#but yeah anon if it isn't working then without knowing more my thinking is its a) not saved in the right place or b) not formatted as css
space-writes · 21 days
if you could provide your css it would be really helpful. i've tried creating css and adding it to my obsidian but it's not working and i have no clue what i'm doing wrong. if you dont want to/cant provide your css could you make a tutorial on how to change fonts, headers, etc? it'd be very helpful.
hi anon! okay so HUGE caveat that this css is built to work with my vault and also that i am in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM a developer of any kind, CSS or otherwise, so use at entirely your own risk - LINK
most of this is little tweaks and small custom per-note classes. some of it is even labelled so i know what it is! the theme this sits on top of is Typewriter. my accent colour is RGB - R 215 / G 132 / B 197 (a really nice pink that i use a variant of all over the place of late)
(also i am assuming this is about my main vault, so this is what that’s from.)
for the other part of your question, first make sure you’re saving the CSS in the right place. under settings → appearance you should have a CSS section, and there’s a folder icon there that’ll take you to the CSS snippets folder. that’s where you need to save any snippets you’re using.
second, make sure the snippets are CSS - as in, they end in .css
if they don’t, change the filename to name.css like this:
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[ID - a screen recording showing file name being changed from 'some.txt' to 'some.css'. After doing so, a prompt appears to confirm the change, which is confirmed. The icon for the file then changes from a text icon to the Brackets application icon]
for changing fonts, the easiest overall way (to change the main font for all your notes) is in settings → appearance again, this time in the fonts section. there you can hit manage for your font, and as long as it’s installed on your computer, you can change it.
for changing header fonts to be something else will need a CSS snippet, which should look something like this:
.view-header-title { font-family: arial; } /* change header font in editing view */ .cm-header-1, .cm-header-2, .cm-header-3, .cm-header-4, .cm-header-5, .cm-header-6 { font-family: arial; } /* change header font in reading view */ .markdown-preview-view h1, .markdown-preview-view h2, .markdown-preview-view h3, .markdown-preview-view h4, .markdown-preview-view h5, .markdown-preview-view h6 { font-family: arial; }
and obviously replace ‘arial’ with the font you want. check you spell it the way it’s installed, sometimes you have to put quotes around it. i do not entirely know why all i know is that sometimes you do.
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foolsocracy · 22 days
Hi, hello, I’m new to your blog. I’ve made myself at home. Lovely carpet.
Can I please know more about your spider Robbie pie? Can’t seem to find the silverware.
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but of course, kind anon
Spider Robbie is an au in which Robbie Robertson takes up the spider mantle after the death of the one before him. He is the third, following Ben Urich and, most notably, Peter Parker.
This au is very much canon divergence from Eyes Without a Face, where Peter makes it in time to save Robbie from his original fate but dies in the process. Peter is shot while rushing Robbie and the others out. In his panic and elation at finding Robbie physically unharmed, Peter outs himself as the Spider Man to his best friend. Robbie stays with him as he bleeds out and resolves to continue to hide Peter's identity.
Peter is buried and remains that way for... an undetermined amount of time.
Robbie is left with a mask, a jacket, and the question of just who was this other half of his friend. As he learns more of who this... Spider Man was, he gets more and more involved in the spider's cases and conflicts. Robbie gets more sure of his own abilities and makes a bit of a name for the Spider Man within his own community, though the people of Harlem are largely unaware that the appearances of a masked vigilante match the interests of one Robbie Robertson.
It is to be noted that none of these aforementioned abilities are spider-god-induced powers like Peter's. Robbie, especially at the beginning of his spidering career, leans more into Urich's role than Parker's. To me, Robbie has been passionate about the press and journalism in a way that Peter never was. For Pete, his job as a photographer and reporter was a job he took until he could get into college and study science. Robbie has a way with words and communication that Peter frankly lacks. Of course, that isn't to say that Robbie won't be kicking ass, because he will. It will just take him a bit of time to get some of those skills as he's, well, a normal guy. Not everyone can get their biology scrambled like Pete.
And just because Robbie hasn't been scrambled doesn't mean he's completely separate from all things supernatural either!
I think the marvel noir universe is at its best when there's a magical, supernatural undercurrent. This concept isn't super prevalent in the actual comics, but HoplesslyLost on ao3 has done some really cool world building with it.
I think in Robbie's case, where he would be the narrator, "magical realism" would be an interesting avenue to take it. I use this term in particular because I most closely relate it to Toni Morrison in my head, when I first learned about it through her work in high school. For Morrison, the concept was inseparable to blackness and I think for Robbie, where his blackness is so central to his character and his motivations, drawing on that could be more of a service to his character. It feels better to do that than ignore how incredibly racialized his society and story is. It will make his relationship with the spider god, Peter (who I will get to very very shortly), his community, and his own mythos as The Spider Man really interesting and complex.
So it's been established that Robbie doesn't have spider powers. And we all know that Peter did-- or should I say does. One of the spider god's abilities is to bring Peter back to life. She does this in the comics, but not in any of the runs from 2008-2010 (the runs that make up this au). When Peter dies on Ellis Island, he does not think he is coming back from that. Waking up again is a surprise.
Here's where I think the au really takes a left turn. Do I think the Spider God is purely evil and spiteful and has it out for Pete? No, not really. Will I be ramping said traits up to 11 for the au? Yeah, I guess I might. This is because I love a little bit of horror and the came back wrong trope. I will hopefully be fleshing the spider god out in the near future, but I really haven't given her the many hours of thought I have the other characters. For that I'm sorry spider god </3
Peter digs himself out of his grave, more spider than he ever has been. For much of his new, waking life he is more animalistic than not. There is clearly something wrong with him; his joints are too flexible and loose, he's got some eye-shine going on, his skin is pale and his veins are starkly dark beneath it. He's possessed. Someone is puppeteering him, someone who knows a lot-- almost everything about him, but it's clear that the someone isn't him.
And Peter--- the body, it can't be Peter. At least, that's what Robbie thinks when the figure catches his eye the first time. Because Peter is dead and buried, and he has been dead and buried for weeks.
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olderthannetfic · 8 days
More on LJ
That post is already long af, so here are my thoughts on replies:
Also, a feature that a lot of people liked and miss on tumblr are the communities. You could argue the tags kind of serve as the same but… idk.
olderthannetfic well, tumblr is apparently about to introduce a community feature. Do you have any interest in trying it out?
Yup! I wasn't as into communities as a typical LJ user, so I often forget to talk about them, but having a central place that isn't a site-wide tag makes a big difference. You can't kick bad actors out of a tumblr tag. The mod of a com can.
I'm intrigued by Tumblr's new feature. We'll see how it works in practice.
I submitted a fandom history/meta community. I have no idea what their moderation process looks like.
i miss anon kinkmemes :(
Yeah, tumblr isn't great for those. Dreamwidth is where they live these days.
The threaded comments aren't essential for fandom meta discussions, no matter what people used to think...
But they are more or less essential for certain other functions, like kinkmemes.
I do also think some of the change came about from the devices primarily used to access the platforms. Back in the day, monitoring software wasn't an issue, so you got away with using work or school computers. LJ and its threaded format was easy to navigate on a computer. On a phone, the UI didn't quite translate (without a good understanding of mobile CSS). So, image heavy and scroll-based UIs became the norm.
Agreed. DW comments are a pain to expand on mobile. Or at least they were. I haven't been on DW much in a few years, and I know they were working on their mobile
And I think it was just a better time for the Internet in general, before world governments starting running psy op campaigns at scale and before everything was an addiction based ad revenue model and before venture capitalists had their hands in every big site
I'm not quoting all of your comments (people should go read them on the other post), but yes, yes, and yes! LJ had an older internet vibe in a good way, and it not being a cash grab originally is a big part of why.
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doobea · 11 months
Hello! I've following your blog recently, but I like your headcanons and writing style!! Your blog is so comfortable omgomg😭😭🛐🛐🛐
Can I ask any guys from bllk with tall reader? It's just that there are so few works about the tall reader aaaaaaaaa-
Perhaps the reader's height will be about 185 cm, but plus high-soled shoes and the reader's height becomes 192 cm??
Thanks in advance!! Good luck to you and take care of yourself!!
I would prefer to remain anon, but you can call me 🍥anon if you don't mind ٩( ᐛ )و
(Sorry for my English, this language is not my native language)
omg that's so sweet of you to say!! those vibes are exactly what I wanna give off for my blog so I'm glad you think that way ;-; and omg your english is perfect dw abt it hehe - i hope you enjoy!!
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contents: tall!reader, gn!reader, sfw, like super fluffy its insane, established relationships, narration heavy, word vomit, small time-skip for bachira, 5'9 isn't small but I guess in this context it is LOL characters mentioned: bachira, nagi a/n: imma be real for a sec... irl im like 5'1 (155cm) and my bf is like 5'10.5 (179cm) so im gonna try my best to capture some height dynamics here LOL
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Some people might say that having a drastic height difference could be a bit too much and that one partner may end up feeling insecure. Bachira Meguru didn't think so. Bachira never really gave a second thought to his height nor does he care that if some might call him short - it was never a concern. But one thing he will admit is that he absolutely adores your height and how you tower over him and everyone else in the class.
The silly crush started out so small that Bachira didn't even realize it evolved into something more until the day he memorized all your small habits. He took notice of how you had to slouch more than the usual student because the small desks didn't accommodate your height. When lunch came around, you were always the first one to get up and spend at least five minutes stretching out your limbs before running to the first-floor cafe. If there was an out-of-reach item, you were essentially the designated person to go to.
And he memorized your flustered profile - the way the blood rushed to your ears, how you shuffled awkwardly and tried to cover your face with your fingers - when he first confessed to you.
"I like you, do you wanna go out?"
He loved planning sleepovers with you when you guys were living separately, often too many times he's showing up to your doorstep with a bag filled with everything but a change in clothes just so he could steal your oversized ones. "Sorry that this keeps happening." He would say, but his infectious smile would give away his true intentions. When you guys felt comfortable taking the relationship to the next phase he suggested an apartment in the city. His kleptomaniac hands wouldn't leave your t-shirts alone after that.
Teasing and play fighting are common between the two of you, mainly because Bachira loves instigating and it always ends with him tangled between your long limbs. "I'm tired, let's just stay like this for the rest of the night, yeah?"
The only downside of the height difference is whenever photos have to be taken. It's either you take up the entire frame and he has to sacrifice his half or he has to find someone to take a full body shot that always ends up blurry because no one can hold a phone still enough these days.
"Hm, I don't look good in this one." You say, scrolling through the recently filled camera roll. "They made me look like a giant next to you, Meguru."
"Guess we'll have to hire a professional next time!" Bachira chimes and prays that you don't look through his phone history where he had recently purchased two shiny rings.
There are three things that most people know about Nagi Seishiro. One, he's basically a genius without even trying it's almost scary. Two, he doesn't really talk to anyone aside from Reo. Three, he is tall. Never does a day go by where he doesn't hear people whispering all the shallow reasons about how they're jealous of his stature - the common one being how it's the perfect height to gain a woman's attraction. But relationships weren't his concern, it wasn't even in the top five things that he cared about.
Not until you transferred to his school.
You immediately caught everyone's attention. You usually stand at the same height as his best friend but, due to your added platforms, you became the tallest student in the class. It wasn't a surprise soon after that everyone wanted to give you Valentine's Day chocolate, male and female students alike. You turned all of them down.
Strange, Nagi remembers thinking but he was glad that he had more breathing room now.
Before he knew it, you were slowly integrating into his circle - which really didn't consist of much but if Reo had taken a liking to you that must mean you're a good person.
"They're just like you, except more talkative." His best friend teased and Nagi couldn't help but grow curious.
The trio hangouts later turn into 'Reo forgot he had private tutoring again so I guess it's just us'. Which then turned into 'Let's hit up the arcade after classes' to 'Wanna study for this exam back at my place' to 'Wait, are we supposed to be kissing right now'?
Right, Nagi isn't used to the concept of being in a relationship.
He wasn't exactly sure what caused his initial attraction to you, but he was glad that he didn't have to strain his neck to kiss you, he was glad that he doesn't have to second guess about placing items around your shared living space since you can easily grab it, and he was glad that he can finally experience what's it like to be a little spoon.
"I gotta use the restroom, Sei."
Nagi groans in protest and tightens the grasp he has with your arms, sinking in deeper into your chest. "Five more minutes and then you can go."
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theerurishipper · 7 months
I remember people said the scene in Transmission, where Ladynoir renounce their Miraculous and "seemingly" not thinking about each other are mean to be a plot hole, not character inconsistency.
Bt for me, if the character NOT even make a slight uncomfort gesture/expression when they see Scarabella and Black Minette out there instead of their team mate, then it's not a plot hole, it's character inconsistency.
"Plot hole" excuse only work if Adrinette make any comment/looks surprised/make any reaction upon seeing the new duo but the aired time won't let the show do more than that. But the show doesn't let them react negatively which resulting people interpret it as "Yeah I don't care about my team mate, I already got my gf/bf anyway" which is not plot hole at all.
It's 100% character inconsistency. Plot holes are when the plot is wonky, and some logic doesn't logic. When a character acts OOC, it is character inconsistency. Adrien and Marinette have both become wildly OOC since the second Adrienette became canon on this show. They don't care about superheroing anymore, they don't care about each other as Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore. Outside of like, one line about "I hope Ladybug/Chat Noir are okay" (which is quickly overshadowed by some Adrienette, cause we sure do need more of that when we're talking about the late Ladynoir), they just don't give a fuck.
Actually, this isn't even character inconsistency anymore, this is a whole character overhaul a la whatever happened to Felix Fathom. Cause Adrienette only works if you change significant aspects of their characters. What about Chat Noir meaning freedom and a means of escape for Adrien, what about Ladybug being the narrative opposite of his abusive father who gives him unconditional love and acceptance? Fuck that, what he really needs is to start centering his identity around his classmate (with whom he isn't even that close because she thinks he's perfect) and defining himself based on her needs. And what of Chat Noir being the only one who can understand Marinette's struggles? Chat Noir being her special partner whom she can always lean on? Nah, fuck that shit lmao, here's Marinette trying to tell Adrien something he already knows and Marinette trying to hold Adrien's hand even though she's done that before without a problem!
Anyway, like I was saying, they had to change their characters up so that Adrienette could make sense, because it sure wouldn't make sense if it became canon in the show that devoted the bulk of its development to Ladynoir, now would it? So that's why we get episodes like Determination, where Adrien is suddenly head over heels for Marinette out of fucking nowhere, right after the Jubilation dream sequence where they had those cabbage patch kids, and Ladybug initiated a kiss even though they realized this was a dream, and they were clearly having some complicated feelings about the whole thing at the end of the episode. Cause fuck Ladynoir, amirite? Like, why would we waste time on the relationship we spent 5 seasons developing when we could focus on some cookie cutter high school romance with retcons galore and multiple, I tell you, multiple scenes featuring Marinette suddenly having the inability to do things she's done before with no problem, and apparently, it's all Chloe's fault, like what a fucking shocker, who could have seen that coming.
And lets not get into the actual plot holes in Transmission too, cause those also exist? How does Adrien Agreste know and proudly state Scarabella's name when no civilian knows she exists? How does this not make Marinette question why he knows? Why does Marinette expect that someone else becoming Ladybug means she's free when she's still the Guardian? Make it make sense, please.
Anyway, that's all I got. I'm sorry for using your ask as a venting post, anon. I just rewatched Gamer today, and god, Adrienette are so cute and adorable in Season 1. Like, they actually have chemistry and fun interactions and it's the lucky charm debut episode! I will never forgive this show for taking that Adrienette away from me and replacing it with... whatever Season 5 coughed up.
Thank you for your ask!
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old-school-butch · 14 days
Great news anon.
It sounds like you're in luck, I'm glad that worked out for you.
Now, you must protect your happiness with some basic risk management - that's the 'hope for the best but plan for the worst' kind of thinking about common issues. Statistically, here's some thoughts of possible dangers and how to minimize them:
Prepare for parental freakout. Keep a bug-out bag with clothes, id, a new phone, a list of resources you might need and some spare cash either on hand or nearby (maybe with a friend or other safe place) in case you need to make a run for it. Yeah, I'm paranoid, and tbh throwing money at everything often isn't necessary, but there are a few situations in life where a problem can go away by applying a surprisingly reasonable amount of cash to it. It's time to protect your happiness against this potential. I'd suggest getting your shit together so you have several months worth of living expenses stashed away where you can access it in an emergency. I highly suggest taking up camping - it can come in handy if you're forced out and if not, you can still use those skills to dance in the woods in Michigan someday.
Do you know any gay guys? It's possible you and your best friend might take to double dating. Yeah, it's old school but it works. People will see what they expect to see, more so even than what they want to see. This is a valuable tool to use to misdirect people.
All things are innocent to the innocent. Playing dumb has worked for centuries.
This will probably involve lying for a while, but honesty is a luxury few women, and even fewer lesbians, can afford. Be careful who you tell, they will hold power over you. You can clear the air when you can stand on your own. In the meantime, keep it simple and don't feel guilty. Remember, the only battles you want to be in are battles you can win. If you can't win a fight, pick a different battlefield.
Brush and floss your teeth every day. Eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, avoid smoking and drugs. Focus your energy on your future and protect your health - its a huge asset at your age and sickness will limit your independence and your ability to save money. Also, accidents and suicide are big risks at your age - learn to take care of yourself so you can achieve independence quickly, without taking unnecessary risks of course.
Make plans for your future, for you and your girl. My general rule is that it's possible to endure almost any situation for 2-3 years, beyond that it's increasingly likely you will stumble and the plan will crumble. Planning is key to writing your future so prepare some scenarios you can prepare for or avoid, and some dreams you want to chase.
Good luck anon. Your future is not yet written, but I wish you smooth sailing.
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sortofanobsession · 27 days
For that prompt where Roy and Jamie sleep together in S1 and after Roy and Jamie lay themselves bare before each other and admit they are each other's best partner that they've ever had, I just had this dialogue idea for Jamie: " I hate bein' such a fuckin' prick, I fuckin' hate it bu' he... he h-hits meh less and don't get mad as much when I do." When Roy demands to know who, Jamie just says "Dad."
Author's Note: this one I have been working on for some time now. The anon that asked for it sent you a handful of asks. I know this is at least 2 of them.are in here but it kind of took on a life of its own after the first few scenes. It turned into a bit of a beast. And I enjoyed writing it.
Unbeta'd and posted on mobile because my new computer unfortunately has Windows 11 in S mode (hesitate to change that because of my second job).
Canon divergent Season 1 before Two Aces.
Content warnings: anger, violence, fighting, physical injury, abuse, hospitalization, broken bones, cursing/cussing/swearing, pain medication. (I'm sure I missed something)
Ted Lasso Masterlist
Tired of Fighting
The fight in the locker room might have ended but Roy couldn't cool off. He just felt like a grenade without a pin. Lose grip in the slightest and he would go off.
Jamie normally feels like he has too much energy and he has to be moving, but this felt different. This felt like there was something in his chest that was driving him in a different way. It was persistent and didn't let up. It lasted days.
It all boiled over one morning. Both of them had gotten to Nelson Road early. Insanely early. Jamie needed something to do, something to focus on so he didn't just pace a hole in his carpet at home. Roy just needed to keep pushing himself to do more, be better.
Roy curses when he pulls into the car park and he isn't the first there. Jamie's stupid car is there. He is tempted to leave but he was already there. And he wasn't going to be a fucking coward that runs away just because of one person. Especially, fucking Jamie Tartt.
Jamie looks up as Roy walks in as he laces his boot.
"Morning," Jamie says, because he can't just say nothing. Roy just grunts and goes to his cubby. Jamie is annoyed but doesn't know what he was expecting so he just finishes getting ready. Roy brushes past him to get his boots and doesn't even look at Jamie and something in Jamie snaps. He knows he should just keep his mouth shut. But since when has Jamie ever done the smart thing? So he follows Roy into the boot room.
"The fuck did I do now?" Jamie asks. "Or is it that I exist and you hate it that much?"
"So you are a self aware prick," Roy says. "Fucking shock."
"At least fucking one of us is," Jamie snaps. "Because I never fucking asked to be here. I'm just doing my job, a job I'm good at. I'm sure you can remember those days, yeah? Back when you were a force on the pitch. When everyone chanted your fucking name. What's your excuse? Other than denial? An old man, past his fucking prime," Jamie spits. "A legend. Does me being better than you piss you off that much? Like an eclipsed fucking star, a dying one at that. You can't even-" Jamie is cut off when Roy's hand wraps around his throat.
"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? This fucking attitude of yours. You didn't ask to be here?" Roy lets out a vicious laugh in Jamie's face. "You don't fucking get it do you? You're here because City is done dealing with your arrogant fucking arse. You are such a prick off pitch that you could win every game for them and they still wouldn't want you there. You being here gives them the benefit of having a fucking star in their program but doesn't have to fucking deal with you as a person." Roy sneers. "You might be hot shit on the pitch, but your attitude makes you a fucking liability. I might be a has been, but I'm the fucking captain for a reason you little shit. Unlike you I actually fucking care about these people. I'm here until the end. You're a fucking tourist. The worst kind of tourist too. One that doesn't fucking see that they are hated by everyone around them." His fingers flex slightly as he lets his statement hang there in the silent room.
Jamie's heart is pounding in his chest, but so is Roy's. The striker can feel the way Roy's pulse pounds where Jamie has his hands wrapped around the wrist of the hand Roy has wrapped around his throat. Jamie should be fighting back. He should be clawing at Roy's skin. But Jamie had long been conditioned not to. He hadn't expected Roy to go for his throat. He had expected a shove. A punch. But this was too familiar. As Roy speaks Jamie flinches. The internal panic starts. He feels the familiar feeling of waiting for pain.
Roy is fucking livid but something in his head is screaming that this feels off. Jamie usually meets his energy. He fights back, but he wasn't. He lets go of Jamie and steps back.
Jamie knows what is coming now that he is let go. He sinks to the ground and braces himself for a kick. He curls in on himself.
"What the fuck," Roy says because he had no intention of actually hurting Jamie.
Jamie cautiously looks up at Roy, shocked that he hadn't attacked him further. And the look on the striker's face has something twisting in his stomach.
"What the fuck?" Roy repeats. "I'm not going to fucking kick you."
"Oh," Jamie says. He feels exhausted and shifts to sit with his back against the wall. "Okay."
"What the hell was that?" Roy stares at him. "You weren't even going to fucking fight back."
Jamie stares at the floor and shrugs.
"Why the fuck not?"
"Because I'm fucking tired," Jamie admits with a sniffle. He pulls his knees to his chest and puts his head on his knees. And Roy is stunned because he has never seen Jamie like this. He looked…small.
"Tired of fighting back?"
"A bit, yeah," Jamie says. "But everything else too."
"What?" Roy says. His anger is waning but he now feels like he's off keel and he hates it.
Jamie sniffles and it tugs at something in Roy again.
"I hate bein' such a fuckin' prick," Jamie says. "I fuckin' hate it bu' he... he h-hits me less and don't get mad as much when I do."
And that has alarms going off in Roy's head. And he thinks over what Jamie has just said and something in him boils over because it makes fucking sense. Without thinking he kneels in front of Jamie.
"Who, Jamie?" Roy says. "Who makes you act like that? Who-" and just thinking about it makes Roy want to shatter something, but he buries that anger because Jamie just said someone's anger made him this way. Someone fucking hits him. "Tell me who hits you?"
Jamie shakes his head.
“Jamie,” Roy says it like he would if he was dealing with his niece, a stern demand, but a less angry tone. “Tell me who it is.”
“Dad,” is all Jamie says before he buries his face in his knees, and Roy thinks he actually sees red for a moment. Jamie’s dad hits him. And Roy has a number of different things going through his mind at once. He has a thousand questions he needs to be answered. He wants to find Jamie’s dad and tear him to pieces. He had felt like he wanted to kill Jamie more than a few times since they met, but for once, he feels like he’d rather kill for him than actually kill him. And that is a fucking shock. But it makes sense because Jamie isn’t a prick because that’s who Jamie really is. Jamie acts like a prick because his dad beat him into submission and then made him this way. And that makes Roy fucking livid. It means everything he thought he knew about Jamie was essentially beaten into him or learned to prevent being punished. And Roy has been feeding into that cycle. It occurs to Roy that the fights Jamie picks are because it gets a reaction. It’s like a small child that repeats a bad word because it gets their parents' attention, good or bad, it’s attention. Jamie may not be a small child, but he is still young.
“How long has this been going on?” Roy asks.
Jamie doesn’t answer.
“Jamie,” Roy says, “Has he always been like that?” Jamie looks up at him. And that’s a start. So Roy waits. His knee is screaming at him to stand up, but he doesn’t. He has a feeling that if he doesn’t get the answer now, Jamie will shut him out or just shut down. And Roy doesn’t want that. He wants to know how long Jamie has had to live like this. “Jamie,” he repeats, one hand moving to Jamie’s knee. “Tell me.”
“Long as I can remember,” Jamie finally admits. His face was a mix of embarrassment and pain that would probably knock Roy back if he wasn’t kneeling. For over two decades, Jamie had been putting up with this shit. No wonder he acted the way he did.
“Fucking hell,” Roy says, and he moves to sit against the wall next to Jamie, stretching his knee out as he does. And an important question comes to mind. “Does your mum know?”
Jamie nods. “Yeah, ‘s why she left,” he adds.
“She just let him-”
“She didn’t want to,” Jamie says. “He gets drunk and- well, you get the picture.”
“She should have called the fucking police,” Roy grumbles.
“Lots of people did, but he’s a drunk. He’d sober up, make promises, they’d believe him, and he just got better at making sure no one knew. Tell everyone I was just a rowdy fucking prick. But tell me to quit being a pussy. Tell me that I’m weak. Or worse, I’m nothing. A fucking disgrace. He’s embarrassed to be my dad. Until I got called up by Man City, suddenly he was proud o’ me. But if I didn’t do well, he’d get mad. So I sorta figured it out.”
Roy has never hated anyone more in his life than he hated Jamie Tartt’s father at that moment. He didn’t think he could hate anyone more than Phoebe’s dad, but apparently, he was wrong. Phoebe’s dad might be a fucking waste of space and a fucking deadbeat, but he’d be a dead man if he ever lay a finger on Roy’s sister and niece. Roy’d have fucking murdered him. That was one thing you don’t fucking do. You never hit a woman or a kid. Unfucking acceptable behavior. And O’Sullivan hadn’t crossed that fucking line. But James Tartt had. And that was not something Roy could just live with, now that he knew. No fucking way.
“You’re not fucking weak, or anything he says, you’re not a disgrace,” Roy states. “But your old man is.” Jamie sniffles, looking anywhere but at Roy. Clearly, Jamie doesn’t seem to believe him. “Fucking hell, Jamie,” Roy squeezes his knee. “No fucking kid should have to live through that. But you fucking managed it. You survived and fucking thrived. Made it to the fucking premiere league while doing it. And you’re fucking good at it.”
“I’m fucking amazing,” Jamie grins. And Roy feels something loosen in his chest. He bumps Jamie’s shoulder with his.
“Don’t fucking push it,” Roy cautions, but there is no heat to it. “You’ve earned your way to it not because of him but in spite of him."
“Not the way he tells the lads at the pub over several pints,” Jamie huffs.
“He’ll be telling the lads fuck all when I find him,” Roy says. “Make him see how it feels to be the one on the other end. Make him pick up his own fucking teeth.”
“You can’t just fight my dad,” Jamie says.
“Like fucking hell I can’t,” Roy states. “Fucking see him pick on someone that’s not afraid to fight back.”
“You’ll only make it worse,” Jamie sighs.
“Can’t be worse if he can’t fucking get to you,” Roy points out.
“You going to guard me every moment of every day? Because he always-”
“If that’s what it takes, then fucking fine,” Roy agrees.
“You’re not a guard dog, Roy,” Jamie states. “You have shit to do. I have shit to do. You can’t-”
“Then I’ll find others who can,” Roy says as he gets up.
“Wait…what?” Jamie scrambles to get up, the cleats on his boots making it a little tougher. Roy is already opening the door and heading to the locker room. Jamie looks at the time and realizes how close to training it had gotten.
“Oi! You pricks,” Roy points to Colin and Isaac. Colin had just put his bag in his spot and Isaac hadn’t even made it to his cubby. They stare at him. Confused when Jamie, in full kit, rushes in behind him. Roy points at Jamie. “You see his fucking old man around, you fucking tell me, that fucking prick’s face is long due to meet the fucking pavement.”
“What’s all the commotion?” Ted asks as he and Beard walk through the door.
“Roy…” Jamie starts and everyone is surprised by how unsure he sounds. Not the usual brash and confident prick they usually deal with. “You can’t-”
“Can’t fucking what? Just let it go? When we play City, does he show up?”
Jamie hesitates but nods.
“Fucking won't, next time,” Roy says and he’s already out the door. “Higgins! Where the fuck is he?!” A woman points down the hall and Roy heads that way until he finds a confused and nervous Leslie Higgins. “Higgins.”
“Yes, how can I help you?” Higgins manages to say.
“Jamie Tartt’s father, you know him?” Roy demands.
“Of him, I know of him,” Higgins corrects, he has a feeling he should definitely point out the difference. “James Tartt.”
“Fucking ban him,” Roy states.
“What?” Higgins is shocked. He looks up to see a concerned Ted, an unsure Coach Beard and an anxious Jamie approaching. “I can’t just ban someone for no reason.”
“Hold your horses, Roy,” Ted says. “Whatever happened we can-”
“I will not fucking do that,” Roy glares at him. “If you don’t ban him, then I’m going to curb stomp his fucking head in the fucking car park!” Beard moves to partially get between the players in case Roy lashes out. Roy doesn't miss the movement and it just adds to the list of things that are pissing him off. He isn't going to actually hurt Jamie. If they would let him fucking talk he would tell them that. They just need to fucking listen to him. His focus is brought back to Jamie when Jamie tries to plead with him again. And part of him wants to appease Jamie, to not hurt him more. But the more rational part of Roy knows that he has to keep pushing for James Tartt to be banned. He cannot let this man hurt Jamie again. Even more he can not even let the bastard near him. He has to fucking try.
“Roy, I told you, you can’t just-” Jamie tries. “He’s my dad.”
“Fucking watch me,” Roy challenges and Beard moves to put a hand on Roy's shoulder because clearly something is distressing the captain. And it didn't seem to be what usually is distressing him because of how desperate he and Jamie are acting. Roy shocked them all as he continues, “No, he’s your fucking abuser, and that shit ends now.”
“He's what now?” Ted says, suddenly very concerned for the safety and sanity of not one, but two of his players. “Jamie,” he turns to look at Jamie. “Does your dad hit you?”
Jamie looks from Ted to Higgins, to Beard and then to Roy.
“Tell them what you told me,” Roy says as he shoves Beard's hand off his shoulder. Beard is too shocked by not only Roy's tone but the way he looks at Jamie. This is the closest to begging the coach has ever seen from Roy Kent.
Jamie looks between the four of them again. This was not how Jamie imagined his day would go. He looks at Roy again and Roy's eyes make him feel weird, because he has never seen Roy look at him like that. Like he really wants something from him. No anger, at least not him. What he mostly sees is concern. Concern for Jamie.
“What did you tell Roy, Jamie?” Ted asks. And there is even more concern on Ted's face. Everyone looks so worried. He considers lying or even running off, but then Roy might get angry at him again and Roy's going to tell them anyway. So he tells them.
“That dad hits me less and don't get mad as much when I act like a prick,” Jamie admits.
“Which is why he needs to be fucking banned!” Roy adds.
“Or you’ll curb stomp him?” Beard asks for clarification.
“I’ll fucking kill him,” Roy admits without shame. “Because he’s apparently been doing it for fucking years to Jamie and his mum, so he’s overdue for a-”
“Does the Man City team management know about this?” Ted asks Jamie.
“No one does, except my mum and stepdad, and I didn’t exactly plan to tell Roy,” Jamie says. “Or anyone.”
“Well you fucking did, and I’m not about to just-” Roy says.
“Roy!” Ted shouts. “Why don’t you and Beard go make sure the team is getting ready for training, Jamie you can head back too. I will-”
“You’re fucking serious right now,” Roy glares at his coach but Beard is already forcing him back towards the locker room.
“I will make sure it’s taken care of,” Ted says.
Roy storms back into the locker room and everyone stays out of his way. He violently pulls away from Beard as he does. Jamie’s not far behind him through the door but goes to his own spot and for a lack of anything to really do, he sits down on the bench. He bunches his hands up in his kit.
“You good?”
Jamie looks up to see Colin moving to sit next to him on the bench as he gets his guards on.
Jamie shrugs. "Not exactly how I thought today would start," Jamie admits and Colin is surprised at how off Jamie seems.
"What happened?" Colin asks as he shifts to show Jamie he has his full attention. "Must be something big to have Roy Kent in a fit."
"Was just honest and more came out than expected," Jamie says.
"About your father?" Colin asks, remembering what Roy had told him and Isaac to do. "If he's really a right prick, we're with you, mate. All you have to do is let us know, we'll be there."
"Thanks, I know I'm a prick, and-"
"Oi! Knock that shit off," Roy says. "You act like one doesn't mean you are one. Said so your fucking self. You old man is a liar and fucking tosser. You don't have to listen to that shit anymore."
And Colin is stunned. Roy Kent is not only on Jamie's side he's pretty much defending Jamie from Jamie's own words. And this morning is giving them all whiplash.
"Fair point," Jamie admits. "But I've been a shit teammate, and that's not fair to you lot. Roy pointed out I'm more of a tourist than a teammate." Colin looked at Roy. "An annoying one," Jamie adds. "While crushing my windpipe." Everyone is now staring at Roy.
"In my fucking defence," Roy says, still focused on Jamie. He didn't really give a fuck about the others. They knew him well enough. "That was before you fucking told me your old man made you this way by kicking your fucking ribs."
Colin winces. Hearing it put so plainly by none other than Roy fucking Kent took away any doubt about what was happening.
"Well," Colin starts. "You don't have to put on an act for him here, and you don't have to do it for us, we're a team. Just be you, I'm sure that's more than enough."
"Too fucking right," Roy says.
"And if I don't actually know who I am without the act?" Jamie says in absolute honesty.
"Then we'll help you figure it out," Colin grins. "Right Roy?"
"Fucking right," Roy nods.
"Then that's settled," Colin grins.
"Good, now fucking get to the pitch for warm ups!" Roy shouts. And they do as they are told.
Everything starts to change over the next couple days at training. The team works as a more cohesive unit. Jamie Tartt starts to be more of a team player. And Roy can't believe how one little honest moment in the boot room could make such an insane difference. It was mad, in the best way possible. His team was happier than it ever had been. Roy smiled as Jamie and Sam work together and actually seem to get along like a fucking house on fire. It was like Jamie truly was a different person.
"Whatever you did the other morning," Ted says as he stands next to Roy as he takes the bottle Will offers him. "Has made him an even better player. You're a good captain, Roy."
"I pushed him until he broke, it may have ended well, but it wasn't a good thing," Roy admits. He glances back at where Jamie is laughing with Jeff.
"Sky divers and bungee jumpers sometimes need a push, but the end result is a life change adventure." Ted claps his shoulder. "And he's not the only one that changed at that moment. Embrace it." Ted walks away.
They win their next match and the team celebrates like they won a fucking cup. And Roy sees a new side of Jamie Tartt that has a warmth spread through him. And it's a jarring feeling knowing just days before he had wanted to punch the man in the face. Roy is getting ready for bed when he gets a call from his sister and that is worrying. She tells him a friend of hers at the hospital called her to give her a heads up since her brother played for Richmond as captain. A player had just been brought in. They couldn't say who or why but Roy had a bad feeling. He grabbed his keys and was out the door as fast as possible.
"Oh good, you're here," a nurse says as Roy gets to the hospital. "His mother gave us permission to talk to the management of the team, in addition to you and his other emergency contact, Mr. Kent."
"Who-" Roy starts to ask who the other contact is when he gets his answer.
"Roy!" Keeley Jones calls out to him and it feels like someone punched him in the stomach.
"No," Roy says and it comes out more as a breath.
"Mr. Kent?" The nurse asks.
"Thank you," Roy manages because his sister would kick his ass if he was rude to the nurse and goes to Keeley.
"It's Jamie," Keeley says and Roy feels like he might be fucking sick.
"What the fuck happened?" Roy asks.
"His neighbor called about a disturbance," Keeley tells him. "When the officers got there Jamie was barely conscious."
"Fuck," Roy says. He leans against the wall to stay upright. "Who was it?"
"Roy…" Keeley starts.
"Who the fuck was it?!"
"His father," Keeley says and Roy sees fucking red.
"I'll fucking kill him," Roy growls.
"He's in custody," Keeley says but Roy doesn't seem deterred. "Roy…" she puts a hand on his arm. "There isn't anything to be done now but waiting to see Jamie."
Roy lets out a litany of curses. He wants to scream. He wants to hit something. And he does not understand why this is making him not just angry but fucking terrified.
"Roy," Keeley tries to get his attention.
"FUCK!" Roy shouts and punches the wall. Keeley jumps.
"I'll handle him," Keeley turns to see a woman approach. She looks oddly familiar.
"Are you-" Keeley starts to ask.
"I called him, he's my brother," she tells Keeley.
"Oh, okay," Keeley nods.
"Come on, tough guy," his sister says. "Let's get you sorted out."
"I'll kill him," Roy tells her.
"You won't, but I get it," his sister says as she takes a look at his knuckles. He has bruises forming and a few scrapes. He winces as she tests his movement. "Flex 'em," she commands. He does but his fingers don't move right. She sighs. "Hey Hannah," she calls to a nurse. "My idiot brother needs x-rays of his right metacarpals." The nurse nods and goes to get things sorted out since Dr. O'Sullivan wasn't actually on duty. The doctor turns back to her brother. "You're an idiot." Roy just grunts. "Injuring yourself isn't going to help Jamie Tartt, you know that, Roy."
"I told him this wouldn't fucking happen again, that we'd protect him," Roy says through gritted teeth.
"You know you can't protect people every moment of every day. There are always gaps you can't fill."
His sister is worried he might break a tooth with how tight his jaw is clenched. "I don't know what happened between you and Jamie Tartt, but I do know you. And he clearly means a lot to you," his sister says.
Hannah the nurse returns with a tray. "Bit of a wait in radiology, so might as well get a start on cleaning the scrapes," Hannah says.
"Thanks Hannah, I can handle this," the doctor says.
"Yes, Doctor," Hannah says as she leaves.
By the time she has his knuckles mostly cleaned up he is taken back for x-rays. Keeley assures him from where she had been watching with amusement she'll stay there for Jamie. So Roy lets his sister guide him.
His sister sighs as they look at the x-rays.
"Congratulations, dear brother, you broke your hand. Normally a splint would be fine, but honestly, I don't trust you to not do anything stupid, so you are getting an actual cast."
"Fucking hell, I don't need-"
"You lost your temper and punched a wall, Roy. You're getting a cast. End of discussion."
"Fucking fine," Roy relents because he knows nothing will stop his sister when it came to medical issues.
"What did you do?" Ted asks when Roy, sporting a bright blue cast, joins them. Both Beard and Ted had gotten there while he was getting X-rays.
"Interesting color choice," Keeley grins. "Expected black or just plain old white."
"My sister didn't give me a choice," Roy states.
"This is better anyway, It will match most of your kits," Keeley remarks.
"And his sweats, since he will not be playing for at least a few weeks," Ted says.
"Fuck off," Roy says. "Already down Jamie. If we have any chance of staying in the league-"
"We still have a new striker coming in, Rojas," Ted says. "And it's not your responsibility."
"I'm the fucking captain, of course it is," Roy says. "And Tartt's going to think you fucking replaced him."
"Not for the next few weeks," Ted says. "And Jamie will understand. He knows the game enough to know-"
"You fucking signed this guy to get Jamie to be a team fucking player," Roy glares at him. He knew the tactic well enough. "A challenge to fuck with his head."
Ted glances at Keeley. "For the record, Rebecca signed him before we found out about Jamie's dad and he started getting on with the team."
"Fuck off, it's still going to fucking destroy him," Roy states.
Roy refuses to leave until he can see Jamie. Keeley and Beard leave once they find out Jamie is out of surgery and stable. Keeley has to help draft an announcement about Jamie's condition. Ted stays.
"What happened to your hand?" Jamie asked Roy. Roy just grunts. Ted shakes his head. Jamie looks back and forth between the two.
"He lost a fight with a wall," Ted tells him. "How you feeling, Jamie?"
"A wall?" Jamie asks, his heavily medicated brain not able to piece it all together. "Why you fighting walls, Roy?"
Roy huffs. "I didn't fight a fucking wall, I punched it because it was that or I hunt your fucking-"
"Roy," Ted stops him because they didn't need Jamie getting upset and one glance at the monitor showed the injured man's pulse already climbing.
"Me? You punched a wall because of me?" Jamie said and Ted glares at Roy.
"Fuck no," Roy is quick to say.
"No one is mad at you," Ted tells Jamie.
"My dad is," Jamie says and shakes his head. He can't make eye contact with either of them.
And an angry growl comes out of Roy.
"No one here is mad at you," Ted corrects himself. "And I am sure that whatever your father was mad about, he's-"
"The fucking bastard is a liar and a coward," Roy interjects. "And a fucking dead man when I find him."
"Helpful, Roy," Ted sighs. "Really helpful."
Roy grunts.
"Your father's anger does not, and let me repeat that because I need you to understand. His anger does not give him the right to do what he did. No one has the right to. Ever. You didn't deserve this, not now, not ever." Ted tells him. "You get that, right, Jamie?"
Jamie doesn't answer because the medication, pain, and emotions are all too much and it's making his head hurt and it's getting harder to breathe.
"Fucking breathe, Tartt," Roy says. His voice now much closer than it had been. Jamie looks to see that Roy's good arm is leaning against Jamie's hospital bed and he is glancing at the monitor every now and again. But once Roy's eyes lock on his they don't leave. And Jamie can't help but find comfort in it because Roy fucking Kent was here. Roy fucking Kent was here for him and was trying to help him. He should listen to him, right? What did he say again? What should Jamie be doing? "Fucking hell," Roy mutters and squeezes Jamie's hand with his good hand. "Take a fucking breath, Jamie." And Jamie does. He lets Roy talk him through it until he can breathe again. It leaves Jamie absolutely exhausted.
"It's okay Jamie," Ted tells him. "You're doing great. You can sleep now. You've earned a good rest."
Once Jamie falls asleep Roy leans back in his chair and scrubs his good hand over his face.
"Fucking hell," he mutters.
"You can go home," Ted starts to say. It was getting late and it had been a very long day.
"Fuck off," Roy tells him, his tone more quiet but still just as harsh. "Not fucking going anywhere."
"You're on pain meds, you should-"
"Stay the fuck right here, because I'm not allowed on the fucking pitch, and you still have a fucking job to do. So you fucking do it."
"A bit crude but fair," Ted nods.
"Fucking go. Will let you know if shit happens."
Jamie wakes up a second time and it's just Roy there in the dim room.
"You don't have to stay," Jamie tells him. Roy shrugs but doesn't show any signs of leaving.
"You probably have better things to do like-"
"Fucking hell, Tartt," Roy leans forward. "Not leaving you fucking alone, so go back to fucking sleep, you need the fucking rest."
And despite the hostile tone Jamie feels himself smile, because Roy fucking Kent was keeping watch which means Jamie doesn't have to worry about his dad's lackeys coming after him.
"Your mum should be here when you wake up," Roy tells him.
"My mum?" Jamie is a bit surprised. He rarely gets to see his mum. He misses her a lot.
"Of fucking course your mum," Roy looks at him. "Your old man just got locked up for nearly killing you and it's all over the fucking news. Ted has to do a fucking presser and Keeley already has a statement out that you'll be on the mend. City is sending someone down and your fucking agent has been a pain in the arse."
"Really?" Jamie is surprised at how much of a fuss his dad cracking a few of his ribs and giving him a concussion had caused. "Seems a bit much."
"Fuck off," Roy grunts. "You can't be fucking serious." Roy looks over the injured striker. "You were in surgery for fucking hours. I was fucking in and out with a goddamn cast before you even had fucking stitches. He nearly fucking killed you."
Jamie shouldn't be surprised that Roy sounded absolutely livid, but he is. No one has ever been so angry over what his dad did to him, his mum had always been upset but she always seemed more sad than angry. But Roy was so angry he broke his own hand.
"I'll heal," Jamie says.
"Fucking nightmare," Roy grumbles and he gets up and paces the room a few times. And Jamie finds it a bit amusing how untethered Roy seems and for once his anger isn't actually directed at Jamie. Not entirely at least.
"Sorry you'll have to miss a few matches because of me," Jamie says.
"Dammit, Jamie," Roy says. "A few weeks is nothing. But compared to how long you'll be out. City might even call you back so they can keep an eye on you themselves now that the truth is out there."
"The truth?" Jamie is suddenly unsure what all the press knows that Jamie never wanted anyone to know. What would people think about him? His dad told him everyone would see him as weak. As a fucking pussy.
Roy doesn't miss the way Jamie's heart monitor spikes. He rushes back to the side of Jamie's bed. "It's okay," Roy says, the anger gone from his tone. And Jamie hears the same tone Roy had used as he sat beside him in the boot room. One filled with caution and concern. "Keeley didn't say much, but metro did release a statement and they are still looking for your father's fucking thugs. The press is putting pieces together. That's why Ted and Keeley are going to get out in front of it."
"What…what are they going to say?" Jamie says.
Roy sighs and props himself on the edge of Jamie's hospital bed. "That your fucking old man was banned from both Richmond and Man City games. Pep agrees that he shouldn't be allowed at all. The safety of all players, including you, is a priority to both teams. And now James Tartt and his fucking cronies are looking at a full league ban. That the met are doing a full investigation of your attack, as well as a review of previous incidents. I guess knowing that your old man has a fucking history of this shit is a big deal now since he brought his shit to Richmond. GMP ain't looking too good now that Scotland Yard's looking into it."
Jamie's head is spinning. And Roy is close enough that Jamie could reach out and touch him. And Jamie wants to because he feels like shit and he's scared because his dad always told him this would end bad. It would ruin his career if anyone found out. His panic and pain killer addled brain must have missed the part where he wasn't actually going to reach out for Roy because his hand is reaching out as if it had a mind of its own. And to Jamie's fucking shock, Roy takes it with his good hand. Roy glances at the monitors and knows that Jamie is going to stress out his already healing body if he keeps on like this. So Roy makes a decision.
"Hey," Roy says. He sits on the edge of the bed and leans into Jamie's space. "Listen to me, Jamie." He only continues after Jamie's eyes snap to his. He squeezes Jamie's hand as he does. "This isn't your fault. This isn't on you. You didn't do anything wrong." Roy says with absolute confidence. "You have spent years fighting this shit on your own, but that's fucking over, yeah? You have Keeley, you have Lasso, you have the team. Right now you have me, and I'm not fucking going anywhere. So relax and take a fucking breath."
Jamie doesn't even think about it. He just does as Roy tells him.
"Good lad," Roy nods. "Now do it again." And just like before they go on like that until Jamie calmed down and the monitors are no longer flashing. "good lad," Roy repeats. "Now, don't you fucking worry about that shit. Let Keeley and the fucking police do their jobs. You just focus on getting better so that when you're back out there on the pitch you can show the world that you are stronger than anyone fucking knew. Going to hear that fucking stupid shark chant and you'll fucking bask in it. The good kind of fucking attention. And you'll kick fucking arse and prove everything your old man has ever said wrong. Because that's the real fucking Jamie Tartt. Not the fucking charade your fucking old man made. The real fucking you."
Jamie doesn't realize he is crying until Roy uses the back of their joined hands to brush them away. It's an awkward motion but with his other hand in a cast there wasn't much else for it. It earns a bit of a chuckle from Jamie.
"You'll do fucking fine," Roy insists. "Because we'll get you healed up and back on the pitch in no time, you just watch."
"You going to help me?" Jamie asks, hopeful and glad to have Roy Kent on his side.
"The fuck else am I going to do?" Roy states and holds up the cast. "And I'm the captain for a fucking reason."
And Jamie grins because that's not the first time Roy has said that. And Roy actually didn't have to do shit to help Jamie. He hadn't before their little spat in the boot room. But Jamie wasn't going to complain now. Not when Roy fucking Kent, Jamie's childhood hero, was sitting on the edge of his hospital bed telling him everything would be alright and they'd manage it together. And he didn't have to worry about his dad getting angry at him. Especially since he was laying there holding Roy's hand. And wow, Roy fucking Kent hadn't let go of Jamie's hand since he took it and that did things to Jamie. Jamie didn't know he could feel happy, especially while sitting in hospital with broken ribs, too many stitches, and a concussion. It felt like a dream.
"If your ribs are broken in your fucking dreams, then you need to get better fucking dreams."
"How much of that did I say out loud?" Jamie asks, mortified.
And Roy fucking smirks. "Enough." Roy squeezes his hand and laughs when Jamie's face turns red with embarrassment. Roy had thought Jamie Tartt to be fucking shameless in the past. Nothing fucking phased him. But seeing him now, fucking blushing because Roy got a glimpse at what actually goes on in his head was fucking priceless. "I already knew you had my fucking poster, Tartt," Roy says. "That you watched my games. The only new info here is that you want to fucking hold my hand." He felt Jamie try to pull away but Roy didn't let him. "Fuck off with that shit," Roy says. "If I didn't want to hold your fucking hand, I wouldn't have taken it in the first fucking place. So steady on and quit getting yourself worked up over nothing before the nurses catch on and boot me."
"They wouldn't," Jamie says. "You're Roy fucking Kent."
Roy laughs. "In here I'm Dr. O'Sullivan's brother. And they know I won't do shit to make her job harder. So settle back in and fucking sleep, I'm not fucking going anywhere." Roy lets go of Jamie's hand so he can pull a chair closer with his only good hand. He settles in and offers his hand back to Jamie without another word. And Jamie takes it. Roy goes back to watching the TV that Jamie hadn't even noticed was on because the volume was so low.
"Fucking sleep or your mum will probably blame it on me," Roy states. And Jamie laughs, ignoring the pain in his ribs as best he can.
"Seriously, Jamie," Roy says. And Jamie looks away from the TV to look at Roy.
"I know, I know. Sleep," Jamie says as he gets as comfortable as he can without letting Roy's hand go and after a few minutes he falls asleep. And he stayed asleep thanks to the painkillers in his system. And that was fine with Roy.
Keeley is shocked to find Jamie's hand curled around Roy Kent's when she and Jamie's mum quietly enter the room. Both men fast asleep.
"Been like that for a bit," Roy's sister says in a whisper, now on shift in her scrubs and white coat. "Probably for the best." She grins and starts to leave. She had already given Georgie a full rundown of her son's case. "But feel free to wake them. I'm sure they won't mind."
"I'll let you handle it," Keeley says. "I'll be out here, have to update Rebecca and Ted before the presser."
Georgie nods and makes her way into the room. Roy Kent snaps awake as she gets closer. She can tell his guard is up immediately.
"Didn't mean to wake you," she says. "We talked on the phone, I'm Georgie-"
"Jamie's mum," Roy manages to recall and goes to stand up and starts to let go of Jamie's hand. Even sleeping Jamie doesn't seem to want that to happen by the way Jamie starts to shift in his sleep. So Georgie stops Roy.
"You're fine," she insists and moves to stand on the other side of Jamie's bed. Brushing her son's unstyled hair off his face. "What has he done to you my sexy little baby," she laments and Roy just silently watches as Jamie leans towards his mother's touch. "I always worried I'd get this call," she says a bit louder so Roy can hear but not loud enough to wake Jamie. She glances over at Roy as she runs her fingers through Jamie's hair to fix it. She knew he hated when his hair wasn't just right. And with his ribs broken he probably couldn't do it himself. She'd have to get a brush and properly sort it out later. Might make him feel better. Roy shifts closer so that Jamie can lean into his mum's touch without letting go of Roy.
"I hoped him coming to Richmond would be enough distance that James would leave him be." Her tone is sad and Roy knows it must hurt to see Jamie like this. It hurt Roy to see Jamie like this.
"It never should have happened," Roy says, trying to keep his tone low despite how upsetting it all was. He didn't blame her, not really.
She looks at Roy with sad eyes. Her son's childhood hero.
"It was always bound to end one of two ways. Either Jamie would break, or James did. And sadly, it was my sweet little boy." Georgie says.
"Why did you leave him if you knew?" Roy asks.
"I didn't leave him. I just couldn't stay with James," she admits. "Jamie, he wasn't stupid. He knew what was happening, and he'd try and get to his father before he could get to me. I didn't want to make it worse. I wanted him with me, but I had to find somewhere safe first. We got him when we could, but James had already gotten to him. My sexy little baby," Georgie said with a sad smile. "Then he was brought into the academy, and I hoped that would be good for him. Keep him out of James' reach, but I should have known he would find a way to get to him. Then as an adult, Jamie just threw himself head-first into the game. I hadn't realized how twisted James had made it all."
Roy wanted to shout that all that was bullshit. She was his mum, and that it was her fucking job to protect her son. But he also thought about his sister. How different her life would have been if Roy hadn't been there. If Roy didn't step in when they needed him. Or if Phoebe's father hadn't walked away but taken his shit out on them, and it was an infuriating thought. Georgie didn't have anyone to step in. No one like Roy stepped in to help. No one to look out for them until it was too late. But Roy was there now.
"It probably sounds selfish," she admits. "That I saved myself-"
"It's a fucking nightmare," Roy says. "But you never asked for it. You didn't leave and not turn back. You couldn't save him if you couldn't save yourself first. He'd have fought you."
"And Jamie was too young to understand," she nods, as she brushes Jamie's cheek. The sleeping striker leans into the touch.
Roy hums because he gets that. Phoebe is almost lucky that her dad simply left when she was too young to miss him. And Roy made sure Phoebe never had to go without anything she truly needed. Roy would throw any amount of money at any problem his sister and niece faced. He loved them more than anything. Jamie hadn't had that luck. But Jamie did have talent. And that had been his saving grace.
"Not so young anymore," she laments. "But he's still my sexy little baby." She smiles. And Roy can see where Jamie gets much of his true nature. His easy smile, his expressive nature. He needs for touch.
"You might have missed a lot," Roy says. "But at least you came back. You're here now."
She nods. "Thank you for calling me."
"The hospital called you first," Roy says.
"Yes, but you actually made arrangements. You made sure Jamie wasn't alone, and someone was there to meet the train."
"It was easier for everyone that way," Roy says.
"But not something you had to do," she tells him. "so I appreciate it."
"Not much else I bloody could do," Roy says nodding at his cast covered hand.
"Was still more than I could have asked of you or anyone," she insists.
And Roy felt the corners of his mouth twitch because fucking hell, Jamie's mum was grateful that Roy was doing this all. And that was nice but he didn't need her appreciation and thank yous. He hadn't done it for her. He hadn't done it because he was bored and useless. He had done it because it would make Jamie happy. Because Jamie Tartt's happiness was important to him. He wanted Jamie to be happy and taken care of. And that was a fucking revelation. He looks at their joined hands. Fuck. He cared about Jamie's happiness because he cared about Jamie. More than he did the rest of the team. Maybe even more than his fucking own happiness at this rate. Because Jamie deserves the fucking best after all he has gone through. And Roy wants nothing more than to give that to him. He looks back over at Jamie's mum who is just looking at him. He has to say something.
"Yeah, well, I did it for him," Roy says. And that makes Georgie smile. Because her son's hero hadn't moved from his side since he got there. He hadn't let her son's hand go since before she got there.
"You're good for him," She says plainly. And that hit Roy in a way he didn't expect. It made Roy feel like he truly had done something right. Something good.
"I just listened when he needed someone to," Roy says.
"Maybe, but you also did something about it. You didn't just listen. You tried to make it better."
That has something twisting in Roy's stomach.
"He told me I'd only make it worse, and he was right," Roy says. "I should go."
"Wait," She says but he had already pulled away and was nearly out the door.
"I'll see him later," Roy says and leaves.
Georgie worries about what Roy had just said, but she can't focus on that. She has to focus on Jamie. She'd have to ask Keeley or even his sister when she came back.
Jamie wakes up to the sound of his mum talking.
"You just focus on your son," Jamie hears another voice say as he blinks his eyes open. "My brother can be a bit self destructive and a bit of a prick, but he's a good guy. If he said he'll be back. He'll be back."
And Jamie realizes that was Roy's sister. She'd been one of his doctors. Wait, Roy was gone? Jamie looks around. When did Roy leave? He said he wasn't going anywhere.
"How are you feeling, Mr. Tartt?" His doctor asks and yeah, that's Roy's sister. He knows that for sure now. He winces.
"Jamie, just call me Jamie," he says.
"Okay, Jamie," she says.
"Tired, sore," he admits.
"That's understandable," she assures him.
"That's okay, baby," his mum says.
"How long was I out this time?" He asks, glancing over at where Roy had been.
"A few hours, the medication in addition to your injuries, might make you feel more tired and that's normal. Your body heals best when it's resting."
"Okay," Jamie says. "How long do you think it will be before I can get back to the team?" He asks.
The doctor nods, obviously familiar with the question. "If all goes well you can hopefully make it back in a few months."
"So I'm going to miss most of the season, they're facing relegation. I can't-"
"I will tell you the same thing I tell my brother," she says. "You can't help the team if you can't stay on your feet. You can't stay on your feet if you don't listen to what your body is telling you or you'll push it too far or too fast. You're not a machine, and you aren't immortal. The team will go on with or without you, it's why they have reserve players. You killing yourself is just going to make everyone feel worse when push comes to shove. And no one wins in that scenario. Relegation might feel like a fate worse than death, but I assure you from a medical standpoint, it isn't. Is it worth risking your entire future for it? And as much as I support my brother's team, as your doctor, I cannot in good faith tell you anything but the truth. You might be back by season end. But there are no guarantees that you will. You're lucky you are alive to see the team continue. You can still cheer them on. They care what happens to you. I know my brother does. So get some rest, and leave the rest to the professionals."
Yeah, she was Roy's sister. He had told him the exact same thing. Let the professionals handle it.
"Yeah, okay," Jamie agrees.
It must have been the right thing to say since is mum is smiling and squeezing his hand.
It’s hours before Jamie can go home. Days before he is allowed to leave his house. Over a week before he’s allowed back at Nelson Road. The first time mostly for a meeting with physio and letting the press see him up and about. He’s barely allowed on the sideline. It didn’t really matter though. Traning had ground to a halt when he made his way out of the tunnel, much slower than usual. He finally gets to meet Dani Rojas. The one time Roy got close enough to talk to it was mainly to remind Jamie that Dani wasn’t his replacement. Jamie had so many questions and doubt, but didn’t know how to voice them. So he nodded.
Jamie hates having to just sit back and watch from the sidelines. He had a hard enough time facing the reality he wouldn't be able to finish the season and that Man City was considering recalling him. And Jamie hated the idea of leaving Richmond if they got relegated. He was back on his feet but he wasn't cleared to play. Somedays were still harder than others and he would get winded easily. But he was working on it. And Roy had been helping him as promised. And as he figured the team was still facing relegation. And of course Man City was the team that would decide it. What made it worse was Jamie could tell Roy was pushing it. Pushing himself too hard to pick up the slack. He could almost hear Roy's sister telling him he was pushing his body too hard and something had to give. And he agreed.
He was proved right when Roy went down after challenging City's offense. The captain went down and didn't get back up. And that fucking terrified Jamie. Roy had been working so hard to help Jamie. And Jamie couldn't do shit now to help him. The striker wasn’t sure when was the last time he’d been so worried about another person. It was maddening being stuck on the sideline. Will put a hand out to block him from running onto the pitch. He felt like he could breathe a bit better when Roy finally got to his feet but the way Roy was limping away didn't bode well and Jamie just knew this was the moment Roy's sister always warned them about.
Jamie follows Roy towards the locker room. He waits there while Roy deals with the physio team. Roy pointedly ignores him as he takes off his jersey, looking at his own name. He tosses it away and sits on the bench. Roy knows it's over. His career is over. He finally looks at Jamie when he sits beside him.
"Rough play," Jamie sighs. "How you feeling?"
"Like fucking shit," Roy says.
"I get that," Jamie nods.
"At least you'll have next season," Roy says.
"Thanks to you," Jamie says.
"That's not true, you'd make a comeback with or without me. Just like you will next season."
"Wouldn't feel right without you," Jamie admits.
"Fucking face it," Roy says. "There's no fucking coming back from it this time, Tartt."
"Maybe not, but it doesn't mean you can't be a part of it. Unless you're giving up on helping me now too."
"Fuck off," Roy says. "My career ends and you make it about yourself."
Jamie grins. "If it makes you mad at anyone but yourself, then yeah, gonna do it."
"I'm not mad, I'm just…"
"I know," Jamie bumps his shoulder but instead of pulling away he stays there. Pressed against Roy's shoulder hoping to ground him, offer comfort.
Roy grunts and doesn't push him away. He actually leans into it because Jamie was here offering a bit of hope in his future. Something to do with his time now that he was looking at nothing.
"On the bright side, you'll have a lot more time for Phoebe now," Jamie grins and Roy huffs. "She will love it." And Roy can at least agree with that as Jamie keeps going, "And if you think you're gonna get rid of me just because you're out of the game, I got news for you." Jamie grins. "I'm not going to make it easy."
"Fucking nightmare," Roy groans, but smiles.
"I'm a fucking dream," Jamie boasts. And for once Roy can't argue because he came into the locker room to be miserable by himself. But Jamie had got him to actually smile. Made him feel like this was not as daunting of a change. It was still fucking terrifying to not know what he was going to do now. Football had been his fucking life for so long. So much has happened along the way, but it was all framed around football. How was he supposed to just sit back and let go? Could he do that? He wasn't sure. But it all seemed more tolerable with Jamie sitting next to him.
Roy sighs.
"You'll figure it out," Jamie assures him. "You always do." And Roy can't ignore the feeling of how much Jamie's confidence in him made him feel better, happier.
"I hope so," Roy says.
"I know so, because you told me that everything was going to be fine, because we were going to get through it. And I may not have made it back this season, but you were right. And this time, I'm right."
"Okay," Roy lets him have it because he knows Jamie isn't going to actually let this go. Not now, not any time soon. Jamie has proved to have unparalleled determination.
"Okay," Jamie grins and holds out his hand. He expected Roy to just shake on it. He doesn't expect Roy to just take his hand and hold it. And Jamie fucking love it. Because his teenage crush had only gotten bigger since Roy had sat with him in hospital. Jamie laces their fingers together. They sit quietly until the rest of the team comes in and Jamie reluctantly pulls away.
They only avoided relegation by ending the match in a tie. And Jamie is glad that he won't be leaving the team in a relegated state if he gets recalled. But he really doesn't want to leave Richmond. And unfortunately he was right. Man City wanted him back so they could get him back on the pitch their way. And Jamie has no choice but to go. The night before he is set to leave he shows up at Roy's.
"I don't want to go," Jamie says. "Even if my dad isn't there I still don't want to go."
His sad and desperate tone makes something twist in Roy's chest. He lets Jamie in and as soon as the door is closed, Roy pulls him into a hug because he didn't want Jamie to leave either, especially if he was going to be upset. Because Jamie's happiness meant something to Roy. He knows it was the right thing to do when Jamie grips the side of his shirt with a white knuckled grip. Jamie sniffles. "I don't want to leave, all my friends are here, you're here. I don't-" his sniffles turn into a full on sob. "I can't-"
"Okay, Jamie," Roy says, gently shushing him because he knows that Jamie has healed up well, but he wasn't sure how it would go if he hyperventilated now. "Shh, you're not gone yet. I'm right here. You can always come visit. And I can come see you. Not like I have much else to do," and that earns a choked laugh from Jamie. "We'll figure it out," Roy assures him. Roy pulls back enough and tilts Jamie's head until he can actually see him and something inside Roy shatters into pieces. Jamie looks devastated. Roy isn't sure he looked this broken when he was in hospital. It is like for once Jamie can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. And Roy hates that. Hates it more than he hated watching Jamie curl up on the floor of the boot room. Only thing he could ever hate more right now was himself, for walking away from Jamie's hospital room when he had told him he would stay. Because not once, but twice, now Roy has wasted an opportunity to tell Jamie how he really feels. And looking at Jamie now he thinks about all the time he could have had with Jamie that he wasted. "Because we always do." He can't help but glance at Jamie's lips because fucking hell Roy is a glutton for goddamn punishment and despite how shitty his timing is and how this could fuck up Jamie's future he finds himself leaning in. He gives Jamie enough time to pull away if he wants but instead of that happening. Jamie jumps at the chance and meets him halfway in a brutal kiss that makes Roy's heart pound like wild and Jamie feels like his skin is on fire. Jamie wraps his arms tighter around Roy. Roy buries his fingers of one hand in Jamie's hair and the other splays out on his lower back to keep him impossibly close. Roy forces himself to pull away because Jamie had just been struggling for air and sobbing and a few months ago was fighting for breath through broken ribs. And it was a smart move based on the striker's ragged breathing now. But Jamie's tears are gone and replaced by a look of total awe. And Roy can't resist. He kisses him again. And again until they both end up making their way to Roy's bed. Roy has a brief moment where he thinks maybe this is too fast. Maybe Jamie isn't in the right mindset and he's taking advantage of him in a vulnerable moment. He freezes.
"What?" Jamie looks at him with confusion. "What's wrong?"
"You sure you want-" and Jamie's lips cut him off.
"I can honestly fucking say I never wanted anything more," Jamie goes to kiss him again but Roy stops him.
"I don't want to be the guy that takes advantage of -"
"Fucking hell, Roy. You think I haven't thought about this a million times?" Jamie laughs. "You think your poster is on my teenage wall for aesthetic reasons. I have literally thought about this exact moment since I was a fucking kid. So unless you don't want to then-" it's Roy's turn to cut him off by kissing him breathless. And Jamie damn near fucking swoons. Because he wasn't lying. This is the biggest fucking fantasy he ever had. And it ends up being so much more than he could have ever dreamt up because Roy might be a legend on the pitch but he is a fucking artist between the sheets. It's like he knows just how to take someone apart and completely ruin them. And Jamie fucking loved it. Only when they were both just laying there trying to recover did it actually register what it meant. It made Jamie even more desperate to find a way to stay in Richmond and it made Roy just want to fight anyone that would try to take Jamie away from him. But they both knew the morning would eventually come and Jamie would have to leave for Manchester. So Roy just pulled him close. Jamie tucked his head under Roy's chin and let himself take in the feeling of just being with the person he wants to be with. To listen to the way Roy's heartbeat slows to a resting pace and his breathing evens out. Jamie tries to commit every tiny detail to memory before he inevitably falls asleep in the warmest and safest place he has ever been. And a sense of home settles in him that threatens to break him. And that must show somehow because Roy cards his fingers through Jamie's hair. Roy had seen Jamie's mum do it when Jamie had started to shift in his sleep at the hospital. And he must have done it right because Jamie goes to putty in his hands. And Roy thinks he might hear a sniffle.
"Hey," Roy says, his tone softer than Jamie thinks he has ever heard. "I've got you," Roy says, the hand not in Jamie's hair is holding him tight.
"And you have me," Jamie says. "As long as you can stand to have me."
Roy grunts and shifts so he can actually kiss Jamie. "Don't tempt me," he states.
"Mean it," Jamie grins.
"Fucking hell," Roy groans. "Now we have to fucking figure this shit out."
"Too good an offer to resist?" Jamie teases.
"Something like that," Roy says before catching his lips again. "We'll come up with something."
"Always do," Jamie finishes for him.
Roy sees Jamie off at the station and Jamie keeps his sunglasses on and his hoodie pulled tight because it isn't actually his, it's Roy's and no one needed to know that but him and Roy. His sunglasses hide the puffy eyes and tears and let people think he is sleeping off a bender or something because he doesn't need them to ask why he is so quiet. Why isn't he on his phone? He just wants to think of a way to get back to Richmond without ruining his career. Because Roy would be pissed if Jamie threw everything away for him, especially right after losing it all himself. Roy was a bit lost as is. Jamie didn't want to make it worse. The only thing keeping him from worrying too much about Roy being alone was Phoebe. Phoebe would keep him busy. She was smart and would know Roy needed it. Keeley had said she would help them find a way to get Jamie back. And Jamie trusted Keeley more than almost anyone. Between her and Roy, they kept him from losing it completely. He just hopes they could do the same for each other.
As time goes on, Jamie is miserable and annoyed with the rehab team that is trying to get him back to pitch ready. On the phone, Roy reminds him they are just doing their jobs and as much as he hates being there it's for the best. He doesn't take his misery out on anyone, but he doesn't exactly do much to hide it.
Pep meets with him one day and asks him if he is okay and Jamie tells him the truth. He misses Richmond. He never had friends like that. City had put up with him when he was at his worst and he appreciated that, but it didn't feel like home anymore. He wasn't happy. And Pep understood. He would see what they might be able to do to help him and Jamie felt better.
He called Roy later and told him about it.
"That's fucking great," Roy says.
Jamie was practically buzzing with excitement as he waited for the train to get there. He had to remind himself that he couldn't just run up and kiss Roy no matter how much he wanted to. No matter how much he missed him. And Jamie lights up when he sees Roy. And Roy can't help but fucking grin. Jamie hugs him and Roy lets him, fuck anyone that would care. He missed Jamie and he hadn't seen him in weeks. But they can't stay there too long and they both know it.
"How's your mum?" Roy asks as they head to Jamie's car.
"She's good. Simon's good," Jamie grins. "How's your sister and Phoebe?"
"Already annoyed that I have nothing to do but bother them and Keeley has been bugging me about fucking Sky sports."
"Oh that'd be something," Jamie laughs. "You behind the desk with those pricks. I'd pay to see it."
"You fucking would," Roy shakes his head but grins because he knows Jamie is mostly just being a cheeky prick. "You just miss seeing my fucking face."
"That's true," Jamie admits. "That and it's funny when you yell at people that aren't me."
"Fuck off," Roy says, playfully shoving Jamie shoulder. Jamie laughs.
They didn't touch again until Roy's stuff was in the boot and they were in Jamie's car. And even then it isn't more than Jamie's hand finding Roy's when he can. It's like that until they are locked away in Jamie's flat that Roy pins Jamie against the door and gives Jamie a right and proper snog. Fucking kisses him like he'd wanted to since he saw him.
"Hi," Jamie grins when they finally separate for air.
Roy's grunts. "Fucking missed you."
"Fucking missed you too," Jamie parrots. "As much as I'd love for you to fuck me right here, I think your knee would never recover and can't have that, can we?"
"Fucking hell," Roy groans as Jamie moves just right underneath him and Roy considers testing that little idea of Jamie's. But Roy knows Jamie's right and it's been fucking weeks. And he was determined to do this the right way. So he pushes off the door and follows Jamie's lead until they find themselves in a familiar position. Absolutely lost in their own little world for a bit as they make it very clear just how much they really did miss each other. Jamie couldn't stop his hands from exploring if he had wanted and Roy wanted to know what every centimeter of Jamie tastes like. And neither were disappointed by what they discovered. The rest of the day they barely left Jamie's bed. Roy re-familiarizing himself with every tattoo, mark, and scar on Jamie Tartt. And Jamie Tartt listens to the most soothing sound in the world to him, the sound of Roy's heart beating in his chest as he holds Jamie close. It was a reminder that it was all very much real. And Jamie wasn't alone. And Roy didn't mind the fact Jamie just wanted an extra long cuddle. He knew Jamie spent most days trying to get back in shape before the new season. Get back to where Roy assures him he should be. What team didn't matter because they both knew it now. They'd be Richmond till they died because that was home now. That was where most of the important people in their lives were, but mostly they knew that Richmond would be the one place that wouldn't mind if Roy and Jamie were together. Because the team there actually knew them, cared for them. Sure, Pep seemed to care a lot about Jamie, but it wasn't the same. No team had a dynamic quite like Richmond. And it made it hard for Jamie to be back with City. He considered a few lads there his mates, but it wasn't like it was at Richmond. It just felt different. And Jamie missed them terribly.
"How's the team?" Jamie asks.
"Scattered as usual, postseason. Montlaur, Rojas, and the rest went home. Sam says to stay in touch. Jeff said he'd try and catch back up with you soon. Ted says 'don't be a stranger' in that stupid accent of his."
"I miss them too," Jamie says.
"I know," Roy says as he runs his fingers tips along Jamie's scalp. He tugs slightly at the striker's now longer hair, earning an unashamed moan from Jamie. "Growing it out I see."
"Good or bad?"
"It's you, you'd make it fucking work one way or another."
"Not exactly an answer, Kent."
"It's fucking fine. I don't give a shit as long as you like it."
"I do like it," Jamie admits.
"Then it's good," Roy says, giving the longer locks another tug.
"I think I fucking love you," Jamie blurts out before he can stop himself. Like his brain hasn't caught up with his heart or his mouth. The hand in his hair stills and he is pretty sure he hears the way Roy's heartbeat races. That was good right? It's a long and painful silence for Jamie as he waits for Roy to say anything. But the silence gets to him. "Roy…" and Roy tilts Jamie's head up and manages to catch his lips.
"I think you aren't the only one," Roy says. His words spoke against Jamie's lips. "I fucking love you too."
And Jamie could cry, because Roy fucking Kent just said he loved him back while they cuddle in Jamie's bed. "Now I really need to find a way back to Richmond."
"You really do," Roy agrees.
The team cheers when Jamie walks in and Jamie is stunned. It's not until Roy guides him over to his new cubby spot, that just so happens to be right by the door.
"Told you it would work out," Roy whispers in his ear. Jamie wants to keep Roy that close and fucking kiss him so bad his hands actually twitch. But before he can do anything, Roy grins. "Go celebrate," he insists as he pulls away from Jamie to head to the gaffer's office to talk to Beard. Jamie wanted to reach over and pull him back but the team swarmed him. Because not only is he healed up and ready to start the new season, he is back at Richmond.
"You tell him the rest of the deal?" Beard asks as Roy walks in.
"Nah, want to see the look on his face when it happens," Roy says. "Little prick has been a fucking nightmare the past few days."
"Your nightmare though," Beard states. Roy looks over at the desk that's officially his. Roy couldn't help but grin when a loud round of Richmond till we die is being shouted in the locker room. And he knows, he just knows this was the right call to make. For both their futures.
Ted and Beard manage to get the team out on the field. Jamie had been sad that he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Roy but he had training to do.
"You ready?" Keeley asks him.
Roy nods.
Roy spends half the morning in the press room fielding questions about not only being Richmond's newest coach, one that actually knows the game, and an openly non-straight one at that. And the press went wild on that. Questions about his preferences. How long he had known. He refused to answer most of them. And absolutely shut the whole thing down when they asked if he was seeing anyone. He was just getting up to leave when someone asked about the nature of his relationship with Jamie Tartt, since Roy had been seen spending time with in Manchester in the off season. That pissed Roy off. He wasn't going to say anything revealing. Because he hadn't actually talked any of this over with Jamie.
"He asked for my help to get him ready for the new season, after his recovery. Didn't need to train myself anymore. I was his fucking captain when he was hurt and I'm a fucking coach now. Is that so fucking hard to believe?" And he walked away.
Rebecca had told him he had done well.
The locker room went oddly quiet when he walked in after lunch. Roy had spent most of his day so far dealing with Keeley plotting over a dozen photos and event lineups for him. He didn't care about any of it. He knew by the time he got back to start actually coaching the team would already know.
"The fuck you lot staring at," Roy says. "Get the fuck back to work." He looked at Jamie but Jamie wouldn't look at him. Roy sighs and drags Jamie into the office. Both Ted and Beard take that as their cue to get the team moving. Ted gives Roy a thumbs up as he closes the door behind them.
"You didn't tell me you were going to do that," Jamie says.
"Are you mad?" Roy asks him, because Jamie didn't look happy at all.
"Why?" Jamie implores.
The new coach wasn’t sure what the striker meant. "Why did I do it or why didn't I tell you?"
"Both," Jamie says.
"It was part of the deal to get Welton to buy out your contract from Man City."
"So you outed yourself for me?" Jamie doesn’t know if he should be furious or feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
"I took the job as a coach for you, Keeley thought we might as well make the announcement memorable."
That twists something in Jamie’s gut. Keeley is easily his best friend, but that didn’t mean he agreed with her tactics. He hated the idea of Roy giving up anything for, let alone something this big. "But they made you…"
Roy can tell this isn’t going the way he figured it would. He probably should have figured that would happen. "No one fucking makes me do anything I don't fucking want to," Roy assures him. "You fucking know that."
"I know but-"
"I never actually hid my sexuality from anyone. But no one fucking asked. And no one…well, no one ever made me think I'd have a reason to make something of it. But you. That's different. You've always been different. Made me fucking think. Fucking be better. Even before that fucking morning in the boot room. You always rose to meet me. Challenged me. Fucking annoying but I love it."
"Why didn't you tell me, we could have-"
"Because you are just getting back on the fucking pitch. You are now fully contracted to AFC Richmond. People are going to already have questions. Like why would a Manchester lad, born and raised, trained by City want to be anywhere but with Man City or even fucking United. Or what could possibly interest you in staying with a team that is barely in the league. If you and me were to actually go public, right now, you know what they'd say. You were throwing it all away for me. Or that I made you fucking do it."
"And I'd fucking tell ‘em all that is bullshit. My dad ruined Manchester for me. My dad is why I didn't mind coming here in the first place. It pissed him off. And I'll tell ‘em no team has ever felt more like home than Richmond. That yeah, I'm from Manchester. My mum is still there with my stepdad. And I love them. But I'm Richmond till I fucking die if they'll have me. Because there are things I love here in Richmond too. This fucking team. And I fucking love you. So that's all there is to it. I fought like hell to get back here and I made that choice. Me. And like you said, I asked you to help me get back here. Not just in the game but to Nelson Road. To the fucking AFC Richmond Greyhounds. There is no place I'd rather be than right here with you."
"That was beautiful." Jamie and Roy turn to see Ted standing there with Colin and Dani. Dani having been the one to actually say it.
"Sorry, didn't mean to ruin the cinematic moment," Ted says. "Dani was worried that Jamie was worn out from training already and Colin wanted to talk to you, Coach."
"Fucking hell," Roy says. He pinches the bridge of his nose. This team was already getting on his nerves and it was his first day as a coach.
Ted takes that as his sign that maybe Roy needs a bit more time to talk to Jamie. "We'll give you fellas a minute. But for the record, you two are adorable. Like enemies to lovers is one of my favorite troupes. So happy for you gents."
"Fuck off," Roy glares at Ted.
"Right, yeah, we're going," Ted says. Colin and Dani are already halfway to the locker rooms and looking anywhere but at the pair in the office.
Ted closes the door behind him again.
"Well, I guess the team's gonna know," Jamie says. "That okay?"
"I don't give a shit what they say. They'd always be fucking fine with it. It's the rest of the fucking league and the fucking fans that will try to fucking ruin you. And I don't want to be-"
Jamie kisses him.
"You won't be. I'd have probably found a way to fuck things up on my own if you hadn't have fought me in the boot room that morning. You're the reason we're both still here."
"Well, let's just fucking see how my shit goes over before you go making it about you," Roy says. Jamie laughs.
"You are something else, Roy fucking Kent," Jamie laughs.
"And your a fucking prick, but I fucking love you too. Now get your arse out on that pitch. And don't expect me to go easy on you because I know you better than anyone and I'm going to-" Jamie kisses him again before heading towards the door with a cheeky, "Yes, Coach."
"Dani Rojas!" Jamie grins as he makes his way into the locker room. "I assure you amigo, I am better than I have ever been. And I was fucking fantastic before." He claps Dani on the back.
"I can see that, mi amigo. I am very happy for you and Coach Roy. And I am glad you are back."
"Me too, Dani Rojas. Me too." Jamie throws his arm over Dani's shoulders as the pair of strikers head out.
"I'll go with them," Ted says. "Take your time."
Roy looks at a nervous Colin. "Hughes?"
"Yeah?" Colin says.
"Fucking out with it," Roy demands.
"Sorry, maybe I should come back another time, it's your first day as coach and-"
"Hughes," Roy says. "What is it?"
Colin had no idea how to ask what he actually wanted to ask.
“Going to need more clues here, Hughes,” Roy says. He has a feeling he knows but he isn’t going to be a prick and just assume.
Colin hesitates but he realizes that Roy just made the biggest announcement anyone could make on this type of topic in the sport. So he might as well just say it. “I’m gay,” Colin says.
“Okay? And?”
“And I’m your coach and I’m glad you feel like you can tell me this, but is that all you wanted to say?”
“I just…I didn’t know there was anyone else like me on the team,” Colin says. “I didn’t know you or even Jamie-”
Roy is quick to stop him. “Going to need to talk to Jamie about what Jamie is.”
“But aren’t you two…” Colin is confused. He’d just seen Roy and Jamie kiss, more than once. “But you’re together, Jamie clearly-”
“Again, you’re going to have to fucking talk to Jamie about Jamie. Jamie and I haven’t labeled shit,” Roy tells him. “I’m not going to put him in a fucking box. I know that I’m me. Not straight, not gay. It’s a fucking spectrum I never bothered to figure out. All I can say is it’s fucking fine you’re gay. Fucking great you know who you are. I’ll tell you the same thing I told him, don’t fucking say shit about it to the press yet. I can take the fucking heat. I’m not saying hide it any more than you were before. Opposite really. You can be who you are outside here. That’s fine. Fuck it, you can even tell the team, be all fucking sunshine and rainbows for them. They love any reason to celebrate. I’m out, Jamie might as well be now. You can do what you want. I’m just say be fucking careful if you aren’t ready to tell the world. For better or fucking worse, I just brought a fucking press shit show to the door.”
“Why’d you do it?” Colin asks.
“Because I may not like telling the press shit, but I know they’re going to look for a story and the story is that I’m fucking here because Jamie Tartt wanted to be and that was fucking deal. Could leak from our side, could leak from City.”
“Man City knows?”
“Pep Guardiola knows more than he lets on,” Roy states.
“I don’t doubt that,” Colin says with absolute honesty. Pep Guardiola was known for being a good gaffer.
“I wanted the fucking lens to be focused on me,” Roy tells him. “Jamie’s been through fucking hell to get here. Fucking earned it. Press don’t need to be fucking digging around on why he wants to be here.”
“And if they figure out about you and Jamie?” Colin asks. “Not that I would ever say anything. I wouldn’t, I swear.”
“Then I guess we go the way Jamie suggested, tell ‘em they’re fucking pricks and that they’re looking for a scandal between consenting fucking adults that keep their private lives fucking private as much as fucking possible, and that as long as Jamie does his fucking job, and I do my fucking job, what’s the fucking problem?”
“Well, guess it’s good you have a plan,” Colin says.
“When fucking don’t I?” Roy challenges.
“Fair play,” Colin admits.
“Is that all, Hughes?” Roy asks. “Or do you want to have a fucking tea party?”
Colin isn’t sure if he should answer yes or no, that was a very confusing but very Roy Kent sort of question. “I think that’s it,” Colin manages.
“Then get your fucking arse on the pitch with the rest of the fucking team,” Roy tells him.
“Yes, Coach,” Colin says in a rush as he goes through the door to the locker room. “Sorry, Coach.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Roy calls after him. “Be fucking faster.”
Once alone Roy takes a deep breathe and fucking groans. This was his fucking life now. And he didn’t hate it at fucking all. He smiled to himself. His players clearly trusted him, at least as far as he could tell. They seemed supportive enough. He had Jamie and he didn’t see Jamie going anywhere anytime soon. He still had to deal with Ted fucking Lasso, but that didn’t seem as fucking terrible as it had before. He was supportive and he helped get Jamie back. Roy’s family was in a good place and for once it seemed he might be. Something would go fucking sideways sooner or later, but for now, like Jamie, he’s Richmond till he dies. Which being in a relationship with fucking Jamie Tartt, might be sooner rather than later, but it’d be worth it.
“About bloody time,” Jamie says when Roy finally makes it to the pitch. “What took you so long?”
“None of your fucking business,” Roy says but there is no heat in it, because this is Jamie.
“Your business is my business,” Jamie counters.
“Nosy prick,” Roy grunts.
“But you fucking love me,” Jamie grins.
“Might fucking change if your arse isn’t back running fucking drills in the next ten fucking seconds.”
Jamie laughs, because he knows that’s a fucking lie. He also knows Roy isn’t going to show him any favoritism on the pitch. “You said the same thing to Phoebe when she got out of bed after you’d tucked her in the other night,” Jamie points out. “Might need to work on your motivational shit, coach.”
“How's this for motivational,” Roy gets right up in Jamie’s face. “Get your fucking arse back to drills now and maybe you can do that one thing I told you you could never fucking do at the dog track.”
“Wait…really? But you said I’d terrorized enough kitmen and didn’t need to traumatize him more,” Jamie says.
“Not going to fucking find out running that pretty little mouth of yours on the sidelines, Tartt.” And the look on Roy’s face tells him he’s fucking serious. On all of it. And Jamie might actually be more motivated than he ever has been in his life to run drills.
“Fucking hell,” Jamie mutters.
“Fucking move it, Tartt!” Roy shouts and Jamie does with a chipper, “Yes, Coach.”
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ihopesocomic · 8 months
no offense but that last anon gave me shades of those "this isn't like My Pride where we see Nothing get beat down constantly so that means it's not a solid depiction of abuse" naysayers. some things are better off being told vs shown past a certain point if you're appealing to a certain audience and I think parental abuse is one of those things. idk how much more graphic depiction that anon needed to be rammed down our throats outside of Hope getting her face clawed but thank you for sparing us
Yeah I know people desperately want IHS to be MP but how many times we gotta say it isn't LOL I don't see how what we did is somehow more jarring than what MP did with Powerstrike? Like at all. At least we show some kind of progression over the course of several chapters while Powerstrike goes from protecting Nothing to hating her in the next episode. Any potentially existing progression of character is unbeknownst to us the audience since it would've happened entirely off screen, like a goddamn warrior cat book or something.
Its not endearing to us when criticism comes in the form of complaints about pacing in earlier chapters when I was not only getting used to pacing and formatting a comic myself when I have no industry experience, but we even said not too long ago we were going to redo some of the earlier chapters to supplement what happens later. (I thought half the fun of blogs was reading what people had to say, but here we are.) We agree expanding on things is a good idea. And even with that, people still managed to understand the inner workings of Hope and Vicious' relationship without needing to see every little thing that might have happened. It never needed to be spelled out to our readers because y'all get it. She becomes exponentially more irrational, controlling, and deflects, the more Hope acts of her own volition. That's all there is to it.
Not to mention, Hope 100% downplays Vicious slashing her face, so I think one could reasonably assume she downplays everything else prior to this. But again. This will be shown /better/ once we actually have time to redo those chapters. Till then, complaining about earlier chapters is like the least helpful thing you could do outside of saying you want to see Hope get abused more. - Cat
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ravencincaide · 2 months
Hi Raven.
Do you think It's okay to give your own opinion about a story of a fanfiction, even if it isn't just compliments?
Like I wanted to suggest to a writer here on tumblr to fix a thing on their story, so that it could be more readable, but I don't want to come off as rude.
I mean, I know what constructive criticism is but... yeah. My question still stands
Hi anon! What a good question. Love these types of asks! The short answer is it depends on the writer, it depends on the story and it depends on your comment. Let me exemplify what I mean below. First, there's a huge difference between an established writer, who is semi active, engages with comments on their stories and encourages discussions and feedback, in contrast with writers who are just starting out. OR writers who are publishing without looking at comments because they are just happy to share without caring about feedback. OR writers who are getting back into it after years of NOT writing. They are aware that they aren't at their best but still fucking trying and with time will get better and figure it out. In the later cases a critique wouldn't achieve much, be a waste of both your times and could actually do more harm than good. Second it depends on the story; for example if the writer says 'warning lowercase writing' and you point out that it's written in lowercase then it kinda doesn't do much but cause frustration. Similarly if you point out on my writing that 'hey you have a lot of simple errors that you'd catch with a re-read or a beta' when I've clearly said that I don't do heavy editing at the moment because I'm working on combating perfectionism and focus on getting stuff out then once again said comment wouldn't really achieve much. There are so many more examples when a critique will just not achieve much- if anything. So please be mindful of that and attentive to what the writer says. Finally it depends on your comment, how you write it and why. Saying something like ' your character is sooo OC get a better read on X, Y, Z' is just rude and will disregard the writers interpretation of the characters, story and creative liberty. OR 'Your twist sucks/ you overuse it/ its predictable cuz of this- this and that' doesn't do much but put the writer down, makes them tempted to quit or block you. So the question becomes are you critiquing to help or to show your own frustration at the way they write their story? Critique is valuable to a writer; it helps us improve. It gives us things to consider and be aware off. It can also push us down a peg when we get too cocky. BUT this type of feedback should be written with care. If you give a writer critique on tumblr, keep in mind that they most likely produce this content for free, at their own time, for their own enjoyment and decide to share it with you out of the goodness of their own heart. Therefore the critique should be written with care and due diligence; write it in the way You yourself would want to receive it. Be kind, polite and humble. We're all human, we're all trying to do our best and to improve. Please remember that. After saying all that, l am honestly a person who often encourages feedback and gives feedback back, following the model of 'two stars and a wish'. So that it's not JUST negative but a combination of both. That way its easier to write it, often its better received and creates a better atmosphere all around. Best of luck <3
Hope this helps ~ Raven
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
the dorm sex thing was so so funny I loved it!! I honestly have so much fun reading about svt I just love their dinamic 🥰 can I ask for your thoughts about the members' reactions to their s/o offering them a massage and just overall wanting to take care of them? 💞
Aw, tysm anon — I had a ton of fun writing that and honestly yeah svt's dynamics do be the best. I hope you like this one just as much, it's pretty soft... but also not ig hahahaha I hope it lives up to its predecessors' expectations fnkdks
Taglist: @aceofvernons @woozluv @junhui-recs @joshibambi @hoshistar96 @pandorashbox @rubyscoups @httpswonwoosglasses @charcharfairy @noraehey (this is my first attempt at my tagging list so do lmk if I ever make a mistake and you don't want tagged)
I think that initially, he would have a hard time with this and what I mean by that is Cheol's made for leader material but he also has a pouty personality
In the beginning of your relationship, he has a hard time just... letting go in front of you
He's used to being relied upon and leading so he thinks he has to also be strong in front of you at all times
And of course, you want to assure him it's okay to just rest, he's safe to show his vulnerabilities, and you don't feel burdened at all taking care of him
It takes a while to get that message through his thick skull but eventually he gives into his pouty nature that just wants all the love in the world and you are more than happy to give it
His broad shoulders carry the weight of his team and you're more than happy to relieve some of that stress he holds
Just soothing and rubbing it all out of him
I'm not sure if he really likes massages so I think playing with his hair is more ideal
He likes to lay in your lap and just have you run your fingers through it
It's why he likes to keep his hair at moderate lengths for you to do so
Even though he didn't exactly like his really long hair, he did enjoy you playing with it
Seeing you braid it, the way you love making him all pretty, and giggling at the silly ways you'd style his hair made him his heart melt
If the boys tried to make fun of it... well, one glare and they knew that they better watch their back haha
You were very sad when he cut it off
In fact, you didn't touch his hair for a while, mourning the loss of such beauty
But yeah, he just likes having his head on your lap when you're watching tv, reading, or doing something and it's absolutely the best when you run your fingers through his hair
It's even better when you're doing it absentmindedly because then he can stare lovingly without you teasing him for it
He'll never let you catch him doing that (but of course you do hehe)
He's the only normal one that accepts your massage like a normal person and I know Joshua isn't normal but since he's the only normal one that makes him un-normal
Yes I typed that out with a functioning brain
But anyways Joshua is delightful to massage because he easily accepts it and probably will massage you in return
Also the grunts he makes are beautiful to hear
Loves your hands running all over him
Sometimes he falls asleep just like that which leaves you struggling to roll him over to get some space to sleep on the bed
In which, he instinctively wraps his arms around you
For other times and uses, he bought one of those massage tools that you kinda just wack the person with
Which you don't like using because you don't wanna whack your partner but he's like no no it feels good!
Leading to the question of does he like being hit which also ends with you having an entirely different conversation that night ahahaha
Asks for this solely so you can see how great his muscles are
WILL pout if you don't acknowledge or notice his gains
Which it's hard to not notice but you pretend you don't just to see his cute pout
Also, he's not normal and likes to lay on his back instead of on his tummy
And wants you on top
Which isn't really how it's supposed to work but you're not going to point that out because he's grinning like a fool
Would also rather you kiss him all over than run your hands along his body but he really won't complain either way
Somehow you always end up fucking like this just because the both of you are insatiable and the position is compromising and tempts you in the best way possible
Unlike the rest of the leader line, this man is all for letting you pamper him
So much that he's a little spoiled and occasionally forgets to take care of you sometimes
Not in a bad way but every "relaxation" night ends up with you taking care of your clingy tiger boy
So sometimes the energy can be a little unevenly distributed but it's okay because you love him and he really does take good care of you on a day-to-day basis
And it's really nice to have someone feel so comfortable with you that they just let themselves go
He's an extrovert with people he's comfy around but I think he's very calm with you like he's just very quiet and wants to be wrapped up in your arms 25/8
Loves a massage, loves to be petted and patted, probably ends up purring or something because he's weird but cute like that
This man is all about comfort when he's just relaxing and chilling
I think he likes you on his lap rather than rubbing his shoulders or something
So like while he's gaming, of course, you're seated on his lap trying your best to not distract him
Which is hard because HE'S distracting
He just wants you to rest your head on his shoulder and watch him play his game but you're supposed to be taking care of him
I mean to be honest, WBK he's a probably a cock-warming kind of guy absolutely loves being wrapped in your warmth and comforting weight on him it could almost make him sleepy and sedate
But you'll probably be impatient and needy and he absolutely cannot resist you so. Yeah. Hehe
Although you've gotten pretty good at controlling yourself because practice makes perfect and he makes sure you get lots of practice in!!!!
I also think he has a hard time just resting in general because if he's not making sexci beats in his studio then he's working on his muscles
You have to convince him to just relax and take it easy but that's hard to do
Like it's even harder to break him than Cheol
So you acquiesce and just ride along with whatever he's doing to make sure you can take care of him during or after
Like while he's busy in his studio, you're rubbing his shoulder and making sure he maintains a good posture at the computer so his neck doesn't hurt
And at the gym, you're either working out with him or watching him with an occasional spot check when he's lifting but ultimately you're rubbing him down with a towel after
Maybe there's a little shower or locker room sex session after hehe
He also likes when you scratch a little at his head when you're massaging him
Of course you don't find out until you're brushing back the bangs on his forehead and your nails graze his scalp lightly and he groans
You think you might've hurt him but nah we all know that ain't it but he's not gonna admit it feels good but YOU KNOW
It's relatively a soft gesture but sometimes it does rile him up hehe
Like pls I'm crying just imagine coming home and this man is rubbing your vibrator over his sore joints and you're like screeching wtf are you doing 😭
Soooo flustered like the goofy boy he is and you're just like let me buy you an actual proper vibrating massager
He will never live this down and you won't bring it up for the sake of his pride but it stays in the back of both your minds constantly
Nevertheless, he really does enjoy a good massage when he's sore and tired but honestly he's extremely ticklish
So it's not always the best situation because he's giggling and writhing underneath you and you can't stop laughing as well because he's so cute and you wanna smooch him
I think his thighs would be absolutely delicious to massage but that's just my humble opinion (this was written before y'all came at me for not talking abt his thighs more /j 🙄)
Loves this
It's a little hard to easily massage him though because he's just so muscly, thicc, and yummy
He really enjoys you attempting to massage him after he goes to the gym and showers before you go to sleep
And you do too
Like just imagine his tanned skin against your white bed sheets, shiny from being all lotioned up
Speaking of which he absolutely adores when you put lotion on him and you get to rub him all over to make sure you don't miss a single spot :)
He likes using your lotions so he can smell pretty just like you and be as soft and it's not subtle because your bottle has 5 hairline cracks in it from him dropping it on the tile floor ten times and then almost breaking the lid once he tried to open it
I think Mingyu constantly steals all your beauty products and toiletries
He just wants to be wrapped up in your scent when you're not around him!!
And you can't complain because he gives you those pleading puppy eyes and you just have to give in
Boi got his 163 essential oils and a 57-page pamphlet with all their ingredients, benefits, uses, and instructions
Look, he doesn't share these with anyone anymore because the boys have accidentally almost drunk them before
But he trusts you and shows you which ones work the best, trying a little on you every now and then with cute little explanation sessions
Of course, you're like this isn't about me and aim to learn as much as you can on your own time
You enjoy giving him a facial massage the most because you can admire his pretty face and feel his soft skin
And he can't see your major heart eyes for him because his eyes are closed but he probably knows because he's grinning the whole time
It gets really hard when he takes his shirt off and you're rubbing along every surface of his lean muscles
He notices your hands linger a little too long in some places but he won't point that out until an opportune moment pops up in the future so he can tease you later
But in that moment, he's just smirking
Will wait and make sure you're absolutely begging to touch him in other places when you get a little too impatient heheh
Aw I think he'd be more comfy doing coupley things
Like self-care but together
He likes it that way because you both get pampered and it's super domestic
So cue like doing spa face masks together and even bath bombs
Just imagine how cute it'd be putting cucumber slices on his face
And you both giggle because you kind of look silly
Kwannie is insanely pretty like his nails and hands are the best and despite his protests, his face skin is immaculate and he always looks beautiful
He's all blushy and shy when you compliment him because you just want him to feel good about himself and know that not only does he have a wonderful personality but he's soooo handsome!!
And while he kind of hates the spotlight on his looks, he takes good care in making sure you feel just as flattered as he does
He will paint your nails and give you a skincare routine to follow that he likes to apply on you himself
Constantly compliments you and says you're absolutely glowing and then argues when you say it's the same skincare routine as his and he's the one that looks flawless but he's not having it
Shuts up when you kiss his nose after cleaning off the face mask and he freezes in shock before complaining that you've ruined all his efforts but he can't hide his blushing cheekies
Bruh, Vernon was made for comfort times
Like this is the dream
He can just chill and relax with his beloved s/o while laying flat
It's amazing and the world is rotating at all the right angles in his honest opinion
Funnily enough, I think he prefers just cuddling together on the bed or something
With you just running your hands up and down his back
Legs tangled with each other
Either just laying together in silence and drifting off and on into slumber, watching TV, or browsing on your phones
Sometimes you'll talk to each other about your days or weird philosophical questions
Like would you love him as a worm?
Of course you would
He mostly just likes you talking though, it can be the most mundane topic but he's just so in love with you that it's like the galaxy is speaking to his third eye or something
Occasionally, he will ramble himself especially if it was a long day
His voice is very comforting and you're grateful he feels safe to just vent out his frustrations as you both shield each other from all the evils of the world wrapped up in each other's arms in your tiny bedroom
Pretty sure he might end up proposing to you during these times without even thinking about it because he's so comfy and he ends up falling asleep not even realizing how you've frozen in his arms
Regrets it in the morning because he didn't do it properly and didn't even hear your reply but of course it's a yes
Doesn't understand why you would touch him all over and get him groaning for you and not just have sex????
No but he actually really likes a good massage especially when you hit all the right pressure points
Still his point stands
And you shut him up by pressing a little harsher on one of his sore spots
He doesn't necessarily like being taken care of because he's already got 12 other annoying, older men for that but also this is different because you're his s/o
He just needs to warm up to the idea that he doesn't have to prove himself by always taking care of you
Awesome when he relents and just lets you pamper him
Especially loves when he comes home from a hard dance practice and you fuss all over him
Definitely feeds his ego too
Also would love it if you have sex because he's like that will help massage... my dick
And how can you refuse because he's technically not wrong
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gregoftom · 1 year
i don't really know how to explain myself properly but i feel like some people are really concerned about Getting A Good Grade In Succession to the point where they've adopted a very cynical view of tg's relationship because being too earnest about them is ~not the point of the show~ or w/e. which is funny because every other relationship in the show is allowed to be nuanced but not theirs i guess? so you have people going "oh their relationship was only ever about them using each other from the start" when that's demonstrably not true and like. i have really mixed feelings about this season so far and i feel like anything could happen with them by virtue of weird writing choices and i hope with all my heart this doesn't end up being the case but even if the finale tries to diminish the depth of their relationship i don't understand the point of Us acting like there was never anything deeper there? but anyway, all this too say that i agree w/ you that the way people are very cynical and dismissive abt tg specifically has rubbed me the wrong way and thank u for your service ❤️
hiii sweet anon!
A GOOD GRADE IN SUCCESSION ASHAKJSA god honestly, i hear you.
i'm getting real tired of this "point of the show" shit bc it's like. just because tg isn't "the point", isn't a main focal plot [which it is, or at least is part of it], isn't integral to character development [which it is too; without tom greg would not be where he is now which is at a point where he actually could be seriously considered as a fucking CEO, without greg tom wouldn't have learned any self respect or self worth/we would never have been able to see him express himself beyond servitude towards shiv], it doesn't mean it can't be explored and considered as a serious part of the show?
media is created for us to enjoy. yes it's there to interpret and discuss but it doesn't always have to be that way? literally you can watch the show just for tomgreg and that is A OKAY. why? because you don't have to justify why you like something! surprise! and yeah i've noticed that too - other relationships get to be seen as nuanced, but not tg i guess. idk why, seeing as its dynamic is something to be studied under a microscope and fun to not only shippers but normies too lmao. clearly there is something more interesting to it than just, oh it's mutual corporate climbing.
exactly! there's even more contexts provided by the scripts, THE SACRED TEXTS lol that provide us with more knowledge and insight into the feelings of these characters, that show us that their relationship goes beyond using each other. there is an element of that of course, but that's not all they are. why reduce them to that when so very clearly on paper we are affirmed of what we thought we could read textually on the screen? it just baffles me.
i'm hoping too anon, like A Lot. from the looks of the trailer i have a. i have a little bit of hope. even if say, tom has to choose between greg and shiv, if he chooses shiv and has visible trouble with it, like it takes him time, it plagues him, it takes effort, it feels like a real decision affecting his life, like. that counts for something you know? that would, to me, not diminish his relationship with greg. obviously it would be heartbreaking after how loyal greg has been to tom, but the very fact that it would be difficult to tom would mean that greg is important to him in some fashion, and the show would be at least acknowledging it by doing that. like, it's that easy. i ain't asking for much. i know what i'd like, but what i would be satisfied/settle with, well i think the bar is reasonable, you know?
i'm glad you understand me! i mean, who knows maybe some of it is people trying to go on the defensive like, "it's the hope that kills you" so they are trying not to have any by lessening it, saying oh there was nothing there, there was no romance, nothing positive, it was all for mutual professional gain and that's it. but like, personally that doesn't work for me. i think you should at least acknowledge its importance otherwise we're regressing right back to the oh it's a mlm ship? never mind then. i'm not about that, i guess.
thanks for the message buddy god speed <3
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dnd-smash-pass-vs · 3 months
I'm going to be brave (on anon lol) and give the Neogi a little bulwark of defense- the whole master/slave dynamic is clearly a problem of actual literal conceptualization and alien morality, rather than a cultural or personal failing. I'd argue that there's way more morally suspect beings that have made it past muster on this blog; just a little bit before the Neogi poll the Nightwalker got a landslide yes and it's explicitly sadistic and malicious, implying it fully understands the implications of the harm it causes and enjoys it anyway (other guys like demons and devil, drow, and chromatic dragons usually fall into that pot too). So don't write off the Neogi just because of a disgust response based on fundamental cognitive differences.
That being said, it looks like the way they reproduce is by injecting a substance that causes another Neogi to become bloated and uninterested in anything but food while they get eggs laid in them. And the hatching Neoglings burst out and immediately eat the "mom". So it's still gonna be a no from me dawg, lol.
cw: body horror Now disclaimer. I understand that was just a little defense against my onslaught. A "they're bad, but others are just as bad and not getting the harsh treatment." I know you don't think their beliefs are good or anything. Just want to state that first so others don't go wild, given this is the "piss on the poor" reading comprehension website. That said, a long rebuttal for a long ask.
Yes they have an alien mindset. As do elementals, many demons, insectoid races, etc. But It's still a moral failing even if it's the root of the moral system that's the failure. These are still fully intelligent creatures, and every book that any of them are in goes out of its way to talk about how literally everything in the multiverse hates them. I get they just don't see anything else as people really, but it doesn't take the edge off for me. Others get by through a combination of having plenty of examples who are different, people who just see the picture without reading, and people who see murderers as less bad than slavers. Neogi are such hard passes because it took divine intervention to create a counter example, far fewer people are just slamming smash without reading, and there being no situation where slavery is justified. Loving pain and murder is frankly mundane in the world of monsters. and little more than quirky in the world of adventurers. You kinda accepted that at the prompt. But loving slavery is one of the reddest flags you can get, and hits a biiiiit too close to home.
And yeah, that post was long enough, I just figured the explosive parasitism was overkill. HOWVER I'd argue that since it's a separate process it wouldn't actually be necessary to mate, it's more of a drug they shove inside first to keep the host easy to work with. It's similar to the real-world insects who do this- the poison isn't part of the mating, it's prep to make sure they don't smash the eggs. Besides, reproduction isn't usually considered when people are thinking "smash or pass." It's typically the outcome people are looking to avoid tbh. Besides, there's a lot more to smashing than 1 particular hole. I actually know that's the least important part for many.
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not-poignant · 17 days
hi pia i just wanted to respond to what you said in your tags about the burnout w chronic illness. and i dont mean to condescend or blame but i think your burnout came about because you are an absolute beast of a writer!!!!! the amount of words you were pushing out consistently had me wondering what kind of spell you must’ve been on. (in a good way, except it turned out to be harming you) you worked really really hard for a long time, i think harder than many healthy people even (my chronic illness could never). i know you also enjoyed writing (we enjoyed it too!), but that workload honestly never looked sustainable. the astounding part is not that you burned out, but that you managed to push for so long, despite your handicaps and hardships. want to be careful not to sound like im praising/blaming you. but you’re really just build different than a lot of folks. i hope you had time to recharge so far and keep taking it easy. i do miss your updates but i can assure you im fine waiting, as are your other readers! its really okay! get better soon 💐🐀💓
Hi anon,
This is very kind of you to say, but tbh, I don't think many people know how much some writers can, well, write.
I might seem like an over-achiever, but there are writers out there who easily write around 6000-10000 words per day, and release a book per month. I have met successful authors who aim for 150k or 200k at NaNo, because 50,000 words is 5 days of work to them.
It's hard for me to comprehend, because I know I can't do that. But likewise, I think many folks don't realise that I actually used to write a lot more than I do now!! For some years it was normal for me to write 50-80,000 words every single month. NaNo was a joke. That caused burnout, and so I adjusted down to a 25,000 minimum monthly wordcount which sometimes felt so easy that it was absurd. I now have a maximum which I have to adhere to per month (50k), because it's too easy to go past it.
For me, writing is relatively easy. It's still work, yes. I still need to put time into it. But I don't need to put in the same amount of time as someone who hasn't done it for thousands and thousands of hours. I don't need to put in the same amount of time as someone who can only touch type at 80 wpm, when I touch type at 120-150 wpm.
The amount of stories is an issue, and the number of chapter updates is an issue, but the actual output re: words themselves really isn't. In fact I've written more words this month than I did last month already, and will very likely hit my monthly minimum with the next chapter.
The things that contributed to my burnout are multifaceted. Getting a puppy. A death in the family. Not having access to the mental health drugs I need to function for a long period of time. Friendship disintegration. These things can cause burnout in anyone, even if they are working very sustainably, because they all require separate labour on top of the labour that someone is doing for their job.
When I come back from hiatus, I will not be writing less. I don't believe the wordcount is the issue and haven't for a long time. I will be scheduling out less chapters, because admin is overwhelming to me. If you told me that my job wasn't writing anymore, but I had to schedule + figure out when to post twice as many chapters, I'd fail, lmao.
So I will be addressing admin stuff! But the amount of words I was pushing out, anon, was completely sustainable, and in fact a highly reduced number compared to what I was pushing out 6/7 years ago. Anon, I have been pushing out this many words or more for 5 years without stopping until now. It's felt comfortable. It's been so much less than what I used to make myself write.
So yeah, again, it can be hard for people who don't do this professionally to imagine writing at this level. And all professionals are different. I couldn't write 150k for NaNoWriMo, but the people writing 100k a month find that extremely easy to do. How I feel about their output - that it's impossible (because it is for me) is not how they feel about their output. For them writing 50k a month to make it easy might be extremely laughable to them, like, 5 days of work and then they get 25 days off. That's sometimes how I've felt about 25k (though it's more like 10 days of work to me - which is great, because I have chronic illness lol, so I need a lot of rest days and periods).
The amount of words I was pushing out consistently will be the amount I go back to because that is truly the most sustainable part of my job. I don't expect folks who haven't plugged in as many hours into writing, and who haven't written millions of words to understand, but the fact is the more you do something, the faster you get at it. The more practice you have, the more competent you become.
That was actually how I knew the burnout was so bad, because the easiest part of my job - the words + the writing - was impossible last month, and I only ended up with 14k for the first time in 5 years, and had to make a call.
The reason the hiatus is so frustrating is that so much of it is being caused by external factors, and not actually the job itself. Like yes, I am working on too many stories, and I can address that, but I was actually doing much higher wordcounts when I was working on less stories.
It's all the extra stuff that becomes very overwhelming! But I'll get there anon, and my wordcounts aren't going anywhere.
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
If there's anyone who knows something it's definitely H. Especially with the way she acted in that interview she did with T and R. It's almost like she was assessing them and trying to figure what was happening. I do think she witnessed smt or its at least suspicious about smt.
And tbh, even though I think R is way too young to be thinking about marriage and children, I don't like the fact that for all intent and purposes she's settling for J. I'm not sure she notices how dodgy he got in that interview where she mentions children but I'm girly, you deserve something who can see themselves marrying you someday.
As for J, as you said, I think he loves her, cares for her, respects her but isn't in love with her anymore. I don't think he sees himself marrying her ir being with her forever, but can't let her go either because he hates the idea of not having her being so in love with him and offering that nurture and care for someone else.
I don't know how he currently feels about T, my tarot friend said he's indifferent, but that was the one thing I disagreed with because he wasn't acting indifferent at all in most interviews. He clearly seemed annoyed with them most of the time, and I do think he might be somewhat threatened by their friendship.
I completely agree with the anon who said its boy best friends vibes about T though. He's not closing the door on the future, he's definitely attracted to her at some level even he doesn't know it yet
Love all of this! My friend said someone in the cast knows something about R and T and thought it was most likely H. I can see that because she arrived towards the end of filming so R and T were already close by then. But my friend said more people suspect something but ignored it because it was obvious R loves J.
My friend said that R has a superficial outlook on what being mature means. Like she thinks buying a house, marriage and kids makes people mature/adults but doesn’t necessarily think about the hard work that goes into that. R definitely wants those things but needs to realize that she wants them for herself not because she thinks her life would be empty without them. I disagreed then but I can see what she means now.
Yeah. She also said J was indifferent towards T and liked him at one point but he grew more annoyed and irritated as time went on. T always kept disguising insults as jokes and often made digs and J didn’t appreciate that type of banter. My friend said T is very clever and sarcastic, can off as mean sometimes if he doesn’t like something and isn’t afraid to speak his mind.
Also found it interesting where she said T and R were both relieved that J was in certain interviews because J acts has buffer between them.
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ultfreakme · 5 months
Can I ask, what songs that come to your mind when you think of ItaJun, AkaFuri, and ZukKa?
I am SO GLAD you asked I have songs specifically for them and I have so many.
THEY HAVE A(basically) OFFICIAL ONE!!! It's:
Stand in The Darkness ft. Steve Memmolo:
I don't even need to explain this one, this is 100% Yuuji's POV on Junpei and it is SO ROMANTIC WTF just listen to it Anon you will see.
"But you and I'll be
As one forever
It's not goodbye
Never was
Swear that you'll still watch over me
I know I can do this"
I WILL BE WALKING INTO THE OCEAN WHAT? The entire song is exactly about Yuuji failing to save Junpei and his new goal of finding a proper way to die and give people proper deaths. "Swear that you'll watch over me"???? ITADORI YUUJI START EXPLAINING.
Sunset and Whale by Zhang Yuan and Vicky:
I don't know the exact meaning of this song, I can't find good translations anywhere but the gist of it is, it's about the beauty found in brief moments that you want more of but doesn't linger too long .
A whale surfaces for air in sunset and admires the light reflected on the waters, but the whale is tethered to the ocean, it cannot stay and watch the sparkle for long, and the sun will have to sink. Whatever beauty is found is fleeting, the universe and the people go on, without ever pausing to care, time doesn't stop, but that moment existed and it's real and you are always asking for more but there isn't.
I think that sums up ItaJun quite well doesn't it?
I Really Want To Stay At Your house by Rosa Walton:
It's technically a break-up song, but it's also used as an OST after a person dies so it works. I am interpreting it as about being too little too late to help someone and desperately trying to fix things to being back the way they were.
The singer notices signs of their lover having problems, but they reminisce about better times, trying to bring their lover out of whatever is dragging them down by asking their point of view,asking to stay beside them, to leave behind whatever is eating at them. But it doesn't work. Reminded me of Yuuji and Junpei's talk at the riverside, and Yuuji going over to his place and for the briefest moment Junpei was reaching back.
Untouchable by Taylor Swift
It's so on the nose. Untouchable because you're brighter than the sun? Oh yeah. The night and moon imagery are the Zukka staple imo. But I need to find another one T.Swift just irks me these days.
Moonlight by Johnald
This is more relevant to my fic. It's super angsty. The lyrics have absolutely no relation with Zukka but the vibes got to me. It's about the despair the singer feels but finding hope and moments if goodness in their lover. Feels very Zuko POV of Sokka.
I Don't Dance from High School Musical
Chad and Ryan are just a Zukka AU.
Sukidakara by Yuika
Super cute, it's a duet but the main version is singular and its like "I don't like you because you're cool, you're cool because I like you ". Also there's another line about hiw the oerson they like is super cool in front of others bur becomes a total sap around little dogs. THAT'S AKASHI. It's so 2nd year AkaFuri. Also "I wanna see you on weekends and fall asleep on the phone with you" is every AkaFuri fic ever.
Achilles's Heel by J.Maya
Akashi POV no doubt. AkaFuri gives such "The Song Of Achilles" Patrochilles vibe. Akashi being afraid of falling in love, hating the weakness it brings not because of himself but because his father won't approve. Although ji wanna say Furi's probably a lot more self-possesed than TSOA Patroclus.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
yeah so I just saw your requests open and wanted to hop in! (English its not my first language so apologies beforehand!!)
A CamiloxFem! Reader.
Reader comes from one of the most powerful families in the encanto(They're just behind the Madrigals and they're a BIG BIG family) And, ofc! Alma and Reader's Abuelo got Cami and Reader together by arranged marry. (Idk how it is spelled srry)
Soo, being the youngest cousin, daughter, grand daughter and niece Reader is SPOILED ROTTEN by everyone in her household (even outside of it since she is Alma's favorite out of all of them), BUT, reader is sweet, really, really sweet. And it doesn't match with her reputation as a spoiled little princess. At first, camilo is NOT happy. Who would want to marry a whiny and annoying person like her? (The thing is... HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW READER AT ALL, because she doesn't leave her house that often)
She wears pink in every outfit possible and she has a white fluffy ball for a cat which she pick ups in her arms all day and night. said cat its the devils spawn but she doesn't realize it. In their engagement dinner, Camilo accidentaly steps on her pastel pink-snowflake-print dress, his shoe leaves a mark and he is nervious as one can be, he expects a whole tantrum with yells and cries. (And scratches from her cat ofc) He is blatantly surprised when Reader gives him a soft smile and cleans off her clothes without even glaring at him wrong.
He blinks once, twice, even thrice before Reader says that its okay, accidents happen. After that, he is kind of guilty, since they met, Reader was nothing but nice and Cami was there, talking shit about someone he didn't even know. Few days later, Reader and Cami got super well together and are good friends even tho they will be husband and wife later in life. BUT, Reader's older brothers find out that Cami talked bad about her in the past. And guess what? They ready to fight him.
The rest is up to you! (Sorry if it is too long!)
"under all the pink"
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— Abuela Madrigal has set her youngest grandson, Camilo to marry the daughter of one of the most powerful families in Encanto. Camilo isn't fond of the idea, thinking that she's just a spoiled brat but it turns out she was different under all the pink.
— aged-up & fluff
— female reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me.
— none
—  hello thank you for requesting, sorry it took too long, i hope you enjoy anon!
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When Alma Madrigal received her first great-grandchild from Dolores, she knew that the time had come for one of her grandchildren to marry. Ever since the rebuilding of the Casita, Alma has become more mellow and understanding of her family. Though one thing that hasn't changed is her insistence on arranged marriage. Both of her daughters' marriages weren't sabotaged by her, it was only Isabela did Alma try the arranged marriage. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out for her eldest grandchild but she knew it doesn't have to be.
After some pondering, Alma decided to give arranged marriage one more shot at her oldest grandson, Camilo. The moment has arrived when he was the appropriate age to marry, also, Alma couldn't wait to stop Camilo from slumping around and avoiding responsibilities. He needed to know what it's like to live in the real world for he is no longer a teenager.
"Ah! Glad you have made it Señora Madrigal!"
Alma smiled at the old man she paid a visit to on the other side of town. She politely greeted him as the man lets her in. She has come to discuss marrying Camilo to the old man's youngest granddaughter, [Name] [Surname]. Alma has known the man for decades, she is also aware that he belongs to a powerful family such as hers. So, she decides why not? Alma and the old man talked for a few hours, settling on their agreements as the events sets in place. Camilo is to be wed to [Name] soon.
"I ought to tell my grandaughter the news later. Oh, will Camilo be alright with this decision of yours Señora?"
The old man asked. If Alma was being honest, she wasn't sure how will her grandson will react. Nevertheless, she smiles.
"He'll be fond of it"
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Camilo Madrigal is not fond of the news. Alma did her best to gently drop the news to him but he reacted negatively. He was complaining, gripping his hair while pacing in circles, and his shapeshifting was out of control.
"Cálmate, nieto-"
"¡No puedo calmarme, abuela!"
"Ay, you're being dramatic, Camilo"
"Abuela, I love you, but why must you do this to me?!"
"You need to know your way in this world, nieto. You can't be stuck living in the same way!"
Alma said. Camilo huffs and crosses his arms, he understands his grandmother's point but it feels as though she was taking his freedom away. Here, he thought things would change after Mirabel saved the miracle.
"Camilo, you must understand why I'm doing this to you"
"I do! It's not like I don't like the arranged marriage, I just don't like the person I'm being married to"
Camilo admits. Alma's face displayed puzzlement. Camilo didn't like [Name]? Why? Whatever the reason is, it wasn't enough for her to call off the engagement.
"Nieto, it doesn't matter. You must marry her"
"But Abuelaaaa! She's nothing but a prissy, pink-obsessed, and pampered to the bone princesa!"
"Ay cállate, Camilo. Hurry and get dressed nicely because [Name] and her family are coming over for dinner"
Before Camilo can complain, Alma turns and leaves. The shapeshifter muttered a curse and runs a frustrated hand through his hair. He begins to think of ideas, ideas to help him ruin the engagement. He couldn't afford to get married to [Name] [Surname]! Camilo has heard of the stories swarming around town.
He heard that she liked to keep an evil cat around that would scratch anyone's face off if they dared talk crap about her. And that she liked wearing pink and expensive clothing. Camilo knew what privilege was like but he didn't abuse it. He thought she was the type to have everything fed to her with a golden spoon.
Camilo resorted to just ditching the dinner but her mother Pepa caught him climbing out his window and proceeded to give him an earful. After he was forcefully put in his best outfit by his mamá, he goes down. His cousins were preparing the table as he watched.
"You look you're going to choke somebody, primo"
Mirabel walks in. Camilo sighed as he buried his hands in his pockets, he genuinely thought he was going to be the last of his cousins to get married.
"Dios, Mira I absolutely hate it here. What if I just shapeshift into someone else and sneak out?"
" ¡Oye! Don't you dare, hermano!"
Dolores exclaimed from the kitchen, Camilo knew he shouldn't try what he just said, his sister is notorious for spilling secrets at the wrong moments, and he didn't want to cause a scene.
"Who are you getting married to anyway?"
"Señorita malcriada [Name]"
"Oh, her! Heard she's obsessed with pink"
"Tell me about it. I bet she has everything laid out for her since she was an infant. I'm talking major spoiled brat, Mirabel"
"Hey don't say that, primo"
"Why not? Everyone in town says so! I imagine if you don't give her what she wants, she lets out an ugly cry and throws a five-year-old tantrum. I hate people like that"
Camilo frowned, Mirabel gives him a comforting smile she joins the others in preparing. The moment evening arrives, a knock on the door was present. Alma goes to answer it and welcomes the guests in. The Madrigal family greeted everyone as dinner begins. The table was long enough to make available spaces. It seems like nobody was on Camilo's side when the Casita itself literally pushed him into a chair and sets it beside the woman he's supposed to marry.
Speaking of, Camilo looked at you. He takes note of your overly pink and puffy outfit, including the cat on your lap that's hissing and glaring daggers at him. Camilo tries to get on with the evening though it also appears that his appetite has vanished. To keep himself entertained, he goes to bother Mirabel who's sitting on his other side.
"Mira look at her"
"Hmm? Wow, that's a lot of pinks"
"I haven't seen her eating any of tía Julieta's food. I guess she would rather starve herself than eat anything that isn't made by her personal chef"
"Seriously, Camilo, I think you're judging her way too much"
"And look at the cat on her lap! It's literally dressed in pink too and is probably allergic to peasants like me-"
"Camilo, is there something you want to say?"
The shapeshifter chokes on his saliva and clears his throat, Alma raised a brow as the male shook his head. Camilo conceals the roll of his eyes as he decides to look at you for a while. He was cringing at the ridiculous amount of pink on your outfit. You looked beautiful, but not enough to make him swoon. He can smell your expensive perfume and see the glimmer of your jumbo jewelry. Camilo sets his eyes away before they got sore from looking at you.
The dinner ends eventually, Camilo really couldn't figure out anything to stop the now inevitable engagement with you. As everyone stood up to clean up, Camilo pushes his chair back to stand but he feels something under his shoe. To his astonishment, he stepped on the end of your pink dress. He winced when he removed it to see a prominent stain on it. Horrified of what will happen, Camilo gulped to look, his heart dropped when he caught you noticing the stain on your pink dress.
Camilo braced himself for the worse, a loud cry, a tantrum, an angry spitting fit. However, none of the worse things he imagined occurred. You silently reached down with a napkin to wipe the stain off your dress. Camilo blinked several times with his mouth agape, he believed that you were going to make a fuss over your stained dress. You turn to him with a sweet smile that made his knees weak. He deeply inhales.
"¡Lo siento, [Name]!"
"Oh! It's nothing, Camilo. Dinner was amazing, Señora Julieta's cooking is splendid"
"I..yeah, glad you enjoyed it"
"I'll meet you again soon, yes?"
"Adiós Camilo"
You softly greet him goodbye. Camilo's heart skipped beats as he felt like he was looking at heaven incarnate. You acted nothing as he imagined. You were kind, soft-spoken, and downright making butterflies swarm in his stomach. Before he realized it, guilt came flooding inside. Camilo can feel the bad taste in his mouth after shit-talking about you. He shouldn't have judged you that quickly. He needs to make it up to you somehow for painting you into something you're not.
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Out of all the things you were expecting, Camilo Madrigal showing up at your home with gifts is not one of them. You assured him that he shouldn't have but he insisted. You and he got to know each other pretty quickly and became close friends despite being wed soon.
It was fantastic to know Camilo Madrigal, you were glad to be given the chance to see who he was. He was what everyone said, charming, handsome, and selfless. You couldn't ask for any other man to be engaged with. He was considerate and fun to be around, you want to know what it feels like to spend a lifetime with him.
Today, you and Camilo took a stroll in your family's large garden, chatting. Your wedding was due in two weeks, you were stuck between excited and nervous. You wanted to feel worthy to be Camilo's wife.
"I can't believe we're getting married soon, [Name]"
"Yeah, it's quite an odd feeling"
Camilo looked at you with worry. He carefully brushed a stray hair out of your face, you gazed at him with flushed cheeks. He inhales.
"Wanna know something [Name]?"
"What is it?"
"When I first saw you, I thought...I thought you were a spoiled brat who's obsessed with pink and is extremely selfish"
He confesses. You couldn't hold back the snort and laugh that came along with it, you wiped the tears in the corner of your eyes and looked at him.
"You're kidding? You believed those rumors downtown?"
"Yeah, don't worry, I very much regret listening"
"It's fine, Camilo, really!"
"When I stepped on your dress that night, I thought I'm about to meet my doom but then you just...wiped it off and I kinda fell for you then and there"
Camilo shyly looks away, bashfully. You felt your heartstrings getting tugged by this, you reach to caress his cheek, it catches him off-guard.
"You're really sweet, Cami"
"Mierda, are you trying to kill a man?"
You laughed at him as he joined in. It was bizarre for Camilo to be so impatient to marry you, he can't wait to slip that ring on your finger.
"Man, I regret talking shit about you back then"
"Oh? That's interesting, what did you say about me, Cami?"
"You know, I called you shit like Señorita malcriada [Name] and a prissy, pink-obsessed, and pampered to the bone princesa-"
"You called her what?!"
Both of you flinched at the unexpected booming voice. A couple of men jump out of the bushes and looked at Camilo with scowls. You gasped.
"Hermanos, what are you-"
"¡Oye chíco! You don't talk to our hermanita like that!"
"This is a misunderstanding! I didn't mean to-"
You watched in horror as your brothers decided to pick a fight with Camilo for something he said long ago. You try to deescalate the situation by calling your mother, your mamá marches in with a chancla in hand and scolded your brothers. You rushed to Camilo and checked on him.
"I'm so sorry about that! I didn't know they were eavesdropping"
"Está bien, [Name]. They're right I never should've talked about you like that"
You pout as you rested your hands on his shoulders, he gives you a grin and placed his hand on your cheek, and leaned in. He gives you an unexpected kiss on your cheek as you stared at him wide-eyed.
"I should've known you were more under all the pink. I can't wait to marry you"
Camilo says. Marry you, he did. As he slipped the ring on your finger and you took his last name at the altar, Camilo spent the rest of his life in pink with you.
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taglist: @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @cahmilo , @pochi-moochika , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try...join here
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