#chengcheng boyfriend
moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
hi, can you do Fan Chengcheng as boyfriend? Thanks
Thank you so much for requesting here you go love! <3
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ChengCheng would be a youthful and fun boyfriend who would also need a lot of space and freetime in a relationship
ChengCheng would show his love through verbal expressions and would also love a s/o who would communicate well with him!
However ChengCheng would need a certain amount of freedom and would be turned off from a s/o who would be possesive or restrictive
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
24 Days of Mingcheng 2022 Day 5 - Honeymoon
Jiang Cheng is laughing at something Nie Huaisang said when he notices Wei Wuxian coming his way and just like that his laughter dies down.
“Here we go,” he mutters, just loud enough for Nie Huaisang to hear, who immediately snaps his fan open.
“I’m right here,” he reassures him and Jiang Cheng briefly leans into his side, because he knows that.
Nie Huaisang has his back, no matter what and it’s not only at the threat of having his legs broken by Nie Mingjue.
Nie Huaisang does genuinely care about him and he wouldn’t let Wei Wuxian—or anyone for that matter—hurt Jiang Cheng.
“Chengcheng,” Wei Wuxian calls out as soon as he is close enough to not have to yell through the entire room and Jiang Cheng supposes he has to be grateful for that. “I didn’t know you would be here!”
“I’m accompanying Huaisang,” Jiang Cheng stiffly says, keeping an eye out for either of his parents to join this absolute disaster but he can’t spot them. Small mercies.
“I see, I see,” Wei Wuxian mutters and then leans in close. “And when are you going to introduce him formally to the family?” he then asks and Jiang Cheng frowns at him.
Nie Huaisang—curse him—doesn’t say anything and simply watches everything with hawk eyes.
“Formally? As what?” Jiang Cheng wants to know because this doesn’t make sense.
He doesn’t have to formally introduce his friends.
“As your boyfriend, of course,” Wei Wuxian immediately shoots back and Jiang Cheng reels back as if he’s been hit.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” he tells Wei Wuxian who gives him something akin to a pitying look. It certainly makes Jiang Cheng’s hackles rise.
“Chengcheng, we all know you don’t want to be here, so for you to show up can only mean that you’re here out of love.”
“Well, yeah,” Jiang Cheng admits and doesn’t like the way Wei Wuxian’s eyes sparkle at the admission. “I’m here for Mingjue.”
That seems to bring Wei Wuxian up short.
“What now?”
“Da-ge asked A-Cheng to accompany me to this function because he himself couldn’t make it. A-Cheng hates it here but he loves my brother enough to accompany me anyway,” Nie Huaisang finally chimes in and Jiang Cheng relaxes slightly.
So Nie Huaisang is not going to let him be eaten alive by Wei Wuxian, that’s good to know.
“Right,” Wei Wuxian snorts out. “You’re dating Nie Mingjue, CEO of Nie Security and one of the top five bachelors of this country.”
Jiang Cheng definitely doesn’t like the tone Wei Wuxian is taking with him and he scowls at him.
“What is that supposed to mean?” he demands, crossing his arms in front of his chest and even Nie Huaisang’s eyes narrow at him, so he doesn’t seem to like where this is going at all either.
“It just means that no one is going to believe that. Why would Nie Mingjue ever date you when he can have his pick out of everyone. That’s more than unlikely, isn’t it? You and Huaisang here on the other hand—”
“I would be very careful with your next words now,” Nie Huaisang interrupts him. “Because either it’s going to be insulting to me or A-Cheng, and at worst both, and I am not going to let that slide.”
His voice is ice-cold and even though he’s speaking in defence of Jiang Cheng a cold shudder still runs down his back.
He wouldn’t want that tone of voice to be directed at him but it seems as if Wei Wuxian does not have the same survival instincts because he soldiers right on.
“I was just going to say that you two fit well together,” Wei Wuxian defensively says and Nie Huaisang narrows his eyes at him.
“Sure. So you don’t think A-Cheng is brilliant enough to capture my brother’s eyes and you think my standards are shit at the same time. Noted.”
Wei Wuxian opens his mouth at that but then closes it without saying another word. Maybe the cutting edge to Nie Huaisang’s voice finally got through to him.
“I think I have to—Lan Zhan, you know,” he babbles.
“Of course,” Nie Huaisang says with a sharp smile, accompanied by the snap of his fan as he closes it. “Do leave. And please make sure to not come back this evening.”
Wei Wuxian turns around on his heels and is gone in an blink.
“Well, that was awful,” Jiang Cheng mutters and Nie Huaisang pats his arm.
“You want to go home?” he asks. “Da-ge is probably missing you like crazy right now.”
“You damn well know that he’s going to have both our heads if we should leave before we hit the two hour mark,” Jiang Cheng shoots back because Nie Mingjue was adamant about that.
They are here to represent the company and as such they have responsibilities.
“I guess he’ll forgive us if we tell him what happened,” Nie Huaisang says and then gives Jiang Cheng a sweet smile. “How about you leave. It’s just another half hour and I promise to be good.”
Jiang Cheng would love to say yes to that but half an hour is plenty of time for Nie Huaisang to ruin lives and overthrow companies. And Nie Mingjue would have his head if he left Nie Huaisang unsupervised.
“I can manage another half hour,” Jiang Cheng says and doesn’t miss the disappointed look on Nie Huaisang’s face. “Especially when it means it’s going to stop you from a hostile take-over or two.”
“You like my take-overs,” he snappishly says, flicking his fan back open.
“Not when it means more work for Mingjue, I don’t. He’s already busy enough as it is and he has scheduled a break next month. You pestered him about that. If you upset the entire delicate balance of these companies he won’t be able to take that break.”
“That’s just mean,” Nie Huaisang whines but he deflates with a sigh. “But I guess you win.”
“Thank you,” Jiang Cheng nods and bumps their shoulders together. “I learned from the best.”
It earns him a radiant smile from Nie Huaisang and in face of that Jiang Cheng completely misses the way a pair of eyes bore into their backs.
Jiang Cheng has barely sat down at the table when Jiang Yanli speaks up.
“I didn’t expect you to show up alone,” she says as she pours him tea and Jiang Cheng shrugs.
“Yeah, I know, but there was a last minute issue that Mingjue had to deal with. He sends his regards and apologises. He will definitely be here next time.”
It takes him a moment to notice that Jiang Yanli has fallen silent and even stopped moving and when he looks at her he’s surprised to see a sad look on her face.
“A-jie? What’s wrong?”
“A-Cheng, why can’t you tell the truth?” she wants to know and Jiang Cheng frowns.
“About what?”
“A-Xian saw you and Huaisang at the function last week, remember?”
“Yeah, so?” he asks but he’s starting to get a bad feeling about this.
“We know it’s you and Huaisang. Why do you insist on lying about that? Don’t you ever think about how Huaisang must feel about this, if you keep denying your relationship?”
“Not really, because there is nothing to deny,” Jiang Cheng starts but he already knows that it’s futile.
She is not going to believe him, much like Wei Wuxian hadn’t believed him and this time he doesn’t have Nie Huaisang with him to come to his aid.
“A-Cheng,” she says in that sad tone she gets and the one that Jiang Cheng hates the most.
“A-jie, I keep telling you, Huaisang and I are not together. I am with Mingjue and I have been for a while.”
“Then how come we have never seen you two together? How come you only ever show up with Huaisang? A-Cheng, what is the point in lying about this?”
“There is no point because I’m not lying! Mingjue is busy, it just never worked out that we show up anywhere together. And whenever I invite you over to meet him you decline.”
“Because we don’t want to support whatever kind of game you are playing with all of us,” she shoots back and it’s so close to snapping that Jiang Cheng rears back.
He has never heard his sister like that.
“A-jie, I am not playing any kind of game. Mingjue and I are together.”
“A-Cheng, he’s so—successful. And rich. He’s one—”
“—of the top five bachelors of this country, yes I know, goddamit. But he didn’t make the list this year, did he now? And you know why that is? Because he’s no longer a bachelor. Even the press acknowledges that, so why can’t you?”
“They just don’t know you like I do,” Jiang Yanli whispers and Jiang Cheng stands up.
“Clearly they know me better than you if you still believe I am lying to you all about this.” He turns around and walks back into the hallway, already half in his shoes before his sister speaks up again.
“It’s just not very believable, that’s all,” she tries and he doesn’t turn around to her but he can imagine how she’s wringing her hands in front of her chest. “Surely you understand that.”
“And what is not believable? That Mingjue should find anything loveable about me?”
“How would you two even have met?”
“A-jie, I have been going over to the Nies regularly since school. Whenever dad forgot to pick me up or when mom told me not to come home because of a grade that didn’t please her I went over to them. I have known Mingjue for years!”
“Then it makes even less sense,” Jiang Yanli starts before she seems to catch herself but Jiang Cheng already has had enough about this.
“Because how could he fall in love with me if he knows me that well? Is that what you wanted to ask? Thanks, a-jie, it’s really nice to know that you deem me to be worthy of love. Just great. I will be leaving now.”
“A-Cheng, wait,” she calls after him but he doesn’t stop.
Jiang Cheng is gone from her house without looking back and he doesn’t think that he wants to be coming back any time soon.
Jiang Cheng is leaning into Nie Mingjue’s side, completely content to simply watch the engagement party around them for a short while but of course his happiness is short lived.
“Here comes your family,” Nie Mingjue mutters and Jiang Cheng briefly thinks about straightening up just a little bit, just to give them the illusion that he cares but in the end he decides against it.
What does he care about his family anyway.
“Mingjue, my boy,” Jiang Fengmian greets Nie Mingjue who immediately stiffens.
Jiang Cheng presses more into his side, hoping to diffuse his tension and he allows himself a small smile when it works.
At least until his mother tugs him away to the side.
Nie Mingjue looks as if he wants to reach out for him to pull him right back, but Jiang Fengmian very expertly distracts him with one question or another and Jiang Cheng barely refrains from rolling his eyes when he realizes that this is a coordinated attack.
And he sure as hell is not going to like where this is going.
“Wanyin, I expected better of you,” Yu Ziyuan tells him and now, Jiang Cheng really does roll his eyes.
“You always do,” he tells her. “If you want me to know what you are talking about then you need to be more specific.”
“Do not take that tone with me,” she snaps. “Your boyfriend is right there, so please do tell, what do you think you are doing?”
“I—don’t get it,” Jiang Cheng says, even though he can guess where this is going.
He’s just really very tired of trying to convince his family of his relationship with Nie Mingjue especially seeing as they are her to celebrate their engagement. They really should have taken the hint when they agreed to come.
“Nie Huaisang is right over there. What business do you have to be this close with his brother? Aren’t you ashamed? Do you not even think about what this scandal could mean for the family?”
“No, not really, because there is no scandal. I am here with my fiancé Mingjue, and Huaisang is here with his boyfriend to celebrate his brother’s and mine engagement. There is nothing more to it.”
“Please,” Yu Ziyuan scoffs and looks back at Nie Mingjue. “You really want us to believe that you are dating him?”
“I am really fucking tired of all of you telling me that he is too good for me.” He briefly pauses. “And I am honestly offended on Huaisang’s behalf because you are all implying that he is not.”
“He’s a good for nothing, we all know that.”
“So we two would fit perfectly together, wouldn’t we, seeing as I can’t ever do anything right,” Jiang Cheng mildly says, because he is long over this.
His family doesn’t care, they don’t think him capable and there is nothing he can do about it. It took him way too many therapy sessions to finally come to that conclusion but at least he got there in the end.
“My heart, I think it’s time we leave,” Nie Mingjue suddenly says and when Jiang Cheng looks over to him and his father he has to suppress a laugh.
Nie Mingjue must have said something incredibly rude to Jiang Fengmian because he’s still standing where Nie Mingjue left him, his mouth slightly open.
It’s a picture Jiang Cheng rather enjoys.
“Do you never think about the consequences your actions could have? You could ruin his entire life with this farce,” Yu Ziyuan says from the side, whispering in his hear like a snake tempting him to end the only good thing in his life, but Jiang Cheng is no longer listening to her or her poisonous words.
“I thought we established that I am just a stupid idiot,” Jiang Cheng tells her even as he reaches for Nie Mingjue’s hand. “So the answer to that should be pretty obvious. And yes, I think it’s time we leave, my soul,” he then says to Nie Mingjue and doesn’t waste another moment to walk away from his parents.
It’s easy to do with Nie Mingjue’s hand in his.
Jiang Cheng is still snuggled up in bed, his husband’s arms around him when his phone rings.
“Make it stop,” Nie Mingjue grumbles as he presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s shoulder.
Jiang Cheng isn’t inclined to move because he truly is comfortable but the ringing is insistent and annoying on top of that so he finally reaches out.
“It’s Wei Wuxian,” he sighs out, having half a mind of simply declining the call but then he would have to shut off his phone permanently and he doesn’t actually want to do that.
Nie Huaisang is on his own not-quite-yet-honeymoon and Jiang Cheng does enjoy the pictures he’s getting from him and Mo Xuanyu.
“One day of peace and quiet,” Nie Mingjue sighs out and Jiang Cheng drops a kiss to his forehead before he accepts the call and puts it on speaker.
If he has to be annoyed, then Nie Mingjue has to be as well. Married couples share everything after all.
“What?” Jiang Cheng asks, not bothering with any niceties.
“Chengcheng, what have you done?” Wei Wuxian asks, his voice slightly terrified and Jiang Cheng snuggles deeper into Nie Mingjue’s arms.
“I don’t know. You’d have to be more specific.”
“The paper says you and Mingjue married?!”
Jiang Cheng sighs.
“We did. So what?”
“Chengcheng! How? When? Why? I don’t understand!”
“What’s there to understand, Wei Wuxian? When two people love each other very much they get married. You should know that. You and Lan Wangji did it, didn’t you?”
“But Mingjue? What happened to Huaisang?”
“Nothing,” he sighs out. “Because it was never me and Huaisang but you wouldn’t listen to me.”
“Come on, you know how ridiculous it is that you and Mingjue—”
“We are married. How ridiculous can it really be?”
“You didn’t invite anyone to the wedding. Is it even real?”
“If you learned about this from the press you should know that it was a very big thing. Lan Qiren was there, as was Lan Xichen. Maybe you should ask them about it, last I heard was that they enjoyed themselves very much. And their gifts were more than generous.”
“You invited them but not us?” Wei Wuxian asks and suddenly his voice is very small. “We are your family!”
Jiang Cheng is just about to open his mouth to say something to that when Nie Mingjue takes the phone right out of his hand.
“Only people who believed us were invited. Sorry, but you had years to convince us that you could be polite guests at our wedding and yet somehow you didn’t manage it. Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian even accused him of a farce at our own engagement party. Excuse us if we don’t want that kind of behaviour at our wedding.”
“Mingjue?” Wei Wuxian unsurely asks and for the first time in years it sounds as if he might doubt himself. “What are you doing there with Chengcheng?”
“Enjoying our honeymoon, as you do when you are freshly married,” Nie Mingjue shoots back. “And I think we’ve had enough interruption now. Don’t call again.”
And with that he simply hangs up.
“Wow,” Jiang Cheng breathes out as he takes the phone out of Nie Mingjue’ hand. “That was entirely stupid of Wei Wuxian and very sexy of you.”
“Mh, do I get a reward for being sexy then?” Nie Mingjue asks even as he rolls Jiang Cheng over to hover above him.
“I think you just might,” Jiang Cheng says with a laugh that can barely be smothered even when Nie Mingjue leans down to kiss him.
By the time they finally emerge from the bed, the call and Jiang Cheng’s family have been long forgotten, completely smothered by the happiness both of them feel.
And honestly, that is just how Jiang Cheng likes it.
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[Possessive & jealouse LXC, feat. Wen brothers]
XiCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 29-08-2021
[#xicheng, modern cultivation, possessive and jealous lxc]
Set where Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng have been turning around each other for a certain time now (believing they are discreet when everyone knows about it). It takes months before they finally start officially courting (of course two sect heir cannot just start dating like that without following traditions! Who do you think they are?)
things are going great, his courting goes smoothly and it is even close to an end! They can soon start an "official" relationship! But then jc is sent to one of the lectures given in qishan, where he will stay for at least three months. This makes lxc a bit sad because it will make it hard for them to meet, but jc does sound rather excited to go study over in qishan so he will support his choice to do so. ("The wens might have enormous egos and be arrogant, but they are still strong, plus they are not as bad as centuries ago," jc told him).
Plus! He will go with nhs, wwx and lwj, he knows he will be in good hands anyway. He is a bit nervous because it is the first time in months that they won't really be able to meet as often as they did (although they can still Facetime, call and text each other.) and well even if the wen are not as bad as they were in the past, jfm didn't have the best of relationship with wrh in the latest years. He simply hopes everything will go alright for his boyfriend.
The three months session starts, and everything goes well, jc let him know how everything is going and he is reassured. Then he notices nhs socmed post. He knows the young man is rather active on them (contrary to lwj and jc), so he isn't surprised to see him post about what happens (he is even happy to see jc happy with his friends.) but then he notices that wrh boys are often around in the latest updates. He is a bit surprised and curious because he knows wc can be a bit to handle sometimes.
"Wen heir showing us around Nightless City, this boy is not as bad as we first thought 😜 even my best friend agrees for once"
accompanied to the post is a picture of the group at a restaurant, nhs and wwx making peace signs to the camera, lwj drinking tea on the side while wx seems to be showing something on the menu to jc. They are rather close, even for the small booth they have, although he tries to let anything bad come from it.
"A-cheng is having a good time trying qishan specialities, it alright," he tells himself. after all, who's better to suggest good qishan dishes other than someone who grew up there?
He thought it would be a one-time thing, yet as the days go by, more and more posts made by nhs include either or both of wrh sons. and the more it goes, the closest they seem to be to jc too.
He tries not to care, not to let that possessiveness in him make him fly all the way to qishan so he can kidnap his boyfriend. "I think you need to stop stalking a-sang account" jgy suggest when he met up wth his best friends, "I doubt jc will suddenly decide to marry one of the wen".
"All I see is nhs not studying enough" nmj mentioned (although he takes note to ask his didi not to post as much maybe, it would be bad to have to deal with lxc if he loses it fully because of his post).
yet, after that dinner, nhs seems to post even more!?
"Training is nearly as strict as back home 😩😭 though chengcheng seems happy to train with wen xu"
added to this a video of jc and wx fighting "Finally the weekend, out with our new friend for good food and drinks😋🫕"
added to this is a group picture, jc sitting between wc and nhs while wc has an arm around jc.
(Also are they letting a-cheng drink?!?)
"poor wen, believing they had a chance against chengcheng in a swimming competition 🤭"
added is a video of them swimming showing jc win, joined soon after by wx and wc who mess around a bit with him in the water and it goes on and on like this, where he sees his boyfriend slowly getting closer and closer to wrh sons. Even when jc talks about his days it drives him crazy how much they seem to be around him so suddenly (obviously this is all internally, he couldn't force jc to stop hanging out with friends because of his own issue).
but the more it goes, the harder he can channel out this jealousy and possessiveness. things are going great with jc, but he wishes he could share all these more /with/ jc too. He doubts any of the wen would even try to get jc after the news of their courtship went around the cultivation world.
but the three months are coming to a close soon and lxc suggests being the one to go get lwj (lqr doesn't object as he assumed it will give him a small break from lxc acting weird all the time). So he goes to go get lwj, although the first person he goes looking for is jc. He finds him walking outside the wen residence with wx helping him carry his bags.
he doesn't hesitate when he walked quickly to him, calling out to him so jc will turn in his direction, hugging him and lifting him. he is happy that his arms quickly reciprocates the hug and to hear jc calling to him happily surprised. when he finally puts him back down he keeps an arm around his waist, keeping his boyfriend close to him (he missed that so much).
he doesn't miss the smirk on wx lips, as though the young man knows what he is doing.
lxc is quick to fully kidnap jc, helping him with his bags. he won't leave jc side for a good while for now. He catches up with jc, the man happily telling him how the last days went by (also lots of kissing, which jc is happy to give).
they do eventually join wwx and lwj, ready to take jc back home with him even after wwx protest (thankfully jc agrees to it so the head disciple cannot say anything 😌).
jc somewhat already know why lxc seems so needy suddenly and he will happily indulge in erasing all his jealousy and possessiveness by letting lxc do everything with him too as he stays a bit in cloud recess.
also, a 100% nhs was trying to tease lxc to see if the man would run back to his beloved after seeing all this (he is impressed by lxc self-control).
also, a 100% wx was in it and was a bit more touchy on camera than he would be normally, just to annoy the lan heir
I don't why, I just like the idea of the wen boys not being /that/ bad and friendly once you get past all the arrogance and ego they might have.
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mocheng-gusto · 2 years
Heya! Maybe this is a weird pair but may I ask for a NHS X JC with the phrase “Look, I’m not saying I want to date you but this is the third time our friends have caught us in a compromising position and I think we should do something about that”, with no particular setting please 🥰
Oh wow. This one ended up kind of long. You probably didn’t sign up for an exploration of aro/ace queerplatonic sangcheng but! I hope you enjoy it all the same <3 and it’s not weird at all! I really like this pairing and actually have a wip lying around for them (postcanon healing oof) so this gave me the perfect excuse to try my hand at writing them! I kind of really liked how this turned out so I might clean it up and post it on ao3 later (edit: here it is!). Thanks for the prompt!
“Look, maybe we should talk about it?”
“I’d rather not.”
Nie Huisang bites his lips shut and turns on the couch to face straight ahead. He tries to discreetly zip up his jeans but there’s no way he can be subtle in the thick atmosphere. Jiang Cheng makes no move to acknowledge him further, just sitting with his arms crossed, glaring at the end credits of the movie they had been ‘watching’ with such vitriol that it seems that all the creators of that lighthearted comedy had personally offended him. Instead of angry and intimidating it looks more like he was hugging himself. Pitiful, Huaisang would say but he didn’t have a death wish.
The door opens with a bang once more and Jiang Cheng visibly flinches.
“Sorry!” Wei Wuxian enters the apartment like a whirlwind. “I, kinda just, uhm, forgot my things?” He doesn’t wait for an answer and just heads straight to his room, leaving Lan Wangji awkwardly standing in the doorway.
Nie Huaisang sighs and stands up to stretch his legs and grab the remote. “Don’t worry Wei-xiong.” He says with an exaggerated sigh. “I was just about to leave.”
Wei Wuxian comes out still shoving random pieces of clothing into his backpack, nodding effusively while very clearly avoiding eye contact with either of them. “Oh don’t mind me. I won’t be back until tomorrow evening so you can just stay on my room. Or, if you don’t need the extra bed then-”
“Are you leaving or not?!” Jiang Cheng snaps and grabs one of the sturdier cushions.
Everything becomes dead silent for three whole seconds before Wei Wuxian composes himself. “Definitely leaving, forget I was even here! He grabbed his shoes, not even bothering to put them back on in his haste. “There’s left overs in the fridge.” A heavy pause settles and Nie Huaisang has the sense to avoid the line of fire before it’s too late. “There’s condoms in my nightstand!” He flees and milliseconds later the cushion crashes against the closed door.
The following silence is worse than the one after the first interruption. The credits end and now even the background noise is gone.
Nie Huaisang rolls his eyes and sits back on the couch, the distance between them wide enough to fit the elephant in the room.
“I’m still of the opinion that we should talk about it.”
“Weren’t you leaving too?” Jiang Cheng tries to cut him with his barbed words.
Unfortunately for him, Nie Huaisang is not impressed by this display. After growing up with Nie Mingjue his skin is thicker than even Wei Wuxian’s.
“Nope! It’s late. And even if you kick me out, Wei-xiong already let me crash in.” He idly browses through the catalogue and picks an old episode from a series they’re watching together. “I mean, is it that big of a deal?”
“Oh my god just shut up-”
“And it wasn’t even a hookup!” Hasn’t been, and not for a lack of effort. Why do their friends have such perfect timing as to always find them in compromising positions every time things get saucy? “ChengCheng, just chill.” The mocking nickname finally gets Jiang Cheng’s eyes on him.
“You’re not my boyfriend.”
“Those are big words! I never said I was!” He wouldn’t taunt him with something that might come out as cruel. “But they don’t need to know that.”
Jiang Cheng makes a face like he’d tasted something bitter. “For what? And just lie?”
What a paragon of virtue. “Not a lie, technically. If people want a label why not just give it to them?”
“And have your brother give me a shovel talk? No thanks.”
“Aw come on Jiang-xiong, like your sister wouldn’t rip me to pieces too.” Da-ge would most certainly not understand, but he has never understood Nie Huaisang so he’d just shake his head and tell him to be safe.
“Why would you want to date me?” Jiang Cheng hugs himself tighter. “I wouldn’t be able, to do all those things.” Nie Huaisang raises and eyebrow and Jiang Cheng sighs exasperated. “The candlelit dinners, the good morning texts, the-” he recoils with disgust, “pet names, the refusing hanging up at three am even though others have work the next day.”
Nie Huaisang would lie if he didn’t say he wishes for someone to sweep him off his feet and tell him he’s got the stars in his eyes, but it’d be weird coming from Jiang Cheng. Besides, knowing his own dealbreakers, he knows that Jiang Cheng is lashing out afraid.
“Just that? Sure.” He says with an air of lightness. “As long as you’re fine with me sometimes not being up to all of,” he points at the fresh bruise on his neck, “this.” Jiang Cheng looks at his own work and his eyes grow dark. Nie Huaisang wants to laugh.
He’s not repulsed by sex like how Jiang Cheng is by notions of romance, for him it’s just an activity. No passion, not mind blowing heat, just a fun thing to do once in a while when the mood strikes. For Jiang Cheng though, it is just like in the movies, all encompassing and a complete act of trust and vulnerability.
“So that’s it? We’re dating and pretending to be a normal couple,” even the word has him looking like he’s going to gag. “But in private, what?”
Nie Huaisang offers him a big smile. “We do this!” He scoots closer until he’s half on Jiang Cheng’s lap. It’s good that they’re on the same page of craving physical contact. “And actually sleep together. But probably inside a locked room.”
Jiang Cheng opens his arms and lets Nie Huaisang snuggle against him. The friction seems to remind Jiang Cheng’s body of what they were just up to, but it’s easy to ignore it for the time being.
Nie Huaisang changes to an episode they haven’t actually seen before so they can continue their movie night and it’s only after halfway through it that Jiang Cheng speaks again.
“I… I do love you.”
“I know.” It’s true, Nie Huaisang does know. It might not be in the conventional way, but he knows the depth of feelings they hold for each other.
“I’m just,” he says, tired. “I’m broken.”
That has Nie Huaisang turning to face him. “No you’re not.” He frowns. “You, Jiang Cheng, are one of the most loving and caring people out there. If others don’t recognize it for what it is then it’s their fault and they don’t deserve you.” He says with finality.
Jiang Cheng meet his eyes, tentative, and lightly kisses his lips. Nie Huaisang feels them tingle even from that brief touch but the other looks unaffected.
No, that’s not the word. He looks relieved, content.
Nie Huaisang’s heart soars and aches the tiniest bit. Jiang Cheng can’t give him something he’s not capable of giving, just how Nie Huaisang might sometimes not want to do things that in other moments he’s fine doing. They’ll just have to navigate this sort of relationship that no book ever teaches you about. But at the end of the day, it’s love. If other’s want to put a name to it even if doesn’t fit them, that’s their own problem.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t look at him like Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian look at each other, yet Nie Huaisang wouldn’t have it any other way.
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solariswrites · 2 years
Green is for Jealousy
If looks could kill he was for sure certain that the new guy, Nie Huaisang, and Lan Wangji would be dead. Because he absolutely loved and hated their regularly scheduled movie night with their best friends. Sometimes they would invite others like tonight. Jiang Cheng had invited the new kid Mo Xuanyu from his writing class. The dude was handsome and oddly he felt like he looked somewhat like him. Which of course had the very large green monster within to start to reveal himself as Jiang Cheng was very much being a host in taking care of him.
“ChengCheng I think that this needs more salt?” Nie Huaisang pointed sheepishly to the bowl of popcorn that could feed like ten people if Wei Wuxian was honest with himself. But what he wanted to be honest about was how that Nie Huaisang was draped all over the damn counter in his spectacularly flirty outfit. He’d worn his black skinny jeans that showed off his legs and that dark shimmery but almost see through green button down. Which of course the man had kept unbuttoned till it got near the navel. Like really? For a movie night? Then of course Lan Wangji looked flawless in his powder blue cable sweater and jeans. Tonight the man had pulled his long silvery white hair back into a half do and it made his perfect face look otherworldly handsome. 
Wei Wuxian couldn’t help but look down at his own and wished he’d worn something else. Because he was just in old ratty jeans and an old band shirt that was just as thread barren. His whole thought process was that he got to spend time with his boyfriend when he wasn’t stressing about his classes.  
“Then hear your ass complain through the whole damn movie? No thanks. Get one of the smaller bowls and you can salt the popcorn to your own liking.” Jiang Cheng’s playful sarcastic tone brought Wei Wuxian back from his thoughts and to the present. Now they were supposed to gather up on the rather too small couch and oversized papasan chair. He was voting for the papasan chair for him and his boyfriend. However, Nie Huaisang and Lan Wangji were having the same thoughts because two sets of golden brown eyes flicked to the chair. 
Oh hell no. Wei Wuxian thought as he promptly headed for the living room. He knew that it would look like he was trying to change the movie but he at least would get something he wanted today.
“Hey! ChengCheng said no living room till everyone stops eating. A-Yu hasn’t stopped. So get back in here!” Nie Huaisang whined as Lan Wangji nodded in agreement. That had been a house rule for when movie night had changed from Nie Huaisang’s to their’s.  Especially since Nie Huaisang had started to bring more friends and the occasional date.  Which Wei Wuxian now thought how he was giving Jiang Cheng the attention tonight…that Mo Xuanyu must be a friend.  Normally he’d be draped all over who he was interested in. 
“It’s fine I can stop.” Mo Xuanyu pipped up, setting his chopsticks down. 
“No, don’t stop on his account.” Jiang Cheng shot Wei Wuxian a look over his shoulder. “He knows the rules. Enjoy A-Xuanyu. That’s what all the food is for.” 
“Oh…okay.” Mo Xuanyu swallowed as Jiang Cheng nudged another spoon full of the baked spaghetti that the other rather liked. Which is how the rest of the night went to Wei Wuxian’s chagrin. Because when it got to movie time. He was practically shoved off to the floor as his boyfriend sat, cuddled up to Mo Xuanyu and Nie Huaisang while Lan Wangji took up residence in the bean bag chair. At this point he should just go to damn bed because the movie of course was Nie Huaisang’s choice. Which was stupid romances. Not even the good kind with growth no this one was of the most superficial it would make even the most fluff lovers gag. 
There was a sharp smack to his head woke Wei Wuxian, where he’d fallen asleep with his head against Jiang Cheng’s leg. He’d caught the black painted nails retracting which let him know who hit him.
“If you’re going to sleep, just get a headstart in the kitchen.” Nie Huaisang ordered. 
“Yeah.” Jiang Cheng nudged him without looking from the movie before Wei Wuxian could respond. Wei Wuxian purposefully squished the top of his boyfriend’s foot as he got up to get out of their precious space. 
“Hey!” Jiang Cheng fussed now, sparing him a glance. 
“That’s for horses.” Wei Wuxian sassed before heading to the kitchen to start the clean up. He made sure to grab his headphones so he didn’t have to hear the movie anymore. Instead he turned on his Dark History podcast that he’d just discovered. To quell the green monster that was still there beneath the surface so he just focused on doing the clean up and his podcast. He was so lost he didn’t realize that the movie was over and the others had already left. What let him know it was over was that he felt a pair of arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him back against a familiar chest. 
“They’re gone.” Jiang Cheng informed him after taking out the one airpod. He tucked it into Wei Wuxian’s pocket then rested his chin on the taller man’s shoulder as he was hunched over the sink and washing the dishes. “And you didn’t have to hand wash the dishes, that's what the washer is for.” 
“Yeah well I had zero interest in returning to the movie.” Wei Wuxian commented, tone a little sharp as he scrubbed the pyrex dish that the spaghetti had been in. “More importantly I didn’t want to ruin your movie time.”
“Oh I could certainly tell that.” Jiang Cheng huffed, tone amuse as it became clear what was happening. “With all the snoring.” He snickered and Wei Wuxian shrugged him off to grab the last bit of plates from the end of the counter. 
“Right, like that movie was interesting.” Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes, feeling the irritation rise. He hated this part when he can’t control his jealousy and then he’s irritated at Jiang Cheng when the man was only enjoying time with his friends. 
“It was more interesting when you were there, XianXian.” Jiang Cheng softly changing his tone to one that he knew that Wei Wuxian appreciated more when he wasn’t feeling his bubbly self. To top it off he pressed a soft kiss to the back of the man’s neck. He fully appreciated the short, undercut that Wei Wuxian had gotten. 
“Sure says the one that told me to go to clean.” Wei Wuxian sassed but Jiang Cheng didn’t need to see his face to know that Wei Wuxian was pouting. 
“Yes because you were snoring and I know you hate to sleep on the floor when we can cuddle in bed together.” Jiang Cheng pressed another kiss to his neck. He felt the shiver coming from his boyfriend and knew that their bickering would stop. Kisses were Wei Wuxian’s weakness and he couldn’t stay angry when those kisses were initiated by Jiang Cheng. 
“Didn’t seem like you wanted to cuddle. When you had Nie Huaisang and that new guy glued to your sides.” Wei Wuxian held out though if he was honest. All he wanted to do was turn around and pull Jiang Cheng into a kiss to forget the night.
“Ah, so this is what that’s about.” Jiang Cheng chuckled, softly as he stood up to turn Wei Wuxian around. That latent jealousy that somehow Jiang Cheng would leave him for Nie Huaisang or Lan Wangji. It’d taken them forever to work through that Wei Wuxian while Lan Wangji’s friend, he had an inferior complex to him. It was the close friendship with Jiang Cheng that would trigger it from time to time. Especially as Lan Wangji shifted his major to the same as Jiang Cheng’s.  “XianXian, I’m sorry. Next time I promise to make sure that you’re beside me during movie nights.” 
“Thank you.” Wei Wuxian let out a sigh. But it was one of relief. “I’m sorry too.”
“It’s alright. Now, let's leave the rest for the morning and make up for wasting two and a half hours with that romcom.” Jiang Cheng leaned up kissing the man softly before intertwining his hand to lead him to their bedroom. The  two of them doing their night routines so that they could cuddle in bed and watch some random B rated horror movie. If there were more kisses between them than watching the movie, neither of them cared. It was that they had each other. 
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Fic idea I may never write: Jiang Cheng is sent back in time to his parents' era... but it's a modern AU. Specifically, a multiship one. Now our poor Chengcheng finds one version of his parents may actually be in love (in a puppy crush way) and sets out to make sure they don't end up toxic and ruining their future kids! Sure, his father also seems to be in love with WWX's mom like he was in his world, but surely if he intervened and made sure he was let down earlier things would go differentl- wait... he seems very close to his sworn brother too? In a way that seems less like JC and WWX and more like that idiot and Lan- oh God please no! Jiang Cheng refuses to let his father end up with his both of the idiot's parents! It is not allowed. He forbids it. He needs to team up with his teenage mother (hooray for awkwardness at meeting your parents when they're younger than you and before being traumatised by their parenting, but still seeing traces of the people who would do said traumatising) to stop this. Now, YZN seems all aboard this and he helps her deal with her insecurities and everything seems to be going well, with her roping in her best friend to help, with her also getting Jiang Cheng to help her to get the latter to break up with her shitty boyfriend (JC, whose really not a fan of JGS for multiple reasons, has no objections). Huh, his mother and Jin-furen were really close. He guesses of course they would be, they're sworn siste- wait why is his mother blushing while staring at her? STOP. Is he the only person with a mostly platonic relationship with his sworn sibling!? Also featuring: -Jiang Cheng adapting to modern technology -Jiang Cheng dealing with trying to help his mother connect with his soft nerd father when both of them are jocks -Jiang Cheng being bemused over the fact even in a slice of life high school drama world, his mother is somehow more prone to violence than him
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satanandsoul · 1 year
#minitarot Fan Chengcheng as boyfriend please?
Hi there, thank you for participating in the mini tarot reading. 💕💛💕
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He is an emotionally nurturing boyfriend. He listens to his significant other's problems attentively.
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nongbabe · 6 years
ChengCheng Boyfriend Material
Requested: yep by my dude @eriines ♡ I feel like I cranked this request out p fast so I'm p content right now
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The ideal meme boyfriend
There will be several occassions where he will make you laugh until you cry and he wont even be doing it on purpose
Food buddies
If you really really wanna have a taste of something he ordered he might share with you if hes feeling extra affectionate
But actually hes more likely to just order another serving of it so then you're both happy
Trying at least 1 new restaurant a week or at least a new dish every week when you went out
Takeout and board game dates
If you guys weren't trying out new restaurants you would be getting take out
Lol your fav place would have your orders memorized
Laying on the ground together all sprawled out after eating all of that take out
"I think my stomach is going to explode"
"You say that everytime we get takeout ChengCheng"
"But this time I ate an extra bowl of rice"
Sometimes you guys would fall asleep on the floor together
And eventually you'd probs get tangled in each others limbs as you flopped around on the floor
Ya know resting and digesting
And while hes a meme hed also really soft?
Like sometimes when you guys are laying in the floor after eating too much
You'll be asleep and he'll just kinda roll over and brush your hair out of your eyes
And maybe kiss your forehead
And kinda stare and chuckle to himself before falling into a food coma as well
Wow how cute I love
Sending ugly selfies back and forth all day long if you guys are ever apart
He either has a photo of you making a deep face or both of you making derp faces as his lockscresn
If you ever complain and are like "but I look uglyyyy"
"And it makes me laughhh"
And you'd smack him
But hed make up for it by saying something cute like "this way no one can think abt stealing you from me if they happen to see my phone"
But you'd still probs kinda hit him again anyway
wow what a babe
You'd do face masks together all the time
And you would try and make each other laugh
Hed cross his eyes at you and do weird dances and make weird voices
Hed usually win and you'd laugh first
But every now and again you'd pull out your A game
Whoever won tho would always get and earful from the other abt you "ruining" their mask and how they're gonna get wrinkles because of it now
It was always cute play fighting tho
And you'd end up lazing around together letting the ordeal go as soon as the masks came off and watch a movie together or something
It'd be cute
And v cuddly
Even if he complained abt his arm falling asleep
More than half the time his arm is actually fine tho he just likes to complain and give you a hard time
But you'd be like deal with it
Nd he would bc ur cute and he likes to cuddle with the cute u
He likes it a lot
Also I feel like hed be a really gentle kisser?
Like he loves giving you little kiss that are really gentle and not quite as short as a peck but not long either
And if he were in an extra good mood like during the lat morning like 10 to 11 ish and he wasnt hungry (well not super hungry by is probs always a little hungry)
I just feel like hed extra soft during those times idk why
Hed be like a bit more giggly and smiley and still memey but more smiley and
Hed just look at you with so much love
And whenever hed briefly kiss you hed pull away super slowly and then press your forehead together and smile softly
"What was that for Cheng?"
"I just really love you is all"
Imma stop it here so I can try and stay loyal to my babe nongnong omg
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beanmaster-pika · 2 years
I just think it would be very funny if Nie Mingjue tried to lightly intimidate his brother’s boyfriend by hanging out with them (read: crashing their dates) but accidentally got another little brother out of the process because *slaps the top of Jiang Cheng’s head* this bad boy can fit so many issues in him! Nie Huaisang starts grumbling that Jiang Cheng is only dating him for the free da-ge but it’s karma for always crashing Mingjue’s dates.
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98hwas · 5 years
boyfriend! chengcheng p.1
featuring :: fan chengcheng
summary :: how he became your dork
genre :: slice of life, fluff
rating :: wholesome so g
word count :: ~800
style :: bullet scenario
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so he had consulted almost half the world, alright maybe over ten over friends on the best way to ask you out
he considered cafe dates, amusement park, zoo trips and all of them felt a little unoriginal
also he was super worried that he did get rejected and ruin your friendship
so after scrapping almost all of his ideas, he was at his final straw which was texting
and oh boy did zhengting, who his then confidant, ready to slap the poor boy upside down for such an insincere method
also, he sent out his ‘spies’, cough minghao, linkai, to get some information on how you feel about him
anything for a successful confession
“hey y/n, what’s your ideal type?”
“what’s your ideal date?”
“will you date a friend?”
and it drove you mad, like they were so persistent that you blocked them on every social media for a time period and pulled a ninja whenever you saw them
also, you complained to chengcheng about his annoying friends who seemed too nosy about your personal preferences
chengcheng was sweating buckets as you complained because he was so scared that you did make sudden speculations, but thankfully you didn’t
how he asked you out in the end?
on valentines day, he sent you chocolates with a bag which read:
i have picked out some chocolates, hope that you
love them and wish that they bring
you joy!
you didn’t give the bag much of a glance since in that bag was a much more attractive looking box of dark chocolates
but you kept the bag
because any nice looking, sturdy bag could be used as carriers for gifts
when you met chengcheng the next time, he was looking at you very expectantly as though waiting for you to say something
“do i have something on my face?”
“do you have something to say to me, y/n?”
“no…? at least i don’t recall having anything to say to you? do i have something to say to you?”
and you see chengcheng panicking slightly as he hinted, “the valentine’s day gift?”
which caused you to be even more confused before you brightened up, “ah the chocolates are super good! thanks, chengcheng!”
that’s when you saw chengcheng deflate a little as though you had missed something
“did you notice the bag?”
and that caused you even more confusion at the strange turn of events but you attempted to offer your answer, “it’s a really nice looking bag…? i can use it to hold gifts!”
and that was when you see the defeat written so clearly on your friend’s face as he waved his hand before walking off depressed
so, after school, when you got home, you, who were bothered by the depressed chengcheng who kept sighing like an old man the entire day during class, you went to look for the bag
and there was nothing
nothing inside that you had missed, no notes or receipt (if he wanted you to pay for the chocolates)
and then you suddenly realised what was written on the bag
i have picked out some chocolates, hope that you
love them and wish that they bring
you joy!
and that causing you to burst out in laughter at the reason for chengcheng’s depressed state and the awkward confession he had sent
you had been laughing for fifteen minutes straight to the point your mother poked her head in, worried about her child who seemed to have lost their marbles over what seemed to be an empty bag
so the next day, you made sure to arrive early and stuck a sticky note on chengcheng’s desk
i come with a proposal, i know you
love that chinese restaurant down the street, so will
you agree to a lunch date this afternoon? see you at
2 at the school gate!
waiting for chengcheng to come, you watch as he sat down, slender fingers picking up the sticky note, reading the note, a look of confusion passing his features until a sudden wave of realisation awash his features
a smile so wide spread his lips as his gaze lifted to finally meet yours as a fingerheart was sent your way
giggling at the dorky expression accompanied with the elated display, you mouthed, ‘what a dork.’
“your one and only,” chengcheng did a little fingergun with his hands and you found yourself grinning like a fool, cheeks a little hot, your chest exploding pillows at the fluffy feelings which surrounded you like a warm blanket in the cold rainy nights.
a/n :: will churn more out after my mid terms c’: ive lots of muse to write but time is not with me with mid terms breathing down my back ;-; i wrote this instead of revising and it’s late here  i need to sleep for my brain to function tomorrow so hope yall enjoy this series c’: bullet scenarios are fun since it more casual but gives me space to pen down my ideas c’: fun fun :3c hmu if you have a scenario you did like written out !
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evanismyking · 5 years
[8:34pm] Chengcheng taking random pictures of your bare face and showing you them with a proud little smile, then getting confused when you cringe 'cause he doesn't understand why you can't see how truly beautiful you are.
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
- Masterlist C-Pop -
As A Boyfriend
Ideal type
Cai Xukun
as a boyfriend
Chen Linong
As A Boyfriend
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yiqiie · 6 years
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nine percent | happy camp preview highlights 
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rapperlinkai · 6 years
Getting back | Fan Chengcheng
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no more words needed (i just really dk wut to say here)
So it's Saturday and you're just chillin' with your boyfriend Chengcheng at your apartment
Watching movies and eatin popcorn and frozen pizza, Chengcheng kissing you, feeding each other
Cheng thought it's just one of your lazy dates but you actually planned a prank for him
You have decided to do this bec of all the pranks he did to you
Like putting salt in your milk, putting powder in your blower, and other small pranks but
Like they've been so many and you're like
So yeah
You already placed the camera where it is unnoticeable
Yes there's a camera so you can use it as a blackmail or just to watch when you have a bad day
You decided to accidentally call him your ex's name
bec it fckin hurts when u hear ur s/o call you his/her ex
So you want to see how he'll react
So yeah cheng and you fakely are immersed with the movie but suddenly you
yeah that's a sneeze
"give me tish, Chen, chen, give me the tissue"
yeah i searched taht name in google
You're like covering your nose and gesturing your hand for tissues
but youre really lookin at his reactions
he literally moves like Flash when you sneezed to get you tissue
but ya boiii stopped immediately when he heard the name
And his eyes just showed how shocked, hurt, confused he was
he was sure he heard it right but
"what did you just call me?"
and you're like
"CHENG! I called you Cheng"
but of course you wiped your fake snot first aGSJSKXKXFFD
he just shook his head signalling he doesn't believe it
"No. You called me ur ex's name. You called me that douche's name"
He really said it with so much hatred
And you can literally hear how hurt he was and he just went to the kitchen
Slammed the door fridge and
You are kinda temted to hug and calm him and say it was a prank
But you kind of enjoying it
Bec he's pouting and he's just so cute
And he's also hot at the same time ?¿
Like he's so worked up and his eyes are fierce and he looks so manly
"why are you calling me by his name? Do you miss him?"
"of course not. I said CHENG. You misheard. " with rolling your eyes to match his anger
"Noooo, you said CHEN. you miss him? Call him. Meet him." he said it so sadly and you kinda feel guilty :(
And he suddenly sit in front of you holding your hand while looking down dramatically
You covered your face rn like youre so done
But you just want to cover your smile and suppress your laugh
Bec he is pouting and being so fckin dramatic like
"if you really miss him, get back to him. Im not gonna stop you. Im setting you free because I love you. You made me so happy and maybe it's the right for me to make you happy. By setting you free."
Now you cant really stop yourself from laughing and you laugh it all out like there's no tomorrow
And he's like why are you laughing? I'm trying to set you free even though it hurts
And it just made you laugh even more and he's just sitting in front of you. clueless
Suddenly he got up with an angry expression, wiping his eyes
And of coure you panic
You pull his arm and hug him in the waist
You're looking up at him while hugging him
He's not hugging you. He's just letting you hug him. He now had an emotionless face
"Babe, it was a prank."
And you kinda laugh bec you remembered his dramatic reactions
But you stopped immediately when he looked away and tried slipping from your hug
"baby, i was just getting back at you. you've been so naughty these past few weeks. Im sorry."
You said it with a lil pout and u made ur eyes cuter
He looked away, supressing a smile
He know that you know his weakness
You calling him baby and you pouting
"but you still called me your ex's name. Im hurt"
"baby, that's why i'm sorry. baby look at me."
You kissed his chin and made him look at you
You both lookin at each other's eyes
"Cheng, I love you. I love you. I've already moved on from him. You're my present and I want you, only you, to be with me in the future. Do you want me too?
He cupped your face and gave you a peck
"of course baby. I only want you too."
He kissed you and you kissed him back.
His hands on your waist and yours on his shoulders.
You both are pouring your love in that kiss. So immersed and so full of love
When suddenly you remembered something so push him slightly to stop
And he looked at you confused with drunken eyes
You walked to the cabinet where you put the camera and stopped the recording
You looked at your boiii mischievously
When Cheng realized what you did, he panicked
"and now, i have a funny video to share to justin and the gang."
"babe. No. Please." he said tryin to steal the camera.
But he gave up for now only because you already hugged it so tightly and he knew how persistent you are
So he just hugged you and showered your face with light kisses while murmuring
"secure that properly or tomorrow that would be gone"
And you know you really need to keep it somewhere Chengcheng doesnt know if there's really one
The end hahahaha
Okayyyy, I tried. This is my first time writing a fic. got this idea at like 1 am. just doin what i wanted to do. 😉 bye
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chengchenglove · 6 years
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A whole emo and I’m here for it. 0713 cr • ExclusiveMemory丨范丞丞
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Who: Fan Chengcheng
Word Count: 3255 Words
Request: Yes. “Hi!Can I request a fan chengcheng boyfriend bullet scenario?”
I hope you enjoy it.
You and Chengcheng were classmates.
But you never really talked.
More so you both just had different social circles, than really anything else.
Also you know, he’s rich and the little brother of Fan Bingbing, who is like the ultimate girl crush, so why would you try to talk to him.
Chengcheng was also really selective of who he friended, due to so many people just using his friendship to try to meet Bingbing.
You two first talk when you get paired up for this assignment in class.
Not just any class either, your biology class, the class that you have a whole semester long project in.
To start, it was awkward between the two of you.
You couldn’t ever work together at his house, just because he didn’t want to incase Bingbing happened to visit.
You often ended up working at a cafe or the library or your house.
It was about a month of working together, before Chengcheng finally started actually being himself, rather than the shell he often showed people he didn’t know.
By the end of the second month, Chengcheng started getting this weird feelings he had never felt before.
You were also getting some weird feelings, which your friend told you was a crush.
Chengcheng actually ended up asking his sister, and she was like “Little bro you got a crush.” and that’s when he finally started to realize he liked you.
It would be the end of the third month before he realized it was more than just infatuation.
He still wouldn’t do anything about it, but he’d finally admit it to his friends that he likes you.
Justin would probably be like “If you don’t make a move, I will and make you regret not making one.” but then Zhengting would be like “Approach this logically, do you think they like you back?” and all the logical stuff.
He still wouldn’t do anything until one day he sees Justin talking to you, and he automatically assumes that Justin is gonna ask you out, so he rushes over there like “Hey you wanna go to a cafe with me tonight?”
Then when you say sure, he’s sorta like did Justin not ask you out.
He then received a text from Justin that says “Have fun on your date” and he realizes Justin only did that so he’d actually ask you out.
So he has a date that he hasn’t planned or anything, so he immediately texts the only responsible friends of his, Wenjun and Zhengting, like “What do I do”.
They help him plan a date on short notice, and as you two are leaving biology class, Chengcheng tells you to meet him at the cafe at 5.
The date goes well, it was really more just a hangout session, but in your heart you wanted it to be a date.
These ‘dates’ keep happening throughout the fourth and fifth month of your project.
Even after the project is presented, you still meet up for these little ‘dates’.
It’s about six months after you meet each other, when Chengcheng actually takes you out on a date date.
It would be at a fancy restaurant, he got a reservation for you two at, and it’s just so sweet and nice.
He’ll walk you home, since he’s young and ain’t got his license yet and didn’t want to ask his mom to drive you two around.
Once on your doorstep, he would really be tempted to kiss you, but then just settle for a hug, yet wishing he had went for the kiss.
After a few more dates, you were in the same spot as before, when he finally kissed you, well attempted to.
He barely make contact with your lips before he pulled back.
“If you’re gonna kiss me, commit to it.” You said to him. Then you leaned up, actually connecting your lips with his this time, in more than just a barely there peck.
Chengcheng would honestly be surprised, because one you just kissed him and two you two are currently kissing and he’s kinda liking it.
For a few weeks you two date but never label it.
You do all the things couples do, go on date, make out, and all that stuff.
But you never label what you are until you finally bring it up one day.
You’ll be laying on a sofa at his house, watching a movie, well really mostly making out.
Then you’d be like “Chengcheng, what are we?”
And he’ll reply with some smartass answer like, “We are humans.”
You’ll hit his arm lightly, then be like, “I mean, what are we. Are we dating, are you my boyfriend, are we friends with benefits, or what?”
He’ll finally reply like, “I just sorta assumed we were dating this whole time, so yeah, I’m your boyfriend, unless you don’t want me to be.”
He’d honestly be lowkey freaking out at the second part of his sentence, like unless you don’t want him to be, what you really don’t want him to be.
Yet he calms down, as you just kiss him and say “Well, I guess you can be my boyfriend.”
He’ll randomly ask you thinks like “Pick, me or Bingbing.”
And you’ll be like, “I like Bingbing.”
Then he’ll just look at you horrified, until you’re like “But I’ll always pick you.” and kiss him, then he’ll calm down.
Bingbing visits home once, and finds you to laying on the sofa asleep while the movie you were watching plays in the background, and is just like awwwwwww.
She actually takes some photos of the two of you all cuddled together and sends them to Chengcheng since she knows he’ll want them.
They are his screensaver for a good month, until he got a better photo of you.
Normal siblings threaten the person dating their sibling, but she threatens Chengcheng instead, like “I can tell how much she loves you, you might be my little brother but if you break her heart you’ll be messing up big time.”
Against Chengcheng’s wishes, you’ll become close to Bingbing despite the age difference.
Chengcheng isn’t worried about you loving her more than you love him, but he’s worried about Bingbing spilling all the tea on him to you.
And she does.
She’ll literally just be like “If he ever makes you mad, and you need blackmail material, just text me.”
His mom and dad will love you.
Sometimes he’ll wonder if they love you more than they love him.
Like they’ll make a fancy dinner, your favorite food, and he’s just like “But I’m their son, why don’t they make me fancy dinners.”
His parents already see as their daughter/son in law, but they ain’t gonna admit that until much later.
You’re pretty much a part of his family now, so expect to get invited to family events.
He’ll be really nervous to meet your parents.
He will pick the date of it, then the day of try to chance it and you are just like “No.” since you know if he cancels this time, he’ll cancel next time.
They love him, so all his stress was for nothing.
He can and will tease you about really anything.
Like he’s so tall, so he’ll purposely put things of yours on high shelves just so he can tease you for being so short.
Like once when he was at your house, he put your phone charger on the highest shelf, just so you’d call him to come get it, so he had a reason to come and stay at your house.
He’ll probably do something stupid like try to sneak in your window at least once, but then when he realizes you don’t live in on the ground floor, he’ll just enter through the front door.
Meme battles constantly.
You two can hold a full conversation, using only memes.
You both have large meme collections due to this.
You even have some memes of him that you sometimes use.
He tells you not to, but you do anyways.
When you start dating, other than Justin and Quanzhe, who you know from school, he doesn’t introduce you to any of the others.
Some part of him is like, Zhengting and Wenjun are more gentlemanly than I am, they might leave for them.
But once he realizes he’s stuck with you, he’ll introduce you, and you all quickly become friends.
A group chat is made, that it’s 99% just you all, as Chengcheng says, bullying him.
He always texts you good morning and good night.
He’ll text you to remind you to eat, if he isn’t with you at the time.
When you two are spending time together, it’s mostly just you both making faces at each other trying to make the other laugh, or laying cuddled watching some show while occasionally kissing the other.
He will always order food.
Always more than you need to.
Like a simple movie night, he’ll order like 4 pizzas, your favorite, his favorite, and then two you both like.
When you are like “Why 4?” he’s like “To make sure we had enough.”
He’ll eat all of it except yours, don’t worry.
He’ll always eat off your plate too.
Like you’ll both have the same thing, and he’s eating half of your food, but then he’ll always offer some of his in return.
Honestly, he probably just wants to feed you.
He gets really jealous when he sees you around guys, like even if he knows you won’t do anything, he doesn’t trust them.
It takes him a while to stop getting jealous and to just trust you, and that you’ll stop anyone from trying anything.
To start he’s not that good at communicating with you, since you are probably his first significant other that he’s actually be serious about.
But after a while and you finally getting him to open up, you become a lot better at communicating.
If he can, he will play with your hair.
When he’s feeling playful, he’ll just tangle your hair and stuff.
But when he’s being serious, he’ll braid your hair or help you curl it or straighten it.
He however, will never be serious about doing your makeup, if you wear makeup.
He feels it’s his mission to make you look like a clown each time.
He probably uses lipstick on your eyelids and mascara in your eyebrows at least once.
Then you are just like no, nope, never again.
You two prank each other often.
Sweet non dangerous pranks that is.
Like you’ll put makeup on him, if he falls asleep while at your house.
Or he’ll do something like putting toothpaste in the Oreo he’s giving you.
He is always holding your hand, he just finds comfort in it.
In public he’ll always hold your hand or have his arm around your waist.
Just the idea of having his hand on you somewhere, letting others know you are his, he loves it.
In private, he’s clingy, like so clingy you have to bribe him to let you go so you can use the bathroom.
In private, you are in his lap, or he’s about to pull you into his lap.
He just loves having you sit in his lap, and when you lean your head against his shoulder, it just makes him even weaker for you.
If you play with his hand, he’ll just become even softer.
Pretty much anything you do makes him soft.
When you two cuddle, he is always the big spoon, it makes him feel somewhat manly, so you don’t mind.
But he always turns into the little spoon or you two end up facing each other, by the time you wake up.
He’ll love laying with his head in your lap, mostly since you play with his hair, and he likes that.
He has a whole folder of pictures of you two, his aesthetic photos folder, he also has a hidden folder that is just outtakes and photos where you look stupid.
Always expect backhugs from him, especially if you are shorter than him.
He’ll just come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, holding you tight, as he buries his face into your neck.
Probably leaves a hickey in a place you can’t see, just so he can laugh when someone calls you out for it.
You then do the same to him, but he’s lowkey proud of it, and your plan backfires.
If you accidentally do something like leave a lipstick stain, if you wear lipstick, on his cheek or neck or something, he’s making sure everyone notices it, which embarrasses you.
Zhengting probably is tempted to give you both the sex talk, since in his mind he’s like hickeys lead to the bedroom, they are children, but he restrains himself.
He enjoys taking you to the park, and taking aesthetic photos of you.
You can never go shopping with him, like ever.
Grocery shopping, you end up leaving with a whole basket full of food you didn’t need, thanks to him.
Clothing shopping, you end up leaving with a whole bag of things you looked at so he bought them for you, despite you claiming you didn’t need them.
He’ll probably drag you into some fancy clothing store all “Hey let's just try some items on.” then you’ll pick a dress or suit you like and try it on, and if you like it, he’ll sneak away and buy it after saying he’s just putting it back on the rack.
You end up with some like three thousand dollar suit or dress, and he’s just like “My baby deserves the best.”
He would also always call you babe or baby, like that is your name from the moment you are official.
He has your name in his phone as, my babe with like 24 heart emojis.
Would be 25 but he felt he needed to restrain himself a bit.
Will always take you to random food stands to get food.
Like you’ll be walking around the mall and he’s like “Are you hungry?” and no matter what you say he’s like “We better get you some food, I can’t have my baby being hungry.” but then he’ll eat all the food.
Often you two will end up walking everywhere or you two take cabs everywhere, since he just doesn’t want to ask his mom to drive you places.
He’ll be like “I’ll pick you up at four be ready.” but then it’s like “You mean your mom will pick me up.” and he’s just like “We’re walking now.” and your like “No, I love your mom.” but you know he’ll still have his mom come pick you up.
When you start dating, he won’t realize those little things he should do as a boyfriend, like give you his jacket.
It’s not until Bingbing is like “If she’s shivering, you give her your coat, be a gentleman, mom would be disappointed to find out you don’t do that.” and he’s suddenly like “I should?” and then when Bingbing is like “Yeah.” he’ll start doing it.
Honestly he’ll ask Bingbing about little things he should do as your boyfriend and things he shouldn’t do and all.
He always brings an extra jacket or sweater, but if you need one, he’ll never give you the extra one he brought, always his.
Like you have one shiver, and he’s like “Here take my sweater/scarf/coat/jacket.” and probably give you all of his layers.
But then you’re like “But you’ll get cold.” and try to give him his sweater back, and he will reluctantly take it when you force him to.
But then he’ll find creative ways to keep you warm, like wrapping his arms around you and putting his jacket around you and zipping it up.
He’ll always help you make your outfits too, yet if you are taking too long, he’ll just do it himself.
He likes couple items, you two probably have couple sweaters and hats and stuff like that.
He’ll probably buy you two something like couples bracelets or lockets.
Unless he wants to kiss you, he’ll make you work to kiss him, like finding a chair and all just to kiss him.
He’ll then laugh as you struggle to kiss him, but once you start pouting, hit him, or start to leave, he’ll lean down and kiss you.
At the start of the relationship, his kisses will be chaste.
If you aren’t paying attention to him, he’ll attack you with kisses.
He will deny it, but he lowkey needs your attention constantly.
He’ll act like he’s dying if you aren’t constantly giving him the attention he needs.
He’ll stop dying however, once you kiss him.
He would take you to the fair, and win a lot of stuffed animals, but they are all for him.
Yet once he sees you pouting, he might give you one.
But if you challenge him, like “I bet you can’t win me that panda toy.” he’ll literally spend 3 hours winning all the panda toys for you.
Zhengting lowkey ships you two like fedex, like wow such a cute couple, he loves it.
He will shower you with gifts constantly.
Like you have tons of little things that just made him think about you.
He goes all out on important days like anniversaries, birthdays, and Valentine’s day.
At least, he will until you are like stop.
He’ll love cooking with you.
Well he doesn’t really cook, most so distract you and eat everything.
He will try to be the most helpful person, but honestly can’t do much.
Like really the extent of his helping is washing dishes and maybe cutting vegetables.
But don’t trust him with sharp knives, you learned that after the time he cut himself when he was cutting onions.
Often he’ll wash dishes if you cook, you know a fair trade off.
But don’t expect him to help with other chores, unless you bribe him with cuddes or something.
Like if he messed up your house or something and you were like “I’m gonna go the groceries my mom wanted and I expect this clean when I get home.” and he won’t clean it, he’ll just like find a maid that can come clean it at once, because he’s too lazy to actually clean.
He’s your number one hype man.
Like he will get you hyped about everything and anything.
Like you got a test, he’s hyping you up.
You gotta go to a family reunion and spend time with some family members you hate, he’s going with you and hyping you up the whole time, like “Yas, you can do this, you can hug your cousin amicably and then leave.”
If you are sick, he will honestly be so confused as of what to do.
Like he’ll call his mom freaking out, and get her to cook you some food and bring it.
He’ll also call Bingbing freaking out asking what to do.
But once they tell him what to do, he’s somewhat able to do it.
He honestly just love you so much and honestly doesn’t want you to be sick.
If he’s sick however, expect his mom calling you saying he’s being dramatic as hell saying he’s dying and that he needs you here.
He’s needy in general, but sick Chengcheng unlocks some evolved level of needy.
He’d honestly just be a needy, loving, and sweet boyfriend.
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