba de Almirante Brown - Argentina 69) Leonel Ponce - Argentina 70) Daisy Alcaino - Argentina 71) Sofía Acevedo - Argentina 72) Daniela Vilela Frente Sur - Argentina 73) Óscar Patricio Rojas Mesina - Argentina 74) Blas Enrique Vega Francino - Chile 75) Pamela Mondaca - Brasil 76) Camilo Cid Peralta - Brasil 77) Carla Aguilar - Chile 78) Manuel Laborda - Chile                                                                               79) Patricia Vargas - Brasil 80) María Urrutia - Chile 81) Ariadna Barrientos - Brasil 82) Yolanda Gloria Gamboa Muñoz - Brasil 83) Lucas Montes Bustamante - Argentina 84) Taroa Zúñiga Silva - Secretaria de mujeres inmigrantes - Chile 85) Renata Fernanda Espoz Jerez - Brasil 86) Catalina Alvarez - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - España 87) Lissette Fernández Calderón - SINDILLAR - España 88) Domingo Duclos - Brasil 89) Beatriz Ignacia Ríos Oyarzún - Colectiva Katari - España 90) Consuelo Cerda Monje - Red de Trabajadoras de las Danzas (Chile) - Colectiva Katari (Barcelona) - Chile 91) Alejandra Mandiola Pérez - Chile 92) Rodrigo Poza - Irlanda 93) Francco Carvajal - Irlanda 94) Catalina Leiva Ampuero - Irlanda 95) Alvaro Thadani acosta- Irlanda 96) Mónica Ramón Ríos - Auch! ; Asamblea Popular de Chilenes en Nueva York - Estados Unidos 97) Nelson Saez - Irlanda 98) Le Vega - Asamblea popular de chilenos en Nueva York - Estados Unidos 99) Mylena Cordero - Familias Chilenas - España 100) Carlos Aviles - Unión latinoamericana catalana - España 101) Ignacia Verdugo - Colectiva Katari - España 102) Vesna Brzovic Gaete - Red de Trabajadoras de las Danzas - Argentina 103) Aline Cristina Mautz Parham - Irlanda 104) María Barrera - España 105) Maryna Pizarro - Polonia 106) Jorge Rafael Juvenal Barrientos Renard - Brasil 107) Francisca Benitez - Asamblea Popular de Chile en Nueva York - Estados Unidos 108) Francisco Martínez - Argentina 109) Fernanda Tapia Sierra - Australia 110) Romina Brito - Chile 111) Lourdes Chamorro - Asociación Promemoria Salvador Allende - España 112) Carolina Pizarro - Ikarus Stage Arts - Dinamarca 113) Pablo Cossio - Bloque de Trabajadorxs Migrantes - BTM - Argentina 114) Emilia Riquelme - Cabildo Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 115) Nahuel Millahueique - Argentina 116) Vania Ulloa Hurtado - Colectivo Ni Una Migrante Menos - Argentina 117) Claudia Araya - Clandestina las violetas Pichidegua - Chile 118) Daniel Solis - Cabildo Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 119) Jose Alejandro Angulo Cofre - Comisión DD.HH. Chilenos en Argentina - Argentina 120) Macarena Barramuño - Chile 121) Sofía Moya - Japón 122) Leonel Fuentralba Alvear - Argentina 123) Alessandra astele - España 124) Constanza Larenas - Asamblea feminista chilenas en la CDMX - México 125) Catalina Reyes - Red Feminista de mujeres y disidencias chilenxs en el extranjero / Asamblea de chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 126) Tania T. - Alemania 127) Ricardo Cayuleo Morales - Argentina 128) Camilo Artaza Varela - Entrecuerpos Venezuela - Chile/Venezuela
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