#careful what that axe eugene
m00ndingochan · 4 months
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asurrogateblog · 1 month
can you explain a little more about the tags 'careful with that axe is about queer rage' and rogers whole perception of syds anger?
oh yah sure! (okay I didn't intend it to be this long when i started...)
that first tag was me just being only half-serious, speculating about the possible story connecting "point me at the sky" and "careful with that axe". in the first song, the character henry calls eugene and asks him to run away to the stars with him and to "hide" with him. henry also calls eugene "baby", which pretty clearly implies a romance. the song ends with the two of them saying goodbye to the world and taking to the sky. flip over to the b-side, next comes a song in which, based on the title and the...screaming, eugene commits some sort of horrible violence. there's no good reason not to think it's the same eugene as the one from the a-side, so my conclusion was that whatever happens in the "story", it has something to do with his relationship with henry and his flying machine. I meant "queer rage" as in "queer person full of rage for queer reasons" not "queer rage" as in "anger towards the system".... but who knows, maybe that's why henry wanted to leave so badly. I would say they probably didn't make the songs gay on purpose, but hey, we've got arnold layne too so there's no reason why it couldn't be.
that second set of tags was about syd was me making a more serious speculation about what the two songs might be really "about". of course, some silly songs are just silly songs, but I feel like I know roger's psychology well enough to not immediately take things at face-value. these songs seem to be about wanting to escape to a better place with someone, to literally reach the stars – but then some terrible disaster happens when one of them tries to bring them down (in careful with that axe, you can hear faintly the lyrics "down, down. the star is screaming beneath the lies"). to me, this seemed to be a good metaphor for the band. roger admits readily that back when syd first left, he was much less sympathetic to syd's situation, and viewed his self-destructive behavior as detrimental to the band. perhaps, then, eugene is syd, trying to destroy the flying machine that is pink floyd. OR, it's the opposite – eugene is roger, and the axe rampage represents the role he feels he played in syd's downfall when all syd wanted to do was fly. either seems plausible to me. after all, the flying motif comes up multiple times later on in the wall, and we all know that pink is based on both syd and roger.
I'm not really married to any single one of these interpretations, and perhaps I'm off the mark entirely, but I just noticed that there hasn't been much analysis of either of these songs. I wanted to have a go at it myself!
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altf4d3lete · 6 days
- “maybe it’s one of your classmates” erm or maybe it’s your fucking son and you just decided to ignore the fact that he could be a Hyde too because you didn’t want that to be true
- Weems trying so hard to protect the school. Love her even tho she’s controversial
- Bro wednesday is better than me bc if Rowan walked in smiling at me like that I would have actually lost my shit right then and there
- “Was it to gain attention” what a horrible therapist wtf
- Why does this therapy session feel like a fight omg
- EW TYLER. Sorry.
- Court ordered therapy how badly did you fuck Xavier up bro
- “I believe you” i wonder why bro you’re so manipulative
- ENID MY BBG 😭 “i will literally scratch my own eyes out” “i would pay money to see that” and enid just whips around with a huge smile THEYRE SO CUTE
- Enid not being mean about Rowan being alive unlike SOMEONE (Xavier)
- Yoko looks so done im sobbing
- The gentle rejection from Wednesday and Enid taking it with no issue
- Is the choir only sirens
- “Ever shot a bow and arrow” “only on live targets” proceeds to mansplain how to shoot a bow he’s so annoying I can’t stand Xavier im sorry
- She HATES him it’s so funny
- poor guy aw she just left him there
- There’s just casually a severed hand running through the train station
- Xavier is so awkward sitting between his ex and his crush AND they’re beefing
- Sheriff Galpin is kinda annoying
- Not her coaching wednesday on thing
- “go apologize” “yes ma’am 😐😕”
- Imagine losing your family to a pink sparkly werewolf
- Awww her opening up to thing is so cute
- COUGHS her GREATEST FEAR is being responsible for something terrible and y’all r saying she’d be okay dating someone who was going to help genocide her classmates that’s crazy.
- “I can’t let that happen”
- Y’all she was genuinely concerned abt being the reason the school is in trouble
- Her crushing Eugene about Enid is crazy
- Tyler is so manipulative holy shit
- God she trusted Laurel that sucks so much
- Sigh she can relate to Laurel and that sucks so bad
- I feel so bad for her the one adult she felt like could understand her
- Damn Xavier is so argumentative towards Bianca wtf
- Wednesday was so mad about Bianca cheating to hurt Enid
- I love how they’re always attached at the hip
- Enid just not being afraid by Wednesday’s threats
- The way nearly getting beheaded by an axe in the poe cup is just normal
- Enid trusting Wednesday to get the flag
- The way she’s way faster than Xavier and Ajax because they got there before and she’d practically caught up with them by the time they got to the crypt (she took a shortcut nvm)
- Goody my bbg 😞
- Xavier getting so mad abt losing is crazy bro literally fell off his seat
- WWWD I love you enid
- they’re so cute
- With how far wednesday went from the quad and how quick enid found her, enid probably immediately went looking for Wednesday after noticing she was missing
- The way she’s hugging Wednesdays arm is so cute
- And the way wednesday looks at enid awww
- “Ah yes. Me, my gf, and her 5 foot tall trophy”
- Why did she write everything in caps except the “i”s
- The ol’ Addams family snap
- Damn bro got kidnapped that’s crazy
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mindingmybidness12 · 1 year
Zombie Lover[Wednesday Addams x zombie! GN! Reader]
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Summary: Wednesday learns something interesting about you.
Warnings: Mentions of bodily harm. More on the ridiculous side but still.
Word Count: 700 words
“Hey, how ‘s it going?”
“You have a knife in your shoulder.”
“You have my knife in your shoulder.”
“That is correct.”
“Well I was watching a cool action sequence and it had some knife fighting. I wanted to try it but I don’t own any knives. But I knew you did. One thing led to another and… well.”
“Give it back…”
You reached up and snagged the knife out of your left shoulder. Ignoring the burning pain and the blood pouring out of the wound, you turned to give it back to  Wednesday but thought again.
“Hey… do you mind giving me a second to—“
“I can wipe the blood off myself later. Don’t you think that there’s a more pressing issue to deal with first?”
“Like what?”
“You are bleeding you idiot.”
“I noticed.”
“…you’ll die if you bleed out, you ignoramus.” 
“I won’t die.” You replied while waving Wednesday off without a care in the world,”I have an incredible healing factor with an abnormally high pain tolerance to match. For example.”
You picked a conveniently placed ax off of a nearby desk.
“My ax.” Wednesday supplied
“I will be using your ax for this demonstration.”
“Give it b-”
“What are you–!”
“Observe. HYAH!!”
With an unnecessary battle cry, you lopped off your own left hand with a swipe, sending your hand and blood flying across the room. Wednesday stood frozen in shock at your insane act. Before she could even begin to start yelling at you for doing something so outrageous, the door to her dorm opened and Enid walked in.
“Hey, why is Thing just slumped on the floor bleeding?!”
Thing crawled out from Enid’s drawer with lotion in tow at the sound of his name. Enid looked between both disembodied hands and then finally turned towards you and Wednesday. She took one look at Wednesday's shell shocked face and towards you with a missing hand and bloody ax and nearly lost her mind.
“Wait before you get mad know that it’ll grow back in-”
“Oh there it goes.”  your hand grew back in a spray of blood and wet pop to accompany it.
Enid could only take so much.
“Well that could’ve gone a bit better.”
Wednesday turn towards you and just stared with her usual brand of utter disdain
“No, I've never seen how far my regeneration could go. I’m curious but not that curious.”
You were answering Wednesday’s questions of your newly discovered (by her) abilities as you and her cleaned up the bloody mess you left on the floor. Enid was still unconscious on her bed with Thing tending to her.
“Would you…like help discovering the extent of your abilities?”
“No…I’d imagine that would hurt quite a bit.” You raised an eyebrow at the girl's seemingly eager tone.
“We could start off slow. See if you leave any scars from cuts before we jump back to dismemberment.”
“Why'd you already have a game plan? Shouldn’t you be more… I don’t know, weary?”
“On the contrary, Y/n. Your new revelation has left me quite excited I must admit. I suggest you take me up on my offer. After all, it is important to your growth to test your own limits.”
“This sounds like we’re moving a bit too fast in a direction I’m not too sure I wanna go yet chief.”
“I’ll be gentle.” Wednesday promised
“Ayo, pause.” you recoiled at her choice of words.
“Pause what?” she looked just a touch confused at your reaction.
“Just…nevermind.” You didn’t want to have to be the one to explain Wednesday’s accidental bedroom talk to her.
“Ok my safe word is “AYO” just so you know.” 
In the end you ended up agreeing to Wednesday’s offer. Now you find yourself strapped to a chair with a tarp placed under you. You and Wednesday were in the Hummer’s shed and Eugene was given orders not to disturb the two of you.
“Also we can just go bury the limbs I end up losing in the forest or you can put them all in jars filled with suspicious viscous liquid…whichever tickles you more. I regrow everything back pretty fast anyways.”
“After my own heart are you?” Wednesday smirked as she snapped rubber gloves onto her hands while standing in front of various sharp pointy torture tools.
“Well, I gotta say. Craziest first date ever. Not even close.”
A/N: And that's that! I'm not dead hurray! Had to take time off because of life but now I'm back. Leave a like and reblog and comment what you guys think. I'll see you when I see you!
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
Alpha’s First Daughter
Summary: You had been on your own for years after escaping the Whisperers. Until you run into a hunter in the woods who's searching for his brother.
The Walking Dead rewrite from Season 9 to Season 11 with you, Y/N, as Daryl Dixon's eventual love interest.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: language, blood,
Chapter 16-
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By the time the sun started to rise, you could see the thick smoke in the distance from the fire in the woods.
Some of the fire had already been put out, but it was still burning. Some people were throwing buckets of water at the fire, others using some kind of makeshift water backpacks and hoses, but most of them were fighting off a herd of walkers that had been drawn into the fire.
"Half work on the fire. The others help with the herd." You heard Siddiq shout above the roar of the flames and growls of the walkers.
Nobody really said anything in response to that. You all just split off into groups and you pulled out your sword and ran towards the herd. The blade of your sword sliced through the heads of the dead, one after the other.
It felt like forever since you were last outside and killing the dead. It was surprisingly nice to do it again, despite the dangerous situation and fire everywhere.
Yanking your sword out one of the walkers, you spun around and took in just how many there actually were before Eugene's voice filled the air.
"Everyone, stay clear of that tree!"
You quickly looked in the direction of his voice to find him pointing towards one of the larger trees that was on fire and making a creaking sound. Yep, best move away from that death-trap waiting to happen.
"Get back!" Daryl's familiar voice shouted.
Jumping back and out the way, you watched as Daryl lined up the tree and threw an axe at the base of it. The axe flew through the air and imbedded into the tree trunk, sending it falling onto the row of walkers, trapping them easily.
You glanced back at Daryl about to ask if he had any more of those axes anywhere before you spotted a walker sneaking up behind him.
"Dixon, duck!" You yelled, pulling out your hunting knife from your belt.
In an instant, Daryl ducked out the way trusting you without having to look as you threw the knife, the blade piercing through the walker’s eye socket.
"What are you doing here?" Daryl suddenly questioned, shocked with your presence as he yanked the knife out the walker and made his way over to you.
"To help. You're welcome." You responded causing him to roll his eyes as he handed you the knife.
"Thanks." He said sincerely and you nodded before turning around and taking out the other walkers.
It took a little while, but eventually the herd was taken care of, and the fire was extinguished.
You helped Siddiq and the new doctor Dante with people that needed help, some injured and others with major smoke inhalation.
"Eugene, let's go." Michonne's voice shouted as you walked back over to the group by the satellite once you had finished helping the doctors take the injured back to vehicles and horse carts.
You heard Eugene say something about needing a couple of minutes as you wandered over to them, but you were more focused on your surroundings. You were in the Whisperers territory, and you didn't want to stay here for any longer than necessary.
"We should excavate and transport this satellite to our vehicles. I believe there may be invaluable technological implications for our communities if I'm able to retrieve any of the useful bits from inside." Eugene explained as you watched him pull one of the panels off the satellite.
"Yumiko, Luke, Magna, everybody, come on. We're helping with the satellite. Five minutes and out." Michonne ordered as she glanced around the area before she spotted you standing off to the side anxiously. "We won't be any longer than five minutes, then we're gone."
You nodded, looking out at the woods just waiting for the Whisperers to show up.
"Y/N, have you seen Carol and Daryl?" Aaron questioned walking over to you.
Daryl was just here a second ago, where did he go?
"Not sure, maybe he's helping take the injured back to Oceanside?" You suggested, looking over at him, but Aaron just shrugged his shoulders.
You helped the others carry parts of the satellite back to the horse carts and as Michonne said, five minutes later you were all heading back to Oceanside. However, Carol and Daryl were nowhere to be seen.
Oceanside was a nice community. It was better than you had imagined after all the times Daryl had talked about it back when the two of you were living in the woods. It was beautiful and full of badass women which just made it 1000 times better.
"Y/N, you're here!" Judith's voice suddenly shouted.
You stopped where you were walking and turned to find the young girl with her brother and Dog following behind her.
"Of course, I heard they needed some help." You replied with a gentle smile just as Dog ran up to you, jumping up with his paws on your stomach causing you to chuckle as you patted him. "Good boy."
"I wanted to help too, but Mum wouldn't let me." Judith said in an annoyed tone.
"She's just trying to keep you safe. Don't worry, in a few years you will be out there kicking ass and helping everyone just like your mother does."
That seemed to make Judith a little less annoyed about the situation as she nodded.
"One day I can be like you." She suddenly said and it took your brain a moment to process her words.
Be like you? Why the hell would Judith want to be like you when there were so many other and better women role models she could choose from? Including her own mother.
"Why do you want to be like me? I'm nothing special, kiddo." You replied, but Judith quickly shook her head before RJ started talking.
"Judith has told me a lot of stories about you. I want to be like you too when I grow up." The little boy said with the biggest smile which just melted your heart.
"What stories have you been telling your brother?" You asked curiously, looking back at Judith who almost seem guilty.
"How you fought beside the King and his soldiers against the walkers so he could get his Kingdom. How you saved Uncle Daryl's life when you first met him... How you saved Jesus when the Whisperers first showed up and nearly killed him... umm, how you sacrificed yourself to the Whisperers to try and keep Hilltop safe. How you saved Jesus, Kelly and Connie in the barn from Alpha and tried to save everyone else-"
"I couldn't save the others in that barn... I couldn't even save my own sister. You don't want to be like me."
"But you tried. You nearly died doing it." Judith explained motioning towards the scar on your forehead. "But you didn't give up and that's how I want to be when I'm older. I want to try and never give up, just like you. And just like my dad."
You smiled softly, unsure of how to actually reply to that. Judith liked you for whatever reason that you still couldn't understand, but most of the others at Alexandria didn't like you. You were Alpha's daughter, you weren’t an Alexandrian, but that didn't seem to bother Judith at all.
"How did you know about all those stories anyway?" You asked curiously, but Judith just shrugged her shoulders.
"People like to talk and I like to eavesdrop, just don't tell my mother."
"Your secret is safe with me." You replied before you spotted Daryl and Carol walking out from the woods. "I gotta go. See you guys later."
"Bye." Judith and RJ both shouted as you jogged across the community, Dog right by your side until you reached the two of them.
"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you." You said, stopping in front of Daryl as you looked him up and down for any injuries, but he seemed to be okay. "Where did you guys go?"
Daryl glanced over at Carol with a questioning look which set alarm bells off in your head. Why would Daryl need her permission to answer your question? It wasn’t a difficult question either.
"I wanted to go to the canyon and see if Alpha's horde was back or not." Carol admitted causing your head to snap in her direction.
"You did what?"
"The horde wasn't there though, and Daryl only came with me because he didn't want me to go alone." She quickly said in defence.
She risked going further into Alpha's territory for what? To ease her mind about the horde? If they had been spotted, you were all fucked.
"I can't believe it." You said, shaking your head as a soft chuckle that was borderline hysterical left your lips. "You are a fucking idiot."
"Y/N-" Daryl tried to say, but you cut him off.
"Were you spotted?"
Carol didn't say anything for a moment before she nodded, and you threw your hands up in frustration.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You shouted, taking a step towards her before Daryl quickly grabbed your shoulder, but you shoved his hand away. "If word gets back to Alpha that you were in her territory-"
"Alpha was the one that saw me, she already knows." Carol informed and your stomach dropped.
She knew. Alpha knew.
Your skin turned pale as you took a staggering step back. All the fight and anger in your body vanishing instantly. Your chest pulled tight as you struggled to get air into your lungs, and you knew you were on the brink of a panic attack.
No, this couldn't be happening. Carol had to be lying. She had to be lying because your mother would retaliate if she knew anyone crossed into her land. She wouldn't let it go unpunished, she would declare war and you had already lost Lydia. You had already lost your baby sister to the hands of your mother. You had lost Henry and everyone else in that fucking barn because you couldn't save them. You weren’t strong enough to save them and your mother butchered them all because of you. That was going to happen again, it was all going to happen again.
Suddenly, Daryl was in front of you.
His hands were on your shoulders, and you knew he was trying to talk, his lips were moving, but you couldn't hear anything over the blood rushing in your ears.
Images of Henry's head getting cut off flashed before you.
The way his body toppled to the ground, still twitching as his head rolled onto the floor in front of you. Your sisters ear-piercing screams filling the barn before your mother slaughtered the others.
Everything was replaying through your mind as you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to stop it.
You weren’t even sure when, but you were now on the ground. Daryl was holding you into his chest as you hyperventilated, silent tears falling down your face.
"Hey, hey. Just listen to my voice, okay? I got ya, sweetheart. It's okay, breathe. Just breathe." Daryl whispered into your ear.
"Daryl, I'm sorry-" Carol began to say before he cut her off.
"Don't." He warned, his tone deadly serious. "Just get outta here. I got her."
You were vaguely aware of Carol walking away and after a few minutes your breathing began to even out as you rubbed your eyes with shaky hands.
"Shit." You sighed, realising that you just had a full on break down in the middle of Oceanside.
Great, that was just fucking perfect. As if these people didn't think you were bad enough as it was.
"Hey, it's okay. Nobody is watching." Daryl whispered like he could read your mind.
You glanced around the community, and he was right, nobody was giving the two of you a second look except for Connie. She was standing off to the side talking with her sister, but she kept glancing over at you with a worried look.
You caught Connie's eye for a moment from across the community as she signed 'are you okay?' and you nodded, but it was clear she didn't believe you.
"I'm sorry." Daryl whispered, bringing your attention back to your boyfriend who was still holding you.
"It's okay, I think... I think I'm going to head back to Alexandria."
You were already standing up and getting out Daryl’s arms before he had the chance to say anything. You rubbed your face with your hands, trying to get rid of any evidence of what just happened.
"Y/N, wait.” Daryl quickly said, grabbing your shoulder gently. “Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." You replied, although the roughness in your voice gave away your lie.
"Ya ain't fine. That was a panic attack and-"
"I said I'm fine." You said, raising your voice a little too loudly, but you didn't care.
Daryl opened his mouth to argue, but you didn't give him the chance before you turned around and walked off.
The following day, Alpha retaliated for crossing into her territory.
Waves after waves of walkers descended upon Alexandria. No matter how many you killed, they just kept coming.
Over 44 hours later, they were still coming. Until, a lone Whisperer showed up at the gate and announced that Alpha wanted to meet.
Michonne wasn't sure what to do, so she called a community meeting which was why you were all crammed inside a large building, but it didn't seem so large with everyone inside.
"Is this your mother?" Michonne asked, breaking the looming silence in the room. "Why does she want to talk to us?"
You looked over at her from where you were sitting at one of the tables, noticing everyone else in the room also now looking at you.
"You crossed into her land. Again. What did you think was going to happen?" You asked, looking around at everyone. "You have to answer for that." You added.
"We don't have to do anything. We could just not go." Aaron responded from where he was sitting at the front of the room with the rest of the council.
"That's a bad idea." Someone else commented.
"We're already under attack." Dante pointed out.
"Yeah!" The whole room practically shouted, but you shook your head.
"I don't even know if this is her. If Alpha wanted you dead, she'd send the horde. All of it, not just a few waves at a time."
"Maybe she's trying to wear us down first." Carol suggested, looking around at the group, but making a point to not look at you as you glared at her.
If this really was Alpha, this was Carol's fault. If she didn't get spotted by Alpha, this wouldn't be happening right now.
"Or, as I relayed to you all at the beginning of this meeting, there's plausible reason to believe that the satellite and fire-"Eugene began to say before Margo cut him off.
"I don't want to hear about the damn satellite anymore, Eugene! My friends died trying to save yours and ended up with their heads on spikes." She said before standing up from her chair. "The Highwaymen want justice!"
"Yeah!" Most of the people in the room shouted.
Margo grinned, looking at Michonne. "So, all I want to hear from you is that you're gonna take a dozen of us to meet these freaks at the border and that we're gonna take that lead bitch's head off!"
"We cut it off!" Gage shouted, joining in. "And then we put their heads on spikes!"
That seemed to work everyone up as they all began shouting over the top of each other about different ways to kill the Whisperers. You kept your head down, but you could feel Daryl watching you from across the room.
In the end, Michonne and the council decided to send a group to meet with Alpha. A group that did not include you.
You were furious that they wouldn't let you go because they thought you were too much of a risk, but they decided to let Carol go instead of you. That pissed you off even more and to make things worse, Daryl agreed.
So, while the group went to meet with Alpha, you were stuck in Alexandria, helping fight of the waves of walkers that still kept coming.
To your relief, the group returned the following day all unharmed.
Apparently, Carol had tried to shoot Alpha, risking all their lives in the process. You weren’t sure whether to be pissed at her for that, because she could have gotten Daryl hurt, but at the same time, you knew you would have tried to kill Alpha too if you were there.
But what did annoy you was that the following few days after, Carol had been locking herself away from everyone. She'd mostly stay in her room and Daryl would bring her food and water every few hours.
You didn't want to be the jealous girlfriend, but Carol was taking up so much of Daryl’s time. You were starting to feel like he had forgotten about you, which was ridiculous, but you couldn't help it. Daryl slept next to you at night, not Carol. Daryl kissed you, not Carol. So why were you jealous that he was trying to help his friend? It didn't make any sense, but you couldn't help the feeling.
The following morning, you woke up earlier than you would have liked, but you couldn't fall back to sleep no matter how hard you tried. Daryl laid beside you on the fold out couch that the two of you shared in the basement of Michonne's house. Dog and Ace were curled up on the mat beside the bed, fast asleep.
Carefully, you crawled out of bed, untangling yourself from Daryl's arms and the blankets before you changed into your jeans and tank top. You tied your flannel around your waist, unsure what the temperature was outside and not wanting to come back inside and risk waking Daryl if you wanted to put it on.
Ace and Dog both woke up, hearing your belt click as you clipped it on, double checking your hunting knife was strapped to it, along with your handgun on your hip which only had a couple of bullets left in the magazine. But you were saving them for an emergency.
You glanced back at Daryl, making sure he was asleep as you grabbed your sword, throwing it over your back before you walked out the room.
Ace followed without you having to say a word while Dog chose to remain by Daryl as you walked out the house.
Alexandria was quiet this early in the morning. The sun slowly rising above the walls of the community as you wandered down the street aimlessly, unsure of what to do while Ace walked beside you.
As the minutes ticked by, the residents of Alexandria began to awaken, but whenever they saw you walk past, they'd give you dirty looks. It wasn't like you weren’t used to it, they had been doing it for months now, but you just couldn't deal with it this morning.
So, you took Ace and the two of you sat on the grass between all the blankets hanging on clothes lines, blocking you from the Alexandrians that hated you.
This little spot had become your safe haven. You and Ace came here whenever you wanted to get away from everything and everyone, it was nice and quiet. Well, except for when Negan shows up, then it's never quiet. But it was sometimes nice to have the company.
Ace laid down beside you, resting her head in your lap as you sat there gently patting her.
"You looking for a job, kid?" Negan's voice suddenly asked.
You lifted your head to find him walking over to you with a smile.
"Just trying to clear my head."
"It's the third time this week I've found you here. You keep it up, you're gonna find socks with your name on them." Negan joked, trying to brighten your mood.
You appreciated his efforts, but you weren’t in the mood for jokes either. First with Carol taking up all of Daryl's attention, and all the side eyes from the Alexandrians or more specifically Margo and that Gage kid, you were sick of it.
"I'm just so sick of everything. Of everyone." You admitted, shaking your head.
Negan's expression softened as he walked over to you.
"These people who hate you. The ones giving you the side eye and trying to start shit, just ignore them-"
"I'm not just gonna smile and take it." You responded, looking down at Ace in your lap as you continued to pat her.
"I didn't say that. But, I also didn't say run and hide."
"You think I'm hiding?" You asked, looking up at him.
Negan shrugged his shoulders. "Well, you sure as shit don't come here just for my company or advice. I mean, look at me. When I'm not stuck in a cell, I'm working under supervision."
"Don't sell yourself short, Negan." You replied, causing him to look at you in surprise. "But, I'm kinda desperate, so what advice do you have for me that doesn't result in getting locked up in a cell?"
Negan chuckled, shaking his head before he knelt down beside you.
"Look, all those people, they're trying to get a reaction out of you. They wanna see you upset. Don't give that to them. Screw them."
You opened your mouth to reply, but didn't get the chance before Daryl suddenly barged his way through the hanging blankets.
"Let's go." He ordered, his voice dangerously low as he looked down at you and Negan sitting together angrily.
You shook your head, "I'm good."
"Now." He ordered more sternly, but that didn't do anything except piss you off even more.
You stood up, resting your hands on your hips as you glared at him.
"No. You're not the boss of me."
Daryl's expression hardened, but before he could say anything, Negan quickly stood up too.
"She is just trying to fit in." Negan tried to explain.
Daryl glanced over at Negan, his posture turning more tense as he stood up taller and took a step towards him.
"Well, that ain't ever gonna happen if she hangs out with you, now, is it?" Daryl growled.
He stared at Negan for a moment before he turned around, grabbing your arm and walking off.
Ace quickly followed as Daryl pulled you away from Negan before you yanked your arm free from his grasp and stormed off down the street.
"Y/N, wait." Daryl called out, jogging after you.
"We were just talking." You said, stopping in your tracks and turning to face him.
"He ain't your friend."
"He gets me." You said, but Daryl shook his head.
"Ya know all the shit he's done. I've told ya why he's in that damn cell. He doesn't get you. He's a murderer, Y/N." Daryl explained, but now it was you who was shaking your head.
"Yeah? Well, guess what? So are we!" You snapped, before turning around and walking off.
"Just stay away from him!" Daryl yelled, but you ignored him and kept walking.
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confesspinkfloyd · 11 months
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I am so obsessed with the song Careful With That Axe, Eugene, and I hate when people ask me what my favorite song is cause I don't want what is essentially screaming to them.
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Dream Theater - Octavarium - HQ
I never wanted to become someone like him So secure content to live each day just like the last I was sure I knew that this was not for me And I wanted so much more Far beyond what I could see So I swore that I'd Never be someone like himSo many years have passed Since I proclaimed my independence My mission My aim And my vision So secure content to live each day like it's my last It's wonderful to know that I could be Something more than what I dreamed Far beyond what I could see Still I swear that I'm Missing out this timeAs far as I could tell There's nothing more I need But still I ask myself Could this be everything? Then all I swore That I would never be was now So suddenly The only thing I wanted To become To be someone just like himA doctor sitting next to me He asks me how I feel Not sure I understand his questioning He says I've been away a while But thinks he has cured me From a state of catatonic sleep For 30 years where have I beenEyes open but not getting through to meMedicate me, infiltrate me Side effects appear As my conscience slips away Medicate me, science failing Conscience fading fast Can't you stop what's happeningA higher dosage he prescribes But there's no guarantee I feel it starting to take over me I tell him not to be ashamed There's no one who's to blame A second shot, a brief awakening I feel the relapse, can't break freeEyes open but not getting through to meMedicate me, infiltrate me Side effects appear As my conscience slips away Medicate me, science failing Conscience fading fast Can't you stop what's happening?Sailing on the seven, seize the day, tripper diem's ready Jack the ripper, Owens Wilson, Phillips and my supper's ready Lucy in the sky with diamond Dave's not here, I come to save the day for nightmare Cinema show me the way to get back home againSpinning round and round (Looking outward, reaching in) Scream without a sound (Leaning over, crawling up) Stumbling all around (Losing my place only to) Find I've come full circleFlying off the handle With careful with that axe Eugene gene the dance machine Messiah light my fire gabba gabba Hey hey, my my generation's home againSpinning round and round (Looking outward, reaching in) Scream without a sound (Leaning over, crawling up) Stumbling all around (Losing my place only to) Find I've come full circleOur deadly sins feel his mortal wrath Remove all obstacles from our path Asking questions, search for clues The answer's been right in front of you Try to break through, long to connect Fall on deaf ears and failed muted breath Loyalty, trust, faith and desire Carries love through each darkest fire Tortured insanity, a smothering hell Try to escape but to no avail The calls of admirers who claim they adore Drain all your lifeblood while begging for more Innocent victims of merciless crimes Fall prey to some madmen's impulsive designs Step after step we try controlling our fate When we finally start living it's become too lateTrapped inside this Octavarium Trapped inside this Octavarium Trapped inside this Octavarium Trapped inside this OctavariumWe move in circles Balanced all the while On a gleaming razor's edge A perfect sphere Colliding with our fate This story ends where it began
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Cast your mutuals as Easy Company >:)
Ooh, thank you Anon!! This is gonna be so fun!!
(I have a lot of mutuals so the cast list will be under the cut for the sake of convenience!)
(Also, I'm so sorry in advance if I forgot anybody!! My PTSD has really fucked up my memory so this was just off the top of my head💀)
In No Particular Order:
♥ Dick Winters ~ @iambasilgnome You are the most dedicated & on-top-of-things person I know & if anyone has the makings of our fearless leader, it'd be you! Not to mention, Dick is soooo much funnier than we give him credit for! (Was this also an excuse to write your URL? Yes, yes it was. 😆)
♥ Lewis Nixon ~ @lieutenant-speirs Snarky, self-destructive king fighting his demons & forging lifelong bonds of friendship along the way! Speaks for itself 🤌🏼
♥ Bill Guarnere~ @latibvles The chaos is unparalleled & you never fail to make everyone laugh but also, like Bill, you are extremely talented at what you do & great at bringing people together!! Also those specifically Northern vibes 🤌🏼
♥ Eugene Roe ~ @softguarnere You are the sweetest, most caring soul who is always there to lend a supportive ear & a helping hand, but you also won't hesitate to speak up when necessary!
♥ Babe Heffron ~ @mccall-muffin You are always so full of positivity & are absolutely hilarious! So full of love & loyalty, you make everyone feel like they're your best friend!
♥ Carwood Lipton ~ @holdingforgeneralhugs You are so warm & kind & such a vital part of the fandom but you consistently underestimate your own contributions!
♥ Ronald Speirs ~ @brassknucklespeirs You come off as intimidating at first but when you begin to open up, we get to see the heart of gold underneath!
♥ Don Malarkey ~ @indigo-luvers You're both talkative & sensitive, working through trauma, natural leaders who needs to take care of themself too!! It just made sense to me
♥ Skip Muck~ @bellewintersroe The natural choice as you're both exuberant, upbeat, & generous to a fault with a fantastic sense of humor!
♥ Skinny Sisk ~ @chaosklutz Dude was literally chaos incarnate & I respect that about both him & you for that 🤣🤌🏼
♥ Buck Compton ~ @hxad-ovxr-hxart You both attract friends super easily but also have a tendency to get drained bc you're a sensitive soul who cares a lot about what goes on around them!
♥ Shifty Powers ~ @aerokriegs So kindhearted & far too modest when it comes to your abilities!
♥ Smokey Gordon ~ @sleepisforcowards Both of y'all are sweet, funny, & extraordinarily creative! The vibes are immaculate tbh
♥ George Luz ~ @parajumpboots Literally so many fantastic memes cross my dash because of you, pls consider this my thank-you note 😆
♥ Harry Welsh ~ @wwhatev3r You are so kindhearted, down-to-earth & dedicated to those you care about but you're also absolutely Hilarious, primarily in a sarcastic way!
♥ David Webster ~ @vibing-away Literally so nice & I feel like you definitely have at least one (1) cool shark fact!
♥ Ralph Spina ~ @ourmiraclealigner So apparently Spina was only a Private when he became one of the medics so like you, dude had A LOT on his plate but still managed to make it all work somehow!
♥ Floyd Talbert ~ @auroralightsthesky Floyd is not only a sweetheart and super friendly but also a smut king & an animal lover so I see it!!🤌🏼
♥ Frank Perconte ~ @ax-elcfucker-blog Hilarious but also sweet, chaotic good vibes!!
♥ Johnny Martin ~ @rogue-durin-16 Literally such a cool person with a unique sense of humor! Too cool!
♥ Alton More ~ @multifandomlover01 You seem super cool & really nice but alas, I am Shy-ish & keep forgetting to introduce myself 💀
♥ Pat Christenson ~ @cody-helix02 You're both very artistically-gifted and creative; idk, I just see it!
Thank you so much for the Ask, Anon!! 💖
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more-relics · 1 year
helloooooo, if you don't mind me asking, what incident are you talking about? what's the story? i'm super curious!
i'm talking about this caption -> https://www.tumblr.com/more-relics/621544966507921408/cwtae-opening-the-show-possibly-to-avoid-similar?source=share
Live At Santa Monica, Civic Auditorium October 23 1970. Annoying dude tries to imitate Roger's screams in Careful with that Axe, Eugene. He got what he deserved some incredibly loud effectively dynamic bass/guitar lines and screams. Hopefully he saw God and wander in the desert ever since!!! Following year 1971 October 16th, same venue, they opened the show with cwtae, rather unusual (maybe they had a plan)
The worst thing to happen in a gig if you cannot listen to your fave piece, espesially Roger whispering quadraphonic
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cyarsk52-20 · 10 months
14 rock and metal songs that are legitimately terrifying
From Pink Floyd to Rammstein, these bands have seriously freaked out their fans…
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October 28, 2021Words:Kerrang! staff
When we decided to ask the internet recently, ‘What is the scariest song that you have ever heard?’, we were met with quite the mixed response. Some smart-arses jokingly referred to tracks by the likes of Cliff Richard, Aqua, Celine Dion and Justin Bieber, while others took the question much more seriously (thank you – we appreciate you people), and revealed the horrors they experienced diving into rock and metal bands’ dark sides.
Whether it’s the gruesome lyrics and disturbing subject matter, the way in which the words are actually delivered, or simply just some creepy-as-hell instrumentation, there’s plenty of music out there that doesn’t simply just increase the heart rate and causes hair to stand on end, but is nigh-on impossible to listen to.
So dive in – if you dare…
Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath
Peter via Facebook: “Put that song on while all alone in a cabin in the middle of the deep woods a dark rainy night in November…”
Slipknot – The Virus Of Life
Laura via Facebook: “Scariest, making you uncomfortable as hell: The Virus Of Life. It creates an atmosphere, everything is wrong: the lyrics, the melody, the screams… I love it but god does it make me uncomfortable and sick.”
Korn – Daddy
Kïrstïn via Facebook: “Probably the most fucked up song I’ve ever heard yet so heartbreaking at the same time.”
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Slayer – Dead Skin Mask
Jskellington07 via Twitter: “Actually scared me the first time I listened to it, I was home alone and blasting Seasons In The Abyss for the first time and this little girl’s voice came through the song and scared me, I actually stopped the song as it scared me so much!!”
Megadeth – Sweating Bullets
Weston via Facebook: “First time as a kid hearing Sweating Bullets by Megadeth gave me chills. The video didn’t help either.”
Nine Inch Nails – Closer
Maksymilian via Facebook: “Closer by Nine Inch Nails. This disturbing tune and the lyrics always give me chills.”
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Guns N’ Roses – Civil War
Lotto via Facebook: “I told my younger brother that the opening guitar part to Civil War by Guns N’ Roses was the song you hear before you die, so I used to play it on my acoustic guitar in his room while he was sleeping. Wish I’d had a video of the freakouts.”
Faith No More – Jizzlobber
tavisallen via Instagram: “Jizzlobber by Faith No More off of Angel Dust. Every aspect is scary: the sampled intro, the dissonance in the keyboards, the brutal drumming, the chord progression, the bass fills, the lyrics and how they are delivered, and the organ/choral ending.”
Rammstein – Wiener Blut
schoof.rita via Instagram: “Wiener Blut by Rammstein because of Till’s voice and creepy atmospherics of the song.”
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Every Time I Die – Moor
Brandon via Facebook: “More so creepy and unnerving than scary, but still. Moor by Every Time I Die. Can’t remember the last time something sent shivers down my spine like that song did the first time I listened to it.”
Suicide Silence – And Then She Bled
Joe via Facebook: “No lyrics, just an instrumental with the phone call from the lady whose friend was attacked by a chimpanzee and her face was ripped off lol.”
Avenged Sevenfold – A Little Piece Of Heaven
Cris via Facebook: “Watch the whole music video and listen to the lyrics itself. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the typical creepy thing, it’s more than that and much more serious. The riffs are quite good and the rhythm of the song made it scary asf.”
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Mr. Bungle – Dead Goon
Aaron via Facebook: “Dead Goon by Mr. Bungle. Hands down. Loved Bungle since age 12, and that song in particular sounds like circus music from hell.”
Pink Floyd – Careful With That Axe Eugene
RichMyself via Twitter: “There is a scream in the middle which curdles my blood every fucking time.”
Read this next:
Slipknot: The inside story of Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)
The 20 greatest Korn songs – ranked
The darkness and despair behind The Downward Spiral
Check out more:
Nine Inch NailsSlipknotGuns N' RosesAvenged SevenfoldEvery Time I DieMr. BungleKornSuicide SilenceRammsteinBlack SabbathSlayerFaith No MoreMegadethPink Floyd
Sent from my iPhone
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studentofetherium · 11 months
penny for your thoughts?
it's interesting to me how progressive rock has a reputation for overly long songs, yet a lot of prog bands during the genre's peak in the 70s didn't actually jam a lot. when songs are that tight and complicated, there isn't much room for adding new aspects, especially compared to, say, the kind of folk songs that Grateful Dead would play. Yes kinda have to play the same version of Roundabout every night because they don't really have it in them to do something different. you can also see this in the way that Pink Floyd's live shows went from loose and improvise to tight and controlled around the time that they started practicing the Dark Side of the Moon material. Cymbaline, The Embryo, and Careful with that Axe, Eugene were out, replaced with playing full albums rather directly. of course, this isn't to say that there wouldn't be any improvisation, but it was more limited in what it could do
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bondshotel · 9 months
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September 15, 2008 - Richard Wright / Rick Wright (b. July 28, 1943) died at home, of an undisclosed form of cancer, aged 65.
Wright was a pianist and keyboardist; he grew up in Hatch End, North London and is best known for his long career with Pink Floyd. Although he wasn't really credited as a singer, he frequently sang background and occasionally lead vocals onstage and in the studio with Pink Floyd most notably on "Time", "Echoes", "Matilda Mother", and "Astronomy Domine", as well as notable harmonies on"Chapter 24" and "The Scarecrow". Examples of his early compositions include "Remember a Day", "See-Saw", "Paint Box" and "It Would Be So Nice". He also wrote significant parts of the music for classic albums such as Meddle, The Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here, as well as for Pink Floyd's final studio album The Division Bell. His instrumental compositions include "Cirrus Minor", "Interstellar Overdrive", "A Saucerful of Secrets", "Careful with That Axe, Eugene", "One of These Days" and to musical themes for film scores.
Bandmate David Gilmour said:
“No one can replace Richard Wright. He was my musical partner and my friend. In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick's enormous input was frequently forgotten. He was gentle, unassuming and private but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognised Pink Floyd sound. I have never played with anyone quite like him. The blend of his and my voices and our musical telepathy reached their first major flowering in 1971 on 'Echoes'. In my view all the greatest PF moments are the ones where he is in full flow. After all, without 'Us and Them' and 'The Great Gig in the Sky', both of which he wrote, what would 'The Dark Side of the Moon' have been? Without his quiet touch the album 'Wish You Were Here' would not quite have worked. In our middle years, for many reasons he lost his way for a while, but in the early Nineties, with 'The Division Bell', his vitality, spark and humour returned to him and then the audience reaction to his appearances on my tour in 2006 was hugely uplifting and it's a mark of his modesty that those standing ovations came as a huge surprise to him (though not to the rest of us). Like Rick, I don't find it easy to express my feelings in words, but I loved him and will miss him enormously.”
Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason told Entertainment Weekly:
“Like any band, you can never quite quantify who does what. But Pink Floyd wouldn’t have been Pink Floyd if [we] hadn't had Rick. I think there’s a feeling now – particularly after all the warfare that went on with Roger and David trying to make clear what their contribution was – that perhaps Rick rather got pushed into the background. Because the sound of Pink Floyd is more than the guitar, bass, and drum thing. Rick was the sound that knitted it all together... He was by far the quietest of the band, right from day one. And, I think, probably harder to get to know than the rest of us... It's almost that George Harrison thing. You sort of forget that they did a lot more than perhaps they’re given credit for.”
Former bandmate Roger Waters' website was replaced with a photograph of an array of candles and poppies against a black background; one of the screen images used for the song "Wish You Were Here" in his "Dark Side of the Moon Live" Tour.
Waters issued a statement:
“I was very sad to hear of Rick's premature death, I knew he had been ill, but the end came suddenly and shockingly. My thoughts are with his family, particularly [his children] Jamie and Gala and their mum Juliet, who I knew very well in the old days, and always liked very much and greatly admired. As for the man and his work, it is hard to overstate the importance of his musical voice in the Pink Floyd of the '60s and '70s. The intriguing, jazz influenced, modulations and voicings so familiar in 'Us and Them' and 'Great Gig in the Sky,' which lent those compositions both their extraordinary humanity and their majesty, are omnipresent in all the collaborative work the four of us did in those times. Rick's ear for harmonic progression was our bedrock. I am very grateful for the opportunity that Live 8 afforded me to engage with him and David [Gilmour] and Nick [Mason] that one last time. I wish there had been more.
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protoslacker · 2 years
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Wondering about the use of being old
Yesterday I read an essay by Kalamu ya Salaam, Killing Floor Blues. He is an elder I respect, The essay made me think of my age and times. I recalled that the car I drive is older than a bunch of people I work with. I”m pretty sure I don’t know how they think of time, but fairly sure they think I’m old.
I thought of the car on the cover of Hot Tuna’s 1972 album “Burgers.”  I didn’t konow what kind of car it was. It was a 1940 Buick. In 1972 the car looked antique to me, and I suppose it was. But thinking back 30 years this  Two-Tone Turbo - Buick Grand National doesn’t look so old. A film released in 1970, Zabriskie Point, features a 1952 Buick Special. When I saw the movie circa 1974, the film itself seemed very modern and the car old. But the car was of more recent vintage then than the car I drive now. 
Time a matter of perspective, of course, but clearly my perspective is wack when I think of Careful With That Axe Eugene as “new music.”
A friend on Facebook embraces her status as a lesbian elder. I applaud her because she provides an important and genuine link for young people now. 
“Be yourself” is good advice most of the time.  But “telling the truth isn’’t always easy.” was came to mind reading a spread in GQ, Jerrod Carmichael's 12-Step Truth Program. What is so interesting is how Carmichael composed his show in front of people. It didn’t seem to me so much a matter of hiding his “truth” but a more collaborative effort of discovering what is meaningful and memorable for others.
Perhaps there are stories in me that may be so. Anyhow, I still want to be of some use.
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ravenrose18 · 5 months
My Personal Savior
Chapter 21- Frozen Liberation
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Negan smiled a little when he felt her hand touch his back. Even though he was still worried about her, he hesitantly draped the blanket back onto his shoulders, wrapping it around himself again. He wouldn't have cared to trudge through the snow in just his blue coveralls and jacket if it meant that she could warm up, but he trusted her judgment. Negan listened to what she said, which was a little difficult given how loud the winds were blowing. However, he could understand the last part clearly. Negan laughed, his breath visible in the air as if he were exhaling smoke. "No one's gonna kill me. Not with you back there, little miss battle-axe." He teased. He didn't mean for it to be taken offense, he was just trying to get her back for calling him old. The cabin finally began to come into sight through the white haze, before they were eventually standing just outside of the door. Gabriel pushed open the door and led the way inside, immediately beginning to pat off the snow from his clothes. Negan followed behind him into the cabin, his eyes glancing around at everyone. There were a few people inside. The most noticeable were Eugene, Siddiq, Rosita, Gabriel, Judith, and a couple of others he didn't know the names of. They all glared daggers towards Negan, who didn't seem to care all too much. "Well, hello to you too." He spoke, a smile on his face. "I thought you said you were just getting Raven.." Rosita grumbled, taking a disapproving glance over at Gabriel. "I said I was getting both of them. I'm not leaving anyone behind. Prisoner or not." Gabriel spoke. Further into the cabin was a small bed. It had a long chain with a single shackle attached to it, presumably meant for Negan. Negan looked at the chain and sighed, reluctant to move closer to it. He didn't want to be chained up like some rabid dog. He wanted to be free like the rest, but he knew that wasn't going to happen. Not yet at least. Raven looks around at the people and glares at Rosita and is surprised that she cares about her after all she has done to her. "Wow, Rosita, you give a shit about me after what you did to me." She says as she steps away from behind Negan puts her knife away and glares at her. She glances at everyone around her she doesn't have an issue with anyone but Rosita, she walks towards the bed that has a shackle and chains to it she sighs glances around, and then looks up at Negan "I'm sorry Negan." She says softly to him, making sure nobody else hears her. As she stands against the wall, leaning on it.
Rosita exhaled softly, before putting her attention on Raven. "You mocked a man's death. A man who was very close to me. I was grieving and you dared to look me dead in the eye and taunt me about it. I know what I did in that cell was horrible, but don't act like I'm one hundred percent in the wrong, because you had your part in it too." She snapped. Negan had his eyes on Rosita now, watching to make sure she didn't make any sudden moves towards Raven. He was prepared to defend them in case anything made him feel like either he or Raven were in danger. However, when Raven began to walk, his attention was drawn away, for he moved alongside her. When they got to the bed, Negan sat down on the mattress. He didn't struggle in the slightest about being cuffed. He just let it happen. "It's okay." He whispered back, a flash of a reassuring smile appearing on his lips for a brief moment. The others seemed to relax when they saw him wearing the restraints, knowing he couldn't harm them as long as they didn't go anywhere near. He wouldn't have harmed them in the first place, but because of all the things they'd heard, they believed he was ruthless and barbaric.
Raven leans against the wall crosses her arms and looks down she has her hood up on her jacket that was underneath Negan's jacket she shakes her head knowing that she and Rosita will have a problem no matter what happens she did apologize for talking ill bout a dead man that Negan killed but she still holds a grudge on her for what she did to her she still have a nightmares on being in that cell even sometime when she goes down to take care of Negan she has flashbacks sometimes but she keeps it to herself so she doesn't worry Negan. She looks around and glances around frowning. Knowing Daryl isn't there, she looks over at Gabriel. "Hey Gabe, where is Daryl? Please tell me he's not out there in that storm?" She asks him if she hasn't seen Daryl in a while she worries about him sometimes when she is staying in Alexandria she wonders what he does when he's not here. Gabriel looked over to her when he heard his name, rubbing his gloved hands together in an attempt to warm himself up. "Daryl's over at the Hilltop with Michonne. I spoke with them earlier on the radio. They'll be on their way back to Alexandria once the storm passes." He explained, smiling a little. He knew how close she and Daryl were, so he understood her worry. He wanted to make sure that she knew they were safe and sound. After a moment, Rosita briskly walked over to Negan and Raven, before kneeling in front of the bed he was sat upon. Negan didn't budge, still calmly sitting in place as he had been from the start. Rosita reached her arm out, grabbing onto the cuff and giving it a few tugs to make sure it was secure. Meanwhile, Negan took a look around the cabin again, a smirk appearing on his face. "I swear, I have memorized every single inch of this room and it still feels like a party." He spoke, a smile appearing upon his lips. "A never-ending party from hell," Rosita responded, looking him dead in the eyes for a moment before standing up again and walking away, satisfied in knowing the cuff wasn't going anywhere. "I mean, sure, alright, it smells like a damn barn in here and you're all bored shitless, but-" Negan spoke, but was interrupted as a small voice spoke up. "Language!" Judith piped up, staring over at Negan. Everyone turned around to look at Judith before their gaze went back to Negan.
Instantly, Negan stopped in his tracks and fell silent for a couple of seconds. He lifted one of his hands in a type of surrender gesture towards the kid, "Sorry. Sorry, kiddo." He spoke, his voice sincere. He lifted a finger to his mouth briefly, a gentle, silent plea for her to be quiet for a little bit so that the grown-ups could talk. Soon after, he put his attention back onto the others who were standing in front of the roaring fireplace as he began speaking again, "But we've got ourselves a hot little love quadrangle here to entertain us. It's like Christmas to me." He spoke, unable to hide the grin on his face. Siddiq sighed. "Well, maybe they're just as miserable at Aaron's or Barbara's." He spoke up, leaning over and stoking the flame in the fireplace a little to make sure it stayed a steady blaze.]"Gabe, your girl's doc is also your girl's baby daddy, which kinda begs the question, do you ever wonder what the hell is going on in there when she has her 'appointments?'" Negan teased. "You could try to be a little less predictable," Gabriel responded, taking a few steps closer to Negan. Negan placed a hand on his chest, before releasing a dramatic sigh, "Ah, that hurts, Gabe. Truly." He spoke, looking up at him. "You know, we're all grown-ups here, and none of us would ever let that ruin the longstanding friendships and mutual respect we have." "You know what? You're right. That is a very mature attitude, father... not the father." Negan teased, his smirk reappeared on his face as he began to laugh. Gabriel couldn't help but chuckle a little, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Even Eugene snickered for a brief moment. "Is that unpredictable enough for you?" Negan asked, still laughing a little
Raven looks at Rosita and puts her hand on the knife handle on her waistband in case Rosita did anything to Negan or her she glares at her as she steps away and then calms down as soon as she steps away she nods at what Gabriel says she knew Daryl wasn't going to be here but she hasn't seen him in months so she going to worry bout Daryl. She looks over at Judith and smiles as she and Negan interact she can't believe how much Judith has grown she is a little asskicker. She listens to what Negan says she then frowns, and she kicks him in his side, not too hard though, but for him to shut up and remind him what they talked bout in the cell. She didn't want drama to start with Negan even if he was in chains that bug mouth of his can't stay shut for a minute she looked down pinching the bridge of her nose on everything Negan said so she kicked him again just so he could stay silent as she slightly smiles and laughs herself she looks out the window as she leans against the wall she sighs and takes off Negan's jacket and puts it near Negans bed he's sitting on she wants to let her skin breath for a bit as she rolled up her long sleeves and glances down at her tattoos she got with Negan she smiles as she glances over at Negan with love and affection.
Negan had flinched a little the first time she had kicked him, but even then, he couldn't stop himself. He had been in that cell for so long, with the only person to interact with being Raven. Sure, he loved her company, but he couldn't pass up the extra entertainment while it was right here. Luckily, it appeared that he was done with his teasing after the second kick. He stayed silent this time, beginning to barely tap his fingers upon his right kneecap as he stared at the dancing flames ahead. The smile that had appeared on his face faded as he continued to watch its orange glow. Every time he saw a fireplace, he felt like he was right back in the sanctuary. It wasn't long after Raven had been kidnapped that the incident had occurred. When Daryl escaped with the help of Sherry, Dwight had planted the evidence upon the Sanctuary's doctor to spare Sherry's life. In turn, Negan had hosted a meeting with the entire Sanctuary regarding the matter. Originally, he was just going to burn the man's face like he had done to Dwight, but after everything that was happening, Negan saw red. He grabbed the doctor and tossed him straight into their furnace to be burned alive in front of everyone. The moment that the doctor had left his grip, he regretted it, but it was too late. The sound of the man's constant cries of agony, and watching his silhouette toss and turn within the flames as he panicked in his final moments haunted Negan, and he knew it always would. He was still recounting the event, but luckily he was pulled out of his thoughts as Raven stirred beside him. He turned his head to look her way, his smile instantly returning to his face. When she glanced over, he made eye contact with her, his expression matching hers. Judith looked away from the window for a moment and over at the two again, tilting her head ever so slightly to the left as she recognized the look they were giving one another.
Raven looks at him and smiles as she decides to sit down on the floor against the wall near him she grabs his jacket and covers her legs but she feels something in the chest pocket of his jacket she reaches into the pocket and pulls out her necklace she looks at it in shock as tears start to well up in her eyes she can't believe he kept it safe in his jacket pocket she thought she lost it forever. She looks up at him, holding her necklace as a tear slides down her cheek. She feels so happy that she has one of her prize possessions back in her hands she will never lose this necklace ever again. "You kept it in your chest jacket pocket? I didn't even notice." She questions him softly as she near him only for them to hear each other.
Negan watched as she took a seat nearby, before smiling a little brighter as she pulled the necklace into view. "Of course, I did. I had it repaired after I found it in the woods and then put it right back in there. It was my reminder to keep going and to fight like hell until I could return it to you. I thought you already found it or else I would have told you about it." He responded, his voice matching her volume. Upon seeing the tear, Negan's hand flinched as he prepared to wipe it away for her, but he forced himself to stop. He didn't want to do anything to make it obvious about their relationship. Judith, however, seemed to have already had her suspicions, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she just looked back out the window she was standing at.
Raven smiles and wipes her tears away and slightly giggles as she puts the necklace back on around her neck she touches it while it's on her chest where her heart is "I'm never losing this necklace again. I was so heartbroken when I realized it was gone when I was kidnapped I was hoping I still had it when I woke up in that cell but the only thing I had to rely on was our tattoo to keep me going to make sure I didn't give up especially when being in that cell for 80 days straight and some of those days I got to talk to Tara and Carl. Bu it other days, Rosita came down there without Rick and tormented me to threaten to kill me slowly with her knife starting at our tattoo." She says softly as she closes her eyes slowly and looks down, holding her necklace. Think back on those days, she still felt some stinks from the cuts she gave her.
Negan smiled in return, but it faded as he listened to what she experienced in his absence. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I wish I could have gotten to you sooner." Negan felt nothing but utmost pity for her. He knew how much those tattoos meant to her, and the thought that they might be destroyed with no chance of repair must have taken a hard toll on her. He watched as she tilted her head to look at the ground, before softly sighing. After a moment of silence, he began to speak again, his voice remaining at a low volume, "But hey, at least we have each other now. And nothing is going to separate us again. Nothing." A small smile appeared on his face, trying to offer her comfort and reassurance.
Raven looks up into his eyes and smiles softly as she looks at the man she loves with nothing but love and care. "Yeah, we do have each other. I never want to lose you or want our relationship taken from each other. I will defend our relationship no matter what Negan. You will never be a monster to me and I know you are changing for the better I can tell you are like how you used to be before the apocalypse maybe even better and I love you just the way you are. Just that mouth of yours will get you into trouble a lot, so just try for me, please." She says she felt comfort in his words knowing he would also fight for their relationship like her nothing or no one will stop them from being together. Negan smiled more as he listened to her. He couldn't be happier in knowing that she had faith in him. He was trying to be better, but sometimes he would backtrack a little. Of course, that was to be expected, but he was trying. "I love you too, and I'll do my best, boss." He spoke, smirking a little.
Siddiq turned and looked around the room, his eyes landing upon Judith who was still staring longingly out the window. "Jude, don't sit so close to the window." He warned. He feared that debris flying in the wind might break through the window and injure her, or worse, kill her. Judith looked to Siddiq, before taking one last look out at the window and moving away as she was told. Negan turned his head to look at Judith, concern and empathy in his gaze, "You still worried about that mutt?" He asked. Judith walked across the cabin and over to him, before stopping in front of the bed and making eye contact with him. "Daryl told me to take care of him while he helped the Kingdom and Hilltop... I don't know where he is." She spoke. You could tell the poor girl was worried about the dog. She felt like it was her fault that she had lost sight of him, and feared that the poor dog might not survive the weather. Negan stayed silent for a moment before sighing. He knew that no matter what he said, he wouldn't be able to comfort her so he stayed quiet.
A little bit later, Negan's eyes glanced around the room, his eyes holding confusion and slight concern, "Does anybody else smell something?" He asked. "Can you stop being such an asshole?" Siddiq asked, walking up to the fire once again. Rosita too began to look around, furrowing her brows a little. "No, he's right. Something does smell funky in here." She spoke up. A few seconds later, Eugene lifted his head as well. He sat still for a moment, trying to figure out why the smell had seemed familiar. After a moment, it seemed to click in his head for he jumped up from his seat and rushed over to the fireplace. "Get away from there!" He warned. Gabriel and Siddiq didn't have the chance to react to what he said before Eugene snatched them both by the shoulder and jerked them out of the way. As soon as he had done so, the flame erupted out of the fireplace, narrowly missing the three men. Upon seeing the event, everyone worked quickly to put out the fire to avoid the cabin from catching alight, and soon, the fireplace was nothing but smoldering embers. Which was both a good and bad thing. Sure, they had saved the building, but now they were beginning to lose heat.
Once it was safe to do so, Eugene took a flashlight and knelt in front of the fireplace, the stream of light tracing over the black soot that lined the bricks. "Just as I suspected. A chimney flue is completely gunk-ified. What was stinging your nostrils earlier was no doubt a toxic mixture of creosote and H2O," He began, crawling away from the fireplace. He stood back up onto his feet, turning off the flashlight before continuing, "The blizzard's done some tearing and blaring, and the chimney's ventilation capabilities are near to none. It'd be unwise to spark another blaze, lest we plan on ceasing all respiratory functions, aka smoking and choking." Negan smirked as he listened to Eugene ramble on, crossing his arms across his chest. "God, I've missed you, Eugene." He spoke.
Eugene turned his gaze to Negan, a hint of fear shining in his eyes as he stared at him. "Can't say the same." He responded, before hastily making distance between the two of them. Negan shrugged his shoulders and sighed. He had always been good to Eugene. Of course, he had threatened to kill him a few times, but he had treated everyone that way at that time. He felt like it was the only way to keep order. Gabriel, Siddiq, and Rosita gathered together, speaking softly to one another. Even though their words weren't audible, it was clear they were trying to form a plan for what they should do next. Eventually, Gabriel stepped away, gazing upon everyone in the cabin. He clapped his gloved hands together to get everyone's attention, and once he felt that all eyes were on him, he began to speak. "Okay, folks. Contingency plans. We are going to Aaron's house. It'll be tight quarters, but we'll make it work." With that, everyone got up from their seats, beginning to crowd towards the door. Not a single person acknowledged Negan, leaving him cuffed to the bed. Realizing he was about to be left behind, Negan spoke up, "Seriously? Not one of you assholes is gonna untie me?" He asked, lifting the cuff and chain into view. Rosita smirked, her shoulders bouncing once from amusement, "We could tell Michonne it was an accident.." She taunted. However, after a moment, she walked over to him and unlocked the cuff herself. By no means did Rosita like or care about Negan, but she didn't want to face the consequences that would come from leaving Negan to freeze to death.
Raven watches everything that is happening she is afraid of them dying in that cabin if it did go up in flames she wants to make sure she protects Negan and Judith she worried bout her, as soon as the flames were out Eugene explained why they couldn't light another fire and seeing everyone getting up to the door she gets up herself but staying close to Negan she sees them all leaving as looks down at Negan knowing they would've left him there she glares at Rosita on what she said as soon as they unlock his cuff she glares as Rosita walks away she puts her hand over her knife handle ready to strike if she needs to she looks at Negan as everyone leaves she glances at Eugene and Gabriel watching her knowing they she will handle getting Negan to Aaron's house. She puts on Negan's jacket and grabs the blanket and extra jacket she had with her to give to Negan, knowing he needed the warmth, knowing she is nice and warm with her clothing. "Let's get going Negan it's getting bad out there, so we need to get to Aaron's house in one piece." She says as she helps Negan stand up with the jacket and blanket, and everyone walks out of the cabin just leaving them in the cabin she starts walking towards the door.
Upon being given the jacket, Negan looked at her, concern for Raven evident in his eyes. However, after a moment, he seemed to relax. Negan trusted that she knew what she was doing. Negan put the extra jacket on, before wrapping the blanket around him again. "So help me, if you get sick, then Daryl had better take care of you for me... If he doesn't, he's gonna have a hell of a lot more to worry about than some dog." He spoke softly so only she could hear. If he had the option, he'd just do it himself, but he still had his doubts when it came to his freedom. Negan too began walking towards the door, before stepping out into the blizzard. He did his best to stay near the rest, his eyes once more focused on the footprints in the snow. Barely a minute had passed into their journey when Judith had suddenly stopped in place, her head turning towards the sound of something in the distance. Through the roaring, unrelenting winds, faint barking could be heard. Judith's eyes widened as she recognized what it was. "Dog!" She called out, before letting go of the rope everyone was holding onto and fleeing deeper into the white haze that surrounded them. Negan lifted his head as he heard her little voice, his muscles tensing up as he watched her break away from the group. "Judith!" He shouted, desperately hoping she'd come to his call. However, as he watched her silhouette disappear further into the snow, he could tell he was ignored, either intentionally or not. Without an ounce of hesitation, he too broke away from the group, running as fast as he could in the same direction she had gone. He didn't care if he got sick from the exposure to the cold, he just wanted to find Judith and return her to safety before it was too late. It wasn't until Negan had made the initiative to chase after her before others began to do the same, calling out Judith's name as they trudged through the snow.
Raven shakes her head rolls her eyes, and playfully pushes him from his back. See Judith lets go of the rope and runs towards the sound of a Dog barking she watches in worry as she runs after Judith "Judith wait!" She yells as she keeps running after her she notices Negan also running with her to find Judith."Where the hell did she go?! Goddammit that kid, man! Do you see her?!" She yells over the loud wind. She keeps putting her arm up to shield her from the froze bit like wind. "JUDITH!" She screams she needs to find this kid. Daryl trusts her to help watch over her as if she was a niece or daughter of her own.
Negan stayed nearby Raven, doing his best to search for any sign of Judith. His brown eyes looked around, desperately trying to find any sign of the girl. Unfortunately, it seemed that the winds were blowing away the footprints she left behind. Even though Negan thought she was Rick's flesh and blood, he valued the girl as if she were his kid. He didn't want anything to happen to her, especially not like this. "I don't know... No, not yet." He spoke, still trying to look for any sign of her. "JUDITH!" He cried out, beginning to trudge through the snow once again. Unbeknownst to him, shards of wooden debris were flying through the air, narrowly missing his legs sometimes. He had just opened his mouth to call for her again but instead traded his words for a cry of pain as a piece of debris slashed him across the calf. He collapsed onto his side, the freezing snow stinging his skin as he made contact with the ground. Negan lay there for only a couple of moments before beginning to stir, trying to get up and onto his feet again. Even though the pain was shooting through his leg, he was refusing to let the injury hinder him from what he set out to do.
Raven keeps looking around, shielding her face again, and calls out Judith's name again loudly she hears Negan fall to the ground in pain. "Negan?! Are you okay?" She asks as she walks over to him and sees his leg and frowns she grabs his arm puts it around her shoulder and helps him up on his feet "It's okay I got you Negan let's find that girl and that dog." She says as she walks up further into the storm, seeing something in the distance near the wall of Alexandria. "JUDITH?!" She yells. She was worried bout Judith and Negan he's injured, and she needs to get them back into the house for warmth she doesn't want them to die out here.
Negan groaned in pain, but with her help, he got back up onto his feet. "I'll be fine.." He spoke, his face scrunching up as he began to walk once again. His main focus was still on Judith. He didn't care if he was hurt or not, he refused to stop until she was safe and sound. He made sure not to put too much weight on Raven as they moved, not wanting to hurt her. "JUDITH!" Negan called out, his worry growing as the minutes passed. However, he soon caught sight of the figure as well, a flash of hope shining in his brown eyes. He was hoping with every ounce of his being that what they were seeing was Judith, and as they got closer, their suspicions were correct. Judith had taken a rope and tied it into a makeshift leash, putting it around Dog's neck as she prepared to lead him back. However, as she looked around, she quickly began to realize that she didn't know how to get back from there. Her eyes continued to search her surroundings for anything that might tell her how to get back, but she couldn't find anything. Panic was starting to set in as she began to realize the dangerous choice she had made. She might freeze to death out here. Alone. Her heart ached with the thought of how her poor mother or brother would feel if she were to die out here. Or even Daryl for that matter, who would probably blame himself, since she chased after his dog in the first place.
Dog's ears perked as he heard their voices, beginning to whine and bark as loud as he could. He tugged against the leash Judith clutched in her hand, trying to get over to them to get help. Once they got closer, Negan carefully moved his arm off of Raven's shoulder, forcing himself to keep going forward. The injury hadn't caused a lot of damage, so he could still walk if he wanted. It just stung badly. Negan knelt on the ground in front of Judith once he got close enough, before gently wrapping an arm around her and lifting her into his arms. Once he felt she was secure, he forced himself back up onto his feet with a soft grunt, picking up the rope that the dog was attached to as he did so. Negan sighed in relief now that they had Judith, extremely grateful to have found her alive and well. However, as Negan took a look around, his relief began to dissipate. Now he was faced with the same dilemma Judith had. He wasn't sure what direction they came from and how to get back. "Any idea where we came from?" Negan asked, his eyes trailing over to Raven.
Raven looks up at him as she breathes heavily and looks around she grabs Dog's leash and groans in frustration she grabs Negan's hand as she helps guide him back towards Aaron's house she sees a few familiar things around them on whatever she can see through the wind and snow. "Yeah, just keep holding my hand. Don't let go. I got Dog on my other hand. Just be careful and yell if you fall behind because of your injury." She says as she looks up into his eyes and holds his hand tightly as they keep walking and shields her face from the harsh wind.
Negan felt as she took Dog's leash, but he didn't say anything. Although, he was rather thankful that she took some of the work off of him. After was she said, he nodded, before tightly grasping onto her hand in return. He held Judith close to him with his free arm as they began to move again. It felt a little strange to be carrying her again. He still remembered how tiny she was when he had first held her. She had been only two years old then. That day, he had proudly paraded her around through the streets and played with her as if she had been his child. Of course, Judith probably couldn't remember it herself, given how small she had been at the time. Nor had Negan spoken of it to her, since she hadn't asked him anything regarding it. After a little while of the two walking together, Negan finally spoke up as they neared some kind of cabin, "Wait! Let's hold here for just a second." He spoke to Raven, before releasing her hand. Cautiously, he knelt on the ground once again before carefully lowering Judith from his shoulder and propping her up against the side of the building. As he did so, he gently placed a hand upon Judith's cheek, growing rather worried since she hadn't made a peep this entire time. "Hey. Hey.. Are you okay?" Negan managed out between breaths, concern filling his voice. Judith nodded after a moment, her eyes looking up at him. "Yeah. I'm okay." Her voice spoke up. She was freezing but she didn't want him to worry about her.
Negan sighed, seeing straight through her lie. He immediately unwrapped himself from the blanket, taking one of his jackets off as well, and wrapped Judith in both of them. That left him with only the black jacket that Raven had given him before they left the cabin, but he didn't mind. "I know why you're doing this. You're just wanting a little extra Negan time, huh? .. Let me tell you something, kid. That dog. He better poops little golden nuggets. You know what I'm saying?" He teased and joked, hoping to lighten the mood. Once he was done, Judith's eyes trailed over to his injury, before looking up at him again. "Your leg looks like shit." She spoke, her brows furrowing in concern and slight disgust. Negan laughed a little, shaking his head as a smirk appeared on his lips. "Language, Miss Grimes." He teased, gently resting his head upon hers for a brief moment before moving away again. Needless to say, he was pleased that he could use her own words against her, but he pushed his thoughts aside as he turned his attention to his leg. "You noticed huh? Doesn't feel great to tell you the truth." He spoke, beginning to take the black jacket off of himself as well. Once it was off, he tightly tied it around the wound to slow the bleeding. As the cloth tightened around his skin, a cry of agony escaped his lips but it didn't stop him. Once he had finished tying the jacket, he prepared to start moving again.
Raven keeps walking but as soon as they see the cabin she stops and looks at Negan putting Judith down against the cabin she breathes heavily as she holds Dog's leash to make sure he doesn't run off again she sighs and leans against the cabin as well she closes her eyes as she was feeling exhausted from all the walking through the snow she hopes they can get to Aaron's house as soon as possible. She notices Negan taking off the covers she gave him and frowns she knows he's protecting her but she worries about Negan too, Raven hears what he's saying to her and slightly giggles and hears what Judith says and laughs loudly but as soon as she notices him taking off his last piece of coverage from the cold she frowns and shakes her head "Negan no put that jacket back on I can rip a piece of my long sleeve shirt to tie it around your leg. Please put the jacket back on." She says
Negan lifted his head as he heard her call his name, looking up at Raven. He released a sigh, a little unsure if he should. Sure, he was cold, but he didn't want her to lose warmth or damage her clothing because of him. "Sweetheart, I'll be fine. Let's just get to Aaron's." He spoke. "'Sweetheart?'" Judith repeated, her eyes looking between the two of them. Negan froze in place, a look of slight worry shining in his eyes. He didn't mind if Judith knew he was in a relationship, but he also worried about word getting out. Of course, she'd most likely keep it to herself. After a brief moment, he regained composure before looking at her again. "I call everyone that.. Or at least women." He explained. "Yeah, but you don't look the same way at other women as you do here," Judith argued, shifting her body around a little so she could snuggle further into the blanket.
Raven looks at Negan. Hears what he calls her, and then Judith's reaction is that she closes her eyes tightly and groans softly "Look let's just get to Aaron's, okay it's freezing out here." She says holding Dog's leash grabs Negan's hand and starts walking towards the houses she notices Aaron's house from afar she tries to get Negan, Judith, and Dog there as quickly as possible she doesn't want to be in this cold any longer than she has. "We made Gabriel! We have Judith and Dog, but Negan got injured out there. Siddiq, can you take a look at his wound." She says as she gets on the porch of Aaron's house. She's not going to worry bout herself right now and also not worry bout what Judith heard out there as well.
Negan moved with her as quickly as he could, wanting to get back into the warmth. Even though he wouldn't admit it, he was beginning to regret taking off that last jacket. His skin stung, before beginning to grow numb. On the bright side though, it was distracting him from the pain of his injury. Gabriel heard the yelling, his head turning to look at the door. Within a couple of moments, he had opened it up for them so they could quickly get inside. Siddiq too made his way to the door as he heard his name mentioned. Once they had gotten to Aaron's house Negan sighed in relief, already beginning to relax before they had even gotten inside. As soon as he had crossed the threshold he immediately began limping over to the couch. A few people were sitting there, but upon seeing him approach, they all got up and moved away in a hurry without a word spoken. Once the couch was free, he carefully laid Judith down on the cushions so that she could rest and warm up. Negan carefully stood upright afterward, his hand grasping tightly onto the back of the couch for balance. He lifted his leg a little bit off the ground to take pressure off of the injury. Siddiq looked to Judith and then to Negan, before making his way over, reaching for his satchel full of medical supplies that was slung over his shoulder. Upon hearing the sound of someone approaching, Negan lifted his head to look over at him, still trying to catch his breath. "The kid and Raven... Make sure they're okay first." He spoke, his voice stern. Even though it was a demand, his eyes held a look of great concern for the girls. He wanted to know if the two of them were treated and safe before he even considered being treated himself.
Siddiq met his eyes with Negan. He didn't like the thought of taking orders from a man like him, but he found himself swallowing his pride and giving a small nod in response to the request. Siddiq made his way over to Judith first. His hands carefully and gently unwrapped her from Negan's jacket and the blanket, checking her over for any signs of a wound. Luckily, Judith hadn't suffered any injuries. She was just cold, and all she needed was to get warmed up. After concluding, the doctor helped Judith cover up in the blanket and coat again, before he turned his gaze over to Raven. "What about you? Are you hurt?" He asked her.
Raven gets inside letting go of Dog's leash and walks further into the house she falls to her knees with exhaustion heavily breathing and feels her body feeling numb her body starts thawing as they get inside she feels relief as soon as she knows Judith and Negan and the Dog were inside she stays on her knees while Negan gets looked at. She looks up at Siddiq, and she waves to him saying no to her being injured and shaking her head as well. "I'm fine. Just tend to him, please. I'm just tired." She says as she crawls over to the wall and leans against it, closing her eyes and tilting her head up, trying to catch her breath. She feels so exhausted, but she is glad that everyone is okay. She didn't want to be worried bout Negan was her main priority to make sure he was tended to she didn't care if she was hurt or not she was just glad they got inside as quickly as they did.
Siddiq nodded after a moment. He wasn't too sure if she was telling the truth or not, but he listened to her anyway. Besides, he had already planned to check on her again after he treated Negan's injury. Negan still held worry for Raven, even though she said she was okay. He didn't want to see her hurt or sick, and he was a little frustrated that Siddiq hadn't checked on her aside from a single question. Siddiq gently grabbed onto Negan's leg, moving the clothes out of the way so that he could get a better view of the injury. Negan took in a sharp breath as the doctor held pressure on the wound, but he didn't pull away or say a word. He cooperated to the best of his ability. The others stared at Negan as if he were some kind of enigma. As if some miracle had occurred in front of their very eyes as Negan acted on his best behavior for once. While a few seemed excited and hopeful about the change, others were skeptical. They thought that maybe this was all just some elaborate ruse to gain their trust. However, Negan didn't pay the gawking crowd any mind. His brown eyes were on Raven the entire time, a small frown appearing on his lips as he continued to worry about her. Siddiq soon finished up treating Negan's injury, before wrapping it up in a bandage. "There. You'll need to stay off of it for a few days so it can properly-" He began, but Negan didn't care. The moment that the bandage was secure, he began limping over to Raven to check up on her for himself. Siddiq watched as Negan walked away, a disapproving sigh escaping his lips. "So it can heal.." He finished saying, before putting away his supplies and rising to stand on his feet. The features on Siddiq's face held a look that read 'Why do I even bother?'
Raven opens her eyes takes off Negan's jacket and puts it behind her head for a pillow she takes a deep breath trying to calm down she hears Siddiq tell Negan he needs to stay off his leg but she hears footsteps coming towards her. She opens her eyes to see Negan walking towards her she sighs and groans as she shakes her head slightly. "Negan, go sit your ass down and stay off that leg. If you wouldn't listen to the doctor, then listen to me." She says, glancing around, wondering if anybody is caring about what's going on between them or if they are secretly watching as things are going on. She's worried bout Negan and bout anyone finding out bout their relationship
Negan laughed briefly as he listened to her demand. "And what if I don't? Are you gonna tackle a defenseless, crippled, old man?" He joked, a small smirk appearing on his lips before fading again as he looked down at her. Once he got over to her, he placed his hand against the wall, carefully and slowly moving into a seated position on the ground near her. Siddiq too made his way over after a moment, kneeling on the ground next to Raven. "May I check for injuries?" He asked, his hand resting upon his bag. He was prepared just in case she permitted him.
Raven groans at Negan and slightly smiles and then frowns and then looks at Siddiq she sighs and nods to permit him to check her over for injuries even though she never let anybody see her old scars under her tattoos or her most recent scars she got from being tortured years ago by Rosita she has never been comfortable showing her body to anybody even if it was a doctor but it's not like she getting naked for this check-up. She sits up away from the wall and looks up at the doctor she is exhausted she still hasn't slept, but when she does, she gets some hours of sleep. She just wishes she could sleep throughout the night, but she doesn't want to rely on medication to sleep she glances over at Negan and smiles softly, knowing he's going to be okay.
Upon getting the go-ahead, Siddiq began to check her over for any injuries, being as careful and gentle as he could. His brows raised as he saw all the scars she had, his eyes trailing over to her face for a brief moment before looking back again. He could tell that most of the scars were old, and he wanted to ask, but he refrained from doing so. He knew it wasn't any of his business. Siddiq continued to check her over before his eyes landed upon a gash on her forearm. His eyes widened before he quickly began rummaging through his satchel. Negan watched as Siddiq rushed to find supplies, his face unable to hide his anxiety as he got to see her injury for himself. After a moment, Negan turned to look at Raven, releasing a sigh. "You asshole, you said you were fine." He grumbled. Siddiq seemed to ignore Negan's reaction, working to treat her wound.
Raven looks at Siddiq for a brief second and then looks away she doesn't want to be judged for all the scars she has on her body from over the years even though most of the scars are from her childhood, her ex-boyfriend and just her surviving the apocalypse but she also didn't want to get pity from anyone either knowing it would just make her feel worthless and weak by having all those scars. Raven looks down noticing the gash on her arm in confusion wondering how the hell she got the gash from but now that they are inside and the adrenaline is now where off it starts to hurt she was also lucky that it was on the forearm where the tattoo she got with Negan was she glances up at Negan and rolls her eyes "Hey asshole I didn't notice it until now, especially with the adrenaline wearing off and I am fine it's not like I'm used to getting new scars on my body I'm just glad it's on the arm that doesn't have my favorite tattoo on it." She says smiling softly and looking at Negan she shakes her head she knows he is worried about her but it's not like she is going to lose the arm or not be able to use it for a few days like he needs to stay off his injured leg.
@integra1127 @integra1127grimmreaper @jdmorganz @jdm-negan-mcnaughty-blog @justjdm @jdeanmorgan @jwritesfanfics @justjdm @negansource @negans-girl-blog @negans-dirty-girl @negandarylsatisfaction @negangifs @jdm-traash @jdmslut-red @jdmorganstuff @girlwiththenegantattoo @ghostwriter2203 @a-woman-with-claws-and-fangs @naughtyneganjdm @naughty-negan @naughty-negan-clan @naturallynegan @neganbabygirl @fanfictilltheend @neganandjdm @neganappreciation-blog @neganandtonyswife @neganandblake @neganandstevensdoll-blog @savedpeople @sanctuaryforthelost @jdmswh0re @jdms-flat-ass @jdmsimp@integra1127 @integra1127grimmreaper @jdmorganz @jdm-negan-mcnaughty-blog @justjdm @jdeanmorgan @jwritesfanfics @justjdm @negansource @negans-girl-blog @negans-dirty-girl @negandarylsatisfaction @negangifs @jdm-traash @jdmslut-red @jdmorganstuff @girlwiththenegantattoo @ghostwriter2203 @a-woman-with-claws-and-fangs @naughtyneganjdm @naughty-negan @naughty-negan-clan @naturallynegan @neganbabygirl @fanfictilltheend @neganandjdm @neganappreciation-blog @neganandtonyswife @neganandblake @neganandstevensdoll-blog @savedpeople @sanctuaryforthelost @jdmswh0re @jdms-flat-ass @jdmsimp @twdxtrevor @jdmorganstuff @jdmslut-red @jdm-traash @jeffreydaddydeanmorgan @jeffreydeanmorganconfession-blog @jeffreydeanmorgantrash @jeffrey-daddy-morgan @negansource @negans-girl-blog @negandarylsatisfaction @negangifs @sanctuaryforthelost
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swimmingleo · 1 year
leo leo leo leooo HIIIIIIIIIIII, how have you been?🤗
question 1; what's your favourite pf live performance? or which song(s?) do you think they performed the best live?
question 2; are you interested in more pf gender fuckery and silly thoughts?
hiii doin very good first day without a job letsa fuckin gooo anyway my favourite live performance..... one thing for sure is that I consider 'careful with that axe eugene' to be the pinnacle of live pink floyd. it represents their best era from a jammin' pov (before they started fittin' a more ''elevated'' sound), gay porn movie makers were obsessed with it which is fascinating to the gay horror fan in me and also what david said abt the scream: ''roger had discovered letting his pain out'' wow just stab me tf out... most versions are amazing, my fav one is from this bootleg (shit sound tho srry). as for filmed performances this one is just pure cinema!! the focus on nick and roger's dynamic as the rhythm section but also the closest pair in the band is vry special to me. OTHERWISE the 'celestial voices' part in Live In Pompeii is god chanting and the live rendition of Young Lust in the 1980 tour is funky af
2nd of all ABSOLUTELY I AM i could think of the soft gender intricacies of pink floyd as a band in its historical context all day. gimme all you got!! silly thoughts and all!
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brn1029 · 1 year
On this date in music history. And yes…I do have some Glenn Miller albums….
December 15th
2010 - Pink Floyd
Various Pink Floyd items were sold at an Entertainment Memorabilia auction by Bonhams in Knightsbridge London. A demo pressing of the single 'Point Me To The Sky/Careful With That Axe Eugene' sold for £720. Pink Floyd signatures, in various blue marker pens on four separate pieces of paper mounted and framed together with a copy of The Dark Side Of The Moon sold for £624.00 and a demo pressing of the single by Syd Barrett 'Octopus' / 'Golden Hair' from 1969, misspelt 'Barratt' corrected in ink on A-side, sold for £300.
2002 - Elton John
Blue featuring Elton John went to No.1 on the UK singles chart with 'Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word.' Previously a No.11 hit for Elton in 1976. It gave Elton only his 5th No 1 after over 30 years of hits.
1990 - Rod Stewart
Rod Stewart married New Zealand model Rachel Hunter in Beverly Hills. Stewart was quoted as saying 'I Found the Girl that I Want, I won't be putting my banana in anybody's fruit bowl from now on'. They split in 1999. (I guess that it’s any fruit bowl now….)
1973 - Charlie Rich
Charlie Rich started a two week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with the country & western ballad 'The Most Beautiful Girl', the singers only No.1 single, was also a No.2 hit in the UK.
1969 - John Lennon
John Lennon played what would be his final ever gig in the UK when he appeared at The Lyceum Ballroom, London, with the Plastic Ono Band in a UNICEF 'Peace For Christmas' benefit. George Harrison, Eric Clapton, Delaney and Bonnie, Billy Preston and The Who's drummer, Keith Moon also took part.
1956 - Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley gave his final performance on Louisiana Hayride, a live radio program that was broadcast on KWKH in Shreveport, Louisiana. Presley made 50 appearances on the show. At the end of the show, Horace Logan first made the now legendary phrase ‘Elvis has left the building’.
1944 - Hank Williams
Hank Williams married Audrey Sheppard, with the ceremony taking place at a filling station. Their son, Randall Hank Williams would achieve fame in his own right as Hank Williams Jr., who was born on May 26, 1949. The marriage ended in divorce on May 29, 1952.
1944 - Glenn Miller
American big-band musician, arranger, composer, and bandleader Glenn Miller was killed when his aircraft disappeared in bad weather over the English Channel while traveling to entertain US troops in France during World War II. Miller was the best-selling recording artist from 1939 to 1943, leading one of the best-known big bands. In just four years Glenn Miller scored 23 No.1 hits. Miller's recordings include 'In the Mood', 'Moonlight Serenade', 'Pennsylvania 6-5000', and 'Chattanooga Choo Choo'.
1943 - Fats Waller
American jazz pianist, organist, composer, singer, and comedic entertainer Fats Waller died of pneumonia on a train trip near Kansas City, Missouri. Waller wrote many songs including 'Ain't Misbehavin', 'Your Feet's Too Big' and 'The Reefer Song'. In 1926 Waller was kidnapped at gunpoint in Chicago and driven to a club owned by gangster Al Capone. Inside the club he was ordered to perform at what turned out to be a surprise birthday party for the gangster. He enjoyed success touring the United Kingdom and Ireland in the 1930s, appearing on one of the first BBC television broadcasts on September 30, 1938
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