#carl denham
chernobog13 · 3 months
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Kong's rampage through the village by Don Marquez.
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paseodementiras · 1 year
King Kong
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Capítulo I
Ni siquiera en la oscuridad del crepúsculo y tras el manto de nieve que flotaba ligeramente, el Wanderer era algo más que un modesto y viejo carguero de cabotaje.
-Délos W. Lovelace según el argumento de Edgar Wallace y Merian C. Cooper
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figmentjedi · 3 months
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How did I just learn now that the Brendan Fraser Mummy coaster that replaced Universal's King Kong ride years ago have a gift shop tribute take the form of a secret "Carl Denham, after having exploited King Kong, has decided to exploit Imhotep next as the Ninth Wonder of the World" backstory for said ride.
(Images from Laughing Place)
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blogthebooklover · 2 months
Movie Recs In Honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
I decided to write out a list of movies to watch in honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes coming out very soon. This list will feature movies with apes besides the POTA movies, or movies with weird and bizarre friendships/found families.
The Original Planet of the Apes Franchise (1968-1973, Amazon Prime)
Honestly, I've only watched the 1968 movie a handful of times. I decided to watch all of the original franchise leading up to the release of Kingdom. They're all a lot of fun, with social/political commentaries at the time of each film. If you're a movie collector, or like behind-the-scenes/director's commentaries, I highly recommend buying the Blu Ray compilation pack.
2. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001, Disney+ or Amazon Prime)
I know, hear me out. Yes, it's over-hated, and yes, there was A LOT of potential for this movie. There were definitely too many "cooks in the kitchen" when drafting this movie. Imho, I think it's a guilty pleasure, popcorn movie. If you're a fan of makeup effects, Rick Baker (THE modern makeup effects master) does an absolutely phenomenal job with the designs of the apes in this movie (and check out his Instagram too). I do like the production and the ape costume designs for this film as well.
Tim Roth and Paul Giamatti are such a blast in this movie, too!
And the posters for this movie look so cool.
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3. Planet of the Apes Reboot Trilogy (2011-2017, Amazon Prime)
I think this is what the 2001 movie should have been, and was trying to go for. While the three movies did make their money back at the box office, I have two theories why they almost went under everyone's radar (again, this is my opinion):
A. Because of the mixed reception from the 2001 movie.
B. Because of the abundance of comic book & remake movies coming out during the 2011-2017 years.
I put this trilogy right up with the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. The storytelling is great, the special effects hold up well, and this reboot's version of Caesar has became one of my favorite main characters in modern film.
4. Mighty Joe Young (1998 remake, Disney+)
I don't know why this movie doesn't get talked about that much. Rick Baker, once again, does incredible work on the special effects for Joe. There's also a great musical score by James Horner. And Bill Paxton and Charlize Theron give amazing acting performances. And I think it's actually one of the better remakes that came out from the late 1990s.
In fact, the team that worked on the 1933 King Kong also made the 1949 film. Even Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham) came back for the '49 film. Ray Harryhausen worked under the supervision of Willis O'Brien for the special effects for the original movie. He also has a cameo appearance alongside Terry Moore (Jill Young) in a party scene.
Aaaaand I just found out the writers, Mark Rosenthal and Lawrence Konner, also did an uncredited rewrite for the 2001 POTA movie.
5. Tarzan (1999, Disney+)
Of course, who doesn't love Tarzan??? And Phil Collins's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G soundtrack???!!!
6. King Kong (1933, 2005, Amazon Prime/MAX)
Okay, technically it's a giant monster movie and the OG prior to Godzilla. And it also set the standard of film making overall. However, it is also a bit of a Beauty and the Beast story, hence the lines: "It was Beauty killed the Beast" and the "And the prophet said: And lo, the Beast looked upon the face of Beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day forward, he was as one dead." I also recommend watching the extended cut of the 2005 remake.
7. Lilo & Stitch (2002, Disney+)
Again, who doesn't love Lilo and Stitch???
8. How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (2010-2019, Amazon Prime/Peacock App)
Once again, who doesn’t love HTTYD (and why are they remaking it as a live action movie????)???
9. Gorillas in the Mist (1988, Amazon Prime)
This movie is about Dian Fossey (played by Sigourney Weaver), a primatologist who studied mountain gorillas and she was part of a trio of women who studied great apes; the amazing Jane Goodall and her study of chimpanzees, and Birute Galdikas who studies orangutans. The movie is also based on her book of the same name.
I use past tense for Dian, because she met a tragic and horrific death while she was conducting her research on gorillas. I have in-lined a link to Dian Fossey's Wikipedia article for further reading.
Rick Baker, once again, does some amazing practical creature effects work for the gorillas.
10. George of the Jungle (1997, Disney+)
One of my favorite Brendan Fraser movies, and such a fun, and a bit of a campy movie based on the cartoon series (which is also a spoof of Tarzan). I quote this movie every so often. Unfortunately, Rick Baker did not do the ape designs for this movie. The creature effects this time around was done by none other than the Jim Henson Creature Workshop!
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thestuffedalligator · 2 years
Here's what happens to the body of Kong:
Desperate to recoup his losses, Carl Denham taxidermies the thing and parades it through America to middling success. It’s mercifully destroyed in a Los Angeles fire in 1937.
The specimen is relinquished into the care of the Smithsonian Institution. It is dissected, analyzed, preserved, labelled Megaprimatus kong, and locked in a warehouse in Upstate New York for research purposes. A special exhibition displaying the specimen was hosted at the Smithsonian in 1983.
Physics tell us that a 20-tonne gorilla would fall at a rate of 9.81 m/s^2.
At that point there is no gorilla to remove, and 5th Avenue is awash with a flash flood that haunts the city’s memory for generations.
The city cannibalizes the corpse.
Not literally, although there are rumours otherwise directed at the local butchers. A distal phalanx goes missing, then reappears as a paperweight. There’s a boom in leather products made from stolen skin. Antique shops to this day are filled with colossal conversation starters pilfered from the biggest corpse New York State has ever seen. The city’s vultures scavenge from the corpse until only bones remain, and these are made into their own novelties.
The flesh is removed but the spirit remains; to this day, residents whisper of a giant ghostly gorilla which haunts 5th Avenue.
The body is moved to a refrigerated warehouse while the city tries to navigate the tangled legal mess left in its wake.
Days later, the doors of the warehouse are opened to reveal that the body has been stolen. Police comb New York for months to no avail while newspapers gleefully runs headlines asking how the city can lose the body of a 20-ton ape.
The body is never found. Some say that it was destroyed by vandals, or stolen in an elaborate heist. Some say that the body, the thing, that Kong never existed, that the whole affair was an elaborate hoax by a film director looking to get his name back in the newspapers.
And there are those who believe — in a way that they cannot explain and have no intention of trying — that Kong simply went back home.
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yagamimi-aka-mimi · 9 months
Hi I'm sorry if you have talked about this already but I love your characters names and was wondering how you came about some of them (most notably Nova Aquilas, Alfric Dunham, and R.M. Renfeld)?
Its hard to explain but its like your characters names sit on a perfect line of being close enough to reality that they are recognizable as names and at the same time far enough away into fantasy that it serves as a reminder that the world of Revenant maintains a certain level of disconnect from our reality. It kind of reminds me of stuff like ace combat and armored core if that makes any sense. OKAY gushing about character names done so TLDR your characters names kick insane amounts of ass and I was interested in your thought process for them.
Nova's name wasn't originally Nova Aquilas - when I first came up with her, her name was Noah. Someone else gave her the surname "Aquila", and eventually it was shifted to "Nova Aquilas". The origin of the "Noah" name is a stupid one, I'll leave it at that.
For Tristan, I just wanted to come up with something that sounds just normal enough without being "Boring McNormalName"
Quinn is named after Quincey Morris from "Dracula"
Vita was named by someone else so I can't explain hers.
R.M. Renfeld is named after R.M. Renfield from "Dracula", just with the "I" removed because...well, we'll get to that later
Raul was just a name I chose on impulse
Zahra Pike is actually a partial carry-over from something else
Dunham was also a partial carry-over, his name is actually derived from another character who was named after Carl Denham from "King Kong". It's a long story, I'll just leave it at that lmao
HUGE BRIAN came from me misreading one of my writers say "huge brain" in our production discord.
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superdogbiter · 1 year
Please note Bowser would be on here if the movie was out yet and i'm not gonna wait for it so please be kind
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gorillageek27 · 2 days
When the original King Kong film becomes public domain, doesn’t that mean the other characters will too? Like Ann Darrow, Jack Driscoll, Carl Denham? I’d love to see the Monsterverse try its own take on these characters.
I honestly dont know how that works honestly but i think the least they can do is studios makes their own versions of these characters
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slingbees · 1 year
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They kind of took the film aspect out of the King Homer segment, but I kind of think it's interesting, even before Peter Jackson's King Kong I don't think the character of Carl Denham was very sympathetic, he was only a little more sorry about the men he lost, so I think an opportunistic filmmaker fits Burns pretty well here.
I like the BW version more but I thought the color palette in the color version was kind of interesting, so I'm sharing both
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fantasyinvader · 5 months
Watched the original King Kong. To say the film has aged poorly (story-wise, the stop motion effects are still great) is an understatement. It wants to tell a story about how beauty killed the beast, that Kong's attraction to Ann led to his death, but I think something different.
If anything, it's more a criticism of show business and our obsession with spectacle.
We open with Carl Denham, a film director, being told by an agent that the agent won't get a woman to work on Carl's upcoming movie, which he is secretive about. Carl goes out and finds Ann, a down on her luck woman who was caught stealing and, noticing her beauty, hires her. When they arrive on the island, not knowing what they'll see, Carl alerts the natives by setting up a camera and trying to film them. He brought Ann with him at the time in case he could film something, resulting in her being kidnapped by the natives as a bride for Kong. When the sailors attack and kill a stegosaurus, he talks about how he wishes he could take one alive, and then later pushes for Kong's capture when the men are wanting to leave. Because of him, 12 sailors die, and a native village is destroyed with unspecified casualties. He then brings Kong to New York to show him off, but being photographed by the press drives Kong mad and results in him breaking out to go on a rampage. Innocent people, including a woman who was just sleeping in her bed and a train full of people, die as a result. Kong takes out one of the planes in the climax before dying, and we're left with how beauty killed the beast.
Everything is Denham's fault, the fault of a director who in a past project wanted a cameraman to film a rhino charging at him saying that he (Denham) would have shot the rhino so the opportunity was wasted. It all goes back to the spectacle, and I was glad to learn that the sequel (while making Denham a hero) sees him bankrupt after countless lawsuits, needing to flee New York to escape an indictment, and the natives are more hostile because they rightfully blame him. It's like the studio realized how poorly he came off when they rushed the sequel.
But spectacle caused all those deaths, all because it might entertain an audience. And this might work with the whole beauty thing, we're attracted to spectacle just like Kong was attracted to Ann's beauty. And what does that say about us, when we take enjoyment in fiction death and destruction? But the producers said the film had no deeper meaning, evading accusations of racism, so that might just be me.
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chernobog13 · 1 year
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“Don’t be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen.  Those chains are made of chrome steel.”
I hope you kept the receipt, Carl, because you’re going to want your money back.
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geminilad · 2 years
an Ape and an Alien
Nope is a fascinating movie to me for a number of reasons, one of them being it’s message against the usage of wild animals for the purpose of entertainment, and I can’t help but be reminded of another movie I had been obsessed with as of late. Peter Jackson’s King Kong is one of my favorite films in recent history, although the primary source of fascination on my part from the film was the titular Kong and his home Skull Island. I could hyperfixate on and on about how much I adore the island itself and the wonderful world of speculative evolution the filmmakers crafted for the movie, but we’d be here all day and I’m sure you’d prefer if I’d just got straight to the point. There’s an interesting comparison between the characters of Carl Denham/Kong, and Ricky Park/Jean Jacket. Carl and Ricky when you examine them at their cores, are determined damaged people who have been chewed up and spit out by hollywood and in their desperation of chasing the spectacle they long for, attempt to commercialize these incredibly massive and dangerous wild animals to showcase them to the world as some kind of marvelous attraction. This of course goes wrong for both of them when the unpredictable giant creatures act... unpredictably, leading to disaster and death. Kong and Jean Jacket on the other hand are large, deadly creatures separated from their home and other kind, ultimately slain at the end of the story for no fault of their own, simply because they were too dangerous to be left alive. I wouldn’t say they are complete narrative parallels however, as one would have to take note of Kong’s heightened intellect paired with Jean Jacket’s pure animal instinct. Regardless though, I believe both stories are a symbol for people's desire to film and commoditize everything without considering the risks. It was established with Gordy and Lucky that Hollywood tends to not treat animals (or humans) with respect and constantly wants to use anything and everything for entertainment. Because Jupe did not learn from his experience with Gordy, he did not respect the boundaries of the UFO and used it for his attraction, which leads to him suffering the consequences. Likewise with Carl and Kong, all Carl ever cared about was his desire to make it big with hollywood, not even bothering to take the blame for all the suffering and death he cause by bringing the crew of the S.S. Venture to Skull Island unprepared for all the horrors within, and the deaths caused by bringing Kong to america. In some ways they were both doomed in the end, because while Carl didn’t get eaten alive by his object of obsession, what Hollywood did to both of them was worse than what some hungry critter could ever do.
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amazingmrcinema007 · 10 months
There's this low-budget shot on video slasher from 1990 called Shreck where three horror film fans put together a mock seance to summon the soul of a Nazi serial killer and put him into a dummy and I thought it was pretty decent. I didn't watch the newest transfer of it Terror Vision did so the quality is a bit rough but watchable. Audio was a bit iffy at times but I liked the creative premise and gore.
Here's a link to watch it:
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hydesjackiespuddinpop · 9 months
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Full Name: Carly Lisa Shay
Nicknames: My Sister (by Spencer), Carls, Cupcake, Carly Girl, Mrs.Benson (by Sam), My Best Friend (by Sam and Freddie), My Girl, Frisky, Life Alert (by Freddie), Little Baby, Kiddo, My Sweet Carly, Girl, (by Spencer), Stupid American Girl (by Wade Collins), Dumbo, Dummy (by Mrs. Benson), Aunty Carly (by Charlie and Julie)
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 24, 1994
Age: 29
Occupation: Host of iCarly/YouTuber, Student at Ridgeway Junior High School (formerly, graduated), Employee at The Groovy Smoothie (formerly), Employee at the 32 Flavors Ice Cream Shop (formerly)
Education: Ridgeway Junior High School (graduated)
Residence: Apartment 8-E, Bushwell Plaza (currently), Apartment 8-C, Bushwell Plaza (formerly), Italy (formerly)
Hair Color: Dark brown, Brown with blonde highlights (revival season 1 & 2), Dark Brown (revival season 3)
Eye Color: Brown
Family: Colonel Steven Shay (father), Mrs. Shay (mother), Spencer Shay (older brother), Granddad Shay (grandfather), Gramma Shay (grandmother), Great Grammy Shay (great-grandmother), Barry Dorfman (uncle), Tess Dorfman (aunt), Faye Dorfman (cousin), Ozlottis Dorfman (cousin), Margaret (aunt), Sunny Johnson (11th cousin), Potter Shay (niece), Julia Puckett (honorary niece), Charlie Shay (niece), nine other nieces and nephews
Friends: Harper Bettencourt (best friend; roommate). Freddie Benson (best friend), Tori Vega (close friend, future girlfriend), Millicent Mitchell, Sam Puckett (best friend), Principal Franklin, Sunny Johnson (11th cousin), Gibby Gibson, T-Bo, Melanie Puckett, Wendy, Shelby Marx, Missy Robinson (formerly), Claire, Toji, Gwen, Paul Denham, Lewbert Sline, Tinsley
Romances: Tori Vega (crush, has feelings for), Sam Puckett (kissed one, bi awakening), Freddie Benson (Ex Boyfriend), Ben Huebscher (first kiss), Jake (former crush), Gibby Gibson (one date), Shane (dated), Nevel Papperman (alternative reality boyfriend), Griffin (ex-boyfriend), Austin (one date), Adam (former crush), Steven Carson (ex-boyfriend), Kyle (ex-boyfriend), Cort (former crush), Lance (one date), Gary Wolf (former crush), Luke Tyler (one date), Justin (dated), Trenton (one date), Beau (ex-boyfriend), Wes (ex-boyfriend), Troy (dated)
Pets: Cookie (former bunny), Shelly (former baby chick), Huevo (former baby chick), Omelet (former baby chick), Benedict (former baby chick), Yoko (former baby chick), Poachy (former baby chick), Sparky (former dog)
Enemies: Nevel Papperman, Tasha, Valerie, Ms. Briggs, Mr. Devlin, Jonah, Amber Tate, Zeebo, Ms. Ackerman, Kyoko and Yuki, Wade Collins, Missy Robinson, Chuck Chambers, Chip Chambers, Mr. Howard, The Petographers, Nora Dershlit, Mr. and Mrs. Dershlit, Penny Tee Employees, Steven Carson, Aspartamay, Ashley, Dana Bukowski, Mandy Valdez, Griffin, Beau, Wes, Argentina Woolridge, Pearl Wallace, Prunella Pitz-Papperman, Emily Haines, Myrtle, Her mother
First Appearance: iPilot (OG), iStart Over (Revival)
Last Appearance: iGoodbye (OG), TBD
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lowder-the-koopa · 1 year
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“This creature, according to the folklore of Odo Island, is called Godzilla.„ — Kyohei Yamane (Godzilla)
“And now, ladies and gentlemen, before I tell you any more, I'm going to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld. He was a king and a god in the world he knew, but now he comes to civilization merely a captive, a show to gratify your curiosity. Ladies and gentlemen, look at Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World!„ — Carl Denham (King Kong)
"What are you, Ultraman? Are you an alien... or a human?" "I am both. I was born to fight those who break universal laws, like you."―Alien Mefilas and Ultraman, "The Forbidden Words"
"Who are you?" "I am Space Ranger Zoffy, from Nebula M78."―Zoffy introducing himself to Ultraman, Farewell, Ultraman
"A bright light will appear in the western sky when the first star comes out. Look for that moving light, because that will be me."―Ultraseven (as Dan Moroboshi) to Anne Yuri, The Biggest Invasion in History: Part 2
"To love humans, you must know them. You must learn their strengths and weaknesses, beauty and ugliness. Only when you know both sides can you love this planet."―Ultraman Jack as Hideki Go, Deathrem's Plot
 "All that peace I felt is gone. I ruin it because I can. Because it's easy. I've fought for Preston. For the Camachos. I've fought for my friends. I've tried to make these people not just safe, but happy. I didn't go looking for these people. They walked into my life. And now the imbalance is restored. I've fought for the happiness of everyone around me. I've been willing to die for that happiness. I now realize I've never experienced happiness. I put on a good show... I simply don't know the meaning of the word... And I never will." —Deadpool
Here are drawings for the all the non-Kamen Rider/Power Rangers/Super Sentai characters along with a bonus Deadpool to see if I can draw Comic Book Characters.
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If I do write the Lost World Fic the characters will be influenced by characters from the flims that inspired the fic.
Moxxie - Dr. Alan Grant
Millie - Dr. Ellie Sattler
Charlie - Ann Darrow
Alastor - Jack Driscoll with a hint of Owen Grady
Blitzo - Carl Denham
Angel - Dr. Ian Malcolm
Vaggie - Sarah Harding
Loona - Claire Dearing with a hint of Kelly Curtis
Max and Maisie (Moxxie and Millie’s kids) - Tim and Alex Murphy
Stolas - Preston
Vox - Dennis Nerdy
Valentino - Mr. Eversoll
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