carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Shaun Reveals Why People Divorce. Plus, Hippies and Rotarians.
Shaun Reveals Why People Divorce. Plus, Hippies and Rotarians.
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This week’s podcast is not our normal format. We drove 27 hours or so this week. Our brains became a bit unglued – Okay. Even more unglued. 
But we talk about:
Why People Get Divorced
How By Using Those Metrics We Will Probably Get Divorced
Paying Attention to Other People’s Stories
The Common Ground Fair
The music we’ve clipped and shortened in…
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carriejonesbooks · 4 years
Dear Bully, You Are Ruining Things Because We Are Awesome And You Are Not
Dear Bully, You Are Ruining Things Because We Are Awesome And You Are Not
So about nine years ago, DEAR BULLY, the anthology of authors telling their stories of being bullied, or standing by, or being bullies was released. Carrie was the co-editor for this anthology.
And I am so proud of all the authors in there. 
For a lot of them, it was a big act of bravery to tell their stories. For a lot of them, it was a big act of…
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carriejonesbooks · 4 years
What's Killing Your Relationship and Your Character?
What’s Killing Your Relationship and Your Character?
There was a post on Medium on PS I LOVE YOU called, “The Silent Relationship Killer You Never See Coming” about how the silent relationship killer is basically routine and sameness.
The author, Barry Davret, compared relationships to a song that you love so intensely you listen to over and over again obsessively, but then suddenly, you are done with that song.
Couples, he says, set…
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carriejonesbooks · 4 years
Mr. Taco and New Year New You? Maybe. If you're feeling it.
Mr. Taco and New Year New You? Maybe. If you’re feeling it.
New Year? New You?
This week on the podcast we talk about:Mr. Taco, Attacking Seagulls, Doing the Raccoons, and Goals. Also, Shaun sings.
So it’s the New Year and as we all know it’s all about goals and looking back and creating our lives in a new way.
People are spending money on exercise equipment and diet food and all that, but you know what? The you that you are? It’s totally fine.
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Florida Man and the Queen of Kittens
Florida Man and the Queen of Kittens
Stories are about people having emotions. Writers who write from their heads (outlining like crazy, etc,) are often missing out on the emotion because they are analyzing how to show emotion. 
But it’s desire and yearning that makes stories stand out and makes writers into artists and truth tellers. 
Robert Olen Butler says that yearning creates a dynamic of desire and that dynamic of…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Lick the Kitten, Embrace Your Vulnerability
Lick the Kitten, Embrace Your Vulnerability
Shaun: A week or so ago, someone told Carrie that she’d be better served if she didn’t present as insecure on her social media. 
Carrie: For the record, I am just open about when I’m scared about things. I’m not sure insecurity is the same as fear. I mean, I guess it is to a certain extent. But I’m not insecure about who I am. I like who I am, an occasionally anxious, goofy, smart,…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Am I the Butt Face? How to Make (and be) a Likeable Character
Am I the Butt Face? How to Make (and be) a Likeable Character
Why Do People Suck So Much?
One of the biggest things you hear in the world of writing is to make your character likeable, which is great and all but gives you two questions: 
How. How do you make your characters likable?
How do you make your characters likable when in real life people suck so much? There’s an entire Reddit thread called “Am I the A-Hole?” 
We talk about the second question…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Don't Dabble Writers, Commit. We Know What a Hyphen Is and That's Sexy.
Don’t Dabble Writers, Commit. We Know What a Hyphen Is and That’s Sexy.
Jared Leto is a somewhat polarizing guy for who-knows-what reason. He’s model-pretty, a vegan, an award-winning actor and a musician. And there’s this quote I (Carrie) read that struck a chord. 
“When you commit to something that’s seemingly impossible,” he says, referring to ascents both metaphorical and literal, “and you’re pushing through things that are seemingly hostile, and then you’re…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Three Hot Tips to Make Your Writing and Life Way More Intense in a Good Way - Dogs are Smarter Than People Writing Podcast
Three Hot Tips to Make Your Writing and Life Way More Intense in a Good Way – Dogs are Smarter Than People Writing Podcast
It’s Writing Tip Time and we’re going to give you three fast and dirty writing tips today that’s going to make your writing more intense. Ready? 
Think about your tense 
What’s that mean? It means don’t be writing like things are happening now and then shift over to writing like things were happening in the past. If you want the most immediate writing experience, write in the…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Passive Aggressive Much? And How to Become More Awesome in Just 30 Minutes a Day
Passive Aggressive Much? And How to Become More Awesome in Just 30 Minutes a Day
Over on the random thought part of the podcast, we hear about Carrie being passive-aggressive at the campground bathroom, Shaun sing, and random people at Smokey’s Barbecue and Lobster.
But here is the more intellectual stuff. Um. Slightly more intellectual stuff?
This guy Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book Outliersand in it he outlines his belief that if you practice something for 10,000…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Big Feelings and Dropping Your Child in the Woods
Big Feelings and Dropping Your Child in the Woods
Sometimes us writer people feel broken. We maybe got rejected one too many times. We maybe got a horrifying review. We maybe are stuck on Chapter 7560 in our epic fantasy WHEN THE BUNNY OF DOOM FELL IN LOVE WITH THE HAMSTER OF GLORIOUS GLORY. 
This is normal. Creative people have a lot of big feelings. People who aren’t super creative also have a lot of big feelings. People feel. All of us.…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Flirt Your Eyelashes Off, Writers
Flirt Your Eyelashes Off, Writers
A quick web search for the words ‘flirting’ and ‘dangerous’ gets a lot of hits.
To be fair, so does a quick web search for the words ‘flirting’ and ‘fun.’
But we’re not here to tell you about the perils and delights of flirting. We’re here to talk about writing, life, and dogs. Actually, flirting is part of most people’s lives. But we’re FOCUSING on the writing aspect.
Flirting is…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Do You Have To Write Every Day? Stephen King Twitter Torches versus the Anti-Burnout Crew
Do You Have To Write Every Day? Stephen King Twitter Torches versus the Anti-Burnout Crew
So, one of the big debates in the world of writing advice is the Write Every Day Debate.
I know! I know. Sexy name. High stakes.
But, honestly, it gets people so riled up. There are in the Write Every Day Camp. They carry lit Twitter torches and follow Stephen King who famously wrote:
“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work.” 
Stephen King,…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Even Potatoes Can Be Creepy When They're Randomly Showing Up Everywhere
Even Potatoes Can Be Creepy When They’re Randomly Showing Up Everywhere
The city of Jackson, Mississippi is having a weird situation.
To be fair, Jackson has had weird situations before. People left Christmas trees in potholes. They decorate road signs in ways road signs aren’t supposed to be decorated.
But now what’s happening in Jackson is about something sacred.
It’s about the mashed potato.
People are leaving bowls of mashed potatoes in all sorts…
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carriejonesbooks · 5 years
Risk Everything Like a Boss Dog
Risk Everything Like a Boss Dog - Dogs are Smarter Than People, the writing podcast that fails to be pretentious
In our random thought we talk about a Twitter thread by writer John Paul Brammer (@jpbrammer), which details how a cat and two dogs showed up at his apartment door and how they wanted inside. He couldn’t figure out what the animals were doing there and what to do with them.
His tiny story had everything – confusion, an objective (to keep the animals safe), a mystery (where did the animals…
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