tanyacole · 3 years
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*** $500 OFF the Gallery price of my painting of @mrsconstancehall ~ pm for details/to secure! “Queen is all about Empowerment ~ Constance Hall” Original Oil on Canvas 61cm x 90cm © 2021 Tanya Cole ********************************* (Massive thanks to the extremely talented @freedomgarveyphotographer who did the photo shoot with Constance & I, so that I had amazing captures to reference for the painting 🙌🏻🙌🏻) ********************************* (Massive thanks to the extremely talented @freedomgarveyphotographer who did the photo shoot with Constance & I, so that I had amazing captures to reference for the painting 🙌🏻🙌🏻) . . . . #queenconstance #portrait #constancehall #feminist #freedomgarveyphotographer #margaretriver #dunsborough #faces #portraits #artcollectors #portraitart #art #artstudio #artgallery #portraitpainter #studio #westernaustralianartist #dunsbouroughartist #australianartist #tanyacole #artist #tanyacolearts #tanyacoleartsdotcom https://www.instagram.com/p/CTi2nPZhcd4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hermeszp · 3 years
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Book-to-bill ✈ ️ hermes Constance 19 original color lizards 🦎 gold buttons , , , ,#constancewu #constance #constancenunes #constance18 #constancehatchaway #constance24 #constancecalcados #constance24 #constancehall #hermesconstance #constanceguisset #constancespry #constance26 #constanceshulman #constancefournier #constancerobbins #constancezahncasamentos #lakeconstance #constance23 #constanceelan #constancecroco #hermes #constancehatchaway #hermès #hermesoran #hermessandals #hermesconstance #hermescroco #hermeswatch #hermeslover https://www.instagram.com/p/CJbVizggxXO/?igshid=ej65sxvk9m0a
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(Not) Like a Queen.
When you blog it becomes part of the crazy entity known as the interwebz pretty much as soon as you press the post button. I know these blogs aren't private so I watch what I write- to some extent- and I don't advertise my name, location, photo etc. but those who blog with the main aim to become famous bloggers (who are only a rung ahead of Instagram famous models and Facebook famous people) do that. They share warts (or in the case of a so-called queen blogger chylmydia) and all stories about their lives. The most prevalent of these would be mummy bloggers. And the most prominent one of them is Queen Constance Hall. Originally I didn't mind her, I liked that she kept it real and admitted that you know what, being a mum isn't a walk in the park, there are hard days and sometimes it gets a bit too much but more so the message that you didn't need to have that perfect body! But then, as she continued, I found myself wanting to give her a good hard slap (after brushing that mop she calls hair!). Because her message about empowering other women, her queens, got lost in her desire to be famous by posting more and more shocking things. And when people disagreed with her her queens would turn on those people with a true mob mentality, tearing them down in defence of their queen. If she had kept her message like it was originally maybe I'd still be a fan. Maybe. But when a woman deletes and blocks you for disagreeing with her (labelling you a troll, bully or hater for the fact you had a different point of view than she did!), sicks her army on you, posts photos that are half naked with things like shorts riding up her vaj or wearing adult nappies that were bought "by mistake" instead of pads- cos they look sooooo alike right?-, posts photos of her on the toilet or having a crap by the side of the road, has her kids running around in soiled nappies down to their ankles practically, publicly shares a photo of her kids with a man playing Santa who she called a pedo, etc- well that's not a queen. It's so far from a queen it's laughable! Here's the thing: SHE chose to put her life out there in the public sphere std's and all, kids and all, way too many half naked selfies and all, all because she wanted to be famous. And when you do that you have to be prepared that not everyone is going to agree with you. Blocking them or having her queen army harass them all over social media isn't the regal way to handle it. Instead she should think about what she posts before thinking about fame and the amount of likes, books sold and newspaper articles she can be in. Instead she should acknowledge not everyone agrees with her and maybe engage in some kind of intellectual debate about it. But she doesn't. She cries about haters and whips her army into a frenzy. Yeah. Not like a queen at all.... P.S Please note I didn't mention anywhere in here anything to do with her body shape or indulged in any body shaming. (Except for her hair.) She really is a feral bogan but I hold myself to a higher standard than that to go after looks. I also hope this makes some sense because I'm beyond exhausted.... Fatgirl.
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nextlvlwriting · 6 years
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Reading about writing is one of my favorite pastimes. #constancehale
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dido-nidhal · 4 years
الاشهار الأول ⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩ Partager le max أستناو لجديد لحباب ⁦❤️⁩⁦❤️⁩ #photooftheday #photogrid #photosession #photographer #filmphotography #film #filmproduction #filmphoto #filmdirector #filmindonesia #filmnotdead #watch #historique #bollywood #hollywood #constantinebay #constantine #constantinople #constanza #constancehall (à Palais.ahmed bey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TcnK-ppQ1/?igshid=1e8weg9koezf2
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askamy80 · 7 years
I try to be a great mother and wife but I feel like I am failing. I look at mums who even find time to blog like Constance Hall and I feel even more like I'm the worst. How do people manage to be a mother and wife and not fuck it up?
No mother is perfect. In fact the ones who tell you how great they are or how easy being a mother is are lying. Every mother feels like they aren’t doing things right. Comparing yourself to mummy bloggers is the worst thing you can do. Because they are about likes often rather than truth so they aren’t role models and Constance hall is actually the worst role model! At first i liked her, how she was real about how hard things can be and kept women positive but then she changed and she now has rabid followers who she sets upon anyone with a different opinion so please for the love of god do not aspire to be her!!!!
Amy. Xx
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optionise · 7 years
No Constant for Constance
No Constant for Constance
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Picture by Richard Hatherly  The trouble for Constance Hall is she has been brutally honest and whilst we all subscribe to honesty we understand intrinsically that learning how to lie can be essential to public interactions. Writing in essence if good, can be honest and raw.  It will appeal to some, but like anything honesty is polarising.  Some people will love you for it and others will not. I…
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Looking forward to reading this when I get 5 mins to myself 😂 thank you xxx #constancehall #timetomyself #mybookday (at Helen Cotton Photography)
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Blue fucking Monday
What a cunty little day you have been. It started at 1am till 4.30am with an awake child and chants of paw patrol repeatedly.. Getting to that fuzzy place between asleep and awake before being shouted at.. The boyfriends alarm going off at 5.15 to work getting up making coffee and packed lunch, falling back to sleep and waking up half hour late. Rushing round with three children, one of whom screams im awakeeeee every time you call there name but in reality there laying in bed dozing back off, one who goes from tights-trousers -skirt-dress and because they take twenty minutes to put a sock on its your fault and one that wants to take every car he owns in his backpack to nursery and fuck me he has about 80..walking in the mud and the rain, not a scrap of eye make up on so I look like a mix between my father and an albino mole with my slightly white eyelashes.. My curly hair shoved on top of my head which is a mix of dreadlocks, frizz, ringlets and loose waves of a morning.. In my head thinking, house is a bomb. I’m fucked and I need to do something with this face, sneaky half hour kip, hour n half housework, nice bath n wack some mascara on. Pick up the wee one #Winning Too remember I have three hours cleaning at work, Fuck you life.. Get too work crack on, clean the grease from the fryers which use more arm power then wanking off a giant.. I’ve never understood people that don’t put lids on deep fat fryers, not wipe them after such a pet hate of mine 😤 Clean the loos and then some muggy work man comes in, takes a shit that smells like something crawled up his arse n died I walk in to mop floor and realise I have to re clean the toilets after he left a skid mark the size of the Isle of Man in the pan. I hope that man shat himself in his van on the way home.. Wanker! Phone dies think I’ll walk to me mates who lives next to the school have a twenty min chin wag n charge me phone, unbeknown to me she’s upstairs when I knock so rather then walk round back n let meself in I go stand up the school in the rain with a dead phone for twenty mins, never a fucking joy.. Pick up my little darling whilst trying to hide my face under my hood after being told three times by people you don’t look well.. Oh no I’m in perfect health Thankyou but yes I’m well aware I look like fuckin shit 🙄☺️ The little rebel on the way home decides he has reincarnated whilst at school to George pig and will jump in every muddy puddle we see so that takes a ten minute walk into half hour and a very soaked mum n child but hey he was happy.. Home, housework, fell asleep for half hour before the school run goes again. The big boy who’s 10 going on 35 says to me I was ill today waited four hours for you to pick me up and school said you didn’t answer to looks of “die mother die you’ve ruined my life ” I ring the school raring up.. Why was I not called, why not call his emergency contacts I’ve had no missed calls.. To which they respond Ché sat in medical room for twenty mins then went back to class we didn’t call you. I glare at him with eyes of the devil before putting on my best posh mother voice of “oh I’m very sorry wires must have been crossed” if this kid was ten years older id chin him right now 😒😂🔫 Get home make dinner, more housework still no bath, still no mascara, speak to the children’s father who’s has now decided he may not be able to see his children on the ONE night a week he has them because how will he ever meet anyone having them one night a week, ermmmmm fuck me son there’s 6 other nights !!! He suggests a week day, erm again no son because you don’t implement a routine so sorry no, you can have a full day n night with ya kids at weekend to have quality time and plus I work at weekend to pay for our little darlings whilst receiving no maitenence.. So I get a response of I won’t see them.. Whatever you let me know when you’ve made a decision if gash is more important princess, as if you could fuck 7 nights a week anyway big lad 🖕🏻 Then have a disagreement with the boyfriend don’t even know why, but both skint, both tired, both missing one another. So that snowballs into being a pair of headstrong wankers so noones really done anything else wrong but no one will really apologise.. So there’s a silence in the air all the way from here to Norwich (where he’s working) my children are yet to fall asleep one is hiding a phone under a pillow and keeps adding stuff to my Amazon basket which consist of accessories and shit for them reborn dolls.. Like wtf seriously I don’t want one of them things in my house I’ll end up waking up and one will be looking at me with a potato peeler ready to carve me up 👀 The other keeps telling me he neeeeeeds to finish this mission on his ps4 and if I don’t let him I’ve ruined his life and the bubba has climbed in my bed with twenty cars a bottle a blanket put paw patrol on the tv and everytime I say mate come on in your bed he strokes my head sand says “ shhh now mummy be quiet you go sleep now “👍🏻😂😂😂😂 Theve all got five minutes before I go lion muma on all there arses I love em but the tv PlayStation, phone and any of bloody device is going away till morning and by morning I mean daylight not 1am gunner 😂😂 I want to at least have a bath by 10pm granted they’ll be no mascara reaching my eyes on this very blue Monday. But at least I’ll be clean 😏 Hoping tomo is slightly more lemon coloured or even a bit of pink and I fuckin hate pink.. But I’m not a natural polar bear meself ( to the rest of you that’s a depressive person) but I’m skint I’m tired I got mole eyes and I just want to bath n sleep and wake up bright eyed n bushy tailed.. Fuckin blue Monday its a curse I swear when you hear it it just happens climbs up in ya life and turns it all bluey like a fuckin porno gone wrong. Bet if there was no talk of blue Monday id have won the fuckin lottery today.. But anyway Tuesday always been a naughty little day I plan on doing abit of baking tomo not that I should eat it because every Monday is meant to be the day I actually start my diet but hey ho I thought that whilst I demolished a packet of chocolate fingers earlier whilst having a little word with myself. And that other little voice popped in n said "shut the fuck up Lydia there’s always next Monday” I’ve always preferred that voice ✌🏻️😂😂 Anywho how was you fuckin Monday ???
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livejasmin-sexchat · 2 years
Constance Hale
Constance Hale ConstanceHale is a petite white, 24 old female, with long brown hair, has black eyes and a tiny breast size. ConstanceHale speaks english, czech, russian, latvian and likes dancing, roleplay, zoom, footsex and snapshot.https://www.livejasmin-sexchat.ch/livesexcams/ConstanceHale Jasmin sex chat xxx Constance Hale
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tanyacole · 3 years
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Just a few changes @mrsconstancehall 😘 ************************************************ (Massive thanks to the extremely talented Freedom Garvey Photographer who did the photo shoot with Constance & I, so that I had amazing captures to reference for the painting 🙌🏻🙌🏻) . . . . #artprize #queenconstance #constancehall #championofwomen #feminist #freedomgarveyphotographer #margaretriver #dunsborough #faces #portraits #artcollectors #portraitart #art #artstudio #artgallery #portraitpainter #lesterprize #lesterprizeforportraiture #studio #westernaustralianartist #dunsbouroughartist #australianartist #tanyacole #artist #tanyacolearts #tanyacoleartsdotcom https://www.instagram.com/p/CQm9F9wjJ4-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amummasjourney-blog · 7 years
So today this happened… I commented on a post that the Queen of queens @mrsconstancehall posted about bad things happening to good people, and that victim blaming is alive and (sadly) well within our global community. I was shocked that after commenting about my own experience with victim blaming the past few years, my comment started receiving hundreds of likes and comments. It was exciting that women were liking what I had to say, but so very sad that many had been through exactly the same thing. Soon I started getting messages from women all over the country supporting me, asking for advice, thanking me for sharing my story, and some who just wanted to become friends. It’s a sad day when women unite because of experiences shared through domestic violence… And even worse when we are blamed for what had happened. It needs to stop! So tonight, as I put my babies to bed, and get their things ready for tomorrow, and clean up from the fun they’ve had today, I hold my head high… Not because I received “likes” or because I’m a baddass strong mother, but because I am not a victim, I am a survivor, and I will never ever let anyone blame me for what has happened… 💪
#domesticviolence #domesticviolenceawareness #redheartcampaign #constancehall #constancehallqueens #bestrong #mumoftwo #iamasurvivor #singlemum
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Constance Hall Blog Post Share - Anxiety
Constance Hall Blog Post Share – Anxiety
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tanyacole · 3 years
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She is almost finished! ~ Our beautiful @mrsconstancehall 😍❤️ ************************************************ (Massive thanks to the extremely talented Freedom Garvey Photographer who did the photo shoot with Constance & I, so that I had amazing captures to reference for the painting 🙌🏻🙌🏻) . . . . #artprize #queenconstance #constancehall #championofwomen #feminist #freedomgarveyphotographer #margaretriver #dunsborough #faces #portraits #artcollectors #portraitart #art #artstudio #artgallery #portraitpainter #lesterprize #lesterprizeforportraiture #studio #westernaustralianartist #dunsbouroughartist #australianartist #tanyacole #artist #tanyacolearts #tanyacoleartsdotcom https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXmiYfjj-k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hurtbymightybeauty · 8 years
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My life mantra.... Queen for life. # feminist #Constance Hall #bookstagram # book love
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"Yesterday at the park, with my laptop so I didn't look like a loser with no friends. It was glorious and sunny and the park was filled with babes being fabulous with their bubs. One other chick was a loner like me, toddler was doing runners while her newbie screamed. That torn feeling is pretty stressful, do I chase my toddler and thus make the little turd run faster or do I answer that primal instinct telling me to go to the newbies screams? I know that feeling. It's over whelming. Once when Arlo was born and Billie-Violet was 2 Bill called and me to race into freo and pick up his prescription from his dentist. I was pissed, I had purposely gotten all the shopping I Needed so that I didn't have to leave the house again. But I agreed, his tooth ache was killing him. It all went well, I parked, picked up the script, had a chat to the lovely ladies at reception, until I went to put them both back in the car, Arlo started cracking the shits and giving me that skin crawling scream that only newborns can give, Billie-Violet sniffed my weakness and saw it as an opportunity to bolt, I was holding Arlo as she ran out and onto the road, a car was burning down the street, I screamed, shoved Arlo into the car seat and ran to grab Billie-Violet, the panic made me yell at her and forcefully shove her into her car seat before I burst into tears. At that very moment a women in her office was standing at the window staring at me and shaking her head. I wanted to die. I felt so inadequate and ashamed, for losing my shit, for endangering my children, I felt so angry that my fucking husband couldn't leave work to get his own prescription and as I sat there in tears I had the thought that I must be depressed. So I did what I always do when I'm overwhelmed, I called my aunty. She works with new mums in child development and I asked her if she thought that I was depressed, she responded with this, "no I don't think you are, I think your just lacking support. Do you realise that your not supposed to be doing this on your own? We are all supposed to be doing this together, we need to bring the village back, if that women had have come and strapped Arlo in while you went to grab Billie-Violet you wouldn't be feeling like a failure at all you would be feeling like a member of a community, an extended family that all have each other. I don't think your depressed, I think you just need your village." And I have been collecting my village ever since, most days I leave school with someone else's kids, someone always has some of mine. I stop by a friends house and she will scoop some of the curry from her pot into a container for my family while I'm changing her babies nappy. And that has been the only way I've healed. By finding a village. I kept creepily watching her, now her toddler had poo'd and it was pretty obvious by the fact that she mouthed the words 'fucking hell' that she didn't have a nappy of a nappy wipe. I did. I approached her and asked if I could help. She told me that she doesn't know why she bothers leaving the house she feels so unorganised, I was like "please, I was about to ask someone for a spare pare of undies and a tampon, compared to me your on top of the game" Her name is Jess, we sat together and de-loner'd for the morning and are even catching up again tomorrow. So just like that... Our village is growing."
Constance Hall
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