#ch 333
lloydfrontera · 6 months
there is something utterly heartbreaking about arcos hoping, almost praying, for the person that saved his family and home to be his son while being almost certain that he's not. he wants to believe so badly that his son had stopped destroying himself and harming everyone around him, that his child had been the one that matured and turned into a diligent and responsible person. but he knows it is not. he knows that the person he worries for and trusts without question is not the same one he raised. he knows his child and this person he's come to love as his own is not him.
he doesn't want to believe it because a part of him never stopped hoping lloyd would mature and turn into a decente person. but he cannot let his own selfishness keep stopping him from seeing the truth and recognize that the person that saved them all and that he's come to love so much is not his lloyd. because he's his own person and arcos loves him for who he is, has come to love him as his son and he doesn't deserve to be treated as just a replacement for the son arcos lost without realizing when or why.
and he can't bring himself to say any of this out loud so he just holds lloyd's hand and hopes that's enough to let him know how utterly loved he already is.
I want to tell you everything, Lloyd... But I have no clue as to how I should talk to or ask you about this. I already see you as my precious son. I am grateful for you. Count Frontera raised his gaze to the sky once more. He was at a loss for words. The sky was incredibly dark and blue, filled with light from the moon and stars, clouds, and shooting stars. He sighed as his heart filled with uncertainty and regret. Unable to distract his mind he simply reached out and tightly grabbed Lloyd's hand. He hoped his unspoken feelings and thoughts would be conveyed to his son: Whatever you do, whatever you hide, you are my precious son that I will always be thankful for. In the cold and cozy night, they affectionately held each other's hand. It was a stroll between a father and son or two people who hoped that would become true someday.
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sunflowercider · 6 months
It was a stroll between a father and son or two people who hoped that would become true someday.
cool cool cool cool im fine
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karmicpunishment · 8 months
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someiicecube · 8 months
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im normal about this IF game, i swear
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gammaraydeath · 5 months
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i sleep with one eye open // and both hands on a weapon
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dailyrannells · 8 months
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the boys in the band || fave moments (larry edition)
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gortash · 10 months
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kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
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No words left, only this panel
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polaroidcats · 28 days
A little au based on u teaching me not to accidentally tell someone they looked good naked when I am trying to say good night in German :)
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SKYE I AM SCREAMING THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME!!!! Sirius getting naked because he thinks Remus is finally admitting his feelings, them escaping the slow burn trope via german miscommunication trope, it is all so so perfect, thank you for drawing this I am OBSESSED!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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coredrill · 7 months
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Simon's First Giga Drill Break ↳ requested by @renegadegurski
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
Do the Fronteras after finding out consider Suho as another one of their son? Also, I feel like the Fronteras doesn't exist anymore in the sequel I mean why not become peace makers between the two of their cousins? Heck do the Fronteras still even have connections to the Sultan's family?
Also, I would like to know the following: what this telepathy between Javier and Lloyd? Lloyd doesn't have insomnia anymore right since his body is Suho's? Also, does Javier keep asking Lloyd lullabies, and not ask for a recording? Heck, he could have also used that paper he read when he fell asleep by himself?
they do yes!
in ch 333 we get to see arcos' feelings about it and god. it's so sweet.
I want to tell you everything, Lloyd… But I have no clue as to how I should talk to or ask you about this. I already see you as my precious son. I am grateful for you. Count Frontera raised his gaze to the sky once more. He was at a loss for words. The sky was incredibly dark and blue, filled with light from the moon and stars, clouds, and shooting stars. He sighed as his heart filled with uncertainty and regret. Unable to distract his mind he simply reached out and tightly grabbed Lloyd’s hand. He hoped his unspoken feelings and thoughts would be conveyed to his son: Whatever you do, whatever you hide, you are my precious son that I will always be thankful for. In the cold and cozy night, they affectionately held each other’s hand. It was a stroll between a father and son or two people who hoped that would become true someday.
then later on ch 347 we get another glimpse of their thoughts about him
"I was curious. I felt suffocated as it was. So, I wanted to ask if Lloyd was doing well. You know, since an angel cannot lie." She felt him tighten her hand. "But I could not dare say my question out loud. It seemed like I would be wronging the current Lloyd. I feel too indebted to that child to do so." "You made the right choice..." His voice cracked. "I did, right?" "Yes..." he said, lacking certainty. This time, she wrapped his hand. "He will tell us when the time comes, right? The boy has a kind heart." "Yes... I believe he will." "I know it. He is a good kid." Her eyes grew red and teary again while his nose reddened. Clutching each other, the two decided to put their trust in Lloyd and wait for him to eventually tell the truth. They hoped for the best while trying to put on a smile. He is a kind... dutiful... and hardworking kid...
they already know he's not who he says he is but they trust and love him enough to wait for him the tell them the truth himself.
and finally in ch 402 (my beloathed </3) we don't get to see much of them interacting but we do get a little snippet of how their relationship developed and it's really sweet.
lloyd does start calling them father and mother, even if he's a little awkward and embarrassed about it at first, and they both reassure him that it doesn't matter that he's not their biological kid, they've thought of him as a son for a long time. which. i will sob about it extensively thanks for asking.
as for whether the fronteras exists in the sequel,,,, i really do not know. i feel like they would've been mentioned already considering how far into the novel we already are but at the same time it feels weird for it to not even mention them! like! even if lloyd didn't perpetuate the family name as the eldest son because charlotte was a magentano, then at least julian's kid should've carried on with it!
like you said, if they were around they'd be a pretty damn powerful family what with lloyd marrying the queen of magentano and julian marrying the princess of asfahan and the infrastructure lloyd left them with. they should be active participants of the court or at least present, unlike the asrahans that have been pretty much exiled to the borders. and if it eventually died off for some reason you'd think that would be mentioned if only in passing. but the complete absence of it or the estate feels weird unless it's building up suspense for an eventual reveal.
i don't know! it's weird! i wanna see where this is going!
as for the telepathy,,, the wording is a bit unclear but it's implied the absolutes (?) of every realm get to a mental channel to talk to each other. at least while they're in vicinity to each other. javier and lloyd use it right after rakiel ripped both of them off and berkis can listen to them talk on it, but it's implied the demon king can't hear them and he's on the same level as them, so... maybe it's only when they're in the same realm? again, kinda hard to know right now.
and no, suho does not have insomnia anymore, he lost his circles and his manaheart so unless he upgrades again, he's nowhere at the level of a swordmaster and so he doesn't experience swordmaster syndrome.
and yes, javier does keep asking lloyd to sing him lullabies. it's not mentioned whether he needs them anymore, probably not, as you mentioned he fell asleep on his own even as a human while reading outloud to lloyd but i suspect he just likes falling asleep quickly while hearing lloyd talk <3
i swear,,,,,, i'm not trying to make these so long,,,,,, it just,,,,,, happens 〒▽〒,,,
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stevie-petey · 1 day
Anything you want to tell us about Come Home that hasn’t been asked about yet? Like a head canon, Easter egg, reference, song rec, something you wrote in particular that made you feel a certain way, etc ?
anon these questions always make me so giddy omg i cant even choose what i wanna talk about because theres a LOT we havent unpacked together yet but ok ok ok lets start here: how jon and steve differ with loving bug.
weve already established that jon helps bug because theres an obligation there from years of being together, while steve does it because he wants to. to add to this, the love is almost reflective of that
jon: i will never deserve to love but i will love you anyways because its all i know (selfishly, co dependently, raw, messy, instinctive)
steve: i will never deserve to love you but if you believe i do then i will love you with everything within me (trusting, comforting, forgiving, replenishing, complete)
for an easter egg im shocked no one has pointed out the bonus episode titles !!! season 1 bonus ep is “the beginning” because its the beginning of everything between bug and steve. the beginning of their friendship, their dynamic, their budding relationship. it all starts in that chapter. as for season 2, “the fall”, this is LITERALLY steve falling in love with bug. the bonus eps are meant to really piece together the dynamics i create throughout the seasons canon, and then bring it all together outside of canon to set up for future seasons ! the bonus ep titles will always tell you whats in store for the couple ;)
the titles of the seasons overall are also the ending of them !!! for 1 (we dont talk about it) we end with jon and bug never talking about their love for one another and instead promising to stay the same. for 2 (we thought love was something we werent meant to find), the season ends with steve and bug both finding love within one another after being led to believe they werent meant for the love they craved because of nancy and jon. for 3 (now youre a stranger) ,,,, well ! wait n see <3
ok now for some a quasi reference (more symbolism): everyone who meets bug has a crush on her but not in a cliche “reader is so pretty” way but in a “this person is so genuinely lovely and has this pull to them that you cant help but fall in love with”. they arent actually in love with bug per say, theyre in love with her kindness. its infectious, i like to think bug embodies everything we wish to be <3
finally because im sleepy i will say that the ending scene in season 2 between bug and steve still makes me so <333 to reread. the idea that someone will wait for you, and that they trust you to come back, is just so beautiful to me. not only was bug putting her heart in steves hands, he placed his in hers as well. she trusts that he will love her in the end, she wont rush him, and he trusts that she will be there for him when he falls :’)))
i also really really adore the final scene between jon and bug in season 1, when theyre in the car and everything settles between them and bug makes jon promise that nothing will change. ugh. it breaks my heart every time. its so so so bittersweet :( it parallels steve and bug a year later at the end of season 2 and i just. im so proud of that as well
i blabbed so much my god. pls enjoy
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wispy-ispy · 11 months
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redesign credit to @humanisti-c
found this design after clawing my way violently out of a very long art block and the part of my brain that spins her around in my brain like a microwave took over
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every-chopper · 2 days
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akutagawa-daily · 1 year
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Akutagawa daily 333/★
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hephaestn · 2 years
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The Broken Hearts Gallery (2020) dir. Natalie Krinsky
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