#call of dudy
alexgalaxyboo · 1 year
Hey so I just saw this tiktok
And obviously because I'm in ghostsoap hell I instantly thought "Oh they grow it in their garden after they retire".
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uyuforu · 6 months
Mmmh i don’t think it will be his 1st gf, and I don’t think it will be his 1st love. He dated before and will before her (fs) but I feel like it’s going to be a great love, a one true live vibe, you know? But I don’t think it’s the 1st. But it will feel like that!
I agree with the part of him having gfs before his wife but our hopeless romantic Libra venus dude ain't been in love or in da luv he desires because no.1 he got a Libra venus,these people be having sky high expectations,desiring to be loved but not actually loving da partner but instead being in luv with da relationship.this dudy be liking the yearning for da 1,fated love,destiny,soulmates,etc. Like he aint never loved cuz yall listened to his songs? Man's always yearning for her and what not no.2 folks shouldn't forget he's a virgo stellium,they be DA most practical people on the planet so dude knows who is worth his time and who aint so him already knowing that nah she aint the one but still i can be in a relationship cuz dats what i like is very possible cuz he a libra venus.no.3 i also agree on him not being totally aware of his spiritual gifts,Neow he got that stellium in the eighth house of taboo,ocult,transformation,inheritance,s3x,spirituality,astro stuff.so he unconsciously does that stuff and the possibility of him going to tarot reader and astrologers is likely high and there have been times he and V have talked about their korean astrology experience so he definitely goes to them but he a practical guy too cuz he virgo dominant so has a hard time believing such stuff.no.4 his Libra venus opposes his Aries saturn.i already told ya bout the Libra venus and its in 17° neow it does tell about his preference cuz of da degree duhh but its a leo° and they tend to like glamorous people that everyone wants,someone who be having people break their necks,lion or cat like people.its in the ninth house the house of many things but also wisdom so gud amount of these peeps date after gaining a certain type maturity and like wise partner to be by their side too and she is a foreigner too btw.no.5 his saturn is in Aries but at 19° its a libra degree,it's venus ruled. so this degree does signify finding love later than most if in saturn but if it wasn't for this degree then he woulda actually loved cuz we got Aries there they impulsive and quick.no.6 The opposition's in saturn and venus also delays love and he's got a Libra venus folks so it makes a lot of sense for love to happen after maturity or late especially for saturnian folks cuz they late bloomers so after his saturn return he'll be getting dat true love dat is gon' be his first and only love too,gotta be happy for though cuz son needs some love in his life too.his new chart makes alotta sense to me than the old one.
I'm so proud of you ma boo for representing astrology at such a young age and if you continue then you gon' be one of da best ones at it.keep it up.😘😘
That keeps me going I swear, these kind of comments make my day TT... Thank you so so much... <3
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creepermilktea · 3 months
I totally "love" what GO RUSH has to serve recently, especially in 96
<ALERT>negative and long content of GO RUSH rant ahead
Ah yes, another Manabu episode that Manabu will probably serve as the stepping stone for yUnA's character. Usually there's a high probability that the used-loser will win against the former winer, which means Manabu is very likely to lose to yUnA just to make yUnA the GREAT and POWERFUL Yuga simp that everyone totally loves. Manabu? Nah, who cares? He has acted terribly TWICE so no one is gonna support him. yUnA? EVERYONE LOVES HER! People totally enjoy her tragic love for Yuga, along with her violent behavior, shouting nonstop, bad mouth, self-centered mind and so on. She already has at least 5 episodes just for her to develop nothing but her LOVE FOR YUGA, so why not make more? Not to mention yUnA never felt bad for beating Sky's ass, yelling at Dudi Nissaw, calling UTS a wrecked house, literally robbing Yuga's deck to beat Yudias and consider herself a strong duelist then the list keeps going on. No one wants examine her wrongdoing while Manabu is reviewed with hypercritical standard by everyone, really? Both the worst of Manabu's episode(58 and 67) could have been written as Manabu broke down and went mad because of the constant and overwhelming stress of Phaser's surveillance and Myuda's bullying. At least that's more understandable. But no, they decided that making Manabu be "what he is supposed to be " and had him doing shit stuff around is more funny. Now Manabu's character is completely destroyed and basically everyone outside MIK just look down on him.
And 96 is here, with yUnA determined to fight Manabu just to demonstrate her love for Yuga. Sound similar? because that's basically what happened in 54, where yUnA dueled Manabu and lost. I can already guess how the duel is going to be like and I can say that I am not looking forward to it. I know I usually just post art or reblog cool stuff but I am really MAD at how GO RUSH has been going recently, which affects my motivation for making fanarts. I have been watching the story that is non-plot-relevant(Velgearian disappearing) and only serves for SEVENS references for episodes, now they have decided to serve this ultimate recipe they can think of. Good, the SEVENS invasion has been going for 6 episodes. if this keeps going for nearly a whole arc, I will dump this show soon.
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polaris-the-north-star · 11 months
go rush episode 63 spoilers
phaser's secret is revealed
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i'm going to be putting these here now. they're very funny
i missed the first minute but. uh copyko and some MIK grunts are chasing ranran and damamu, who escape
phaser faces yuudias and points at valvelgear and threatens some aliens ig. yuudias gets angy
somewhere else, ranran stares at the ohdo cards and has a talk with damamu about carding and nyandestar
meanwhile back with yuudias hes still having his dilemma BUT damamu comes to him in a vision(?) and tells him about how they can reverse the carding or some shit and YUUDIAS' EYES GO FUCKING RED
i missed some stuff but they duel and phaser summons his non-maximum monster from phaser v yuuga i think. yuudias topdecks overtrain/fullsteam and destroys that monster. RAINAC RETURNS and phaser tells some MIK grunt to fucking blast off the jersey brothers into space
meanwhile(again) we see myuda dinois and manabu's shenanigains again. some sword lookin ass ship drags zaida velgear off ig
phaser summons kraken, uses his effects, and equips him with some tentacle tip drill thingys.
with tremolo and the skyfish in jail, tremolo gets a flashback of his and phaser's past on some barren wasteland
MIK releases 2 aliens in a mall while doverap watches and flies off to go tell yuudias what he saw
the UTS adults get a pep talk from galixon and see that aliens are getting along with humans.
SHEWBAHHA'S HERE and brings DUDI NISHAW and sics insert green energy blast on phaser to turn him into chinese dragon thing.
the card showcase is on the equip and yuudias duels a legit dragon. we get some possible zwiyuudi stuff and a sus scene of the carded people
episode anectotes here v
the eyes go red thing are from damamu possessing yuudias??? i think??
phaser goes "when i take damage the aliens die"
shewbahha had a cameo(?) when zaida velgear was dragged off. didn't see that part
new abysslayer trap
the equip is called "abyss arms - madness shell"
uhhh idk if shewbahha's gonna eat phaser but. he's there soooooo
not as much to say here as 62 lol
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 4 months
Managed to catch the live airing of Episode 91 of Go Rush
Despite the lag (which to my knowledge, was happening to everyone, at least on this website, and was no fault of anyone) and knowing next to no Japanese, I do feel like I've gotten the basic gist of the episode?
I'm obviously not going to review it until it's subtitled but I can say what I did get from the episode.
Also, no, I'm probably not going to keep up with the live airings from now on, at least not every time. I only did it this week (and probably next week) because I wasn't sure when I would next be able to see the episode. For normal episodes like this, I do prefer to just wait for it to be subtitled so I can fully know what's going on.
-The others know the Velgearians are fated to die now (guessing Yudias told them what Kuaidul said).
-Yuhi especially is extremely adamant about finding a way to help them. Poor kid. He and the others also called Yudias their "nakama" or "best friend" at one point which I thought was really sweet.
-Even fortunetellers can't see the Velgearians' future (I recognised the word 'mirai' as future being brought up repeatedly in these conversations so I'm guessing this is what was asked/said)
-Dudi Nishaw's people are dying and he doesn't know why. Given the reactions of the characters, Kuaidul's dying message (which was also brought up multiple times), and the animation of this part:
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I'm pretty certain that's what they were saying, even if I don't have a key word to confirm it like I did with the 'future' thing.
The ending conversation I am very confused on admittedly but if I had to guess from my Yugioh knowledge, and the repeated mention of rush duels, my guess is they're saying something like "There's always a way to come back in a rush duel so the same must be true for the Velgearians." or "You're connected to rush duels so rush duels must have the solution." or... something like that. I don't know, I'll admit the frequent mention of rush duels out of nowhere after such a serious conversation about many Velgearians mysteriously dying confused me quite a bit.
I'm also not going to guess what's going on with Rovian. I... just can't remember anything that happened in the second arc that this is clearly calling back to. That should change soon as I rewatch it but for all I know, Rovian and the hat had a conversation ranging anywhere from "I had a nice cup of tea today" to "I'm going to fucking betray everyone."
This episode overall, based on the tone and animation and what little I got or guessed from the dialogue, did not feel like a shitpost episode, as some of the other arc starters did. This felt pretty serious despite the weird parts, which I am grateful for. I mentioned in my post about this episodes' synopsis that it would have serious tonal issues but that doesn't seem to be the case. I like that they're instantly trying to solve this. I like that it's the focus of this next arc and am curious to see where it goes.
So... yes. I am keeping up with Go Rush again. I said after Kuaidul's death it would be too painful for me to continue (that happened on Christmas Eve in my defence, all sorts of emotions were running high) but I think the double week break between episode airings, as well as the fact that Entame is taking a break as well, gave me enough time to recover and regain my love for Go Rush. Well... my love of things in Go Rush that weren't my love for Kuaidul. That never faltered.
I'll give this episode a more proper review in a couple weeks or so when it's subtitled as knowing the 'gist' of an episode isn't enough to critique it. From what little I did gather though, I liked it and it made me want to see more, which is all it needed to do.
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pajorko · 2 years
Capi dudi
Can we talk how Paulina Dudek suddenly got a call from PSG, made a decision about moving alone to Paris in a few days, was designated to play in the position she has never played before (she used to be a DM), was so much behind the other players in terms of fitness and training, but had no chance to quickly catch up, because she got injured at the beginning of her stay in Paris, slowly but gradually worked on becoming better, secured a place in the starting XI, then Kasia left, then Irene left and she suddenly had to step up to take bigger responsibility in the team, then she became Poland's captain, then she prolonged her contract despite the club being a mess, admited in an interview that "she learned to live alone" and then became a captain of THE Paris Saint-Germain, one of the best clubs in Europe
...umm yes, I'm happy for her
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christopher-bryant · 2 years
had this level 15 dude come up to a posse i was part of and killed one of our guys behind his back so i killed him with my springfield and when he spawned again, the posse member he killed, took him out. then i killed him 2 more times all the while this dude is trying to talk shit and saying things like "you pussies. you wouldnt do this shit in call of dudy. you wouldnt do this shit in 2k. pussies. thats why yall suck. i dare you to try that shit in call of duty. try me in 2k"
LMFAOOOOO! well this isnt cod nor 2k. you're here with us in red dead 2. take the L and move on or fuck around and find out.
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wanderer-sylvan · 12 days
i overheard someone battling a wild pokemon, and they were calling their grovyle "Dudy Dude."
so that's....... interesting..........???
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tempatmagangmedan · 8 months
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Baca Juga : https://www.kompas.id/baca/sosok/2022/04/29/sugianto-bangun-rumah-pkl-sebagai-penjaga-generasi
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Apa Kata Mereka ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byn6HZ5fNgo&t=3s
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bllsbailey · 2 months
Calls for a Ceasefire Get Complicated With Unauthorized Meeting Between Harris and Netanyahu Rival
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As she commemorated the 59th anniversary of Blood Sunday in Selma, Alabama, Vice President Kamala Harris brought up the Israel-Hamas conflict as she expressed her support for an "immediate ceasefire," and insisted "the Israeli government must do more to significantly increase the flow of aid" to Gaza. Harris also called to mind how President Joe Biden on Friday announced aid to Gaza. While Harris expressed support for how "Israel has a right to defend itself," it was her remarks about a ceasefire that drew applause. Yet the vice president isn't the only one making news about a ceasefire, as Israeli war cabinet Minister Benny Gantz also arrived in Washington, D.C. on Sunday for a meeting with Harris and others. 
As President Joe Biden said on Friday, the United States is committed to urgently get more lifesaving assistance to innocent Palestinians in need. pic.twitter.com/QvcbcZtGJl— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) March 4, 2024
Monday's edition of the Daily Kickoff from Jewish Insider addressed Gantz's visit, which it turns out is unauthorized. Gantz did not receive the final approval from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who actually refused when Gantz called to coordinate messaging. Gantz still went forward with his own trip:
Gantz’s trip stirred up controversy in Jerusalem, since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — who missed Sunday’s cabinet meeting due to “a light flu,” according to his spokesman — did not give the necessary authorization. Gantz’s office said that the Prime Minister’s Office approved the trip in writing on Friday, saying the office only needed a final OK from Netanyahu. Gantz called the prime minister later that day to coordinate messaging for the trip, but Netanyahu refused, saying “there is only one prime minister,” according to Kan, and that Gantz should have asked Netanyahu before he set up meetings. Likud ministers slammed Gantz, with Dudi Amsalem accusing him of being a “Trojan horse” and warning him against “stop[ping] the IDF from winning the war.” Transportation Minister Miri Regev accused Gantz of “subversion,” and said “he’s traveling there to speak for himself; he can’t make any decisions.” The miscommunication over Gantz’s Washington visit added to existing political tensions after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s demand for a consensus law to conscript more Haredi 18-year-olds to the IDF threw the coalition into turmoil.
When it comes to how Transportation Minister Miri Regev pointed out that Gantz is only "traveling there to speak for himself," this could make the already tricky issue of negotiating a ceasefire more difficult. 
Netanyahu reminding Gantz that "there is only one prime minister" is also key, given that Gantz is his a chief rival who is serving as part of Netanyahu's cabinet. If Gantz were ever to become prime minister, he could be the one meeting with various members of the White House, and in an authorized capacity. 
A headline from Semafor, which included coverage from other outlets, noted that "Gantz’s US visit signals growing divisions in Israel."
One of those cited outlets, Haaretz, went with the angle of how it's Gantz who the Biden White House trusts. "Gantz provides [Democrats] with a self-correcting mechanism," the article claimed. 
Coverage from the Times of Israel points to that division in the United States as well:
A former military chief and defense minister, Gantz is Netanyahu’s main political rival in opinion polls. Gantz brought his National Unity party into the government after the October 7 attack by Palestinian terror group Hamas that triggered the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip. ... [Gantz's] visit to the US comes as the Biden administration has grown increasingly frustrated with Netanyahu and his government which is seen as beholden to its far-right members. Biden said earlier this week that Israel was going to lose international support if it maintains its “incredibly conservative government.”
And, Breitbart offered some telling analysis as to how this speaks to divisions between Biden and Netanyahu:
Biden has been trying to undermine Netanyahu since the Israeli leader was elected in late 2022. He briefly showed solidarity with Netanyahu in September 2023, when there was the possibility of a Saudi-Israeli peace deal, and in the immediate aftermath of the Hamas terror attack of October 7. But he and his administration continued to work to find a replacement for a leader who has resisted Democrat pressure on the conduct of the war and on nuclear deals with Iran. The image of the Biden White House meeting with Netanyahu’s main opponent in the middle of the war serves to divide the Israeli public, and encourages Hamas to exploit those divisions, both in propaganda and in military planning. Biden couches his opposition to Netanyahu, and to members of Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition government, as concern for Israel’s well-being, saying that Israel will lose international support if it veers to the political right.
A picture recently shared to Harris' official X account on Monday shows that she and Gantz indeed met. The White House also published a readout of the meeting, which reiterated a lot of what Harris said on Sunday, including when it comes to a call for Hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. Hamas has refused multiple deals, though, and has also broken ceasefires, including the one in place before the October 7 attack and more recently when it comes to the hostage negotiations that took place late last November.
The readout also referred to Gantz's role, and in a way one would never know the trip was unauthorized. "The Vice President discussed the urgency of achieving a hostage deal and welcomed Israel’s constructive approach to the hostage talks," it mentioned at one point. "The Vice President and Minister Gantz discussed the situation in Rafah and the need for a credible and implementable humanitarian plan prior to contemplating any major military operation there given the risks to civilians. She urged Israel to take additional measures in cooperation with the United States and international partners to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza and ensure its safe distribution to those in need," the readout also added. 
During the press gaggle beforehand, one reporter mentioned how remarks on Sunday "were pretty sharp against Israel." Harris claimed her and Biden are on the same page, though. "The president and I have been aligned and consistent from the very beginning. Israel has a right to defend itself. Far too many Palestinian civilians--innocent civilians have been killed. We need to get more aid in. We need to get the hostages out. And that remains our position,"she answered in part. 
It doesn't appear that any reporters who were allowed to get a question in brought up how the trip is unauthorized, however. 
I met with Benny Gantz of Israel today and reiterated our support for Israel’s right to defend itself. We discussed the need to get a hostage deal, increase the flow of aid into Gaza, and protect civilians. pic.twitter.com/IB6C6qZRFo— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) March 4, 2024
This is not the only time in recent weeks that there looks to have been issues between the Biden administration and Netanyahu. Last Monday, Biden himself was asked about a timeline on a ceasefire while he enjoyed an ice cream cone in New York City. 
Biden at first said "well I hope by the beginning of the weekend," about when it would start, before he changed his response to "I mean the end of the weekend." He then added that "at least my national security advisor tells me that we're close. My hope is by next Monday, we'll have a ceasefire."
During last Tuesday's White House press briefing, a reporter pointed out to White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby about how Netanyahu was "was quite surprised by the president’s comments about his expectations that there would be a ceasefire by Monday." The reporter thus wanted to know why Biden would say such a thing, but Kirby didn't have a sufficient answer. 
"I can’t speak for the surprise that foreign leaders have or don’t have with regard to things that we’re saying," Kirby said, trying to frame his response as how Biden has been "staying completely up to speed" and "shared with you some context" and "his optimism." He also made clear "we don't have [a deal] right now," though he believes "we are getting closer."
Biden is also facing a "revolt" of sorts from far-left fellow Democrats for what support he has shown Israel, including from those who pledge to vote "uncommitted." As Matt has covered, Biden has called out Netanyahu for his handling of the war, because he's concerned about a loss of support ahead of the 2024 election.
It's worth reminding that not only has Biden just recently criticized the "conservative" Israeli government, but did so last December as well for being "the most conservative government in Israel's history," as the cracks in support continue to show. 
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alexgalaxyboo · 1 year
Ghost who never really had an extended family, only the few people immediately connected to him and even then they have more painful memories than good.
Soap who grew up swarmed with siblings and aunts and uncles and cousins and nieces and nephews later on and although he has his own issues there as well, they've mostly managed to work things out.
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gayaethernaut · 2 years
I feel like as the representative LGBTQ+ operator in Vanguard they made Constanze’s design like… a little too accurate. Like her hair is immaculate but the rest of her outfit is such a mess and I don’t just mean for a WWII soldier. I mean like having a button-up shirt under a wool sweater that’s only partially tucked in and none of the colors really coordinate at all but her hair is literally flawless. That’s the most seen I‘ve ever felt as a gay who plays Call of Duty-
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elxfi-archived · 4 years
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She’s here to kink shame on this most unholy of days. 
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moonshotsx · 2 years
continuing from my previous post:
neighbors au jasmine trying to teach bosco the names of her genshin team, only for bosco to call the characters anything but their name
"so this is kazuha, he's very fierce and he's my main at the moment"
"oh alright, dudy dude, got it"
"that's not-"
"so, who're the gay ones?"
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pajorko · 2 years
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I am incredibly grateful for this distinction. From the bottom of my heart, I dedicate this award to people, without whom my career path would have been different: my mom Anetka, dad Jarek, the best sisters Asia and Justysia! You are my rock ❤ I would also like to thank the Polish national team, all the players and staff as well as the PSG club team. Thanks to you, I always fight for more 👊
📸 Paula Duda
Polish Player of the Year Paulina Dudek via Instagram
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pabsterthelobster · 4 years
Before they debuted in Infiltrating the Airship, the Toppat clan first appeared in a separate Puffballs production called Operation Infiltration. Having a different artstyle from the Henry Stickmin Collection, the short film stars a character named Dudie who infiltrates the hidden jungle base of the Toppat clan. After gunning down a few Toppats, Dudie steals a CD disk from a Toppat computer before being picked up by what appears to be a government helicopter.
Personally, I headcanon Operation Infiltration as taking place in the Henry Stickmin timeline, with the data that the CD carried revolving around the basic whereabouts of the Toppat's different major developments, such as the airship and rocket launch.
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