#cella what the fuck
is he hot or is he just in charge?
Rhea: hot because she’s in charge
Laenor: hot no matter what
Corlys: hot when he’s not in charge
Rhaenys: hot and in charge
Laena: hot and not in charge, extra points when she is.
Rhaenyra: hot and in charge, extra points when she’s happily in charge
Joffrey: hot when he’s in charge, extra points when he’s mad
Daemon: hot but should never be in charge of anything ever. especially someone’s well-being or a relationship
Alicent: hot and in charge
Viserys: not.
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draconiccatgirl · 3 months
So let’s review the facts
-Anju is in that backroom in Chapter 3, she gave me her pendant. It’s unknown where she is in the Current Timeline?
-Angie is also somehow related to her somehow based on what that lady in Krystilline town said?
-The mansion in Chapter 3 is from the Intro/Chapter 9. Same guy I forget the name of is present in both and goes insanely evil because of a Fucked Up Gardevoir who idk is.
-Melia/Maria(nette)/Melanie seems to be VERY IMPORTANT in every timeline and is also Arceus’ favourite child like Djeeta GBF.
-Anastasia and her mom(?) are, odd fellows, considering Anastasia’s childhood I understand more of why she is based on the limited screen time she’s had and I sympathize with her. Also I guess the Deoxys from the intro was/is hers.
-Cella is The Elder, not much else to say there, the situation with Aelita is probably awkward for her considering her relationship with Vivian. I feel I’ve seen the name Nora used in game before but I don’t remember where.
-Fuck knows where Nyemia is.
-Spacea and Tempora are clearly Palkia/Dialga. Somewhere out there there’s a Giratina version of them, based on what was in that castle to start Narcissa’s sidequest. Don’t think it’s Crescent she’d be Cresselia. Nim is Darkrai? Melia IS an arm of Arceus?
-I don’t *actually* know what’s up with Giratina given the stuff in Darchlight Woods. Maybe Geara IS Giratina?
-The Stone Shit is probably that Petrification Status that Decimation applied, iunno what it does since it didn’t proc for me when I beat Madamme X.
Probably forgetting stuff but god this story has A Lot.
Also obviously I haven’t completed the story yet so if any of this stuff is answered- zip it! Reminders if I forgotten anything or discussion/theorizing is fine tho.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
I think this may have turned into an oc thing💀
Lasko's listener: I just established the other day that they own an axolotl named Cella (that Freelancer is hellbent on calling "Celery" and Huxley loves her ((the axolotl))sm) and this is canon to me now. They also have a Chinese water dragon named Lotus bc I said so :)
Freelancer: do rats count as an exotic pet?? (Google says they do-) They named her Gribby. This is also canon to me.
Angel: they 100% have a sugar glider named Goblin (and David is terrified of him.) They want a fennec fox and they will get a fennec fox and they will name her Deedee. Short for Speed Demon.
Baabe: snake. They own a snake and they named her Rory and Asher loves her to death.
Sweetheart: chameleon. His name is Karma and he and Aggro are besties to the max.
Darlin': a fucking raccoon. Or a badger. Either one named Cujo.
Lovely: they own a bat named Valentina.
Bright Eyes: also owns a rat, but they didn't him Remi. They couldn't remember the rat's actual name so instead they ended up naming him fuckin Ratatouille💀
Starlight: albino ferret albino ferret albino ferret and she's named Carina :)
Seer Obscura: literally owns a barn owl named Tiresias.
Cutie: they have a couple mice they named Allen and Atlas.
Honey: iguana named Geechee, but he also responds to the name Bee for some odd, unknown reason (*cough* Guy-)
Warden: snake. Burmese python. I feel like they would want to name her, but wouldnt know what to name her, so they'd settle for Mesii (to base it slightly off "burmese")
Mentor/Baby: four ferrets. Four ferrets that are specifically named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde.
Smartass: they have a bearded dragon named Ivy and she vibes with Aaron.
Sunshine: they have chinchilla siblings named Nimbus and Nebula :3
Anton's listener: they have 2 tree frogs named Mika and Aivo, and a chinchilla named Seria (I like my chinchillas, okay?? I've always wanted one-)
James' listener: hedgehog named Morose and he's the cutest little baby James has ever laid his eyes on.
Asset: they found a mouse in the vents one time and they've kept it ever since. They named her Thias. They like to show Thias to Anton. Anton likes to see Thias(Thias reminds him of Seria). They have also introduced Thias to Brian. Brian also likes Thias. Most of the people working with/on Asset know Thias.
Precious: they aren't allowed to own a pet. Because owning a pet means giving their love and affection and attention to someone other than Regulus.
Bonus Bits!
Damien: ...Freelancer, I think you have rats.
FL: huh?? Oh, no, that's just Gribby.
Damien: *petting Gribby* who names a pet "Gribby"?
FL: I do. Oh- don't touch her left back leg.
Damien: why? Is she hurt?
FL: I got her checked out first few times it happened, but they said nothin' was wrong.
Damien: then why..?
FL: she just starts screaming.
Damien: what.
David: Angel, I'm—
Goblin, who escaped his habitat: *zooms up the fridge and soars straight towards David, landing on his face and getting comfy on his head*
Angel: Goblin, where'd you go!? Oh! Aww! He loves you!
David: *frozen with fear*
Sam: Darlin'?
Darlin': hm?
Sam: why's there a raccoon/badger on your kitchen counter?
Darlin': that's Cujo.
Sam: ...Cujo was-
Darlin': "mEhMeHmEhMeH cUjO wAs a dOg tHoUgH" let me name my trash panda/rage skunk whatever tf I want.
Vincent: you got a pet bat?
Lovely: yeah! I wanted to name her Vincent as well, but then I thought you might get confused, so I went with Valentina instead! ^-^
Vincent: *teary-eyed* you wanted to name her after me??
Vincent: ...wait- you thought I'd get confused-
Vincent: did you buy a rat?
Bright: I found it in the trash can and he's mine now.
Vincent: o..kay. Does he have a name?
Bright: um, duh. Anyone who owns a rat and doesn't name it Ratatouille is committing an actual crime against humanity.
Vincent: ...hold on.., wasn't the... wasnt the rat's name Remi?
Bright: ...
Vincent: ... I-
Bright: y'know what Vincent?
Vincent: wha-
Bright: shut the fuck up.
Chat: you have a pet!??
Honey: yeah *fetches Geechee from his habitat* His name's Geechee
Honey: iguana*. Anyway, this is Geechee, but I've noticed he also responds to the name "Bee" and I have some speculations as to why that is.
Guy, in chat: I haven't the slightest clue what you could possibly be talking about.
Baby: I found these poor little guys in a box thrown in a trash can.
Baby: yes, we're keeping them and no, I haven't named them yet.
Ollie: ..suggestion?
Baby: I suppose.
Ollie, immediately: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde!
Baby: *sigh* goddamnit, those are gold.
Ollie: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde?
Baby: *nods* Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde.
Ollie: YES!
Asset: hi Marcus!
Marcus: jEsus chRIst- you scared me half to-...
Marcus: what do you have?
Asset: I found someone!
Marcus: you... found someone..?
Asset: *opens their hands to show a petite lil mousey* I've decided to name her.
Marcus: oh- y-yeah? And.. what did you...name her..?
Asset: Thias!
Asset: good evening, Anton.
Anton: good evening
Asset: Thias says hello, too!
Anton, with a tired but genuine smile: hello and good evening to you as well, Thias.
This was fun. I had much fun. This was so much fun :3
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not-poignant · 14 days
Why did Temsen decide to let James' sister into the grounds? Rather than leave her outside the gate? Did he manipulate the situation as well as he did when he let Gwyn into the grounds? But he couldn't have calculated the situation enough to know that Efnisien would meet with his sister and say what everyone had wanted to say for a long time.
This is definitely going to get talked about in the story! So I'm not going to go into too much detail but:
Gary told Flitmouse it was okay to let James' family onto the grounds specifically in a phone conversation in the story.
Temsen did not think in a million years that Gary would act like such a fucking idiot and not contact him before going over to Cella.
Temsen's actually really angry at Gary for acting like a civilian and not like a professional
Did he manipulate the situation as well as he did when he let Gwyn into the grounds?
So at the time, Temsen and Gary talked about Gwyn visiting like professionals. And what did Gary not behave like when it came to Cella?
A professional.
So yeah, how could Temsen manipulate the situation as well? He literally sent Gary endless calls and text messages to contact him so they could coordinate. He'd likely been sending them for over an hour, along with Faber.
Gary fucked up. Like, Temsen and Faber fucked up too. But Gary really fucked up. And he is about to get professionally called out on it.
All Gary had to do was return a call before taking action. Mistakes were made on all sides, but Gary hardcore dropped the ball, and behaved very immaturely and Temsen is very 'heyyyyy what the fuck man' about that. Like, literally calls Gary into his office like a disappointed teacher to be like: 'Tried to do my job and you literally made it impossible at every opportunity, how am I supposed to coordinate with you when you act like an idiot.'
But he says it very nicely, and he also apologises.
But yeah, the why is because Gary literally gives Faber permission to let James' family onto the grounds! That one is in the story already. He didn't manipulate the situation as well because Gary didn't give them a chance to coordinate first like he did re: Gwyn visiting.
There was a decent period of time where Gary could have made many different choices and he just...didn't.
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jazz-kitty · 1 month
1, 2 , 7, 8 :3
1. favorite character[s]
ive already talked about kenneth and flora BUT! runner up is cera i think. i haven't seen her in a million years but that's okay. i think she's incredibly fucked up and i want to get her #OUT of her mental and also physical ice prison.
im preddyyyyyyy sure rn that angie is a fucked up cursed version of anju, but as "angie" she still made a servant. it just happens to be in the image of cella- taking some of her likeness & kind of her name- because even deep down the fragments of anju in angie still cares for cella. but i dont actually know. i think her dedication to angie is super fucked up and interesting though. angie doesn't care whether her meat homunculus made of illegal magic lives or dies, but cera is also so incredibly willing to lay down her life for her boss that somehow it works out. well. hopefully it stops working out bc i want cera to be able to live for herself but. AH! not much to say since it all happened like six chapters ago now sicne anyones even thought of cera but i still spin her aorund in my brain bc she's epic as hell. my friend said her ace was a morpeko :(((( thats so CUTE!!!
2. least favorite character[s]
i don't like saki or karen. what do you do when a character for most of their screentime is intended to be comedic relief and then you just don't find them funny. i feel like such a nerd but i just don't think they have jokes and theres not much else to like about them ToT at least as it stands. idk. even then i'll still draw both of them no problem i am not exactly a professional at disliking characters. my main issue with them is that they don't appeal to my sense of humor and if i'm drawing & writing them they do. so. problem solved?
erick is also kind of up there but he stays in his lane over in poison type gearen city [forgot the actual name] so he doesn't bother me as much. plus he has cat ears so he gets bonus points.
7. favorite friendship[s]
patty & cera have they ever talked? NO! have they ever talked about each other? NO! in a hypothetical situation, would it be kind of cute? YEAH!
for ones that r actually on screen though. i loveee neved & nastasia. even if it was just 1 conversation, i love their dynamic. the two most mature [AUTHORS NOTE: does not mean they are mature. just means they are not zetta geara or madelis] xen members havin a little chat and i'm TUNED IN!!!! and their shared affection for ren is so cute. they both know it's a bad idea and they BOTH tell each other it's a bad idea, and then immdiately just go Anyways, because they r BOTH going to continue caring about ren anyways. whateverrr. i think it's cute.
honorable mention delpha and adam. theyr eso sweet. they love each otherrrrrrrr they make fun of each other so much but they would kill someone for each otherrr <3
8. favorite family dynamic
florin and flora you're so. i talk about them too much. florin disowning flora after finding out she's in bladestar is soooo. oh my goodness! and then trying to get her the death penalty too!!! i think about how after florin says that he just wishes flora would trust him more- that he's there for her, if only she'd let him be- flora says THIS
Tumblr media
its so. god dude. i feel like it's not just that flora was leading bladestar, but selfishly- florin cares more about the fact that flora never told him about it. and its soooo. oh my god. both of them care[d] about the other so much but are far too fucked up to ever be able to show it. flora feels like she's the only one who can ever get her job done- especially after rune turned her down- and she wants to keep florin SAFE by keeping him out of everything. and florin just wants to BE THERE for his SISTER!!! without understanding until darchlight cave why she's making it so difficult to!!! god!!! it's so evil how many times things could've gotten better and how many chances flora had to just let her brother love her and how every single time she refuses and florin gets pushed a little closer to the edge of a metaphorical cliffside. me when im in a lack of communication challenge and my opponent is flora who thinks letting her brother think she hates him and actively trying to get him to hate her is the simplest way to handle things. i hate rejuv
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thevagabondexpress · 4 months
my dad: aw, it broke open
me: what did?
my dad: the seelie
me: what [the fuck]?!
my dad: i have some seelies, do you want some?
me: you have some what?!
my dad: seelies. you know. the chocolate covered . . . the maraschino cherries in—
me: CELLA'S. cella's. seelies are fairies.
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gojoath · 1 month
cella i need ur opinion!!!
so im making a hsr oc and im basing her off scorpions (even tho im extremely afraid of them but fuck it we ball) and i thought why not give her a spine tattoo??? the thing is i cant tell whether to make the tattoo like a whole ass scorpion or just the tail and stinger stretching along her back 😔
i love the idea of it being a while scorpion !!!! i just love a really huge, hot back today (me: does not have a back tattoo) but i think it would look so cool if it was the whole bug — lmk what you choose :3 ᰔ
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mt-musings · 1 month
To Inherit the Night - 14
“Sit still, Magpie, or I’m going to send you up Topside with half a face of makeup.”
“You’re poking my eye,” she retorted, squirming away from his eyeliner brush. He grabbed her jaw to hold her still.
“Suck it up. Beauty is pain.”
“That’s bullshit. I’d be the prettiest person in Fodlan if that was true.”
Yuri rolled his eyes. “You are pretty.”
“Pretty fucking ugly.”
“Do you want me to finish you makeup or do you want to have a pity fest? It’s one or the other,” he asked, brow raised. She slunk down in her chair, dropping her gaze to the floor.
“Makeup. Please.”
“Ahh, so you do have manners.”
“No thanks to you.”
He laughed at that, eyes glimmering with mischief. It was no secret that she’d inherited his foul mouth and rapid-fire retorts. She had enough sense most of the time to keep it in Topside, but everyone in Abyss knew to be wary of her tongue.
“I still don’t know why you’re putting in so much effort. It’s lame, as far as balls go.”
“But I’ve never been to one. And everyone else is going to be dressed up and there’s going to be dancing and champagne and—I don’t know. They always sound fun in stories.”
He tried to hide his grin, shaking his head.
“You’re adorable.”
“I’m not!”
“Yes, you are. Are you going to dance with your Prince Charming tonight?”
“Fuck off.”
“Planning on meeting someone in the Goddess Tower?”
“Planning on cutting holes in your socks.”
Yuri snorted, pinning a stray piece of hair back. He took a step back to admire his work. Her hair streamed down her back in perfect waves, half pulled back into braids that encircled her head like a crown. The white didn’t look so stark with the lilac ends woven through, bringing out color in her face. He hadn’t done much in the way of makeup. She didn’t need it, despite what she thought. He’d merely disguised the scars on her cheek as much as he could and emphasized her eyes with a little eye liner and mascara and the smallest amount of shimmer. 
“Do I look stupid?”
“Do you think I would make you look stupid?”
“If you thought it was funny.”
“You don’t look stupid. I, as usual, am a genius. Go on, check in the mirror.”
He watched her expression as she took a deep breath, steadying herself before turning to look at the small mirror on his vanity. He watched as she gasped, turning to stare at how faint her scar had become, almost invisible but for the slight divot of the old wound, at how large and thick-lashed her eyes were. She pressed her lips into a thin line, her eyes welling with tears.
“Don’t go crying off all my hard work.”
“You—I—Yuri!” She stammered incoherently, nearly tumbling from her chair in her haste to throw her arms around him in a hug. He returned it easily, not bothering to hold back his laughter.
“It’s not that big of a deal, Magpie. It’s just a little makeup, I’ve been offering to teach you  for forever.”
“You made me pretty,” she mumbled into his chest.
“Made—Cella, do you really hate your scars that much?”
She didn’t answer, just hugged him harder. He sighed, pressing his cheek to the crown of her head. He’d have picked her up her own cosmetics long ago if he’d known seeing herself unscarred would bring her to happy tears. She’d always seemed so indifferent to fashion, to her appearance, he’d simply thought she wasn’t bothered by it. She’d always been more concerned with snooping about, with reading as many books as she could get her hands on, with tinkering and causing problems for a laugh. 
She glanced up at him, eyes still shining, grin cemented to her face.
“You’re the best.”
“You’re tolerable.”
She scrunched up her nose at that, smile widening. She stepped back and did a little twirl in her altered skirt, smiling at her reflection in the mirror. 
It wasn’t often that Yuri felt like he was truly a good big brother. He ran a gang after all, a gang he’d allowed Cecily to become and integral part of. Sometimes he forgot she was barely sixteen, that she was supposed to still be more of a kid than not. But watching her beam at herself as she did a happy little bounce of a dance made him feel like the best brother in the world. 
Blood or not, she’d always be his kid sister, and he’d always do anything it took to do right by her. 
Yuri had been right—the ball was terribly dull. 
He’d never been one for such occasions to begin with, but with so little to gain by mingling with his fellow students—it was practically intolerable. 
Or it would have been, if Cecily hadn’t been having so much fun.
She’d spent the whole evening dancing, with hardly a break since they’d arrived. He hadn’t the faintest idea where she’d learned—maybe she’d asked Dorothea for lessons. She always went to her for help with classwork. 
He’d never seen her smile so much, or laugh. She practically glowed, brimming with joy. It was like watching who she might have been, had she never been kidnapped and tortured, who she would have been had she never gotten mixed up in petty noble disputes. 
“Kid’s having a good night.”
Yuri glanced over to find Balthus drop into a seat next to him, propping his boots on the table.
“Looks like it.”
“She’s about the only one. Constance and Hapi already left. What say we follow and continue the night with some proper drinks down at the Wilting Rose?”
“I dunno. Maybe in a bit.”
Balthus followed Yuri’s eye line to where Cecily was dancing with Claude, laughing at something he was whispering in her ear. Balthus laughed, shaking his head.
“You hanging around to scare off any over-eager suitors?”
“Why would I do that? She can take care of herself.”
“I’m not buying that, pal. Worried someone’s going to whisk her off to the Goddess Tower?”
“Terrified,” he retorted, the word dripping with sarcasm. 
“Alright then, why stay? You hate these things.”
Yuri just shrugged. “I like seeing her happy.”
“She does look young when she smiles like that. She looks so serious all the time I forget she’s practically a baby.”
“You’re just old.”
“You’re not wrong, especially in this crowd,” he laughed. “Two more songs and you’re coming for a drink with me. You gotta let Little Birdie fly on her own someday.”
“Come on! What’s the worst that can happen? It’s a church ball. So she makes out with some kid in the back gardens, it’s a right of passage.”
“This is not a conversation I want to be having.”
“Then you should just agree.”
“I’m not—“
“Hey!” Cecily said, beaming. She came to a halt right in front of the pair of them, beaming, cheeks flushed from dancing. 
“Oh, great timing. We’re heading out,” Balthus said, grinning as he glanced sidelong at Yuri. Cecily’s face fell, though she quickly replaced it with a well-practiced smile that never quite met her eyes. 
“Oh, okay. I’ll just go say bye to Thea.”
“No, no, no—Yuri and I are leaving. You stay and have fun. Besides, you can’t leave your first ball early, it’s bad luck.”
Her eyes flicked to Yuri, never quite believing Balthus at his word when he used that tone. He sighed, giving her a crooked smile.
“Go have fun. I have to get this geezer back home.”
“Let me know when you get back, okay? I’ll be up.”
“Okay!” She said and grinned, giving both of them a quick hug before darting back towards Dorothea and a handful of the other Black Eagles lingering on the edge of the dance floor.
“See? No harm no foul. She’ll be fine! Come on.”
Yuri grudgingly followed Balthus from the hall, glancing back to find Cecily back on the dance floor being twirled around by Hubert, who’s usual grim demeanor was replaced with something softer, something almost like a smile. He turned on his heel, ready to abandon Balthus in favor of ensuring it was their last dance of the night together, but Balthus grabbed him by the collar and practically dragged him out. 
“Leave her alone, she’s a good kid, she deserves some fun.”
“You look…very nice tonight,” Hubert said, the words careful and measured. He was wrong, of course—his assessment was severely lacking. She looked particularly beautiful—she’d done something to cover her scars, sure, but it was more in the way that her eyes glimmered with excitement, the soft way her hair had been braided back from her face. 
She beamed back at him. 
“Yuri did it for me. You look really nice too.”
He ignored the faint heat that rose in his cheeks at her words, her smile. Had he seen her smile, really smile, before? Never this much, he was sure.
“I wouldn’t have expected you to be so fond of balls.”
“It’s my first one. I’d read about them, of course, but they’re much more fun in person!”
“If you like dancing.”
“Well, that’s the best part! Don’t you think?” 
Never in his right mind had Hubert ever enjoyed balls, or fancy parties, least of all dancing—especially the stuffy Court kind. But as he swayed with Cecily in his arms he didn’t think it could be all that bad, not if it made her smile like that. 
“I—Yes. I daresay it is.”
She rewarded him with her biggest smile yet. “I wish we had more than just the one here at the monastery. I’d like to do it again.”
“There will always be more balls. Goddess knows the Season is bursting with them.”
“The Season?”
“The social Season, when all the balls and parties are set. There’s scarcely a weekend without one.”
“Oh, how lovely,” she replied, though he could see her smile slip, just a bit. It was an idiot thing to say—of course she didn’t know what the Season was, or how commonplace, really, balls such as this were. He’d wondered why she’d scarcely stopped dancing for ten minutes the whole night, why she’d said yes to everyone who had asked her, even those she didn’t particularly get on with, why she hadn’t followed her fellow Housemates back to their quarters. 
For her there would be no more balls, no more nights of dancing and laughter, of idle banter and string quartets. 
“If you ever find yourself in Enbarr during the summer I would ask you consider accompanying me to one. I could use an accomplished dance partner.”
She giggled, not in the cruel sort of way he’d grown used to girls laughing at him, but in the way that bubbled up with harmless mischief. “I’m afraid you might have to look elsewhere then. Dorothea only started teaching me two weeks ago.”
“I never would have guessed. You’re a wonderful dancer.”
“Perhaps I merely got all my toe-stepping out of the way earlier in the night.”
“Oh?” He asked, amusement creeping into his voice as he raised an eyebrow. She giggled again, the sound as sweet and bright as bells.
“I might have stepped on Lorenz’s toes. On purpose. Because he said I could be mistaken for having a noble air about me when I was dancing, and I couldn’t have that.”
Hubert surprised himself by letting out a genuine bark of laughter. She fought her own smile, though her eyes shone with it. 
She opened her mouth to say something else but the song ended and she shut it again, the mirth once more slipping from her face in favor of a practiced smile, shoulders drooping ever so slightly as she took a step back into a shallow, unbalanced curtsey. 
“Thank you very much for the dance, Hubert.”
He tumbled out the words before he had a chance to reconsider. “Would it be presumptuous of me to ask for another?”
Her eyes went wide for a moment before she gave him the sweetest, almost shy smile. She answered with mock seriousness, the glimmer of mischief returned. 
“Oh, most certainly, but I daresay I could forgive it.”
He smiled back without thinking. “Then I am ever so lucky,” he said, offering her his hand once more. She took it with the same hint of shyness she’d shown at his request, though it was without hesitation—they easily fell back into rhythm, Hubert depending on over a decade of practice while Cecily followed his lead as if it were as easy as breathing. He wondered, idly, when she’d found the time to practice so diligently with Dorothea—he still wasn’t quite sure how she found time to sleep between her late nights studying and her work with Yuri. 
He wished then, that his offer to take her to another ball, to have an excuse to spend an entire night at her side, with her in his arms, hadn’t been a functionally empty one. He’d meant it when he’d said it, meant every word—but the world would be a very different place in a few months, and Enbarr wouldn’t be hosting any balls any time soon. He quite doubted there would be many throughout Fodlan in the next few years, at least until Lady Edelgard was able to unite the continent under a new, Crestless society. 
Until then there wasn’t time enough to spare for such frivolity, for such pointless, selfish desires. He could simply allow himself these few moments, moments he—
“Are you alright, Hubert?”
“Of course. I apologize, I simply got lost in thought.”
She searched his face for a moment, her own unreadable. “It can be a treacherous endeavor.”
He snorted, shaking his head. “Indeed.”
“Thank you.”
“For what.”
“Being kind to me. Even when I know it’s been burdensome.”
He shook his head. “It’s never burdensome. I promise.”
She smiled at him as the song ended, letting the silence ring out a second before stepping out of his hold. 
“Thank you for the dances. I hope the rest of the night treats you well.”
“Are you retiring for the night?” He asked, hating the edge of disappointment that laced his words. 
She huffed a laugh, ducking her face to hide her blush. “Well, three dances and people would talk.”
“I didn’t know that you cared about what people thought.”
“I don’t,” she said, something sad creeping onto her face. “But you have to. Goodnight, Hubert.”
“Cecily—“ he called after her but she didn’t turn, disappearing from the ballroom without a second glance.  
Hubert surveyed the ring, the sick feeling in his chest rising. It was objectively perfect—a delicate platinum band with a large, marquis-cut center stone of shimmering alexandrite, flanked by a spray of smaller ebony stones on either side. The center stone alone had cost an exorbitant amount, but it resembled the peculiarity of her eyes so well that he hadn’t blinked. 
He thought of how under different circumstances he’d be nearly giddy at the thought of giving it to her. How he would have sat and prepared an entire speech, taken her to the rose garden, away from prying eyes, declared to her his ardor and devotion. 
He wondered if she might have liked it, had it not been a shackle. He’d never seen her wear any jewelry other than the silver cuff on her ear engraved with a band of foxglove. 
He sighed as he set the ring back in the box. He’d have to give it to her tonight—he wouldn’t be allowed to see her before the ceremony tomorrow, some sort of idiot custom he was supposed to adhere to. 
He stood stiffly before he could lose has nerve and strode to Cecily’s apartments, nodding at the guard at the door before stepping inside. She was sat on the floor, her knees pulled up to her chest, chin propped up on them as she stared blankly at the flickering shadows on the hearth. She didn’t look up or greet him, though her grip tightened as if it were enough to protect her. 
“I thought you should have this before tomorrow,” he said, though he didn’t move to hand her the box. It was another moment before she turned her head to look up at him and it was then that he could see her red-rimmed eyes. 
She’d been crying. 
His heart twisted painfully in his chest at the realization, but he shoved it down. She might have been crying, but her cheeks weren’t as hollow, her bones no longer as sharp under her skin. She was still too thin, but not in the utterly unhealthy way she’d been when she arrived. She was at least better taken care of in the palace, no longer starved and bruised. 
He hesitated a moment before sitting next to her on the floor, ignoring the childish indignity of it. He watched her brows furrow in confusion, all the more so when he pulled out the little leather box.
He handed it to her without preamble or explanation, choosing to watch the flames, rather than her face. She didn’t say anything for a long time, long enough that he thought she might not say anything at all.
“I don’t understand.”
“It’s for you. I should have given it to you at the start of our engagement, but I admit that I hadn’t yet gotten it.”
She stared at it for a long moment, absently tracing the stone. Then she handed it back to him.
“I do not need a ring, Hubert, nor am I suited for one such as this.”
“It’s a gift, and it was made specifically to suit your features. You will be the Marquess Vestra tomorrow, and will need things befitting such.”
She didn’t say anything, but he watched as she wrung her hands, as she traced the scars that dotted her knuckles, that cut across the backs of her palms. Scars from fighting, from training and surviving. He thought of his own hands, less scarred, though discolored from years of black magic overuse. She’d never seen him without his gloves, no one had, save Edelgard, but she would, tomorrow. She’d have to, to slip his own black band onto his finger. 
Surely, if the faint silver scars on her own disgusted her, his hands would prove a horror. 
He pulled the ring from the box and reached for her hand, pausing just shy of taking it. 
“May I?” he asked, half expecting her to get up and lock herself in the bedroom, as she was prone to do the moment she became utterly sick of him. Instead she stared at his hand for a long moment before placing her own trembling one lightly in his. He was struck by how small it looked in comparison, how something so unassuming could cause such destruction, should she desire it. He slipped the ring on her finger, glad, at least, that he’d gotten the sizing right. He hated the involuntary rush of warmth at seeing it there, knew it had perhaps more to do with the connotation of such a piece than with his satisfaction with the design. 
She didn’t pull her hand from his right away as he’d expected, her face unreadable as she stared at it. He wondered if she’d momentarily forgotten her hand was still in his, though he’d be hard pressed to remind her, not when he could revel in the warmth of her touch for just a little longer. He was surprised by the urge to press his lips to her knuckles, the sweet gesture so absolutely out of character for him. 
She pulled her hand back gently, wrapping her arms back around her knees. He couldn’t help but glance at where it glinted in the firelight. 
“There is to be dancing tomorrow. I remember—I remember how you enjoyed it, at the Academy. I did—I did promise you another dance, in Enbarr.”
He didn’t know why he said it, why he brought up what had been such a happy memory. Maybe he just wanted to fill the silence. Maybe—maybe he wanted her to know that he still held her in the same regard, even now. Maybe he wanted her to know that he still remembered, that it hadn’t been an empty promise. 
He watched in horror as her face crumpled and she let out a choked sob. She buried her face in her lap, her breath coming too fast, her shoulders shaking with ragged tears. He sat frozen, unsure of what to do. He wasn’t the most comforting person at the best of times but he was worried now that he’d only make it worse. 
He had a strange, foreign compulsion to pull her into his arms and hold her, but he didn’t, instead forcing himself to stand. He poured her a glass of water and set it carefully next to her before taking one of the blankets off the couch and wrapping it around her shoulders. He didn’t want to leave her side, not while she was crying, but seeing as he was the cause he backed up towards the door, pausing with his hand on the knob.
“I—I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m sorry, Cecily.”
She didn’t respond. He wasn’t even sure she’d heard him, through her tears. He lingered another moment before forcing himself to go, walking quickly to his own chambers to wallow in his own misery. 
Cecily sat on the roof of the ballroom, watching the light from the windows dance across the gardens. She’d cloaked herself in shadow so no one would be able to see her.
She knew she should just go back to Abyss. Yuri said that he’d be waiting up for her, something she’d most definitely want to avoid, especially coming back red-eyed with all the makeup he’d so carefully applied wiped off on her sleeve. 
It was her own fault, for being stupid. She’d forgotten that she was just a little Abyssian rat, just another orphaned urchin who’d gotten good enough at stealing and eavesdropping to keep herself in coin. 
Hubert would be a Marquis. He was the closest confidant of the next Emperor of Adrestia. He’d probably attended enough balls that the thought alone of this one had bored him stupid, meanwhile she’d made a fool of herself telling him she’d read about them in story books. 
She shouldn’t have come. She’d never belong to that world, never fit in the way Yuri so effortlessly could. 
It had been fun though, to pretend, just for a few hours. To laugh and talk and dance—by the Goddess she loved dancing. It left her giddy and breathless and she couldn’t think of anything that had made her so happy.
Unless it had been dancing with Hubert.
That had felt so utterly different, like she’d been floating, like it was just the two of them instead of a crowded hall full of their peers. And he’d smiled, and the softness of the expression suited him perhaps more than that devious smile that she favored, a smile that always meant something was about to get interesting. 
But he was the son of a Marquis and she—
She had never even met her father. He’d been some sort of scholar, back in Sreng, or whatever passed for a scholar there. He’d been learned enough try to kill her the moment he’d seen her eyes. 
If she was lucky she’d return the favor. 
Because that’s what she was—a murderous little monster with a penchant for spying and ruining other people’s plans. 
She swiped at a tear running down her face, hating herself for being so stupid, for forgetting her place. She was nothing more than a plaything to these noble brats, would never be anything more than a plaything when it came down to it. After all, she wasn’t pretty, like Dorothea, or scholarly, like Linhardt, or a fierce and tenacious fighter, like Petra. She wasn’t inventive like Constance, or strong like Balthus, or brave, like Hapi, or even half as wily and charming as Yuri. 
She was still just a silly little girl, a silly girl who still believed there was truth in story books. 
She leaned back on the roof, looking up at the stars. Yuri had always told her that heartstrings were what they tired the noose with, that they were made him so very good at what he did. He could make anyone fall for him, pour riches into his hands in the hopes that it would win them his heart. But it was a game—he’d always told her it was a game as long as you weren’t stupid enough to let anyone close enough to take yours. 
And she’d been particularly stupid—of all the people at the Academy she’d let herself fall for not only a noble, but for Hubert, who loved nothing and no one but her Majesty, Lady Edelgard. Who was perhaps even more rigid in his adherence to his noble duty than Ferdinand, but had the good sense to mostly shut up about it. 
He was kind to her and she was useful. 
Because she was useful. And that’s all they’d ever be. All she’d ever be.
She didn’t bother wiping the fresh wave of tears, she knew they’d only just be replaced. 
She knew Yuri loved her, beyond her use, had loved her before he’d known, when it was only a burden to him. But beyond that—she’d been enveloped into the Ashen Wolves because of Yuri, rather than anything she had to offer. Balthus looked out for her because Yuri’s asked, Hapi would share a meal with her if they were both around, and Constance—Cecily knew Constance had a good heart buried beneath all that pompousness and inbreeding, but she still hadn’t gotten over the time she’d tried to bully her into being a test subject for one of her experiments and she’d had one of the worst panic attacks of her life.
And yet she couldn’t stop thinking about the way Hubert had smiled at her, how it had felt to have his hand on her waist, to hear him laugh, really laugh. The way he’d look at her when they studied together in the library with the same softened brow, how he’d help her even though it served no benefit to him. 
Or maybe it did and she was just dense. 
She scrubbed at her face until it felt like she’d wiped off the last of the makeup—she’d been stupid to ask Yuri to do it for her. She wouldn’t have, if she’d known just how much nicer some people would have been just because they couldn’t see her scars. 
If she’d known she’d have gotten a tiny taste of what her life might have been like if she’d been pretty. 
Surely, she’d have been insufferable, not a door unopened to her. 
It would have been nice.
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lya-dustin · 7 months
15 to 20 for the ask game for Lya! <3
Wow its been so long since I've thought about Lya Dustin lol
15.How do they kill? Do they try to minimize suffering?
Lya orders someone to do it for her, but most of her kills (Myrcella and Tommen(was supposed to happen in a second part to fulfill Cersei's prophecy) happen because her plans do not work as they should. (Melisandre foresaw lyanna trying to kidnap myrcella as she left for dorne before reaching braavos and joined in, poor cella ends up killed in the fight, and Tommen dies in the household he's a hostage in)
16)What haunts them?
Myrcella's death, fear of failure and Domeric's death at the hands of Ramsey
17)What little regrets do they have?
Not taking a kingsguard or anyone when she caught cersei and jaime fucking in the old tower and pushing bran
18)If they could go back in time for 5/10/15 minutes and change something, what would it be?
The answer to 17
19)How do they view the world? Are they an optimist? A pessimist? A realist?
A mix of all three due to her overconfidence and maester confirmed perfect memory. They believe they're a realist, tho
20)Are they codependent? Do they have abandonment issues?
No, Renly, on the other hand, has enoigh for all three members of the polycule(Renly, Loras, and Lyanna)
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myrc3lla · 11 months
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at   first,   myrcella   things   she   did   something   wrong.   jon   snow's   eyes   had   always   been   a   wonder   to   her,   even   as   a   young   girl   when   she   first   visited   winterfell.   grey,   so   grey   it   was   almost   dark.   hard   to   read   and   yet,   enchanting   in   a   way.   she   things   that   perhaps   he   hates   her,   a   lannister   in   looks   and   a   baratheon   by   name,   their   families   had   no   longer   been   bonded   by   friendship.   long   gone   were   their   fathers   and   their   situations   seem   so   different   now.   cella   remain   gentle,   and   it   seems   so   did   he,   even   with   the   new   title   of   king   in   the   north   bested   upon   him.  
there   is   something   that   shifts   though,   and   neither   of   them   are   kids   anymore.   there   is   a   shiver   on   her   bones   when   he   looks   at   her   now   and   when   she   finds   herself   trapped   between   a   wall   and   his   frame,   she   finds   that   she   doesn't   want   to   escape   away,   instead   let's   out   of   a   sigh   in   anticipation   before   his   lips   press   on   her   own,   hands   fail   her,   not   known   what   to   do   with   them,   they   rest   on   the   wolf   decoration   of   his   coat,   eventually   the   tension   melting   away   from   her   and   relaxing   into   the   kiss,   letting   her   mouth   follow   his   own.
@ironwoven asked: “ah, fuck it” from jon Send “ah, fuck it” to shove my muse up against a wall for a surprise kiss .
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snaill-dragon · 4 years
So. I decided to replay Pokémon rejuvenation up till the end of the Sheridan ark on a second account. Becuase I just finished where love lies, and wanted to look at everything with that in mind. And uh.
Yeah. Thanks Cella.
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scorchroots · 4 years
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     - untitled, excerpt
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poptartmochi · 3 years
symbolism in names.. girl i go insane <3
#working on gioia's parents' names simply bc i hate having unnamed characters.. and girl..#so context for them right.. their families both have a long history w the order yk. so probably they were both born with the expectation#they would become demon hunters. which they do.#was thinking of naming the mom cella which generally means storeroom/barn/Place for Storing#but ALSO it can mean a place where an icon of god is meant to stand right. this is veeeery important lmao#considering she was born with the expectation she'd become a demon-hunter which i imagine is a p holy undertaking in fortuna since you're#like... sparda-lite.. fighting demons yk..#SO. you've got the mom. cella. the place where an icon of god stands#but THEN..her husband#who has a much simpler name LMAO but!!!!#i Think I'm going w gladio for him B) because what is sparda without his sword yk.. the image is not complete without it#so the two of them together is like.. sparda the couple lmao#what if we were an homage to sparda but also horrific parents <3#and we named our son benedictus and thus destined him to a gruesome and wholly unholy death :3c#and we named our daughter gioia bc fuck our liturgical naming conventions lmao </3#i really should change her name to match but ouuuugh gioia. it has been sown into my heart yk! T O T#maybe she has the fuckt up non-liturgal name as a nod to how she doesn't fit in to fortuna lmao#by naming our son Blessed<3 we sent him upon a cursed path and by fucking off w the naming convention entirely for our daughter we sent her#*set her up to have a life-changing journey in which she escapes the confines of our cult.... insanity#still gotta figure out what to name gioia's not-grandma...#there's also her not-grandpa who she really only knows because he was benedictus' mentor before he died :( i Think his name will be adeste#simply bc. that word your honor it Fucks. but also it means like 'o come'/'gather' so. idk not Too Much meaning there but also. does he need#it... all he does is mentor a doomed kid retire from demon-hunting to become a swordsmith/engineer + then make the kid's younger sister's#sword as a form of like. repentance? for letting the kid die? so. idk! i have to think on it#and once i finish all of this i have to name the fortunatuna staff..... girl help!#for as much as i complain though this is really one of my favorite parts of character-work#i just feel like a character's name speaks so much about them + like... what their parents hoped for them. and it's fun to play with that#idea and see how their actual character differs from that hope#sriracha.txt#long post
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Masterpost: other AUs
Last updated: 24th of December
Aro has a twin AU:
The AU
AU in which the twin is exactly like Aro
Bella has a male twin AU:
The AU
The horrified spectators to this AU
In which the twins are Paranoid™
Bella has an identical twin Cella (I've lost track of the twin AUs):
How is Cella affected by the James debacle?
Caveman AU, because of course there’s a fucking caveman AU:
The AU
Further adventures
Offshoot of the above - Bella time travels to the formation of the Volturi:
The AU
Is this Bella doing the human diet?
What happens when Carlisle shows up?
Is she still hung up on Edward?
Edward arrives in Volterra, they meet again
Offshoot of the above - Carlisle time travels back to the pre-Volturi era
The AU
Time Loops:
Bella in a time loop
Edward and Bella in a time loop together
Paranoid Bella in a time loop
Paranoid Bella in a slightly different time loop
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strawberrycow-chan · 3 years
Letting you go
Tw: Daddy Issues, Cursing, a bit a trauma sprinkled (nothing too bad) A lil bit of angst but its mostly wholesome in a weird way
YOU ARE THE U.A TRAITOR!!! But what happens when The timing in everything is off? Imagine the first person to find out is the Love sick Hedgehog, Do you wonder how that conversation will go? WELL WONDER NO MORE!
Letting you go He knew. There was no getting around that. When he stood there, in the walkway while the Cherry blossoms gracefully drifted by like a scene in a romance novel with that look in his eyes, you knew it was the end of your time at U.A. Before this moment, you had no regrets. The only true hero had recently retired and because of that, there were no more real heroes anymore. When your disgusting excuse for a father left you and your mother to become a hero, you were only a child. He later died from a heart attack in a strip club. And of all the ways you could have found out, it was because of the stupid internet. "Hero found dead in a Cella's Club, Heart attack or Villain attack?". Based off of the two women witness's, it was painfully obvious what the truth was. Hero's didn't give a shit about anyone but themselves. You originally wanted to become what your father couldn't, Even getting into the Hero course at U.A! But, After hearing stain express the inner voice that you've tried to keep quiet, You already made your choice. Thus leading you to now, face to face with him. Why, of all people, did it have to be him that found out. You wanted to say something menacing, you wanted to run with those files back to the league and finally take down the system. But it had to be him that stood there in that walkway, blocking you from leaving. Katsuki, the boy that pretended to hate you, but would ask you to go get ramen outside of school. Katsuki, the only person who was able to break through your walls. Katsuki, the boy you loved.
"I had to." you said quietly, tears threatening to spill. You thought he'd shout at you, Run back to tell everyone, even fight you for god's sake. But he simply stood there, eyes wide and filled with betrayal. That hurt so much more than any wound he could inflict, the fact that you knew he felt the same about you as you did for him. You stomped angrily towards him, tears beginning to spill one by one. You shoved him, of course that didn't even sway him as he continued to look you dead in the eyes. "Well?! What do you have to say? I betrayed you all!! I'm The traitor!!" He didn't even make an attempt to move. You hit his chest. "Well!? Say something!!" You hit it again. Again, and again, over and over crying. "SAY SOMETHING!!!" You were balling now, crying into his chest as the immense amount of guilt began to over come you. As you cried into his chest, files clenched in your hands, you felt his arms wrap around you, his warmth and caramel scent engulfing you. He hugged you tight, a moment you wish could last forever.
"I know." was all he said, nothing more than a quiet whisper of understanding. Thats right, this was Katsuki we were talking about. you knew everything about each other, and you understood each other better than anyone could. You had never been more conflicted then you did in that moment.
"Suki... I can't go back... I-It's too late for me" You two weren't even daiting but you knew you loved him more than life. He leaned back, hands still around you. "Then lets leave, Together." He said, his tone serious. You looked at him, eyes wide and in shock. A flash of hope ran through your head, but you shook your head when reality set in. "Suki you can't..." you gently pushed him away, wiping you tears. "The hero system is still just as fucked up as it was before and besides you have a dream, you have friends, you have your family." You begin to turn but he grabs your wrist.
"But you only have me Y/N!" Tears form at the corners of his eyes. You smile sadly. "Thats why I have to let you go Suki..." He pulls you back into a hug, burring his head into your shoulders as his tears dampen the fabric. "Then Don't."
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lunartonehana · 3 years
Pokemon Rejuvenation V13 Live Reaction Thread 10/10+Final Thoughts
Spoilers for V13 under cut
Geara >:(
Did I ever tell yall that i despise the haunted field
Geara’s team(Krook,Para,Grimm,Geng,Chan,Clef)
This fight isn’t particularly hard my problem is that Gengar can hit very hard and the clefairy is annoying ugh
what the fuck????
what the fuck is up with the parasect???
Maybe he is hard
I soft resetted so many times for the fight
Also ig u can’t overwrite and destroy fields anymore???i tried to use misty terrain because the hypnosis was driving me insane but it was just added onto the field
i really don’t like that
Its morning now
I beat him because I got a crit on the clefable :)
Still hated that battle
Okie saki time
wtf is up with this field 🗿
Remember when I said the hardest fight so far in v13 was the Cella battle
Not anymore
Saki’s field is busted and since we can’t really remove fields temporarily w/ type terrains…i’m stuck in it…
Was Terra in reborn fought on this field…?I forgot how I beat her it’s been years
So the Glitch Field
Yes i’m taking notes
Removes the physical/special split
Meaning physical and special moves are based off of typing now
Special attack is based off of either spatk or spdef,depending on the larger one
Wonder room can kinda make things easier
Dragon types are useless
New day
Saki’s pissing me off and this is kinda an unfair fight since changing the fields doesn’t work anymore
I don’t care if this is cowardly but i am gonna cheese saki through destiny bond+quick claw+wonder room mismagius
First try with cheesing i made it to her last mon(corviknight) but i accidentally ran out of potions…somehow
Took 3 tries with cheesing but I beat her
Not proud of it but i wanna finish the main story
Rhodea :(
Oh shit crescent
Crescent deserves better
Ooo Xenpurgis is an ub
Rune mvp
Oh damn we’re just attacking team xen in v14 cool cool
Cool done with the main story
Okay I am going to a little review for this version. Overall I think I would give this chapter a B+ or a B.
My favorite path without a doubt was Erin+Kanon’s route. I loved exploring Angie’s mansion and I adored the atmosphere of the place itself. The map and tilesets were just really well done. I used Erin’s team without the Interceptor…well intervening with our pkmn and I felt like the difficulty was just right. I stuggled but all I needed to do was change my strategy. The atmosphere with the maids and the ost complemented the environment so well. Erin was great and she’s probably a contender for one of my favorites in the game…ignoring Aelita of course. The path also added a lot onto the Vitus situation and what interactions might happen in the endgame since we still don’t know his whereabouts.
Next would have to be either Aelita or the Player’s path. Personally, the path’s were kinda along the same in terms of ranking but I feel like their was more that happened in the player’s path that personally felt more relevant. It was nice seeing the player’s past self and their history with Crescent back in Miera…which begs the question, how old is Crescent??? Geniunely what is the timeline between the events at Miera with the player and the player heading to Gearen…Also thank you developers for not making Crescent have a past romantic relationship with the player…I have seen this happen too many times in other games and shows. Let them just be besties. Looking back at it, this part was kinda dialogue heavy but that problem is alleviated from the puzzles and good interactions in both routes.
The only problem I felt is that…imo Rune left as soon as she came. Ig since we found out she’s the puppet master she was always there but…i felt like we should’ve seen her as Rune just a bit longer…Also the twist regarding her and Huey’s background also kinda felt like it should’ve been alluded to earlier(unless they did hint to it earlier and i just forgot) because it didn’t feel like much. Still a good route tho, a solid B.
My least favorite was Melia+Venam+Ren’s route. I kinda felt like this route was shorter than the other one’s looking back at it. Gameplay wise there wasn’t much happening there save for the battle with Cassandra. The underground area also wasn’t really special overall. There was some interesting tidbits regarding the Archetype and the Garufans but it hasn’t really payed off yet in the story. The trio’s interactions were just okay, I liked their interactions in Goldenwood but their dialogue in the underground place was meh. Though I loved Nim and I am happy to know she has changed sides, I can’t wait to see more of her.
The developers knocked it out of the park with this version! I only talked about the additions to the main story but I went back to earlier places that got upgraded and woa Sheridan and Goldenrood look phenomenal! Route 3 and Phasial cave got changed and they look superb. I’ll miss Route 4 but the reservoir looks amazing so far and I am impressed with how they are handling the rift dens! Also making gigantamax mons function like mega evolutions is genius. Also the aevium forms are really nice and my favorite is the alolan mareep that I can’t get :)))))))))))
Also I started over to see changes made with the beginning cutscene and man the ship looks better and the additions with the full artwork of characters is great. I want to play this game again in the future(probably during winter break since I am going to be busy for awhile) on normal mode with a monotype team but I haven’t decided which one yet :o
That’s it with main story additions, I am going to have to go back and catch any new pokemon added in the game.
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