#ch: king clawthorne
mellowsmuses · 2 months
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"Hmm. . . More Blight Siblings about? They say. Haha! Yes! How long till I have them doing all my bidding? HA-HA!"
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bookishgalaxies · 3 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐳 𝐍𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐚
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ch. 2
summary: When Luz Noceda gets her Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail, she was over the moon. Little did she know that a Hogwarts acceptance letter meant more than just the chance to learn magic.
pairings: luz noceda x amity blight, hunter x willow park, and eda clawthorne x raine whispers
type: ongoing story, not proofread
warnings: slight bullying on Amity’s part, bad writing??
a/n: I didn’t die, calc just consumed me.
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Luz’s mom coming to terms that her daughter was going off to a magical school and wouldn’t return home until Christmas was…..difficult. Ever since the letter had arrived in the mail and Luz had come home with all sorts of magical items, her mom had debated her attending Hogwarts. Eventually deciding if it was what her daughter wanted, then it would be worth giving it a shot. Also secretly hoping Luz would make some friends while at this wizarding school.
“Mija, you wanted to go to the train station today, didn’t you?” Her mother called from the living room downstairs.
Luz hurriedly wiped invisible dust off of her hoodie as she picked up her suitcases and backpack. One holding clothes, shoes, and her favourite cartoon plushie. The other holding everything she had gotten on Diagon Alley. Her backpack had a few books of her own and random things her mother insisted she pack.
“Headed down right now!” Luz replied to her mother as she rolled her suitcases out of her room and put her backpack on her shoulders.
Hopping into the car with her mom, Luz felt raindrops slide down her short brown hair. It was always raining in London, something Luz had observed for the last two years since her and her mom had moved to West London.
The sound of the rain pattering on the car windows was calming. Rainy days always birthed a sense of pondering in Luz’s mind. She let her mind wander to the possibilities of the new wizarding school. The possibility of having friends for once in her life made Luz’s stomach flip with excitement. She had been reading through her spell books throughout the months leading up to September 1st. Neville had told her that she wasn’t allowed to cast spells and use her wand outside of Hogwarts. That didn’t stop her raging curiosity from reading everything she bought at Diagon Alley though. She had concluded mid August after reading through everything that Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed to be the coolest class. Well, at least the class with the best textbook.
Arriving at the train station, Luz ensured she had all her things before strolling in with her mother. Looking at the different platform numbers, she didn’t immediately spot platform 9 ¾. She scanned again intently, walking around and asking her mom to keep an eye out just in case she was overlooking it due to excitement. Finally, after about 20 minutes her mom concluded she should ask a train station employee. So, Luz proudly strolled up to an employee standing by platform 9 and asked the question with excitement in her voice.
“Excuse me, could you show me the way to platform 9 ¾?”
The employee gave her an odd look then chuckled.
“This some TikTok prank I haven’t heard of yet?” He asked in a way that indicated it wasn’t actually a question.
“No sir, I’m looking for platform 9 ¾ so I can travel to Hogwarts, Term starts today and I really don't want to miss it.” She explained to the officer with a genuine expression.
“Sorry kid, this platform 9 ¾ of your’s doesn’t exist. At least not at this train station. Maybe you need to try somewhere else.” The employee said before giving a swift goodbye and walking away.
Luz walked over to her mom and explained to her what was going on. Her mom of course asked Luz to double check she had the right place, and she did. The writing on the piece of parchment Neville had given her was quite clear she was supposed to be at King’s Cross station. She was getting quickly discouraged, and 11 a.m. was nearing. If she didn't catch the train in time she would have to go back to Diagon Alley and hope to find someone that could help her. Thinking of Diagon Alley, Luz pulled her wand from the side pouch of her backpack. Maybe she needed to use magic to access the platform?
“Wait! Don’t use that until you get on the train!” A girl Luz’s age called out, rushing up to Luz with three large trunks in her arms.
The girl was shorter than normal with pale skin and navy hair pulled into pigtails. She had circular glasses and a kind looking face, Wearing a shirt that had diagrams of plants Luz did not recognize with caramel-coloured corduroy pants. She was out of breath by the time she had ran up to Luz, seeming to have sped across the train station.
“Are you trying to get arrested by The Ministry?” The girl asked in an accusatory tone.
“No, no, I’m just looking for platform 9 ¾! I promise I do not want to upset whoever The Ministry is.” Luz put her hands up in surrender as she pleaded her case.
“Are you going to Hogwarts?” The navy-haired girl asked, her demeanor becoming less tense.
“Yeah! Or at least If I can figure out how to get there.” Luz answered
“Oh! You’re a muggle-born! Makes total sense, they really need to get better at communicating this stuff to newcomers like you.” Willow deduced from the cluelessness Luz exhibited
“A muggle what? I’m just trying to find my way to this magical school so I can learn how to kick butt wizard style!” Luz responded
“I’m Willow, my older sister is in her second year, so I can show you the ropes.” Willow offered with a smile, holding her hand out for Luz to shake it.
“I’m Luz, and it’s nice to meet you!” Luz greeted, shaking Willow’s hand.
Much to Luz’s surprise she had been standing in front of the place she needed to go the whole time. In her and her mom’s defence though, it just looked like a brick wall. There wasn’t exactly a flashing sign that said “Hogwarts Train Boards Here.”. Luz might have to make a few suggestions to the headmaster when she got to school.
She was trying to wrap her head around how Willow was able to simply run straight at the brick wall and go right through it like she was a ghost. Luz was terrified of running straight at it then ending up in the ER with a gaping scar on her head. She borrowed one of the luggage carts for her two suitcases and gave her mom a re-assuring talk about how she wasn’t running into her demise.
Finally facing the brick wall, luggage on cart and backpack secured, Luz closed her eyes tight and ran forward. She was expecting her face to hit the hard slab and scrunched her face on instinct. However, the pain of slapping into a brick wall never came. Instead, when she opened her eyes, she saw a room of bustling students and a shiny maroon and gold train.
“The Hogwarts Express, really is magical,” Willow said, standing next to Luz “c’mon, let’s go grab a seat before all the good ones are taken!”
As they boarded the train, Luz was in awe at how large it was. Toes of cabins seeming to go on forever and ever. She was even more amazed at how Willow seemed to know exactly where she was going, not hesitating even a bit.
“Willow! Over here! I saved us the best seat in the house.” Said a voice that sounded like it came from a young boy.
“Gus, just because it is right beside the candy trolley, doesn’t mean it’s the best seat in the house.” Willow mused, stepping into the cabin and putting her luggage in the top storage containers.
“That’s exactly what that means!” Gus exclaimed.
Luz shoved her suitcases above an empty seat and plopped down, being careful not to mess up her plain robes she had gotten in Diagon Alley.
“Gus, this is Luz!” Willow exclaimed, gesturing to Luz who sat across from the two supposed friends.
“Pleasure to meet you! Have any takes on what house you think you’ll be sorted into?” Gus asked excitedly, leaning forward with anticipation.
“House…..? Like, where I’m going to live at Hogwarts?” Luz inquired in a confused tone.
“Gus, she’s completely new to all this! Maybe tell her what the houses are first, then let her decide.” Willow explains, looking over at Gus.
“Well, there’s Gryffindor, which is typically where really brave and chivalrous people go, Hufflepuff is for the loyal and hard-working. Then there’s Ravenclaw where intelligence and creativity is valued most. And last, but certainly not least, is Slytherin, which is for the ambitious and cunning. Despite what everyone says, not all people who are sorted into Slytherin are evil.” Gus explained, seeming to not take a breath in between any of his sentences.
Luz didn’t have much time to take in all the information before the door to their compartment opened. Whipping her head around at the sudden noise, Luz saw the pretty girl with purple hair and golden eyes standing in the doorway, looking down on the three of them.
“Seems they really let anyone in this train nowadays.” She sneered, looking at Willow and Gus.
“What do you want, Amity?” Willow asked in a dejected tone
“I want to know why you losers are in the best cart on this whole train.” Amity asked in an accusatory manner.
“See, I told you this was the best spot!” Gus insisted, looking at Willow.
“Hey! Stop calling them losers, Besides, we were here first, that’s why we have this spot.” Luz spoke up, ignoring the butterflies whizzing around in her stomach at the girl’s gorgeous appearance.
“Someone’s set to be sorted into Gryffindor.” Amity mumbled under her breath.
“There’s still some room if you want to sit with us….” Willow offered weakly.
“I don’t sit with ignorant witches and wizards like yourselves.” Amity scoffed, turning on her heel.
“Well, maybe we didn’t want you to sit with us anyway!” Luz exclaimed, before the cabin door shut. Them, she blew a raspberry at door.
“She couldn’t have at least waited until we got to Hogwarts to call us losers?” Gus sighed, sitting back in his seat.
Luz was half-listening to the two friends talk of the girl named Amity. Why did someone so pretty have to have such a foul attitude? The words she spoke reminded Luz of the bullies at her past schools and it frightened Luz a little. She has hoped that Hogwarts would be different. Which, she guessed it already was considering Gus and Willow were nice and seemed likke they would become great friends. Still, the idea of bullies with magic unsettled her.
It wasn’t long before the candy trolley came and Luz watched Gus buy an absurd amount of something they called Chocolate Frogs.
“That’s my third Dumbledore this month!” Gus exclaimed, looking at the card. To Luz’s surprise, completely disregarding the brown frog about o hop out of the train window. Diving to catch it, she ended face planting into the window, with no frog in her hands.
“Luz! Are you okay?” Willow asked, whipping her head around to look at the window
“I’m alright! Your living chocolate frog isn’t though.” Luz mused, referring to the frog who had climbed out of he window and had immediately been blown away.
“You really only get chocolate frogs for the cards.” Willow explained, nodding her head to Gus who had a small booklet that held all of his cards.
“Oh! So, you collect them? Like action figures!” Luz said with realisation, becoming excited at the thought of another cool thing to collect.
Hogwarts was close, that's what the lady that came back around with the trolley said. Luz felt a few butterflies spawn in her stomach. She was really nervous to see this magical and fantastical place. She knew though, that in the back of her mind this is where she was meant to be.
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thank you so much for reading !!
Remember to stay hydrated and rest well !!
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sepublic · 2 years
            I know it’s super corny, but seeing as how A Christmas Carol has always been a comfort story for me as a kid… Imagine an AU in its likeness for The Owl House; With Belos, of course, playing the role of Ebenezer Scrooge. He truly is a miserable old man with a sympathetic backstory, even if he did veer into VERY unsympathetic territory as he grew up. I guess it’s a bit of selfish wish-fulfillment to see him let go of the bitterness and be happy again, for once.
         Instead of hating Christmas, he hates magic in general, and by the time of the story, a holiday dedicated to magic is rolling around and “Uncle Phil” is less than pleased. Hunter plays the role of Nephew Fred, who else? He and his friends at dinner are the other kids, the Emerald Entrails, and possibly additional classmates, as well as Darius and Eberwolf, etc.
         Jacob Marley goes to… Maybe THE Witchfinder General, Matthew Hopkins? Of historical fame, the inspiration for Jacob Hopkins, the precedent of the title Philip looks up to, a man who lived in the same time period and area as him? That or Terra Snapdragon, or maybe Osran since he’s Oracle Coven and it’s related to ghosts, but those two seem kind of a stretch, especially since they’re nevertheless witches. Or Bill! Yeah he’s also a witch, but him and Belos seem to have parallels as those who lead a society they’ve manipulated and filter their perception of the Collector, all for their own ends.
         Bob Cratchit… Ultimately I settled for Lilith, as a beleaguered assistant whom has a family to look after and attend to. I DID consider Kikimora for the role, since she’s short like Bob (at least the version of him I’m familiar with), and in canon had a family she struggled to go home to. But in the end, while I would like to give Kiki some more love, Lilith has a family of characters we’ve actually seen and know; And since the Clawthornes are clearly related to him, that makes for another side of the family for Phil to accept and embrace for once, though whether he knows the connection, I dunno.
         Lilith is at this point her nerdy self, not quite repressed given the VERY different context, but still a bit too lenient towards her employer. Tiny Tim will be her nephew, King Clawthorne; They’re both wittle guys and the baby of their families. Not that it’d happen in canon, but Philip is actually concerned for the wellbeing of this little Titan when he finds out.
         It’s Bump and the Illusion teacher that ask Belos for donations; They’re both older characters who care about kids and support their efforts in magic, so it feels sensible to me.
         The Ghost of Christmas Past is the Collector; Short, young, scary angels associated with light. The Collector is tied a lot to Philip’s past and privy to many aspects of it, witnessing his transition from Philip to Belos in the present-day. Similarly, the Ghost of Christmas Past torments Scrooge with visions of his past, his worst memories and regrets; In canon, the Collector plays the role of The Fool, in the sense that they serve as a reckless, teasing voice of narrative commentary on Belos’ folly, and his insecurity over his home and himself changing over the centuries.
         The Collector is privy and witness to a lot of past deeds and secrets of Belos that would otherwise be lost to time; They take Philip on a visit to his childhood home in Gravesfield. Pip’s lonely at the school, but his older brother Caleb is here to pick him up, and celebrate Christmas with him! Alas, he ‘lost’ Caleb to Evelyn, and Caleb died, leaving his nephew Hunter. Philip remembers other figures from his past, including a love whom he fell out with due to his bigotry; And much to his agony, the Collector shows him how said love has moved on and married again, and now even has children, too! Philip demands the Collector torment him no longer, and uses the disk to seal them away.
         Then comes the Ghost of Christmas Present… Which, this may change in the future; But for now, I’ve tentatively chosen the Bat Queen; The Ghost of Christmas Present is very reminiscent of Santa and a parental figure. The Bat Queen is a maternal figure, granting palismen to kids. She sheds light on the plight of the Clawthornes (yeah, Raine is there with Eda), especially Tiny King, who is in poor health. We get to see a community of construction witches celebrating with their families, including Mason and his sons, Steve and Mattholomule. Salty and his crew make cameos, as do Malphas and the librarians, or the Demon Hunters.
         Belos gets to see Hunter having dinner with his friends without him, in which he hears the kids’ dislike of Belos; But Hunter really does care for his uncle and while he’s rightfully frustrated, wishes the best and no ill will. The Bat Queen’s shift ends with a haunting reminder of palismen who have been abused and died, as an homage to Ignorance and Want in the original; Maybe Flapjack is one of them.
         Finally, we have the Ghost of Christmas Future. I’ve considered the Titan himself for this; A skeletal, death-related figure, enigmatic, who’s never really spoken, and rather mysterious for it. He appears as a dark silhouette towering over everything, pointing and directing Belos to where he needs to go. Or Grometheus; A dark entity who embodies one’s worst fears, which is particularly topical here.
         The dudes who discuss only visiting Belos’ funeral if lunch is provided; Maybe Tibbles and Piniet (they are capitalists), or Coven Heads like Terra, Osran, Vitimir, etc. Kikimora is the one who loots Belos’ corpse, because she totally would; In canon, she’s a lot closer to his private matters than he knows or would like, and intent on seizing some of that power for herself after all. Maybe Wrath is also there as a fellow scavenger, as well as unnamed Coven captains; Maybe Severine too. Employees who don’t appreciate this dude and who can blame them?
         Not sure who’s going to be the couple that’s glad Philip is dead; I don’t want it to be the parents of any of the kids, or else it’d be insensitive for Hunter to vouch for his uncle in front of them. Maybe the two old ladies that Steve cried over? Boscha’s parents, Larry and their partner? Prim and one of the Demon Hunters…Roselle and Dottie, those ladies who kidnapped Eda-in-King’s-body???
         Philip learns that Tiny King has died and is devastated. And lo and behold, he finds out who it is that nobody’s been mourning; It’s himself, Philip Wittebane! He promises the Ghost of Future that he’ll change, falls into his grave… And awakens on the floor of his bedroom, still alive and with a newfound chance at life!
        Not sure who’s the kid he asks to buy a turkey for him; Maybe Braxas? Philip makes amends with his nephew Hunter and his found family, coming over for dinner; And the next morning, he vows to be better to Lilith and the Clawthornes, helping look after Tiny King and becoming like another father to him! King ends the story by declaring Titan bless us, everyone!
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
A Little Broken, but Still Good
a little broken, but still good by eedsknees
A one-shot compilation of moments within everybody's favorite found family. ------- Ch. 1
It was adorably domestic.
Raine wanted to be a part of it.
They frowned, suddenly realizing that something was missing from the moment. Someone. The other girl, Luz, wasn't there.
Words: 1554, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Luz Noceda, Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne, King
Relationships: Luz Noceda & Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne & Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne/Raine Whispers, Eda Clawthorne & King & Luz Noceda
Additional Tags: found fambly is my favorite flavor of angst, Spanish, raine knows very very very little spanish lawl, Luz Noceda Needs a Hug, Luz Noceda Angst, Luz Noceda Needs Therapy, misha-moose-dean-burger-lover's Angsty-Angst Week, maternal Eda, parental raine, its found family galore u guys
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40501980
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Ch 8
On Friday Amity is tired, but she relishes every minute she spends at school and not home, because the weekend was looking to be just as exhausting. 
Blue moon masquerades are a Blight family tradition, her parents have been throwing the parties for as long as she can remember and it’s a tradition that they begin throwing these parties at sixteen. With this being the first blue moon since the twins turned sixteen it's finally time for them to do it. 
Normally the two are all about parties, but considering all the rules and protocols their parents have set for the event, any enthusiasm the twins might have had is well and truly dead before the party planning even begins.  
Now it’s just one more thing expected of them and Amity can tell how much they hate it, so she tries to help them with the planning whenever she can.
Someday it will be her turn after all. 
She also still has yet to speak to Luz since Wednesday and she feels bad about it, but facing her is too hard right now, especially when the object of her affections seems to actively pushing her toward this secret admirer she has.
She clutches her book to her chest as she walks down Hexside’s quiet and deserted hallways. 
Maybe Luz is just a pipe-dream she needs to try and forget about. She was never going to have the courage to face her and tell her how she feels, and if Luz had any inclination toward her at all she wouldn’t be advocating so hard for a mysterious stranger. 
Her lips quiver and her eyes burn but she quickly shoves it down. She is not going to cry at school, she’s a Blight!
A mantra she uses to steel herself even as she hates it. 
She shakes her head and continues on toward her locker. 
When she stops to stand in front of it the creature looks annoyed and she realizes why when it opens its mouth unprompted and sticks out its tongue.
She's started to get a little more used to these surprises but the one waiting for her this morning makes her gasp. 
Sitting there on her locker's tongue is a small maroon colored velvet box she knows immediately is a jewelry box. A piece of folded paper sitting beneath it.
She hesitates a minute before picking up the box and the note. Curiosity gets the better of her and she opens the box before anything else and stares wide-eyed and mouth slightly agape.
Nestled within the satin lining is a brooch. 
Fine lines of gold shaped to look like thorned vines twist and loop in random but pleasing patterns, overlapping each other in places. At the center of the vines is a small tear-shaped gemstone in a gold setting. She's not sure what kind, but it's a deep fuchsia color that sparkles and gleams when it catches a stray beam of light from the hallways overhead lights. 
It's beautiful and Amity is in awe of it as she pulls it from its box with hesitant fingers and holds it gently in her hand. She runs her thumb over the hard and smooth facets of the stone, feeling the different, sharp cut sides press into the pad of her thumb. 
The metal is cool and hefty in her fingers and her heart thuds in her chest that someone would go through all this trouble for her.
It's a common misconception among the student body that Amity Blight must be beating suitors off with a staff, but the truth is no one had ever pursued her.
Her family was highly influential and well off, everyone assumed she was above them, unattainable; so they didn't try. Not that she’d done much to change that opinion. 
Of course, when it finally does happen she's head over heels for someone as unattainable as people think she is…
With gentle fingers she puts the jewelry back in its box and finally turns her attention to the piece of paper, unfolding it.
When I saw this in the market I could only think of you. I hope you like it. This is my final gift as your secret admirer.
Even if you can't return my feelings, would you dance with me tomorrow night?
I'll be wearing a black and purple horned demon mask.
~Your soon-to-be-not-so-secret Admirer 
Amity's heart is thumping loudly in her chest, the meaning of the letter is clear. Her secret admirer is going to be at the masquerade tomorrow night. 
She clutches the box in her hands and bites her lip.
Maybe… this was her chance to let go of Luz… 
Her heart aches at the thought, but her mind knows that it would be the better choice. 
Luz is human and while it's rather uncertain right now if she'll ever actually leave the Boiling Isles since the only known portal has been destroyed, Amity's parents would have an aneurysm if they were to ever find out she was in a romantic relationship with a human, the Owl Lady's apprentice no less. 
Despite that, if the opportunity presented itself Amity would still leap headfirst into it without any reservations.
She's never known anyone like Luz in all her life. The girl is kindness and sunshine incarnate, something exceedingly rare in a place like the Boiling Isles. 
She’s made her a better person in the time they’ve known each other. 
Looking back now she finds it hard to believe that she ever hated her.
She looks down at the maroon box in hand and frowns, chest tight. Conflicted emotions run rampant through her mind
For all the things she loves about Luz, of which there are many, she knows that she'll never have the courage to tell her so, and Luz has made it clear in just as many ways that she doesn't see Amity in the same light, and at the end of the day, all her longing and feelings are for not if Luz doesn't return them.
But here, in the palm of her hand, she has a chance at something that might be real and not just a flight of fantasy.  
She takes a deep breath and puts the box and note in her bag and heads to class.
She doesn't see Luz at lunch, for which she is grateful but disappointed. She sits with Willow and Gus when they wave her over.
"Hey, Amity, have you seen Luz today? We missed her this morning," the plant witch asks. Amity frowns.
"No, I haven't seen her all day." 
"She must not be at school today…" Willow frowns.
That's unusual, Luz loves school. Amity wonders if she's sick, but in the back of her mind, she wonders if Luz is avoiding her.
She looks down at her lunch and is suddenly not very hungry, but she stays and chats with Gus and Willow.
~ ~ 
Luz probably should have told her friends that she decided not to go to school today in order to have more time to get ready for Saturday night, but she’s on a deadline, there was no time to go to the school to tell Gus and Willow. She really needed to get a scroll. 
She only has one real problem left.
Hiding her ears.
If either of the Clawthorne sisters had magic it would be an easy thing to cast an illusion spell over her ears, but they don't; so it's not.
She's been leafing through Eda's various magic books, searching for a practical solution to her problem.
So far, no luck.
"Ugh!" Luz groans, shelving the books and stalking to her room, grumbling under her breath. "Why couldn't I have been born with a bile sac!?" she laments, dropping face down onto her sleeping bag.
She’s running out of time and unlike the way she handles most things, no plan, full steam ahead and flying by the seat of her pants, she needs to have this figured out before the party or everything was going to be for nothing! Now wasn’t the time to sharpen her improv skills. 
She has her clothes and her mask, they were easy. She was pretty pleased with herself on that front.
“Aghhhhh” she yells into the fabric before she ran out of air and was forced to flip over onto her back. 
Her time is ticking away and she can’t waste anymore with her frustrations. With a sigh, she hauled herself up and looked around her room, spotting the book about ancient, wild magic Amity had leant her and leaned over to grab it, dragging it into her lap and flipping it open.
She quickly leafs through page after page, hope waning as the minutes turn to hours and the next thing she knows the orange rays of the sunset are leaking through her window.
She sighed and twisted around, trying to relieve the pressure in her back from sitting hunched over the heavy tome for so long.
Maybe she could wear a hat, would it be okay to wear a hat?
She tiredly flips another page and scans it quickly as she reaches for the next but stops. 
In front of her are some illustrations of witches, but unlike other images in the book, these ones have what look like glyphs drawn on their skin; tattoos maybe?
Some of the book is written in a language she knows and some of it is not, and this section is, of course, not. 
But the longer she studies it the more an idea forms.
She sets the book aside and scrambles to her bag for a pen.
With one in hand she moves back over to the book The studies it again before laying her hand flat against its pages.
Steadily she draws the illusory glyph she'd been experimenting with across the back of her hand. She observes the final product and hesitates.
This could be dangerous.
She doesn’t allow the thought to take up much more than a few seconds of her time as she slaps her other hand over the glyph and willing it to do what she wants.
Her hand is enveloped in a light blue glow and when it fades her hand is tipped with long claws, the glyph still visible on the back of her hand. 
She flexes her hand tentatively and slowly a grin begins to split her face.
“It worked… It worked!” She jumps up with an excited whoop. She licks her thumb and rubs at the ink, as soon as the circle is broken the illusion fades with the same soft blue glow as before. She takes her pen and closes the circle back up and casts the spell again, and again, her hand transforms.
Giddy energy is filling her to near bursting as she shoots out of her room and runs into the bathroom.
It's an hour later that King is banging on the bathroom door.
“Other people live here and need the bathroom!” he squeals angrily, stomping his feet.
He almost falls over when the door suddenly swings open just as he’s pounding on it.
“Weh!” He stumbles, but catches himself and looks up, ready to lay his wrath upon whoever is hogging the bathroom but stops short at the sight in front of him.
“Well? What do you think?” Luz asks excitedly, but she doesn’t wait for his answer before bolting down the hall.
“Eda, EDA!” She calls pounding down the stairs and toward the kitchen, where she can hear someone moving around. Lilith looks up from her place on the couch as the girl passes and does a double take. 
“What?” Eda grumbles looking up from the large pot of potions she’s stirring. “Where’s the fir-” she trails off when she actually sees Luz.
She looks totally the same.
Except where once her ears were round, they are now pointed like any other witch on the Boiling Isles. 
“Wha-?” Eda looks at her wide eyed.
Lilith has followed into the kitchen to get a better look at the girl.
“Fascinating, how did you accomplish this?” She leans in close to get a better look. The illusion is seamless and if she didn’t know better she would have never guessed Luz wasn’t a witch.
“Well, you know that illusion glyph I taught you?” she asks and they nod. “Well, I was looking through this book Amity gave me and it showed wild witches with glyphs drawn on their bodies. So I figured I'd give it a shot!” she grins and reaches up to flick the tips of her now pointed ears. 
Eda walks over and turns her around, brushing Luz’s dark hair out of the way, she can see that  drawn on the back of both of Luz’s ears are small illusory glyphs. The older with grins.
“Kid, you’re brilliant.” She ruffled the girl's hair and Luz beamed. 
“Thanks, Eda.” 
“And think of the scams we could pull with this!” She grins and Lillith rolls her eyes.
Luz just chuckles, not even a little surprised.
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
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“No, no, no, you’re both wrong! Please! Bread puns!” 🥖 🍞 🥯
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
from here x
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“Hey! Boscha! You’re supposed to wear that!”
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mellowsmuses · 10 months
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“Hunter, Luz, Look! So teethy. Bite! Bite!” 
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mellowsmuses · 10 months
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“New Decree. No bedtimes!”
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mellowsmuses · 10 months
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“Collector is turning into a Softie!” 
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
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“Burn the books. Burn the books. Now I say.” 
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
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mellowsmuses · 2 years
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Yelps! “Weeeh! Hunter! What have you done to Amity?!” 
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mellowsmuses · 1 year
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👑“Come and get MEEE!” 
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mellowsmuses · 1 month
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[👑]: Thinking of something Special he can do for Eda~ 
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