#corporate string ensemble
duodamore · 9 months
What to Consider Before Booking a String Quartet
What to Consider Before Booking a String Quartet. Our top tips from our award winning string duos, trios and quartets.
What to Consider Before Booking a String Quartet. When it comes to adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to an event, few musical ensembles can rival the timeless allure of a string quartet. The harmonious interplay of two violins, a viola, and a cello creates a rich and melodic sound that can elevate any occasion, be it a wedding, corporate gathering, or intimate soirée. However, before…
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soap-lady · 5 months
A Wild Chapter Appears!
Hey everyone!
So I used to post a chapter every month of Worthy Opponent but eh...I kinda fell in with a bad crowd or a new fandom. I'll finish this story I promise but I don't have the same motivation I used to.
@arylace Is the best co-writer I could ask for and y'all have her to thank for this being finished.
@fantasiame, @g-arya, @lavenderjunes, @charlietheepic7, @ahenix, @delectablycoolscientist, @kaseykay17, @vio-march-0327, @mewwitch, @vixen-uchiha, @coolspidermanmusicflower, @lady-bee-fechin, @raeuberprinzessin, @symwinter, @frieddonutsweets, @seraphkitty, @friendsofthefairies, @nickristus-dreamer, @khneltea, @jumpingjoy82, @fan-written, @woe-is-me0,@corporeal-terrestrial, @queenmjean, @theymakeupfairies, @dorkus-minimus, @idk-j-go-with-it
Worthy Opponent 26
All of the crucial “will you go to the ball with me?” scenes were filmed and the crew was galvanized into action. Notre Dame Les Oiseaux was about to start classes again so they couldn’t use the theater. So instead they decided to create their own ballroom on a soundstage.
The set dressers and designers went all out, taking inspiration from an actual castle ballroom and adding a few of their own touches. Blue and gold damask wallpaper decorated the walls and they recreated the look of a marble inlaid floor with vinyl laminate. Statues of Greek maidens stood in little alcoves (they were only plaster, but the audience wouldn’t be able to tell.) and genuine glass chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Amelie arranged for a tiny stage for a string ensemble to perform live music and a dining area with a buffet table. Mme. Jennings insisted all the chairs be covered with satin slipcovers to prevent damaging the expensive costumes.
The younger cast was very excited to be showing off their dance moves but the crew tried not to groan when they thought of all the building and painting involved. Fortunately they were able to find a discount wedding supply store that had some lovely banquet chairs and already made slipcovers. Some were blue and the rest were gold. That was once less headache, courtesy of the mayor’s daughter, who was now using her connections for good. Or at least convenience. Amelie arranged for on-set massage therapists and chiropractors to help the crew after a few incredibly long and stressful days.
The Wardrobe Department was so busy Marinette had to be excused from filming to help sew and Mme. Jennings recruited a few additional seamstresses. It was rumored she’d recruited her cousins from Scotland but the women rarely spoke so no one really knew. They worked at a furious pace and soon costumes for the principal cast and most of the secondary were done.
Everyone was tired and stressed so Amelie declared the weekend before they shot the ballroom scene to be free time and arranged for a team movie night and a takeaway dinner for everyone who wanted it. Some elected to just catch up on their sleep.
Work wasn’t quite done for Marinette, Felix and Luka. She had two costumes to finish and fit and they had to try on their costumes to see if any adjustments needed to be made.
Luka practically bounced down the hall. Marinette wanted to see him alone! Well, she wanted to see him alone to see how well his ball costume fit and whether or not she needed to make any adjustments but still, any time alone with her lately was precious and hard to find.
He told himself he wasn’t jealous of Marinette’s new friendships with the cast. Being an actress could net her some excellent contacts and he’d eat his Jagged Stone guitar pic if Mme. Amelie and Allegra didn’t contact Marinette after the movie to make dresses for them.
It was also good she got along with Allen and Claude. He loved to hear her laugh and their stories of past movie shoots and pranks they played on each other on-set made Marinette giggle and helped keep her anxiety down. Plus, Luka didn’t get the chance to play with musicians who weren’t friends or family and Allen was as talented as he was smart and good looking.
He hadn’t spent a lot of time with Chloe. She barely spoke to him although he’d caught her looking him over once or twice in appreciation. Most of what he knew about her came from what his sister had told him about and it wasn’t flattering. For the last four years she had been bullying the formerly passive Marinette and his shy sister. She’d used her father’s position as Mayor to avoid punishment. Until this year when she suddenly stopped. Perhaps she was too busy trying to survive lycee without her usual enabling teacher and an education staff who told her “Daddy” had no power over them, only the Ministry of Education.
Felix…on the other hand…well, that was complicated.
Felix’s resemblance to his cousin was eerily similar and Marinette did appear to have a type. While Luka was relatively sure she was over Adrien and moving on, he had no guarantee she would move on to him. That was…fine. He’d told her he’d be happy for her no matter who she chose. He’d meant it; he’d back off and leave her alone to make her own choices, even if the person she chose wasn’t him.
That being said, even if he accepted her decisions, he didn’t have to like or agree with them. He’d smile and congratulate her but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt. He might even be a little bit angry. He was allowed to be jealous, wasn’t he? He was allowed to be frustrated.
Luka couldn’t blame Marinette if she was attracted to Felix, looks aside. Felix was smart, charming, talented and confident. He was good-looking and aware of it, even if he didn’t exploit it. Watching the way Felix interacted with his mother and his friends, Luka felt he’d be loyal and respectful if he ever chose a romantic partner. Luka genuinely liked him and wanted to be friends, to hang out and laugh together. Maybe Felix played an instrument too. He should suggest the three of them spend more time learning about each other.
If Luka was honest with himself, he was getting sick of letting go of people he cared about with a smile and a wish for their happiness. He wanted to fight, to prove he was worthy, the better choice.
He wanted to be selfish, just once in his life. He deserved to be someone’s first choice and he wanted that someone to be Marinette.
Luka shook his head as his thoughts continued in loops: love, jealousy, longing, frustration. He couldn’t think that way, not in Paris.
He stopped outside the dressing room door that Marinette told him she’d be in. He took several deep breaths and mentally reminded himself to do some meditation and mindfulness exercises later.
Luka raised his fist to the door and rapped with his knuckles. He didn’t have to wait long before hearing her call out “come in!” and he smiled before opening the door.
Chloe wasn’t sitting in the corner waiting to take pictures of him in costume and he asked Marinette why.
She just shrugged. “She said she had plans with Allen and told me she would get pictures of you in your Founders’ Ball costume when we shot the scene.”
He closed the door behind him. “So, we’re alone?”
Marinette smiled. “It’s been awhile hasn’t it? It seems all we do lately is work work work with hardly any downtime.” She sighed, sounding tired.
Luka grinned. “It’s worth it, isn’t it?”
She laughed, delighting him when her eyes brightened and cheek flushed. “Are you kidding? I’m going to be able to put ‘Costume Designer’ on my resume and I’m not even eighteen yet!”
He nodded and smiled at her. “And on your university transcripts. ESMOD would be drooling to have you after working on a Graham Films production.”
Marinette giggled and he wished they weren’t working so he could snuggle with her while they watched a movie. Or did nothing at all. Well, the money he earned on this film would keep his family literally afloat for months. The pay was leagues better than working as a delivery driver so he could afford to put some money aside for himself.
“And not only are you acting, but you’re helping create the score for a major film production,” her enthusiasm for his success was even greater than his own and he loved that about her. She grinned up at him and it was all he could do not to hug her. “Jagged Stone himself will be begging you to work with him!”
Luka chuckled at the unlikely but fun mental image of his music idol getting down on his knees and begging Luka to come work on his latest album. “Mom would love that.”
She giggled. “Oh, yeah.” She looked at him, still grinning. “It’s mind blowing that the two of them used to work together.” She frowned, thinking. “I wonder why they stopped. Creative differences?”
He remembered the way they’d argued at the docks. “With those two? Probably. But it’s just as likely if they were working with Bob Roth back then, he probably drove them apart so he could make more money promoting Jagged as a solo artist.”
“And your mom is way too independent to let someone like Bob control her,” Marinette agreed and they shared a laugh, thinking about Anarka Couffaine telling Bob exactly what she thought of his management style.
The laughter gradually died away and they were left staring awkwardly at each other.
Marinette’s eyes darted around the room, clearly looking for something else to say. “Um, yeah! Do you want to try on your ball scene costume now?”
He knew it was wrong to smile but even when she was shy and awkward she was adorable. “It’s what we’re here for.”
“I’ll go get it!”
She rushed to the storage room in the back and raced towards him holding a brown clothing bag over her head. She double-checked the outside tag with the inside tag to make sure she had the right costume and then thrust it into his hands. “Go go go! Change!”
She grabbed his waist, turned him around and all but threw him into the changing room before coming back and making sure the curtain was closed. “Come out when you’re done!”
He laughed. He loved his Ma-ma-Marinette.
Luka slid the curtain back and hoped he’d put on everything correctly. “How’s this?”
“I’m sure it’ll need an adjustment here or there but for the most part it’s probably…whoa!”
Marinette nearly dropped her pincushion as she stared at him, eyes wide. “You look so good! It’s like you just walked right out of my sketch!”
He laughed and fiddled with the tie. “I don’t think I have this quite right.”
“Oh, don’t feel bad. Hardly anyone knows how to tie a tie anymore.” She crossed the room and reached for the tie, untying it as she spoke to him. “How do you like it?”
Luka allowed her to pull the tie off him, then raised and lowered his arms and let the fabric move around him. “It’s pretty stretchy and easy to move in.” He ran a hand down the front of the coat. “This isn’t leather.”
“No, it’s suede. Suede is stretchier than leather. It’ll move easier than leather during a sword duel.”
“Very smart.” He looked down at his feet. “I’m not sure dress shoes are really Watson.”
“Me either,” she didn’t look up from the tie she was trying to get out of the three knots he had somehow tied it in. “I was thinking of combat boots, not the modern kind. Mme. Jennings has some vintage that might have been her father’s. Are you still a size forty-five?”
“Then I think these will still fit you. We might get them to stretch a centimeter but not as much as two.” She finally finished straightening out the tie and looped it back around his neck. “I think I remember how to do this from helping my papa. I’ll try to tie it for you but sooner or later you should learn to tie your own.” She glared up at him. “I can’t always stop to do this if you win a Cesar or a BAFTA you know.”
He smiled but she couldn’t see it. “I’ll do what I can.”
She didn’t seem to be interested in what he was saying while she re-tied the bit of silk around his neck. “I went with Victorian or Regency inspiration for most of the cast but for you I went Edwardian. Still muted colors but softer, lighter material. Not as stiff. I went with a summer wool which has more cotton but still that rough tweed look. It’s also a little stretchy because the fabric has some spandex in it.”
Luka wasn’t listening, he just let the lecture about sewing and design flow over him as he heard her talk about what she loved. Her eyes were bright and interested and her posture was confident. He let her turn him this way and that while she got his tie properly adjusted.
“I also thought a standard vest or waistcoat wouldn’t suit you or Watson so I went with an asymmetrical vest instead.”
Her small hands left his throat, which was good, because he was worried she could feel his pulse. Instead her hands skimmed over his chest and slid down his waist. He knew her touch was completely innocent but he had to close his eyes and try to meditate so he didn’t knock his hands away or worse, pull her closer and kiss her. Every time he tried to remind himself she was getting over someone and wasn’t ready for anything serious, it sounded like more and more of a lie.
Maybe she needed a rebound, someone like…Felix. He looked like Adrien sure but he would also be gone in a few months. Marinette might get hurt but hell, it would be over soon and he would be there to console-
That would be cruel and manipulative, to both Felix and Marinette. He loved her and liked Felix. He didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize their friendship, especially if Felix could help her with her career. Felix deserved someone who wanted to be with him long term and so did Marinette.
Okay, enough. He had work to do. And was Marinette kneeling in front of him and feeling his legs?
This was his punishment for impure thoughts and nearly succumbing to temptation. Oh, and doing something pretty dirty to Felix too.
“I think your pants need to be hemmed.” She was telling him. “I almost went with white but I thought stark white would look too harsh so I went with cream.”
Really, Marinette?
“Well, they look great.” He looked into the mirror so he wouldn’t be lying.
The black, gray and cream looked fantastic, contrasting without clashing. The straight bottom of the vest betrayed the slightest hint of shirt as he moved but he couldn’t have it too tight. The fingerless gloves were very rock and roll and would help him keep a grip on his sword.
Luka glanced at his hands. “Could the gloves have some metal studs on them?”
“I don’t see why not,” she made a note on her phone and then got back on her knees. “I’m going to hem these pants. Try not to move.”
Oh, this girl was immune to irony. “I’ll do what I can.”
She slid the ankle of the pant’s leg. “How’s this?
He looked down, “how far up can you raise it?”
“About a centimeter and a half. I want the pants cuff to look right.” She adjusted the pants again. “What about now?”
He looked in the mirror. “Perfect.”
Marinette pulled some pins out of her wrist cushion and raised the hem until she was satisfied, then looked at the mirror until the hem was even all around.
Luka admired himself in the mirror again. He loved it. He’d have to be careful not to get anything on it but Mme. Jennings told him they usually had a spare, just don’t take it for granted.
He looked inside the coat and found a long inner pocket roughly the length of a sword. She really did plan for everything. That would save them from having to stop filming to grab them.
She noticed his satisfaction and grinned. “I’m pretty good, aren’t I?”
“You certainly are,” he bowed and found it very easy in his costume, “Your Highness.”
She giggled and curtsied. “Please. We’re friends.” She made an elaborate show of offering him her hand to kiss. “Princess Marinette will do.”
When had he stopped?
When had he stopped thinking of Marinette Dupain-Cheng as an opponent? Worthy or otherwise, he no longer thought of her as an obstacle or an antagonist.
That was not to say he’d stopped enjoying their verbal sparring matches. She was quick-witted and easily matched his intellect, matching every barb he threw at her with an adeptness that was as impressive as it was playful.
She no longer scowled at him when he needled her and took his criticisms of her acting with good grace and used them to improve her performance without taking offense. And to his surprise, he longer wanted to offend her.
He could admit to himself (and perhaps his mother) that he didn’t like her when he first saw her. She was lovely, with beautiful blue eyes and soft pink lips. Unfortunately she had been crushing on his oblivious cousin, who at the time had been pining for a superhero. It was pathetic and sad because anyone deserved better than to be someone’s second choice.
Now Adrien was dating Kagami and she seemed good for his cousin; strong-willed and fiercely independent. She could teach him how to stand up for himself; he brought out a gentler side of the fencer. They balanced each other rather well.
And for him? Well, he wasn’t really interested in relationships or romance in general but he thought he’d be a good partner for someone like Marinette. She needed more confidence in herself and someone to teach her how to be selfish every now and then and say no. He supposed she could teach him how to better express his emotions and challenge him and bring his ego down to size when he needed it. Which, if he listened to Allen or Chloe, was often.
Then again, there was Luka.
It would be easy but cowardly to dislike Luka. He was level-headed and mature and when Felix was being difficult or demanding, the older boy would just smile knowingly at him and Felix would feel like a nursery schooler having a tantrum. And he’d be good for Marinette. He knew how to calm her through her anxiety attacks and quelled her self-doubt. He was strong enough for her to lean on and teach her how to relax; that she was good enough.
He was growing fond of both of them and that surprised and worried him.
It was easier, simpler to be alone.No one could hurt, judge, or use you. He’d been through that before and swore he’d never allow himself to be that naive or vulnerable again. Yet, now he was thinking of the Quantic Kids and even Chloe as friends he could confide in. They had fun, whether it was acting, breaking a room full of garbage or a tabletop game. It would hurt to lose them now. He could, and he would survive, but it would hurt.
He’d rather not think of what it would be like to lose Marinette either. She was sweet and bubbly and optimistic but also had a snarky side he appreciated. She wasn’t tempted or intimidated by wealth, she was good at planning and strategy. Sometimes Felix wondered what his life would have been like if he’d met her when they were both younger. They might have hated each other, or been best friends.
But when had he begun to change his mind about her?
Perhaps it was when she pinpointed Lila Rossi as the person sabotaging the film and why. She immediately began to plan and even had contingencies in case her original plan failed. He appreciated someone who could plan almost as well as himself.
Oh, she was heavily flawed as well. She was humble to the point of being self-effacing, she gave so much of herself she sometimes forgot to save something for herself. She was independent and refused to accept help from him unless absolutely necessary. He found her persistence and tenacity annoying when she turned it against him.
Marinette became hyper fixated when something interested her but it was a pain in the ass to motivate her if something didn’t appeal to her. Then he had to fall back on his old habit of annoying her until she lost her temper and did what he wanted without her realizing it. And oh, it made her even angrier when she realized she’d been had!
She didn’t take his behavior lying down. More than once he’d found himself tangled in some homemade trap she’d made and then there was the time he found everything in his office that wasn’t in the safe on the roof. Including most of the clothing he’d been wearing. While taking a nap. He never knew how she’d done it and when he demanded to know she’d just smiled and said, “That’s too easy. Where’s the fun?”
She hadn’t attended a private school and lacked a pedigree but he’d much rather have her in his life than some thoroughbred social climber. Or his superficial uncle who insisted on keeping up appearances and hiding his middle-class background. Marinette’s lack of pretense showed more integrity and, to be honest; class.
She wouldn’t be bought or sold and she wouldn’t be talked down to. She just needed a bit more self-confidence. More of a spine, but not to the extent Adrien did. She needed a bit of polish to show her for the precious pearl she was. That and someone who could protect themselves and her. Well, perhaps not protect her, probably someone to fight beside her.
Felix shook his head to clear it. He didn’t have time to muse about anyone. He still had a movie to film, a supervillain to expose, and a city to protect. His conflicting feelings could wait. He put the girl out of his brain.
He stood up and took a few deep cleansing breaths to clear his mind of wayward thoughts and focus on the scene he was about to act in. Later he would go to the Wardrobe Department to be fitted for his ball ensemble. He wondered what Marinette had designed for him…
When Felix was reaching for the door it burst open and Luka nearly ran into him.
“Sorry!” Luka backed up a step and apologized. “I wasn’t paying attention, just trying to get away.”
Felix’s brow furrowed. “From who?” Was Chloe hitting on him? Was Lila? He didn’t think either of them were near the dressing rooms today.
“From a very cute girl who was running her hands all over me and kneeling in front of me-” Luka broke off and frowned. “I’m sure she was being incredibly innocent but my mind didn’t take it that way and I had to get away before I could stop myself from touching her back.”
Felix looked all over the other boy. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing was a little heavier. “Why didn’t you tell her to stop?”
Luka just shrugged. “I kinda didn’t want her to.” He gave Felix a similar look; examining him without being too intrusive. “I understand if that’s not your thing but I was in a bit of a difficult situation.”
He pointed to the hallway and Felix slid away to let him by. “No judgment,” he told the other boy, “but you’ll have to understand if I think you’re missing something.”
He winked and left and Felix was just confused. He heard Marinette’s voice from deeper within the dressing room. “Felix? Is that you?”
“Yes,” he answered. “Apparently I’m here for you to put your hands all over me,” he muttered before he could stop himself.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I’m here to get my costume fitted,” he amended and she didn’t seem to hear what he said the first time.
“Okay. Come on in.”
He walked in the room and closed the door behind him.
Marinette was waiting for him, looking crisp and competent. She wore gray houndstooth dress shorts and a black turtleneck. Her hair was up in a bun and she looked professional and adorable.
Stop it.
She beamed at him. “Thank you for coming so quickly. Your costume is done but I want to make some adjustments if something is too long or too tight. And I want you to be happy with what I’ve designed for your character.”
He couldn’t help smiling just a little back. “I’m just an actor. I don’t get pissed off and moan about uncomfortable costuming. It’s not my place or right to complain.”
She gave him a flat look. “In a Graham Films Production? I’m pretty sure the co-director does have the right to speak up.”
Marinette went to the back to get him a costume to try on. After verifying the tags matched, she handed it to him.
“Hope you like it.”
Some mischievous part of him prompted him to ask. “Are you sure you shouldn’t help me change?
He thought she would get flustered. Maybe she’d be angry and yell at him. Then they would argue like their characters always did and he’d feel like everything was normal and there was no need to feel awkward.
Instead she smiled at him, lips curved. Her eyes looked him up and down, almost sultry. “My dear. You should be so lucky.”
She pushed him into the dressing room and closed the curtain.
Felix was rather proud of himself for being able to tie a cravat on his first try and looked at what he could see of himself. Unfortunately the dressing room didn’t have a mirror so he would have to leave the room to see his reflection. A ploy of the Wardrobe Department, no doubt. It cut down the number of actors who damaged valuable costumes after realizing how unflattering they were. Well, he wasn’t vain. He didn’t care.
He slid back the dressing room curtain and looked at the mirror.
Okay, he did care.
The long black dress coat was a strange hybrid between a Regency and a Victorian cut and he liked it better, historical accuracy aside. The white shirt contrasted with the black and he thought the gray trousers tied them together.
He looked at the dark gold waistcoat. Another excellent choice that would bring attention to his hair color.
Running his hands over the vest he felt a side pocket. He looked from his reflection to Marinette. She looked satisfied, even pleased with herself. He liked the confident look on her face.
“It’s just big enough for a watch and chain,” he told her.
She smiled widely. “I bet you already have one.”
“Helen’s granddad. It’s supposed to go to the eldest but she’ll let me borrow it.”
She nodded. “Raise your arms. I want to see how easily you can move in it.”
He did so.
“Hold them out, shoulder height.”
He paused. “T-pose?”
It was on the tip of his tongue to say she enjoyed giving him orders and ask if she had any dominating tendencies. That would have been incredibly unprofessional and could have gotten him and his Mother’s production company sued.
But what if she’d said yes?
You’re an idiot, me.
Marinette watched him pose. Her teeth worried her lower lip slightly and he found himself staring at her mouth before he forced his gaze away from her face. He looked straight ahead and tried to focus on…anything else.
“So, how was filming? I’ve been in the dressing room most of the day so I don’t know how scenes I’m not in are going.”
Ah, a neutral topic, something he would be confident talking about. It would relax him. Very smart.
“First, I did a scene with Barrington and Headmaster Doyle. They were discussing security for the ball and whether or not they should hire a private company.” The company would be owned by Jayden’s relatives and he would hack the school’s mainframe to make sure they got hired instead of the school’s original security company. That would give the heroes more eyes on any suspicious people. “Then Doyle and Professor Burnham-Hui discuss old times at school and how they miss Professor Akunin.” It was a great way to humanize the adult characters and give them nuance.
“Fleshing out characters beside our mains? Awesome.” Marinette took a step towards him then hesitated. “Um, Felix? I need to check the seams and the fit. That means I need to touch you.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “I’d like permission to touch you, if that’s all right.”
Felix stiffened, but only for a moment. He knew Marinette and was confident she wouldn’t take advantage to be inappropriate. Plus, she was his friend now. To his surprise, he trusted her to be respectful.
“It’s fine,” he told her, “I trust you not to…I don’t know…throw me down and ravish me.”
He meant it as a joke and wanted to needle her but she disappointed him. All she did was give him a flat look and say, “again, you’re not that lucky.”
Marinette got closer to him and reached up, touching his neck and then hooking a finger between his skin and the cravat. “Is it too tight? Can you breathe comfortably?”
He inhaled and then exhaled to show her. “Just fine.”
She nodded and then ran her hands from his underarms down his sides. “The seams look good. Plenty of room I hope? You don’t look like you have any trouble moving.”
Her hands moved lower then stopped. She looked into his eyes and her expression looked professional. Hell, she almost looked clinical as if she was giving him a medical exam. It left him feeling oddly disappointed.
“Hey, Felix?” She frowned and the skin between her brows wrinkled. “I want to check the waistband. I’ll just pull on the belt loops, I promise.”
What was it about her that made him want to make snarky comments and purposely pick fights with her when they were alone? A small part of him was worried he was blending his character with himself, something he hadn’t done since he was a child until this part. Sure, sometimes he had trouble breaking character but that was only for an instant and never when away from set.
Perhaps there was something about Marinette.
At first he thought she was just another bubble-headed fangirl obsessed with his cousin. She might have had a little talent but not much substance. As he got to know her he became impressed by her drive and ambition, her refusal to be intimidated by him. He liked her humor and wit most of all.
She was creative and had a knack for planning. She could be insightful and had integrity and leadership abilities.
It was a shame there wasn’t another Heraldry Miraculous for her to wield. He would have named her Nimue or something similar.
He felt her hands checking the seams along his calves and then stopped at his pants cuffs. He blinked back into awareness. “So uh…how’s the fit so far?”
“I was just about to ask you. The waist feels loose without being baggy. Better than Luka’s; his seemed a little tight.”
Felix clenched his teeth to keep from laughing. Really, she was either innocent or oblivious when it came to teenage boys.
Marinette raised the fabric near his ankles and he felt her hand on his bare skin. Her touch was light and gentle, barely there and even soothing. “I think your pant hem needs to come down about a centimeter. What do you think?”
He looked down and saw what she meant. Yes, the pants were slightly too short. He wasn’t sure how that happened. “I guess you didn’t take my measurements correctly.”
She glared up at him and he felt oddly vindicated. “You really shouldn’t insult me when I have access to sharp objects,” she reminded him and made a note on her phone. “We’re done here. I’ll shut the curtain and you can change.”
She was gone before he could make another smartarse remark.
As he was changing he saw Griff looking at him from his vest pocket. He had the feeling his kwami didn’t approve of his behavior towards Marinette. It wasn’t their business.
“Really, chick? That’s no way to speak to a lady like that.”
Felix paused as he buttoned his shirt. “A lady like what? My co-star? A collaborator? An ally?”
Griff made a huffing sound. “A possible future duchess.”
Felix couldn’t help it. He laughed. “I have no plans to ever marry.”
The kwami looked alarmed. “What of the family line?”
“In vitro and a surrogate.”
Griff ruffled his feathers. He sensed something exceptional about this girl, just as he had that blue-haired rival of his. Chicks these days, still wet from the shell and thought they knew everything.
After Felix had left Marinette could finally let Tikki out of her purse. “Ugh. I thought he’d never leave,” the kwami complained.
“Same,” Marinette sighed and rubbed her hands together as if to remove the sensation of Felix’s body from her fingers. “What was with all the insults? Here I am trying to be professional and he’s acting like an ass.”
“Maybe it was because you had your hands all over him and he was…uncomfortable?” Tikki nearly said “enjoying himself too much” or “flustered” but she didn’t want to risk her charge developing any feelings beyond friendship for the boy. His past behavior aside, there was something unusual about Felix she couldn’t quite put her paw on. That, and even though she once would have paired Marinette and Adrien, she now thought they were better off as partners.
Besides, there was Luka and he was clearly better for Marinette, at least for now. She could relax and be herself around him and Longg and Sass sang his praises when they weren’t fighting over who was the better kwami for the musician.
Marinette shrugged then grinned, looking a little sly. “He’s put on some muscle lately but I like Luka’s body better.”
Tikki giggled. Yes, Lukanette! “Is that why you took an extra long time checking the fit on his costume?”
The girl blushed as she thought of feeling the boy’s pulse under her fingertips and the warmth of his skin. He always smelled really good from the bay rum shaving soap his mom had gotten him for his birthday. “Maybe. What can I say? I’m a normal teenage girl.”
“You’re a pervert,” Tikki accused but without malice. Her mischievous grin ruined her attempts to scold her charge.
“Like I said. Normal teenager.”
"Why am I a little spoon?" Felix asked with a pout as he was spooned by Chloe, clutching Mr. Cuddly to his chest.
The beanbag they shared was soft and plush, like those squishmallow toys Allegra loved. It was brought in by Allegra, an odd chunky lavender colored dragon plush made bean bag, with some pillows that were made of the same material but with a pink cow pattern Claude found. It would fit two comfortably, maybe three pushing it. Often, most of the Quantic Kids fought over who got the bean bag, and this time Felix and Chloe were lucky to be there the fastest. Last time Felix tried he was tackled by Claude while Allegra took the bean bag as her prize. He was so miffed he didn't heal her D&D character when they managed to play.
The lights of their chill room were dimmed, there was a tablet playing an old western film; Griff and Milvii were watching. Eyes dilated and raptured at the so-called modern knights of the Wild West as the kwami declared. To anyone watching it was as if the blondes would have undoubtedly fallen asleep watching a movie. A great cover story for any unsuspecting staff.
"You're holding Mr. Cuddly," Chloe supplied as if the most natural answer in the world.
Felix tightened his grip lightly on the teddy bear that smelled of the essential oils Chloe generously sprayed on it. It was meant to be relaxing, and the refreshing scent of mint and lavender did soothe him. The soft fur was nice under his palms and it was super cuddly as his namesake. Everything perfect for a nap, Felix still didn't sleep. His mind still raced, so much was going on that it seemed so easy to fail. Maybe he should have done paperwork as he told Luka and Marinette?
It seemed wrong somehow to take a nap, the idea of guilt had him frown and tense. To just not give 100 percent in everything. It wasn't his style, Felix was nothing if not tenacious and driven. He worked hard to fulfill his goals. He would succeed in everything. Whether it be acting, directing, or this new superhero thing. Maybe, somewhere on the bottom of the responsibility pole, he could have a social life and new friendships. The image of Marinette and Luka flashed in his mind and he felt guilty. He’d turned down a chance to nap with them in order to spend time with a neglected Chloe.
"Stop thinking, you're not being a good pillow." Chloe grumbled at his ear, tightening her hold on Felix until he whined in protest. "Naps are bandaids to the soul, or Claude claims. That means no thinking."
"I can't just turn it off, Bitchoise." Felix grumbled, a bit helpless, which had the girl sigh and move.
Felix felt a bit off kilter as he suddenly felt the loss of Chloe's body pressed against his back. It was quite sudden and he turned back looking over his shoulder to see that the girl had adjusted herself propping herself up. The strawberry cow print pillow now supported her elbow as she rested her chin on her hand.
She dragged him over and Felix went from looking over his shoulder to on his back looking at the ceiling. Felix felt his hands tighten on Mr. Cuddly defensively, keeping it close to the chest because Chloe was less likely to pinch or tickle him if he had one of her most prized possessions at hand. If the kwami noticed or not Felix was unsure. As far as he could tell, the two stayed glued to Clint Eastwood and whatever movie he was in that they watched.
"Talk it out." Chloe spoke, gesturing with her free hand that Felix should continue and do that. Talk it out, it being the closest either blonde would readily admit to feelings. Felix made a face filled with his distaste and he snarked back at her.
"I must tell Claude he's doing wonderful in your empathy program, Allen also for writing the code."
"Stop it." Chloe snarked, flicking his nose with her free hand. "No deflecting, you don't let me do it so pay up."
Felix groaned, pressing his face to the soft fur of Mr. Cuddly if only to avoid Chloe's knowing gaze. It felt ever since she was bonded with Milvii she saw everything. As if the perception of the kwami bled into the holder; which was unfair. Felix wasn't feeling particularly courageous. He was feeling so weird and confused. Oddly bereft and he wasn't sure if it was one specific thing or a combination of anything.
"I don't know what it is." He confessed. "But I feel like a rope fraying on the ends a bit."
"Hmm…" Chloe hummed thoughtfully as she took into consideration his words. "I'm going to say stuff and you'll listen."
"When you put it like that it means I won't like it." Felix groaned, sinking deeper into the bean bag.
"Don't care, stop fussing." Chloe flicked him again if only to catch his attention, and it wasn't often she could. "You're not a crocodile."
"Your observations are astounding, madam." Felix snarked, he couldn't help it. "What next? I'm not a bear?"
"You're not, maybe an English badger if we’re lucky. Sadly you're a certified bastard with pedigree to match" Chloe followed him easily. "But as I was saying, Crocodiles don't need to chew their food, they bite off and swallow; you’ve been doing that too lately, and you keep on biting off more than you can handle. You're running yourself ragged trying to do a lot and looking cool the entire time.”
“I am prepared and capable with all of my tasks. I'm Felix Graham de Vanilly, we’re very resourceful.” Felix defended himself, but the words sounded weak and hollow even to himself.
She gave him a “you’re not fooling anyone” look which reminded him of his mother. “Fe, we both know that is a lot of bs. I mean, actor and director, ok, both high intensity but in the same wheelhouse. I am willing to admit you’re very capable, resourceful and good with the networking to have brought an outstanding team to back you up. You're reminding Gabriel Agreste that he's nothing but a Boomer and you will defeat him.”
Chloe could tell she didn’t have him convinced just yet and sighed, throwing her hand in the air. “That plan is fun and isn't constant. We get our opportunities and have a field day. I mean it took you days to ride off the high you got showing his little secretary who’s boss which was very nice. The hero gig? Yeah that's taking a lot of our time, I mean--" Chloe paused to yawn as if proving her point. "We're tired, and you focus on what more you can do than learning to juggle what you got. So shut up and nap, you need beauty sleep. If only to make your personality more tolerable to the nice folk."
Felix wanted to protest. Say something, anything to prove her wrong. Sadly there wasn’t much to counter her offers. He was running himself ragged, a rope overused and beginning to fray. He didn’t like it but it was the truth. Dissatisfied with his mortal limitations which were showing up more and more since he’s been in France, Felix sighed, defeated. He needed a massage, a nap, and a nice hour or two of absolutely nothing. Now was sadly not the time, so wasting the precious minutes they all grabbed to sleep felt wrong.
“I might concede…for now, but I’m tired so let’s try to nap.” Felix spoke quickly, turning and resting his cheek on the pillow once again ignoring the satisfied smirk Chloe had as she hugged him once again. It seems the little talk worked in untangling a part of his head for now as he felt himself slipping off into slumber. The low noise of the tablet was soothing like any lullaby, the soft and plush beanbag and pillows were grand, and the weight of another person made him feel less lonely.
Sleep, while difficult to achieve at first, was welcomed eagerly by overworked, tired heroes that basically had their lives divided by two or three different directions. Four if the overachievers were asked, which were sadly most of the heaviest hitters.
While exhausted teens took the fleeting moments to nap with relish; momentarily disconnecting from all responsibilities in their dreams, relaxed and deep in slumber, somewhere in Paris a certain man was making plans to ultimately disrupt momentary serenity. He didn't know that the outcome of this particular plan would backfire spectacularly on his face. With this instance he will gain even more enemies. Not that they knew about it, but this is how it happened.
Hidden from the prying eyes of Paris there was a man. Sunlight shone through an ornate window illuminating the room. Butterflies began to flutter about as it has happened every time he stepped in with ill intent. Hawkmoth thought it was time for a new plot to enact his schemes. Take the miracle jewels of Paris's favorite crime fighting duo and do with it his ultimate evil plan.
"A new day, a new opportunity." Hawkmoth spoke to his butterflies. “Let’s go find one, shall we?”
Hawkmoth tapped into the intrinsic value of the butterfly. Yet for transformation there needed to be a catalyst. Caterpillars had a catalyst that encouraged them to transform and with the miraculous Hawkmoth could manipulate humans to do the same. Yet it was difficult if the circumstances weren't in his favor. 'Twas a delicate balance that Hawkmoth employed, finding the best scenarios to awaken.
He focused and felt himself connect. A network of all living beings lighting up like a map in his mind. Pulsating and illuminated with the colors of emotion. It always felt overwhelming when he stretched his consciousness so far, so he began to refine it. Remove his connection from plants and animals, while they could be good for distractions it wasn't his intent at this time.
Now Hawkmoth looked at the silken strands of so many potential akuma. Eager to see one who was ready for a little nudge to become a beautiful and terrifying butterfly. Colors sparked in his mind's eye, the network pulsing akin to a heartbeat and in an array of colors. He looked out for specific feelings. Anger, sadness, heartbreak, righteous fury, hatred; anything that would birth a worthy Akuma to further his goal.
Oh, longing. The emotion enticed the villain from where he stood and he delved deeper. Ignoring most of the city until the faintest tendrils of his power connected him to the emotion that piqued his interest.
Looking at that sad graying red of a once vibrant love. A young teenage girl was in love. Aren't they always? She was in love with a classmate who didn't know her, one-sided love at that.
Hawkmoth focused on sending his consciousness further into seeing the reasoning behind the emotions. Memories filtered through his mind.
The young girl was in love with this boy since they were young children. For so long she had been in a friend group and she helplessly pined because she had no courage. She was working hard on building her confidence, experimenting with make up and fashion. Joining the same music club, working hard to learn her instrument so she could spend time with him.
The girl was sincere and tried so hard. She even worked a part time job to buy him a present on becoming the first chair in their club. She had just bought the present and was heading home when she saw something. It was the boy, looking shy and sweet. Laughing with a pretty girl both holding hands when a breeze dropped some leaves onto their hair and taking the opportunity of 'removing the leaf' from each other's hair they stole a kiss. It was romantic and beautiful, a young love’s date and the girl felt despair.
Prodding further it seems that the other girl knew of her feelings, and assured him that she would support her. What betrayal! Such longing! The girl believed if she had the chance, if he would give her a chance, she would prove how much better she was. Hawkmoth couldn't really resist. One of his little purple butterflies fluttered down on her and landed on something starting a direct connection between the two.
"Cry not, sweet child." Hawkmoth crooned, his voice soft and delicate to not startle the girl. He imagined a younger Emilie crying and the tenderness was easy to convey. "Your tears are precious."
"Wh--who's there?" The girl gasped looking around for the origin of his voice. She was in her room, she had run home and was crying on her bed. The opened window showed a beautiful parisian scene but no one there to speak to her.
"I am a friend, and one who's seen your plight." Hawkmoth spoke in the form of a greeting. "I saw the depths of your pure love and the pain of your betrayal. It is so awful that a friend would betray us that way."
"Marie isn't my friend;" The girl spat hotly standing up in fury, the pulse of anger was a wonderful spark. She would be a good akuma. "Or else, she isn't anymore, maybe she was never a friend to begin with." The girl muttered deflated staring at a picture framed on her wall. Of her and that so-called friend Marie, they looked happy. The girl was sad all over again. The ember of her anger was extinguishing, and Hawkmoth couldn't have that.
"Of that I am sorry, child." Hawkmoth soothed, softening the girl's sadness with his limited power connected to this temporary champion, and subtly fanning her anger. "I know not who to pity more. You for the betrayal of a so-called friend, or for poor Laurent. He's innocent and being manipulated by Marie. If she couldn't be a friend to you, obviously she cannot be left with Laurent's heart. She will destroy him."
The honeyed words once spoken, seemed to plant themselves deep into the girl. Flashes of emotions pulsated. Shock, pity, love, betrayal, sadness…all culminating in one perfect emotion. Rage so potent that the light seemed blinding in their connection. Hawkmoth couldn't help the smile, he has her where he wants her.
"We have to save Laurent." Hawkmoth spoke urgently, keeping his kind facade.
"We do, I have to. How didn't I think of this before? Oh mon dieu." The girl gasped, pressing a fist to her chest.
"I can't do much by myself; but together we can save Laurent." Hawkmoth proposed. "All I ask is that you also help me; you see some people betrayed me too. They stole something important and everyone praises the thieves. I so do want the miraculous back."
"Of course!" The girl agreed, not noticing how she began to change. Where there was once a sad teenage girl, was the new dark champion of the villain; with a new mission.
"Let's help Laurent, Miss Cupid." The hopeful voice of Hawkmoth whispered with a far more sinister edge. Yet Miss Cupid did not notice the exhilarating feeling of power coursing through her drowned out things she should have noticed.
"Yes Hawkmoth, and don't worry I'll help you, too. The miraculous will be returned." Miss Cupid agreed as she took off.
Forty-five minutes.
Only forty-five minutes have passed.
Three quarters to an hour, fifteen minutes away from a glorious 60 minutes. The universe couldn’t even try to give them the full 60 minutes of extra sleep until all hell broke loose. The sick bastard who was responsible: Hawk Moth. The reason? He just had to create a new akuma. The siren and semi-distant screams filled the questions that filled Felix as he awoke with a start.
Insult to injury was the guitar riff that was Claude’s ringtone in Felix’s ear as he picked up the call.
"LARP." The singular word was code to the group. That they would go and transform, fighting the akuma. It was the first time the code was used, and for it to be Claude was alarming. His tone held no room for argument. It was less of a suggestion, or a question. No, Claude was transforming and was simply telling Felix, as Felix was the leader of the Knights.
"Claude," Felix sighed, understanding his friend was mad. Secretly relieved it wasn't his fault, or any staff's. He wouldn't need to plan contingencies. "We agreed not to involve ourselves with pest control."
"Sorry, Boss," Claude didn't sound sorry at all. "Taking a part time job."
"Not alone," Felix was quick to remark.
"Lady-love is talking to the big guy." Claude explained, he had Allegra talk to Allen. No doubt repeating the same code to Allen.
"What does the heart say?' Felix asked, trying to reign them in.
"Giving understanding support."
"Griff, are we cleared to Larp?" Felix asked, noticing that Chloe had jumped into motion. The lethargy of sleep clung like a stubborn lover, but she was moving. She had been feeding both Milvii and Griff, and was grabbing a snack bag for both kwami.
"Not up to the best circumstances." Griff spoke up before turning to Milvii.
"You'll do, Percival has already been awakened." Milvii nodded.
"At least we're taking a back seat." Felix proposed as a compromise, they needed to sneak out of here also. "Stay low, don't be seen if you can help it."
“Nah boss, we’re out for blood.”
“Bitchoise, we’re fighting an akuma.” Felix spoke a bit absently trying to wake up.
"Already texted your mom, and I memorized possible escape routes D-Marinette gave dealing with our other problem. Ready when you are." Chloe chirped.
Once again Felix wondered what he did to piss off the universe this time.
The Akuma Alarm blasted loudly, waking two other teens who scrambled. Both needed secrecy to go and help the city. Luka made a quick lie about helping secure the music equipment because Allen was working mostly alone. Marinette agreed and saw as the boy sped off vaguely running to the music room. She opened the window of her trailer as it faced a rarely traveled path and looked at her kwami.
"It feels mean, having Luka run away to transform." Marinette mumbled.
"Well the Guardian did say that your identities couldn't be exposed." Tikki reminded her holder, not really sure if it should even stay true now after everything. "It's for your safety."
Her little bug was running ragged, a friend who knew what she was going through would have been so helpful. It wasn't as noticeable because the make up team was doing wonders making her not look as tired as Marinette was, and the concealer did a great help on covering the shadows that had been steadily growing. Tikki knew that Marinette was enjoying herself, the designing was fun and it was a breath of fresh air to see creativity in motion.
The acting, while a hurdle at first, was growing on Marinette and Tikki was sure that part of it was how she interacted with everyone, especially Luka and Felix. With Felix Marinette was confident, like Ladybug but without the burden of responsibility. With Luka she was grounded and at peace. Which meant that when she had to stand as the leader and guardian of the miraculous alone, it was harder for Tikki to stomach. The Guardians were a network back in the temple and not one person held all the burden, not even the Grand Guardian. For such responsibility on her young holder, Tikki felt bubbling questions pop in her mind. Maybe it was time for a change, for all their sakes.
At least we have Luka helping out as a hero again, and Miss Kagami. I hope it helps remove her burdens. Tikki thought while she looked at her holder. The teen was psyching herself up and looked so alone and tired.
"Tikki, spots on." Marinette spoke the words, losing her usual youthful enthusiasm. She appeared more battle worn and tired, a general rejoining a never ending fight. Scarlet light wrapped around her body and no longer was the girl Marinette standing there. Now she was Ladybug, hero and protector of Paris.
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I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a rather unusual situation that has arisen in my life, which I believe falls within the purview of your organization's expertise.
Approximately a week ago, I noticed an inexplicable phenomenon occurring with my acoustic guitar. Whenever I play my guitar, a strange entity residing within it seems to "sing along" to the music. This entity appears to be relatively harmless, as it has not displayed any hostile behavior. Instead, it adds an eerie and unexpected element to my musical experiences.
Initially, I was unaware of the entity's presence, and I sought professional assistance at my local guitar shop. However, the situation escalated when I entered the store. As soon as I walked through the door, all the guitars in the shop began plucking their strings autonomously, seemingly in harmony with the music playing from the overhead speakers. I left as soon as I realized the situation.
Since then, I have kept the situation to myself, but I felt the need to reach out to someone.
I am concerned about the nature of this entity and its possible effects on the guitars at the local shop. I am also curious to learn more about this phenomenon and whether it poses any potential risks to me or others.
This is a fascinating one. I can't play anymore, but I'm a bit of a music-head, especially extranormal music (ask me about the group Heaven Sent sometime) so this one hits home.
Melodia Apparitio, as they used to be termed, are pretty diverse. As any musician or mathematician will tell you, music is math, math is complexity, and complexity often means intelligence, if not sapience. Similar to how a non-intelligent haunting or a "stone tape" recording might play back the same energies over and over, some Apparitio are non-sentient collections of harmonic energies that, as that would imply, harmonize with whatever's around them. You or the guitars in your case.
Some of them are sentient, though. Sometimes angels of the Higher Court who've lost most of their corporeality will exist as mostly music, or stranded dancers of the Blind Idiot God will continue to play without their ensemble. Still others could be old spirits of music in the Greek tradition of Muses.
What kind of shop was this? Did you get a vibe from it? Has this entity displayed any form of thought or sentience - like musical preferences, maybe?
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
one thing i really liked about p.s. i hate you was how it would have been a completely different genre if told from the perspectives of any of the other characters.
while it was an a ensemble piece, meen was the closest thing the series had to a protagonist, and the overarching story and its stakes are largely filtered through her perspective—the entry point into the plot is meen’s relationship with prae and her hunt for prae’s betrayer. the series also introduced the story of the blossom squad as a whole—a tale of friendship, secrets, complicity, and a murder that they’re all trying to forget.
but!!!! once you sink more deeply into the individual characters’ headspaces, things start to change shape!!!
from wanwan’s perspective, it’s a years long revenge quest, a game of corporate intrigue, and a family thriller. for saras, it’s a tragedy set in motion by a series of mistakes, and her attempts to fix it. for may, it’s a story of surviving sexual assault and clawing back her sense of selfhood and confidence from the bastard who tried to take her apart. for prae, it’s the tale of unrequited love, and her attempts to cover up her dark past and craft a new, picture-perfect life for herself. for pitch, it’s a long, deadly psychological game of manipulation and the satisfaction of pulling the strings of everyone around him. for non, it’s a story of self-improvement and reforming yourself after spending your life being a prick. from term’s perspective, it’s a psychological crime investigation-romance à la hitchcock’s vertigo. for khun and phu, it’s a cute love story they will one day tell to their grandkids. for wanwan’s mother and wee, it’s a morally corrupt con-job that turns deadly. for win, it’s just one long, grim tragedy. for pal—honestly, even at the end, i’m not sure what story pal saw herself as the protagonist of.
the point is, none of these stories are unfolding in isolation: they’re all tangled together and impacted by each other. the end result is not neat and it’s not clean. everybody is the protagonist of their own story and the villain of somebody else’s.
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honeycuttross7 · 3 months
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missmusique146 · 4 months
Unforgettable Elegance: Elevate Your Event with the Philadelphia String Quartet
In the realm of event planning, the search for the perfect musical accompaniment is often a quest for elegance, sophistication, and a touch of magic. Amidst the myriad of options available, the timeless allure of a string quartet stands out as a choice that transcends trends and captivates audiences with its unparalleled beauty. Enter the Philadelphia String Quartet – a musical ensemble that not only epitomizes classical refinement but also infuses modern events with an undeniable touch of grace and charm.
The Allure of a String Quartet:
String quartets, with their delicate blend of two violins, a viola, and a cello, create a tapestry of sound that has the power to elevate any occasion. The Philadelphia String Quartet, in particular, has mastered the art of weaving together intricate melodies, harmonies, and rhythms to create an unforgettable musical experience. Here's why choosing this ensemble can add an extra layer of elegance to your event.
Timeless Repertoire:
The Philadelphia String Quartet boasts a repertoire that spans centuries, from classical masterpieces to contemporary compositions. Their ability to effortlessly navigate different musical eras ensures that your event is accompanied by a selection of pieces that resonate with both tradition and modern sensibilities.
Versatility in Event Settings:
Whether you're planning a sophisticated wedding, a corporate gala, or an intimate soirée, the Philadelphia String Quartet adapts seamlessly to various event settings. Their versatility allows them to enhance the ambiance of any space, from grand ballrooms to intimate gardens.
Elegance in Every Note:
The quartet's commitment to excellence is evident in the meticulous execution of each note. The interplay between instruments, the nuanced dynamics, and the emotional depth of their performances create an atmosphere of refined elegance that leaves a lasting impression.
Customization for Your Event:
The Philadelphia String Quartet understands that each event is unique. They collaborate closely with clients to curate a musical program that aligns with the tone and theme of the occasion. This customization ensures that the music becomes an integral part of the overall experience.
Professionalism and Reliability:
When choosing a musical ensemble for your event, professionalism and reliability are paramount. The Philadelphia String Quartet's reputation for punctuality, clear communication, and seamless coordination make them a trusted choice for event planners and hosts alike.
Memorable and Intimate Performances:
Beyond creating a sophisticated atmosphere, the quartet excels in delivering performances that leave a lasting impression. The intimacy of a live string quartet performance adds a personal touch to your event, creating cherished memories for you and your guests.
In the pursuit of creating an event that is not only memorable but truly exceptional, the choice of musical accompaniment plays a pivotal role. The Philadelphia String Quartet like Miss Musique with its commitment to timeless elegance, versatility, and unmatched musicality, emerges as a top-tier option for those seeking to elevate their events to new heights. Choose Miss Musique, the Philadelphia String Quartet, and let the enchanting sounds of violins, viola, and cello transform your special occasion into an unforgettable celebration of sophistication and grace.
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voodoochili · 5 months
My Favorite Albums of 2023
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The world of music is in a strange place. It is constantly moving forward, with microtrends popping up in an instant and stars being born overnight, yet in a strange stasis, with the stars of the past ruling over commercial fiefdoms with iron fists. One thing that has remained the same is that the sheer volume of music released is higher than ever, and it keeps growing. It's a bit intimidating, but I love it! It’s in my nature to seek out the fresh and new, and I am faced with a bounty of goods every day–I press play on every record believing, honestly believing, that it could become one of my favorites ever.
While I didn’t find any all-time favorites this year (give it time), I did find dozens of albums worth recommending. I listed 75 here, and could have listed 75 more. And I know I’ve barely scratched the surface of the great music that came out this year alone. Nothing you can do but keep digging!
Here’s my list of my favorite albums of the year, with blurbs for the top ten. Scroll down to the bottom to find selections from all 75, plus some honorable mentions.
10. Lankum - False Lankum: This June, the skies burned. Wildfire smoke from northern Québec funneled into New York City and stayed a while, filling the air with toxins and turning the sky blood red. My soundtrack to that apocalyptic moment was False Lankum, the latest by the Irish group Lankum, an album that sounds like the last gasp of a dying world. Spellbinding with both traditional tunes, like the stunningly haunting version of “Go Dig My Grave,” and excellent originals, False Lankum is one of the year’s most harrowing, transporting, and life-affirming listening experiences, underlying spare folk music with ominous drone. Sometimes, the noise builds slowly, like on “Lord Abore and Mary Flynn,” but in other songs, like “Netta Perseus,” the atmosphere collapses at once, drowning beauty in an all-encompassing darkness. Facing down that darkness armed with only their gorgeous harmonies, Lankum sound like the remnants of a lost society, protecting the embers of civilization and refusing to surrender to the void.
9. bar italia - Tracey Denim: Tracey Denim is the musical equivalent of a text translated into a foreign language and then back into English: the original text is The Velvet Underground & Nico, and the translating software is the thousands of bands that album inspired. Tracey Denim subsumes decades’ worth of alternative music into its existential murk. At times, Bar Italia sound like The Modern Lovers on anti-anxiety meds, at others the most melodic incarnation Pere Ubu, or a version of Pulp with every ounce of romanticism beaten out. The band creates miniature psychodramas out of the moments when a night’s vibe shifts from hedonism to malaise, its three vocalists passing the mic back and forth to recreate the profoundly banal conversations that occur after the party ends and only the saddest attendees linger. The real trick of Tracey Denim is the way it transforms this murky malaise into something truly enjoyable–it’s a world you want to revisit, a dogged companion for late nights. 
8. Meshell Ndegeocello - The Omnichord Real Book: Invented in 1981 by the Suzuki Corporation (not the car company but given the dual domains of Yamaha, I would understand why you’d think so), the Omnichord is a rudimentary drum machine and synthesizer, producing a tinny approximation of a string section, along with several pre-programmed basslines and drum rhythms. In the hands of an artist as versatile and intelligent as Meshell Ndegeocello, the limitations placed by the Omnichord are a mere starting point for flights of fancy that reach the cosmos, the innermost regions of the soul, and back again. With The Omnichord Real Book, Ndegeocello creates perhaps her most ambitious work to date, surrounding the titular synth with a universe of post-bop brilliance, created by a diverse and accoladed ensemble of musicians that includes guitarist Jeff Parker, trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusure, harpist Brandee Younger, jazz pianists Jason Moran and Cory Henry, drummer Deantoni Parks, saxophonist Josh Johnson, vibraphonist Joel Ross, and fellow Gen X singer-songwriters Joan As Policewoman and Thandiswa. The 72-minute epic is as soulful as any record by Roy Ayers and as adventurous as any by Prince, but radiates a warmth and wisdom that could only come from Meshell.
7. ML Buch - Suntub: The latest album by Danish guitarist-songwriter ML Buch is a gooey, tactile record, filled with sounds that shift and mold into different shapes like Playdough. Many of the songs on Suntub don’t so much as progress as they burble like a mudpot at Yellowstone, melding heavy shoegaze guitars with lumbering drums, airy synths, and a litany of found-sound effects to create a euphonious mush. With song titles like “River mouth,” “Pan over the hill,” and “Clearing,” it’s not surprising that this is an album best enjoyed outdoors, where the guitars can fade into the atmosphere and become one with streaking rays of sun. Maybe that makes sense, maybe it doesn’t. I know I can’t say anything more convincing than this meme.
6. Amaarae - Fountain Baby: Blessed with sharp songwriting sensibilities and the voice that could charm snakes, Amaarae is a pop star perfectly suited for our international age. Fountain Baby is the pop album of the year, stacking bangers back-to-back-to-back, each elevated by Amaarae’s sensual singing and IG-ready bon mots. Using the syncopated rhythms of Afrobeats as her bedrock, the Ghanaian-American singer creates an enchanting tapestry of border-crossing bangers, borrowing elements of Bollywood, alternative R&B, and Neptunes-era hip-pop to fill out her sound. Highlights? Look no further than the majestic “Co-Star,” a charming astrological lyrical exercise, “Counterfeit,” which transforms the Clipse’s “Wamp Wamp” into a tropical dancefloor filler, “Wasted Eyes,” soaring atop thumping bass and a subcontinental swing, and the bold, brash “Princess Going Digital.”
5. Jonny Nash - Point of Entry: A singularly absorbing bit of ambient folk, Point of Entry glistens like morning sunshine. The soundscapes are intimate, but expansive, each pluck of Jonny Nash’s guitar echoing through the cosmos. As the founder of the New Age label Melody As Truth and a member of the group Gaussian Curve with Marco Sterk and Balearic legend Gigi Masin, Nash is heavily experienced in creating understated bliss, and Point Of Entry is most likely the best work he’s been involved with to date. True to its title, the album is a sonic doorway, slowly but surely transporting the listener to a poignantly tranquil new reality.
4. The Tubs - Dead Meat: Formed from the ashes of Welsh punk band Joanna Gruesome, The Tubs is the brainchild of the band’s former guitarist, Owen “O” Williams, in which he is free to be his jangliest, nerviest self. The London-based outfit’s debut album, Dead Meat, melds the best of 80s college rock into a fresh package, at times echoing the romantic cynicism of The Wedding Present (on the strutting, feedback-laden “Sniveller”), the pop maximalism of Bob Mould’s Sugar (on “I Don’t Know How It Works”), and the chiming beauty of Felt (check the gorgeous closer “Wretched Lie”). While the familiarity is comforting to a record nerd like me, it wouldn’t mean anything if the songs weren’t excellent, and Dead Meat is lean, mean, and full of enough excellent riffs and melodies to last far longer than its 26 minutes. Throughout, Williams belies the taut instrumentals with a serrated sense of self-deprecation, painting one of the finest pictures of a hopeless sad sack since A Confederacy of Dunces. On “Sniveller” alone, he admits that he is a "bootlicker," who “wriggles like a worm” and “cowers in the dark,” prostrating himself in the most unflattering of ways to win the affections of his intended. On Dead Meat, he doesn’t need to debase himself to win our sympathy–he just needed to write nine crackling tunes.
3. Sufjan Stevens - Javelin: Twenty years ago, Sufjan Stevens announced himself as indie folk’s premier auteur, wielding orchestral grandeur, raw nerve emotion, and exquisite songcraft like a weapon. Arriving after a time of incredible hardship–marked by the death of his longtime partner, a bout with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and more–Javelin is perhaps Sufjan’s most devastating record to date. No longer hiding behind geographical oddities or childhood stories, Sufjan confronts his trauma head-on. On “Goodbye Evergreen,” a plaintive lullaby gives way to cacophonous chaos, as Sufjan seems to experience all five stages of grief at once. The nakedly vulnerable “Will Anybody Ever Love Me?” articulates a feeling that we’ve all had while illuminating nuances we might not have considered: to the Sufjan of “Will Anybody Ever Love Me?”, to be loved is to be free; to be seen in full and unshackled from earthly concerns, finally able to ascend to true selfhood. The album’s centerpiece is the astounding “So You Are Tired,” an almost unbearably sad and beautiful ballad in which Sufjan struggles to see a path forward without the person who gave him that kind of love. Javelin ends on a hopeful note, a lyrically re-arranged cover of Neil Young's "There's A World," as Sufjan finds solace in his faith: his lover isn’t gone, he is everywhere; in the trees, the air, and the ocean. Even if I don’t share Sufjan’s faith, I am still inspired by the singer’s strength, as he journeys through hell and back.
2. Veeze - Ganger: Before 2023, Veeze was the Winston Niles Rumfoord of the Detroit rap scene, appearing at irregular intervals to slay a guest verse or drop a new excellent single before disappearing back into the studio. His unkempt appearance and laid-back-bordering-on-comatose delivery added to the mystique, making him one of his city’s most mercurial figures. Years in the making, Veeze's first full-length album Ganger delivered on the hype and more, demonstrating once and for all why he's your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper. The 21-track project is as dense as a dying star–Veeze packs punchline after punchline into his songs, his barely-there rasp unfurling dismissals and flexes with an astonishing hit percentage. Each listen, I find a new favorite bar, and am surprised anew by an unexpected reference: on "Not A Drill," he relegates his enemies to the "UIP" (unimportant persons); on “OverseasBaller,” he arranges his multi-colored racks into an edible arrangement; on “SEXY liar,” he apologizes for accidentally flexing on his opposition before he “throws shells like taco food”; on “7sixers,” he cracks himself up when he says his money is as fat as Norbit. The first half of Ganger culminates in “Boat Interlude,” a stylistic curveball in which Veeze goes toe-to-toe with Lil Yachty and delivers one of the verses of the year. If the first half of Ganger demonstrates Veeze’s bar-for-bar supremacy, the glistening second half is a testament to his ear for production. DDotFreezing lives up to his name with his frigid beat for “tramp STAMP”; G-Lok’s beat for “Weekend” mixes gentle acoustic guitars and ambient pianos with a Michigan drumbeat that subtly shifts the song off-kilter; 614ASE’s blissed out “Kinda$” is a tape highlight, allowing Veeze to push the tempo; Rocaine and Koncept P’s “Safe 2” is trap music for the chillout room, as Veeze works a sing-song flow before succumbing to the atmosphere and slurring his words to oblivion. That’s a lot of words, and not a lot of insight, but what can I say? These are just very, very good rap songs by one of the funniest and most skillful street rappers in Detroit, or anywhere else. It’s a crowning achievement, possibly the defining album of the deepest and most exciting rap scene of the 2020s.
1. Nourished by Time - Erotic Probiotic 2: One thing about me is that I absolutely LOVE sensitive, dark-night-of-the-soul sophistipop that attempts to elucidate the human condition over a bed of luscious synthesizers–think Prefab Sprout, The Blue Nile, Tears For Fears, Peter Gabriel. I was under the impression that people stopped making this kind of music as soon as they heard the drums hit in “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” but Marcus Brown, the artist known as Nourished By Time, created a worthy successor to that noble lineage. Erotic Probiotic 2 is a showcase for Brown’s deep reservoirs of wisdom, laid over primitive synths and driving beats that take inspiration from freestyle. The soundscapes are warm and inviting, giving gravitas to Brown’s spiritual pronouncements, which they deliver in a graceful, throaty baritone. Opening diptych “Quantum Suicide” and “Shed That Fear” immediately set the tone, as Brown pleads for us to transcend our mortal selves and prepare for the next life. Track three, “Daddy,” breaks the reverie and drags us to the club, adding a bit of ballroom campiness as it floats over a programmed 4/4 stomp. “The Fields” and “Rain Water Promise” bring the best of both worlds, offering revelry and profundity in equal measure. “Soap Party,” with its dancing piano breakdown, begins the comedown, while closer “Unbreak My Love” ends the album by repeating the titular mantra until all tension dissipates into the ether. In an uncertain year, Erotic Probiotic 2 was a balm, a paean to the power of positive thinking–a radically optimistic work that dares to posit that a cold and unfeeling universe can become joyous and loving, if only you play the right notes. Nourished By Time plays those notes for me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks for reading! Below are a bunch more albums that I loved this year, and please check the Spotify playlist sampler that contains music from all these albums and more.
11. Rắn Cạp Đuôi Collective - *1 12. Sampha - Lahai 13. Corinne Bailey Rae - Black Rainbows 14. Being Dead - When Horses Would Run 15. Babyface Ray - Summer's Mine 16. Laurel Halo - Atlas. 17. Avalon Emerson - & The Charm 18. Pépe - Reclaim 19. Chief Xian aTunde Adjuah - Bark Out Thunder Roar Out Lightning 20. Armand Hammer - We Buy Diabetic Test Strips 21. Everything But The Girl - Fuse 22. Sexyy Red - Hood Hottest Princess 23. Marina Herlop - Nekkuja 24. Asake - Work Of Art 25. Leo Takami - Next Door 26. Youth Lagoon - Heaven Is A Junkyard 27. Ryuichi Sakamoto - 12 28. Liquid Mike - S/T 29. Hayden Pedigo - The Happiest Times I Ever Ignored 30. Arooj Aftab/Vijay Iyer/Shahzad Ismaily - Love In Exile 31. feeble little horse - Girl with Fish 32. Boldy James & Rich Gains - Indiana Jones 33. Sofia Kourtesis - Madres 34. Maria BC - Spike Field 35. Freak Heat Waves - Mondo Tempo 36. Lana Del Rey - Did You Know That There Is A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd 37. Jim Legxcy - homeless n***** pop music 38. H31R - HEAD SPACE 39. Hotline TNT - Cartwheel 40. Animal Collective - Isn’t It Now? 41. Empty Country - Empty Country II 42. Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids - Afro Futuristic Dreams 43. Jamila Woods - Water Made Us 44. DJ Danifox - Ansidedade 45. Zulu - A New Tomorrow 46. Navy Blue - Ways Of Knowing 47. awakebutstillinbed - chaos takes the wheel and i am a passenger 48. Cleo Sol - Heaven/Gold 49. Call Super - Eulo Cramps 50. Mari Montana - Outstanding Member 51. Brent Faiyaz - Larger Than Life 52. Peso Pluma - GÉNESIS 53. Irreversible Entanglements - Protect Your Light 54. Paco Panama - The Matrix/The Wire Vol. 1 55. Yazmin Lacey - Voice Notes 56. Home Front - Games Of Power 57. Buggin - Concrete Cowboys 58. Swami Sound - Back In The Day 59. MIKE - Burning Desire/Beware Of The Monkey 60. Loraine James - Gentle Confrontation 61. Anjimile - The King 62. Peter Gabriel - i/o 63. Fire-toolz - I am upset because I see something that is not there. 64. Eddie Chacon - Sundown 65. HiTech - DÉTWAT 66. Julie Byrne - The Greater Wings 67. Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World 68. The Clientele - I Am Not There Anymore 69. Antony & The Johnsons - My Back Was A Bridge For You To Cross 70. Slowdive - Everything Is Alive 71. Home Is Where - the whaler 72. Ratboys - The Window 73. Kara Jackson - Why Does The Earth Give Us People To Love? 74. BandGang Lonnie Bands - Bam Bam 75. That Mexican OT - Lonestar Luchador
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forcefudge · 6 months
Best Event Management Company in Bangalore
In the bustling city of Bangalore, where innovation and creativity converge, finding the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore can be a daunting task. However, amidst the myriad of choices, one name stands out - Force Fudge. As the leading event management powerhouse in the Silicon Valley of India, Force Fudge has redefined the landscape of event planning and execution. This article delves into the various facets that make Force Fudge the unrivaled choice for those seeking the pinnacle of event management services in Bangalore.
Force Fudge: A Legacy of Excellence
Established with a vision to revolutionize event experiences, Force Fudge has etched its name as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore. With a rich legacy spanning over a decade, the company has successfully curated and executed a diverse range of events, from corporate conferences to grand weddings, earning accolades for its impeccable planning and execution.
Innovative Event Concepts
What sets Force Fudge apart from its counterparts is its unwavering commitment to innovation in event concepts. The company employs a team of creative minds dedicated to crafting unique and unforgettable experiences for clients. From thematic corporate gatherings that resonate with brand identity to dreamy weddings that tell a couple's love story, Force Fudge transforms visions into reality. Their relentless pursuit of innovative event concepts solidifies their position as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore.
Seamless Planning and Execution
Force Fudge takes pride in its meticulous planning and flawless execution of events, a key factor in earning its reputation as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore. The company's seasoned team of event planners meticulously plans every detail, ensuring a seamless flow from conception to execution. From venue selection to catering, entertainment, and logistics, Force Fudge leaves no stone unturned, ensuring that every event is a resounding success.
Technological Integration
In an era driven by technology, Force Fudge leverages cutting-edge tools and platforms to enhance the event management experience. The company employs state-of-the-art event management software to streamline communication, manage guest lists, and monitor event progress in real-time. This tech-savvy approach not only sets Force Fudge apart but also ensures a smooth and efficient execution of events, reinforcing its status as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore.
Client-Centric Approach
Force Fudge's success is rooted in its client-centric philosophy. The company recognizes that each event is unique, and every client has specific needs and expectations. The dedicated team at Force Fudge goes the extra mile to understand clients' visions and requirements, tailoring their services accordingly. This personalized approach has garnered the trust and loyalty of clients, making Force Fudge the go-to choice for those in search of the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore.
Impeccable Track Record
A glance at Force Fudge's portfolio reveals a string of successful events that have left a lasting impression on attendees. From high-profile corporate galas to intimate social gatherings, Force Fudge's impeccable track record speaks volumes about its commitment to excellence. The company's ability to consistently exceed expectations has solidified its standing as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore.
Exceptional Team of Professionals
Behind the success of Force Fudge lies an exceptional team of professionals who are passionate about their craft. From event planners and coordinators to designers and technicians, every member of the Force Fudge team plays a crucial role in delivering outstanding events. The collaborative spirit and expertise of this talented ensemble contribute significantly to the company's recognition as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore.
Inclusive Services for All Occasions
Force Fudge's versatility is reflected in its ability to cater to a diverse range of events. Whether it's a grand corporate launch, a milestone celebration, or an intimate social gathering, Force Fudge has the expertise to tailor its services accordingly. The company's commitment to inclusivity and adaptability positions it as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore for events of all scales and themes.
Client Testimonials
The true measure of an event management company's prowess lies in the satisfaction of its clients. Force Fudge boasts a trove of glowing testimonials from satisfied clients who have experienced the magic of their events. Clients consistently praise the company's professionalism, creativity, and ability to transform visions into reality. These testimonials serve as a testament to Force Fudge's status as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore.
In the dynamic landscape of event management in Bangalore, Force Fudge stands tall as the beacon of excellence. Through innovative concepts, meticulous planning, technological integration, and a client-centric approach, Force Fudge has earned its rightful place as the Best Event Management Company in Bangalore. The company's legacy of success, exceptional team, and commitment to delivering unforgettable experiences solidify its position as the go-to choice for those seeking unparalleled event management services in the vibrant city of Bangalore.
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johnlye213 · 7 months
Instrumental live band
Brighten up your event with captivating tunes from a live instrumental band Introduction
When it comes to creating an unforgettable atmosphere at your event, few things can match the magic of live music.
 If you're looking for a musical experience that pushes boundaries and appeals to a diverse audience, a live instrumental band is the way to go.
 At Marybee's, we understand the power of music to enliven any event, and our live instrument bands are ready to bring a unique blend of talent and passion to your event.
 The Artistry of Instrumental Music: Instrumental music has a universal appeal that appeals to people of all ages and backgrounds.
 By avoiding lyrics, instrumental works have the power to convey emotion and tell a story through the language of melody and harmony alone.
 That's why instrumental live bands are so versatile for a variety of events, from elegant weddings and corporate functions to lively parties and intimate celebrations.
 Diverse Repertoire:  One of the main benefits of choosing the Marybees Instrumental Live Band is the diverse repertoire they offer.
 Our band is skilled in playing a wide range of genres, from classical and jazz to contemporary music and pop.
 Whether you're looking to create an upscale atmosphere with a classic string quartet or liven up your party with a lively jazz ensemble, our live music band will cater to your musical tastes.
 A Tailor-made Experience: At Marybees, we understand that every event is unique and the musical accompaniment should reflect the personality of the occasion.
 Our live music band works closely with our clients to create a playlist that fits the theme and atmosphere of their event.
 Whether you prefer a romantic, convivial, or sophisticated atmosphere, our band can customize a performance to suit your needs.
 Exciting Performances: Beyond our musical talent, our live instrumental band is known for delivering exciting and mesmerizing performances.
 Musicians bring not only technical skill but also a true passion for their art.
 From the first note to the last, we create an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression on your guests and makes your event an unforgettable experience.
 Professionalism and Reliability:  When you choose Merry Bees for your live instrumental band needs, you can trust our commitment to professionalism and reliability.
 Our musicians are experienced artists who understand the importance of punctuality, preparation, and smooth performance.
 We strive to exceed your expectations and ensure that the musical aspect of your event runs smoothly and stress-free.
 Bottom Line: Take your event to a new level with enchanting tunes from the Mary Bees Instrumental Live Band.
 Whether you're planning a wedding, corporate event, or personal celebration, our bands add sophistication, versatility, and professionalism to any performance.
 Visit www.merry-bees.com to explore our live instrumental band options and discover how the power of live music can transform your event into an unforgettable experience.
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The Timeless Elegance of Liali's Women's Pearl Necklaces
There is something undeniably timeless about a strand of pearls. Whether draped around a woman's neck from a bygone era or added to the modern ensemble, they add a touch of elegance and luxury. This is certainly true of the women's pearl necklaces from Liali. From the simple to the ornate, these pieces will make a statement.
The Timeless Elegance of Liali's Women's Pearl Necklaces
If there's one thing Liali knows how to do, it's how to craft a beautiful pearl necklace. Her women's pearl necklaces are elegant and will add sophistication to any outfit.
Liali's necklaces are made with high-quality pearls, and they come in a variety of different styles. You can choose simple necklaces with a few pearls, or elaborate necklaces with dozens of pearls. So no matter your style, you'll find a necklace you love at Liali's.
Pearl necklaces are the perfect accessory for any occasion. They're perfect for weddings, anniversaries, and other formal or corporate events but can also be worn for everyday wear. With a pearl necklace from Liali, you'll always look your best.
How are Liali's Necklaces Made?
Liali's necklaces are made with love, and a lot of hard work. They starts by gathering all her needed materials, including beads, charms, and a clasp.
Liali then assembles the necklace, stringing the beads and charms together. They takes her time, making sure that the necklace is perfect.
When the task is finished, Liali attaches the clasp, and the necklace is ready to wear. Liali Jewellery loves the look on her customers' faces when they see her necklaces and knows they'll love them too.
The Different Types of Liali Necklaces
There are many different types of Liali necklaces. Some are simple and elegant, while others are more ornate and flashy. However, they all have one thing in common – they are all beautiful.
One of the most popular types of Liali necklaces is the choker. This style is typically a simple band of metal or plastic that goes around the neck. It is often adorned with crystals, gemstones, or other decorations.
Another popular type of Liali necklace is the pendant. This style features a large, decorative pendant hanging from the neck. Pendants can be made from various materials, including metal, plastic, and glass. They can also feature a variety of designs, including flowers, animals, and characters.
Finally, there are the chain necklaces. These necklaces are made up of a chain of metal links, which can be plain or decorative. They come in a variety of lengths and can be worn with a variety of clothing styles.
How to Wear a Liali Necklace
There are many ways to wear a Liali necklace, but here are three of our favorites.
The Classic: Drape the necklace around your neck so the pendant falls in the center of your chest.
The Boho: Wrap the necklace twice around your neck and let the pendant hang in the front.
The Glam: Wear the necklace as a choker, with the pendant at the base of your neck.
Liali Jewelry presents a captivating collection of women's pearl necklaces that exude elegance and grace. Their exquisite designs combine the timeless allure of pearls with exquisite craftsmanship, creating a truly mesmerizing accessory. To complement the beauty of pearl necklaces, Liali also offers a range of gold pearl earrings. These earrings add a touch of sophistication and glamour to any ensemble. With Liali's convenient online shopping platform, you can easily explore their extensive range of 22k gold jewellery online shopping, including stunning gold earrings for women. Whether you prefer dainty studs or statement-making hoops, Liali has the perfect pair to enhance your style and elevate your look. Experience the allure of pearls and the richness of gold with Liali's exceptional jewelry collection.
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Vogue Entertainment - Your Premier Entertainment Agency in Melbourne
Discover a world of entertainment excellence with Vogue Entertainment, Melbourne's premier agency. From hiring bands to booking celebrities, our award-winning services bring your events to life. Experience the magic of roving entertainers, the excitement of stage shows, and the enchantment of wedding and party musicians. With a commitment to inspiring,thrilling, and exciting audiences, we go above and beyond to ensure unforgettable moments that resonate in your hearts. Choose the best in the industry, and let us create an entertainment experience tailored just for you. Vogue Entertainment: where extraordinary meets unforgettable.
Vogue Entertainment - Your Premier Entertainment Agency in Melbourne
Welcome to Vogue Entertainment, Melbourne's leading entertainment agency. With a diverse range of services, including hiring bands, booking celebrities, roving entertainers, wedding musicians, and party musicians, we are dedicated to providing you with exceptional entertainment solutions. Our award-winning agency is committed to inspiring, thrilling, and exciting audiences, ensuring unforgettable experiences for your corporate events, private functions, weddings, and more.
Vogue Entertainment Profile
At Vogue Entertainment, we pride ourselves on being a premier entertainment agency in Melbourne, Australia. With over two decades of experience, our agency has been delivering outstanding entertainment solutions for corporate events, major festivals, private functions, and music productions. We have built a reputation for excellence, recognized by our prestigious awards and our commitment to customer satisfaction.
rent a musician
Services We Offer
Hire A Band
Whether you're planning a corporate party or a wedding reception, we have a diverse selection of bands to suit every occasion. From jazz bands to cover bands, corporate bands to wedding bands, and even tribute bands, you'll find the perfect musical ensemble to keep your guests dancing the night away.
Book a Celebrity
Make your special event truly unforgettable by hiring a celebrity. From celebrity hosts and TV stars to celebrity bands, we can bring the star power to your event. If you require a corporate comedian or a keynote speaker, we've got you covered. We'll ensure that the celebrity of your choice delivers a memorable experience for your guests.
Roving Entertainers
Add a touch of interactive entertainment to your event with our roving entertainers. These performers engage with your guests up close and personal, creating a unique and intimate experience. Whether you need roving bands, entertainers, or magicians, they are perfect for street entertainment, festivals, sporting events, and more.
Stage Shows
Create a truly captivating event with our extraordinary stage shows. From comedians and magicians to hypnotists, vocalists, string stage shows, and impersonators, our performers will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Elevate your event with a featured stage show that will entertain and engage your guests.
Musicians for Wedding
Experience the enchantment of our handpicked musicians for your wedding day. Our talented musicians will craft a captivating symphony, providing the perfect soundtrack for your special moments. From ceremony music to reception entertainment, they will create unforgettable memories that resonate in your hearts.
Party Musicians
Ignite the dance floor and keep the celebration alive with our dynamic and talented party musicians. With infectious beats and electrifying performances, they will get the party started and ensure an unforgettable night of fun and entertainment.
What Sets Us Apart
At Vogue Entertainment, we strive to be your trusted partner in choosing the best available entertainment for your event. We understand that every occasion is unique, and we go above and beyond to tailor our services to your specific needs. If you can't find the exact entertainment you're looking for, we have the ability to create it exclusively for you, ensuring a truly customized and remarkable experience.
With our exceptional performers, dedication to customer service, and commitment to delivering inspiring, thrilling, and exciting entertainment, Vogue Entertainment is the go-to agency for all your entertainment needs in Melbourne and beyond.
Contact Us:
Business Name: 
Vogue Entertainment
5a Hartnett Cl, Mulgrave VIC 3170
1300 296 133
Website URL
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duodamore · 21 days
Corporate Entertainment Calgary Performance for Aramark Canada
Corporate Entertainment Calgary Performance for Aramark Canada. Our violinist and cellist had a wonderful time performing both classical and upbeat pop music for Aramark Canada at McMahon Stadium in Calgary for Aramark Canada. About Duo d’Amore and our string ensembles Duo d’Amore is an award winning string ensemble, made up of professional violin, viola and cello players. Together we have…
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merrybees213 · 1 year
String Quartet Singapore
Merry Bees Music is a music company based in Singapore that offers a range of music services, including live performances by their in-house string quartet. Their string quartet is made up of four professional musicians who are experienced in performing at weddings, corporate events, and other special occasions.
Merry Bees Music's string quartet has a versatile repertoire that covers a range of musical genres, including classical, pop, and jazz. They can also arrange and perform custom songs upon request. The quartet's musicians are all trained in classical music, and they bring a high level of technical skill and musical sensitivity to their performances.
In addition to their string quartet, Merry Bees Music offers a variety of other music services, including live bands, solo musicians, and DJ services. They also provide music lessons for a range of instruments, including piano, guitar, and violin.
If you're looking for a professional and talented string quartet in Singapore, Merry Bees Music's string quartet is certainly worth considering. Their musicians are skilled and experienced, and they have a wide-ranging repertoire that can be customized to suit your event.
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String Quartet Singapore Tickets - Event Brite
Merry Bees offers the No 1 String Players in Singapore, Top Violinist, Best String Ensemble, Live Music, Wedding Live Band, etc Buzz us at 65 96770178 65 92329395.
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richardkokholm9 · 2 years
Louis Vuitton Used Handbags On Sale
Of course, this actuality must be taken into consideration when selecting your new prized possession. First and foremost, it's necessary to contemplate the meant use. For instance, are you on the lookout for a smaller weekend bag or a larger everyday bag that may home your whole essentials? Intention apart, you should see yourself using this bag for the following decade . Think about which print, type, and colors will age nicely, each from a development perspective and a private style perspective. Fiona and Xenia are fashion curators and exhibit makers, and founders ofWhite Line Projects, a curatorial and inventive studio primarily based in London. In May 2017, media reported on alleged mistreatment of Louis Vuitton exclusive mannequin Ulrikke Høyer who was to look on a Louis Vuitton cruise present in Kyoto. The 20-year-old mannequin, who, on arrival, measured ninety one.5 cm around her hips, was told she was "too bloated" and "too big" for her ensemble and instructed to drink only water for 24 hours. The model acknowledged that she has "received lots of of messages from models" who've skilled comparable mistreatment from the same Louis Vuitton casting director. The casting director denied the allegations and defined the directions relating to intake of water as a misunderstanding, that the model was instructed that her consumption of liquids was to be restricted to water. Their very first priority is to have a branded designer handbag. In today’s style world, many brands are emerging on the surface from time to time, competing in the world market to face tall amongst other companies. Louis Vuitton is a well-known French brand that was based in 1854. The firm makes luxury trunks, leather goods, shoes, sun shades, fragrances, jewelry, and extra. One of the preferred fashion manufacturers on the earth, it operates in 50 nations and has more than 460 stores. The manufacturer was utilizing centuries old Japanese designs in its items, the same ones that had originally inspired Louis Vuitton. The Sarah wallet design particularly resembles bag designs which were used for centuries to contain jyuzu (strings of beads used in funeral ceremonies - see Japamala#Japanese Buddhism). There has been comment on Japanese social media regarding how the corporate management appears to have forgotten the origins of Louis Vuitton's designs. The Shoso-in archive has a biwa lute with marquetry patterns to which some Louis Vuitton's designs bear a detailed resemblance. Louis Vuitton 2021 animalier new collection trousse in caramel coated canvas leather-based with giant monogram logos. Fashioned from Monogram Giant canvas, the On The Go tote bag is as putting as it is practical. A Monogram Reverse pattern on the edges and handles creates a stylish contrast in colo... Just like with many of those classic styles, you can find the Keepall in a wide range of sizes and colors, but the DNA of the traditional type remains to be there. Each bag features a luggage tag, padlock, and deal with buckle that makes traveling in style a breeze. One of probably the most interesting components of this traditional Louis Vuitton bag, and one that’s not known by many, is that these luggage are also fully reversible! All trendy Louis Vuitton handbags could have a two digit country code. Notice beneath that SD may suggest the bag got here from France or the USA . $150 is the average weekly rental for certainly one of their LV handbags. In October 2020, Nicolas Ghesquière reportedly revamped the La Samaritaine department retailer for the Women's Spring-Summer 2021 fashion show by providing a virtual runway with 360-degree views and social-distanced seating for guests. Nicolas Ghesquiere collaborated with Vogue inventive director Grace Coddington on a cat-themed "Catogram" assortment in 2018. louis vuitton replica Also in 2017, Louis Vuitton collaborated with artist Jeff Koons for two collections in an effort to "further the intersection of fashion and art." Louis Vuitton collaborated of their Spring–Summer 2016 assortment promoting campaign with the highly well-liked Japanese video game franchise Final Fantasy and the sport Final Fantasy XIII's main heroine, Lightning. Louis Vuitton additionally collaborated with Kanye West in 2009, designing his personal restricted run of sneakers. wikipedia handbags Louis Vuitton has had many collaborations with prominent artists and designers.
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rushmackay0 · 2 years
Chanel Iman, Sterling Shepards Timeline, Divorce Details
Read Market Research is a fast-growing research and consulting service supplier based out of India. We not only supply an insightful thorough market research resolution but also a wonderful platform to our purchasers to create a custom-made business resolution that helps to make sound business choices. wikipedia belt It offers the regional analysis of the Facial Care Products market along with the business profiles of several stakeholders. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/chanel-belt-replica.html With this turtleneck style neckline, I would’ve preferred her hair up. Some could be bothered by the black footwear with this white jumpsuit, however I was extra targeted on her hair. Red Carpet Fashion Awards is a star fashion website which chronicles the ensembles from runways to purple carpet occasions around the globe. Corset belts are essentially the most waist-defining belts because of their widths. Wider than the typical extensive belt, they create an hourglass figure by cinching several inches of the waistline length-wise. Altuzarra’s take, in calfskin, has a sculptural shape that’s great for including form to a boxy blazer or an easy shirtdress. The simple however effective use of multiple strings of faux pearls with a black pullover epitomises this fashion. This genuine Chanel Black Leather Chain Charm Belt is in very good classic condition. Exuding femininity, this gold-plated white leather-based signature chain belt is finished with the traditional Chanel brand medallion. Avvenice selects solely vintage products which have excellent circumstances, but minimal imperfections aren't excluded. She was born on August 19th, 1883, in a small village in the South of France; Coco started out within the fashion industry in 1908, creating hats in Paris and later in Deauville. In the 10s, these cities plus Biarritz noticed the opening of her first retailers. During the Belle Epoque, girls have been constrained in inflexible corsets and wore pleated, draped and reinforced dresses with petticoats. A belt by Chanel, styled in pewter steel with coin pendants. In the 1990s the corporate diversified into different luxury goods, including watches, sunglasses, all forms of clutches and bags, and inexpensive jewelry. To see what information and data Onfido have access to, you can view their privateness coverage and browse via their phrases and situations. To start renting, shopping for or lending, we first need to confirm your identification. We have partnered with Onfido to ensure a trusted shopping expertise for all of our Sharers. Should a shop not provide prices in your native forex, we could calculate the displayed value on every day updated change rates. Cancellations lower than 14 days previous to your booking begin date and previous to your merchandise being dispatched will obtain a credit for the complete quantity paid, including postage, minus a 30% cancellation charge. The credit might be supplied as an All The Dresses Gift Voucher that can be used on gadgets offered by Sydney Handbag Hire only. All gadgets on REBELLE are checked to ensure their authenticity and quality. Hadid used a disco-inspired metal belt to play with texture. Her long O-ring belt brought some sparkle to her denim jumpsuit and suede duster, and it highlighted the jumpsuit's corset prime's punk sartorial roots. In peak early 2000s fashion, Britney Spears wore a diamond chain with a denim gown, a thick layered choker, and matching handbag. Then-boyfriend Justin Timberlake joined in on the enjoyable with an all-denim outfit of his personal. This signifies that the merchandise is a collectible circa twenty years or prior.
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missmusique146 · 7 months
The Growing Trend of String Quartet in Corporate Events
String quartets have been a staple of classical music for centuries, but in recent years, they have also become increasingly popular at corporate events. Now these classical ensembles are no longer confined to concert halls but are increasingly becoming the go-to choice for adding a touch of sophistication, culture, and creativity to corporate functions. 
There are a number of reasons for this trend, including the versatility of string quartets, their ability to create a sophisticated and elegant atmosphere, and their appeal to a wide range of audiences.
Versatility: One of the biggest advantages of string quartets is their versatility. They can play a wide range of music, from classical to jazz to pop, making them a good choice for a variety of corporate events, from galas and awards dinners to trade shows and product launches.
Sophistication and elegance: String quartets also add a touch of sophistication and elegance to any event. Their rich, warm sound creates a sophisticated and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for networking and impressing clients.
Appeal to a wide range of audiences: Another advantage of string quartets is that they appeal to a wide range of audiences. People of all ages and backgrounds enjoy their music, making them a good choice for corporate events with diverse guest lists.
How to choose a string quartet for your corporate event
When choosing a string quartet for your corporate event, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Repertoire. Make sure that the string quartet you choose has a repertoire that is appropriate for your event. For example, if you want to create a formal and elegant atmosphere, you may want to choose a quartet that specializes in classical music.
Experience. It is also important to choose a string quartet that has experience playing at corporate events. This will ensure that they know how to set up and perform in a variety of settings.
Price. String quartets can vary in price, so it is important to set a budget before you start shopping. Be sure to get quotes from multiple quartets before you make a decision.
Bottom Line:
String quartets are a great choice for corporate events of all types. They offer versatility, sophistication, and appeal to a wide range of audiences. If you are looking for a way to add a touch of class and elegance to your next corporate event, consider hiring a string quartet at Miss Musique. They offer the most versatile string quartets in Philadelphia for a variety of events. Be it a corporate event, wedding, reception, parties, or any other event. For more details, visit the website. 
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