#category: research
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happy halloween! hope everyone watched a scary movie that'll keep you up tonight but was nonetheless enjoyable! i sure did!
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swordsmans · 10 months
prompted by a baffling conversation with one of my friends + overall trends with events like big bangs. apparently i am deeply underestimating the amount of, like, actual consumption crossover between fanartists and fanwriters. i've been operating under the assumption that the majority of fanartists don't read fanfic and that fanfic is a relatively niche thing mostly shared between fanwriters with a few outlier exceptions. like, that the "communities" or w/e are relatively separate??
this is possibly because i've been out of "fandom" for a few years (or bc im not on twitter/insta where the artists hang out), but i feel like most of my friends are other fanwriters and most of the people who actively engage with fanfic on tumblr/ao3 are also fanwriters (and vice-versa with fanartists gravitating to each other). however. my friend disagrees? neither of us are actually artists tho so i'm putting the question out to the crowd. (more thoughts) ->
side note: i didn't include an option for being BOTH a fanartist/fanwriter because 1) you're like rare and exotic birds to me 2) i'm trying to figure out who falls into which category based on what community you "identify" with the most. if you write the occasional fanfic but you mostly think about/create fanart, you're a fanartist; if you mostly write fanfic but every now and then will think about/make some art, you're a fanwriter. the group you're more likely to engage with. that kinda thing.
side note 2: you will see i have included an option for fanwriters who don't/rarely read fanfic. i know you exist because that is my category. i read fanfic but do so rarely these days. i'm selective because i dont have a lot of time on my hands. this is possibly another reason why i feel like engagement between fanwriters is so high, because if i'm going to engage with a fanfic i'm gonna put my whole ass into it since that's the kind of engagement that makes me happiest from a writer's perspective.
for reference, when i say "engagement" i'm talking about leaving kudos, comments on ao3, asks/comments on tumblr, tags on reblogs... that kinda thing.
with all of this in mind, this could literally just be because fanfic writers are more willing to engage with other writers bc of their own shared hobby and/or because fanfic writers know what kind of engagement theyd prefer on their own fics and act accordingly--and non-writer/artists are just more willing to engage in general because that's the primary way you participate in fan communities. on the flip side, fanartists might just straight up be a really quiet bunch... possibly because your thing (affectionate) is "visual" more than "verbal" (if that makes sense).
basically... this is exactly what i'd like to know LOL.
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incredibletales · 1 year
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STAR TREK'S Highest Rated Episodes ➤ Season 1
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forestofsprites · 1 year
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as someone with a passing knowledge of knot theory & a dilettante interest in math I'm really interested in the behavior/rules of those graphs, could you talk a little more about them?
this is my first ask! and it's on my research!!! i still do research in this area. i am getting my phd in topological quantum computation. i saw someone else talk about categorical quantum in response to the post. as i understand, this is a related but distinct field from quantum algebra, despite both using monoidal categories as a central focus.
if you're familiar with knot theory, you may have heard of the jones polynomial. jones is famous for many things, but one of which is his major contributions to the use of skein theory (this graphical calculus) in quantum algebra, subfactor theory, and more.
For an reu, i made an animation of how these diagrams, mostly for monoidal categories, work:
to add onto the video, in quantum algebra, we deal a lot with tensor categories, where the morphisms between any two objects form a vector space. in particular, since these diagrams are representing morphisms, it makes sense to take linear combinations, which is what we saw in the post. moreover, any relationships you have between morphisms in a tensor category, can be captured in these diagrams...for example, in the fusion category Fib, the following rules apply (in fact, these rules uniquely describe Fib):
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thus, any time, these show up in your diagrams, you can replace them with something else. in general, this is a lot easier to read than commutative diagrams.
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lgbtlunaverse · 3 months
3zun data analysis part 2 electric boogaloo
So in my first post on 3zun data analysis I said I manually excluded all non-3zun ships in the 3zun tag to figure out how many of them were actually centered around 3zun.
So that's... actually not how i first went about that. Instead, I decided to, one after the other, include each 2-out-of-3zun ship, and then manually exclude every relationship not contained in 3zun. (leaving te other 2-out-of-3zun ships alone) Then, I'd figure out how many of these fics were exclusively tagged the ship I included, how many included only one of the other 2 ships, and how many included all 3, which would allow me to calculate how many 3zun fics in total had 2-out-of-3zun ships included but no other side pairings, which, upon being added to the otp:true fics, should give me the total number of 3zun fics exclusively focused on 3zun.
"Wow! That seems really inefficient" yes! But it did give me more information for this post. Because with these numbers, I can somewhat crudely estimate what 2-out-of-3zun pairing tends to get more narrative focus within 3zun fics.
Here are the results, data collected on march 18th 2024:
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There are 196 3zun fics tagged with xiyao and no non-3zun relationships. Of these, 151 are also tagged nieyao, and 137 are tagged nielan.
Coincidentally, nieyao has the same number, also 196, 151 of wich are also tagged xiyao, but only 117 are tagged nielan.
Then there are 159 3zun fics tagged nielan with no non-3zun pairings, with 137 of them also being tagged xiyao and 117 nieyao. (I hope you've all noticed those numbers matching up!)
by the way, here are the raw stats in just the plain vanilla 3zun tag, no filters, for how many fics are tagged with the different ot2s.
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Also, this has nothing to do with anything, but for nielan and xiyao i mostly had to filter out relatively normal side pairings, a few crossovers with mxtx's other works or different danmei, nothing too weird. But the nieyao tag had THIS
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JESUS/JUDAS??? IN MY NIEYAO?? It's more likely than you think!!
Anyway, to the complicated numbers! Selecting for all 3 after excluding everything else gives you 112 fics.
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With these numbers you can now calculate some really fun stuff. Taking the fics tagged with both xiyao and nieyao (151) and subtracting the fics tagging all 3 (112) you get the number of 3zun fics that are only tagged as xiyao and nieyao, excluding nielan. In this case: 39
"Couldn't you just exclude nielan on ao3" you have to understand I like doing things the hard way.
Doing this gives:
Fics tagged nieyao and xiyao but not nielan: 39
Fics tagged xiyao and nielan but not nieyao: 25
Fics tagged nieyao and nielan but not xiyao: 5
Generally tagging 2 ot2 pairings in an ot3 signals that either the relationship is a V and the excluded ship are not together, or that- even if they're a triad- the excluded ship doesn't feature in the narrative much. As you can see, xiyao is by far the least likely to be excluded here.
Now doing some more math (or, if you're normal, clicking a few extra times on ao3) will give you the fics exclusively tagged with one ot2 pairing besides 3zun. Generally that means that this relationship is the narrative focus, even if all of 3zun are together.
And these results actually surprised me.
Fics exclusively tagged xiyao: 196 - 112 - 39 - 25 = 20
Fics exclusively tagged nielan: 159 - 112- 25 - 5 = 17
Fics exclusively tagged nieyao: 196 - 112 - 39 - 5 = 40
I checked the answers by actually filtering on ao3 (making all my work redundant) and uh. Yeah. I had expected that, with xiyao being the least likely to be excluded, the most commonly tagged ship in 3zun overall, and simply the most popular ship, they'd be first here too.
And yet, not only does nieyao have more fics, it has more than nielan and xiyao combined. Despite having less fics in total than either of the other 2!
Out of interest, I repeated the experiment without manually excluding all the unrelated ships.
Basically, for each 2-out-of-3zun ship, I only filtered out the two other ships. This data will give us the same insight into narrative focus, just without excluding all other non 3zun rleated side pairings.
This time I just included one ship, and excluded the other 2-out-of-3zun ships. (the hard math comes later)
Doing this gives:
3zun fics only tagged xiyao: 45
3zun fics only tagged nielan: 33
3zun fics only tagged nieyao: 59
It's a less drastic difference, but nieyao still come out on top!!
What this means, I think, is that people with nieyao as their absolute favorite side of the triangle are a lot more likely to write 3zun fics than those for whom the same is true for nielan or xiyao.
That is to say: Someone who likes all 3zun pairings equally is more likely to write 3zun where the pairings all share narrative balance. And if you really really really love xiyao, and think nieyao and nielan are pretty ok but you don't go crazy over them, you're a lot more likely to just write a solo xiyao fic than you are a xiyao-focused 3zun fic. Idem ditto for nielan. But if nieyao is your absolute fave, you wanna put those guys in a throuple anyway.
What I'm saying is I think nieyaoists are the subfandom of triangular desire. Which... *looks at my own mutuals*... is the least surprising thing i've ever said.
Anyway! I didn't stop there! I wanted to see which pairings were more likely to get tagged together again. I also decided to make things even harder for myself!
Instead of filtering one ship at a time and seeing how many of each of the others were tagged alongside it, like i did last time, I only gave myself a few figures to calculate it manually: The overall number of tags each had in the 3zun tag (348, 328, and 284, as pictured above) the afformentioned data about exclusively tagged fics, and the number of fics tagged with all three 2-out-of-3zun ships (175)
Rather than a simple subtraction, I had to... Well i'm just gonna let y'all look at my notes app. I wanna stress that i could have looked all of this up in minutes and in fact did later to check my answers! No time was saved! A lot was wasted!
But I like number so 👉👈
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Fics tagged xiyao and nieyao but not nielan: 73
Fics tagged xiyao and nielan but not nieyao: 55
Fics tagged nieyao and nielan but not xiyao: 21
Once again, similar but slightly less drastic results.
With this I can only come to one conclusion: the fandom likes to joke about 3zun being a love triangle with xichen in the middle. But looking at these numbers? The real center is jiggy. Everything revolves around a-yao, baby!.
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lilowleelani · 11 months
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This is a very unscientific way of saying that I love how everyone portrays the silly squids differently depending on how they want to incorporate the mask into their style
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rust-in-polar1s · 1 year
do you guys ever just spend hours writing down pages of autism symptoms (+stims n other shit) you have and then proceed to doubt that your autistic
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pollyna · 8 months
They published my first article, it took two years, I don't remember writing it or what was about in the specifics or if it was like good or anything but,, my name is on a printed paper now??? I'm so trying not to scream or make weird faces rn it's embarrassing
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cosmichearter · 1 year
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
truly detest how pcos tags/forums/etc are absolutely crawling with terfs
#(okay to rb but stay in your lane)#maybe i just want to look and see if anyone else has experienced what i went through today without seeing someone going like#'you'll never be a REAL woman because you DON'T HAVE OVARIES#and will NEVER understand the TRUE WOMANLY EXPERIENCE of having A VERY DISRUPTIVE AND COMPLEX ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISORDER'#like i think there are more important (read: actual) targets to direct our frustration at here than#[checks notes] getting mad at a trans woman for saying she relates to some of the problems caused/faced by having pcos#like. idk. the fucking medical system and lack of research/treatment options#(also. christ. reducing every person w pcos into the 'woman' category automatically bc 'ovary'.#even though it's literally an intersex condition. yikes.)#also i don't know about y'all but i don't wish this on anyone? regardless of gender??#i actually don't want trans women to have to experience this in order to be considered a True Woman#because i don't want ANYBODY to have to experience this. it sucks! it's not fucking fun!#i just wanted to try and see if other people have gone through the same thing i have. not expand my blocklist by half a mile tonight.#i wanna talk about me#even though i didn't exactly find what i was looking for (😔) and i had to play fucking whack-a-terf while searching#if there's any bright side to be found it's the number of posts/people affirming pcos as an intersex condition/identity#i saw someone say 'if you don't want the [intersex] umbrella for yourself you don't have to take it#but it's nice to have in the closet for a rainy day'#and. man. yeah.
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guard-en · 6 months
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I'm So Fucking Pissed That I'm Not Photogenic But I'm The Only Consistent Anatomical Reference I Can Use.
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tiredvampire92 · 11 months
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revenant-coining · 1 year
Could I get 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person pronouns and names related to the project generation loss? if not then general analog horror and projects would be great as well. thank ryu ^^
here ya go !
Names: Veil, Ana / Analog, TV, Vid, Dio, Rec, Vis / Visual, Velum, Cord, and Cam / Camer / Camera / Camcorder
1stpp: i/me/my/mine/myself
an/ana/analog/analine or analogine/analogself
mi/me/media/medine or mediaine/mediaself
ra/rad/radio/radine or radioine/radioself
vi/vid/video/vidine or videoine/videoself
ai/aud/audio/audine or audioine/audioself
2ndpp: you/you/your/yours/yourself
3rdpp: xe/xim/xis/xis/ximself
@pronoun-arc , @reveningcontent
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clownprince · 10 months
i stg the more literature i read abt "psychopathy" and aspd that includes subjective experiences (e.g. case studies and detailed interviews) the more i lose faith in psychology as a field. which says a lot bc i barely had any faith to begin with
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thelegendofstella · 1 year
Gravesfield + Gravesfield County probable locations in TOH
So, out of all the Gravesfield speculation I’ve seen so far, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try to actually parse out its specific location within Connecticut, which is a shame because that window is SURPRISINGLY narrow now that we have certain bits of information about it on our hands. Not only that, but we also know that Gravesfield is part of its own county (”Gravesfield County Zoo,” anyone?), which has a lot of interesting implications as well. At least location-wise it does—I don’t know if it has any lore connections or not, though it’d be interesting to see if it did, at least. Not the point of this post though, so whoever wants to figure that out can have at it. Anyway...
TL;DR: I’m almost 95% sure that Gravesfield is located somewhere in southwestern irl Litchfield County along Route 109, and that its county should surround it and some other cities in mostly the same area. All the evidence I have to support this is below the cut:
The main source I'm drawing from here is this image:
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Source: Tweet from John Bailey Owen, posted Oct 14 2022
For those who don’t know, this was a promo image of a fake Gravesfield website homepage screenshot that was posted October 14, 2022, just before Thanks to Them aired. For the most part, it looks like a regular, albeit slightly clunky 2000s-era-looking, website, except for the bits of weirdness/dark humor littered about the text (”Escape Routes,” “The Truth About This Place,” “Sightings,” “if you visit once, you may even wind up staying”) and the hidden text in the bottom corners of the page (which spell out “HELP THEM”). People of course freaked out about this stuff, as is evident in the replies of the original tweet, analyzed all of it to death, blah blah blah, that’s pretty much old news at this point.
There’s also a small calendar on the right side of the page that indicates that the events of the show are possibly happening on some year that the first day of October lands on a Saturday, and when accounting for Luz’s age (14/15) and her modern lingo and stuff, those years could be 2005, 2011, 2016, and 2022. Smartphones like what Luz has in her possession were definitely not around in 2005, and probably not around in 2011, so either 2016 or 2022 are reasonable in-universe years to guess, with it probably leaning more towards 2022 because of the irl show’s creation date.
I could probably make a whole separate post on my thoughts on the date stuff and speculate the hell out of it, honestly, but that isn’t the subject I want to cover in this particular post. No, I’m more interested in what seemingly no one else has picked up on here: the location hints.
The fake screenshot doesn’t explicitly say where Gravesfield is located, obviously, but it does have two pieces of information that narrow down the possibilities significantly when put together.
The first piece of information is this:
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Route 109 is an actual route in Connecticut, which spans from New Milford to Thomaston as seen here:
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Source: Connecticut Route 109 Wikipedia page, retrieved Feb 1 2023
In order for this route to be relevant to Gravesfield news, the town has to be along this route somewhere, or at least nearby it in some measure (aka it has to legally be within city bounds, which I’ll get into later). Route 109 is located in southern irl Litchfield County, which means that Gravesfield is also located in southern irl Litchfield County somewhere.
That’s pretty good and all, definitely a lot better than just throwing a dart at the map and hoping it lands somewhere decent, but it can be narrowed down even further. The second piece of information we have is this:
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This is a real thing too. Regional School District 12 (or the RSD 12) is one of many school districts in Connecticut, and it happens to serve the towns of Washington, Bridgewater and Roxbury, all of which are, coincidentally, located in southern irl Litchfield County.
Washington is pretty much right on Route 109, as seen in the map above, so that means that in order for Gravesfield to be both within RSD 12 bounds and nearby Route 109 at the same time, it has to be within irl Washington’s city bounds. I’ve drawn up a diagram of sorts below with this information in mind:
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Source: me :D (and google maps)
The speculatory boundary I marked between the Washington and Gravesfield city bounds here is really just one rather simple possibility of how it might be cut up while still accounting for a part of Route 109 being within Gravesfield’s jurisdiction. Again, if the route weren’t part of it, it wouldn’t show up on the city website as a relevant announcement (and if it were part of a county-wide thing, it probably would have stated it as a county announcement or something).
So there you have it: most likely locations for where Gravesfield might be in Connecticut, give or take. I could speculate even further on where exactly within these areas Gravesfield could be placed, with analyzing the smaller roads and all that, but that would honestly just be pure speculation based on personal bias/preference/etc. and not, y’know, anything concrete enough to be a plausible theory, so I’ll just leave it as it is and let individual headcanons do the rest of the work on that front.
But there’s also Gravesfield County to worry about, as shown here:
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Source: The Owl House Season 3 Episode 1: “Thanks to Them”
(The fact that this is even a canon background thing in the show is bonkers, because holy shit I can’t imagine what kind of butterfly effect nonsense this must’ve made in-universe compared to irl history, but I digress.)
What this means is that the southern part of irl Litchfield County at minimum is actually Gravesfield County in the TOH universe by default, since it has to include Gravesfield in it, being the town its ultimately named after. And since we’ve already established Gravesfield’s approximate location here, its county could possibly look something like this:
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Source: me (and google maps) again
It’s a lot less concrete than the location of Gravesfield itself, obviously, but that’s because I don’t have much else to work with here other than that one screenshot from Thanks to Them and what I’ve theorized about Gravesfield so far. For all I know, the entirety of irl Litchfield County is Gravesfield County, not just a part of it, or maybe Gravesfield County goes even further south than what I’ve depicted and contains parts of the Fairfield and New Haven counties for whatever reason—who knows, really? Whatever it might be, it’s definitely somewhere in western Connecticut, surrounding New Milford, Washington, Route 109, etc., and that’s good enough for me in the interest of sticking to the concrete stuff.
Fun fact: apparently Connecticut doesn’t have county governments nor county seats, so despite the fact that Gravesfield County is named after Gravesfield, the town itself isn’t, like, a grand authority on other places nearby or anything. Each city within the county deals with their own police, fire department, schools, hospitals, etc. (and zoos. Gravesfield is apparently big enough to have a whole-ass zoo in it. Wild.)
The only thing that might break this in some respects is, well, potential butterfly effect shenanigans. It can be argued that because Gravesfield and Gravesfield County exist in the TOH universe, the exact positions of the other counties, towns, etc. could be drastically different from where they are irl, and things like the regional school districts could have totally different boundaries and thus the triangulation I just did using them is pretty much useless, but there’s nothing confirming any of this in Word of God or in the show canon as of today, so I’m fairly confident that we’re working with a world that’s very similar to the irl world Except For Gravesfield. Unless the last special pulls some sort of epilogue nonsense in Gravesfield that completely obliterates my base-line irl world assumptions for this universe, anyway. You never know lmao
So basically, in short: Gravesfield and its eponymous county are most likely located in southern/southwestern irl Litchfield County around Route 109 or thereabouts, and probably replace that particular area as their own governmental entities instead of being part of a different county or something. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
#the owl house#toh#gravesfield#gravesfield county#i haven't posted on tungle in a hot minute how is everyone doing#to any remaining people still following me: i am v sorry fhjkgYHFGBHDFDF#this is not like any of my previous content rip#i got into TOH back before Thanks to Them came out (which was Scatter's fault. you know what you did you jerk /j)#and i've been obsessed with the lore about Gravesfield and the Wittebane brothers ever since because WOW are they interesting#i. basically started creating a few TOH AUs and was researching tons of stuff about Puritan life and historical Connecticut + other things#and then i basically got hit with this whole thing last night and i HAD to see it to the end. it was VITAL for me#so now i'm posting this all here so that others don't have to go through the same cross-referencing hoops i had to for this#uhhhh okay now for as many other relevant category tags as i can possibly think of#analysis#speculation#toh speculation#toh analysis#gravesfield analysis#gravesfield speculation#my text#i'll probably disappear again after this (because being active here is tiring) but i just had to get this out here man#for all the other lore researchers out there who might need something like this#and also for me. because i actually really really really need it for an AU project of mine#so there you go lmao. time to vanish back into the aether again wheeeee#edit: i am Big Fucking Idiot who doesn't know their directions#i mix up east and west/right and left ALL THE TIME
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