#cioccolata x secco
evaamoor · 1 year
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piiwi · 1 month
get cioccolata and secco out of victoria secret!!! cioccolata doesn’t use the changing room and secco sniffs all the panties 😞
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manubsart · 29 days
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jjba doodle dump but its mostly fugio (they consume my every thought
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lunameimei · 2 months
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toxic old man yaoi 🛐
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nicherayyy · 8 months
So wow, I don't really understand how requests work, sorry! But since we've seen the Bucci gang and La Squadra with the kid from South Park, what about La Unita? I am sure that Chocolata will like this child very much
TW: just the South Park thing
Chapters from this AU:
Bucci Gang x South Park! Child Reader
La Squadra x South Park! Child Reader
La Unita x South Park! Child Reader
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That is literally the weirdest situation you could imagine yourself in
Okay, maybe not the weirdest
Especially when you used to live in South Park
So yeah.. you saw a thing or two
I'm not even sure why La Unita decided to take you in
Most likely it was Squalo and Tiziano's idea
Like how can you even leave a 4th grader on the streets??
Especially when there's bunch of criminals running around
The two of them are actually one of your main caretakers
But sometimes Squalo is concerned about your.. mental state
Cause there's just no way those stories back from South Park are real
And for Tiziano's the only concern is your cussing habit
Like child ur nine stop with the f word pls
Overall they're like parents to you
Just don't dig too deep into the details about your previous life
Cioccolata has some mixed feelings about you
I mean, he hates children
But you're fun to talk with so I guess you're not as bad as he thought
(No cussing rule doesn't work with him)
It's so weird that you're not scared of him
The first time you talked with him you could see a sincere shock on his face
Secco likes you
Well, as long as you keep some sugar cubes in your pocket, he likes you
If you forgot, well, he won't even look at you
But if it's a good day, he'll listen your crazy stories from SP
He likes your boldness
(And yeah he doesn't care about no cussing rule too)
Carne is really nice to you
He's not really talkative, so most of the time he just listens
Carne's not sure if most of the stories are true, but he still listens
Like kid there's no way you're friend came back from the dead
And your friend didn't eat chili made out of his enemy's parents
You sure didn't impress Diavolo
But don't take it personal
It's impossible to impress him anyway
Not gonna lie, he's really distant
Like you saw him one time and that's it
But Doppio always makes sure to spend some time with you
It's a rare occasion, of course
Just please, don't cuss around him
And try not to use dark humour
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kimbap-r0ll · 6 months
May I request some headcanons on Unità Speciale from JoJo’s about how they would act around their crush? (I think Squalo and Tiziano would go together since I’m pretty sure they’re a couple-)
Hi! Omg another JoJo ask! I really love these asks so plz send them over! As for Squalo and Tiziano, I think honestly they are a couple as well (in my canon they are) so I’ll be grouping them ^^. I’ll probably group Secco and Cioccolata together too since they work as a duo (and could be seen as a couple but I’ll let readers decide)
How Unita Speciale acts around a crush
Squalo + Tiziano
Honestly I think Tiziano would be hard to read, but Squalo would be pretty easy. Like he would have a little bit of a stutter when he talks to his crush or like he’ll be blushing when they get close or smile in his direction. Tiziano might give them a pleasant smile or be softer around them. Even if the crush doesn’t see Squalo’s crush, Tiziano will catch on and so will Squalo to Tiziano.
The two of them will likely have a bit of a talk, just on whether or not they should also have the crush part of the duo and let the relationship become a trio. Likely chance is that they’ll be fine with it, and from then on they’ll likely be flirty towards the crush.
Tiziano is a bit more suave with the flirtation. He’s definitely not afraid to be a bit touchy with it, but he’ll just like watching them become a flustered mess. That doesn’t mean Squalo’s not flirtatious, he’s probably just as good. He’s a bit of a tease like Tiziano is, but it might be a bit more on the rough end (ie playfully pushing the crush around or like jump-scaring them with a surprise hug from behind). Either way expect the crush to get some physical affection along with very suave words.
The confession will come from them both, probably asking the crush to meet with them in a more private setting. It might be a side of a bar or a quiet area of town. The two of them will just explain it to the crush with simple words, nothing too long and nothing too short. If the crush agrees to date, expect a more in-your-face reaction from Squalo while Tiziano is a bit more calm (still has that amazing smile ofc)
Overall I think it would be a coordinated act. Before then the crush will just notice the two hanging around them more often or going on jobs/missions more with them. The two will also be a lot nicer to the crush than when they first met (I feel like they wouldn’t be as friendly tbh to other members of Passione unless they were close).
Cioccolata + Secco
Oh man. First of all to whoever became their crush I’m sorry. But on the other hand, hey it might be a cool experience? Or maybe the person like them, either way the crush will not know they had a crush until they say it, mostly because they’ll just be around them and the crush might think “oh no am I just on their good side or am I going to become a lab rat”
I think Secco would be easier to read. He will be, well, himself and might smother the crush a bit (I imagine he would be sort of like how cat’s brush up against people’s legs) but the crush might just think Secco’s interested in them like in a friendly way. Secco might talk to them more too, like actual interactions. Similar with Cioccolata he might talk to the crush more often but he’s good at hiding the attraction. If the crush compliments him, he’ll just thank them, but the crush might notice him being a bit more giddy than usual
I also feel like Cioccolata and Secco don’t do pick up lines or flirty words. For example, they probably have a weird sense of affection that isn’t really understood by common people, so depending on the crush the words will make them blush or drain the happiness out of their day haha. They’ll be more like gift-giving because it’s a bit simpler for the two parties.
The two might talk about it but Cioccolata might make the ultimate decision. The next step is on whether or not the crush ends up like Secco or if the crush goes through with the relationship without becoming a potential lab rat. The crush might feel like they need to agree, but the two might be a bit flexible if it comes to a rejection. They’ll just be more distant
Overall I think if the crush has good chemistry with this medical duo they’ll be fine. Hell they might be a force in Unita Speciale if their stand and their teamwork is super good with Cioccolata and Secco. The relationship might be more or less normal but it could also just be more destruction (it’s for you to decide)
He’s quiet, not very talkative and rarely shows emotions outside of his stand. However, when he has a crush it might be easier to read him because he gets flustered more
For example, if the crush worked with him for a while they might notice he’s a bit more shy than usual or that he’s a bit flustered when they compliment him. He’s less 😶 than usual like more 😳. He’s more of a gift-giver too since he doesn’t feel that good with words
I think it would take a long time for him to confess to his crush, like practice in front of a mirror or write it out. He’s probably dated once or twice, but he doesn’t really remember much about how they started so it feels like he has to start from scratch. He will NOT let anyone know about his crush though, in case their life gets threatened (if they are a civilian) or it gets awkward as a team (if they are part of the team).
His confession might be a bit awkward, it’s in a secluded place and his voice is fairly quiet. It’s kinda cute though coming from someone who works with one of Italy’s strongest mafias. If the crush agrees he’ll be delighted, honestly might just ask if they wanted to hang out for a bit longer. If the crush says no, then he’ll try to be a bit nonchalant about it but he’ll likely cut ties with them because it makes him think about his confession more.
Either way, he’s sort of like what I imagine Pesci would be like except he doesn’t have a “fratello” to help him or hype him up haha. He’ll be nice as a boyfriend, but he’ll be busy once Bruno’s gang decides to go against Diavolo
Honestly he might be in denial for a bit that he has a crush on someone. He thinks it’s silly, maybe he’s seen too many tv shows or didn’t keep himself busy that he had time to dream. However, he’ll come around and just agree to himself that yeah maybe he has a crush
Diavolo might get in the way of Doppio trying to pick the crush up or like hanging out with them because Diavolo had a relationship before and he wants to keep anonymity, but Diavolo might stop if Doppio convinces him. The two don’t really have the exact same goals in terms of getting to know people
Doppio is always a more cheerful guy, he’s definitely going to be sweet to his crush. He’s friendly, takes them out to places, and genuinely spends time getting to know them. I feel like though he does blush from time to time, the crush might never see him flustered. He seems like the type to know how to hide emotions when he needs to, and this might be one of the cases. However, the crush will know Doppio’s at least enjoying their company
When it comes to the confession, he might be a bit more of a stuttering mess. He’s a bit shy with his words, likely does it outside in a less crowded area (like a seashore or a park) and just thinks of his words on the spot. He hopes the Boss won’t call him during this important moment as he waits for his crush to give him an answer. If that answer is yes, then he’ll be super happy and might give them a hug immediately after haha. If not, he’ll give an awkward laugh and say it’s no worry, the two could still be friends. Depending on if the crush is a civilian or not, they may see Doppio less
Overall I think he would be more of a daydreamer, sort of imagining what his life could be like with this crush and the things that romance brings in life. He might’ve talked to Diavolo about his crush too, but Diavolo likely shut him up and told him to focus on his work before rambling about the crush. Doppio’s a sweet guy ^^
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waterb0ttleguy · 11 months
Draw Secco
Heres ur dog
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fan-endey · 11 months
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cherrykamado · 6 months
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COMMISSION DONE !! This time i got the honor of drawing for @widdlepeets ! I drew PPP versions of Cioccolatta and Secco, and then with Formaggio. All of them featuring Lei's gorgeous Cannella !!💖 Thank you SO much for commissioning me!!!
✨ LINKS ✨ | waitlist OPEN (dm me!) | see my carrd | tip me on ko-fi !
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soupbabe · 7 months
Sorry for the worlds most niche ask but … poly Carne x Ciocolatta x male La Unita reader?
(I wanna throw Secco into the polycule pile as well but I’m worried that’s asking too much work for such a niche ask 😭 feel free to leave him out if you want)
Reader would obviously have to be someone with a) the ruthlessness to make it to La Unita and b) the unhinged-ness to be partly dating ciocolatta 😭😭 but tbf have you seen La Unita? No one on that roster is normal and well adjusted (not even Squalo and Tiz, they’re freaks too /affectionate)
Poly! Carne/Cioccolata/Secco x Male! La Unità Speciale! Reader
Dude you're so more than welcome to request niche stuff !! Carne n Cioccolata is like in the top 3 of the only JoJo ships I care about. Next to Esikars and Tomoko x Shinobu from part 4 😭
Warning: these are kinda all over the place??, tried to give each character a chance to shine but there might be some uneven coverage of characters, Cioccolata is his own brand of concern
- One word to describe the relationship: intense
- Everyone loves aggressively and frequently
- Hard to say if there's some kind of "balance" between the four of you. Even Carne, though silent, is just as clingy and touchy as Cioccolata and Secco
- Oh yeah btw you're never going to be left alone
- Even on missions, even if Doppio insists you go alone, they don't care. I really think these three men take Doppio or Diavolo's words as just a suggestion.
- Secco is the worst offender. His clinginess is overwhelming. He'll always insist that he holds your hand, your waist, any bit of skin he can get his hands on
- And he's just as determined that you give him the same attention. He'll always want you to pet him, to sing the same praises as Cioccolata, give him some special treatment w extra sugar cubes or kisses. Your attention is very addicting
- Cioccolata and Carne on the other hand? They're around you just to get a rise out of you
- Like I know Carne stepped closer to Mista just because he thought it was funny that it annoyed him
- They both love to scare and prod at you. Cioccolata does all the talking and teasing for the both of them, wheress Carne just likes to stare and hold you
- The unwavering eye contact could make anyone squirm and a low rumble erupts from his chest when Carne knows he's getting to you
- While it's fairly easy to fluster Secco and (kind of) Carne back, it's become a game between you and Cioccolata to see how you could make the surgeon blush
- He rolls his eyes when you act sweet, he laughs and plays along when you try to get intimate and tease him, you could show up at his door covered in blood and his face doesn't grow warm
- The secret? Join in on one of his tapes, he wants to see you revel in the adrenaline rush of murder.
- It's the action that gets blood rushing to his cheeks, it's the fact that he's sharing the experience with you and Secco. No secret that the doctor has a twisted sense of joy and romance, he loves taping the "dates" he has with you because of this
- It's like a lil scrapbook, y'know? Fond memories with you and Secco <3
- Sometimes Carne joins in on the fun, but he's rather camera shy, so he's the director. While you three are making out sloppy style, his hand is in the corner frame giving a small thumbs up.
- You four are only considered "cute" by Tiziano and Squalo, but you all really are happier than what any outsider can assume
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piiwi · 1 month
writing some cio x secco x you hcs but some of them are kinda dark and slutty plz don’t read it 🙏
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i-am-a-fraud · 1 year
Cioccolata x reader x secco
Back at it again with being the worst writer known to man
Nsfw 🔞 kinda not really it's Cioccolata. We are talking about
Not really edited much. DADDY WILL DEAL WITH THAT LATER (ha!)
These two are going to ruin your life
Secco will record you in your own home and process the film into hard drives and give them out to your family, friends, and Coworkers
Cioccolata will collect things you leave behind. (Hair clips, strands of hair, spit, gasses you drank from, silverware you used, anything)
After awhile they will get bored of ruining your life and want you in there lives
What where they to do there love wouldn't notice them or there love was just too stupid to notice them
Either way they are going to dumb you down.
Cioccolata watches you sleep your eyes drive him crazy especially when your scared, but he doesn't care it only turns him on more.
Cioccolata let's secco be with you but you are his and his only he only let's secco mess around with you for his own pleasure.
And if you are obsessive over them and just as crazy they only love you even more and may let you partake in "experiments"
I am going to go into reader being obsessed with them
You heard about a what they had done in the newspapers
In a way you idolized the duo.
You exspress to your freinds your fantasies with the two men yet they don't understand
Not long after that you kept those thoughts to youself.
It is sad really why don't they understand that you where made for them and they where made for you
You could live happily! Every night you dream of the life you could have with them when your alarm clock rings your practically in denial
And so with that said you set out to find the two men you had fallen for.
It will be difficult but if you happen to find them and take pictures with your Polaroid it will be heaven.
It is shameful hiding from your lovers but worth the wait when they catch onto you.
Before you know it you will be tied to an operating table.
If you some how manage to convince them your not with the press you will have the opportunity to become there little pet
Not quite what you would exspect but it's something good enough for you.
If you show to be as ruthless and as brutal as them they might just fall for you
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goddess-mixmi · 9 months
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“This is Barbie, she is expecting soon. That’s Ken, he is excited”
Decided to redraw Rosaria and Secco from a screen shot from the Barbie movie! I absolutely love the way the colors came out here and I had a cute idea that they had a Barbie themed baby shower once finding out they’d have a baby girl 🥹. And yes Oasis stays on for this!!
I ended up watching the Barbie movie and I gotta say I was definitely crying because of it especially when a certain song played 😭.
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nicherayyy · 11 months
hii so I’m a little shy with requests but could you do a team bucciarati or la unita (your pick) x child!reader who basically has a super powerful stand but they are completely oblivious to it? Like I could imagine them trying to inform reader and readers just like “I like flowers and ice cream : )”
Okay but this is such a great idea-
La Unita x Oblivious Child Reader
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Okay, how did this happen??
The main reason, they took you in because of your stand
It's not every day you meet someone with THAT MUCH potential
Plus your powers were supposed to help the boss himself
So yeah, you were supposed to be quite useful
The problem is, you don't really care about any of this "ohmygod you have such a powerful stand" stuff
Nuh uh, not even a little
Understandable, you are a child after all
In your defence, whatever you like doing, it is much more interesting than all these serious meetings and trainings
Uh uh, yeah, what were you saying? I am a powerful individual and- OH MY GOD IS THAT A PUPPY??
Squalo and Tiziano are pretty chill about it
I mean, you're a child
Surely you'll be more interested in butterflies or cartoons more than that grown-up stuff
Do you even know what the mafia is?
Generally, they just want you to enjoy your childhood
Very supportive about your interests
You want to go out for icecream? Sure, we'll get the car stared
Oh, you want to play with legos? No more words needed. We'll get you a full cart of those
It's like they have a child of their own
Carne is not worried either
Also likes to spend time with you
Mostly he just listens to your bubbling about a cool bird you saw or what a good breakfast you had
Sometimes you reming him his younger self
Powers or not, not one dares to take away your childhood just because you got a stand you didn't even ask for
So.. Cioccolata and Secco..
They don't even interact with you
Cio is just busy doing his own stuff and Secco blindly follows him around
Maybe it's for the best
Ciocolatta is interested in that stand of yours tho
But for now, when you're not even fully aware what stand is, he's just keeping his distance
He doesn't need a child who follows him and Secco around just to talk about childlike stuff
But as I said, maybe it's for the best
The one who WANTS you to develop your powers is Diavolo, of course
If Doppio is still somehow bearable, Diavolo is obsessed with the idea that you'll be a great addition to La Unita
"That is why you need to improve your stand, to be the greatest-"
"I saw a cute kitten today"
It's driving him insane at some point
How can you not want to be the best??
You don't want to beat all your enemies??
But it's not like you even have enemies
You try to keep distance with him
Good for you honestly
Overall, it is chaotic sometimes
But if you just gonna hang out with Squalo or Tiz.. or Carne it's gonna be fine
They're really good parental figures for you too
Such a nice bonus
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notintumblanymore · 1 year
Happy Valentine's day! Maybe a little to late?..
Anyway! Here's a quick seccolata drawing for this day!
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Actually, night just fell in my country, and I completely forgot that today was Valentine's Day-
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takiisieju · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to enter for the JJBA game but also wanted to say I love your original work :] I hope you’re having a lovely day!
Height: below average
Appearance: conventionally attractive, usually well kept
Personality: constantly curious/asking questions, rarely speaking, and creative
Red flag: I need lots of alone time and can sometimes come off as detached.
What is love to you?: love is being present for each other, acting for each other and communicating, not necessarily just affection
Other: I have too many hobbies/interests like soap making, mycology, art, animal keeping, instruments, etc.
Preferred gender: male
Polyamorous relationship: acceptable
Preferred height: any!
Preferred appearance: any :) I love men
Red flag: someone who wouldn’t be willing to learn about new experiences. Also someone who would only paint their house beiges </3
Characters you absolutely don't want: no minors please!
Hello, dear!
Thank you for the kind words! Now, to business!
This year, your Valentines are... Cioccolata and Secco! Now, they have some issues, but they are quite good partners, actually. Cioccolata is doting and passionate, he'd be insanely happy to have a significant other who's creative, curious and has many interests (but especially appreciative of your interest in mycology). Secco likes to always be close to the people he loves and for them to be close to him. It's actually hard to find people who'd be more open-minded and have better communication skills. And no beiges in that house. Only clown portraits and colour theory floor tiles.
(Obviously, I read Secco's outburst at Cioccolata as heavy denial)
I hope you are pleased with the result!
Dr. True Love
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The rules of the Valentine’s game
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