#cosmetic surgery vs plastic surgery
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healthtripseo · 2 years
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 6 months
get to know me ask game
tagged by @lelephantsnail!!
RULES: bold the ones that are true and tag people to do it.
Blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas// I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
tagging: @skajador @snapple-man @rosemirmir @doomednarrative @lunar-gltch @incandescentflower @creativityobsessed @zscribez @funyasm @lee-donghun
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transmutationisms · 8 months
starting to loathe the phrase ‘gender affirming surgery’ tbh like yes its a category, get why it exists… yadda yadda…. and yet it feels like setting up a dichotomy of ‘our pure intentioned god honoring surgery’ vs ‘their vile frivolous surgeries’ like there’s some sort of epidemic of surgery georgs that deserve to be shamed or shunned.
yeah it's a frustrating phenomenon i've noticed, where even people who consider themselves trans-positive will critique plastic / cosmetic surgery as being frivolous / self-loathing / socially regressive / anti-feminist and then they'll try to tack on some kind of caveat that exempts the 'approved' procedures done for 'gender affirmation'. in practice this is not an actionable distinction lol, and trying to restrict access to plastic surgery legally or through social shaming mechanisms is going to affect trans people and transition care no matter how you slice it. these kinds of claims also get particularly confused by the fact that there simply is no clean line between procedures sought out for transition and procedures sought out by cis people... eg, how are you going to sit there demonising buccal fat removal or rhinoplasty or lipo as only existing due to social pressure and being therefore abhorrent, without also threatening access to those procedures for True Transsexuals using them for Approved Gender Changes?
and anyway, more fundamentally what actual difference is there between, like, a cis man not feeling manly enough and getting hair plugs or whatever because of that, and a trans man seeking out lipo or top surgery or whatever else as part of his transition care? like what actual line exists here, when gender and gendered beauty standards affect us all, cis people no less than trans, and shape ideas about what the 'normal' and desirable body looks like? and i don't think 'gender-affirming surgery' is some morally pure category either, like what was i seeking out when i got top surgery besides a normative idea of a 'male chest' defined along lines of eurocentric, able-bodied standards just as are any other concepts of 'normal' gender embodiment...? i've said before, but: fundamentally you either think people should have the autonomy to change their own bodies through surgical means if they so choose, or you don't. this isn't something where you can pick and choose because there's no ontological difference between the procedures and justifications you like and the ones you don't lol.
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kiiraes · 7 months
expanding on this topic because i've been having thoughts !!
the pursuit of beauty or attractiveness is not "self care". a large aspect of self care is self acceptance. to truly care for yourself, you have to try and learn how to accept your features while disregarding societal beauty standards completely. make-up and plastic surgery don't help you do this, in fact, i'd say they encourage many to further try to fit themselves into the very limited and curated standard that we've grown used to.
a common argument against this is "we should let people do whatever makes them happy" which is valid, i get the sentiment, however, if we continue to perpetuate this, it's soon gonna get to a point where no one will learn to love their features. it's easier to beautify yourself vs having to learn to love yourself because the journey of self love is definitely way more excruciating and difficult. this is why it's so common to resort to cosmetic surgery and make-up. but nothing that's worth it is ever easy. personally, i've been struggling for so long with my appearance-- it's a slow journey, but it's getting better, and along the way, something that i can really vouch for is that the world really becomes a brighter place once you start loving your own features, or even other features that are considered unappealing, for that matter. you don't have to believe you're beautiful or that everyone is beautiful, because your self worth isn't tied to your appearance in any way. i understand and accept that i'm not beautiful in the way people want me to be, and that's okay. it's okay to be average because being average doesn't undermine the fact that you're a human that's worth being respected regardless of appearance.
(though i did say that you don't have to believe everyone is beautiful, i personally see everyone and anyone as beautiful because i see every feature as beautiful. my life is simply more colorful this way.)
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thesituation · 9 months
yeah my sister is a doctor and she always gives out shit to me if i talk about plastic surgery without clearly differentiating between surgery on a perfectly healthy person who wants a nose job for cosmetic reasons vs surgery on a patient with severe burns. or whatever equivalent.
sounds like semantics to me. i’m a heavy supporter of context clues personally & feel like it’s pretty clear based on context what someone means by plastic surgery. like nobody in the world is against reconstructive surgery lol i don’t get how that’d be confusing
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mr-up-on-a-downer · 2 years
I hate the political dichotomy of left vs right because if I said “the cosmetic plastic surgery industry is evil and should be destroyed” completely raw people who don’t know me would assume that I’m some kind of right winger and probably worse from there. I can’t even say “I don’t think anyone needs a boob job” without imagining the unironic “well akshully.”
It’s not that I’m afraid to post my options but many of you are kinda dumb and think in absolutes like a fucking Sith or something. I’m about to start requiring credit scores before I entertain opinions from people incapable of higher reasoning.
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dingoat · 1 year
🍅  for Werewolf au Crow.
 how does my muse feel about plastic  /  cosmetic surgeries   &   procedures?  is it something they have done or would do?  do they mind if others do it? 
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This is a super interesting one for AU Crow in particular and needed a little thought! He lives in a world where he has seen the absolute worst and best of what body augmentation/modification can do; and because of the nature/setting of this story I definitely include cybernetic surgery and genetic manipulation under the banner of this question!
On the one hand, Crow knows he'd be an outright hypocrite if he spoke too fatalistically against it, but he does have grave concerns about procedures being abused, about people changing themselves for the wrong reasons, about people feeling pressured by authorities to change themselves in order to 'keep up' or simply maintain their appeal and usefulness. He also knows he, personally, has been exceptionally lucky about the procedures he's undergone and the fact that he's been able to escape his indentured service to the SIS to pay back what he owes for his arm and wings; despite how much he enjoys being able to fly, he suspects he might have wound up regretting agreeing to the experimental procedure if he'd spent much longer under their thumb. He is quite grieved every time he thinks about Fynta and what she allowed to have done to her; he's convinced she was taken advantage of while in a state of fury and grief and desperately hopes there can be peace for her some day. Other people he's close to have also been taken and changed both with and without their agreement, and suffered greatly for it, so he treads the area with a great deal of caution and concern.
And yet Crow also has a very very big heart, and a hugely accepting worldview; he'd be very hard pressed to find any individual he wouldn't adore exactly the way that they are and so somebody inherently being at odds with any part of themselves is a concept he'd probably wrestle with since in his eyes, everyone truly is glorious. But he's also seen the absolute joy some beings have taken in body altering procedures, so I think his reservations really would boil down to 'need' vs 'want'. With all other external pressures and obligations stripped away, Crow would always be wholeheartedly in full support of anything anyone wanted to do to live as their most joyful, authentic self.
[Art credit to @tehriel for another gorgeous piece I received from Art Fight last year!]
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bushs-world · 1 year
Women and the paradigm of choice
Something and certain opinions triggered this post and I had to get it out so here it goes
Liberal Feminism vs Radical Feminism
Let's talk feminism first. I promise it will come in later. So there are different ideologies of feminism but two of the biggest ones are liberal feminism and radical feminism.
Now, liberal feminism is an political ideology that aims for equality between men and women in public spaces via the means of laws and regulations set by the government. A huge part of liberal feminism is the individual autonomy. It places huge importance on individual freedom and choices. Because of this modern day liberal feminism is also called choice feminism.
Now, liberal feminism is often criticized for its pro choice stance because it shuts down any opportunity to debate and unearth unconscious biases, masquerading them as individual choice. It stops feminists from having important discussions as any objectionable step taken by the women can be justified as 'it is my choice.'
For example, in the plastic surgery debate, any women who opts for plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons can turn down any opportunity to debate as to why she felt the need to alter her looks as 'it is my choice.' Also this pro choice stance often ignores existing power structures and relationships, plus social conditioning and outside pressure as influencing factors which results it in being tone deaf.
Intersectional feminism started as a result of this shortcomings of liberal feminism.
Now this stance of liberal feminism is criticised by radical feminists. And while modern day radical feminism is largely linked to the TERF movement, in the 70s (or 80s idr), radical feminism was responsible for quite some changes. Originally, radical feminism was an ideology that believed that patriarchy divides societal power, rights and privileges primarily along the lines of sex. This results in inequality between women and men, and the domination of women by men.
Now, radical feminism is extremely critical of liberal feminism and it's outcomes. Radical feminists believe (or they used to at one point. Modern day radical feminism has twisted into something else) liberal feminists may seem to ensure equality on paper, it doesn't always translate to equality in practice because in reality, there are a lot of biases which work against women which liberal feminism ignores.
A women's choice
Strangely enough the biggest debate between the two groups was over a woman's choice, and both groups were at opposite ends of this debate.
On one hand, liberal feminism for all its shortcomings, is very pro choice. Liberal feminism is all about letting a woman take her own choices as long as she takes them on her own accord, and isn't forced into it. Such practices can then be liberating and empowering for women because they have taken the charge.
On the other hand, radical feminism is critical of certain practices that liberal feminism frames as choices and instead frames it as internalised sexism and women only engaging in these activities for male gratification, seeking male validation or conforming to patriarchy.
A good example of this was the pole dancing debacle from some years ago. With pole dancing becoming accepted as a form of exercise, liberal feminists welcomed this change as a liberating experience for women.
Radical feminists, on the other hand, argued that women felt empowered after taking up pole dancing because of the the male validation it brings, and that women only engage in pole dancing because of internalised sexism. There was also the fact that they believed it's impossible to separate the practice of pole dancing from its history and that pole dancing, even if done for recreation out of one's own choice was objectifying women.
And tbh, both sides have valid points but I always took offense of radical feminism's quick assumption that seeking male validation is a default for women.
This stance is always repeated whether it's for posting certain selfies on Instagram or other activities that were earlier subjugating for women. Radical feminism always frames them as internalised sexism or misogyny, totally ignoring that some women derive happiness from traditional roles (the reason for its fall from favour).
This is where I personally feel radical feminism fails because despite being about women empowerment, radical feminism took a very black and white, and often patronising approach towards women who otherwise engaged in traditional roles or practices that were once subjugating to women. To radical feminists, such women were just puppets of patriarchy or male gaze, working to pander men, instead of full grown adults capable of making informed choices.
And this is exactly what led me to believe that with time, radical feminism was just turning exactly like patriarchy, only using counter arguments. It was equally constricting on women and looked down upon their choices with a patronising way. In order to free women from patriarchy, it was binding women into other constraints without taking into account the voices of women who felt differently (that and their manifesto which still gives me headache💀)
What is the solution?
I feel that we need a cross between both ideologies and find a solution that works. For me, radical feminism is great for asking questions, because it forces you to take a hard look at Reality. Liberal feminism, on the other hand, is great for finding solutions because radical feminism takes everything in black and white, totally ignoring the option of choice
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ballsballsbowls · 1 year
My mother has had a subscription to a specific women’s magazine as far back as I can remember. 
The actual articles have varied a lot in terms of topics and also longevity vs. the magazine as a whole, but one the ones that stuck with me in spite of its brief appearance was a monthly story about plastic surgery.
Always a lady at least 35, a two-page spread where the woman would explain why she wanted this cosmetic procedure done so badly, her process for finding someone to do it, what she paid, and how happy she was with it. And they were all “slam dunks,” if you will, in the sense that all of these women were selected very carefully so even someone who loathed ALL Cosmetic Procedures on principle would have a very hard time arguing that these women shouldn’t have done it to themselves, and they harped a lot on the quality of life issues that they were solving.
This was the late 90s/early 00s and a lot of middle class people hadn’t been exposed to plastic surgery at all (or, at least, none outside of the context of rich people doing procedures For Fun) 
I can imagine how it went over with the readership, as the column was dropped in less than 18 months.
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51316120825 · 1 year
Rise of gooner and bimbo fetish subculture + patriarchy + Postmodern+ postcovid
Gooning - giving in to desires (in line with masculine socialization) , turning brain off (infrmation overload New technology and Social awareness)
Bimboficiation- becoming a vessel for the desires of someone else (in line with feminine socialization) + also not thinking (information overload etc.)
Also important to note, mainstream narrative= a push for androgyny , faux dissolution and faux call to action FOR the dissolution of the patriarchy and the gender binary, “theyre trying to transgenderfy our children and society”, lavender scare2.0, take away our guns and power and roles in society
This gives them more edge- both lean so heavily into their respective gender roles that they basically become counter culture
Also consent and + the simple fact they are almost Both very self indulgent (within patriarchal norms and constraints) Bimboficstion less self indulgent in a physically sexual sense
Solosexuality = COVID LOCKDOWN
MANOSPHERE Joe rogan, Andrew tate
Portland (goon) + Moscow (bimbo)
Pornography Addicted (goon) , addicter (bimbo) .
Meth+Poppers+Molly (bridge)+Anaesthesietics+Botox
Lip filler, Barbie Movie
Internet generation
Depravity vs. canvas for depravity???? not sure.
Inner Vs Outer
Connected but different
Man at center
Giving in (both, different senses)
Both taking it “too far” Boys will we boys(14 hour masturbation session) girls must look a certain way (extreme plastic surgery makeovers)
Colonizer VS Colonized
No thinking is very important. No more thinking. World is too complicated. Lip fillers and Jerkikg off way more simple and entertaining
However neither connected super directly. Gooner most to bimbo but bimbo, doesn’t have such a direct link to gooning
Industry (porn, cosmetics)
Real and Fake, Simulation of sex, simulation of beauty, simulation of pleasure. Is pleasure still pleasure, and is it still healthy when it Maximised past a certain? Is beauty still beauty if its created to be beautiful + when it becomes aware of itself?
unfashionable (nudity focused , no shower, etc. unhygenic) vs extemely fashionable (very clothes focused even witj nudity it is The body as a fashion statement or like a testament to aesthetic superiority, hygenic )
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leechs · 1 year
this might be taken the wrong way but I don't mean for it be rude I support trans individuals but I've heard lots about the lifelong medical complications that come with trans surgeries especially the bottom surgeries and looking into them more it seems fairly common to have to deal with intense medical complications for the rest of your life due to these surgeries and I thought that was incredibly sad and maybe these procedures shouldn't be done then? how do you feel about them?
cant speak about phalloplasty but a lot of complications from srs stem from lack of adequate training on part of the surgeons and trans specific surgeries are decades behind other surgeries...you can google the difference in plastic surgeon vs. reconstructive surgeon and urologist bc srs used to be seen as a "cosmetic surgery" and many undertrained plastic surgeons still think they can do it today despite the fact they are probably not qualified to...a lot of people literally have to self-research their shit bc of bad surgeons
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eipsnicosia · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About the Different Types of Breast Implants
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Breast augmentation can revitalize your appearance and give you a new lease on life. With modern advancements in breast implants, you don’t have to settle for a “one size fits all” procedure. Improvements in implant design have made breast augmentation a highly customizable cosmetic procedure. Breast implants come in a variety of materials, sizes, profiles, shapes and textures and are chosen based on you — your lifestyle, body shape, current breast tissue and desired look.
At the European Institute for Plastic Surgery, Dr. Demetris Stavrou has the expertise to guide you through the decision-making process so that your breast implants fit you perfectly. To help you better understand the choices available to you, read on about the various breast implant options and the aesthetic benefits they provide.
IMPLANT MATERIALS- SILICONE VS SALINE The two most common types of breast implants are silicone gel and saline breast implants. Both implants have a pliable silicone outer shell, but that is where their similarities end.
SILICONE BREAST IMPLANTS Silicone breast implants contain a sticky, cohesive material that resembles human fat in texture. Silicone implants are preferred by most patients because they provide a beautiful breast enhancement that feels and moves like natural breast tissue.
SALINE BREAST IMPLANTS Saline breast implants start off empty when they are placed in the breast pocket. After the proper position has been achieved, the saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Saline implants are optimal for patients who have breast asymmetry because each implant can be filled with a different amount of saline to create a perfect balance. Saline implants are also recommended for patients who want dramatic fullness in the upper portion of the breast. If you prefer a breast implant with natural materials, saline breast implants may be a better choice for you. Saline breast implants are filled with liquid, and therefore can feel and move like a water balloon.
WHAT ARE THE BREAST IMPLANT SIZES? We are accustomed to thinking of breast size in terms of cup size. However, breast implant volume is measured in cubic centimeters or CCs. The more CCs in the implant, the larger your breast augmentation will be. Silicone gel breast implants are pre-filled by the manufacturer, whereas saline breast implants are filled after they have been placed in the breast pocket. Together, you and Dr. Stavrou will determine the ideal implant size that gives you the fullness you want.
BREAST IMPLANT PROFILE The profile of a breast implant refers to the amount of projection the implant has from the chest wall. The width of the implant determines the profile. Implant profiles are classified as high, medium or low profile.
High-profile implants have a narrow base, provide the most projection from the chest wall and create a dramatic silhouette.
Low-profile breast implants have a wide base and provide the least amount of projection. Medium profile implants are chosen by most patients because they give the breast a full, natural-looking enhancement without appearing overdone. Matching the width of the breast implant to the width of your natural breast tissue is the key to achieving a balanced, natural look.
WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT IMPLANT SHAPES? Breast implants can be either round or teardrop-shaped. The shape of the breast implant used to create your new breast contour is based on the amount of breast tissue you currently have, as well as the look you desire. Round implants turn freely in the breast pocket, which helps the breast move more naturally. Round implants are frequently used in patients who want a voluptuous, full chest. Patients with adequate breast tissue do well with round implants because their current breast tissue works with the roundness of the implant to create a natural-looking enhancement.
Teardrop-shaped, or anatomically correct, breast implants are optimal for patients who have had a mastectomy or have minimal breast tissue. The teardrop-shaped implant, which is thin in the upper portion of the breast and fuller at the base of the breast, helps recreate a natural breast shape for these patients. Dr. Stavrou can help you determine the best implant shape for your needs following your in-person consultation.
WHAT IS IMPLANT TEXTURE? Breast implants can have either a smooth or textured outer shell. A smooth outer shell feels softer, more like natural breast tissue. Smooth implants are frequently chosen if round implants are used. The smoothness of the implant allows the round implant to turn freely in the breast pocket and helps the breast move more naturally.
A textured implant is often used in conjunction with teardrop-shaped breast implants. Because the implant is tapered at the top and full at the bottom, it is important that the implant maintains its position within the breast pocket. The textured outer shell provides an irregular surface that gives the breast tissue something to adhere to and helps the implant stay in place. Textured, teardrop-shaped implants may be more suitable for patients who have very little natural breast tissue or are having breast reconstruction following a mastectomy.
CHOOSING YOUR PLASTIC SURGEON FOR BREAST AUGMENTATION Choosing a qualified cosmetic surgeon is the most critical decision you will make when it comes to your breast augmentation procedure. The right surgeon will value your concerns and possess both the expertise and experience needed to beautifully enhance your breasts.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Everything You Need to Know About the Different Types of Breast Implants(https://eips.com/different-types-of-breast-implants/)
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
people who are super against Plastic Surgery despite not even knowing the difference between cosmetic vs reconstructive surgery or how certain procedures work. botox is used for migraines and sweaty armpits, people get knee fillers, let alone breast reduction or jaw surgery to fix malalignment
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amulyaclinic · 14 days
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In the world of cosmetic enhancements, Botox and Dysport stand out as two popular options for reducing wrinkles and achieving a smoother, more youthful appearance. Both are injectable neurotoxins that work by temporarily paralyzing muscles, but they have some differences that can influence your choice. Let's delve into the comparison of Botox vs Dysport to help you decide which one may be right for you.
Composition and Action: Botox: Made from onabotulinumtoxinA, Botox has been around longer and is widely known. It effectively treats moderate to severe frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines by blocking nerve signals to muscles.
Dysport: Containing abobotulinumtoxinA, Dysport has smaller molecules and may diffuse more, making it potentially spread over a wider area. This can be an advantage for larger treatment areas but may require more injections for precision.
Onset and Duration: Botox: Typically takes around 3-7 days to see full effects, with results lasting up to 3-4 months.
Dysport: May have a quicker onset, with some patients noticing improvements within 1-2 days. Results can last a similar duration to Botox.
Spread and Diffusion: Botox: Known for its precise action, making it suitable for targeting specific muscles without affecting surrounding areas significantly.
Dysport: Due to its potential for wider diffusion, Dysport might be preferable for treating larger areas, such as the forehead.
Dosage and Units: Botox: Typically requires higher units per treatment area compared to Dysport.
Dysport: Often requires fewer units for similar effects, making it potentially more cost-effective for some patients.
Personal Preference and Response: Some individuals may find that one product works better for them in terms of longevity or achieving desired results.
It's essential to discuss your expectations and concerns with a qualified cosmetic surgeon to determine the most suitable option for your unique needs.
When considering Botox or Dysport treatments, it's crucial to consult with a board-certified cosmetic surgeon. In Delhi, renowned clinics like the Best Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi offer expert guidance and personalized treatment plans tailored to your goals. Whether you're interested in Best Cosmetic Gynecomastia solutions, Best Rhinoplasty procedures, or simply searching for Best Cosmetic Surgery near me, these reputable establishments provide comprehensive services to enhance your aesthetic appeal.
Moreover, skilled practitioners at these clinics, often led by the Best Plastic Surgeon in Delhi, ensure safe and satisfactory outcomes. They prioritize patient safety, using advanced techniques and adhering to strict quality standards.
In conclusion, both Botox and Dysport are effective options for minimizing wrinkles and achieving a more youthful appearance. Your choice between the two may depend on factors such as your treatment goals, preferences, and response to the products. By consulting with a qualified cosmetic surgeon at the Best Cosmetic Surgeon near me, you can make an informed decision and embark on your journey to renewed confidence and beauty.
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❗ If You Could See What I See
My Faves
Au Naturel
Natural Is the Best
Celebrities Who Ruined Their Face With Surgery
Under the Knife
Healthy Lifestyle vs. Cosmetic Surgery
Not Good With Words
Male Celebrities
Facial Fillers
Plastic Surgery Addiction
Always Have 😏
Do you want to hear a confession? I like the older you better than your younger self. I think you're much more attractive, charismatic, and sexier. It pains and upsets me because it feels like you want to look like what you did before.
Which is not the Pedro I fell in love with.
Just be yourself.
I love the wrinkles on your forehead, the creases around your eyes when you smile, the whites on your beard, and so much more.
All of you.
Head to toe.
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