#c: haru
wallacejwriting · 2 years
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More Characters from City of Fractured Dreams & the Farside Universe
There's something deeply satisfying about having an entire character post where all the characters are trans. Like. Something really really satisfying. I love it.
These six are some of the younger and more prominent supporting characters. Lara and Bran are Cináed's best friends and Xion, Haru, Rafiq, and Ariel are all in Nomiki's story.
Let me know what you think!
Accessible text version below the cut.
Lara Acardi (She/Her) | Trans, Queer
18 yr old Topsider
Prosthetic legs – her right leg is prosthetic just passed where it attaches to the hip, and her left is prosthetic from just above the knee down. She paints them in cute flower patterns and designs her own legs
A Caster, and second in her class to Cináed
Good friends with Cináed and Bran
Giggly, cheerful, and often looks on the bright side of things. Extremely protective
A chubby lady! She’s got big round cheeks and loves spinny skirts and poufy blouses
Her father is the top scientist of Topside and she is his best assistant and apprentice
Bran Faolán (He/Him) | Trans, Queer
17 yr old Topsider
Youngest child of family, has an older sister in the Dragonguard, Aisling, who dies early on
A caster, a powerful one, who specializes in using water and wind to create ice, then forming combinations from that
Snarky, argumentative, analytical, bossy, looks innocent though, scheming
Loves his sister more than anyone else
Scars are from burns and moreso cover only the left side of his face (our right), including part of his left ear
Friends and roommates with Cináed
Hard of hearing in left ear, partially blind in left eye, wears glasses only sometimes due to damaged ear making it difficult
Xion (She/Her) | Trans, Queer
20 yr old Undersider
Clumsy, eager, well meaning inventor whose inventions often go wrong
Childhood friends with Haru
Desperate to make her mark on the world and prove that she can be useful
Has spent several years trying to figure out how to make her own ArTech but can’t crack the stones
Obsessed with flying, flight, and it as an image of freedom
Openly affectionate, loud, bubbly, covers her insecurity with open love of those around her
Haru (They/She) | Trans, Queer
21 yr old Undersider
Childhood friends with Xion
A medic who has spent a lot of time seeking out people to learn from and is always trying to learn more in healing
A peacekeeper and calming force. Grounds people
An escaped member of the Cult of Farside who has been hiding out on Tairkyda for over a decade
Quiet, observant, loyal and driven, a follower by nature and fine with it
Rafiq (He/They) | Trans, Queer
13 yr old Fringer
A Fringe farmer who lives with his family, including Ariel
Dorky, well meaning, and always with wide eyes. Isn’t big on touch, but he puts it aside for people he loves
A little too self-sacrificing and heroic for someone his age
Fears people he loves getting hurt
Has an awkward sense of humour that pokes fun at himself more than anyone else
Good with animals, like, really good
Ariel (He/Him) | Trans, Queer
22 yr old Fringer
A farmer in the Fringe who grows potatoes and tends to chickens
Has a big family that he loves dearly, his sister, her wife, and his brothers
A bunny beastie with massive ears and a big cottonball tail
Awkward, shy, and dorky. Very earnest
Nomiki crashes in his backyard and he sees Accolade save her
Wants to be a hero, an adventurer, more than anything
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xdaniellexbrisbyx · 8 months
Haru had come to the Chateau to check on the prisoners there. Some still carried afflictions from the invasion, and they needed attention, though fortunately, they were coming along quite nicely. He was finishing his rounds, also poking his head into a couple of rooms with a nosey interest. Had any of his favorites died? 
This pretty one hadn’t, at least. His words caused him to raise an eyebrow as he stopped in front of her cell. “Not who you were expecting.” It wasn’t a question, it’s a clear observation. 
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“Have you lost someone, Danielle?”
Her eyes widen when she catches Haru standing there. Lately her mouth was getting her into trouble and that wasn't her normal behaviour. "No," she was being honest. Not that she was expecting Ricky to show up, not now at least. He would have if he was still in town.
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Slender fingers slide down the bars, not taking her eyes off him. "I think so." Danielle felt it was safe enough to assume he was gone.
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superkitten-poison · 2 years
i love you characters that are only valued for their looks i love you characters that were made to believe they have nothing to offer but their body i love you characters who use beauty to survive i love you characters whose beauty brings them pain i love you characters who are seen as objects i love you characters who see themselves as objects i love you characters who can't stand to not be pretty i love you characters who can't stand to be pretty anymore
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thesnailtail · 3 months
i was dared to ask about the phantom thief minori au in the tags...
can we have details?
(also this au seems really cool)
;; well!!! >:D (also thank you!!)
;; small warning: later on there is a mention of hospitalisation and overworking yourself to the point of hospitalisation
;; minori and mizuki are partners at the start, two silly thieves doing silly things. the two detectives on their case are haruka and an! minori and mizuki's aliases are clover and amia.
;; the main way i can describe the next bit is: phantom thief minomizu -> ??? -> profit (domestic mizuan happens)
;; minori's reasoning for becoming a thief is that if she gets enough money from the things she takes then she can use it to make the world better right? robin hood reasoning. - haruka and an did notice the odd correlation between the heists and a sudden decrease in other crime and social problems in the area. but this thinking does lead to some unintended consequences later.
;; so now minori is the only phantom thief left in the area and haruka is the one trying to work out what the heck is going on with this case
;; then later on after haruka runs in on minori escaping and they have a very quick chat, minori worries that she offended haruka. so she calls up mizuki to give her a letter who then gives it to an who gives it to haruka.
;; that then leads to minori and haruka meeting on the roof of that detective agency and having a short little talk, mainly consisting on minori saying sorry over and over. haruka offhandedly mentions that she doesn't get paid enough for this job. so she goes to the building the next morning to get another letter from minori, this time with "just over four months of good paychecks for her" in money.
;; typical phantom thief shenanigans insue then minori almost gets shot. ive not explained it but my personal belief is rui was testing out the gun in his phantom thief card and minori happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. so she falls off of a rooftop and haruka catches her. luckily she's in casual clothes otherwise that might not have ended so well.
;; after a while this is when haruka and an get to fight. so canon haruka has problems overworking herself, well. well, haruka has to be reminded by an to eat, drink and sleep. she does the first two. she has not slept in a good week and has a caffeine dependency. so her and an argue (during which haruka is a jerk about it) about the state of her wellbeing until haruka collapses in the middle of it. and this kids is why you should take care of your health!
;; in the time when haruka is recovering in hospital, minori doesn't do any sort of heist because she feels bad. she thinks that she was the reason this happend. thought she visits haruka, saying that she was thankful for her catching her when she fell off of the building. and hey here's those unintended consequences from earlier! minori gets stuck in a loop of thoughts that are basically: she thought she was helping people, only for someone to get badly hurt because of her, so was she really even helping in the first place?
;; so when haruka gets back to her normal life, an is constantly worried about her at work. minori gets word from mizuki that she's alright. so she does one heist and no one comes.
;; she does another. and no one comes. she does a third and finally haruka shows up. so minori is absolutely panicking about if haruka's okay and haruka is just mildly annoyed at the fact this case is still ongoing. minori apologises for the problems she caused for haruka. at some point part of minori's disguise (probably the mask) falls off and haruka realises that one of the people who visited her most in the hospital was the person she's been chasing for the past 7 months-ish. yeah.
;; still working out how parts of it go on from there so im just gonna copy this bit from what i said earlier: phantom thief minori -> ??? -> profit (domestic minoharu happens)
;; other plot points im working on fitting in:
- minori gets her money from selling the things she steals to miku. miku encourages theft!
- married couple shizuai, they're a thing. main museum minori keeps stealing from so haruka has to deal with them a lot. in her sleep deprived state and it's not fun for anyone.
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yume-kara-samete · 1 year
Amazuppai Haru ni Sakura Saku - Berryz Koubou, ºC-ute
Japan Expo 15th Anniversary: Berryz Kobo×℃-ute in Hello!Project Festival
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transmasculine · 1 year
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canon/implied sapphic characters!
erika, fantasia, haru, issa, mell, mad mew mew, noelle holiday, susie, tiffany
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finally, after all this time,,, empress reversed chapter 3 with link in the replies
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tomatetoro · 1 year
my UTAU is officially a decade old today...it's really surreal that he's been publicized for 10 years now, i wish i had more to show for it on this specific day but i'll still be working on the anniversary cover/pv progress though;; happy 10 years to my meow meow haru torres!!!
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wallacejwriting · 2 years
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I also gave Haru a slight redesign. On the LEFT you can see their old design and on the RIGHT you can see their updated design. I thought it gave her a little more personality and a better feel for who she is. Debating some other stuff for them, but we'll see.
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not-harukal524 · 8 months
it’s 55°F and rainy i am content
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surodameconfess · 1 year
To follow up anon's trans Towa confession, I raise you; Trans Madarame. Need I say more?
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anon i raise you one higher: TRANSMASC REI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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delilahfimclain · 11 months
Reply To @choiharu From: Here -
Delilah brought her drink back to her lips as Haru asked his question, contemplating how to answer it. Her eyes turned back to the eyes on her, finding some to have physically appealing features but noting the malicious intent in their eyes. To an extent, the attention excited her, but it also terrified her. She shivered slightly at some sights, not finding them as comforting as others. She looked back to Haru as she sipped her drink again before placing the glass on the bar top beside her. "I...I think it sorta scares me. Not to mention...I feel sorta bad they seem to have such...high expectations."
She answered him honestly, sighed softly, and looked at her glass for a moment. "These people probably expect my mind to be as beautiful as my body. But...I tend to scare people off when I can't help but talk about cutting people open. Plus, I don't trust these people to excite me how I'd like. I like the attention...but it's not their attention that excites me." Her eyes turned back to Haru as she found herself enjoying his attention. After all, she was not blind to the attention he had given her when she walked in. He was the only one she recognized, so he was the first to catch her eye. Her thoughts about her fellow doctor halted when he revealed she had projected her thoughts.
Her cheeks flushed slightly at this revelation, her eyes turning away from Haru as she found herself stumbling on her words. "I...Well...You see...I didn't mean to..." She was flustered, her innocence showing as she grabbed her drink and finished it in a few gulps. She placed the glass down as she tried to regain her composure from her slip-up. "Since I have to be honest now...I will admit...I feel you may not be what you seem on the surface." She looked back at him as she bit her lip gently.
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"But...Part of me is kinda...excited with the idea that I don't know what you're really like."
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ota-division · 2 years
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"All souls that die, from every nation, collect here, as one. Pray that you were buried with obolus, so that you may be piloted by the ferryman known as C H A R O N." - Centurion
C H A R O N.
A rap supergroup that took the country of Japan by storm. Second in power only to the famed rap supergroup, TDD. During their six-year reign, there was no one alive who hadn't heard of them. Skill, charisma, talent: this group had it all. And what one member lacked, another more than made up for. Despite how dramatic many thought the name was, none could deny that it fit the power of this group.
"Maggots drink the blood of me, insects lick tears I weep. The hornets pierce me, and the wasps are breaking every single fuckin' inch of skin on me!" - ATLAS
...So the question on everyone's mind is, where did it all go wrong?
Such questions are better suited to be answered by the creators themselves.
Meet the people behind the band. Meet the members themselves.
1. Oracle
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Full Name: Chinen Chinami
Age: 29
Position: Main Lyricist/Singer
Bio: The main lyricist of the band, this blind woman, despite having no eyes, was able to write beautiful lyrics due to her natural gift for poetry. Though joining a rap group wasn't what she saw herself doing, after being persuaded by Haru, she decided to join up. She admitted that being part of C H A R O N was one of the happiest moments in her life. Not only did it allow her to make full use of her writing talents, but it also allowed her to meet the man she would eventually marry. His death broke her, and caused her to leave the group, which signified the end of C H A R O N.
2. Centurion
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Full Name: Tanabe Haru
Age: 27 (At the time of his death)
Position: Lyricist/Rapper
Bio: An aspiring writer, this nerdy, young lad loved writing almost as much as he loved history. One of the frontmen for the group, he was the one responsible for finding and recruiting people to join. As he and the other lyricist of the group, Chinami, got better acquainted and friendly with each other, their friendship soon transformed into something greater. After a year or so of dating, he finally proposed to her, and the two became husband and wife, bearing one child. Sadly, a year into the marriage, he was shot and killed by a drug addict while the two were walking home from the studio one night. His death is what effectively broke the group and eventually caused it to dissolve. Rumors circulate whether his death was really just a drug-related incident, and not a planned hit. Kira, Chinami's younger sister, who is still looking into the incident, has her doubts...
3. Helen
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Full Name: Funai Reiko
Age: 28
Position: Singer/Spokesperson
Bio: To this day, it's still questioned exactly what a famous actress had to gain from joining a rap group. It couldn't be about money, and she already had thousands of fans. Rumors circulate, but the most likely explanation is that she needed some time away from the big screen after a scandal erupted involving a director and a sex tape that somehow made its way online. Whatever the reason, there's no denying that this famous celebrity helped to push C H A R O N into the limelight. With her connections and gift for gab, she was able to quickly get the group noticed.
While she was undoubtedly the face of the group, she was also dubbed 'The Weakest Link' due to having no skill with rapping or singing. After C H A R O N disbanded, she went back to acting. It's unknown if she keeps in contact with her former partners.
4. Rose
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Full Name: Hayakawa Aimi
Age: 24
Position: Musician/Singer
Bio: Born an albino, this half-British/half-Japanese person faced a lot of scrutiny because of their appearance. The fact that they were transgendered only made it worse. A lover of music in all its forms, they consider it to be their heart and soul. Thus, it's no surprise that they were the group's main songwriter, composing beats and notes with little to no problem. A neighbor of Haru's, they accepted his offer to join the group, because it got them away from home, far from their scrutinizing and abusive mother, who tried to force them to accept their gender. They idolized Chinami for her inner strength, and Reiko, for her beauty.
After the group dissolved, they struggled to figure out what to do, refusing to return back to their home. With Reiko's help, they were introduced to a music agency, where they are now working hard to produce their first album. They still keep in touch with their former bandmates, and they always find time to visit Haru's grave with Chinami.
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Full Name: Teagan Oki
Age: 31
Position: Frontman/Rapper
Bio: It's still a wonder how Oki and Haru were able to become good friends despite their personalities being completely different from each other's. Some attribute it to the fact that they were childhood friends, and others believe it's just a concept of how opposites are attracted to each other. In any case, it was his idea to form a rap group in the first place and Haru went along with him. A rapper with an impressive rhyme scheme, he was believed to be the powerhouse behind C H A R O N.
Despite his impressive skills, he had a very poor disposition and was known for his numerous fights and brawls, most of which were his own fault. Besides that, he reveled in the envy that C H A R O N received from reporters or smaller rap teams. Also, save for Haru, he didn't get on well with some of the other members of the group, including Chinami. In fact, after Haru died, he blamed her for his friend's death and for breaking the group up. It's unknown what happened to him after the group broke up.
6. Neleus
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Full Name: Sawada Nori
Age: 22
Position: Rapper
Bio: He was the lively youngest member of C H A R O N, generally speaking. Formerly from a rich family, he ran away from home with only a few thousand dollars to his name after an incident occurred that caused him to leave. He was often noted as being someone who didn't take things seriously until the situation called for it. He also had a bad habit (he'd call it a skill) to push work off onto other people, and he was very, very sleek about it. Besides that, he was a very easygoing guy who loved to party, play video games, and flirt with people. Despite that, he was known to be a peacekeeper among the group. Even Oki found it hard to be angry in his presence. Attracted to Rose, he allowed them to stay in his flat in Tokyo while they work on their album.
Haru was the one who came up with the name for the group. He once stated in an interview, "I chose it simply because I like Greek mythology, and I admired Charon's role in the stories. The fact that the first letter of our names and MC names make up the word was completely coincidental. Honest!"
The group often made a habit of dressing up as Greek characters during live shows.
Despite the group's dissolution, they still remain popular with the people of Japan.
It's only hearsay, but there are rumors that after Haru had married Chinami, he was going to leave C H A R O N so he could focus more on his writing career and so he could be a devoted husband and father to his family. When Oki found out, he wasn't happy and the two reportedly fought over this.
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tamedgod · 1 year
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haru edit 1/?
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soulcluster-moved · 2 years
@voxcrystallis​ / haru / sc.
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“Cosmo will not hurt you, little one.”
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daisyachain · 1 year
that reminds me, when was the last time i not only liked a canonical f/m romance but enjoyed it for its own sake. thinking back. i pass beyond all time and space to return to this world.
Kanan/Hera is sweet but as a sort of background texture that I never think about. I did have fun with the Discworld pairs this last reread but only as a part of the story in the same way I enjoy the puns or the banter between any two characters. I was kind of obsessed with Martin and Rose when I reread Redwall the other year, but I like them more as the way their designated roles as Hero and Love Interest get cruelly messed with than as a romance romance. So none of these count.
hm the efforts of some very hardworking fanartists did get me into yukako/koichi. so that goes in the ‘ship’ pile. I’m fond of many of the couples in baccano! not to the point where I’d seek out fanwork, I just like to see them. There are several X-Romances that I can say are well-written. The only one that I’m truly drawn to is Roberto/Tabitha of all things that existed as a much-derided 90s interlude in the unknown tail end of a popular run.
so: the technical answer is Babs/Jim in Gotham (2014) during the time period after they have explosively broken up and are doing very funny criminal things at each other. Their actual romance during s1? inexcusable. Barbara screaming ‘you long to kill me!!! :3′ at a completely non-responsive Jim? cinema. It’s not even an intentional romance but for lack of anything else I’ll count it
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