#but yk . i had my hopes up for once 🥲
winxys · 2 years
ok the solos r definitely starting in july
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mochis-cream · 3 months
wake up! it’s @00127am!! :3
guess what day it is?! 🤔🤔 that's right, it's YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳🎉
i just wanted to drop by and say happy birthday, to my pookiest of pookies!!! 😻✨ i know we haven’t really spoken a lot, but every conversation i’ve had with you has been so sooo nice, no matter how short 🥹 is it a testament to how sweet you are? 🤔 seems likely, yeah? i think so!! 🫶 in fact, i’d actually like to take a moment to thank you for being one of the most nicest and inspiring people i know!! you’re half the reason why i even came back to this account after all, gotta express my gratitude to you somehow ya know? 🥰
now uh, i gotta admit, i’ve never actually written someone a birthday letter like this before, so please pardon me if this seems a bit messy. also definitely doesn’t help that this is 100% a last minute decision 🥲 but, as i’ve said once before, i’ll never EVER pass up an opportunity to shower you in praise, and now is no exception 😌 like seriously, you’re the absolute best, and your blog is so pretty wowowow 😻🫶
anyhoooo, im running out of time 😓 and brain juice, like i swear i’d know what to say under any other circumstances but talking to you? wow, head empty 🫥 makes me kinda sad yk? i have so many things to say and no way to actually get them out this is tragic 😓 BUT ANYWAYS!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL AMAZING SUPER GOOD DAY TODAY!!!! ❤️🌹🌹
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prettyiwa · 10 months
Ix i need Shunpei so bad it’s sick 🥲
(Sorry for taking forever to answer this; I remember the art that came before this ask) (it haunts me)
You know, whenever I read Sanada as a character, I can't help but think about how once he chose you, that's it, yk? He chose you. He's stuck on you. His heart, his mind, both yours.
And so it's left me with this exes-to-lovers thing that I can't quite get out of my mind.
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❧ Ex!Sanada who agreed when you asked to separate because he believed it was what you wanted and because he wanted you to be happy.
❧ Ex!Sanada who understands that distance is tough and that his schedule leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to spending time together.
❧ Ex!Sanada who means it when he suggests remaining friends because having you in his life at all is better than never seeing or hearing from you again.
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❧ Ex!Sanada who is nothing if not patient, keeping his thoughts to himself when you start dating again, trying so hard to remain a friend, but of course that tired topic of "wait—you still talk to your ex?" comes up and you two stop talking.
❧ Ex!Sanada who runs into you some time later, openly and genuinely happy to see you again (and more than happy to learn that you're not seeing what's their name anymore).
❧ Ex!Sanada who convinces you to hang out with him more often because he truly, truly missed talking with you.
❧ Ex!Sanada who picks up on the fact that you still have feelings for him, too, and decides he has every intention of wooing you again because it still feels like it's your name etched on the side of his heart.
❧ Ex!Sanada who isn't afraid to play a little dirty because he still remembers what you like~
❧ Ex!Sanada who uses your voice kink against you, coming up behind you and leaning in in a low voice to ask what you're doing or how's it going and intentionally speaking softly so you'll lean in to hear better.
❧ Ex!Sanada who feels the way you react when he puts his hand on your lower back when he passes you in a small walkway.
❧ Ex!Sanada who intentionally stretches after you two have finished watching a movie or a show or something, never missing the way your eyes drop to where his shirt is riding up.
❧ Ex!Sanada who still waits for you to tell him you want him because he wants this to be your decision since you were the one who walked away.
❧ Ex!Sanada who would pick you up if you had a bad night out, dropping everything to make sure that you're safe and feel safe.
❧ Ex!Sanada whose first kiss with you again is tentative, a soft peck, and then another, a light tease until you kiss him back and then the gloves are off.
❧ Ex!Sanada who drowns you in affection because you're here in his arms again.
❧ Ex!Sanada who eats you out entirely for his own pleasure, getting lost in the sounds you make and the way your fingers tangle in his hair, wanting you to cum on his tongue no fewer than two times.
❧ Ex!Sanada who hopes to show you how much he still loves you, silently begging you'll give him more than the night to do so.
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Daiya no Ace Masterlist
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enmi-land · 2 months
DIAAA, I hope you had a great day/night!
I am LIKE super-excited for the jjk fic!! ADJDJD – I LOVE the jjk universee!! 😭 & the first idea you told 🐰anon!! the goodwill event, right?? where the kyoto & the main school have like this competition?? & ADKDJD – I think Kiara would defo get along with Utahimee!! maybe she & some of the boys could be in like the kyoto schl branch & Mila & the rest of the boys could be in the main schl branch [ Ig it was Tokyo, Ionno? ] & OH MY LORD – what if Mila is like sort of from a privileged clan like the zenin clan?? I meannn, she‘s canonically from a wealthy fam & I totally think she would fit in a misogynistic clan like the Zenins, cause yk? they prefer the male kids & since Mila is canonically a high-achiever who aims to meet other‘s expectations & strive hard to prove others wrong! like yk? maybe a sunshine version of Maki?? & speaking of Maki, I feel like she & Mila would defo be the ‘black cat x sunshine’ trope!! Maybe like Yuta, Mila could like admire Maki! & GOJOOO, [ I love him & I miss him, please include him 🥺 ] I feel like once the manchild gets to know of the boys’ having a crush on his dear student(?), Mila, he like starts to tease them & tries to get them together!! & I can really see Nobara & Kiara teaming up to get the boys’ & Mila together!! & I really feel like they‘ll drag an exasperated Gumi & a clueless Yuji into their mission!! & I can totally see Yuji & Sunoo being besties!!
– 🐍anon
[ sorry for the VERY-VERY long message😭 I just had these things in mind & I had to share them with you 😭 sorry if it was annoying lool ]
yesssss the goodwill event is sooooo fun 🥲 i had a little different train of thought from you- so i was going to make mila and the others part of like a different branch from korea, and have the two japanese branch students be like eagerly anticipating their arrival like gossiping about who is in the class and what their techniques might be (does this count as spoilers??) 🍄🍄 but ahhh trying not to say too much bc again don’t wanna spoil it before it even comes out, but i love the ideas you have going on!! kiara would defs vibe with maki when they first meet— maybe the two of them bond over weapons and stuff 👑👑 and yesss mila would defs be a sunshine type- her and nobara would probs get along rlly well too, like them complimenting each other’s fashion sense and planning to go shopping together 💅✨✨ imagine todo asking one of the boys what their type is, and them instantly replying “mila” and todo just crying tears of joy bc yeah they have amazing taste in women 😋 mila would deffo have a girl crush on maki ngl, like she’d just find her strong aura and determination so attractive — and especially if they’re both from clans who don’t view women as highly… like mila is defs a princess of some well known clan, and probs is a disappointment bc she’s the only child of the main family, but she’s a girl, so when she sees maki and learns about her history, mila is all 🤩🤩 the boys will have to fight to drag mila away from maki lol 🌝 as for gojo (he shall be missed), riki would defs bother him all the time trying to provoke him into deactivating his infinity so he can have a go at the so called “strongest sorcerer” 🤺🤺 meanwhile mila silently fangirls over him with miwa (omg 2mi???) like “omg he’s so cool” which only fuels the boys need to try and one up him even more 😆
but ahhh hopefully this doesn’t spoil too much lol bc I haven’t written the jjk segment yet 😆 but don’t apologise for sharing!! I actually love asks like this- esp rlly long ones bc it also gets my brain thinking as well so thank youuuuu and love you mwah mwah 🌻💛
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lokislytherin · 1 year
do you think ptj will do jaeyeol/jay’s character any justice? 🥲 i’ve read so many comments on reddit saying that ptj will just throw jay away because he’s served his purpose (attracting a large enough fanbase through queer-baiting) because jay’s potential to be a great character is just going down the drain (he’s the son of steve hong, he should he able to step in and help right? also big daniel is kidnapped and jay used to have such a strong “daniel is in trouble i gotta go help him” sensor so where tf is he?)
okay, but excluding all that, i think jay should be developed further as a character because he has so much potential that’s being wasted so far. i really hope ptj hasn’t forgotten about him and pulls an eli jang arc for jay because he’s super interesting to me, like i wanna know why he doesn’t talk, why he isn’t acknowledged by his family (?), where tf is he when all this is going down, what does he do in his free time, what are his likes (besides daniel lol)??? i just want to know more about him as a person IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK PTJ???
ahem, sorry for the rant, i just caught up to the latest chapter and i am FUMING because the last time we saw jay was in chapter 300+ and he wasn’t even that prominent in the chapter? i just miss when all we had to care about was daniel having to hide his 2 bodies from people, crystal being a snoop, jay and joy fighting over the same man, zack and mira’s relationship, zoe’s inner conflict not knowing she likes the very same person, etc. like what’s with all these new characters i do not give a single shit about? i loved the hostel chapters though but once they got to the worker’s arc, man…. pls just bring the original cast back.. this story is getting too much man..
so what do you think? 😅🥲
hello anon, thank you for the ask! hoo boy this is a big one so imma break it down into bitesized chunks if you don't mind
jay as the queerbait character: honestly i see where those redditors are coming from? insert a hot male character with a good, interesting dynamic with the mc who is also male, and you have the interest of women and queers! even if we don't count me being a jaeseok ship fic writer, i still really enjoy the dynamic they have, the only one that comes close for me is vasco and jace but to me jay's queer energy is too strong to see them as solid bros yk. as a queer who is horrible in social situations i kinda see myself in jay sometimes and it's really nice to have that TT
jay's potential as a character: anon you're so right. jay is the son of steve hong and honestly he could have a much bigger role to play not only as a character who can fight (because hello?? maybe jay's not the best in a dirty street fight but systema and kali are deadly in their own right) but also as a Plot Relevant Character? i've probably mentioned this before in other posts but he reminds me of khun maria agnis from tower of god: both were shown in early chapters and had a decently big impact on at least one of the main characters, both have long bangs and eyes that have not been seen in 300+ chapters, neither character has been seen in 200+ chapters i swear to god. maybe i'm on copium but i still believe that this is bc they're preparing for their comeback as an insanely OP character
more on jay's potential: dear ptj, where is jay's 1) backstory 2) CURRENT SELF. WHERE TF IS HE. as i've said before my predictions are 1) med school so he can be the 'call an ambulance! but not for me! oh wait i am the first aid' guy 2) preparing for his OP character arc
I MISS EARLY LOOKISM CHAPTERS TOO ANON. WHEN ARE ZACK AND MIRA GOING TO GET TOGETHER FOR REAL. LIKE WHERE'S DANIEL'S MOM. unless daniel went 'i'm going to get myself into a shitload of trouble do you mind looking after my mom for me in case things go wrong 🥺' and jay said yes at the cost of his canon appearances bc he's whipped. pathetic gay little man (affectionate)
i hope that answered things? i feel like you sent me a rant and i just ranted back with more speculations and headcanons LMAO
anyway join me let's hold hands and start a prayer circle for hong 'jay' jaeyeol's reappearance in canon anybody who misses jay is more than welcome to join bc i'm p sure jay's fandom is almost as big as samuel seo's tiddies and they're pretty damn massive, so ptj's bound to notice us and bring jay back as an Important Character... right...?
btw i'm not caught up with the manhwa oops. i'm only up to ep 394 but i'm speedrunning the latest chapters and my urge to punch eugene increases every chapter.
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taniavttv · 2 years
Hey there! I was wondering if you could do a Sanemi x Fem!Reader like Enemies to Lovers kinda thing yk? 🥲
Original or Modern AU could do and if you don't write for Sanemi then that's fine💪🏻
Hi there sorry if I took long with this one I hope you like this I am not very good writing for Sanemi but I tried hope you like. This is long so please enjoy. Send request I’ll be happy to do more writing 😊
Prologue: It’s clear how you and Sanemi don’t along until one day on a mission that can all change till he feels a new feeling toward you.
Sanemi x Fem!Reader
Enemies to Lovers
Green : Sanemi
Purple: Y/N (you)
Pink: Mitsuri
Bold black: Demon
Blue: Child
Note: Mitsuri is added cuz she’s your bestie I hope you love it still but Sanemi is also in this too enjoy ☺️
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You were training with the rest of the other Hashiras since you were the Hashira of (name). You spar with your friend Mitsuri who you could beat and she could beat you as well but you ended up winning. “Wow Y/N your skills are amazing” Mitsuri complimented you.
“Thanks Mitsuri you were also amazing I love when we spar because we must get stronger” Y/N said as she and Mitsuri high fived. “It’s no wonder why you are the best” Mitsuri complimented Y/N. As you were happy and smiled at Mitsuri compliment until someone had to say something.
“Shut up both of you I don’t like those compliments Y/N is only strong because she challenges people” a jealous voice said. Y/N and Mitsuri looked to see Sanemi making them a face. “Sanemi don’t say that to Y/N she is the best fighter” Mitsuri said as she defended her friend. “Be quiet Mitsuri I was speaking to Y/N” Sanemi said as he looked at Y/N eyes.
“Listen here if you think you are strong than me then why don’t you challenge me” Sanemi said in his anger tone. “Oh I get it you must be tired Sanemi” Y/N said sweetly “Huh…..” he said confused “Oh it’s okay Sanemi we can spar another time I might have to head to a mission” Y/N said as she was about to leave until Sanemi grabbed her arm. “No your not we are going to spar” Sanemi said as Y/N blushed but hid her blush so he couldn’t see.
“Okay Sanemi but I’m warn you this is going to hurt but let’s do this” Y/N said as she and Sanemi spar as the others watched. Y/N was able to pin Sanemi on the ground. “I got you Sanemi What will you do now I was expecting more of you” She said sweetly. “Huh get off me you little…..” Sanemi said as he able to get up and Y/N won the spar since she was able to get the sword off Sanemi and made him yield.
“You may have won this round but I’ll win the next one” Sanemi said “Oh I can’t wait to kick your butt again Sanemi” Y/N said as she smiled and headed with Mitsuri to go eat something as they giggled at Sanemi angry temper.
“How can you stand Sanemi bullying you” Mitsuri asked “I just like getting him annoyed” Y/N smiling as she and Mitsuri ate the bowls of ramen. “He has annoyed you ever since you became a Hashira and did pranks on you” Mitsuri said as she ate more ramen “Oh don’t worry Mitsuri you know people can have new feelings towards others” Y/N said
“Well your not wrong Y/N let’s eat more ramen it’s so delicious” Mitsuri said as she ate more ramen. Finally once they were done they paid for the food and decided to walk. Until…. CAW CAW Y/N YOU HAVE A MISSION YOU MUST GO TO A VILLAGE THAT IS NORTH RUMOR HAS IT THAT CHILDREN ARE DISAPPEARING YOU MUST GO AND ELIMINATE THE DEMON QUICKLY it was Y/N crow that arrived to tell her. “Alright I’ll go now and Mitsuri I had fun today but I have to go” Y/N said as she and Mitsuri hugged
“Stay safe Y/N and I’ll see you later” Mitsuri said as Y/N headed to her mission. Once she arrived she investigated the place as she heard people talk about the disappearance of the children and decided to ask for any information given to her. After gathering information she heard a noise of a child running and panting as if running from something. “Excuse me hey kid are you Alright?” Y/N as the child hugged her and cried.
“Me and my friend were playing around until a horrible monster came out of nowhere and took my friend and I can’t find him” the crying child said as he cried. “Don’t worry I’ll save your friends just run and don’t come near alright” Y/N said as the child nodded and ran to his parents.
“Alright let’s go and save the child” Y/N said as she ran to the forest and saw the demon and had the child in its arms almost about to devour it. Y/N ran up to the demon sneakily and sliced the hands of it and grabbed the child. She ran out the forest and set the child down. “Here take the child with you he’s injured please cure him” Y/N said as she saw the parents of the child run up to their son and hugged him as they took him to see a doctor and thanked her.
Y/N nodded and headed back to the forest and saw the demon catching up to her. “Pathetic little slayer did you think I wouldn’t catch up since you took my dinner” the demon said angrily “How about you shut up and fight me” Y/N said as she grew angry. “Huh you are a Hashira I been wanting to fight one and now I’ll have you for dinner” the demon said as it ran to fight Y/N. The battle was intense it wasn’t a twelve Kizuki but it was strong.
Y/N had a lot of scars and was injured but she wasn’t going to give up, She was going to kill the demon no matter what. “Huh are you already weak and tired I was enjoying this game” the demon said laughing “I’ll slice your head no matter what” Y/N said as she tried to stand “hahaha pathetic Hashira go ahead if you can” the demon said as it was about to slice Y/N face until someone came and sliced the hands of the demon. “Hey what the….” the demon paused as some sliced its head and it’s body start to go to ashes.
Y/N looked to see who it was and it was Sanemi who stood as he watch the demon body go to ashes and then looked at Y/N. “S…Sanemi did you save me” Y/N asked as she smiled weakly. “Hey be grateful I came in time to save you dummy before you could be the next meal of it” Sanemi said as he saw Y/N trying to get up.
“Sanemi can you help me get up my legs are sore and hurt a little” Y/N said “uhhh fine” Sanemi said as he helped Y/N up. “There is a Cabin near by let’s go and rest there” Sanemi said as he saw Y/N trying to walk. “Uhhh let me help you silly” Sanemi said as he picked up Y/N in bridal style. “S….Sanemi” “Hold on tight would you” Sanemi said as he began to walk as he carried Y/N.
Y/N nuzzled her head close and this made Sanemi blush and feel a bit weird. Finally at the cabin Sanemi was curing Y/N wounds and scars. “Hold still Y/N” Sanemi said as he was cleaning the blood from Y/N. When Sanemi was done bandaging the wound he and Y/N eyes met. They stared at each other and blinked this went on like forever until Sanemi didn’t know how to feel.
“Umm Hey why are you looking at me” He asked a bit mad. “Oh nothing Sanemi it’s just Thank you for saving me” Y/N said smiling sweetly. Sanemi face went red he didn’t really like getting complimented a lot. “Uh yeah sure I have to save you since I was around the area so be grateful for that” He said as he blushed harder. “We should get some rest Sanemi it’s getting late” Y/N said as she got the futons ready.
“Umm yeah sure” Sanemi said as he saw Y/N slowly going to sleep. He tried to sleep but he stared at Y/N sleeping body it was cute how she slept. “Uhh what’s this feeling I have is it love why is my heart going fast and Am I falling in love” he said in his mind. Y/N was shivering she was cold as Sanemi noticed and pulled the covers up to her body as she now comfortable.
The next day Y/N and Sanemi woke up and headed back to headquarters to give reports of the mission. Y/N was recovering from her wounds once she was healed she went back to training. As she trained she spar with Mitsuri still but mostly Sanemi since he thought he could beat her but he was mostly distracted because of Y/N beauty and the fact that he was in love with her because when he near her, He wanted to tell her his feelings but the way he treated her he knew there better in him.
Mitsuri began to notice Sanemi change when he was around Y/N. “I think Sanemi like you” Mitsuri said “Umm huh” Y/N said and raised her eyebrow in question. “Normally he would start to annoy you but seeing how he changed after your mission he acts normal around you” Mitsuri said “Oh he must be in his world of dummies since he acts like one” Y/N said as she giggled but although she did love the new change in Sanemi.
Mitsuri and Y/N decided to go home as they hugged each other goodbye and went to their houses but Y/N decided to go sit by a lake to enjoy the sunset. It was beautiful evening as Y/N sat and enjoyed the view. She loved the beautiful lil pads and flowers “Hey mind if I join you” A voice said as she jumped. “Oh Sanemi it’s you ughhh I thought it was someone else you dummy” Y/N said as she looked back to at beautiful lake. “Hey can I join you” He asked annoyed “Sure silly you could’ve just sat” Y/N said as she patted the spot next to her.
It was just awkward how Sanemi and her looked at lake and then looked at each other. “Why are you looking at me Sanemi do I have something on my face” Y/N asked as she raised an eyebrow. “Umm no it’s just……” Sanemi paused he wanted to confess his love for you. “Cmon dummy say it I’m waiting” Y/N said teasingly. “I….I….I um I love ……you dammit” Sanemi said as he turned away and blushed. “Oh Sanemi do really you mean I….” Y/N was about to continue as Sanemi continue to speak.
“Yes I mean it dummy I love you and I’m sorry if I annoyed you I was just a bit jealous of how strong you were but I was impressed of how you won and when I heard you were almost about to sliced I was worried about you and I ran as fast as I could to save you because I realized I have feelings for you but I understand that if you…..” Sanemi was about to continue until Y/N pulled Sanemi to her and kissed him passionately.
Sanemi didn’t knew how to react he liked but he never kissed a girl before but enjoyed the kissed as he hugged her waist. “I love you too dummy and I want to be your lover” Y/N said as she hugged Sanemi chest and nuzzled her head in his chest to touch his pectorals this made Sanemi blush harder he loved the touch (UwU). “Me too My little warrior I love you” Sanemi said as he put his hand around her shoulder and hugger her tight as they kissed and then enjoyed the beautiful lake.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
The same annon from the "MC shouldn't have magic" I absolutely LOVE when people talk about this! I love hearing people's rambles .
I also agree with all your points stated in the reply!
As for obey it hits close to home cause it's honestly one of my fav dating sims
(don't know many but it has good translation and doesn't have a paywall(GESMS) or adds)
But I also agree on the story telling 🥲. It's a good idea and plot but there's a part that could definitely use improvement (lesson 16 if yk yk).
for those who are in the later lessons it's weird for me how it never got stated that we learned magic(able to cast) in the original lessons(early ones). Like we always had magic and even though we didn't know anything we would've picked some stuff up like we've been there for almost a year. So we should've had at least have small weak magic 😞 but we only learned and got to cast spells later on late into the lessons once Solomon taught us.
Another thing that could've been improved.
Also if you wanna know something about a lesson you can post about the lesson + chapter you want information on and I'll probably go to your inbox to tell you since i have 1-80
(not the locked ones you need 3 stars or the ones in hard mode)
Hope that helps :D
Drink water plz 🙏
Ah, lesson 16, the start of my frustrations. Funnily enough, I wouldn't be as irritated at that lesson if it weren't for the fact the MC isn't allowed to be angry. I was already annoyed with the fact the MC is easy to fluster when I'm 100% immune to flirtations and teasings, but lesson 16 kinda just, clicked into place that the writers had no intention of having the MC get some kind of backbone. So I just stopped playing the game. But also because all my UR's ended up being Belphegor and I was nooooot about that. I was considering re-downloading the game when those Diavolo cards were released but eh, I got into Arknights by then and I was sucked in.
And yes to the magic thing. If the intention was to always have the MC get magic, there should've been signs or indications as such. Odd reactions to the pacts, a sensitivity to the ingredients when making food or potions, perhaps even a heightened intuition for dealing with the creatures down under, or even just a sense of scale of the power sleeping in Diavolo's castle, but nope. And if the MC always had some small form of magic, it would've been a good idea for them to be clever with it when trying not to get murdered. Like, it's one of the things they're confident about, small magic spells that they use in creative ways, only to get that confidence tested and questioned with the events of lesson 16. Twas a missed opportunity, I say.
And honestly I forgot which lesson I left off on. It was so long ago. Would be nice to find a database to read at my own leisure.
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taegularities · 1 year
My Drabble review🤭:
Idk why but my heart swelled reading the first few lines bc I missed the warmth of their relationship/friendship and even though it’s only a flashback, it’s given me sm hope that they can overcome this issue and really be together all in😢.
When it’s mentioned that oc was reluctant to go home and would rather over something silly w jk really interest me because now I’m thinking about how long ago did she start really becoming fond of him🤔 ofc they’re hooking up and stuff and she’s stressed and wants a release, but I would usually go hang w one of my closer friends than my newly fwb yk??: “But you genuinely did not notice how late it was — between studying and going out for a late night snack alone, time passed. It does quickly when you’re reluctant to go home.”
“If you peeked long enough, you bet you could see his perked, brown nipples, right there on his firm, hard pecs.” SAME GIRL SAMEEEE🌚
No idc what anyone says, they may have started as friends w benefits, but I feel like there always has been lingering feelings oc felt, but just didn’t want to admit to bc all the little habits he has that usually annoy her from anyone else, but she can tolerate (can I say even loves) coming from him like cracking his fingers nonstop?? It may not be important, but there was more than just sexual tension between them idk🫸
Ik OC loves arguing just for the sake of it bc she was really anticipating bantering back and forth w JK (ik this is her type of foreplay😭😭): “I’ll tell her to regrade my paper. Make me fail the class. Will you be happy then?’…You say nothing. You hadn’t anticipated this.”
“Even if,” you tell him, “it’s none of your business.” I know OC’s life is more in the public eye and stuff and they had just got to know each other, but they both have some deep traumas that they’re reluctant to tell each other and i know this Drabble is still from when they first started hooking up, I wonder if there’s still anything now that OC hasn’t told JK??
“Listen,” he cards his fingers through his hair, and the strands fall back into his face so beautifully.” Just imagining this omg I’m so down bad for JK😞🥲🩷🩷🩷
“You came because you want me, and that’s driving you crazy.” It’s a bold statement. But it makes you hold your breath. “Because you think about it way too much.” Ok now who told him to examine it this much🙄🙄🙄 this only means he overthinks situations too and thinks about HER WAY TOO MUCH AS WELL😊 but he really got her speechless w that😭😭
“Yeah, yeah, you're an enigma. One that definitely doesn't like it when I do this, right?” Without a warning, rendering you speechless, he touches your thigh. Journeys down to your knee. “Should I stop?” This was so smooth I’m speechless. I have no thoughts just a *** *****😵‍💫
“Dark, starry. Tender yet dangerous. Luring you in on purpose, so you're trapped.” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 your descriptions will be the end of me omggg
Ok wait I’m rethinking my earlier statement now because they weren’t even FWB when the Drabble started, so she definitely felt something for him w just plain old hookups huh🤔
I really wonder what happened at that frat party that made them never forget it and stick together for so long. Most of the time frat parties are places where you can’t remember a thing after it’s over, but this night single-handedly changed the course of their relationship and I feel like it’s way more deeper than just a hookup (idk I like to be dramatic)
“And when he grips your hair out of the blue, you gasp, noses almost clashing when he pulls you to his face, and he interrupts, “Stop fucking doubting me for once. It’s exasperating.” Didnt even start the smut yet but I need more aggressive JK>>>>>>>
“Tilting his head, he deepens the sloppy kiss with a hum, breathing whenever possible as you let tiny, yet innocent whimpers into his mouth. The wet noises of the kiss stir your mind, his entire being reckless when his palms shift to your ass.” Omg my ***** is ** *** * can’t ******* I’m not ******* ** *** I’m going crazyzyzyayx😂😂😂😂😂😂
“you’ve ruined any other pussy for me.” The most iconic line of CMI EVER🌚🌚
“…Can’t mess with anyone anymore because of this gem you’ve got.” You don’t know whether he sounds angry or overwhelmed by lust. “Will never come across anything better.” I just melted wtf omg🫠🫠🫠
“Beautiful and inviting. Thick, towering, even when not fully hard. The tip is glistening with precum, veins spreading along the length… and there’s a mole on his dick, right at the base.”🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐
“Protection is never a hundred percent, but this is new. The way it splits in half when you want to roll it over his dick, draping over your hand like a ruined glove. You glance at it with wide eyes, up to him, then back to it again, and then curse, “Fuck.” THE CONDOM RIPPING HAS ME CRYING😭😭😭 ONLY THAT WOULD HAPPEN TO THEM AND CAUSE EVEN MORE STEAMY SEX
I can’t wait for the day we get the frat party reveal because I genuinely want to know how fucked up OC got to not even remember a thing😭😭😭 and like how those events led us here because we can’t even rely on ole girls memory to help us out🙄🙄
“…but he surprises you when you start moving, holding your thighs in place as he says, “Wait. Not yet. Just wanna… Just a bit…His forehead lazily falls against your shoulder for a second, and you brush along his arms, feeling the bicep” cockwarming🥹🥹🥹 oh how I love cockwarming❤️❤️❤️ lmfaoaoaoa no but this made me melt again seriosuly🫠🫠🫠
“Nothing. You’re just. So pretty.” The praise is sudden; it’s not quite unusual for him, because you know he finds you pretty.” I miss them sm the angst is hurting me😭😭😭 they are so in love it hurts #rip⭐️
“his teeth running along your jaw, down to your tits until he’s sucking in a sensitive nipple. A strong hand palms your boob from below, pushing it up, lighting up your veins.” I think I’m the biggest sucker for tittysucking idk 🤷‍♀️ it just seems the second most intimate after cockwarming during sex for me🤷‍♀️🤓
“Take his hand from your hip and bring it to your mouth, pushing two fingers in that he previously had knocked into your cunt…Diligently, with quiet, low hums, you suck them clean, biting back your moans, different from him voicing endless groans.” I lied I’m an even bigger sucker for fingerlicking/sucking🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
Anal tease…🤭🤭🤭
“You’re…” He gulps, stalling for a moment. “You're beautiful.” He’s down even worse omg. They have such passionate sex it’s borderline “making love” and no one can deny that!
“The truth is that you’re more than okay being here. Other options aren’t as gratifying, and this… he… takes your mind off things. He might be tiresome once in a while, but his place is inviting.” My babys🥲🥲🥲🥲
“Jungkook’s climax is nothing you’ll ever get used to. A phenomenon each time. So vocal, so pretty, deep dimples of focus in his cheeks, a hard jaw. Flexing muscles. Rapid breathing when he’s finally empty.” ** ***** ** *********!!! #rip⭐️
The shower scene🥲 they’re so domestic and cute and this is just the beginning of their relationship I can’t wait for what’s next🤭🤭🤭
I literally am realizing how much I love your smut like wtf you’re a beast omgggg #myfav
This was such a good Drabble and sorry for taking so long to send this in, life🙄🙄🙄 but I’m going to reread this again right after sending it and it was such a cute distraction from the mess that is now CMI7.5 (review coming soon🫠) I loved sm rid thank u for always putting ur all into the work you release for us❤️❤️❤️
I COULDN'T FIND THIS REVIEW IN MY INBOX ANYMORE, like i got so fkn scared but it came back when i refreshed 😭 tumblr why phew
this drabble was definitely a way to escape the reality we're seeing right now. there's so much comfort between them, and that's kind of why i teared up writing it? like there's no angst at all in this one, but... yeah it hurt, comparing those moments with the heartbreak they're going through rn.
i guess the reason she went to him instead of her friends could be as simple as... she was nearby, his dorm is close to college, so she dropped by... or it could be as complex as her finding warmth in him that she hasn't experienced anywhere else before. we'll find out why after the frat party reveal!! (which was, as you said, definitely more than just a hook up night. probably not too deep, but deep enough :'))
i don't think it was a crush, even less love, back then, but there was something between them for sure. even during the hook up phase! a connection maybe. we've been seeing it since ch1... there's always been chemistry, and they've always kind of.. hm, clicked.
tbh, i'd say oc has been a lot more open with jk than vice versa. like, since they started their fwb thing, she's laid her heart open to him very often. he definitely didn't show his pain as much as she did... it's time he does :')
'I have no thoughts just a *** *****' WHY DID I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEANT LMAOAOAOAO
more aggressive jk you say? GOTCHA COS ME TOO !!!
your reactions to the smut are everything 😭 LIKE THE RIPPED CONDOM LMFAO JUST THEM !!! i also fkn love every single time you go "#rip⭐️" LOL ILY STAR ILY
and yes, sucking/cockwarming >>>>
anal tease 👁
the shower scene was my favourite of all 🥺 domesticity is my favourite city fr, i wanna reside there forever hahaha i just love it when they giggle together, i'm so down bad 😭 it'll be insane once they actually get together :')
and don't worry, babe!! take as much time as you need. i'm very slow too lol i apologise! i saw your other review too and i fucking love your thoughts to cmi every damn time, thank you so much 😭 will get to it soon too!! <333
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jiminxoxo · 2 years
i am glad you are getting better 💞 AND AND I HOPE YOU HAD FUN AT THE CONCERT 😭😭🥳🥳🥳🥳
ikr !!! ice and figure skating is just soooo bful 🤌🏻🤌🏻☹️☹️💘💘💘 i wanna try & learn it atleast once in my lifee like yk properly XD
have you ever tried it?! have you ever been on a rink? 🤔🤩
ahhhh staphhh you are making me go (灬º‿º灬)♡
i have so so soooo much love for you toooo <33 MWAHHHH
i couldn't stay more than 2 days away from tumblr for some reason!! i generally go hippity hoppity off of all social medias all the time lmaoo😭😭 but I've decided I'll cut off the usage slowly 🥲
yeaa pls don't feel obliged or anything to update constantly.🥺
it's totally finee and we all are here even if u come after a long arse hiatus hehe <3
I WANNA ASK FOR YOUR OUTFIT FOR THE CONCERT BADLY 😭😭 pls put it up if u are comfortable :3 or lmk if u want me to drop in by yo dm 🌚🌚
i am doing not rlly okay or wtv idk 😐
honestly at first i was super insecure because i felt way too over dressed but after the concert i got a boost of confidence 🤭
ive tried ice skating a couple times because my highschool was located right next to a rink but i was never good at it 😭😭😭😭!!! its extremely difficult to me and i can never get the hang of it
LMAOOOOOO!!! theres something about tumblr that has me in a chokehold although im not on it much these days 😭
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pashminalamb · 2 years
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 800 FOLLOWERS!!!! 🥳✨🎉 You absolutely deserve the success after all your hard work 😤. I’ve been…. eh? If that makes sense? Like I am currently swamped with just everything in life atm but like I’m handling it like a champ (if I do say so myself 😌). Have not had a single breakdown or attack so far since my life got extra hectic again. If that’s an achievement I’ll take it. But like it also sucks cause it’s my birthday week and the universe decided to throw everything at me right now of all times. But it’s cool I shall manage. Sorry abt all that ranting I can get carried away sometimes 😅🥲. Let me know if it bothers you. ALSO it took so long to decide what emoji I wanted, but I have finally chosen one. If it’s not taken already I shall now be known as ✨ anon. Cause it gives me the just-shashaying-through-the-burning-house-that-is-my-life-with-chocolate-milk-and-pair-of-snazzy-glasses vibes you know? Anyways as always I hope you’re taking care of yourself! 2D man will never let you down. Real men ain’t shit anyways. *sends many virtual hugs*
- virtual hug anon (now officially ✨ anon)
Thank you !! (,,>﹏<,,)
Ik it can be hard sometimes, but you got this. It's the little progress that matters, and i'm proud of you for getting through your day
꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱⸒⸒˚ ༘♡
Ooh its your birthday this week? *lights up candles*
(pls don't apologize for ranting, its totally fine to yk? its important to unwind once in a while and chill, And I like interacting with people
✨ Anon totally fits the vibe (definitely fits the she's the baddest of them all song)
Gonna go on a lil rant here; i just woke up, haven't been able to sleep much all night cause my uterus is having a heartattack? (idek what to call this level of pain) but other than that, i'm doing p well itching to write this angst scene i was thinking about but yeah and also planning to write for obey me...
So, me & my ex are still friends but the exes before that, makes me wanna crawl into a hole and give myself a timeout girl what were you thinking but like here's the problem : Nice boys = are nice to you, you fall for em and they don't like you back (and i just did something about this last week)
Toxic boys = are mean to you (but kinda have their positive moments even if its rare? that adds to you falling for them), indecisive af and make you question your place? Where do they even get the audacity from? istg the drama I had for 2 years
2D men just hit the spot; like its a two way relationship. they don't text you, you don't text them back, so the both of you are stressing. They cheat on you, you have like a lot of options available and from a variety which includes dilfs, footballers, volleyball players, sorcerers, mafia men, men with quirks, ikyk
Some of the real men are such a disappointment.
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*sending back hugs ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝•༝•⸝⸝ᐢ꒱*
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AWW MY LOVELY ARIII 💞 i’m incredibly sorry that this was so late, i had the fattest nap ever known to both man AND womankind (13 whole hours is WILD 🤯). whelp ig it’s just my sleep debt catching up on me :((( but tysm for checking up on me bby! i rly hope uve had a good day today. don’t forget to eat well, drink water nd get those full 8 hours of well deserved sleep!!
ahhh work was sm chiller than i expected yesterday. i work part time at mecca (australian equivalent for sephora) and there was not a single 12 year old sephora kid in sight! phewww 😮‍💨 i remember once, majority of my shift was spent cleaning the glow recipe aisle bc some 10 year old thought it was a good idea to spill the samples everywhere 😭 that was not fun hsjsjs
AND OMFG TOJI W SUNNIES 😻😻 the things i wld do to see toji in summer istg. ig i just have a thing for dilfs atp 🤷‍♀️ hahaha i doubt i cld fix him tho but iss okk 🥲 ALSO ALSO YOU AND SUGU WLD WORK SO WELL TOGETHER HSHSHSH. relationship goals right there!
uni bf sugu wld definitely have a tattoo or two asw as some piercings. no bc why do i feel like a helix piercing wld suit him SO WELL THO. like i genuinely believe sugu’s jewellery game wld be unbeatable. like i can see his piercings and all that (cs i picture him with more than one piercing iykwim) lookinf so aesthetically pleasing and HAJSJSJK. also the turtle necks are SO REALL. like he would 100% wear glasses whilst he’s in his dorms or maybe during campus asw. ++ i feel like he wld suit those reading glasses so well but he’d be the type to wear it occasionally and i can just imagine like most of his classmates like ‘wait you wear glasses!? 😮’ rahh we were robbed of a uni geto fs :(
also i saw how ur a lit major and can i just say that’s like the coolest thing ever what?? hsjsjsj lit majors seem so so cool omg. oddly specific question but dy guys have like a certain amount of time you spend reading a certain book?? if so, how long is it usually? ahh i’m sorry if that was a stupid question 😭 i read INCREDIBLY slow but i wanna get back into it yk. my reading slump’s been going on for far too long but idk which book to read to help me get out of said reading slump hshshsh. i’m still in awe that ur a lit major tho 🥹 like i hold utmost respect for all lit major students. i shldve guessed that u majored in lit/smth remotely to do with creative writing bcs your sugu drabble was written so BEAUTIFULLY AHHH. okok my words probably don’t do it any justice but it was just written so well to the point it was mind blowing yk? ahh i wish my brain worked like urs!! i 100% see sugu as that caring and doting bf who’d just be hyper aware of everything about you down to the smallest things ever. he’s just so sweet and so loveable istg 🥰🥰 i think about cult leader geto at least once everyday (roman empire much!) but i literally cannot emphasise how much i loved ur geto drabble omfg. the yearning was just 🤌🤌🤌 especially during that scene where mc brought up how sugu must’ve loved his bsf a lot, the change in his mannerisms were so subtle yet it was so evoking at the same time. like sure it was subtle, but it was enough for mc to k that she had hit a sore spot. also i just thought it was perfect in symbolising the strong bond sugu had w toru. like the mere mention of toru wld cause sugu to have like sm nostalgic memories rush back to him. HAKSJSJ thank u sm for gracing us w your drabble bby. im not even exaggerating when i say that it genuinely pulled my heartstrings HARD. hshshsh it was such an enjoyable read!
btw to answer ur question earlier, i’m currently pursuing my bachelor of biomedicine with a major in integrated dental sciences. i’m a stem girly thru and thru. idk australia has this funky thing where we specialise in our degrees almost instantly (i’m not too sure if it’s the same for other countries).
++ i was scrolling on pinterest earlier and i came across this
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HELLO WHY CAN I LOWK PICTURE SUGU JUST MUNCHING ON HIS BAGUETTES IDK 😭 emily in paris who? i only know suguru geto in paris 😌
tysm for taking the time to read all this ari 💗 i appreciate you so so much. hope you’ve had a good day/night so far! mwah ilyyy <333
UKI MY DEAREST <3333 no need to apologize pls!! i’m so happy that you got a bunch of rest!!!!! :33 AND I’M SO GLAD WORK WAS CHILL TOO gosh the glow recipe thing…. 😭😭 u have my condolences. i’m proud of you for working so hard!! pls pat yourself on the back since i can’t 🫂🫂
DILF LOVERS UNITE BTW i’m soooo weak for toji…….. for all the jjk dilfs actually……… they’re just so good. toji w sunnies is gonna rot in my brain atp he would look so perfect 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ur brain is so big uki. AND EVERYTHING ABT COLLEGE BF SUGU PLS HAVE MERCY ON MY HEARTTTTT he makes me feel ill………… THE HELIX PIERCINGGGG YOU’RE SO RIGHT!!!! and him wearing glasses in his dorm….. i would simply Explode he’s sooooo bf it’s crazy :(((((
AAA AND YOU’RE A BIO MAJOR THAT’S SO COOL WHAT????? dental care too!!!!!! stem girlies have my heart and respect always always always 🙏🙏🙏 in my brain the stem girlies and liberal arts majors r holding hands :33 we respect u sm yknow!!! as for your question……. honestly i don’t rlly keep track of how long it takes me to read a certain book 😭😭 i think i usually work under the assumption that i read like. one page per minute?? ish??? but that also totally depends on the format…. so i can’t rlly give u a sure answer :’3 BUTTT pls never be discouraged to read a book just bc u read slow!! that’s normal!!!! reading becomes so much more enjoyable when you find a book that you enjoy and have fun reading, and at the point the time won’t matter bc you’ll be done before you know it!! aaa i’d love to give you some recs but i’d have to know more abt your taste 😭 a book i read recently that wasn’t toooo long + was written beautifully + made me cry LMAO is ”the travelling cat chronicles” by hiro arikawa!! if you like cats it’s def for you :33 usually when i find books to read i check a summary and some quotes just to get a feel for it, so that’s a good idea if you wanna find one that suits your taste!!
……. i hope that’s at least . a little bit helpful PHDKDBF i’m sorry uki 😭😭 i’m probably the least competent lit major when it comes to giving advice on reading BUT i’m cheering you on!!!! literature is sooooo genuinely wonderful when you aren’t being forced to read a book you don’t like for school lmao. and if you want recs my dms and inbox r always open for u!!! don’t hesitate to ask <333
aaaaaaaa but uki 🥺🥺🥺🥺 pls i cried you are SO unbelievably sweet ….. ur tags on the geto drabble made me feel so warm!!!!! and i’m just so giddy that u liked it!!!!! all ur words r so kind pls T—T i also love and adore cult leader geto…. i genuinely think he would be so soft and doting and sickeningly devoted to his beloved. he just loves them so much his heart completely overflows :(( our nostalgic sappy wife……….. he means the world to me
AND PLSSSS THE SUGU PIC 😭😭😭 he’s so sillyyyyyyy i love him sm <333 ty for that cute little treat hehe, i hope your day/night is going super well too!!! and tysm for taking the time to write this out, i love chatting w you <333 here are some other silly gojo images in return >:3 … the resemblance is uncanny i fear . our kitty cat of all time !!!
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maiverie · 11 months
HI CHỊ !!! 🥰🌼🤍
so after ur reply i've kinda taken some time to just... understand ur advice one by one... 🚣‍♀️🌊 (or like break them down into parts yk?) TRUST ME I DON'T MEAN THIS IN A BAD WAY‼️😭
YA SEE the thing here is that i didn't make it clear i was talking abt vietnamese literature !! MAYBE WE GOT LOST IN TRANSLATION~ 💔 ofc ik literature is literature (does this even make sense 🥲) but i think there're sum differences (may not be major but can still be a bit confusing (like the way it's taught depends on the country yk?)) so while breaking them down i translated them into vietnamese 😵‍💫 (dunno if it's even accurate 🤕) CUZ my english is like communication level so when it goes specifically into sth like a subject everything just goes 🌪️🌪️
NONETHELESS, ur advice is extremely helpful so TY !!!! 🩵 and NOOO u didn't misread my question bc i actually struggle with BOTH (nỗi đau của riêng em 🥲) so u were a lifesaver !!
random question but what's ur fave season? (mine is autumn 🍁 (kiểu thời tiết mùa thu không quá nóng hay quá lạnh á chị))
and did u see enha's recent photoshoot!??? 😻😽 (wá ư là đẹp)
CHEERING U ON ON UR CURRENT AND FUTURE PROJECTS 🩵🩵 chị cx nhớ giữ gìn sức khỏe nhaaaa
- em anon ☆
firstly i’m so sorry for the late reply and SECONDLY i realise i had once again misunderstood ur question 😭😭 GIRL I HAD NO IDEA u studied viet literature what the heck 😭😭 stawppp that’s seriously so so so cool but i’m so sorry for my useless ass advice wth 😭💔💔 ANYWAY no way icb i’ve been talking to u w my broken ass vietnamese when u literally study it BYEEEE 💀💀 ashjxdjs that’s so funny but omg are u living in vietnam or do u study it elsewhere?
it sucks because they always taught chinese and korean literature in my high school but never vietnamese 🙁 i wish i could have studied vietnamese formally SO i wish u all the best w ur studies,,, i hope they’re going well 😽😽🫶💖 IM SO SORRY AB MY IRRELEVANT ADVICE I can’t believe i just rambled on for no reason 😭😭
ALSO NOOO ur english is literally flawless I JUST HAVE A TENDENCY TO RAMBLE when i talk abt smth i get excited abt 😭
and hehe chị cũng nghĩ vậy !! ở úc mùa hè nóng thấy mồ 😭😭 but yk it’s too hard to get up in the morning when it’s winter 😭 ITS ACTUALLY WINTER RN HERE what’s autumn like where u live?? :o
ALSO enhas photoshoots r killing me it HURTS😭😭 they look tewwww good they rlly are THAT group 🤕 and akjdlsfkls cảm ơn nhiều nhé em 😽😽 pls take care of urself cutie 😽🫶
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
let's hear where you're at for treasure 🎤 ! and golcha bc i wanna know who u would fight jakdbgjasg
due to accidentally opening a notif… i had to redo everything .. t*mblr i hate u 🥲 sorry it took forever <//3 i wanted to really think about what said, which meant … more time added to already long answers KSNDNS
﹒゚♡ treasure ! 💎
[ if i stan | if i’m familiar | if i’m unfamiliar ]
favorite member : i’m still p stuck between yoshi & hyunsuk ! <3 they’re so !! cute 🥺 asahi’s just a wrecker…. for now 💕😵‍💫
favorite song(s) : i haven’t done a thorough listen to all of their current songs yet, but from what i’ve heard… boy & slowmotion are looking to be bie-loveds <3 boy for nostalgia as i remember listening to it the day it came out (one of my friends had talked a lot about them during trsr box & leading up to their debut + i was curious 🤧) and absolutely fell in love with it then ! slowmotion because they sound so wonderful in it + it’s so pretty 🥺
why i don’t stan(yet)/if i want to reason for getting into them : (hope u don’t mind me editing this one JDBDB) they seem so lovely ‘n neat <3 and !! so talented :’)
question for the veteran fans : legally, am i allowed to ask how/why : doyoung = dobby/dobbi 🧍‍♀️
﹒゚♡ golden child ! 🌻
[ if i stan | if i’m familiar | if i’m unfamiliar ]
favorite member(s) / bias line : OKAY SO … the official bie-line is: (ult) bongjae -> (biases) donghyun & daeyeol -> (wreckers) joochan & jibeom / the rest of them ! (i have jc-phases…. don’t loOK AT ME)
which member i’d fight(& why) : ahh… the question of the hour KSNSNSN — as much as you’d think i’d say jangjun … mans has too much chaos <//3 + my instincts feel like i’d crumble into nothing if he even just looked at me in any harsh way :’[ hoWEVER ! would 10/10 fight bomin & taek, tbh 🤧 as much as i know i wouldn’t survive during/after — both from guilt AND i’d be pummeled into nothing by the rest of golcha (acknowledging the fact that daeyeol was preparing to fight someone after bomin came home from an acting job w/makeup that made him look like he’d been beaten up) — there’s just Something about them, you know ? they’re both Chaotic like jjun, just in different fonts … and i just wanna fight that Once 🤧
favorite song(s) : as a sucker for upbeat/cute songs and/or cool m/vs ,, that feeling , what happened? , burn it , without you , and pump it up are my absolute favorites rn 😵‍💫💓💓
favorite thing about the group : they just feel so !! homey, you know ? like … very warm. and you can feel the genuine Care they all have for one another — even if some are more close than others, they still obviously love each other. not to say that other groups don’t have that — golcha’s type of Care just feels so… warm to me. they’re also very balanced in support for each other which !! is honestly just very neat & wonderful to see, yk ? like .. they very much work as a Family ! it’s uniquely nice & fresh — not one you see often in/for a group as young as what they are.
something i’d like to see from them : more concepts like burn it ! or ra pam pam ! dystopian!golcha-verse pls !! comeback to me !!
[ 💌🐝 send me a kpop group and i’ll answer: ]
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jayflrt · 2 years
akka LMFAO 🤣 a lot has happened when i slept, you posted three chapters of reparations and i dead ass was shocked thinking i was in the wrong account 😭 please jungwon: a kpop smut fanfic writer?? but those timestamps looked like pyscho.
jungwon literally said "i'm an anti-romantic" 😭😭😭 1) the 12:00 pm timstamp — "when you play the wrong chord, he places his hands over yours and breaks your fingers." 😭😭😭🤧🥲
2) the 4:00 pm timestamp — "he asks you if you can put the star up at the top. when you tell him you're not able to reach it, taehyun grabs another ornament and rocks your shit." naur 🤧🤧🤧
this is just pure ✨shit✨
and jay turning into a fucking human at last, made me feel grateful that he doesn't have to chase over those squirrels(is this spelling right, because i can't spell 🐿️'s right just like you — you 🤝🏻 me)
LMFAO i still can't believe the fact that sunoo committed a robbery along with riki 😭😭😭 akka, you made my day 🤧🤧 sunoo said "i'm riki's partner in crime!" and riki literally said "if i do it, you have to do it too </3"
my english exam went well but i am dissapointed because i wish i could've studied more :( but next time i'm not gonna do like that for my 12th boards 😼😾 and yes i hope to score at least 90% and i'll be grateful with that but my mom expects high and i can't do anything 😔
yes, i took photos with my friends but those friends were not rlly close and they were just you know like with me at the end of the semester 🤧 so i think i have no friends to be honest but i really enjoyed my farewell. coming to the band, they were like those anime boy bands, dreamy and pretty. they sand a rock song actually… btw what are your fav music genres akka??
lmfao, you mentioned a lot of times that you stopped playing piano because your fingers were short 🤣 i think even i'd prefer the acoustic guitar becuase it suits well with the summer and it's pretty calm but the strings might be pretty hard. am i right akka??
idk whether i'll have a break after 11th but most of the colleges start right after the exams are done, so it's basically in mid-june ig?? akka, phy and chem are dead easy when you understand the concept 😼
yes yes we should get our lives together this month and it must be very hard for you to multitask, but i hope you take good rest akka 🥰🥰 also svt is having their comeback and how do you feel??
i hope you get good internship offers, and praying to god for you to get a good salary too 😭🥰 i see psychology is really broad, i thought it only meant for yk human personalities and therapist side, LMFAO i didn't knew it could be this big 😲
i have limited my friendship with the prople and i'm hoping it will change my mindset because i felt like i lost myself making friends online and irl and it's basically sad and happy making these desicions :)
i never had my covid test and i was pretty scared to get my first vaccine and it hurt the whole time 😓
the title track came and it's the fucking "good boys gone bad" that title looks so good and each one them took part in the album and i hope they will find huge success on their way 🤧🤧🤧
also you answering my ask right after your midterm, i'm honoured 🤧 and thank you for saving the tiktok akka </3 yes math will be hard but it's easy since i'm solving more questions and i believe i can do it and you can be more proud of me 😭 literally thank you akka <3
i think that was for the best, moving on from him and i think i feel happy than the rest of the days when i always thought of him and i feel like not suffering anymore and i don't feel lovesick and i'm proud of myself for getting over 😾
someone chasing after me 🔪 we'll see akka, who's gonna enter my little world and i'm definitely gonna tell you about them 😊😳
thank youf or your good works akka, i hope even you get the good things in your life you wish for and i hope i can get into writing once i'm done and get my grammar and vocab done too…😔
i love how you take all your time to answer our asks and i appreciate you so much for doing the work you have done for us and for other people in your life 🥰 you have done great work 😽
— 🦔 (now i'm all good, hehe and one more thing, i find you cute akka 🥺)
HAHAH omg a lot did happen yesterday !! 🤧 i was determined to just finish it all so i posted the last three chapters sorta spaced out ?? :’)) BUT NOOO HE WASNT A SMUT WRITER IT WAS JUST SUNGHOON CLOWNING BC OF THE USERNAME see i had to clarify in the next chapter in the tags 😵‍💫
LMFAOO the second one (4 pm) was actually one i wrote for renjun before 😭 too good i had to allude to it here HAHAH
tbh at one point i forgot ab turning jay back into a human and i forgot jay was even supposed to turn back into one BUT it’s okay bc he’s back now 🫶 LOL u mean sqwirls 😁 (jkjk u got it right 😎) HAHAH POOR SUNOO DIDNT THINK HE’D GET INTO THIS MUCH TROUBLE BECAUSE OF IT THO imagine stealing one (1) book and you end up being cursed to live out your days as a chicken 🤧 tbh maybe this is a Good Message for the fellow kleptos
i’m sure your mom’s proud of you !!! 💖 but good luck and i’m proud whatever the result is :’)) and i’m sure you did great on english! 🥰 and for math as well i’m sure you’ll do great !
oooo i see so they’re more so like acquaintances or just classmates :o i’m glad you enjoyed your farewell tho and that’s so cool that you got to see a band perform 💕 i rlly like chill music like lofi and r&b and pop !! tbh there’s a lot of songs i like so it’s hard to choose but hbu?? 💗💗
HAHAH that’s my go-to sob story with the piano 🤧 also yesyes i found that the strings were harder for the acoustic than the electric !! however i played the violin for four years before that so i was already used to the calloused hands 🤩
omg you start mid june ?? :o that’s when i end school HAHAH but i look forward to hearing about how your new school is !! 🫶 and omfg i always slacked at chem and physics and hardly understood much 😭😭 the easiest for me in chem was balancing equations <//3
and yesyes!!! we WILL get our shit together 🥰 AHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR SVT i saw jeonghans teaser today and words cannot describe how hyped i am ☹️💖
thank you!!! im praying i get a position somewhere 😭 and omg yeah a lot of ppl have the misconception that psychology is strictly therapy/counseling work but it’s very broad :’))
honestly i think sometimes it takes people different amounts of time to find their real friends so you’ll stumble upon them unexpectedly !! i happened to meet my life long irl and online friends around the same time and i wasn’t expecting either, and it’s great because we all are still close after all these years 🤧
omg you got the vaccine!!! HAHAH tbh i’m pretty good with needles but the vaccine did make my arm pretty sore the second time around i believe :’) did you get a fever or anything? :o
also right !!! i’m so excited for it 🤧💗 i just listened to tamed-dashed japanese ver and it was so good 🥰🫶 i bought the albums too HAHAH when i saw the photocards i knew i had to </3 plus the pobs were too good omg
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i’m glad you’re over him if you believe that was the best for you!! it’s nice that you feel happier and lighter now so i’m glad you’re moving on 🥰🥰 and yesyes i’m excited to hear if you find anyone in the future HAHAH
THANK YOU 🥺💗 i hope i get the few things i ask for too HAHAH (just one internship this summer pls god) and omg i hope you can write after your exams are over 🤧💖 do you have any plots in mind?
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lokislytherin · 1 year
hello again it’s me, the One who misses Jaeyeol LOL
thanks for answering my rant ask and i don’t mind if you rant back at me 😂 it feels good, like i’m not just talking to myself in my head but to a friend who feels the same way as i do.
like YES PTJ i love some of the new characters introduced like johan and samuel but with all these new characters added into the story, it’s like the old cast got thrown away (minus zack and vasco etc because they’re always in the mix for some reason, AND NOT JAY ahem i shall rein myself back for some semblance of sanity lol) and i’m like.. why so many characters man? UGH.
ALSO ALSO ALSO what’s with all these middle aged looking characters suddenly entering the scene with a [name] and [age] AND THEY DON’T EVEN LOOK THEIR AGE LIKE
new middle age looking man: blah blah
[name] [16] LIKE BITCH WHAT DO U MEAN THAT GUY’S 16??? HE LOOKS MORE LIKE A 40 TO ME LOL i feel like ptj just gave up making the characters look their age because these ppl definitely do not look 16, 17, etc. or did he even try in the first place? anyway
like this story just became all about gangs at the point where i stopped lol like what happened to his convenience store job (i guess he quit once he entered workers? maybe i missed that part), what happened to the mom visiting every so often (like wouldn’t she worry about her son when he disappeared god knows where?), what happened to attending school during the back end portion? WHERE ARE THE PARENTS/ADULTS? this is like tokyo revengers all over again 😂 idk.. i just wish that it didn’t have to be all about gangs? like i’m fine with the hostel and god dogs portion but after that it’s like i couldn’t give a shit anymore 🥲 and daniel doesn’t even seem like himself anymore 😭 i miss when all he had to care about was making friends, memories and letting his mom live a good life…
i wish ptj just kept it simple with a few gangs, having to keep the secret about having 2 bodies, why crystal has 2 bodies as well, normal school activities/relationships (i keep fantasising about a chapter with them playing some king’s card game where the person who draws the king card can do anything/order anyone to do anything they wanted for a turn like that Baka to Test episode, man that was hilarious LOL like if joy got picked as the king and she would probably have done something to daniel and jay had to step in HAHAHA oop my shipper is showing) and it would have still been a great series. now it feels all muddled 😩
yeah.. oh yes please let me join your prayers circle!!! PTJ U MUST BRING JAY BACK AND GIVE HIM THE ARC AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HE DESERVES!!!!!!!!! I WILL NEVER REST UNTIL U DO!!!! 😤😤😤
good timezones anon who misses jay! i'm glad you find these convos fun hehe i only have one single friend who Gets lookism to talk to so this is really nice for me too
new characters: i think one of the reasons why characters like johan and samuel are so popular are bc they have a backstory that's actually fleshed out really well? like even jake and big deal they had like a redemption/backstory arc (personally i like jake more than samuel tho. i want to punch samuel but his tits would probably break my fists) and i think that's why they're liked more than new characters like, for example, ryuhei. personally i think ryuhei is decent looking but idgaf about him yk.
the age thing: YOU'RE SO RIGHT like no way samuel is 19?? no way that bitch is only one year older than me AT MOST. or maybe he's got the daddy energy coz he's tall, is The fanservice character at this point, and has muscles n big booba. still wanna punch him tho. the ogs being 16/17 international age i can believe, and the anime also made them look younger in a way? especially duke i miss that funky lil guy. i hope his music career is going well
all about gangs: i see what you mean but this is also Animanga Logic right. adults are kinda irrelevant if you're the overpowered protagonist but at the same time i get u honestly i feel like jay's own father has more plot relevance than him at this point 💀 jay vs h group arc WHERE. jay and crystal interaction WHERE. their parallel could be so interesting but i'm not getting into that today i'll like. explore it in a fic or something
plot: i think to us it feels like ptj kinda lost sight of the meaning of 'lookism' in relation to the plot, but i'm sure ptj knows where he's going with the plot, and i trust him to give us more good chapters. for now us jay hong stans are gonna have to make content to feed each other
welcome to the jay return arc prayer circle
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ptj if you won't give jay the backstory and character development arc he deserves i'll do it myself 😤 i'll catch up to canon and write that jay vs h group arc myself 😤
hope this helped!
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curseofaphrodite · 2 years
toriiii i hope you're doing good manifesting you did well in your neets
✨buckle up bestie you're in for a lot of drama bc i'm pissed✨
continuing my drama w "tina"!
i met her in 3rd grade w her another friend and tina was always like rude controlling in power type of person so she was sorta leader of our "trio"? like if i fought w her then she wouldn't let the other girl talk to me so i become alone and since i'm introverted person i usually don't talk to ppl outside my circle she knew that and took advantage of it like leaving me out of almost everything but i'm sorta desperate for someone so i'd stay anyways. so once we fought over some petty thing and she didn't talk to me for 5 months and just before my birthday she was like "BESTIE HEY HOW'S YOU" and naive innocent me became friends w her without any proper apology or conversation. yk i made some friends during those 5 months and idk once tina let me back into the "trio" i fell out of touch from my those new friends. then guess what after my birthday party and being a goodie two shoes infront of my mum she stopped talking to me once again and didn't let the other girl talk to me too. her and i would meet up in secret after tina would go home and bitch about her (we named her jiggly puff pokemon sorry jiggly puff for even considering you're anywhere near her😔) like see how toxic it was since the beginning. the other girl sort of left because of toxicity (funny she's toxic too she was gaslight gatekeep but no girlboss lmao) tina fucking finally apologized in 4th grade that too on a paper no verbal shits let's ignore it only when we were forced to sit together 🥰 damn now i think about it i think she "apologized" bc 1. the other girl was distancing herself 2. i started making friends again and we were like a group plus plus plus i would get along well with my seatmate and his friends so we were all (my girl friends++ my seatmate s friends) an unofficial official group ig she just wanted a group she could dominate
in short me 🤝 being friends w toxic ppl
now drama #2🥰🍷
so when i was 13 i liked a guy. i went to attend my cousin's wedding and he was my cousin's cousin (no blood relation with me pls! no insect 😭) so he was there too. i met him quite a few times before this and we were friendly anywhore that year we spent a lot of time together and blah blah blah and all. we kissed too😟 he was 25/26 at this moment and i was 13 pls do remember this shit. after the wedding was over we went back to my grandma's place so he and i had no contact. i was still in my ✨feels✨ and thought nothing was wrong. i even had a hidden folder of his pictures 🥲#regret anywhore after some days my cousin who got married and her sister (who's of my age) visited us and i was talking to the younger one whose of my age and turns out that he already had a girlfriend when we kissed and all that ilysm shit. he told me they've broken up very long time ago and he's single for almost a year now- TF BITCH BOY I WANNA BEAT YOU SO BAD. anyways i got over it soon it wasn't a proper crush i think i just found him attractive lol. thank god bless everyone who unknowingly stopped my attraction grow to love bc my god that guy was 25/26 and i was 13 that's illegal and a 12/13 age gap?? tf boy i didn't even get through my puberty at that time?? i didn't even have tits tf you liked me for??? and now the age gap i don't have any problems with age gap when they're both mature responsible and of age but in my case i was immature to. but anyways thank god nothing happened after the kiss i really don't want to imagine what could have happened had we have been close and in contact 😃😃 now 3 years later i see so many things which were wrong so many things which could have ended horribly and the fact that one of my very close friends is going through the same situation but the guy she likes is atleast respectful and he did say he cannot date her but they talk and i know it damn well she hasn't lost any feelings. it absolutely breaks my heart bc idk i feel like that guy is trying to be "respectful". he knows my friend feels more than friends for him then why not distance yourself from her especially when she's so young and immature. okay i understand if you don't wanna talk to her mum but atleast he could've distanced himself plus plus plus he invited her family for some travel tour EVEN after knowing her feelings for her??? what is wrong with people?? go for someone who's of age not some underage person who could regret it later in life when they become mature and start understanding shits???
if you don't mind me asking where in india are you from its totally okay if you don't wanna answer it pls feel free to ignore if i made you uncomfortable
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OKAY OKAY lets unpack all of this together.
isnt it like funny how mean people are also dumb, especially when they're young??? like literally tina sounds like someone i would stay away from with a ten feet pole. she made you feel shitty and thus secured herself a spot in my TO BURN IN HELL book. she gaslit you into being alone, gatekept you from making other friends, and she's rude asf.
a bully in the making.
please please tell me you are no longer in contact with her or imma throw hands. yes bestie you really do be with toxic people. fear no longer for ill manifest them out of your life.
NEXT UP, WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK??? kissing a 13 year old???? he's 25?????? THATS PEDOPHILE-ISH. disgusting little creep. when i read that, there was a surge of hate rushing through my veins like the dude should be locked up, I do not ever trust him with anything. pls tell me this guy isn't in contact with you either. I'll literally 👊👊👊 him. I hope he falls headfirst into a lego pool and wakes up in prison.
and no they were mock neets, and i did terrible! i had like 50 right answers and 100 smth wrong ones fml.
also IM from keralaaa wbuuuu!! <3
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