#canon nurseydex????
thefrizz13 · 10 months
How do we get this campaign going I’m so serious
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omgpoindexter · 1 year
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i’m spiralling
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zimmerdouche · 1 year
nursey: god i love your mom
dex: you’ve never met my mom?
nursey: not in person. we’re facebook friends tho
dex: what
nursey: i’m in her book club
dex: WHAT
nursey: shannon has excellent taste in literature
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rhysiana · 2 years
to be myself again
Because people seemed interested after this snippet version, the parts that were actually written of the Nurseydex post-canon where Dex inherits a house back in Maine.
Dex stared at the letter, then squinted suspiciously at the letterhead. If this was some elaborate joke, someone was certainly going out of their way with it, because that was definitely the local law firm his family used. Even so, he still looked their phone number up on Google instead of trusting the one on the letter.
Ten minutes later, he lowered the phone and stared at the letter again. He had a house. His great-aunt Dorothea had left him her house.
Still at a loss, he called his mother.
“Was she ill? I didn’t know, no one told me, I could have come up…”
“No, sweetheart, she was just old. It was her time.”
“Did they… did they already have the funeral?”
“Well now,” and here his mother sounded distinctly uncomfortable, “she didn’t really want one. You know how she was about religion. Her instructions said to cremate her and scatter her ashes at sea.”
Of course that’s what she would have wanted. He blinked a few times, then cleared his throat. “Have they done it yet? Dad and them?”
“No, not yet. The season’s been real busy…”
“No, that’s fine, that’s good. I want to be there. I know,” he paused to clear his throat again, “I know what she would want from Beatrice’s garden. They told me.”
“Of course, honey. I’ll tell them to wait.”
“I’ll be there this weekend.”
The house still looked pretty much the same, at least from the outside, Dex thought. Admittedly, the paint was starting to peel, and the yards were hugely overgrown, but it all still… felt the same. Dex’s hand shook slightly as he pushed the front gate open, and he noted distantly that it was starting to hit him that Dorothea and Beatrice were both really, truly gone. He pulled out his pocketknife and concentrated on gathering the flowers Dorothea would have wanted at this time of year, the first blooms of witch hazel and forsythia. He remembered their branches suddenly sprouting from vases and jugs all around the house as soon as winter started to loosen its hold and smiled, despite the occasion.
“Spring is doing her best,” Beatrice used to say, when Dorothea would ask if they didn’t have enough inside the house already. “These are her first efforts at bringing us some color after a long winter, and it would be rude not to appreciate them. Besides, there might be a storm anytime, and they’d be ruined anyway. Might as well enjoy them now.”
Dorothea had done it every spring after Beatrice died. Dex didn’t see why this year should be any different.
He turned and left the garden, shutting the gate behind him again before heading to the marina, like he’d done a hundred times before.
There was no real ceremony or anything. They took the boat out, his dad opened the plain box from the mortuary and took out the bag of ashes, and they all stood in silence as the wind blew the plume out over the water. His uncle Pete took out a piece of scrimshaw he’d done in her memory and tossed it into the boat’s wake, and Dex did the same with the flowers.
Everyone stood around blinking in the wind for a few more minutes after that, and then Dex’s dad cleared his throat and nodded, and they went back. It was, Dex thought, one of the better Poindexter family funerals he’d ever attended.
Dinner that night at his parents’ house felt bizarrely normal, like any number of dinners they’d had when he was still in high school after his brother went to college, except now instead of asking about his grades, his mom passed him the green beans and said, “So she left you the house?”
“Yeah,” Dex said, serving himself, “I thought I’d go over tomorrow and look around. Get an idea of any repairs that need to be made, that kind of thing.”
His dad nodded approvingly and then changed the subject to how things were looking for the Falconers’ playoffs chances, which, Dex supposed, was another sign of change, since in high school it would have been the Bruins.
Lying in his old bedroom that night, he stared at the ceiling and let his thoughts float. He thought about going back to Boston and his job on Monday, about the giant corporate codebase he chinked his projects into one at a time like cogs in a machine, about how he’d had a job and an apartment and all that stuff for years now, but he still didn’t feel particularly adult.
He remembered a conversation in the dining hall at Samwell, Ransom asking why it was so bad to just want to make a living as opposed to needing to have some grand, deeply meaningful career, and how fervently he’d agreed at the time. Now, nearly six years later and already having changed jobs twice, he wasn’t sure it was enough. [stuff about how unstable financial stability still feels, the weirdness of the tech industry, how he’ll never be able to comfortably join a start-up] He felt, if he had to put a name to it, adrift. He was doing all the things he was supposed to, and he wasn’t sure any of it mattered. He’d made it out of his hometown and into a white-collar job with health insurance and a 401k, which had been his goal for as long as he could remember, but it was turning out to be a lot less satisfying as a final destination than he’d thought. He didn’t feel like himself. He didn’t feel like he even knew who that was supposed to be anymore. He’d become exactly what everyone had ever hoped and expected of him, and he honestly felt kind of… nothing about it.
He thought about dinner with his parents, about the ease of being in town today, about how he knew where everything was in a way he’d never really know Boston, no matter how long he lived there, and how that eased a little bit of tension in his shoulders he didn’t even know he carried most of the time.
He thought about Dorothea’s house, and how it was supposedly his now. He didn’t feel like it was, not really, but he also felt like it could be. Maybe.
He fell asleep with all his thoughts still swirling around each other.
He rolled out of bed much earlier than normal the next morning, old habits from the years he spent living in this room apparently having seeped into his pores in the night, but he found himself oddly cheerful as he grabbed some quick toast and coffee in the kitchen and headed out to Dorothea’s house before his mother even made it downstairs.
He paused in the front garden again, absently adding oil for the gate hinges to his mental list of things he’d need to pick up in addition to paint. Then he fished the key from his pocket, took a deep breath, and unlocked the door.
Everything was exactly the same as it had been the last time he’d visited. He reached out to touch the wall beside him, where a sampler hung, perpetually slightly askew from the door opening and closing. He straightened it on autopilot, trying to ground himself in the present, in this new reality where neither of his great-aunts would ever call hello to him from some other part of the house as he came in. He blinked to try to clear the sting from his eyes, and then spotted something that hadn’t been there last time.
There was a letter in the middle of mantel, addressed simply to Will.
Dear Will,
I know my leaving the house to you was probably something of a surprise. I probably should have talked to you about it ahead of time, but you know that’s not really how our family does things. Of course, we don’t really leave letters either, but I suppose living with Beatrice all those years had to rub off on me in some way.
The truth of the matter is this: Of all our various nieces and nephews, you were always the child most of our hearts. It doesn’t really take a genius to figure out why; we always know how to recognize our own, even if we never say it. We were always so proud of you, and watching you grow up into such a capable young man, and then also into yourself. I only wish I could stick around longer, because I know you’ve still got so much to show us all.
I’m going to get maudlin if I continue in that vein. So: The house is yours, to do with as you like. If selling it or renting it out gives you greater independence in your life away from here, then you should take it, because you worked hard for it, and we only ever wanted to see you happy, no matter where you ended up. And if keeping it for yourself, keeping it as a home, knowing that it is yours completely will bring you joy, then I hope you find even a fraction of the love here that I, we, knew.
Know that no matter your decision, you brought some old women joy by being happy here. Keep being happy, kid.
All my (our) love,
Dex sat down heavily on the sofa behind him, placed the letter carefully on the coffee table in front of him, and then let the tears finally fall.
He was in the middle of going systematically through each of the downstairs rooms, (the public rooms, the easier rooms, he told himself, like he hadn’t done most of his living in this house in these very rooms), making a list of things he’d need from the hardware store on some scratch paper he scrounged from Dorothea’s office, when his phone rang. He pulled it out of his back pocket and put it on speaker.
“Hey, Ma.”
“Will! Are you over at the house? You left so early this morning, I didn’t get a chance to ask about your plans. I thought your aunt Peg and I could come over to help you sort things out, see what needs to be done to get the house ready to sell.”
Dex froze and then straightened up from the list he’d been scribbling. He scrubbed his hand through his hair, gritted his teeth, and said exactly what he knew his mother didn’t want to hear. “I don’t think I’m going to sell it.”
“Oh. So… you’re going to rent it out? We still need to go through everything.”
“No, Ma. I’m moving back here. I’m going to live in it.”
“Will!” He heard her set something down on the counter with a bang. “You can’t leave your job!”
“Ma,” he said with a sigh, “I hate that job.”
“But you worked so hard for it. Going to Samwell. All that studying.” All that wasted money, he heard in the undercurrent.
He quirked half a smile, not really sure of the emotion behind it. “I know. But I really do hate it. I think… I think it was something I had to do. I don’t regret it. Certainly not going to Samwell. But I also don’t have to keep doing something that makes me miserable, now that I know. Now that I have other options. That’s why Dorothea gave me the house. So I could figure it out. She told me so.”
His mother let out a shaky breath. “I always thought you hated it here. You couldn’t wait to get away. I didn’t know if we’d done something to drive you away, some terrible thing in your childhood that made you want to leave so much.”
“Will!” someone called from down the aisle at the hardware store.
Dex turned, curious who would sound that excited to see him mid-morning on a Tuesday who wasn’t a member of his family. “Graham?”
“Your brother told me you were back in town!” Graham said, still all bright eyes and sandy hair and an easy smile Dex was always surprised to see directed at him, even though he knew Graham smiled that way at everyone.
“Yup,” Dex agreed, and went back to looking at screws because that was easier than trying to parse the implications of the town gossip network just yet.
“You staying a while?”
Dex turned back to him. “Yeah?”
Graham’s smile got a little bigger. “Awesome! You interested in picking up any shifts at the bar?”
Dex blinked at him in surprise. A job offer was the last thing he’d been expecting from this conversation.
“Robbie’s wife’s expecting, so he doesn’t want to work closing shifts anymore, and when Colin said you were back, well, I already know you’re reliable, yeah? Perfect solution. You know, if you want.”
“Graham, I only worked there for two months one summer.”
“And you were still my most reliable employee that whole time. I didn’t forget how many other people’s shifts you covered on no notice.”
Dex scrubbed a hand through his hair, looked down at the few packs of assorted hardware in his basket, and then blew out a breath. “Yeah, all right.”
Graham clapped him on the shoulder. “You are a lifesaver, man. Come in Thursday? Or is that too soon? You tell me, whatever will work.”
Either Graham really didn’t want to have to break in a new bartender or he was truly desperate, but Dex was honestly starting to run out of things to repair around the house. “Sure, I’ll be there.”
=Ribbit, Ribbit=
DMN: I don’t know why I thought taking my parents up on their offer to housesit during my dad’s transfer to England would be a good idea.
WP: Because it gave you a way to quit that job you hated and write for a full year instead?
CC: Yeah! It was a great opportunity!
DMN: sigh
Now I just sound like the pretentious dick Dex always said I was
But I’m not getting anything done!
Too many people know where to find me.
I need a writing retreat from my writing retreat.
Nursey tossed his phone down beside him and flopped back on the bed, groaning as he pressed the heels of his palms over his eyes. This was the stupidest complaint ever, but just today he’d gotten three invites to go out to, in turn, an art show, a poetry reading, and an open mic night where people read passages from their favorite books. Plus his mother had texted to remind him to go down and get the delivery from the food prep service she swore they’d already been subscribed to before they left, which he knew for sure was a lie, and also their Wine of the Month crate. Since he wasn’t exactly throwing dinner parties for colleagues every couple of weeks, it was getting a little out of control. He’d started stacking them all in the hall closet. He hadn’t managed to write a single sentence.
His phone buzzed again. “What now?” he asked in exasperation and then blinked at what he found.
WP: You could come here.
DMN: To Maine?
WP: That’s where I am now, yes.
DMN: But… why?
WP: You said you needed to be where no one would be able to bother you. I have a spare room now.
Guarantee no one knows you here.
DMN: Except you.
WP: Except me. But I work a lot, as you may recall.
Besides, this was a writer’s house. Might inspire you or something.
DMN: William, are you getting poetic on me?!
Dex left him on read after that for long enough to make Nursey grin.
WP: …anyway, if you want to come, just let me know so I can be there to meet your train. We’re not exactly awash in Lyft drivers here.
DMN: I’ll think about it.
Thank you, really.
Which was how he found himself disembarking in a train station in Maine a week later.
DMN: I’m here. Where are you?
WP: Right in front of you, dumbass. Look up.
Nursey squinted against the sun as he stepped out the door and found Dex leaning back against the hood of a pickup truck, one foot propped against the bumper, mouth pinched in that way Nursey knew meant he was trying not to laugh.
“Seriously,” Dex said, “our train station isn’t big enough to lose anyone in.” He pushed off the truck and enveloped Nursey in a quick back-slapping hug before grabbing Nursey’s bag out of his suddenly nerveless fingers.
Dex looked good and Nursey had not been prepared.
He cleared his throat and tried to pull himself back together. “Hey,” he managed. A good start. He gestured at the truck. “So this is new.” Dex had definitely not been driving a big, solid pickup that looked like someone regularly used it for real outdoor work last time Nursey saw him in Boston.
“Oh, yeah,” Dex said over his shoulder as he put Nursey’s suitcase on the small bench seat in the back of the cab. “Traded cars with a cousin since he needed something that could fit carseats now. Plus I’m doing all this handyman stuff, so it worked out for us both.”
Nursey climbed into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt on autopilot, distracted by watching Dex shifting gears and smoothly backing them out of the parking space. The sleeves of his flannel were rolled up the way Nursey remembered from college, and sunlight glinted off the little red hairs of his forearms. “It suits you,” he said.
Dex looked over at him and smiled the most relaxed smile Nursey had ever seen on his face. “Thanks.”
Then he turned back to the road and the sunlight glinted off something else.
“Oh my god,” Nursey blurted out before he could stop himself. “Are those piercings?”
Dex turned bright red right on cue. “Yes,” he muttered, hands tightening around the steering wheel.
“Since when?” Nursey asked, fascinated.
“Since high school. I just didn’t wear them when I went to Samwell. I found all my old earrings when I was moving the last of my stuff out of my parents’ house, and…” He shrugged, eyes firmly on the road ahead.
“Unexpected hidden depths, Poindexter,” Nursey said lightly, and was relieved to see Dex relax a little.
“Layers,” Dex replied. “Like an onion.”
Nursey barked a laugh at the unexpected Shrek reference and settled back to watch the passing scenery, interspersed with only occasional glances over at Dex.
“Oh my god,” Nursey breathed as they exited the highway and the residential streets of Dex’s town started to appear. “It’s like something straight out of Murder, She Wrote.”
Dex rolled his eyes and signaled a turn. “You’ve been spending too much time around Holster.”
Nursey’s retort died in an inarticulate noise of protest as they pulled into a driveway next to a yard with an honest-to-god picket fence. He pointed to it incredulously. “Tell me Jessica Fletcher does not live here.”
“Nope, just me,” Dex said, climbing out of the truck and snagging Nursey’s bag. “But you can set up a typewriter in the kitchen if that’s what you need to do.”
“Who are you?” Nursey muttered as he followed Dex inside.
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audible301 · 10 months
Listen I do not know what has to happen to get the Check Please TV campaign going but I will make a discord server for it if we need one.
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griffther · 1 year
there’s so many ppl enabling me in the notes of this post, so here enjoy some Thoughts i’ve had about the nurseydex maine road trip so far:
they do a road trip up the coast of maine over fall break their senior year so that nursey can see acadia national park while the leaves are changing
william “acts of service” poindexter decides that it is his Responsibility as nursey’s captain and fellow d-man to become maine’s official tour guide barbie. he plans the entire thing out and even prints them little itineraries and maps and shit because this boy is nothing is not Efficient
nursey makes them stop to see every single lighthouse they go anywhere near just to be a little shit (there are 65 lighthouses in maine, this would take So Long even if you just stopped at like a quarter of them)
the only canonical reference i could find for any actual locations in maine in the comic is that dex said his uncle who owned the lobster fishing boat he worked on over the summers lived in portland
(a side note to the above, i find this hilarious. portland is an pretty solidly liberal urban city - imagine a very small boston - and not somewhere you’re very likely to find small family-owned lobster fishing boats, at least in my experience. it would make way more sense for his uncle to live somewhere like rockland but i digress)
dex is 100% positive that nursey would Love portland so he carves out two whole days of their trip for them to stay with his uncle and explore. they go to the art museum and old port and the port head lighthouse and the top of the world lookout at fort sumner park and all the little shops and hidden places dex had found from living there every summer for years
nursey does end up loving portland but it might be more about the boy that shows it to him
even though his uncle lives in portland, i am still personally convinced that dex’s family mostly lives around the rockland area. i will go on a rant about nursey meeting dex’s close family another time, but while they’re in rockland, nursey continues his dedication to seeing all the lighthouses he can by forcing dex to make the almost mile long trek out to the breakwater lighthouse with him (don’t think about them standing alone next to this little building almost a mile out from land. the wind is chilly and strong and it makes dex’s hair look ridiculous and his cheeks flush and nursey definitely doesn’t want to kiss him ITS FINE ITS CHILL)
dex has them make a detour up to bangor and surprises nursey with going to see stephen king’s house. he doesnt understand why people are interested in looking at some dudes house At All but he does know nursey would love it so he does it anyways. the fence is cool and nursey gets so excited he almost face plants jumping out of the car, so dex counts it as a success
some random places i feel like dex would make them stop at along the way: freeport (nursey is both so confused and so delighted by just Everything about that place, but he loses his mind over the mcdonald’s and the ll bean outlet), ogunquit (dex purposefully takes highway 1 instead of the maine turnpike going towards portland so that they drive through ogunquit and he can see nursey’s face when he realizes they’re driving through the single gayest town he’s ever seen in his life and it’s in southern maine), moose point state park (there are a billion lil state parks in maine but i just randomly like this one in particular idk i think it’s cute), camden hills state park (it’s too foggy when they get there to drive up to the top so nursey makes them go on a hike instead so they didn’t “waste their time.” they get lost within like 10 minutes and are wet from the fog by the time they make it back to the car like 2 hours later), the desert of maine (it’s kinda boring to dex bc he’s seen it a dozen times since he was a kid, but nursey gets enthralled by the science behind it so it’s worth it), cushing (this is where the famous painter andrew wyeth lived at the olson house and was the subject of a lot of his work and i just feel like nursey would have fun seeing this place)
when they eventually make it to acadia, nursey ends up spending like two solid hours just sitting at sargent peak staring out over everything and desperately scrawling out lines of poetry into his notebook (dex spends most of those 2 hours staring at nursey but somehow doesn’t notice that nursey definitely isn’t writing about the scenery)
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alocalband · 9 months
Trying to sort out all of the WIPs I’m currently working on...
This is more for myself than anything, but feel free to chime in and point me towards whichever one you’d like to see sooner rather than later. (word count is a guesstimate)
NurseyDex 3k, Nursey POV, first day back for senior year, first kiss (Edit: I just finished this! so I’ll try to post asap)
NurseyDex 10k, Nursey POV, senior year, Nursey tries to get over his crush on Dex but ends up accidentally dating him without realizing it
Sterek 30k, Stiles POV, post s2 canon-divergence, Magic!Stiles, Rebuilt Hale House, an extremely oblivious Stiles feels left out and thinks that Derek and his pack hate him but really it is very much the opposite
Sterek 15k, Stiles POV, post s3 canon-divergence, soulmates, Stiles goes away to college and Derek starts getting sick, turns out the two things might be related
Sterek 10k, Alternating POV, AU, Derek has a “healthy” distrust of magic and then a very magical Stiles arrives in Beacon Hills looking to be an emissary
NurseyDex 30k, Alternating POV, the slow progression from frenemies to friends to lovers over the course of their junior and senior years
Okay there are way more but I’m attempting to FOCUS (lmao)
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cricketnationrise · 5 months
winter fic roundup
thanks to @indomitable-love, @three-drink-amy, and @cha-melodius for the tags to share my winter/holiday fics <3
Check Please an amount of years later - utter fluff fest of SMH holiday traditions haus 2.0, dec 31 - timestamp fic, NYE the pond, jan 25 - timestamp fic, early morning skating on the first day of christmas... - tango/whiskey, homemade advent calendars ringing in - polyfrogs, NYE getting together (now with a sequel, ringing out) knit one, purl cthulhu - nurseydex, dex is bad at knitting or is he? to dance under sparkling lights - nurseydex getting together, basically a hallmark movie never gonna find me a better day - polyfrogfarm, winter fluff Anything Can Happen - march/april, getting together feat. bitty's pancake mix and snow days
RWRB linden tree, 11:58pm - timestamp fic, NYE, post-canon
no pressure tagging @doggernaut, @wrathofthestag, @the-lincyclopedia, @thoughtsofthegirlwiththecurl, @montrealmadison, @ivecarvedawoodenheart, @parvuls, @xthelastknownsurvivorx, @inexplicablymine, @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and whoever else wants to share their winter/holiday fics!!
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magnetic-rose · 1 year
nurseydex such a slowburn it didn’t even become canon. 🥹
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sweetfirebird · 1 year
Multifandom fic recs!
I mentioned doing a fic recs list the other day, and since I couldn't work on my needlepoint for a while (in which I feel like Mr. Thorton's mother doing her linen embroidering in North & South), I actually did one.
This is a multifandom recs list because it was more fun to just skim through various fandom bookmarks than to do a concentrated list for one show or whatever. Also.. some of these are for fandoms I read in and some are just fics I stumbled across one day, so they could be representative of their fandoms or not I have no idea. {insert shrug emoji here}
These are also all m/m and I think.... fairly cis? I did consider doing some f/f and trans and Rules 63 stuff but uh my bookmarks are a mess. The only fandom where I set aside some genderfuckery aside in any sort of organized fashion is Les Mis with Rule 63 stuff which maybe should get its own post. ? If people wanted?
Anyway, read the tags for each story, etc
Recs across the starboard bow, captain!
Star Wars Rogue One
waaay before the movie. I've recced this before. Chirrut/Baze
A Monk in Good Standing (Must Be in Need of a Bro)
The Eagle
What Big Hands You Have
modern au, Esca is a size queen
From the Depths of His Heart
Canon-era werewolf AU
Canon-era  Esca teaches Marcus to kiss slow
Canon-era gay farmers with some yearning
The Losers
The First Eight Don't Count
Jensen is a cat sometimes. Like a house cat. Yeah it’s weird for him too.
By Daybreak We'll Be Gone
werewolf AU (sensing a recurring trope here lol)
(Obv Arthur/Eames.)
Breaking and Entering
Jeeves and Wooster
Bertie has lost something
Voltron (the… whatever the new cartoon’s subtitle was. Legendary Defender?)
(I know that fandom is a hotbed of strife) but I am not/was not involved in any of that. Yikes.)
the electric synthesized pop ballad of why keith can’t have nice things
a/b/o au... but like... he just wants to be good
The Vorkosigan Saga
This is Ivan/Byerly because that is the only ship that matters
Twenty-Year Man
Ivan's getting older and having some realizations despite himself. Also... side note but... carefully and cynically yearning Byerly is a delight.
Original, historical
Darling and the Cinderella Club
Teen Wolf --HOWEVER! These are all Teen Wolf/SGA fusion
Why? Because the space marine vibes are impeccable
All Sterek
Show You What All That Howl is For
The Ring of the Ancestors is Not a Euphemism
Faint is a Medical Term
What We Do in the Shadows
Something Here Will Eventually Have to Explode
Venom/Eddie, obviously
Good Omens
Good Old-fashioned Lover Boy
Get Religion Quick (cause you're looking divine)
The Hobbit
all Bilbo/Thorin
pre-adventure sexual tension
The Subways of Men
modern au, but still with hobbits and dwarves
okay and then because idk I just love them finding each other after things
Plant Your Trees
It's Been a Long Day Without You, My Friend
(slight au)
And then one just to be sad
Hold Onto Hope If You've Got It
Les Mis
Enjolras/Grantaire because I am basic aw yeah
The Laurels of Doing is Enough
modern AU
True Love's Kiss
modern AU but with magic
The first in a small Star Trek AU series that is cute
A Reversal of Celestial Mechanics
Canon-era, Enjolras takes Grantaire up on his offers… offers Grantaire didn’t realize he was making lol
There is one where Grantaire is fucking Courf while they both discuss/hint at his feelings for Enjolras but I cannot begin to express the chaos of my bookmarks so.... couldn't find it.
And finally...
Check, Please
Bless This Mess and Call It a Home
Magic AU
The Most Room in Our Hearts
Dex sees Nursey holding some kids and gets Feelings about it
(there is a small nurseydex commentfic with sort of a similar bent but like so many things, it was posted to tumblr then deleted so is now lost forever.)
ok this one is uhhh read the notes and tags. It is known to me and @vashti-lives as the one we don’t talk about  aka the 1950s coal miners AU
Strange Lovers
And to finish up, a Ransom/Holster kink/getting together fic that was actually the first thing I read for this fandom.
When You Got Skin in the Game (you stay in the game)
I will post this to pillowfort too but I need to stop and eat first.
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a03 wrapped: 15, 19, 30
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
RWRB: epistolary publishing industry fic
Check Please: NurseyDex cabin fic (I started this for Deck the Haus but never finished it; maybe if we ever get some snow, I'll be inspired)
Check Please: a Whiskey/Tango/Foxtrot missing scene fic (this is...pretty much written, but I'm not happy with Tango's voice, so...probably headed to rewrites)
Mass Effect: a Joker-centered fic (I just replayed this and got all in my feels about his canonical lines with Shepherd)
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
June x Nora (x Pez?) from RWRB (I love them so much!)
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
That people who aren't related to me actually seem to enjoy my writing 😅
Thank you for the questions!! Questions from here!
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omgpoindexter · 6 months
just to remind everyone that ngozi promised canon nurseydex if the tv show gets made. by the way.
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omgzineplease · 1 year
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Fast Facts:
Hellooooo, Fandomland. This is FFR, and I’m a Midwestern Millennial who’s one of the admins.
I started reading Check Please! at the end of 2016 but got truly active in the fandom midway through 2017.
What do I like outside this fandom? Pretty much anything under the Disney umbrella. Sci-fi and fantasy lit and cinema. Comics and manga. Photography, gardening, and doodling. Traveling in general. Nature. History and culture. Architecture, fine arts, and textiles. Analyzing current events and sociopolitics. And food… all the food.
About Me:
Check Please! is not the first fandom I got involved in, but it’s probably the most long-standing fandom I’ve consistently engaged with. It’s a testament to the power of that comic.
Those who know me or have seen my content probably know or can infer that my favorite character is Dex. Nursey is a close second, and I get a kick out of making exceedingly indulgent* hcs for the Frogs’ backgrounds in general (it legit varies on my mood which family I enjoy hc-ing more, since they emphasize different interests of mine)
So many of those hcs and worldbuilding will probably never be realized into fic or even a post, but I’m always happy to infodump if prompted.
*I am a full adherent of the “anything that doesn’t contradict the explicit text in a work is capable of being canon-compliant” school of thought, and I’m so thankful (esp as one who indulges in Nurseydex) that Ngozi deliberately leaves her comic open-ended beyond Bitty.
Fun Fact:
As a sports photographer, the irony is not only that hockey’s the one team sport I don’t get bored of if I’m not shooting it… but I have yet to properly photograph a hockey game.
Things that I Think Would be Cool in the Zine:
● Nurseydex, naturally.
● Platonic relationships and explorations of characters’ families.
● And of course, good art in general. This fandom is legit such a wellspring of artistic eye
and skill.
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the-lincyclopedia · 2 years
I've got a quote for the ask thing if you're interested!
"I've been shitty to you all day! Why stick your neck out for me?"
-From webcomic "Sakana"
(gimme summo dat sweet hurt/comfort)
Okay, my first thought was a Zimbits AU, because I'm me, and Jack definitely has the capacity to be shitty to people, but my second thought was a Nurseydex canon-verse fic, both because it's you who's asking and because I like to stick with canon-verse when I can, and this works better for them than it does other popular pairings, if we're sticking with the canon setup.
So, okay. Nurseydex. Dex is, of course, the grumpy one who's been shitty to Nursey all day. It started at practice. Well, okay, it started with Dex not getting to bed until 2 a.m. because he had a massive coding project due in his morning class. So he's very, very tired during practice. And maybe Nursey was being a little annoying, humming too loudly or something as they got their gear on, but he did not deserve for Dex to snap at him the way he did.
So that's how it started. But then Dex ignored Nursey for a lot of practice, enough that the coaches noticed, and continued ignoring him through team breakfast, and then skipped Frog Time in the afternoon and snapped at Nursey when Nursey came to his dorm to check on him.
Finally, Dex wakes up from a late-afternoon nap to find a bunch of texts from Ransom and Holster to the effect of "Get your ass to the Haus now, we're getting ready for the kegster tonight" and "You'd better be ready to party" and "We're on our way to your dorm to kidnap you," as well as a few texts from Nursey to the effect of "Hey, I just accosted Rans and Holster and convinced them not to come kidnap you for the kegster tonight since I'm pretty sure you need sleep and you're not in a party mood" and "I can't promise they won't try to come get you anyway though" and "Obviously if you ARE in a party mood, come on by!"
And Dex does. Not. Know. Why Nursey is like this sometimes. Like yeah, the dude can get on his nerves at times, but he's so good, as a person. So Dex texts Nursey back, like, "Hey, can we talk?" and then follows it up immediately with "Wait, shit, not like that. I just need to apologize. I've been shitty to you all day and I don't understand why you'd stick your neck out for me with Ransom and Holster like that. I'm really grateful you did and I definitely do need sleep and am not in a party mood, but like. After how I've treated you today, I kind of can't believe you did that. But thanks, and I'm sorry, and I should say all of this to you in person."
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bitty-smol · 10 months
alright y’all, time to make nurseydex canon fr
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griffther · 10 months
listen i will bring back the nurseydex maine roadtrip au if it will help spread the good word enough to get us canon nurseydex in an omgcp tv show
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