#catb art
trendspatterns · 3 months
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problemsathand · 3 months
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lystring · 8 months
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@orangenottangerineart drew my dnd character Bird!!!! I couldn't be happier omg ♥️😻 she's a tabaxi bard, a disgraced court jester, n honestly just a silly lil kittycat
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starzy-drawz · 2 months
hi, feeling sad?
Too bad, take a sleeping Gojiran. (I can’t draw the colosseum his catbed)
Also I drew this in choir AND without a reference, I am so proud 💅
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jackmanifold-daily · 2 years
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he goes owo unironically (real and true)
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plightposting · 2 years
is this real i’m panicking
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i have never listened to a weezer in my life
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demadogs · 2 years
refreshing my dash everyday like “damn no one ever posts :/” and i just looked at my following and they all say “updated one year ago” “updated two years ago” “updated six years ago” like oh 😶
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fineosaur · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite accs (positivity is cool)🎶✨ Everyone is getting one of these sorry if you’ve already had one 💕
thank you for this i love oversharing about music! i've put my 'on repeat' spotify playlist on shuffle for this so:
misplaced - riley pearce
piece of my heart - big brother & the holding company, janis joplin
dancers - axel flovent
if I knew - riley pearce
because the night - patti smith
hahhhaha funnily this is a perfect depiction of my two music moods, folk or rock. either way, riley appears twice here and i'm listening to his live sets rn while writing so LISTEN TO HIS MUSIC. Eastbound is one of my favourite EPs in existence.
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favorit3regret · 2 years
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decided i'll try to draw something every day and that i'll post it regardless of the result, so here's day 1, june 29. drew it on the floor whilst listening to my playlists super loud and it was kinda fun
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attaboylew · 4 months
get to know me!
thanks for the tag @sweetwhispersofchaos & @just-in-case-iloveyou
1. were you named after anyone?
no 😂
2. when was the last time you cried?
a week ago but it was a small cry, it was a hard day.
3. do you have kids?
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
i don’t play any sports now, i did play netball when i was younger and that was for a short time.
5. do you use sarcasm?
what’s that?
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
eyes I think and also smiles 😂
7. what's your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
9. any talents?
10. where were you born?
somewhere fun
11. what are your hobbies?
i guess my art and puzzles
12. do you have any pets?
yes and she (lola) is the devil
13. how tall are you?
14. favorite subject in school?
15. dream job?
something with animals
no pressure tag: @icouldntfindquiet, @catb-fics, @rxgirlie and @thedumpsterwizard
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icouldntfindquiet · 30 days
The Liverpool one is definitely AI, it doesn't look like that in real life. The building looks weird and the wheel and the bus have been added in. The NY one looks weird when you zoom in on parts too. I don't think they would be sending somebody round the world taking photos of places to edit, and you're right about them not being stock photos
Excuse my research but I’m invested. 😂 I’ve never made AI photos before. Do you feed it several photos and it makes a combination of what you’re looking for? I thought the bus was fake but it looks like a real thing and there’s a Ferris wheel behind the building?
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For the NYC one, this is the closest I could find but it’s not a complete match. That’s how I found out the “STER” might be Red Lobster. 😂
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And Google couldn’t find this door at all.
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If this is AI, I’m very surprised they’re using it. Many artists and musicians are against it because it threatens their livelihood. I wish CATB would make their own art or support other artists rather than whatever this is. 😩
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catb-fics · 4 months
I found this video last night in a catb compilation and, idk why but something about this makes me so giddy and happy. It’s so stupid and perfect, it’s a piece of art haha ❤️‍🔥
Ha ha I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before! Thanks for sharing, I love it! ❤️ xxx
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okayohay · 6 months
what are you hoping for from their Reading set? A new setlist? New songs?
I know if I see that fucking Toucan the whole time, I’m going to rage.
I’d like to see a fully immersed CATB experience that showcases some songs off all their albums, and album art appropriately- and some new ones thrown in to tease us for what’s coming. Then…I want Van to introduce the new members and when he gets to Benji, the crowd goes batshit crazy and this is all during the bridge/“talking bout your background” portion of Soundcheck. And after they cheer for Benji he says “and I’m Van McCann and we’re back baby!” Then cuts right into “And I race through soundcheck just to meet you-“ and finishes the song. And I cry, and Instagram goes wild and then I dip into my savings, fully prepared to follow them on a US tour.
Thank you, and goodnight.
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pacifymebby · 8 months
Oh my god I've just had such a catb van themed revelation and it's mortifying...
Under the cut cause this is nosy as
you know all the lyrics from the balcony, about hating his girlfriends mates... i used to think he was being such a dick there but I've just realised she was at the arts uni in Glasgow and I've not met a single gsa student who wasn't a pretensious (usually posh) moron (I'm sorry gsa students if you see this but you know what the stereotype is)
Like I get exactly why van didn't get on with her uni mates 😭😭😭
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providnce · 10 months
firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself publicly, then send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🫶🏼✨
Only do it if you want! I hope all is well with you. 🥰
hey! i’m being a bit slow with clearing my inbox as I’m super busy rn and will likely be for the next two weeks :’) hope you’re well!
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and thank you so much for the ask! 🥺 here’s 5 things I like about myself in no particular order:
💕 I like of my sense of fashion, I like to think I’m stylish in the way I dress! (and you can never have too many accessories!)
💕 My music taste, I’ve always been drawn to alternative rock as a genre and I was raised listening to heavy metal and hard rock. I still enjoy some pop tho! I never count out any specific genre, no matter what, there might be a song or to I might like from it! (promise I’m not one of those condescending indie snobs lol)
💕 I’m very emotional. y’all probably know that (I’ll move the unprompted tumblr vents to the depths of my notes app for y’alls sake I apologise lmao), but it’s something I’ve struggled to come to terms with for quite a while. Even growing up as a girl, I’ve always been made to feel like my feelings were never valid, and I was too much of a crybaby to, like, be worthy of love and stuff. It’s a long story, but really, I think it’s a good thing to be in touch with your emotions, I’ve been the happiest and have made some of my best art by accepting those (albeit messy) parts of me.
💕 This one’s still a work in progress (and a bit cliché), but try to be true to myself in everything I do. authenticity goes a long way.
💕 The fact that I’m able to simp over catb (and others… many others) and still manage all other big aspects of my life 💀
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penwrythe · 10 months
Planning to upgade my art space!
Goal: slightly more comfortable drawing space in my room
(Hopefully affordable) IPS 27" monitor - Getting rid of my tv because it's causing eyestrain, good wide monitor for Blender stuff, improve desk space (do not get curved, it will cause distortions to art and graphic design stuff)
New office chair - current chair is hurting my back, note to self: please stop buying cheap chairs, oh my god, $40 is never a good bracket for chairs
New L-shaped desk ?? - current one is fine-ish, but very wobbly
A new catbed! - new bed for Monica so she can be comfortable in her bunker (she hides in the closet during thunderstorms), has nothing to do with my drawing space but I feel bad for her hiding in the closet on a hard plastic bin with a bundle of towels for a sleeping spot.
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