#chris knight headcanon
deanscroissant · 1 year
Chris Knight headcanon #1
“I saw your recent post about headcanons for Chris Knight, and I adore Real Genius! It's a funny movie movie, I love it. Would you be up to the idea of how Chris would be when you and him are studying together?” ~ Anon
A/N: so sorry it took a while to write. life happened lol. pls be gentle with me because this is my first headcanon. i also kind of went a little overboard so i hope this is okay. thanks for the request! if anyone else want to request then shoot me an ask. tyyyy 😁
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okay Chris is an absolute sweetheart
he’ll make sure you have everything you need before studying: water, snacks, sharpened pencils, pens, highlighters, etc.
you do not play when it comes to studying and he knows it, so if he even just so move a muscle to pick up one of those gadgets he’s made then you’ll kick him out of his own dorm
but when he can tell you’re overworking yourself he’ll tell you to stop and take a break
when you would ace a test he’ll throw you a party each time
and when you would do bad on one (the worst you’ve ever gotten was a C) he still throws you a party and pamper you because, as he would say, “to my knowledge, there is no ‘c’ in failure. but i do know ‘Kent’ and ‘failure’ both have an ‘e’.”
you loved how he would cheer you up by just cracking jokes
before finals week approached, chris surprises you by taking you out on a weekend getaway to a concert of your favorite band
“are you kidding me?! these must have cost a fortune!” you gasped as you stared at the tickets in your hand.
“they weren’t when i threatened the guy who i brought them from.”
you giggled and jumped in his arms, “thank you, baby.”
“of course.” he said, smiling as he pulled you closer into him.
he loved making you happy just to see your beautiful smile + you deserved to be happy
you were hit with reality when you got back on campus Sunday night
you were scared as hell for your first final tomorrow and started to regret going on that weekend trip
“chris, do you think it was a good idea to go on that trip when we could have been studying?”
“yeah i think so. we’d probably have fried brains at this point if we did, don’t you think?”
you shrugged, “i guess so.”
“don’t worry, y/n. you got this. if you doubt yourself then you’ll do terrible on the test.”
“that’s what i always do, huh? doubting myself.” you said melancholy as you sat on your bed.
“yeah and you over think.” he squats down to your level, lifting your head up by your chin to look at him. he gently caresses your chin with his thumb. “i took you on the trip for that reason. believe in yourself, y/n…because i believe in you. can you promise me that?”
his viridian-colored eyes stared back into yours waiting for an answer. a moment went by before you smiled at him, “i think that can happen, captain.”
chris jumped up, threw his hand in the air, and yelled a cheerful, “Hell yeah!” before picking you up from the bed—bridal style— spinning you around as you let out a fit of laughter
you were passing your exams left and right all week, and when it came friday for your last exam, you passed that one as well!
when chris heard the news he was so happy for you. and you were happy for him of course, even though you knew he would ace all of his in one day
chris decided to go out to dinner to celebrate finishing the semester with you, along with mitch, jordan, ick, and lazlo.
then you guys went to a carnival and when chris would win anything from a game he would give it to you
“babe, no you deserved this. that was a really hard game.” you told him as you handed it back to him, but only for him to push your hand away.
“no, it’s for you. now come on! i got to win you one more prize for the last exam you passed.” he faked groaned and playfully rolled his eyes before taking your hand in his, smiling cheekily when he heard you laughing behind him.
so yeah even though chris graduates and you have one year left, he’s still gunna be your study buddy and cheering you on until then.
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hexbimbo · 3 days
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What did you expect?? 🙄
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real-genius-1985 · 2 years
Chris Knight and a project gone horribly horribly wrong
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     Chris Knight does not work often, but when he works, he works.  Watching Chris toil away at a project is more like watching machine gears turn. Over, and over and over and over again until the job is done. It's mesmerizing honestly, watching him get so sucked into a project. His once neat and fluffy hair all tossed and a mess, that ever present shit eating grin no where in sight. Instead replaced with a furrowed brow and the look for pure concentration. And for once, oh so for once, Chris was dead silent.  
Its so peaceful in its own way. With the distant hum and clinks of whatever the hell Chris is tinkering away at, and the lull of your own pencil scratches. Its nice. Its enjoyable in the way seeing a sunrise is. 
Rare, quiet and usually experienced when chronically sleep deprived.
and as tranquil as it is, you’d know first hand just how tedious and time consuming Chris’s work is
Forget to carry the one? imbalanced equation? use the incorrect number of sig figs? That’s all it takes for the whole thing to fall apart at the seams;
And that is exactly what happened,, 
or so that’s what you can assume happened.      You couldn’t really tell what happened, what went wrong or why.  Just that there was smoke and a strew of swears you didn’t even know existed, followed by begging, pleading and more swears. 
    Right before your eyes, you got to watch Chris Knight, the Einstein of the 80′s, the genius slacker, and your boyfriend go through all 7 stages of grief within the span of 2 minutes. 
and boy was it painful to watch. 
Dropped to his knees, staring straight ahead, unblinking, at his now on fire project lay the broken and, probably about to cry, Chris Knight in all of his crumbling glory. 
It was late. 
you knew it was late. 
he knew it was late. 
And it was far too late to save the burning piece of,,,formerly a power converter. 
“,,Hey” You called out softly, as if any noise too loud would send him truly spiraling into the abyss of madness. 
Again, “Hey Chris,” 
Again, “Hey hot stuff,,c’mon. Its late” 
You place a hand on his slumped shoulders, leaning down to check to see if he’s even still breathing by this point.  
“Earth to Knight. Come in Knight” 
You take your place on the ground besides him, waving a hand back and forth between him and the spectacular view of 9 days of hard work and effort burning like a candle during Hanuka. 
Chris doesn’t say a word, and just lets his head drop loosely onto your shoulders. 
“It’s gone” He mutters in the voice of a truly broken man. 
 “Yeah Knight,,Its gone” You practically whisper back, letting your hands comb soothing through Chris’s very very disheveled hair. “But there’s nothing we can do about it tonight” 
You gently nudge Chris off of you, grabbing his hand in a small attempt to get him off the floor. Luckily, Chris let himself be guided up and off the floor and into your waiting arms. 
“Let’s just call it a night blondie. We can worry about this mess in the morning” 
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Can I get a Chris Knight for that blorbo bingo?
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I HAVE THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS ON THIS Manic Pixie Dream Girl of a Physicist. Love his chaotic bisexual energy.
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been a long time since any of us posted here… maybe it’s time to throw some more of my baseless ideas into the void
(also, we still take submissions!)
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bebop-and-oysters · 1 year
My darlings! My Real Genius fic is here! Please check it out on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/44236210 (I'll also be posting it on Tumblr in a bit!) and leave some comments and likes! Much appreciated!
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This is probably the fastest I’ve ever added a group of characters to this blog ever-
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(Facelaim: Admiral Galleus from Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak)
Stan Galle: A high ranking knight in the Kingdom of Camellia, currently holding the rank of Admiral. One of the few remaining solders that had lived to see action in the Old War, much like King John himself. Stan is close comrades with the king, who recount one another as war friends. A serious & to-the-point type of man, of no noble background but is highly honored among the ranks of the nobles, he achieved his position & respect out of sheer merit & experience. It was he who personally saw over the king’s two daughters, while they underwent their military training, & personally sight them as ‘more then fit for battle in war times’.
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(Faceclaim: Dame Fiorayne from Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak)
Trilla Striker: Originally born a noblewoman to the Striker family of Kyren, she was the third children between the Viscount & Viscountess Striker, & their only daughter. While it’s usually typical for the children of noble families that are not heirs or spares to seek a military career, the Striker family wanted to keep Trilla from such a career to use her as a pawn for a political marriage to a wealthier family. Trilla, however, wanted to become a knight, so snuck away from her family’s estate one night & found herself a position in the Kyren Military Training base. Today, Trilla is a royal knight in charge of guarding the Royal Palace & is highly regarded by both Crown Princess Ann & Princess Suzanne for her impressive melee skills.
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(Faceclaim: Sir Jae from Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak)
Chris Dogger: One of the newest recruited knights into the Camellian military, he is young & full of life & energy. A commoner whose family originally ran a small family business that was one day robbed a much of masked criminals. From that day, Chris wanted to be able to defend well meaning people from the ill-willed. He is a bit naive, seeing the world in a very black-&-white manner.
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(Faceclaim: Dame Luchika from Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak)
Joyce Linen: A knight in the Camellian military, who specialized in the use of guns & howitzers, otherwise known as heavy artillery. Joyce is one of the top five marksmen in the whole kingdom, earning her quite a deal of respect across the country, even in the nobility, despite being just a commoner. Even the Crown Princess Ann herself stated that Joyce’s skills where 'A thousand times better then my own’, as well as stating that Joyce was 'Impossibly charming for a woman with no proper social training’.
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main masterlist
(✧ = smut, ☾ = angst, 𖦹 = fluff, ♤ = dark)
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practice makes perfect | 4.5k, ✧𖦹 sugar daddy!cillian murphy (✧𖦹, drabble)
folie á deux | 4.5k, ✧ guinea pig | 6.1k, ✧𖦹 all yours | 3.3k, ✧ knight in shining armor | 6.1k, ✧♤
take you down a peg | 5.3k, ✧𖦹 dark!neil lewis (✧♤, drabble) pillow princess!neil lewis (✧𖦹, drabble) visions of such sweet days (𖦹, headcanons)
dine & dash | 4k, 𖦹
prove it | 3.6k, ✧𖦹 honey, i’m home | 6.1k, ✧♤
toeing the line | 6.8k, ✧𖦹 sub!robert fischer (✧, drabble)
it’s you, happy all the time | 10k, ✧☾𖦹
a series of letters | coming soon�� ✧☾𖦹
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lyramundana · 10 months
Hey, Mate. How are u? I've just seen your yandere Chan and changbin headcanons and I really like it! Can you please do a yandere skz reaction where their crush likes someone else?
Have a beautiful day! 💛
Thank you, mi amor!💖
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Oh well, we start hard already
We've already established previously that, out of the group, he's the most likely to turn yandere in real life. The divine @whatudowhennooneseesyou explained it in her blog before, and if she says it it must be be true, so
forgetting my short fangirl moment there . He got close to his Darling by showing her only his good sides and presenting himself like a friendly, reliable guy that she could count on for everything. He introduced himself into her life smoothly, carving his place in her routine while discreetly removing the "obstacles" that annoyed him. He won her trust quickly enough by forcing situations where his Darling got to see him as her knight in shining armour and felt compelled to rely on him, slowly but surely growing more dependant of him.
If there's a virtue Christopher has in quantity, it's patience. He's ready to wait as long as needed until he gets what he wants, and he's also the type to plan things in advance. So yeah, he's a fucking challenge to get away from.
He though he was doing great, that things were progressing like he planned, so imagine his utter shock when he learns his Darling has a crush on somebody else. She makes the mistake to tell him herself, asking for advice from a "good friend".
Once he gets over the initial loss of words, he's pissed. Very pissed. He's so fucking mad that, in the moment, he accidentally lets his nice guy act drop and loses control of his emotions in front of her. He starts an argument about it, claiming that person is not good enough and they're only going to hurt her, even if he barely knows them. Because who else could be worthy of Darling but himself? This mishap scares her and she ends up arguing back, running away from him in the end. He chastises himself for losing his cool like that later, furious that he ruined all of hard work into shaping a perfect image of him in her eyes. He can't stand the though of losing her, so he recomposes himself and already makes a plan to fix things.
First he gets in touch with her to apologize and make up for his behaviour. He's not sorry for the way he reacted, but he knows it scared her off and he knows that could prompt her to create distance, which he can't allow. Once again, he plays his charming and loving role to convince her, blaiming it on the stress of work and his desire to protect her, since most men are just pigs that would break her beautiful heart only he can do that. When she gets her to believe him, he grabs her hands in his and smiles, promising he'll help her the best way he can.
As soon as he's done recovering her trust, he's investigating that worthless piece of trash that has apparently stolen her affection. He has his contacts, so it doesn't take too long to get what he wants. He memorizes every single detail that he deems useful, just like he did with Darling, but this time is with entirely different purposes.
He's the type of "keep his enemies closer", so he'll befriend that person first and gain their trust, luring them into a false sense of security that it's more like a spider web, trapping them to be devoured without resistance. He gets that person to share secrets with him, things they regret, and Chris promises he won't ever tell a soul.
Some promises are meant to be broken.
He'll hold what he knows over their head to threaten them into staying away, or he'll straight up twist their words so his Darling can misinterpret them and feel betrayed/heartbroken. Obviously, he doesn't waste time into playing his role of brilliant hero and becomes her shoulder to cry on. This kind of validation is like oxygen for him, he can't get enough.
If the person proves to be persistant, he'll take more drastic measures and get rid of them permanently from Darling's life.
"It's okay, doll. It's not your fault. How could you've known they were so terrible? I never fully trusted them, but you seemed so happy and convinced. This is why you should listen to me. I only want the best for you.
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We've also discussed him a bit in previous posts, but we'll profundize more here.
He's a passive yandere. The type to observe and "care" for his Darling from afar, unnoticed. Never intervening directly unless he absolutely has to. He'll be infatuated for years before gathering the courage to talk to you. But once he finally does, he'll win over his Darling quickly because he just seems to be so sync with her.
Truth is that, during all the time he's spent pining for her from the shadows, he has recopiled every bit of information about her he could get his hands on. Stalking, hacking, stealing personal belongings to treat as "treasures", you know it. While he didn't feel capable of havin a face to face interaction with her, he found comfort in observing her on her daily tasks. He knows her favourite food, color, animal, names of her friends and relatives, the perfume she uses, the places she frecuents and her special events.
His aproach would be slow at first, probably reaching out to her through social media (he has follows her in all of them and has a hacked all her accounts at some point) to chat about common interests, and after he feels they're both on friendly enough terms, he'll arrange a meeting in real life in one of her favourite places.
And because he's so in touch with everything that happens with her, he finds out about her crush before she even tells him. He goes through various phases, like sadness, heartbreak, rage. He just can't fit his head around such concept. Hasn't he proven himself enough to her? He has gone such lenghts to protect her, to get to know her, shaping himself to become the man of her dreams. Did he fail somewhere? What else he should do?
Then it dawns to him. It's not fault. Of course he followed all steps, did everything perfectly. By all accounts, his Darling should've fallen for him already. But maybe he chose the wrong aproach.
Maybe he needs to be more clear about his intentions.
He doesn't have Chris' discretion or long-game. He doesn't want to sit around and wait, he's done that enough for years.
He can't fake friendliness even if he tries, so his solution is kidnapping the person and threaten them to stay away from his Darling's life. If that doesn't work, he'll simply keep them hidden until their existence begins to be forgotten. He could also use them as a boxing bag to let out his frustations, who knows.
@whatsk-poppinhomies has the perfect description of yandere Minho, as I mentioned in another post. Go check it out!
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He's the egocentric type, to that makes him dangerous and scary but also predictable.
He lives off the praise and admiration from others. He's constantly showing off, fishing out all kind of validation to feed his ego. He also takes great care of his appareance and everything involved in the way he presents himself to the people.
Imagine the stereotypical jock of american movies that's popular and always being the centre of attention. That's him. He needs to feel eyes on him and be admired or else he'll get slightly insecure.
He'll try to catch his Darling's attention by doing exactly what he does to the rest: Showing off. He'll spoil the shit out her and do anything in his power to prove that he's the ideal partner. That no one is gonna treat her better than he does.
He'll become his Darling's slave, her biggest simp. He'll run up to her if he sees her in the same place as him and trail behind her back like an eager puppy, ready to bend himself backwards for her wishes.
Darling might feel overwhelmed by the constant attention and expensive gestures, but he has no plans on stopping, even if she asks him. Then he'll try to tune it down for her sake, but he's uncapable of stopping. He feels the urge to worship the ground she walks on.
He invades every space of her life with his boaming presence and craves himself into her routine, making sure he's the first and last face she sees everyday. If someone seems to "steal" the time that's rigthfully his, he'll drop that bubbly attitude quickly and become very intimidating. He's short but those muscles don't lie and he knows how to use them.
He has a high self-steem, so he's not jealous per se. However, he enjoys marking what's his and let other people know. He's prideful and has a similar disposition to Chris, in terms that they act more like dogs by how much they remind their partners and everyone else who they belong to.
He'll very, very angry if he finds out his Darling has a crush on someone that's not him. He feels his efforts weren't enough. He feels his ego is being questioned.
Unlike the previous two, he lacks self-control over emotions and he's rather impulsive, so he'll probably get into a fight with his rival or/and his Darling too.
He's a lot more direct about this matter. He'll use his position to berate Darling's crush until their reputation shatters or they decide to run away from the harassment. Changbin would be merciless.
Humiliations, fake rumours, pranks that leave injuries too serious to be just that. He'll be a manual bully, and a terrible one because no one dares to fight back. He's stronger than most, intimidating when he wants to, and has no problem sending someone to an hospital if they piss him off enough.
Eventually he'll drive his rival far from his Darling so he doesn't return, but if that doesn't work, well...he's ready to take permanent measures.
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oh fuck here we go
Another dangerous one if he falls to the yandere side. He's as bad as Christopher, the kind of yandere that you can't escape alone and most likely you never will.
He's highly narcissistic and self-centered, but unlike Changbin, you won't ever see him coming. And while Chris' red flags can be more noticeable, Hyunjin's are invisible until it's too late.
He's a great actor, a manual manipulator and the perfect wattpad boyfriend. And by this I mean that every breath he takes is pure 🚩🚩🚩.
Seriously, if I had to pick, I'll run to Christopher Bang with no second though, because he's at least somewhat nice and truly feels like he cares.
Hyunjin doesn't. He believes he does, but that's not it.
He doesn't necessarily want to have a fairytale romance with his Darling. He simply wants to own her. Be the centre of her life and have her at his beck and call. Like I said, narcissistic.
He'll be drawn to someone that doesn't pay attention to him at first. He's used to have people worshipping the ground he walks on and surrounded by admirers, so seeing someone that treats him differently inmediatly picks his interest. And so he goes after her doing everything in his power to impress her and get her to look at him the same way most people do. He can't stand not having everyone infatuated by him.
He'll be the classic love interest that never takes no for an answer, ignores boundaries and takes the protagonist for granted. He thinks being allowed to be with him is an honor. He doesn't really care if the girl is comfortable with the situation, he's set on "fixing the anomaly".
As he begins to develop feelings for his Darling that go beyond winning this game of "hard to get", he starts to idealize her to unsane levels and even gives her traits that she doesn't actually have, just to fit his perfect narrative. If she doesn't have them, then he'll just have to make her, right?
He's charming and has a way with words, but his ego might cost him vision. He uses his image of "dream prince" to his advantage and plays the role for his Darling. He intends to turn her into his muse, a doll crafted by and for himself. He'll smoothly move her to change some aspects of herself to his preference.
His ego, eventually, confirms to be a burden. He's confident on his own perfection and he sees himself as the best option out of everyone and everything, so discovering his Darling apparently has a crush on someone is a mindfuck for him.
But he recovers quickly. As soon as the shock is over, it gets replaced with rage. For the first time in his life, he feels surpassed by someone. And he hates losing.
He'll sabotage every possible relationship Darling could have with anyone. If he can't have her, no one will. Simple. Until she realizes her only viable option is to be with him.
He's the type to ruin his Darling's life too and break her, so he can pick up the pieces and put them back how he wishes. Make her undesirable for other people so she thinks he's the only one that would ever love her.
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A nightmare for your emotional health. Dating him on a regular setting would be already a roller coaster, but as a yandere? You'll need fucking therapy and lots of patience, if you ever get out of it of course.
He relies heavily on emotional reactions and playing the victim card. He might actually believe he's a victim. He's impulsive too, but not like Changbin. He's another subtle manipulator, but unlike Hyunjin and Chris who use mental games, he hits you where it hurts.
He's prone to breakdowns and his mental health isn't the most stable at times, so he'll probably fall for his Darling when she helped him through one of his episodes and comforted them. As soon as he felt her warm hands and kind smile, boom. The path to obsession began.
He can be very insecure and distrusting, so he'll get jealous even when they're not even together yet. He thinks everyone that gets close to her has romantic interests and fears they'll take her away. He reflects his own feelings and thoughts unto other people.
Due to his insecurities, he believes everyone is better than him and so, if he lets Darling see other people than him, she'll surely reject him.
He's moody, so he'll go through periods where he's extremely clingy and others where he isolates himself. In both cases, however, he needs to know she's near or else he'll fall in a pit of panic. It reassures him.
He's very attached to his Darling, probably the most out of all. His dependency is completely toxic and it moves him to push people of her life so he can have her entirely for himself. He hates having to share her time and attention, so what's the solution?
Make sure he's the only person she has to talk to.
I think it's important to note that Jisung, while being emotional, is far from stupid. He's in fact one of the smartest in the group, so don't let the shy, soft persona fool you.
He's quick to pick on details, and that includes weaknesses. If he realizes his Darling can't stand seeing him sad or angry, you bet he'll use to his full benefit. He'll throw tantrums and randomly stop talking to her so she has to go after him to know what's wrong and "fix it". Seeing her give him so much attention comforts him.
If he catches on the fact that Darling has feelings for someone else, boy he'll go insane. You think his moodiness and bipolarity were bad before? Be prepared to see it ten times worse.
He wont' stand it, and he'll make that very clear. Another one that'll sabotage any type of relationships she has, but unlike Hyunjin, he'll never go as far as to hurt her or ruin her, because he adores her too much. No, all the damage is directed against those who try to steal her from him.
He'll play the victim card and pretend they were the ones who started the conflict, lying that they made fun of him or they're all speaking ill of her behind her back. He'll paint them as villains and his tears would do the rest.
If that doesn't work, he has no problem locking her up in his house. After all, this would allow him to have her everyday by his side like he wants.
He's highly dependant, very clingy and very sneaky. He's emotionally unstable, so she might see the danger before entering a relationship with him.
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I really can't see this heaven-sent human as a yandere, but I'll try
He's very similar to Jisung, so it's easy to assume they'll follow similar aproaches. Not for nothing they're called Sunshine twins.
He's also very driven by emotions but he's less impulsive than Han. He prefers to think a bit more before acting, since he wants to look the best at all times for his Darling. That means keeping up appareances with other people too, even if he doesn't like them or can't stand their closeness to her. He wants to earn her through her friends first.
He basically charms everyone around him with his sunshine persona, offering home-made brownies and overall being a cute perfect boy. No one dislikes him and she has only heard great things about him, so she's at ease with him.
She doesn't that he eliminates anyone that suspects his dark side or speaks badly about him. That's why he's seemingly flawless in her eyes.
Because there's literally no one that talks bad about him.
He falls for his Darling due to the simplest things. Maybe a casual warm smile she directed at him once or her complimenting his baker skills. Simple gestures that are plain friendliness and politeness but his deranged mind interprets them in another sense.
He's delusional. A lot, really. If all his interactions with his Darling feel positive and she doesn't reject his advances, that's enough to make him believe his feelings are returned and she feels exactly the same for him.
He'll get close to her by befriending her first, obviously. He wants to take it slow, go step by step in fear he ruins it. He earns her trust and enphasizes his good traits for her. Of course, he uses his deep voice too (because he knows that's one of his best assets)
He's so gentle and kind and understanding, such a good listener. He provides for her and spoils her to the brim. It's only natural she trusts him with her secrets and confides in him.
Including to ask advice regarding her new crush...that's not him.
He doesn't let his inner turmoil be shown. He smiles softly and plays the sweetheart act until she leaves. Once she's out of sight, he finally loses the composure and unleashes the dark emotions he's been hiding for so long.
He doesn't understand. He has done everything perfectly. He's been nothing but charming to her, nothing but a good boy and flawless. He has made her laugh like nobody else, cared for her like a dutiful boyfriend. He's been basically a dream guy. Where did it go wrong?
But he refuses to lose like this. She's only confused, that's it. He shouldn't been so tolerant of the people she hang out with, should've watched better her surroundings. If he does it right, he'll open her eyes and move her back to the right path.
He knows there's no one better than him for his Darling. No one but him deserves her. No one can love her like he does, take care of her like he does.
So he does the only reasonable thing, the same he's done previously with other pests: Remove the obstacle permanently from his life.
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Another master manipulator here.
No but for real, he's also relies on his intelligence, and these are the most dangerous and hard to escape out of all.
He plans every move he makes beforehands. He knows what he's doing at all times and, if not, he always has a plan B. He hates the idea of failing.
He's too cool to admit his feelings, so he tries his best to ignore/supress them. Last thing he wants is appear weak and/or vulnerable.
Obviously, he eventually embraces his obsession love and starts to formule a plan. He's another one that's more than willing to play the long game. .
He's only the right amount of polite when he's with his Darling and never more. He purposedly plays hard to get so she'll become interested in him and aproaches him first.
He'll be kind and friendly one day, and the other behave coldly and indifferent. He confuses her constantly in hopes she's drawn to his mysterious side and pays more attention to him.
They won't become friends per se, and he'll become more like a passive yandere like Minho. Watching her from afar and controlling what happens in her life without her knowledge. He'll collect her belongings too, although he won't make a fucking shrine like Minho would. He sees them as trinklets, memories from her. And also as material to learn more about her.
He's highly observant and discreet. Chances of him getting caught are very slim, and there's no way anyone could suspect of his tendencies. He's specially careful around his Darling, so unless her friends have all keen eyes, he could spend an entire life doing this.
He has her entire profile and routines memorized. Her adress, her relatives and friends, the teachers she's had and the places she likes to go. He uses all that information to create interactions where they're "casually" on the same place at the same time or he "accidentally" meets with some of the people she knows who in return talk to her about him.
Step by step, he makes his way through his Darling's life, with zero suspicions.
Unlike Minho, he'll actually aproach her when he follows her somewhere. He doesn't remain hidden, since he wants her to think they both frecuent the same places to see how much in common they have.
He figures out her crush before she has the time to say it. Since they're not close yet (much to his suffering), he finds out from other sources.
He's calm about the whole deal. Well, he still gets angry and has murderous thoughts, but he's an strategist. He has an entire journal with everything there is to know about her. He's good at gathering info.
So he does the same with his rival...but with entirely different purposes.
However, he doesn't simply expose his darkest secrets and removes him from his Darling's path quickly. Oh no. He has a sadist vein. He manipulates everything from the sidelines so his Darling ends up rejecting this person by herself, twisting their image in her eyes so she grows disgusted or uncomfortable with them.
And absolutely no one suspects him.
Once that pest is out of the way after a delicious and humiliating rejection, he moves back to his routine. This event may push him to accelerate the plan and strenghten his bond with Darling.
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Another emotionally unstable one. Lord have mercy.
He's actually more mature that people give him credit for, but he has a certain brattiness, product of usually getting what he wants.
He's impulsive and prideful. The type to resort to the silent treatment if gets angry at someone. He refuses to give in first.
People often see just his cute, maknae persona and get fooled by how coddled he is, but everyone has dark sides, and his particularly can be very intimidating.
Have you seen his angry face? Yeah, I'll burst out crying if someone looked at me like that.
Moving on
He struggles to express his feelings openly, but he also expects his Darling to simply guess them and gets offended if she doesn't act accordingly. He expects her to read his mind.
His Darling would be either an old friend or a co-worker. He likes to remain in his circle, so he feels a bit more in control.
He'll admire her from afar and then aproach her by using his soft, cute maknae act to get attention and care, like he wants. He's used to be the centre of attention because of his cuteness, and let's be honest, she wouldn't resist it either.
He'll make sure her eyes are always fully on him, at all times. If she's paying attention to someone else, he's quick to snatch her with excuses like "i need help with this" "i don't know how to do this" "i'm nervous, can you be with me'" etc.
Another manipulator too. Of course, he learns from the bests of the category.
Meaning he knows how to pretend and act to get his way. He's not as innocent as he lets on.
He gets jealous and he doesn't hide it. He has two moods: He throws a tantrum and pouts (in front of his Darling), and he glares and mocks at the other person (when Darling is away).
Speaking of this, he'll bully anyone that shows interest in her. Like, literally bullying.
I mean intimidation, harassment, bad pranks. All behind her back, of course. He'll eventually convince people to not get close to her, and he'll be fucking happy about it.
Now there's no way she cannot notice him.
At least that's what he thinks, until he hears that his Darling has set her eyes on someone. And it's not him.
Out of all of them, he's the most likely to be caught by her, since he has a hard time hiding his anger.
He'll be resolved to kick that person out of Darling's life one way or another. Oh, and he'll also refuse to speak to her altogether, feeling "betrayed". Again, emotionally unstable and bratty.
Seriously, that person would go through hell. It'll be a mix of Changbin and Jisung. He'll try to play the victim and paint the other as the abuser.
However, he's so deep in with his rage that he gets sloppy. His Darling might caught wind of his harassment to others. She'll probably catch him mid-fight or provoking someone, making fun of them.
When she asks and tries to intervene, he doesn't answer. He doesn't want ignore her forever, but she hurt his pride by liking some other asshole, so he remains in the silent treatment.
He wants her to feel guilty, that it's her fault somehow. Emotional manipulation it's his weapon.
If he plays his cards right, he might get inside her mind and do what he wants with her. If not, she'll believe what she sees and cross him as a bully, avoiding him for good.
Regardless, his rival would be gone. That he'll make sure o
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aliorsboxostuff · 1 year
Come check out my works bellow!
I've seen how devastatingly little male!reader fics are in my big fandoms, and as a gay man i feel like i should provide us with said fics! Which is why I'm opening my ask box for any and all male!readers and gn!readers requests! (Including anon requests!)
I WON'T ACCEPT FEMALE!READER FICS REQUESTS. I’m a trans-masc genderfluid, so male!Readers or gn!Readers are the ones that I usually write and am comfortable with. It’s hard looking for male!reader fics, especially in female-dominated fandoms, that's why I'm opening requests for any and all sad and touch-starved dudes out there! If these don't fit your preferences then you are free to leave, and if you're a female user/reader entering my blog, I hope you remain respectful about the fics I write or get requests for, thank you.
NOTE: I NEVER USE ANY FORM OF Y/N IN MY FICS. I find them kind of weird for me to write so my fics are mostly 1st Person POV. I write most of my fics based off on Fixations that may last a couple weeks, months, years. If you've requested something but havent seen the fic, that might be because i've lost interest!
What i will write:
gender-neutral reader
Ftm! Reader
Platonic or Romantic relationships
nsfw alphabets
What I Won't write:
underage characters (anyone under 17)
real people
age play
offensive/harmful things
THE CHARACTER LIST! Or, characters I will definitely write about if requested!
Ezra (prospect)
Joel Miller
Javi Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Whiskey (Kingsman)
Tim Rockford (yes from the Ad)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Miguel O'hara (ATSV)
Hobie Brown (Platonic/fluff only)
Pavitr Prabhakar (Platonic/fluff only)
Kurt Wagner (xmcu)
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Moon Knight System
Eddie and Venom (They come as a pair)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Ryoumen Sukuna
Yuuji Itadori (Fluff)
Toge Inumaki (Fluff)
Connor (RK800)
Nines (RK900)
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Hannibal (NBC)
The Corinthian (Netflix Sandman)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE4 Remake)
Luis Serra (RE4 Remake)
Understand that these are all works of fiction; I am perfectly fine with writing for topics including mafias, mobs, murder, organized crime, war, mental illness, abuse, etc.; but please do not romanticize them in any way. Reading it is fine; please don't romanticize them in your head.
If any of this provided information may seem confusing or have any questions, feel free to drop a DM and I will explain further! I will try to post fic requests as regularly and as fast as I can!
For refrence, these are fics i've written and uploaded to my AO3!
Steven Grant/Male Reader fluff
XMEN Family Pride Fic
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #1
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #2
Deadpool/Male Reader Fluff Confession
Deadpool/Ftm Reader Smut
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader Fluff
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader sunshine x grumpy
Tangerine/Male Reader Fluff/Angst Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader (Escort Fic) Mature
Tangerine/NB Reader Teen&Up
Tangerine/Gender-Fluid Reader (Coming out fic)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Husband Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Ellie Fluff
Joel Miller & Kid Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Tess Fluff a bit Angst
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Fluff slight Angst
Din Djarin/Boyfriend Reader Smut
And the Short Fics/Drabbles on Tumblr!
Pulse (Tangerine/M!reader)
Deep Dive (Namor/M!reader)
Hold Tight (Tangerine/gn Reader)
Ner Mesh'la (Din Djarin/Male Reader)
Trinkets (Kurt Wagner/Gender-fluid Reader)
"Anythin' you wanna be." (Hobie Brown & Ftm Reader)
Little Nap! (Meows Morales Drabble)
Anyone that starts an argument about me writing exclusively for men and gender neutrals alike will get a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic reply to your request. There is an abundance of female!readers fics and writers who provide them; I am just here for people that takes a whole day searching for good male!reader fics. IF you do start an unnecessary rant about my fics or my writing preferences at a given moment; I’ve been in fandom spaces for the last 7 years of my life and run on pure manic adrenaline, I will throw hands. 
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real-genius-1985 · 2 years
it’s over he did it
After months of work and stress and studying. God. The studying.
Chris Knight finally gets to walk at graduation.
He gets to walk away from the soon to be convict Jerry Hathaway. Walk right off the stage and into the hard earned and long overdue Darlington job.
Finally. Finally. Finally.
That stupid laser has all but destroyed itself.
Kent took that stick out of his ass.
And finally, Chris Knight is Out. He’s gone. Graduated. Free.
Part of his brain is relieved, giddy even. Gone are the days of overworking and overachieving in some desperate attempt to land “one of the big gigs”.
Now he can simply Be.
Simply exist as one of the top ten greatest minds on the planet (soon to be top 2).
But the other part of his brain, the part he unfortunately lives in, is mourning in a way. Chris, drowning in his graduation gown, finally lets it hit him that he really is leaving. For good.
And no one is coming with him.
Ick, Jordon, Kent
Poor Mitch. God, shit, Chris is leaving Mitch. He knows that Mitch can handle himself. The kid is smarter then he is by nearly 20 points. Mitch will be fine. Wont he?
He won’t overwork himself won’t he? Won’t let himself get to the point where he’ll crack and end up in the steam tunnels right?
And as Chris grips his diploma, he turns to look out on the sea of faceless faces all staring back.
And In that crowd he sees Mitch, slung over Jordan’s shoulders laughing about something he couldn’t possibly understand.
Yeah. Mitch’ll be fine
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loveandleases · 7 months
Sorry but MC just saying to Cam after them and Chris break up.
"You know what's funny? I wouldn't even be in this mess if Chris didn't find me crying when I found out that you had a girlfriend in college. I had a really big crush on you and Chris was like a knight and shining fucking armor." MC says sarcastically.
This is the little headcanon that I made for myself for why MC and Cam didn't get together way sooner.
Poor Cam would be shocked. Words will not be uttered, nope instead he will be biting his tongue so hard and swearing. Though no one will be able to make out what he is saying.
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Pretty good answers got some more :)
1: what nicknames does the duo have for each other? I saw that ppl close to Jake calls him J.G.
2: does Chris have any nicknames for his family? I know daddy Clark & mama Lois.
3: when they have a sleepover, do they sleep in the same bed, or does one or the other sleep on the floor?
4: if you can change one thing about them, besides the typical headcanons, what would you change? Like having Chris be a twin brother to Jon.
5: got any headcanons with the supertwins with the superfamily? I have a few: the boy likes the game god of war & likes watching the first kung fu panda & naruto with Jon.
And I got plenty more answers to give my friend @pin-crusher2000 ;-)
1) I can foresee Jake in turn calling Chris ‘CK’, ‘Chrismeister’ ‘My Loyal Knight’, and ‘Sir Buttkicker’
Then for Chris, besides ‘JG’, he can also nickname Jake with ‘Your Awesome Majesty’, ‘Mr Blueheart’, ‘Sir Incredible’, and ‘Prince Sapphire’
All of those are the more complex nicknames which while they see use, they’re not as common between them as the more simple ‘Buddy’, ‘Friend’ and ‘Pal’ they exchange to each other
2) He’d probably might call Conner ‘Uncle-Bro’ and ‘Cool Bro’, Kara ‘Auntie Amazing’ and definitely for Jon ‘Bro Buddy’ ‘Jon Jonstar’ ‘Best Family Friend Forever’ and finally and most simple yet effective of all ‘Real Superboy’
3) Oh for sure, the Duo have the arrangement of one taking the bed and the other occupying either the floor or if there’s a bunk bed/slide out spare mattered and/or futon then that one. Chris and Jake especially might be cuddly if someone’s in bed next to them but they can also toss and turn quite a bit so best to avoid that as such. Which of the two goes on the bed depends on which place they sleepover at. If it’s at the Kent Farm, Chris claims the bed; If it’s at the Grayson apartment, vice versa.
4) Just a maybe…..I can probably experiment with a relatively simple question that’s been raised by some in this very website, such as @snothing “What if….Mar’i and Jake are twins and partially raised on Tamaran first due to Kory’s royalty duties as interim-Empress of Tamaran; it’s not until like the kids are 8-10 do they all finally arrive on Earth together, and if we adapt DC’s various canons into it, they arrive just either as Dick finally returned after being an agent of Spyral OR after his amnesia fixed up?” The latter bit is my interjection for this idea.
Yeah…a think a little deviation like that can work. Lol
5) Hmmm…..
- Osul takes note of Chris liking to swim at nearby rivers during some off time and, getting into swimwear of his own, sometimes joins him if Chris allows it, which more often than not he does.
- Conner and Jon often alternate between them on who can do Otho’s hair for the day if she asks. Conner often goes for something bold and brash which makes her stand out making a crowd while Jon takes it simple and easy as it helps her feel comfy while giving her that feeling of being ready for the day
- Conner, Chris and Jon often times are the ones teing scary stories at campfires if they and the Super Twins are out in the woods for the weekend. Chris are often times the scariest as they’re heavily based on real incidents and creatures inside the Phantom Zone he’d been able to remember seeing during his time in there. Worst of all, with all the stories he’s told so far, that’s only about 2% of the Zone’s megafauna so who knows what’s in there…..
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bebop-and-oysters · 1 year
My Real Genius babes are gonna go nuts when I post the first chapter of this Ick/Chris fic. It’s darling and it’s going up soon as it’s done getting beta’d!!
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beautifulbluejay · 1 year
Hi there! Would you please make a NSFW headcanons thing for Chris Knight being your first time?
Please and thank you 😁
This was requested like multiple months ago and I completely forgot about it until now so I’m sorry for the lateness of this post but here it is!! It’s a bit sappy and sweet but that’s how I think he’d be so I hope you enjoy!! <3
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Chris Knight NSFW Head Canons with First Time Reader
Chris Knight x Virgin!Fem!Reader
Warnings — Sexual themes/descriptions, NSFW, 18+ readers only!
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•so I think that this situation would really only happen if Chris and you are in a committed relationship as your first time should be (ideally) with someone you trust and care for, so imma go with that
•I believe that Chris would be quite surprised when you tell him that you are a virgin (because you’re obviously beautiful and have no problem turning heads) but he would quickly hide it
•you definitely know about Chris’s reputation on campus when it comes to women, so you were a bit nervous to tell him as part of you thought maybe he would look down on you for never having had sex before but, once you tell him, it’s the complete opposite
•he thinks that it’s actually really a beautiful and sweet thing that you decided to wait until the right moment and to partake in this intimate act with someone you trust and care about
•He would still be a consent king even if you two had had sex a million times before, but he would especially double and triple check every action he makes with you to make sure you don’t want to stop and you haven’t changed your mind
•he definitely reassures you at least twice that, no matter how far you two are into things, you can always tell him to stop and he will
•you start by making out which is nothing new and he would pull you into his lap first, to make sure you feel like you’re in control and you’re the priority
•he is kinda a man whore but he still makes sure that anyone he sleeps with gets as much out of the experience as he does and he takes that one step further if it’s your first time
•he would be really soft and gentle throughout the whole thing, even when kissing you
•I also think part of him secretly loves that you chose him to loose your virginity too because, not only does it mean you trust him, but he is also the first one who has ever touched you, the first name you’ve ever screamed in pleasure, and the first person to witness your beauty in such an intimate act
•he would definitely praise you, like A LOT
•he wants you to know that you are doing well, especially when you get more tense, because he knows that you might be nervous or intimidated that you’re not doing enough to make him feel good
•when he is about to enter, he definitely tells you that it may hurt a little bit but to let him know if it’s too painful and he will stop (even though he spent a long time making sure you were wet enough😉)
•he enters you slowly, allowing you to dig your nails into his back as you let out soft gasps at the feeling, watching your face contort with different emotions and thoughts to make sure that he is not hurting you
•once he bottoms out, both of you seem to let out a breath that you were holding in as he was nervous that he would hurt you and you were nervous that it would hurt
•he would kiss you passionately and softly as he allows you time to adjust to his big size before asking you if you’re okay for him to start moving, to which you agree
•he starts slowly, watching you the whole time (both to make sure you’re okay and because he just wants to stare at your face forever), until you beg him to speed up a bit, wrapping your legs around his waist to bring him closer
•Chris speeds up, still doing his best to maintain his control
•but, when you bite your lip, tilt your head back, moan his name, and beg him for more, this man goes FERAL
•he still is able to have enough self control to not take it too hard on you, but he begins pounding into you a bit more, prolly trying to distract himself from how good you feel around him by sucking hickies onto your collarbone
•he would definitely reach down and start to run circles around your clot as he has no idea how much longer he’ll be able to last if you keep arching your back and pressing yourself to his chest
•you would tell him you were close and he would bring his lips next to your ear, letting out deep grunts of pleasure as he says something like “cum for me, baby girl”
•that would send you over the edge, your walls clenching around his cock, making it impossible for him to hold back any longer as he cums inside of you
•he holds himself above you on shaky arms as you both ride out your highs, each of you taking deep breaths as your eyes finally meet
•he smiles at you with that classic Christopher Knight show stopping smile before he leans down to kiss you again
•he would then roll over get up and grab a towel and some water, making sure to clean the two of you up before pulling the covers back and collapsing next to you on the bed before tucking both of you under the covers
•he would wrap his arms around you and you would cuddle up to his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat begin to slow
•if you asked him how it was, he would smile and say, breathlessly, “amazing.”
•he would ask you the same thing and you’d say, “well, you definitely lived up to your reputation,” and he would laugh
•he would brush away the hair that was sticking to your forehead, placing a kiss on it before pulling you closer to him
•just before the two of you fall asleep, he would tell you he loves you (for the first time or one of many times, whichever you prefer☺️)
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maverickcalf · 4 months
chris knight
My first impression: Pretty Genius Boy who is lazy.
My impression now: Damn this guy acts like he doesn't need approval and is above it but that sort of mindset is hard to shake. Still Pretty but he isn't lazy, just bored.
Favorite thing about that character: I love a character who is smart but also is able to make mistakes. He has just gained self-awareness last spring/summer, so while he is kind there is a bit of snark there and i just find it enjoyable.
Least favorite thing: Chris, Mitch isn't interested in these girls, he is like at least 5 years younger than you; at least set him up with like... indoor volleyball or some shit????
Favorite line/scene: I will never stop thinking about the fact he tells Mitch he was also confused about Hollyfeld but he instead talked to him. I dunno i just like the fact this is the first time Chris is honest and a bit blunt to Mitch but he still doesn't lose his kindness.
Favorite interaction that character has with another: A shit I just answered that. Uhhh I also like when we first see Kent and Chris interact. That's fun. (Where did Chris find him with that tub of jello???)
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: More scenes with Ick.
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: Vince from color of money, but inverse. It makes sense to me.
A headcanon about that character: He had so much sex during the summer break between his junior and senior year at college. He also went shopping for a lot of new clothes.
A song that reminds of that character: uhhh ya know i haven't thought about it... by nature of the song i would say "Doin' Time" by Sublime
An unpopular opinion about that character: is it unpopular to say he gets laid a lot???
Favorite picture:
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