#cheap nano drone
taiwantalk · 9 months
it’s clear that the future 3 branches of military will have to designate a drone division which might eventually morph to t2 division.
you think nuke is apocalyptic? wait till you live the skynet future. the autonomous drone future is really a virtual nano nuke.
here’s why it’s a nano nuke. nuke is about range of destruction to kill as many living beings as the blast can reach and destroy any physical structure within a very large radius.
and nuke is triggered by spontaneous chain reactions. there’s no escape in the blast radius other than a very deep bomb shelter.
autonomous drone like what we imagined in terminator movie or black mirror will just have chain reaction of instantaneous relay of geo location, target acquisitions, and surgical nano strikes but no true range limit. every elimination leads to next target like spawn kill.
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Health Care in Final Effect (Final Effect)
In the distant future, health care has advanced significantly.
It helps that, first and foremost, the Children of Remnant are quite hardy. Even civilian levels of Aura are proof against most illnesses and injuries. However, if people do have health issues there are ample options for them to consider.
The first step is usually to visit a local medical practice. There is generally at least one such practice in each neighbourhood, and it is typically manned by both organics and non-organics. For most people, all that will be required is to step into a medical pod. Using powerful sensors and diagnostic technology, the pod can diagnose and provide treatments/treatment plans for most ailments. If a patient wants a second opinion, or if the pod is unable to make a diagnosis above a certain level of certainty, the patient will be referred to a doctor or medical complex artificial intelligence (i.e., an artificial intelligence with a soul).
This approach works because catch-all medical treatments have become viable on a large scale. For example, most problems can be treated with a simple nano-machine injection or regenerative gel, depending on their severity. Furthermore, Aura batteries can be used to bolster a person’s Aura and promote additional healing through the natural Aura response. Even diagnostic technology (e..g, scans) has advanced to the point that a standard medical pod can run just about every diagnostic you’re likely to need.
More complicated problems can be referred to hospitals and other more advanced medical facilities. Even then, most forms of surgery and treatment can be carried out via automation or artificial intelligence with organics playing more of a supervisory role. Of course, any practicing physician is required to maintain a certain level of proficiency in surgical skills and the like to ensure quality of care.
Medical care in the distant future is essentially free due to it be so cheap to provide and so well streamlined. What were once considered miraculous technologies have been engineered to the point that they can be mass produced in a manner similar to engine components or computing devices. Doctors and nurses now operate on a more supervisory level, working together with robots, drones, and artificial intelligences to ensure maximum quality of care for the maximum number of people.
The advancement in technology also means that people spend far shorter periods of time in the hospital, lowering the cost of health care even further. It is rare for anyone to spend more than a week in hospital outside of the most stubborn and esoteric of ailments, not including things like pregnancy where the stay (following birth) is mostly precautionary.
In the Empire and Alliance, people tend not to talk about the medical system much because it just works. It’s actually mentioned more by people who’re not used to the system, and you do get medical tourism, particularly from factions that do not have access to similar levels of advancement.
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mavdrones · 5 months
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The "best and cheapest" drone with a camera depends a lot on what you actually want to use it for, and how much "cheap" means to you. Here are a couple of options to consider:
Best overall cheap drone with camera:
DJI Mini 2 SE:
Features: The DJI Mini 2 SE is a compact and lightweight drone that falls under the 250g weight limit, making it registration-free in many countries. It features a 2.7K camera capable of capturing high-quality video and a 3-axis gimbal for stable footage.
Portability: Its small size makes it highly portable, allowing you to easily carry it wherever you go.
Ease of Use: The Mini 2 SE is designed for beginners, offering user-friendly controls and intelligent shooting modes.
Price: At around ₹70,397.46, it provides a good balance between features and affordability.
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DJI Mini 3:
Upgrades: The DJI Mini 3 is a newer model with some enhancements over the Mini 2 SE. It includes obstacle avoidance sensors, which can enhance flight safety, and a longer flight time for extended aerial photography sessions.
Quality: With DJI's reputation for quality, the Mini 3 likely maintains the excellent camera and gimbal stability seen in the Mini 2 SE.
Consideration: The higher price tag (around ₹102,000.00) should be considered in relation to the added features and whether they align with your needs.
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Autel Evo Nano:
Alternative Option: The Autel Evo Nano provides a competitive alternative to the DJI Mini 3. It offers similar features, including obstacle avoidance, and comes at a slightly lower price of around ₹70,000.00.
Performance: Autel is known for producing reliable drones, and the Evo Nano is likely to deliver good performance in terms of flight stability and camera quality.
Cost-Effectiveness: Choosing between the Autel Evo Nano and DJI Mini 3 may depend on personal preferences and considerations of the specific features that matter most to you.
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Factors to Consider:
Intended Use: Consider your primary purpose for getting a drone. Are you interested in aerial photography, recreational flying, or both?
Experience Level: If you're a beginner, user-friendly controls and safety features become more critical.
Budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend and find the drone that provides the best value for your budget.
Ultimately, the "Best and Cheapest" Drone is the one that aligns with your preferences, needs, and budget constraints.
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jimdaggerworld · 4 years
Concrete Racing Quad - Hyperlite 2207.5 E motors - Budget Build for cheap drone racing fun
Concrete Racing Quad – Hyperlite 2207.5 E motors – Budget Build for cheap drone racing fun
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Well, the Houston crew has what they’re, for, as the night spot, an industrial park across town, which they have an arrangement where they can set up a track, lie a few packs and have some fun.
Now. I have not in years past, made it out to the night track because it’s a little dangerous for your quads right, but I haven’t found myself with the time to get out and get some packs on the weekends.…
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halevetica · 5 years
SS Wizard(Ironstrange)
A laser shot past Tony, missing him by barely an inch. The once busy streets of lower manhattan had cleared out quickly, leaving only Tony and his team against a raging lunatic. Or that's what Tony was calling him.
"Friday, scan the area, let's find this bastard."
"Stark," Clint's voice came through his earpiece then. "A building just came down on Mercer street. I'm pretty sure that's where Strange was holding off two drones."
Dread coursed through Tony as he snapped his head in the direction of Mercer street. He boosted his repulsor jet packs and beelined for the building.
"Friday, scan the rubble," Tony ordered. But before he could even land, he was being thrown back by Dr. Hyde, as he was calling himself.
"You think your technology is so great. It's weak compared to mine. Everyone praises you for your tech but you're just a cheap knock-off of your father."
"Now that's just hurtful, don't you know I have Daddy issues?" Tony taunted as he struggled against the magnetic force keeping him in place. Whatever tech this lunatic was using was too strong for Tony's suit.
"Sir, Dr. Strange is trapped in the left wing. He appears to be unharmed. However, the two drones are making their way towards his location."
Tony struggled harder. He had to get to Stephen.
"Sir, I could send for the SS wizard," Friday offered when Tony remained unmoving.
"No," he snapped instinctively. He hadn't told Stephen about that yet. However, right now that seemed to be the only choice.
"Fine. Engage SS wizard," Tony huffed in frustration. There were still some kinks to work out, but it was a fully functioning suit.
A blast to his torso told him that Dr. Hyde had been talking.
"You still listening, Tony?"
"If I say no, will you shut up?" Tony snapped. He had to keep Dr. Hyde's attention while the suit made it to Stephen. They were less than two miles from the compound. That meant his suit would make it in less than a minute.
"SS wizard engaged," Friday spoke into Tony's ear.
"So why Dr. Hyde? Why not Mr. Hyde or Dr. Jekyll?" Tony asked, still fighting against the magnetic push keeping him pinned.
"Because I am not a fairy tale for kids to read. I'm a genius that deserves his dues."
"Sounds a lot like Dr. Jekyll if you ask me," Tony sneered. He knew if he kept irritating him, he would remain distracted giving his suit time to reach Stephen.
Tony tuned out the monologuing he'd started in favor of listening to Friday's analysis of the drones closing in on Stephen.
Stephen leaned back against a large fallen wall of cement as he fought to come up with a plan. His cloak was lost somewhere beneath the rubble and his ring was damaged. The cuts on his face and arms were minor, however he was sure he'd dislocated his shoulder. He tried to conjure a portal, in hopes of finding Clint or Steve, but no such luck.
"Damn it," He swore as he peered around the wall to see the drones closing in.
When he turned back, he was suddenly met with two bracelets clamping around his wrist. Instantly the bracelets grew up his forearms and shoulders.
"Nano tech," This was one of Tony's suits. Stephen frowned down as the suit formed around the eye of Agamotto as if using it as an energy source.
"Welcome Stephen Strange, I am Sabrina, your in suit Assistant,"
"Sabrina?" Stephen frowned as he looked down at himself now completely engulfed in the red and gold metal.
"Strange, can you hear me?" Tony's voice spoke up then in Stephen's ear.
"Stark," Stephen looked around, but his eyes couldn't focus with all the lights and programing in the helmet.
"You have two drones lining up for fire, you need to move," Tony spoke urgently.
Stephen turned to see the drones round the corner, hovering over him.
"Damn sling ring," Stephen swore, at least the suit would lessen the blow. He hoped.
"Sling ring engaged," Sabrina's voice spoke then, just as Stephen's hands began to glow.
"Ummm, okay," Stephen didn't know the first thing about how to use the suit, but it seemed to be catered to his abilities.
A blast to his already injured shoulder threw him back with a groan. "Sabrina, is there an eldritch whip I can...engage," Stephen asked, dodging another blast as he ducked behind some rubble.
"Eldritch whip engaged."
"Yes," Stephen swung the magic whip and yanked the drone into the other one, causing a minor explosion.
"Doctor, it appears the structure you are standing in is no longer stable. Shall I engage the cloak protocol?"
"The cloak? Yes," Stephen didn't know what was about to happen but suddenly he was lifted into the air. He tried to look behind him to see if there was indeed a cloak, but he couldn't tell. There didn't appear to be one.
However, his attention was suddenly brought to the fact that Tony was getting a beat down by Dr. Hyde. His back was pinned to the wall by a gun Dr. Hyde was holding.
"Sabrina, what have you got that can disengage that gun."
"It appears to be a magnetic conv- I don't care just stop it," Stephen hated the worry that coursed through him.
"Initiating target."
"Hurry up," Stephen didn't know how to do any thing himself so he hoped that the built in AI could help him.
Two blasts shot from his back then and turned, screaming towards Dr. Hyde and the magnetic blaster.
Instantly Tony was free and throwing everything he had at Dr. Hyde.
Stephen used the whips to bind his hands so that Tony could recover.
"Hey, Peter, I've got Hyde held up a bit if you could-" Stephen was cut off by a drone strike to his back, causing one of his binds to drop from Dr. Hyde's arm.
"I've got him, Mr. Dr. Strange," Peter said swinging in, and catching Hyde in spiderweb.
"The reat of us have cleared the perimeter, we're good," Steve's voice spoke up then.
"Nat, Sam do either of you come in?" Tony's voice spoke worriedly.
"We're good, no breaches here," Nat piped in.
"Let's all meet back at the compound," Tony let out a relieved sigh. No one had been hurt.
Stephen carefully landed on the building that had almost crushed him.
"The cloak in there?" Tony asked flying over.
"Yeah, it got pinned," Stephen nodded.
"Friday track the chip," Tony ordered, landing next to Stephen.
"You put a chip in the cloak?" Stephen turned to face Tony, a look of disapproval on his face. But it went unnoticed by the fact that his mask was still in place.
"I got it's consent. It's for cases like this. I have a tracking device in literally every piece of my tech, cause of assholes like that," Tony gestured over his shoulder.
"Chip located."
"I got this, stand back," Tony urged aiming his hand he blasted the rubble away several times until the cloak could be seen. He went over to push off the last of the debris, allowing the cloak to leap from its prison.
It quickly wrapped itself around Tony as if in a hug, before darting to Stephen who was no longer in Tony's suit.
"Let's get back to the compound, shall we? Fury's got him taken care of," Tony nodded towards where several shield agents were loading Dr. Hyde into one of their vehicles.
Before Stephen could respond, Tony was off.
Stephen looked down at the bracelets in his hands. They were a simple gold color but written just inside one of them was the name 'SS Wizard'.
Tony landed on his balcony and let the suit retract. He was only a little banged and bruised nothing too major, however he was filled with dread. Stephen would be back soon, and he would surely have questions about why Tony just happened to have a suit designed especially for the wizard.
"Mr. Stark that suit was-"
Tony held a hand up, "Please not now."
"Of course," Peter nodded and took a step back.
"Do me a favor will ya? Tell Happy to get some dinner up here, we're starved."
"Sure thing," Peter lit up before hurrying off. He was always so eager.
"Stark," Stephen's voice spoke from behind Tony then, causing him to tense slightly.
Tony turned to see Stephen holding out the gold bracelets.
"I believe these belong to you."
"Tony took them, opting not to say anything."
"I don't suppose you're going to tell me why you have a suit specifically programmed to my abilities?" Stephen's tone wasn't accusing, it was more curious.
"You should get that shoulder looked at," Tony gestured to where Stephen's shoulder was obviously injured before walking off towards his shop.
"He has a suit tailored specifically to you?" Natasha asked.
Stephen only frowned after Tony.
"Your shoulder does look out of place," Steve commented then.
"Well I did have a building land on me," Stephen quipped. He shouldn't have been annoyed but he wanted to know why Tony had that suit and yet Tony refused to talk.
"I will fix that for you, no problem," Bucky piped in then as he approached Stephen.
"No that's not-uuurggg," Stephen groaned out as Bucky pressed his shoulder back into socket. He glared at Bucky but said nothing.
Bucky walked back towards the kitchen as if he hadn't just played doctor to a doctor.
"Thank you," Stephen growled out. It felt better despite the pain of the initial relocation.
Tony set the gold bracelets onto the band holder where they had been. He gripped the side of the table.
"Sir, Doctor Strange in approaching, should I let him in?" Friday asked causing Tony to jerk up. Indeed, Stephen had just approached the door.
"Go ahead," Tony sighed. He had a feeling there was not getting out of this conversation.
Stephen stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room as if he were in a museum.
"When did you do it?" Stephen asked, his hands clasping behind his back as he inspected a partially made suit to his left.
"About six years ago," Tony swallowed.
This caused Stephen's head to snap towards the genius.
"What? But that was during-"
"I was stupidly optimistic. It was a thank you for saving me. I felt bad and I hoped to one day be able to give it to you," Tony's eyes fell to the bracelets.
"It's been a year since Thanos. Why haven't you?"
Tony tried not to wince at the name, it still gave him nightmares.
"I don't know," Tony shrugged.
Stephen took a step forward. "Why me? Why not any of the others?"
"You have magic but you're vulnerable. You need a protective layer," Tony's tone was slightly hostile.
"Like Natasha? Or Clint?"
Tony swallowed hard but didn't respond.
"How'd you get it to harness the same energy as my magic."
"It's not, it's infused with some of the energy from the time stone, but...ultimately only a wizard can operate it. Wong helped."
"Wong," Stephen repeated with a disbelieving blink.
Tony only nodded.
"So why today?" Stephen knew why, but he wanted to hear Tony say it.
"You were in trouble and I couldn't get to you," Tony shrugged.
"So a damsel in distress," Stephen snorted.
Tony however didn't find that funny.
"No, you work with my team and it's my job to keep everyone alive. I lost half of them last time, including you, I won't do it again," Tony snapped.
"Tony," Stephen spoke gently, taking a step forward.
Tony frowned at the use of his first name.
"You already saved the world. There are always going to be assholes like Hyde out there, let us help you with those. You aren't alone."
"I was alone for five years. He took everything from me," Tony snapped.
"He didn't take Steve, or Natasha, or Clint. I know your relationship was strained, but look at everyone now," Stephen gestured to the computer screen that showed the team gathering around the table where Happy and Peter were spreading food out. "You did this. You brought this team together."
"You're not in it," Tony blurted.
"What?" Stephen frowned.
"I didn't give you the suit, cause you're not in the team. You don't want to be a part of the team. You're just..."
"Tony, so long as you need me, I am here for you. I may not spend my time here. Or train with you, but I am always here for you."
"Why?" Tony found himself asking.
Stephen's hands clenched tighter behind him, making them ache slightly.
"You feel it too?" Tony looked up at Stephen with hopeful eyes.
Stephen swallowed and nodded.
"I give suits to those I care about," Tony's eyes turned back to the screen where his team was gathered.
"Cap has the shield. Clint has special hearing aids. I made Natasha these little spider bombs," Tony chuckled. "Bruce had Veronica when he was with us. Peter has a suit, Rhodey has a suit, hell even Pepper has a suit. The point is. You gave everything up for me. We worked along side each other and..." Tony trailed off not knowing how to say what he was wanting to.
Stephen closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he reached over and pulled Tony into him. Their lips crashing together.
He instantly pulled back leaving Tony gaping up at him.
"Thank you, for the suit."
"Sir, the team is waiting on you for dinner," Friday spoke.
"Tell them, I'll be there in a minute," Tony said grabbing Stephen's lapels and pulling him back into a proper kiss.
Stephen's shaking hand came up to the back of Tony's neck.
When they broke apart Stephen spoke first.
"I have to ask, why Sabrina?"
"You know, the teenage witch," Tony gave Stephen a shit eating grin.
Stephen rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile back.
When Stephen arrived at the sanctum later that night to find a box on his bed. His heart leapt. Without even opening it, he knew what it was and who it was from.
*AN* Based of the Marvel concept art!
Consider buying me a coffee, I would really appreciate it!
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sirjustice1173 · 3 years
Why lie dude to have name and women, be lenient bro
Omo detergent made when tangerine placed in mango then step on orange in tomato outer peel in polythene bag or bruised floor with cement fumes b4 u chop hay or mango seed in mud or chicken bones on wood soaked in pineapple dude or step on orange within lemon outer peel in welding plates dude in plastic container holes or made of bricks or mud thatched dude
Compare the song links below and see how, u will be caned if u listen not and u have known now how to make bottle water and the rich man in the grave, where his twin brother passed on and made much b4 he was pronounced dead in a jet carnage b4 being shot on the head or head sliced into midway to say it was above so if given formalin injection will not talk as brain injured and recorded voice of him prior as he was escaping jail was made and placed next to radio call using wireless electricity to be switched via a remote both to transmit whats recorded on the Ahuja to all in the same firm having the same. So when he died it was well known and was charged in hell 4 escaping jailing and the forgery as above. His spirit escaped from Hell in Minneapolis via a tiny broken window to tell the next people along Chicago Avenue or st Stephen shelter to warn his brothers thing he will be acquitted of hell fire only to be taken back to custody. At nigh in near that building structure in Minneapolis, when u look at the sky u see flying fiery sperm like feature with tail failing to convince ya of the same and along time like 1 million people died annually not as now as in the links below but at that time it wasn't in Minnesota, the judgement house, but was in present day Migosi estate Kisumu
Do ya 1 2 step, ya thing, not mine dude, this the remix of the remix to de remix, screp, i will see you whenever, this the code we live by and we rocking like pimp. Scrap it out dude, cash, remove them as anything of the enemy, destroy their plans dude
When grave in the middle of the hole is where slab made, makes ya live 4 long as not having sidewalls to the below floor but a circular hollow made on the all side walls to house the slab which was not planted but made dude. When u live in a compound with grave like 1 near the corner or entrance of ya house u live long provided u knew that follow and some people exhume to bury their to rot to open and call authorities of the same so people pray 4 the same 4 the above, people they know.
Samsung Big tv screen, bring the actual size photo like of furniture like seat then with ya power saw trace on a paper all wood sides b4 u cut to screw as u got the drill to do the same dude and if u know not to place sponge and lothe 4 the seat call 1 and pay him 4 those just days not building other people on cheap things. Be proactive not wallow in despair as your job might end resorting to hooliganism like with the taut dude as in the links below or buy big copier to undertake the above
Wires to the welding plates or any other metal placed on high voltage transformers then u switch on after the boom on the such plates makes gadgets and even roads and buildings. Like on sewer water with garbage makes road when u cover with iron sheets or tandarua as tent clothe, Aluminum ware u do the same above makes fab houses when heap is hay with guava, steel replace with the above when heap is paw paw in brown grass. Kunde in hay makes fab houses when hang on 2 side bars like with the soccer goals, to to the end the heap hangs on shorter than the former or the former can be a folk lift, tree, house or crane, when underneath is brown mud water with clay soil as u step on all fruits, berries, leaves and fruits on welding plates, clothes, boxes on tiles or bruised floors as above and chop fruits on wood soaked in 1 fruit juice or veggies or chemicals 1 at a time until u make ya house or the below environment can be grass sand land or used tires dude
Bones in sewer water makes roads when u chop goat bones in mud with Mellon or lemon seeds, cover the heap with sheets as the heap on the road b4 u step on hay within metallic plates on tiles or when aluminum placed on such road heap b4 u electrocute dude, like with welding machine bro, stepping on clothe with such plates on ripe paw paw or garbage or kale sticks. Muto in kunde makes buses, kunde in kale makes pick ups, as u can chop coconut stick broom on board soaked in pineapple, water or chemicals as thinner or kerosene b4 stepping on all most every piece of the same as above dude
Aluminum in corpse makes buses, in cat type makes bicycles, in goat fire truck, in cow corpse makes tricycle, in sheep corpse makes boats and try with every corpse of any animal b4 all the protocols as above dude or replace aluminum with flowers or with anything around ya even non living to see what nature will give ya. To one who have the few now will be given and vice versa. Kunde in fish gives ya pat tv sat elite, in goat bones the decoders dude, kunde in passion gives ya trucks, in grass light rails, in paw paw trains dude, in sewer water airplanes, in brown grass jets, in hay with sand choppers, in mango seed yachts, in guava cruise ship but in red guava gun boat dude, in butternut/spinach E- buses dude and more bro, in onion bikes or seats, in white coconut E-cars on the peel telephone satellite, in mango gives ya e-bicycles dude, in pumpkin leaves drones, in hay mangoes, in pumpkin fruit hay and more, paw paw in cabbage soccer stadium, kunde in cabbage tricycle, kale in cabbage mineral water, chilies in cabbage gives ya E-bikes and try with all as above as gives u of another dimension and even medicine.
Perfume can place anything inside gives u another something even when small cut into pieces and even with fluids, like with mattress, apple, passion or tiny insects and arachnids or flowers gives ya drone bombs even with alantana camara black seed, but much such cans in black beans gives ya seat while with pineapple as well as and boilers with hay or brown grass, vending machine place flowers with such can and step on ya country all cash denomination on the step procedure to give ya one using the same or chop such in the later end process dude. Like with the grave u can place the ahuja on long post
With my ID they want to steal it or send criminals to me to make me throw it away b4 getting a new 1, they warn u why did u misplace the 1 just given to ya. Playing dice in open day light dude. Chopping coconut stick even makes buildings/ sky scrapper when heap paw paw in planted grass or sewer water with passion fruit dude or dirty red soil water with white guava extract while with the peel makes carpets and with red 1 peel sufuria and the extract utensils dude. Sewer water place paw paw makes rocket missiles while mini missiles when u placed passion on mineral water within river valley environment with water fall, b4 us step on hay with carrot on clothe with muddy water and u chop cabbage on wood soaked on hay extracts
The E-bikes can have the thermostat on the handle to charge the battery and with any other machine on the steering or seats as of steering can be made when paw paw placed in sewer water then u step on cooked yam within book paper on cotton clothe with mineral water b4 u chop hay with white guava on board soaked on raw mango extract or mineral water in side wall hole or roadside ditches while 4 the motor bike can be made by placing grown grass within hay, in roadside ditches, b4 stepping on hay within jeans or kaki clothe on brown/white boxes or tangerine outer peel, b4 again chopping ugali on wood soaked on paraffin or chop paw paw seeds on wood soaked on being made ugali hot water or green grass dude
They say as regretting, u ought not have done that, sending to every tribe as some tribe prides themselves and we want their down fall, i have sent all on Instagram and given ya the pas-code to see, what u want dude, to be all well a head with my things yet am here with u and u belittle me, regret if all such as those postings were your not mine, u aint special dude, ya eye see as mine bro. From morning on ya food, even if u buy a snack they talk as if in a quarrel with 1, denying their poverty dude. If rich feed ya kids and stop that poverty gestures dude, untill we know to make them same and how many nations as per Instagram have known to make the same well a head b4 ya and some not posted on the net, u silly and stupid only locating business already opened to mange but cant start your, businesses 4 people the belittled in the past but their names not in it to make the at easy. Go away u stupid bragart dude and insane one
When u place drugs/medicine on sewer water then step on hay with metallic plates on ugali b4 chopping egg York or boiled on wood soaked on grass extract gives u roads as u close the road with roof like made banners, translucent clothes to diffuse bulb or moon light or such medicine as expire on grass with passion fruit, b4 step on hay within hole on wood on books inner layers with oils and fats as many b4 again chopping or diving tortilla on wood soaked on apple juice or dived euphorbia in muddy watters
Lecturers should not just be lecturers and even teachers, want big life and later device tricks 4 students making it or down play them, if u want such jobs people character should come 4ward as those who were silent and contented with few takes it or who were loners or not concerned with peoples wealth and not lovers of women and gays/lesbians as they do the above blindly same to police not just recruiting dude or employ online classes on big screen in colleges recorded of every topic and subtopics to remove the fee and stop the many recruits in lecturing dude. They even liaise with hooligans to thwart their students moves in life, dem Jamaican blooded. Claim to have given ya cash yet send hooligans to hurt u or grab it from u or give him some percentage as that money in the a/c is just 4 name as goodwill but not all his as in the song link below, Kenya good yet 2 minutes passes not b4 the do the above even wanting to fight or punch ya, how will it be solved now that we got artificial products and foods and every nation learnt how to make machines and even military security hardware and software to bar all ya motives in pretense if u out maneuver them and come up with the former produce which now u cant come up with all alone to outshine them as all have known the same as above dude. Railas die not so the game from dawn to dusk dude as with many they die so not concerned all that
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sirjustice1175 · 3 years
Making detergents
Omo detergent made when tangerine placed in mango then step on orange in tomato outer peel in polythene bag or bruised floor with cement fumes b4 u chop hay or mango seed in mud or chicken bones on wood soaked in pineapple dude or step on orange within lemon outer peel in welding plates dude in plastic container holes or made of bricks or mud thatched dude
Compare the song links below and see how, u will be caned if u listen not and u have known now how to make bottle water and the rich man in the grave, where his twin brother passed on and made much b4 he was pronounced dead in a jet carnage b4 being shot on the head or head sliced into midway to say it was above so if given formalin injection will not talk as brain injured and recorded voice of him prior as he was escaping jail was made and placed next to radio call using wireless electricity to be switched via a remote both to transmit whats recorded on the Ahuja to all in the same firm having the same. So when he died it was well known and was charged in hell 4 escaping jailing and the forgery as above. His spirit escaped from Hell in Minneapolis via a tiny broken window to tell the next people along Chicago Avenue or st Stephen shelter to warn his brothers thing he will be acquitted of hell fire only to be taken back to custody. At nigh in near that building structure in Minneapolis, when u look at the sky u see flying fiery sperm like feature with tail failing to convince ya of the same and along time like 1 million people died annually not as now as in the links below but at that time it wasn't in Minnesota, the judgement house, but was in present day Migosi estate Kisumu
Do ya 1 2 step, ya thing, not mine dude, this the remix of the remix to de remix, screp, i will see you whenever, this the code we live by and we rocking like pimp. Scrap it out dude, cash, remove them as anything of the enemy, destroy their plans dude
When grave in the middle of the hole is where slab made, makes ya live 4 long as not having sidewalls to the below floor but a circular hollow made on the all side walls to house the slab which was not planted but made dude. When u live in a compound with grave like 1 near the corner or entrance of ya house u live long provided u knew that follow and some people exhume to bury their to rot to open and call authorities of the same so people pray 4 the same 4 the above, people they know.
Samsung Big tv screen, bring the actual size photo like of furniture like seat then with ya power saw trace on a paper all wood sides b4 u cut to screw as u got the drill to do the same dude and if u know not to place sponge and lothe 4 the seat call 1 and pay him 4 those just days not building other people on cheap things. Be proactive not wallow in despair as your job might end resorting to hooliganism like with the taut dude as in the links below or buy big copier to undertake the above
Wires to the welding plates or any other metal placed on high voltage transformers then u switch on after the boom on the such plates makes gadgets and even roads and buildings. Like on sewer water with garbage makes road when u cover with iron sheets or tandarua as tent clothe, Aluminum ware u do the same above makes fab houses when heap is hay with guava, steel replace with the above when heap is paw paw in brown grass. Kunde in hay makes fab houses when hang on 2 side bars like with the soccer goals, to to the end the heap hangs on shorter than the former or the former can be a folk lift, tree, house or crane, when underneath is brown mud water with clay soil as u step on all fruits, berries, leaves and fruits on welding plates, clothes, boxes on tiles or bruised floors as above and chop fruits on wood soaked in 1 fruit juice or veggies or chemicals 1 at a time until u make ya house or the below environment can be grass sand land or used tires dude
Bones in sewer water makes roads when u chop goat bones in mud with Mellon or lemon seeds, cover the heap with sheets as the heap on the road b4 u step on hay within metallic plates on tiles or when aluminum placed on such road heap b4 u electrocute dude, like with welding machine bro, stepping on clothe with such plates on ripe paw paw or garbage or kale sticks. Muto in kunde makes buses, kunde in kale makes pick ups, as u can chop coconut stick broom on board soaked in pineapple, water or chemicals as thinner or kerosene b4 stepping on all most every piece of the same as above dude
Aluminum in corpse makes buses, in cat type makes bicycles, in goat fire truck, in cow corpse makes tricycle, in sheep corpse makes boats and try with every corpse of any animal b4 all the protocols as above dude or replace aluminum with flowers or with anything around ya even non living to see what nature will give ya. To one who have the few now will be given and vice versa. Kunde in fish gives ya pat tv sat elite, in goat bones the decoders dude, kunde in passion gives ya trucks, in grass light rails, in paw paw trains dude, in sewer water airplanes, in brown grass jets, in hay with sand choppers, in mango seed yachts, in guava cruise ship but in red guava gun boat dude, in butternut/spinach E- buses dude and more bro, in onion bikes or seats, in white coconut E-cars on the peel telephone satellite, in mango gives ya e-bicycles dude, in pumpkin leaves drones, in hay mangoes, in pumpkin fruit hay and more, paw paw in cabbage soccer stadium, kunde in cabbage tricycle, kale in cabbage mineral water, chilies in cabbage gives ya E-bikes and try with all as above as gives u of another dimension and even medicine.
Perfume can place anything inside gives u another something even when small cut into pieces and even with fluids, like with mattress, apple, passion or tiny insects and arachnids or flowers gives ya drone bombs even with alantana camara black seed, but much such cans in black beans gives ya seat while with pineapple as well as and boilers with hay or brown grass, vending machine place flowers with such can and step on ya country all cash denomination on the step procedure to give ya one using the same or chop such in the later end process dude. Like with the grave u can place the ahuja on long post
With my ID they want to steal it or send criminals to me to make me throw it away b4 getting a new 1, they warn u why did u misplace the 1 just given to ya. Playing dice in open day light dude. Chopping coconut stick even makes buildings/ sky scrapper when heap paw paw in planted grass or sewer water with passion fruit dude or dirty red soil water with white guava extract while with the peel makes carpets and with red 1 peel sufuria and the extract utensils dude. Sewer water place paw paw makes rocket missiles while mini missiles when u placed passion on mineral water within river valley environment with water fall, b4 us step on hay with carrot on clothe with muddy water and u chop cabbage on wood soaked on hay extracts
The E-bikes can have the thermostat on the handle to charge the battery and with any other machine on the steering or seats as of steering can be made when paw paw placed in sewer water then u step on cooked yam within book paper on cotton clothe with mineral water b4 u chop hay with white guava on board soaked on raw mango extract or mineral water in side wall hole or roadside ditches while 4 the motor bike can be made by placing grown grass within hay, in roadside ditches, b4 stepping on hay within jeans or kaki clothe on brown/white boxes or tangerine outer peel, b4 again chopping ugali on wood soaked on paraffin or chop paw paw seeds on wood soaked on being made ugali hot water or green grass dude
They say as regretting, u ought not have done that, sending to every tribe as some tribe prides themselves and we want their down fall, i have sent all on Instagram and given ya the pas-code to see, what u want dude, to be all well a head with my things yet am here with u and u belittle me, regret if all such as those postings were your not mine, u aint special dude, ya eye see as mine bro. From morning on ya food, even if u buy a snack they talk as if in a quarrel with 1, denying their poverty dude. If rich feed ya kids and stop that poverty gestures dude, untill we know to make them same and how many nations as per Instagram have known to make the same well a head b4 ya and some not posted on the net, u silly and stupid only locating business already opened to mange but cant start your, businesses 4 people the belittled in the past but their names not in it to make the at easy. Go away u stupid bragart dude and insane one
The heap of 2 fruits, veggies or leaves as always said or one piece  of product brought close to like 1 veggie, fruits, leave or berry can be  hanged from a hook on the ceiling of the boom area or from a chopper or  drone or folk lift or crane when outside or in the factory house  basement or upper floor when the heap heavy. And can he hurled from  outside with folk lift, when hole made on the roof top of the company  house to hang inside. The rope from the hook it hangs can be direct to  the floor or made to rest on pillars of different materials as metals,  wood or tied ropes or clothes or creeping plants, where it meets the 1st  rope or metal bar tied to both 2 walls as it rest when u place a piece  of clothe or flower or polythene or plastic carpet gives the machine its  color dude. The hook can be on end wall or at the corner intersection  or on the ceiling b4 the rope or wire or creeping plant rope that rests  on another as above b4 the boom heap placed. The boom heap 4 every  machine made is another to give out that machine b4 doing the end  part/process of the boom, like styles, chop, hide and drop mechanisms.  The bag can be metallic containers, plastic container, different clothe  texture 4 different heap like cotton, viscos, sweater, jackets, kaki,  leso, plastic or wool carpet, made wood cabinet, leather, colourbash,  removed inside fruit to be hollow like pumpkin, broken machine like  container parts, sisal or reeds made basket, clay cooking pot but in the  put on the floor type style not hanging u cover the heap with upside  down as inverted by the end boom process.
Like phones on the hang  process u place the heap in like soda or liquor cans, with Tv u place  the heap in pumpkin made hollow as above or on goat hide, watches on  coconut bowl or on cow hide, on iron sheet roofing or goat hide makes  fab houses, while sky scrapper made when u cover the heap with cow hide  or carpet, Stereo made when u cover the heap with buckets inverted while  small plastic containers make small electronics as timers, watches,  hospital mini gadgets like thermometers etc, Fridges u cover with boxes  or orange peel, blender with human feces or soil or flowers or aluminum,  cookers with hay or written on book papers, fridges even with news  papers, oven with boards, cookers with banana outer peel, iron box with  human feces or grass, fridges still with sugar cane inner husk, cars  with flowers or polythene bag, jets with modern super market bags or  brown paper or flowers or sugar cane, submarine with kale, jets with  cabbage, airplane with sugar cane husks chewed, drones with cow dung dry  or raw or make a side wall to the heap and cover with milk to hide the  heap 4 many products and locate all veggies leaves, outer peel and even 4  berries, fruits and try to cover all heap as explained until u get it  doing it many people bro
Computers cover with polythene, carpets  or brown paper, fab houses with leso, pay tv with kitenge or phone  boosters. Guns with dung or feces or wool like carpets, laptops with  grass, tablets with saw husks, airplane with ice or milk, missiles with  ripe paw paw juice or cut pieces or shoes or rubber souls. Solar lights  gadgets with hay, military vehicle with skali ngulu or used tires or  broken metallic parts of vehicles, medicine with hay dude and more bro,  Gold cover with milk, ice, kale, sugar with clothes, pixie withe dark  sewer water, green grams with cabbage and even with soda etc
Paw  paw in carrot or in cabbage step on tangerine on wet cotton clothe on  dirty water withe brown paper on tile floor then chop hay with tangerine  on mud or chop hay with euphorbia on wood soaked in sewer water or  passion fruit in grass sand land make black and white covering the heap  with blankets on dug hole with sea shore in it laid like carpet banana  leaves or painted white cemented floor and even sides. Even sliced meat  of any animal can be as cover b4 making gadgets in the boom process esp 4  home appliances and much foods and even blood
Tomato sauce  made on the same hole as above on in containers placed in dug holes  inside tangerine peel with orange peel cover with mud or milk after  placing one container of such sauces close to like kale or hay bar and  with any other produce as chilies sauce is hoho with paw paw seeds or  ripe paw paw b4 the boom process dude. U can add ginger 4 the step on with many cubes of cuts as above to remove the benefit of doubt thing as trying with 1 as u can add preservative to make them last or locate a none living thing to replace the grown ones to be used daily dude
The rich man was buried on  land he had made with hole to beneath the earth is about 10 - 16 KM  depending on loaction. where his grave was made of tiles on the floor  and side walls which if u removed some tikles on the wall leads u to  another room with toilet the emeites refuge to the outer world and he  had drone that uses the wireless electricity he had paid 4 many months  as prepaid and with the drone he could get to the below of the earth get  ice bars and melt when up to shower with and had plenty of canned food  on the holes to take him 4 months besides possessing the Radio call with  wireless connectivity as in the link below, so had been to Minneapolis  and saw the bellow to warn the people on earth, where he could not be  traced cause he had like more than such 4 radio calls 4 different  companies b4 switching off after saying whats what written in the bible  or just talking. When u switch GPS OFF to be tracked and gotten but he  was caught and the news was on print b4 he was cremated dude. Mfalme wa  yawhodi to cement de truth above bro
Guava  in cabbage hang on polythene bag directly not leaning on side bar as  above, step on hay within lemon on rough floor tiles then chop cooked  cabbage on board soaked on hay juice or hot strong tea makes energy  drinks as predators dude. With GOLD cover with hay, soil or milk or  Hyde, as the heap, nyamau cover with human hair or polythene or goat  hide dude, diamond with ice or green grams, rockets with rusted iron  roof or cattle blood or coke soda, yacht with milk as most with milk,  fab houses with ugali taka or gravel, ships with gravel or wool dude  within the side walls to the heap
Small insects and arachnids in  cans or snail outer cast cover with sewer water or fruit seeds makes  tiny military machines b4 u step and chop process as u hang to rest on  the alter or slab a little bit dude or get into the sewer water or milk  into a container or made hole.
When u eat your own appendix after  shifting to a corpse and gotten out to be cooked or fry makes u insane,  penis makes your shoulder broad and breast 4 men your head small but 4  women big, male booty makes women mad/nuts, women booty makes male with  small waist and more dude. Click the song below if u want to stay young  dude
The  banner is hanged on the wall or on the ceiling boom heap within and the  folded placed within the heap middle sides, corners or within covered  with the last process heap and even with fridges u cover with flowers as  any type or species works 4 another machine or their printed wall  papers dude. With generators u hang on the carpet or polythene bag  direct or from the hook or plug the wire or rope rests on another side  b4 few yards from the hook either emanating from side walls or just from  the ceiling dude
With big radios u cover the heap in cattle  intestine, dung and under flower, Hyde, paw paw outer peel of many  fruits and their leaves as banana and veggies, starchy food husks as  maize, potato, yam or cassava and works 4 much machines as even car and  small appliances and body wear as stud, necklace or belts, medicine as  well dude just try covering until it gets out
U see not, that land rich than your land and what u produce much beverages and made artificially or just want the pop to increase 4 kids to suffer as attacking militarily now u cant out of radars and radar missile and tiny military drones even with guns and bombs to eliminate on the field gun battles as b4. Or afraid to be laughed at as fools as your Moses not ya Moses as told the secrete to every tribe u cant be on top dude or to be laughed at as failures.
Greece armored vehicle images in the link below
When even besides that test or detect when under alcohol or hard drugs influence are in placed and even detecting guns and metals and even bombs are in place how can 1 u claim can attack ya and disturb ya kids yet not in government, a big lie and playing Baal, maybe u think by saying the above ya years can be added as u have now known to make good things of this life and desire long life and sometimes develop jealousy with other race kids to tolerate u to serve u in shops to feel good as the same u wanted in USA or Eu has atrophied to be deemed special and the same as bracelets as above without cam coda can be placed in houses to detect the same and in lonely parks and cities and roads long range ones placed that are seen on radar. Leave 1 alone and mend ya broken pieces and forge ahead dude
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leam1983 · 4 years
Post-Quarantine Musings  - Hardspace: Shipbreaker
I book car showroom appointments for a living.
There’s more to it, seeing as I’m the office’s resident IT drone, proofreader and occasional copywriter, but it boils down to this. My job in these parlous times is to get you to strap on that dodgy graphene-filter mask you bought off of Wish or Alibaba and drive to your local showroom so you can socially distance yourself from a guy who really, really wants you to disregard the fact that payment delays on a 20K$ vehicle just isn’t a worthwhile deal in times like these. Money’s tight for everyone, but Honda, Nissan and everyone else’s plant workers need to put food on the plate - and that means buyback offers. Lots and lots of buyback offers, most of them being shockingly cheap and poorly thought-out.
Over the last few days, though, I’ve been poking at Blackbird Entertainment’s Hardspace: Shipbreaker, of which the basic setup uneasily mirrors the decidedly crapsack world we find ourselves living in, lately. Work is scarce for some, so blue-collar postings suddenly start to have some allure. What happens, then, when said blue-collar work takes you out of Earth’s gravity well?
The year is 2355 or thereabouts, and inflation’s made it so that a lower-middle class bloke having over nine million dollars in debt is totally normal. You’re one such average Joe, the game opening with the anxiety-inducing din of your cramped mega-building apartment. Your financial imprint is in shambles, creditors are after your ass, and your inbox varies between impassioned pleas from your mother and curt title lines coming from repo agencies.
You’re deep in it, safe to say.
Luckily for you, you’ve also applied to the LYNX Corporation’s Shipbreaker program, wherein all debts are shouldered by the company as well as all living expenses, so long as you don’t mind leaving your family and loved ones behind to spend your hours between work shifts in a pressurized habitat that’s essentially left out in the open space of your new workspace’s offered ship berth. The profile setup is presented diegetically as the world’s mortiferous take on Capitalism, wherein LYNX reserves the right to clone you, if you happen to sever the right fuel line at the wrong time. The company expects total obedience and even dictates who you should vote for, in the coming global elections. You’ll make millions of bucks per shift, but most of it will go to fruitlessly attempting to sponge off a debt not even your children’s children will have any prayer of making a dent in.
“But hey,” says Weaver, your supervisor, in his nonchalant Midwestern drawl, “work hard, and you too just might work off your debt, like Simmons did.”
In the beginning hours, it’s not hard to get the sense that Simmons might be a company-created chimera, a figment of corporate imagination - the Guy Who Made It.
In practice, your new job involves floating around in the zero-G confines of a spaceship berth, flanked by furnaces to smelt down what can be salvaged or repurpose what can be quickly reused. Everything else, from cots to pressurization units and loose personal O2 tanks, you have to fling down into the giant space barge that partially blots out your view of a brownish, detritus-covered Earth. Every work shift lasts fifteen minutes, and every shift comes with Work Orders, or tasks that need to be prioritized. Your tools of the trade include precision cutting lasers and beamsplitters, along with an energy-based grapple gun. The brunt of the work involves worming your way inside your Derelict of the Day, which another team’s already stripped down to the I-Beams and connecting points - and reducing all of the massive, yellow-marked solder points to slag. A little thruster work adds momentum to gigantic steel, aluminium or nanocarbon plates and walkways that you free from the ship’s armature, at which point you can slither out and guide all freed loose items and plates to either the Salvage, Furnace or Reclamation points.
Early on, it feels like you’re playing Operation inside the innards of some gigantic steel-borne beast - but the fifteen-minute timer soon starts to loom over you, as your Work Orders become increasingly complex. Soon enough, your safe and definitely OSHA-compliant procedures are set aside for hacky and mildly suicidal means of reaching your goals as quickly as possible.
Normally, creating a safe working environment involves depressurizing each wreck from within, using the provided consoles. Nevermind why, but LYNX supplies its wrecks with a remaining atmosphere and plenty of unsecured flotsam floating around. If you’re on the clock, you can also just hang onto the pilot’s cockpit with your magnetic gloves, aim your laser at the front windshield - and then hold on for dear life as all ninety-seven tons of atmosphere in the hauler you’re assigned to forces its way out into the void, through a space that has about the width of a finger. The resulting force rips through the front cockpit, turning the usually easy-to-handle ‘nano panels that line the ship’s outer plating into dozens of annoyingly small fragments you’ll later have to spent long minutes bundling together and flinging down the Reclamation chute.
The same goes for fuel lines, really. You only have a few minutes left and need the few million creds an intact thruster block sells for? Cut open a hole in the ship’s flank, near the stern, expose the fuel lines, line up your shot while going as far back as you can while still having a chance to make your target - and fire away. You’ll tear the entire back half open and even possibly kill yourself, but that’s what company-produced clones and mnemonic transfer jobs are for, right?
I mean, the ship’s half-ruined and LYNX’s just lost a few cool billions of expensive tech but, hey - the thruster block’s intact (miraculously) and that’s going to cover your equipment leases being commuted to a for-life permit! Woohoo, no more payments for my precision laser!
Of course, nothing says blue-collar tedium like Space Bluegrass, and that’s what you’ll be listening to for most of your run. Shipbreaker is still definitely barren on the audio spectrum, although a good chunk of it is by design: you’re in space, in a near-complete vaccuum, and the only clear sounds you’ll ever hear are broadcast out of your suit’s radio. Everything else is muffled and distant, with even your ship-rending occasional reactor failures only manifesting as a bright glare and a low whoosh.
The main draw quite obviously is the game’s zero-G physics engine. Fans of Space Sims like Elite: Dangerous will feel right at home, with the obviously small-scale setting being less focused on your pulling off Top Gun stunts in space and more with providing chunks of metal weighing a variable amount of tons with the ponderous floatyness to be expected - and small bits with the life-ending velocity to be expected when your non-compliant shenanigans result in your helmet cracking and your air reserves oozing out. The end result is surprising, seeing as what looks like a Homeworld-era cruiser bursting open like a beached whale barely taxes an i7 7700K, 16GB setup. The game is rather lightweight, technically speaking, which allows it to be impressively forgiving, based on the two machines I was able to fiddle with, one of them an entry-level gaming rig, and the other being more of an enthusiast setup, with an i9 and 32 GBs of memory.
If anything, you’re likely to notice that there’s a bit of a disconnect between your rough, dusty and used hand-crafted environments and the polygonal and simplistic construction of the vessels you’re tasked with decommissioning. That’s mostly a result of the game needing an efficient way to handle one interactive object splitting off into potentially dozens of physics-based objects. Keeping things sleek obviously makes sense, considering, and it also helps that Hardspace rests on the handiwork of a few ex-Relic Entertainment designers. Hiigara’s natives aren’t too far off if you look at the ship designs, with only the texture work suggesting that you’re a Blue Collar Joe or Jane working on an old tug that’s had just as rough a life as you.
The question is, however, if I’d recommend it. I would, but only if you’re the type of gamer who enjoys optimizing things. Shipbreaker is built from the ground-up to either be played like a reverse Bonzai tree simulator, or as a cool physics sandbox wherein cutting open fuel lines like a moron, rupturing power cells or letting the onboard nuke go critical all become cost-effective approaches. If you do, chances are you’ll find yourself strapping on your best or worst drawl and commenting on seat-of-your-pants escapes from technical disasters like they’re just the stuff of your average Tuesday.
You’ve got a debt to clear, after all, and enough clones to turn your grisly demise into an unfortunate bump in the road.
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mythandlaur · 5 years
As someone who has the final piece of the Railjack cooking and has kept track of all the costs, here are all the overall, cumulative materials required for the Railjack, in order of quantity required, along with some non-lore info on the quest. Beware, it is not cheap, and it doesn’t appear like clanmates can help with it, as they can’t see your Railjack or interact with the repair console.
6,000,000 Credits
27,000 Alloy Plate
20,000 Ferrite
20,000 Nano Spores
15,000 Rubedo
10,000 Salvage
5,000 Circuits
4,500 Polymer Bundles
3,000 Plastids
1,000 Cryotic
500 Detonite Ampules
500 Fieldron Samples
200 Control Modules
120 Carbides (Grineer Shipyard [Ceres’ ‘acid rain’ tileset, any planet] eximera; drop in multiples as special resource]
120 Copernics (mining red veins on Orb Vallis; drop in multiples)
100 Cubic Diodes (Corpus Ice Planet [”Europa” tileset, any planet] eximera; drop in multiples as special resource)
100 Pustrels (mining red veins on Plains of Eidolon; drop in multiples)
50 Morphics
35 Neurodes
30 Neural Sensors
30 Orokin Cells
15 Argon Crystals (can be placed in incrementally and presumably won’t decay)
Each of the six pieces takes 12 hours to build and cannot be rushed; your quest steps update automatically on completion and Cy sends you an inbox message, though you may need to come back from a mission to get it.
Every quest mission to recover the parts is the same, a Defense-style mission where you must keep enemies out of a certain radius of the part in question while it is being scanned, though it won’t take damage. Vomvalyst Drones will spawn at increasing numbers and intervals during the scan, and must be cleared to continue the mission. Battalysts appear with increasing numbers in later missions.
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sirjustice381-blog · 4 years
Must know the pinch dude
African veg apoth as well can take the place of white guava, mango juice flowers with making soap detergents and even when inserted in sewer water or those named below makes even planes. Even paints immersed in the same above makes airplanes but of different type from another
Peeled unripe fruits when placed in the above named solutions makes many kinds of airplane while ripe or cooked ones makes electronics and small E-gadgets like house electric appliances, submarines, missiles in cold weather, rockets in hot places, cargo drones and more.
Condom can be made in boya as in Swahili inscribed in them so heat affects them not or no intruder gets into them synonymous with oppo enclosed inside phones without screw dude. Rubber fluid also can serve the purpose of making soaps and machines as above found in Liberia. As in the link below so even placed in atmosphere heat affects not the rubber inside bro as many do to burst ya CD in the middle of enjoyment of sexual intercoarse when such thought are erased in ya mind as it did to Kebi way back then In Minneapolis with A WHITE Bitch called Alison mdomo mkubwa but tamu of St stephen shelter bro, of big mouth rather to be precise. Cushioning link below
Euphobia, saw dust, hay as well can make baby pumpers, card-boards, clothes and napkins in the boom process as well as hospital bandage, curtains and like face mask as the dry 1 the best. Make work easy dude as well as maize inner cob.
Fanta soda as well can make sugar as synonymous with juicy cola or any fruit juice drink by adding much water bro, eliminating such tricks of the day that lure women to bad people later plunging kids into confusion when such atrophies dude, lazy kids who cant work bro.
When guava, white, solution mixed with water in the boom process make even aluminum utensil wares or products bro
Electric charcoal igniter/gas machine images in the link below so need to light ya brazier the hard traditional way girl as in the link below, save ya ass using match box/stick
Grave yards as in the link below breeds spirits, written well and well placed as if they went to another world yet many now are no-more as magma or lava but we still commemorate them, why dude, lets employ eat neem leaves philosophy to destroy the graves of those who had gone to hell fire cause they got utility as to commemorate those who went to heaven to join them later if we can synonymous with EU and USA or Canada. Lets just place a protruding concrete pillar mounted from the below grave foundation so to be hard to pluck and write name of the deceased in abbreviation and place number on those elongation as with door number as the rest of information we can find online bro to remove the spirit inculcated in people as named above but they know not making even land to sink. As song link below where Kebi 1st wrote all the beauties of Ae technologies as seen in FB a/c kevinelson mondy as God seen it to officiate it is his which if u take u risk getting to hell fire back then in 2013 in Minneapolis, MN as cane with abel cooking to please God
Our new saucer to other planets to seek refuge from those who claim things on us dude
Made in Togo Asky airplane images in the link below
Japan 1st E-speed car images in the link below dude
Get a glimpse to ride on the cheap E-bike shown in the link below to be Mr white man equal
People loving such standing to be seen job positions are Paraguay blooded, they block people moves, so with the above, they risk getting fired as every nation now making their own airplanes to cut on their international flight demands, i hate group lovers as they r 1st in the above
Kinda, u see them defecating, as heap of fecal matter, yes dude to stop belittling kebi as seeing yet they don’t intervene dude, feel kebi sweeping wind current. Stop colluding with Mr white man 4 better 4 good people, so it goes well with ya cause they are deemed mad man with yesus
corn flakes, boiled corn grain or wheat then grinned then add sugar with much cold water then do the boom process by inserting in orange outer peel or some few Kg of the same and boom ya cereal. With green grass makes the USA NEW IMPROVED jikos as brazier in the link below while brown as hay makes mortion sensor lights or alarms in the boom process as lemon outer peel is inserted the reverse with cereal making way. Flakes sells more than tea in developed world as consumed much as of high price. U boil the fresh from firm they use the machine below to get off the maize fro the cob 4 high prices or just grinned with the cob then add glucose 4 low price cause comes out much
if air was not in certain atmosphere above earth1 then they could rush from our atmosphere to occupy such, so a lie to cement the truth air is everywhere dude, no barrier to block earths air from reaching such or ozone which is imaginary to cement de truth of Mr white man lie bro
Peanut butter added to much water made card-boards as in the link below which hay or cut dry grass makes as well
Durban what makes it, is artificial detergents and brake fluid products as much as tetanus medication or baby star-soft they sell to many South Africa neighboring states like Botswana or Namibia of high population and have learnt the same meaning decreased sales volume so Durban collapse, women with Christ shouting release Barnabas as Silas, abednego, Paul where arrested in SA at that time as in the links below, they prayed until the gate-men fell asleep as 1 collected thought or 1 guard brought them voodoo to do the same based on true story dude
The island thing can be made by partially big interlocking metals to place rod in between them to reach the above as can tell the devil to even makes roads and much structures to eliminate ya from that job if the above happens and even where the land ends on each side placed supports as in the links below, not to slide or create fear of future sliding as with NY claiming its prophecy yet they know they truths now we know they thought we never knew.
Any1 making gadgets cant just sell as the Govt should look closely into that as pay the permit fee, no starting ya own things as can be payed per month to finish which can even be like $ 1000,000
When u use tractors that uses fuel to tilt the land, the land falls synonymous with usa and more when the wheel step on microscopic organism on the soil as killing them and fumes polluting the environment and many in jails playing yet we got ox-bow plowshare to give them to do the same as also when using tractors it affects the beneath of the earth directly proportionate to the land as that ice falls, detectives thinking 1 got their with detonatives to do the same thus creating fear which they want to test with, highlands like E-Africa bringing the Negros here to monitor which now they have known aint as they think but the above. Though, kinda, the way they treated the negro in slavery did that, so stop but still the land falls low, aint that curse dude but the above which can be rectified using mini tractors which use fuel not as E-tractors or the ox-bow cattle held plowshare. The land was down why when green-man left, they moved to Europe later to those land hoping it could rise but alas!! Another thing, strong tractors are made with extinct animals like crocodiles or elephants which increases the curse dude not bring folks here to monitor bro, u got me homey.
Botswana, Egypt, uae, Qatar and Chile made airplane images in the link below
Avocado brown outer peel makes even buses, lorries, tuk tuk or trains when placed in solutions named below in the boom process and even motor bikes and light rail trains.
Drink cold black current soda and be partially broad as the front leg shape of a lion to be called lion of Judah as in the link below, makes ya body bones wide 4 those who are skinny dude to gain some respect bro
I wont give ya even a dime, hustle dude, i aint ya prostitute bro, lest we break a fight dude.
Even tea, coffee or cocoa leaves when mixed with kale to make much in the boom process gives out kales which are soft and tender to eat as 1 utility of tea but can be made forever that way, once bought, twice shy proverb saying.
Shivling supermarket got Uganda Royal TV and Dala hera Amtect Tv to make u believe all the links i have displayed in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice50 and so Mr Hindu and white-men stop the shit of wanting to control others cause we have what they got and more than them and even china not left behind bro, to remove the phrase unless i see is when i believe synonymous with bible barthlomeo. S-korea, the chain-store even got LG Tv made in Egypt to provoke ya to open ya own shop outlet to give clients the best quality u make and even with any nation machine, that just a wake up call 4 many nations to address the same and to make ya machine half price of that from distant land since it got no shipping cost
If ya country is twice distance from the USA multiply the above and if half divide then minus from the parent country fixed prize if that good made somewhere-else to get what it ought to cost dude keeping in mind the weight
Steel are made with maize or sima placed in sewer/garbage water b4 maize cobs added in the boom process, can replace rocks when making islands like Manhattan as it rusts not bro.
Try with raw or cooked pumpkin 4 better results even with groundnuts with what it makes, fried and raw garlic as potato as Tv that spoils the eye not are made using cooked pumpkin immersed in yogurt, dough, bubble gum solution in the boom process b4 thinner or pineapple juice is added 4 better results. Try as well with ripe or raw fruits 4 better results, dry or still fresh produce as with fruits or grass.
Grass placed in the above makes even toys and bicycles bro or glass and even motion sensor lights or alarms that can be wireless and placed on grave using the solar generator where it got a key outlet where if the wet cell atrophies u can replace with a new 1 altogether dude.
Ice placed like in rye dough or yogurt makes even bubble gums and ice cream in the boom process as much as cakes. U take a little bit of ice cream type and place in the above, add, pumpkin juice or pineapple and boom ya flavor.
Boiled maize cob, raw 1 and roasted as well gives different results as either original or not all that as far as machines are concerned. Try and let us see bro. Nations which produce not maize but wants to make the same, those who produce the same can import such to them to get the cob as a new hot cake cash crop but shortcoming is can be made much in boom process but we know not the machine it brings as stated above will either be original or not all that, something we are looking into so much as in the link below
Goat bones inserted in the explained above makes even motor bikes of1 kind as of other cattle or wild animals makes others, try to see dude, the solution can be cut flowers as well or sewer water if need not to spend money.
Gas cylinders are made with yayi as eggs placed in the above solution b4 the boom process done.
When all the above well explained yet they fathom not, kinda, u see an approaching blue or black police cab as 2 both doors are opened from either each side to signal defeat and equal development as the other developed spheres which calls 4 the same strict laws which many a hooligans wants not. We got u dude as in the song link below
Like water guard blue bottle when placed in the above solution makes even mini-missiles while the big 20 L cooking oil jerrican when placed in the above solution makes even the big missiles as in the link below, Or insert the high quality photos as in the links below and still makes the same bro, so many ways to kill a rat dude
When u listen to riddim mixes as in the link below, it equips u with no-extra hustling jobs and calls ya attention to be simple, like u can eat small amounts of different many foods mixed together like 10-20 foods in 1 single meal as sima inside there, vegetables, fruits, lentils, chapati, beans or maize, green-grams stew, meat pellets and more to taste sweet as riddim mix songs but many after undertaking such like a friend of mine from HAITI peter stevelon, gets to garbage, take as mixing food needs time and money, so rather gets it from the mentioned above point
No doubt dude, the above equips ya, no debate about it bro
Tangerine and banana ripe even in the boom process makes another type of baby star-soft while mango inner seed makes even big airplanes as Christ was crucified covered with the same inner to help us see as now and come up with the above to settle disputes as distance ourselves from the whites
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sirjustice380-blog · 4 years
African veg apoth as well can take the place of white guava, mango juice flowers with making soap detergents and even when inserted in sewer water or those named below makes even planes. Even paints immersed in the same above makes airplanes but of different type from another
Peeled unripe fruits when placed in the above named solutions makes many kinds of airplane while ripe or cooked ones makes electronics and small E-gadgets like house electric appliances, submarines, missiles in cold weather, rockets in hot places, cargo drones and more.
Condom can be made in boya as in Swahili inscribed in them so heat affects them not or no intruder gets into them synonymous with oppo enclosed inside phones without screw dude. Rubber fluid also can serve the purpose of making soaps and machines as above found in Liberia. As in the link below so even placed in atmosphere heat affects not the rubber inside bro as many do to burst ya CD in the middle of enjoyment of sexual intercoarse when such thought are erased in ya mind as it did to Kebi way back then In Minneapolis with A WHITE Bitch called Alison mdomo mkubwa but tamu of St stephen shelter bro, of big mouth rather to be precise. Cushioning link below
Euphobia, saw dust, hay as well can make baby pumpers, card-boards, clothes and napkins in the boom process as well as hospital bandage, curtains and like face mask as the dry 1 the best. Make work easy dude as well as maize inner cob.
Fanta soda as well can make sugar as synonymous with juicy cola or any fruit juice drink by adding much water bro, eliminating such tricks of the day that lure women to bad people later plunging kids into confusion when such atrophies dude, lazy kids who cant work bro.
When guava, white, solution mixed with water in the boom process make even aluminum utensil wares or products bro
Electric charcoal igniter/gas machine images in the link below so need to light ya brazier the hard traditional way girl as in the link below, save ya ass using match box/stick
Grave yards as in the link below breeds spirits, written well and well placed as if they went to another world yet many now are no-more as magma or lava but we still commemorate them, why dude, lets employ eat neem leaves philosophy to destroy the graves of those who had gone to hell fire cause they got utility as to commemorate those who went to heaven to join them later if we can synonymous with EU and USA or Canada. Lets just place a protruding concrete pillar mounted from the below grave foundation so to be hard to pluck and write name of the deceased in abbreviation and place number on those elongation as with door number as the rest of information we can find online bro to remove the spirit inculcated in people as named above but they know not making even land to sink. As song link below where Kebi 1st wrote all the beauties of Ae technologies as seen in FB a/c kevinelson mondy as God seen it to officiate it is his which if u take u risk getting to hell fire back then in 2013 in Minneapolis, MN as cane with abel cooking to please God
Our new saucer to other planets to seek refuge from those who claim things on us dude
Made in Togo Asky airplane images in the link below
Japan 1st E-speed car images in the link below dude
Get a glimpse to ride on the cheap E-bike shown in the link below to be Mr white man equal
People loving such standing to be seen job positions are Paraguay blooded, they block people moves, so with the above, they risk getting fired as every nation now making their own airplanes to cut on their international flight demands, i hate group lovers as they r 1st in the above
Kinda, u see them defecating, as heap of fecal matter, yes dude to stop belittling kebi as seeing yet they don't intervene dude, feel kebi sweeping wind current. Stop colluding with Mr white man 4 better 4 good people, so it goes well with ya cause they are deemed mad man with yesus
corn flakes, boiled corn grain or wheat then grinned then add sugar with much cold water then do the boom process by inserting in orange outer peel or some few Kg of the same and boom ya cereal. With green grass makes the USA NEW IMPROVED jikos as brazier in the link below while brown as hay makes mortion sensor lights or alarms in the boom process as lemon outer peel is inserted the reverse with cereal making way. Flakes sells more than tea in developed world as consumed much as of high price. U boil the fresh from firm they use the machine below to get off the maize fro the cob 4 high prices or just grinned with the cob then add glucose 4 low price cause comes out much
if air was not in certain atmosphere above earth1 then they could rush from our atmosphere to occupy such, so a lie to cement the truth air is everywhere dude, no barrier to block earths air from reaching such or ozone which is imaginary to cement de truth of Mr white man lie bro
Peanut butter added to much water made card-boards as in the link below which hay or cut dry grass makes as well
Durban what makes it, is artificial detergents and brake fluid products as much as tetanus medication or baby star-soft they sell to many South Africa neighboring states like Botswana or Namibia of high population and have learnt the same meaning decreased sales volume so Durban collapse, women with Christ shouting release Barnabas as Silas, abednego, Paul where arrested in SA at that time as in the links below, they prayed until the gate-men fell asleep as 1 collected thought or 1 guard brought them voodoo to do the same based on true story dude
The island thing can be made by partially big interlocking metals to place rod in between them to reach the above as can tell the devil to even makes roads and much structures to eliminate ya from that job if the above happens and even where the land ends on each side placed supports as in the links below, not to slide or create fear of future sliding as with NY claiming its prophecy yet they know they truths now we know they thought we never knew.
Any1 making gadgets cant just sell as the Govt should look closely into that as pay the permit fee, no starting ya own things as can be payed per month to finish which can even be like $ 1000,000
When u use tractors that uses fuel to tilt the land, the land falls synonymous with usa and more when the wheel step on microscopic organism on the soil as killing them and fumes polluting the environment and many in jails playing yet we got ox-bow plowshare to give them to do the same as also when using tractors it affects the beneath of the earth directly proportionate to the land as that ice falls, detectives thinking 1 got their with detonatives to do the same thus creating fear which they want to test with, highlands like E-Africa bringing the Negros here to monitor which now they have known aint as they think but the above. Though, kinda, the way they treated the negro in slavery did that, so stop but still the land falls low, aint that curse dude but the above which can be rectified using mini tractors which use fuel not as E-tractors or the ox-bow cattle held plowshare. The land was down why when green-man left, they moved to Europe later to those land hoping it could rise but alas!! Another thing, strong tractors are made with extinct animals like crocodiles or elephants which increases the curse dude not bring folks here to monitor bro, u got me homey.
Botswana, Egypt, uae, Qatar and Chile made airplane images in the link below
Avocado brown outer peel makes even buses, lorries, tuk tuk or trains when placed in solutions named below in the boom process and even motor bikes and light rail trains.
Drink cold black current soda and be partially broad as the front leg shape of a lion to be called lion of Judah as in the link below, makes ya body bones wide 4 those who are skinny dude to gain some respect bro
I wont give ya even a dime, hustle dude, i aint ya prostitute bro, lest we break a fight dude.
Even tea, coffee or cocoa leaves when mixed with kale to make much in the boom process gives out kales which are soft and tender to eat as 1 utility of tea but can be made forever that way, once bought, twice shy proverb saying.
Shivling supermarket got Uganda Royal TV and Dala hera Amtect Tv to make u believe all the links i have displayed in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice50 and so Mr Hindu and white-men stop the shit of wanting to control others cause we have what they got and more than them and even china not left behind bro, to remove the phrase unless i see is when i believe synonymous with bible barthlomeo. S-korea, the chain-store even got LG Tv made in Egypt to provoke ya to open ya own shop outlet to give clients the best quality u make and even with any nation machine, that just a wake up call 4 many nations to address the same and to make ya machine half price of that from distant land since it got no shipping cost
If ya country is twice distance from the USA multiply the above and if half divide then minus from the parent country fixed prize if that good made somewhere-else to get what it ought to cost dude keeping in mind the weight
Steel are made with maize or sima placed in sewer/garbage water b4 maize cobs added in the boom process, can replace rocks when making islands like Manhattan as it rusts not bro.
Try with raw or cooked pumpkin 4 better results even with groundnuts with what it makes, fried and raw garlic as potato as Tv that spoils the eye not are made using cooked pumpkin immersed in yogurt, dough, bubble gum solution in the boom process b4 thinner or pineapple juice is added 4 better results. Try as well with ripe or raw fruits 4 better results, dry or still fresh produce as with fruits or grass.
Grass placed in the above makes even toys and bicycles bro or glass and even motion sensor lights or alarms that can be wireless and placed on grave using the solar generator where it got a key outlet where if the wet cell atrophies u can replace with a new 1 altogether dude.
Ice placed like in rye dough or yogurt makes even bubble gums and ice cream in the boom process as much as cakes. U take a little bit of ice cream type and place in the above, add, pumpkin juice or pineapple and boom ya flavor.
Boiled maize cob, raw 1 and roasted as well gives different results as either original or not all that as far as machines are concerned. Try and let us see bro. Nations which produce not maize but wants to make the same, those who produce the same can import such to them to get the cob as a new hot cake cash crop but shortcoming is can be made much in boom process but we know not the machine it brings as stated above will either be original or not all that, something we are looking into so much as in the link below
Goat bones inserted in the explained above makes even motor bikes of1 kind as of other cattle or wild animals makes others, try to see dude, the solution can be cut flowers as well or sewer water if need not to spend money.
Gas cylinders are made with yayi as eggs placed in the above solution b4 the boom process done.
When all the above well explained yet they fathom not, kinda, u see an approaching blue or black police cab as 2 both doors are opened from either each side to signal defeat and equal development as the other developed spheres which calls 4 the same strict laws which many a hooligans wants not. We got u dude as in the song link below
Like water guard blue bottle when placed in the above solution makes even mini-missiles while the big 20 L cooking oil jerrican when placed in the above solution makes even the big missiles as in the link below, Or insert the high quality photos as in the links below and still makes the same bro, so many ways to kill a rat dude
When u listen to riddim mixes as in the link below, it equips u with no-extra hustling jobs and calls ya attention to be simple, like u can eat small amounts of different many foods mixed together like 10-20 foods in 1 single meal as sima inside there, vegetables, fruits, lentils, chapati, beans or maize, green-grams stew, meat pellets and more to taste sweet as riddim mix songs but many after undertaking such like a friend of mine from HAITI peter stevelon, gets to garbage, take as mixing food needs time and money, so rather gets it from the mentioned above point
No doubt dude, the above equips ya, no debate about it bro
Tangerine and banana ripe even in the boom process makes another type of baby star-soft while mango inner seed makes even big airplanes as Christ was crucified covered with the same inner to help us see as now and come up with the above to settle disputes as distance ourselves from the whites
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stan2013fan · 6 years
Here's my unboxing and test flight video of the Syma X20 pocket drone! Pretty small and compact and best of all it costs less than $30! This is a good drone to play around with and practice without breaking the bank.
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letseloisa · 6 years
Here's my unboxing and test flight video of the Syma X20 pocket drone! Pretty small and compact and best of all it costs less than $30! This is a good drone to play around with and practice without breaking the bank.
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anu43 · 6 years
Here's my unboxing and test flight video of the Syma X20 pocket drone! Pretty small and compact and best of all it costs less than $30! This is a good drone to play around with and practice without breaking the bank.
0 notes
gargime · 6 years
Here's my unboxing and test flight video of the Syma X20 pocket drone! Pretty small and compact and best of all it costs less than $30! This is a good drone to play around with and practice without breaking the bank.
0 notes
tanvi2012 · 6 years
Here's my unboxing and test flight video of the Syma X20 pocket drone! Pretty small and compact and best of all it costs less than $30! This is a good drone to play around with and practice without breaking the bank.
0 notes