#characteristics considered plain and normal
beneaththeshadows · 2 years
Honestly the way some people talk about matt smith is just disrespectful and rude, really, it's OK not to like someone or something but constantly bash the guy for being "too ugly" to play a character whose only description of appearance is charming, seems really silly to me, like, what happened to subjective beauty, the beauty on the eye of the beholder and stuff like that. I mean, the guy it's not your cup of tea, that's perfectly fine but opinions are not facts and bullying someone based on their looks is never a cool thing to do.
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protoindoeuropean · 7 months
Comments by people about how disappointed they are to hear that Etymonline is a pretty bad source for (English) etymology make me realize how spoiled we are in Slovene with the (relative) quality and accessibility of etymological dictionaries.
There are three (modern) etymological dictionaries for Slovene: the standard work by Bezlaj, Furlan and Snoj, ESSJ (Etymological Dictionary of the Slovene Language; 4 volumes + indices; begun by Bezlaj in 1976, joined in the following volume (1982) by his student Snoj and in the third and fourth also Furlan (1995, 2005); Bezlaj died in 1994); Snoj's more "popular science" version, SES (Slovene Etymological Dictionary, 1st edition in 1997, 3rd in 2016, available online); Furlan's much more rigorous and dialectally oriented NESSJ (New Etymological Dictionary of the Slovene Language; trial folio in 2013, online publication since 2017).
As mentioned, SES and NESSJ are available online, though the very limited scope of NESSJ means that SES is the usual reference. There are talks about putting ESSJ online as well, but there are some issues with rights and Bezlaj's family etc.
Before illustrating the differences between the various Slovene and English sources for etymology, a few notes on what a good etymological dictionary entry should include:
philological documentation (current meaning, phonetic/phonological information (incl. suprasegmental features), morphological characteristics (inflection, gender), word family (derivatives, parallel formations), attestation (historical sources), onomastic material (esp. anthorponymy and toponymy)
comparative material (cognates or related words in closely related languages and in the wider language family)
etymological explanation (word form at the moment of creation, morphemic structure, meaning and semantic motivation)
To demonstrate the differences between the dictionaries, it's best to consider their entries for the same words:
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— ESSJ, SES poln, adj. 'full' in ESSJ and SES. NESSJ does not have this word. ESSJ includes more information on Slovene historical and dialectal attestation, as well as all the existing forms in other Slavic languages. SES, on the other hand, besides the relevant derivations only includes those Slavic languages that are more relevant for the Proto-Slavic reconstruction. It is important to note that this entry from ESSJ is from the third volume, which systematically takes into account the findings of the laryngeal theory (you can see that the reconstruction of the PIE root in ESSJ is *pelH-, with a laryngeal, even if it is not specified which one; cf. the update in SES with *pleh₁-). The first two volumes do not, however, and are therefore in many ways superseded by the entries in SES, even if those are otherwise less rigorous.
***at this point I should note that I'll gladly(!) translate all the Slovene entries if anyone wants me to do so, but I'm not going to do it if no one asks because there are quite a few of them here
Compare the entries in popular English online sources for etymology – Wiktionary and Etymonline; and then also Kroonen's Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Germanic for comparison:
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— Kroonen, Wiktionary, Etymonline 1, 2 The Wiktionary entry for full is roughly on par with SES, while Kroonen's Germanic material is more comprehensive. Etymonline, however, shows no trace of the laryngeal theory and when looking at the cognates listed under the root, it's like they've never heard of a diacritic either (except in Old Norse "fjöl-", even though ö is not normally used for Old Norse – ǫ is) – even though those are often crucial! –, not to mention fully replacing ə with e in what should be Avestan pərəna- ...
To also include NESSJ, the word for 'birch' will be used, but first the entries for this word in the already mentioned dictionaries:
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—Kroonen, Wiktionary, Etymonline Again the Etymonline entry just does not compare – it's not just that the PIE reconstruction is non-laryngeal, it's also plain wrong because it has *g instead of *ǵ; also again with the diacritics ...
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— ESSJ, SES As you can see, this entry is from the first volume of ESSJ and thus also non-laryngeal. It is still more comprehensive in terms of material, but the explanation in SES is more up-to-date.
The entry in NESSJ simply does not compare to the ones above – it is more in line with a dictionary like the Etymological Dictionary of Slavic Languages (ÈSSJa) in the amount of information it includes, which means that it is so long that I will put it under the cut:
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— NESSJ You can see that this entry includes much more dialectal and historical material and discusses in depth its historical morphology and types of derivation, finally constructing its diachronic word-family.
And since I mentioned it, here's also the ÈSSJa entry for 'birch':
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— ĖSSJa As it is from the very first folio, from 1974, the explanation is non-laryngeal, as in ESSJ. Compared to NESSJ, it includes (literally) a couple more Slavic languages: Slovincian and Polabian, though understandably no further dialectal material, which NESSJ includes specifically for Slovene. ÈSSJa, as a rule, doesn't reconstruct accentual paradigms for Proto-Slavic, while on the other hand, some of the discussion in NESSJa specifically concerns the question of accentual features of the discussed word and its IE word-family. NESSJ is also more explicit in the discussion of the models of derivation and morphological variants.
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sonohban · 1 year
Oh this is something I'm awfully excited to ask you but I keep on forgetting!! But anyway, if you'll create an alien race based on bugs in dragon ball how would you go about it? Like what would be the most important detail do you think they should have? (I want to ask you about specifics of that race too but I don't want to pressure you on answering since I'm sure that would be long. Just an idea of what an alien bug race can be would be awesome!)
THIS IS SUCH A GREAT QUESTION..... because it makes me think so hard i can't think of anything conclusively :') first up is- would this insect race be one species? one family? one order? or just a mix of all different kinds? there's literally around a million insect species and almost 30 orders that are INCREDIBLY diverse in form. i don't want to paste every single example here but here's just the silhouettes to give you an idea!!
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(deep longing sigh, a graphic from one of my favorite papers by misof et al. 2014)
but also i could just. make up a new bug entirely?? 😳 like just smash together my favorite characteristics from across the insect world... what sounds good to me atm is cool wings (i like plain membranous more than the scaly wings of butterflies/moths, you can get cool patterns with them too), the general horse shape of a mantis/snakefly and sound producing organs (insects make noises in different ways! crickets stridulate by rubbing their wings together, cicadas expand/contract their tymbals, hissing roaches compress air through their spiracles). i like the idea of insects singing to communicate, it's pretty much only to attract mates or scare predators but i think it's a generally romantic idea :'3 i also think it's cool to consider aspects of physiology, like insects have an open circulatory system (their organs are bathed in hemolymph instead of supplied by vessels), they have a more decentralized nervous system (can still get around despite lots of their body missing), they can overwinter, among other things. oh i think i'd also like them to be holometabolous (larva>pupa>adult rather than a nymph that gradually sheds into its adult form) because i want to see proud parents holding their cute little worm babies :3c
in terms of dragon ball i can say what i won't do- toriyama i'm making a callout post on tumblr dot com- there are insects other than cicadas (although i LOVE cicadas) but i am tired of these things
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it is a real structure found among the true bugs (order hemiptera, includes aphids, leafhoppers, cicadas, etc.) called a cibarium which basically houses the big muscles the herbivorous members use to suck up plant juices. SUCK, you say?? yeah these things don't have chewing mouthparts so shut your weird beak mouth, cell. you're supposed to be sucking up people with that instead. their mouths have been modified into straw things called a rostrum which you can barely see under the cibarium of that cicada. if i had to make an alien race based off these kinds of bugs, their mouths would remain rostra and i'd definitely have them communicate through sound production only. that would be hella cool.
(also while we're on the cell callout train, cell's wings are based off the shell of a beetle which are technically called elytra but THERE'S ALSO SUPPOSED TO BE MEMBRANOUS NORMAL WINGS UNDERNEATH! insects typically have two pairs of wings and the shell of a beetle is just the hardened first pair.)
hehe sorry that went on for a bit. take some bonus doodles that this inspired although i wouldn't consider these examples of a sentient alien race. i really like snakeflies and think they're adorable OTL
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
The Synthetic Pride [Yan! Scaramouche x Saintess!Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, intrusive thoughts, slight swearing.
Knowing that Scaramouche was a self - righteous man shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
Given that he was structured with the properties of an Archon, it wasn't abnormal for him to be so prideful, so arrogant. It goes without saying that he was significantly more powerful and much more intelligent than the average man.
That meant he wasn't obligated to be subservient to a God, much less a human.
But there he was, perched on a wooden pew within the Snezhnaya's cathedral, peering listlessly into the monument's main stage that was occupied by a herd of young children. He couldn't give a single damn about the prayer that the group of young Mormon kids were chanting, since he—didn't like kids or cared much about some prayer devoted to a God. But oddly, he was unable to muster the motivation to move, perch still and motionless on the wooden bench.
His attention was drawn to the person standing within the center—it was you.
You presided over the prayer with parted lips and a soft, clear voice that prompted him to think of the nightingales he frequently heard whilst dwelling within Inazauma. Even though your voice was tender, it managed to be powerful enough to reverberate off the columns of the cathedral, enthralling the audience, enthralling him.
Even if his barren heart prevented him from feeling anything, Scaramouche felt strangely at peace which was odd given his normal characteristics. Nevertheless, he hoped he could say that whatever sensation he was experiencing was akin to a peaceful feeling, since it was his first time experiencing such an odd sensation.
There was nothing in the world that he could be troubled about. Regardless of how many people were fighting for his head, he didn't give a damn. If the Fatui was pursuing him, it didn't matter to him. Even if it was the Shogun or her subordinates, it didn't matter at all. He was completely unconcerned.
Besides that, the Fatui are powerless to stop him. Not while he is within the sacred land of Snezhnaya, a land worshipped for its holiness. Violence of any kind is prohibited there since it is considered to be God's precious sanctuary. If he really wanted to, he could even stay here forever and sleep. But that isn't truly the issue at hand.
The singing abruptly came to an end, and the audience proceeded to quietly applaud as each person on the stage bowed. After patiently awaiting the departure of everyone else from the cathedral, Scaramouche rose up from his chair to leave, ready to continue his journey with the gnosis.
But just as he approaches the midway of the hall, a soft voice interrupts him.
He whirled around, anticipating some obnoxious kid trying to start a pointless conversation, ready to scowl at whichever unfortunate child it was.
But it was you.
"You've dropped something."
You spoke while extending a handkerchief he had acquired while circling Snezhnaya. He wasn't sure why he would bother wasting mora on such a pointless item of clothing, but the fabric's pattern somehow reminded him of home. A nonexistent place, yet sometimes he yearns to feel the love of his own creator, his mother, despite her abandoning him merely because he wasn't a suitable puppet to her grand scheme.
How laughable.
"...Ah, thank you."
He murmured as he stretched out and pulled the handkerchief into his palm, pressing the velvety cloth against his skin.
"Are you perhaps a new visitor? You are a new face to me."
Perhaps you're a lot more perceptive than he thought? In an effort to blend in, Scaramouche even tucked his hat aside and dressed only in a plain black coat on top of his customary attire. It would be unpleasant if some Fatui agents were to notice him and sought to engage with him. He didn't want to have something as trivial to obstruct his progress, and didn't feel like dragging some dead body either.
"...Yes, I'm simply a wandering vagrant of Inazuma. Following your arrival, the Cathedral of Snezhnaya has gained enormous prominence."
Your smile seems to grow wider in response to his remarks, and your eyes appear to look brighter due to the bright cathedral light scattering off of them, creating a scene that somewhat reminded Scaramouche of the stars within the sky. Blindly beautiful yet superficial.
"I'm delighted you made the effort to visit."
Scaramouche seems to be captivated by some peculiar kind of brilliance within your eyes as he peers into them. His eyes aren't quite as dreary as his comrades', but they weren't particularly luminous either, especially when contrasted with your protruding large doey eyes. Still, they weren't as bad as his junior's eyes.
Despite the fact that he had seen plenty of stunning women whilst travelling, none of them could compare to the way that you captivated his attention. Your body was well concealed by the silky white robe; only a few of your curves were apparent. Your feet were covered, yet with every step you took the fabric would drag against the floor. He could even bet that you have probably stumbled upon your feet once or twice.
He imagines what it would feel like to glide his hands along your curves, caressing your delicate skin and folding the bud of your breasts between his fingers. He would laugh at your wails, mocking your dignity as the divine Saintess and how the Captain would react to your sinful face. Even more, he pondered whether the Captain would interrupt him or succumb to his own desire for you.
Your gentle voice pierced through his ear, suggesting that he had been too long immersed in thought. His attention shifts from your chest to your face, an awkward smile gracing his lips.
"I apologise, Saintess. It appears that I was too preoccupied with my thoughts. However, it appears that I should depart now."
Your presence alone would suffocate him if he waited any longer.
"Ah that's right."
You smiled, then moved a few steps toward him, stopping only one arm's distance away. Your movements nearly compelled him to flee, but he was able to firmly plant himself within the Cathedral's marble floor.
"Why don't I bless you before you depart to assure your safe travels?"
Scaramouche could nod as he watched you approach him and stretch out an arm. A warm sensation emerged on his skin as you gently rubbed two of your fingers across his forehead, prompting his breath to hitch at the gesture. As you moved away from him, a dazzling light emitted before dissipating into a few speckles, and he nearly wished to indulge in your warmth a bit more.
"There you go."
In an effort to recapture the warmth from earlier, he reached out with his hand to stroke his forehead, but the skin on his fingertips was only frigid. He mutley expressed his gratitude as he turned to leave you, feeling the way your gaze linger on the back of his head. Scaramouche took a moment to gaze at you before exiting through the door, having a sudden shift in his train of thought.
Your eyes met him as you smiled at him, a look of confusion lace within your eyes. The wicked man, who is full of conceit, does not pursue God since there is no place for God in his thoughts. Yet he found himself to be captivated by you, a mere vessel of an angel sent from above.
A truly magnificent being, one he's willing to abandon his reckless pride for.
"I'll be sure to visit soon, My Saintess."
He paused, a visible grin growing onto his lips as you waited for his words, eyes pique in curiosity.
"However, perhaps by the time I come back, our relation will be comparable to that of a worshipper and a god."
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clock-onyx · 7 months
Abbadon being silly!!!
Gave the guy a redesign for the second time because he looked too plain 😭 and for other stuff (Click photo for better quality!!!)
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I really tried to color him and render him similarly to how i did a few months ago, the diffrence is that the drawing isnt THAT bright as it used to be
I also tried to give him a poofy outfit with the almost comically large sleeves but i accidentally made his hands super tiny, my bad 😭😭😭
I dont think i actually properly introduced him!!! So ill like be silly rn...
Abbadon (he/him)
One of the five main characters in the story Void Light, Abbadon is the main advisor of the group, helping the others form strategies, escape routes and distractions to help in their missions. He is a charming man, working as an artist and musician before "The War" started. Once it did, he worked as a watch guard in towers, not being able to join IN the battlefield itself because of the lack of back wings, being considered useless as a soilder.
Once the team formed and he got to meet Enzo, Zerachiel, Floryn and Uriel, he finally entered the battlefield on horseback, having either a sword or an angel's bow as weapons to take down enemies.
OK I WOULD WRITE MORE BUT THERES GONNA BE SPOILERS WAHHHH... so ill just give facts now about the silly guy
Abbadon facts
• He has the most bird-like apperance wise out of the rest of the angels, sure the other may have wings and more classical angel / biblically accurate angel characteristics, but hes the only one with bird legs and a lot more feathers on his body than the whole team! He also has 6 fingers on both hands rather than 4 or 5 fingers like the other, his hands also resemble how a birds legs look, but theyre covered by gloves
• He usually plays the banjo, but has also mastered the piano and violin, he also did oil paintings
• He has the most sensitive hearing, Angel head wings are a part of their faces and help with expressions but also hearing far away (angels without headwings are NOT deaf, they just have normal hearing like us!), and the more you have the more sensitive your hearing is, and he has the most with 6 headwings
• Zerachiel and Abbadon are half siblings! Both having the same mother, Abbadon being older by 2 years. (Zerachiel's 45, hes 47 years old in HUMAN age!)
• Abbadon always refused to cut his tail for the war, a protocol most follow so they cant be detected easier nor get hit easier because of their tail. This choice benefited him my making him more balanced and agile than the others
• His favorite color is green (I think its obvious 😭😭😭)
• he is 5'9", one of the shortest in the team (subject to change!), hes also the lightest out of all of them in weight
• He is sadly, the most underdeveloped out of the rest of the cast story wise but no worries!!! He will be more developed soon!!!
Heres a baby picture of Abbadon from like... a year ago LMFAO, look at how my boy grew up...
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Stinky old Toyhouse that will get remade!!!
OBVIOUSLY most people here dont recognize the rest yet, but ill draw them each one bit by bit!!! He just needed to have some light on him right now as he deserved <|:3 thank you for reading all of this ily guys /p
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yoshiintheweb · 2 years
Empires SMP settlements as Archeological sites according to me, your local archeology student.
Over all notes.
-According to Sausage (his first episode), Empires 2 is set over a 1000 years after Empires 1. So all of my headcanons will be based mostly on early medieval period knows also as The Viking Age in terms of preservation - real life equivalent of "over a 1000 years ago".
-Archeological findings are very depending on the place they are in, and the type of settlements.
-That being said, I assume that most of empires from season 1 would be considered a city state, similar to poleis of ancient Greece.
-On that note, even if it's not active part of Minecraft itself, i will make a series of headcanons including: Pottery bc pottery is one of the most common findings, graveyards if needed, the characteristics of the biomes that are not part of Minecraft and probably something more that i forgot
-I assume that the water level after the drain get to normal in the years that follows, bc if we assume that Empires has similar climate to our owns, it would go up over that 1000+ years anyways.
The Cod Empire
- it would be by now a bunch of stakes sticking from the bottom of the shore, bc it was mostly made out of wood and wood will not survive this long if left on free air for long.
-Everything made out of stone will hold, turn into ruins over time. Looking at the area that once was The Cod Empire you can see a rock structure, a ruin that once was used as a Church of some sorts maybe meeting hall? Maybe both, noe one knows for sure.
-It was on swamp tho, and if there was peat bog anywhere everything that goes in it, will survive that amount of time, longer even, wood, maybe fabrics, it's perfect condition to preserve dead bodies too, we are talking skin, hair and organs intact way. Tho it's not always the case, and bones are a different story bc peat is pretty acidity which is not good for them.
-There might be a bit of a chance that some buildings survived if it was swollen by the swamp (peat bog again, it's just that good shit). It will not look pretty but the shape will hold (probably).
-Archeological dig in Cod Empire would take years if not a decade+. It's not bc how big Cod Empire was, but how many thing was preserved by the peat bog. And the peat bog is still a peat bog so it's difficult to work with.
-I imagine Pottery from Cod Empires as handmade. Very simple, thick, wonky probably a bit asymmetrical. It might be just plain but it also might be decorated with cuts and print of various things (ropes and shit probably). There's also a lot of dishes made out of wood, in shapes and decoration that looks the same.
-Fun fact, if Minecraft had butter, it would survive too. Peak bog, everybody.
-Bc of it's location, Cod Empire might be the best preserved empire from them all. Gods bless the peak bog in it's wet, sticky and no oxygen policy glory.
It might get part two idk if i will jave the mental power to do so tho
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cruelfeline · 1 year
Because I am Totally Normal about this game and its characters, I spent the better part of my free time today considering Cuff's senses; namely, his sight.
It's occurred to me, after thinking about various dialogues and in-game situations, that I don't think he can actually see anything on his own. At least not, like, in terms of our concept of vision.
Cuff can sense things. His "compass" ability seems to work almost like a sort of echolocation, except with tiny birds instead of sound. And he appears to have some ability to sense magic, or power. He can, for example, sense the power of some of the necklaces Frey puts on and says as much. He can likewise sense the power in the Breakshards Frey collects after battle.
Actual sight, however, is different. And it's initially a little hard to pin down because, in certain circumstances, he appears very much able to see things that have no magical signature he could otherwise sense.
He can read, for one thing. At the beginning of the game, Frey cannot read Athian, but Cuff can, and so he reads things for her (while also teaching her, which I find perpetually precious!). Clearly, he is able to see with enough clarity that he's able to accurately make out Athian letters and words. He does this with generic signs and books: nothing that might have some sort of magic he could sense and decipher. It's all just plain old written script.
He can take note of various enemy characteristics, commenting positively or negatively on their appearances. He can see the paintings Frey finds on her journey and comments on them, too.
Then, of course, they're this fun example:
Essentially: Cuff appears able to visually see things when he needs to.
So! Why do I think he can't see on his own? And what, exactly, does that mean?
Well, take a dialogue like this:
Besides being deeply endearing to me, it's also quite interesting in that it appears to imply that Cuff is totally unaware of his currently very small surroundings. Frey and Cuff are in a Pilgrim's Refuge. It's a small space. There's not really anywhere for anything to hide. An enemy would be exceedingly easy to see. So why is Cuff momentarily panicked and asking Frey if there's something there?
Furthermore, why does Cuff, in various battle-related dialogues, ask Frey if they're surrounded, or how many enemies there are? A simple glance around would tell him, wouldn't it?
My personal headcanon is that Cuff sees through Frey's eyes. We know, after all, that he senses what she senses via the following:
What I believe, however, is that he only does so when he specifically focuses on the action. It's not automatic; he has to expend some effort and concentration in order to do it.
It would explain why he's able to do something like read to her: she's already looking closely at the text, and so he's able to reach through their connection and access her own sight. Same thing with something like the tower: she sees it, and he's able to briefly reach out and see it with her.
In other situations, it's simply not convenient or viable for him to look through her eyes. In sudden combat, it's quicker to ask if they're surrounded than to access her sight. It may also be a matter of... how to say... the stability of the image. If Frey is focused on reading and is looking at words on a page, her vision is more stable than if she is in battle, eyes flicking from place to place. In said battle scenario, it may be quite disorienting for Cuff to borrow her eyes, so it's easier for him to ask. Not to mention something like combat featuring much more stress and activity, hampering the concentration that may be needed for accurate sight-borrowing on very immediate notice. Especially if Cuff is more focused on, say, scanning or guarding.
In terms of the moment with the torana-teasing: I expect that, safe in a Refuge, he relaxed a bit and wasn't focused on gleaning information from Frey's vision. When he heard her supposedly opening a torana, he assumed there was an enemy immediately near and either felt he didn't have time to reach through their connection or - amusingly - was too panicked to focus enough to do so. Thus, he asks Frey if there's something there.
This is all just speculative, of course. But it makes sense to me! It offers what I feel is a reasonable explanation for why Cuff seems perfectly able to see at certain times, yet appears totally unaware of his surroundings at others.
It's also just... interesting to me. That this could be yet another way that he's so reliant on Frey. That without her, he's limited in what exactly he can sense and identify and interact with. To his perpetual frustration, I'm sure!
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spacecadetomoly · 2 years
Matsuno Family Diary! Part 4: Todomatsu goes to a New Year's Eve Party! Does not get Laid, has Zero Game! (Unofficial English Translation)
The following is an unofficial English translation of an official short story released online for members of the official Osomatsu-san fan club. If you want to read the original Japanese version of the story or enjoy the other things the fan club offers its members please consider joining: https://osomatsusan-fc.com/
In the room of the Matsuno family sextuplets there is a notebook hidden away behind a bookshelf. This notebook exists so that the brothers may, should they so choose, express the deep feelings and profound thoughts which weigh upon their hearts and minds so heavily that they can no longer be contained.
It seems that today someone’s hand is once again turning the pages….
January 5th, 2022, Todomatsu
5 days after New Year's Eve… Today, I would like to write about what happened to me… The day before New Years, I found this advertisement for a machikon* on the internet: ――――――――――――――――――― [Mainly meant for singles in their 20’s] (Akatsuka Ward)
“Before I knew it, I had fallen in love. I understood the word "fate" for the first time...”
New Year's Eve love-hunting machikon event! Free drinks and desserts!
Only you can carve out a new life for yourself!
Let’s start a new romance! The man of your dreams is so close by!
I’ve had my brothers destroy any chance I had at love before it could even start to develop. So this new year’s eve I decided to go to this event in town in secret without any of them knowing.
But I didn’t have the courage to go alone! So I called a bunch of people trying to find someone who would come with me. I ended up going with an acquaintance who works for a major company. I thought, “Totty, you don't stand a chance, do you?” Shobon...**
I don’t think any of my virgin NEET brothers know this, but it’s so hard to be popular at these kinds of events. In fact, forget about being popular, it’s hard enough just getting girls to remember who you are! After all, there are plenty of men out there. If you call them afterwards and they say "Oh...who's this guy?” then there’s no chance of starting a relationship with them! That's why you have to be memorable to the girls.
Unfortunately, I'm a normal boy that you can find anywhere. I'm just an ordinary guy. A little bit good-looking, kind of smart, a tad witty, and overall just plain ol’ Totty. I'm not highly educated, nor do I have a high income…
But you know what? The whole night ended up being such a big victory for me! ! ! I Did it! Woohoo!
Yes, I realized I am a unique character. I have a special characteristic that once you hear it, you'll never forget it.
You see, I am…a sextuplet!
There are no other sextuplets around, I’m part of the only set in town! It’s so unusual! So that’s what I first mentioned in conversations right after I introduced myself! There was no shortage of things to talk about, such as “Can I see a picture of you guys?” or “When you get injured, do the others feel it?” Is that good? No, It’s great!!!
To be honest, I used to think of my five brothers as nothing more than stains on my shirt, but from now on I'll think of them as appliqués on my shirt! Thank you!
But you know…even though I was number one in the amount of contact information exchanged no one has replied to me yet… I guess being remembered doesn’t automatically mean you’re popular….
I’m not to blame for the porno book thing
Translator’s Notes:
* A machikon is a type of speed dating party held in a city where you and a group of strangers (can be as small as 10 or as big as 100) meet up with the goal of potentially hooking up. You don’t get a lot of time to talk to each person so a good first impression is very important.
** Shobon means downhearted or dejected. I thought about changing it to something else, but I couldn’t think of an English word that truly captures how cutesy and punchable Totty is being as well as “Shobon” does so I ended up leaving it in. Like, the image of him sighing out “Shobon…” makes me want to both hug and slap him, and I wanted to convey that feeling as authentically as possible.
This Is probably one of my favorite Matsuno Family Diary entries. It really captures Todomatsu as a character: he wants so badly to be his own person apart from his brothers, but he also doesn’t want that and hates being alone and even when he spends a night away from his family he still ends up talking about them the entire time because despite thinking he’s better than them he still deeply lacks confidence in himself as an individual person. In conclusion, Todomatsu is a land of contrasts, bless his dry little co-dependent heart.
Up next: A Valentine's Day Existential Crisis with Choromatsu!
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drippingheart · 5 months
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A calm preceded the storm just as calm was found following a storm. It was calm, disgustingly so. It prompted the boiling of blood until he was left feeling scorched while simultaneously turning all nerves into shivering waters — leaving him in the throes of rage and melancholy that was ultimately mourning. That was the trademark of the jujutsu world, not only that but of life. Non-sorcerers were at least provided the decency of normal grieving periods and funeral traditions; sorcerers were awarded no such common decency beside that which they chased in their minds. The higher ups must have been delighted and Gojō . . who truly knew what the gifted man believed; a man composed of more mystery and fake smiles than plain truths.
It was bitterness holding the taste of bile which prompted him to believe the ivory haired sorcerer discovered some degree of delight in the news, for it had been Fushiguro Megumi and Megumi alone who vouched for the life of the burdened teenager. All it took was brief interactions and distant observation to see the worth in Itadori Yuuji's life, a tremendous, seemingly impossible feat considering the common theme of death and sacrifice in Megumi's life. Even as a child, a younger child, he knew people were doomed to die, to suffer, and leave behind those they loved.
Megumi had anticipated his eventual demise with no strong feelings on the matter just as he prepared for the normality of losing his classmates and sensei. Jujutsu sorcerers did not have happy lives, yet suddenly . . he wanted it for Yuuji, and in part also wished it upon himself — for Yuuji's survival and Megumi's happiness were directly corelated. He cared when he should not have knowing . . knowing . . it would end with the salty taste of tears infiltrating his mouth. Megumi was the one who vouched for keeping Yuuji alive, and his punishment was witnessing the dripping heart being ripped from his friend's body.
That should teach him, teach a jujutsu sorcerer to care, the universe mocked him.
Yes, it was Megumi's divine punishment; he failed to secure Sukuna's finger, his pathetic weakness forced Yuuji to swallow the finger, and again he failed as a sorcerer when he proved incapable of defeating or even tricking Sukuna. Would it have been less cruel to allow the execution of Itadori Yuuji from the very beginning? It would have been a heartless move, but now it was his heart which was crying and suffering. Sukuna had ripped his heart out as well. To be normal. To be openly angry and distraught. But Megumi could only mourn in the way appropriate for sorcerers, in the shadows where he ripped himself apart.
How did his shikigami feel, if they even felt anything beside the anthropomorphic characteristics he bestowed upon them? He imagined he did feel like them — a pure mass of energy adrift, barely floating. When anyone bothered asking him if he was fine ( what a hideous word ), Megumi would always respond, ❛ I always am ❜. He was not. He was not fine. He was mourning his friend and had to do it in the shadows as if it was a thing of shame. I'm sorry, Itadori. I'm sorry. Gojō continued to smile and lecture in his insufferable sing-song voice, training continued, and life moved on. Right? . . . Right?
The Goodwill event was around the corner.
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oceanoecielo · 2 months
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▸   @perceiivent   ⟶   ❛  “I was on a cocktail of tequila, cocaine, and non-stick cooking spray.” //from elias lmao  ❜   ╱   (  grace and frankie , accepting .  )
   “That is quite the combination!” Simon declared, turning to Jonah with wide eyes.  “I’m a little envious that you went without me.”  It took a lot more to get him drunk or high, but he still partook as part of a social experience.
   Then, the corners of his mouth pulled down in something akin to concern.  “Cooking spray isn’t very like you, though.  You normally go for something more designer than that.”  The cocaine and tequila made sense.  “Either, you were plain desperate.”  Not surprising, considering the source.
   Simon’s characteristic smile returned to him.  “Or you were really having fun!”
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lowcountry-gothic · 2 years
Devoted, Disengaged Dexter: an enneagram analysis
I’ve been rewatching Dexter this past week, the mid-late 2000s drama about a serial killer who only kills other serial killers, and his quest to maintain his perfectly crafted, deceptively normal lifestyle. Now that the sequel miniseries, Dexter: New Blood has finished airing, I wanted to refresh myself on the entire story so I could fully enjoy New Blood. In the course of doing that—about halfway into season 2 now—I started idly wondering what Enneagram type Dexter Morgan could be.
One of the show’s most obvious aspects is its monologue. The title character narrates most of the story, giving us a window into his dark inner life, a stark contrast to the pleasant, charming, and often bland persona he gives off outwardly. This hints toward the direction of the withdrawing stance. Dexter lives so much of his life inside his own head that this seems the most obvious clue toward a possible type.
Another obvious clue is the ease—if not exactly comfort—with which he navigates normal human interactions. While he often feels himself to be awkward, few if any other people find him so. This made me think of type Three; but that’s not a withdrawing type, and Threes are most defined by their need for recognition, a need which Dexter decidedly does not have. If anything, he prefers to stay in the background, anonymous, hidden in plain sight. Which made me think of a Nine.
The more I consider it, the more this type seems to fit Dexter. Sure, he’s constantly manipulating others, and few people ever perceive Nines to be manipulative, but I think they absolutely are, or at least can be. They manipulate with their passivity. What they want above all else is comfort and belonging, and they’re prepared to give up almost everything else to get those things. So they manipulate by not pursuing their needs, suppressing and repressing their own preferences, going along with what others want in order to get along, to avoid conflict.
This is exactly what Dexter does. A primary aspect of his outer behavior is his sheer agreeability. No one who knows him in his daytime life (except Doakes, somehow) could ever believe him to be violent or antisocial. Rita sees him as gentle, unassuming, humble, stable, and generous—all core characteristic qualities of Nines. He mutes himself to blend in, to build a comfortable life that will allow him room to do what he really wants: to murder. The thing he avoids above all else, even if it puts him through boring or frustrating experiences, is drama. Drama means risk to the plain, mundane life that he uses as a mask. He does anything and everything to keep that superficially pleasant, comfortable nest in place, afraid that if it is disturbed, then he will lose the ability to do his violent, murderous work.
And even that very violence, the thing that is seemingly least in harmony with type Nine, itself points to this typing. Nines are famous for being gentle and passive—until they’re not. More than any other type, Nines repress their true needs, preferences, and emotions, and all that blocked energy tends to build up until they can’t hold it in anymore, and it bursts out in moments of anger that people who know them often find shocking. It makes perfect sense to me that Dexter, who suppresses his true self more than almost any other Nine in fiction I’ve ever encountered, would need to release that blocked energy both more often and more violently.
Even his backstory hints at a Nine typing. Dexter’s need to take the lives of others stems from the trauma of witnessing, at the helpless and vulnerable age of 4, his own mother being murdered by chainsaw, chopped up before his young eyes, and being covered in her blood for days before being found by the police. Though he represses this memory for much of his young life, it guides him and fills him with a need to re-experience the taking of life and the shedding of blood. But this moment was also formative in another way. While blood, death, and dismemberment was the outer form this experience took, its inner form was the loss of connection and belonging. In that moment, he lost his entire family, not only his mother, but his brother as well. He was severed from all meaningful relationships—the thing Nines fear the most. This fear is what drives type Nines to repress their needs in order to fit in, believing that fitting in is the only way to maintain the bonds they so deeply fear to lose. Ironically, half of his life is devoted to recreating his defining trauma even as the other half is crafted to avoid ever experiencing it again.
Type Nine’s wings (8 and 1) also closely fit Dexter and constitute essential aspects of his character. His Eight wing is most obvious, and probably the dominant wing; it comes to the fore whenever he feels too boxed-in, too constricted from his nighttime hobby. In such times—as well as during the hunting rituals themselves—he can be forceful, reactive, and intimidating, all characteristic of Eights. But he is also methodical, focused, and detail-oriented like Ones. The Code of Harry—the need to prove his victims’ guilt, the unwillingness to shed innocent blood, the careful vetting he does of their past crimes, the scrupulousness with which he builds and disposes of his kill sites, all reflect Ones’ drive toward morality, purity, justice, precision, and order.
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splashinkling · 1 year
weird request here my friend
can u ask a couple questions (like "what if" questions or whatever) to spark brainstorming for a low fantasy story idea Q.Q u have no idea how long ive been struggling, kill meeee
obv if u have no ideas thats oki lol i just want the perspective of someone who..isnt me :D
hi friend! not weird at all! also not sure where to have responded for this but I'll just answer the ask for now lol
mmmm also not sure how to tackle the idea because I write a lot of high fantasy (I actually had to read up a little on the genre haha), but I'll try! also I've no specifics so these questions are gonna end up a bit general
what makes your characters (protagonist, antagonist, or otherwise) interesting? is it a special ability or characteristic (that they may or may not know about)? are they just a normal person dropped into a fantastical situation? what are their goals/needs/wants?
a good question to consider is what are the stakes or conflicts? this can help drive your plot and depends on your characters' goals and needs and wants! a common occurrence (and correct me if I'm wrong!) is that these conflicts are often morally grey and are more about individuals as opposed to a big picture! and obviously these kinds of conflicts aren't limited to this genre, but again it's something to consider-- (also not to say that a larger picture can't be happening, but I guess the individuals come first?? idk)
and in your world-building, is there something hidden in plain sight? or does the fantasy aspects of your story roam freely? or the opposite (the fantasy portion is completely separated??). like, how would ppl react to those things? what kind of fantasy are you going for?
hope this helps! feel free to ask me stuff again! I love talking about writing :)
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finleyloyd · 3 months
Elevated Temperature Characteristics Of Stainless Steel Grades
The automotive exhaust conditions are partially related with engine because these cannot be specifically defined and are not consistent to choose the base material. Normally, automotive exhaust comprises of a mixture of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen,unburned hydrocarbons and moisture.
The temperatures operate the gamut from ambient to 1800oF gas velocities are high, the internal combustion engine cause pulsation of the gas stream and vibration of the device and the operation is fully cyclic.
The issue is further intensified by the various levels of expertise on the users side and people operating the engine that results in the operating conditions that exceed design expectations and probable temperatures. Combining these conditions with the enduring commitment to tighten automotive emissions, simultaneously decrease weight and the exhaust system no longer resembles the old systems comprising essential cast manifold, pipe and muffler.
While steel neither plain, galvanized or aluminum coated, has performed well, designers are now indicating the Stainless Steel Sheet that are more competent of adhering in the oxidation and corrosion conditions at the elevated temperatures in these new systems, and choosing alloy that also offer good elevated temperature strength.
For example, steel grade 409, generally recommend as the muffler grade stainless steel, was one of the first to be utilized broadly in the auto exhaust systems, specifically for catalytic converters that are installed on the several US made cars.The steel grade 409 is also used for the various exhaust gas ducts in turbochargers and it is a good choice for mufflers and tail pipe parts.
In the specific applications, although steel 409 may not offer adequate creep strength, in which situation a more concentrated alloyed stainless steel like one of the austenitic or new ferritic grades can be more suitable. A standard example is a converter-turbocharger combination in which higher pressures cause increased temperature limits.
The Stainless Steel Sheet 304L is now utilized broadly for exhaust gas coolers, that are small heat exchangers utilizing engine coolant to decrease the temperature of small volume exhaust gas recycled through the fuel intake. The cool inert gas helps to decrease the oxides of nitrogen. The low carbon grade is known to avoid sensitization while elevated temperature brazing of the cooler components while assembly.
Since the exhaust system engineers comer closer to get a practical deign for a fabricated sheet metal that will operate at temperature more than the cooler or catalytic converter, other stainless steels or high nickel grade alloys are chosen,. In brief, the exhaust system manufacturing programs are in full strength at all automotive companies and component producers and the broad range of alloys are considered including those were earlier in states of commercial development.
A copper sheet is a multipurpose material that is renowned for its strength, conductivity, and appearance. Made entirely of copper, it is used in the electrical, roofing, and decorative arts industries, among others. Because of its malleability, craftspeople can form it into complex shapes for artistic or architectural decorations.
A Copper sheet is used in electrical engineering because they are effective conductors that allow electricity to pass through them with little resistance. Furthermore, its ability to withstand corrosion makes it perfect for outdoor applications. Whether used as a component of artistic projects or as a roofing material, copper sheeting is always classy and practical option.
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ceekbee · 4 months
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The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is native to South America, mostly along the Caribbean coast, but south along the Atlantic coast, with, the last I heard, an isolated critically endangered population in south-eastern Brazil’s Baixada Santista district, nesting in coastal mangroves. It is also found on various islands of the southern West Indies, and strays still further north. While it may sometimes been seen as far north as the continental U.S., and was, indeed, painted by Audubon, who found them in Louisiana in 1821. He said they were rare, leading many birders and ornithologists to conclude that he encountered “vagrant” or “accidental” birds. My own view, for what it’s worth, is a little different. I think that birds such as the Scarlet Ibis were more heavily persecuted, in their case for their brilliant feathers in an era when there was a huge demand for colourful feathers for the millinery and fashion industries, and that they may very well have nested, the Gulf States and other regions where they are now absent.
The odd one is still seen, for sure, but they are, because of their beautiful plumage, so often kept in zoos and other collections that it’s really impossible to determine if birds observed where they don’t normally occur are truly wild birds from other climes, or escapees.
In few places, now, is it especially numerous, with most occurring in mangroves and mudflats and the flooded plains and thinly inhabited llanos of Venezuela and Colombia. Tourists visit the famous colonies of the Caroni Swamp, in Trinidad, where the birds flock each evening. It is a spectacular sight as the lowering sun, filtered through tropical air makes their brilliant red feathers seem to glow. The Scarlet Ibis, and an entirely different bird, the Rufous-vented Chachalaca (Otalis ruficauda), share the honour of being the national bird(s) of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Scarlet Ibis is extremely similar to the White Ibis (Eudocimus albus), in size, shape, habits and pattern, but not colour. Where the adult Scarlet Ibis is brilliant red, the adult White Ibis is snowy white. Both have black wing tips, and in immature plumage they are similar in appearance. They are known to hybridize, rarely in the wild but more commonly in captivity, and some scientists would prefer to consider them distinct subspecies of the same species, which would create the absurdly confusing result that the Scarlet Ibis lose its appropriate name and being called the “White Ibis”, unless, of course, the people in charge of such things came up with an appropriate alternative name applicable to both forms.
This painting is approximately life-size, and was done in acrylics on compressed hardboard. If I were to give the painting a name it might be “Scarlet on Red” since I have shown a trio of birds characteristically perched on the branches of a Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle). This was a very difficult painting for a technical reason: It is hard to use red paint. The pigment tends to not be too stable during application and the paint is translucent, so requires a lot of underpainting, and then about three applications to approach that richly brilliant scarlet colour that seems so unusual for such a large bird, although several large wading bird species do have areas of red, pink and bright pink. The painting is 30 X 25 inches in size
By Barry Kent Mackay
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argentinehunting · 5 months
The Complete Guide On Africa Hunting Safaris!
When it comes to hunting safaris, South Africa without a doubt stands apart as an excellent objective. This energetic nation boasts a great cluster of natural life and a rich safari culture that captivates hunters around the world. From the stunning scenes to the abundance of game species, Africa hunting safaris offer a really extraordinary experience for those looking for the excitement of the hunt.
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Why Is Africa A Popular Hunting Destination?
In this blog, you will explore the diverse wildlife, amazing landscapes, and rich cultural experiences that make Africa a popular hunting destination.
1) The Thrill Of Hunting Plains Game In South Africa
One of the highlights of a hunting safari in South Africa is the completely exciting pursuit for the field game. Species like kudu, impala, gemsbok, and much more offer hunters a thrilling challenge and an unmatched hunting experience. The opportunities for effective Africa hunting are various, thanks to the diverse living spaces and extensive hunting concessions. Whether following through dense vegetation, spotting game from a hunting blind, or following their developments across vast open fields, hunters are ruined for decision.
2) Unforgettable Cape Buffalo Hunting Safaris- An Adventure Of A Lifetime
A Cape buffalo hunting safari in South Africa is a flat out must for those searching for an adrenaline-pumping experience. Known as the "Dark Passing" because of its ferocity, the Cape buffalo is generally seen as one of the most moving and hazardous game species to chase in Africa. Cape buffalo's physical characteristics and behavior make it an unimaginably impressive animal. Its enormous size, strong form, and amazing horns demand the utmost respect. Hunting this famous species requires key preparation, ability, and first rate equipment.
3) Planning Your South African Hunting Safari
Definite arranging is expected to ensure a fruitful and pleasant hunting safari in South Africa. For American hunters heading out to South Africa, being very much informed about the cycle and requirements is fundamental. Choosing the optimal season for hunting plains game and Cape buffalo is important. Seasons can vary based on the species and region, so thorough research is recommended to maximize your chances of a successful hunt.
4) Sustainable Hunting And Conservation In South African
As opposed to normal myths, hunting is instrumental in natural life protection and habitat conservation in South Africa. Through directed hunting rehearses, responsible Africa hunting safari packages add to protecting regular environments, managing natural life populations, and conserving threatened and endangered species.
Fulfilling Your Hunting Dreams In South Africa!
Setting out on an Africa hunting safaris is a door to unparalleled experience and disclosure. The variety of natural life, the stunning scenes, and the rich social encounters make it a blessing from heaven for hunters. Whether you're seeking a field game or taking on the challenge of hunting Cape buffalo, South Africa offers a really remarkable hunting experience. Consider J&J Outfitters for expert guidance, ensuring careful planning and a deep respect for conservation practices to turn your hunting dreams into reality in the wilds of South Africa.
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fishbreedsblog · 8 months
Introducing Fantail Goldfish: A Beautiful Dance of Fins and Colors
 Dive into the fascinating world of Fantail Goldfish, where grace and elegance meet in the water of your tank. These beautiful fish, which are known for their unique double tails and bright colours, are a real treat for anyone who loves water. Let's set out on a trip to see the sights:
Fantail Goldfish are a beautiful type that are known for their unique traits and graceful look. They are known for the beautiful way their double tail fins make the water move as they slide through it. People who like aquariums love them because of their bright colours and friendly personalities.
General Information: History and Features
Where they came from: They were carefully bred from common goldfish in China to get their unique traits.
Dimensions: The normal size is between 6 and 8 inches (15 and 20 cm), but some people can get bigger.
Can live for 10 to 15 years if they get the right care, so aquarists need to be ready for a long-term commitment.
Characteristics: These goldfish are known for being calm and friendly, which makes them great for community tanks.
Physical Features: They have a unique look thanks to their double tail fins that split into two lobes. You can find them in many colours, such as orange, red, white, and even black. Their bodies are usually round and small.
Types and Colours: The Red Fantail, the Calico Fantail, and the Black Moor are some of the most common types. They come in plain, striped, or even speckled colours, so aquarists have a lot of options.
Price: The price can change based on size, colour, and quality, among other things. They usually cost between $10 and $30 per fish, which makes them a good choice for fish lovers.
Habitat and Tank Needs: Making an Aquatic Sanctuary for Relaxation
To keep your Fantail Goldfish healthy, it's important to give them the right environment in their aquarium:
Size of Tank: For a single, a tank size of at least 20 gallons (75 litres) is best. If you want to keep more than one fish, you should get a bigger tank.
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The water should be kept between 65°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C) and its pH level should be kept between 6.5 and 7.5. Testing and changing the water often is very important for their health.
Setup of the Tank: Cover the bottom of the tank with smooth rocks or sand to protect their delicate fins. As an addition, add caves or places to hide, as well as real or fake plants. Filtration is necessary to keep the grade of the water high.
Food: A Tasty Adventure for Fantail Goldfish
Fantail Goldfish can eat anything, so they need a variety of foods to stay healthy. High-quality goldfish pellets or flakes should be their main food source because they contain important nutrients. Add live or frozen things like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to their diet as well. To add fibre, you should also serve blanched veggies like peas and spinach.
Breeding: How to Spread the Word
Breeding Fantail Goldfish can be fun and satisfying for people who really care about their fish. For breeding to work, certain conditions must be met, there must be plenty of space, and the fish's wants must be carefully considered.
How to Find Your Way Through Common Health Problems
Even though Fantail Goldfish are usually very tough, they can get swim bladder disorder, parasitic diseases, and fungal problems, which are common in goldfish. Keeping the water clean, giving them a balanced diet, and acting quickly on any signs of sickness are all important ways to keep them from getting sick.
Important Things to Think About: Compatibility and More
The calm personality of Fantail Goldfish makes them perfect for community tanks with other fish that aren't violent and need the same amount of water and space.
Compatible Types for a Balanced Aquatic Environment
Think about other types of goldfish that get along with Fantail Goldfish, like Ryukins, Orandas, and Pearlscales, when choosing tankmates for them. Also, peaceful fish types like tetras, rasboras, and Corydoras catfish can live together without any problems.
Differences Between Genders: Careful Hints
It can be hard to tell the difference between male and female Fantail Goldfish because they don't have clear sexual differences. But when it's breeding season, the females may look a little bigger because they have eggs on their bodies.
Fanstail Goldfish vs. Standard Goldfish: Classic Beauty Meets Grace
While Fantail Goldfish and Standard Goldfish both come from the same parent, they can be told apart by their unique double tail fins and graceful way of swimming. Standard Goldfish are unique because they have a single tail and a standard look.
Fanstail Goldfish are live works of art that make any aquarium look more beautiful. Their unique looks, calm personalities, and long lives make them a popular choice among fish lovers. Aquarists can make a peaceful underwater work of art that everyone can enjoy by understanding their unique needs and accepting their beauty.
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