google how to call someone a cunt (derogatory) in professional settings
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thelovelysimz · 4 months
New series coming!
*loosely based off a show I watched and parts of my own life.
Dear Elliot Mae,
By the time you read this letter you’ll be roughly 15 years old. I made this letter when you were little so I could tell you the story from start to finish on how we met.
Before I met you I was a different person. You changed me. So here’s how we met.
My names Maya and I come from a very rich, very high family orientated family. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My mother believes family is the most important thing in the world and success within our family is a must. However I wasn’t like them. I was different. You see I never wanted a family, I never wanted kids. What gave me great pleasure in life was my job. At the age of sixteen I was given opportunity to work in the office of the brindleton bay district police force. I’d file paper work, get everyone coffee. You know all the small things. All of us children had jobs because our parents believed in if we wanted our trust inheritance we needed to go out into the world and experience money for ourselves too. Most of my siblings tried out jobs but preferred to be at home and quit. Not me though, I got a rush from working and especially in the police force. By the time I was 18 I stared my Cadetship and ranked fast for my age. Now I’m an undercover private investigator as well as a forensic investigator. I worked many hours and yet I was complete. My family didn’t approve of my job nor my lifestyle choices. By the time I was twenty years old I was expected to have a partner and be ready to stay at home as a housewife and bare children. I didn’t choose this and thus my family became very confused and angry at me.
Time went on and I didn’t change my mind. The idea of children made my skin crawl. I just wasn’t maternal. I remember the day my nephews and nieces were born and they’d ask me hold them and I got no maternal deep bullshit feeling your suppose to have over holding a baby. It just wasn’t my thing. I always felt like the odd one in my family but it didn’t bother me because I liked who I was.
Over time my parents tried to threaten me into marriage. I had boyfriends but I loosely use the term boyfriend as I was so obsessed with working I didn’t see a point in a long term relationship. When you go through your training you realise that criminal and those around you always go for the emotional attachments their victims have. Eg: partners, family. If I didn’t have that. I wasn’t seen as an ideal target. So I’d have “boyfriends” come and go and that was that.
*to be continued
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wolftattoo · 5 months
also talk to ppl abt what ur doing. i only got a chance at this cadetship because i told my manager i was going for an interview for an apprenticeship and she wanted me to stay at the company
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protocolseben · 6 months
a regular day in the ISS. | 1685 words alt title : a short story written while i screwed with html. you can use mobile, but landscape please!
you can read the story below the cut without all the jazz. it's pretty much all the same.
408 km above Switzerland / 4:18:48 PM /UTC +1 CET 38 Days - Manned Mission 2-1 LOG : a regular day in the ISS.
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"ah, switzerland again!"
"how about australia for once?"
"alright, suit yourself then."
"Besides, how hard is it to miss Australia? It's...one big thing just. There. Not my fault you can't catch it in time."
"Yes, and your stupid numbers board there."
"I want to win after all."
"Nothing to gain from winning it, love."
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(of course seb is winning…)
««« ────── [ approximately 2.5 years ago ]
Mark's half-superior-half-coworker Jonathan Wheatley had once jokingly asked him if he wanted to move to the STELLARIA Section, in which Mark's response was a grimace and a terse "No thank you," given the fact that the fellas of that section was…eccentric to say the least.
He was unsure as to why Horner decided to open a whole section dedicated to just original research, but given that even the man himself had superiors, he was not surprised. Must be the weird old guy from the Munich University again in his ear. Either way, he must be really special to have all the astrophysicists be in their very own area.
"I watched them do their stuff once." Wheatley said in one of break rooms. "I didn't get a single lick of it, even with the math they used. And I had almost full scores in all the Engineering mathematics. They can get real loony."
Mark shrugged his shoulders, in slight agreement. STELLARIA was chock full of these nerds that are constantly fixated on space numbers, but one of them stood out the most for looking like a 15 year old. but at that point the slightly scraggly man -- boy? -- already seemed to be fond of Mark from the get-go. Rocky had brought him over while touring the place, and the twinkle in the latter's eyes easily meant trouble for him in the future.
Theoretical subdiv, Rocky clarified, the guy bringing Seb around. Not the normal Practical use physics that the other sections worked with.
Charming, he thought, but still, it's unfortunate that they would barely see each other considering the differences in what they did. Some other fella named Anton looked at STRUCTURAL once, and slinked away at the massive working machines he and his coworkers went back and fro to. Couldn't blame him.
Wheatley told him that Sebastian had only joined the company a month ago, and apparently as part of his traineeship, or cadetship, something along the lines, while still working on his final fringes of his PhD or the like. It wasn't officially stated yet to the world, but rumours had already persisted that didn't really have any interest in the other agencies. But that was a wild story for another time. Mark wonders how he managed to do so many things at the same time, and was entertaining the thought of him having a twin or clone to help out.
At the end of the break, Mark had pushed away the thought of the starry-eyed section long towards the back of his mind. Not useful, he muttered.
»»» ────── [ present day, present time ]
(being pushed down by 25-year old worth of kilograms)
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"what lame ass metal thing are you doing right now?"
"being dragged down by you… why is your hair so ticklish?! it's just last part of today's experiment."
"ok. i think CORE wants to give us a report for today in a few minutes, and then i can knock myself out."
"you get to knock out? i had to drag you to your sleeping bag because you weren't meeting your 8 hours ─"
"the graph was too interesting…"
"oh god it's you two arguing again."
"oops, hello Marlon."
««« ──────
Overtime. He never really minded it, because the peace and quiet was optimal, for when Mark was too caught up in the place building his things, and free to audibly mumble his thoughts.
Unfortunately for him on this fine evening, a person stood waiting behind his back , holding a slice of chocolate bread made with approximately 100% passion and 89% skill 500% flavour. Mark was dumbfounded at the bread hanging in front of him, but he was kind of hungry. It was a bit singed at the edges, but it still tasted good. He thanked Seb, stuffing the piece into his mouth and delighting in the chip flavour burst.
Until you realise that the person's pass was not authorised for this specific part of the building, of course. He whipped his head around and nearly strained his neck --
"How the fuck did you get in?! You are not supposed to be here." Mark had exclaimed in hushed tones, the first time Seb had managed to inflitrate the Section. STRUCTURAL was tightly maintained.
"I know all the corridors to here already." there's that knowing tone again. What a nosy little shit.
"There's nothing interesting in this place mate," Mark threw his hands up, looking around to make his point and hunking pieces of things and thingmabobs, before looking at the kid before him. "all I do every day is testing and make sure the materials are working right. And doing work I'm too slow to finish."
"It's ok, making stuff is fun. My dad used to be a carpenter and make stuff out of wood. Writing space math gets boring when you're sitting there too long."
You couldn't argue with that, he's a curious kid alright.
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He let him have a look around. Seb's eyes were immediately drawn to the panel-type mish-mash item laying about in the corner, lifting and turning it gingerly like a new archaeological find. Dents, dings and bumps marred the surface of it, curious materials all welded with different names to them, like "Carbon Fibre" and "Heat Resistant Fibreglass".
"It's just our in-house materials, Seb. Not that big of a deal."
"Still, making a whole new kind of matter, you guys are pretty cool."
»»» ──────
"psst. hey. mark."
(rustling sound)
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" 'Thermo-Sterilised Chocolate Bread'… STRUCTURAL Section. What? When did they do these?"
"They had a whole investigation to try "compress" it. Also, i thought you were more level-headed, Mark. They told me you got visibly jealous over people snooping for my bread!"
"God, they noticed that…? Was i that serious about it?"
"you were."
««« ──────
As much as Mark wanted to entertain Seb's sixty thousand questions, which were basic engineering (but he didn't mind), he wanted to go home more. So he had to gently convince to him to leave, turning the lights out for the night.
By gently convincing, it meant Mark forcing Seb on one of those roller chairs and rolling him out STRUCTURAL Section's main doors, before kicking the empty chair back in. -- "wait let me get my stuff first!!" he had exclaimed, running back to STELLARIA and back to meet Mark in a record of 3 minutes.
Quite a speedy lad. Mark had not seen someone go as fast as that since University Rugby in Australia. He was obliterated on contact by the opponent as he dived for the ball. Three months out with a broken left shoulder. Ah, the wonders of youth.
"You didn't let me see the machines."
"And you didn't even tell me what you like." Mark had grumbled, fumbling for his car keys as they walked out the tall glass doors. "And you can do it anytime, the machines aren't going to grow legs and run away."
Seb simply gave a grin.
oh for fuck's sake. "Fine. Anyway, I'm going off. Goodnight, Seb." He was about to walk off, before realising something. "How… do you go home?"
"Huh? Bus obviously. Salzburg's pretty good with the public transport. Yeah I have a license but I don't care much for driving a lot."
Mark looked at him right in the eye. "Get over here. I'll just drive you back." He wanted to laugh when Seb just stood there in his stupid oversized jacket giving him a questioning look. "I'm being serious. Where do you live anyway? It's faster than just waiting around."
► ► ►
It was the world's most uneventful trip by many standards. In fact, Mark's passenger somehow managed to catch a quick snooze right after telling him the address. Seb lived on the other side of Salzburg, in a simple four-floored apartment. Despite being practically the same as his own, Mark thought the surroundings were more cozy.
He gave Seb a gentle nudge on the shoulder. "Ok sleeping beauty, nice place you have here."
"Huh…what…?" He looked around before realising. "You seriously didn't have to…"
"It's for the bread. Good stuff."
There was a short moment of silence as Seb processed what Mark said, before turning slightly red. "I-if you want, I can give you different flavours every week," he said. "Banana, Raisin,--"
Mark just sat the wheel listening in mild awe. He would've just gone home and knocked out or gotten a beer. It sort of made him want to try baking, but that was probably his illogical brain talking, before realising he had to tell Seb to not get any more ideas. "No, no, you don't need to do it, it's just that you are really impressive, still finding time to bake."
"It's a nice hobby!" Seb laughed. "Ok, ok, i'm leaving now. Goodnight Mark, thanks again. Take care." He clumsily opened the car door and right after, tried to give Mark the awkwardest fist bump attempt on Earth.
► ► ►
Twenty two hours to the first time Seb sneaked into STRUCTURAL, a slightly baffled Mark whipped his head around to the sound of the maintenance exit audibly opening, to a Seb holding some more of his homemade chocolate bread.
"I have a lot more at home in the fridge, actually, if you'd like."
»»» ──────
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(zip noises) come on stop struggling Seb.
translation : son of a bitch.
there, neat and tidy. good luck waking up tomorrow, i think you'll be fine.
I will throw you out the airlock tomorrow. You watch.
muah. ok, goodnight sweetheart. love you. don't wreck the module.
fuck you..............night.
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vasfasan · 9 months
btw i want you to know that because i had to log onto my icloud to upload the photos of the doggos to send them to my gmail so that i could post them on the tumblr browser. you inadvertently made me check my emails. and while i missed an online info session for a uni cadetship yesterday, because of you i will NOT be missing an equally important one tomorrow. and for that i humbly thank you good sir, will eternally have my deepest gratitude. i doth believe i owe thee a debt of blood
a sacrifice of three sheep should be enough, im glad to be of help🤗
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aggravateddurian · 10 months
Stories from the City of Dreams: Kaylee Andersen
OC Profile for our newest girl!
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Basic Biographical Information Place of Birth: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Date of Birth: 2 September 2052 Age: 24 (as of 1 May 2077)
Gender: Female (cis) Sexuality: Demisexual, sex-ambivalent
Employment status: Employed (as of 1 May 2077) Employer: Militech Branch: Internal Affairs Employee Number: 1183-7701-1543-0045 Rank: Supervisory Internal Affairs Agent Direct Report: Dorian Bautista (1183-7701-1189-0854)
Notes from Militech Record:
Kaylee Andersen is an Internal Affairs agent under Assistant Director Dorian Bautista, specialising in counterintelligence. Andersen is a proficient officer whose loyalty to the company is matched only by her dedication to her role within Militech. She is a good fit for Dorian, whose single-minded dedication to protecting Militech (whatever his reasons may be) works well with Andersen's like nature.
Andersen's association with Militech commenced in 2063. Her employment was part of a program to sponsor young people who showed promise in cyber studies to create a new generation of highly capable netrunners. Andersen was chosen for a sponsorship due to her high test scores at school, and a genetic test identifying markers that indicated she had enhanced tolerance to cyberware implantation. At age 16, Andersen's employment with Militech commenced, and she entered the Net Warfare and Security Cadetship Program at the Pittsburgh branch office.
In exchange for Militech accepting legal guardianship of Andersen, and her parents granting permission for her to enter the program, Militech pays Andersen's family a stipend of 1000 eurodollars a month and a variety of benefits that can be redeemed by using Militech's goods and services, though upon Kaylee turning 18, this was reduced to 450 eurodollars.
Andersen performed well as a netrunner, however, Militech leadership determined that her services were better utilised in Internal Affairs. An incident occurred which reduced Andersen's suitability in her present role. Per company policy, she was reassigned to a division that made full use of her talents. Upon transfer, she was partnered with Dorian Bautista, and the pair have remained valuable to this division ever since.
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18thfoot · 11 months
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Second Lieutenant Eric Hodges was the third son of the Reverend Richard Hodges, Rector of St. Mary's Collegiate Church, Youghal, Co. Cork. He joined the Royal Munster Fusiliers, underage, in August 1914. Hodges was selected for a Cadetship in Sandhurst, and was subsequently commissioned in the Royal Irish Regiment. He died of wounds received at Bazentin le Petit, aged 18 years.
#18thfoot #royalirishregiment #greatwar #worldwar1 #ww1 #westernfront #somme Picture credit; https://ourheroes.southdublin.ie/Serviceman/Show/16920
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thetrailofflames · 1 year
How did Thistleclaw and Jayfire’s relationships go down? So curious.
Also, things that I am currently doing:
Writing a little excerpt about Chesnutpaw and Diamond
Drawing Houndpool
And if you want, I can help out with plotting out the book/beta reading!
Was waiting for someone to ask about them fgiigdbrfu
They were pretty close beforepaw, being best friends when they were kits and early cadetship. It shattered when Moonstrike died. They drifted apart. Thistlepaw to the other cadets and Jaypaw to the river.
They’re relationship only seemed to improve from Swanstorm’s death. Both wrecked by this event and draw close to each other for the first time in moons.
Jayfire refused to acknowledge any higher feelings for the simple fact of this was her deceased sister’s partner. But it pained her to go near the river. While helping raise Leopardkit, they give a relationship a shot.
Thistleclaw wanted one to named after his sister Mossspirit and Jayfire wanted one named after Swanstorm. Jayfire had been alone when xe gave birth, not even letting Palethroat who was also nursing at the time near xer, she stayed away for two moons. She returned with two kits. Naming them Mosskit and Swankit.
Thistleclaw didn’t visit as much as he did with Leopardpaw only coming by every so often, Jayfire tried to ignore the familiar crushing feeling but felt she had less to say.
One day, Jayfire is wanted to be on patrol, curious to how Thistleclaw had been training her cadet (also just wanting to be nnear her partner), Nightpaw didn’t come with them that day, probably for the best. It ended horribly and with a kit injured. She snapped at Tigerpaw for his cruelty and her and Thistleclaw fought, she took the tiny kitten back for treatment.
Xe confronted Thistleclaw about this afterwards. Thistleclaw stated that Tigerpaw did nothing while Jayfire stated Tigerpaw did many things wrong and she was taking back her cadet. Thistleclaw didn’t like that but Jayfire ignored it.
What she didn’t ignore was the missing kit. She tore into Tigerpaw and Thistleclaw. Tigerpaw admitted to scaring the kit away.
Jayfire cut it off with Thistleclaw right then and there and to stay away from their kits. Leopardstorm also cut him off.
Jayfire really wanted that to be the end of it. But Thistleclaw took it too far in another form, and Jayfire wasn’t gonna let it slide.
As commander, Jayfire looks back on it and honestly wished things could be back in kithood innocence but life must go on.
Can’t wait to see the excerpt and Houndpool
Beta-reading would be very much appreciated. I wanted to ask before but didn’t want to bother you.
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Proudly acknowledging excellence with our construction Cadetship program - join us for achievements and advancements in the construction landscape. For #ConstructionCadetshipMelbourne. click: https://mainbrace.com.au/
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menonassociates · 28 days
Chartered Accountants in Chermside
Chartered accountants are highly valued professionals who help businesses and individuals achieve their financial and strategic goals. They work in every sector and provide trusted advice. They are also responsible for ensuring that business processes are robust and efficient.
Chartered Accountants must complete a variety of qualifications and meet rigorous industry standards to become a CA. They are uniquely trained to see the bigger picture for your business and are able to help with more complex matters.
Nundah Accountatns
If you're looking for a reliable chartered accountants chermside, you should consider hiring one from Nundah. DFK Hirn Newey is an accountancy firm that offers services in advisory, compliance and processing, as well as training and business development.
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They also offer a Cadetship Program, which gives young graduates the opportunity to work for an accounting firm while studying. Many of their students have gone on to win national accounting awards. Another option is Success Tax Professionals, located at 2A/1180 Sandgate Road. Its principal, Unni Ashok, is a qualified Chartered
Accountant and Tax Agent with over twelve years of experience in the industry. He has a special interest in value adding services that can save clients money. He is also knowledgeable about the medical industry and specializes in tax return preparation and lodgement.
DFK Hirn Newey
DFK Hirn Newey is a leading accounting firm with offices throughout Australia. Their team is dedicated to helping their clients achieve the best possible outcome in every situation. They provide quality accounting and tax services for individuals, trusts, companies and SMSFs. They also provide a comprehensive range of business consulting and assurance services.
Before Content Snare, DFK Hirn Newey was like many other accounting firms when it came to requesting information from clients -- sending requests via email and dealing with plenty of inefficiencies and delays. Today, they’re using Content Snare to streamline their request process and save time and money.
Success Tax Professionals
Located at Shop 1/19 Thomas Street, Success Tax Professionals specialise in individual and business tax returns, BAS, accounting services and bookkeeping. Their staff is Nundah Accountatns highly experienced and knowledgeable, providing services in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. They can assist clients with a range of taxation matters, including GST, SMSFs, rental properties, and business structure set-up.
Their accountants can help you make more money through effective tax planning and optimisation. They also work with businesses to ensure they are claiming all the deductions they are entitled to. They are also Xero experts and have extensive experience in the use of cloud-based software.
They offer a wide variety of taxation services and advice for individuals, business owners, and investors. Their principal, Unni Krishnasamy is a registered tax agent and a member of CPA Australia. She is fluent in English and Afrikaans and is comfortable using various accounting software programs. She also presents workshops and seminars on Australian taxation requirements.
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i love when hiring managers play cute little games with applicants in their job descriptions on seek.
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adi011 · 3 months
DNS Merchant Navy
DNS merchant navy is a stepping stone to a rewarding career in the Merchant Navy. This comprehensive program blends academic knowledge with practical maritime skills. Aspiring seafarers undergo rigorous training in navigation, seamanship, and maritime laws. DNS courses, often sponsored by shipping companies, include sea voyages, simulator exercises, and classroom learning. Successful completion of DNS leads to the opportunity for a cadetship and subsequent promotion to Officer ranks. It's a dynamic pathway, ensuring a solid foundation for individuals aspiring to contribute to the maritime industry as competent and skilled professionals.
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wolftattoo · 7 months
the theory part of this cadetship sucks so bad ..... three minute video of badly delivered info that could have just been given in like two typed out sentences . and the same awful ukulele music on every video. do i really need to know about the different kinds of slicers or can i just be shown how to use the slicer in 20 seconds when im there at work .
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vminews · 4 months
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The Rat Line Ends
Feb. 7, 2024—Breakout resumed yesterday afternoon with a log march from North Post to barracks, then culminated in a crawl across the Parade Ground. Once each class had the opportunity to give the rats one last sweat party, the physical aspect of Breakout was done. Rats and their dykes then enjoyed a dinner in Crozet Hall featuring guest speaker Stephen Neas III '77. After dinner they celebrated their new cadetship with their first Old Yell.—VMI Photos by H. Lockwood McLaughlin, Kelly Nye, and Lexie West.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 5 months
Meet the actor set for stardom in 2024: Matthew Backer
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/meet-the-actor-set-for-stardom-in-2024-matthew-backer/
Meet the actor set for stardom in 2024: Matthew Backer
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Brisbane’s own Matthew Backer chats to QNews about his career as an out gay actor, being a Play School presenter and his big year ahead. 
Matthew has just flown in to visit family for the holidays and joins our video interview from his childhood bedroom.
He explains that his parents have turned it into a spare room, although they still have some posters of him on the wall. 
It’s clear his parents are proud of his achievements and they have every reason to be. 
Matthew’s rise as an actor and TV presenter has grown each year over the last decade and it feels he is on the precipice of something even bigger. 
Matt grew up in Brisbane because of his dad’s rugby league career. His father, Bradley Backer, played for Easts and was in the first-ever State of Origin series for Queensland. 
Other pursuits were Matt’s passions though. 
“I went to an all-boys Catholic school in the 90s, enough said on that, but that’s where I found acting doing school musicals and plays,” he tells me. 
Despite his love of acting, his first career went down a different path. 
He studied journalism at the University of Queensland and went on to become a cadet reporter at the Fraser Coast Chronicle in Maryborough. 
Maryborough was his family’s home town and despite not living there he knew the place inside out as a regular visitor. 
Although he loved the job and living with his grandparents, he started to feel it wasn’t the right path for him. 
“I just constantly had that little voice going like ‘you should be acting’. So at the end of that cadetship, I was like It’s now or never. I just really wanted to audition for NIDA, so I came back to Brisbane for a year and did every amateur play you could think of and short films and promo work and then I auditioned.”
Matthew got into the National Institute of Dramatic Arts (NIDA) on first go and then moved to Sydney for his new life as an actor. 
Acting career
Matthew’s credits since then are extensive. 
After landing his first professional gig as Frankie Valli in Jersey Boys he went on to a substantial theatre career. 
In 2016 he won a Matilda Award for Best Male Actor in Queensland Theatre’s production of Switzerland and a 2016 Broadway World Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role in Sydney Theatre Company’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
He hasn’t shied away from screen roles with credits in Wellmania, Five Bedrooms, A Place to Call Home and Home and Away to name just a few. 
The versatility of roles and medium has helped shape the longevity of his career. 
“You just gotta take what you can get, the industry is not big enough,” he says. 
“Thankfully, I can act and I can sing and I can move well. So I tick a few boxes, which you have to be able to do in Australia. Otherwise, there’s just not enough arenas for you to play in. But thankfully, I’ve got many fingers in many pies.”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by MATTHEW BACKER (@matthewbacker)
Queer representation
Being boxed in as a “gay actor” has been a frustrating experience for Matt at times, particularly early in his career when the roles he was typecast for were consistently going to his straight colleagues. 
“Six, seven years ago, it was pretty much all straight actors playing gay roles and the gay roles were not even that developed. I think some of the soaps had two gay stalkers on there,” he says. 
“I don’t subscribe to the belief that only gay actors should play gay characters. That’s not it at all, but when the seesaw is like this [he puts out his hands to symbolise unbalanced scales] we have to level it out a bit.”
However, since he first began acting he has seen a demonstrable difference in the industry. 
“I’ve noticed much more developed interesting queer characters that are really exciting. My mate Tim Draxl just got nominated for two actor awards for playing two gay roles and he’s openly gay. Like, that was not happening when I graduated, there was no gay actor openly succeeding that you could go ‘cool, I can do it’, but it is changing,” he says. 
Play School 
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by MATTHEW BACKER (@matthewbacker)
For all his thespian prowess, there’s one role he is probably best known for: Play School.
Matt became a presenter on the iconic program back in 2017. 
“It’s just so fun. It’s so silly. I mean, it’s in the name. We just get to go in and play and be big kids, and I’m such a big kid,” he laughs. 
He has also been part of the program as so many children in his life grow up with it. 
“When I started, I had two nephews and they were like, in the right age bracket. So they’ve grown up with Uncle Matt on TV. Now I’ve got two more nephews and a little niece and so they’re all watching and my friends are having kids and I think I got it at the perfect time. It’s a reminder of how special it is, it’s like the funnest job I’ve ever had.”
With his exposure across so many different mediums, I ask him who recognises him the most. He says kids often spot him but he also gets approached out on the scene.
“I was at Mardi Gras, and you know, everyone’s dressed up and having a good old time and a lovely gay guy skipped up to me and pointed in my face and was like you’re on Play School and skipped off into the night!”
A big year ahead
2024 looks to be a big year for Matthew. 
On January 18, the Stan series Prosper comes out where he stars alongside Richard Roxburgh and Rebecca Gibney which he describes as “his biggest TV role so far.”
The show has been described as Succession meets Hillsong drama series.
Also coming out during the year will be Die Bully Die. 
The film is one that Matthew and his friend Drew Weston co-wrote and will star in together. 
It’s a comedy horror that takes some inspiration from Matt’s experiences at that 90s Catholic school in Brisbane as well as an incident he had later in life at Tropical Fruits.  
“I looked across the dance floor and saw one of my worst bullies and they’re shirtless and gay. It was fine, he came up and gave me a big hug, but I felt really angry and I didn’t show it. I remember thinking, gosh, there’s so much drama and conflict in what I felt because I was happy for him, but also really angry at him.”
“So we developed this idea, based around a character who maybe hasn’t let that go and is a little warped. Horror is my favourite genre, so we just made it a horror comedy. Hopefully, people love it, it’s it’s bloody entertaining.” 
The film’s budget was crowdfunded and the pair are hoping to have it played in a number of festivals this year. 
Matthew’s ability to be a chameleon throughout his career stands him in good stead. 
He’s gone from journalist to theatre and screen actor, Play School presenter, and now film writer. All while fully embracing his queer identity.  
There’s no doubt there is more to come in his career and the boy from Brisbane will continue to do his parents and his community proud.
You can follow Matthew Backer on Instagram. Photos by Johnny Diaz Nicolaidis.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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hannalysis · 5 months
My platonic soulmate = same HS (1 batch apart), same college and course and org, same cadetship program in the same company, same team after graduating from the program, same supposed new role in a new team before exiting the company at the same time. Same birth year. Mostly same views in life.
There are different friendships in life and I'm glad I have you. To more gala in the future.
Sana matuloy na tayong bumili ng bahay! 😂
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We didn't get drunk like at all. Usap usap pa na magtitira pang-uwi eh ni walang tama 😭 Nagmilktea na lang tuloy 🫶🏻
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