#catgriller rambles
catgriller · 2 months
Do you think Tonks watched Twilight and was Team Edward so when she married her Team Jacob werewolf husband she held a grudge for so long she named her son Edward Teddy Lupin
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catgriller · 9 months
Now that I know Anakin gets a little defensive over his Vader-y past I bet he jus smiles and nods at his gushing fanboy-grandson; Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Kylo, holding a Vader plushy with a ‘I <3 Vader’ t-shirt and Darth Vader Disney mouse ears: OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Vader!!!!!!!! ^___^!!!!!!!!!! HAI VADERRRR!!!11!!!!!!!1!!!!
Anakin, snapping his fingers in delight: ahHA! See! I told you being Vader was my best work, Master! *multiple finger guns*
Obi-Wan, silently praying for a third death:
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catgriller · 2 years
Hey Obikin fandom? Yeah maybe let’s not cross the boundaries and send an actor him kissing his friend 😭😭? . .
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catgriller · 8 months
I miss drawing Anakin’s elf ears why did I stop that???? WHY???
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catgriller · 9 months
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of. (No pressure btw!!)
Omg omg , so I’m gonna go from oldest to newest (late2021-recent2023)
The quality may be bad becuz im screenshooting most works from Instagram, this is also not in particular order.
1. Timebomb(Ekko x Jinx) - League of Legends fanart
I’ve liked this work since I finished it (9 December 2021) and I don’t think so stop loving it! Idk why tbh! Mostly becuz of the small details of .. everything but also becuz I feel as though THIS is where I first found my art style! I don’t think I’ll ever top this work (in my opinion)
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2. Technoblade Philza and that guy - …dsmp ☠️
Now I don’t like Dsmp at all anymore. (And tbh I don’t care if people still like it LOL) This is a 17 September 2022 redraw of a… 2020(?) art work (it was bad)….. Though I don’t like the fandom/content anymore I can still like the art! I really like the designs! REALLY BADLY TOO. IDK THEYRE JUST SO GOOD… might just steal them later and make them into my ocs
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3. Obikin (Anakin x Obi-Wan)- Star Wars
I rlly like the colours, it looks so warm and cozy………. This was the first time I drew Obi-Wan decently good too. (27 January 2023)
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4. Rexsoka (Ahsoka x Rex) - Star Wars
I really really love the colours, the anatomy is so delicious, and I just love those two immensely. I should rewatch clone wars now that I think about it………. I miss my Star Wars fixation so bad it was my PEAK!!! I just all together love this fanart so so much. Good memories too, fandom wise. (16 February 2023)
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5. Draco Malfoy - Harry Potter
This was when I was experimenting with shapes and different colouring styles.. and tbh Draco is just so me and so my favourite.. actually I lied Harry is my fave… Idk! I just rlly like this recent-ish one! He’s such a baby! He’s my child!! (21 June 2023)
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catgriller · 2 years
Ben hates sand. Its course, It’s rough, it’s irritating and it gets everywhere.. just like Anakin.
Ben can NOT escape his past even if he tried and most definitely can’t escape Anakin.
Anakin has scarred the universe with his very hands. Everywhere Ben goes he can find little things about Anakin Skywalker. To Luke’s fake pod-racing. To Leia’s tiny droid. To the 501st Clone begging for money.
Ben may hate sand but Obi-Wan loves Anakin.
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catgriller · 2 years
⚠️⚠️⚠️ KENOBI SPOILERS ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
Oh my god I loved the new episode soso much..
Bet Vader was just toying with Obi Wan in the fight scene, he definitely is a lot stronger then that (being young and all) but he wanted to test the waters first. To see how his greatest enemy is up. New Vader’s fighting style is wayyy more energetic and aggressive then the originals. Og Vader was way more calculated and his swings had a more longer windup time and overall has wayyyy less aggression then the new fight we have now. Goes to show that when Vader got older he had to rely on his cybernetics instead of his intense darkness
Imagine how fucking disappointed you’d be when the person who could keep up with you in combat and could easily chop your legs off ficking turns into a sad mush of depression who can’t fight for shit LMFAO
This def probably didn’t make Vader happy but at least he has a taste of what clarity feels like. He waited 10 years for this fight but can wait /more/. He has (kinda) learnt patience over the course of the 10sith years.. if he has to wait for his enemy to get the force back.. wait for obi wan to not run away and actually fight back… He can wait and He will Wait for their bloodthirsty fight.
Of course. OF COURSE Vader lures him into that place and burns Obi Wan for a feel of his revenge and the fact that’s only a fraction of the pain Vader suffered ugh hurts me
Vader didn’t run after Obi Wan because he was intensely dissatisfied of the fight and craved a better one to soothe his intense rage and revenge, so he gave Obi Wan another chance to give him a REAL battle this time.
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catgriller · 2 years
I’m gonna be honest with everyone but before Obikin I shipped.. Thrawn and Anakin… and.. and…..…… maybe Tarkin and Vader once. Don’t don’t worry about my mindset I’m fffffFINE… luckily I’m away from the rarepairs and moved on to the juicy stuff
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