#celeb gossip sites
coconut-dreamz · 5 months
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"is it chill that you're in my head?" || tom blyth x famous! reader
a/n: it's my first time writing for tom blyth and i've been obsessed with him and taylor swift songs lately so i wrote this! i hope you enjoy ! slightly angsty, ambiguous relationship between reader and tom
my reputation's never been worse
so you must like me for me
ever since the news came out that you and your a-list celeb ex broke up, negative comments filled your comment sections. all you wanted to do was turn them off, but your pr team was vehemently against it. they wanted it to seem like you didn't care about the criticisms, you didn't, but it was getting out of hand now. 
there were rumors on those stupid gossip sites that you had cheated on him and that it was what caused the downfall of you two. that couldn't be further from the truth, but he and his pr team decided to not comment on it and therefore your management team decided that it would look like you were just trying to cover your ass by denying the accusations. 
but, just when you were in the deep of it, you met tom. he didn't care about what people were saying about you. you had met at a mutual friend's new years party. he hadn't even heard about the rumors about you until you mentioned it. he was a breath of fresh air. 
dive bar on the east side, where you at?
phone lights up my nightstand in the black
you had moved to new york recently to escape the toxicity that plagued your every move in la. you didn't have many friends there, all of them left behind in la. tom had taken it upon himself to show you the best spots in town. 
you were wallowing in self pity, watching dumb rom-coms on a random tuesday evening when your phone lights up on your nightstand. you pause your film and move to pick up the phone. it was tom, asking if you were busy. you quickly reply with a no. he invites you out to a nearby dive bar with him and some of his friends. 
you were hesitant at first, feeling comfortable in your bed. but, tom managed to convince you to  come out. you quickly throw on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, hailing a cab and heading to the bar in question.
the moment you walk into the bar, tom shouts your name, waving you over to him and his group of friends. "i'm so glad you could make it! this is rachel and josh, they're my costars for my most recent project." 
is it cool that i said all that?
is it chill that you're in my head?
you laugh at tom's ridiculous dancing, you were on facetime as he was on set for tbosas and you were still back in new york. you keep laughing at his antics, shouting out "oh my god, i love you!" you immediately throw your hands over your mouth, eyes widened. did you seriously just say that? "oh my god! you didn't just hear that!" you shout at tom, your face flushed a bright red. you immediately hung up, too embarrassed to face his reaction yet. 
you couldn't lie, tom was always on your mind. you didn't want to admit it, but you were falling for the brit. your thoughts constantly led to him. you could be thinking about tuna and you would somehow end up on tom. 
your phone starting ringing, shortly after you hung up. it was tom. you realized you had to face him either way and answered the call. "i love you too," he admits once the call connects. any shred of embarrassment left your body hearing that. a smile graced your face and a newfound warmth filled your body.
third floor on the west side , me and you
handsome you're a mansion with a view
do the girls back home touch you like i do?
you had originally gotten a rinky dinky apartment when you first moved out here, not expecting to stay long. but the new friends you made helped you fall in love with new york. so, you decided to get a new apartment. this time, on the upper west side. tom was kind enough to help you move from your first apartment to the new one.
after a long day of rearranging the new furniture you had gotten, you and tom were laying on the floor of your living room. he sat up and stared out the window of your new apartment, the view was a lot better compared to your previous one, which was just a brick wall. as he admired the city lights, you admired him. 
you move to hug his back as the two of you enjoy the view of the city below you. the two of you didn't have a label. sure, you told each other that you loved each other, went on dates and even double dates, but you had never called him your boyfriend and you, his girlfriend. you wondered what was stopping either of you from taking the next step and making it official.
was he this way with the girls back home? were you different from the british girls from his past? thoughts of self doubt plagued your mind. "what's on your mind, beautiful?" tom's voice breaks you out of your reverie. "huh? oh, nothing." you try to avoid the reality. "don't lie, i can tell something's bothering you." 
you sigh, taking a breath, "do the girls back home touch you like i do?" you ask him. he's confused at first, "my home's here, with you." and those five little words were able to dispel all your thoughts of self doubt and insecurities. you simply kiss him in content at his words of reassurance. 
it didn't matter if you two didn't have a label yet, you were his home, and he was yours.
long night with your hands up in my hair
echoes of your footsteps on the stairs
stay here, honey, i don't wanna share
after a long night of bar hopping, you two stumble into your apartment. too tired to even take off your street clothes, you both collapse on the bed, quickly falling asleep. it's around 6 am you stir awake. you can hear tom walking up the stairs to your room. "are you leaving?" you ask as he enters the bedroom. "yeah, i have a shoot in a couple hours." he searches around for his missing sock. 
you frown, hearing this. "come back, just for a few minutes." you plead. you weren't ready to let him go yet. to share him with the rest of the world. right now he was just yours, and you wanted it to stay that way. "fine, but only for a little," he agrees, abandoning his search for his missing sock. and instead climbs back in bed into your open arms.
sometimes i wonder, when you sleep
are you ever dreaming of me?
it was another night where tom slept over in your apartment after a night out on the town. you couldn't fall asleep, instead staring at tom's peaceful face as he slept. he had a small smile on his face as he slept. you wonder what he's dreaming about. you hope that it's you and if it wasn't, you didn't want to know. you snuggle in closer to his warm body and decide to try to fall alseep.
sometimes when i look into your eyes
i pretend you're mine all the damn time
you were at your friend's new years party, it had been a whole year since you had met tom. the two of you were dancing wildly to the music playing, tipsy off the champagne. as you stared up into his eyes, you envisioned a future together where you didn't have to question your relationship status with him. 
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What do you mean People magazine (the most reputable site for celeb gossip) put an out an article about Tom and Z saying marriage it’s a reality with the word “exclusive” on it? Ohh it’s so happening this year
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cryptophasiac · 8 months
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she’s so ethel cain coded (family tree (intro) by ethel cain // 2000s teen magazine // Joe Simpson interviewed in the New York Times, 2004 // childhood photo of Jessica Simpson and Ashlee Simpson // ptolemaea by ethel cain // ABC news 2004 // Joe Simpson with grandson Bronx // sun bleached flies by ethel cain // NYT 2004 article // Ashlee and Jessica Simpson, 2004 // ABC news 2004 // strangers by ethel cain // J-14 magazine 2004 // Ashlee’s blog, October 2004 // anti-ashlee myspace icon // gibson girl by ethel cain // Blender Magazine 2006 // NYT 2004 // Ashlee in 2004 // strangers by ethel cain // Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz // Ashlee and Pete on New Years 2007 // ptolemaea by ethel cain // they did what on livejournal // Ashlee at the 2008 VMAs // Perez Hilton // american teenager by ethel cain // Ashlee drunk at a basketball game // Perez Hilton on the Ashlee v Michelle Trachtenberg fight // celeb gossip site on Ashlee being drunk at Pete’s birthday)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Please share your reasoning when you get a chance on why you don't believe Theresa Longo Fans. Granted, they have been wrong before.
So the TL;DR of it is:
They're anonymous journalists and that's suspicious.
They haven't updated their brag sheet in 6 years, which means they haven't had a good source in 6 years.
They plagiarize almost everything.
They use vague language and broad generalities in their scoops that lets them take credit no matter what happens.
Keep reading for the longer explanations.
1. I'm always immediately suspicious of anyone in journalism that doesn't use their name. When a journalist is anonymous, especially when they have no need to be like in TLF's case, it's not easy to hold them accountable to lies and mistakes. The two guys behind TLF like to brag about their journalism credentials, and that's huge because there's no way to follow up to make sure they are who they say they are. They rely on "just trust me" authority, and when has that ever worked out? Especially with blind gossip sites (in addition to TLF, this includes CDAN, Blind Gossip, DeuxMoi, and Exposing SMG), you can't verify the accuracy of what they post - especially when you consider that CDAN, Enty, and DeuxMoi all admitted they make stuff up.
(And also ExposingSMG rarely has new information when it comes to the BRF. (They might have sources for other celebs, but I don't pay attention close enough.) Specifically, they just repeat what was being discussed on the blogs and reddit, calling them "my source" so they don't have to cite. BTW, ExposingSMG has since rebranded as Scandalous.Media. They posted about the Sussexes recently and some of their quoted sources or "revelations" are things that have been around for awhile. This one in particular I think is a combination of info from CDAN and SMM.)
I saw somewhere once that the TLF guys don't share their names so they can protect the privacy and confidentiality of their sources. But I call BS. If journalists needed anonymity to protect their sources, then why aren't more journalists reporting anonymously? These two guys are the only people I know that calls themselves journalists who do this, and to me that is suspicious. (Exceptions only for reporters in war zones.)
2. Look at the scoops they take credit for in their pinned tweet: Sussex baby #1, Khloe Kardashian's pregnancy, Kylie Jenner's baby, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's divorce, Megxit, Wendy Williams's show demise, and the Pulse/Orlando nightclub shooting. What these all have in common is that they are events from 2016 - 2019. Meaning they had really good sources, contacts, and access 6-8 years ago. And that list not having anything more recent suggests they don't have the kind of sources, contacts, and access anymore. If they did, and if they were still getting the same sort of accurate scoops that they were 7 years ago, this list would be updated to inclde those more recent events. Why haven't they?
Now, that's not to say they never had good sources. They did have good sources, and whoever it was, their information was solid enough that it upset Meghan enough to get Bouzy to take TLF down. That doesn't really mean anything because a broken clock is still correct twice a day.
3. The tweets themselves are problematic. In fact, most of them are plagiarized.
If there's a direct quote in the tweet, it's plagiarized from some other source/news media and TLF never cites the source. For example, this TLF tweet from January 8th:
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It implies that they've interviewed Dominic himself. But they never spoke to Dominic. The quotes come, verbatim, from this January 6th article published by The Mirror.
And for tweets without a direct quote in it, they usually try to pass it off as their own scoop but nine times out of ten, it isn't. For example, this tweet:
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It looks like a good scoop. At face value, it is: they know someone who saw Shia at church and connected one plus one.
But #1, when you search "Actor Shia LaBeouf appears to have converted to Catholicism after being seen at a New Year's Eve Mass presided over by Capuchin Franciscan friars," this article from the Associated Press on December 31st comes up:
Almost everything they publish is like this. Go ahead - choose any tweet, copy the text into a search engine, and see what happens.
And #2, look at their verbiage. Specifically, the phrase appears to have in the Shia tweet above. This is how they get away with passing off their stories as scoops, with vague verbage that could go either way. That way, when an article is later published about it, they can grab the "original" tweet and claim credit with "as we told our followers back in..." or "no surprise to our followers..." tweets.
Now, specific to royal-watching: they completely and totally missed the ball on big stuff (like Platinum Jubilee and Coronation appearances), but they got it on the smaller stuff (Spare and Frogmore). But the kicker is that the smaller stuff is things that were either written about by royal reporters or was plausible gossip floating around the royal fandom.
The things they were wildly wrong on - for instance, the children being on the balcony at the Platinum Jubilee and the royals hosting a birthday party for Archie after the coronation - were things that came directly from Meghan's PR. So either they didn't realize it was Meghan's PR or they decided to hedge their bets and post it anyway on the off-chance it happened, which I think is in poor taste but it makes for very fun entertainment.
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Plant, welcome back! Your thoughtful analysis has been missed over the year.
The one question I keep coming back to is why H&M think them spilling their guts about their life, thus exposing aspects of celebrities and politicians' lives those people would not want exposed? Why would they think celebrities and politicians would want to hang out or work either of them when anything they say or do could end up in a book or 'documentary'?
Sort of like Soho House - tell me it's an escort service, without telling me its an escort service. If it wasn't for these 2, confirming in H's book about M in the beginning of their relationship, I would have been none the wiser about Soho House's true purpose.
Or the use of PR... I've learned so much about PR in the papers from your and other Tumblr account's analysis and commentary, I now question every article in the paper about the celebrity or politician. Celebrities use of PR in papers... seriously, why would they want us plebs to be aware of why they do these PR pushes?!
They didn’t my want us to know. But the advent of the internet resulted in a lot of young reports going out and setting up new news and gossip sites like Gawker, Perez Hilton, Laineygossip, Celebitchy, Enty, etc… and the way they drove traffic to their sites was by revealing celeb dirt, including the pr strategies used to hide it. That’s how you now have regular people discussing yatching and fake celeb romances.
Harry’s personal revelations are coming out because he has no other way of generating press. The bench flopped, Live to Lead flopped, 40x40 flopped, and so on. Cute personal/work stuff with no drama like the pictures of the kids or the NY tour barely make a ripple. They only trend when people get outraged like with Uvalde, The Cut, and the podcasts. The only content that gets solid traction for them is family drama like the will-they-or-won’t-they discussions during the big family events and the comparisons when they mimic the Cambridges with tours and award presentations.
When they first left the royal family, the expectation was that they would create their own brand like the Obamas and the Clintons. That did not happen. They are stuck being a subset of the royal brand. That’s why their current coverage is People, CBS, and Variety. Their pulling power during the their royal years (based on tv ratings for their specials and news coverage) was around 3.5 million watchers (coincidentally the audience of a Suits episode) in the US and around 4 million in the UK. You will be shocked to know that those numbers have not changed much. The Oprah interview was watched by around 17 million, but his current interviews are averaging around 3-4 m, which is about the size of the audience or The Crown. The 60 minutes interview reached 10m but that’s because they already have a big viewership. Those are solid numbers, but not breakout numbers, even though they will try to spin them as such.
And it takes huge hype and drama (plus penis revelations) to reach that level. Without the royal conflicts and revelations he’s nowhere near those numbers. That’s why he keeps the revelations going.
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f0point5 · 6 days
the whole situation with the wags reminds me so much of the one direction days, the hate their girlfriends used to get was soo horrible and they infantilized the boys just like they do with the f1 drivers now.
i thought we would have grown past this absolutely childish and misogynistic behavior by now.
it’s also funny how people use one problematic thing the wags did years ago as a reason to hate them and demand they apologize publicly for it when we all know that the reason they hate them is jealousy. bc suddenly they don’t really care about problematic things when the drivers do them and excuse everything with ‘he didn’t know better’ and ‘I’m sure he doesn’t think like this anymore’.
also the whole ‘it’s a pr relationship’ thing is sooo stupid, just bc alex for example is showing herself more and is probably more comfortable in front of cameras, doesn’t mean that it’s pr or she wants to become an influencer. like ofc her and charles are hanging out, they are in a relationship.
It really if F1Direction over there on those gossip sites. You just know those people who are concerned about Alexandra repeating outfits or Magui’s dad’s criminal record are the same people who were sending Perrie from Little Mix death threats for dating Zayn with posters on their walls covered in lipgloss that came stuck to a magazine. I said what I said.
Personally I think the whole cancelling celebs thing is weird as hell like they’re not accountable to you just because you follow them on Instagram. Don’t like their behaviour? Unfollow or block, and don’t watch/buy their shit. They don’t have to say sorry to you, they don’t know you. They may choose to to keep their fan base but you aren’t owed one every time they do something you don’t like.
Also “x doesn’t think this anymore” like hun you didn’t know what he thought in the first place. He probably didn’t think anything. He’s got a year 9 reading level and a two million euro watch…whatever it is you think he was thinking about I guarantee he doesn’t care. And that’s on all 20 of them I stg.
I do think Lando and Magui are on a PR campaign sorry but at the end of the day why shouldn’t they be? Engagement means money and these people have to eat. But yeah the Alexandra PR thing is so weird. It’s like people think if you’re a shy person you sit home and chew your hair all the time. Maybe that’s what the Parasocials do but normal people go to things with their boyfriend. Especially a boyfriend who has a bit of form for liking to always have people around him. And just because one day she maybe feels good about herself and posts a tiktok or has her picture taken, doesn’t mean that the next week she might not be feeling it and wanting to be more low key. Vibes change. Also, I have to point out, not that I think their relationship is PR, but wags are billboards for their boyfriends a lot of the time. So if Alexandra is doing the leg work for Charles and wearing some APM stuff, she has to get her picture taken. When Charles receives an invite to an event, the brand knows her being his plus one is going to increase clicks, so she is very likely an important presence there. That doesn’t mean she’s “hired” to be his girlfriend, it means that she is doing what a wag does - supporting her boyfriend. Not to mention, A LOT of people outside F1Direction actually love Alexandra and her style, she is positive for Charles’s PR beyond the dark, bitter corners of the internet whether people want to acknowledge that or not.
Idk it’s just so clear to me that the Parasocials sit at home licking driver merch because they actually cannot conceptualise human interaction
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dearweirdme · 3 months
People have been saying this about Jungkook since the dawn of time, it's time to give it a rest. Also can we stop with the idea that if you live in South Korea, you'll automatically know all these secrets about BTS? 😭 Because it's most definitely not true at all lol. I live in the US, does that mean I have insider information about Taylor Swift? The only people who have "secret" information are sasaengs and most of the time they don't share this information anyway.
Hi anon!
Ah, it’s so hard to compare countries. I live in a rather small one and I say we probably know too much about all our celebs. Especially when you would want to look into one, it wouldn’t be too hard to find out a lot and most of the tome news will travel fast on gossip sites and magazines. I’d probably be able to go to Amsterdam and get pics of a random celeb easily.
But, is that the same in SK? I know they are supposedly more respectful about privacy. But still.. people know where Jk lives, international fans know where he lives, people have actually followed him around to try and ruin him and yet we see nothing about his many women. I’m obviously very much leaning towards not true.
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daisie do u feel like this whole holivia mess is jeopardizing your feelings towards harry? Cause i feel like it is for me a little bit :/
Hi dear,
In a sense yes. But not in a 'I don't like or support him anymore' way. I understand his position in the industry as a closeted queer person inherently limits his choices and options.
But besides that, I am very angry that his team is more than happy to use us when it's convenient for promo, to sell stadiums and overcharge tickets. To sell shitty merch to. But then in the same breath use as scapegoats and throw us under the bus as hysterical Harry Styles fangirls who are jealous of his girlfriend. And then to have Harry in print on Rolling Stone allude to the same. THAT was a massive slap in the face. Especially because he had, up until that point, fervently DEFENDED not only his fans, but fans who are women. Fangirls who are brushed off as the butt of the joke and ridiculed at every turn. He had defended us. But then comes Olivia Wilde with her made up sob story of 'poor me, his unkind jealous fans bullied me online for no reason wah wah', and he allegedly commented in support of it, going against fans? Brushing off actual criticism as 'ridiculous jealous fangirls'.
Angel Sue, H, Harold, Harry....It's a complicated relationship. I absolutely hate that Harry is pissing me off. But he is. I still love him. I'm not gonna stop loving him. I still love his music and Fine Line is forever my lifetime favorite album. BUT I am allowed to love him and be super fucking pissed with him and call him out on his bullshit. If you truly love someone this is what you do. You're not a yes person. You actually give your input and true feelings.
And I will say that his approach and his team's approach of staying quiet thru this and "standing by" Olivia is really putting a terrible taste in my mouth. Their standard approach is always to not comment or say anything, then drop some cute pics/videos of H being his adorable self and expect fans to bend over, take it and forget why they were angry. But this isn't going away.
I mean they literally called us hysterical and in the same breath said that it doesn't matter what they do to our faces, we'll still buy movie tickets and line around the block, and drop our whole month salaries on LOT. That is incredibly insulting.
The nerve to shit on us but in the same breath tell us to buy movie tickets and drop thousands for love on tour tickets. THEY'RE BLATANTLY BOASTING ABOUT USING US TO OUR FACES!!! IT'S SO INSULTING.
So naturally, yeah I'm annoyed at him right now. But I am also aware that feelings are transient and I won't feel like this forever.
I just wish him and his team were a bit less afraid to stand their ground publicly on some instances.
In this case, Olivia and DWD have absolutely harmed his image. He's now a bit of an asshole. Even for people who don't care or just vaguely read a headline or watch some gossip on the news. He went from showbiz's sweetheart to another Hollywood dickhead celeb who's always in some drama.
And FOR WHAT???? An ill advised PR stunt. A movie that has given him no leverage in Hollywood so far. And a leech of a beard who found her golden goose ticket to stardom she had only ever dreamed of. And she's full of it thinking she's the shit now. A narcissist thru and thru. Bringing everyone and herself down in her selfish quest for fame and money via a movie that should have died in pre-production. And would have, if not for Harry Styles and his legion of 'pathetic, jealous fangirls' who still buy any ticket he's selling.
Truly, this is this woman's level of narcissism:
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Alright this is PURE rant. Can you tell I'm pissed? lol
Oh and btw, don't give this woman money. Don't pay to go see her movie, don't stream it on HBO. You can watch it for free on *other sites*, I'll share all the links. We're a huge fandom, we can do anything. If you *must* see it in theaters then buy a ticket to something else and sneak into dwd. Don't support her or validate her pitch for the stunt saving this movie via PR. Bc that's what it'd be doing too in addition to giving her millions $$ now and in future projects.
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shefanispeculator · 4 months
Jul 26, 2021, 10:47am CDT
Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani spotted dining at Inwood restaurant Shinsei
Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, newlyweds and co-hosts of the NBC singing competition The Voice, were recently spotted dining at Highland Park-area sushi restaurant Shinsei. The duo were spotted Saturday night, according to Deuxmoi, a celebrity gossip site. A tipster sent an image to Deuxmoi of the couple dining at the restaurant, and said that fellow diners offered to pay for the multimillion dollar recording artists’ meals, though Shelton and Stefani declined the offer.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Maja! Literally Cosmopolitan has used DM as sources in the past. That’s not good journalism. But then again, and type of celeb gossip is not real journalism at all.
Furthermore, Cosmo has used DM to “confirm” Harry and Olivia’s “engagement”.
So that should be enough for people to see that DM and Cosmo is no reliable or credible at all.
Exactly! DM is full of shit. I get that people want to know more about celebrities, their lives, etc., but it's really important to note that most of the time, these sites and random people on the internet spread bullshit. I'm not saying everything people say about people online is a lie, but most of it is. People can say whatever they want online, especially when hiding behind a fake account. I doubt that for example anybody from Chris’s inner circle would message DM or go on Reddit to tell his secrets.
It's also really interesting to me that people rather believe to faceless, nameless people than the actual person. I get that celebrities have an image and they try to keep up with a narrative and have an immaculate reputation, and nobdoy should think celebrities always tell the truth. But nobody should think everything on the internet is true. People on the internet can't make up stories. Sometimes people want to drag someone out for the most ridiculous reasons. So what should we do? Don't believe anybody 😂😭
Sorry, I got totally sidetracked 😂 Cosmo is definitely not reliable, just like DM, and it sad they refer to an Instagram gossip site that has information from anonymous people 🤦‍♀️
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missathlete31 · 7 months
Have you seen Duexmoi? They're doing it again. Claiming everyone knew they had an affair, and Sydney decided she wasn't leaving her fiance, and now she's trying to avoid sad boy Glen as much as possible. I'm just...there are no words for the annoyance I feel.
What are with these gossip sites? I feel like they were talking about Glen last week too? Does that mean he’s made it as a celeb now?
As for what the post says: I will always believe nothing happened and this was promotion for the movie.
But I do know Glens interview is saying he was NOT in a good place mentally when the rumors started and I really don’t want him to go back to that negative place.
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krikeymate · 9 months
Did you hear the ridiculous rumors that Jenna is dating Johnny Depp? It's obviously not true (both of them have confirmed by now) but it's so weird that people even spread lies like these, don't you think? Like, he could literally be her grandfather...
I was literally just talking about this with my friends! The rumour itself is entirely made up for clicks, and it's very likely the statement itself isn't real either. The only time Jenna is ever spoken about at the same time as Depp is when people call her Tim Burton's new project, aka, Depp's replacement.
Remembering the days of Perez Hilton, celeb gossip sites will say anything to bring in engagement, including straight-up lie. They don't care about the truth, and they certainly don't care about the people they talk about or what it may do to them.
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wetheoriginals · 9 months
I am still laughing at that French celeb gossip site exposing how she went to the LV after party in March, stayed for 5 minutes and left lol. On video and all 😂she spent more time taking pics with people in front of the venue than inside it.
lol she said i'm completing my contractual obligations and that's it
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thezfc · 8 months
I lurk on the big celeb gossip sites on reddit. General view there seems to be that Tay's latest romance is PR SoT redux.
And there was a comment there a few days back (with 270-odd upvotes), that the SoT was so embarrassing for Tom that upon first hearing about he and Zawe, the commenter said they were almost angry that someone like Zawe would actually want to go out with him. Poor Tom. The general view over there is that the SoT was PR and that it was hugely damaging for him and how he was perceived by the public. Amusingly, someone said they had to rebrand their entire tumblr after it and it got 1.0k upvotes 💀 lmao
It's interesting because these are general pop culture fans, not Tom-specific fans, so their view of the SoT is always fascinating. And the SoT has been discussed A LOT this year since TS dumped Joe. It will follow Tom forever, no doubt about that.
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dearweirdme · 8 months
Those who believe that that jk video is real are really naive. If someone had an idol's such intimate and honestly highly incriminating video, wouldn't they rather try extorting money from them or their company? If they are actually such amazing sleuths then wouldn't they want to make some profit with it? Why would they release it to the public?
And in 2023 people atleast have strong enough phone cameras if not hd cameras, why is every such video so blurry that even the real people present won't be able to recognise themselves. A stalker will have better equipments. Jk's cigarette vid was clear enough that even that tiny cig was visible. And here you can't even see their faces.
As for those who believe that this was done with jk's consent, I highly doubt that. The vid wouldn't make anyone look good. That is just slander. With the extreme narratives being set about him after that blurry ass clip, it's like people were just waiting for something, anything to talk shit about him.
Sometimes people really forget that celebs are real people with real feelings. No doubt so many celebs have such fragile mental health. Those good for nothing people who are ready to pounce on the next hot gossip just to feel slightly good about their own shitty existence really need to do some soul searching.
Ps I am loving what you are doing with the taekook pics. The toxic ones shouldn't be given any platform. Your blog is really wholesome rn 🤗
Hi anon!
When people post footage like that, there’s no way they don’t realize what they’re doing. It’s to cause a stir in fandom only, no other reason. In this case i doubt it’s for personal attention, so it’s to create a certain narrative around Jk. They’re not in this for money, because yeah.. they could easily get that from either selling it to a news/gossip site or to go to BH with it. This is for fandom.
I’m really waiting to see what the reactions (if any) are going to be from BH and from Jk himself. I think that will make for some insight perhaps.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
The title says "Celebs who have announced their engagements in 2023" (it's funny how the title changed when I pasted the link in) and Cosmopolitan ended up naming a "couple" who hasn't announced but hasn't even confirmed their engagement, but rather an Instagram gossip site said they have a source (of which they provided zero evidence) and said something about it.
Journalism level 101 🤦‍♀️
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