#cm season 14
sapphicprentiss · 1 year
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Jennifer Jareau in 14x03 Rule 34
taglist: @ilyprentiss @ry-kills-jemily @buckleyhans @melatonindaydreamz @lovelyy-moonlight @proselys @midnightsjareau @eveljerome @blownawcy @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @catgirlspence @hotch-girl @falling-forever-in-a-hole @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @charleyspiderman
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Okay so every time the B.A.U. team or one of its members gets into a "situation" (ya know of the life or death variety), I know in my mind that they will be okay because I know there are seasons I haven't watched yet, but in my heart and my stomach I feel incredibly icky.
Season 14 episode 1 is one of those times
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astranauticus · 5 months
my friend, about liu xiao: i mean you have a type! and i can tell!!
me, reeling: i- ?????
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emiko-matsui · 2 years
jennifer jj "took over 14 years to come back to her hometown after processing the huge trauma that she went through back there n dredged up horrible horrible memories" jareau vs derek "AYO MA IM IN TOWN AND WERE ALL EXPECTING UR GOOD GOOD FOOD. ayo we're going to chicago that's dope let me stop and say hi to my homies real quick man it's nice to see the old stomping grounds" morgan
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jareaulover · 1 year
Me watching Rossi get married, knowing what happens in Criminal Minds: Evolution:
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wikiangela · 1 year
okay, what the fuck are they doing with JJ and Reid right now?
I did not like that whole thing, I and I wanna believe JJ really just needed to say something to get that guy's attention (tho the way she was explaining that..... wtf)
first of all, I adore Will and his relationship with JJ, so don't even try anything there
and second of all, Reid and JJ's friendship is the best, don't ruin that now by even insinuating anything more pls - like, if they pursued this at the beginning, and it wasn't just a one episode thing in s1, yeah, maybe, I thought that's where were going, but over the rest of the seasons they were best friends, and I love their friendship so much, and I genuinely do not like that whole storyline with her basically saying that she loves him romantically? jfc please don't
like, what was that???
like, listen, the main reason this show is so good and why I love it so much, is because of the friendships, and how there's nothing romantic between the team members - e. g. I was so happy that they never went anywhere with Derek and Garcia, despite the constant flirting 😂 the friendships and familial, platonic relationships are what makes this show, don't get in here with any romance ffs, that's with people outside the team, we don't need that here
please I hope this thing doesn't continue in s15, let's just forget about it like we did about that "date" in s1 that was brought back up for the first time (I think) in s14 😂
anyway, great season, loved it, tho it was so short 😭 (and that little plot with JJ and Reid... no thank you)
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Just finished season 13 of Doctor Who and I don't know what the fuck to do with myself now
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arty-archives1 · 1 year
I can't believe I forgot how sad Ride the Lightning was 😭😭
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venustrape · 1 year
william l.amontagne jr is an angel. a dream. only deserves the bestest things.
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bethanythebogwitch · 24 days
Wet Beast Wednesday: epaulette shark
Stand at attention for the epaulette shark, the honorable (and adorable) general of the tide pools. These little guys really go against the image of a shark in media. Hollywood insist on portraying sharks as massive, violent predators that prowl the waves and will eat anyone and anything they find. The Epaulette shark, by contrast, is small, lives in the shallows, and couldn't hurt you if it wanted to.
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(Image: an epaulette shark resting on the seafloor. It is a small, skinny, and long shark with a short snout and highly elongated tail. The two dorsal fins are located on the back half of the body and the pectoral and pelvic fins are long and paddle-shaped. Its body is a sandy brown and dotted with black spots. A large black spot is behind the pectoral fins. End ID)
Epaulette sharks average 70-90 cm (27-35 in), with the largest one on record being 107 cm (42 in). Over half of that length is made of the caudal peduncle, the part of the spine that the caudal (tail) fin grows out of. The actual fin itself is fairly small and does not have a lower lobe, making it look very slender and distinct from the caudal fins of other sharks (though other members of its family, Hemiscylliidae, share this tail structure). This tail structure makes them less efficient swimmers than most shark species. As a result, they tend to stick to the seafloor and do not often rise into the water column. Their bodies are light to dark brown with many dark spots and one large spot behind each pectoral fin. It is these spots that give the sharks their common name. Their placement makes them resemble epaulettes, decorative shoulder pieces that were and still are often used to demonstrate rank in many European and European-derived militaries. The coloration of the shark is used as camouflage against predators, with the smaller spots breaking up the silhouette and the epaulettes resembling the eyes of a much larger animal. Juveniles have a stripy pattern to their skin that fades as they age.
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(Image: a juvenile epaulette shark resting on sand. It has the same body shape as the adult, but its skin is pale with darker stripes. End ID)
Epaulette sharks mate from July to December, late spring and summer in the southern hemisphere. Females will often initiate mating by following and nipping the males. Males will use their mouths to hold onto the females while inserting one clasper (the paired reproductive organs of sharks and other cartilaginous fish) into her cloaca. 14 days later, the female will release egg cases, usually two per mating and abandon them. The egg cases will usually get caught in seaweed or coral and remain there. After approximately 120 days, the juvenile sharks hatch. Females are able to mate again immediately after laying the egg cases and can lay up to 50 times per season. Juveniles are born 14-16 cm (5.5-6.5 in) long and grow about 5 cm (2 in) every year. They reach sexual maturity at around 7 years of age when they reach a length of 54-64 cm (21.5-25 in). The maximum lifespan of wild specimens is speculated to be 20-25 years. There have been rare cases of females in captivity reproducing through parthenogenesis after living in tanks with no males.
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(Image: an epaulette shark egg case. It is an ovoid brown, translucent object. Visible within the egg case is the developing shark. It has the adult's body plan, but is attached to a large, spherical yolk sac. End ID)
Epaulette sharks are found in coastal water from southern New Guinea to northern Australia. They prefer water under 50 m (160 ft) deep and can often be found in extremely shallow water, especially around coral reefs and shorelines. These sharks are often found in tide pools and have a number of adaptations for this lifestyle. While they are capable of swimming, the sharks prefer to walk. They undulate their bodies while using their paddle-like pectoral and pelvic fins to push against the seafloor. The fins have modified skeletons to allow each fin to rotate, increasing their effectiveness as limbs. Using their fins, the sharks can even walk over land, which they do to move into and between tide pools. Because of this, epaulette sharks are studied by biologists for use as a model organism for the transition of vertebrates onto land in the distant past. Epaulette sharks are nocturnal. During the day, they hide from predators in crevices and other places large predators can't enter. At night, they come into the shallows to hunt. They use smell and electroreception to hunt for prey buried under sand. Their preferred food is crustaceans, worms, and small fish. Juveniles prefer soft-bodied animals like worms and fish while adults consume crustaceans primarily. Their teeth can lie flat, allowing the sharks to switch between sharp teeth for eating worms and fish and a hard plate to crush crab and shrimp exoskeletons.
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(GIF: an epaulette shark walking through tide pools and over land, showing the motions it makes from different angles. End ID)
Epaulette sharks often get stuck in tide pools overnight. Life in tide pools is harsh as there is a limited supply of dissolved oxygen available and all the animals in the pool use it up. As a result, epaulette sharks have several adaptations to hypoxic (low oxygen) environments. When in hypoxic water, the shark can drop its heart rate and the rate it passes water over the gills. It then dilates certain blood vessels to divert blood to the heart and brain and away from other organs. This causes its blood pressure to drop by over half. It can also lower metabolic activity for parts of the brain, freeing up ATP (the chemical that provides cells with energy) to be used for more critical brain functions. This is aided by shark rains requiring 1/3rd the ATP as the brains of bony fish, further increasing the survivability of the shark. All of this means that an epaulette shark can survive in extremely hypoxic water for 3 hours while still remaining alert and responsive and can survive with no oxygen for an hour with no negative effects. It's notable that they do this in warm water as most animals that can tolerate extreme oxygen deprivation need to be in cold temperatures to do it.
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(Image: an epaulette shark resting in a tide pool. The water is barely deep enough to keep it submerged. End ID)
Epaulette sharks are classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, though they are locally threatened in New Guinea. Their primary threats are habitat loss and bycatch. As they are commonly found in coral reefs, coral bleaching threatens their habitat. In addition, it has recently been found that the warming ocean is resulting in pups being born smaller and weaker than they used to be, reducing juvenile survival rates. They show little fear of humans and wild ones will allow humans on the beach to approach them. They have also been known to approach swimmers and divers. Encounters with curious people can harm the sharks, while their only method of defending themselves is a minor bit and they're too slow to crawl away. Their gentle natures and small sizes make epaulette sharks one of the easiest shark species to keep in captivity, both in public and private aquariums. There is now a small demand for captured epaulette sharks for sale on the pet trade.
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(Image: an epaulette shark in an aquarium touch tank. It is resting on sandy sediment while a human arm reaches in from above, touching it with two fingers. A stingray and two small yellow fish are visible in the background. End ID)
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37sommz · 1 month
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NOW PLAYING: michaela's management team. ✼. view:⠀masterlist⠀⸻⠀join the taglist⠀⸻⠀request.
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✹.⠀⠀،،⠀ABOUT MICHAELA SOMMERS⠀⸻⠀australian-born formula one driver, michaela sommers is one of the most electrifying young racers to grace the sport. as the first female driver since lella lombardi, sommers has been smashing records and solidifying her impact on the sport since her debut in 2019. currently driving as the second seat for aston martin, michaela sommers has achieved a total of six race wins to accompany thirty-four podiums and sponsorships from louis vuitton, skims, and mattel.
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✹.⠀⠀،،⠀ABOUT GUIDO MAROTTA⠀⸻⠀michaela's manager, guido marotta, has been a consistent face during the driver's upper-level career. guido took over for michaela's uncle, travis sommers, in 2016 before michaela's second season in formula two with prema racing. known as the "shadowy figure behind the rise of michaela sommers" marotta has been lauded for managing sommers' career. guido is recognized among the driver's fans as being the perfect match for her ambitions. more controversially, guido has publicly called out teams, drivers, and sponsors who have been less than fair to michaela for her gender and frequently clashes with the fia.
date of birth: february 02, 1976 hometown: venice, italy ethnicity: italian nationality: italian languages: italian, english height: 5'11" (181 cm) active since: 2016 faceclaim: raoul bova
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✹.⠀⠀،،⠀ABOUT LUIZA MELO⠀⸻⠀michaela's trainer, luiza melo, is known for plenty outside of being part of the team. as a three-time olympic beach volleyball medalist, luiza knows a thing or two about the importance of health for a successful career. having been michaela's trainer since her move to mclaren in 2021, luiza immediately began working to increase the driver's stamina and strength, drawing praise for the noticeable difference in her performance. as an integral part of michaela's routine, luiza travels with the fellow australian to every race. the two have become extraordinarily close in recent years with luiza moving in just doors down from michaela's high-rise monaco apartment.
date of birth: january 14, 1990 hometown: adelaide, australia ethnicity: brazilian nationality: australian languages: english, portuguese height: 6'0" (182 cm) active since: 2021 faceclaim: lais ribeiro
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✹.⠀⠀،،⠀ABOUT BEATA GASPARRO⠀⸻⠀michaela's press officer, beata gasparro, is her team's most visible member. forever glued to her side at every race weekend since joining michaela during her time at alfa romeo, beata has a reputation for being protective over the driver who she considers to be one of her own. sommers' impeccable media training is largely attributed to gasparro who has makes sure to keep her client in the spotlight all without giving away too much. if there is any question about beata's love for michaela, her instagram (full of pictures of the driver alongside beata's family) proves how preciously she holds the australian in her heart.
date of birth: november 27, 1965 hometown: genoa, italy ethnicity: italian nationality: italian languages: italian, english, spanish, french height: 5'9" (175 cm) active since: 2019 faceclaim: monica bellucci
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✹.⠀⠀،،⠀ABOUT ISMAEL GANEM⠀⸻⠀michaela's race engineer, ismael ganem, is perhaps every fan's favorite member of her team. affectionately referred to as "izzie", the egyptian-british engineer was a driver in his own merit, having raced in both british formula and formula three before leaving to pursue education. ganem first worked with michaela during her successful formula three season. though both would leave the team at the end of the 2015 season, michaela to move to gp2 and ismael to join aston martin's engineering team, they would be reunited in 2023. famously, michaela claims ismael was the one to convince her manager, guido, to pursue a seat with aston martin after a series of fiery disputes with mclaren. the pairing of izzie and mickey has been exceptionally successful with ganem even joking he would follow sommers to whatever team she may move to in the future.
date of birth: may 22, 1971 hometown: london, england ethnicity: egyptian nationality: british languages: english, arabic height: 5'10" (178 cm) active since: 2015, 2023-present faceclaim: ahmed ezz
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sapphicprentiss · 1 year
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Jennifer Jareau in 14x15 Truth or Dare
taglist: @ilyprentiss @ry-kills-jemily @buckleyhans @lovelyy-moonlight @proselys @midnightsjareau @eveljerome @blownawcy @mmmmmkay77 @paulitalblond @catgirlspence @hotch-girl @falling-forever-in-a-hole @kalexdanversfan @anlin2058 @charleyspiderman @captkatecastle @demonicbaby666
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Okay but why does the tall man from criminal minds look like that momo girl thing that went around forever ago?
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this was all I could think of when I saw this episode lmao
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cypherdecypher · 9 months
Animal of the Day!
Saimaa Ringed Seal (Pusa hispida saimensis)
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(Photo from WWF)
Conservation Status- Endangered
Habitat- Finland
Size (Weight/Length)- 90 kg; 145 cm
Diet- Small fish
Cool Facts- The Saimaa ringed seal is one of the most endangered seals in the world with around 400 mature individuals. Only found in Lake Saimaa in Finland, they have been completely separate from any other species of seal for 9,500 years. While they exclusively eat fish, these seals eat almost every species that inhabit the lake. Despite this, the Saimaa ringed seal does not have an impact on the fishing industry of the area. Despite being protected from hunting for almost 70 years, the Saimaa ringed seal is on the brink of extinction. Due to the small size of the lake mixed with multiple bad breeding seasons in a row, certain fishing methods have been banned from Lake Saimaa along with artificial dens being installed on the beaches.
Rating- 14/10 (Check out Norppalive from WWF for some awesome videos and a live feed of these seals.)
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uncharismatic-fauna · 10 months
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Say Hi to the Spotted Hyena
The spotted hyena is also known, perhaps most famously, as the laughing hyena (Crocuta crocuta). This species once ranged throughout Eurasia, but following the end of the Ice Age was restricted to sub-Saharan Africa. Today they can be found in many types of dry, open habitat, including savannah, semi-desert, and mountain forests. At times, the spotted hyena may also enter urban areas in search of food.
Unlike other hyenas, Crocuta crotuta is a predator, not a scavenger. They most commonly prey on wildebeast, but they may also hunt zebra, gazelles, Cape buffalo, and warthog. In addition, desperate times may cause packs to hunt on more dangerous prey such as young hippopotamus, giraffe, and rhinoceros. Spotted hyenas have incredible endurance, reaching speeds of 60 km/hr (37 mph); a single chase can last over 24 km (14 miles). When live prey is scarce, the laughing hyena can also turn to carrion, as well as snakes and ostrich eggs. In turn, this species may be killed by lions, though this may be motivated more by competition than prey drive.
Spotted hyena females are typically larger than males, weighing 44.5–67.6 kg (98–149 lb) to the males' 40.5–69.2 kg (89.3–153 lb). The height range for both sexes lies between 70–91.5 cm (27.6–36.0 in). In addition, female laughing hyena are somewhat famous for their masculinated genetalia; the clitoris is enlarged, resembling a penis, and is accompanied by sacs filled with fibrous tissue that resemble a scrotum. As the name implies, the coat is light brown with darker spots over most of the body. Because the species has such a wide diet, it has was is considered to be the strongest in relation to size of any mammal. The bite force is stronger than that of a brown bear, and can exert a force of 4,500 newtons-- enough to crush bone.
The laughing hyena is a highly social animal, and individuals live in communities up to 80 strong; size largely depends on prey availability and whether or not the group migrates. A clan territory can be anywhere from 40 km (24 mi) to 1000 (621mi) squared. Females dominate the males, and a pack is usually led by a matriarch. Hierarchies are strictly enforced, and positions are primarily inherited through birth and transferred through death. In addition, one's rank is maintained and recognized through social alliances and their contributions to the clan rather than size or dominance displays. The entirety of the clan comes together most often when defending a territory, gathering at the communal den, or at a kill; however, these kills are more commonly produced from smaller offshoots of the clan.
Crocuta crotuta can breed year-round, though mating is at its peak during the wet season from April to June. Members of both sexes pair indiscriminately with multiple mates, both within their clan and without. To offer himself, the male performs a mating ritual in which he lowers himself to the ground before the female, and retreats if any aggression is shown. Once impregnated, the female carries for about 110 days before giving birth to two cubs-- three is fairly rare. Weaning takes another 14 to 18 months, during which time cubs learn to hunt and defend the clan, as well as establish their place in the social hierarchy. Sootted hyenas reach maturity at about 3 years old, and can live an average of 12 years in the wild, though individuals as old as 25 have been recorded.
Conservation status: The spotted hyena has been determined Least Concern by the IUCN. However, outside protected areas the population is declining due to deforestation and hunting as a nuisance species.
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Augusto Bila
Elise Pianegonda
Evie Davidian
Art Wolfe
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wikiangela · 1 year
all of these characters/actors have such good chemistry, like, I love that no matter how you pair them up, it always works so well fr
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