#cosgrove hall animation
osgoodcomix · 2 years
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Count Duckula Bunnicula Mashup
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fowlfish · 5 months
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Some different takes on Stiletto from Danger Mouse.
I tend to be fond of lackey characters like this guy.
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Every time I begin my yearly Spring cleaning, I immediately think myself Mole in The Wind in the Willows. Like him, I often grow tired of cleaning & long to escape into the fresh spring air to scamper off to a meandering river.
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loudlyhappycupcake · 2 months
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RARE DANGER MOUSE PRODUCTION ART DRAWING ANIMATION CEL - COSGROVE HALL @shironezuninja @bossbabyfan2 @evander2511 @evaiskindaweird @untitled14360 @soniathedangerhedgefox2015 @sakulovejulius12 @aamericanotaku @angrychenyu @burningmusicfunnygiant @buy-some-motherfuckin-apples-iv @homuncvlus @bitter-yet-civilized @walt-diego-rodriguez @jazzyrazzy157 @isrrael120 @bloodmoon24
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artofwinniethepooh · 1 year
Rabbit stop-motion animation test by Tim Collings for a scrapped Winnie the Pooh TV series collaboration between Disney and Cosgrove Hall in 1999
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u-friend-or-ufo · 5 days
This into hits bruv!
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frogshunnedshadows · 8 months
"Count Duckula" opening theme and closing credits music.
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edwar17 · 2 years
Count Duckula reimagined
Hey, so it’s been a while, I hardly use tumblr anymore, I’m mainly using twitter nowadays. 
Anyway, here’s something I’ve been making since late January. It's just a little homage to the original Cosgrove hall series from the late 80s/ early 90s. I Hope you all enjoy! And good night out there.... whatever you are!
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jellofangy · 2 years
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(Featuring a new OC named Claudie! Based off the lost Mon Cherie Coco anime intro. If you have any information please notify the Lost Media Wiki!)
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 year
So I’ve been watching the 1980s Wind In The Willows series by Cosgrove hall and I’ve only just realised some pretty fucked up things about the world the characters live in.
There’s a number of threats that the animal character face from humans, such as a railway threatening to destroy their homes, a bear trap being left in the wild wood (which the chief weasel gets caught in) and even a party of hunters on horseback.
The thing is, the animal characters in this show are not only anthropomorphic, but actively communicate with humans. Hell, the weasels are even the jury at Toad’s trial in the original movie. Pair that up with the first half of the episode titled Piper At The Gates Of Dawn, in which the animals have to hide from otter hunters, only to realise that Otter’s son Portly has gone missing and they all immediately fear that he’s been killed. It’s legitimately disturbing. And aside from Badger briefly commenting about how hateful humans can be, this is never addressed at all.
Maybe I could understand it if these were regular animals, but they’re not. And the humans treating them like they are just mindless beasts despite their anthropomorphic nature just gets more and more unnerving the more I think about it.
Also, when Toad gets sentenced to 20 years in prison in the film, three quarters of that sentence was for mildly insulting a human police officer rather than, you know, stealing someone’s car and dangerous driving.
I tend to be a little on the fence about allegorical discrimination in media. It can be done, and in the right hands can produce some incredibly powerful results, but quite a few times it misses the mark. As much as I love this series for nostalgic purposes, I can’t help but find this aspect of it more than a little creepy, purely because of how banal it is in-universe.
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auroraluciferi · 2 years
“When the Toad Came Home” - Wind in the Willows (1983)
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jenreadsstuff · 5 months
Soul Music thoughts
I was a little bit anxious about re-reading this one, because Soul Music was my first Discworld book, way way back when I was 14, and I think people's entry into Discworld shapes the way they view the series and setting a considerable amount. Discworld was, for me, first and foremost a comedy series that paralleled our world for humorous effect, and the philosophy stuff came later.
I was also disappointed to realise that the book that brought me into this wonderful world had some pretty obnoxious, albeit brief, racist stereotypes in the scenes involving the takeaway restaurant that Susan visits. It was tough to read through those moments, even though I know that English language pop culture was still full of those stereotypes for comedy in the '90s, laughing at accents and using minorities as punchlines.
On the flip side, this fandom seems to have overlooked Gloria as the series' first trans dwarf. She's most definitely she, attending an all girls school and described as wearing ribbons in her beard. Gloria walked so that Cherry Littlebottom could run.
On a re-read, some of the music jokes feel a bit clunky - this is where the Cosgrove Hall animated adaptation absolutely surpasses the source material, capturing the parody element with incredibly well crafted songs that are so evocative of the styles they're imitating while still being wonderful songs in their own right. That moment in the Cavern when they play one chord and immediately you know it's a Beatles parody is just *chef's kiss*. Do watch the animated series if you can.
There were plenty of other musical references that I didn't get on my first, or even second or third, read, but which finally hit many years later - I've already posted the felonious monk gag, but finishing the story with a Kirsty MacColl reference was beautiful (there's a guy works down the chip shop, swears he's elvish). The only musical reference I still didn't get this time around was 'Surreptitious Fabric' - can anyone clue me in on this one?
Other fun moments from this one:
* Glod redecorating hotel rooms
* Ponder Stibbons and the students of the High Energy Magic building
* "We're on a mission from Glod"
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arconinternet · 3 days
The Talking Parcel (Video, 1978)
The Cosgrove Hall animated fantasy film in which cockatrices are just the absolute worst. You can watch it here.
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dontbecattyratty · 1 year
It doesn’t have to be the first version you were exposed to. Choose the version that made you decide you were not going to be normal about these animals
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artofwinniethepooh · 1 year
Owl stop-motion animation test by Tim Collings for a scrapped Winnie the Pooh TV series collaboration between Disney and Cosgrove Hall in 1999
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nostalgiamare · 1 year
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YEAR: 2003
DESCRIPTION: One of Cosgrove Hall’s many stop-motion animated series in their collection in a partnership with Create & Film TV (Now known as The Lego Group). Based off the 1999 book by Mike Brownlow. When a tiny robot named Tiny fixes his friends who were all lying about in a city junkyard, they all work together to create their own home made of junk in a pipe. There they have daily adventures, solve problems and are the best of friends. Almost like they are a Little Robot Family. Each of the characters all have different personalities, flaws and hobbies with their own relationship dynamics. Hijinks may ensue, strange things may happen and they might clash, but at the end of the day they are all still friends and all find their own ways to have fun.
1: Obviously you can only make so many Robots with the budget you have (About like 10 or 11) and if you had all of them from the book there would be some character issues but I’m still sad that we never got this 90s/Y2K robot in animated form ;-;
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2: There is so much GENUINELY GOOD NOSTALGIA in this series from the smooth animation to the character dynamics to the voice acting to the BANGER THEME SONG. It’s such a DIAMOND compared to most of the entries on this blog (I said most not all of them don’t worry lol-)
3: Just wanna remind you all that Sporty here
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Also voice acted in this
your welcome.
LINK TO SOURCES: https://www.youtube.com/@LittleRobotsFullEpisodesMore/videos (Full Episodes)
https://web.archive.org/web/20230000000000*/littlerobots.com (Website Archive URL)
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