#but yeah these peeps are great just fyi
tiernamente · 4 years
Hello! 💫✨💛 This is the love bot! I am here to ask you to describe your mutuals as your favorite things/feelings! Spread some love during these tough times 💛✨💫 Then send this to 10 people and keep the love going 💛
This is gonna be a long list cause I have a lot of love to share!🥺💖💖💖
@chaylani nerdy memorabilia, cuddles with my pets (Benji and Mochi) & good morning messages 
Elle, my love, my adorable dork, my one and only. Am I writing a love poem? (maybe) I remember when you first messaged me and we realized that we’re both really nerdy. We’ve bonded over our shared interests which resulted in our strong bond. I trusted you instantaneously and you make me all soft which is why I can’t see my life without you now. 
@khaleesionjupiter my obsession of plushies, blankets & mugs
My baby! Whenever I receive a message from you, I get this instant feeling of wanting to hug you and protect you. Nothing can stop us from fulfilling our evil mad scientists plans. You crack me up and make me smile so fast that it’s crazy. Thank you for being you.
@do-you-know-bts deep talks with friends & warm cups of coffee
Helena, we both now that our sleep schedules suck but at 4am the thoughts just come rolling out. I’m glad to have someone who understands the bad moments just as much as the good. You give me comfort even if you give me a heart attack from all the 2seok content. (Keep it coming please!)
@shadowdevilsslayer nature/landscape photography & fresh baked goods
I know you hate the name but I love seeing Abi’s adventures (even if it’s the same path). I enjoy seeing nature’s beauty in any shape or form and you live in a place that’s surrounded by green!!!!!! You may be more reserved but your caring nature shines through. Thank you for being that mom friend we need.
@zamisriza-the-resurrection board game nights with friends
Zami!!!!! You’re so adorable and funny. Your love for Jungkook makes me all types of soft. You’re just like during a game night, were things start off calm but get chaotic as time progresses. I love that about you!
@glossyvante oranges, mangoes, watermelons & strawberries!
Lovely Mica! You’re such a sweet soul just like my favorite fruits haha. Thank you for letting me get some sneak peaks of your story. (I hope I get to see more of your works soon!) Also thanks for dealing with my crackhead snaps because I’m such a dummy. 
@alittlesugaorspice tea & biscuits (this opportunity was too good, sorry!)
The absolute best person to roast Helena with me! Thank you Li for putting us all together. You make me laugh so hard when we’re on a call and you have such funny stories to share. You’re gonna be an amazing veterinarian! 
@d-rex03 blasting music in my room & having my own jam session
Querida, you already know I love you so so so much! You’re the cutest little bean and I enjoy sending you random Yoongi related posts. You two are so similar that it makes sense why you love him. (But I still love you more!) Te quiero muchisimo chapina!
@dreamyeyes26 watching my favorite youtubers/random videos online
Naz! I love speaking with you when I get the chance to because you’re so calming and comforting (just like the videos I watch haha). You make me happy just by being there. I hope you continue to take care of yourself and I love you!  
@ahh–lexia daydreaming with headphones in during a road trip
The homieeee Lex! I love how we’re both so damn loud. That crackhead energy really makes itself known. You’re easy to talk to and laugh with. I love seeing your creative side because it’s really cool! 
@hobissunshiness the feeling of starting a new book/show/series
You’re like a breath of fresh air Sofie. I love reading the stories you come up with or hearing about your ideas. Your mind is so powerful and I want to encourage all of your ideas (even if some of them are cursed). 
@napofamikrokosmos learning random facts about things
I found it super funny when I realized how we just have random knowledge about things. Google who? I only know Sam. You get super passionate about stuff and I absolutely love that about you. Keep doing what you’re doing sweetie!
@billie-harper discovering new music & getting obsessed with the artist
I love seeing your posts because I’ll notice we’ll share a lot of similar interests. It’s really exciting to see how much we have in common. You’re really kind and I would love to talk to you more. (Suho’s album is TOO GOOD FOR WORDS!)
@jayhoee creating handmade gifts for my friend’s birthdays
The meme queen Kaite! I love how we got into bts at the same time and that we both haven't been to a concert (freaking corona ruining our time to shine). Keep those memes coming Kaite. They're essential in this time of need.
@liamgayllagher the smell of my mom’s cooking/any home cooked meal 
My twin! You're such an extreme version of me and that's saying something. I love how enthusiastic and loud you can get over things you love. Please continue that and I enjoy all the lovely messages you send me.
@the-assembly-call receiving memes from friends on social media
Overalls!!!!! You're so smol and cute and you make me laugh alot with your memes. You're a wonderful human being and I'm glad to have met you.
@dearmyxing soundtracks, soundtracks, soundtracks! (games/movies/etc.)
The Queen when it comes to being a fangirl. I bow to you and respect you. You’re so damn cool to talk to Mary Jane. Thank you for being so awesome. Also, I promise I’ll get around to watching the prodigal son. If not, just yell at me until I do.
@jxnaexo warm hugs, smiles & laughs
Nana! Like I've said before, you're so wholesome and caring and considerate about everyone. You care so much about us and I couldn't be more grateful to have you as a friend. I will fight anyone for you!
@soondaengie finding bright clothing with cool patterns
Omg kiddo you make me laugh so much because of the theories you have or the stories you share. You're bright and passionate and so cute!
@uibout tiramisu & coffee ice cream
This is a cop out because I actually do love tiramisu! You made me wheeze when you sent me those drunk posts. I'll always be your dweeb. (I love you Logan. Also, you jerk you didn't tell me you switched your url, I had to search for you!)
@gukssunshine that feeling of solving homework problems correctly
I love that we can complain about school to each other. You’re so honest and sweet with me and I love you so much Tanya. I love your energy when you talk about random things.
@zombiewerewolfqueen earrings, eyeshadow palettes, nail polish art
I have basic lobe earrings but yours looked so cool when you showed it to me. I don’t do makeup myself but I enjoy seeing the colors and designs people will do. Similar to that, I love seeing how creative you are with your writing even if I don’t understand the context.
@kiwipitupandstir winning on mario kart
You're such a cool person and I absolutely love seeing your posts on my feed. I wish you the best bud. Stay true and stay cool.
@notreyoon flowers, gardens, all aesthetically pleasing things
Ah yes the superior Leslie, you’re just as precious as yoongles. Whenever I see your blog I'm like, how is a human this stunning?!?!?! Like girl, show me your secrets! Sending you my love!
@clickclacktothemangmang museums/observatories/spontaneous adventures
I miss you my fellow funky little Hobi lover. It was so nice to talk to you about the random things bts would be releasing last year or the shows they were doing. You're so adorable and I hope you continue to shine bright!
@majestikblue listening to stories about people/life (post secret/humans of new york/etc.)
Ah yes my taegi buddy. Thank you for showing me post secret because I haven't been the same since. I love stories and you encouraged that. Continue to yell about taegi to me and I will continue to yell about 2seok to you.
@galaxiejoon ​going to bed after a long day
My fellow nam2seok enthusiast. Unfortunately, we don’t talk much but whenever I see your tags on posts, I crack up so hard. You’re so relatable so just keep doing what you’re doing bud.
I love you all! And to all of my other mutuals I haven’t had the chance to talk to, please know that I love you too! I promise I’m nice???? 
🥺🥺💕💕😘😘 sending y'all my love
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tunetest-blog · 7 years
blog will not be active for a little bit  a few days to a week  due to personal reasons ( i may lurk now an again though & i also have discord available to those who want it to just hmu ! )
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Just Best Friends - 2/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: So...I completely took out the Mardon side plot and everything Harrison Wells-related that was suspicious in 1x15. I'm all here for just the relationship dynamics and messy westallen. Enjoy! FYI: Most of this chap is just scenes from the ep expanded upon, so I hope you don't mind that. Happy reading!
Chapter 2 -
Eddie didn’t come home till late that night. Really late. Iris had gone to bed even, but the sound of him opening the door, his key in the lock, woke her from the in-and-out sleep she’d been experiencing. She expected him to come in and check on her, see if she was up, maybe tell her about his night and what had all gone on, if Barry had been of any help. She was sure he had. Maybe Eddie wouldn’t tell her that though. She had a gut feeling he wouldn’t.
At any rate, she expected him to at least come in the bedroom and say something.
He didn’t even try though. That’s when she knew that somehow she’d screwed up. He couldn’t just be tired. She heard him grab a beer from the fridge and collapse on the couch. She waited for him to come in to see her, but it never happened. She heard him sigh as he stretched out on the couch and kicked off his shoes.
She frowned and laid her head back on the pillow and waited. She waited a long time, long enough for her to get genuinely tired again and fall asleep.
When she woke up the next morning, he was gone.
There was no note, no breakfast even, nothing. She had definitely screwed up, and they needed to have a discussion pronto.
She went to work as usual, eyed Linda across the room and wondered if they would be as at odds as she and Eddie were. She focused as best she could on her work and made a point to head over to CCPD on her lunch break.
She found her dad, Barry, and Eddie all standing together. She easily hugged her dad and snuck in a nugget about wanting something to report about, but Eddie made a bee line for his desk as soon as she did, and she knew this couldn’t wait any longer. They had to talk.
Her dad and Barry made their exit, and she went straight to Eddie’s desk. Serious face on, reporter face even.
“Hey, ever since last night you’ve barely said a peep.” She took a seat on the side of his desk. “What is going on?”
“I didn’t like the way I felt watching you and Barry last night.”
At first she thought he was joking, and she cracked a grin…until it became obvious he wasn’t.
“Eddie, Barry, he’s just-”
“Like family.” He leaned forward. “I know.” He stood up. “And I know you two have a long history that predates me, but Iris, we live together. You’re my girlfriend, and someday hopefully, you’ll be more. I don’t like feeling like the odd man out every time you and Barry are together. I shouldn’t have to.”
“Eddie, Barry is always gonna be a part of my life.”
“I get that. But something’s changed between you two.”
I love you, Iris flashed before her eyes. Christmas. A confession that took her offguard. That still had her shaken to this day.
“Whatever that is,” he continued. “I am not okay with it.”
He moved past her, not attempting another word.
She sat there for a while, contemplating what he’d said and what it meant. Was he right? Had something changed between her and Barry? Did it have something to do with Barry’s confession? That had been weeks, if not months ago. It couldn’t still be affecting her like this. It shouldn’t. It wouldn’t.
She was determined to not let it. She could help whether it did or not…right?
Shaking the conversation off, she moved to leave the station. With her dad and Barry gone, along with Eddie, she had no intel for her stories and no one to eat lunch with. She might as well head back to CCPN and work through lunch. She could always snack on some food later after she’d made genuine progress.
Though how she was going to make things up to Eddie was still up in the air.
Nibbling on her bottom lip, she stepped into the elevator and rode it down to the ground floor. Then she swiftly stepped outside and headed back to Central City Picture News. One thing she could focus on was work. There was nothing she could do about Eddie right now.
In the car during their lunch break, Barry felt a feeling gnawing at him. Guilt? Angst? Depression? Elation? He didn’t know, but he knew he had to talk to someone about it, and with Iris the center of his thoughts, he knew Joe was his only option. His only nearby option at the moment at least. And really his best option if the past had proved anything.
“Food was good, Bear, thanks for that,” Joe said, oblivious as to what was on Barry’s mind.
“Yeah, no problem. Felt like…time.”
Joe smiled and nodded.
Barry wrapped his hand around the back of his head as they walked and Joe immediately shot him a glare, which Barry neglected to notice.
“What is it?” Joe drawled.
“What?” Barry asked, immediately letting his arm fall to his side. “Nothing. It’s…nothing.”
“Come on, Bear, it’s me. I know you’re in love with Iris. I know…” he lowered his voice. “You’re the Flash. You can talk to me.”
And he knew he could. He’d been planning on it. He was just nervous about what his answers or advice would be. He was nervous about the whole situation actually.
“All right,” he said reluctantly. “I could use some advice.”
“Lay it on me.”
“You know, just…relationship stuff.”
“Oh, like, you mean that girl, Linda?” he asked, seemingly knowing exactly what was on his mind.
“No, actually, um…” Things with her were great. As far as he knew. He worried about that for a beat. “Iris,” he clarified. “Things between us have gotten a little…complicated again.”
Joe started to laugh.
“You’re asking your adopted father for advice about being in love with his daughter, who just so happens to be dating his partner.”
Barry looked away, shaking his head. He’d known it would sound worse out loud. He’d known it. But he had to tell somebody!
“I know, I know.”
Joe couldn’t stop laughing.
“Things have gone way past complicated,” he chuckled.
Barry strode on full speed ahead.
“Sometimes me and Iris have these moments.” Flashes of the night before at the bowling alley suddenly appeared before him. Her hand on his face…and then some. “And, when I’m looking into her eyes, it’s hard not to think that she’s feeling the same way I am.”
Joe managed to put away his remaining laughter.
“Look, you already told Iris how you feel, so unless she comes out and says she feels the same way, all you can do is hold on to those moments.”
It wasn’t anything that he hadn’t expected, but he still didn’t like that advice.
“Right, yeah, I know.” He hung his head.
“I know that’s not what you wanted to hear.”
“It’s all right, Joe.” He forced a smile. “Really.”
At CCPN, Iris was in the middle of a report when she felt her eyes start to droop. She was badly in need of some caffeine. Luckily, the station kept some tanks on stock at all times. She got up and headed straight for them on the opposite side of the room.
There was someone else there. She didn’t recognize who it was at first, then it hit her like a sledgehammer, and she felt dread well up inside her.
“Linda.” Trying to push past the nasty feeling, she scrambled for something to say. “Last night was…fun.” Though based off the girl’s current reaction and Eddie’s earlier, she was starting to think only she and Barry had thought so.
“Mhmm,” Linda said, noncommittally.
“Oh, yeah.” She moved aside as Linda gestured to wanting something on the other end of the table she was unintentionally blocking. “Look, I just wanted to apologize…”
Linda raised her eyebrows in ironic amusement. Iris didn’t see it.
“Apologize…?” She let the question hang.
Damn, she was really going to make this hard, Iris thought. She braced herself for what would come next.
“Well, for interrupting your date with Barry.”
That was a safe apology…right?
“I…I shouldn’t have done that, and…I’m sorry.”
Linda shook her head in disbelief, the possessiveness she’d felt the night before taking hold again.
“You know, Iris, when you told me that Barry had feelings for you, I thought it was just the typical weird crap that women do to each other.”
Iris couldn’t find a response to that. It had been the truth.
“But last night I realized…what you didn’t tell me and what’s kind of irritating is that you have feelings for him too.”
She was quick to deny it.
“N-No, Linda, I mean, it’s not like that.”
Linda could not be dissuaded, however.
“One thing you’ll hear about people when you work here, Iris. It’s usually what isn’t said that’s the real story.”
Linda walked away from her, not even really a glance back as she returned to her desk. Guilt weighed heavy on Iris, as did frustration. First Eddie and now Linda? Maybe she should talk to Barry. Maybe he could clear all of this up for her. She couldn’t be the only one who didn’t see what their significant others were seeing. She and Barry had just acted…well, like them.
When Iris called later that afternoon, Barry had picked it up immediately. He was off work now, and besides, it was Iris. When she asked to meet him, he got even more excited. She sounded concerned on the phone, and he knew that should worry him, but for some reason it didn’t. He was just looking forward to the meeting, to her having reached out. Up until recently they hadn’t seen much of each other, so it was nice…for once.
They saw each other outside of Jitters and raised a hand to acknowledge the other’s presence. They came together and walked inside after their respective greetings, heading straight for the barista in the center of the coffee shop.
Barry leaned against the counter as their orders were made.
“So, it sounded like something was kinda bothering you on the phone. Is everything all right?”
Iris hesitated divulging everything she was feeling but decided to go straight for the plunge.
“Yeah, I mean…the other night was fun, right?”
“Yeah,” he said assuredly. “Did Eddie have a good time?”
“Yeah,” she said instantly, though from their latest conversation she knew it was the farthest thing from the truth. “Linda?”
He shrugged helplessly. He hadn’t talked to her since. He’d kind of forgotten about her until Joe brought her up actually.
“I think so.”
Uneasily, Iris sat down at a high table.
“You don’t think we were too…you know?”
Barry thought back to Iris’ finger in his mouth and her legs splayed across his spread-out ones, and his heart started to race.
“No,” he said, shaking his head. If anything, he wanted more, wish she’d have done more. Would she do more while they were together? Right now? He could barely control his heartbeat.
“Okay, good,” Iris said with a laugh.
God, what he wouldn’t give to bottle up that laughter and keep it forever. It was intoxicating to listen to.
Iris swallowed.
“Actually, no, not good.”
He frowned.
“What…do you mean?”
“Eddie has been skittish since last night. When I talked to him about it today, he…and well, Linda too actually-”
“Linda talked to you?” he asked, and she could hear the nerves in his voice.
“I started the conversation, apologized for interrupting your guys’ date.”
“You didn’t interrupt the date, Iris. Not really. I mean, we were both there. It was a double date. It was fun. It would’ve been more weird if we were right next to each other and not interacting. Trust me.”
She winced.
“Maybe…either way, after talking with Eddie, I felt like I had to apologize. And…”
“What did she say?” he cut in, unable to help himself.
She blew a lock out of her face.
“She thinks I have feelings for you, and she’s pissed about it.”
It took him a minute to respond, then finally…
“Yeah…obviously it’s not true.”
“It’s just the way we act when we’re together.”
“Of course.”
“Eddie thinks something’s changed. And he doesn’t like it either.”
“I see.”
She caught a glance at him and saw how he wasn’t meeting her eyes.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be unloading on you. I definitely shouldn’t be venting to you about my relationship problems. You were the one who told me you were over me. This is probably really upsetting to you, and irritating. Just like Eddie and Linda.”
She started to get up. Barry was quick to reach for her hand and pull her back to the table.
“Hey, no, Iris, I’m your best friend. If you can’t tell me stuff, who can you tell?”
She looked at him a bit pathetically before biting her bottom lip, fighting for what she definitely shouldn’t be saying right now. She looked down at their hands and rubbed her thumb over his fingers.
“Thanks, Barry.”
His shoulders relaxed.
“Of course.”
“I just don’t know what to do. I love Eddie, and I respect your relationship with Linda. How do I prove to them something that they’re certain isn’t true?”
He shrugged helplessly.
“Maybe just give them time? You don’t work directly with Linda, do you? I could talk with her in the meantime, set things straight.”
“No, I don’t want to ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking me. I haven’t talked to her since last night. I’m sure one romantic night with her will put all of this to bed. Trust me.”
“And with Eddie? I live with him. I can’t just give him space. I refuse to let him sleep on the couch two nights in a row.”
“He slept on the couch last night?”
She nodded.
“I probably shouldn’t have told you that either.”
She put her head in her hands.
“God, I’m a mess.”
“Hey, no, you’re not.”
He rubbed her arms gently and she peeked through her fingers to look at him.
“Okay, maybe you’re a little bit of a mess.”
She scoffed.
“A lot bit,” she amended.
“Nah, def just a little bit.”
She snorted.
As much as he hated to suggest it, he put himself in the best friend shoes and forced the words out of his mouth.
“Why don’t you plan a romantic night with Eddie tonight too?”
She blinked. “Really?”
He nodded, forced a strained, “Yes.” He paused. “I mean, if it works for me and Linda, it should work for you two, right?”
“Right, yeah.”
She gripped both his hands and smiled gratefully.
“Thanks, Barry. I really appreciate it.”
He felt gutted, but he only nodded and smiled.
“Of course. Any time.”
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sophiezscanz · 3 years
I just wanted to point out that when I say “give credit if reposting on other sites:)” on my posts I am not claiming I own them. Cuz I DO NOT, I physically own copies of them yes but that’s totally different. I say give credit so people can find my page so they can find more great scans of their favourite band. And of course please credit the photographer if you know who they are! I try to leave in their name as much as I can but sometimes their name isn’t on the picture or nearby and I scan thousands of pics so I can’t always remember their names, but if you know then fab, plz credit them it’s their photo.
Heck, the celebs that are in the pics have zero problems pointing out that I found the image and happily mention my @ when they repost. So it shouldn’t be so hard for you.
And as you can see I do not put watermarks on my scans, 1. They look ugly 2. Not my picture 3. it’s illegal! - so just because you upped the contrast a lil bit or “spent hours online trying to find pics” doesn’t make you entitled to put one on.
I see a few of you get pressed in the # when reblogging my stuff, eg: “love how it says give credit as if op works for Kerrang”, like that’s cute you’re defending the pic but I assure my intentions weren’t like that sweetie - so yeah I do look at some of your reblogs, mainly cuz some of the stuff you guys say is hilarious but there’s an odd time someone’s ripping on me and that’s not very cash money of you
So all I ask you to do if you’re reposting somewhere is to just put something like “scanned by @sophiezscanz “ or just tag me (my Instagram is also ‘Sophiezscanz’) I really don’t ask for much (oh and credit the photographer if u know them 😌) I really do scan all these pics for their fans, I’m not interested in a lot of these bands but I know some of these pics are rare so I’m not gonna hog them to myself.
Special thanks to the peeps that always acknowledge that I scanned the pics in their reposts, ily 💚
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shijiujun · 3 years
I saw your tweets and honestly like ??? why can’t we just all live and let live? I’m always like, it’s ok if you love cql only, it’s ok if you love cql for the actors/rps only, etc etc, but I don’t see why people have to be obnoxious about it on socials. I just want to yell out FYI there’s no right or wrong way to love something. There are multiple ways to love something. Personally I think it’s good to expand your repertoire of interests anyway, and I’m happy to see more people get introduced to the world of danmei, c-dramas or even c-actors through cql.
oops I pressed sent too quickly. but yeah, just wanted to say that I totally agreed with your tweets and while I have nothing against the actor stans onlies, or the cql onlies, etc etc, they really should stop being so defensive. Nobody is threatening their love for the show haha :)
AHAHAHAHA okay so yeah I know it’s an old argument and there will always be ppl like this - i guess when i see it i whack it HAHAHA i hate how it’s always CQL vs. everything else. Definitely CQL got danmei adaptations on the radar again and made it profitable (whether good or bad that’s up for everyone to think about) and sure not every production team does danmei live actions because they wanna stay true to the story and shit and they just wanna earn money, i get that - but no one asked for apple to oranges comparison. yes they’re all fruits, but if you judge an apple by some orange standard you’re of course not going to be very happy
and once again, we all love CQL. we love MDZS, and MXTX. they’re awesome, the cast the story everything was awesome. i would know, considering that this blog was cql-focused for like at least half a year XD - it’s fantastic, deserves every bit of fame and everything it got
i think everyone is mostly staying in their bubbles which is awesome, it’s always a few of these peeps? i think we should all be happy at having more shows we actually like to watch? yeah sure they’re monetizing the danmei content now but come on, there will always be supply to meet excess demand XD
love [redacted] only? that’s great! even if you think every other show is trash that’s fine too but coming out to say hey your show sucks because it copied my [redacted] and vaguely saying yeah they copied without actually saying what they copied... gosh. i can name so many historical wuxia xianxia danmeis that came out between 2010 and 2016. 
the funny thing was the user didn’t just rile up SHL peeps which the tweet was targeted at, because there were technically NO SHL/TYK peeps before the first ep even aired ahahahaha so everyone is either a SPL/TYK or 2HA/TYK or PRIEST/TYK or MENG XI SHi/TYK general danmei persons and that single tweet like... managed to make everyone across these fandoms, even those who had no interest in SHL or TYK go like excuse me?
idk, some fights i believe can be better picked. i’m not saying there are no bad apples or problems within each fandom but it helps a lot when ppl are quiet-er
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startrailed · 7 years
FYI I just read a story about the freaking Lemon Man and it still wasn’t as ridiculous as the fandom gatekeeping I saw today.
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Toy Story 4
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I have given almost no thought to the fourth entry in the Toy Story franchise. I just felt like we were really DONE after Toy Story 3, you know? It was cathartic, it was meaningful, it made me bawl like a baby. I’d said goodbye and I was doing great. And then suddenly, Woody (Tom Hanks) and Buzz (Tim Allen) and the gang are back for round 4 and I’m just supposed to what, welcome them back with open arms? And now there’s a SPORK involved? I don’t know, fam. I was skeptical. But Pixar usually knows what they’re doing, so I sat down opening weekend ready to be transported back to the magic of childhood all over again. Could this entry in the franchise possibly live up to the greatness of all 3 of its predecessors? Well...
Gosh, it’s nice sometimes to be proven wrong. This movie is so delightful my face hurt from smiling afterwards. I think I laughed more at this than any other comedy this year. And its heart is still firmly in the right place, helping kids and grown-ups alike think about what it means to love and be loved, and what we’re willing to give up for a chance at happiness. Essentially, Woody’s new kid, Bonnie (Madeline McGraw) isn’t that interested in playing with him anymore. Instead, she’s made herself a new favorite toy - Forky (Tony Hale), a literal collection of trash barely being held together by silly putty and glue. Even though Woody isn’t Bonnie’s favorite toy, he knows how important it is for her to have Forky, and he will stop at nothing to keep Forky safe when Bonnie’s parents decide to take her (and all her toys) on a road trip. As you can imagine, some toys get lost, some toys get found, and there’s a lot of action-packed close calls along the way. 
Some thoughts:
There is no Pixar short before this one, just FYI.
One thing I love about the Toy Story films is the thematic richness that is always so clear and well-executed. From the very first scene, it’s set up that this is going to be Woody’s movie, and it’s going to be about him choosing between two different types of love - the love of a companion or the love of duty in his role as a Kid’s Toy. All of the Toy Story movies are essentially Woody movies, but this one feels even more so than the rest, and it’s a lovely meditation on aging, change, and parenthood from the perspective of a character that many of us have grown up with for the last 24 years.
Some of the animation is so beautiful I want to cry. Woody lying in the rain. The LIGHT in the antique shop. Have you ever seen light look so ethereal and gorgeous in animation? 
The four abandoned toys in Bonnie’s closet are voiced by the four greatest living comedians of our grandparents’ generation - Melephant Brooks (Mel Brooks), Chairol Burnett (Carol Burnett), Carl Reinerocerous (Carl Reiner), and Bitey White (Betty White). It’s a quick scene but man, what a joy for a comedy nerd like me.
Blink-and-you’ll-miss-them lesbians dropping off their son at Bonnie’s kindergarten class!
Throughout all the marketing, I have been so confused about Forky and why on earth he’s involved in this movie. However, within 2 minutes, I was completely sold. Tony Hale’s performance is perhaps the funniest performance I’ve seen in any media this year. Every single line delivery is gold, and he brings a real sweet earnestness to Forky’s identity crises and his confusion at a big world he doesn’t understand. And those goddamn googly eyes are the funniest fucking thing - it’s so dumb, but when a gag works, it works.
So I saw Child’s Play this weekend as well, and let me tell you - Benson, the ventriloquist dummy in the antique shop, is 10 million times scarier than Chucky will ever be. That motherfucker is going to haunt my dreams.
Now let’s talk about some other members of the ensemble. Is it just me, or does it seem like Buzz is being extra stupid here? I just don’t remember him being this stupid. A little obtuse, sure, but...this feels 10th season of a CBS sitcom bad. The one plot line I really hated was his dumb “inner voice” running gag. It felt like a lame gimmick in comparison to the really interesting nuanced interactions going on in every other plot thread of the film. 
I love the idea of Bo Peep (Annie Potts) as a Mad Max road warrior feminist rebel.
Another thing I appreciate about the Toy Story movies - all of their villains are portrayed sympathetically, and usually due to a lack of love in their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I love a great campy evil just for the sake of being evil villain as much as the next girl, but there’s something to be said for a series of movies that show antagonists as people who are hurting, who have a need that was never filled, and are willing to learn and grow when they are confronted about it. I think that’s a valuable thing for kids and adults alike to see.
I particularly liked the parallel and inversion of Gabby (Christina Hendricks) and Woody here, how they’re both so blindly devoted to the idea of loving a kid that they can’t see anything outside of that, including how their actions might be hurting other people. It’s a tight script overall, and particularly in their stories it digs deep into a lot of interesting emotional material. 
Fun easter egg: in the old toy disco that Bo Peep takes Woody to inside the antique shop, the first toy they interact with is the original tin toy from one of the first Pixar shorts! 
I know he’s having a very it moment right now, which he deserves every single second of because he’s, by all accounts, a truly wonderful human being, but I would die for Keanu Reeves’ Duke Caboom, and I don’t care who knows it.
For people who are interested to know - there is a cat who experiences some toy-chasing antics, but no harm comes to her. 
Did I Cry? Yeah, yeah I did. Nowhere near the waterworks of Toy Story 3, but when Gabby finds her kid, and at that last line, yeah, there was more than a light misting.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but this really is as good as all the other Toy Story movies. You’d be hard-pressed to name a franchise this consistent in quality, and I highly, highly encourage kids and grown-ups alike to travel to infinity and beyond with this crew one more time.
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byamylaurens · 5 years
Okay, Updates And Where Things Are At
First up, le website. I had to do a reboot last week, and as part of that, the shop plugin crashed. I plan to work on fixing that on the weekend, but for now if you’re in Australia and want to buy a signed book from me, best to use the Contact page.
Next up, blogging! I *think* we are back to your regularly scheduled 5-a-week-on-weekdays. At least, as much as we ever were, right? Not sure I’ll have a *whole* lot to say sometimes, but then, that hasn’t stopped me in the past, so NEVER MIND ABOUT THAT.
Finally, BOOKS.
Okay. Peeps. Imma level with you here. I legit did not expect a) to have to be retested for celiac disease AT ALL this year, and b) when I did, I really didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was. It was Bad. Actually, it was probably BAD. It’s over now (see yesterday), which, yay, but it means that my pretty writing and release schedule for this year? Yeah. Gone-skis.
So! Rescheduling time.
First up, because I promised a group of children and it’s very important to keep promises to children, I need to write a sci-fi adventure thing. This one is upper middle grade (again, like Sanctuary) and should be around the 40k mark. *IF* I was running at normal brain power etc, I could honestly have this done in 6 weeks. Right now, since I’m not *quite* back up to speed yet and I’m definitely out of practice maintaining long writing sprints, I’d estimate that it will take me more like 10-12. (eek). (Also, this is a centuries-prior prequel to the Witch Blue series with the personality-based magic that is ridiculously popular every time I mention it, just fyi.)
Then… Well, look. We’re all just going to need to get super comfy with the idea that I can’t write two books in the same series back-to-back, okay? I’m about a third of the way done with #FoxBook rewrites, and have another third of draft material that’s being pulled straight in without much more than polishing. About 20-30k of new material, 25kish of draft to polish… Again, at normal speed I could have that done in 2-3 months. We’ll see.
THEN after that I can finally crack on with Mercury‘s second book, How Not To Ring The Hero’s Bell. I have the first two chapters written, and the general plot has kind of congealed in the background of working on other stuff, so that’s great. I’m getting excited to get back to work on this one, which is always a good sign.
Also pottering away in the background is How To Create Life, the next Inkprint Writers book that walks you through the ways in which plants and animals adapt to their climate zones, and how to create new species that are realistically responsive to their environments. It’s with the content editor at the moment.
The *plan* (she says, somewhat ironically) was to have #FoxBook ready for a November release, with the second Mercury book coming out in March or April (i.e. a year after book 1, which is nice because: industry standard etc). However, that was *without* the addition of the sci-fi adventure heisty thing, and obviously without allowing for the huge time suck that was celiac testing.
Right now? Who knows. I certainly don’t.
So: rest assured, there are more books coming, and they are in the pipeline. I super appreciate your patience in the meantime <3 And if you need new things to read, don’t forget the Inklets are still releasing on the 1st and 15th of every month! I’ve started work on the 2020 line up (which, how are we nearly in the 20s already?!), and it’s looking GRAND. So much excitement, you guys B-)
Okay, Updates And Where Things Are At was originally published on Amy Laurens
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Things that go with ADHD that you didn’t know about
Yeah so half my family has ADHD in varying forms and actually I’m just gonna slide this link in here. Dr Amen talks about the 7 types of ADHD. You can have one or more of them; I match 4 of the types, some more than others (partially affected by my depression/anxiety). And there’s several things I thought I just had a problem with but it turns out is a symptom of ADHD. SO YEAH LEARN NERDS FROM AN ADHD KID GOING ON A RANT
(ps other mental illnesses/disorders can affect this too)
(i’m pulling some i have, and other lesser known symptoms that can come with it.)
 sensitivity to physical stimuli (light, noise, clothing.)
K i wanna add something here like sometimes i get really twitchy and  i have to get out of the clothes im wearing tHIS INSTANT because i need it to not touch me? usually happens if i’ve worn a bra for too long, jeans or long sleeve shirt for more than 6 hours, or even my hair pulled up for too long. i’ve even have had it happen with my blankets i just need stuff to stop TOUCHING ME
memory is like spinning a wheel of fortune. sometimes you recall every detail of a single day in second grade, sometimes you have to count out your money 9 times to make sure you counted it correct and didn’t remember the incorrect number
looping of thoughts: typically this is negative; it gets worse with anxiety and depression. you just get stuck in a loop where one thing goes to this then this goes to that and it all goes in the same order but you cant dO SOmEtHInG AbOUT IT?? 
once i was so ticked about a books ending that even though i was so exhausted my brain couldn’t stop rapid fire anger frustration looping thoughts and after a few hours of me trying to distract myself long enough to cool off i took some sleeping pills and read a book that i know i have no problems with until the melatonin kicked in. i’m still pissed about it fyi
takes longer to process stuff: can’t tell you how many times someone will ask me something, it went in one ear, out the other; you say ‘i’m sorry i know you spoke but i have no idea what you said.” they go to say what it was; you remember, answer, and they’re like wth
panicking/scared for no reason
social isolation
frequent irritability
like honestly i’ll be in a great mood and then for no reason whatsoever i’m absolutely seething like DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME??? OR I SHALL END THE UNIVERSE?? and yeah so reason for it but i just keep quiet and go somewhere to be alone until i’m okay again
rigid thinking
i know people know about racing thoughts but do they really?
freeze in social situations
like oh no do i do this? no that would be bad what a bout this no that’s worse i can’t  i cant’ don’t talk to me leave i cant 
and you just freeze until the problem goes away
fight, flight, or freeze
conflict avoidant
k i mean there’s a lot more and many are specific to certain types and yes i know this post is a mess but i’m just typing thsi as it comes with very little editying and this is what it’s kinda like in my head? wiith a bit of a filter
but i just have to say something because i feel like people only focus on classic ADD and it drives me crazy
but if you ever want more stories about adhd peeps 3/7 people in my household are on adhd meds, and i’m fairly certain 2 more of my siblings have it too but they aren’t needing meds at this point but goodness we’re a mess becasue the adhd rubb off on everyone else until everyone acts like they have adhd so ye
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dave-meowstaine · 7 years
All of the asks ! !
Should have seen this coming!
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? - I would be super happy and excited seeing as the last person I texted was Lizzie. I would probably be like “OH MY GOD BABY!!!!!” and then cuddle and kiss the shit out of her
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? - Lizzie is my girlfriend
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? - Depends what it is. Weed and hallucinogens are chill but anything hard like coke or heroin and shit could potentially be a deal breaker (if they didn’t get off it)
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? - My last name is double barrelled so… yes?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? - It was sober
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? - I mean, kinda? I did want her, but at the time I didn’t, and then when we got back together it wasn’t the same so… I don’t really know haha
7. What does your last received text say? - “I love you!!!”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? - Too many to count yet not enough!!!
9. Where was your last kiss at? - It was at Heathrow airport in London. Lizzie was going back to America… :(
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? - About 5 minutes ago
11. What do you drink in the morning?- I always have a cup of tea and a glass of water
12. Where did you sleep last night? - In my bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? - If they are hard, then you’re probably not doing it right. A proper good relationship should feel like the most effortless thing in the world. That’s how I feel with Lizzie
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? - Not at all
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? - Hell no! Maybe noise complaints but no real problems hahaha
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? - Sunny, to be honest. Unless I’m snuggled up in bed. Then definitely rainy!
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? - My middle name is my dad’s first name
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? - Jeans
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? - Definitely still be with Lizzie
20. Does anyone like you? - Obviously Lizzie haha
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? - Nope
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? - Lizzie is bi
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? - Yeah, I can think of a couple of people
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? - Yes! I want to be covered. I’m thinking of getting one really soon, actually. Just after christmas
25. In the past week have you cried? - I cried last night
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? - Jesse is… um… we have no idea what my dog is. Some sort of Terrier haha
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? - Out of it
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? - Nope
29. Do you think you’re old? - I know I’m not because I’m 19. Then I remember that kids born in 2000 will be able to get into clubs next year and…
30. Do you like text messaging? - Depends who it is I’m texting
31. What type of day are you having? - It’s alright. Been working out and skateboarding all day
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? - I have septum pierced. I’ve thought about getting the side of my nose pierced but I don’t think I would
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? - Warm weather so I can go out and do stuff
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? - Lizzieeee
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? - Definitely a relationship. I’ve had flings, but they just aren’t my sort of thing
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? - Depends on how you see it. I like to think I’m a simple person. What you see is what you get with me, there is no hidden agenda or anything
37. What song are you listening to? - Nothing at the moment, but I have Lil Peep stuck in my head
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? - Of course! I would never say sorry unless I meant it39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? - Lizzie literally knows me inside and out40. What made you start liking the person you like now? - Just so kind and caring and passionate and funny and beautiful. Looking back I think I fell in love with Lizzie as soon as we started talking. It was like meeting the part of me that was always missing41. When did you last receive a text message? - About 7am this morning42. What is wrong with you right now? - I really want Lizzie and I miss her so much and that makes me sad and not motivated to do anything43. How well do you know the last female you texted? - Lizzie has literally told me everything about herself. There isn’t a single thing I don’t know about that woman44. Does anyone disgust you? - Maybe people’s attitudes and the way they see things, but I wouldn’t say a person as a whole disgusts me45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? - No, I’m dating Lizzie46. Are you in a good mood right now? - I’m in a fairly good mood. Kinda frustrated because I’ve been skateboarding and am really close to landing a new trick but I can’t quite get it right, so I’m taking a break and answering these!47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? - My dad48. What color shirt are you wearing? - It’s plain dark green49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? - Ummm not recent recent but about a month ago50. Anyone you’re giving up on? - Not that I’m aware of51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? - Definitely not! I’m head over heels in love with Lizzie!
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? - Nope53. Do you like rain? - I love the rain! Especially when I’m snuggled up in bed54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? - Not at all! When Lizzie was here, we went to the pub a couple of times with my friends and my sister and one night we got completely wasted hahaha55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? - No, actually. I’ve actively pursued every crush I’ve had. Some worked, some didn’t. That’s just life. You never know unless you give it a go56. Do you like to cuddle? - I fucking love cuddles!57. Are you shy? - Kinda when you first meet me. More awkward than shy. But as soon as we’re acquainted and we know each other, I’m no where near shy 58. Do you get along with girls? - I do59. Have you dated the person you texted last? - I am currently dating Lizzie60. What do you carry with you at all times? - My phone and my headphones61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? - I live in it if it meant I got $1 million! Would be pretty interesting to see if anything spooky happens62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? - Lizzie and I will have been together for 5 months and known each other for 6 in 10 days so… 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? - I was. In fact, Lizzie was here in England for half of October, including Halloween!64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? - Omg yes please65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? - Lizzie told her parents about me and we’re finally free to be together 100% and tag each other in shit on Facebook and post about each other on social media and that made me super happy!
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? - 19, 18, and 21 (Lizzie is the 21 year old, fyi)
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? - I wouldn’t get my nails done (unless Lizzie wanted me to for fun haha) but probably professional. Unless it was Lizzie messing around and just painting my nails, then that would be adorble    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? - Neither. Both are pretty tacky, if you ask me. But hey, you like what you like!   69. Do you have any stickers on your car? - Nope   70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? - I don’t know who Luke Bryan is but I think I would rather put my dick in a blender than listen to Lil Wayne so I guess Luke Bryan…?71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? - Android   72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? - 25 days ago. The day before Lizzie went back to America, we went on a date and we went bowling and then had a proper meal at Pizza Hut   73. Do you like diet soda? - I prefer regular but yeah   74. What color are the walls in your room? - White except one which is light blue    75. Are you 16 or older? - I’m 19   76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? - Nope, never have and probably never will    77. Do you have a job? - Not at the moment. College is taking up all of my time so I’m focusing on doing the absolute best I can in that  78. What are your initials? - T.A.W-P    79. Did you ever have braces? - Nope. My dentist said I could have gotten them but my teeth weren’t fucked up enough so we would have to have paid a lot    80. Are you from the south? - South East London   
81. What does your last status on facebook say? - I haven’t posted a status on Facebook in literally years! The last post on there is me changing my profile picture to a picture of Lizzie and I    82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? - No, I do not    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? - I’m equally as close to both of them, but I feel like I can talk to my mum more    84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? - Gymnastics but that was because we all had to do it back in school    85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? - I think it was a film called Allied with Brad Pitt. My best friend, Ed, and I went to see it and then went to Costa Coffee afterwards. Great night out    86. Do you smoke? - Occasionally. More social than not     87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? - Neither, but I guess flip flops. Although I do rock a mean pair of heels   88. Is your phone touch screen? - It is    89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? - Lol good luck getting my hair straight without a pair of straighteners and a lot of hairspray    90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? - Not really. I have crept out of the house to go for a cigarette in the early hours of the morning, but that because I don’t want to wake anyone up   91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? - I’ve never swam in a river or lake so I can’t really say    92. Have you ever made out in a car? - I have   93. …Had sex in a car? - I haven’t outright had sex, but I have done stuff   94. Are you single or in a relationship? - In a relationship   95. What were you doing last night at midnight? - Reading my book in bed and texting Lizzie    96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? - 5th of November on bonfire night with Lizzie    97. Do you like the camera on your phone? - Yeah, it takes pretty good photos so I can’t complain   98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? - I have, more than once, and it actually sucked    99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? - Many times    100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? - I wouldn’t say I really HATE anyone, but definitely people I dislike101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? - Not me personally, yeah I thought I got someone pregnant. Wasn’t scared though   102. Name your favorite Kesha song - The only Kesha song I know is Tick Tock and to be fair that is a banger hahaha    103. Do you have any tan lines right now? - Nope    104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? - I don’t think I would ever wear cowboy boots to begin with
Thank you!!! :D   
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maimagazineblog · 6 years
Reasons why “Maniac” probably won’t be your new favorite show 
Reason 1: Emma Stone, contrary to most industry peeps opinions can’t act. Jonah Hill, unfortunately, in this case neither. The 20 or so kilos that he dropped along with his understandable attempt to break out of his usual “funny guy” typecast, only went to prove that trying too hard doesn’t usually pay off. Perhaps the pressure that he put on himself was too high, or perhaps it was a medley of reasons, we don’t know. All we know is that it didn't work. Sorry, Jonah. We love you, though.
Reason 2: One too many undeveloped storylines. The Mother (played by Sally Fields, who was great, fyi). The “victims”. The other subjects of the trial. Etcetera, etcetera.
Reason 3: Too many references. The makers of “Maniac” seemed to most of the time be going for aesthetics over content wanting to be a mixture of Wes Anderson meets Inception, Blade Runner and The Matrix. “Cary: I wanna be like Wes Anderson but not and then I want to be like my other favorite movies - Inception and Blade Runner... Yeah...Those were great films. Patrick: Oh man, Inception?! How ‘bout The Matrix, bro! Cary: Yeeeeah, bro. The Matrix.... Classic! Let’s do something that!” 
Reason 4: Too much focus on dream sequences with not enough backstory.
Also... Not a reason but just a HOW DID NOBODY CATCH THIS LOOKALIKE BEFORE!?
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Reasons why you will watch “Maniac”... You have a Netflix account and had higher hopes. 
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
What Are The Best Chew Toys For A Puppy? [Our Top Picks For 2020]
This post may contain affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
What Are The Best Chew Toys For Puppies?
Before getting my first puppy I never bothered to ask: “What are the best chew toys for a puppy?” I just went to the nearest pet store, grabbed the cutest, squeakiest, squirrel toy and brought it home to Linus.
Two years later, before bringing home my first guide dog puppy, our group leader suggested I bring a plush toy to rub all over Stetson’s litter mates. Getting the scent of litter mates on a plush toy would make our puppy’s first night home more comfortable.
Fast forward 10 years and we finally found our favorite plush toy for puppies. The Snuggle Puppy w/ Heartbeat & Heat Pack is by far our favorite puppy toy during the first week with a new pup.
Not only do we get the scent of the litter mates on our Snuggle Puppy, we have the added bonus of a heartbeat and heat pack to comfort our puppy during those first few nights.
However, over the years we learned that plush toys are great for young puppies, but as they get older our little Goldens and Labs tend to shred the basic stuffed squirrel (they love extracting the squeaker).
So, if you’re like me then you’re always on the look out for the best chew toys for your puppy.
Something durable, entertaining, fun, and…DURABLE!
Best Chew Toys For A Puppy
We recently received this email from one of our readers:
Wanted to find out any additional puppy toy suggestions you have? We have a stuffed duck. A rope. A Kong. Any other references for best toys? Thanks and have a good. We have an 8 week old golden retriever pup.
Over the years I feel like we’ve purchased every puppy chew toy under the sun.
The good news is every year companies come up with new, innovative chew toys for puppies.
Here’s our quick list of Best Chew Toys For A Puppy.
Our Top Picks
BEST OVERALL CHEW TOY: KONG Classic Dog Toy “Dublin loved his Classic KONG. We love it’s versatility.”
BEST CHEW TOY FOR PUPPIES UNDER 3 MONTHS: Snuggle Puppy “We gave Charlie a Snuggle Puppy during his first night…not a peep!”
BEST NATURAL CHEW TOY: Best Bully Sticks “Our pups love them! We love the pups chew on the sticks vs our hands.”
BEST INTERACTIVE CHEW TOY: Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Dog Toy “Cute, adorable, and practical. Adelle loved pulling out the squirrels.”
BEST DURABLE CHEW TOY: Goughnut – Indestructible Chew Toy “Possibly the most durable chew toy on the market.”
BEST BUDGET CHEW TOY: Leather Fox Dog Toy “We love the leather texture and at just over $1 it fits the budget.”
BEST CUTE CHEW TOY: Mr. Bill Dog Toy “I may be dating myself, but I love Mr. Bill and his patented “Oh No!”
What We Look For When Picking Chew Toys For Our Puppies
Okay guys and gals you may not like my answers because you’re going to have to pull out your check book (does anyone truly still have a check book) if you want to follow my advice.
For openers you should have lots of puppy toys…lots of them!
When it comes to the best chew toys for a teething puppy you need variety.
That’s right! There’s not a one size fits all when it comes to the best puppy toys.
Here’s our list of what we look for when we pick the best chew toys for our pup:
Durable – What good is a puppy chew toy if it only lasts 5 minutes before it’s destroyed?
Texture – Puppies get bored with the same type of toy so we always keep our eye out for different textures like fluffy, extra furry, rubbery, leathery…you get the picture.
Interactive/Puzzles – We are always harping on our readers to not just exercise your puppies body, but the mind as well. Interactive dog toys are a great way to tire out your puppy’s mind.
Variety – If all your puppy toys are plush stuffed toys with squeakers your puppy will get bored in a hurry.
Price – We have puppies throughout the year and in fact this past summer we had a litter of 10 puppies. The little ones and small breed dogs don’t need the higher priced durable products. A budget toy will do just fine with our smaller pups.
Cuteness – Yep, it’s a factor when we choose our puppy toys…especially if my wife is with me
DURABLE! – Did I already say durable? When you have a mouthy lab puppy you need something that is close to indestructible.
After reading the above list you probably guessed that we have a lot of puppy toys. Yup, our house is a puppy playground, but we have one more thing we need to mention:
Don’t let your puppy play with all their toys all the time.
We only allow our puppies to play with one or two toys at a time. If they get bored with those toys then we pick them up and give them new toy.
That’s why it’s important to have variety and different textures. You can keep your puppy entertained and interested for long periods of time.
7 Best Chew Toys For A Puppy
Drumroll please…
Actually you probably already saw the TL;DR section above so no drumroll necessary.
We broke our list up into 7 “Best of” categories and also listed a couple of Honorable Mentions just in case you don’t like our picks or you want other puppies to be jealous of your pup’s toy box.
Without further adieu:
Best Overall Chew Toy: KONG Classic Dog Toy
KONG Classic Dog Toy
I guess you could say our best all around chew toy for puppies is the KING! Get it? KING KONG? Yeah, I know I’m dumb.
Seriously, we love our KONG. It’s versatile, durable, and fun.
The KONG was Dublin’s favorite toy when he was training to be a guide dog. You could give it to him and he’d sit their and gnaw on it for a good thirty minutes.
Offering enrichment by helping satisfy dogs’ instinctual needs, the KONG Classic’s unique all-natural red rubber formula is ultra-durable, with an erratic bounce that is ideal for dogs that like to chew, while also fulfilling a dog’s need to play. Want to extend play time? And to add some extra fun into the mix, this toy can be stuffed with KONG’s Stuff’N Easy Treat, Snacks or Ziggies (sold separately) or any of her favorite rewards like peanut butter, yogurt or kibble! – Chewy.com
One of our favorite uses for the KONG is during crate training. If your puppy is having issues in the crate, try stuffing your KONG with a treat and freezing. The next time you have to crate your pup give him his frozen KONG to gnaw on.
The shape of a KONG reminds me of a football. When you play fetch with it bounces erratically keeping your puppy on his toes.
Dublin’s favorite toy and it lasted him throughout puppyhood.
You can freeze and stuff your KONG which makes for a great treat.
Add a few treats through the bottom and your pup will be mentally stimulated trying to remove the treats.
Some of our pup’s didn’t care to play with it.
While durable we have seen some dogs destroy their KONG.
Has a rubber smell that some people dislike.
Nylabone Double Action Dog Chew – This was Adelle’s favorite chew toy (and a favorite of many of our other service dog pups). Be careful when your puppy walks around with this in her mouth. After a few days/weeks the plastic ends get jagged. Adelle dropped this bone on my bare foot more then once…OUCH!
Benebone Wishbone Dog Chew Toy – Raven is testing a Benebone Wishbone right now. It’s her early Thanksgiving/Christmas present. So far so good!
Best Chew Toy For Puppies Under 3 Months: Snuggle Puppy with Heart Beat & Heat Pack
Snuggle Puppy with Heart Beat & Heat Pack
The Snuggle Puppy is literally the first item on our new puppy checklist.
Before we pick up a new puppy we always make sure we have a Snuggle Puppy. Why? Because we take this plush toy and rub it all over our pup’s litter mates.
Getting the scent of the litter mates helps your puppy feel more comfortable when moving to his new home. This can be especially helpful when you start crate training your puppy.
Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Aid Dog Toy is designed to help your dog cope with everyday stressors. This comforting toy recreates the intimacy and physical warmth that your nervous pup craves in times of stress due to loneliness, fear and separation anxieties. This stuffed animal behavioral aid also features a real-feel, pulsing heartbeat and heat source that works to calm your pup and reduce negative behaviors such as barking and whining. – Chewy.com
We use our Snuggle Puppy as substitute litter mate during crate training. It’s an adorable plush toy with a heart beat and heat pack. We put a Snuggle Puppy in the crate with Charlie on his first night home and not a peep until 7am the next day!
Today we get a Snuggle Puppy every time we bring home a new service dog puppy. So far (we’re 3 for 3) we haven’t had a fussy puppy at night thanks to our Snuggle Puppies!
If you’re having problems getting your puppy to sleep through the night then I highly recommend trying a Snuggle Puppy.
Great to help with crate training during your puppies first nights home.
Innovative heart beat and heat pack simulates a litter mate.
It’s soft, snuggly, and cute.
You only get 3 heat packs with your Snuggle Puppy.
It’s not durable.
Some pups are afraid of the ticking heart beat.
Snuggle Puppy FYI – There is an older model of the Snuggle Puppy that has an issue. It had a large stitched on nose that Charlie thought was great fun to play with and pulled off within the first few days. He could have very easily swallowed the nose. I’d advise against purchasing the older model.
Nylabone Puppy Starter Pack – We bought one of these for Linus many, many moons ago. One of the bones in the pack is edible. The others are not. Your puppy will most likely outgrow these starter Nylabones. When our pup’s are teething we keep one of these in our pocket and when our puppy grabs our hand with his mouth we slowly pull out our hand and replace with a Nylabone.
N-Bone Puppy Teething Ring – We have a package of these waiting at home to test with our next puppy. It comes highly rated, but at this time we have not used it with one of our pups. Stay tuned…
Best Natural Chew Toy: Best Bully Sticks
Best Bully Sticks
Our puppies love Bully Sticks! However, if you don’t already know…
Q: What is a Bully Stick?
A: Bully Stick = Beef Pizzle = Bull Penis
Made with only 100% beef pizzle, this bully stick is high in protein, low in fat and is a safe alternative to rawhide treats! Not only will your pup enjoy chomping down on this protein-rich treat, but it will also naturally help remove tartar and build-up, promoting healthy gums, teeth and overall dental health. Watch your pal chew to his heart’s content on a treat you both can feel good about! – Chewy.com
This is our favorite natural chew toy for puppies. We discovered bully sticks way back when we got our first puppy, Linus.
We usually get 6 or 12 inch Bully Sticks which can last quite a while with the smaller puppies. As your pup reach adulthood they will consume these chews much more quickly.
The biggest drawback we’ve found is the smell. I won’t lie. These things stink! However, you can find some that aren’t as stinky.
We’ve found that the Best Bully Sticks advertised as “odorless” are the best (least stinky). However, they too have a strong odor once your puppy starts chomping away.
Can entertain your puppy for long periods.
Relieves your puppy’s need to teeth/chew.
Natural product made from real beef pizzle.
Can be a choking hazard when it gets too small.
Even though Best Bully Sticks advertise odor free they do have an odor. However, not nearly as bad as some others we’ve tried.
Himalayan Dog Chews – I usually order a pack of Bully Sticks and Himalayan Dog Chews at the same time. Again, it’s important to get different textures when getting chews for your dog.
Deer Antlers – Somewhat controversial as a chew toy as some of our readers have had some difficulties with deer antlers as chew toys. Some aggressive chewers ended up with cracked teeth. Know your puppy and proceed with caution.
Best Interactive Chew Toy: Hide-A-Squirrel
Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Dog Toy
Cute, adorable, interactive, and fun! What more could you ask for? Maybe more durable!
Treat your pup to hide-and-seek fun with Hide A Squirrel! Just stuff the squeaky squirrels in the plush tree trunk, and watch as your dog sniffs them out. To keep the game going, just stuff them in again and again! – Chewy.com
We love our hide-a-squirrel. One of our favorite parts is it simulates the de-stuffing of a regular plush toy.
However, it’s still not a super durable dog toy. Just like any plush toy the hide-squirrell will eventually meet it’s demise even with a moderate chewer.
It’s a cute and fun for your pup.
We like how it simulates the de-stuffing of a regular plush toy.
It’s like 4 toys in one. 3 Squirrels plus the plush wood log.
Just like most plush toys it’s not very durable.
Jolly Ball – Dublin’s all time favorite chew toy. We’d buy him a new one every year and bring it to him in Arizona. The good news his old one would survive the year. The bad news it was usually in terrible shape with holes and a shredded rope. FYI – we like the Jolly Ball with the rope vs the one with the handle.
KONG Wobbler – One of our favorites. Technically not a chew toy and if you’re puppy does use it as a chew toy (like Stetson did) then he’s using it wrong. Stetson did a full review of the KONG Wobbler way back when.
Best Durable Chew Toy: Goughnut – Indestructible Chew Toy
Goughnut – Indestructible Chew Toy
Looks and smells like a rubber tire. Heavy and durable as heck!
The GoughNuts Ring Dog Toy was designed to give pups a safer, tougher chew toy. This natural rubber ring is made in the USA using engineered carbon reinforcement. Each GoughNuts toy has two layers — the outer color indicates the strength, and the inner core is always red to serve as a safety indicator. Red means stop, so when a dog chews down to this red layer, you know it’s time to order a new GoughNuts Ring. This GoughNuts Ring bounces, rolls and even floats, so it can stand up to extreme games of fetch and all types of outdoor play. – Chewy.com
Our dogs originally played with Goughnuts at friend’s house many years ago. Recently we bought Raven a Goughnut of her own. She’s not the heaviest of chewers so not a good test subject. However, one of our most destructive puppies, Dublin was never able to destroy a Goughnut.
We’re going to get one of these for our friends aggressive chewer, Higbee to see if he can destroy the much vaunted, Goughnut.
Durable. This is one tough chew toy!
Floats in water.
Made in the USA.
They have a strong smell like a tire.
Power chewers have been known to destroy the Goughnut.
KONG Extreme Dog Toy – Dublin was the aggressive chewer in our pack. He barely left a mark on the KONG Extreme. Although he also didn’t like the Extreme as much as the Classic KONG Toy.
West Paw Zogoflex Hurley Durable Dog Bone Chew Toy for Aggressive Chewers – That’s a mouthful! We first met with the folks at West Paw Design back in 2016. We love their products and they have a good reputation for being durable. Raven is the first to test out our new Zogoflex Dog Bone.
Best Budget Chew Toy: Leather Fox Dog Toy
Leather Fox Dog Toy
We got a few of these leather toys when Archer was a puppy. We love the leather texture, but it’s lifespan left a lot to be desired.
The Dura-Fused Leather Fox Dog Toy is strong enough to withstand regular playtimes while soft enough for your pup to curl up with in his downtime. This durable toy fuses real leather and jute together to create two layers for added strength. The seams are then double stitched with a heavy duty thread for extra protection against tough chewers. – Chewy.com
We like this toy because it’s a different texture for our puppies. It works well with the young ones (under 10 weeks old).
Okay folks. At the time of this writing the leather fox is only $1.22. Lower your expectations. This is not a durable toy. If you have a light chewer or a young puppy then this might be a good toy for your pup.
Good for young puppies and smaller pups.
It’s inexpensive ($1.22 at the time of this writing)
We like the leather texture to add to our chew toy mix.
It’s not durable.
Stitching unravels rather quickly even with our small pups.
Stuffing Free Monkey Dog Toy – For a couple bucks you can have you’re own “Monkey Dog”. Just kidding it’s a Monkey Toy for Dogs. Get it? Yeah that’s not funny. Sorry…
KONG Squeezz Ball Dog Toy – There was this company called DuraDoggie. We loved their toys. The KONG Squeezz is the closest thing we could find to the DuraDoggie Chew Toys.
Best Cute Chew Toy: Mr. Bill Dog Toy
Mr. Bill Dog Toy
Mr. Bill: “Oh No!”
Enjoy playtime fun as much as your furry pal with the Multipet Mr. Bill Plush Dog Toy. Inspired by the hit vintage skit from Saturday Night Live, it has a built-in voice box that yells Mr. Bill’s hilarious catchphrase when squeezed. Made for dogs of all ages, it’s great for playing fetch as it’s easily tossed, and it makes a soft cuddle buddy that’s always ready for nap time. Reinforced stitching and no plastic parts make this a toy to be loved. – Chewy.com
The Mr. Bill Dog Toy was a hit at our Christmas party a couple years ago and why not? Who can resist the adorable “Oh No” when you squeeze Mr. Bill?
Just like the leather fox this toy is not too durable. We kept a close eye on our pup’s when they played with Mr. Bill.
We were able to preserve him and his little sound box for a few months, but eventually Apache cracked the plastic sound maker and soon after removed his stuffing.
Nostalgic, cute, funny. If you’re a Mr Bill fan you’ll like this toy.
Relatively inexpensive.
It’s not durable.
The plastic noise maker can be a choking hazard
Hedge Hog Hide & Seek Plush Dog Toy – Baby Hedgehogs are just plain cute. Nuff said.
Gumby Dog Toy – Okay reaching back to my childhood again. This one has a regular squeaker so not nearly as cool as Mr. Bill. FYI – there is also a rubber Gumby which we have not yet tested
Are Puppy Chew Toys Safe?
It’s a simple question:
Q: Are Puppy Chew Toys Safe?
A: YES, but know you’re puppy. Monitor your puppy when he’s playing with a toy. It’s your responsibility to keep your puppy safe.
Dublin was my most aggressive chewer and at one point we removed all of his plush toys from the house because he would not only destroy them, but swallow pieces which made for choking or even blockage hazards.
Plush toys were off limits for Dublin, but we were able to give him other toys like KONG toys, Nylabone, Jolly Ball, Bully Sticks, etc.
Dublin could be left alone with a KONG Extreme and he wouldn’t destroy or consume any parts.
However, some puppies can destroy a KONG Extreme or even a Goughnut and swallow the rubber parts. If this is your puppy then please do not leave your pup alone with any kind of chew toy.
Some of the chew toys we’ve recommended are very hard and some aggressive chewers can crack their teeth.
Again, if this is your puppy then stay away from the hard chew toys like the Benebone, Deer Antlers, Nylabone Durachew, and the many other hard chew toys on the market.
Know your puppy. Monitor your puppy when he has a chew toy.
It amazes me that I tried almost every toy on this list before I even started writing this review (the few I did not Raven is playing with as we speak).
It goes to show you 13+ years of raising service dog puppies equals lots of puppy chew toys.
One thing that has been pounded into my head by our guide dog group leaders. Get a variety of chew toys with different textures so your puppy won’t get bored.
That’s a total of 21 different chew toys on our list! So lots of different textures to keep your puppies entertained.
What about you guys?
Does your puppy have a favorite chew toy?
What do you think are the best chew toys for a puppy?
Tell us about you experiences in the comment section below.
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What Are The Best Chew Toys For Puppies? – Bear says I like the Bully Sticks!
Top Picks For Our Puppies
BEST PUPPY TOY We Like: Snuggle Puppy w/ Heart Beat & Heat Pack – Perfect for new puppies. We get all of our Service Dog pups a Snuggle Puppy.
BEST DOG CHEW We Like: Best Bully Sticks – All of our puppies love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Bully Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
BEST DOG TREATS We Like: Wellness Soft Puppy Bites – One of our favorite treats for training our service dog puppies.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/what-are-the-best-chew-toys-for-a-puppy-our-top-picks-for-2020/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/07/what-are-best-chew-toys-for-puppy-our.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
What Are The Best Chew Toys For A Puppy? [Our Top Picks For 2020]
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What Are The Best Chew Toys For Puppies?
Before getting my first puppy I never bothered to ask: “What are the best chew toys for a puppy?” I just went to the nearest pet store, grabbed the cutest, squeakiest, squirrel toy and brought it home to Linus.
Two years later, before bringing home my first guide dog puppy, our group leader suggested I bring a plush toy to rub all over Stetson’s litter mates. Getting the scent of litter mates on a plush toy would make our puppy’s first night home more comfortable.
Fast forward 10 years and we finally found our favorite plush toy for puppies. The Snuggle Puppy w/ Heartbeat & Heat Pack is by far our favorite puppy toy during the first week with a new pup.
Not only do we get the scent of the litter mates on our Snuggle Puppy, we have the added bonus of a heartbeat and heat pack to comfort our puppy during those first few nights.
However, over the years we learned that plush toys are great for young puppies, but as they get older our little Goldens and Labs tend to shred the basic stuffed squirrel (they love extracting the squeaker).
So, if you’re like me then you’re always on the look out for the best chew toys for your puppy.
Something durable, entertaining, fun, and…DURABLE!
Best Chew Toys For A Puppy
We recently received this email from one of our readers:
Wanted to find out any additional puppy toy suggestions you have? We have a stuffed duck. A rope. A Kong. Any other references for best toys? Thanks and have a good. We have an 8 week old golden retriever pup.
Over the years I feel like we’ve purchased every puppy chew toy under the sun.
The good news is every year companies come up with new, innovative chew toys for puppies.
Here’s our quick list of Best Chew Toys For A Puppy.
Our Top Picks
BEST OVERALL CHEW TOY: KONG Classic Dog Toy “Dublin loved his Classic KONG. We love it’s versatility.”
BEST CHEW TOY FOR PUPPIES UNDER 3 MONTHS: Snuggle Puppy “We gave Charlie a Snuggle Puppy during his first night…not a peep!”
BEST NATURAL CHEW TOY: Best Bully Sticks “Our pups love them! We love the pups chew on the sticks vs our hands.”
BEST INTERACTIVE CHEW TOY: Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Dog Toy “Cute, adorable, and practical. Adelle loved pulling out the squirrels.”
BEST DURABLE CHEW TOY: Goughnut – Indestructible Chew Toy “Possibly the most durable chew toy on the market.”
BEST BUDGET CHEW TOY: Leather Fox Dog Toy “We love the leather texture and at just over $1 it fits the budget.”
BEST CUTE CHEW TOY: Mr. Bill Dog Toy “I may be dating myself, but I love Mr. Bill and his patented “Oh No!”
What We Look For When Picking Chew Toys For Our Puppies
Okay guys and gals you may not like my answers because you’re going to have to pull out your check book (does anyone truly still have a check book) if you want to follow my advice.
For openers you should have lots of puppy toys…lots of them!
When it comes to the best chew toys for a teething puppy you need variety.
That’s right! There’s not a one size fits all when it comes to the best puppy toys.
Here’s our list of what we look for when we pick the best chew toys for our pup:
Durable – What good is a puppy chew toy if it only lasts 5 minutes before it’s destroyed?
Texture – Puppies get bored with the same type of toy so we always keep our eye out for different textures like fluffy, extra furry, rubbery, leathery…you get the picture.
Interactive/Puzzles – We are always harping on our readers to not just exercise your puppies body, but the mind as well. Interactive dog toys are a great way to tire out your puppy’s mind.
Variety – If all your puppy toys are plush stuffed toys with squeakers your puppy will get bored in a hurry.
Price – We have puppies throughout the year and in fact this past summer we had a litter of 10 puppies. The little ones and small breed dogs don’t need the higher priced durable products. A budget toy will do just fine with our smaller pups.
Cuteness – Yep, it’s a factor when we choose our puppy toys…especially if my wife is with me
DURABLE! – Did I already say durable? When you have a mouthy lab puppy you need something that is close to indestructible.
After reading the above list you probably guessed that we have a lot of puppy toys. Yup, our house is a puppy playground, but we have one more thing we need to mention:
Don’t let your puppy play with all their toys all the time.
We only allow our puppies to play with one or two toys at a time. If they get bored with those toys then we pick them up and give them new toy.
That’s why it’s important to have variety and different textures. You can keep your puppy entertained and interested for long periods of time.
7 Best Chew Toys For A Puppy
Drumroll please…
Actually you probably already saw the TL;DR section above so no drumroll necessary.
We broke our list up into 7 “Best of” categories and also listed a couple of Honorable Mentions just in case you don’t like our picks or you want other puppies to be jealous of your pup’s toy box.
Without further adieu:
Best Overall Chew Toy: KONG Classic Dog Toy
KONG Classic Dog Toy
I guess you could say our best all around chew toy for puppies is the KING! Get it? KING KONG? Yeah, I know I’m dumb.
Seriously, we love our KONG. It’s versatile, durable, and fun.
The KONG was Dublin’s favorite toy when he was training to be a guide dog. You could give it to him and he’d sit their and gnaw on it for a good thirty minutes.
Offering enrichment by helping satisfy dogs’ instinctual needs, the KONG Classic’s unique all-natural red rubber formula is ultra-durable, with an erratic bounce that is ideal for dogs that like to chew, while also fulfilling a dog’s need to play. Want to extend play time? And to add some extra fun into the mix, this toy can be stuffed with KONG’s Stuff’N Easy Treat, Snacks or Ziggies (sold separately) or any of her favorite rewards like peanut butter, yogurt or kibble! – Chewy.com
One of our favorite uses for the KONG is during crate training. If your puppy is having issues in the crate, try stuffing your KONG with a treat and freezing. The next time you have to crate your pup give him his frozen KONG to gnaw on.
The shape of a KONG reminds me of a football. When you play fetch with it bounces erratically keeping your puppy on his toes.
Dublin’s favorite toy and it lasted him throughout puppyhood.
You can freeze and stuff your KONG which makes for a great treat.
Add a few treats through the bottom and your pup will be mentally stimulated trying to remove the treats.
Some of our pup’s didn’t care to play with it.
While durable we have seen some dogs destroy their KONG.
Has a rubber smell that some people dislike.
Nylabone Double Action Dog Chew – This was Adelle’s favorite chew toy (and a favorite of many of our other service dog pups). Be careful when your puppy walks around with this in her mouth. After a few days/weeks the plastic ends get jagged. Adelle dropped this bone on my bare foot more then once…OUCH!
Benebone Wishbone Dog Chew Toy – Raven is testing a Benebone Wishbone right now. It’s her early Thanksgiving/Christmas present. So far so good!
Best Chew Toy For Puppies Under 3 Months: Snuggle Puppy with Heart Beat & Heat Pack
Snuggle Puppy with Heart Beat & Heat Pack
The Snuggle Puppy is literally the first item on our new puppy checklist.
Before we pick up a new puppy we always make sure we have a Snuggle Puppy. Why? Because we take this plush toy and rub it all over our pup’s litter mates.
Getting the scent of the litter mates helps your puppy feel more comfortable when moving to his new home. This can be especially helpful when you start crate training your puppy.
Snuggle Puppy Behavioral Aid Dog Toy is designed to help your dog cope with everyday stressors. This comforting toy recreates the intimacy and physical warmth that your nervous pup craves in times of stress due to loneliness, fear and separation anxieties. This stuffed animal behavioral aid also features a real-feel, pulsing heartbeat and heat source that works to calm your pup and reduce negative behaviors such as barking and whining. – Chewy.com
We use our Snuggle Puppy as substitute litter mate during crate training. It’s an adorable plush toy with a heart beat and heat pack. We put a Snuggle Puppy in the crate with Charlie on his first night home and not a peep until 7am the next day!
Today we get a Snuggle Puppy every time we bring home a new service dog puppy. So far (we’re 3 for 3) we haven’t had a fussy puppy at night thanks to our Snuggle Puppies!
If you’re having problems getting your puppy to sleep through the night then I highly recommend trying a Snuggle Puppy.
Great to help with crate training during your puppies first nights home.
Innovative heart beat and heat pack simulates a litter mate.
It’s soft, snuggly, and cute.
You only get 3 heat packs with your Snuggle Puppy.
It’s not durable.
Some pups are afraid of the ticking heart beat.
Snuggle Puppy FYI – There is an older model of the Snuggle Puppy that has an issue. It had a large stitched on nose that Charlie thought was great fun to play with and pulled off within the first few days. He could have very easily swallowed the nose. I’d advise against purchasing the older model.
Nylabone Puppy Starter Pack – We bought one of these for Linus many, many moons ago. One of the bones in the pack is edible. The others are not. Your puppy will most likely outgrow these starter Nylabones. When our pup’s are teething we keep one of these in our pocket and when our puppy grabs our hand with his mouth we slowly pull out our hand and replace with a Nylabone.
N-Bone Puppy Teething Ring – We have a package of these waiting at home to test with our next puppy. It comes highly rated, but at this time we have not used it with one of our pups. Stay tuned…
Best Natural Chew Toy: Best Bully Sticks
Best Bully Sticks
Our puppies love Bully Sticks! However, if you don’t already know…
Q: What is a Bully Stick?
A: Bully Stick = Beef Pizzle = Bull Penis
Made with only 100% beef pizzle, this bully stick is high in protein, low in fat and is a safe alternative to rawhide treats! Not only will your pup enjoy chomping down on this protein-rich treat, but it will also naturally help remove tartar and build-up, promoting healthy gums, teeth and overall dental health. Watch your pal chew to his heart’s content on a treat you both can feel good about! – Chewy.com
This is our favorite natural chew toy for puppies. We discovered bully sticks way back when we got our first puppy, Linus.
We usually get 6 or 12 inch Bully Sticks which can last quite a while with the smaller puppies. As your pup reach adulthood they will consume these chews much more quickly.
The biggest drawback we’ve found is the smell. I won’t lie. These things stink! However, you can find some that aren’t as stinky.
We’ve found that the Best Bully Sticks advertised as “odorless” are the best (least stinky). However, they too have a strong odor once your puppy starts chomping away.
Can entertain your puppy for long periods.
Relieves your puppy’s need to teeth/chew.
Natural product made from real beef pizzle.
Can be a choking hazard when it gets too small.
Even though Best Bully Sticks advertise odor free they do have an odor. However, not nearly as bad as some others we’ve tried.
Himalayan Dog Chews – I usually order a pack of Bully Sticks and Himalayan Dog Chews at the same time. Again, it’s important to get different textures when getting chews for your dog.
Deer Antlers – Somewhat controversial as a chew toy as some of our readers have had some difficulties with deer antlers as chew toys. Some aggressive chewers ended up with cracked teeth. Know your puppy and proceed with caution.
Best Interactive Chew Toy: Hide-A-Squirrel
Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Dog Toy
Cute, adorable, interactive, and fun! What more could you ask for? Maybe more durable!
Treat your pup to hide-and-seek fun with Hide A Squirrel! Just stuff the squeaky squirrels in the plush tree trunk, and watch as your dog sniffs them out. To keep the game going, just stuff them in again and again! – Chewy.com
We love our hide-a-squirrel. One of our favorite parts is it simulates the de-stuffing of a regular plush toy.
However, it’s still not a super durable dog toy. Just like any plush toy the hide-squirrell will eventually meet it’s demise even with a moderate chewer.
It’s a cute and fun for your pup.
We like how it simulates the de-stuffing of a regular plush toy.
It’s like 4 toys in one. 3 Squirrels plus the plush wood log.
Just like most plush toys it’s not very durable.
Jolly Ball – Dublin’s all time favorite chew toy. We’d buy him a new one every year and bring it to him in Arizona. The good news his old one would survive the year. The bad news it was usually in terrible shape with holes and a shredded rope. FYI – we like the Jolly Ball with the rope vs the one with the handle.
KONG Wobbler – One of our favorites. Technically not a chew toy and if you’re puppy does use it as a chew toy (like Stetson did) then he’s using it wrong. Stetson did a full review of the KONG Wobbler way back when.
Best Durable Chew Toy: Goughnut – Indestructible Chew Toy
Goughnut – Indestructible Chew Toy
Looks and smells like a rubber tire. Heavy and durable as heck!
The GoughNuts Ring Dog Toy was designed to give pups a safer, tougher chew toy. This natural rubber ring is made in the USA using engineered carbon reinforcement. Each GoughNuts toy has two layers — the outer color indicates the strength, and the inner core is always red to serve as a safety indicator. Red means stop, so when a dog chews down to this red layer, you know it’s time to order a new GoughNuts Ring. This GoughNuts Ring bounces, rolls and even floats, so it can stand up to extreme games of fetch and all types of outdoor play. – Chewy.com
Our dogs originally played with Goughnuts at friend’s house many years ago. Recently we bought Raven a Goughnut of her own. She’s not the heaviest of chewers so not a good test subject. However, one of our most destructive puppies, Dublin was never able to destroy a Goughnut.
We’re going to get one of these for our friends aggressive chewer, Higbee to see if he can destroy the much vaunted, Goughnut.
Durable. This is one tough chew toy!
Floats in water.
Made in the USA.
They have a strong smell like a tire.
Power chewers have been known to destroy the Goughnut.
KONG Extreme Dog Toy – Dublin was the aggressive chewer in our pack. He barely left a mark on the KONG Extreme. Although he also didn’t like the Extreme as much as the Classic KONG Toy.
West Paw Zogoflex Hurley Durable Dog Bone Chew Toy for Aggressive Chewers – That’s a mouthful! We first met with the folks at West Paw Design back in 2016. We love their products and they have a good reputation for being durable. Raven is the first to test out our new Zogoflex Dog Bone.
Best Budget Chew Toy: Leather Fox Dog Toy
Leather Fox Dog Toy
We got a few of these leather toys when Archer was a puppy. We love the leather texture, but it’s lifespan left a lot to be desired.
The Dura-Fused Leather Fox Dog Toy is strong enough to withstand regular playtimes while soft enough for your pup to curl up with in his downtime. This durable toy fuses real leather and jute together to create two layers for added strength. The seams are then double stitched with a heavy duty thread for extra protection against tough chewers. – Chewy.com
We like this toy because it’s a different texture for our puppies. It works well with the young ones (under 10 weeks old).
Okay folks. At the time of this writing the leather fox is only $1.22. Lower your expectations. This is not a durable toy. If you have a light chewer or a young puppy then this might be a good toy for your pup.
Good for young puppies and smaller pups.
It’s inexpensive ($1.22 at the time of this writing)
We like the leather texture to add to our chew toy mix.
It’s not durable.
Stitching unravels rather quickly even with our small pups.
Stuffing Free Monkey Dog Toy – For a couple bucks you can have you’re own “Monkey Dog”. Just kidding it’s a Monkey Toy for Dogs. Get it? Yeah that’s not funny. Sorry…
KONG Squeezz Ball Dog Toy – There was this company called DuraDoggie. We loved their toys. The KONG Squeezz is the closest thing we could find to the DuraDoggie Chew Toys.
Best Cute Chew Toy: Mr. Bill Dog Toy
Mr. Bill Dog Toy
Mr. Bill: “Oh No!”
Enjoy playtime fun as much as your furry pal with the Multipet Mr. Bill Plush Dog Toy. Inspired by the hit vintage skit from Saturday Night Live, it has a built-in voice box that yells Mr. Bill’s hilarious catchphrase when squeezed. Made for dogs of all ages, it’s great for playing fetch as it’s easily tossed, and it makes a soft cuddle buddy that’s always ready for nap time. Reinforced stitching and no plastic parts make this a toy to be loved. – Chewy.com
The Mr. Bill Dog Toy was a hit at our Christmas party a couple years ago and why not? Who can resist the adorable “Oh No” when you squeeze Mr. Bill?
Just like the leather fox this toy is not too durable. We kept a close eye on our pup’s when they played with Mr. Bill.
We were able to preserve him and his little sound box for a few months, but eventually Apache cracked the plastic sound maker and soon after removed his stuffing.
Nostalgic, cute, funny. If you’re a Mr Bill fan you’ll like this toy.
Relatively inexpensive.
It’s not durable.
The plastic noise maker can be a choking hazard
Hedge Hog Hide & Seek Plush Dog Toy – Baby Hedgehogs are just plain cute. Nuff said.
Gumby Dog Toy – Okay reaching back to my childhood again. This one has a regular squeaker so not nearly as cool as Mr. Bill. FYI – there is also a rubber Gumby which we have not yet tested
Are Puppy Chew Toys Safe?
It’s a simple question:
Q: Are Puppy Chew Toys Safe?
A: YES, but know you’re puppy. Monitor your puppy when he’s playing with a toy. It’s your responsibility to keep your puppy safe.
Dublin was my most aggressive chewer and at one point we removed all of his plush toys from the house because he would not only destroy them, but swallow pieces which made for choking or even blockage hazards.
Plush toys were off limits for Dublin, but we were able to give him other toys like KONG toys, Nylabone, Jolly Ball, Bully Sticks, etc.
Dublin could be left alone with a KONG Extreme and he wouldn’t destroy or consume any parts.
However, some puppies can destroy a KONG Extreme or even a Goughnut and swallow the rubber parts. If this is your puppy then please do not leave your pup alone with any kind of chew toy.
Some of the chew toys we’ve recommended are very hard and some aggressive chewers can crack their teeth.
Again, if this is your puppy then stay away from the hard chew toys like the Benebone, Deer Antlers, Nylabone Durachew, and the many other hard chew toys on the market.
Know your puppy. Monitor your puppy when he has a chew toy.
It amazes me that I tried almost every toy on this list before I even started writing this review (the few I did not Raven is playing with as we speak).
It goes to show you 13+ years of raising service dog puppies equals lots of puppy chew toys.
One thing that has been pounded into my head by our guide dog group leaders. Get a variety of chew toys with different textures so your puppy won’t get bored.
That’s a total of 21 different chew toys on our list! So lots of different textures to keep your puppies entertained.
What about you guys?
Does your puppy have a favorite chew toy?
What do you think are the best chew toys for a puppy?
Tell us about you experiences in the comment section below.
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What Are The Best Chew Toys For Puppies? – Bear says I like the Bully Sticks!
Top Picks For Our Puppies
BEST PUPPY TOY We Like: Snuggle Puppy w/ Heart Beat & Heat Pack – Perfect for new puppies. We get all of our Service Dog pups a Snuggle Puppy.
BEST DOG CHEW We Like: Best Bully Sticks – All of our puppies love to bite, nip, and chew. We love using Bully Sticks to help divert these unwanted behaviors.
BEST DOG TREATS We Like: Wellness Soft Puppy Bites – One of our favorite treats for training our service dog puppies.
Check out more of our favorites on our New Puppy Checklist.
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/what-are-the-best-chew-toys-for-a-puppy-our-top-picks-for-2020/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/622509860946313216
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